10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo

10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo 10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo


approach in order for the natural moral law to be (once again) restored. For the purpose of this analysis, multiple psychotherapeutic interviews were used. Regarding the aim of this research, significant contents linked with various aspects of basic mistrust were pointed out. 40 individuals (male –18, female – 22) were included in this analysis. They were in the hagiotherapeutic treatment between 2007 and 2010. Each of them was subjected to individual treatment of 45 minutes every 2 weeks during a year. Contents linked to aspects of basic mistrust were more numerous than the contents linked to aspects of basic trust (3:1). The following aspects of basic mistrust are highlighted: “in people in their vicinity” (50%), “in themselves” (15%), “in better future” (15%), “in the life ideals and God” (10%) and “other” (10%). It is still a matter of discussion why the percentage of basic mistrust in people in our vicinity is so large – is it due to the fact that we are most of the time betrayed by our relatives and neighbours, or could the recent war have played an important role? ZDRAVKO POPOVIĆ Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Hrvatska / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia DRUŠTVENI SUSTAV KAO BIOETIČKO PITANJE Nagovor na direktnu demokraciju Etika se, zahvaljujući strelovitom tehnološkom razvoju, danas suočava s pitanjima opstanka života samog, bilo u postojećem obliku ili općenito. Taj je izazov doveo do formiranja nove discipline pod nazivom bioetika. Izraz ‘etika’ u ‘bioetici’ bitno određuje namjeru takvih promišljanja, jer u svom izvornom značenju etika propituje pojam dobra kao takvog. U tom se smislu kroz bioetiku sagledavaju razni problemi u području ekologije, medicine i tehnologije. U ovom će se izlaganju predočiti obrasci prepoznati u analizama bioetičkih problema, koji zajednički uzrok imaju u današnjem globalnom društvenom sustavu neoliberalnog kapitalizma. Namjera je pokrenuti i raspravu o ideji direktne demokracije kao mogućem alternativnom rješenju. 126

SOCIAL SYSTEM AS A BIOETHICAL QUESTION Persuasion for Direct Democracy Thanks to the speeding technological development, ethics of today is confronted with questions of the existence of life itself, either in its present form or in general. This challenge has brought forth the forming of a new discipline named bioethics. This ‘Ethics’ in ‘Bioethics’ fundamentally determines the intention of such considerations, in its primal meaning ‘Ethics’ examines the concept of good as such. In that same manner, the various issues in ecology, medicine and technology are considered through bioethics. This presentation aims to show the patterns recognized in the analysis of bioethical issues that find the common cause in the current global system of neoliberal capitalism. Furthermore, the intention is to start the discussion about the idea of direct democracy as a possible alternative solution. ALEKSANDAR RACZ, JADRANKA PAVIĆ, VLADO ČUTURA Zdravstveno veleučilište, Zagreb, Hrvatska / University of Applied Health Studies, Zagreb, Croatia »ČUDESNA« ISCJELJENJA ILI SPONTANA REMISIJA Vjera u nadnaravno izlječenje vrlo je često zadnja nada oboljelima od neizlječivih bolesti. Čak 82% Amerikanaca vjeruje da osobna, a 73% da zagovornička molitva može izliječiti ozbiljne bolesti. Pored opisa u Svetim spisima, »čudesnim« izlječenjima svjedočimo kao ključnim dokazima u postupcima kanonizacije preko 600 svetaca u razdoblju od 17. do 20. stoljeća. Najbolje su dokumentirani slučajevi ozdravljenja u Lourdesu, a bilježe se i u Fatimi. U našim krajevima, usprkos nepriznavanju od strane službenih crkvenih vlasti, od prvih ukazanja 1981. do danas, Međugorje je posjetilo preko 40 milijuna hodočasnika koji su u Centru Mir priložili 445 izjava o tjelesnim ozdravljenjima. »Čudesna« ozdravljenja se u medicinskoj znanstvenoj literaturi najčešće opisuju pod terminom »spontana remisija«. Proučavanje slučajeva »čudesnog« ili spontanog ozdravljenja vrijedna su napora budući da bi se kontroliranom primjenom u ovom tre- 127

approach in order for the natural moral law to be (once again) restored. For<br />

the purpose of this analysis, multiple psychotherapeutic interviews were<br />

used. Regarding the aim of this research, significant contents linked with<br />

various aspects of basic mistrust were pointed out. 40 individuals (male<br />

–18, female – 22) were included in this analysis. They were in the hagiotherapeutic<br />

treatment between 2007 and 20<strong>10.</strong> Each of them was subjected<br />

to individual treatment of 45 minutes every 2 weeks during a year. Contents<br />

linked to aspects of basic mistrust were more numerous than the contents<br />

linked to aspects of basic trust (3:1). The following aspects of basic mistrust<br />

are highlighted: “in people in their vicinity” (50%), “in themselves”<br />

(15%), “in better future” (15%), “in the life ideals and God” (10%) and<br />

“other” (10%). It is still a matter of discussion why the percentage of basic<br />

mistrust in people in our vicinity is so large – is it due to the fact that we<br />

are most of the time betrayed by our relatives and neighbours, or could the<br />

recent war have played an important role?<br />


Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Hrvatska /<br />

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia<br />


Nagovor na direktnu demokraciju<br />

Etika se, zahvaljujući strelovitom tehnološkom razvoju, danas suočava<br />

s pitanjima opstanka života samog, bilo u postojećem obliku ili općenito.<br />

Taj je izazov doveo do formiranja nove discipline pod nazivom bioetika.<br />

Izraz ‘etika’ u ‘bioetici’ bitno određuje namjeru takvih promišljanja,<br />

jer u svom izvornom značenju etika propituje pojam dobra kao takvog. U<br />

tom se smislu kroz bioetiku sagledavaju razni problemi u području ekologije,<br />

medicine i tehnologije. U ovom će se izlaganju predočiti obrasci<br />

prepoznati u analizama bioetičkih problema, koji zajednički uzrok imaju u<br />

današnjem globalnom društvenom sustavu neoliberalnog kapitalizma. Namjera<br />

je pokrenuti i raspravu o ideji direktne demokracije kao mogućem<br />

alternativnom rješenju.<br />


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