10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo

10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo 10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo


and disease. The reason for an elderly person coming to live in a home for elderly people is most often the demise of a person who took care of him/ her, a spouse, loss of home or a disease. Many of them are afraid of living in homes for elderly people and they would rather stay at their homes. The intention of our work was to explore the advantages and shortcomings of living in homes for elderly people and with families. We interviewed two groups of people. The first group comprised the persons accommodated in the “Home for Elderly People” in Mostar, and the second group comprised the persons of the same age, but living with families. The persons not facing housing problems, in particular those having houses, more often live with families. Some 50% of the interviewed persons from the “Home for Elderly People” have children and 94% of those living with families. In humane-ethical sense, the modern society must take all necessary measures and actions for the maintenance of physical, mental and social health of the entire population, and particularly vulnerable group is the elderly population. AMER OVČINA 1 , SUVADA ŠVRAKIĆ 1 , AJNIJA OMANIĆ, 3 ZAREMA OBRADOVIĆ 2 1 Klinički centar, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina / Clinical Center, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 Zavod za javno zdravstvo Kantona Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina / Institute for Public Health of the Canton Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 Zavod za javno zdravstvo Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina / Institute for Public Health of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina ZADOVOLJSTVO ZDRAVSTVENIM USLUGAMA KOD POVRATNIKA NA PODRUČJU HERCEGOVAČKO-NERETVANSKOG KANTONA Na prvi se pogled čini da sistem zdravstvene zaštite u Bosni i Hercegovini osigurava visokokvalitetnu uslugu svojim građanima. I u urbanim i u ruralnim područjima većina je bolnica, klinika i ambulanti besprije- 120

korna i nove, moderno dizajnirane zgrade su prilično dobro opremljene s naprednom medicinskom tehnikom. Poslijeratna politika Zakona zdravstvene zaštite utječe na sve segmente društva. To se posebno odražava na liječenje pacijenata koji se moraju liječiti izvan kantona u kojem žive. Veći dio građana nema zdravstveno osiguranje, posebno povratnici i izbjeglice. U nekim područjima zdravstvena zaštita nije uopće dostupna. Preventivna zdravstvena zaštita nije razvijena u svim područjima, posebno u ruralnim sredinama. Posebno ugrožene kategorije stanovništva predstavljaju povratničke obitelji. Na području Hercegovačko-neretvanskog kantona (HNK) posebno je izražena politička nezainteresiranost za sistem pružanja zdravstvene zaštite. U nekim gradovima HNK-a zdravstvo je podijeljeno, te vlada opća konfuzija kod stanovništva po pitanju ostvarivanja prava na adekvatnu zdravstvenu zaštitu. U ovom ćemo radu prezentirati rezultate tromjesečnog istraživanja provedenog među povratničkim obiteljima na području HNK-a. Istraživanje je bilo prospektivno. Korišten je anketni upitnik o zadovoljstvu zdravstvenim uslugama (po metodologiji EUROPEP). SATISFACTION WITH HEALTH SERVICES FOR RETURNEES IN THE AREA OF THE HERZEGOVINA-NERETVA CANTON At first glance it seems that the healthcare system in Bosnia and Herzegovina is providing high quality service to its citizens. Even in most rural areas most of the hospitals, clinics, and ambulances are flawless with new modern designed buildings that are fairly well equipped with advanced medical technology. Post-war politics of health care affects all segments of society. This is particularly reflected in the treatment of patients who need treatment outside the Canton in which they live. Most of the citizens have no health insurance, particularly returnees and refugees. In some areas healthcare is not available at all. Preventive healthcare is not developed in all areas, especially rural ones. Particularly vulnerable population categories are returnee families. In the area of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton the political indifference for the healthcare system is especially conspicuous. In some towns healthcare is divided, and general confusion exists among the population in terms of using the rights to adequate health care. 121

korna i nove, moderno dizajnirane zgrade su prilično dobro opremljene<br />

s naprednom medicinskom tehnikom. Poslijeratna politika Zakona zdravstvene<br />

zaštite utječe na sve segmente društva. To se posebno odražava na<br />

liječenje pacijenata koji se moraju liječiti izvan kantona u kojem žive. Veći<br />

dio građana nema zdravstveno osiguranje, posebno povratnici i izbjeglice.<br />

U nekim područjima zdravstvena zaštita nije uopće dostupna. Preventivna<br />

zdravstvena zaštita nije razvijena u svim područjima, posebno u ruralnim<br />

sredinama. Posebno ugrožene kategorije stanovništva predstavljaju<br />

povratničke obitelji. Na području Hercegovačko-neretvanskog kantona<br />

(HNK) posebno je izražena politička nezainteresiranost za sistem pružanja<br />

zdravstvene zaštite. U nekim gradovima HNK-a zdravstvo je podijeljeno,<br />

te vlada opća konfuzija kod stanovništva po pitanju ostvarivanja prava na<br />

adekvatnu zdravstvenu zaštitu.<br />

U ovom ćemo radu prezentirati rezultate tromjesečnog istraživanja provedenog<br />

među povratničkim obiteljima na području HNK-a. Istraživanje je<br />

bilo prospektivno. Korišten je anketni upitnik o zadovoljstvu zdravstvenim<br />

uslugama (po metodologiji EUROPEP).<br />




At first glance it seems that the healthcare system in Bosnia and Herzegovina<br />

is providing high quality service to its citizens. Even in most rural<br />

areas most of the hospitals, clinics, and ambulances are flawless with new<br />

modern designed buildings that are fairly well equipped with advanced<br />

medical technology. Post-war politics of health care affects all segments<br />

of society. This is particularly reflected in the treatment of patients who<br />

need treatment outside the Canton in which they live. Most of the citizens<br />

have no health insurance, particularly returnees and refugees. In some areas<br />

healthcare is not available at all. Preventive healthcare is not developed in<br />

all areas, especially rural ones. Particularly vulnerable population categories<br />

are returnee families. In the area of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton<br />

the political indifference for the healthcare system is especially conspicuous.<br />

In some towns healthcare is divided, and general confusion exists<br />

among the population in terms of using the rights to adequate health care.<br />


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