10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo

10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo 10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo


se susreće liječnik pred pacijentom u palijativnom ili terminalnom stadiju, neminovno ćemo doći do problema koji se zbog složenosti simptomatologije ne mogu uniformirati. U samom pristupu odluci problem predstavljaju i zahtjevi obitelji temeljeni na njihovim emocijama. Koliko je tada moguće primijeniti načela: neškodljivost, dobročinstvo, autonomnost i pravednost te mnoga druga načela? Odgovor ćemo potražiti u prikazu složenog slučaja tijekom izlaganja. INFUSION – CURE OR POISON? Where is the line between maintaining life quality and supporting agony and can the science define that same line? If we try to work in daily dilemmas that the physician faces while dealing with the patient in palliative or terminal stage of illness using basic bioethical principles, we will inevitably come upon problems which cannot be uniformed because of the complexity of symptoms. While approaching to these problems, the wishes of the family based on their emotions make the problem even bigger. How can then we use the principles: non-maleficence, beneficence, respect for autonomy and justice? We will try to find the answer in a complex case report. DARIJA RUPČIĆ Prirodoslovna gimnazija i Tehnološka škola »Ruđer Bošković«, Osijek, Hrvatska / Science Gymnasium & Ruđer Bošković Technological High School, Osijek, Croatia LINGVISTIČKI INŽENJERING I NEOLOGIZAM ‘PRE-EMBRIJ’ Etičko-moralne posljedice poimanja statusa ljudskog embrija U bioetici vjerojatno nema kontroverznijeg niti težeg problema od abortusa i s njim povezanog pitanja statusa ljudskog embrija. Rasprava o abortusu i drugim tehnikama uplitanja u ljudski prenatalni život nije ograničena samo na znanstvene perspektive, nego uključuje i neznanstvene i 130

kulturne perspektive te čitavo društvo. Stoga zahtijeva jedan pluriperspektivan pristup. Ovim ćemo radom pokušati izložiti jedan vid te opširne problematike, i to kroz neologizam ‘pre-embrij’ u suvremenoj bioetičkoj diskusiji, te se zapitati koje je posljedice uvođenje tog termina ostavilo u bioetičkim raspravama, ali i u samoj medicinskoj praksi i odnosu cjelokupnog društva prema ljudskom embriju. Nadalje, objasnit ćemo i razliku između ‘individuuma’ i ‘nedjeljivosti’ kroz osvrt na 14. dan embrionalnog razvoja, embrionalnu individualnost i jedinstvenost, te objasniti što se misli pod pojmom ‘pre-embrij’. LINGUSTIC ENGINEERING AND THE NEOLOGISM ‘PRE-EMBRYO’ Ethical-Moral Consequences of the Understanding of Status of Human Embryo There is probably no more controversial and difficult problem than the issue of abortion and the related issue of the status of human embryo in bioethics. The debate on abortion and other techniques of interference in human prenatal life is not confined only to scientific perspectives, but also includes non-scientific and cultural perspectives as well as the whole society. Therefore, it demands a pluriperspective approach. This work will attempt to present one approach to this comprehensive issue, regarding the neologism ‘pre-embryo’ in contemporary bioethical debate, and raise the question of what consequences did the introduction of this term produce in bioethical debates, but also in the very medical practice and relation of the society in general towards human embryo. Furthermore, we will try to explain the difference between ‘individual’ and ‘indivisibility’ considering the 14th day of embryonic development, embryonic individuality and uniqueness, and explain what is meant by ‘pre-embryo’. 131

se susreće liječnik pred pacijentom u palijativnom ili terminalnom stadiju,<br />

neminovno ćemo doći do problema koji se zbog složenosti simptomatologije<br />

ne mogu uniformirati. U samom pristupu odluci problem predstavljaju<br />

i zahtjevi obitelji temeljeni na njihovim emocijama. Koliko je tada moguće<br />

primijeniti načela: neškodljivost, dobročinstvo, autonomnost i pravednost<br />

te mnoga druga načela? Odgovor ćemo potražiti u prikazu složenog slučaja<br />

tijekom izlaganja.<br />


Where is the line between maintaining life quality and supporting agony<br />

and can the science define that same line? If we try to work in daily dilemmas<br />

that the physician faces while dealing with the patient in palliative or<br />

terminal stage of illness using basic bioethical principles, we will inevitably<br />

come upon problems which cannot be uniformed because of the complexity<br />

of symptoms. While approaching to these problems, the wishes of the family<br />

based on their emotions make the problem even bigger. How can then we<br />

use the principles: non-maleficence, beneficence, respect for autonomy and<br />

justice? We will try to find the answer in a complex case report.<br />


Prirodoslovna gimnazija i Tehnološka škola »Ruđer Bošković«, Osijek,<br />

Hrvatska /<br />

Science Gymnasium & Ruđer Bošković Technological High School, Osijek,<br />

Croatia<br />


‘PRE-EMBRIJ’<br />

Etičko-moralne posljedice poimanja statusa ljudskog embrija<br />

U bioetici vjerojatno nema kontroverznijeg niti težeg problema od<br />

abortusa i s njim povezanog pitanja statusa ljudskog embrija. Rasprava o<br />

abortusu i drugim tehnikama uplitanja u ljudski prenatalni život nije ograničena<br />

samo na znanstvene perspektive, nego uključuje i neznanstvene i<br />


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