Anlage II-12_lizenzierte_Zeitschriften_und_E-Books - DPMA

Anlage II-12_lizenzierte_Zeitschriften_und_E-Books - DPMA

Anlage II-12_lizenzierte_Zeitschriften_und_E-Books - DPMA


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Titel<br />

3C ON-LINE : Computing at Community Colleges<br />

AACN Clinical Issues: Advanced Practice in Acute & Critical Care (via OVID)<br />

AACN Clinical Issues in Critical Care Nursing (via OVID)<br />

Abacus<br />

Abdominal Imaging (Formerly: Gastrointestinal Radiology)<br />

ABI-Technik : Zeitschrift für Automation, Bau <strong>und</strong> Technik im Archiv-, Bibliotheks- <strong>und</strong> Informationswesen<br />

Abstracts of Chinese Geological Literature (via CAJ)<br />

Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics<br />

Academic Medicine (via OVID)<br />

Accident Analysis & Prevention<br />

Accident and Emergency Nursing<br />

Accounting Education<br />

Accounting History<br />

Accounting History Review (formerly: Accounting, Business and Financial History)<br />

Accounting, Management and Information Technologies<br />

Accounting, Organizations and Society<br />

Accounts of Chemical Research<br />

Accreditation and Quality Assurance : Journal for Quality, Comparability and Reliability in Chemical Measurement<br />

ACM Communications in Computer Algebra : ACM CCA (formerly: ACM SIGSAM Bulletin)<br />

ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)<br />

ACM Inroads<br />

ACM Journal of Computer Documentation (JCD)<br />

ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC)<br />

ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems (LOPLAS)<br />

ACM Lisp Bulletin<br />

ACM Queue<br />

ACM SIGACCESS Accessibility and Computing<br />

ACM SIGACT News<br />

ACM SIGAda Ada Letters (Formerly: ACM ADA Letters)<br />

ACM SIGAPL APL Quote Quad<br />

ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review<br />

ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News<br />

ACM SIGART Bulletin (Formerly: SIGART Newsletter)<br />

ACM SIGBED Review<br />

ACM SIGBIO Newsletter : Biomedical Computing<br />

ACM SIGBioinformatics Record<br />

ACM SIGCAPH Newsletter: Computers and the Physically Handicapped (Formerly: ACM SICCAPH Newsletter)<br />

ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society<br />

ACM SIGCHI Bulletin<br />

ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR)<br />

ACM SIGCPR Computer Personnel<br />

ACM SIGCSE Bulletin : Inroads<br />

ACM SIGCSIM Installation Management Review (Formerly: SIGCOSIM Newsletter)<br />

ACM SIGCUE Outlook (Formerly: ACM SIGCUE Bulletin)<br />

ACM SIGDA Newsletter (Design automation)<br />

ACM SIGDOC Asterisk Journal of Computer Documentation (Formerly: Systems Documentation Newsletter)<br />

ACM SIGecom Exchanges<br />

ACM SIGEVOlution<br />

ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics<br />

ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin<br />

ACM SIGHIT Record<br />

ACM SIGICE Bulletin<br />

ACM SIGIR Forum<br />

ACM SIGITE Newsletter<br />

ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter

ACM SIGLASH Newsletter<br />

ACM SIGMAP Bulletin<br />

ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review<br />

ACM SIGMICRO Newsletter (Formerly: SIGMICRO TCMICRO Newsletter)<br />

ACM SIGMINI Newsletter<br />

ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review<br />

ACM SIGMOD Record (Formerly: FDT : Bulletin of ACM SIGFIDET)<br />

ACM SIGMultimedia Records<br />

ACM SIGNUM Newsletter (Numerical Mathematics)<br />

ACM SIGOA Newsletter (Later: ACM SIGOA Bulletin)<br />

ACM SIGOIS Bulletin<br />

ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review<br />

ACM SIGPC Notes<br />

ACM SIGPLAN Fortran Forum (Formerly: ACM SIGPLAN ForTec Forum)<br />

ACM SIGPLAN LISP Pointers<br />

ACM SIGPLAN Notices<br />

ACM SIGPLAN OOPS Messenger<br />

ACM SIGSAC Review<br />

ACM SIGSIM Simulation Digest (Formerly: Simuletter)<br />

ACM SIGSMALL Newsletter<br />

ACM SIGSMALL - PC Notes<br />

ACM SIGSOC Bulletin<br />

ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes<br />

ACM SIGSPATIAL Special<br />

ACM SIGUCCS Newsletter (Formerly: ACM SIGUCC Newsletter)<br />

ACM SIGWEB Newsletter (Formerly: ACM SIGLINK Newsletter)<br />

ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS)<br />

ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG)<br />

ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP)<br />

ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO)<br />

ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP)<br />

ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS)<br />

ACM Transactions on Computation Theory (TOCT)<br />

ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL)<br />

ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)<br />

ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS)<br />

ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE)<br />

ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS)<br />

ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES)<br />

ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation (TEAC)<br />

ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)<br />

ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)<br />

ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC)<br />

ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS; Formerly: ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems)<br />

ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST)<br />

ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS)<br />

ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT)<br />

ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD)<br />

ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS)<br />

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS)<br />

ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS)<br />

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMCCAP)<br />

ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS)<br />

ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS)<br />

ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN)<br />

ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM)

ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing (TSLP)<br />

ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS)<br />

ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB)<br />

Acoustics Today<br />

acquisa: Das Magazin für Marketing <strong>und</strong> Vertrieb<br />

ACSM's Health and Fitness Journal (via OVID)<br />

Acta Acustica united with Acustica (Formerly: Acustica)<br />

Acta Applicandae Mathematicae<br />

Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (via CAJ)<br />

Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (ABBS)<br />

Acta Biotechnologica<br />

Acta Biotheoretica<br />

Acta Chiropterologica: International Journal of Bat Biology<br />

Acta Crystallographica<br />

Acta Crystallographica Section A : Fo<strong>und</strong>ations of Crystallography (Formerly: Crystal Physics, Diffraction, Theoretical and G<br />

Acta Crystallographica Section B : Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry (Formerly: Structural Science)<br />

Acta Crystallographica Section C : Crystal Structure Communications<br />

Acta Crystallographica Section D : Biological Crystallography<br />

Acta Crystallographica Section E : Structure Reports (2001-2007)<br />

Acta Cytologica<br />

Acta Diabetologica (formerly: Acta Diabetologica Latina)<br />

Acta Ethologica<br />

Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) (via CAJ)<br />

Acta Haematologica<br />

Acta Histochemica<br />

Acta Informatica<br />

Acta Mathematica<br />

Acta Mathematica Hungarica (Formerly: Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae)<br />

Acta Mathematica Scientia (via CAJ)<br />

Acta Mathematica Sinica<br />

Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (via CAJ)<br />

Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series<br />

Acta Mechanica<br />

Acta Mechanica Sinica<br />

Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) (via CAJ)<br />

Acta Meteorologica Sinica (via CAJ)<br />

Acta Neurochirurgica<br />

Acta Neuropathologica<br />

Acta Neuropsychiatrica<br />

Acta Numerica<br />

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica (AOGS) (formerly: Acta Gynecologica Scandinavica)<br />

Acta Oceanologica Sinica (via CAJ)<br />

Acta Odontologica Scandinavica<br />

Acta Oecologica<br />

Acta Oncologica (formerly: Acta Radiologica / Oncology; Acta Radiologica / Oncology, Radiation, Physics, Biology; Acta Ra<br />

Acta Ornithologica<br />

Acta Oto-Laryngologica (inkl. Supplement)<br />

Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (2000-2004) (via CAJ)<br />

Acta Polymerica<br />

Acta Psychologica<br />

Acta Radiologica (inkl. Supplemente)<br />

Acta Seismologica Sinica (via CAJ)<br />

Acta Sociologica<br />

Acta Tropica<br />

Acta Zoologica Sinica (via CAJ)<br />

Action Research

Active Learning in Higher Education<br />

Acute Cardiac Care (formerly: International Journal of Cardiovascular Interventions)<br />

Adansonia (2009 -)<br />

Adaptive Behavior<br />

Addiction<br />

Addiction Biology<br />

Addiction Research and Theory (formerly: Addiction Research)<br />

Addictive Behaviors<br />

Adhäsion : Kleben & Dichten<br />

Adhesion - Adhesives & Sealants<br />

Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research<br />

Administration and Society (formerly: Journal of Comparative Administration)<br />

Administrative Science Quarterly (1999 -)<br />

Adsorption<br />

Adult Education Quarterly<br />

Advanced Composite Materials<br />

Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews<br />

Advanced Functional Materials (Formerly: Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics)<br />

Advanced Materials<br />

Advanced Materials Research<br />

Advanced Performance Materials<br />

Advanced Robotics<br />

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis (Formerly: Journal für Praktische Chemie; Journal für Praktische Chemie - Chemiker-Z<br />

Advances in Anatomic Pathology (via OVID)<br />

Advances in Animal Biosciences<br />

Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras<br />

Advances in Applied Mathematics<br />

Advances in Behaviour Research and Therapy<br />

Advances in Biophysics<br />

Advances in Calculus of Variations<br />

Advances in Computational Mathematics<br />

Advances in Contraception<br />

Advances in Dental Research<br />

Advances in Developing Human Resources<br />

Advances in Environmental Research<br />

Advances in Enzyme Regulation<br />

Advances in Free Radical Biology & Medicine<br />

Advances in Geometry<br />

Advances in Health Sciences Education<br />

Advances in Mathematics<br />

Advances in Molecular Relaxation and Interaction Processes<br />

Advances in Molecular Relaxation Processes<br />

Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology<br />

Advances in Neuroimmunology<br />

Advances in Nonlinear Analysis<br />

Advances in Nursing Science ; ANS (via OVID)<br />

Advances in Physics<br />

Advances in Polar Science (via CAJ)<br />

Advances in Polymer Science<br />

Advances in Polymer Technology<br />

Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics<br />

Advances in Science and Technology<br />

Advances in Skin & Wo<strong>und</strong> Care (via OVID)<br />

Advances in Space Research<br />

Advances in Water Resources<br />

Advances in Wo<strong>und</strong> Care (via OVID)

Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin (via OVID)<br />

Aequationes Mathematicae<br />

Aerobiologia<br />

AeroMedical Journal<br />

Aerospace China (via CAJ)<br />

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery<br />

Aesthetic Surgery Journal<br />

AEÜ - International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Archiv für Elektronik <strong>und</strong> Übertragungstechnik)<br />

Affilia : Journal of Women & Social Work<br />

African Affairs (formerly: Journal of the Royal African Society)<br />

African and Asian Studies<br />

African Archaeological Review<br />

African Book Publishing Record, The<br />

African Entomology<br />

African Zoology (2003-)<br />

AGE<br />

Age and Ageing<br />

Ageing and Society<br />

Ageing International<br />

Ageing Research Reviews<br />

Aggression and Violent Behavior<br />

Aggressive Behavior<br />

Aging Male, The<br />

Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition<br />

Agribusiness<br />

Agricultural Administration<br />

Agricultural Administration and Extension<br />

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology<br />

Agricultural Economics (-2004)<br />

Agricultural Meteorology<br />

Agricultural Science & Technology (via CAJ)<br />

Agricultural Sciences in China (via CAJ)<br />

Agricultural Systems<br />

Agricultural Wastes<br />

Agricultural Water Management<br />

Agriculture and Environment<br />

Agriculture and Human Values<br />

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment<br />

Agro-Ecosystems<br />

Agroforestry Systems<br />

AI EDAM - Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing<br />

AI & Society : The Journal of Human-Centred Systems and Machine Intelligence<br />

AIAA Journal<br />

AIChE Journal<br />

AIDS (via OVID)<br />

AIDS and Behavior<br />

AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV<br />

AIDS Patient Care and STDs (Formerly: Aids Patient Care)<br />

AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses (Formerly: Aids Research)<br />

AINS - Anästhesiologie Intensivmedizin Notfallmedizin Schmerztherapie<br />

Air and Space Law (formerly: Air Law)<br />

Air Medical Journal : AMJ<br />

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology (Formerly: Aircraft Engineering)<br />

AJS Review<br />

Aktuelle Neurologie<br />

Aktuelle Rheumatologie

Aktuelle Urologie<br />

Alcohol<br />

Alcohol and Alcoholism<br />

Algebra and Logic<br />

Algebra Universalis<br />

Algebras and Representation Theory<br />

ALGOL Bulletin<br />

Algorithmica<br />

Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics<br />

Allergy (formerly: Acta allergologica)<br />

Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten (AVN)<br />

Alternative and Complementary Therapies<br />

Alternatives: Global, Local, Political<br />

Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders (via Ovid)<br />

AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment (2000-2011)<br />

Ambulatory Surgery<br />

American Behavioral Scientist (formerly: Political Research)<br />

American Biology Teacher, The<br />

American Educational Research Journal<br />

American Fern Journal (2001-)<br />

American Heart Journal<br />

American Journal of Agricultural Economics (formerly: Journal of Farm Economics)<br />

American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias<br />

American Journal of Cardiology, The<br />

American Journal of Clinical Oncology (via OVID)<br />

American Journal of Community Psychology<br />

American Journal of Dance Therapy<br />

American Journal of Dermatopathology, The (via OVID)<br />

American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, The<br />

American Journal of Emergency Medicine<br />

American Journal of Epidemiology (formerly: American Journal of Hygiene)<br />

American Journal of Evaluation (formerly Evaluation Practice; Evaluation News)<br />

American Journal of Family Therapy<br />

American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology (via OVID)<br />

American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry (via OVID)<br />

American Journal of Hematology<br />

American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine<br />

American Journal of Human Biology<br />

American Journal of Hypertension<br />

American Journal of Industrial Medicine<br />

American Journal of Infection Control<br />

American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine<br />

American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A<br />

American Journal of Medical Quality<br />

American Journal of Medicine, The<br />

American Journal of Men's Health<br />

American Journal of Nephrology<br />

American Journal of Nursing (AJN) (via OVID)<br />

American Journal of Optometry (via OVID)<br />

American Journal of Optometry & Archives of American Academy of Optometry (via OVID)<br />

American Journal of Optometry & Physiological Optics (via OVID)<br />

American Journal of Orthodontics<br />

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics AJO-DO<br />

American Journal of Orthodontics and Oral Surgery<br />

American Journal of Otolaryngology<br />

American Journal of Otology (via OVID)

American Journal of Pediatric Hematology / Oncology (via OVID)<br />

American Journal of Perinatology<br />

American Journal of Physical Anthropology<br />

American Journal of Physical Medicine (via OVID)<br />

American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (via OVID)<br />

American Journal of Physics (formerly: American Physics Teacher)<br />

American Journal of Potato Research (formerly: American Potato Journal / The Potato News Bulletin)<br />

American Journal of Primatology<br />

American Journal of Psychoanalysis, The (-2006)<br />

American Journal of Sports Medicine, The (formerly: Journal of Sports Medicine)<br />

American Journal of Surgery, The<br />

American Journal of Surgical Pathology, The (via OVID)<br />

American Journal of the Medical Sciences, The (via OVID)<br />

American Journal of Therapeutics (via OVID)<br />

American Journal on Addictions, The<br />

American Law and Economics Review<br />

American Literary History<br />

American Malacological Bulletin<br />

American Midland Naturalist (aktuelle Jahrgänge)<br />

American Museum Novitates / American Museum of Natural History<br />

American Politics Research (formerly: American Politics Quarterly)<br />

American Review of Public Administration, The<br />

American Sociological Review<br />

American Sociologist, The<br />

American Zoologist (1961-2001) (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)<br />

Amino Acids<br />

Amphibia-Reptilia<br />

Amtsblatt für Berlin<br />

Amyloid<br />

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degenerations (formerly: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; Amyotrophic L<br />

Anaesthesia<br />

Anaesthesist, Der<br />

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing<br />

Analysis<br />

Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities<br />

Analysis in Theory and Applications (via CAJ)<br />

Analysis Mathematica<br />

Analyst, The<br />

Analytica Chimica Acta<br />

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry<br />

Analytical Biochemistry<br />

Analytical Chemistry<br />

Analytical Communications<br />

Analytical Letters<br />

Analytical Methods<br />

Analytical Proceedings<br />

Analytical Proceedings including Analytical Communications<br />

Analytische Psychologie<br />

Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia<br />

Anatomical Record, The<br />

Anatomy and Embryology<br />

Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia<br />

Ancient Mesoamerica<br />

Android User<br />

Anesthesia & Analgesia (via OVID)<br />

Anesthesiology (via OVID)

Angermion<br />

Angewandte Chemie (früher: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Chemie; Zeitschrift für Angewandte Chemie <strong>und</strong> Zentralblatt für T<br />

Angewandte Chemie International Edition (Formerly: Angewandte Chemie: International Edition in English)<br />

Angiogenesis<br />

Angiology<br />

Anglia : Zeitschrift für englische Philologie<br />

Anglo-Saxon England<br />

Animal<br />

Animal Behaviour<br />

Animal Cognition<br />

Animal Feed Science and Technology<br />

Animal Genetic Resources = Resources Génétiques Animales = Recursos Genéticos Animales (formerly Animal Genetic R<br />

Animal Health Research Reviews<br />

Animal Reproduction Science<br />

Animation<br />

ANLP: Applied Natural Language Processing Conferences<br />

Annalen der Physik (teils: Annalen der Physik <strong>und</strong> der Physikalischen Chemie)<br />

Annales de Chirurgie de la Main<br />

Annales de Chirurgie de la Main et du Membre Supérieur<br />

Annales de Génétique<br />

Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Immunologie<br />

Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Microbiologie<br />

Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Virologie<br />

Annales de Limnologie = International Journal of Limnology<br />

Annales des Sciences Naturelles Zoologie et Biologie Animale<br />

Annales Françaises d'Anesthésie et de Réanimation<br />

Annales Henri Poincaré<br />

Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Revue Psychiatrique<br />

Annales Nestlé / Deutsche Ausgabe<br />

Annales Nestlé / Ed. Española<br />

Annales Nestlé / Ed. Française<br />

Annales Nestlé / English Ed.<br />

Annales Zoologici<br />

Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (4. Ser.)<br />

Annals of Actuarial Science<br />

Annals of Behavioral Medicine<br />

Annals of Biomedical Engineering (ABME)<br />

Annals of Botany<br />

Annals of Carnegie Museum<br />

Annals of Combinatorics<br />

Annals of Differential Equations (via CAJ)<br />

Annals of Dyslexia (Formerly: Bulletin of the Orton Society)<br />

Annals of Emergency Medicine<br />

Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry<br />

Annals of Hematology<br />

Annals of Human Biology<br />

Annals of Mathematical Logic<br />

Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence<br />

Annals of Medicine<br />

Annals of Neurology<br />

Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology<br />

Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism (früher: Nutritio et Dieta; Nutrition and Metabolism)<br />

Annals of Occupational Hygiene, The<br />

Annals of Oncology<br />

Annals of Operations Research<br />

Annals of Physics

Annals of Plastic Surgery (via OVID)<br />

Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics = Annales de l' Économie Publique, Sociale et Coopérative<br />

Annals of Pure and Applied Logic<br />

Annals of Regional Science, The<br />

Annals of Science<br />

Annals of Software Engineering<br />

Annals of Surgery (via OVID)<br />

Annals of Surgical Oncology<br />

Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, The<br />

Annals of the Entomological Society of America<br />

Annals of the History of Computing<br />

Annals of the ICRP<br />

Annals of the ICRP/ICRP Publication<br />

Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics<br />

Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden (2006 -)<br />

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences<br />

Annals of Tourism Research<br />

Annals of Vascular Surgery<br />

Annee Biologique, L' (1998-2001)<br />

Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Annual Meeting of the ACL)<br />

Annual of the British School at Athens, The (2008-)<br />

Annual Report for China Institute of Atomic Energy (via CAJ)<br />

Annual Reports on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy<br />

Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry<br />

Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry A: General Physics and Inorganic Chemistry<br />

Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry A: Inorganic Chemistry<br />

Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry A: Physical and Inorganic Chemistry<br />

Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry B: Organic Chemistry<br />

Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry C: Physical Chemistry<br />

Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry<br />

Annual Review of Animal Biosciences<br />

Annual Review of Anthropology<br />

Annual Review of Applied Linguistics<br />

Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics<br />

Annual Review of Biochemistry<br />

Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering<br />

Annual Review of Biophysics (Formerly: Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure ; Annual Review of Biop<br />

Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology (Formerly: Annual Review of Cell Biology)<br />

Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering<br />

Annual Review of Clinical Psychology<br />

Annual Review of Computer Science<br />

Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics<br />

Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences<br />

Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics (Formerly: Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics)<br />

Annual Review of Entomology<br />

Annual Review of Environment and Resources (Formerly: Annual Review of Energy and the Environment ; Annual Review<br />

Annual Review of Fish Diseases<br />

Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics<br />

Annual Review of Food Science and Technology<br />

Annual Review of Genetics<br />

Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics<br />

Annual Review of Immunology<br />

Annual Review of Law and Social Science<br />

Annual Review of Marine Science<br />

Annual Review of Materials Research (Formerly: Annual Review of Materials Science)<br />

Annual Review of Materials Science (Dublette)

Annual Review of Medicine<br />

Annual Review of Microbiology<br />

Annual Review of Neuroscience<br />

Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science (Formerly: Annual Review of Nuclear Science)<br />

Annual Review of Nutrition<br />

Annual Review of Pathology : Mechanisms of Disease<br />

Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology (Formerly: Annual Review of Pharmacology)<br />

Annual Review of Physical Chemistry<br />

Annual Review of Physiology<br />

Annual Review of Phytopathology<br />

Annual Review of Plant Biology (Formerly: Annual Review of Plant Physiology; Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plan<br />

Annual Review of Plant Physiology<br />

Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology<br />

Annual Review of Political Science<br />

Annual Review of Psychology<br />

Annual Review of Public Health<br />

Annual Review of Sociology<br />

Antarctic Science<br />

Anthropological Theory<br />

Anthropologie, L'<br />

Anthropozoologica<br />

Anti-Cancer Drugs (via OVID)<br />

Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials (früher: Corrosion Technology)<br />

Antike <strong>und</strong> Abendland<br />

Antimicrobic Newsletter<br />

Antimicrobics and Infectious Diseases Newsletter<br />

Antioxidants & Redox Signaling<br />

Antipode<br />

Antiquaries Journal, The<br />

Antiviral Research<br />

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek<br />

Antriebstechnik<br />

Anxiety, Stress, and Coping (formerly: Anxiety Research)<br />

Anzeiger für Schädlingsk<strong>und</strong>e (früher: Anzeiger für Schädlingsk<strong>und</strong>e <strong>und</strong> Pflanzenschutz; Anzeiger für Schädlingsk<strong>und</strong>e, P<br />

ANZIAM Journal, The (formerly: Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society: Series B - Applied Mathematics)<br />

Apeiron : A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science<br />

Aphasiology<br />

APL: Organic Electronic and Photonics (APL: OEP)<br />

Apoptosis<br />

Apothekerzeitung online (AZ)<br />

Appetite<br />

Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing<br />

Applicable Analysis<br />

Applications of Mathematics (1997-)<br />

Applications of Surface Science<br />

Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis<br />

Applied and Preventive Psychology<br />

Applied Animal Behaviour Science<br />

Applied Animal Ethology<br />

Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI)<br />

Applied Behavioral Science Review<br />

Applied Categorical Structures<br />

Applied Clay Science<br />

Applied Cognitive Psychology<br />

Applied Composite Materials<br />

Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (formerly: Review of Agricultural Economics; formerly: North Central Journal of

Applied Economics<br />

Applied Economics Letters<br />

Applied Financial Economics<br />

Applied Geochemistry<br />

Applied Geography<br />

Applied Geophysics (via CAJ)<br />

Applied Immunohistochemistry (1993-1998) (via OVID)<br />

Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology (1999- ) (via OVID)<br />

Applied Intelligence<br />

Applied Linguistics<br />

Applied Linguistics Review<br />

Applied Mathematical Finance<br />

Applied Mathematical Modelling<br />

Applied Mathematics:A Journal of Chinese Universities (Series B) (via CAJ)<br />

Applied Mathematics and Computation<br />

Applied Mathematics and Mechanics<br />

Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (via CAJ)<br />

Applied Mathematics and Optimization<br />

Applied Mathematics Letters<br />

Applied Mathematics Research eXpress (AMRX)<br />

Applied Mechanics and Materials<br />

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (formerly: European Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology)<br />

Applied Numerical Mathematics<br />

Applied Ocean Research<br />

Applied Optics<br />

Applied Organometallic Chemistry<br />

Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing (Formerly: Applied Physics)<br />

Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics<br />

Applied Physics Express (APEX)<br />

Applied Physics Letters<br />

Applied Physics Reviews<br />

Applied Psycholinguistics<br />

Applied Psychological Measurement<br />

Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback<br />

Applied Radiation and Isotopes<br />

Applied Research in Mental Retardation<br />

Applied Scientific Research<br />

Applied Scientific Research, Section B<br />

Applied Soil Ecology<br />

Applied Spectroscopy Reviews<br />

Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (formerly: Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis)<br />

Applied Surface Science<br />

Applied Thermal Engineering<br />

Applied Vegetation Science<br />

APS Journal<br />

Aqua & Gas: Fachzeitschrift für Gas, Wasser <strong>und</strong> Abwasser<br />

Aquacultural Engineering<br />

Aquaculture<br />

Aquaculture International<br />

Aquaculture Nutrition<br />

Aquaculture Research (früher: Aquaculture and Fisheries Management; Fisheries Management)<br />

Aquarium Sciences and Conservation<br />

Aquatic Botany<br />

Aquatic Conservation : Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems<br />

Aquatic Ecology<br />

Aquatic Geochemistry

Aquatic Living Resources<br />

Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Bo<strong>und</strong>aries<br />

Aquatic Toxicology<br />

Arab Law Quarterly<br />

Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy<br />

Arabic Sciences and Philosophy<br />

Arabica<br />

Aramaic Studies<br />

Arbeit <strong>und</strong> Arbeitsrecht<br />

Arbeitsrecht Aktuell (ArbR) (via Beck)<br />

Arbeitsrechtliche Praxis (Arbeitsgerichtliche Praxis, AP) (via Beck)<br />

Arbitration International<br />

Arbitrium : Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Literaturwissenschaft<br />

Arcadia: Internationale Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft - International Journal for Literary Studies<br />

Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity (1770 - 1992)<br />

Archaeological Dialogues<br />

Archaeological Reports<br />

Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)<br />

Archiv der Mathematik<br />

Archiv der Pharmazie<br />

Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie<br />

Archiv für Papyrusforschung <strong>und</strong> verwandte Gebiete<br />

Archiv für Religionsgeschichte<br />

Archival Science<br />

Archive for History of Exact Sciences<br />

Archive for Mathematical Logic<br />

Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis<br />

Archive for the Psychology of Religion<br />

Archive of Applied Mechanics / Ingenieur Archiv<br />

Archives and Museum Informatics (Formerly: Archival Informatics Newsletter)<br />

Archives Néerlandaises de Zoologie<br />

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (ABB)<br />

Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology<br />

Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering<br />

Archives of Dermatological Research<br />

Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology<br />

Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics<br />

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (früher: Archiv für Gynäkologie, Archives of Gynecology)<br />

Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology<br />

Archives of Microbiology (Formerly: Archiv für Mikrobiologie)<br />

Archives of Occupational Therapy (via OVID)<br />

Archives of Oral Biology<br />

Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery<br />

Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry(formerly: Archives Internationales de Physiologie, de Biochimie et de Biophy<br />

Archives of Sexual Behavior<br />

Archives of Suicide Research<br />

Archives of Toxicology (formerly: Archiv für Toxikologie)<br />

Archives of Virology (Formerly: Archiv für die gesamte Virusforschung)<br />

Archives of Women's Mental Health<br />

Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research (2003 -)<br />

Ardea: Tijdschrift der Nederlandse Ornithologische Unie (1989-)<br />

Argumentation<br />

Aries<br />

Arkiv för Matematik<br />

Armed Forces and Society<br />

arq : Architectural Research Quarterly

Art Book, The<br />

Art Psychotherapy<br />

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (via OVID)<br />

Arthritis Care & Research<br />

Arthritis & Rheumatism<br />

Arthropod Structure & Development<br />

Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery<br />

Arthroskopie<br />

Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology (formerly: Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes, and Biotechnology; Biomater<br />

Artificial Intelligence and Law<br />

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine<br />

Artificial Intelligence Review<br />

Artificial Life and Robotics<br />

Arts and Humanities in Higher Education<br />

Arts in Psychotherapy, The<br />

Arzneimittelforschung = Drug Research (formerly Arzneimittel-Forschung)<br />

ASA Bulletin (formerly: Bulletin / Association Suisse de l'Arbitrage)<br />

ASAIO Journal (via OVID)<br />

ASAIO Transactions (via OVID)<br />

Aschkenas : Zeitschrift für Geschichte <strong>und</strong> Kultur der Juden<br />

Asia Pacific Business Review<br />

Asia-Pacific Financial Markets<br />

Asia Pacific Heart Journal, The<br />

Asia Pacific Journal of Education (formerly: Singapore Journal of Education)<br />

Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources (- 2011)<br />

Asia Pacific Journal of Management<br />

Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health<br />

Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education (formerly: South Pacific Journal of Teacher Education)<br />

Asia Pacific Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, The<br />

Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law<br />

Asian International Arbitration Journal<br />

Asian Journal of Andrology (via CAJ)<br />

Asian Journal of Management Cases<br />

Asian Journal of Social Science<br />

Asian Medicine<br />

Asian-Pacific Economic Literature (APEL)<br />

Assay and Drug Development Technologies<br />

Assembly Automation<br />

Assessing Writing<br />

Assessment<br />

Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education<br />

Assessment for Effective Intervention (formerly Diagnostique)<br />

Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice<br />

Association for Learning Technology Journal : ALT-J (-2000)<br />

ASTIN Bulletin (2013-)<br />

Astrobiology<br />

Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions<br />

Astronomische Nachrichten = Astronomical Notes<br />

Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, The<br />

Astronomy and Geophysics<br />

Astronomy Quarterly<br />

Astroparticle Physics<br />

Astrophysics<br />

Astrophysics and Space Science<br />

at - Automatisierungstechnik<br />


Atlantic Economic Journal<br />

Atmospheric Environment (-1989)<br />

Atmospheric Environment (1994-)<br />

Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics<br />

Atmospheric Environment. Part B. Urban Atmosphere<br />

Atmospheric Research<br />

Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables<br />

Atomic Energy<br />

ATZ-Elektronik<br />

ATZ-Produktion<br />

ATZ Worldwide<br />

ATZAutoTechnology (früher: AutoTechnology)<br />

ATZelektronik worldwide<br />

ATZextra<br />

ATZextra worldwide<br />

ATZproduktion worldwide<br />

Audiology & Neurotology (formerly Audiology & Neuro-Otology)<br />

Augmentative & Alternative Communication<br />

Auk, The<br />

Austral Ecology (formerly Australian Journal of Ecology)<br />

AustralAsian Journal of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery, The<br />

Australasian Journal of Dermatology<br />

Australasian Journal of Special Education, The (- 2008)<br />

Australasian Psychiatry<br />

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, The<br />

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry<br />

Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist<br />

Australian Geographer<br />

Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling<br />

Australian Journal of Management<br />

Australian Journal of Midwifery, The<br />

Australian Journal of Psychology<br />

Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling, The<br />

Australian Psychologist<br />

Australian Social Work (formerly: Australian Journal of Social Work)<br />

Austrian History Yearbook<br />

Autism<br />

Autoimmunity<br />

Automated Software Engineering<br />

Automatenmarkt (AM)<br />

Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift (ATZ)<br />

Automotive Agenda<br />

Autonomic and Autacoid Pharmacology (formerly: Journal of Autonomic Pharmacology)<br />

Autonomic Neuroscience<br />

Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems<br />

Autonomous Robots<br />

Avian Diseases (2002-)<br />

Avian Diseases Digest<br />

Aviation Week & Space Technology<br />

Axiomathes<br />

B.I.T. online (BIT online) : Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information <strong>und</strong> Technologie<br />

Back Letter (via OVID)<br />

Bänder, Bleche, Rohre (bbr)<br />

Baillière's Clinical Anaesthesiology<br />

Baillière's Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism<br />

Baillière's Clinical Gastroenterology

Baillière's Clinical Haematology<br />

Baillière's Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology<br />

Baillière's Clinical Rheumatology<br />

Bankmagazin<br />

Baosteel Technical Research (via CAJ)<br />

Basic and Applied Ecology<br />

Basic Research in Cardiology<br />

Bauelement + Technik<br />

Bauen mit Holz<br />

Baumetall<br />

Bautechnik : Zeitschrift für den gesamten Ingenieurbau<br />

Bayerischer Staatsanzeiger (Bayerische Staatszeitung)<br />

BC : Zeitschrift für Bilanzierung, Rechnungswesen <strong>und</strong> Controlling (Formerly BRZ : Zeitschrift für Bilanzierung <strong>und</strong> Rechnu<br />

Behavior Genetics<br />

Behavior Modification<br />

Behavior Therapy<br />

Behavioral and Brain Sciences<br />

Behavioral and Neural Biology<br />

Behavioral Biology<br />

Behavioral Ecology<br />

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology<br />

Behavioral Interventions<br />

Behavioral Sciences & the Law<br />

Behaviour<br />

Behaviour Change<br />

Behaviour & Information Technology (BIT)<br />

Behaviour Research and Therapy<br />

Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy<br />

Behavioural Brain Research<br />

Behavioural Pharmacology (via OVID)<br />

Behavioural Processes<br />

Behemoth : A Journal on Civilisation (2011-)<br />

Beijing Review (via CAJ)<br />

Beiträge zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache <strong>und</strong> Literatur (PBB) (1874 -)<br />

Bell Labs Technical Journal<br />

Benchmarking: An International Journal<br />

Berg- <strong>und</strong> Hüttenmännische Monatshefte (BHM)<br />

Best Practice and Research Clinical Anaesthesiology<br />

Best Practice and Research Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (formerly: Baillière's Best Practice & Research Clinical<br />

Best Practice and Research Clinical Gastroenterology<br />

Best Practice and Research Clinical Haematology<br />

Best Practice and Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology<br />

Best Practice and Research Clinical Rheumatology<br />

Beton- <strong>und</strong> Stahlbetonbau<br />

Betrieb, Der<br />

Betriebs-Berater (BB, Betriebsberater)<br />

Biblical Interpretation<br />

Biblical Theology Bulletin<br />

Bibliothek : Forschung <strong>und</strong> Praxis<br />

Bibliotheksdienst<br />

Bilanzbuchhalter <strong>und</strong> Controller (BC) (via Beck)(Dublette)<br />

Biobehavioral Reviews<br />

Biocatalysis and Biotransformation (formerly: Biocatalysis)<br />

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (BBRC)<br />

Biochemical and Molecular Medicine<br />

Biochemical Education

Biochemical Engineering Journal<br />

Biochemical Genetics<br />

Biochemical Medicine<br />

Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology<br />

Biochemical Pharmacology<br />

Biochemical Systematics and Ecology<br />

Biochemistry<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biophysics including Photosynthesis<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Enzymology<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Enzymology and Biological Oxidation<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Structure and Expression<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Lipids and Lipid Metabolism<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Mucoproteins and Mucopolysaccharides<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Bioenergetics<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Biomembranes<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Cancer<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Specialized Section on Biophysical Subjects<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Specialized Section on Enzymological Subjects<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Specialized Section on Lipids and Related Subjects<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Specialized Section on Mucoproteins and Mucopolysaccharides<br />

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Specialized Section on Nucleic Acids and Related Subjects<br />

Biochimie<br />

Bioconjugate Chemistry<br />

BioControl (früher: Entomophaga)<br />

Biodegradation<br />

Biodiversity and Conservation<br />

Bioelectrochemistry<br />

Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics<br />

Bioelectromagnetics<br />

BioEssays<br />

Bioethics<br />

Biofabrication<br />

Biogeochemistry<br />

Biogerontology<br />

Bioimaging<br />

Bioinformatics (formerly: Computer Applications in the Biosciences)<br />

Bioinorganic Chemistry<br />

BioInorganic Reaction Mechanisms<br />

Bioinspiration & Biomimetics<br />

Biologia Plantarum<br />

Biological Chemistry (Formerly Zeitschrift für physiologische Chemie ; Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift für physiologische Chemi<br />

Biological Conservation<br />

Biological Control<br />

Biological Cybernetics (Formerly: Kybernetik)

Biological Invasions<br />

Biological Mass Spectrometry (- 1994)<br />

Biological Psychiatry<br />

Biological Psychology<br />

Biological Research For Nursing<br />

Biological Wastes<br />

Biologicals<br />

Biologie in unserer Zeit<br />

Biology and Fertility of Soils<br />

Biology and Philosophy<br />

Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation<br />

Biology of Reproduction<br />

Biology of the Cell (1988-2004)<br />

Biomarkers<br />

Biomass<br />

Biomaterials<br />

Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (via CAJ)<br />

Biomedical Chromatography<br />

Biomedical Engineering<br />

Biomedical Materials<br />

Biomedical Microdevices<br />

Biomedical Safety & Standards (via OVID)<br />

Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy<br />

Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical Engineering (formerly: Elektro-Medizin; Elektromedizin <strong>und</strong> ihre Grenzgebiete; Elek<br />

BioMetals (Formerly: Biology of Metals)<br />

Biometrical Journal (formerly: Biometrische Zeitschrift)<br />

Biometrika<br />

Biomicrofluidics<br />

BioMolecular Concepts<br />

Biomolecular Engineering<br />

BioNanoMaterials (formerly: BIOmaterialien)<br />

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry<br />

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters<br />

Bioorganic Chemistry<br />

Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition<br />

Biophysical Chemistry<br />

Biopolymers (including Peptide Science)<br />

Biopreservation and Biobanking (Formerly: Cell Preservation Technology)<br />

Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (Formerly: Bioprocess Engineering)<br />

Bioresource Technology<br />

BIOS<br />

BioScience: Organisms from Molecules to the Environment<br />

Bioscience Reports (1981-20<strong>12</strong>,3)<br />

BioScope : South Asian Screen Studies<br />

Biosecurity and Bioterrorism<br />

Biosensors<br />

Biosensors and Bioelectronics<br />

Biospectroscopy<br />

Biostatistics<br />

Biosystems Engineering<br />

Biosystems: Journal of Biological and Information Processing Sciences<br />

Biotech Software & Internet Report : the Computer Software Journal for Scientists<br />

Biotechnic and Histochemistry (formerly: Stain Technology)<br />

Biotechnology Advances<br />

Biotechnology and Bioengineering (formerly: Journal of Biochemical and Microbiological Technology and Engineering)<br />

Biotechnology Law Report

Biotechnology Letters<br />

Biotechnology Progress<br />

Biotechnology Techniques<br />

Biotherapy<br />

Biotropica (1997-)<br />

Biotropica (2000-2004)<br />

Bird Conservation International<br />

Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology (formerly Teratology)<br />

Birth (formerly: Birth and the Family Journal)<br />

BIT - Numerical Mathematics<br />

BJOG (formerly: The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Commonwealth / of the British Empire; British Jo<br />

Blätter der DGVFM (formerly: Blätter / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik)<br />

Blatt für Patent-, Muster- <strong>und</strong> Zeichenwesen (BlPMZ)<br />

Blech inForm<br />

Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases (BCMD)<br />

Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis (via OVID)<br />

Blood Pressure<br />

Blood Pressure Monitoring (via OVID)<br />

Blood Purification<br />

Blood Reviews<br />

BM : Innenausbau, Möbel, Bauelemente, Konstruktion, Fertigung, Vertrieb<br />

BMS : Bulletin of Sociological Methodology = Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique<br />

Body and Society<br />

Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática = Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society<br />

Bone and Mineral<br />

Bone: Official Journal of the International Bone and Mineral Society (IBMS)<br />

Botanica Marina<br />

Botanical Review, The<br />

Bo<strong>und</strong>ary-Layer Meteorology<br />

Brain: A Journal of Neurology<br />

Brain and Cognition<br />

Brain and Development<br />

Brain and Language<br />

Brain, Behavior and Evolution<br />

Brain, Behavior and Immunity<br />

Brain Impairment<br />

Brain Injury (BIN)<br />

Brain Research<br />

Brain Research Bulletin<br />

Brain Research Protocols<br />

Brain Research Reviews<br />

Brain Topography<br />

Brauwelt<br />

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment<br />

Breast Care<br />

Breast Journal, The<br />

Breast, The<br />

Breviora (2004-)<br />

BrewingScience : Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft<br />

Briefings in Bioinformatics<br />

Briefings in Functional Genomics (formerly: Briefings in Functional Genomics & Proteomics)<br />

Brill's Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics<br />

Britannia<br />

British Accounting Review, The<br />

British Actuarial Journal<br />

British Educational Research Journal

British Homeopathic Journal<br />

British Journal for the History of Science, The<br />

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, The<br />

British Journal of Aesthetics, The<br />

British Journal of Anaesthesia (BJA)<br />

British Journal of Anaesthetic and Recovery Nursing<br />

British Journal of Animal Behaviour, The<br />

British Journal of Applied Physics<br />

British Journal of Audiology (formerly: So<strong>und</strong>)<br />

British Journal of Criminology, The<br />

British Journal of Dermatology - BJD (formerly British Journal of Dermatology and Syphilis)<br />

British Journal of Diseases of the Chest<br />

British Journal of Educational Technology<br />

British Journal of Management<br />

British Journal of Music Education<br />

British Journal of Neurosurgery<br />

British Journal of Nutrition<br />

British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery<br />

British Journal of Oral Surgery<br />

British Journal of Plastic Surgery<br />

British Journal of Political Science<br />

British Journal of Psychotherapy<br />

British Journal of Religious Education (BJRE) (formerly: Religion in Education; Learning for Living)<br />

British Journal of Social Work, The<br />

British Journal of Sociology of Education<br />

British Journal of Special Education<br />

British Journal of Surgery<br />

British Journal of Tuberculosis<br />

British Journal of Tuberculosis and Diseases of the Chest<br />

British Journal of Visual Impairment<br />

British Journalism Review<br />

British Medical Bulletin<br />

British Veterinary Journal<br />

Brittonia<br />

Brot <strong>und</strong> Backwaren<br />

Bryologist, The<br />

BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics (Formerly: British Society for the History of Ma<br />

BT Technology Journal<br />

Building and Environment<br />

Building Research and Information<br />

Building Science<br />

Building Services Engineering Research and Technology (CIBS Series / A)<br />

Bulletin Géodésique (1922 - 1941)<br />

Bulletin Géodésique (1946 - 1975)<br />

Bulletin International des Societes de la Croix-Rouge (formerly Bulletin International des Sociétés de Secours aux Militaires<br />

Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural History<br />

Bulletin of Economic Research<br />

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment<br />

Bulletin of Entomological Research<br />

Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology<br />

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine<br />

Bulletin of Materials Science<br />

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (formerly: The Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics)<br />

Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society<br />

Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History<br />

Bulletin of the Association of American Medical Colleges (via OVID)

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (1999 -)<br />

Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society<br />

Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington<br />

Bulletin of the British Mycological Society<br />

Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Science<br />

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan (BCSJ) (1926-)<br />

Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (via CAJ)<br />

Bulletin of the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam<br />

Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society<br />

Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology (2003-)<br />

Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History<br />

Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (formerly Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies)<br />

Bulletin of Volcanology<br />

Bulletin, Southern California Academy of Sciences (2005-)<br />

B<strong>und</strong>esanzeiger / Amtlicher Teil<br />

B<strong>und</strong>esgesetzblatt / Teil I (1949-)<br />

B<strong>und</strong>esgesetzblatt / Teil <strong>II</strong> (1951-)<br />

B<strong>und</strong>esges<strong>und</strong>heitsblatt - Ges<strong>und</strong>heitsforschung - Ges<strong>und</strong>heitsschutz (früher: B<strong>und</strong>esges<strong>und</strong>heitsblatt)<br />

B<strong>und</strong>essteuerblatt (BStBl) Teil I<br />

B<strong>und</strong>essteuerblatt (BStBl) Teil <strong>II</strong><br />

B<strong>und</strong>essteuerblatt (BStBl) Teil <strong>II</strong>I<br />

Burns<br />

Business and Society<br />

Business Communication Quarterly<br />

Business Ethics : A European Review<br />

Business History<br />

Business Horizons<br />

Business Information Review<br />

Business Law Review<br />

Business Process Management Journal<br />

Business Process Re-engineering and Management Journal<br />

Business Spotlight<br />

Business Strategy and the Environment<br />

Business Strategy Review<br />

BWNotZ : Zeitschrift für das Notariat in Baden-Württemberg (via Beck)<br />

Byzantinische Zeitschrift (incl. Supplementum bibliographicum)<br />

C't : Magazin für Computertechnik (ct)<br />

Cactus and Succulent Journal<br />

CADDM (via CAJ)<br />

Calcified Tissue International<br />

CALCOLO : A Quarterly on Numerical Analysis and Theory of Computation<br />

Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations<br />

Cambridge Archaeological Journal<br />

Cambridge Journal of Economics<br />

Cambridge Journal of Education<br />

Cambridge Law Journal, The<br />

Cambridge Opera Journal<br />

Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics<br />

Cambridge Quarterly, The<br />

Camden Fifth Series<br />

Camden Fourth Series<br />

Camden New Series<br />

Camden Old Series<br />

Camden Third Series<br />

Canadian-American Slavic Studies<br />

Canadian Entomologist, The

Canadian Journal of Political Science (CJPS) / Revue Canadienne de Science Politique (RCSP)<br />

Canadian Journal of School Psychology (CJSP)<br />

Canadian Journal on Aging / Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, La<br />

Cancer and Metastasis Reviews<br />

Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals (Formerly: Cancer Drug Delivery; Selective Cancer Therapeutics)<br />

Cancer Causes & Control<br />

Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology<br />

Cancer Clinical Trials (via OVID)<br />

Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics<br />

Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy<br />

Cancer Investigation<br />

Cancer Letters<br />

Cancer Nursing (via OVID)<br />

Cancer Treatment Reviews<br />

Capital & Class<br />

Carbohydrate Polymers<br />

Carbohydrate Research<br />

Carcinogenesis<br />

Cardiac Cath Lab Director (CCLD)<br />

Cardiology (früher: Cardiologia)<br />

Cardiology in Review (via OVID)<br />

Cardiology in the Young<br />

Cardiorenal Medicine<br />

Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology<br />

Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy<br />

Cardiovascular Engineering<br />

Cardiovascular Pathology<br />

Cardiovascular Research<br />

Cardiovascular Therapeutics (formerly: Cardiovascular Drug Reviews)<br />

Career Development for Exceptional Individuals<br />

Caries Research<br />

Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series On Public Policy<br />

Cartilage<br />

Castanea (1997 -)<br />

Catalysis Letters<br />

Catalysis Reviews : Science and Engineering<br />

Catalysis Surveys from Japan<br />

Catalysis Today<br />

CATENA<br />

Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis<br />

Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy<br />

Cell<br />

Cell and Tissue Banking<br />

Cell and Tissue Research (formerly: Zeitschrift für Zellen- <strong>und</strong> Gewebelehre / Zeitschrift für Zellforschung <strong>und</strong> mikroskopis<br />

Cell Biochemistry and Function<br />

Cell Biology and Toxicology<br />

Cell Biology International<br />

Cell Biology International Reports (1977-1992)<br />

Cell Calcium<br />

Cell Communication & Adhesion (formerly: Cell Adhesion & Communication)<br />

Cell Differentiation<br />

Cell Differentiation and Development<br />

Cell Research (via CAJ)<br />

Cell Stress & Chaperones (2000 - 2007)<br />

Cells Tissues Organs (formerly Acta Anatomica)<br />

Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences - CMLS (formerly: Experientia)

Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology<br />

Cellular Immunology<br />

Cellular & Molecular Immunology (via CAJ)<br />

Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry<br />

Cellular Reprogramming (Formerly: Cloning and Stem Cells; Cloning)<br />

Cellular Signalling<br />

Cellulose<br />

Centaurus<br />

Central European History<br />

Cephalalgia<br />

Cerebral Cortex<br />

Cerebrovascular Diseases<br />

Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education (Formerly: Changing English: an International Journal of English Teac<br />

Chaos<br />

Chaos, Solitons, & Fractals<br />

Chelonian Conservation and Biology<br />

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering<br />

Chemical Biology & Drug Design (Formerly: International Journal of Protein Research; International Journal of Peptide and<br />

Chemical Communications : ChemComm<br />

Chemical Communications (London)<br />

Chemical Engineering<br />

Chemical Engineering and Technology : CET<br />

Chemical Engineering Communications<br />

Chemical Engineering Journal<br />

Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal, The<br />

Chemical Geology<br />

Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience Section<br />

Chemical Health and Safety<br />

Chemical Physics<br />

Chemical Physics Letters<br />

Chemical Research in Toxicology<br />

Chemical Reviews<br />

Chemical Senses<br />

Chemical Society Reviews<br />

Chemical Vapor Deposition<br />

Chemico-Biological Interactions<br />

Chemie der Erde / Geochemistry<br />

Chemie in unserer Zeit<br />

Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik (CIT)<br />

ChemInform<br />

Chemistry - A European Journal<br />

Chemistry and Biology<br />

Chemistry and Ecology<br />

Chemistry and Physics of Lipids<br />

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils<br />

Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compo<strong>und</strong>s<br />

Chemistry of Materials<br />

Chemistry of Natural Compo<strong>und</strong>s<br />

Chemistry World<br />

Chemists' Section of the Cotton Oil Press, The<br />

Chemoecology<br />

Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems<br />

Chemosphere<br />

Chemosphere - Global Change Science<br />

Chemotherapy (formerly: Chemotherapia)<br />

Chicago Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, The (via OVID)

Child Abuse & Neglect<br />

Child Abuse Review<br />

Child and Adolescent Mental Health (Formerly Child Psychology and Psychiatry Review)<br />

Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal<br />

Child : Care, Health and Development<br />

Child Care in Practice<br />

Child & Family Social Work<br />

Child Language Teaching and Therapy<br />

Child Maltreatment<br />

Child Neuropsychology<br />

Child Psychiatry and Human Development<br />

Child's Nervous System<br />

Child & Youth Care Forum<br />

Childhood<br />

Childhood Obesity (Formerly: Obesity and Weight Management ; Obesity Management)<br />

Children and Youth Services Review<br />

Children's Literature in Education<br />

Children & Schools (formerly Social Work in Education)<br />

China City Planning Review (via CAJ)<br />

China Coal (via CAJ)<br />

China Communications<br />

China Economic Review<br />

China Economist (via CAJ)<br />

China Fo<strong>und</strong>ry (via CAJ)<br />

China Information: A Journal on Contemporary China Studies<br />

China International Studies (via CAJ)<br />

China Medical Abstracts (Internal Medicine) (via CAJ)<br />

China Medical Abstracts (Surgery) (via CAJ)<br />

China Nonferrous Metals Monthly (via CAJ)<br />

China Nonprofit Review, The<br />

China Ocean Engineering (via CAJ)<br />

China Oil & Gas (via CAJ)<br />

China Particuology (via CAJ)<br />

China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology (via CAJ)<br />

China Population Today (via CAJ)<br />

China Quarterly, The<br />

China Rare Earth Information (via CAJ)<br />

China Report<br />

China Standardization (via CAJ)<br />

China Textile (via CAJ)<br />

China & the World Cultural Exchange (via CAJ)<br />

China Tibetology (via CAJ)<br />

China Today (via CAJ)<br />

China Welding (via CAJ)<br />

China & World Economy (via CAJ)<br />

Chinas Foreign Trade (via CAJ)<br />

Chinas Refractories (via CAJ)<br />

Chinas Tibet (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences Annual Report (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Archaeology<br />

Chinese as a Second Language Research<br />

Chinese Astronomy<br />

Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics<br />

Chinese Birds (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Chemical Letters (via CAJ)

Chinese Forestry Science and Technology (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics<br />

Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Journal of Cancer Research (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics (2006 -)<br />

Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Journal of Geochemistry (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Journal of Lasers (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese journal of nuclear physics (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Journal of Reactive Polymers (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Journal of Sexually transmitted Infections (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Journal of Traumatology (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Medical Journal (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Medical Sciences Journal (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Physics B (Formerly: Chinese Physics; Acta Physica Sinica)<br />

Chinese Physics C<br />

Chinese Physics / C (via CAJ)<br />

Chinese Physics Letters<br />

Chinese Rice Research Newsletter (via CAJ)<br />

Chirality<br />

Chirurg, Der<br />

Chirurgie de la Main<br />

Christian Bioethics<br />

Chromatographia<br />

Chromatographic Reviews<br />

Chromosoma<br />

Chromosome Research<br />

Chronic Illness<br />

Chronic Respiratory Disease<br />

Chronobiology International<br />

Church History and Religious Culture<br />

Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture<br />

Cimento, Il: Giornale di Fisica, Chimica e Storia Naturale (Formerly: Miscellanee di Chimica, Fisica e Storia Naturale)<br />

CIN - Computers, Informatics, Nursing (via OVID)<br />

Circuit World<br />

Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing<br />

Circulation (via OVID)<br />

Circulation Research (via OVID)<br />

Cities: the International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning<br />

City : Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action<br />

Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (formerly: Civil Engineering Systems)<br />

CLAO Journal, The (via OVID)<br />

Classical and Quantum Gravity<br />

Classical Quarterly, The<br />

Classical Review, The<br />

Clean Products and Processes<br />

CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water (Formerly: Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica; Zeitschrift für Wasser- <strong>und</strong> Abwasser-Forschun<br />

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy<br />


Climate Dynamics<br />

Climatic Change<br />

Clin-Alert<br />

Clinica Chimica Acta<br />

Clinical Anatomy<br />

Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews<br />

Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis<br />

Clinical and Diagnostic Virology<br />

Clinical and Experimental Dermatology<br />

Clinical and Experimental Hypertension<br />

Clinical and Experimental Medicine<br />

Clinical and Experimental Metastasis<br />

Clinical and Experimental Nephrology<br />

Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology<br />

Clinical Autonomic Research<br />

Clinical Biochemistry<br />

Clinical Biomechanics<br />

Clinical Case Studies<br />

Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (früher: European Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry; Zeit<br />

Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review<br />

Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry<br />

Clinical Dysmorphology (via OVID)<br />

Clinical & Experimental Allergy (Formerly: Clinical Allergy)<br />

Clinical Imaging<br />

Clinical Immunology<br />

Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology<br />

Clinical Immunology Newsletter<br />

Clinical Infectious Diseases (CID) (Formerly: Reviews of Infectious Diseases)<br />

Clinical Intensive Care<br />

Clinical Journal of Pain, The (via OVID)<br />

Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine (via OVID)<br />

Clinical Kidney Journal (CKJ) (formerly NDT Plus)<br />

Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics<br />

Clinical Materials<br />

Clinical Microbiology Newsletter<br />

Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery<br />

Clinical Neuropharmacology (via OVID)<br />

Clinical Neurophysiology<br />

Clinical Neuropsychologist, The<br />

Clinical Neuroradiology (Formerly Klinische Neuroradiologie)<br />

Clinical Neuroscience Research<br />

Clinical Nuclear Medicine (via OVID)<br />

Clinical Nurse Specialist (via OVID)<br />

Clinical Nursing Research<br />

Clinical Nutrition<br />

Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology (via OVID)<br />

Clinical Oncology<br />

Clinical Oral Implants Research<br />

Clinical Oral Investigations<br />

Clinical Orthopaedics (via OVID)<br />

Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (CORR Online) (via OVID)<br />

Clinical Pediatrics<br />

Clinical Psychologist<br />

Clinical Psychology Review<br />

Clinical Psychology : Science and Practice<br />

Clinical Pulmonary Medicine (via OVID)

Clinical Radiology<br />

Clinical Rehabilitation<br />

Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs (formerly: Clinical Research Practices and Drug Regulatory Affairs)<br />

Clinical Rheumatology<br />

Clinical Social Work Journal<br />

Clinical Therapeutics<br />

Clinical Toxicology(formerly: Journal of Toxicology / Clinical Toxicology)<br />

Clinical Trials<br />

Clinics in Dermatology<br />

Clinics in Endocrinology and Metabolism<br />

Clothing and Textiles Research Journal<br />

Cluster Computing : The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications<br />

CNS Drug Reviews<br />

Coastal Engineering<br />

Cognition<br />

Cognition & Emotion<br />

Cognition, Technology & Work<br />

Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology (via OVID)<br />

Cognitive and Behavioral Practice<br />

Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, The<br />

Cognitive Brain Research<br />

Cognitive Development<br />

Cognitive Linguistics : An Interdisciplinary Journal of Cognitive Science<br />

Cognitive Neuropsychiatry<br />

Cognitive Neuropsychology<br />

Cognitive Psychology<br />

Cognitive Science<br />

Cognitive Systems Research<br />

Cognitive Therapy and Research<br />

Cold Regions Science and Technology<br />

Coleopterists Bulletin, The (aktuelle Jahrgänge)<br />

COLING: International Conference on Computational Linguistics<br />

Colloid and Polymer Science (Formerly: Zeitschrift für Chemie <strong>und</strong> Industrie der Kolloide ; Kolloid-Zeitschrift ; Kolloid-Zeitsc<br />

Coloproctology<br />

Columbia Journal of World Business, The<br />

Combinatorica<br />

Combinatorics, Probability and Computing<br />

Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves<br />

Combustion Science and Technology<br />

Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici<br />

Comments on Inorganic Chemistry<br />

Common Market Law Review<br />

Communication Disorders Quarterly<br />

Communication & Medicine (-2007)<br />

Communication Research<br />

Communication Theory<br />

Communications in Algebra<br />

Communications in Mathematical Physics<br />

Communications in Mathematical Research (via CAJ)<br />

Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation<br />

Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation (via CAJ)<br />

Communications in Partial Differential Equations<br />

Communications in Statistics<br />

Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation<br />

Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods<br />

Communications in Theoretical Physics

Communications of the ACM (CACM) / Association for Computer Machinery<br />

Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS)<br />

Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics (formerly Communications on Applied Mathematics )<br />

Communications Society<br />

Communications : The European Journal of Communication Research (COMM)<br />

Communist Affairs<br />

Communist and Post-Communist Studies<br />

Community College Journal of Research and Practice (früher: Research Quarterly / Community Junior College; Quarterly o<br />

Community College Review<br />

Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology<br />

Community Development Journal<br />

Community Mental Health Journal<br />

Comparative and General Pharmacology<br />

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology<br />

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology (1998-)<br />

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A: Physiology (-1997)<br />

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1995-)<br />

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B: Comparative Biochemistry (-1994)<br />

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part C: Comparative Pharmacology (-1993)<br />

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part C: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Endocrinology (1993-2000)<br />

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology (2001-)<br />

Comparative Clinical Pathology (formerly: Comparative Haematology International)<br />

Comparative Education<br />

Comparative Haematology International<br />

Comparative Immunology, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases<br />

Comparative Parasitology<br />

Comparative Political Studies<br />

Comparative Sociology<br />

Comparative Studies in Society and History<br />

Compare: A Journal of Comparative Education<br />

COMPEL: International Journal of Computations & Mathematics in Electrical & Electronic Engineering<br />

Compensation and Benefits Review<br />

Complementary Therapies in Medicine<br />

Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations (formerly: Complex Variables)<br />

ComPlexUs : Modelling and Understanding Functional Interactions in Life Sciences<br />

Composite Interfaces<br />

Compositio Mathematica (1997 -)<br />

Comprehensive Psychiatry<br />

Comptes Rendus Biologies<br />

Comptes Rendus Chimie<br />

Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. Series <strong>II</strong>B, Mechanics (2000-2001)<br />

Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. Series <strong>II</strong>B, Mechanics Physics Astronomy (1998-2000)<br />

Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. Series <strong>II</strong>B, Mechanics Physics Chemistry Astronomy (1997-1998)<br />

Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. Series <strong>II</strong>C, Chemistry<br />

Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. Series <strong>II</strong>I, Sciences de la Vie / Life Sciences<br />

Comptes Rendus Mecanique<br />

Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science<br />

Computational Complexity (CC)<br />

Computational Economics<br />

Computational Geometry<br />

Computational Geosciences<br />

Computational Intelligence<br />

Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory<br />

Computational Mathematics and Modeling<br />

Computational Mechanics<br />

Computational Optimization and Applications

Computational Science and Discovery<br />

Computational Statistics & Data Analysis<br />

Computer Aided Geometric Design<br />

Computer Aided Surgery (formerly: Journal of Image Guided Surgery)<br />

Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)<br />

Computer Fraud & Security<br />

Computer Fraud & Security Bulletin<br />

Computer Graphics and Image Processing<br />

Computer / IEEE<br />

Computer Journal, The<br />

Computer Law & Security Review (formerly: Computer Law & Security Report)<br />

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine<br />

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering<br />

Computer Physics Communications<br />

Computer Physics Reports<br />

Computer Programs in Biomedicine<br />

Computer Science Education<br />

Computer Science - Research and Development<br />

Computer Speech and Language<br />

Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)<br />

Computer <strong>und</strong> Arbeit (formerly Computer-Fachwissen)<br />

Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing<br />

Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics<br />

Computerized Radiology<br />

Computerized Tomography<br />

Computers and Biomedical Research<br />

Computers and Composition<br />

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (COMPAG-Online)<br />

Computers and the Humanities<br />

Computers & Chemistry<br />

Computers & Education<br />

Computers, Environment and Urban Systems<br />

Computers & Geosciences<br />

Computers in Biology and Medicine<br />

Computers in Entertainment (CIE)<br />

Computers in Human Behavior<br />

Computers in Nursing (via OVID)<br />

Computers & Industrial Engineering<br />

Computers & Mathematics with Applications<br />

Computers & Operations Research<br />

Computers & Security<br />

Computers & Urban Society<br />

Computing<br />

Computing and Visualization in Science<br />

Computing in Science and Engineering (CiSE)<br />

Computing Letters<br />

Computing Reviews<br />

Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, Part A : Bridging Education and Research<br />

Concurrent Engineering<br />

Condor, The : An International Journal of Avian Biology<br />

Conflict Management and Peace Science (Formerly: Journal of Peace Science)<br />

Connective Tissue Research<br />

Consciousness and Cognition<br />

Conservation Genetics<br />

Conservation & Recycling<br />

Constellations : an international journal of critical and democratic theory

Crime, Media, Culture<br />

Criminal Justice and Behavior<br />

Criminal Justice Policy Review<br />

Criminal Justice Review<br />

Criminal Law Forum<br />

Criminology<br />

Criminology and Criminal Justice (Formerly: Criminal Justice)<br />

Critical Care Medicine (via OVID)<br />

Critical Care Nursing Quarterly (CCNQ) (via OVID)<br />

Critical Care Quarterly (CCQ) (via OVID)<br />

Critical Criminology (Formerly: Journal of Human Justice)<br />

Critical Perspectives on Accounting<br />

Critical Public Health<br />

Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry<br />

Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (formerly: Critical Reviews in Biochemistry)<br />

Critical Reviews in Biotechnology (formerly: CRC Critical Reviews in Biotechnology)<br />

Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences<br />

Critical Reviews in Microbiology (formerly: CRC Critical Reviews in Microbiology)<br />

Critical Reviews in Neurosurgery<br />

Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology<br />

Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences<br />

Critical Reviews in Toxicology (formerly: CRC Critical Reviews in Toxicology)<br />

Critical Social Policy<br />

Critical Sociology (formerly: Insurgent Sociologist, The)<br />

Critique of Anthropology<br />

Crop Protection<br />

Cross-Cultural Research<br />

Crustaceana<br />

Cryobiology<br />

Cryogenics<br />

Cryptologia<br />

Crystal Engineering<br />

Crystal Research and Technology (formerly: Kristall <strong>und</strong> Technik)<br />

Crystallography Reviews<br />

CrystEngComm<br />

Cultural Dynamics<br />

Cultural Geographies (Formerly: Ecumene)<br />

Cultural Sociology<br />

Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies<br />

Culture and Organization (Formerly: Studies in Cultures, Organizations and Societies)<br />

Culture and Psychology<br />

Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry<br />

Current Anaesthesia and Critical Care<br />

Current Applied Physics (CAP) : Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science<br />

Current Biology<br />

Current Diagnostic Pathology<br />

Current Directions in Psychological Science<br />

Current Eye Research<br />

Current Genetics<br />

Current Herpetology<br />

Current Medical Research and Opinion<br />

Current Microbiology<br />

Current Obstetrics and Gynaecology<br />

Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Biotechnology<br />

Current Opinion in Cardiology (via OVID)

Current Opinion in Cell Biology<br />

Current Opinion in Chemical Biology<br />

Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science<br />

Current Opinion in Critical Care (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Endocrinology and Diabetes (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Gastroenterology (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Genetics & Development<br />

Current Opinion in Hematology (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Immunology<br />

Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Lipidology (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Microbiology<br />

Current Opinion in Nephrology & Hypertension (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Neurobiology<br />

Current Opinion in Neurology (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Neurology and Neurosurgery (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Obstetrics & Gynecology (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Oncology (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Ophthalmology (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Orthopaedics (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Pediatrics (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Plant Biology<br />

Current Opinion in Psychiatry (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Rheumatology (via OVID)<br />

Current Opinion in Structural Biology<br />

Current Opinion in Urology (via OVID)<br />

Current Orthopaedics<br />

Current Paediatrics<br />

Current Problems in Cancer<br />

Current Problems in Cardiology<br />

Current Problems in Dermatology<br />

Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology<br />

Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care<br />

Current Problems in Pediatrics<br />

Current Problems in Surgery<br />

Current Psychology (Formerly Current Psychological Research and Reviews; Current Psychological Research)<br />

Current Researches in Anesthesia and Analgesia (via OVID)<br />

Current Sociology<br />

Current Therapeutic Research<br />

Current Urology<br />

Currents in Biblical Research<br />

Curriculum Journal, The<br />

Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology (formerly: Journal of Toxicology)<br />

CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing (1991 - 1994)<br />

Cybernetics and Systems Analysis<br />

Cybernetics and Systems (CBS) (formerly: Journal of Cybernetics)<br />

CyberPsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (Formerly: CyberPsychology and Behavior)<br />

Cytogenetic and Genome Research<br />

Cytokine<br />

Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews<br />

Cytokines, Cellular & Molecular Therapy<br />

Cytometry. Part A (formerly: Cytometry)

Cytometry. Part B: Clinical Cytometry (formerly: Communications in Clinical Cytometry; Cytometry)<br />

Cytopathology<br />

Cytoskeleton (formerly: Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton ; Cell Motility)<br />

Cytotechnology<br />

Cytotherapy<br />

Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (Formerly: Cechoslovackij fiziceskij zurnal)<br />

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal (1997-)<br />

Dalton<br />

Dalton Transactions (1972 - 1999)<br />

Dalton Transactions (2003 -)<br />

Data-Base for Advances in Information Systems / ACM SIGMIS Database (Formerly: Data Base, a quarterly newsletter of<br />

Data & Knowledge Engineering<br />

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery<br />

Datenschutz Praxis<br />

de - Das Elektrohandwerk (Formerly de - Der Elektro- <strong>und</strong> Gebäudetechniker)<br />

Dead Sea Discoveries<br />

Death Studies (DST)<br />

Decision Sciences<br />

Decision Support Systems<br />

Decisions in Economics and Finance (Formerly: Rivista di Matematica per le Scienze Economiche e Sociali)<br />

Decubitus (via OVID)<br />

Deep Sea Research (-1961)<br />

Deep Sea Research (1977-1978)<br />

Deep Sea Research and Oceanographic Abstracts<br />

Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers<br />

Deep Sea Research Part B. Oceanographic Literature Review<br />

Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers<br />

Deep Sea Research Part <strong>II</strong>: Topical Studies in Oceanography<br />

Defect and Diffusion Forum (DDF) (Formerly: Diffusion Data ; Diffusion and Defect Data)<br />

DEGA / GaLaBau<br />

DEGA / Produktion & Handel<br />

Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders<br />

Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice<br />

Dendrochronologia<br />

Dental Materials<br />

Dental Traumatology (formerly: Endodontics & Dental Traumatology)<br />

Dermatology and Psychosomatics / Dermatologie <strong>und</strong> Psychosomatik<br />

Dermatology (formerly: Dermatologica; Dermatologische Zeitschrift)<br />

Design Automation for Embedded Systems<br />

Designed Monomers and Polymers<br />

Designs, Codes and Cryptography<br />

Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Yearbook (DCLY)<br />

Deutsch-Deutsche Rechtszeitschrift (DtZ) (via Beck)<br />

Deutsche Apothekerzeitung online (DAZ)<br />

Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift - DMW<br />

Deutsche Notar-Zeitschrift (DNotZ) (via Beck)<br />

Deutsche Weinbau, Der<br />

Deutsche Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- <strong>und</strong> Insolvenzrecht (DZWir) (früher: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht)<br />

Deutscher Drucker<br />

Deutsches Steuerrecht (DStR) (via Beck)<br />

Deutsches Steuerrecht (DStR) / Beihefter (via Beck)<br />

Deutsches Steuerrecht / DStR-Entscheidungsdienst (DStRE) (via Beck)<br />

Deutsches Steuerrecht / DStR-Kammer-Report (DStR-KR) (via Beck)<br />

Deutsches <strong>und</strong> Europäisches Familienrecht<br />

Development and Psychopathology<br />

Development Genes and Evolution

Developmental Biology<br />

Developmental Brain Research<br />

Developmental & Comparative Immunology<br />

Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews (formerly Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Revi<br />

Developmental Dynamics (formerly: American Journal of Anatomy)<br />

Developmental Neurobiology (formerly: Journal of Neurobiology)<br />

Developmental Neurorehabilitation (formerly: Pediatric Rehabilitation)<br />

Developmental Neuroscience<br />

Developmental Psychobiology<br />

Developmental Review<br />

DGG-Journal<br />

Diabetes Educator, The<br />

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice<br />

Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics<br />

Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research<br />

Diabetologia<br />

Diagnostic Cytopathology<br />

Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease<br />

Diagnostic Molecular Pathology (via OVID)<br />

Dialectica<br />

Dialectical Anthropology<br />

Dialectologia et Geolinguistica<br />

Dialogue : Canadian Philosophical Review / Revue Canadienne de Philosophie<br />

Dialogues in Human Geography<br />

Diamond and Related Materials<br />

Differential Geometry and its Applications<br />

Differentiation<br />

Digestion (früher: Archiv für Verdauungskrankheiten mit Einschluss der Stoffwechselpathologie <strong>und</strong> der Diätetik; Archiv für<br />

Digestive Diseases and Sciences<br />

Digestive Diseases (früher: Survey of Digestive Diseases)<br />

Digestive Surgery<br />

Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing (DCCN) (via OVID)<br />

Diogenes<br />

Diplomatic History<br />

Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology<br />

Disability and Rehabilitation (formerly International Disability Studies; International Rehabilitation Medicine)<br />

Disability and Society<br />

Discourse and Communication<br />

Discourse and Society<br />

Discourse Studies<br />

Discourse : Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education<br />

Discrete and Computational Geometry<br />

Discrete Applied Mathematics (DAM)<br />

Discrete Event Dynamic Systems<br />

Discrete Mathematics<br />

Discrete Mathematics and Applications<br />

Discussions of the Faraday Society<br />

Disease-a-Month<br />

Diseases of the Colon & Rectum<br />

Displays<br />

Distance Education<br />

Distributed and Parallel Databases<br />

Distributed Computing<br />

DLZ-Agrarmagazin<br />

DNA and Cell Biology (Formerly: DNA)<br />

DNA Repair

DNA Research<br />

DNotI-Report - Informationsdienst des Deutschen Notarinstituts (via Beck)<br />

Documenta Ophthalmologica<br />

Domestic Animal Endocrinology<br />

Dotnetpro<br />

Draht<br />

Drug and Alcohol Dependence<br />

Drug and Alcohol Review (formerly: Australian Drug and Alcohol Review)<br />

Drug and Chemical Toxicology<br />

Drug Delivery<br />

Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy (formerly: Drug Development Communications)<br />

Drug Development Research<br />

Drug Discovery Today<br />

Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies<br />

Drug Metabolism and Drug Interactions (formerly: Reviews on Drug Metabolism and Drug Interactions)<br />

Drug Metabolism Reviews<br />

Drug Resistance Updates<br />

Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy<br />

Drying Technology<br />

Dynamical Systems (formerly: Dynamics and Stability of Systems)<br />

Dynamics and Control<br />

Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans<br />

Dysphagia<br />

e-biomed: The Journal of Regenerative Medicine<br />

Early Child Development and Care<br />

Early Childhood Education Journal<br />

Early Childhood Research Quarterly<br />

Early Human Development<br />

Early Medieval Europe<br />

Early Music<br />

Early Music History<br />

Early Science and Medicine<br />

Early Years : Journal of International Research and Development<br />

Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh<br />

Earth and Planetary Science Letters<br />

Earth, Moon, and Planets (Formerly: The Moon; The Moon and the Planets)<br />

Earth-Science Reviews<br />

Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (formerly: Earth Surface Processes)<br />

Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration (via CAJ)<br />

Earthquake Research in China (via CAJ)<br />

East Central Europe<br />

East European Politics and Societies<br />

Eating Behaviors<br />

Eating Disorders<br />

EC Tax Review<br />

Ecclesiastical Law Journal<br />

Ecclesiology<br />

Ecological Economics<br />

Ecological Economy (via CAJ)<br />

Ecological Engineering<br />

Ecological Indicators<br />

Ecological Modelling<br />

Ecological Research<br />

Ecology of Freshwater Fish<br />

Econometric Reviews<br />

Econometric Theory

Economic Affairs<br />

Economic and Industrial Democracy<br />

Economic Botany<br />

Economic Bulletin<br />

Economic Development Quarterly<br />

Economic Modelling<br />

Economic Quality Control<br />

Economic Systems<br />

Economic Systems Research<br />

Economic Theory<br />

Economics and Philosophy<br />

Economics and Politics<br />

Economics Letters<br />

Economics of Education Review<br />

Economics of Governance<br />

Economics of Innovation and New Technology<br />

Economics of Planning<br />

Economist, De<br />

Écoscience<br />

Ecosystems<br />

Ecotoxicology<br />

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety<br />

Écoute<br />

ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS)<br />

Edinburgh Journal of Botany<br />

Editio : Internationales Jahrbuch für Editionswissenschaft<br />

Education and Information Technologies<br />

Education and the Law<br />

Education and Urban Society<br />

Education, Citizenship and Social Justice<br />

Education Economics<br />

Education in Chemistry<br />

Educational Action Research<br />

Educational Administration Quarterly<br />

Educational and Psychological Measurement<br />

Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis<br />

Educational Gerontology<br />

Educational Management Administration and Leadership (Formerly: Educational Management & Administration )<br />

Educational Media International (früher: Audio-Visual Media)<br />

Educational Policy<br />

Educational Psychology<br />

Educational Psychology in Practice<br />

Educational Psychology Review<br />

Educational Research<br />

Educational Research and Evaluation<br />

Educational Researcher<br />

Educational Review<br />

Educational Studies<br />

Educational Studies in Mathematics<br />

Educational Technology Research and Development (formerly: Audiovisual communication review; AV communication rev<br />

Educational Theory<br />

Eisenbahningenieur, Der : EI (älter als 3 Monate)<br />

Eisenbahntechnische R<strong>und</strong>schau : ETR (älter als 3 Monate)<br />

Election Law Journal<br />

Electoral Studies<br />

Electric Power Components and Systems (formerly: Electric Machines and Power Systems; Electric Machines and Electro

Electrical Engineering (Formerly: Archiv für Elektrotechnik)<br />

Electricity (via CAJ)<br />

Electricity Journal, The<br />

Electroanalysis<br />

Electrochemistry Communications<br />

Electrochimica Acta<br />

Electrodeposition and Surface Treatment<br />

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology<br />

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology / Electromyography and Motor Control<br />

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology / Evoked Potentials Section<br />

Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine(1992-2001: Electro- and Magnetobiology)(1982-1991: Journal of Bioelectr<br />

Electromagnetics<br />

Electron Microscopy Reviews<br />

Electronic Commerce Research<br />

Electronic Markets (- 2008)<br />

Electronic News<br />

Electronics and Communications in Japan<br />

Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part I: Communications)<br />

Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part <strong>II</strong>: Electronics)<br />

Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part <strong>II</strong>I: F<strong>und</strong>amental Electronic Science)<br />

Electrophoresis<br />

Elektronik Informationen<br />

Elektronik-Praxis<br />

Elektrotechnik <strong>und</strong> Informationstechnik (e & i)<br />

Elemente der Mathematik (1997 -)<br />

ELT Journal<br />

ELV Journal<br />

Emergency Radiology<br />

Emerging Markets Review<br />

Emotion Review<br />

Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties<br />

Empirica<br />

Empirical Economics<br />

Empirical Software Engineering<br />

Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal<br />

Endeavour<br />

Endocrine Research (formerly: Endocrine Research Communications)<br />

Endocrinologist, The (via OVID)<br />

Endoscopy<br />

Endothelium : Journal of Endothelial Cell Research<br />

Energy<br />

Energy and Environmental Science<br />

Energy Economics<br />

Energy & Fuels<br />

Energy in Agriculture<br />

Energy Policy<br />

Energy Sources<br />

Engineering and Process Economics<br />

Engineering Computations: International Journal for Computer-aided Engineering and Software<br />

Engineering Costs and Production Economics<br />

Engineering Geology<br />

Engineering Management International<br />

Engineering Optimization<br />

Engineering Sciences (via CAJ)<br />

Engineering with Computers<br />


English and American Studies in German<br />

English for Specific Purposes<br />

English Historical Review, The<br />

English Journal for Middle School Students (via CAJ)<br />

English Language and Linguistics<br />

English Today<br />

Enterprise and Society: The International Journal of Business History<br />

Entomologia Sinica (via CAJ)<br />

Entomologica Americana (formerly: Journal of the New York Entomological Society)<br />

Entomological News (2006 -)<br />

Entrepreneurship and Regional Development<br />

Entscheidungen der Beschwerdekammern des Europäischen Patentamts<br />

Entscheidungen des Bayerischen Obersten Landesgerichts in Strafsachen (BayObLGSt) (via Beck)<br />

Entscheidungen des Bayerischen Obersten Landesgerichts in Zivilsachen (BayObLGZ) (via Beck)<br />

Entscheidungsammlung der Oberlandesgerichte in Zivilsachen - OLGZ (via Beck)<br />

Entscheidungssammlung zum Zuwanderungs-, Asyl- <strong>und</strong> Freizügigkeitsrecht (EZAR NF) (via Beck)<br />

Environment and Behavior<br />

Environment and Development Economics<br />

Environment and Urbanization<br />

Environment, Development and Sustainability<br />

Environment International<br />

Environment Systems and Decisions (Formerly: Environmentalist, The)<br />

Environmental and Ecological Statistics<br />

Environmental and Experimental Botany<br />

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis (formerly: Environmental Mutagenesis)<br />

Environmental and Resource Economics<br />

Environmental Biology of Fishes<br />

Environmental Conservation<br />

Environmental Education Research<br />

Environmental Engineering and Policy<br />

Environmental Engineering Science (Formerly: Hazardous Waste; Formerly: Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials)<br />

Environmental Entomology<br />

Environmental Fluid Mechanics<br />

Environmental Geochemistry and Health<br />

Environmental Geology<br />

Environmental History<br />

Environmental Impact Assessment Review<br />

Environmental Management<br />

Environmental Modeling and Assessment<br />

Environmental Modelling and Software<br />

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment<br />

Environmental Policy and Governance (Formerly: European Environment)<br />

Environmental Policy and Law (-1985)<br />

Environmental Pollution (1970-1979)<br />

Environmental Pollution (1987-)<br />

Environmental Pollution Series A: Ecological and Biological<br />

Environmental Pollution Series B: Chemical and Physical<br />

Environmental Practice<br />

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (formerly: Environmental Progress)<br />

Environmental Quality Management (formerly: Total Quality Environmental Management)<br />

Environmental Research<br />

Environmental Research Letters (ERL)<br />

Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts<br />

Environmental Science & Technology<br />

Environmental Software<br />

Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology

Environmental Toxicology (formerly Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality; Toxicity Assessment)<br />

Environmetrics<br />

Enzyme and Microbial Technology<br />

EP Europace<br />

EPE Journal : European Power Electronic and Drives Journal<br />

Epidemiologic Reviews<br />

Epidemiology (via OVID)<br />

Epidemiology and Infection (formerly: The Journal of Hygiene)<br />

Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences (formerly: Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale)<br />

Epilepsy and Behavior<br />

Epilepsy Research<br />

EPL (Europhysics Letters)<br />

Equity & Excellence in Education (früher: Equity & Excellence)<br />

Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook<br />

Erdöl - Erdgas - Kohle<br />

Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems<br />

Ergonomics (ERG)<br />

Ergonomics in Design<br />

Erkenntnis (Formerly: Journal of Unified Science)<br />

ESHRE Monographs<br />

ESP Journal, The<br />

Essays in Criticism<br />

Estuaries and Coasts (formerly: Estuaries)<br />

Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science<br />

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science<br />

ET Journal (via OVID)<br />

Ethical Theory and Moral Practice<br />

Ethics and Information Technology<br />

Ethik in der Medizin<br />

Ethnicities<br />

Ethnography<br />

Ethology and Sociobiology<br />

Etruscan Studies<br />

Euphytica<br />

Eurocosmetics<br />

Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (EuZW) (via Beck)<br />

Europarecht (EuR) (via Beck)<br />

Europarecht (EuR-Beih) / Beiheft (via Beck)<br />

European Accounting Review, The<br />

European Addiction Research<br />

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head & Neck<br />

European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience (formerly: Archiv für Psychiatrie <strong>und</strong> Nervenkrankheiten)<br />

European Astronomical Society Publications Series (EAS)<br />

European Biophysics Journal (formerly: Biophysics of Structure and Mechanism)<br />

European Business Law Review<br />

European Business Organization Law Review (EBOR)<br />

European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry<br />

European Company and Financial Law Review<br />

European Company Law<br />

European Early Childhood Education Research Journal<br />

European Eating Disorders Review<br />

European Economic Review<br />

European Energy and Environmental Law Review (formerly: European Environmental Law Review)<br />

European Financial Management<br />

European Food Research and Technology<br />

European Foreign Affairs Review

European Heart Journal<br />

European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging (formerly: European Journal of Echocardiography)<br />

European Heart Journal Supplements<br />

European History Quarterly<br />

European Journal of Agronomy<br />

European Journal of Applied Mathematics<br />

European Journal of Applied Physiology<br />

European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology / Internationale Zeitschrift für Angewandte Physiolog<br />

European Journal of Archaeology<br />

European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology<br />

European Journal of Cancer (EJC) (-1981)<br />

European Journal of Cancer (EJC) (1992-)<br />

European Journal of Cancer. Part B: Oral Oncology<br />

European Journal of Cancer Prevention (via OVID)<br />

European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery<br />

European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation (via OVID)<br />

European Journal of Cell Biology (EJCB)<br />

European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases<br />

European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology<br />

European Journal of Combinatorics<br />

European Journal of Communication<br />

European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, The<br />

European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice<br />

European Journal of Criminology<br />

European Journal of Cultural Studies<br />

European Journal of East Asian Studies<br />

European Journal of Emergency Medicine (via OVID)<br />

European Journal of Engineering Education<br />

European Journal of Epidemiology<br />

European Journal of Finance, The<br />

European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology (via OVID)<br />

European Journal of General Practice<br />

European Journal of Glass Science and Technology / A, Glass Technology (formerly: Glass Technology)<br />

European Journal of Glass Science and Technology / B, Physics and Chemistry of Glasses (formerly: Physics and Chemis<br />

European Journal of Health Economics, The<br />

European Journal of Health Law<br />

European Journal of Heart Failure<br />

European Journal of Heart Failure Supplements<br />

European Journal of Immunology<br />

European Journal of Industrial Relations<br />

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (formerly Chemische Berichte, Recueil; Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Ge<br />

European Journal of International Law (EJIL)<br />

European Journal of International Relations<br />

European Journal of Jewish Studies<br />

European Journal of Law and Economics<br />

European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology (Formerly: Chemische Revue über die Fett- <strong>und</strong> Harz-Industrie ; Chem<br />

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry<br />

European Journal of Migration and Law<br />

European Journal of Neuroscience (EJN)<br />

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (früher: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine)<br />

European Journal of Nutrition<br />

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology<br />

European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR)<br />

European Journal of Organic Chemistry (formerly Liebigs Annalen, Recueil; Annalen der Pharmacie; Annalen der Chemie<br />

European Journal of Orthodontics<br />

European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery (Formerly: Zeitschrift für Kinderchirurgie)<br />

European Journal of Pediatrics (früher: Zeitschrift für Kinderheilk<strong>und</strong>e)<br />

European Journal of Personality<br />

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences<br />

European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics<br />

European Journal of Pharmacology<br />

European Journal of Pharmacology : Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology<br />

European Journal of Pharmacology : Molecular Pharmacology<br />

European Journal of Physics<br />

European Journal of Physiotherapy (formerly: Advances in Physiotherapy)<br />

European Journal of Plant Pathology (formerly: Tijdschrift over Plantenziekten; Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology)<br />

European Journal of Plastic Surgery (formerly: Chirurgia Plastica; Chirurgia plastica et reconstructiva)<br />

European Journal of Political Economy (formerly Europäische Zeitschrift für Politische Ökonomie)<br />

European Journal of Political Research<br />

European Journal of Political Research. Political Data Yearbook<br />

European Journal of Political Theory<br />

European Journal of Population = Revue Européenne de Démographie<br />

European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (Formerly: European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation)<br />

European Journal of Protistology<br />

European Journal of Public Health<br />

European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management<br />

European Journal of Radiology<br />

European Journal of Scandinavian Studies (EJSS)<br />

European Journal of Social Psychology<br />

European Journal of Social Theory<br />

European Journal of Sociology / Archives Européennes de Sociologie / Europäisches Archiv für Soziologie<br />

European Journal of Soil Biology<br />

European Journal of Soil Science (formerly: Journal of Soil Science)<br />

European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry<br />

European Journal of Special Needs Education<br />

European Journal of Teacher Education<br />

European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, The<br />

European Journal of Trauma (Formerly: Unfallchirurgie)<br />

European Journal of Ultraso<strong>und</strong><br />

European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery<br />

European Journal of Vascular Surgery<br />

European Journal of Women's Studies, The<br />

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products (Formerly: Holz als Roh- <strong>und</strong> Werkstoff)<br />

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology<br />

European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research<br />

European Management Journal<br />

European Neurology<br />

European Neuropsychopharmacology<br />

European Physical Education Review<br />

European Physical Journal A : Hadrons and Nuclei (EPJ A)<br />

European Physical Journal - Applied Physics (EPJ AP)<br />

European Physical Journal B : Condensed Matter and Complex Systems (EPJ B)<br />

European Physical Journal C : Particles and Fields (EPJ C)<br />

European Physical Journal D: Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics (EPJ D) (Formerly: European Physical Journ<br />

European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter and Biological Physics (EPJ E)<br />

European Planning Studies<br />

European Property Law Journal<br />

European Public Law<br />

European Radiology<br />

European Review<br />

European Review of Agricultural Economics

European Review of Contract Law<br />

European Review of Economic History<br />

European Review of Private Law / Revue Européenne de Droit Privé / Europäische Zeitschrift für Privatrecht<br />

European Sociological Review<br />

European Spine Journal<br />

European Surgery (Formerly: Acta Chirurgica Austriaca)<br />

European Surgical Research<br />

European Thyroid Journal<br />

European Tort Law Yearbook<br />

European Union Politics (EUP)<br />

European Urban and Regional Studies<br />

European Urology (1998-2001)<br />

Evaluation<br />

Evaluation and Program Planning<br />

Evaluation and the Health Professions<br />

Evaluation in Education<br />

Evaluation in Education. International Progress<br />

Evaluation Practice<br />

Evaluation Review<br />

Evansia<br />

Evidence-Based Eye Care (via OVID)<br />

Evidence-based Oncology<br />

Evolution and Human Behavior<br />

Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution (2000 - 2009)<br />

Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News and Reviews<br />

Evolutionary Ecology<br />

Exchange<br />

Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews (via OVID)<br />

Exergy: An International Journal<br />

Exogenous Dermatology<br />

Experimental Aging Research<br />

Experimental Agriculture<br />

Experimental and Applied Acarology<br />

Experimental and Clinical Immunogenetics<br />

Experimental and Molecular Pathology<br />

Experimental Astronomy<br />

Experimental Brain Research<br />

Experimental Cell Research<br />

Experimental Dermatology<br />

Experimental Economics<br />

Experimental Eye Research<br />

Experimental Gerontology<br />

Experimental Heat Transfer<br />

Experimental Hematology<br />

Experimental Lung Research<br />

Experimental Mechanics<br />

Experimental Mycology<br />

Experimental Neurology<br />

Experimental Parasitology<br />

Experiments in Fluids<br />

Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy<br />

Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery<br />

Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery<br />

Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology<br />

Expert Opinion on Drug Safety<br />

Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs (Formerly Emerging Drugs)

Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs<br />

Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnostics<br />

Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy<br />

Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents (formerly: Current Opinion in Therapeutic Patents)<br />

Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets (formerly: Emerging Therapeutic Targets)<br />

Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine<br />

Expert Systems : The International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Neural Networks<br />

Expert Systems with Applications<br />

Explorations in Economic History<br />

Expository Times, The<br />

Extremes<br />

Extremophiles<br />

Eye and Contact Lens: Science and Clinical Practice (via OVID)<br />

Eye Science (via CAJ)<br />

Fabula<br />

Facies<br />

Familial Cancer<br />

Familie, Partnerschaft, Recht (FPR) (via Beck)<br />

Familienrecht <strong>und</strong> Familienverfahrensrecht (FamFR) (via Beck)<br />

Family Business Review<br />

Family & Community Health (via OVID)<br />

Family Journal, The<br />

Family Practice<br />

Family Process<br />

Faraday Discussions<br />

Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society<br />

Faraday Special Discussions of the Chemical Society<br />

Faraday, Symposia of the Chemical Society<br />

Farbe <strong>und</strong> Lack<br />

Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures<br />

Federal Facilities Environmental Journal<br />

Feminism and Psychology<br />

Feminist Criminology<br />

Feminist Economics<br />

Feminist Legal Studies<br />

Feminist Theology<br />

Feminist Theory<br />

FEMS Microbiology Ecology<br />

FEMS Microbiology Letters<br />

FEMS Microbiology Reviews<br />

Ferroelectrics<br />

Ferroelectrics Letters Section<br />

Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review<br />

Fetal and Pediatric Pathology (formerly Pediatric Pathology & Laboratory / Molecular Medicine)<br />

Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy (formerly Fetal Therapy)<br />

Few-Body Systems<br />

Fiber and Integrated Optics<br />

Fibre Chemistry<br />

Fibrinolysis<br />

Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis<br />

Field Crops Research<br />

Field Methods (formerly: Cultural Anthropology Methods Newsletter - CAM Newsletter)<br />

Fieldiana Anthropology<br />

Fieldiana Botany<br />

Fieldiana Geology<br />

Fieldiana Life and Earth Sciences

Fieldiana Zoology<br />

Finance and Stochastics<br />

Financial Accountability and Management<br />

Financial History Review<br />

Financial Services Review (-2001)<br />

Finite Fields and their Applications<br />

Fire and Materials<br />

Fire Technology<br />

First Language<br />

Fiscal Studies<br />

Fish and Shellfish Immunology<br />

Fish Physiology and Biochemistry<br />

Fisheries Research<br />

Flavour and Fragrance Journal<br />

Fleischwirtschaft (via wiso)<br />

Flora : Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants<br />

Flow, Turbulence and Combustion<br />

Flüssiges Obst<br />

Fluid Dynamics<br />

Fluid Dynamics Research<br />

Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities (formerly: Focus on Autistic Behavior)<br />

Focus on Polyvinyl Chloride<br />

Focus on Powder Coatings<br />

Folia Geobotanica<br />

Folia Linguistica<br />

Folia Linguistica Historica<br />

Folia Microbiologica<br />

Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica (formerly Folia Phoniatrica)<br />

Folia Primatologica<br />

Food and Chemical Toxicology<br />

Food and Cosmetics Toxicology<br />

Food Chemistry<br />

Food Control<br />

Food Hydrocolloids<br />

Food Microbiology<br />

Food Policy<br />

Food Quality and Preference<br />

Food Research International<br />

Food Science and Technology International / Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos Internacional<br />

Foodborne Pathogens and Disease<br />

Foot and Ankle Specialist<br />

Foot and Ankle Surgery<br />

Foot, The<br />

Foreign Policy Bulletin<br />

Forensic Science<br />

Forensic Science International<br />

Forest Ecology and Management<br />

Forest Pathology (formerly: European Journal of Forest Pathology)<br />

Forest Policy and Economics<br />

Forest science and practice (formerly: Forestry studies in China ; formerly: Journal of Beijing Forestry University [via CAJ])<br />

Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research<br />

Forestry and Society Newsletter (via CAJ)<br />

Formal Aspects of Computing<br />

Formal Methods in System Design<br />

Forschende Komplementärmedizin = Research in Complementary Medicine (formerly: Forschende Komplementärmedizin<br />

Forschung im Ingenieurwesen (formerly: Technische Mechanik <strong>und</strong> Thermodynamik; Forschung auf dem Gebiete des Ing

Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt<br />

Fortschritte der Neurologie - Psychiatrie FDN (früher: Fortschritte der Neurologie, Psychiatrie <strong>und</strong> ihrer Grenzgebiete)<br />

Fortschritte der Physik - Progress of Physics<br />

Forum der Psychoanalyse<br />

Forum for Modern Language Studies<br />

Forum Mathematicum<br />

Fo<strong>und</strong>ations of Chemistry<br />

Fo<strong>und</strong>ations of Computational Mathematics<br />

Fo<strong>und</strong>ations of Physics<br />

Fo<strong>und</strong>ations of Physics Letters<br />

Fo<strong>und</strong>ations of Science<br />

Frauenheilk<strong>und</strong>e Aktuell (2000-2002)<br />

Free Radical Biology and Medicine<br />

Free Radical Research(formerly: Free Radical Research Communications)<br />

French Cultural Studies<br />

French History<br />

French Studies<br />

French Studies Bulletin<br />

Frequenz : Journal of RF/Microwave Engineering, Photonics and Communications<br />

Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry<br />

Freshwater Biology<br />

Freshwater Reviews<br />

Freshwater Science (formerly: Journal of the North American Benthological Society)<br />

Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology<br />

Frühmittelalterliche Studien<br />

Fruits (2001-)<br />

Fuel and Energy Abstracts<br />

Fuel Cells Bulletin<br />

Fuel Cells : From F<strong>und</strong>amentals to Systems<br />

Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures (Formerly: Fullerene Science and Technology)<br />

Functional Analysis and its Applications<br />

Functional & Integrative Genomics<br />

F<strong>und</strong>amental and Applied Toxicology<br />

Fungal Genetics and Biology<br />

Fusion Engineering and Design<br />

Futures<br />

Fuzzy Sets and Systems<br />

Gait & Posture<br />

GAK Gummi Fasern Kunststoffe<br />

Games and Culture<br />

Games and Economic Behavior<br />

Gaming Law Review and Economics (Formerly: Gaming Law Review)<br />

Gastric Cancer<br />

Gastroenterology Nursing (via OVID)<br />

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy<br />

Geburtshilfe <strong>und</strong> Frauenheilk<strong>und</strong>e<br />

Gefäßchirurgie<br />

Gemeinsames Ministerialblatt (GMBL) (2000-)<br />

Gender and Education<br />

Gender and Society<br />

Gender & History<br />

Gender, Place and Culture : A Journal of Feminist Geography<br />

Gender, Technology and Development<br />

Gene<br />

Gene Analysis Techniques<br />

Gene Expression Patterns

General and Comparative Endocrinology<br />

General Hospital Psychiatry<br />

General Music Today<br />

General Pharmacology<br />

General Relativity and Gravitation: GRG Journal<br />

General Topology and its Applications: A Journal devoted to Set-Theoretic, Axiomatic and Geometric Topology<br />

Genes & Cancer<br />

Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer<br />

Genesis : The Journal of Genetics and Development (formerly Developmental Genetics)<br />

Genetic Analysis: Biomolecular Engineering<br />

Genetic Epidemiology<br />

Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines<br />

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution<br />

Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers (formerly: Genetic Testing)<br />

Genetica<br />

Genetics in Medicine (via OVID, 1998-2011)<br />

Genetics Research (formerly: Genetical Research)<br />

GENEVA Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory, The<br />

Genomics<br />

Geo-Marine Letters<br />

Geoarchaeology<br />

Geobios<br />

Geochemical Transactions (2000 - 2003)<br />

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta<br />

Geoderma<br />

Geodiversitas (2009 -)<br />

Geoexploration<br />

Geoforum<br />

Geoinformatica<br />

GeoJournal<br />

Geological Journal<br />

Geological Magazine (früher: Geological Magazine or Monthly Journal of Geology, The)<br />

Geologische R<strong>und</strong>schau (1910 - 1998)<br />

Geometriae Dedicata<br />

Geometric and Functional Analysis (GAFA)<br />

Geomorphology<br />

Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics<br />

Geophysical Journal International (formerly: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society / Geophysical Supplements<br />

Geophysical Prospecting<br />

Geophysics<br />

Georg-Büchner-Jahrbuch (Georg Büchner Yearbook)<br />

George-Jahrbuch<br />

Georgian Mathematical Journal<br />

Geoscience Frontiers (via CAJ)<br />

Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research (formerly: Geostandards Newsletter: The Journal of Geostandards and Geoan<br />

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering<br />

Geotectonica et Metallogenia (via CAJ)<br />

Geothermics<br />

Geriatric Nephrology and Urology<br />

Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation<br />

German History<br />

Germanistik<br />

Gerodontology<br />

Gerontologist, The<br />

Gerontology (formerly: Gerontologia)<br />

Gesellschafts- <strong>und</strong> Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR (via Beck)

Gewerbearchiv: Zeitschrift für Gewerbe- <strong>und</strong> Wirtschaftsverwaltungsrecht (via Beck)<br />

Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz <strong>und</strong> Urheberrecht / Auslands- <strong>und</strong> Internationaler Teil (GRUR-Ausl.) (via Beck)<br />

Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz <strong>und</strong> Urheberrecht / Beilage (GRUR-Beil.) (via Beck)<br />

Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz <strong>und</strong> Urheberrecht (GRUR) (via Beck)<br />

Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz <strong>und</strong> Urheberrecht / Internationaler Teil (GRUR-Int.) (via Beck)<br />

Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz <strong>und</strong> Urheberrecht / Praxis im Immaterialgüter- <strong>und</strong> Wettbewerbsrecht (GRUR-Prax) (via Beck)<br />

Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz <strong>und</strong> Urheberrecht / Rechtsprechungs-Report (GRUR-RR) (via Beck)<br />

GFF : das Praxismagazin für Produktion <strong>und</strong> Montage<br />

Gifted Child Quarterly<br />

Gifted Child Today<br />

Glasgow Mathematical Journal (formerly: Proceedings of the Glasgow Mathematical Association)<br />

Glass and Ceramics<br />

Glaswelt<br />

Gleichstellung in der Praxis (GiP)<br />

Glia<br />

Global and Planetary Change<br />

Global Business Review<br />

Global Change Biology<br />

Global Economic Review (früher: Journal of East and West Studies)<br />

Global Environmental Change<br />

Global Environmental Change Part B: Environmental Hazards<br />

Global Finance Journal<br />

Global Geology (via CAJ)<br />

Global Health Promotion (Formerly: Promotion and Education)<br />

Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies<br />

Global Media and Communication<br />

Global Responsibility to Protect : GR2P<br />

Global Social Policy<br />

Global Trade and Customs Journal<br />

Glycobiology<br />

Glycoconjugate Journal<br />

Governance<br />

Government and Opposition (1965-20<strong>12</strong>)<br />

Government Information Quarterly<br />

Government Publications Review (1973-1979)<br />

Government Publications Review (1982-1993)<br />

Government Publications Review. Part A<br />

Government Publications Review. Part B<br />

GPS Solutions<br />

Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology (formerly: Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für Ophthalmologie)<br />

Granular Matter<br />

Graphs and Combinatorics<br />

Grass and Forage Science<br />

Greece and Rome<br />

Green Chemistry<br />

Green Processing Synthesis<br />

Green: The International Journal of Sustainable Energy Conversion and Storage<br />

Grey Systems<br />

Grotiana<br />

Gro<strong>und</strong>water<br />

Gro<strong>und</strong>water Monitoring and Remediation<br />

Group Analysis<br />

Group and Organization Management<br />

Group Decision and Negotiation<br />

Group Processes and Intergroup Relations<br />

Group : The Journal of the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society (1977-2003)

Groups, Complexity, Cryptology<br />

Growth and Change<br />

Growth Factors<br />

Growth Hormone and IGF Research<br />

Gr<strong>und</strong>wasser<br />

Gynäkologe, Der<br />

Gynäkologisch-Geburtshilfliche R<strong>und</strong>schau (formerly Gynäkologische R<strong>und</strong>schau)<br />

Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation (formerly: Monatsschrift für Geburtshilfe <strong>und</strong> Gynaekologie; Gynaecologia; Gyneco<br />

Gynecologic Oncology<br />

Gynecological Endocrinology<br />

Habitat International<br />

Haemophilia<br />

Handelsblatt<br />

Handelsdigest<br />

Harmful Algae<br />

Harvard Papers in Botany<br />

Harvard Review of Psychiatry<br />

Harvard Theological Review<br />

Haseltonia: Yearbook of the Cactus and Succulent journal of the Cactus and Succulent Society of America<br />

Haus-Tech<br />

Hautarzt, Der<br />

Hawwa. Journal of Women in the Middle East and the Islamic World<br />

Head and Neck (formerly: Head and Neck Surgery)<br />

Health : An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine<br />

Health Care Analysis<br />

Health Care Food & Nutrition Focus (via OVID)<br />

Health Care Management Review (via OVID)<br />

Health Care Management Science<br />

Health Care Manager, The (via OVID)<br />

Health Care Supervisor, The (via OVID)<br />

Health Economics<br />

Health Economics in Prevention and Care (HEPAC)<br />

Health Economics, Policy and Law<br />

Health Education and Behavior (formerly: Health Education Monographs; Health Education Quarterly)<br />

Health Education Journal<br />

Health Education Research<br />

Health Informatics Journal<br />

Health Policy<br />

Health Policy and Education<br />

Health Policy and Planning<br />

Health Promotion International<br />

Health Promotion Practice<br />

Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology<br />

Health & Social Care in the Community<br />

Health & Social Work<br />

Hearing balance and communication (formerly: Audiological Medicine)<br />

Hearing Research<br />

Heart and Vessels<br />

Heart Drug<br />

Heart Failure Reviews<br />

Heart, Lung and Circulation<br />

Heat and Mass Transfer (formerly: Wärme- <strong>und</strong> Stoffübertragung)<br />

Heat Recovery Systems and CHP<br />

Heat Transfer Engineering<br />

HEC Forum<br />

Helgoland Marine Research (formerly Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen )

Helicobacter<br />

Helsinki Monitor<br />

Helvetica Chimica Acta<br />

Hematological Oncology<br />

Hematology and Cell Therapy Electronic Edition - HCTEE<br />

Hemoglobin<br />

Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International (via CAJ)<br />

Hepatology<br />

Hermann-Hesse-Jahrbuch<br />

Hernia<br />

Herpetologica (2002 -)<br />

Herpetological Monographs (aktuelle Jahrgänge)<br />

Herz : Cardivascular Diseases (1997 -)<br />

Herzschrittmachertherapie <strong>und</strong> Elektrophysiologie<br />

Heteroatom Chemistry<br />

Heterocyclic Communications<br />

Heythrop Journal, The<br />

High Ability Studies<br />

High Altitude Medicine & Biology<br />

High Performance Polymers<br />

High Pressure Research<br />

High Technology Letters (via CAJ)<br />

High Temperature<br />

High Temperature Materials and Processes<br />

Higher Education<br />

Higher Education in Europe<br />

Higher Education Research and Development<br />

Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation<br />

Hippocampus<br />

Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences<br />

Histochemical Journal, The<br />

Histochemistry and Cell Biology<br />

Histopathology<br />

Historia Mathematica<br />

Historical Journal, The<br />

Historical Materialism<br />

Historiography East and West<br />

History and Sociology of South Asia<br />

History of Education<br />

History of European Ideas<br />

History of Psychiatry<br />

History of the Family, The<br />

History of the Human Sciences<br />

History Workshop Journal<br />

HLT: Human Language Technology Conference<br />

HNO<br />

Hobbes Studies<br />

Holistic Nursing Practice (via OVID)<br />

Holocaust and Genocide Studies<br />

Holocene, The<br />

Holzforschung<br />

Home Health Care Management and Practice<br />

Home Healthcare Nurse (via OVID)<br />

Homeopathy<br />

Homicide Studies<br />

Horizons in Biblical Theology

Hormone and Metabolic Research<br />

Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation<br />

Hormone Research in Paediatrics<br />

Hormones and Behavior<br />

Hospital Aviation<br />

Hospital Food & Nutrition Focus (via Ovid)<br />

Housing Studies<br />

Housing, Theory and Society (Formerly: Scandinavian Housing and Planning Research)<br />

Human and Experimental Toxicology (formerly Human Toxicology)<br />

Human Biology (2001-)<br />

Human Brain Mapping<br />

Human Communication Research<br />

Human Development (Formerly: Vita Humana)<br />

Human Ecology (Springer)<br />

Human Evolution (-2006)<br />

Human Fertility<br />

Human Gene Therapy<br />

Human Genetics<br />

Human Heredity (formerly Acta Genetica et Statistica Medica)<br />

Human Immunology<br />

Human Molecular Genetics<br />

Human Movement Science<br />

Human Mutation<br />

Human Nature<br />

Human Pathology<br />

Human Psychopharmacology : Clinical and Experimental<br />

Human Relations<br />

Human Reproduction<br />

Human Reproduction Update<br />

Human Resource Development International<br />

Human Resource Development Review<br />

Human Resource Management Journal<br />

Human Resource Management Review<br />

Human Rights (via CAJ)<br />

Human Rights Case Digest<br />

Human Studies<br />

Humor : International Journal of Humor Research<br />

Husserl Studies<br />

Hydrobiologia<br />

Hydrogeology Journal<br />

Hydrological Processes<br />

Hydrometallurgy<br />

Hyperfine Interactions<br />

Hypertension (via OVID)<br />

Hypertension in Pregnancy (formerly: Clinical and Experimental Hypertension / B)<br />

Iberoromania<br />

IBM Centre for Advanced Studies Conference (CASCON)<br />

IBM Journal of Research and Development<br />

IBM Systems Journal<br />

ICAN : Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nutrition<br />

Icarus : International Journal of Solar System Studies<br />

ICES Journal of Marine Science (formerly: Journal du Conseil / Conseil Permanent International pour l'Exploration de la Me<br />

Ichthyological Research (Formerly Japanese Journal of Ichthyology)<br />

ICU Director<br />

IEE Proceedings A - Science, Measurement and Technology (1980 - 1988; also: Physical Science, Measurement and Instr<br />

IEE Proceedings A - Science, Measurement and Technology (1989-1990)

IEE Proceedings A - Science, Measurement and Technology (1991-1993)<br />

IEE Proceedings B - Electric Power Applications<br />

IEE Proceedings C - Generation, Transmission and Distribution<br />

IEE Proceedings - Circuits, Devices and Systems<br />

IEE Proceedings - Communications (1994 - 2006)<br />

IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques<br />

IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications<br />

IEE Proceedings D - Control Theory and Applications<br />

IEE Proceedings E - Computers and Digital Techniques<br />

IEE Proceedings - Electric Power Applications<br />

IEE Proceedings F - Radar and Signal Processing (1988-1993)<br />

IEE Proceedings G - Circuits and Systems<br />

IEE Proceedings G - Circuits, Devices and Systems<br />

IEE Proceedings - Generation, Transmission and Distribution<br />

IEE Proceedings H - Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation (1985 - 1993)<br />

IEE Proceedings I - Communications, Speech and Vision (1989 - 1993)<br />

IEE Proceedings - Information Security<br />

IEE Proceedings - Intelligent Transport Systems<br />

IEE Proceedings J - Optoelectronics<br />

IEE Proceedings - Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation<br />

IEE Proceedings - Nanobiotechnology<br />

IEE Proceedings - Optoelectronics<br />

IEE Proceedings - Radar, Sonar and Navigation<br />

IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology (1994-2006)<br />

IEE Proceedings - Software<br />

IEE Proceedings - Software Engineering<br />

IEE Proceedings - Systems Biology<br />

IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing<br />

IEE Review<br />

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB)<br />

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON)<br />

IEEE Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Newsletter<br />

IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine (M-AES)<br />

IEEE Annals of the History of Computing<br />

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine (M-AP)<br />

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Newsletter (1973-1989)<br />

IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (L-AWP)<br />

IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (J-MEMS)<br />

IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (T-MECH)<br />

IEEE ASSP Magazine<br />

IEEE Audio and Electroacoustics Newsletter<br />

IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine (M-C&D)<br />

IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine (M-CAS) (2001 -)<br />

IEEE Communications Letters (L-COMM)<br />

IEEE Communications Magazine (M-COMM)(Supplement: IEEE applications & practice)<br />

IEEE Communications Society Magazine<br />

IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials<br />

IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (M-CI)<br />

IEEE Computational Science and Engineering (CS&E)<br />

IEEE Computer Applications in Power (M-CAP)<br />

IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (L-CA)<br />

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (M-CG&A)<br />

IEEE Concurrency<br />

IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine<br />

IEEE Control Systems Magazine (1981-1990)<br />

IEEE Design & Test (D&T)

IEEE Design & Test of Computers (M-D&T)<br />

IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine (M-EI)<br />

IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine<br />

IEEE Electron Device Letters (L-ED)<br />

IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (L-ES)<br />

IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine (M-EMB)<br />

IEEE Engineering Management Review (R-EM)<br />

IEEE Expert<br />

IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (L-GRS)<br />

IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine (M-IE)<br />

IEEE Industry Applications Magazine (M-IA)<br />

IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine (M-IM)<br />

IEEE Intelligent Systems and Their Applications (M-ISTA)<br />

IEEE Intelligent Systems (M-IS) (2001-)<br />

IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine (M-IS)<br />

IEEE Internet Computing Online (M-IC)<br />

IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics<br />

IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering (J-OE)<br />

IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics<br />

IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics (J-QE)<br />

IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation (1985 - 1988)<br />

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (J-STARS)<br />

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (J-STQE)<br />

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (J-STSP)<br />

IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (J-SSC)<br />

IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS)<br />

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC)<br />

IEEE Latin America Transactions<br />

IEEE LCS<br />

IEEE LTS<br />

IEEE Magnetics Letters<br />

IEEE Micro (M-MICRO)<br />

IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters<br />

IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters (L-MWC)<br />

IEEE Microwave Magazine (M-MW)<br />

IEEE Multimedia (M-MULTI)<br />

IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine (M-NANO)<br />

IEEE Network (M-NET)<br />

IEEE OSA Journal of Display Technology (J-DT)<br />

IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (J-LT)<br />

IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN)<br />

IEEE Parallel & Distributed Technology: Systems and Applications (IEEE P & DT)<br />

IEEE Personal Communications<br />

IEEE Pervasive Computing (M-PVC)<br />

IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (L-PT)<br />

IEEE Potentials<br />

IEEE Power and Energy Magazine (M-P&E)<br />

IEEE Power Electronics Letters (L-PEL)<br />

IEEE Power Engineering Review<br />

IEEE Professional Technical Group on Antennas and Propagation Newsletter<br />

IEEE Pulse<br />

IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering (R-BME)<br />

IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine (M-RA)<br />

IEEE Security & Privacy (M-S&P)<br />

IEEE Sensors Journal (J-SEN)<br />

IEEE Signal Processing Letters (L-SP)

IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (M-SP)<br />

IEEE Software (M-SOFT)<br />

IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine (M-SSC)<br />

IEEE Spectrum<br />

IEEE Systems Journal (J-SYS)<br />

IEEE Technology and Society Magazine (M-T&S)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing<br />

IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging (T-ADVP)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (T-AES)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (1955-1962)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (T-AP)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (T-ASC)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Audio<br />

IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics<br />

IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing (T-ASL)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (T-AC)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development (T-AMD)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (T-BCAS)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (T-BME)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Broadcast and Television Receivers<br />

IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting (T-BC)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Cable Television<br />

IEEE Transactions on Circuit Theory (1963-1973)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems (1974-1991)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (T-CSVT)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part I: F<strong>und</strong>amental Theory and Applications (1992-2003)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part I: Regular Papers (T-CAS1; 2004-)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part <strong>II</strong>: Analog and Digital Signal Processing (1992-2003)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part <strong>II</strong>: Express Briefs (T-CAS2; 2004 -)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Communications Systems<br />

IEEE Transactions on Communications (T-COMM)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Component Parts<br />

IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies (T-CAPT)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids and Manufacturing Technology<br />

IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology<br />

IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Part A<br />

IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Part B: Advanced Packaging<br />

IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Part C<br />

IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games (T-CIAIG)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (T-CAD)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Computers (T-C)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (T-CE)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (T-CST)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics<br />

IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (T-DSC)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability (T-DMR)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation (T-DEI)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Education (T-E)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation<br />

IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility (T-EMC)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (T-ED)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing (T-EPM)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (T-EC)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (T-EM)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Engineering Writing and Speech

IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (T-EVC)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (T-FUZZ)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (T-GRS)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience Electronics<br />

IEEE Transactions on Haptics (T-H)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics<br />

IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems<br />

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (T-IP)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation<br />

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (T-IE) (1982-)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (T-<strong>II</strong>NF)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (T-IA)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (T-IFS)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine (T-ITB)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (T-IT)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (T-IM)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (T-KDE)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (T-LT)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (T-MAG)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Man Machine Systems<br />

IEEE Transactions on Manufacturing Technology<br />

IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (T-MI)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (T-MTT)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (T-MC)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (T-MM)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience (T-NB)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (T-NANO)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM) (E-Transactions on Network and Service Management)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems<br />

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (T-NN)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (T-NSRE)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (T-NS)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (T-PDS)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Parts, Hybrids and Packaging<br />

IEEE Transactions on Parts, Materials and Packaging<br />

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (T-PS)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems<br />

IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (T-PWRD)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (T-PEL)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (T-PWRS)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Product Engineering and Production<br />

IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication (T-PC)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering<br />

IEEE Transactions on Reliability (T-R)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation (T-RA) (5.1989 - 20.2004,3)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing (T-SCM)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (T-SC)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (T-SP)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid<br />

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (T-SE)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics<br />

IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing (T-SA)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics<br />

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans (T-SMCA)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics (T-SMCB)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews (T-SMCC)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems<br />

IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology<br />

IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Engineering<br />

IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (T-UFFC)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Communications<br />

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (T-VT)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (T-VLSI)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (T-VCG)<br />

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (T-WC)<br />

IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine (M-VT)<br />

IEEE Wireless Communications<br />

IEEE Wireless Communications Letters<br />

IEICE Transactions A: IEICE Transactions on F<strong>und</strong>amentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences<br />

IEICE Transactions B: IEICE Transactions on Communications<br />

IEICE Transactions C: IEICE Transactions on Electronics<br />

IEICE Transactions D: IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems<br />

IET Biometrics<br />

IET Circuits, Devices and Systems<br />

IET Communications<br />

IET Computer Vision<br />

IET Computers & Digital Techniques<br />

IET Control Theory & Applications<br />

IET Electric Power Applications<br />

IET Electrical Systems in Transportation<br />

IET Electronics Letters<br />

IET Engineering and Technology (E & T)<br />

IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution<br />

IET Image Processing<br />

IET Information Security<br />

IET Intelligent Transport Systems<br />

IET Micro & Nano Letters<br />

IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation<br />

IET Nanobiotechnology<br />

IET Networks<br />

IET Optoelectronics<br />

IET Power Electronics<br />

IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation<br />

IET Renewable Power Generation<br />

IET Science, Measurement & Technology<br />

IET Signal Processing<br />

IET Software<br />

IET Synthetic Biology<br />

IET Systems Biology<br />

IET Wireless Sensor Systems<br />

IFLA Journal<br />

<strong>II</strong>E Transactions (formerly A<strong>II</strong>E Transactions)<br />

IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics (formerly: Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications)<br />

IMA Journal of Management Mathematics (formerly: IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Business and Industry)<br />

IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information<br />

IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis<br />

Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture<br />


Immuno-analyse & Biologie Specialisee<br />

Immunobiology : Experimental and Clinical<br />

Immunochemistry<br />

Immunogenetics<br />

Immunological Investigations (formerly: Immunological Communications)<br />

Immunological Reviews<br />

Immunology Letters<br />

Immunology Today<br />

ImmunoMethods<br />

Immunopharmacology (-2000)<br />

Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology (formerly: Journal of Immunopharmacology)<br />

Immunotechnology<br />

IMP & HIRFL Annual Report (via CAJ)<br />

Implant Dentistry (via OVID)<br />

Improving Schools<br />

In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal<br />

In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant<br />

In Vitro & Molecular Toxicology<br />

Indagationes Mathematicae<br />

Indagationes Mathematicae (Proceedings)<br />

Index on Censorship<br />

India Quarterly<br />

Indian Economic and Social History Review, The<br />

Indian Historical Review<br />

Indian Journal of Gender Studies<br />

Indian Journal of Pediatrics, The<br />

Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery<br />

Indo-Iranian Journal<br />

Indogermanische Forschungen<br />

Indoor Air<br />

Indoor and Built Environment<br />

Industrial and Corporate Change<br />

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (formerly: Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry; Industrial Edition; Internat<br />

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry F<strong>und</strong>amentals (1962 - 1986)<br />

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development (1962 - 1986)<br />

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Product Research and Development (1962 - 1986; Formerly: I & EC Product Resear<br />

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research (I&EC research)<br />

Industrial Biotechnology<br />

Industrial Crops and Products<br />

Industrial Law Journal<br />

Industrial Lubrication and Tribology (früher: Scientific Lubrication)<br />

Industrial Marketing Management<br />

Industrial Relations Journal<br />

Industrial Robot: an International Journal<br />

Industriepumpen + Kompressoren : Zeitschrift für die Praxis der Pumpen- <strong>und</strong> Kompressorentechnik<br />

Industry and Innovation<br />

Infant and Child Development<br />

Infant Behavior and Development<br />

Infant Mental Health Journal<br />

Infants and Young Children (via OVID)<br />

Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease<br />

Infection, Genetics and Evolution<br />

Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice (via OVID)<br />

Infectious Diseases Newsletter<br />

Inflammation<br />

Inflammation Research (formerly Agents and Actions)

Inflammopharmacology<br />

Informatics for Health and Social Care(formerly: Medical Informatics (and the Internet in Medicine))<br />

Informatik - Forschung <strong>und</strong> Entwicklung<br />

Informatik-Spektrum<br />

Information and Organization<br />

Information Development<br />

Information Economics and Policy<br />

Information & Management<br />

Information Processing Letters<br />

Information Processing & Management<br />

Information Retrieval<br />

Information Sciences<br />

Information Sciences - Applications<br />

Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective (formerly: Information Systems Security)<br />

Information Storage and Retrieval<br />

Information Systems Frontiers<br />

Information Systems Management<br />

Information Technology and Management<br />

Information Visualization<br />

Information - Wissenschaft <strong>und</strong> Praxis (IWP) (2007-2011)<br />

Information - Wissenschaft <strong>und</strong> Praxis (IWP) (20<strong>12</strong> -)<br />

Informationen zum Arbeitslosenrecht <strong>und</strong> Sozialhilferecht (info also) (via beck)<br />

Informationsdienst Öffentliches Dienstrecht : IÖD aktuelle Rechtsprechung<br />

Infrared Physics<br />

Infrared Physics & Technology<br />

Inhalation Toxicology<br />

Injury<br />

Innate Immunity (Formerly: Journal of Endotoxin Research)<br />

Innovations in Education and Teaching International (Formerly: Innovations in Education and Training International)<br />

Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies<br />

Innovative Higher Education (Formerly: Alternative higher education)<br />

Innovative Verwaltung (früher: Verwaltung, Organisation, Personal - VOP)<br />

Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters<br />

Inorganic Chemistry<br />

Inorganic Chemistry Communications<br />

Inorganica Chimica Acta<br />

Inorganica Chimica Acta Reviews<br />

Insect Biochemistry<br />

Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology<br />

Insect Systematics & Evolution (Formerly: Entomologica Scandinavica)<br />

Insectes Sociaux<br />

Inside Case Management (via OVID)<br />

Instructional Science<br />

Instrumentation Science & Technology (früher: Chemical Instrumentation; Chemical, Biomedical and Environmental Instru<br />

Insurance: Mathematics and Economics<br />

Integers<br />

Integral Equations and Operator Theory<br />

Integral Transforms and Special Functions<br />

Integrated Assessment (2000 - 2001)<br />

Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management<br />

Integrated Ferroelectrics<br />

Integrated Pest Management Reviews<br />

Integration: The VLSI Journal<br />

Integrative and Comparative Biology<br />

Integrative and Comparative Biology (formerly: American Zoologist)<br />

Integrative Biology (RSC)

Integrative Cancer Therapies<br />

Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science (Formerly: Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science; Pavlovian J<br />

Intel Technology Journal<br />

Intellectual Property Magazine (Formerly Copyright World)<br />

Intellectual Property Magazine (Formerly Patent World)<br />

Intelligence (ACM)<br />

Intelligence (Elsevier)<br />

Intensive Care Medicine<br />

Intensivmedizin <strong>und</strong> Notfallmedizin<br />

Interacting with Computers (1989-20<strong>12</strong>)<br />

Interacting with Computers (2013-)<br />

Interactions<br />

Interactive Learning Environments<br />

Interchange<br />

Intercultural Education (Formerly: European Journal of Intercultural studies)<br />

Intercultural Pragmatics<br />

Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment<br />

Intereconomics<br />

Interface Science<br />

Intermetallics<br />

International Advances in Economic Research<br />

International African Bibliography (IAB)<br />

International Aluminium Journal (formerly: Aluminium)<br />

International and Comparative Law Quarterly<br />

International Anesthesiology Clinics (via OVID)<br />

International Applied Mechanics<br />

International Archives of Allergy and Immunology<br />

International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health<br />

International Biodeterioration<br />

International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation<br />

International Business Review<br />

International Clinical Psychopharmacology (via OVID)<br />

International Communication Gazette, The (Formerly: Gazette)<br />

International Community Law Review<br />

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL)<br />

International Conference on Learning Sciences (ICLS)<br />

International Contact Lens Clinic (ICLC)<br />

International Criminal Justice Review<br />

International Criminal Law Review<br />

International Dairy Journal<br />

International Drug Therapy Newsletter (via OVID)<br />

International Economic Journal<br />

International Environmental Agreements : Politics, Law and Economics<br />

International Forestry Review<br />

International Forum of Psychoanalysis<br />

International Health<br />

International Hepatology Communications<br />

International Immunology<br />

International Immunopharmacology<br />

International Information and Library Review, The<br />

International Insolvency Law Review (<strong>II</strong>LR) (via Beck)<br />

International Journal for Academic Development, The<br />

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance<br />

International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics<br />

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering (Formerly: Communications in Numerical Methods<br />

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids<br />

International Journal for Parasitology<br />

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion<br />

International Journal for Quality in Health Care<br />

International Journal for Radiation Physics and Chemistry<br />

International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling<br />

International Journal for the Semiotics of Law / Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique<br />

International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health<br />

International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, The<br />

International Journal of Angiology<br />

International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents<br />

International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology<br />

International Journal of Applied Glass Science<br />

International Journal of Applied Linguistics<br />

International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes<br />

International Journal of Approximate Reasoning<br />

International Journal of Art and Design Education (Formerly: Journal of Art and Design Education)<br />

International Journal of Art Therapy (Formerly: Inscape)<br />

International Journal of Asian Management<br />

International Journal of Astrobiology<br />

International Journal of Audiology(Formerly Audiology, International Audiology)<br />

International Journal of Automation and Computing (via CAJ)<br />

International Journal of Behavioral Development<br />

International Journal of Bilingualism<br />

International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing<br />

International Journal of Biochemistry<br />

International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, The<br />

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules<br />

International Journal of Biometeorology (formerly: International Journal of Bioclimatology and Biometeorology)<br />

International Journal of Cancer<br />

International Journal of Cardiac Imaging, The<br />

International Journal of Cardiology<br />

International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, The<br />

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics<br />

International Journal of Children's Rights, The<br />

International Journal of Children's Spirituality<br />

International Journal of Climatology (früher: Journal of Climatology)<br />

International Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Research<br />

International Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing<br />

International Journal of Clinical Oncology<br />

International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology<br />

International Journal of Coal Geology<br />

International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization (Formerly: Coal Preparation)<br />

International Journal of Colorectal Disease<br />

International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations<br />

International Journal of Comparative Sociology (1960-2001)<br />

International Journal of Comparative Sociology (2002-)<br />

International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, The<br />

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (IJCIM)<br />

International Journal of Computer Mathematics<br />

International Journal of Computer Vision<br />

International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning<br />

International Journal of Consumer Studies (Formerly: Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics)<br />

International Journal of Control<br />

International Journal of Cosmetic Science<br />

International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology

International Journal of Cross Cultural Management<br />

International Journal of Cultural Property<br />

International Journal of Cultural Studies<br />

International Journal of Damage Mechanics<br />

International Journal of Dermatology (formerly: Dermatologia Tropica et Ecologica Geographica; Dermatologia Internationa<br />

International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience<br />

International Journal of Disability, Development and Education (formerly: The Exceptional Child, formerly: The Slow Learni<br />

International Journal of Disability Management (Research)<br />

International Journal of Disaster Medicine<br />

International Journal of Early Years Education<br />

International Journal of Earth Sciences<br />

International Journal of Eating Disorders<br />

International Journal of Education and Religion<br />

International Journal of Educational Development<br />

International Journal of Educational Research<br />

International Journal of Electronics<br />

International Journal of Engine Research<br />

International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry<br />

International Journal of Environmental Studies : Sections A & B<br />

International Journal of Epidemiology<br />

International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems<br />

International Journal of Food Microbiology<br />

International Journal of Food Science & Technology (früher: Journal of Food Technology)<br />

International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition (formerly: Journal of Human Nutrition; Nutrition; Nutrition, Dietetics, C<br />

International Journal of Forecasting<br />

International Journal of Fracture (Formerly: International Journal of Fracture Mechanics)<br />

International Journal of Game Theory<br />

International Journal of General Systems<br />

International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS) (Formerly: International Journal of Geographical Informa<br />

International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry<br />

International Journal of Gynecological Cancer (-2008)<br />

International Journal of Gynecological Pathology (via OVID)<br />

International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics<br />

International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics<br />

International Journal of Health Planning and Management, The<br />

International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications<br />

International Journal of Historical Archaeology<br />

International Journal of Hospitality Management<br />

International Journal of Human-Computer Studies<br />

International Journal of Human Resource Management<br />

International Journal of Hyperthermia<br />

International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology<br />

International Journal of Immunogenetics (formerly: European Journal of Immunogenetics ; Journal of Immunogenetics)<br />

International Journal of Immunopharmacology<br />

International Journal of Inclusive Education<br />

International Journal of Industrial Organization<br />

International Journal of Information Management<br />

International Journal of Information Security (IJIS)<br />

International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves<br />

International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion(formerly: (International) Journal for Consumer and Produc<br />

International Journal of Inorganic Materials<br />

International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology<br />

International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics<br />

International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems<br />

International Journal of Intercultural Relations<br />

International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders

International Journal of Law and Information Technology<br />

International Journal of Law and Psychiatry<br />

International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, The<br />

International Journal of Leadership in Education<br />

International Journal of Lean Six Sigma<br />

International Journal of Legal Medicine (Formerly: Zeitschrift für Rechtsmedizin; Deutsche Zeitschrift für die gesamte geric<br />

International Journal of Lexicography<br />

International Journal of Lifelong Education<br />

International Journal of Logistics Management, The<br />

International Journal of Logistics - Research and Applications<br />

International Journal of Low Carbon Technologies<br />

International Journal of Lower Extremity Wo<strong>und</strong>s, The<br />

International Journal of Man-Machine Studies<br />

International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, The<br />

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry<br />

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics<br />

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes<br />

International Journal of Materials Research(formerly: Zeitschrift für Metallk<strong>und</strong>e)<br />

International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology<br />

International Journal of Medical Informatics<br />

International Journal of Medical Microbiology (IJMM)<br />

International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering<br />

International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies<br />

International Journal of Middle East Studies<br />

International Journal of Mineral Processing<br />

International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials (via CAJ)<br />

International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment (formerly: International Journal of Surface Mining Reclamati<br />

International Journal of Music Education<br />

International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, The<br />

International Journal of Neuropharmacology<br />

International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, The<br />

International Journal of Neuroscience<br />

International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics<br />

International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation<br />

International Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology<br />

International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow<br />

International Journal of Numerical Modelling : Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields<br />

International Journal of Nursing Practice<br />

International Journal of Nursing Studies<br />

International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia<br />

International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology<br />

International Journal of Operations and Production Management<br />

International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery<br />

International Journal of Oral Science (via CAJ)<br />

International Journal of Oral Surgery<br />

International Journal of Orthodontia<br />

International Journal of Orthodontia and Dentistry for Children<br />

International Journal of Orthodontia and Oral Surgery (1919-1920)<br />

International Journal of Orthodontia and Oral Surgery (1936-1937)<br />

International Journal of Orthodontia, Oral Surgery and Radiography<br />

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology<br />

International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (formerly: Parallel Algorithms and Applications)<br />

International Journal of Parallel Programming<br />

International Journal of Pavement Engineering<br />

International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology<br />

International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications

International Journal of Pharmaceutics<br />

International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management<br />

International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management (via CAJ)<br />

International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society<br />

International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization<br />

International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials (Formerly: International Journal of Polymeric Mate<br />

International Journal of Practical Theology<br />

International Journal of Press/Politics, The<br />

International Journal of Primatology<br />

International Journal of Production Economics<br />

International Journal of Production Research (IJPR)<br />

International Journal of Project Management<br />

International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice<br />

International Journal of Psychology<br />

International Journal of Psychophysiology<br />

International Journal of Public Administration<br />

International Journal of Public Opinion Research<br />

International Journal of Public Theology<br />

International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE)<br />

International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being<br />

International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences<br />

International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management<br />

International Journal of Quantum Chemistry<br />

International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part A. Applied Radiation and Isotopes<br />

International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B. Nuclear Medicine and Biology<br />

International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part C. Radiation Physics and Chemistry<br />

International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements<br />

International Journal of Radiation Biology (RAB)<br />

International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics<br />

International Journal of Refugee Law<br />

International Journal of Rehabilitation and Health<br />

International Journal of Rehabilitation Research (via OVID)<br />

International Journal of Remote Sensing<br />

International Journal of Research in Marketing<br />

International Journal of Research & Method in Education (formerly Westminster Studies in Education)<br />

International Journal of Robotics Research, The<br />

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences<br />

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts<br />

International Journal of Rural Management<br />

International Journal of Salt Lake Research<br />

International Journal of Science Education (Formerly European journal of science education)<br />

International Journal of Sediment Research (via CAJ)<br />

International Journal of Selection and Assessment<br />

International Journal of Social Psychiatry, The<br />

International Journal of Social Welfare (formerly: Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare)<br />

International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology(formerly: Advances in Speech Language Pathology)<br />

International Journal of Speech Technology<br />

International Journal of Sports Medicine<br />

International Journal of Stress Management (-2002)<br />

International Journal of Structural Integrity<br />

International Journal of Surgical Pathology<br />

International Journal of Sustainable Energy(formerly: International Journal of Solar Energy)<br />

International Journal of Systems and Control (via CAJ)<br />

International Journal of Systems Science<br />

International Journal of Technology and Design Education<br />

International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care

International Journal of the Economics of Business<br />

International Journal of the Sociology of Language (IJSL)<br />

International Journal of the Sociology of Law<br />

International Journal of Theoretical Physics<br />

International Journal of Thermal Sciences<br />

International Journal of Thermophysics<br />

International Journal of Tourism Management<br />

International Journal of Toxicology, The (formerly: Journal of the American College of Toxicology)<br />

International Journal of Tropical Insect Science<br />

International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines<br />

International Journal of Urology<br />

International Journal of Water Resources Development<br />

International Journal of Web Information Systems<br />

International Journal of Wireless Information Networks<br />

International Journal on Digital Libraries<br />

International Journal on Disability and Human Development (formerly: Journal of Endocrine Genetics, The)<br />

International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR)<br />

International Journal on Minority and Group Rights<br />

International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)<br />

International Labor and Working Class History (ILWCH) (formerly Newsletter)<br />

International Law Forum / Forum du Droit International<br />

International Library Review<br />

International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN)<br />

International Mathematics Research Papers<br />

International Mathematics Research Surveys<br />

International Negotiation<br />

International Ophthalmology<br />

International Ophthalmology Clinics (via OVID)<br />

International Organization<br />

International Organizations Law Review<br />

International Orthopaedics<br />

International Peacekeeping (Brill) (1994-2007)<br />

International Planning Studies<br />

International Political Science Abstracts<br />

International Political Science Review = Revue Internationale de Science Politique<br />

International Psychogeriatrics<br />

International Regional Science Review<br />

International Relations<br />

International Relations of the Asia-Pacific<br />

International Review for Social History (1936-1939)<br />

International Review for the Sociology of Sport<br />

International Review of Administrative Sciences<br />

International Review of Applied Economics<br />

International Review of Economics and Finance (IREF)<br />

International Review of Education = Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft = Revue Internationale de l' Éduc<br />

International Review of Financial Analysis (IRFA)<br />

International Review of Hydrobiology (formerly: Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie ; Internationale Revue d<br />

International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law (<strong>II</strong>C) (1970-2013,1)<br />

International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law (<strong>II</strong>C) (2013-)<br />

International Review of Law and Economics<br />

International Review of Pragmatics (IRP)<br />

International Review of Psychiatry<br />

International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, The<br />

International Review of Social History (1956-)<br />

International Review of the Red Cross (1919-) (Englisch-Französische Ausgabe) = Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge<br />

International Review of the Red Cross (1961-1998) (Rein Englische Ausgabe)

International Reviews in Physical Chemistry (RPC)<br />

International Reviews of Immunology<br />

International Small Business Journal<br />

International Social Work<br />

International Sociology<br />

International Studies<br />

International Studies in Sociology of Education<br />

International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA)<br />

International Tax and Public Finance<br />

International Trade Journal, The<br />

International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (formerly: European Transactions on Electrical Power)<br />

International Understanding (via CAJ)<br />

International Urogynecology Journal (including Pelvic Floor Dysfunction)<br />

International Urology and Nephrology (formerly: Urology and Nephrology)<br />

International Yearbook for Tillich Research = Internationales Jahrbuch für die Tillich-Forschung<br />

International Yearbook of Futurism Studies<br />

Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (IASL)<br />

Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus = International Yearbook of German Idealism<br />

Internationales Steuerrecht (IStR) (via Beck)<br />

Internet and Higher Education, The<br />

Internet Gaming International<br />

Internist, Der<br />

Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology<br />

Intertax<br />

Intervention in School and Clinic (formerly: Academic Therapy; Academic Therapy Quarterly)<br />

Interventional Neurology<br />

Intervirology<br />

Invasion and Metastasis<br />

Invasive Plant Science and Management<br />

Inventiones Mathematicae<br />

Inverse Problems<br />

Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering (formerly: Inverse Problems in Engineering)<br />

Invertebrate Neuroscience<br />

Investigational New Drugs<br />

Investigative Radiology (via OVID)<br />

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)<br />

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering<br />

IP kompakt (IPkompakt)<br />

IP-Rechts-Berater, Der<br />

IRAL : International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching<br />

Iran and the Caucasus<br />

IRE Professional Groups on Antennas and Propagation Newsletter (1958-1962)<br />

IRE Transactions on Audio<br />

IRE Transactions on Automatic Control<br />

IRE Transactions on Broadcast and Television Receivers<br />

IRE Transactions on Circuit Theory<br />

IRE Transactions on Communications Systems<br />

IRE Transactions on Component Parts<br />

IRE Transactions on Electron Devices<br />

IRE Transactions on Engineering Writing and Speech<br />

IRE Transactions on Product Engineering and Production<br />

IRE Transactions on Production Techniques<br />

IRE Transactions on Ultrasonics Engineering<br />

IRE Transactions on Vehicular Communications<br />

Irish Educational Studies<br />

Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine

Irish Theological Quarterly<br />

Ironmaking & Steelmaking<br />

Irrigation and Drainage Systems<br />

Irrigation Science<br />

IRZ : Zeitschrift für Internationale Rechnungslegung (via Beck)<br />

Islam, Der<br />

Islamic Law and Society<br />

Island Arc, The<br />

Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (formerly: Isotopenpraxis)<br />

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing<br />

Israel Journal of Mathematics<br />

Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing<br />

Issues in Environmental Science and Technology<br />

Issues in Mental Health Nursing<br />

IT-Gr<strong>und</strong>schutz<br />

it - Information Technology (früher: Informationstechnik <strong>und</strong> Technische Informatik)<br />

IT Professional (M-ITPRO)<br />

IT-Rechts-Berater, Der IT-Rechtsberater (ITRB)<br />

Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences, The<br />

ITBM-RBM News<br />

Itinerario<br />

ITnow (formerly: Computer Bulletin, The)<br />

IX : Magazin für professionelle Informationstechnik<br />

Izvestiya Mathematics (Formerly: Mathematics of the USSR - Izvestiya; Russian Academy of Sciences. Izvestiya Mathema<br />

Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen (Göttinger Akademie der Wissenschaften)<br />

Jahrbuch der Jean-Paul-Gesellschaft<br />

Jahrbuch der Juristischen Zeitgeschichte<br />

Jahrbuch der Raabe-Gesellschaft<br />

Jahrbuch für die Geschichte Mittel- <strong>und</strong> Ostdeutschlands<br />

Jahrbuch für germanistische Sprachgeschichte<br />

Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft <strong>und</strong> Ethik<br />

JAIDS - Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (via OVID)<br />

Japan and the World Economy<br />

Japan Spotlight: Economy, Culture & History<br />

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) (bis 2007: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics / 1 + 2)<br />

Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology<br />

JCP: BioChemical Physics (JCP BCP)<br />

Jewish History / Hîstôryã Yêhûdît<br />

JIAPAC : Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (formerly: JIAPAC: Journal of the International<br />

Joint Letter, The (via OVID)<br />

JOM: The Journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society<br />

JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation (via OVID)<br />

JOT-International Surface Technology<br />

JOT - Journal für Oberflächentechnik<br />

Journal and Proceedings of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland<br />

Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Institute of Chemistry<br />

Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland<br />

Journal / Australian College of Midwives Incorporated<br />

Journal d'Analyse Mathématique<br />

Journal de Pediatrie et de Puericulture<br />

Journal der juristischen Zeitgeschichte<br />

Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law (JEEPL)<br />

Journal for General Philosophy of Science (früher: Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie)<br />

Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production (formerly: The international journal for manufacturing science & product<br />

Journal for Nature Conservation<br />

Journal for Nurses in Staff Development (JNSD) (via OVID)

Journal for Specialists in Group Work<br />

Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing (formerly: Journal of the Society of Pediatric Nurses : JSPN)<br />

Journal for the Education of the Gifted<br />

Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period<br />

Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus<br />

Journal for the Study of the New Testament<br />

Journal for the Study of the Old Testament<br />

Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha<br />

Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour<br />

Journal für die reine <strong>und</strong> angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal)<br />

Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology<br />

Journal of Academic Librarianship (JAL), The<br />

Journal of Accounting and Economics<br />

Journal of Accounting and Public Policy<br />

Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance<br />

Journal of Accounting Education<br />

Journal of Addictions Nursing<br />

Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology<br />

Journal of Adhesion, The<br />

Journal of Adolescence<br />

Journal of Adolescent Health<br />

Journal of Adolescent Health Care<br />

Journal of Adolescent Research<br />

Journal of Adult Development<br />

Journal of Advanced Academics (formerly Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, The)<br />

Journal of Advanced Nursing<br />

Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery (formerly: Journal of Aerosol Medicine)<br />

Journal of Aerosol Science<br />

Journal of Aerospace Information Systems (formerly: Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication)<br />

Journal of Affective Disorders<br />

Journal of African Earth Sciences<br />

Journal of African Economies, The<br />

Journal of African History, The<br />

Journal of African Languages and Linguistics<br />

Journal of African Law<br />

Journal of Aging and Health<br />

Journal of Aging Studies<br />

Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics (Formerly Journal of Agricultural Ethics)<br />

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry<br />

Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology<br />

Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research<br />

Journal of Agricultural Science, The<br />

Journal of Air Medical Transport<br />

Journal of Air Transport Management<br />

Journal of Aircraft<br />

Journal of Algebra<br />

Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics<br />

Journal of Algorithms<br />

Journal of Allergy<br />

Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, The<br />

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine<br />

Journal of Ambulatory Care Management (via OVID)<br />

Journal of American Culture, The (Formerly: Journal of American and Comparative Cultures)<br />

Journal of American-East Asian Relations<br />

Journal of American Studies<br />

Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis

Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (JAAS)<br />

Journal of Analytical Psychology, The<br />

Journal of Analytical Toxicology (JAT)<br />

Journal of Ancient Civilizations (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions<br />

Journal of Anesthesia<br />

Journal of Anglican Studies<br />

Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Anthropological Archaeology<br />

Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy<br />

Journal of Anxiety Disorders<br />

Journal of Applied Analysis<br />

Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition (JAAN)<br />

Journal of Applied Behavioral Science<br />

Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research<br />

Journal of Applied Biomaterials (-1995)<br />

Journal of Applied Crystallography<br />

Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology<br />

Journal of Applied Electrochemistry<br />

Journal of Applied Geodesy<br />

Journal of Applied Geophysics<br />

Journal of Applied Gerontology<br />

Journal of Applied Ichthyology<br />

Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PMM)<br />

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics<br />

Journal of Applied Phycology<br />

Journal of Applied Physics (Formerly: Physics)<br />

Journal of Applied Polymer Science<br />

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (JARS)<br />

Journal of Applied Social Psychology<br />

Journal of Applied Spectroscopy<br />

Journal of Applied Sport Psychology<br />

Journal of Applied Statistics (formerly: Bulletin in Applied Statistics)<br />

Journal of Applied Toxicology<br />

Journal of Approximation Theory<br />

Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery<br />

Journal of Arabic Literature<br />

Journal of Arachnology, The<br />

Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory<br />

Journal of Archaeological Research<br />

Journal of Archaeological Science<br />

Journal of Architecture, The<br />

Journal of Arid Environments<br />

Journal of Arid Land (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Arthroplasty, The<br />

Journal of Artificial Organs<br />

Journal of Asian and African Studies (1966 - 2001)<br />

Journal of Asian and African Studies (2002-)<br />

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences<br />

Journal of Asian Economics<br />

Journal of Asian Natural Products Research<br />

Journal of Asian Studies, The (formerly: Far Eastern Quarterly, The)<br />

Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics<br />

Journal of Asthma & Allergy Educators (JAAE)<br />

Journal of Asthma (formerly: Journal of Asthma Research)<br />

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy

Journal of Atherosclerosis Research<br />

Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics<br />

Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics<br />

Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry<br />

Journal of Attention Disorders<br />

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders<br />

Journal of Autoimmunity<br />

Journal of Automated Reasoning<br />

Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery<br />

Journal of Banking and Finance<br />

Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology<br />

Journal of Basic Microbiology (formerly: Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Mikrobiologie, Morphologie, Physiologie <strong>und</strong> Ökologie de<br />

Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry<br />

Journal of Behavioral Economics<br />

Journal of Behavioral Education<br />

Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, The (früher: Journal of Mental Health Administration, The)<br />

Journal of Behavioral Medicine<br />

Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Beliefs and Values<br />

Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers<br />

Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods<br />

Journal of Biochemical Toxicology<br />

Journal of Biochemistry, The<br />

Journal of Bioeconomics<br />

Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes<br />

Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (JBIC)<br />

Journal of Biological Physics<br />

Journal of Biological Response Modifiers (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Biological Rhythms<br />

Journal of Biological Standardization<br />

Journal of Biomaterials Applications<br />

Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition<br />

Journal of Biomechanics<br />

Journal of Biomedical Engineering<br />

Journal of Biomedical Informatics<br />

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research<br />

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A<br />

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials<br />

Journal of Biomedical Optics (JBO)<br />

Journal of Biomedical Research (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Biomedical Science (1993-2008)<br />

Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials, and Tissue Engineering<br />

Journal of Biomolecular NMR<br />

Journal of Biomolecular Screening<br />

Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics<br />

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering (1999 -)<br />

Journal of Biosciences<br />

Journal of Biosocial Science (JBS)<br />

Journal of Biotechnology<br />

Journal of Black Psychology<br />

Journal of Black Studies<br />

Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism<br />

Journal of Breath Research<br />

Journal of Bronchology (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Building Physics (Formerly Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science; Journal of Thermal Insulation an<br />

Journal of Burn Care & Rehabilitation (via OVID)

Journal of Business and Psychology<br />

Journal of Business and Technical Communication<br />

Journal of Business Communication<br />

Journal of Business Ethics<br />

Journal of Business Finance & Accounting<br />

Journal of Business Research<br />

Journal of Business Venturing<br />

Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology<br />

Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry<br />

Journal of Cardiac Failure<br />

Journal of Cardiac Rehabilitation (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Cardiac Surgery<br />

Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention (formerly: Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation) (via OVID<br />

Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia<br />

Journal of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia<br />

Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology (Formerly: Journal of Electrophysiology ; Clinical Progress in Electrophysiolog<br />

Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (-2007)<br />

Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics<br />

Journal of Career Assessment<br />

Journal of Career Development (-2005)<br />

Journal of Career Development (formerly Journal of Career Education)<br />

Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership (JCEL)<br />

Journal of Cellular Biochemistry (formerly: Journal of Supramolecular Structure and Cellular Biochemistry; Journal of Supra<br />

Journal of Cellular Physiology (formerly: Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology)<br />

Journal of Cellular Plastics<br />

Journal of Central South University of Technology (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Cereal Science<br />

Journal of Change Management<br />

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data<br />

Journal of Chemical Crystallography (Formerly: Journal of Crystal and Molecular Structure; Journal of Crystallographic and<br />

Journal of Chemical Ecology<br />

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling<br />

Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy<br />

Journal of Chemical Physics, The<br />

Journal of Chemical Research (Synopses) (-1999)<br />

Journal of Chemical Sciences (Formerly: Proceedings/Indian Academy of Sciences)<br />

Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (formerly: The Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry; Journal of A<br />

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, The<br />

Journal of Chemometrics<br />

Journal of Child and Adolescent Group Therapy<br />

Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology<br />

Journal of Child and Family Studies<br />

Journal of Child Health Care<br />

Journal of Child Language<br />

Journal of Child Neurology<br />

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (and Allied Disciplines), The<br />

Journal of Children and Poverty<br />

Journal of China Ordnance (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, The (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Chinese Overseas<br />

Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Chongqing University (English Edition) (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Chromatographic Science<br />

Journal of Chromatography A

Journal of Chromatography B<br />

Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications (- 2001, Formerly: Biomedical Applications)<br />

Journal of Chronic Diseases<br />

Journal of Church and State<br />

Journal of Classical Sociology<br />

Journal of Classification<br />

Journal of Cleaner Production<br />

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology (1.1979 - 15.1993) (formerly Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology)<br />

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology (16.1994 -)<br />

Journal of Clinical Anesthesia<br />

Journal of Clinical Apheresis<br />

Journal of Clinical Engineering (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology<br />

Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine<br />

Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Clinical Immunology<br />

Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis<br />

Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing (formerly: Journal of Clinical Monitoring)<br />

Journal of Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Clinical Neuroscience<br />

Journal of Clinical Periodontology<br />

Journal of Clinical Psychology<br />

Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings<br />

Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Clinical Rheumatology (JCR) (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Clinical Ultraso<strong>und</strong><br />

Journal of Clinical Virology<br />

Journal of Cluster Science<br />

Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China) (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Coastal Conservation<br />

Journal of Coastal Research<br />

Journal of Cognition and Culture<br />

Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making<br />

Journal of Cognitive Psychology (Formerly: European Journal of Cognitive Psychology )<br />

Journal of Combinatorial Designs<br />

Journal of Combinatorial Optimization<br />

Journal of Combinatorial Theory<br />

Journal of Combinatorial Theory - Series A<br />

Journal of Combinatorial Theory - Series B<br />

Journal of Commonwealth Literature, The<br />

Journal of Communication<br />

Journal of Communication Disorders<br />

Journal of Communication Inquiry<br />

Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology<br />

Journal of Community Health<br />

Journal of Community Psychology<br />

Journal of Comparative Economics<br />

Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics, The<br />

Journal of Comparative Neurology, The (Formerly: Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology)<br />

Journal of Comparative Pathology<br />

Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology<br />

Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology<br />

Journal of Comparative Social Welfare (Formerly: Journal of International and Comparative Social Welfare ; New Global D<br />

Journal of Complexity

Journal of Composite Materials (JCM)<br />

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics<br />

Journal of Computational Biology<br />

Journal of Computational Chemistry<br />

Journal of Computational Mathematics (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Computational Neuroscience<br />

Journal of Computational Physics<br />

Journal of Computed Tomography<br />

Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design<br />

Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design<br />

Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Computer Science and Technology<br />

Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges (JCSC; Formerly: Journal of Computing in Small Colleges)<br />

Journal of Conflict and Security Law<br />

Journal of Conflict Archaeology<br />

Journal of Conflict Resolution, The<br />

Journal of Constructivist Psychology (formerly: International Journal of Personal Construct Psychology)<br />

Journal of Consumer Culture<br />

Journal of Consumer Policy (formerly: Zeitschrift für Verbraucherpolitik)<br />

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology<br />

Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice<br />

Journal of Contemporary Ethnography (formerly: Urban Life / Urban Life and Culture)<br />

Journal of Contemporary History<br />

Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy<br />

Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management<br />

Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions (formerly Möbius)<br />

Journal of Control Theory and Applications (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Controlled Release<br />

Journal of Coordination Chemistry<br />

Journal of Corporate Finance<br />

Journal of Correctional Health Care<br />

Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy(formerly: Journal of Cutaneous Laser Therapy)<br />

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP)<br />

Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery<br />

Journal of Craniofacial Surgery (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Creative Communications<br />

Journal of Criminal Justice<br />

Journal of Critical Care<br />

Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology<br />

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology<br />

Journal of Crustacean Biology (2000-)<br />

Journal of Cryptology<br />

Journal of Crystal Growth<br />

Journal of Cultural Economics<br />

Journal of Curriculum Studies (JCS)<br />

Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery : incorporating Medical and Surgical Dermatology (-2005)<br />

Journal of Cutaneous Pathology<br />

Journal of Dairy Research<br />

Journal of Dairy Science (JDS)<br />

Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ)<br />

Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, The<br />

Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation (JDMS)<br />

Journal of Dental Research - JDR Online<br />

Journal of Dentistry<br />

Journal of Dentofacial Anomalies and Orthodontics<br />

Journal of Dermatological Science

Journal of Dermatological Treatment<br />

Journal of Design History<br />

Journal of Developing Societies (2002-)<br />

Journal of Development Economics<br />

Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities<br />

Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease<br />

Journal of Diabetes and its Complications<br />

Journal of Diabetic Complications<br />

Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JDMS)<br />

Journal of Dietary Supplements<br />

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications<br />

Journal of Differential Equations<br />

Journal of Disability Policy Studies<br />

Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology<br />

Journal of Donghua University(English Edition) (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Drug Targeting<br />

Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems<br />

Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations<br />

Journal of Early Adolescence, The<br />

Journal of Early Childhood Literacy<br />

Journal of Early Childhood Research<br />

Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education<br />

Journal of Early Intervention<br />

Journal of Early Modern History<br />

Journal of Earth Science (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Earth System Science<br />

Journal of Earthquake Engineering (JEE)<br />

Journal of East African Natural History<br />

Journal of East Asian Archaeology<br />

Journal of East Asian Linguistics<br />

Journal of Ecclesiastical History, The<br />

Journal of Econometrics<br />

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization<br />

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control<br />

Journal of Economic Entomology 1908-<br />

Journal of Economic Geography<br />

Journal of Economic Growth<br />

Journal of Economic History, The<br />

Journal of Economic Methodology, The<br />

Journal of Economic Policy Reform (Formerly: Journal of Policy Reform, The)<br />

Journal of Economic Psychology<br />

Journal of Economic Surveys<br />

Journal of Economic Theory<br />

Journal of Economics and Business<br />

Journal of Economics and Management Strategy<br />

Journal of Economics (Formerly: Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie)<br />

Journal of ECT (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Education and Work<br />

Journal of Education for Sustainable Development<br />

Journal of Education for Teaching : International Research and Pedagogy<br />

Journal of Education Policy (JEP)<br />

Journal of Educational Administration and History<br />

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics (formerly Journal of Educational Statistics)<br />

Journal of Educational Change<br />

Journal of Egyptian History

Journal of Elasticity<br />

Journal of Elastomers and Plastics<br />

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1959-1966)<br />

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1992-)<br />

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry<br />

Journal of Electrocardiology<br />

Journal of Electroceramics<br />

Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications<br />

Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology<br />

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena<br />

Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI)<br />

Journal of Electronic Materials (JEM)<br />

Journal of Electronic Science and Technology (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Electronic Testing<br />

Journal of Electronics and Control<br />

Journal of Electronics (China) (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Elementary Science Education<br />

Journal of Emergency Medicine, The<br />

Journal of Emerging Market Finance<br />

Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders<br />

Journal of Empirical Finance<br />

Journal of Empirical Theology<br />

Journal of Endodontics (JOE)<br />

Journal of Endourology<br />

Journal of Energetic Materials<br />

Journal of Energy<br />

Journal of Energy Finance & Development (JEFD)<br />

Journal of Engineering and Technology Management<br />

Journal of Engineering Design<br />

Journal of Engineering Mathematics<br />

Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics<br />

Journal of English as a Lingua Franca<br />

Journal of English Linguistics<br />

Journal of Enterostomal Therapy (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Entrepreneurship<br />

Journal of Environment and Development, The<br />

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management<br />

Journal of Environmental Law<br />

Journal of Environmental Management<br />

Journal of Environmental Monitoring (JEM)<br />

Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (formerly: Planning Outlook ; Journal of Environmental Planning and<br />

Journal of Environmental Psychology<br />

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity<br />

Journal of Environmental Sciences (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry<br />

Journal of Epilepsy<br />

Journal of Equine Veterinary Science<br />

Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry<br />

Journal of ET Nursing (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Ethics, The<br />

Journal of Ethnobiology<br />

Journal of Ethnopharmacology<br />

Journal of Ethology<br />

Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology (formerly: Journal of Protozoology)<br />

Journal of European Social Policy<br />

Journal of European Studies: Literature and Ideas from the Renaissance to the Present

Journal of European Tort Law (JETL)<br />

Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : JEBCAM<br />

Journal of Evolution Equations (JEE)<br />

Journal of Evolutionary Economics<br />

Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, The (JEA)<br />

Journal of Experimental Animal Science<br />

Journal of Experimental Botany<br />

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology<br />

Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology<br />

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology<br />

Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (JETAI)<br />

Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology (JEZ, Formerly: Journal of Experimental Zool<br />

Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution (JEZ, Formerly: Journal of Experimental Z<br />

Journal of Family and Economic Issues (Formerly: Alternative Lifestyles; Lifestyles)<br />

Journal of Family History<br />

Journal of Family Issues<br />

Journal of Family Nursing<br />

Journal of Family Violence<br />

Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering<br />

Journal of Fermentation Technology<br />

Journal of Field Ornithology (2000-2005)<br />

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (JFQA)<br />

Journal of Financial Economics<br />

Journal of Financial Intermediation<br />

Journal of Financial Markets<br />

Journal of Financial Services Research (JFSR)<br />

Journal of Fire Protection Engineering<br />

Journal of Fire Sciences<br />

Journal of Fish Biology<br />

Journal of Fish Diseases<br />

Journal of Fluency Disorders<br />

Journal of Fluid Mechanics<br />

Journal of Fluorescence<br />

Journal of Fluorine Chemistry<br />

Journal of Food Biochemistry<br />

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis<br />

Journal of Food Engineering<br />

Journal of Food Lipids<br />

Journal of Food Process Engineering<br />

Journal of Food Processing and Preservation<br />

Journal of Food Quality<br />

Journal of Food Safety<br />

Journal of Food Science (formerly: Food Research)<br />

Journal of Foodservice (formerly: Journal of Foodservice Systems; Foodservice Research International)<br />

Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, The (formerly Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, The)<br />

Journal of Forest Economics<br />

Journal of Forest Research<br />

Journal of Forestry Research (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, The<br />

Journal of Free Radicals in Biology & Medicine<br />

Journal of French Language Studies<br />

Journal of Functional Analysis<br />

Journal of Functional Programming<br />

Journal of Further and Higher Education<br />

Journal of Fusion Energy<br />

Journal of Gambling Studies

Journal of Gastroenterology (formerly: Gastroenterologia Japonica)<br />

Journal of General Internal Medicine (JGIM)<br />

Journal of Generic Medicines<br />

Journal of Genetic Counseling<br />

Journal of Genetics<br />

Journal of Geochemical Exploration<br />

Journal of Geodesy (formerly: Bulletin Géodésique)<br />

Journal of Geodynamics<br />

Journal of Geographical Systems<br />

Journal of Geography in Higher Education (JGH)<br />

Journal of Geometry<br />

Journal of Geometry and Physics<br />

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering<br />

Journal of Geriatric Cardiology (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology<br />

Journal of Germanic Linguistics<br />

Journal of Glaucoma (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Global Optimization<br />

Journal of Government Information<br />

Journal of Graph Theory<br />

Journal of Great Lakes Research<br />

Journal of Greek Linguistics<br />

Journal of Group Theory<br />

Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics<br />

Journal of Gynecologic Surgery (formerly Colposcopy & gynecologic laser surgery)<br />

Journal of Hand Surgery, The : European Volume<br />

Journal of Hand Therapy<br />

Journal of Happiness Studies<br />

Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Hazardous Materials<br />

Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Headache and Pain, The (2000 -)<br />

Journal of Health and Social Behavior (2004-)<br />

Journal of Health Economics<br />

Journal of Health Management<br />

Journal of Health Psychology<br />

Journal of Heat Treating<br />

Journal of Hellenic Studies, The (1995-)<br />

Journal of Helminthology<br />

Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery<br />

Journal of Hepatology<br />

Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy<br />

Journal of Heredity (formerly: Proceedings of the Meeting Held at ... / American Breeders Association; American Breeders<br />

Journal of Herpetology (2002-)<br />

Journal of Heuristics<br />

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP), The (1997-2009)<br />

Journal of High Technology Management Research, The<br />

Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management<br />

Journal of Hispanic Higher Education<br />

Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry<br />

Journal of Historical Geography<br />

Journal of Historical Sociology, The<br />

Journal of Holistic Nursing<br />

Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing (JHPN) (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Hospital Infection<br />

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research

Journal of Housing and the Built Environment<br />

Journal of Housing Economics<br />

Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Medical Sciences) (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Human Evolution<br />

Journal of Human Genetics (-2008)<br />

Journal of Human Lactation<br />

Journal of Human Values<br />

Journal of Humanistic Psychology<br />

Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management<br />

Journal of Hydrodynamics (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Hydrology<br />

Journal of Hydronautics<br />

Journal of Hypertension (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Immigrant Health<br />

Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry (formerly: Journal of Immunoassay)<br />

Journal of Immunological Methods<br />

Journal of Immunotherapy (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Immunotoxicology<br />

Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry (Formerly: Journal of inclusion phenomena; Journal of inclusio<br />

Journal of Indian Philosophy<br />

Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology<br />

Journal of Industrial Relations, The (JIR)<br />

Journal of Industrial Textiles (formerly: Journal of Coated Fibrous Materials; Journal of Coated Fabrics)<br />

Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade : From Theory to Policy<br />

Journal of Infection<br />

Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy<br />

Journal of Infection Prevention<br />

Journal of Infectious Diseases, The (JID)<br />

Journal of Information Science (JIS)<br />

Journal of Infrastructure Development<br />

Journal of Infusion Nursing (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease<br />

Journal of Innate Immunity<br />

Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry<br />

Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers<br />

Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry<br />

Journal of Insect Behavior<br />

Journal of Insect Conservation<br />

Journal of Insect Physiology<br />

Journal of Instrumentation<br />

Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability (formerly Australia and New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilitie<br />

Journal of Intellectual Disabilities (formerly: Journal of Learning Disabilities)<br />

Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems : Theory and Applications<br />

Journal of Intelligent Information Systems<br />

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing<br />

Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures<br />

Journal of Intelligent Systems<br />

Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (Formerly: ITS Journal; IVHS Journal)<br />

Journal of Intensive Care Medicine<br />

Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research (Formerly: Journal of Interferon Research)<br />

Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation<br />

Journal of International Arbitration<br />

Journal of International Biotechnology Law (JIBL)<br />

Journal of International Dispute Settlement<br />

Journal of International Economic Law<br />

Journal of International Economics

Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting (JIFMA)<br />

Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money<br />

Journal of International Money and Finance<br />

Journal of International Peacekeeping<br />

Journal of International Trade & Economic Development<br />

Journal of Interpersonal Violence<br />

Journal of Interprofessional Care (formerly: Holistic Medicine)<br />

Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology<br />

Journal of Interventional Cardiology<br />

Journal of Intravenous Nursing (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems<br />

Journal of Invertebrate Pathology<br />

Journal of Investigative Surgery<br />

Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Islamic Studies<br />

Journal of Jewish Education (formerly: Jewish Education)<br />

Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, The<br />

Journal of Labelled Compo<strong>und</strong>s and Radiopharmaceuticals (formerly: Journal of Labelled Compo<strong>und</strong>s)<br />

Journal of Labor Research<br />

Journal of Laboratory Automation (JALA) (formerly: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation)<br />

Journal of Language and Social Psychology<br />

Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques (Formerly: Journal of Laparoendoscopic Surgery)<br />

Journal of Laryngology and Otology, The (Formerly Journal of Laryngology, Rhinology and Otology, The; Journal of Laryng<br />

Journal of Latin American Studies<br />

Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, The<br />

Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies (Formerly: Journal of Leadership Studies)<br />

Journal of Learning Disabilities<br />

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science<br />

Journal of Linguistics<br />

Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell Signalling<br />

Journal of Liposome Research<br />

Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies<br />

Journal of Literacy Research (formerly: Journal of Reading Behavior)<br />

Journal of Literary Semantics (JLS)<br />

Journal of Literary Theory<br />

Journal of Logic and Computation<br />

Journal of Logic, Language and Information<br />

Journal of Logic Programming, The<br />

Journal of Loss & Trauma (formerly Journal of Personal & Interpersonal Loss, also incorporating Stress, Trauma and Crisi<br />

Journal of Low Temperature Physics<br />

Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Luminescence<br />

Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)<br />

Journal of Macroeconomics<br />

Journal of Macromarketing<br />

Journal of Macromolecular Science. Part A, Pure and Applied Chemistry<br />

Journal of Macromolecular Science. Part B, Physics<br />

Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging<br />

Journal of Magnetic Resonance (JMR) (- 1992)<br />

Journal of Magnetic Resonance (JMR) (1997-)<br />

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A<br />

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series B<br />

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials<br />

Journal of Mammalian Evolution<br />

Journal of Mammalian Ova Research<br />

Journal of Mammalogy (aktuelle Jahrgänge)

Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia<br />

Journal of Management<br />

Journal of Management (- 2004)<br />

Journal of Management and Governance<br />

Journal of Management Education<br />

Journal of Management Inquiry<br />

Journal of Management Studies<br />

Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management<br />

Journal of Marine Science and Application (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Marine Science and Technology<br />

Journal of Marine Systems<br />

Journal of Marital & Family Therapy<br />

Journal of Market-Focused Management<br />

Journal of Marketing Communications<br />

Journal of Marketing Education<br />

Journal of Mass Spectrometry (formerly: Organic Mass Spectrometry)<br />

Journal of Material Culture<br />

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management<br />

Journal of Materials Chemistry<br />

Journal of Materials Chemistry A: Materials for Energy and Sustainability<br />

Journal of Materials Chemistry B: Materials for Biology and Medicine<br />

Journal of Materials Chemistry C: Materials for Optical and Electronic Devices<br />

Journal of Materials Engineering<br />

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance<br />

Journal of Materials Research (JMR)<br />

Journal of Materials Science<br />

Journal of Materials Science Letters<br />

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics<br />

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine<br />

Journal of Materials Science & Technology (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Materials Shaping Technology<br />

Journal of Maternal-Fetal Investigation<br />

Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, The (formerly: Journal of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, The)<br />

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications<br />

Journal of Mathematical Behavior, The<br />

Journal of Mathematical Biology<br />

Journal of Mathematical Chemistry<br />

Journal of Mathematical Cryptology<br />

Journal of Mathematical Economics<br />

Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics (JMFM)<br />

Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision<br />

Journal of Mathematical Physics<br />

Journal of Mathematical Psychology<br />

Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Formerly: Journal of Soviet Mathematics; Springer)<br />

Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education<br />

Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery<br />

Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Mechanics<br />

Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Medical Economics<br />

Journal of Medical Education (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology<br />

Journal of Medical Entomology<br />

Journal of Medical Humanities (Formerly: Bioethics Quarterly; Journal of Bioethics; Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioe<br />

Journal of Medical Marketing<br />

Journal of Medical Systems

Journal of Medical Virology<br />

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (formerly: Journal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry)<br />

Journal of Medicinal Food<br />

Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, The<br />

Journal of Medieval History<br />

Journal of Membrane Biology, The<br />

Journal of Membrane Science<br />

Journal of Memory and Language<br />

Journal of Mental Health (JMH)<br />

Journal of Metamorphic Geology<br />

Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials (JMNM)<br />

Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS (formerly: Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Micros<br />

Journal of Microbiological Methods<br />

Journal of Microbiology and Immunology (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Microcolumn Separations<br />

Journal of Microencapsulation<br />

Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering<br />

Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health<br />

Journal of Mining Science<br />

Journal of Mixed Methods Research<br />

Journal of Modern African Studies, The<br />

Journal of Modern Optics (MOB) (formerly: Optica Acta)<br />

Journal of Modern Transportation (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology<br />

Journal of Molecular Biology (JMB)<br />

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical<br />

Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic<br />

Journal of Molecular Cell Biology (JMCB) (2009-)<br />

Journal of Molecular Evolution<br />

Journal of Molecular Graphics<br />

Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling<br />

Journal of Molecular Liquids<br />

Journal of Molecular Medicine (Formerly: Klinische Wochenschrift + Clinical Investigator)<br />

Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology (2003-)<br />

Journal of Molecular Modeling<br />

Journal of Molecular Recognition<br />

Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy<br />

Journal of Molecular Structure<br />

Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM<br />

Journal of Molluscan Studies (formerly: Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London)<br />

Journal of Monetary Economics<br />

Journal of Moral Education<br />

Journal of Moral Philosophy<br />

Journal of Morphology<br />

Journal of Mountain Science (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders<br />

Journal of Multinational Financial Management<br />

Journal of Multivariate Analysis (JMVA)<br />

Journal of Muscle Foods<br />

Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility<br />

Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain<br />

Journal of Music Teacher Education<br />

Journal of Nano Research<br />

Journal of Nanoparticle Research<br />

Journal of Nanophotonics (JNP)<br />

Journal of Natural Products

Journal of Navigation<br />

Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, The (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Network and Systems Management (JNSM)<br />

Journal of Neural Engineering<br />

Journal of Neural Transmission<br />

Journal of Neuro-Oncology<br />

Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Neurochemistry<br />

Journal of Neurocytology<br />

Journal of Neuroendocrinology<br />

Journal of Neurogenetics<br />

Journal of Neuroimmunology<br />

Journal of Neurolinguistics<br />

Journal of Neurology (Formerly: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Nervenheilk<strong>und</strong>e; Zeitschrift für Neurologie)<br />

Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology : JNEN (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Neuroscience Methods<br />

Journal of Neuroscience Research<br />

Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Neurotrauma (Formerly: Central Nervous System Trauma)<br />

Journal of NeuroVirology (1995-2010)<br />

Journal of Neutron Research<br />

Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics (JNET)<br />

Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation<br />

Journal of Nonlinear Science<br />

Journal of Nonparametric Statistics<br />

Journal of Nonverbal Behavior<br />

Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (English Edition) (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Nuclear Materials<br />

Journal of Number Theory<br />

Journal of Numerical Mathematics (Formerly: East-West Journal of Numerical Mathematics)<br />

Journal of Nurse-Midwifery<br />

Journal of Nursing Administration (JONA) (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Nursing Care Quality (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Nursing Quality Assurance (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Nursing Staff Development (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics<br />

Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (formerly: Journal of Nutritional Medicine)<br />

Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, The<br />

Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing (JOGNN)<br />

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology<br />

Journal of Occupational Accidents<br />

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (JOEM) (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Occupational Medicine (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation<br />

Journal of Ocean University of China (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Oceanography<br />

Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (formerly Journal of Ocular Pharmacology)<br />

Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice<br />

Journal of Operations Management<br />

Journal of Optical Communications<br />

Journal of Optical Technology (JOT)<br />

Journal of Optics (1977 - 1998; Formerly: Nouvelle Revue d'Optique Appliquée, 1970-1972; Nouvelle Revue d'Optique, 19<br />

Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics<br />

Journal of Optics (Formerly: Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics)<br />

Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications<br />

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine<br />

Journal of Oral Rehabilitation<br />

Journal of Organ Dysfunction<br />

Journal of Organic Chemistry, The<br />

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry<br />

Journal of Ornithology (formerly Journal für Ornithologie)<br />

Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics (Fortschritte der Kieferorthopädie)<br />

Journal of Orthopaedic Research<br />

Journal of Orthopaedic Science<br />

Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma (JOT) (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology<br />

Journal of Orthoptera Research (aktuelle Jahrgänge)<br />

Journal of Otology (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology<br />

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management<br />

Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy (formerly: Journal of Pharmaceutical Care in Pain & Symptom Control)<br />

Journal of Pain, The<br />

Journal of Paleolimnology<br />

Journal of Paleontology (aktuelle Jahrgänge)<br />

Journal of Palliative Medicine<br />

Journal of Parasitology, The (2000-)<br />

Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (JPEN)<br />

Journal of Pathology, The (formerly: Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, The)<br />

Journal of Peace Research<br />

Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism (formerly: Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology, The)<br />

Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (JPGN) (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Pediatric Health Care<br />

Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing (formerly Journal of the Association of Pediatric Oncology Nurses)<br />

Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Pediatric Psychology<br />

Journal of Pediatric Surgery<br />

Journal of Pediatrics, The<br />

Journal of Pelvic Medicine & Surgery (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Pelvic Surgery (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Pentecostal Theology<br />

Journal of Peptide Science<br />

Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Perinatal Medicine<br />

Journal of Periodontal Research<br />

Journal of Persianate Studies<br />

Journal of Personality<br />

Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education<br />

Journal of Pest Science = Anzeiger für Schädlingsk<strong>und</strong>e<br />

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering<br />

Journal of Petrology<br />

Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis : JPBA (Elsevier)<br />

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences<br />

Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics (formerly: Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics)<br />

Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods<br />

Journal of Pharmacological Methods<br />

Journal of Pharmacy Practice<br />

Journal of Phase Equilibria (Formerly: Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams)<br />

Journal of Phenomenological Psychology

Journal of Philosophical Logic<br />

Journal of Philosophy of Education<br />

Journal of Phonetics<br />

Journal of Photochemistry<br />

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry<br />

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology<br />

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews<br />

Journal of Photonics for Energy (JPE)<br />

Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data (JPCRD)<br />

Journal of Physical Chemistry, The (1896-1996) (1947-1951: Journal of Physical and Colloid Chemistry)<br />

Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry<br />

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (Formerly: Proceedings of the Physical Society/A, 1968)<br />

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids<br />

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (Formerly: Proceedings of the Physical Society/B, 1968)<br />

Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics (Formerly: Proceedings of the Physical Society/C, 1968)<br />

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter<br />

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (Formerly: British Journal of Applied Physics, 1950-1969)<br />

Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments (Formerly: Journal of Scientific Instruments (Journal of Physics E))<br />

Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics<br />

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics (formerly: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics)<br />

Journal of Physiology - Paris<br />

Journal of Pineal Research<br />

Journal of Plankton Research<br />

Journal of Planning Education and Research<br />

Journal of Planning History<br />

Journal of Planning Literature<br />

Journal of Plant Ecology<br />

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation<br />

Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science = Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung <strong>und</strong> Bodenk<strong>und</strong>e (früher: Zeitschrift für Pflan<br />

Journal of Plant Physiology<br />

Journal of Plant Research (Formerly The Botanical Magazine)<br />

Journal of Plasma Physics<br />

Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting<br />

Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery (formerly: Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and H<br />

Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology<br />

Journal of Policy Modeling<br />

Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behaviour, Culture<br />

Journal of Political Philosophy, The<br />

Journal of Politics, The<br />

Journal of Polymer Engineering<br />

Journal of Polymer Research<br />

Journal of Polymer Science. A: Polymer Chemistry (formerly Polymer Chemistry Edition; Part A-1: Polymer Chemistry; Par<br />

Journal of Polymer Science. B: Polymer Physics (formerly Polymer Physics Edition. A)<br />

Journal of Polymer Science. C: Polymer Letters (formerly Polymer Letters Edition; B, Polymer Letters)<br />

Journal of Polymer Science. Macromolecular Reviews (formerly Part D, Macromolecular Reviews)<br />

Journal of Polymer Science. Polymer Symposia (formerly: C: Polymer Symposia)<br />

Journal of Polymers and the Environment (Formerly: Journal of Environmental Polymer Degradation)<br />

Journal of Popular Culture, The<br />

Journal of Popular Music Studies<br />

Journal of Population Economics<br />

Journal of Porous Materials<br />

Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions<br />

Journal of Power Sources<br />

Journal of Practical Psychiatry & Behavioral Health (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Pragmatics<br />

Journal of Primary Care and Community Health

Journal of Primary Prevention, The<br />

Journal of Product Innovation Management<br />

Journal of Productivity Analysis<br />

Journal of Property Research (formerly: Land Development Studies)<br />

Journal of Propulsion and Power<br />

Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, The<br />

Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics (JPO) (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Prosthodontics<br />

Journal of Protein Chemistry<br />

Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care<br />

Journal of Psychiatric Practice (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Psychiatric Research<br />

Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment<br />

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research<br />

Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment (Formerly Journal of Behavioral Assessment)<br />

Journal of Psychopharmacology<br />

Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology<br />

Journal of Psychosomatic Research<br />

Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory<br />

Journal of Public Economics<br />

Journal of Public Health Dentistry<br />

Journal of Public Health (formerly: Community Medicine ; formerly: Journal of Public Health Medicine)<br />

Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Public Health : Zeitschrift für Ges<strong>und</strong>heitswissenschaften<br />

Journal of Public Policy<br />

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra<br />

Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering<br />

Journal of Quantitative Criminology<br />

Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer<br />

Journal of Quaternary Science<br />

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (Formerly: Journal of Radioanalytical Chemistry)<br />

Journal of Radiological Protection (Formerly: Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection, 1981-1987)<br />

Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice<br />

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy<br />

Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology<br />

Journal of Raptor Research, The (2006 -)<br />

Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy<br />

Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, The<br />

Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction (formerly: Journal of Receptor and Signal Transduction Research; Journal o<br />

Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery<br />

Journal of Reformed Theology<br />

Journal of Refugee Studies<br />

Journal of Regional Science<br />

Journal of Regulatory Economics<br />

Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites<br />

Journal of Relationships Research<br />

Journal of Religion and Health<br />

Journal of Religion in Africa<br />

Journal of Religion in Europe (JRE)<br />

Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy<br />

Journal of Reproduction and Contraception (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology<br />

Journal of Reproductive Immunology<br />

Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency<br />

Journal of Research in International Education<br />

Journal of Research in Music Education

Journal of Research in Nursing<br />

Journal of Research in Personality<br />

Journal of Research in Reading<br />

Journal of Resources and Ecology (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Retailing<br />

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services<br />

Journal of Risk and Uncertainty<br />

Journal of Risk Research<br />

Journal of Roman Studies, The<br />

Journal of Rural Studies<br />

Journal of Russian Laser Research<br />

Journal of Safety Research<br />

Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials<br />

Journal of School Psychology<br />

Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China<br />

Journal of Science Education and Technology<br />

Journal of Science Teacher Education<br />

Journal of Scientific Computing<br />

Journal of Scientific Instruments (Formerly: Journal of Scientific Instruments and of Physics in Industry, 1948 - 1949)<br />

Journal of Sea Research<br />

Journal of Second Language Writing<br />

Journal of Seismology<br />

Journal of Semantics<br />

Journal of Semiconductors<br />

Journal of Semitic Studies<br />

Journal of Sensory Studies<br />

Journal of Separation Science (JSS) (formerly Journal of High Resolution Chromatography (HRC))<br />

Journal of Service Research : JSR<br />

Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy<br />

Journal of Sexual Aggression<br />

Journal of Shanghai University (English Edition) (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Shellfish Research (2005-)<br />

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery<br />

Journal of Smoking Cessation, The<br />

Journal of Social and Biological Structures<br />

Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems<br />

Journal of Social and Personal Relationships<br />

Journal of Social Archaeology<br />

Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless<br />

Journal of Social Policy<br />

Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, The<br />

Journal of Social Work<br />

Journal of Social Work Practice<br />

Journal of Socio-Economics, The<br />

Journal of Sociology<br />

Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology<br />

Journal of Solid State Chemistry<br />

Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry<br />

Journal of Solution Chemistry<br />

Journal of So<strong>und</strong> and Vibration<br />

Journal of South American Earth Sciences<br />

Journal of South Asian Development<br />

Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences<br />

Journal of Southeast Asian History<br />

Journal of Southeast Asian Studies<br />

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) (via CAJ)

Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets<br />

Journal of Special Education, The<br />

Journal of Spinal Disorders (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Sport and Social Issues<br />

Journal of Sports Economics<br />

Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation<br />

Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment<br />

Journal of Statistical Physics<br />

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference<br />

Journal of Steroid Biochemistry<br />

Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The<br />

Journal of Stored Products Research<br />

Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, The (JSA)<br />

Journal of Strategic Information Systems, The<br />

Journal of Strategic Marketing<br />

Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics (JSFG)<br />

Journal of Structural Biology<br />

Journal of Structural Chemistry<br />

Journal of Structural Geology<br />

Journal of Studies in International Education<br />

Journal of Substance Abuse<br />

Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment<br />

Journal of Substance Use (formerly: Journal of Substance Misuse)<br />

Journal of Supercomputing, The<br />

Journal of Superconductivity<br />

Journal of Supercritical Fluids, The<br />

Journal of Supramolecular Chemistry<br />

Journal of Surgical Oncology<br />

Journal of Surgical Research<br />

Journal of Sustainable Product Design, The<br />

Journal of Symbolic Computation<br />

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation [Synchrotron Radiation Online]<br />

Journal of Systematics and Evolution (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Systems Integration<br />

Journal of Systems Science and Complexity (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Teacher Education<br />

Journal of Technology Management in China<br />

Journal of Technology Transfer, The<br />

Journal of Texture Studies<br />

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science<br />

Journal of the ACM (JACM)<br />

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA)<br />

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (via OVID)<br />

Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry (via OVID)<br />

Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology : JAAD<br />

Journal of the American Academy of Religion (Formerly: Journal of Bible and Religion, Journal of the National Association<br />

Journal of the American Association for Medical Transcription (JAAMT), The (via OVID)<br />

Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists (JAAGL)<br />

Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (formerly: Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practition<br />

Journal of the American Ceramic Society<br />

Journal of the American Chemical Society<br />

Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians<br />

Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association<br />

Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (JAOCS; Formerly Journal of Oil and Fat Industries ; Oil and Fat Industries ;

Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association<br />

Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (JAPA online)<br />

Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (JASMS)<br />

Journal of the American Venereal Disease Association (via OVID)<br />

Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA)<br />

Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science<br />

Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS)<br />

Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (JARO)<br />

Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges (via OVID)<br />

Journal of the Audio Engineering Society<br />

Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (formerly: Series A - Pure Mathematics and Statistics)<br />

Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System<br />

Journal of the British Contact Lens Association<br />

Journal of the Chemical Society<br />

Journal of the Chemical Society A, Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical<br />

Journal of the Chemical Society, Abstracts<br />

Journal of the Chemical Society B, Physical Organic<br />

Journal of the Chemical Society C, Organic<br />

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications<br />

Journal of the Chemical Society D, Chemical Communications<br />

Journal of the Chemical Society. Dalton Transactions<br />

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions<br />

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1, Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases<br />

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2, Molecular and Chemical Physics<br />

Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed)<br />

Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions<br />

Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient<br />

Journal of the Electrochemical Society (JES) (formerly: Transactions of the Electrochemical Society, Transactions of the A<br />

Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology<br />

Journal of the European Ceramic Society<br />

Journal of the Faculty of Radiologists<br />

Journal of the Forensic Science Society<br />

Journal of the Franklin Institute<br />

Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association<br />

Journal of the History of Biology<br />

Journal of the History of Collections<br />

Journal of the History of Economic Thought (formerly The History of Economics Society Bulletin)<br />

Journal of the History of International Law = Revue d' Histoire du Droit International<br />

Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences<br />

Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences<br />

Journal of the ICRU International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements<br />

Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu<br />

Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society<br />

Journal of the International Phonetic Association<br />

Journal of the Japanese and International Economies<br />

Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society<br />

Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science<br />

Journal of the London Mathematical Society<br />

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom UK (JMBA)<br />

Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials<br />

Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids<br />

Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI) (formerly: JNCI Cancer Spectrum)<br />

Journal of the National Cancer Institute / Monographs (JNCI Monographs)<br />

Journal of the National Intravenous Therapy Association, NITA (via OVID)<br />

Journal of the Neurological Sciences<br />

Journal of the North Atlantic

Journal of the Optical Society of America A (JOSA A): Optics, Image Science, and Vision<br />

Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B): Optical Physics<br />

Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society<br />

Journal of the Philosophy of History<br />

Journal of the Plainsong and Mediaeval Music Society<br />

Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society<br />

Journal of the Royal Institute of Chemistry<br />

Journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry : Perkin Transactions 1<br />

Journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry: Perkin Transactions 2<br />

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture<br />

Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society (2005 -)<br />

Journal of the World Aquaculture Society (formerly Journal of the World Mariculture Society; Proceedings of the World Ma<br />

Journal of Theological Studies, The<br />

Journal of Theoretical Biology<br />

Journal of Theoretical Politics<br />

Journal of Theoretical Probability<br />

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (Formerly: Journal of Thermal Analysis)<br />

Journal of Thermal Biology<br />

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology<br />

Journal of Thermal Stresses<br />

Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer<br />

Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials<br />

Journal of Thoracic Imaging (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis<br />

Journal of Topology<br />

Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology<br />

Journal of Transcultural Nursing<br />

Journal of Transformative Education<br />

Journal of Transport Geography<br />

Journal of Trauma - Injury Infection & Critical Care, The (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Trauma Nursing (via OVID)<br />

Journal of Traumatic Stress<br />

Journal of Travel Research (formerly: Bulletin / Western Council for Travel Research ; Travel Research Bulletin)<br />

Journal of Tropical Ecology<br />

Journal of Tropical Meteorology (via CAJ)<br />

Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, The<br />

Journal of Tropical Psychology<br />

Journal of Ultrastructure and Molecular Structure Research<br />

Journal of Ultrastructure Research<br />

Journal of Urban Design<br />

Journal of Urban Economics<br />

Journal of Urban History<br />

Journal of Urban Technology (JUT)<br />

Journal of Vacation Marketing<br />

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films (JVST-A online)<br />

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures (JVST-B online)<br />

Journal of Value Inquiry, The<br />

Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (JVIR)<br />

Journal of Vascular Research (formerly Blood Vessels; Angiologica)<br />

Journal of Vector Ecology (2006 -)<br />

Journal of Vegetation Science<br />

Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior<br />

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology<br />

Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation (JVDI)<br />

Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care<br />

Journal of Vibration and Control

Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology (JVAT) (Formerly: Journal of Vinyl Technology)<br />

Journal of Virological Methods<br />

Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine (formerly: Journal of Audiovisual Media in Medicine)<br />

Journal of Visual Culture<br />

Journal of Visual Languages and Computing<br />

Journal of VLSI Signal Processing-Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology, The<br />

Journal of Vocational Behavior<br />

Journal of Vocational Education and Training (früher: Vocational Aspect of Secondary and Further Education, The; Vocatio<br />

Journal of Voice<br />

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research<br />

Journal of Wildlife Management (2004-)<br />

Journal of Wine Research<br />

Journal of Women's Health (Formerly: Journal of Women's Health and Gender-Based Medicine)<br />

Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology<br />

Journal of Wood Science<br />

Journal of World Business<br />

Journal of World Prehistory<br />

Journal of World Trade (formerly: Journal of World Trade Law)<br />

Journal of Wo<strong>und</strong>, Ostomy and Continence Nursing - WOCN (via OVID)<br />

Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology (-1997)<br />

Journal of Youth and Adolescence<br />

Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine<br />

Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH)<br />

Journal on Educational Resources in Computing (JERIC)<br />

Journalism and Communication Monographs<br />

Journalism and Mass Communication Educator (formerly: Journalism educator)<br />

Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly<br />

Journalism - Theory Practice and Criticism<br />

Journals of Gerontology (formerly: Journal of Gerontology)<br />

Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences<br />

Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences<br />

Jubilee of the Chemical Society<br />

Jura: Juristische Ausbildung<br />

Juristenzeitung (JZ) (2006 -)<br />

Juristische R<strong>und</strong>schau<br />

Juristische Schulung (JuS) (via Beck)<br />

K-Berater ; K-Zeitung (formerly: Kunststoffberater)<br />

K-Profi<br />

Kadmos<br />

Kälte & Klimatechnik, Die<br />

Kant-Studien<br />

Kant Yearbook<br />

Kautschuk, Gummi, Kunststoffe : KGK<br />

KES - die Zeitschrift für Informations-Sicherheit<br />

Key Engineering Materials (KEM) (Formerly: Mechanical and Corrosion Properties A)<br />

KI - Kälte, Luft, Klimatechnik (formerly) KI - Luft- <strong>und</strong> Kältetechnik<br />

Kidney and Blood Pressure Research (1978-)<br />

Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook (KSYB)<br />

Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilk<strong>und</strong>e<br />

Klinische Neurophysiologie<br />

Klinische Pädiatrie<br />

Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy<br />

Knee, The<br />

Knowledge Acquisition<br />

Knowledge and Information Systems<br />

Knowledge Engineering Review, The

Kognitionswissenschaft<br />

Kommunaljurist (KommJur) (via Beck)<br />

Konstruktionspraxis<br />

Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering<br />

Kritikon Litterarum<br />

KronoScope : Journal for the Study of Time<br />

Kunststoffe<br />

Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics<br />

Kyklos<br />

L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature<br />

Lab on a Chip<br />

Labor Studies Journal<br />

Laboratoriumsmedizin = Journal of Laboratory Medicine (formerly Laboratoriumsmedizin / Wissenschaft <strong>und</strong> Fortbildung +<br />

Laboratory Automation & Information Management<br />

Laboratory Phonology<br />

Labour Economics<br />

Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations<br />

Lakes and Reservoirs : Research and Management<br />

Lancet, The<br />

Land Degradation & Development<br />

Land Use Policy<br />

Landes- <strong>und</strong> Kommunalverwaltung (LKV) (via Beck)<br />

Landscape and Urban Planning (formerly: Landscape Planning)<br />

Landscape Ecology<br />

Landscape Planning<br />

Landscape Research<br />

Landtechnik<br />

Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery (Formerly Deutsche Zeitschrift für Chirurgie; Langenbecks Archiv für klinische Chirurgie<br />

Langmuir<br />

Language and Cognition<br />

Language and Cognitive Processes<br />

Language and Literature<br />

Language and Speech<br />

Language & Communication<br />

Language in Society<br />

Language Learning<br />

Language Learning in Higher Education<br />

Language Sciences<br />

Language Teaching<br />

Language Teaching Research<br />

Language Testing<br />

Language Variation and Change<br />

Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie (früher: Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie)<br />

Laryngoscope, The (- 2008) (via OVID)<br />

Laser and Particle Beams<br />

Lasers in Medical Science<br />

Lasers in Surgery and Medicine<br />

Laterality<br />

Latin American Perspectives<br />

Law and Critique<br />

Law and Human Behavior<br />

Law and Philosophy<br />

Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, The<br />

Law, Culture, and the Humanities<br />

Law, Probability and Risk<br />


Leadership Quarterly, The<br />

Leading Edge, The<br />

Learning and Individual Differences<br />

Learning and Instruction<br />

Learning and Motivation<br />

Learning Environments Research<br />

Learning, Media and Technology (Formerly: Journal of Educational Media)<br />

Lebende Sprachen<br />

Lebensmittel <strong>und</strong> Recht (LMuR) (via Beck)<br />

Lebensmittelchemie<br />

Lebensmittelrecht-Rechtsprechung : LMRR (via Beck)<br />

Lecture Notes in Computer Science<br />

Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences<br />

Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences<br />

Lecture Notes in Mathematics<br />

Lecture Notes in Physics<br />

Legal History Review, The = Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis = Revue d'Histoire du Droit<br />

Legal Information Management (BIALL)<br />

Legal Issues of Economic Integration (formerly: Legal Issues of European Integration)<br />

Legal Theory<br />

Leiden Journal of International Law<br />

Leitsatzkartei : LSK (via Beck)<br />

Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook (früher: Publications of the Leo Baeck Institute of Jews from Germany)<br />

Lettere al Nuovo Cimento (1969 - 1970)<br />

Lettere al Nuovo Cimento (1971 - 1985)<br />

Letters in Mathematical Physics<br />

Letters in Peptide Science<br />

Leukemia and Lymphoma<br />

Leukemia Research<br />

Lexicographica<br />

Library Acquisitions : Practice & Theory<br />

Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services<br />

Library Essentials<br />

Library & Information Science Research<br />

Library : the Transactions of the Bibliographical Society<br />

LIBRI: International Journal of Libraries and Information Services<br />

Lichenologist, The<br />

Life Sciences (Including Pharmacology Letters Online)<br />

Lifetime Data Analysis<br />

Lighting Research and Technology<br />

Lightweight Design<br />

Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters<br />

Limnology<br />

Linear Algebra and its Applications<br />

Linear and Multilinear Algebra<br />

Lingua<br />

Linguistic Review, The<br />

Linguistic Typology<br />

Linguistics<br />

Linguistics and Education<br />

Linguistics and Philosophy<br />

Linux Journal<br />

Linux-User<br />

Lipid Technology<br />

Lipids<br />

Liquid Crystals

Liquid Crystals Today<br />

LISP and Symbolic Computation<br />

Literacy (Formerly: Reading)<br />

Literary and Linguistic Computing<br />

Literature and Theology<br />

Lithos<br />

Lithuanian Mathematical Journal (Formerly: Mathematical Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR<br />

Liver Cancer<br />

Liverpool Law Review<br />

Livestock Production Science<br />

LMK : Fachdienst Zivilrecht : Kommentierte BGH-Rechtsprechung, Lindenmaier-Möhring (via Beck)<br />

Local Economy<br />

Local Environment<br />

Location Science<br />

Lodz Papers in Pragmatics<br />

Logic Journal of the IGPL (formerly: Journal of the IGPL)<br />

Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology(formerly: Scandinavian Journal of Logopedics & Phoniatrics; Nordisk Tidsskrift for L<br />

Logos : the Journal of the World Book Community<br />

Long Range Planning<br />

Low Temperature Physics<br />

Luminescence (formerly: Journal of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence)<br />

Lung Cancer<br />

Lung (Formerly: Pneumonologie; Beiträge zur Klinik <strong>und</strong> Erforschung der Tuberkulose <strong>und</strong> der Lungenkrankheiten; Beiträg<br />

Lupus<br />

Lusotopie (2005 - 2009)<br />

LWT - Food Science and Technology (Formerly: Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft <strong>und</strong> -Technologie)<br />

Lymphatic Research and Biology<br />

Machine Learning<br />

Machine Translation (Formerly: Computers and Translation)<br />

Machine Vision and Applications<br />

Machining Science and Technology<br />

Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics (Formerly: Makromolekulare Chemie)<br />

Macromolecular Materials and Engineering (Formerly: Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie)<br />

Macromolecular Rapid Communications (Formerly: Makromolekulare Chemie, Die / Rapid Communications)<br />

Macromolecular Theory and Simulations (Formerly: Makromolekulare Chemie, Die / Theory and Simulations)<br />

Macromolecules<br />

Madroño : a West American Journal of Botany (2005-)<br />

Magnetic Resonance Imaging<br />

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry (formerly: Organic Magnetic Resonance)<br />

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine<br />

Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine (MAGMA)<br />

Main Group Chemistry (- 2009)<br />

Main Group Metal Chemistry<br />

Malacologia (2006-)<br />

Mammal Study (2005 - )<br />

Mammalia: Morphologie, Biologie, Systématique des Mammifères<br />

Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift für Säugetierk<strong>und</strong>e<br />

Mammalian Genome<br />

Mammalian Species (2000 -)<br />

Man and World<br />

Management Accounting Research<br />

Management and Organizational History (M&OH)<br />

Management Communication Quarterly<br />

Management in Education<br />

Management Learning (Formerly: Management Education and Development)<br />

Managing Service Quality

Mangroves and Salt Marshes<br />

Manuelle Medizin<br />

Manufacturing (IET Manufacturing)<br />

Manuscripta Mathematica<br />

Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research<br />

Marine and Petroleum Geology<br />

Marine Biodiversity Records<br />

Marine Biology<br />

Marine Biotechnology<br />

Marine Chemistry<br />

Marine Environmental Research<br />

Marine Geology<br />

Marine Geophysical Research (formerly: Marine Geophysical Researches)<br />

Marine Mammal Science<br />

Marine Micropaleontology<br />

Marine Models<br />

Marine Policy<br />

Marine Pollution Bulletin<br />

Marine Science Bulletin (via CAJ)<br />

Maritime Policy & Management<br />

Marketing Letters<br />

Marketing Theory<br />

Maschinenmarkt (MM)<br />

Mass Spectrometry Reviews<br />

Materials and Corrosion (formerly: Werkstoffe <strong>und</strong> Korrosion)<br />

Materials and Manufacturing Processes<br />

Materials and Structures<br />

Materials Chemistry<br />

Materials Chemistry and Physics<br />

Materials Research Bulletin<br />

Materials Research Innovations (-2003)<br />

Materials Science<br />

Materials Science and Technology<br />

Materials Science Forum (MSF)<br />

Materials Testing (formerly: MP Materials Testing bzw. Materialprüfung: MP)<br />

Materialwissenschaft <strong>und</strong> Werkstofftechnik (formerly: Zeitschrift für Werkstofftechnik)<br />

Maternal and Child Health Journal<br />

Mathematical and Computer Modelling<br />

Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems (Formerly: Mathematical Modelling of Systems)<br />

Mathematical Biosciences<br />

Mathematical Finance<br />

Mathematical Geology<br />

Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) (Formerly: Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik <strong>und</strong> Gr<strong>und</strong>lagen der Mathematik : ZML<br />

Mathematical Medicine and Biology (Formerly: IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology)<br />

Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences<br />

Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (ZOR)<br />

Mathematical Modelling<br />

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (ESAIM-M2AN)<br />

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena<br />

Mathematical Notes<br />

Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry<br />

Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (formerly: Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical<br />

Mathematical Programming : Series A, Series B<br />

Mathematical Social Sciences<br />

Mathematical Structures in Computer Science<br />

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation

Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids (MMS)<br />

Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS)<br />

Mathematika<br />

Mathematische Annalen<br />

Mathematische Nachrichten<br />

Mathematische Operationsforschung <strong>und</strong> Statistik<br />

Mathematische Zeitschrift<br />

Matrix Biology<br />

Maturitas : The European Menopause Journal<br />

MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing (via OVID)<br />

md : International Designscout for Furniture, Interior and Design<br />

Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development<br />

Measurement Science and Technology<br />

Measurement Techniques<br />

Meat Science<br />

Mécanique & Industries = Mechanics & Industry (2004-)<br />

Meccanica<br />

Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines (Formerly: Mechanics of Structures and Machines ; Journal of Struc<br />

Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (Formerly: Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures)<br />

Mechanics of Composite Materials (Formerly: Polymer Mechanics)<br />

Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials<br />

Mechanisms of Ageing and Development<br />

Mechanisms of Development (MOD)<br />

Mechatronik: Design, Entwicklung, Integration (formerly: Mechatronik : F&M)<br />

MedChemComm<br />

Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses<br />

Media, Culture and Society<br />

Media, War and Conflict<br />

Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing<br />

Medical Bulletin of Shanghai Jiaotongn University (via CAJ)<br />

Medical Care (via OVID)<br />

Medical Care Research and Review<br />

Medical Decision Making (MDM)<br />

Medical Electron Microscopy<br />

Medical Engineering & Physics<br />

Medical History<br />

Medical Hypotheses<br />

Medical Image Analysis<br />

Medical Law Review<br />

Medical Microbiology and Immunology<br />

Medical Mycology (formerly: Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology; Sabouraudia)<br />

Medical Physics<br />

Medical Principles and Practice (1989-)<br />

Medical Teacher<br />

Medicinal Research Reviews<br />

Medicine (via OVID)<br />

Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy<br />

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (via OVID)<br />

Medieval Encounters<br />

Medieval History Journal, The<br />

Medizinische Klinik - Intensivmedizin <strong>und</strong> Notfallmedizin<br />

Medizinische Monatsschrift für Pharmazeuten, MMP<br />

Medizinrecht. MedR<br />

Melanoma Research (via OVID)<br />

Melliand-Textilberichte: European Textile Journal<br />

Memoirs and Proceedings of the Chemical Society of London

Memory : Cognitive, Clinical, Developmental, Educational, Neuropsychological, and Social Perspectives<br />

Memory Studies<br />

Men and Masculinities<br />

Mendeleev Communications<br />

Menopause (via OVID)<br />

Mental Health Services Research<br />

Mentoring & Tutoring<br />

Messtec Drives Automation<br />

Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research<br />

Metabolic Brain Disease<br />

Metabolic Engineering<br />

Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders<br />

Metabolism<br />

Metal Finishing<br />

Metal Science and Heat Treatment<br />

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science (Formerly: Metallurgical Transaction<br />

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science (Formerly: Metallurgical<br />

Metallurgist<br />

Metascience<br />

Meteorological Applications<br />

Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (Formerly: Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik <strong>und</strong> Bioklimatologie / A ; Archives for<br />

Method & Theory in the Study of Religion<br />

Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability<br />

Methods : A Companion to Methods in Enzymology<br />

Methods in Cell Science<br />

Metrika : International Journal for Theoretical and Applied Statistics<br />

Metroeconomica<br />

Metrologia<br />

MHR Basic Science of Reproductive Medicine (formerly: Molecular Human Reproduction : MHR )<br />

Microbes and Infection<br />

Microbial Drug Resistance<br />

Microbial Ecology<br />

Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease<br />

Microbial Pathogenesis<br />

Microbiological Research<br />

Microchemical Journal<br />

Microchimica Acta (Formerly: Mikrochimica Acta ; Mikrochemie vereinigt mit Mikrochimica Acta ; Mikrochimica et Ichnoana<br />

Microcirculation<br />

Microelectronic Engineering<br />

Microelectronics International<br />

Microform and Digitization Review<br />

Micron (1969-1983)<br />

Micron (1993-)<br />

Micron and Microscopica Acta<br />

Micropaleontology<br />

Microporous and Mesoporous Materials<br />

Microscopy and Microanalysis<br />

Microscopy (Formerly: Journal of Electron Microscopy)<br />

Microscopy Research and Technique (Formerly: Journal of Electron Microscopy Technique)<br />

Microsurgery<br />

Microsystem Technologies<br />

Microvascular Research<br />

Microwave and Optical Technology Letters<br />

Microwave Journal<br />

Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication<br />

Middle East Law and Governance

Midwifery<br />

Milan Journal of Mathematics (MJM) (früher: Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano)<br />

Millennium : Jahrbuch zu Kultur <strong>und</strong> Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends n. Chr. = Yearbook on the Culture and History of<br />

Millennium : Journal of International Studies<br />

Milton Quarterly<br />

MIN Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery (früher: Neurochirurgia)<br />

Mind : A Quarterly Review of Philosophy<br />

Mind & Language<br />

Minds and Machines<br />

Mine Water and the Environment (Formerly: International Journal of Mine Water)<br />

Mineral and Electrolyte Metabolism<br />

Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review<br />

Mineralium Deposita<br />

Mineralogy and Petrology (Formerly: Tschermaks mineralogische <strong>und</strong> petrographische Mitteilungen)<br />

Minerals Engineering<br />

Minerva : a Review of Science, Learning and Policy<br />

Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies (formerly: Minimally Invasive Therapy)<br />

Mining Science and Technology<br />

Mission Studies<br />

MIT Sicherheit Administrieren <strong>und</strong> Vorbeugen<br />

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change<br />

Mitochondrial DNA (formerly: DNA Sequence)<br />

Mitochondrion<br />

Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Parlaments- <strong>und</strong> Behördenbibliotheken (APBB)<br />

Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte<br />

Mitteilungen der Rheinischen Notarkammer (MittRhNotK) (via Beck)<br />

Mitteilungen des Bayerischen Notarvereins, der Notarkasse <strong>und</strong> der Landesnotarkammer Bayern (MittBayNot) (via Beck)<br />

Mitteilungen des Bayerischen Notarvereins, der Notarkasse <strong>und</strong> der Landesnotarkammer Bayern / Sonderhefte (MittBayNo<br />

MM-Logistik<br />

Mnemosyne: A Journal of Classical Studies<br />

Mobile Networks and Applications<br />

MOCT-MOST : Economic Policy in Transitional Economies<br />

Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering<br />

Modern Asian Studies<br />

Modern China<br />

Modern Judaism<br />

Modern Rheumatology (formerly: Japanese Journal of Rheumatology)<br />

Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology<br />

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry<br />

Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology<br />

Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience (MCN)<br />

Molecular and Cellular Probes<br />

Molecular and General Genetics (MGG) (früher: Zeitschrift für Induktive Abstammungs- <strong>und</strong> Vererbungslehre; Zeitschrift fü<br />

Molecular Aspects of Medicine<br />

Molecular Biology and Evolution<br />

Molecular Biology Reports<br />

Molecular BioSystems<br />

Molecular Brain Research<br />

Molecular Breeding<br />

Molecular Carcinogenesis<br />

Molecular Cell Biology Research Communications<br />

Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals (Formerly: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology / A)<br />

Molecular Diagnosis (1996-2001)<br />

Molecular Diversity<br />

Molecular Engineering<br />

Molecular Genetics and Genomics (MGG)

Molecular Genetics and Metabolism<br />

Molecular Immunology<br />

Molecular Informatics (formerly QSAR and Combinatorial Science; Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships)<br />

Molecular Medicine Today<br />

Molecular Membrane Biology (formerly: Membrane Biochemistry)<br />

Molecular Microbiology<br />

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution<br />

Molecular Physics (MPH)<br />

Molecular Plant<br />

Molecular Reproduction and Development (formerly: Gamete Research)<br />

Molecular Simulation<br />

Molecular Syndromology<br />

Monatshefte für Chemie / Chemical Monthly (Formerly: Monatshefte für Chemie <strong>und</strong> verwandte Teile anderer Wissenscha<br />

Monatshefte für Mathematik (Formerly: Monatshefte für Mathematik <strong>und</strong> Physik)<br />

Monatsschrift Kinderheilk<strong>und</strong>e<br />

Monoclonal Antibodies in Immunodiagnosis and Immunotherapy (Formerly: Hybridoma ; Formerly: Hybridoma and Hybrido<br />

Monte Carlo Methods and Applications<br />

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society<br />

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society / Letters<br />

Mortality<br />

Motivation and Emotion<br />

Motorrad online<br />

Motortechnische Zeitschrift (MTZ)<br />

Movement Disorders<br />

MRS Bulletin<br />

MRS Communications<br />

mt-Medizintechnik<br />

MTZ Worldwide<br />

MUC: Message Understanding Conference<br />

Müll <strong>und</strong> Abfall<br />

Multibody System Dynamics<br />

Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing<br />

Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures<br />

Multilingua : Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication<br />

Multimedia Systems<br />

Multimedia Tools and Applications<br />

Multimedia <strong>und</strong> Recht / Beilage (MMR-Beil) (via Beck)<br />

Multimedia <strong>und</strong> Recht (MMR) (via Beck)<br />

Multiple Sclerosis Journal (Formerly: Multiple Sclerosis)<br />

M<strong>und</strong>-, Kiefer- <strong>und</strong> Gesichtschirurgie<br />

Muscle & Nerve<br />

Museum Management and Curatorship (Formerly: International Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship)<br />

Music and Letters<br />

Music and Medicine<br />

Music Education Research<br />

Music Educators Journal (formerly: Music Supervisors' Journal; Music Supervisors' Bulletin)<br />

Musicae Scientiae<br />

Musical Quarterly, The<br />

Musik.woche<br />

Muslim World, The<br />

Mutagenesis<br />

Mutation Research / DNA Repair<br />

Mutation Research / DNA Repair Reports<br />

Mutation Research / DNAging<br />

Mutation Research / Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects<br />

Mutation Research / F<strong>und</strong>amental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis

Mutation Research / Genetic Toxicology<br />

Mutation Research / Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis<br />

Mutation Research Letters<br />

Mutation Research / Mutation Research Genomics<br />

Mutation Research / Reviews in Genetic Toxicology<br />

Mutation Research / Reviews in Mutation Research<br />

Mycological Research<br />

Mycologist<br />

Mycopathologia<br />

Mycorrhiza<br />

Mycoscience (1994-20<strong>12</strong>)<br />

NAACL: North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics<br />

Nachrichten aus der Chemie<br />

Naharaim : Zeitschrift für deutsch-jüdische Literatur <strong>und</strong> Kulturgeschichte<br />

Nahrung / Food<br />

NAN Nü<br />

Nano Today<br />

Nanotechnology<br />

Nanotechnology Reviews<br />

Nanotoxicology<br />

NASSP Bulletin (formerly: Yearbook of the National Association of Secondary School Principals; Bulletin of the Departmen<br />

National Institute Economic Review<br />

Natural Areas Journal<br />

Natural Disaster Reduction in China (via CAJ)<br />

Natural Gas & Electricity (formerly Natural Gas)<br />

Natural Hazards<br />

Natural Immunity<br />

Natural Language Engineering<br />

Natural Language & Linguistic Theory<br />

Natural Language Semantics<br />

Natural Product Reports<br />

Natural Product Research (formerly: Natural Product Letters)<br />

Natural Resources Research (formerly: Nonrenewable Resources)<br />

Natural Toxins<br />

Nature<br />

Nature Biotechnology (formerly: Bio-Technology)<br />

Nature Cell Biology<br />

Nature Chemical Biology<br />

Nature Chemistry<br />

Nature Genetics<br />

Nature Geoscience<br />

Nature Immunology<br />

Nature Materials<br />

Nature Medicine<br />

Nature Methods<br />

Nature Nanotechnology<br />

Nature Neuroscience<br />

Nature New Biology<br />

Nature Photonics<br />

Nature Physical Sciences<br />

Nature Physics<br />

Nature Protocols<br />

Nature Reviews Cancer<br />

Nature Reviews Cardiology (formerly: Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine)<br />

Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology (formerly: Nature Clinical Practice Oncology)<br />

Nature Reviews Drug Discovery

Nature Reviews Endocrinology (formerly: Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology and Metabolism)<br />

Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology (formerly: Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology & Hepatology)<br />

Nature Reviews Genetics<br />

Nature Reviews Immunology<br />

Nature Reviews Microbiology<br />

Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology<br />

Nature Reviews Nephrology (formerly: Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology)<br />

Nature Reviews Neurology (formerly: Nature Clinical Practice Neurology)<br />

Nature Reviews Neuroscience<br />

Nature Reviews Rheumatology (formerly: Nature Clinical Practice Rheumatology)<br />

Nature Reviews Urology (formerly: Nature Clinical Practice Urology)<br />

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (formerly: Nature Structural Biology)<br />

Naturschutz <strong>und</strong> Landschaftsplanung<br />

Naturwissenschaften, Die<br />

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology<br />

Naval Research Logistics : An International Journal (formerly: Naval Research Logistics Quarterly)<br />

Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis = Dutch Review of Church History<br />

Negotiation Journal (-2003)<br />

Nematologica<br />

Nematology<br />

Neohelicon : Acta Comparationis Litterarum<br />

Neonatology (formerly: Biology of the Neonate; Biologia Neonatorum)<br />

Neophilologus : An International Journal of Modern and Mediaeval Language and Literature<br />

Nephrology<br />

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (NDT)<br />

Nephron<br />

Nephron Clinical Practice<br />

Nephron Experimental Nephrology (formerly Experimental Nephrology)<br />

Nephron Physiology<br />

Nervenarzt, Der<br />

Netherlands International Law Review<br />

Netherlands Journal of Sea Research<br />

Netherlands Journal of Zoology<br />

Netherlands Yearbook of International Law<br />

Netnomics: Economic Research and Electronic Networking<br />

Network: Computation in Neural Systems<br />

Network Science<br />

NetWorker<br />

Networks<br />

Networks and Spatial Economics<br />

Neue Juristische Online-Zeitschrift (NJOZ) (via Beck)<br />

Neue Juristische Wochenschrift / Beilage (NJW-Beil) (via Beck)<br />

Neue Juristische Wochenschrift / NJW-Entscheidungsdienst / Familien- <strong>und</strong> Erbrecht (NJWE-FER) (via Beck)<br />

Neue Juristische Wochenschrift / NJW-Entscheidungsdienst / Miet- <strong>und</strong> Wohnungsrecht (NJWE-MietR) (via Beck)<br />

Neue Juristische Wochenschrift / NJW-Entscheidungsdienst / Versicherungs- <strong>und</strong> Haftpflichtrecht (NJWE-VHR) (via Beck<br />

Neue Juristische Wochenschrift / NJW-Entscheidungsdienst / Wettbewerbsrecht (NJWE-WettbR) (via Beck)<br />

Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW) (inkl. Rechtsprechung)(via Beck)<br />

Neue Juristische Wochenschrift / NJW-Rechtsprechungs-Report Zivilrecht (NJW-RR) (via Beck)<br />

Neue Juristische Wochenschrift / NJW-Spezial (via Beck)<br />

Neue Verpackung<br />

Neue Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht (NZA) / Beilage (via Beck)<br />

Neue Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht (NZA; formerly: Neue Zeitschrift für Arbeits- <strong>und</strong> Sozialrecht) (via Beck)<br />

Neue Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht / NZA-Rechtsprechungs-Report Arbeitsrecht (NZA-RR) (via Beck)<br />

Neue Zeitschrift für Baurecht <strong>und</strong> Vergaberecht (NZBau) (via Beck)<br />

Neue Zeitschrift für das Recht der Insolvenz <strong>und</strong> Sanierung (NZI) (via Beck)<br />

Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht (NZG) (via Beck)

Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht (NZG) / Beilage (via Beck)<br />

Neue Zeitschrift für Miet- <strong>und</strong> Wohnungsrecht (NZM) (via Beck)<br />

Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialrecht (NZS) (via Beck)<br />

Neue Zeitschrift für Strafrecht (NStZ) (via Beck)<br />

Neue Zeitschrift für Strafrecht / NStZ-Rechtsprechungs-Report Strafrecht (NStZ-RR) (via Beck)<br />

Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie <strong>und</strong> Religionsphilosophie (NZST)<br />

Neue Zeitschrift für Verkehrsrecht (NZV) (via Beck)<br />

Neue Zeitschrift für Versicherung <strong>und</strong> Recht (NVersZ) (via Beck)<br />

Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ) (via Beck)<br />

Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ) / Beilage (via Beck)<br />

Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht / NVwZ-Rechtsprechungs-Report (NVwZ-RR) (via Beck)<br />

Neural Computing & Applications<br />

Neural Networks<br />

Neural Processing Letters<br />

Neuro-Oncology<br />

Neuro-Ophthalmology<br />

Neurobiology of Aging<br />

Neurobiology of Learning and Memory<br />

Neurocase<br />

Neurochemical Research<br />

Neurochemistry International<br />

Neurodegeneration<br />

Neurodegenerative Diseases<br />

Neuroembryology and Aging<br />

Neuroendocrinology<br />

Neuroepidemiology<br />

Neurogenetics<br />

Neurohospitalist, The<br />

NeuroImage<br />

NeuroImmunoModulation<br />

Neurological Sciences<br />

Neurologist, The (via OVID)<br />

Neuromuscular Disorders<br />

Neuron<br />

Neuropediatrics (früher: Neuropädiatrie)<br />

Neuropeptides<br />

Neuropharmacology<br />

Neurophysiologie Clinique = Clinical Neurophysiology<br />

Neurophysiology<br />

Neuroprotocols<br />

Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence<br />

Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurology (via OVID)<br />

Neuropsychobiology<br />

Neuropsychologia<br />

Neuropsychological Rehabilitation<br />

Neuropsychology Review<br />

Neuroradiology<br />

Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair (früher: Journal of Neurologic Rehabilitation)<br />

NeuroReport (via OVID)<br />

Neuroscience<br />

Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology<br />

Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews<br />

Neuroscience Bulletin (via CAJ)<br />

Neuroscience Letters<br />

Neuroscience Research<br />

Neuroscience Research Supplements

Neuroscientist, The<br />

Neurosignals<br />

Neurosurgery Quarterly (via OVID)<br />

Neurosurgical Review<br />

Neurotoxicology and Teratology<br />

Neurourology and Urodynamics<br />

New Astronomy Reviews<br />

New Blackfriars<br />

New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development (formerly: New Directions for Child Development)<br />

New Directions for Youth Development (formerly: New Directions for Mental Health Services)<br />

New Forests<br />

New Ideas in Psychology<br />

New Journal of Chemistry<br />

New Journal of Physics (NJP)<br />

New Media and Society<br />

New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia<br />

New Surveys in the Classics<br />

New Technology, Work and Employment<br />

New Testament Studies<br />

New Theatre Quarterly<br />

Newsdienst MMR-Aktuell (via Beck)<br />

Newsletter of Biomedical Safety and Standards, The (via OVID)<br />

Newsletter of the IRE Professional Group on Audio<br />

Nicotine & Tobacco Research<br />

Nietzsche-Studien<br />

NIN: Journal of Gender Studies in Antiquity<br />

Nitric Oxide : Biology and Chemistry<br />

NMR in Biomedicine<br />

Non-State Actors and International Law<br />

Nonlinear Analysis : Theory, Methods & Applications<br />

Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications (NoDEA)<br />

Nonlinear Dynamics<br />

Nonlinearity<br />

Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (formerly: Journal of Voluntary Action Research)<br />

Nordic Journal of International Law<br />

Nordic Journal of Linguistics<br />

Nordic Journal of Psychiatry (formerly: Nordisk Psykiatrisk Tidsskrift / formerly: Nordisk Psykiatrisk Medlemsblad)<br />

Nordisk Tidsskrift for International Ret<br />

Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography<br />

North American Journal of Economics and Finance, The<br />

North American Review of Economics and Finance<br />

Northeastern Naturalist (2000-)<br />

Northwest Journal of Optometry (via OVID)<br />

Northwest Science (2007 - )<br />

Northwestern Naturalist<br />

Notes and Queries<br />

Notfall + Rettungsmedizin (Formerly: Notfall)<br />

Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature (2006 -)<br />

Novum Testamentum<br />

NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik <strong>und</strong> Medizin (Formerly: NTM International Journal of History<br />

Nuclear and Chemical Waste Management<br />

Nuclear Data Sheets<br />

Nuclear Data Sheets. Section A<br />

Nuclear Data Sheets. Section B<br />

Nuclear Engineering and Design<br />

Nuclear Engineering and Design. Fusion

Nuclear Fusion<br />

Nuclear Instruments<br />

Nuclear Instruments and Methods<br />

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research<br />

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated<br />

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms<br />

Nuclear Medicine and Biology<br />

Nuclear Medicine Communications (via OVID)<br />

Nuclear Physics<br />

Nuclear Physics A<br />

Nuclear Physics B<br />

Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements)<br />

Nuclear Structural Engineering<br />

Nuclear Track Detection<br />

Nuclear Tracks<br />

Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements (1982-1985)<br />

Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements (1993)<br />

Nucleic Acid Therapeutics (Formerly: Oligonucleotides; Antisense and Nucleic Acid Drug Development; Antisense: Resear<br />

Nucleic Acids Research<br />

Nucleic Acids Symposium Series<br />

Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids (Formerly: Nucleosides and Nucleotides)<br />

Numen: International Review for the History of Religions<br />

Numerical Algorithms<br />

Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization<br />

Numerical Heat Transfer<br />

Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications<br />

Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: F<strong>und</strong>amentals<br />

Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications<br />

Numerical Mathematics (Theory, Methods and Applications) (via CAJ)<br />

Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations<br />

Numerische Mathematik<br />

Nuovo Cimento A, Il (1965-1970)<br />

Nuovo Cimento A, Il (1971-1996)<br />

Nuovo Cimento B, Il (1965-1970)<br />

Nuovo Cimento B, Il (1971-1996)<br />

Nuovo Cimento C, Il (1978-1996)<br />

Nuovo Cimento D, Il (1982-1998)<br />

Nuovo Cimento, Il (1855 - 1965)<br />

Nurse Education in Practice<br />

Nurse Education Today<br />

Nurse Educator (via OVID)<br />

Nurse Practitioner, The (via OVID)<br />

Nursing Administration Quarterly (via OVID)<br />

Nursing .... (American edition) (via OVID)<br />

Nursing Case Management (via OVID)<br />

Nursing Ethics<br />

Nursing Management (formerly: Supervisor Nurse) (via OVID)<br />

Nursing Research (via OVID)<br />

Nursing Science Quarterly<br />

Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems<br />

Nutrition and the MD (via OVID)<br />

Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme<br />

Nutrition in Clinical Practice (NCP)<br />

Nutrition Research<br />

Nutrition Research Reviews<br />

Nutrition Today (via OVID)

O+P Ölhydraulik <strong>und</strong> Pneumatik<br />

Obesity Facts (2008-)<br />

Obesity Surgery<br />

Obst & Garten<br />

Obstetric Anesthesia Digest (via OVID)<br />

Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey (via OVID)<br />

Obstetrics & Gynecology (via OVID)<br />

Occupational Medicine (formerly: Journal of the Society of Occupational Medicine / Transactions of the Society of Occupat<br />

Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation (via OVID)<br />

Occupational Therapy in Health Care<br />

Ocean and Shoreline Management<br />

Ocean & Coastal Management<br />

Ocean Dynamics (früher: Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift)<br />

Ocean Management<br />

Ocular Immunology and Inflammation<br />

Odontology<br />

Oecologia<br />

Oil and Chemical Pollution<br />

Oil and Petrochemical Pollution<br />

Oil & Gas Journal<br />

OLG-Rechtsprechung Neue Länder (OLG-NL) (via Beck)<br />

Omega : the International Journal of Management Science<br />

OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology (Formerly: Microbial & Comparative Genomics; Genome Science and Technology<br />

Omnibus-Revue<br />

Oncology (formerly: Oncologia)<br />

Onkologe, Der<br />

Onkologie<br />

Open Economies Review<br />

Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning<br />

Open Systems & Information Dynamics (-2007)<br />

Opera Quarterly, The<br />

Operations Research Letters<br />

Operative Orthopädie <strong>und</strong> Traumatologie = Orthopaedics and Traumatology<br />

Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics<br />

Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery<br />

Operative Techniques in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery<br />

Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine<br />

Ophthalmic Epidemiology<br />

Ophthalmic Genetics (formerly: Ophthalmic Paediatrics and Genetics)<br />

Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (via OVID)<br />

Ophthalmic Research<br />

Ophthalmologe, Der<br />

Ophthalmologica (früher: Zeitschrift für Augenheilk<strong>und</strong>e)<br />

Opportunistic Pathogens<br />

Optical and Quantum Electronics (OQE) (formerly Opto-Electronics)<br />

Optical Engineering (OE)<br />

Optical Materials<br />

Optical Networks Magazine<br />

Optics and Lasers in Engineering<br />

Optics and Spectroscopy<br />

Optics Communications<br />

Optics & Laser Technology<br />

Optics Letters (OL)<br />

Optics Technology<br />

Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics<br />


Optimization and Engineering<br />

Optimization Methods and Software<br />

Optoelectronics Letters (via CAJ)<br />

Optometry and Vision Science (via OVID)<br />

OR Spectrum (Formerly: OR-Spektrum; Operations-Research-Spektrum)<br />

Oral History Review, The<br />

Oral Oncology<br />

Oral Radiology<br />

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology<br />

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology<br />

Orbis<br />

Orbis Litterarum<br />

Orbit<br />

Order<br />

Ore Geology Reviews<br />

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry<br />

Organic Electronics<br />

Organic Geochemistry<br />

Organised So<strong>und</strong><br />

Organisms, Diversity & Evolution (-2009)<br />

Organization<br />

Organization and Environment<br />

Organization Studies<br />

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes<br />

Organizational Behavior and Human Performance<br />

Organizational Dynamics<br />

Organizational Psychology Review<br />

Organizational Research Methods<br />

Organometallics<br />

Organophosphorus Chemistry<br />

Oriens: Zeitschrift der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Orientforschung<br />

Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres<br />

ORL (formerly Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica)<br />

Ornithological Monographs<br />

Ornithological Science<br />

Orthopäde, Der<br />

Orthopaedic Nursing (via OVID)<br />

Oryx<br />

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage<br />

Osteoporosis International<br />

Oto-Rhino-Laryngologia Nova<br />

Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery<br />

Otology & Neurotology (via OVID)<br />

Oud Holland - Quarterly for Dutch Art History<br />

Outcomes Management (via OVID)<br />

Outcomes Management for Nursing Practice (via OVID)<br />

Oxford Art Journal<br />

Oxford Economic Papers<br />

Oxford Journal of Archaeology<br />

Oxford Journal of Legal Studies<br />

Oxford Review of Economic Policy<br />

Oxford Review of Education<br />

Oxidation of Metals<br />

Pacific-Basin Finance Journal<br />

Pacific Economic Review<br />

Pacific Science (2005-)

Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology : PACE<br />

Pack & Log<br />

Packaging Technology and Science<br />

Paedagogica Historica<br />

Pain<br />

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology<br />

Palaios<br />

Paleobiology<br />

Paleontological Research<br />

Palliative Medicine<br />

Palliative & Supportive Care<br />

Palynology<br />

Pan-Pacific Entomologist, The<br />

Pancreas (via OVID)<br />

Pancreatology<br />

Paper 360°<br />

Papers in Regional Science<br />

Papers of the American Society of Church History<br />

Papers of the British School at Rome (2008-)<br />

Parasitology<br />

Parasitology Research (formerly: Zeitschrift für Parasitenk<strong>und</strong>e)<br />

Parasitology Today<br />

Parliamentary Affairs<br />

Particle & Particle Systems Characterization<br />

Particulate Science and Technology<br />

Party Politics<br />

Passages<br />

Past and Present<br />

Pastoral Psychology<br />

Pathobiology (formerly Experimental Cell Biology; Pathologia et Microbiologia; Schweizerische Zeitschrift für allgemeine Pa<br />

Pathogens and Disease (Formerly: FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology)<br />

Pathologe, Der<br />

Pathology<br />

Pathology and Oncology Research<br />

Pathology Case Reviews (via OVID)<br />

Pathophysiology<br />

Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis<br />

Patient Counselling and Health Education<br />

Patient Education and Counseling<br />

Pattern Analysis & Applications (PAA)<br />

Pattern Recognition<br />

Pattern Recognition Letters<br />

PC-Magazin<br />

PC-Welt<br />

Pedagogy, Culture and Society (formerly: Curriculum Studies)<br />

Pediatric Allergy and Immunology<br />

Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology (Formerly: Pediatric Asthma, Allergy and Immunology)<br />

Pediatric and Developmental Pathology (- 2005)<br />

Pediatric Anesthesia (Paediatric Anaesthesia)<br />

Pediatric Blood and Cancer (Formerly: Medical and Pediatric Oncology)<br />

Pediatric Cardiology<br />

Pediatric Emergency Care (via OVID)<br />

Pediatric Endosurgery & Innovative Techniques<br />

Pediatric Hematology and Oncology (formerly: European Paediatric Haematology and Oncology)<br />

Pediatric Infectious Disease (via OVID)<br />

Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, The (via OVID)

Pediatric Nephrology<br />

Pediatric Neurology<br />

Pediatric Neurosurgery (formerly Pediatric Neuroscience ; Child's Brain)<br />

Pediatric Obesity (formerly International Journal of Pediatric Obesity)<br />

Pediatric Physical Therapy (via OVID)<br />

Pediatric Pulmonology<br />

Pediatric Radiology<br />

Pediatric Research (via OVID, 1967-2011)<br />

Pediatric Surgery International<br />

Pedobiologia : International Journal of Soil Biology<br />

Peptides<br />

Perfusion<br />

Periodica Mathematica Hungarica<br />

Periodontology 2000<br />

Perkin 1<br />

Perkin 2<br />

Perkin Transactions 1<br />

Perkin Transactions 2<br />

Permafrost and Periglacial Processes<br />

Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (Formerly: Personal Technologies)<br />

Personality and Individual Differences<br />

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin<br />

Personality and Social Psychology Review<br />

Personalmagazin<br />

Personalrat, Der<br />

Personalvertretung Digital<br />

Personnel Psychology<br />

Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics<br />

Perspectives in Public Health (Formerly: Journal of the Royal Society for Promotion of Health : JRSH)<br />

Perspectives in Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy<br />

Perspectives on Global Development and Technology<br />

Perspectives on Psychological Science<br />

Perspectives : Policy & Practice in Higher Education<br />

Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology<br />

Pesticide Science<br />

Petroleum Chemistry U.S.S.R.<br />

Petroleum Science (via CAJ)<br />

Petroleum Science and Technology (formerly: Fuel Science & Technology International, formerly: Liquid Fuels Technology<br />

Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology (Pflugers Archiv)<br />

Pharma-Recht (PharmR) (via Beck)<br />

Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae<br />

Pharmaceutical Biology (formerly International Journal of Pharmacognosy; International / Quarterly Journal of Crude Drug<br />

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal<br />

Pharmaceutical Development and Technology<br />

Pharmaceutical Research<br />

Pharmaceutical Science & Technology Today<br />

Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety<br />

Pharmacogenetics (via OVID)<br />

Pharmacological Research<br />

Pharmacological Research Communications<br />

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior<br />

Pharmacology (formerly Medicina et Pharmacologia Experimentalis; Medicina Experimentalis)<br />

Pharmacology & Therapeutics<br />

Pharmacology & Therapeutics Part A: Chemotherapy, Toxicology and Metabolic Inhibitors<br />

Pharmacology & Therapeutics Part B: General and Systematic Pharmacology<br />

Pharmacology & Therapeutics Part C, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Pharmacopsychiatry (früher: Pharmakopsychiatrie, Neuropsychopharmakologie; Pharmacopsychiatria)<br />

Pharmacy World & Science (PWS)<br />

Pharmazie, Die<br />

Pharmazie in unserer Zeit<br />

Pharmind - Pharmazeutische Industrie, Die<br />

Phase Transitions<br />

Philosophia Mathematica<br />

Philosophia : Philosophical Quarterly of Israel<br />

Philosophical Magazine A: Physics of Condensed Matter, Structure, Defects and Mechanical Properties<br />

Philosophical Magazine B: Physics of Condensed Matter, Statistical Mechanics, Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Propertie<br />

Philosophical Magazine (formerly: The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science; Th<br />

Philosophical Magazine Letters<br />

Philosophical Studies<br />

Philosophy and Social Criticism (formerly: Cultural Hermeneutics)<br />

Philosophy (Formerly Journal of Philosophical Studies)<br />

Philosophy of the Social Sciences<br />

Phonetica<br />

Phonology<br />

Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements<br />

Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences<br />

Photochemistry and Photobiology (2000 - 2006)<br />

Photogrammetria<br />

Photogrammetric Record, The<br />

Photogrammetrie, Fernerk<strong>und</strong>ung, Geoinformation<br />

Photomedicine and Laser Surgery (Formerly: Laser Medicine and Surgery News and Advances ; Journal of Clinical Laser M<br />

Photon : das Solarstrom-Magazin<br />

Photon Profi<br />

Photonic Network Communications<br />

Photonik: Fachzeitschrift für die optischen Technologien<br />

Photosynthesis Research<br />

Photosynthetica<br />

Photovoltaics Bulletin<br />

Photovoltaik<br />

Phronesis<br />

PhysChemComm<br />

Physica<br />

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications<br />

Physica B+C<br />

Physica B: Condensed Matter<br />

Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications<br />

Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena<br />

Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures<br />

Physica Scripta<br />

Physica Scripta / Topical Issues<br />

Physica Status Solidi (A) - Applications and Materials Science<br />

Physica Status Solidi (B) - Basic Solid State Physics<br />

Physica Status Solidi (C) - Current Topics in Solid State Physics<br />

Physical Biology<br />

Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP)<br />

Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy (Formerly: European Journal of Physical Education)<br />

Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics<br />

Physical Oceanography<br />

Physical Review A<br />

Physical Review B<br />

Physical Review C<br />

Physical Review D

Physical Review E<br />

Physical Review Letters<br />

Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams (PRST-AB)<br />

Physical Review, The (Series I)<br />

Physical Review, The (Series <strong>II</strong>)<br />

Physics and Chemistry of Liquids<br />

Physics and Chemistry of Minerals<br />

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (-1998)<br />

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy (1999-2001)<br />

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere (1999-2001)<br />

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar-Terrestrial & Planetary Science (1999-2001)<br />

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C (2002-)<br />

Physics Education<br />

Physics in Medicine and Biology<br />

Physics in Perspective (PIP)<br />

Physics in Technology (Formerly: Review of Physics in Technology, 1970 - 1972)<br />

Physics Letters<br />

Physics Letters A<br />

Physics Letters B<br />

Physics of Fluids<br />

Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics<br />

Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics<br />

Physics of Plasmas<br />

Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors<br />

Physics Reports (= Physics Letters C)<br />

Physics Today<br />

Physics / Uspekhi (Formerly: Soviet Physics Uspekhi)<br />

Physik in unserer Zeit<br />

Physik-Journal<br />

Physikalische Medizin, Rehabilitationsmedizin, Kurortmedizin (Formerly: Zeitschrift für Physiotherapie)<br />

Physiologia Plantarum<br />

Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology (PMPP)<br />

Physiological Measurement (Formerly: Clinical Physics and Physiological Measurement, 1980 - 1992)<br />

Physiological Plant Pathology<br />

Physiology & Behavior<br />

Physiotherapy Theory and Practice (formerly: Physiotherapy Practice)<br />

Phytochemical Analysis<br />

Phytochemistry<br />

Phytotherapy Research<br />

Pigment and Resin Technology<br />

Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research (Formerly: Pigment Cell Research)<br />

PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung <strong>und</strong> Kommunikation (früher: Rechenzentrum, Das)<br />

Pituitary<br />

Placenta<br />

Plainsong and Medieval Music<br />

Planetary and Space Science<br />

Planning Perspectives<br />

Planning Practice and Research (PPR)<br />

Planning Theory<br />

Plant and Cell Physiology<br />

Plant and Soil<br />

Plant Biology<br />

Plant Breeding<br />

Plant, Cell and Environment<br />

Plant Cell Reports<br />

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture

Plant Ecology (formerly: Vegetatio)<br />

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition<br />

Plant Genetic Resources<br />

Plant Growth Regulation<br />

Plant Molecular Biology<br />

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter<br />

Plant Pathology<br />

Plant Physiology and Biochemistry<br />

Plant Reproduction (Formerly: Sexual Plant Reproduction)<br />

Plant Science<br />

Plant Science Letters<br />

Plant Species Biology<br />

Plant Systematics and Evolution (Formerly: Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift)<br />

Planta<br />

Planta Medica<br />

Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing<br />

Plasma Devices and Operations<br />

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (Formerly: Plasma Physics, 1967 - 1983; Journal of Nuclear Energy/C, 1959 - 1966<br />

Plasma Science & Technology (via CAJ)<br />

Plasma Science & Technology (PST)<br />

Plasma Sources Science and Technology<br />

Plasma Therapy and Transfusion Technology<br />

Plasmas and Ions<br />

Plasmas and Polymers<br />

Plasmid : a Journal of Molecular Genetics<br />

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (1946-1957 + 1999, Suppl. 2) (via OVID)<br />

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (1962- ) (via OVID)<br />

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the Transplantation Bulletin (1958-1961) (OVID)<br />

Plastic Surgical Nursing (via OVID)<br />

Platelets<br />

Plating and Surface Finishing : P&SF<br />

Pneuma<br />

Poetics<br />

Polar Biology<br />

Polar Record<br />

Polar Research (1982-2010)<br />

Police Quarterly<br />

Policy, Politics and Nursing Practice<br />

Policy Sciences<br />

Political Analysis<br />

Political Behavior<br />

Political Geography<br />

Political Geography Quarterly<br />

Political Quarterly, The<br />

Political Research Quarterly (formerly: The Western Political Quarterly)<br />

Political Science (formerly Journal of Political Science)<br />

Political Studies<br />

Political Theory<br />

Politics and Society<br />

Politics and the Life Sciences (2002-)<br />

Politics, Philosophy and Economics<br />

Polycyclic Aromatic Compo<strong>und</strong>s<br />

Polyhedron<br />

Polymer<br />

Polymer Bulletin<br />

Polymer Chemistry

Polymer Composites<br />

Polymer Engineering & Science<br />

Polymer International (formerly: British Polymer Journal)<br />

Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering (früher: Journal of Macromolecular Science)<br />

Polymer Reviews (Formerly: Journal of Macromolecular Science. Part C)<br />

Polymer Science Series A<br />

Polymer Science Series B<br />

Polymer Science Series C<br />

Polymer Science Series D<br />

Polymers for Advanced Technologies<br />

Popular Music<br />

Population and Environment (formerly: Journal of Population)<br />

Population Ecology<br />

Population Health Management (formerly: Disease Management)<br />

Population Research and Policy Review<br />

Positivity<br />

Postgraduate Obstetrics & Gynecology (via OVID)<br />

Postharvest Biology and Technology<br />

Potential Analysis<br />

Powder Diffraction<br />

Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics (Formerly: Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics)<br />

Powder Technology<br />

Power Engineering : The Magazine of Power Generation<br />

Power Technology and Engineering (formerly: Hydrotechnical Construction)<br />

Pozna&#324; Studies in Contemporary Linguistics (2007-)<br />

Practical Diabetes (formerly: Practical Diabetes International)<br />

Practice : Social Work in Action<br />

Praehistorische Zeitschrift<br />

Praktiker, Der: das Magazin für Schweißtechnik <strong>und</strong> mehr<br />

Pramana : Journal of Physics<br />

Praxis der Freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit (FGPrax) (via Beck)<br />

Precambrian Research<br />

Precision Agriculture<br />

Prehospital and Disaster Medicine<br />

Prehospital Emergency Care<br />

Prenatal Diagnosis<br />

Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology<br />

PRev Revisionspraxis (formerly: ReVision)<br />

Prevention Science<br />

Preventive Medicine<br />

Preventive Veterinary Medicine<br />

Primary Health Care Research & Development<br />

Primates<br />

Prison Journal, The<br />

Probability and Statistics (ESAIM-P&S)<br />

Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences<br />

Probability Theory and Related Fields (formerly: Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie <strong>und</strong> verwandte Gebiete)<br />

Probation Journal (formerly: Probation)<br />

Probus<br />

Proceedings / Design Automation Conference (DAC) (Formerly: Proceedings / Design Automation Workshop; Proceedings<br />

Proceedings / IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR<br />

Proceedings of SPIE<br />

Proceedings of the 2000 NAACL-ANLP Workshop on Embedded machine translation systems<br />

Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (2001 -)<br />

Proceedings of the Analytical Division of the Chemical Society<br />

Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington

Proceedings of the Chemical Society<br />

Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society<br />

Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington (2008 -)<br />

Proceedings of the Geologists' Association<br />

Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting<br />

Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society<br />

Proceedings of the IEEE (PROC)<br />

Proceedings of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland<br />

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part A, Journal of Power and Energy (formerly Power and Process<br />

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture (formerly Managemen<br />

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (formerly Mech<br />

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering (formerly Transport Eng<br />

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part E, Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering<br />

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit<br />

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering<br />

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine<br />

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering<br />

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology<br />

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part K, Journal of Multi-body Dynamics<br />

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part L, Journal of Materials: Design and Applications<br />

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part M, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment<br />

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part N, Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems<br />

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part O, Journal of Risk and Reliability<br />

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part P, Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology<br />

Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union<br />

Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine<br />

Proceedings of the IRE (Institute of Radio Engineers) (1939-1962)<br />

Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society<br />

Proceedings of the Meeting Held at ... / American Breeders's Association<br />

Proceedings of the Nutrition Society<br />

Proceedings of the Physical Society (Formerly: Proceedings of the Physical Society of London ; Section A and Section B)<br />

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section A: Mathematics<br />

Proceedings of the Society for Analytical Chemistry<br />

Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London<br />

Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment<br />

Process Biochemistry<br />

Process Safety Progress (Formerly: Plant/Operations Progress)<br />

Production Planning & Control (PPC)<br />

Professional Case Management (formerly: Lippincott's Case Management (via OVID)<br />

Professional Development in Education (formerly: Journal of In-service Education, formerly: British Journal of In-Service E<br />

Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology<br />

Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases<br />

Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization<br />

Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials<br />

Progress in Development Studies<br />

Progress in Growth Factor Research<br />

Progress in Human Geography<br />

Progress in Lipid Research<br />

Progress in Natural Science: Materials International (via CAJ)<br />

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology<br />

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry<br />

Progress in Neurobiology<br />

Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy<br />

Progress in Oceanography<br />

Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics<br />

Progress in Pediatric Cardiology

Progress in Physical Geography<br />

Progress in Planning<br />

Progress in Quantum Electronics<br />

Progress in Retinal and Eye Research<br />

Progress in Retinal Research<br />

Progress in Surface Science<br />

Progress in the Chemistry of Fats and other Lipids<br />

Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics<br />

Prospects: An Annual of American Cultural Studies<br />

Prostaglandins<br />

Prostaglandins and Medicine<br />

Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids (PLEFA)<br />

Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Medicine<br />

Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators<br />

Prostate, The<br />

Prosthetics & Orthotics International<br />

Protein Engineering, Design, and Selection : peds (formerly: Protein Engineering)<br />

Protein Expression and Purification<br />

Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics (Formerly: Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics)<br />

Proteomics - Clinical Applications<br />

Protist<br />

Protoplasma<br />

Psychiatric Genetics (via OVID)<br />

Psychiatric Quarterly<br />

Psychiatry Research<br />

Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging<br />

Psycho-Oncology<br />

Psychodynamic Practice (formerly: Psychodynamic Counselling)<br />

Psychological Medicine<br />

Psychological Perspectives<br />

Psychological Research / Psychologische Forschung<br />

Psychological Science<br />

Psychological Science in the Public Interest<br />

Psychology and Developing Societies<br />

Psychology and Health<br />

Psychology, Crime & Law<br />

Psychology, Health & Medicine<br />

Psychology in the Schools<br />

Psychology of Music<br />

Psychology of Sport and Exercise<br />

Psychology of Women Quarterly<br />

Psychometrika<br />

Psychoneuroendocrinology<br />

Psychopathology (formerly: Psychiatria Clinica = Psychiatria et Neurologia / A)<br />

Psychopharmacology (Formerly Psychopharmacologia)<br />

Psychophysiology<br />

Psychotherapeut<br />

Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics (formerly: Acta Psychotherapeutica et Psychosomatica; Acta Psychotherapeutica, Psy<br />

Psychotherapy Research<br />

Public Administration<br />

Public Choice<br />

Public Finance Review (formerly: Public Finance Quarterly)<br />

Public Health<br />

Public Health Ethics<br />

Public Health Genomics (formerly Community Genetics)<br />

Public Health Nursing

Public Health Nutrition<br />

Public Management Review (Formerly: Public Management)<br />

Public Opinion Quarterly<br />

Public Organization Review<br />

Public Policy and Administration<br />

Public Relations Review<br />

Public Understanding of Science<br />

Public Works Management and Policy<br />

Publications de Circonstance<br />

Publications Mathématiques de L'IHÉS<br />

Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (1997-)<br />

Publishing Research Quarterly (formerly: Book Research Quarterly)<br />

Publius: The Journal of Federalism<br />

Pulmonary Pharmacology<br />

Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics<br />

Punishment and Society<br />

Pure and Applied Geophysics (PAGEOPH)<br />

Pure and Applied Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part A (1992 - 1998)<br />

QJM : An International Journal of Medicine (formerly: The Quarterly Journal of Medicine)<br />

Quaerendo<br />

Qualitative Health Research<br />

Qualitative Inquiry<br />

Qualitative Research<br />

Qualitative Social Work<br />

Qualitative Sociology<br />

Quality and Quantity<br />

Quality Engineering<br />

Quality in Higher Education<br />

Quality Management in Health Care (via OVID)<br />

Quality of Life Research<br />

Quantum and Semiclassical Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part B (1989 - 1998; Formerly: Quantum Opti<br />

Quantum Electronics (Formerly: Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics)<br />

Quantum Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part B (1989 - 1994)<br />

Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, The<br />

Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, The<br />

Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London, The<br />

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society<br />

Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance<br />

Quarterly Reviews, Chemical Society<br />

Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics<br />

Quaternary International<br />

Quaternary Research<br />

Quaternary Science Reviews<br />

Quellen <strong>und</strong> Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven <strong>und</strong> Bibliotheken<br />

Queueing Systems : Theory and Applications<br />

Quintessenz<br />

R & D Management<br />

Race and Class<br />

Race and Justice<br />

Race Ethnicity and Education<br />

Race & Society<br />

Radiation and Environmental Biophysics (Formerly: Biophysik)<br />

Radiation Botany<br />

Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids (Formerly: Radiation Effects)<br />

Radiation Measurements<br />

Radiation Oncology Investigations

Radiation Physics and Chemistry (1977-1985)<br />

Radiation Physics and Chemistry (1993-)<br />

Radiation Protection Dosimetry<br />

Radiation Research<br />

Radiography<br />

Radiologe, Der<br />

Radiologist, The (via OVID)<br />

Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics (früher: Soviet Radiophysics)<br />

Radioprotection (aktuelle Jahrgänge)<br />

Radiotherapy and Oncology<br />

RAIRO - Operations Research = Recherche Opérationnelle (RO)<br />

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications (ITA) = Informatique Théorique et Applications<br />

Ramanujan Journal, The<br />

Random Operators and Stochastic Equations<br />

Random Structures and Algorithms<br />

Rangeland Ecology & Management<br />

Rangelands (2004 -)<br />

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (RCM)<br />

Rapid Prototyping Journal<br />

Rare Metals (via CAJ)<br />

Ratio<br />

Rationality and Society<br />

RBM-News<br />

Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters<br />

Reactive and Functional Polymers<br />

Reactive Polymers<br />

Reading and Composition (Junior High) (English) (via CAJ)<br />

Reading and Writing<br />

Reading Psychology<br />

Reading & Writing Quarterly : Overcoming Learning Difficulties<br />

Real Estate Economics (formerly: Journal of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association; AREUEA journ<br />

Real Living with Multiple Sclerosis (via OVID)<br />

Real-Time Systems<br />

Réanimation (2001-2010)<br />

Réanimation Urgences<br />

ReCALL<br />

Recht der Arbeit (RdA) (via Beck)<br />

Recht der Arbeit (RdA) / Beilage (via Beck)<br />

Recht der Datenverarbeitung, RDV<br />

Recht <strong>und</strong> Schaden (R + S) (via Beck)<br />

Rechtsdepesche für das Ges<strong>und</strong>heitswesen (RDG) (via Beck)<br />

Rechtsmedizin<br />

Reflective Practice<br />

Refocus : the International Renewable Energy Magazine<br />

Refractories and Industrial Ceramics (Formerly: Refractories)<br />

Refugee Survey Quarterly (RSQ)<br />

Regional and Urban Economics<br />

Regional Environmental Change<br />

Regional Science and Urban Economics<br />

Regional Studies : The Journal of the Regional Studies Association<br />

Regulatory Peptides<br />

Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology<br />

Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin<br />

Rejuvenation Research (Formerly: Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine)<br />

RELC Journal<br />

Reliable Computing

Religion<br />

Religion and Human Rights<br />

Religion and the Arts<br />

Religion and Theology (1994-)<br />

Religious Education<br />

Religious Studies<br />

Remedial and Special Education<br />

Remediation Journal<br />

Remote Sensing of Environment<br />

Renal Failure (formerly: Uremia Investigation / formerly: Clinical and Experimental Dialysis and Apheresis / formerly: Journ<br />

Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo (1884-1940)<br />

Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo (1952-)<br />

Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems<br />

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews<br />

Renewable Energy<br />

Reports on Mathematical Physics<br />

Reports on Progress in Physics<br />

Reproductive Health Matters<br />

Reproductive Sciences (formerly: Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation)<br />

Reproductive Toxicology<br />

Requirements Engineering<br />

Res Publica<br />

Research Disclosure<br />

Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (Formerly: Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics)<br />

Research in Dance Education<br />

Research in Developmental Disabilities<br />

Research in Drama Education<br />

Research in Economics = Ricerche Economiche<br />

Research in Engineering Design<br />

Research in Experimental Medicine (formerly: Zeitschrift für die gesamte experimentelle Medizin einschließlich experiment<br />

Research in Higher Education<br />

Research in Immunology<br />

Research in Microbiology<br />

Research in Nondestructive Evaluation (-2002)<br />

Research in Nursing & Health<br />

Research in Phenomenology (1971-)<br />

Research in Post-Compulsory Education<br />

Research in Science Education<br />

Research in Science & Technological Education<br />

Research in Veterinary Science<br />

Research in Virology<br />

Research on Aging<br />

Research on Social Work Practice<br />

Research Papers in Education<br />

Research Policy<br />

Research Strategies<br />

Research Studies in Music Education<br />

Researches on Population Ecology<br />

Resonance : Journal of Science Education<br />

Resource and Energy Economics<br />

Resource Recovery and Conservation<br />

Resources and Conservation<br />

Resources and Energy<br />

Resources, Conservation and Recycling<br />

Resources Policy<br />

Respiration : International Journal of Thoracic Diseases (früher: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Tuberkulose (<strong>und</strong> Pneumolo

Respiration Physiology<br />

Respiratory Medicine<br />

Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology<br />

Restaurator: International Journal for the Preservation of Library and Archival Material<br />

Restoration Ecology<br />

Resuscitation<br />

Retina (via OVID)<br />

Review of Accounting Studies<br />

Review of Austrian Economics, The<br />

Review of Black Political Economy, The<br />

Review of Central and East European Law<br />

Review of Derivatives Research<br />

Review of Economic Design<br />

Review of Economic Dynamics<br />

Review of Education, Pedagogy & Cultural Studies, The<br />

Review of Educational Research<br />

Review of English Studies, The<br />

Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law<br />

Review of Financial Economics<br />

Review of Financial Studies, The<br />

Review of Income and Wealth (Formerly: Income and Wealth)<br />

Review of Industrial Organization<br />

Review of International Economics<br />

Review of International Studies (formerly: British Journal of International Studies)<br />

Review of Market Integration<br />

Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology<br />

Review of Political Economy<br />

Review of Politics, The<br />

Review of Public Personnel Administration<br />

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting<br />

Review of Rabbinic Judaism : Ancient, Medieval and Modern (Formerly: Annual of Rabbinic Judaism)<br />

Review of Radical Political Economics<br />

Review of Research in Education<br />

Review of Scientific Instruments (formerly: Review of Scientific Instruments with Physics News and Views)<br />

Review of Social Economy<br />

Review of Socialist Law<br />

Review of Symbolic Logic, The<br />

Reviews in Analytical Chemistry<br />

Reviews in Chemical Engineering<br />

Reviews in Clinical Gerontology<br />

Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders<br />

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries<br />

Reviews in Inorganic Chemistry<br />

Reviews in Medical Microbiology (via OVID)<br />

Reviews in Medical Virology<br />

Reviews in Molecular Biotechnology<br />

Reviews in the Neurosciences<br />

Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics<br />

Reviews of Modern Physics (früher: Physical Review / Supplement)<br />

Reviews on Environmental Health<br />

Revista de Historia Economica = Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History<br />

Revista Internacional de la Cruz Roja<br />

Revue d'Electroencéphalographie et de Neurophysiologie Clinique<br />

Revue de Medecine Interne, La<br />

Revue de Métallurgie (International Journal of Metallurgy)<br />

Revue Française d'Allergie

Revue Française d'Allergologie (1970-1973)<br />

Revue Française d'Allergologie et d'Immunologie Clinique<br />

Revue Française de Transfusion<br />

Revue Française de Transfusion et d'Hémobiologie<br />

Revue Française de Transfusion et Immuno-Hématologie<br />

Revue Française des Laboratoires<br />

Revue Generale de Thermique<br />

Rheinische Notar-Zeitschrift (RNotZ) (via Beck)<br />

Rheologica Acta<br />

Rhetorik / Rhetorik Jahrbuch<br />

Rheumatology (formerly: Annals of Physical Medicine / Rheumatology and Physical Medicine / Rheumatology and Rehabil<br />

Rheumatology International<br />

Rhodora (aktuelle Jahrgänge)<br />

RIC Reviews (Royal Institute of Chemistry Reviews)<br />

Rice Science (via CAJ)<br />

Ricerche Economiche<br />

Risk Analysis<br />

Risk Management: An International Journal (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)<br />

River Research and Applications (Formerly: Regulated Rivers)<br />

Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, La (1969-1970)<br />

Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, La (1971-1977)<br />

Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, La (1978-1999)<br />

Robotica<br />

Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing<br />

Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering<br />

RöFo : Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen <strong>und</strong> der bildgebenden Verfahren<br />

Romanische Bibliographie / Romance Bibliography (2005 -)<br />

Romanistisches Jahrbuch<br />

Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements<br />

RTR - European rail technology review (Formerly Railway technical review) (älter als 3 Monate)<br />

Rural History<br />

Russian Chemical Bulletin (Formerly: Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR / Division of Chemical Science)<br />

Russian Chemical Reviews<br />

Russian History = Histoire Russe<br />

Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling (formerly: Soviet Journal of Numerical Analysis and Ma<br />

Russian Linguistics: International Journal for the Study of the Russian Language<br />

Russian Literature<br />

Russian Mathematical Surveys<br />

Russian Physics Journal (Formerly: Soviet Physics Journal)<br />

Sachverständige, Der : Fachzeitschrift für Sachverständige, Kammern, Gerichte <strong>und</strong> Behörden (DS) (via Beck)<br />

Sadhana<br />

Safety Science<br />

Sales-Business<br />

SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research<br />

SATS: Northern European Journal of Philosophy<br />

Sauvegarde de l'Enfance<br />

Sbornik: Mathematics (Formerly: Mathematics of the USSR - Sbornik; Russian Academy of Sciences. Sbornik Mathematic<br />

Scandinavian Audiology<br />

Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal (SCJ) (früher: Scandinavian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery<br />

Scandinavian International Business Review<br />

Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation<br />

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research (formerly: Pedagogisk Forskning)<br />

Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology (incl. Supplemente)<br />

Scandinavian Journal of Immunology<br />

Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases<br />

Scandinavian Journal of Management

Scandinavian Journal of Management Studies<br />

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports<br />

Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy<br />

Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care<br />

Scandinavian Journal of Public Health (formerly: Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine)<br />

Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology (formerly: Acta Rheumatologica Scandinavica)<br />

Scandinavian Journal of Urology (formerly: Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology)<br />

Schiff & Hafen<br />

Schizophrenia Bulletin<br />

Schizophrenia Research<br />

Schloß- + Beschlag-Markt<br />

Schmerz, Der<br />

School Effectiveness and School Improvement<br />

School Leadership & Management (formerly: School Organisation)<br />

School Psychology International<br />

Schweissen <strong>und</strong> Schneiden<br />

Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Ganzheitsmedizin / Swiss Journal of Integrative Medicine<br />

Science<br />

Science and Education<br />

Science and Engineering of Composite Materials<br />

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (STAM)<br />

Science China Information Sciences (via CAJ)<br />

Science Communication<br />

Science Fo<strong>und</strong>ation in China (via CAJ)<br />

Science in Context<br />

Science of Computer Programming<br />

Science of the Total Environment, The<br />

Science & Sports<br />

Science, Technology, and Human Values<br />

Science, Technology & Society<br />

Scientia Geologica Sinica (via CAJ)<br />

Scientia Horticulturae<br />

Scientia Poetica: Jahrbuch für Geschichte der Literatur <strong>und</strong> der Wissenschaften (Yearbook for the History of Literature, Hu<br />

Scientometrics<br />

Scottish Geographical Journal (formerly: Scottish Geographical Magazine)<br />

Scottish Journal of Theology<br />

Screen<br />

Screening<br />

Second Language Research<br />

Security and Human Rights<br />

Security Dialogue<br />

Sedimentary Geology<br />

Sedimentology<br />

Seed Science Research<br />

Seizure<br />

Selecta Mathematica, New Series (SM)<br />

Selected Annual Reviews of the Analytical Sciences<br />

Semiconductor Photonics and Technology (via CAJ)<br />

Semiconductor Science and Technology<br />

Semigroup Forum<br />

Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism<br />

Seminars in Cancer Biology<br />

Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia<br />

Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology<br />

Seminars in Cell Biology<br />

Seminars in Developmental Biology

Seminars in Immunology<br />

Seminars in Liver Disease<br />

Seminars in Neurology<br />

Seminars in Neuroscience<br />

Seminars in Nuclear Medicine<br />

Seminars in Oncology Nursing<br />

Seminars in Ophthalmology<br />

Seminars in Radiation Oncology<br />

Seminars in Reproductive Medicine<br />

Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine<br />

Seminars in Roentgenology<br />

Seminars in Surgical Oncology<br />

Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis<br />

Seminars in Ultraso<strong>und</strong>, CT, and MRI<br />

Seminars in Virology<br />

Semiotica<br />

Sensor Review<br />

Sensors and Actuators<br />

Sensors and Actuators A: Physical<br />

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical<br />

Separation and Purification Reviews (formerly: Separation and Purification Methods)<br />

Separation Science and Technology (formerly: Separation Science)<br />

Sepsis<br />

Sequential Analysis<br />

Serials Review<br />

Serodiagnosis and Immunotherapy in Infectious Disease (Opportunistic Pathogens)<br />

Service Industries Journal, The<br />

Set-Valued Analysis<br />

Sex Roles<br />

Sexual Abuse (formerly: Annals of Sex Research)<br />

Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity<br />

Sexual and Relationship Therapy (Formerly: Sexual and Marital Therapy)<br />

Sexual Development<br />

Sexualities<br />

Sexuality and Disability<br />

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (via OVID)<br />

Ship & Boat International<br />

Shock (via OVID)<br />

Shock Waves<br />

Siberian Mathematical Journal<br />

Sicher ist Sicher - Arbeitsschutz aktuell<br />

Sicherheitsbeauftragter<br />

Sicht + Sonnenschutz<br />

Signal + Draht (früher: Stellwerk, Das ; Zeitschrift für das gesamte Eisenbahn-Sicherungs- <strong>und</strong> Fernmeldewesen)<br />

Signal Processing<br />

Simulation and Gaming (formerly Simulation and Games)<br />

Simulation Practice and Theory<br />

Simulation : Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International<br />

Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography<br />

Skeletal Radiology<br />

Skin Pharmacology and Physiology (Formerly Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology; Skin Pharmacology)<br />

Skin Research and Technology<br />

Skull Base (formerly: Skull Base Surgery)<br />

Sleep and Breathing<br />

Small Business Economics<br />

Small Group Research

Small Ruminant Research<br />

Smart Materials and Structures<br />

Social and Legal Studies<br />

Social Change<br />

Social Choice and Welfare<br />

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN)<br />

Social Compass<br />

Social Development<br />

Social History of Medicine<br />

Social Indicators Research<br />

Social Justice Research<br />

Social Networks<br />

Social Philosophy and Policy<br />

Social Policy & Administration<br />

Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society<br />

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology<br />

Social Psychological and Personality Science<br />

Social Psychology of Education<br />

Social Psychology Quarterly (2004 -)<br />

Social Science Computer Review<br />

Social Science Information<br />

Social Science Information Studies<br />

Social Science Japan Journal : SSJJ<br />

Social Science Journal, The<br />

Social Science & Medicine (1967-1977)<br />

Social Science & Medicine (1982 -)<br />

Social Science & Medicine. Part A: Medical Psychology & Medical Sociology<br />

Social Science & Medicine. Part B: Medical Anthropology<br />

Social Science & Medicine. Part C: Medical Economics<br />

Social Science & Medicine. Part D: Medical Geography<br />

Social Science & Medicine. Part E: Medical Psychology<br />

Social Science & Medicine. Part F: Medical and Social Ethics<br />

Social Science Research<br />

Social Sciences and Missions = Sciences Sociales et Missions<br />

Social Studies of Science<br />

Social Work<br />

Social Work Education<br />

Social Work Research<br />

Societies Without Borders<br />

Society and Mental Health (SMH)<br />

Society & Animals: Journal of Human - Animal Studies<br />

Society (formerly Transaction)<br />

Socio-Economic Planning Sciences<br />

Sociolinguistica : Internationales Jahrbuch für Europäische Soziolinguistik<br />

Sociological Forum (-2006)<br />

Sociological Inquiry : The Quarterly Journal of the International Sociology Honor Society<br />

Sociological Methodology (aktuelle Jahrgänge)<br />

Sociological Methods and Research<br />

Sociological Theory (aktuelle Jahrgänge)<br />

Sociologie du Travail<br />

Sociology<br />

Sociology of Education (2004 - )<br />

Sociology of Religion<br />

Soft Computing<br />

Soft Matter<br />

Software Quality Journal

SOFW Journal (früher: SÖFW Journal)<br />

Soil and Tillage Research<br />

Soil Biology and Biochemistry<br />

Soil Mechanics and Fo<strong>und</strong>ation Engineering<br />

Soil Science (via OVID)<br />

Soil Technology<br />

Soil Use and Management<br />

Solar Energy<br />

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells<br />

Solar Physics<br />

Solar & Wind Technology<br />

Soldering and Surface Mount Technology<br />

Solid State Communications<br />

Solid State Electronics<br />

Solid State Ionics<br />

Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance<br />

Solid State Phenomena (SSP) (formerly: Diffusion and Defect Data, B)<br />

Solid State Sciences<br />

Solutions! for People, Processes, and Paper<br />

Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange<br />

Somatic Cell and Molecular Genetics<br />

Somatosensory and Motor Research (formerly: Somatosensory Research)<br />

Sonne, Wind & Wärme<br />

South African Journal of Wildlife Research<br />

South American Journal of Herpetology<br />

South Asia Economic Journal<br />

South Asia Research<br />

South Asian Survey<br />

South China Journal of Cardiology (via CAJ)<br />

Southeastern Europe<br />

Southeastern Naturalist<br />

Southern Medical Journal (via OVID)<br />

Southwestern Entomologist<br />

Southwestern Naturalist, The (aktuelle Jahrgänge)<br />

Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, The<br />

Sozial- <strong>und</strong> Präventivmedizin = Social and Preventive Medicine (SPM)<br />

Space and Culture<br />

Space Science Reviews<br />

Spanish Economic Review<br />

Spanish Journal of Psychology, The (2009-)<br />

Spatial Vision<br />

Special Discussions of the Faraday Society<br />

Spectrochimica Acta<br />

Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy<br />

Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy<br />

Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy<br />

Spectroscopy Letters<br />

Speculum : A Journal of Medieval Studies<br />

Spill Science & Technology Bulletin<br />

Spine (via OVID)<br />

Sport, Education and Society<br />

Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach<br />

Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review (via OVID)<br />

Sportverletzung - Sportschaden<br />

Spotlight<br />

Springer Seminars in Immunopathology

Stahl <strong>und</strong> Eisen<br />

Stahlbau<br />

StandardView<br />

Standort : Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie<br />

Starch / Stärke<br />

State and Local Government Review (aktuelle Jahrgänge)<br />

State Politics & Policy Quarterly<br />

Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes<br />

Statistical Methods and Applications (Formerly: Società Italiana di Statistica: Journal of the Italian Statistical Society)<br />

Statistical Methods in Medical Research<br />

Statistical Modelling<br />

Statistical Papers (formerly: Statistische Hefte)<br />

Statistics : A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics (Mathematische Operationsforschung <strong>und</strong> Statistik / Series Stati<br />

Statistics and Computing<br />

Statistics in Medicine<br />

Statistics & Probability Letters<br />

Statute Law Review<br />

Stem Cells and Development (Formerly: Journal of Hematotherapy; Journal of Hematotherapy and Stem Cell Research)<br />

Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (formerly: Applied Neurophysiology; Confinia Neurologica)<br />

Steroids<br />

Steuerrecht Kurzgefasst (SteuK) (via Beck)<br />

Stochastic Analysis and Applications<br />

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)<br />

Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics<br />

Stochastic Models (Formerly: Communications in Statistics / Stochastic Models)<br />

Stochastic Processes and their Applications<br />

Stochastics : An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes (formerly: Stochastics and Stochastics Repo<br />

Strabismus<br />

Strahlentherapie <strong>und</strong> Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics<br />

Straßenverkehrsrecht (SVR) (via Beck)<br />

Strategic Organization<br />

Strategic Outsourcing<br />

Strength of Materials<br />

Stress and Health : Journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress (Formerly: Stress Medicine)<br />

Stress : The International Journal on the Biology of Stress<br />

Stroke (via OVID)<br />

Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (Formerly: Structural Optimization)<br />

Structural Change and Economic Dynamics<br />

Structural Chemistry<br />

Structural Health Monitoring<br />

Structure<br />

Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica<br />

Studia Logica<br />

Studies in American Political Development<br />

Studies in Central and East Asian Religions<br />

Studies in Christian Ethics<br />

Studies in Comparative Communism<br />

Studies in Comparative International Development<br />

Studies in Continuing Education<br />

Studies in East European Thought (Formerly: Studies in Soviet Thought)<br />

Studies in Educational Evaluation<br />

Studies in Higher Education<br />

Studies in History<br />

Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A<br />

Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics<br />

Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Scienc

Studies in Philosophy and Education<br />

Studies in Religion = Sciences Religieuses<br />

Studies in Second Language Acquisition<br />

Study for Junior Middle School Students (via CAJ)<br />

Substance Use & Misuse (formerly: International Journal of the Addictions)<br />

Subsurface Sensing Technologies and Applications<br />

Sulfur Reports<br />

Superconductor Science and Technology<br />

Superlattices and Microstructures<br />

Supply Chain Management<br />

Support for Learning : British Journal of Learning Support<br />

Supportive Care in Cancer<br />

Supramolecular Chemistry<br />

Surface and Coatings Technology<br />

Surface and Interface Analysis<br />

Surface Science<br />

Surface Science Letters<br />

Surface Science Reports<br />

Surface Technology<br />

Surgery Today : the Japanese Journal of Surgery<br />

Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy<br />

Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques<br />

Surgical Infections<br />

Surgical Innovation (formerly: Seminars in Laparoscopic Surgery)<br />

Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques (via OVID)<br />

Surgical Neurology<br />

Surgical Oncology<br />

Survey of Anesthesiology (via OVID)<br />

Survey of Ophthalmology<br />

Surveys in Geophysics (Geophysical Surveys)<br />

Surveys in High Energy Physics<br />

Sustainable Development<br />

Symposia of the Faraday Society<br />

Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC)<br />

Synapse<br />

Synlett<br />

Synthese : an International Journal for Epistemology, Methodology and Philosophy of Science<br />

Synthesis<br />

Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry (Formerly: Synthesis and Reactivity in Ino<br />

Synthetic Communications<br />

Synthetic Metals<br />

System : an International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics<br />

Systematic and Applied Microbiology<br />

Systematic Biology (formerly: Systematic Zoology)<br />

Systematic Botany (aktuelle Jahrgänge)<br />

Systematic Parasitology<br />

Systemic Practice and Action Research (Formerly: Systems Practice)<br />

Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine (formerly: Archives of Andrology)<br />

Systems & Control Letters<br />

T'oung Pao: The Journal of Chinese Studies = Tongbao<br />

TAB : Technik am Bau; das Fachmedium der TGA-Branche<br />

Talanta : the International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry<br />

TAPPI Journal<br />


Tastenwelt<br />

Teacher Development

Teacher Education and Special Education (TESE)<br />

Teachers and Teaching : Theory and Practice<br />

Teaching and Teacher Education<br />

Teaching Business Ethics<br />

Teaching Education<br />

Teaching in Higher Education<br />

Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA<br />

Teaching of Psychology<br />

Teaching Public Administration<br />

Teaching Sociology (aktuelle Jahrgänge)<br />

Teaching Statistics<br />

Technical Physics Letters<br />

Techniques in Coloproctology<br />

Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery (via OVID)<br />

Techniques in Orthopaedics (via OVID)<br />

Technological Forecasting<br />

Technological Forecasting and Social Change<br />

Technology Analysis & Strategic Management<br />

Technology in Society<br />

Technology, Pedagogy and Education (formerly: Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education)<br />

Technology Review: das MIT Magazin für Innovation<br />

Technovation<br />

Tectonophysics<br />

Telecommunication Systems<br />

Telecommunications Policy<br />

Telemedicine and e-Health (Formerly: Telemedicine Journal)<br />

Television and New Media<br />

Tempo : a Quarterly Review of Modern Music<br />

Tenside Surfactants Detergents<br />

Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis<br />

Terra Nova<br />

Tertiary Education and Management (- 2006)<br />

Test<br />

Tetrahedron<br />

Tetrahedron: Asymmetry<br />

Tetrahedron Computer Methodology : TCM<br />

Tetrahedron Letters<br />

Text and Talk - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language, Discourse and Communication Studies (Formerly: Text - Interdis<br />

Textile Research Journal<br />

TGA-Fachplaner: Das Magazin für die technische Gebäudeausrüstung<br />

The Hague Journal of Diplomacy<br />

Theatre Research International<br />

Theatre Survey<br />

Theology<br />

Theology and Sexuality<br />

Theology Today (1944-)<br />

Theoretical and Applied Climatology (formerly: Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik <strong>und</strong> Bioklimatologie / B; Archives for Me<br />

Theoretical and Applied Genetics (TAG)<br />

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics<br />

Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry<br />

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics<br />

Theoretical Chemistry Accounts (Formerly: Theoretica Chimica Acta)<br />

Theoretical Computer Science<br />

Theoretical Criminology<br />

Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing (TINLAP)<br />

Theoretical Linguistics

Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics<br />

Theoretical Population Biology<br />

Theory and Decision<br />

Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) (2001-)<br />

Theory and Psychology<br />

Theory and Research in Education<br />

Theory and Society<br />

Theory, Culture and Society<br />

Theory of Computing Systems (Formerly: Mathematical Systems Theory)<br />

Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease<br />

Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease<br />

Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety<br />

Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism<br />

Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology<br />

Therapeutic Advances in Hematology<br />

Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology<br />

Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease<br />

Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders<br />

Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology<br />

Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease<br />

Therapeutic Advances in Urology<br />

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (via OVID)<br />

Theriogenology<br />

Thermochimica Acta<br />

Thesis Eleven: Critical Theory and Historical Sociology<br />

Thin Solid Films<br />

Think: Philosophy for Everyone<br />

Thinking & Reasoning<br />

Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, The<br />

Thrombosis Research<br />

Thyroid<br />

Time and Society<br />

Tissue and Cell<br />

Tissue Engineering / Part A (Formerly: Tissue Engineering)<br />

tm - Technisches Messen<br />

TOP<br />

Topics in Catalysis<br />

Topics in Clinical Nutrition (via OVID)<br />

Topics in Early Childhood Special Education<br />

Topics in Emergency Medicine (via OVID)<br />

Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation (via OVID)<br />

Topics in Language Disorders (via OVID)<br />

Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (TMRI) (via OVID)<br />

Topics in Pain Management (via OVID)<br />

Topoi<br />

Topology<br />

Topology and its Applications<br />

Total Quality Management and Business Excellence<br />

Tour: Europas Rennrad-Magazin Nr. 1<br />

Tourism & Hospitality Research<br />

Tourism Management<br />

Tourist Studies<br />

Toxicologic Pathology (formerly: Bulletin of the Society of Pharmacological and Environmental Pathologists)<br />

Toxicological Sciences (Formerly: F<strong>und</strong>amental and Applied Toxicology)<br />

Toxicology<br />

Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology

Toxicology and Industrial Health<br />

Toxicology in Vitro<br />

Toxicology Letters<br />

Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods (formerly: Toxicology Methods)<br />

Toxicon<br />

Toxin Reviews - Journal of Toxicology<br />

TQM Journal, The<br />

TQM Magazine, The (Total Quality Management)<br />

Trabajos de Estadística<br />

Trabajos de Estadística y de Investigación Operativa<br />

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa<br />

TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry<br />

Traffic Injury Prevention (formerly: Journal of Crash Prevention and Injury Control)<br />

Trait d'Union<br />

Transactions - American Society for Artificial Internal Organs (via OVID)<br />

Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics (via CAJ)<br />

Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (via CAJ)<br />

Transactions of the American Entomological Society (2006 -)<br />

Transactions of the British Mycological Society<br />

Transactions of the Faraday Society<br />

Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control<br />

Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation<br />

Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Audio<br />

Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Broadcast and Television Receivers<br />

Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Communications Systems<br />

Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Component Parts<br />

Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Electron Devices<br />

Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Ultrasonics Engineering<br />

Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Vehicular Communications<br />

Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science (1992 -)<br />

Transactions of the Optical Society<br />

Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland<br />

Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (1872 -)<br />

Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene<br />

Transactions of Tianjin University (via CAJ)<br />

Transcultural Psychiatry<br />

Transfer : European Review of Labour and Research<br />

Transformation : An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies<br />

Transformation Groups<br />

Transfusion and Apheresis Science<br />

Transfusion : Bulletin de la Société Nationale de Transfusion Sanguine et des Centres de Transfusion de France<br />

Transfusion Clinique et Biologique<br />

Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy (formerly: Infusion Therapy and Transfusion Medicine; Infusionstherapie <strong>und</strong> Tran<br />

Transfusion Medicine Reviews<br />

Transfusion Science<br />

Transgenic Research<br />

Transition Metal Chemistry<br />

Transplant Immunology<br />

Transplant International<br />

Transplantation (via OVID)<br />

Transplantation Reviews<br />

Transport in Porous Media<br />

Transport Policy<br />

Transport Reviews<br />

Transport Theory and Statistical Physics<br />


Transportation Planning and Technology<br />

Transportation Research<br />

Transportation Research Part A: General<br />

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice<br />

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological<br />

Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies<br />

Trauma<br />

Trauma <strong>und</strong> Berufskrankheit<br />

Trauma, Violence and Abuse<br />

Traumatology<br />

Travaux<br />

Tree Physiology - An International Botanical Journal<br />

Tree-Ring Research (2004 -)<br />

Trees - Structure and Function<br />

Trends in Amplification<br />

Trends in Biochemical Sciences<br />

Trends in Biotechnology<br />

Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine<br />

Trends in Cell Biology<br />

Trends in Classics<br />

Trends in Ecology & Evolution<br />

Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism<br />

Trends in Food Science & Technology<br />

Trends in Genetics<br />

Trends in Immunology<br />

Trends in Microbiology<br />

Trends in Molecular Medicine<br />

Trends in Neurosciences<br />

Trends in Organized Crime<br />

Trends in Parasitology<br />

Trends in Pharmacological Sciences<br />

Trends in Plant Science<br />

Tribology Letters<br />

Trockenbau, Akustik<br />

Tropical Animal Health and Production<br />

Trusts & Trustees<br />

Tsinghua Science and Technology (via CAJ)<br />

Tubercle<br />

Tubercle and Lung Disease<br />

Tuberculosis<br />

Tumor Biology (- 2009)<br />

Tunnelling and Undergro<strong>und</strong> Space Technology<br />

Tunnels & Tunnelling International<br />

Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter<br />

Twentieth Century British History<br />

Twin Research and Human Genetics<br />

Ukrainian Mathematical Journal<br />

Ultramicroscopy<br />

Ultraschall in der Medizin<br />

Ultrasonic Imaging<br />

Ultrasonics<br />

Ultrasonics Sonochemistry<br />

Ultraso<strong>und</strong> in Medicine and Biology<br />

Ultraso<strong>und</strong> Quarterly (via OVID)<br />

Ultrastructural Pathology<br />

Unfallchirurg, Der

Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS)<br />

Update : Applications of Research in Music Education<br />

Urban Affairs Review (Formerly: Urban Affairs Quarterly)<br />

Urban Ecology<br />

Urban Ecosystems<br />

Urban Education<br />

Urban Forestry and Urban Greening<br />

Urban History (formerly: Urban History Yearbook)<br />

Urban Policy and Research<br />

Urban Review, The<br />

Urban Studies<br />

Urban Systems<br />

Urban Water<br />

Urolithiasis (Formerly: Urological Research)<br />

Urologe A, Der<br />

Urologia Internationalis<br />

Urology<br />

Ursus (1972-)<br />

User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction<br />

Utilitas<br />

Utilities Policy<br />

Vaccine<br />

Vacuum<br />

Vakuum in Forschung <strong>und</strong> Praxis (formerly: Vakuum in der Praxis)<br />

Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (formerly Vascular Surgery)<br />

Vascular Medicine (formerly Vascular Medicine Review)<br />

Vascular Pharmacology<br />

VDI-Nachrichten<br />

Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases<br />

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany<br />

Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility<br />

Venture Capital : An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance<br />

Verbraucherinsolvenz Aktuell (VIA) (via Beck)<br />

Verhaltenstherapie : Praxis, Forschung, Perspektiven<br />

Verkehr <strong>und</strong> Technik (V+T)<br />

Verpackungsr<strong>und</strong>schau (VR)<br />

Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology<br />

Veterinary Journal, The (Vet Journal, The)<br />

Veterinary Microbiology<br />

Veterinary Parasitology<br />

Veterinary Pathology (formerly: Pathologia Veterinaria)<br />

Veterinary Radiology & Ultraso<strong>und</strong><br />

Veterinary Research Communications<br />

Vetus Testamentum<br />

Vibrational Spectroscopy<br />

Victorian Literature and Culture<br />

Vigiliae Christianae<br />

Violence Against Women<br />

Viral Immunology<br />

Virchows Archiv<br />

Virchows Archiv B Cell Pathology Zell-pathologie<br />

Virologica Sinica (via CAJ)<br />

Virology<br />

Virtual Reality<br />

Virus Genes<br />

Virus Research

Vision Research<br />

Vision : the Journal of Business Perspective<br />

Vistas in Astronomy<br />

Visual Cognition<br />

Visual Communication<br />

Visual Computer, The<br />

Visual Impairment Research<br />

Visual Neuroscience<br />

Viszeralmedizin (formerly: Chirurgische Gastroenterologie)<br />

Vivarium<br />

VLDB Journal, The - The International Journal on Very Large Databases<br />

Voice of Friendship (via CAJ)<br />

Voluntas : International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations<br />

Vox Sanguinis<br />

War in History<br />

Wasser <strong>und</strong> Abfall<br />

Waste Management<br />

Waste Management and Research<br />

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution<br />

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution : Focus<br />

Water and Environment Journal<br />

Water Environment Research<br />

Water Research<br />

Water Resources Management<br />

Waterbirds: The International Journal of Waterbird Biology (2002-)<br />

Wave Motion<br />

Weed Research<br />

Weed Science (2000-)<br />

Weed Technology (2000 -)<br />

Welding International<br />

Welt des Islams, Die<br />

Werbetechnik<br />

Werkstatt <strong>und</strong> Betrieb : WB<br />

Western Journal of Nursing Research<br />

Western North American Naturalist (aktuelle Jahrgänge)<br />

Wetland Science and Practice (formerly: Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) Bulletin, The)<br />

Wetlands Ecology and Management<br />

Wetlands : Journal of the Society of Wetland Scientists<br />

Wettbewerb in Recht <strong>und</strong> Praxis : wrp<br />

WIK : Zeitschrift für die Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft<br />

Wilderness & Environmental Medicine (WEM) (formerly Journal of Wilderness Medicine)<br />

Wildlife Biology<br />

Wildlife Monographs (2004-)<br />

Wildlife Society Bulletin (2004 -)<br />

Wilson Journal of Ornithology, The (formerly: The Wilson Bulletin)<br />

Wireless Networks<br />

Wireless Personal Communications<br />

Wirtschaft <strong>und</strong> Recht in Osteuropa (WiRO) (via Beck)<br />

Wirtschaft <strong>und</strong> Weiterbildung<br />

Wirtschaft <strong>und</strong> Wettbewerb : WuW ; Zeitschrift für deutsches <strong>und</strong> europäisches Wettbewerbsrecht<br />

Wirtschaftsinformatik<br />

Wirtschaftsinformatik & (<strong>und</strong>) Management (WuM)<br />

Wittgenstein-Studien<br />

Women of China (via CAJ)<br />

Women's Health Issues<br />

Women's Studies International Forum

Women's Studies International Quarterly<br />

Wood Science and Technology<br />

Word of Mouth<br />

Work and Occupations (formerly: Sociology of Work and Occupations)<br />

Work and Stress<br />

Work, Employment and Society<br />

World Bank Economic Review, The<br />

World Bank Research Observer, The<br />

World Competition<br />

World Development<br />

World Economy, The<br />

World Englishes (formerly: World Language English)<br />

World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery<br />

World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion (via CAJ)<br />

World Journal of Biological Chemistry (via CAJ)<br />

World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, The<br />

World Journal of Cardiology (via CAJ)<br />

World Journal of Diabetes (via CAJ)<br />

World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (via CAJ)<br />

World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology (via CAJ)<br />

World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology (via CAJ)<br />

World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics (via CAJ)<br />

World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery (via CAJ)<br />

World Journal of Hepatology (via CAJ)<br />

World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (Formerly: MIRCEN Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology)<br />

World Journal of Radiology (via CAJ)<br />

World Journal of Stem Cells (via CAJ)<br />

World Journal of Surgery<br />

World Journal of Urology<br />

World Oil Online<br />

World Patent Information<br />

World Policy Journal (23.2006,2 -)<br />

World Politics<br />

World's Poultry Science Journal<br />

World Trade and Arbitration Materials<br />

World Wide Web<br />

Worldviews : Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology<br />

Wo<strong>und</strong> Repair and Regeneration<br />

Writing Systems Research<br />

Written Communication<br />

X-Ray Spectrometry<br />

Xenobiotica (XEN)<br />

XRDS : Crossroads, the ACM Magazine for Students<br />

Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory, The (YWCCT)<br />

Year's Work in English Studies, The (YWES)<br />

Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law<br />

Yearbook of Phraseology<br />

Yearbook of South Asian Languages and Linguistics, The<br />

Yeast<br />

Young Exceptional Children<br />

Young: Nordic Journal of Youth Research<br />

Youth and Society<br />

Youth Justice<br />

Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice<br />

ZAMM - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik <strong>und</strong> Mechanik<br />


Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik (ZfAL)<br />

Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik <strong>und</strong> Physik (ZAMP)<br />

Zeitschrift für Anorganische <strong>und</strong> Allgemeine Chemie (ZAAC) - Journal of Inorganic and General Chemistry (Formerly: Zeits<br />

Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum (ZAC)<br />

Zeitschrift für Assyriologie <strong>und</strong> Vorderasiatische Archäologie (Formerly: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie <strong>und</strong> verwandte Gebiete)<br />

Zeitschrift für Audiologie / Audiological Acoustics<br />

Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht <strong>und</strong> Ausländerpolitik (ZAR) (via Beck)<br />

Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht <strong>und</strong> Völkerrecht (ZaöRV) Heidelberg Journal of International Law (via Beck<br />

Zeitschrift für Bank- <strong>und</strong> Kapitalmarktrecht (BKR) (via Beck)<br />

Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen <strong>und</strong> Bibliographie (ZfBB) (2003-)<br />

Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie (ZcP)<br />

Zeitschrift für das Öffentliche Arbeits- <strong>und</strong> Tarifrecht (öAT) (via Beck)<br />

Zeitschrift für Deutsches <strong>und</strong> Internationales Bau- <strong>und</strong> Vergaberecht (ZfBR) (via Beck)<br />

Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (ZATW)<br />

Zeitschrift für die gesamte Neurologie <strong>und</strong> Psychiatrie<br />

Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft (ZStW)<br />

Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft <strong>und</strong> die K<strong>und</strong>e der Älteren Kirche (ZNW)<br />

Zeitschrift für Erbrecht- <strong>und</strong> Vermögensnachfolge (ZEV) (via Beck)<br />

Zeitschrift für Ernährungswissenschaft<br />

Zeitschrift für geistiges Eigentum = Intellectual Property Journal = ZGE<br />

Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik (ZGL)<br />

Zeitschrift für Gerontologie <strong>und</strong> Geriatrie<br />

Zeitschrift für Herz-, Thorax- <strong>und</strong> Gefäßchirurgie<br />

Zeitschrift für Jagdwissenschaft<br />

Zeitschrift für Kardiologie<br />

Zeitschrift für Landes- <strong>und</strong> Kommunalrecht Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland (LKRZ)<br />

Zeitschrift für Lebensmitteluntersuchung <strong>und</strong> -Forschung / A (Formerly: Zeitschrift für Untersuchung der Nahrungs- <strong>und</strong> Ge<br />

Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, Journal of Physical Sciences<br />

Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte (ZNThG) = Journal for the History of Modern Theology (JHMTh)<br />

Zeitschrift für Orthopädie <strong>und</strong> Unfallchirurgie (früher: Zeitschrift für Orthopädie <strong>und</strong> ihre Grenzgebiete)<br />

Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei (Formerly: Zeitschrift für Physik)<br />

Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter (Formerly: Physics of Condensed Matter; Physik der kondensierten Materie)<br />

Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields<br />

Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters<br />

Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie<br />

Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik (ZRP) (via Beck)<br />

Zeitschrift für Religions- <strong>und</strong> Geistesgeschichte (ZRGG)<br />

Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft<br />

Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie<br />

Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie (ZrP)<br />

Zeitschrift für Schiedsverfahren (SchiedsVZ) (via Beck)<br />

Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft<br />

Zeitschrift für Staats- <strong>und</strong> Europawissenschaften (ZSE) = Journal for Comparative Government and European Policy (-200<br />

Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (ZUR) (2004-) (via Beck)<br />

Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- <strong>und</strong> Gesellschaftsrecht (ZGR)<br />

Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte<br />

Zeitschrift für Vermögens- <strong>und</strong> Immobilienrecht (VIZ) ( formerly Zeitschrift für Vermögens- <strong>und</strong> Investitionsrecht) (via Beck<br />

Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb : ZWF<br />

Zeitschrift für Wohnungseigentumsrecht (ZWE) (via Beck)<br />

Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz <strong>und</strong> Ergonomie<br />

Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie<br />

ZfV : Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation <strong>und</strong> Landmanagement<br />

Zoo Biology<br />

Zoological Science<br />

Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative Zoology (2001-)<br />


Zoomorphology (formerly: Zoomorphologie ; Zeitschrift für Morphologie der Tiere ; Zeitschrift für Morphologie <strong>und</strong> Ökologie<br />

Zoosystema (2009 -)<br />

ZTE Communications (via CAJ)<br />

ZTR : Zeitschrift für Tarif-, Arbeits- <strong>und</strong> Sozialrecht des öffentlichen Dienstes (früher: Zeitschrift für Tarifrecht)<br />

Zukunftsletter<br />

ZUM-RD - Zeitschrift für Urheber- <strong>und</strong> Medienrecht. Rechtsprechungsdienst (via Beck)<br />

ZUM - Zeitschrift für Urheber- <strong>und</strong> Medienrecht (via Beck)<br />

Zutot: Perspectives on Jewish Culture<br />

Zygote : the Biology of Gametes and Early Embryos

Verlag E-ISSN P-ISSN ZDB-Nummer EZB-ID<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-1<strong>12</strong>8 (ACM) 1078-2192 2089172-6 29556<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-98<strong>12</strong> 1079-0713 2049633-3 96353<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1046-7467 1046-7467 2272021-2 87880<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-6281 0001-3072 1480492-x 2567<br />

Springer 1432-0509 0364-2356;0942-8925 1462117-4 814<br />

de Gruyter Saur 2191-4664 0720-6763 2598795-1 157023<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0258-6746 2630102-7 169322<br />

Cambridge University Press 0951-0079 1466813-0 <strong>12</strong>9296<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1938-808X 1040-2446 2025367-9 96354<br />

Elsevier 1879-2057 0001-4575 1498752-1 3382<br />

Elsevier 1532-9267 0965-2302 2048786-1 10457<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1468-4489 0963-9284 2009633-1 2467<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1032-3732;1749-3374 1032-3732 2211854-8 60928<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 2155-286X 0958-5206;1466-4275;2155-2851<br />

2617761-4 2466<br />

Elsevier 0959-8022;1873-7595 0959-8022 2009654-9 3245<br />

Elsevier 1873-6289 0361-3682 2009661-6 3246<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-4898 0001-4842 1483291-4 1650<br />

Springer 1432-0517 0949-1775 1472208-2 815<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-9492 (ACM) 0163-5824;1932-2240 2478700-0 29504<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-7341 (ACM) 0360-0300 1495309-2 3459<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 2153-2184 (ACM) 2153-2184 2549007-2 134230<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-9441 (ACM) 1527-6805 2019502-3 8306<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1550-4840 (ACM) 1550-4832 2193538-5 56488<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-7384 (ACM) 1057-4514 2006320-9 3473<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2630300-0 168922<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1542-7749 (ACM) 1542-7730 2105043-0 34164<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-1187 (ACM) 1558-2337 2180324-9 53187<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1943-5827 (ACM) 0163-5700 2043299-9 24680<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-9476 (ACM) 0736-721X;1094-3641;1557-654X<br />

20886<strong>12</strong>-3 29475<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-3392 (ACM) 0163-6006 2087641-5 29441<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1931-0161 (ACM) 1559-6915 2088099-6 29440<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1943-5851 (ACM) 0163-5964 2088489-8 29457<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 0163-5719;1053-4830 2088541-6 29474<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1551-3688 (ACM)<br />

2239027-3 85180<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-9506 (ACM) 0163-5697 2088618-4 29557<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 2159-<strong>12</strong>10 (ACM)<br />

2608654-2 163111<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 0163-5727 2088619-6 29476<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 0095-2737 (ACM) 0095-2737 2088671-8 29480<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-<strong>12</strong>17 (ACM) 0736-6906 2088746-2 29484<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1943-5819 (ACM) 0146-4833 2025907-4 8618<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-3414 (ACM) 0160-2497 2089165-9 29511<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-1179 (ACM) 0097-8418;1096-3936 2069888-4 18970<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 0163-5972;0196-1616 2239017-0 81981<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 0893-2999 (ACM) 0163-5735;0893-2999 2088905-7 29558<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 0163-5743 (ACM) 0163-5743 2088909-4 53191<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 0163-5956;0731-1001 2088910-0 29560<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 1551-9031 2132930-8 37838<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1931-8499 (ACM) 1931-8499 2244951-6 81138<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-4569 (ACM) 0097-8930 2088979-3 29493<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2088985-9 29494<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 2158-8813 (ACM)<br />

2630305-X 168937<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-1144;1558-285X<br />

(ACM) 0893-2875;1078-134X 2088991-4 29562<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-0229 (ACM) 0163-5840 2088996-3 29563<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1550-1469;1558-1071<br />

(ACM) 2166-1685 2207589-6 60369<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1931-0153 (ACM) 1931-0145 2082223-6 24943

Association for Computing Machinery 1931-1095 (ACM) 0036-147X 2182640-7 53454<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 0163-5786;1931-1184<br />

(ACM) 0163-5786 2229479-X 81140<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-9484 (ACM) 0163-5999 2089001-1 29495<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 0163-5751;0892-3825;1050-916X<br />

2089076-X 29497<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 0163-576X 2182647-X 53456<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1931-<strong>12</strong>22 (ACM) 1559-1662 2089086-2 29499<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1943-5835 (ACM) 0163-5808 2051432-3 3462<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1947-4598 (ACM)<br />

2536754-7 130604<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-0237 (ACM) 0163-5778 2089078-3 29564<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 0737-819X;0893-2867 2184694-7 53457<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 0894-0819 2090433-2 29565<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1943-586X (ACM) 0163-5980 2082220-0 24942<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 0163-5816 2182649-3 53458<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1931-1311 (ACM) 0735-3731;1061-7264 2089<strong>12</strong>0-9 29502<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-0245 (ACM) 1045-3563 2089<strong>12</strong>3-4 60353<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-1160 (ACM) 0362-1340;1523-2867 2079194-X 24648<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-0253 (ACM) 1055-6400 2089<strong>12</strong>5-8 29503<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 0277-920X;1558-0261<br />

(ACM) 0277-920X 2089<strong>12</strong>8-3 29567<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 0163-6103 (ACM) 0163-6103;1060-3689 2089132-5 29505<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 0272-720X 2238849-7 109051<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 0893-2875 (ACM) 0893-2875 2089135-0 63972<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 0163-5794 2193903-2 56565<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1943-5843 (ACM) 0163-5948 2079191-4 24650<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1946-7729 (ACM)<br />

2536745-6 130603<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-027X (ACM) 0163-5832;0736-6892 2089136-2 63984<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1931-1435 (ACM) 1931-1745 2089138-6 29569<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 1936-7228 2433115-6 108510<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1549-6333 (ACM) 1549-6325 2198259-4 57405<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1544-3965 (ACM) 1544-3558 2155384-1 46539<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1544-3973 (ACM) 1544-3566 2142607-7 41054<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-3430 (ACM) 1530-0226 2081701-0 24883<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1556-4703 (ACM) 1556-4665 2254190-1 82876<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1942-3462 (ACM) 1942-3454 2488065-6 115795<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-945X (ACM) 1529-3785 2025647-4 8447<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-7325 (ACM) 1073-0516 2006332-5 3446<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-7333 (ACM) 0734-2071 2006326-X 3447<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1946-6626 (ACM)<br />

2478705-X 114495<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-4644 (ACM) 0362-5915 2006335-0 3448<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-7309 (ACM) 1084-4309 1501152-5 1006<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 2167-8383 (ACM) 2167-8375 2703340-5 194556<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-3465 (ACM) 1539-9087 2096332-4 30674<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-7368 (ACM) 0730-0301 2006336-2 3452<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-7406 (ACM) 1094-9224 2006415-9 3456<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-2868 (ACM) 0734-2047;1046-8188 2006337-4 3453<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 2157-69<strong>12</strong> (ACM) 2157-6904 2584437-4 149542<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2160-6455 2644997-3 171961<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-6051 (ACM) 1533-5399 2060058-6 15534<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1556-472X (ACM) 1556-4681 2257358-6 84425<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2158-656X 2593589-6 15<strong>12</strong>23<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-7295 (ACM) 0098-3500 2006421-4 1541<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-1195 (ACM) 1049-3301 2006423-8 3454<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1551-6865 (ACM) 1551-6857 2182650-X 53422<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-4593 (ACM) 0164-0925 2006323-4 3457<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1936-7414 (ACM) 1936-7406 2418475-5 103508<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1550-4867 (ACM) 1550-4859 2198261-2 57406<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-7392 (ACM) 1049-331X 2006459-7 3458

Association for Computing Machinery 1550-4883 (ACM) 1550-4875 2178011-0 52841<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1553-3093 (ACM) 1553-3077 2177816-4 52829<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1559-114X (ACM) 1559-1131 2324871-3 91491<br />

Acoustical Society of America 1557-0223 1557-0215 2466509-5 110747<br />

Haufe Fachmedia GmbH & Co. KG (formerly: Schimmel) 0938-7927 2103558-1 33299<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-593X 1091-5397 2145750-5 96355<br />

Hirzel ; European Acoustics Association 1861-9959 (EAA) 0001-7884;1436-7947;1610-1928<br />

2232006-4 65740<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9036 (formerly Kluwer 0167-8019 Academic Publishers) 1479016-6 2209<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0582-9879;1672-9145 2175256-4 169293<br />

Oxford University Press; (formerly: Blackwell 1745-7270 Publishing 1672-9145 - STM) ; Institute 2175256-4 of Biochemistry and Cell 52076 Biology, Shanghai Instit<br />

Wiley-VCH 1521-3846 0138-4988 2044639-1 10060<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8358 (formerly Kluwer 0001-5342 Academic Publishers) 1478105-0 2331<br />

Museum and Institute of Zoology ; Polish 1733-5329 Academy of 1508-1109 Sciences ; BioOne 2250695-0 81078<br />

International Union of Crystallography 1600-8642 (IUCr) 0365-110X 2194977-3 84654<br />

International Union of Crystallography 1600-5724;1600-8596<br />

(IUCr) ; Wiley-Blackwell 0108-7673;0567-7394<br />

- STM 2020844-3 585<br />

International Union of Crystallography 1600-5740;1600-8650<br />

(IUCr) ; Wiley-Blackwell 0108-7681;0567-7408<br />

- STM 2020841-8 586<br />

International Union of Crystallography 1600-5759 (IUCr) ; Wiley-Blackwell 0108-2701 - STM 2025703-X 587<br />

International Union of Crystallography 1399-0047 (IUCr) ; Wiley- Blackwell 0907-4449 - STM 2020492-9 589<br />

International Union of Crystallography 1600-5368 (IUCr) ; Wiley-Blackwell - STM 2041947-8 9286<br />

Karger ; früher: Science Printers and Publishers 1938-2650 0001-5547 2256676-4 150346<br />

Springer 1432-5233 0001-5563;0940-5429 1468518-8 1487<br />

Springer 1437-9546 0873-9749 1499105-6 5715<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1000-9515 2420386-5 169323<br />

Karger 1421-9662 0001-5792 1481888-7 3005<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1618-0372 0065-<strong>12</strong>81 2038464-6 9554<br />

Springer 1432-0525 0001-5903 1389024-4 821<br />

Institut Mittag-Leffler, Springer 1871-2509 0001-5962 2109566-8 35668<br />

Akadémiai Kiadó ; Springer Science+Business 1588-2632Media 0001-5954;0236-5294<br />

B.V. (formerly Kluwer 20<strong>12</strong>194-5 Academic Publishers) 6253<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0252-9602 2014050-2 169267<br />

Springer 1439-7617 0379-7570;1439-8516 2011055-8 7661<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0168-9673 2076073-5 169268<br />

Springer 1618-3932 0168-9673 2076073-5 20044<br />

Springer 1619-6937 0001-5970 1476343-6 4493<br />

Springer 1614-3116 0567-7718 2181030-8 53269<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1006-7191 2238871-0 169364<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0894-0525 2421044-4 169311<br />

Springer 0942-0940 0001-6268 1464215-3 2626<br />

Springer 1432-0533 0001-6322 1458410-4 822<br />

Cambridge University Press; (formerly 1601-5215 Wiley-Blackwell 0924-2708 - STM) 2077830-2 20081<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0508 0962-4929 2045651-7 9443<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM (früher: Informa 1600-04<strong>12</strong> Healthcare) 0001-6349;0786-4981 2024554-3 63939<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0253-505X 2421047-X 169316<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1502-3850 Group 0001-6357 1484330-4 5011<br />

Elsevier 1873-6238 1146-609X 2003658-9 6692<br />

Informa Healthcare 1651-226X 0001-6926;0284-186X;0348-5196;0349-652X;0567-8056;0567-8064<br />

1492623-4 5505<br />

Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences 0001-6454 ; BioOne 2520213-3 <strong>12</strong>5235<br />

Informa Healthcare 1651-2251;1651-2464;1651-2553<br />

0001-6489;0365-5237 1484331-6 5010<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1671-4083 2088565-9 169471<br />

Wiley 1521-4044 0323-7648 1474947-6 4231<br />

Elsevier 1873-6297 0001-6918 1480049-4 4589<br />

Royal Society of Medicine Press ; Sage 1600-0455 Publications (früher: 0284-1851 Informa Healthcare 2024579-8; Blackwell STM) 40843<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1000-9116 2245562-0 169336<br />

SAGE Publications 1502-3869 0001-6993 1463377-2 37288<br />

Elsevier<br />

0001-706X;1873-6254 0001-706X 1495527-1 3809<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1674-5507 169300<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-2617 1476-7503 2<strong>12</strong>9534-7 37701

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-2625 1469-7874 2047577-9 10300<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1471-1796;1748-295X<br />

Group 1462-8848;1748-2941 2229443-0 65524<br />

Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle; <strong>12</strong>80-8571 BioOne<br />

2053080-8 165385<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-2633 1059-7<strong>12</strong>3 20700<strong>12</strong>-X 594<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1360-0443 0965-2140 2002997-4 19171<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; früher Routledge, 1369-1600 Taylor & Francis 1355-6215 Health Sciences 1495537-4 1069<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1476-7392 Group 1058-6989;1606-6359 2074761-5 19903<br />

Elsevier 1873-6327 0306-4603 20<strong>12</strong>189-1 3851<br />

Vieweg 0001-8198 0001-8198 2389140-3 94548<br />

Springer Automotive Media 2195-6545 2192-2624 2705920-0 195386<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3289 (formerly Kluwer 0894-587X Academic Publishers) 2014785-5 7986<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-3039 0021-9932;0095-3997 1499970-5 5985<br />

Sage Publications ; Cornell University1930-3815 0001-8392 2064582-X 60767<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8757 (formerly Kluwer 0929-5607 Academic Publishers) 1483298-7 2332<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-3047 0741-7136 2026198-6 7731<br />

Taylor & Francis (früher VSP, Brill Academic 1568-5519 Publishers) 0924-3046 2032421-2 7066<br />

Elsevier 1872-8294 0169-409X 2020327-5 3781<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-07<strong>12</strong>;1616-3028 1057-9257;1616-301X 2039420-2 9538<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-4095 0935-9648 1474949-x 4002<br />

Trans Tech Publications 1662-8985 1022-6680 2265002-7 86034<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8765 (formerly Kluwer 0929-1881 Academic Publishers) 2004644-3 2333<br />

Taylor & Francis (früher VSP, Brill Academic 1568-5535 Publisher) 0169-1864 2028449-4 7068<br />

Wiley-VCH 1521-3897;1615-4169 0941-<strong>12</strong>16;1436-9966;1615-4150<br />

2041384-1 3994<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1533-4031 1072-4109 2062617-4 96356<br />

Cambridge University Press 2040-4719 2040-4700 2606828-X 171913<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1661-4909 0188-7009 2220151-8 63927<br />

Elsevier 1090-2074 0196-8858 1460437-1 1326<br />

Elsevier 1878-0911 0146-6402 2195404-5 56960<br />

Japanese Scientific Society / Elsevier1873-4618 0065-227X 1495554-4 3745<br />

De Gruyter 1864-8266 1864-8258 2428596-1 106523<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9044 (formerly Kluwer 1019-7168 Academic Publishers) 20<strong>12</strong>896-4 661<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7195 (formerly Kluwer 0267-4874 Academic Publishers) 2003001-0 2334<br />

Sage Publications ; International Association 1544-0737 for Dental 0895-9374 Research ; HighWire 2078150-7 Press<br />

53646<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-3055 1523-4223 2049457-9 10522<br />

Pergamon / Elsevier 1093-7927 1093-0191 1492369-5 4872<br />

Elsevier 1873-2437 0065-2571 1483402-9 3056<br />

Elsevier 1878-075X 8755-9668 2195405-7 56957<br />

De Gruyter 1615-7168 1615-715X 2043066-8 9961<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1677 (formerly Kluwer 1382-4996 Academic Publishers) 2003010-1 2335<br />

Elsevier 1090-2082 0001-8708 1472893-x 1327<br />

Elsevier 1878-1098 0378-4487 2195944-4 56958<br />

Elsevier 1878-1187 0001-8716 2195943-2 56959<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) ; 2043-6262 Vietnam Academy 2043-6254 of Science and 2563789-7 Technology (VAST) 136833<br />

Elsevier 0960-5428;1878-0903 0960-5428 2023238-X 6913<br />

De Gruyter 2191-950X 2191-9496 2645915-2 172107<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-5014 0161-9268 2053379-2 96357<br />

Taylor & Francis 1460-6976 0001-8732 1496584-7 2898<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1674-9928 2630097-7 169307<br />

Springer 1436-5030 0065-3195 1481539-4 4911<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2329 0730-6679 2014633-4 1810<br />

De Gruyter 1869-6090 1867-1152 2549738-8 134270<br />

Trans Tech Publications Inc. 1662-0356 1661-819X 2413130-1 101479<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1527-7941;1538-8654 1076-2191 2053383-4 96358<br />

Elsevier 1879-1948 0273-1177 2023311-5 3369<br />

Elsevier 1872-9657 0309-1708 2023320-6 3384<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; via OVID) 1076-2191 0898-1655 2381900-5 93034

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0044-6394 0044-6394 2276952-3 88455<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1420-8903 0001-9054 1463826-5 2039<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3025 (formerly Kluwer 0393-5965 Academic Publishers) 1499<strong>12</strong>6-3 6256<br />

Mosby 2162-7428 0894-8321 2197163-8 56961<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1671-0940 2630150-7 169396<br />

Springer 1432-5241 0364-216X 1462<strong>12</strong>6-5 823<br />

SAGE Publications 1527-330X 1090-820X 2048788-5 10458<br />

Elsevier 1618-0399 1434-8411 2046900-7 10197<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-3020 0886-1099 2057706-0 15258<br />

Oxford University Press 1468-2621 0001-9909 2015035-0 5804<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1569-2108 1569-2094 2087004-8 20095<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9842 (formerly Kluwer 0263-0338 Academic Publishers) 2014825-2 7428<br />

De Gruyter 1865-8717 0306-0322 2430637-X 106411<br />

Entomological Society of Southern Africa ; BioOne 1021-3589 2114779-6 36821<br />

Zoological Society of Southern Africa 2224-073X ; BioOne 1562-7020 2070936-5 38446<br />

Springer ; American Aging Association1574-4647 0161-9152 2201958-3 57663<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1468-2834 0002-0729 2065766-3 351<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-1779 0144-686X 1499942-0 2096<br />

Springer 1936-606X 0163-5158 2059407-0 15464<br />

Elsevier 1872-9649 1568-1637 2099320-1 31897<br />

Elsevier 1873-6335 1359-1789 20193<strong>12</strong>-9 3203<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2337 0096-140X 1501704-7 1814<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1473-0790 Group 1368-5538 2049453-1 10290<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1744-4<strong>12</strong>8 1382-5585 1482447-4 4626<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1520-6297 0742-4477 200<strong>12</strong>11-1 4935<br />

Elsevier<br />

0309-586X;1878-26<strong>12</strong> 0309-586X 2195940-7 56962<br />

Elsevier 0269-7475;1878-2604 0269-7475 2195941-9 56963<br />

Elsevier 1873-2240 0168-1923 20<strong>12</strong>165-9 3560<br />

Elsevier 1574-0862 0169-5150 1499675-3 3701<br />

Elsevier 1878-2949 0002-1571 2195950-X 56964<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1009-4229 2420398-1 169410<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1671-2927 2238886-2 169411<br />

Elsevier<br />

0308-521X;1873-2267 0308-521X 1495825-9 3702<br />

Elsevier 1878-3171 0141-4607 2190747-X 55691<br />

Elsevier 1873-2283 0378-3774 20<strong>12</strong>450-8 3703<br />

Elsevier 1878-2590 0304-1131 2190763-8 55693<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8366 (formerly Kluwer 0889-048X Academic Publishers) 2014826-4 2069<br />

Elsevier 1873-2305 0167-8809 2013743-6 3704<br />

Elsevier 1878-2582 0304-3746 2190768-7 55694<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9680 (formerly Kluwer 0167-4366 Academic Publishers) 2014831-8 2090<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-1760 0890-0604 2025375-8 4647<br />

Springer 1435-5655 0951-5666 1458413-x 4016<br />

American Institute of Aeronautics and 1533-385X Astronautics (AIAA) 0001-1452 2032720-1 5566<br />

American Institute of Chemical Engineers 1547-5905 (AIChE); Wiley-Blackwell 0001-1541 - STM 2020333-0 40392<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5571 0269-9370 20<strong>12</strong>2<strong>12</strong>-3 96359<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3254 (formerly Kluwer 1090-7165 Academic Publishers) 2014832-X 7917<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1360-0451 0954-0<strong>12</strong>1 2003080-0 1067<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-7449 0893-5068;1087-2914 2003082-4 5697<br />

Mary Ann Liebert Inc. Publishers 1931-8405 0737-6006;0889-2229 1475767-9 4243<br />

Thieme 1439-1074 0174-1837;0939-2661 2037698-4 9382<br />

Kluwer Law International 1875-8339 0927-3379 2014834-3 7981<br />

Mosby, Elsevier 1532-6497 1067-991X 2052073-6 11545<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 1758-4213 0002-2667;1748-8842 2014643-7 1549<br />

Cambridge University Press ; Association 1475-4541 for Jewish Studies 0364-0094 2091701-6 30201<br />

Thieme 1438-9428 0302-4350 2056721-2 15077<br />

Thieme 1438-9940 0341-051x 204<strong>12</strong>94-0 9856

Thieme 1438-8820 0001-7868 2038466-X 8819<br />

Elsevier 1873-6823 0741-8329 1483410-8 3746<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3502 0735-0414 1483492-3 3547<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8302 (formerly Kluwer 0002-5232 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037101-9 Bureau) 9390<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1420-8911 0002-5240 1463841-1 824<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9079 (formerly Kluwer 1386-923X Academic Publishers) 20<strong>12</strong>288-3 6259<br />

Computer History Museum; Association for Computing 0084-6198 Machinery (ACM) 2194021-6 56581<br />

Springer 1432-0541 0178-4617 1458414-1 825<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2036 0269-2813 2003094-0 5588<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1398-9995 0105-4538 2003114-2 5395<br />

Wichmann; Hüthig 0002-5968 2079365-0 24658<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-9085 1076-2809 2029748-8 8939<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press (früher: 2163-3150 Lynne Rienner 0304-3754 Publishers) 2095241-7 53477<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1546-4156 0893-0341 2048789-7 96360<br />

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; 1654-7209 Springer (früher: 0044-7447 Allen Press ; BioOne) 2040524-8 9820<br />

International Ass. for Ambulatory Surgery; 1873-2097 Elsevier 0966-6532 2003<strong>12</strong>4-5 2835<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-3381 0002-7642 1499983-3 5986<br />

National Association of Biology Teachers 1938-4211 ; BioOne ; JSTOR 0002-7685 2065785-7 52144<br />

SAGE Publications 1935-1011 0002-83<strong>12</strong> 2143269-7 88395<br />

American Fern Society ; BioOne 0002-8444 2175903-0 52<strong>12</strong>6<br />

Mosby ; Elsevier 1097-6744 0002-8703 2003210-9 5278<br />

Oxford University Press (formerly: Blackwell 1467-8276 Publishing 0002-9092 - HSS) 2026345-4 <strong>12</strong>9545<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1533-3175;1938-2731 0895-5336;1082-5207 2235173-5 66896<br />

Elsevier 1879-1913 0002-9149 2019595-3 3084<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1537-453X 0277-3732 2043067-X 96361<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2770 (formerly Kluwer 0091-0562 Academic Publishers) 2014838-0 7919<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3262 (formerly Kluwer 0146-3721 Academic Publishers) 2014841-0 7988<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1533-0311 0193-1091 204<strong>12</strong>96-4 96362<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1097-9891 Group 0095-2990 202<strong>12</strong>66-5 6962<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers, Elsevier 1532-8171 0735-6757 2041648-9 9895<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1476-6256 0002-9262 2030043-8 8980<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1557-0878 0191-8036;0886-1633;1098-2140<br />

2020738-4 53138<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1521-0383 0093-3171;0147-1775;0192-6187<br />

2001825-3 5392<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1533-404X 0195-7910 2057329-7 96363<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1545-7214 1064-7481 1474415-6 96364<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1096-8652 0361-8609 1492749-4 1816<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1938-2715 1049-9091 2236674-X 67169<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1520-6300 1042-0533 200<strong>12</strong>18-4 4858<br />

Oxford University Press ; Elsevier 1879-1905;1941-7225 0895-7061 1479505-x 4588<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0274 0271-3586 1491156-5 1818<br />

Mosby; Elsevier 1527-3296 0196-6553 2011724-3 5888<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1559-8284 1559-8276 2265653-4 86900<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1096-8628;1552-4833 0148-7299;1552-4825 1493479-6 1819<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1555-824X 1062-8606 218<strong>12</strong>48-2 53290<br />

Elsevier 1555-7162 0002-9343 2003338-2 3137<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1557-9891 1557-9883 2275106-3 88332<br />

Karger 1421-9670 0250-8095 1468523-1 2186<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-7488 0002-936x 2003346-1 96365<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0271-4469 2274792-8 88248<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0002-9408 0002-9408 2274799-0 88249<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0093-7002 0093-7002 2274810-6 88250<br />

Elsevier 1557-8488 0002-9416 2197159-6 56965<br />

Mosby ; Elsevier 1097-6752 0889-5406 2021368-2 8213<br />

Mosby ; Elsevier 1557-847X 0096-6347 2197166-3 56966<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers, Elsevier 1532-818X 0196-0709 2041649-0 9897<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; OVID 0192-9763 2058738-7 101331

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0192-8562 0192-8562 2274<strong>12</strong>4-0 88143<br />

Thieme 1098-8785 0735-1631 2042426-7 9133<br />

Wiley-Blackwell 1096-8644 0002-9483 1495833-8 1821<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1537-7385 0002-9491;0894-9115 2049617-5 96366<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1537-7385 0894-9115 2049617-5 96367<br />

American Association of Physics Teachers 1943-2909 (AAPT); American 0002-9505;0096-0322<br />

Institute 1472799-7 of Physics (AIP) 4034<br />

Springer New York 1874-9380 1099-209X 2395546-6 106337<br />

Wiley-Blackwell 1098-2345 0275-2565 1495834-x 1822<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6741 (formerly Kluwer 0002-9548 Academic Publishers) 2018857-2 9068<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1552-3365 American Orthopaedic 0090-4201;0363-5465<br />

Society for 2063945-4 Sports Medicine 7200<br />

Elsevier 0002-9610;1879-1883 0002-9610 2003374-6 3152<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1532-0979 0147-5185 2029143-7 96368<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-2990 0002-9629 2083424-X 96369<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-3686 1075-2765 2026900-6 96370<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-0391 1055-0496 1499930-4 5409<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1465-7260 1465-7252 1480678-2 4696<br />

Oxford University Press ; Project MUSE 1468-4365 0896-7148 20<strong>12</strong>457-0 7193<br />

American Malacological Society ; BioOne 0740-2783 0740-2783 2485757-9 114764<br />

University of Notre Dame; BioOne 0003-0031 2052733-0 48319<br />

BioOne ; American Museum of Natural 1937-352X History 0003-0082 2173783-6 177687<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-3373 0044-7803;1532-673X 2095947-3 7574<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-3357 0026-346x;0275-0740 2020820-0 8214<br />

American Sociological Association ; Sage 1939-8271 Publications0003-<strong>12</strong>24 2010058-9 40245<br />

Springer 1936-4784 0003-<strong>12</strong>32 2026769-1 8725<br />

Oxford University Press ; JSTOR 0003-1569 0003-1569 2065904-0 96453<br />

Springer 1438-2199 0939-4451 1480643-5 6708<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5381 0173-5373 2036962-1 9365<br />

Kulturbuch-Verlag ; Makrolog 0943-9064 2080390-4 4149<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1744-2818 Group 1350-6<strong>12</strong>9 2141924-3 46807<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1471-180X;2167-9223<br />

Group 1466-0822;1748-2968;2167-8421<br />

2705061-0 84952<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2044 0003-2409 2003379-5 5590<br />

Springer 1432-055X 0003-2417 1458421-9 826<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1979 (formerly Kluwer 0925-1030 Academic Publishers) 1479772-0 2195<br />

Oxford University Press (formerly: Blackwell 1467-8284 Publishing 0003-2638 - HSS) 1481042-6 4748<br />

Elsevier 1878-1446 0270-4684 2144357-9 42169<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-4070 2014089-7 169269<br />

Akadémiai Kiadó ; Springer Science+Business 1588-273XMedia 0133-3852 B.V. (formerly Kluwer 1476711-9 Academic Publishers) 3296<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1364-5528 0003-2654 1472713-4 3<br />

Elsevier 1873-4324 0003-2670 1483436-4 2680<br />

Springer 1432-1130;1618-2650 1618-2642 1459<strong>12</strong>2-4 836<br />

Elsevier 1096-0309 0003-2697 1461105-3 673<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-6882 0003-2700;0096-4484 1483443-1 748<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1359-7337 1495496-5 39960<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-236X 0003-2719 2098207-0 35133<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1759-9679 1759-9660 2515210-5 <strong>12</strong>4713<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)<br />

0144-557X;0306-1396 2161430-1 39957<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)<br />

0144-557X;0306-1396 2232605-4 57275<br />

Karger 1421-9689 0301-3006 1481968-5 3891<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1439-0264 0340-2096 2019889-9 8196<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0185;1552-4892;1552-4914;1932-8494<br />

0003-276X;1552-4884;1552-4906;1932-8486<br />

2273240-8 88683<br />

Springer 1432-0568 0340-2061 1458423-2 827<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-0577 0929-077X 2069374-6 20099<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-1787 0956-5361 1500003-5 5989<br />

Linux New Media AG 2192-9033 2637443-2 170563<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1526-7598 0003-2999 2018275-2 96371<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1528-1175 0003-3022 2016092-6 96372

De Gruyter 1868-9426 1438-2091 2606724-9 160043<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-3757 0044-8249 1479266-7 4575<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-3773 0570-0833;1433-7851 2011836-3 3966<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7209 (formerly Kluwer 0969-6970 Academic Publishers) 2003393-X 2469<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1940-1574 Westminster Publications 0003-3197 2065911-8 29491<br />

Niemeyer ; de Gruyter 1865-8938 0340-5222 2406132-3 10<strong>12</strong>00<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0532 0263-6751 2090610-9 9444<br />

Cambridge University Press ; British Society 1751-732X of Animal 1751-7311 Science (BSAS) 2365209-3 ; Institut National de la Recherche 87701 Agronomique (IN<br />

Elsevier 1095-8282 0003-3472 14611<strong>12</strong>-0 690<br />

Springer 1435-9456 1435-9448 1466332-6 2641<br />

Elsevier 0377-8401;1873-2216 0377-8401 1495847-8 3705<br />

Cambridge University Press 2076-4022 1014-2339;2078-6336 2561984-6 134797<br />

Cambridge University Press (früher: CABI 1475-2654 Publishing) 1466-2523 2039469-X 9505<br />

Elsevier 1873-2232 0378-4320 1495854-5 3721<br />

SAGE Publications 1746-8485 1746-8477 2243969-9 80955<br />

Association for Computational Linguistics 1525-2469 2253298-5 82709<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-3889 0003-3804 1479791-4 4053<br />

Elsevier 1878-0733 0753-9053 2483789-1 61859<br />

Elsevier 1153-2424 2214535-7 111358<br />

Elsevier 0003-3995;1768-3211 0003-3995 2023597-5 8569<br />

Elsevier 0769-2625;1878-2086 0769-2625 2197169-9 56967<br />

Elsevier 0169-9296;1878-2094 0769-2609 2197173-0 56968<br />

Elsevier 0769-2617;1879-2820 0769-2617 2202736-1 56969<br />

Cambridge University Press ; EDP Sciences 2100-000X 0003-4088 2577180-2 145614<br />

Elsevier 1879-1840 0003-4339 2023637-2 6928<br />

Elsevier 1769-6623 0750-7658 2023644-X 6929<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1424-0661 1424-0637 2019605-2 7674<br />

Elsevier 0003-4487;1769-6631 0003-4487 2099327-4 31899<br />

Karger 1661-3740 0250-9652 2204701-3 58897<br />

Karger 1661-4003 0252-8185 2242202-X 80946<br />

Karger 1661-3732 0250-9644 2242209-2 80945<br />

Karger 1661-4011 0517-8606 2242238-9 80947<br />

Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences 0003-4541 ; BioOne 2520214-5 <strong>12</strong>5236<br />

Springer 1618-1891 0373-3114 2049996-6 10299<br />

Faculty of Actuaries and Institute of Actuaries, 1748-5002 Cambridge 1748-4995 University Press 2418917-0 104481<br />

Springer ; Society of Behavioral Medicine 1532-4796 0883-66<strong>12</strong> 2052310-5 <strong>12</strong>525<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 0191-5649;1521-9686;1573-9686<br />

(formerly Kluwer 0090-6964 Academic Publishers) 1477155-x 39800<br />

Oxford University Press (früher: Academic 1095-8290 Press / Elsevier 0305-7364 -2001) 1461328-1 18938<br />

Carnegie Museum of Natural History / 1943-6300 BioOne 0097-4463 2276295-4 88360<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 0219-3094 0218-0006 1480599-6 4039<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1002-0942 2630065-5 169270<br />

Springer 1934-7243 0474-7534;0736-9387 2134333-0 93193<br />

Elsevier 1097-6760 0196-0644 2003465-9 5279<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9060 (formerly Kluwer 0232-704X Academic Publishers) 1479023-3 2196<br />

Springer 1432-0584 0939-5555 1458429-3 840<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1464-5033 Group 0301-4460 2017541-3 5423<br />

Elsevier 1878-3767 0003-4843 2190780-8 55695<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7470 (formerly Kluwer 10<strong>12</strong>-2443 Academic Publishers) 2002961-5 2000<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1365-2060 Group 0785-3890 2028104-3 18904<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; American Neurological 1531-8249Association 0364-5134 (ANA); Child 20379<strong>12</strong>-2 Neurology Society 9540<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1542-474X 1082-720X 2111515-1 36330<br />

Karger 1421-9697 0029-6678;0250-6807;0550-4031<br />

1481977-6 3006<br />

Oxford University Press ; Highwire Press 1475-3162 ; British Occupational 0003-4878 Hygiene 2003484-2 Society<br />

19899<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1569-8041 0923-7534 2003498-2 19043<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9338 (formerly Kluwer 0254-5330 Academic Publishers) 2021913-1 2002<br />

Elsevier 1096-035X 0003-4916 1461336-0 1329

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-3708 0148-7043 2063013-X 96373<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-8292 1370-4788 1480502-9 4660<br />

Elsevier 1873-2461 0168-0072 1466371-5 3261<br />

Springer 1432-0592 0570-1864 147<strong>12</strong>01-5 1466<br />

Taylor & Francis 1464-505X 0003-3790 1491389-6 4188<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7489 (formerly Kluwer 1022-7091 Academic Publishers) 2028425-1 2003<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1528-1140 0003-4932 2002200-1 96374<br />

Springer 1534-4681 1068-9265 2074021-9 19797<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-3349 0002-7162 2097792-X 31599<br />

Entomological Society of America ; BioOne 0013-8746 0013-8746 2028805-0 5211<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 0164-<strong>12</strong>39 IEEE Computer 2570813-2 Society<br />

140059<br />

International Commission on Radiological 1872-969X Protection / 0146-6453 Elsevier 2013990-1 3<strong>12</strong>0<br />

International Commission on Radiological 1878-0377 Protection / 0074-2740 Elsevier 2299133-5 86138<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9052 (formerly Kluwer 0020-3157 Academic Publishers) 1468265-5 6260<br />

Missouri Botanical Garden; BioOne 0026-6493 2052088-8 115534<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; New York Academy 1749-6632 of Sciences 0077-8923 2071584-5 62317<br />

Elsevier 0160-7383;1873-7722 0160-7383 2009691-4 3249<br />

Elsevier ; formerly Springer 1615-5947 0890-5096 1473891-0 88453<br />

Elsevier 1879-1816 0003-5017 2019369-5 6869<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 0736-587X 2194761-2 56891<br />

Cambridge University Press 2045-2403 0068-2454 2497829-2 165308<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 169405<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0306-1353 2197168-7 57216<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0365-6217 2197185-7 57225<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1460-4760 0069-3022;0260-1818;0308-6003<br />

1472855-2 57277<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1460-4760 0069-3022;0260-1818;0308-6003<br />

1472855-2 2328<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1460-4760 0069-3022;0260-1818;0308-6003<br />

1472855-2 57276<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1460-4779 0069-3030 1472862-x 2329<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1460-4787 0260-1826 1472867-9 2330<br />

Annual Reviews 1936-1335 1936-1327 2398707-8 94884<br />

Annual Reviews 2165-8110 2165-8102 2700164-7 194418<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-4290 0084-6570 1467539-0 4087<br />

Cambridge University Press 1471-6356 0267-1905 2084080-9 9447<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-4282 0066-4146 2010305-0 3998<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-4509 0066-4154 1470446-8 2449<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-4274 1523-9829 2026771-X 5040<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-4266;1936-<strong>12</strong>38 0084-6589;0883-9182;1056-8700;1936-<strong>12</strong>2X<br />

2434740-1 2450<br />

Annual Reviews 1530-8995 0743-4634;1081-0706 1470447-x 2451<br />

Annual Reviews 1947-5446 1947-5438 2516755-8 <strong>12</strong>4898<br />

Annual Reviews 1548-5951 1548-5943 2174197-9 52270<br />

Annual Reviews 8756-7016 8756-7016 2<strong>12</strong>5325-0 36228<br />

Annual Reviews 1947-5462 1947-5454 2516756-X <strong>12</strong>4899<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-4495 0084-6597 2010309-8 4095<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-2069 0066-4162;1543-592X 2131893-1 2452<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-4487 0066-4170 1473785-1 2453<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-2050 0362-1626;1056-3466;1543-5938<br />

2182174-4 36231<br />

Elsevier 1879-1808 0959-8030 2024639-0 6931<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-4479 0066-4189 2010314-1 4100<br />

Annual Reviews 1941-1413 2516759-5 <strong>12</strong>4897<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-2948 0066-4197 1470448-1 2454<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-293X 1527-8204 2033916-1 8787<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-3278 0732-0582 1470451-1 2455<br />

Annual Reviews 1550-3631 1550-3585 2174225-X 52274<br />

Annual Reviews 1941-0611 2458404-6 109952<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-4118 1531-7331 2095575-3 4101<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-4118 0084-6600 2010320-7 53571

Annual Reviews 1545-326X 0066-4219 1481484-5 2456<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-3251 0066-4227 1470471-7 2457<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-4<strong>12</strong>6 0147-006X 1470452-3 2458<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-4134 0066-4243;0163-8998 1474481-8 4102<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-43<strong>12</strong> 0199-9885 1481486-9 2459<br />

Annual Reviews 1553-4014 1553-4006 2217576-3 62290<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-4304 0066-4251;0362-1642 1474461-2 2460<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-1593 0066-426x 1470474-2 4103<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-1585 0066-4278 1474465-x 2461<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-2107 0066-4286 1473792-9 2462<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-2<strong>12</strong>3 0066-4294;1040-2519;1543-5008<br />

2098209-4 39398<br />

Annual Reviews 1040-2519 1470469-9 2464<br />

Annual Reviews 1040-2519 1470469-9 65616<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-1577 1094-2939 1478496-8 4104<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-2085 0066-4308 1482191-6 2463<br />

Annual Reviews 1545-2093 0163-7525 2029879-1 2465<br />

Annual Reviews 0360-0572 0360-0572 1467608-4 1572<br />

Cambridge University Press 1365-2079 0954-1020 2104104-0 9448<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-2641 1463-4996 2063952-1 15899<br />

Elsevier 1873-5827 0003-5521 2078828-9 20137<br />

Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris; BioOne 0761-3032 2595658-9 151535<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5741 0959-4973 2025803-3 96375<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0003-5599;1758-4221 0003-5599 1477132-9 1575<br />

De Gruyter 1613-0421 0003-5696 2131693-4 39551<br />

Elsevier<br />

0738-1751;1878-254X 0738-1751 2197191-2 56971<br />

Elsevier<br />

1069-417X;1878-5611 1069-417X 2005611-4 6932<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-7716 1523-0864 2039747-1 9584<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-8330 0066-48<strong>12</strong> 1482450-4 4724<br />

Society of Antiquaries of London ; Cambridge 1758-5309 University 0003-5815 Press 2478556-8 114285<br />

Elsevier 0166-3542;1872-9096 0166-3542 1495861-2 3810<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9699 (formerly Kluwer 0003-6072 Academic Publishers) 14781<strong>12</strong>-8 2197<br />

Vereinigte Fachverl. 0722-8546 2135947-7 197246<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1477-2205 0891-7779;1061-5806 2070043-X 19902<br />

Springer 1439-0280 1436-5693 2034322-X 9269<br />

Cambridge University Press 1446-8735 0334-2700;1446-1811 2008847-4 1<strong>12</strong>044<br />

De Gruyter 2156-7093 0003-6390 2485291-0 160303<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-5041 0268-7038 1466839-7 4401<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1941-420X 2452490-6 110049<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-675X (formerly Kluwer 1360-8185 Academic Publishers) 1495863-6 2471<br />

Deutscher Apotheker-Verl. 0178-4862 2401428-X 96713<br />

Elsevier 1095-8304 0195-6663 1461347-5 1330<br />

Springer 1432-0622 0938-<strong>12</strong>79 1458434-7 1468<br />

Taylor & Francis 1563-504X 0003-6811 1465373-4 5082<br />

Mathematical Institute, Academy of Sciences 1572-9109 of the Czech 0862-7940 Republic ; Springer 2037535-9 Science+Business 9455 Media B.V. (formerly Klu<br />

Elsevier 1878-1071 0378-5963 2190934-9 55703<br />

Elsevier 1096-603X 1063-5203 1461358-x 1331<br />

Elsevier 0962-1849;1873-7293 0962-1849 2151802-6 46053<br />

Elsevier 0168-1591;1872-9045 0168-1591 1495873-9 3722<br />

Elsevier 0304-3762;1878-0741 0304-3762 2<strong>12</strong>7070-3 39183<br />

Taylor & Francis 1087-6545 0883-9514 1482460-7 1102<br />

Elsevier 1068-8595;1879-1557 1068-8595 2024703-5 6934<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9095 (formerly Kluwer 0927-2852 Academic Publishers) 1475519-1 2198<br />

Elsevier 0169-1317;1872-9053 0169-1317 1492353-1 2800<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1099-0720 0888-4080 1477153-6 1841<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-4897 (formerly Kluwer 0929-189X Academic Publishers) 20<strong>12</strong>197-0 2338<br />

Oxford University Press 2040-5804 2040-5790 2529839-2 <strong>12</strong>9547

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-4283 0003-6846 1473581-7 702<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-4291 1350-4851 1484783-8 703<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-4305 0960-3107 1473648-2 704<br />

Elsevier 0883-2927;1872-9134 0883-2927 1499242-5 2706<br />

Elsevier 0143-6228;1873-7730 0143-6228 1492337-3 3591<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-7975 2277458-0 169337<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1062-3345 1062-3345 2272625-1 87978<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1533-4058 1062-3345;1541-2016 2052398-1 96376<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7497 (formerly Kluwer 0924-669X Academic Publishers) 1479519-x 2199<br />

Oxford University Press 1477-450X 0142-6001 2072108-0 19147<br />

Mouton de Gruyter 1868-6311 1868-6303 2575065-3 145329<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-4313 1350-486X 2004159-7 2477<br />

Elsevier 1872-8480 0307-904X 2004151-2 3487<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1005-1031 2277401-4 169271<br />

Elsevier 1873-5649 0096-3003 1465428-3 3254<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2754 (formerly Kluwer 0253-4827 Academic Publishers) 2035105-7 9456<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0253-4827 2035105-7 169282<br />

Springer 1432-0606 0095-4616 1398298-9 842<br />

Elsevier 1873-5452 0893-9659 2004138-X 3279<br />

Oxford University Press 1687-1197 1687-<strong>12</strong>00 2<strong>12</strong>5820-X 88659<br />

Trans Tech Publications 1662-7482 1660-9336 2251882-4 81917<br />

Springer 1432-0614 0171-1741;0175-7598;0340-2118<br />

1464336-4 843<br />

Elsevier 1873-5460 0168-9274 1468770-7 2949<br />

Elsevier 1879-1549 0141-1187 1495994-x 3387<br />

Optical Society of America (OSA) 1539-4522;1540-8981 0003-6935 1474462-4 101105<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-0739 0268-2605 1480791-9 1847<br />

Springer 1432-0630 0340-3793;0947-8396 1398311-8 1434<br />

Springer 1432-0649 0946-2171 1458437-2 1433<br />

Institute of Pure and Applied Physics (IPAP) 1882-0786 ; Japan Society 1882-0778 of Applied 2417569-9 Physics (JSAP) 104485<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1077-3118 0003-6951 1469436-0 622<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1931-9401 2265524-4 86881<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-1817 0142-7164 1499968-7 5400<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-3497 0146-6216 2002941-X 6361<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3270 (formerly Kluwer 1090-0586 Academic Publishers) 2014916-5 8574<br />

Elsevier 1872-9800 0969-8043 1499873-7 2763<br />

Elsevier 1878-3805 0270-3092 2144358-0 42170<br />

Springer 0003-6994 1492282-4 66624<br />

Springer 1872-8065 0365-7140 2689676-X 109909<br />

Elsevier 1873-0272 0929-1393 2013020-X 3706<br />

Taylor & Francis 1520-569X 0570-4928 2021483-2 6942<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1526-4025 1099-0747;1524-1904;8755-0024<br />

2002340-6 6442<br />

Elsevier 0169-4332;1873-5584 0169-4332 2002520-8 1018<br />

Elsevier 1873-5606 1359-4311 2019322-1 2753<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; BioOne 1654-109X 1402-2001 2053083-3 <strong>12</strong>674<br />

Elsevier Inc 1878-0652 1058-9139 2223691-0 64405<br />

Schweizerischer Verein des Gas- <strong>und</strong> Wasserfaches 2235-5197 2678081-1 186102<br />

Elsevier 0144-8609;1873-5614 0144-8609 1495995-1 3740<br />

Elsevier 0044-8486;1873-5622 0044-8486 1495998-7 3739<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-143X (formerly Kluwer 0967-6<strong>12</strong>0 Academic Publishers) 1496000-x 2476<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2095 1353-5773 2019893-0 5671<br />

Wiley-Blackwell – STM 1365-2109 1355-557X 2019895-4 5672<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1448 (formerly Kluwer 1357-5325 Academic Publishers) 1496007-2 2472<br />

Elsevier 0304-3770;1879-1522 0304-3770 1496041-2 3741<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-0755 1052-7613 1496050-3 4164<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-5<strong>12</strong>5 (formerly Kluwer 1386-2588 Academic Publishers) 1492493-6 2339<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1421 (formerly Kluwer 1380-6165 Academic Publishers) 1478538-9 2201

Cambridge University Press (früher: Elsevier) 1765-2952 0990-7440;0990-7740 2019083-9 45500<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1420-9055 0036-7842;1015-1621 1464021-1 1469<br />

Elsevier<br />

0166-445X;1879-1514 0166-445X 1496065-5 3742<br />

Brill Academic Publishers, früher Kluwer 1573-0255 Law International 0268-0556 2014921-9 7993<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH ; früher: Munksgaard 1600-0471 0905-7196 2024691-2 8646<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0524 0957-4239 2045645-1 9449<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-0585 0570-5398 2068416-2 24670<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1745-5227 1477-8351 2115910-5 57643<br />

Huss Medien GmbH 0323-4568 2130632-1 39523<br />

via Beck 1868-9094 2514861-8 <strong>12</strong>5530<br />

via Beck 1436-5510 2105866-0 24855<br />

Kluwer Law International 1875-8398 0957-0411 2014922-0 7925<br />

Niemeyer ; de Gruyter 1865-8849 0723-2977 2415702-8 103188<br />

De Gruyter 1613-0642 0003-7982 2158551-9 46683<br />

Cambridge University Press 0261-3409 249<strong>12</strong>26-8 165303<br />

Cambridge University Press 1478-2294 1380-2038 2050448-2 40187<br />

Cambridge University Press ; Society 2041-4102 for the Promotion 0570-6084 of Hellenic Studies 2097685-9 ; British School at Athens 131455<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2051420-7 4024<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1420-8938 0003-889X 1458441-4 789<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-4184 0003-8903;0365-6233;0376-0367<br />

1496815-0 3656<br />

De Gruyter 1613-0650 0003-9101 2045579-3 10078<br />

De Gruyter 1867-1551 0066-6459 2502690-2 <strong>12</strong>3168<br />

De Gruyter 1868-8888 1436-3038 2470935-9 1<strong>12</strong>015<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7519 (formerly Kluwer 1389-0166 Academic Publishers) 2014924-4 6310<br />

Springer 1432-0657 0003-9519 1458442-6 2642<br />

Springer 1432-0665 0933-5846 1398309-x 1488<br />

Springer 1432-0673 0003-9527 1458447-5 1435<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1573-6<strong>12</strong>1 0084-6724 2190527-7 54275<br />

Springer 1432-0681 0939-1533 1476349-7 1436<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7500 (formerly Kluwer 1042-1467 Academic Publishers) 1481501-1 2073<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1875-3019 0365-5164 2480036-3 114448<br />

Elsevier 0003-9861;1096-0384 0003-9861 1461378-5 675<br />

Oxford University Press; (formerly Elsevier) 1873-5843 0887-6177 2003528-7 3202<br />

Springer 1886-1784 1134-3060 2276736-8 88386<br />

Springer 1432-069X 0340-3696 1458448-7 846<br />

Springer 1432-0703 0090-4341 1458449-9 833<br />

Elsevier 0167-4943;1872-6976 0167-4943 2024857-X 3141<br />

Springer 1432-0711 0932-0067 1458450-5 847<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1520-6327 0739-4462 1496071-0 3657<br />

Springer 1432-072X 0003-9276;0302-8933 1458451-7 794<br />

Lippincott Willliams and Wilkins ; (via 1537-7385 OVID)<br />

2272463-1 87921<br />

Elsevier 1879-1506 0003-9969 1496079-5 3114<br />

Springer 1434-3916 0936-8051 1458452-9 1736<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1744-4160 Group 1381-3455 2002503-8 4925<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2800 (formerly Kluwer 0004-0002 Academic Publishers) 2014932-3 1174<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1543-6136 1381-1118 2003544-5 30699<br />

Springer 1432-0738 0003-9446;0340-5761 1458459-1 834<br />

Springer 1432-8798 0003-90<strong>12</strong>;0304-8608 1458460-8 848<br />

Springer 1435-1102 1434-1816 1480651-4 2161<br />

University of Colorado at Boulder, Institute 1938-4246 of Arctic and 1523-0430 Alpine Research 2045941-5 ; BioOne<br />

31447<br />

Netherlands Ornithologists' Union; BioOne 0373-2266 2455255-0 110087<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8374 (formerly Kluwer 0920-427X Academic Publishers) 1481509-6 2341<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-0593 0752-2452;1567-9896 2082<strong>12</strong>9-3 25160<br />

Institut Mittag-Leffler, Royal Swedish Academy 1871-2487of Sciences 0004-2080 ; Springer 2113040-1 35211<br />

SAGE Publications 1556-0848 0095-327X 2020822-4 5492<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0516 1359-1355 2061734-3 9442

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-8357 1352-0733;1368-6267 1495323-7 4176<br />

Elsevier/Pergamon 1878-1411 0090-9092 2144359-2 42171<br />

American Heart Association ; Lippincott 1524-4636 Williams & Wilkins 1079-5642 ; (via Ovid) 1494427-3 96377<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 2151-4658 0893-7524 2016713-1 7561<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1529-0131 0004-3591 2014367-9 7560<br />

Elsevier Science, Pergamon 1467-8039;1873-5495 1467-8039 2001498-3 6515<br />

W.B. Sa<strong>und</strong>ers, Elsevier 1526-3231 0749-8063 149<strong>12</strong>33-8 4819<br />

Springer 1434-3924 0933-7946 1458462-1 2077<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1532-4184;2169-141X<br />

Group 0090-5488;0890-5533;1055-7172;1073-1199;2169-1401<br />

2711415-6 9979<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8382 (formerly Kluwer 0924-8463 Academic Publishers) 1477410-0 2202<br />

Elsevier 0933-3657;1873-2860 0933-3657 2001878-2 2862<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7462 (formerly Kluwer 0269-2821 Academic Publishers) 1479828-1 2203<br />

Springer 1614-7456 1433-5298 1480655-1 48707<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-265X 1474-0222 2084027-5 25380<br />

Elsevier 1873-5878 0197-4556 1499877-4 3204<br />

Thieme 1616-7066 0004-4172 2033167-8 9147<br />

Kluwer Law International 1010-9153 1010-9153 2085<strong>12</strong>7-3 25486<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-943X 1058-2916 20833<strong>12</strong>-X 96378<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; via OVID) 0889-7190 0889-7190 2272688-3 87985<br />

Niemeyer ; de Gruyter 1865-9438 1016-4987 2052844-9 103187<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1743-792X 1360-2381 2072350-7 19694<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6946 (formerly Kluwer 1387-2834 Academic Publishers) 2009834-0 6265<br />

Elsevier; Australasian Society of Cardiac and Thoracic 1328-0163 Surgeons; The 2195220-6 Cardiac Society of Australia 56950 and New Zealand<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1742-6855 0218-8791 2235729-4 66995<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1744-7941 1038-4111 2089267-6 29513<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9958 (formerly Kluwer 0217-4561 Academic Publishers) 2037837-3 9457<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1941-2479 1010-5395 2394975-2 96498<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-2945 0311-2136;1359-866x 2019843-7 8048<br />

Elsevier 1878-3406 1324-2881 2197175-4 56973<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill, früher Kluwer Law 1571-8158 International 1388-1906 2035071-5 8781<br />

Kluwer Law International 1875-6549 1574-3330 2194040-X 56561<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1008-682X 2085228-9 169455<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 0973-0621 0972-8201 2211863-9 60929<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5314 1568-4849 209<strong>12</strong>94-8 30148<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1573-4218 1573-420X 2260192-2 84938<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-8411 0818-9935 1491174-7 4800<br />

Mary Ann Liebert Inc. Publishers 1557-8<strong>12</strong>7 1540-658X 2099740-1 33<strong>12</strong>3<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0144-5154;1758-4078 0144-5154 2014655-3 1675<br />

Elsevier 1873-5916 1075-2935 2011732-2 7423<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-3489 1073-1911 2083220-5 25280<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-297x 0260-2938;0307-1367 2017585-1 8052<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1938-7458 früher: Pro-ed 0737-2477;1534-5084 2296039-9 90955<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1465-329X 0969-594X 1476352-7 4445<br />

Taylor & Francis Group 1741-1629;2156-7077 0968-7769;2156-7069 2145713-X 42306<br />

Cambridge University Press 1783-1350 0515-0361 2148228-7 197517<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8070 1531-1074 2047736-3 10385<br />

Taylor & Francis 1476-3540 1055-6796 2069817-3 33105<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-3994 0004-6337;0323-4576 2025762-4 8470<br />

Springer 1432-0754 0935-4956 1458467-0 1437<br />

Oxford University Press ; früher: Wiley-Blackwell 1468-4004 - STM 1366-8781 ; Royal Astronomical 2016069-0 Society<br />

8197<br />

Elsevier 1878-0865 0364-9229 2198296-X 56974<br />

Elsevier 1873-2852 0927-6505 1499883-x 3492<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8191 (formerly Kluwer 0571-7256 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037105-6 Bureau) 9391<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-946X (formerly Kluwer 0004-640X Academic Publishers) 1472548-4 2204<br />

Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag 0178-23<strong>12</strong> 0178-23<strong>12</strong>;0340-434x 2027287-X 40308<br />

Elsevier 1879-1484 0021-9150 1499887-7 3086

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-9678 (formerly Kluwer 0197-4254 Academic Publishers) 2067826-5 46833<br />

Elsevier 1878-2442 0004-6981 1499889-0 55708<br />

Elsevier 1873-2844 1352-2310 1499889-0 3561<br />

Elsevier 0960-1686;1878-2<strong>12</strong>4 0960-1686 2140521-9 40093<br />

Elsevier 0957-<strong>12</strong>72;1878-2132 0957-<strong>12</strong>72 2140523-2 40094<br />

Elsevier 1873-2895 0169-8095 20<strong>12</strong>396-6 3562<br />

Elsevier 1090-2090 0092-640X 1461389-x 1332<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8205 (formerly Kluwer 1063-4258 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037106-8 Bureau) 9392<br />

GWV Fachverlage ; Vieweg + Teubner 1862-1791 2389<strong>12</strong>7-0 94546<br />

GWV Fachverlage ; Vieweg + Teubner 1865-4908 2452479-7 110057<br />

Wiesbaden : Springer Automotive Media 2520543-2 <strong>12</strong>5339<br />

GWV Fachverlage ; Vieweg + Teubner 1616-8216;1865-6536 2<strong>12</strong>2227-7 35596<br />

Springer Automotive Media 2192-9092 2706087-1 195388<br />

Springer Automotive Media 2195-1462 2195-1454 2711807-1 196863<br />

Springer Automotive Media 2195-1489 2195-1470 2706085-8 195389<br />

Springer Automotive Media 2192-9106 2706086-X 195387<br />

Karger 1421-9700 1420-3030 1481979-x 3007<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1477-3848 Group 0743-4618 2068579-8 36626<br />

University of California Press; American 1938-4254 Ornithologists' 0004-8038 Union ; BioOne 2065970-2 ; JSTOR<br />

29516<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1442-9993 0307-692X;1442-9985 2019899-1 5680<br />

Elsevier 1037-2091;1878-0717 1037-2091 2197176-6 56975<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1440-0960 0004-8380;0365-3609 2003697-8 5675<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1833-6914 0157-7379;1030-01<strong>12</strong> 2276431-8 87963<br />

Sage Publications ; früher: Informa Healthcare, 1440-1665Taylor 1039-8562 & Francis Group 2003737-5 ; Blackwell Publishing - STM 5414<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Australian Academic 1837-9273Press)<br />

0004-8658 2089449-1 31421<br />

Sage Publications (vorher: Informa Healthcare) 1440-1614 0004-8674 2003849-5 5415<br />

Cambridge University Press 1839-2504 0816-5<strong>12</strong>2 2532984-4 <strong>12</strong>9258<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group ; Geographical 1465-3311 Society 0004-9182 of New South 1501174-4 Wales<br />

4210<br />

Cambridge University Press 1839-2520 1037-2911 2381356-8 96489<br />

Australian Graduate School of Management 1327-2020 ; Sage Publications 03<strong>12</strong>-8962 2011797-8 1632<br />

Elsevier 1445-4386 2324885-3 91517<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH ; früher: Taylor 1742-9536 & Francis 0004-9530 2065977-5 42323<br />

Cambridge University Press 1838-6059 1323-8922 2377461-7 92499<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH ; früher: Taylor 1742-9544 & Francis 0005-0067 2135329-3 40141<br />

Routledge (Taylor & Francis) 1447-0748 0004-9565;03<strong>12</strong>-407X 2082217-0 65080<br />

Cambridge University Press ; früher: Berghahn 1558-5255 0067-2378 2173785-X 108772<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1461-7005 1362-3613 2034686-4 9252<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1607-842X Group 0891-6934 2031170-9 8991<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7535 (formerly Kluwer 0928-8910 Academic Publishers) 1479837-2 2205<br />

Sigert-Verl. 0005-1039 2609489-7 162942<br />

GWV Fachverlage ; Vieweg + Teubner 0001-2785 2097891-1 31535<br />

Springer Automotive Media 1867-495X 2564845-7 136938<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1474-8673 0144-1795;1474-8665 2115935-X 5862<br />

Elsevier 1566-0702;1872-7484 1566-0702 2020182-5 8344<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7454 (formerly Kluwer 1387-2532 Academic Publishers) 2014972-4 6267<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7527 (formerly Kluwer 0929-5593 Academic Publishers) 1478962-0 2206<br />

American Association of Avian Pathologists 1938-4351 (AAAP); BioOne 0005-2086 2116170-7 37618<br />

American Association of Avian Pathologists; BioOne 1933-5334 2304178-X 9<strong>12</strong>30<br />

McGraw-Hill 0005-2175 2037479-3 6736<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8390 (formerly Kluwer 1<strong>12</strong>2-1151 Academic Publishers) 2064449-8 9478<br />

Dinges & Frick 2193-4193 1435-7607 2040354-9 2384<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0894-7376 0894-7376 2186719-7 53908<br />

Henrich Publ. 0005-3848 2602746-X 158975<br />

Elsevier 1879-28<strong>12</strong> 0950-3501 2263702-3 85729<br />

Elsevier 1878-0881 0950-351X 2197194-8 56976<br />

Elsevier 1878-0873 0950-3528 21518<strong>12</strong>-9 46061

Elsevier 1879-2804 0950-3536 2262847-2 85238<br />

Elsevier 1879-2790 0950-3552 2263703-5 85732<br />

Elsevier 1878-2043 0950-3579 2263701-1 85733<br />

Wiesbaden: Gabler 0944-3223 2065199-5 16028<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1674-3458 2630114-3 169372<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1618-0089 1439-1791 2046320-0 10200<br />

Steinkopff bei Springer LINK 1435-1803 0300-8428 1458470-0 2032<br />

Wohlfahrt 1861-9274 2616946-0 166249<br />

Bruderverlag 0005-6545 2456266-X 110177<br />

TFV, Techn. Fachverl. 0179-2563 2653082-X 179798<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; Ernst & Sohn1437-0999 0932-8351 215<strong>12</strong>38-3 45848<br />

Verl. Bayer. Staatszeitung 0341-3985 2257972-2 40735<br />

via Beck<br />

0940-8851;1432-699X;1867-7940;2190-8559<br />

2581888-0 119<strong>12</strong>3<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3297 (formerly Kluwer 0001-8244 Academic Publishers) 2014974-8 8005<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-4167 0145-4455 2021480-7 5572<br />

Elsevier 1878-1888 0005-7894 2066009-1 64995<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-1825 0140-525X 1481789-5 20<br />

Elsevier 1557-8003 0163-1047 2196586-9 57099<br />

Elsevier 1557-8267 0091-6773 2196589-4 57098<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1465-7279 1045-2249 1496189-1 3548<br />

Springer 1432-0762 0340-5443 1458476-1 850<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1099-078X 1072-0847 2021481-9 4979<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1099-0798 0735-3936 1484116-2 4980<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-539X 0005-7959 2007939-4 6730<br />

Cambridge University Press 2049-7768 0813-4839 2147548-9 42509<br />

Taylor & Francis 1362-3001 0144-929X 2011155-1 1107<br />

Elsevier 1873-622X 0005-7967 1499890-7 3205<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-1833 1352-4658 1499945-6 5030<br />

Elsevier 1872-7549 0166-4328 2013604-3 3817<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5849 0955-8810 1500025-4 96379<br />

Elsevier 1872-8308 0376-6357 1499897-x 3818<br />

De Gruyter 1866-2447 2191-7582 2425764-3 172083<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1000-9140 2046263-3 169490<br />

Niemeyer ; de Gruyter 1865-9373 0005-8076 2418115-8 103835<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH ; Lucent Technologies 1538-7305 1089-7089 2004226-7 5709<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 1758-4094 1463-5771 2007988-6 555<br />

Springer 1613-7531 0005-89<strong>12</strong> 2376950-6 8913<br />

Elsevier<br />

1532-169X;1878-1608 1521-6896;1753-3740 2028818-9 7960<br />

Elsevier 1532-1908 1521-690X 2026220-6 7961<br />

Elsevier 1532-1916 1521-6918 2028853-0 7962<br />

Elsevier 1532-1924 1521-6926 2028865-7 7963<br />

Elsevier 1532-1932 1521-6934 2028869-4 7964<br />

Elsevier 1532-1770 1521-6942 2028861-X 7965<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; Ernst & Sohn1437-1006 0005-9900 215<strong>12</strong>39-5 45849<br />

Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt - vhb 0005-9935 2174528-6 7839<br />

Verl. Recht <strong>und</strong> Wirtschaft 0947-0581 0340-7918 2105874-X 25481<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5152 0927-2569 2044259-2 10040<br />

SAGE Publications 1945-7596 0146-1079 2472833-0 111784<br />

De Gruyter 1865-7648 0341-4183 2027357-5 262<br />

De Gruyter 2194-9646 0006-1972 1465932-3 193781<br />

via Beck<br />

0940-8851;1432-699X;1867-7940<br />

2581888-0 24846<br />

Pergamon / Elsevier 1878-0776 0147-7552 2196592-4 57101<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1029-2446 Group 1024-2422 2043266-5 5084<br />

Elsevier 1090-2104 0006-291X 1461396-7 2665<br />

Elsevier / Academic Press 1077-3150;1095-5577 1077-3150 2021353-0 7631<br />

International Union of Biochemistry and 0307-44<strong>12</strong>;1879-1468<br />

Molecular Biology 0307-44<strong>12</strong> / Elsevier 1496193-3 3747

Elsevier 1873-295X 1369-703X 20<strong>12</strong>139-8 2694<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-4927 (formerly Kluwer 0006-2928 Academic Publishers) 1496197-0 1176<br />

Elsevier 1557-7996 0006-2944 2196595-X 57102<br />

Elsevier 1557-7651 0885-4505 2023534-3 8162<br />

Elsevier 0006-2952;1873-2968 0006-2952 1496199-4 3852<br />

Elsevier 1873-2925 0305-1978 1499902-x 3748<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-4995 0006-2960 1472258-6 18<br />

Elsevier 0006-3002 0006-3002 1460387-1 1805<br />

Elsevier 1879-2650 0005-2728 2209370-9 2925<br />

Elsevier 1879-2642 0005-2736 2209384-9 2926<br />

Elsevier 1878-2574 0926-6585 2209379-5 57103<br />

Elsevier 1879-2960 0005-2744;0924-1086 2209533-0 57104<br />

Elsevier 1878-223X 0926-6593 2209531-7 57105<br />

Elsevier 1876-4320 1874-9399 2406725-8 99631<br />

Elsevier 1879-2634 0167-4781 2209522-6 2927<br />

Elsevier 1872-8006 0304-4165 2209617-6 2928<br />

Elsevier 1879-145X 0005-2760 2209461-1 7078<br />

Elsevier 1879-2618 1388-1981 2209502-0 2929<br />

Elsevier<br />

1878-2434;1879-260X 0925-4439 2209528-7 2930<br />

Elsevier 1879-2596 0167-4889 22095<strong>12</strong>-3 2931<br />

Elsevier 1878-2272 0926-6534 2209608-5 57106<br />

Elsevier 1879-3002 0005-2787 2209441-6 57107<br />

Elsevier 1879-2952 0005-2795 2209544-5 57108<br />

Elsevier 1879-2588 0167-4838 2209539-1 45990<br />

Elsevier 1878-1454 1570-9639 2209540-8 2932<br />

Elsevier 0304-4173;1878-2558 0304-4173 2209599-8 57110<br />

Elsevier 1879-257X 0304-4157 2209406-4 2945<br />

Elsevier Science<br />

0304-419X;1879-2561 0304-419X 2209610-3 422<br />

Elsevier 0926-6577;1878-2566 2209580-9 57111<br />

Elsevier 0926-6569;1878-2248 2209410-6 571<strong>12</strong><br />

Elsevier 0926-6542;1878-2264 2209456-8 57113<br />

Elsevier 1878-2280 0926-6526 2209605-X 57115<br />

Elsevier 0926-6550;1878-2256 2209445-3 57116<br />

Elsevier 1638-6183 0300-9084 2011725-5 7425<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-48<strong>12</strong> 1043-1802 1500067-9 1774<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8248 (formerly Kluwer 1386-6141 Academic Publishers) 2014979-7 6203<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9729 (formerly Kluwer 0923-9820 Academic Publishers) 2000781-4 2342<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9710 (formerly Kluwer 0960-3115 Academic Publishers) 2000787-5 716<br />

Elsevier 1878-562X 1567-5394 1496503-3 9275<br />

Elsevier 1872-8049 0302-4598 2225958-2 2801<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-186X 0197-8462 200<strong>12</strong>28-7 2602<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-1878 0265-9247 1473795-4 2603<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-8519 0269-9702 1480658-7 4661<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1758-5090 1758-5082 2500944-8 119513<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-515X (formerly Kluwer 0168-2563 Academic Publishers) 1478541-9 2207<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6768 (formerly Kluwer 1389-5729 Academic Publishers) 2014990-6 7928<br />

Wiley 1361-6374 0966-9051 1473103-4 492<br />

Oxford University Press 1367-4811;1460-2059 0266-7061;1367-4803 1468345-3 2184<br />

Elsevier 0006-3061;1873-3190 0006-3061 2196599-7 57117<br />

De Gruyter 2191-2491 2191-2483 2598375-1 151865<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1748-3190 1748-3182 2235670-8 66990<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8264 (formerly Kluwer 0006-3134 Academic Publishers) 1496498-3 2343<br />

De Gruyter 1437-4315 1431-6730 1466062-3 4138<br />

Elsevier 0006-3207;1873-2917 0006-3207 1496231-7 3669<br />

Elsevier 1049-9644;1090-21<strong>12</strong> 1049-9644 1461427-3 692<br />

Springer 1432-0770 0023-5946;0340-<strong>12</strong>00 1458477-3 851

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1464 (formerly Kluwer 1387-3547 Academic Publishers) 2014991-8 6204<br />

Wiley 1096-9888 0306-042X;1052-9306 2197367-2 55715<br />

Elsevier 1873-2402 0006-3223 1499907-9 2878<br />

Elsevier 1873-6246 0301-0511 1496494-6 3819<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-4175 1099-8004 2070503-7 33244<br />

Elsevier 1878-3163 0269-7483 2197551-6 55711<br />

Elsevier 1095-8320 1045-1056 1462158-7 3287<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-415X 0045-205X 2006653-3 7401<br />

Springer 1432-0789 0178-2762 1473419-9 852<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8404 (formerly Kluwer 0169-3867 Academic Publishers) 1496489-2 2344<br />

Elsevier 1523-6536 1083-8791 2057605-5 33485<br />

Society for the Study of Reproduction, 1529-7268 HighWire Press; 0006-3363 BioOne 14698<strong>12</strong>-2 2666<br />

Portland Press; Elsevier 1768-322X 0248-4900 2011750-4 52268<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1366-5804 Group 1354-750X 1496523-9 1108<br />

Elsevier 1878-2523 0144-4565 2190948-9 55713<br />

Elsevier 1878-5905 0142-96<strong>12</strong> 2004010-6 2695<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0895-3988 2421659-8 169437<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-0801 0269-3879 1479945-5 1895<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8256 (formerly Kluwer 0006-3398 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037107-X Bureau) 9393<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1748-605X 1748-6041 2233169-4 66639<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8781 (formerly Kluwer 1387-2176 Academic Publishers) 2004019-2 6205<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-2430 1080-9775 2094474-3 96380<br />

Elsevier 1950-6007 0753-3322 1501510-5 3058<br />

De Gruyter 1862-278X 0013-5585 2234381-7 66766<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8773 (formerly Kluwer 0933-5854;0966-0844<br />

Academic Publishers) 1496519-7 2478<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-4036 0323-3847 1479920-0 4054<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3510 0006-3444 1470319-1 3549<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1932-1058 2265444-6 84673<br />

De Gruyter 1868-503X 1868-5021 2558921-0 135331<br />

Elsevier 1878-559X 1389-0344 2005140-2 6674<br />

De Gruyter<br />

2191-4672;2193-0651;2193-066X<br />

0011-8656;1616-0177 2602468-8 9323<br />

Elsevier 1464-3391 0968-0896 1501507-5 2381<br />

Elsevier 1464-3405 0960-894X 1501505-1 2379<br />

Elsevier, Academic Press 1090-2<strong>12</strong>0 0045-2068 1462232-4 678<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-081X 0142-2782 1496395-4 1896<br />

Elsevier 1873-4200 0301-4622 1496385-1 2802<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0282 0006-3525 1480801-8 1897<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8119;1947-5543 1538-344X;1947-5535 2593993-2 53675<br />

Springer 1432-0797;1615-7605 0178-515X;1615-7591 1476357-6 854<br />

Elsevier 1873-2976 0960-8524 1501389-3 2696<br />

Beta Beta Beta Biological Society ; BioOne 1943-6289 0005-3155 2175911-X 52146<br />

University of California Press; American 1525-3244 Institute of Biological 0006-3568 Sciences 2066019-4 (AIBS); BioOne; JSTOR 5567<br />

Portland Press (früher: Springer Science+Business 1573-4935 Media 0144-8463 B.V., Kluwer 2014993-1 Academic Publishers) 7931<br />

SAGE Publications 0976-352X 0974-9276 2550256-6 134326<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-850X 1538-7135 2169225-7 48851<br />

Elsevier 1873-4219 0265-928X 2196604-7 57118<br />

Elsevier 1873-4235 0956-5663 1496379-6 2681<br />

Wiley 1520-6343 1075-4261 200<strong>12</strong>31-7 4942<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1468-4357 1465-4644 2020601-X 8301<br />

Elsevier 1537-5<strong>12</strong>9 1537-5110 2072707-0 19710<br />

Elsevier 1872-8324 0303-2647 1496359-0 2863<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1527-9162 1088-4270 2020459-0 5698<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1473-7760 Group 0038-9153;1052-0295 2042613-6 38654<br />

Elsevier 1873-1899 0734-9750 2016279-0 3782<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0290 0006-3592 1480809-2 1898<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8704 0730-031X 2020387-1 8104

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6776 (formerly Kluwer 0141-5492 Academic Publishers) 20<strong>12</strong>203-2 1752<br />

Wiley ; früher: American Chemical Society 1520-6033 (ACS), copubl. 8756-7938 with American 2003526-3 Institute of Chemical Engineers 1775 (AIChE)<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6784 (formerly Kluwer 0951-208X Academic Publishers) 2015000-3 2479<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8280 (formerly Kluwer 0921-299X Academic Publishers) 1496336-x 2346<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; Association for 1744-7429 Tropical Biology 0006-3606 ; BioOne 2052061-X 53<strong>12</strong>1<br />

The Association for Tropical Biology ; BioOne 0006-3606 2052061-X 115780<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0001 0959-2709 2037673-X 9508<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1096-9926;1542-0760 0040-3709;1542-0752 2108606-0 35307<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1523-536X 0098-860X;0730-7659 2004021-0 5574<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9<strong>12</strong>5 (formerly Kluwer 0006-3835 Academic Publishers) 1465706-5 31887<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM (früher: Elsevier) 1365-215X;1471-0528 0022-3204;0306-5456;0307-1871;1470-0328<br />

2036469-6 39873<br />

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- 1864-0303 <strong>und</strong> Finanzmathematik 00<strong>12</strong>-0200;1864-0281 ; Springer 2374341-4 92230<br />

Heymann 0930-2980 238<strong>12</strong>57-6 92946<br />

Hanser 1616-3362 2391003-3 94456<br />

Elsevier 1096-0961 1079-9796 1462186-1 694<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5733 0957-5235 2035229-3 96382<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1651-1999;1651-2480<br />

Group 0803-7051;0803-8023 2004028-3 5508<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5725 1359-5237 2029920-5 96383<br />

Karger 1421-9735 0253-5068 1482025-0 3892<br />

Elsevier 1532-1681 0268-960X 2009041-9 7348<br />

Kohlhammer 0341-3659 2136325-0 94450<br />

SAGE Publications 2070-2779 0759-1063 2508137-8 <strong>12</strong>9880<br />

SAGE Publications 1460-3632 1357-034X 2021487-X 5575<br />

Springer 1678-7714 0100-3569;1678-7544;1678-7714<br />

2093151-7 31926<br />

Elsevier 1878-0628 0169-6009 2196644-8 57119<br />

Elsevier 1873-2763 8756-3282 1496324-3 3059<br />

De Gruyter 1437-4323 0006-8055 1475447-2 4152<br />

The New York Botanical Garden ; Springer 1874-9372 ; BioOne 0006-8101 2066026-1 52148<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1472 (formerly Kluwer 0006-8314 Academic Publishers) 1477639-x 2208<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-2156 0006-8950 1474117-9 1764<br />

Elsevier 1090-2147 0278-2626 1462261-0 1546<br />

Elsevier 1872-7131 0387-7604 1499913-4 3195<br />

Elsevier 1090-2155 0093-934X 1462477-1 1550<br />

Karger 1421-9743 0006-8977 1482032-8 3010<br />

Elsevier 1090-2139 0889-1591 1462491-6 1522<br />

Cambridge University Press 1443-9646 2180113-7 53177<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1362-301X Group 0269-9052 2004054-4 1109<br />

Elsevier 1872-6240 0006-8993 1462674-3 3820<br />

Elsevier 1873-2747 0361-9230 2004068-4 3821<br />

Elsevier 1872-809X 1385-299X 1462690-1 3822<br />

Elsevier 1872-6321 0165-0173 1462685-8 3823<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6792 (formerly Kluwer 0896-0267 Academic Publishers) 2015003-9 8008<br />

Fachverlag Hans Carl 0724-696X;1439-5177 2130537-7 39538<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7217 (formerly Kluwer 0167-6806 Academic Publishers) 2004077-5 2347<br />

Karger 1661-3805 1661-3791 2205941-6 60195<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1524-4741 1075-<strong>12</strong>2X 2020959-9 5962<br />

Elsevier; Churchill Livingstone 1532-3080 0960-9776 2009043-2 7363<br />

Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard 1938-2979 College in 0006-9698 Cambridge ; BioOne 2276297-8 88361<br />

Fachverlag Hans Carl GmbH 1613-2041;1866-5195 2132635-6 40060<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1477-4054 1467-5463 2036055-1 9058<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1477-4062;2041-2647 1473-9550;2041-2649 2540929-3 20133<br />

Brill 1877-6930 1876-6633 2543884-0 132938<br />

Cambridge University Press ; Society 1753-5352 for the Promotion 0068-113X of Roman Studies 2097697-5 <strong>12</strong>3336<br />

Elsevier 0890-8389;1095-8347 0890-8389 1462498-9 1551<br />

Cambridge University Press ; Faculty of Actuaries and 1357-3217 Institute of Actuaries 2082039-2 24948<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH ; früher: Routledge, 1469-3518 Taylor & Francis 0141-1926 Group 2003863-X 6706

Elsevier 1476-539X 0007-0785 2263989-5 85755<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-001X 0007-0874 2017943-1 7841<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1464-3537 0007-0882 1479330-1 3550<br />

Oxford University Press 1468-2842 0007-0904 2015560-8 7516<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1471-6771 0007-09<strong>12</strong> 2011968-9 7107<br />

Cambridge University Press 1744-2192 1742-6456 2191588-X 55851<br />

Elsevier 1878-1802 0950-5601 2364550-7 91645<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 0508-3443 2104426-0 33365<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1471-2849 Group 0038-1799;0300-5364 2027886-X 8727<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3529 0007-0955 1478955-3 3551<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2133 0007-0963 2004086-6 5432<br />

Elsevier 0007-0971;1878-2426 0007-0971 2196795-7 57<strong>12</strong>1<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-8535 0007-1013 1479099-3 4566<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-8551 1045-3172 2025938-4 7792<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-2104 0265-0517 1490229-1 5033<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1360-046X Group 0268-8697 1499131-7 1047<br />

Cambridge University Press 1475-2662 0007-1145 2016047-1 9090<br />

Elsevier 1532-1940 0266-4356 2009048-1 7349<br />

Elsevier<br />

0007-117X;1878-2418 0007-117X 2197196-1 57<strong>12</strong>0<br />

Elsevier 0007-<strong>12</strong>26 0007-<strong>12</strong>26 2002386-8 6599<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-21<strong>12</strong> 0007-<strong>12</strong>34 1466320-x 2936<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH ; Artesian <strong>Books</strong> 1752-0118 0265-9883 2052864-4 84919<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1740-7931;1941-7268 0141-6200;1941-7276 2142067-1 47156<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1468-263X 0045-3102 20<strong>12</strong>767-4 7262<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1465-3346 0142-5692 1476386-2 4449<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-8578 0952-3383 2006499-8 8898<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2168 0007-1323 2006309-X 31911<br />

Elsevier 1878-1896 0366-0850 2279439-6 91389<br />

Elsevier 1878-190X 0366-0869 2279441-4 91392<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1744-5809 0264-6196 2170842-3 51558<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-2668 0956-4748 2119<strong>12</strong>6-8 37702<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1471-8391 0007-1420 1494704-3 9749<br />

Elsevier 1879-3606 0007-1935 2400927-1 99648<br />

Springer; früher: New York Botanical Garden 1938-436X Press ; BioOne 0007-196X 2052060-8 46888<br />

Food multimedia GmbH 0172-8180 2186806-2 53992<br />

American Bryological and Lichenological 1938-4378 Society ; BioOne 0007-2745 2173787-3 52149<br />

Taylor & Francis 1749-8341 0962-9416;1749-8430 2235860-2 67020<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1995 (formerly Kluwer 1358-3948 Academic Publishers) 2004285-1 6484<br />

Elsevier 1873-684X 0360-1323 1481962-4 3389<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-4321 0306-9931;0961-3218 1481969-7 723<br />

Pergamon, Elsevier 1878-6073 0007-3628 2190961-1 55714<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1477-0849 0143-6244 2053866-2 14994<br />

Springer 0007-4632 2679875-X 110887<br />

Springer 0007-4632 2679875-X 109172<br />

Comité International de la Croix-Rouge; Soullier et Wirth; 1816-9686;2023-5925<br />

Cambridge University 2536074-7 Press <strong>12</strong>9639<br />

Carnegie Museum of Natural History / BioOne 0145-9058 2276291-7 88363<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-8586 0307-3378 1473655-x 4083<br />

Springer 1435-9537 1435-9529 1480689-7 2643<br />

CABI Publishing ; Cambridge University 1475-2670 Press 0007-4853 1496538-0 3908<br />

Springer 1432-0800 0007-4861 1458480-3 1710<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8221 (formerly Kluwer 0007-4888 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037110-X Bureau) 9394<br />

Springer 0973-7669 0250-4707 2096424-9 92311<br />

Springer; früher Elsevier 1522-9602 0007-4985;0092-8240 14625<strong>12</strong>-x 3291<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-4183 0270-4676 2008113-3 7079<br />

American Museum of Natural History 1937-3546 0003-0090 2174960-7 52150<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0004-5616 2272068-6 87883

SAGE Publications 1938-3282 0096-3402 2046884-2 114721<br />

Cambridge University Press ; Australian 1755-1633 Mathematical 0004-9727 Society 2268688-5 103938<br />

Biological Society of Washington / BioOne 1943-6335 0097-0298 2276292-9 88362<br />

Elsevier 0007-1528 2492139-7 119053<br />

Taylor & Francis (später Cambridge University 0950-5636 Press) 0950-5636 2396992-1 115742<br />

Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ); J-STAGE 1348-0634 0009-2673 2041163-7 9559<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1003-3572 2471704-6 169258<br />

Cambridge University Press (früher Brill) 1873-0841 0921-254X 2487563-6 115744<br />

Oxford University Press 1469-2<strong>12</strong>0 0024-6093 1476985-2 1965<br />

Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard 1938-2987 University / 0027-4100 BioOne 2276293-0 88364<br />

Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale University 0079-032X ; BioOne 2485768-3 114768<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0699 0041-977X 2049023-9 10024<br />

Springer 1432-0819 0258-8900 1458483-9 855<br />

Southern California Academy of Science / BioOne 0038-3872 2276294-2 88365<br />

B<strong>und</strong>esanzeiger Verlagsgesellschaft, Makrolog 0344-7634 2379764-2 92811<br />

B<strong>und</strong>esanzeiger Verl.-Ges. 0341-1095 1474033-3 4143<br />

B<strong>und</strong>esanzeiger Verl.-Ges. 0341-1109 2096053-0 65031<br />

Springer 1437-1588 1436-9990 1470303-8 3910<br />

Stollfuß, Makrolog 0175-5366;0341-3349 2379727-7 66796<br />

Stollfuß, Makrolog 0341-1087;0341-3357 2379740-X 66821<br />

Stollfuß, Makrolog 0341-3365;0341-3373;0341-3381<br />

2241320-0 65853<br />

International Society for Burn Injuries 1879-1409 / Elsevier 0305-4179 2025040-X 2836<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-4205 0007-6503 2011154-X 7519<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-4191 1080-5699 2070289-9 42262<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-8608 0962-8770 1480677-0 4663<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1743-7938 0007-6791 2050203-5 18903<br />

Elsevier 1873-6068 0007-6813 2013871-4 6675<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-6450 0266-3821 2067938-5 37703<br />

Kluwer Law International 0143-6295 0143-6295 20150<strong>12</strong>-X 7935<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 1758-4116 1463-7154 2014421-0 554<br />

MCB University Press 1355-2503 2695843-0 1936<strong>12</strong><br />

Spotlight Verlag 1617-1888 2537710-3 46597<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1099-0836 0964-4733 2025936-0 4252<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-8616 0955-6419 1480681-2 4662<br />

via Beck, Württembergischer Notarverein 1434-2979 2238185-5 88295<br />

De Gruyter<br />

1864-449X;1868-9027 0007-7704 2430676-9 106400<br />

Heise 0724-8679 2031802-9 2594<br />

Cactus and Succulent Society of America 1938-288X / BioOne 0007-9367 2276298-X 88366<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1003-4951 169485<br />

Springer 1432-0827 0171-967X 1458487-6 856<br />

Springer 1<strong>12</strong>6-5434 0008-0624 1480691-5 2956<br />

Springer 1432-0835 0944-2669 1464202-5 1489<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0540 0959-7743 2053550-8 14667<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3545 0309-166X 1466046-5 3553<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-3577 0305-764x 2018231-4 8106<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-2139 0008-1973 1479383-0 4573<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0621 0954-5867 2053867-4 15002<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-2147 0963-1801 1499985-7 5987<br />

Oxford University Press 1471-6836 0008-199X 2049949-8 10539<br />

Royal Historical Society; Cambridge University 1478-5110Press<br />

0960-1163 2160901-9 47011<br />

Royal Historical Society; Cambridge University 0068-6905Press<br />

0068-6905 2160901-9 <strong>12</strong>9359<br />

Royal Historical Society; Cambridge University 2042-1702Press<br />

2042-1702 2160901-9 <strong>12</strong>9362<br />

Royal Historical Society; Cambridge University 2042-1699Press<br />

2042-1699 2160901-9 <strong>12</strong>9363<br />

Royal Historical Society; Cambridge University 2042-1710Press<br />

2042-1710 2160901-9 <strong>12</strong>9360<br />

Brill 2210-2396 0090-8290 2563326-0 136784<br />

Cambridge University Press ; Entomological 1918-3240 Society of 0008-347X Canada; BioOne 2119167-0 37779

Cambridge University Press 1744-9324 0008-4239 2066084-4 48866<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; Canadian Association 0829-5735 of School Psychologists<br />

2262849-6 85239<br />

Cambridge University Press (früher: University 1710-1107of Toronto 0714-9808 Press) ; Project 2166531-X MUSE<br />

48627<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7233 (formerly Kluwer 0167-7659 Academic Publishers) 2004180-9 2349<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8852 0732-9482;1043-0733;1062-8401;1084-9785<br />

2029859-6 8941<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7225 (formerly Kluwer 0957-5243 Academic Publishers) 1496544-6 2482<br />

Springer 1432-0843 0344-5704 1458488-8 1490<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0190-<strong>12</strong>06 0190-<strong>12</strong>06 2272437-0 87915<br />

Elsevier 1873-4456 0165-4608 2004205-X 3060<br />

Springer 1432-0851 0340-7004 1458489-x 1491<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1532-4192 Group 0735-7907 20431<strong>12</strong>-0 9965<br />

Elsevier 0304-3835;1872-7980 0304-3835 20042<strong>12</strong>-7 3061<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; via OVID 1538-9804 0162-220X 2049755-6 96604<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers, Elsevier 0305-7372;1532-1967 0305-7372 2002084-3 6565<br />

Conference of Socialist Economists ; 2041-0980 Sage Publications 0309-8168 2068286-4 40464<br />

Elsevier 1879-1344 0144-8617 1501516-6 2793<br />

Elsevier 1873-426X 0008-6215 1496822-8 2670<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-2180 0143-3334 1474206-8 2588<br />

SAGE Publications 2150-1343 2150-1335 2629067-4 169254<br />

Karger 1421-9751 0008-63<strong>12</strong>;0366-5313 1482041-9 2888<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-4683 1061-5377 2081796-4 96605<br />

Cambridge University Press 1467-1107 1047-9511 2060876-7 53104<br />

Karger 1664-5502 1664-3828 2595659-0 151545<br />

Springer 1432-086X 0174-1551 1458490-6 857<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7241 (formerly Kluwer 0920-3206 Academic Publishers) 2003553-6 2352<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6806 (formerly Kluwer 1567-8822 Academic Publishers) 2037838-5 9458<br />

Elsevier 1879-1336 1054-8807 1499916-x 3087<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1755-3245 (früher: Elsevier) 0008-6363 1499917-1 3088<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1527-3466;1755-5922 0897-5957;1755-5914 2417088-4 39855<br />

Sage Publications (ab 2008) ; Pro-ed 1557-5047 0885-7288 2251561-6 81371<br />

Karger 1421-976X 0008-6568 1482046-8 3011<br />

Elsevier 0167-2231;1879-1328 0167-2231 2013618-3 3313<br />

SAGE Publications 1947-6043 1947-6035 2515870-3 <strong>12</strong>4650<br />

Southern Appalachian Botanical Society 0008-7475 ; BioOne<br />

2179460-1 53107<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-879X (formerly Kluwer 1011-372X Academic Publishers) 1501518-x 2006<br />

Taylor & Francis 1520-5703 0161-4940 2020463-2 4916<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8803 (formerly Kluwer 1384-6574 Academic Publishers) 2027474-9 2017<br />

Elsevier 1873-4308 0920-5861 20<strong>12</strong>626-8 6093<br />

Elsevier 1872-6887 0341-8162 1492500-x 3593<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0304 0098-6569 1492391-9 5340<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9478 (formerly Kluwer 0923-2958 Academic Publishers) 1472552-6 2250<br />

Elsevier 1097-4172 0092-8674 2001951-8 311<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6814 (formerly Kluwer 1389-9333 Academic Publishers) 2015015-5 7937<br />

Springer 1432-0878 0044-3794;0302-766X;0340-0336;0373-031X<br />

1458496-7 858<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-0844 0263-6484 1496553-7 4165<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6822 (formerly Kluwer 0742-2091 Academic Publishers) 1496562-8 2353<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; früher: Portland 1095-8355 Press ; Elsevier 1065-6995 1462519-2 1552<br />

Elsevier 1878-240X 0309-1651 2197149-3 57176<br />

Elsevier 0143-4160;1532-1991 0143-4160 2002623-7 6600<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1543-5180 Group 1061-5385;1541-9061 2030743-3 8995<br />

Elsevier 1878-2396 0045-6039 2197151-1 57178<br />

Elsevier 1878-738X 0922-3371 2141768-4 57226<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1001-0602 2082402-6 169297<br />

Cell Stress Society International (CSSI); 1466-<strong>12</strong>68 Allen Press (ab 1355-8145 2000) ; BioOne 2002594-4 9822<br />

Karger 1421-9654;1422-6421 0001-5180;1422-6405 1481840-1 3893<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1420-9071 0014-4754;1420-682X 1458497-9 791

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6830 (formerly Kluwer 0272-4340 Academic Publishers) 1496697-9 3847<br />

Elsevier 0008-8749;1090-2163 0008-8749 1462601-9 1376<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-7681 2219471-X 169438<br />

Karger 1421-9778 1015-8987 1482056-0 30<strong>12</strong><br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-7457;2152-4998 1520-4553;1536-2302;2152-4971<br />

2542484-1 37809<br />

Elsevier 0898-6568;1873-3913 0898-6568 1496718-2 3749<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-882X (formerly Kluwer 0969-0239 Academic Publishers) 1496831-9 2487<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1600-0498 0008-8994 2024695-X 8528<br />

Cambridge University Press 1569-1616 0008-9389 2049699-0 65911<br />

Sage Publications ; früher Wiley-Blackwell, 1468-2982 Blackwell-Publishing 0333-1024- STM2019999-5 8227<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-2199 1047-3211 1483485-6 1766<br />

Karger 1421-9786 1015-9770 1482069-9 385<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-3585 1358-684x 2017900-5 8108<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1089-7682 1054-1500 1472677-4 1757<br />

Elsevier 1873-2887 0960-0779 2003919-0 2730<br />

Chelonian Research Fo<strong>und</strong>ation; BioOne 1943-3956 1071-8443 2365033-3 91683<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8329 (formerly Kluwer 0009-2355 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037114-7 Bureau) 9395<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1399-3011;1747-0285 1397-002X;1747-0277 2216600-2 5402<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1364-548X 0009-241X;0022-4936;1359-7345<br />

1472881-3 6<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1364-548X 0009-241X;0022-4936;1359-7345<br />

1472881-3 573<strong>12</strong><br />

Chemical Week Publishing 1945-368X 0009-2460 2027478-6 10303<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-4<strong>12</strong>5 0930-7516 1477681-9 4519<br />

Taylor & Francis 1563-5201 0098-6445 2040030-5 5086<br />

Elsevier 1873-32<strong>12</strong> 1385-8947 20<strong>12</strong>137-4 7433<br />

Elsevier 1873-3220 0923-0467 2029780-4 2697<br />

Elsevier 1872-6836 0009-2541 1492506-0 3626<br />

Elsevier 1878-5999 0168-9622 2197370-2 57228<br />

Elsevier<br />

1074-9098;1879-131X 1074-9098 2022607-X 749<br />

Elsevier 1873-4421 0301-0104 1501546-4 2809<br />

Elsevier 1873-4448 0009-2614 1466293-0 2386<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-5010 0893-228X 2003547-0 1776<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-6890 0009-2665 2003609-7 1783<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1464-3553 0379-864X 1494617-8 1765<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1460-4744 0306-00<strong>12</strong> 1472875-8 1806<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-3862 0948-1907 1477693-5 4518<br />

Elsevier, Ireland 1872-7786 0009-2797 1496834-4 3853<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1611-5864 0009-2819 2082649-7 25216<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-3781 0009-2851 2006650-8 7203<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1522-2640 0009-286X 2035041-7 9287<br />

Wiley-VCH 1522-2667 0931-7597 2110203-X 35533<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-3765 0947-6539 1478547-x 3021<br />

Elsevier 1879-1301 1074-5521 2019089-X 55<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-0370 0275-7540 2038286-8 5087<br />

Elsevier 0009-3084;1873-2941 0009-3084 1496839-3 3750<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8310 (formerly Kluwer 0009-3092 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037<strong>12</strong>5-1 Bureau) 9396<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8353 (formerly Kluwer 0009-3<strong>12</strong>2 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037<strong>12</strong>8-7 Bureau) 9397<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-5002 0897-4756 1500399-1 1784<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8388 (formerly Kluwer 0009-3130 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037133-0 Bureau) 9398<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1749-5318 1473-7604 2135793-6 40386<br />

Springer 0095-9774 2556206-X 134784<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1423-0445 0937-7409 1458504-2 2162<br />

Elsevier 1873-3239 0169-7439 2020467-X 2682<br />

Elsevier 1879-<strong>12</strong>98 0045-6535 1496851-4 3682<br />

Elsevier Science, Pergamon 1873-6467 1465-9972 2025331-X 6776<br />

Karger 1421-9794 0009-3157;0366-7170 1482111-4 3013<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1060-1694 1060-1694 2274052-1 88<strong>12</strong>4

Elsevier 0145-2134;1873-7757 0145-2134 2004382-X 3206<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1099-0852 0952-9136 2134556-9 4981<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1469-2155;1475-3588 1360-6417;1475-357X 2073663-0 20075<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2797 (formerly Kluwer 0738-0151 Academic Publishers) 2015019-2 7938<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1365-2214 0305-1862 2018207-7 5669<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1476-489X 1357-5279 2111133-9 36198<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1365-2206 1356-7500 2018201-6 5655<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1477-0865 Hodder Arnold 0265-6590 2019803-6 4804<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6119 1077-5595 2018206-5 5656<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1744-4136 0929-7049 1483041-3 4705<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3327 (formerly Kluwer 0009-398X Academic Publishers) 2015017-9 7996<br />

Springer 1433-0350 0256-7040 1463024-2 1492<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3319 (formerly Kluwer 1053-1890 Academic Publishers) 2015020-9 7994<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7013 0907-5682 1483566-6 4915<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8569;1948-6561;2153-2176<br />

1545-17<strong>12</strong>;1948-6553;2153-2168<br />

2639910-6 55771<br />

Elsevier 1873-7765 0190-7409 2019862-0 3955<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1693 (formerly Kluwer 0045-6713 Academic Publishers) 2015023-4 7943<br />

Oxford University Press ; (früher: National 1545-682X Association 0162-7961;1532-8759<br />

of Social Workers) 2070927-4 90939<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1002-8447 2630154-4 169403<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1006-5318 2630259-7 169363<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)1673-5447 2686513-0 195281<br />

Elsevier<br />

1043-951x;1873-7781 1043-951x 2019641-6 6779<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1673-8837 2498929-0 169515<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-6421 2424162-3 169367<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-590X 0920-203X 2144933-8 42225<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1673-3258 169504<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1000-9086 2630167-2 169425<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1004-0625 2630196-9 169452<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1005-1562 2630113-1 169368<br />

Brill 1876-5149 1876-5092 2498466-8 132953<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0890-5487 2440825-6 169319<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1006-2696 2421071-7 169360<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-2515 2210440-9 169349<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1008-6234 2421073-0 169361<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1003-4595 2630208-1 169508<br />

Cambridge University Press 1468-2648 0009-4439;0305-7410 2008795-0 7311<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 2630517-3 169516<br />

SAGE Publications 0973-063X 0009-4455 2189087-0 54246<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-5700 2424161-1 169513<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1673-1468 169517<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1004-5015 2630521-5 169496<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1671-6043 2630272-X 169498<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1003-0905 2069522-6 169505<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1004-5341 2424163-5 169371<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1671-2234 2223590-5 169514<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0009-4498 2095850-X 169518<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1004-4493 2421672-0 169350<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1002-0950 2630199-4 169492<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1001-7496 2630098-9 169314<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0252-9599 2245211-4 169272<br />

De Gruyter 2160-5068 2160-5025 2645775-1 172084<br />

De Gruyter 2193-2271 2193-2263 2645776-3 172085<br />

Elsevier 1878-<strong>12</strong>76 0146-6364 2198289-2 57231<br />

Elsevier 1879-<strong>12</strong>8X 0275-1062 2020472-3 3947<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1674-7674 2630071-0 169291<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1001-8417 2096242-3 169352

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1671-492X 2630159-3 169420<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1610-1979 2157135-1 169458<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1005-538X 2627949-6 169494<br />

De Gruyter 2192-9513 2192-9505 2627949-6 170671<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1004-0552 2421678-1 169472<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1993-0631 1000-9604 2275810-0 169457<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1003-7713 2381472-X 169344<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) ; 1003-7713 Chinese Physical 1003-7713;1674-0068<br />

Society 2381472-X 92962<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-7118 2388203-7 169459<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1000-9426 2069518-4 169326<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-0415 2325040-9 169435<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1004-2822 2630270-6 169481<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1000-9345 2093153-0 169394<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0253-3790 2630209-3 169286<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0254-4059 2262662-1 169321<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1004-2857 2630116-7 169375<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1004-7646 2421075-4 169353<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1608-6260 169468<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1008-<strong>12</strong>75 2421696-3 169453<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0366-6999 2108782-9 169430<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1001-9294 2094243-6 169429<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) ; 1741-4199 Chinese Physical 1004-423X;1009-1963;1674-1056<br />

Society 24<strong>12</strong>147-2 9753<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1674-1137 249<strong>12</strong>78-5 111758<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0254-3052 249<strong>12</strong>78-5 169408<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP); Chinese 1741-3540 Physical 0256-307X Society 2040565-0 9754<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1005-4111 169417<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1520-636X 0899-0042 200<strong>12</strong>37-8 4649<br />

Springer 1433-0385 0009-4722 1458505-4 859<br />

Elsevier 1769-6666 <strong>12</strong>97-3203 2056917-8 15066<br />

Oxford University Press 1744-4195 1380-3603 2004029-5 5660<br />

Vieweg ; Springer 16<strong>12</strong>-11<strong>12</strong> 0009-5893 2019091-8 39817<br />

Elsevier 1878-1438 0009-5907 2197371-4 57233<br />

Springer 1432-0886 0009-5915 1458507-8 863<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6849 (formerly Kluwer 0967-3849 Academic Publishers) 1496856-3 2488<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1745-9206 1742-3953 2183572-X 53534<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Hodder Arnold) 1479-9731 ; HighWire Press 1479-9723 2222367-8 64222<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1525-6073 Group 0742-0528 2026725-3 6940<br />

Brill 1871-2428 1871-241X 2260084-X 84932<br />

Cambridge University Press 1755-2613 0009-6407 2066135-6 106070<br />

Società Italiana di Fisica 1827-5672 2554782-3 134785<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; via OVID 1538-9774 1538-2931 2028462-7 96606<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0305-6<strong>12</strong>0;1758-602X 0305-6<strong>12</strong>0 2027537-7 4233<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1531-5878 0278-081X 2085136-4 25476<br />

American Heart Association ; Lippincott 1524-4539 Williams & Wilkins 0009-7322;0065-8499<br />

; (via Ovid) 1466401-x 96607<br />

American Heart Association ; Lippincott 1524-4571 Williams & Wilkins 0009-7330 ; (via Ovid) 1467838-x 96608<br />

Elsevier 1873-6084 0264-2751 2001540-9 3962<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-3629 1360-4813 2020537-5 81<strong>12</strong><br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-0249 0263-0257;1026-7387;1028-6608<br />

2027228-5 5088<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0733-8902 2084291-0 40181<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-6382 0264-9381 1473117-4 301<br />

Cambridge University Press 1471-6844 0009-8388 2060299-6 15667<br />

Cambridge University Press 1464-3561 0009-840X 1466020-9 4055<br />

Springer 1436-722X 1435-2974 1480837-7 3523<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM<br />

1521-401X;1863-0669 0323-4320;1863-0650 2270984-8 86997<br />

Springer 1618-9558 1618-954X 2084025-1 63873<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1473-0804 Group 1369-7137 2063159-5 10117

Springer 1432-0894 0930-7575 1471747-5 862<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1480 (formerly Kluwer 0165-0009 Academic Publishers) 1477652-2 2251<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1530-8<strong>12</strong>X 0069-4770 2211869-X 60930<br />

Elsevier 0009-8981;1873-3492 0009-8981 1499920-1 3104<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2353 0897-3806 2004511-6 1907<br />

Elsevier 1878-5441 1529-1049 2069035-6 16043<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1938-2723 1076-0296 2230591-9 65589<br />

Elsevier 1873-4901 0928-0197 1499932-8 3811<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2230 0307-6938 2004506-2 5785<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1525-6006 Group 0730-0077;1064-1963 2026245-0 6970<br />

Springer 1591-9528 1591-8890 2054398-0 9523<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7276 (formerly Kluwer 0262-0898 Academic Publishers) 1496876-9 2489<br />

Springer 1437-7799 1342-1751 1499111-1 5609<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1440-1681 0305-1870 2020033-X 5787<br />

Steinkopff bei Springer LINK 1619-1560 0959-9851 2081578-5 29059<br />

Elsevier 0009-9<strong>12</strong>0;1873-2933 0009-9<strong>12</strong>0 1496880-0 3146<br />

Elsevier 0268-0033;1879-<strong>12</strong>71 0268-0033 2004518-9 2854<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-3802 1534-6501 2078528-8 20132<br />

De Gruyter 1437-4331 1434-6621 1492732-9 2678<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2827 (formerly Kluwer 1096-4037 Academic Publishers) 2015029-5 7946<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7021 1359-1045 2004602-9 5738<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5717 0962-8827 2030068-2 96609<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2222 0009-9090;0954-7894 2004469-0 5288<br />

Elsevier 0899-7071;1873-4499 0899-7071 2004578-5 3147<br />

Elsevier 1521-7035 1521-6616 1462862-4 1554<br />

Elsevier 1090-2341 0090-<strong>12</strong>29 2017010-5 7608<br />

Elsevier 0197-1859;1879-<strong>12</strong>55 0197-1859 2025382-5 7047<br />

Oxford University Press (früher: University 1537-6591 of Chicago 0162-0886;1058-4838<br />

Press) 2002229-3 6554<br />

Taylor & Francis 1473-7752 0956-3075 2013514-2 185050<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-5409 0749-8047 1497640-7 96610<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; via OVID 1536-3724 1050-642X 2045233-0 96611<br />

Oxford University Press 1753-0792;2048-8513 1753-0784;2048-8505 2656786-6 102992<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1464-5076 Group 0269-9206 1485070-9 4811<br />

Elsevier 1878-6979 0267-6605 2197390-8 57234<br />

Elsevier 0196-4399;1873-4391 0196-4399 2020491-7 3106<br />

Elsevier 0303-8467;1872-6968 0303-8467 2004613-3 3243<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1537-162X 0362-5664 2048796-4 966<strong>12</strong><br />

Elsevier<br />

0921-884X;1872-8952 1388-2457 1499934-1 5776<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1744-4144 0920-1637;1385-4046 1483047-4 4706<br />

Urban & Vogel bei Springer LINK 1615-6706;1869-1447 0939-7116;1869-1439 2232347-8 65883<br />

Elsevier Science / Association for Research 1873-779X in Nervous 1566-2772 and Mental Disease 2050446-9 10557<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-0229 0363-9762 2045053-9 96613<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; via OVID 1538-9782 0887-6274 2053416-4 96614<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-3799 1054-7738 2034682-7 9254<br />

Elsevier 0261-5614;1532-1983 0261-5614 2009052-3 7350<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1532-5520 0009-9201 2047473-8 96615<br />

WB.Sa<strong>und</strong>ers, Elsevier 1433-2981 0936-6555 1458892-4 19027<br />

Wiley-Blackwell (früher: Blackwell) - STM 1600-0501 0905-7161 2027104-9 8058<br />

Springer 1436-3771 1432-6981 1472578-2 2362<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0095-8654 0095-8654 2273090-4 88052<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1528-1132 0009-921x 2018318-5 96616<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1938-2707 0009-9228 2066146-0 65585<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH, früher Taylor & 1742-9552 Francis 1328-4207 2146504-6 42326<br />

Elsevier 1873-7811 0272-7358 1499936-5 3207<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-2850 0969-5893 1484850-8 1767<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-5956 1068-0640 2071019-7 96617

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers, Elsevier<br />

0009-9260;1365-229X 0009-9260 2002588-9 6610<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1477-0873 0269-2155 2028323-4 6880<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1532-2521 Group 0735-7915;1060-1333 2062367-7 15792<br />

Springer 1434-9949 0770-3198 1480901-1 4044<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3343 (formerly Kluwer 0091-1674 Academic Publishers) 2015063-5 7947<br />

Elsevier<br />

0149-2918;1879-114X 0149-2918 2025417-9 7051<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1097-9875;1556-9519<br />

Group 0009-9309;0731-3810;1556-3650<br />

2190334-7 6967<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Hodder Arnold) 1740-7753 ; HighWire Press 1740-7745 2159773-X 46906<br />

Elsevier<br />

0738-081X;1879-1131 0738-081X 1499937-7 3107<br />

Elsevier 0300-595x 2197387-8 57238<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1940-2473 International Textile 0887-302X and Apparel 2257599-6 Association<br />

84435<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7543 (formerly Kluwer 1386-7857 Academic Publishers) 20<strong>12</strong>757-1 5342<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1527-3458 1080-563X 2232639-X 65941<br />

Elsevier 1872-7379 0378-3839 2019650-7 3594<br />

Elsevier 1873-7838 0010-0277 1499940-7 3654<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-0600 0269-9931 1501696-1 1148<br />

Springer 1435-5566 1435-5558 1499110-x 5608<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1537-0887;1543-3641 0894-878X;1543-3633 2063084-0 96618<br />

Elsevier 1878-187X 1077-7229 2225189-3 64986<br />

Cambridge University Press 1754-470X 1754-4696 2482439-2 114653<br />

Elsevier 0926-6410;1872-6348 0926-6410 1462693-7 3824<br />

Elsevier<br />

0885-2014;1879-226X 0885-2014 2003823-9 6641<br />

Mouton de Gruyter 1613-3641 0936-5907 1476602-4 4486<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-0619 1354-6805 2028330-1 1151<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-0627 0264-3294 1475589-0 1149<br />

Elsevier 1095-5623 0010-0285 1462875-2 1561<br />

Wiley (früher: Elsevier ; Erlbaum ; Taylor 1551-6709 & Francis) 0364-0213 2002940-8 114196<br />

Elsevier 1389-0417 2056945-2 15062<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2819 (formerly Kluwer 0147-5916 Academic Publishers) 2015065-9 1177<br />

Elsevier<br />

0165-232X;1872-7441 0165-232X 1496883-6 3563<br />

Coleopterists Society ; BioOne 1938-4394 0010-065X 2175913-3 52151<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 1525-2477 2253284-5 82715<br />

Springer 1435-1536 0023-2904;0303-402X;0368-6590<br />

1462029-7 2040<br />

Urban & Vogel bei Springer LINK 1615-6730 0174-2442 2023514-8 8610<br />

Elsevier 1873-7536 0022-5428 2066664-0 33738<br />

Springer 1439-69<strong>12</strong> 0209-9683 1458905-9 3262<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-2163 0963-5483 1481145-5 2098<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8345 (formerly Kluwer 0010-5082 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037134-2 Bureau) 9399<br />

Taylor & Francis 1563-521X 0010-2202 2027674-6 5089<br />

European Mathematical Society (EMS) 1420-8946 ; Springer 0010-2571 1458917-5 790<br />

Taylor & Francis 1548-9574 0260-3594 2080957-8 19649<br />

Kluwer Law International 0165-0750;1875-8320 0165-0750 2015072-6 7559<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1538-4837 1525-7401 2081774-5 249<strong>12</strong><br />

De Gruyter 1613-3625 16<strong>12</strong>-1783 2138294-3 40707<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-3810 0093-6502 2016421-X 5746<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-2885 1050-3293 2026866-X 15089<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-4<strong>12</strong>5 0092-7872 2041722-6 11475<br />

Springer 1432-0916 0010-3616 1458931-x 762<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1674-5647 2500131-0 169273<br />

Elsevier 1878-7274 1007-5704 2085706-8 28993<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1007-5704 2085706-8 169521<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-4133 0360-5302 2041734-2 11476<br />

Dekker 1532-4<strong>12</strong>5 0090-3272 2489315-8 170435<br />

Taylor & Francis (Früher: Marcel Dekker, 1532-4141 Inc.) 0361-0918 1476872-0 15200<br />

Taylor & Francis (Früher: Marcel Dekker, 1532-415X Inc.) 0361-0926 1476983-9 15193<br />

International Academic Publishers ; Institute 1572-9494 of Physics 0253-6102 Publishing (IOP) 2021522-8 2008

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-7317 (ACM) 0001-0782 2004542-6 3450<br />

Association for Information Systems (AIS); 1529-3181 Association for Computing Machinery 2003507-X(ACM)<br />

4997<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-03<strong>12</strong> 0010-3640 1468142-0 2605<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0094-5579 2119139-6 34230<br />

De Gruyter 1613-4087 0341-2059 2084562-5 25428<br />

Elsevier 1878-3392 0588-8174 2198292-2 57250<br />

The Regents of the University of California 1873-6920 / Elsevier 0967-067X 1499944-4 3992<br />

Taylor & Francis 1521-0413 0277-6774;1066-8926 2017638-7 5425<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1940-2325 0091-5521 2067350-4 67493<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1600-0528 0301-5661 2027101-3 8487<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1468-2656 0010-3802 2007089-5 7263<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2789 (formerly Kluwer 0010-3853 Academic Publishers) 2015075-1 1167<br />

Elsevier 1878-2388 0010-4035 2197763-X 57318<br />

Elsevier 1879-3029 0010-406X 2197374-X 57251<br />

Elsevier 1095-6433;1531-4332 1095-6433 1481599-0 3724<br />

Elsevier 0300-9629 0300-9629 1481599-0 15151<br />

Elsevier 1096-4959;1879-1107 0305-0491;1096-4959 1481604-0 3751<br />

Elsevier 1096-4959;1879-1107 0305-0491;1096-4959 1481604-0 140351<br />

Elsevier 1878-1969 0306-4492 1481606-4 57317<br />

Elsevier 0742-8413;1878-1942 0742-8413 1481606-4 40305<br />

Elsevier 1878-1659 1532-0456 1481606-4 3725<br />

Springer 1618-565X 0938-7714;1618-5641 1472425-x 20007<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1360-0486 0305-0068 2018229-6 1048<br />

Springer 1433-2973 0938-7714 2413027-8 4045<br />

Elsevier 0147-9571;1878-1667 0147-9571 2025439-8 7053<br />

BioOne 1525-2647;1938-2952 1049-233X;1525-2647 2168698-1 48808<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-3829 0010-4140 1494061-9 3017<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1569-1330 1569-1322 2080573-1 19060<br />

Cambridge University Press 1475-2999 0010-4175 2010834-5 7045<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-3623 0305-7925 2008168-6 7244<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0332-1649 0332-1649 1501321-2 1676<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-3837 0886-3687 2068763-1 33246<br />

Elsevier 1873-6963 0965-2299 2048809-9 10480<br />

Taylor & Francis 1563-5066;1747-6941 0278-1077;1747-6933 2254202-4 85078<br />

Karger 1424-8506 1424-8492 2061889-X 20115<br />

Taylor & Francis (früher VSP, Brill Academic 1568-5543 Publisher) 0927-6440 2057782-5 15263<br />

Cambridge University Press ; früher: Springer 1570-5846 Science+Business 0010-437X Media 1468114-6 B.V. (formerly Kluwer Academic 38619 Publishers)<br />

W.B. Sa<strong>und</strong>ers, Elsevier 1532-8384 0010-440X 2049049-5 10482<br />

Elsevier 1631-0691;1768-3238 1631-0691 2079099-5 23785<br />

Elsevier 1878-1543 1631-0748 2079102-1 23786<br />

Elsevier 1873-751X 1620-7742 1472689-0 4214<br />

Elsevier 1873-7404 <strong>12</strong>87-4620 1472689-0 15162<br />

Elsevier 1873-7250 <strong>12</strong>51-8069 1472689-0 15163<br />

Elsevier 1878-5859 1387-1609 2020623-9 7086<br />

Elsevier 1878-5565 0764-4469 20191<strong>12</strong>-1 7088<br />

Elsevier 1873-7234 1631-0721 2079504-X 24641<br />

Elsevier 1930-8949 1089-3156 1500532-x 3889<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1420-8954 1016-3328 1463001-1 3965<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9974 (formerly Kluwer 0927-7099 Academic Publishers) 1477445-8 2253<br />

Elsevier 1879-081X 0925-7721 1463673-6 3347<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1499 (formerly Kluwer 1420-0597 Academic Publishers) 2001545-8 2021<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1467-8640 0824-7935 2016539-0 6040<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9346 (formerly Kluwer 1381-298X Academic Publishers) 20<strong>12</strong>211-1 2354<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-837X (formerly Kluwer 1046-283X Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037135-4 Bureau) 9400<br />

Springer 1432-0924 0178-7675 1458937-0 763<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2894 (formerly Kluwer 0926-6003 Academic Publishers) 1467967-x 2254

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1749-4680 1749-4699 2404286-9 99997<br />

Elsevier 1872-7352 0167-9473 1478763-5 2864<br />

Elsevier 1879-2332 0167-8396 1478710-6 2880<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1097-0150;1522-7<strong>12</strong>X<br />

Group(früher: 1078-7844;1092-9088<br />

Wiley) 2006641-7 42327<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1744-3210 0958-8221 1495560-x 4809<br />

Elsevier 1873-7056 1361-3723 2161462-3 7117<br />

Elsevier 1878-3856 0142-0496 2025522-6 46753<br />

Elsevier 1557-9697 0146-664X 2197756-2 57319<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0814(IEEE) 0018-9162 ; IEEE Computer 2004656-X Society<br />

<strong>12</strong>77<br />

Oxford University Press 1460-2067 0010-4620 1477172-x 2193<br />

Elsevier 1873-6734 0267-3649 2532919-4 3542<br />

Elsevier 1872-7565 0169-2607 1466281-4 2865<br />

Taylor & Francis 1476-8259 1025-5842 2049175-X 10518<br />

Elsevier 1879-2944 0010-4655;1386-9485 1466511-6 2794<br />

Elsevier 1878-1004 0167-7977 2191428-X 55809<br />

Elsevier 1878-3139 0010-468X 2191430-8 558<strong>12</strong><br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group ; früher: 1744-5175 Swets & Zeitlinger 0899-3408 Publishers 2016558-4 5659<br />

Springer 1865-2042 1865-2034 2410154-0 101569<br />

Elsevier 1095-8363 0885-2308 1462883-1 1562<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7551 (formerly Kluwer 0925-9724 Academic Publishers) 1479849-9 2255<br />

Arbeitsrecht im Betrieb Verlagsgesellschaft 1863-8511 1863-8511 2413824-1 102829<br />

Elsevier 1557-895X 0734-189X 2197768-9 57321<br />

Elsevier 1879-0771 0895-6111 2004841-5 2866<br />

Elsevier 1878-31<strong>12</strong> 0730-4862 2197902-9 57322<br />

Elsevier 1878-3104 0363-8235 2197905-4 57323<br />

Elsevier 0010-4809;1090-2368 0010-4809 1462903-3 1563<br />

Elsevier 1873-2011 8755-4615 2025568-8 8719<br />

Elsevier 1872-7107 0168-1699 2016151-7 3707<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-84<strong>12</strong> (formerly Kluwer 0010-4817 Academic Publishers) 1475520-8 2256<br />

Elsevier 0097-8485;1879-0763 0097-8485 14970<strong>12</strong>-0 2683<br />

Elsevier 1873-782X 0360-1315 2017194-8 3543<br />

Elsevier 1873-7587 0198-9715 2017202-3 3514<br />

Elsevier 1873-7803 0098-3004 1499977-8 2919<br />

Elsevier 1879-0534 0010-4825 1496984-1 2867<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1544-3574 (ACM)<br />

2<strong>12</strong>8764-8 39308<br />

Elsevier 1873-7692 0747-5632 2001911-7 3533<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-9774 0736-8593 2028462-7 236<br />

Elsevier 1879-0550 0360-8352 2020859-5 3517<br />

Elsevier 1873-7668 0898-<strong>12</strong>21 2004251-6 3286<br />

Elsevier<br />

0305-0548;1873-765X 0305-0548 1499736-8 3250<br />

Elsevier 1872-6208 0167-4048 2001917-8 3544<br />

Pergamon/Elsevier 1878-142X 0305-7097 2140374-0 40450<br />

Springer 1436-5057 0010-485X 1458946-1 4372<br />

Springer 1433-0369 1432-9360 1458972-2 1493<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) ; IEEE 1558-366X Computer Society 1521-9615 ; Institute 2042158-8 of Electrical and Electronics 4645 Engineers (IEEE)<br />

VSP ; Brill Academic Publishers 1574-0404 2236770-6 67218<br />

Association for Computing Machinery1530-6585 0010-4884 2044309-2 6439<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-0534;1552-5023 1043-7347;1546-6086 1500222-6 1911<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1531-2003 1063-293X 2101005-5 33248<br />

University of California Press ; Cooper 1938-5<strong>12</strong>9 Ornithological Society 0010-5422 ; BioOne 2066173-3 ; JSTOR<br />

46886<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Taylor & Francis) 1549-9219 ; Peace Science 0094-3738;0738-8942<br />

Society (International)<br />

2145757-8 42328<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1607-8438 Group 0300-8207 2030758-5 8996<br />

Elsevier 1090-2376 1053-8100 1462916-1 1566<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9737 (formerly Kluwer 1566-0621 Academic Publishers) 2015081-7 7991<br />

Elsevier 1878-2795 0361-3658 2403055-7 99807<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-8675 1351-0487 1495453-9 7627

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9966 (formerly Kluwer 1043-4062 Academic Publishers) 2015078-7 2355<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9354 (formerly Kluwer 1383-7133 Academic Publishers) 1479889-x 2257<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-433X 0144-6193 1502289-4 2492<br />

Springer 1432-0940 0176-4276 1463844-7 864<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; (via OVID) 0360-1358 0360-1358 2276959-6 88457<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1600-0536 0105-1873 2027<strong>12</strong>0-7 8488<br />

Elsevier 1476-5411 1367-0484 2004847-6 2981<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0149-9009 0149-9009 2186285-0 53876<br />

SAGE Publications 2249-5320 0973-1849 2646223-0 172157<br />

Elsevier<br />

0361-476X;1090-2384 0361-476X 1462923-9 1567<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-2171 0960-7773 1493114-x 5034<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3335 (formerly Kluwer 0148-8384;0892-2764<br />

Academic Publishers) 2015091-X 7948<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1003-3408 2421743-8 169503<br />

De Gruyter 1869-2737 1869-2729 2577270-3 145636<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0163-2108 0163-2108 2185440-3 53762<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1350-4894 2203903-X 58825<br />

Taylor & Francis 1366-58<strong>12</strong> 0010-7514 2001829-0 1111<br />

Sage Publications ; American Sociological 1939-8638 Association0094-3061 2010085-1 40467<br />

SAGE Publications 1537-6052 1536-5042 2<strong>12</strong>1308-2 34185<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1006-7825 2630255-X 169330<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0611;1573-1103<br />

(formerly Kluwer 1387-2842 Academic Publishers) 2015093-3 6206<br />

Elsevier 0278-4343;1873-6955 0278-4343 2025704-1 3631<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1477-4518;1743-1824 1472-2615;1743-1816 2078415-6 20111<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-218X 0268-4160 1466482-3 2963<br />

Springer 1432-0959 0935-1175 1478722-2 764<br />

Elsevier 0010-7824;1879-0518 0010-7824 2004856-7 3239<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 0069-9667;0973-0648 0069-9667 2211875-5 60931<br />

Springer 1432-0967 0010-7999;0366-1369;0367-5769<br />

1458979-5 865<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-3986 0863-1042 2018082-2 8137<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3588 0277-5921 1467508-0 3556<br />

Berghahn ; formerly Brill 1874-656X 1807-9326 2403874-X 99989<br />

Cambridge University Press ; früher: EDP <strong>12</strong>62-3377 Sciences <strong>12</strong>92-8119 2032256-2 945<br />

Elsevier 1879-050X 0197-2456 1499981-x 3062<br />

SAGE Publications 1748-7382 1354-8565 2210278-4 60763<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0749-8055 0749-8055 2273861-7 88110<br />

SAGE Publications 1460-3691 0010-8367 1482667-7 4851<br />

Elsevier 1873-3840 0010-8545 1499984-5 2769<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1541-2563 Group 1541-2555 2178243-X 52948<br />

American Society of Ichthyologists and 0045-8511 Herpetologists; 0045-8511 BioOne 2198974-6 46852<br />

Springer 1432-0975 0722-4028 1472576-9 866<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-4798 0277-3740 2045943-9 96619<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Elsevier) 1552-3853;1938-9663 0010-8804;1938-9655 238<strong>12</strong>44-8 3251<br />

Elsevier 0010-8804 0010-8804 2025727-2 52033<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5830 0954-6928 2042449-8 96620<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-8683 0964-8410 2062255-7 15790<br />

De Gruyter 1613-7035 1613-7027 2180564-7 53241<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0316 0334-6005 2592645-7 151<strong>12</strong>7<br />

Elsevier 1996-417X 0045-8732 2172604-8 3371<br />

Health and Beauty Business Media 1439-7676 2275840-9 134239<br />

SAGE Publications 2150-1386 2150-1378 2539798-9 130558<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-3861 0011-0000 2056679-7 15146<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-3674 0951-5070 2021558-7 8133<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-8691 0963-1690 2027722-2 8827<br />

Elsevier 1095-998X 0195-6671 1463187-8 1571<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-387X 0011-<strong>12</strong>87 1499997-3 5988<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0751 (formerly Kluwer 0378-1100;0925-4994<br />

Academic Publishers) 2015096-9 2356

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-6604 1741-6590 2183400-3 53506<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-3594 0093-8548 1500<strong>12</strong>8-3 5995<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-3586 0887-4034 2051883-3 11528<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1556-3839 0734-0168 2187435-9 53983<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9850 (formerly Kluwer 1046-8374 Academic Publishers) 2015097-0 6248<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1745-9<strong>12</strong>5 0011-1384 2066199-X 53544<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-3230;1748-8966 1466-8025;1748-8958 2063005-0 15819<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1530-0293 0090-3493 2034247-0 96621<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-5111 0887-9303 2053402-4 96622<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0160-2551 0160-2551 2273215-9 88070<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9877 (formerly Kluwer 0847-2971;<strong>12</strong>05-8629<br />

Academic Publishers) 2065477-7 19161<br />

Elsevier 1045-2354;1095-9955 1045-2354 1463190-8 1573<br />

Taylor & Francis 1469-3682 0958-1596 2011709-7 8135<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1547-6510 0007-8980;1040-8347 2030019-0 56<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1549-7798 Group 0045-6411;1040-8355;1040-9238<br />

2030029-3 8397<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1549-7801 Group 0738-8551 2030023-2 8835<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1549-781X Group 1040-8363 2030111-X 8555<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1549-7828 Group 1040-841X 2030048-7 8561<br />

Springer 1433-0377 0939-0146 14727<strong>12</strong>-2 867<br />

Elsevier 1040-8428;1879-0461 1040-8428 2025731-4 3063<br />

Taylor & Francis 1547-6561 0161-1593;1040-8436 2030113-3 8565<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1547-6898 Group 0045-6446;1040-8444 2030007-4 8566<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1461-703X 0261-0183 2057734-5 15259<br />

SAGE Publications 1569-1632 0047-0384;0896-9205 2048604-2 16016<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1460-3721 0308-275X 2028654-5 9183<br />

Elsevier 1873-6904 0261-2194 2020750-5 3708<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-3578 1069-3971 2004<strong>12</strong>4-X 6362<br />

VSP, Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5403 0011-216X 2019267-8 8163<br />

Elsevier 1090-2392 0011-2240 1463192-1 1574<br />

Elsevier 1879-2235 0011-2275 1501356-x 3434<br />

Taylor & Francis 1558-1586 0161-1194 2225163-7 64993<br />

Elsevier 1879-2413 1463-0184 20<strong>12</strong>388-7 7236<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-4079 0232-1300 1480828-6 4056<br />

Taylor & Francis 1476-3508 0889-311X 2079077-6 23782<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1466-8033 2025075-7 4690<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7048 0921-3740 20<strong>12</strong>952-X 6196<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1477-0881 Hodder Arnold 0967-4608;1474-4740 2094185-7 37960<br />

SAGE Publications 1749-9763 1749-9755 2278651-X 88333<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-356X 1532-7086 2070926-2 37705<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1477-2760 1024-5286;1475-9551 2098349-9 35520<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7056 1354-067X 1482673-2 4855<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-076X (formerly Kluwer 0165-005X Academic Publishers) 2004869-5 6250<br />

Elsevier 1532-2033 0953-71<strong>12</strong> 2009076-6 7352<br />

Elsevier 1878-1675 1567-1739 2039065-8 9616<br />

Elsevier 1879-0445 0960-9822 2019214-9 6596<br />

Elsevier 1532-2041 0968-6053 2027828-7 7956<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Wiley-Blackwell 1467-8721 HSS) ; 0963-7214 Association for 2026362-4 Psychological Science 8536<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1460-2202 Group 0271-3683 1483048-6 1780<br />

Springer 1432-0983 0172-8083 1458984-9 804<br />

The Herpetological Society of Japan / 1881-1019 BioOne 1345-5834 2276299-1 88367<br />

Informa Healthcare (formerly: LibraPharm) 1473-4877 0300-7995 2034331-0 9257<br />

Springer 1432-0991 0343-8651 1458987-4 869<br />

Elsevier 1532-205X 0957-5847 2026161-5 7957<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-6500 0952-7907 2027005-7 96627<br />

Elsevier 1879-0429 0958-1669 2019676-3 5748<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1531-7080 0268-4705 2026894-4 96628

Elsevier 1879-0410 0955-0674 2013029-6 5749<br />

Elsevier 1367-5931;1879-0402 1367-5931 2019216-2 5750<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-6519;1535-3885 1363-1950 2026896-8 96635<br />

Elsevier 1879-0399 1359-0294 2019683-0 6094<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1531-7072 1070-5295 2027002-1 96636<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1531-7064 1068-3097 2026998-5 96637<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1531-7056 0267-1379 2026997-3 96638<br />

Elsevier 1879-0380 0959-437X 2013031-4 5751<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1531-7048 1065-6251 2026995-X 96639<br />

Elsevier 1879-0372 0952-7915 2019218-6 5752<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-6527;1535-3877 0951-7375 2026993-6 96640<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-6535 0957-9672 2026990-0 96641<br />

Elsevier 1879-0364 1369-5274 2019222-8 5753<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-6554;1535-3842 1062-4821 2029133-4 96642<br />

Elsevier 1873-6882 0959-4388 2013035-1 5754<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-6551 1350-7540 2026967-5 96643<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0951-7383 0951-7383 2273408-9 88072<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-656X 1040-872X 2026988-2 96645<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1531-703X 1040-8746 2026986-9 96646<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1531-7021 1040-8738 2026983-3 96648<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1531-7013 1087-2418 2026382-X 96649<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1531-7005 1041-9918 2026897-X 96650<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1531-6998 1068-9508 2026964-X 96651<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1531-698X 1040-8703 2026978-X 96652<br />

Elsevier 1879-0356 1369-5266 2019227-7 5755<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-6578 0951-7367 2026976-6 96653<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1531-6971 1070-5287;1078-1641 2026974-2 96654<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1531-6963 1040-8711 2026973-0 96655<br />

Elsevier 1879-033X 0959-440X 2019233-2 5756<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-6586 0963-0643 2026970-5 96656<br />

Elsevier 1532-2068 0268-0890 2027625-4 7632<br />

Elsevier 1532-2076 0957-5839 2042454-1 7958<br />

Mosby; Elsevier 1535-6345 0147-0272 2022907-0 5454<br />

Mosby ; Elsevier 1535-6280 0146-2806 2060920-6 15728<br />

Mosby ; Elsevier 1535-6299 1040-0486 2071868-8 19172<br />

Mosby ; Elsevier 1535-6302 0363-0188 2052052-9 11547<br />

Mosby ; Elsevier 1538-3199 1538-5442 2052053-0 11548<br />

Elsevier 1535-6329 0045-9380 2202221-1 57257<br />

Mosby ; Elsevier 1535-6337 0011-3840 2052054-2 11549<br />

Springer 1936-4733 0737-8262;1046-1310 2021598-8 5493<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0099-8<strong>12</strong>5 2274858-1 88261<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7064 0011-3921 1480684-8 4535<br />

Elsevier<br />

0011-393x;1879-0313 0011-393x 2025738-7 7240<br />

Karger 1661-7657 1661-7649 2260439-X 84966<br />

SAGE Publications 1745-5200 1476-993X 2116828-3 58370<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-3704 0958-5176 2020406-1 8138<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1532-2505;1556-9535<br />

Group 0731-3829;1556-9527 2043252-5 9976<br />

Elsevier 1557-7643 1049-9652 2108030-6 9179<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8337 (formerly Kluwer 1060-0396 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037138-X Bureau) 9401<br />

Taylor & Francis 1087-6553 0022-0280;0196-9722 2444258-6 1117<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8364;2152-2723 1094-9313;2152-2715 2545735-4 5701<br />

Karger<br />

1421-9816;1424-859X 0301-0171;1424-8581 2061918-2 20117<br />

Elsevier 1043-4666;1096-0023 1043-4666 1463198-2 680<br />

Elsevier 1359-6101 1359-6101 2025966-9 3064<br />

Taylor & Francis Group 1471-177X 1368-4736 2050395-7 8581<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1552-4930 0196-4763;1552-4922 2180639-1 1914

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0320;1552-4957 0196-4763;1552-4949 2180651-2 40322<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2303 0956-5507 2020042-0 5792<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1949-3592 1949-3584 2536522-8 1905<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0778 (formerly Kluwer 0920-9069 Academic Publishers) 1477657-1 2258<br />

Elsevier ; Informa Healthcare, Taylor & 1477-2566 Francis Group1465-3249 2071176-1 191<strong>12</strong><br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9486 (formerly Kluwer 0009-0700;0011-4626<br />

Academic Publishers) 2045561-6 7253<br />

Mathematical Institute, Academy of Sciences 1572-9141 of the Czech 0011-4642 Republic ; Springer 2043740-7 Science+Business 9459 Media B.V. (formerly Klu<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1470-479X 1472887-4 198326<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0300-9246 1472887-4 198325<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1477-9234 1477-9226 1472887-4 8<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 0095-0033;1532-0936 2089083-7 29498<br />

Elsevier 1872-6933 0169-023X 1466273-5 3350<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-756X (formerly Kluwer 1384-5810 Academic Publishers) 1479890-6 2259<br />

Kissing : WEKA-Media 1614-6867 2486050-5 114926<br />

Hüthig & Pflaum 1671-1160 2393777-4 94481<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5179 0929-0761 2036959-1 9367<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1091-7683 0145-7624;0748-1187 2004877-4 1118<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1540-5915 0011-7315 2066218-X 31556<br />

Elsevier 1873-5797 0167-9236 1501054-5 3252<br />

Springer 1<strong>12</strong>9-6569 1<strong>12</strong>7-1035;1593-8883 2023516-1 9272<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0898-1655 0898-1655 2381888-8 93031<br />

Elsevier 1878-2507 0146-6313 2196420-8 57062<br />

Elsevier 1878-2485 0146-6291 2196420-8 57061<br />

Elsevier 1878-2493 0011-7471 2196421-X 57063<br />

Elsevier 1878-2477 0198-0149 2280519-9 9<strong>12</strong>69<br />

Elsevier 1878-2469 0198-0254 2280531-X 9<strong>12</strong>70<br />

Elsevier 1879-0119 0967-0637 1500309-7 3592<br />

Elsevier 1879-0100 0967-0645 15003<strong>12</strong>-7 3567<br />

Trans Tech Publications 1662-9507 00<strong>12</strong>-267X;0377-6883;10<strong>12</strong>-0386<br />

2051135-8 10326<br />

Ulmer 1867-2736 2611113-5 163769<br />

Ulmer 1867-2620 2611108-1 164018<br />

Karger 1421-9824 1013-7424;1420-8008 1482186-2 3896<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-2684 1471-30<strong>12</strong> 2084045-7 25383<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 16<strong>12</strong>-0051 1<strong>12</strong>5-7865 2088117-4 294<strong>12</strong><br />

Elsevier 0109-5641;1879-0097 0109-5641 20<strong>12</strong>987-7 6114<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1600-0595;1600-9657 0109-2502;1600-4469 2027107-4 9018<br />

Karger 1424-0564 1422-9196 2022257-9 6785<br />

Karger 1421-9832 0011-9075;1018-8665 1482189-8 3015<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8080 (formerly Kluwer 0929-5585 Academic Publishers) 1479891-8 2260<br />

Taylor & Francis (früher Brill) 1568-5551 1385-772X 2045059-X 10<strong>12</strong>1<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7586 (formerly Kluwer 0925-1022 Academic Publishers) 1479896-7 2261<br />

De Gruyter 1614-337X 1614-3361 2377262-1 92427<br />

via Beck 0937-9371 2081581-5 24851<br />

Deutscher Apotheker-Verl. 0011-9857;1616-9018 2100440-7 33219<br />

Thieme 1439-4413 00<strong>12</strong>-0472;1437-5982 2035474-5 7106<br />

via Beck 0340-8604 2082014-8 24848<br />

Meininger 0944-3177 2414914-7 102628<br />

De Gruyter 16<strong>12</strong>-7056 0940-1555;1439-1589 2131655-7 39550<br />

Deutscher Drucker Verlagsgesellschaft 00<strong>12</strong>-1096 2073297-1 19749<br />

via Beck 00<strong>12</strong>-1347;0949-7676 2081596-7 24849<br />

via Beck 00<strong>12</strong>-1347;0949-7676 2081596-7 <strong>12</strong>0365<br />

via Beck 1431-956X 2082334-4 24850<br />

via Beck 1617-089X 2106925-6 37044<br />

Springer 1435-9502 1435-9499 1478728-3 3911<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-2198 0954-5794 1501055-7 4934<br />

Springer 1432-041X 0949-944X 1458990-4 870

Elsevier<br />

00<strong>12</strong>-1606;1095-564X 00<strong>12</strong>-1606 1463203-2 672<br />

Elsevier 0165-3806;1872-6755 0165-3806 1462706-1 3825<br />

Elsevier<br />

0145-305X;1879-0089 0145-305X 1497538-5 3787<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2779;1940-5529 1080-4013;1940-5510 2423580-5 105838<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0177 0002-9106;1058-8388 1473797-8 1917<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM<br />

1097-4695;1932-846X 0022-3034;1932-8451 2266191-8 86962<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1464-5270;1751-8431<br />

Group 1363-8491;1751-8423 2376915-4 9<strong>12</strong>31<br />

Karger 1421-9859 0378-5866 1482201-5 3897<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2302 00<strong>12</strong>-1630 1473800-4 1918<br />

Elsevier 0273-2297;1090-2406 0273-2297 1463213-5 1577<br />

Deutsche Glastechnische Gesellschaft 1618-8721 2482622-4 114874<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1554-6063 0145-7217 2173745-9 52088<br />

Elsevier 1872-8227 0168-8227 2004910-9 3138<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8593 1520-9156 2004914-6 5702<br />

Sherborne Gibbs ; Sage Publications 1752-8984 1479-1641 2250797-8 81974<br />

Springer 1432-0428 00<strong>12</strong>-186X 1458993-x 871<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0339 8755-1039 200<strong>12</strong>51-2 1920<br />

Elsevier 0732-8893;1879-0070 0732-8893 2026024-6 3108<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1533-4066 1052-9551 2045341-3 96799<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1746-8361 00<strong>12</strong>-2017 2193350-9 56448<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0786 (formerly Kluwer 0304-4092 Academic Publishers) 2015099-4 2415<br />

Mouton de Gruyter 1867-0903 0942-4040 2502679-3 <strong>12</strong>3165<br />

Cambridge University Press; früher: Wilfrid 1759-0949 Laurier University 00<strong>12</strong>-2173 Press 2043720-1 37617<br />

SAGE Publications 2043-8214 2043-8206 2646232-1 160254<br />

Elsevier 1879-0062 0925-9635 2019690-8 3874<br />

Elsevier 1872-6984 0926-2245 1466376-4 3288<br />

Elsevier (früher: Wiley; Blackwell Publishing 1432-0436 - STM) 0301-4681 1459002-5 111509<br />

Karger 1421-9867 00<strong>12</strong>-2823;0301-164X;0365-8228;0365-8325<br />

1482218-0 2892<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2568 (formerly Kluwer 0163-2116 Academic Publishers) 2015102-0 1162<br />

Karger 1421-9875 0253-4398;0257-2753 1482221-0 3016<br />

Karger 1421-9883 0253-4886 1468560-7 2187<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-8646 0730-4625 2053433-4 96800<br />

SAGE Publications 1467-7695 0392-1921 2005283-2 37659<br />

Oxford University Press ; formerly: Wiley-Blackwell 1467-7709 - SSH 0145-2096 1480692-7 4664<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1748-3115 Group 1748-3107 2234110-9 66692<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1464-5165 Group 0379-0797;0963-8288 1475605-5 4424<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1360-0508 0267-4645;0968-7599 2020858-3 1050<br />

SAGE Publications 1750-4821 1750-4813 2272946-X 88037<br />

SAGE Publications 1460-3624 0957-9265 1484288-9 5007<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7080 1461-4456 1482715-3 4760<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-3739 0159-6306 2028118-3 8147<br />

Springer 1432-0444 0179-5376 1459007-4 1495<br />

Elsevier<br />

0166-218X;1872-6771 0166-218X 1467965-6 2950<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7594 (formerly Kluwer 0924-6703 Academic Publishers) 1502222-5 2416<br />

Elsevier 1872-681X 00<strong>12</strong>-365X 1468087-7 2951<br />

de Gruyter (früher: VSP, Brill Academic 1569-3929 Publishers) 0924-9265 2041860-7 37154<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1754-7679 0014-7664;0366-9033 2193357-1 56452<br />

Mosby ; Elsevier 1557-8194 0011-5029 2052861-9 11550<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (früher: Springer) 00<strong>12</strong>-3706 2046914-7 5067<br />

Elsevier 1872-7387 0141-9382 2019693-3 3372<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1475-0198 0158-7919 2080683-8 24756<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7578 (formerly Kluwer 0926-8782 Academic Publishers) 1475521-x 2262<br />

Springer 1432-0452 0178-2770 1476700-4 874<br />

Dt. Landwirtschaftsverl. 0949-4987 2611784-8 163771<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-7430 0198-0238;1044-5498 2026832-4 4247<br />

Elsevier 1568-7856 1568-7864 2082770-2 25181

Oxford University Press 1756-1663 1340-2838 2057291-8 38613<br />

via Beck 1434-3460 2238176-4 134707<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2622 (formerly Kluwer 00<strong>12</strong>-4486 Academic Publishers) 2015105-6 2417<br />

Elsevier 0739-7240;1879-0054 0739-7240 1497551-8 3726<br />

Redtec Publ. 1610-1553;1616-8097 2226549-1 65111<br />

Meisenbach 00<strong>12</strong>-5911 2606454-6 160244<br />

Elsevier 0376-8716;1879-0046 0376-8716 2004927-4 3208<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM (früher: Informa 1465-3362 Healthcare) 0959-5236 1476371-0 4451<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1525-6014 Group 0148-0545 2028063-4 6963<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1521-0464 Group 1071-7544 2020593-4 5461<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1520-5762 Group 0095-5183;0363-9045 2008903-X 6964<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2299 0272-4391 1500191-x 1921<br />

Elsevier 1359-6446;1878-5832 1359-6446 1500337-1 3783<br />

Elsevier 1740-6773 2165474-8 48537<br />

de Gruyter (bis 2009 Fre<strong>und</strong>) 2191-0162 0334-2190;0792-5077 2588286-7 149655<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1097-9883 Group 0360-2532 2028205-9 6965<br />

Elsevier 1368-7646;1532-2084 1368-7646 2002582-8 6602<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1465-3370 Group 0968-7637 1476406-4 4452<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-2300 0737-3937 2049461-0 8744<br />

Taylor & Francis 1465-3389;1468-9375 0268-1110;1468-9367 2048395-8 9827<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8450 (formerly Kluwer 0925-4668 Academic Publishers) 20<strong>12</strong>215-9 2418<br />

Elsevier 0377-0265;1872-6879 0377-0265 2001552-5 3568<br />

Springer 1432-0460 0179-051X 1459017-7 876<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1524-8909 1523-6<strong>12</strong>9 2030138-8 5706<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group (früher: 1476-8275 Carfax) 0300-4430 2082133-5 25161<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1707 (formerly Kluwer 1082-3301 Academic Publishers) 2015111-1 7990<br />

Elsevier 1873-7706 0885-2006 2021633-6 7242<br />

Elsevier 1872-6232 0378-3782 1500313-9 3196<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-0254 0963-9462 1475454-x 4086<br />

Oxford University Press ; Project MUSE 1741-7260 0306-1078 2064614-8 40151<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0559 0261-<strong>12</strong>79 2065727-4 18890<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1573-3823 1383-7427 2070769-1 45527<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1472-4421 0957-5146 2038533-X 9589<br />

Cambridge University Press 1473-7116;1755-6929 0263-5933;1755-6910 241<strong>12</strong>60-4 101772<br />

Elsevier Science 1385-013X 00<strong>12</strong>-821X 1466659-5 1824<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0794 (formerly Kluwer 0027-0903;0165-0807;0167-9295<br />

Academic Publishers) 1472717-1 2263<br />

Elsevier 1872-6828 00<strong>12</strong>-8252 20<strong>12</strong>642-6 3569<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1096-9837 0197-9337 1479188-2 1922<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1671-3664 2276934-1 169334<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0891-4176 244<strong>12</strong>70-3 169335<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1876-3308 0094-3037 250<strong>12</strong>87-3 <strong>12</strong>2561<br />

SAGE Publications 1533-8371 0888-3254 2043614-2 9994<br />

Elsevier 1873-7358 1471-0153 2036464-7 9314<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-530X 1064-0266 2021638-5 5410<br />

Kluwer Law International 1875-8363 0928-2750 20131<strong>12</strong>-4 7391<br />

Cambridge University Press ; The Ecclesiastical 1751-8539 Law Society 0956-618X 2389398-9 93379<br />

Brill 1745-5316 1744-1366 2169734-6 60932<br />

Elsevier 1873-6106 0921-8009 1500316-4 3314<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1673-0178 2422150-8 1695<strong>12</strong><br />

Elsevier 1872-6992 0925-8574 2000805-3 3400<br />

Elsevier 1872-7034 1470-160X 2063587-4 15852<br />

Elsevier 1872-7026 0304-3800 2000879-X 3537<br />

Ecological Society of Japan ; Springer; 1440-1703 früher: Blackwell-Publishing 09<strong>12</strong>-3814 - STM 2023900-2 5797<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1600-0633 0906-6691 2028166-3 8657<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-4168 0747-4938 2041746-9 52319<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-4360 0266-4666 1501041-7 5035

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-0270 0265-0665 2016211-X 7726<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7099 0143-831X 1498600-0 6735<br />

Springer; Society for Economic Botany; 1874-9364 BioOne 0013-0001 2158805-3 46831<br />

Springer 1438-261X 0343-754X 2007304-5 2399<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-3543 0891-2424 2033267-1 9204<br />

Elsevier 1873-6<strong>12</strong>2 0264-9993 2013002-8 3513<br />

De Gruyter 1869-6147 0940-5151 2157079-6 46690<br />

Elsevier 1878-5433 0939-3625 1459021-9 3991<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-5758 0953-5314 2022495-3 8153<br />

Springer 1432-0479 0938-2259 1398355-6 1496<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0028 0266-2671 2025432-5 8448<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-0343 0954-1985 1480693-9 4091<br />

Elsevier 1873-7374 0165-1765 1460581-8 2900<br />

Elsevier 1873-7382 0272-7757 2018358-6 3315<br />

Springer 1435-8131 1435-6104 2011419-9 7643<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1476-8364 1043-8599 2069648-6 19648<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0808 (formerly Kluwer 0013-0451 Academic Publishers) 1475522-1 2264<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9982 (formerly Kluwer 0013-063X Academic Publishers) 1478719-2 2265<br />

Université Laval; BioOne 1195-6860 2155785-8 9936<br />

Springer 1435-0629 1432-9840 1478731-3 2034<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3017 (formerly Kluwer 0963-9292 Academic Publishers) 2000882-X 2402<br />

Elsevier 0147-6513;1090-2414 0147-6513 1466969-9 1578<br />

Spotlight 0176-9596 2234287-4 65508<br />

Electrochemical Society (ECS) 2162-8777 2162-8769 2674149-0 185823<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0036 0960-4286 2037822-1 95<strong>12</strong><br />

de Gruyter; Niemeyer 1865-9446 0931-3079 2454656-2 109579<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7608 (formerly Kluwer 1360-2357 Academic Publishers) 2001930-0 2401<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-5774 0953-9964 2022497-7 8154<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-3535 0013-<strong>12</strong>45 2027950-4 8089<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1746-1987 1746-1979 2227379-7 65291<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-5782 0964-5292 2020448-6 8156<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1749-5326 0013-1350 2395698-7 96677<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group ; früher: 1747-5074 Triangle 0965-0792 2080388-6 6100<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-3519 0013-161X 2036843-4 7678<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-3888 0013-1644 1500101-5 5994<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1935-1062 American Educational 0162-3737 Research 2174079-3 Association<br />

88526<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1521-0472 0360-<strong>12</strong>77 1474665-7 4331<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-1440 0263-211X;0305-7496;0307-9090;1741-1432<br />

2138997-4 42263<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-5790 0952-3987 2020443-7 8142<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-3896 0895-9048 20<strong>12</strong>956-7 7507<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-5820 0144-3410 2008289-7 7187<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-5839 0266-7363 2020824-8 8185<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-336X (formerly Kluwer 1040-726X Academic Publishers) 2015116-0 7952<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-5847 0013-1881 2007052-4 7133<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1744-4187 1380-3611 1502400-3 4923<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1935-102X American Educational 0013-189X Research 2061866-9 Association<br />

87543<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1465-3397 0013-1911 1477480-x 4454<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1465-3400 0305-5698 1477426-4 4455<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0816 (formerly Kluwer 0013-1954 Academic Publishers) 20<strong>12</strong>239-1 2419<br />

Springer 1556-6501 0001-2890;0148-5806;0885-727X;1042-1629<br />

2164476-7 63811<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1741-5446 0013-2004 2066263-4 40221<br />

Eurailpress 0013-2810 2170510-0 51515<br />

Eurailpress 0013-2845 2467585-4 109746<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8062 1533-<strong>12</strong>96 2185006-9 53677<br />

Elsevier 1873-6890 0261-3794 1500317-6 3963<br />

Taylor & Francis 1521-0502;1532-5016 0361-6967;0731-356X;1532-5008<br />

2041477-8 10210

Springer 1432-0487 0003-9039;0948-7921 1480921-7 4415<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1003-4994 2421753-0 169409<br />

Elsevier Science 1873-6874 1040-6190 2027174-8 6857<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-4109 1040-0397 1483564-2 4057<br />

Elsevier 1873-1902 1388-2481 2027290-X 4815<br />

Elsevier 1873-3859 0013-4686 1483548-4 2806<br />

Elsevier 1878-3724 0300-9416 2197761-6 57326<br />

Elsevier Science 1872-6380 0013-4694 2030263-0 3826<br />

Elsevier 1872-7093 0924-980X 2030263-0 3827<br />

Elsevier 1872-6224 0168-5597 2030263-0 5775<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1525-6081;1536-8386<br />

Group 1061-9526;1536-8378 2588<strong>12</strong>0-6 35525<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-527X 0272-6343 2029053-6 7586<br />

Elsevier 1878-1136 0892-0354 2197908-X 57327<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9362 (formerly Kluwer 1389-5753 Academic Publishers) 2038488-9 9460<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group ; NetAcademy 1422-8890 (MCM 1019-6781 Institute, University 2017342-8 of St. Gallen) 2159<br />

SAGE Publications 1931-244X 1931-2431 2428079-3 133175<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1942-9541 1942-9533 2526419-9 110437<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1520-6424 8756-6621 2028195-X 4632<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1520-6432 8756-663X 2028201-1 4631<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1520-6440 1042-0967 2028204-7 4633<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1522-2683 0173-0835 1475486-1 44<strong>12</strong><br />

AT-Fachverlag 0343-6675 2410785-2 101672<br />

Würzburg : Vogel 0341-5589 2185447-6 109683<br />

Springer 1613-7620 0932-383X 2266983-8 87222<br />

European Mathematical Society (EMS) 1420-8962 0013-6018 1459026-8 877<br />

Oxford University Press 0013-8290;1477-4526 0307-8337;0951-0893 2072530-9 19708<br />

ELV-Elektronik 0173-234X 2591473-X 150925<br />

Springer 1438-1435 1070-3004 1480928-x 4046<br />

Elsevier 1873-6173 1566-0141 2025643-7 8439<br />

Sage Publications ; International Society 1754-0747 for Research 1754-0739 on Emotions (ISRE) 2474844-4 111786<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1741-2692 1363-2752 20574<strong>12</strong>-5 66695<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6911 (formerly Kluwer 0340-8744 Academic Publishers) 1478725-8 2266<br />

Physica ; Springer 1435-8921 0377-7332 1462176-9 2627<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7616 (formerly Kluwer 1382-3256 Academic Publishers) 1479898-0 2267<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3378 (formerly Kluwer 0892-7545 Academic Publishers) 2015131-7 7989<br />

Elsevier 1873-1929 0160-9327 2013997-4 3968<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1532-4206 Group 0093-6391;0743-5800 2076949-0 20023<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1539-9192 1051-2144 2071<strong>12</strong>0-7 96801<br />

Thieme 1438-88<strong>12</strong> 0013-726X 2026213-9 6004<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1029-2373;1543-5261<br />

Group 1062-3329 2030798-6 9003<br />

Elsevier 1873-6785 0360-5442 2019804-8 3478<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1754-5706 1754-5692 2439879-2 108487<br />

Elsevier 0140-9883;1873-6181 0140-9883 2000893-4 3480<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-5029 0887-0624 1483539-3 1785<br />

Elsevier 1878-2515 0167-5826 2196416-6 57064<br />

Elsevier 1873-6777 0301-4215 2000898-3 3481<br />

Taylor & Francis 1521-0510 0090-83<strong>12</strong> 2027353-8 5440<br />

Elsevier 1878-402X 0377-841X 2144360-9 42173<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0264-4401;1758-7077 0264-4401 2009342-1 1677<br />

Elsevier 1878-4011 0167-188X 2144361-0 42172<br />

Elsevier Science 1872-6917 0013-7952 1500329-2 6161<br />

Elsevier 1878-4003 0167-5419 2196407-5 57067<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-0273 0305-215X 2029191-7 5095<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-4178 2630117-9 169376<br />

Springer 1435-5663 0177-0667 1459031-1 5050<br />

Oxford University Press 1756-1<strong>12</strong>4 0013-8215 2430680-0 106394

Niemeyer ; de Gruyter 1865-8946 0071-0490 2446619-0 109616<br />

The American University / Elsevier 1873-1937 0889-4906 1480709-9 3975<br />

Oxford University Press 1477-4534 0013-8266 2059456-2 15707<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1003-6822 2630201-9 169495<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-4379 1360-6743 1490686-7 5036<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0567 0266-0784 2062759-2 15810<br />

Oxford University Press 1467-2235 1467-2227 2029745-2 8931<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1005-295X 2442154-6 169296<br />

The New York Entomological Society; 1937-2361;1947-5144<br />

BioOne 1947-5136 2515543-X 52<strong>12</strong>0<br />

The American Entomological Society; BioOne 0013-872X 2488838-2 115535<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-5114 0898-5626 1480705-1 4665<br />

C. Heymann 0255-3430 2146929-5 39402<br />

via Beck 0405-0517 2554274-6 134704<br />

via Beck 0522-5140 2554276-X 134705<br />

via Beck 0425-<strong>12</strong>88 2580714-6 148606<br />

via Beck 2623300-9 166621<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-390X 0013-9165 1500133-7 5996<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-4395 1355-770X 1501045-4 2964<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1746-0301 International Institute 0956-2478 for Environment 2056863-0 and Development (<strong>II</strong>ED) 15102<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2975 (formerly Kluwer 1387-585X Academic Publishers) 2015291-7 6216<br />

Elsevier 0160-4<strong>12</strong>0;1873-6750 0160-4<strong>12</strong>0 1497569-5 3683<br />

Springer ; formerly Elsevier 1573-2991;2194-5411 0251-1088;2194-5403 2708971-X 2421<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3009 (formerly Kluwer 1352-8505 Academic Publishers) 2000906-9 24<strong>12</strong><br />

Elsevier 0098-8472;1873-7307 0098-8472 1497561-0 3869<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2280 0192-2521;0893-6692 1497682-1 1924<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1502 (formerly Kluwer 0924-6460 Academic Publishers) 1479788-4 2268<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-5133 (formerly Kluwer 0378-1909 Academic Publishers) 1497685-7 2667<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-4387 0376-8929 1470226-5 4349<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-5871 1350-4622 2026134-2 8189<br />

Springer 1434-0852 1433-6618 148<strong>12</strong>44-7 1714<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-9018 0738-6168;0882-5696;1092-8758<br />

2032381-5 8943<br />

Entomological Society of America; BioOne 0046-225X;1938-2936 0046-2268 2027540-7 52<strong>12</strong><br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1510 (formerly Kluwer 1567-7419 Academic Publishers) 2037932-8 9461<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2983 (formerly Kluwer 0269-4042 Academic Publishers) 1494595-2 2413<br />

Springer 1432-0495 0099-0094;0943-0105 1459034-7 1497<br />

Oxford University Press; Forest History 1930-8892 Society ; American 1084-5453 Society for Environmental 2163873-1 History 48362<br />

Elsevier 1873-6432 0195-9255 2020543-0 3670<br />

Springer 1432-1009 0364-152X 1478932-2 878<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2967 (formerly Kluwer 1420-2026 Academic Publishers) 2000915-X 2024<br />

Elsevier 1873-6726 1364-8152 2027304-6 3687<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2959 (formerly Kluwer 0167-6369 Academic Publishers) 20<strong>12</strong>242-1 6217<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1099-0976;1756-9338 0961-0405;1756-932X 2474651-4 1933<br />

Elsevier 1878-5395 0378-777X 2045811-3 57258<br />

Elsevier 1878-2450 0013-9327 2013037-5 57068<br />

Elsevier 1873-6424 0269-7491 2013037-5 3671<br />

Elsevier 1878-0709 0143-1471 2196481-6 57069<br />

Elsevier 1878-0695 0143-148X 2196476-2 57070<br />

Cambridge University Press 1466-0474 1466-0466 2187042-1 53955<br />

American Institute of Chemical Engineers 1547-5921;1944-7450<br />

(AIChE); Wiley-Blackwell 0278-4491;1944-7442 - STM 2462324-6 9259<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1520-6483 1055-7571;1088-1913 2044656-1 10066<br />

Elsevier 0013-9351;1096-0953 0013-9351 1467489-0 1579<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1748-9326 1748-9318 2255379-4 84236<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 2050-7895 2050-7887 2703791-5 195008<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-5851 0013-936X 1465132-4 19<br />

Elsevier 1879-0933 0266-9838 2415329-1 6882<br />

Elsevier 1872-7077 1382-6689 2015938-9 3854

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2256;1522-7278 0884-8181;1053-4725;1520-4081<br />

2027534-1 5068<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-095X 1180-4009 1466308-9 1927<br />

Elsevier 1879-0909 0141-0229 1497704-7 2698<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1532-2092 1099-5<strong>12</strong>9 2002579-8 6611<br />

European Power Electronic and Drives (EPE) Association 0939-8368 2<strong>12</strong>2216-2 38492<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1478-6729 0193-936X 2097603-3 31545<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1531-5487 1044-3983 2042095-X 96802<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-4409 0022-1724;0950-2688 1470211-3 2099<br />

Cambridge University Press 2045-7979 1<strong>12</strong>1-189X;2045-7960 2594528-2 151345<br />

Elsevier 1525-5050;1525-5069 1525-5050 2018844-4 6549<br />

Elsevier 1872-6844 0920-<strong>12</strong>11 2013048-X 3828<br />

EDP Sciences ; Institute of Physics Publishing <strong>12</strong>86-4854 (IOP) 0295-5075 1465366-7 1184<br />

Taylor & Francis 1547-3457 1066-5684 2070099-4 38656<br />

Brill 1874-9275 0276-2854 2435233-0 108832<br />

Urban-Verlag 0179-3187 2131077-4 39557<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-4417 0143-3857 1461798-5 2100<br />

Taylor & Francis 1366-5847 0014-0139 2017644-2 1<strong>12</strong>1<br />

Sage Publications ; Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 1064-8046 2414618-3 102929<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8420 (formerly Kluwer 0165-0106;1876-2514;1876-2530<br />

Academic Publishers) 2015303-X 6219<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1477-8378 1477-741X 2176794-4 52707<br />

Elsevier ; American University (Washington, 1878-383X D.C.), English 0272-2380 Language Institute 2140380-6 40452<br />

Oxford University Press 1471-6852 0014-0856 2046502-6 10223<br />

Springer ; Estuarine Research Federation 1559-2731;1559-2758 0160-8347;1559-2723 2229170-2 8879<br />

Elsevier 1878-3023 0302-3524 2196072-0 57071<br />

Elsevier 1096-0015 0272-7714 1466742-3 1580<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0195-9883 2274487-3 88211<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8447 (formerly Kluwer 1386-2820 Academic Publishers) 2015306-5 6220<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8439 (formerly Kluwer 1388-1957 Academic Publishers) 2015307-7 6222<br />

Springer 1437-1618 0935-7335 1459039-6 2041<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-2706 1468-7968 2051877-8 11539<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-2714 1466-1381 2026329-6 8582<br />

Elsevier 1873-6262 0162-3095 2216343-8 6918<br />

De Gruyter 2163-8217 1080-1960 2503414-5 172105<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-5060 (formerly Kluwer 0014-2336 Academic Publishers) 20<strong>12</strong>322-X 6224<br />

Inter-Euro-Medien 0944-8942 2703302-8 194247<br />

via Beck 0937-7204 2073165-6 19742<br />

via Beck ; Nomos 0531-2485 2280572-2 87744<br />

via Beck ; Nomos 0531-2485 2571714-5 140<strong>12</strong>7<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1468-4497 0963-8180 2028178-X 2511<br />

Karger 1421-9891 1022-6877 1482231-3 3024<br />

Springer 1434-4726 0937-4477 1459042-6 2078<br />

Steinkopff bei Springer LINK 1433-8491 0175-758X;0940-1334 1459045-1 2042<br />

Cambridge University Press ; EDP Sciences 1638-1963 ; European 1633-4760 Astronomical Society 2237977-0 (EAS) 67143<br />

Springer 1432-1017 0175-7571;0340-1057 1398349-0 879<br />

Kluwer Law International 1875-841X 0959-6941 2015325-9 7945<br />

Cambridge University Press 1741-6205 1566-7529 2139270-5 40802<br />

Steinkopff bei Springer LINK 1435-165X 1018-8827 1463026-6 2321<br />

De Gruyter 1613-2556 1613-2548 2152166-9 46515<br />

Kluwer Law International 1875-6530 1572-4999 2247927-2 81315<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1752-1807 1350-293X 2276378-8 92485<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-0968 1072-4133 2135416-9 4986<br />

Elsevier 1873-572X 0014-2921 1460589-2 2901<br />

Kluwer Law International 1875-8428 0966-1646 2413684-0 7944<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-036X 1354-7798 14807<strong>12</strong>-9 4221<br />

Springer 1432-2331;1438-2385 1431-4630;1438-2377 1476605-x 1711<br />

Kluwer Law International 1875-8223 1384-6299 2015341-7 7927

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1522-9645 0195-668X 2001908-7 48761<br />

Oxford University Press 1525-2114;2047-24<strong>12</strong> 1525-2167;2047-2404 2647943-6 101344<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1554-2815 1520-765X 214<strong>12</strong>55-8 40936<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7110 0014-3111;0265-6914 1498618-8 6406<br />

Elsevier 1873-7331 1161-0301 2016158-X 3709<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-4425 0956-7925 2002906-8 2101<br />

Springer 1432-1025;1439-6327 0301-5548;1439-6319 1459054-2 10095<br />

Springer 1439-6327 0301-5548 1459054-2 <strong>12</strong>8895<br />

Maney ; SAGE Publications 1741-2722 1461-9571 2019594-1 8586<br />

Elsevier 1878-5980 0277-5379 2220742-9 57074<br />

Elsevier 1879-2995 0014-2964 1468190-0 57073<br />

Elsevier 1879-0852 0959-8049 1468190-0 2879<br />

Elsevier 1878-6766 0964-1955 2220754-5 53094<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5709 0959-8278 2025799-5 96803<br />

Oxford University Press ; European Association 1873-734Xfor Cardio-Thoracic 1010-7940 Surgery 1500330-9 ; HighWire Press 3089<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5652;1741-8275 1350-6277;1741-8267 2030671-4 96804<br />

Elsevier 1618-<strong>12</strong>98 0171-9335 2056855-1 4223<br />

Springer 1435-4373 0934-9723 1459049-9 2322<br />

Springer 1432-1041 0031-6970 1459058-x 802<br />

Elsevier 1095-9971 0195-6698 1466755-1 1334<br />

SAGE Publications 1460-3705 0267-3231 1482809-1 4860<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1473-0782 Group 1362-5187 2053756-6 14665<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill 1571-8174 0928-9569 2015350-8 7978<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-2609 1477-3708 2135314-1 40288<br />

SAGE Publications 1460-3551 1367-5494 2033509-X 9222<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-0615 1568-0584 2070938-9 36556<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5695 0969-9546 2028878-5 96805<br />

Taylor & Francis 1469-5898 0304-3797 2029220-X 8014<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7284 (formerly Kluwer 0393-2990 Academic Publishers) 2004992-4 6227<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-4364 1351-847X 2001610-4 25<strong>12</strong><br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5687 0954-691X 2030291-5 96806<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1751-1402 Group 1381-4788 2265607-8 86901<br />

Society of Glass Technology 1753-3554 0017-1050;0031-9090;1750-6697;1753-3546<br />

2110795-6 35214<br />

Society of Glass Technology 1750-6689 0017-1050;0031-9090;1750-6697;1753-3562<br />

2110794-4 35213<br />

Springer 1618-7601 1618-7598 2011428-X 7663<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill 1571-8093 0929-0273 2015373-9 7929<br />

Oxford University Press 1879-0844 1388-9842 1500332-2 6106<br />

Oxford University Press 1878-1314 1567-4215 2098694-4 33172<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-4141 0014-2980 1491907-2 2606<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7<strong>12</strong>9 0959-6801 1475244-x 4391<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-0682 0009-2940;1434-1948;1434-2421<br />

1475009-0 2607<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3596 0938-5428 1478956-5 3557<br />

SAGE Publications 1460-3713 1354-0661 1482719-0 4856<br />

Brill 1872-471X 1025-9996 2400660-9 94154<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9990 (formerly Kluwer 0929-<strong>12</strong>61 Academic Publishers) 1478572-9 2269<br />

Wiley-Blackwell 1438-93<strong>12</strong>;1521-4133 0015-038X;0367-2107;0367-3278;0931-5985;1438-7697<br />

20<strong>12</strong>720-0 7063<br />

Elsevier 1768-3254 0223-5234 2005170-0 6<strong>12</strong>1<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill 1571-8166 1388-364X 2015417-3 7973<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1460-9568 0953-816X 2005178-5 5818<br />

Springer<br />

1432-105X;1619-7089 0340-6997;1619-7070 2098375-X 880<br />

Steinkopff bei Springer LINK 1436-6215 1436-6207 14633<strong>12</strong>-7 3990<br />

Elsevier 0028-2243;0301-2115;1872-7654<br />

0301-2115 2005196-7 3142<br />

Elsevier 0377-2217;1872-6860 0377-2217 1501061-2 2428<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 0365-5490;1099-0690 0075-4617;0170-2041;0947-3440;1434-193X;1434-243X<br />

1475010-7 2609<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-2210 0141-5387 1466699-6 2429<br />

Springer 1432-1068 0940-3264;0948-4817;1633-8065<br />

1478935-8 1737

Thieme 1439-359X 0044-2909;0930-7249;0939-6764;0939-7248<br />

2059082-9 15429<br />

Springer 1432-1076 0340-6199 2647723-3 881<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1099-0984 0890-2070 1501719-9 3616<br />

Elsevier 0928-0987;1879-0720 0928-0987 1483522-8 3855<br />

Elsevier 0939-6411;1873-3441 0939-6411 1483524-1 3752<br />

Elsevier 0014-2999;1879-07<strong>12</strong> 0014-2999 1483526-5 3186<br />

Elsevier Science 0926-6917;1878-6782 0926-6917 2143075-5 15166<br />

Elsevier Science 0922-4106 0922-4106 2143070-6 15169<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP); European 1361-6404Physical 0143-0807 Society 1354339-8 349<br />

Informa Healthcare (früher: Taylor & Francis) 1651-1948;2167-9177 1403-8196;2167-9169 2696155-6 20094<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8469 (formerly Kluwer 0028-2944;0926-3454;0929-1873<br />

Academic Publishers) 1477679-0 2270<br />

Springer 1435-0130 0340-5656;0340-5664;0930-343X<br />

1464220-7 2430<br />

Elsevier 0176-2680;1873-5703 0176-2680 1491<strong>12</strong>0-6 3316<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH ; formerly Springer 1475-6765 (Kluwer) 0304-4130 2015420-3 15865<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 2047-8852 2652260-3 179777<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-2730 1474-8851 2118686-8 37707<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9885 (formerly Kluwer 0168-6577 Academic Publishers) 2015429-X 6241<br />

Sage Publications ; früher: Lippincott Williams 1473-5652;1741-8275;2047-4881<br />

& Wilkins 1350-6277;1741-8267;2047-4873<br />

2646239-4 2531<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1618-0429 0932-4739 2047872-0 10392<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1464-360X 1101-<strong>12</strong>62 2033525-8 9223<br />

Elsevier 1873-6858 0969-70<strong>12</strong> 2013611-0 3253<br />

Elsevier<br />

0720-048X;1872-7727 0720-048X 2005350-2 3148<br />

De Gruyter 2191-9402 2191-9399 2589898-X 150790<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1099-0992 0046-2772 1500442-9 1934<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7137 1368-4310 1492222-8 7793<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0583 0003-9756 2092653-4 9450<br />

Elsevier 1778-3615 1164-5563 2019300-2 6808<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2389 0022-4588;1351-0754 2020243-X 5819<br />

Elsevier 1873-3751 0992-4361 2027465-8 6813<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-591X 0885-6257 2018380-X 7790<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-5928 0261-9768;0379-606X 2020746-3 8405<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-5936 0967-2567 2013247-5 7217<br />

Urban & Vogel bei Springer LINK 1615-3146 0340-2649;1439-0590 2010233-1 7390<br />

Elsevier 0929-8266;1879-0623 0929-8266 2005352-6 3090<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers; Elsevier 1078-5884;1532-2165 1078-5884 2005354-X 6502<br />

Elsevier 1876-472X 0950-821X 2223632-6 64409<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7420 1350-5068 1484290-7 5008<br />

Springer 1436-736X 0018-3768 2485250-8 4161<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-0643 0960-2003;1359-432X 1482546-6 1753<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9869 (formerly Kluwer 0928-1371 Academic Publishers) 2015435-5 6244<br />

Elsevier Science, Pergamon 0263-2373;1873-5681 0263-2373 2013159-8 61<strong>12</strong><br />

Karger 1421-9913 0014-3022 1482237-4 3025<br />

European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 1873-7862 Elsevier 0924-977X 2019305-1 3228<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-2749 1356-336X 2025496-9 4542<br />

EDP Sciences bei Springer LINK 1434-601X 1434-6001 1459066-9 1690<br />

Cambridge University Press ; EDP Sciences <strong>12</strong>86-0050 <strong>12</strong>86-0042 1468654-5 1778<br />

EDP Sciences bei Springer LINK 1434-6036 1434-6028 1459068-2 1698<br />

EDP Sciences bei Springer LINK 1434-6052 1434-6044 1459069-4 1699<br />

EDP Sciences bei Springer LINK 1434-6079 1434-6060 1459071-2 1700<br />

EDP Sciences bei Springer LINK <strong>12</strong>92-895X <strong>12</strong>92-8941 2004003-9 6709<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-5944 0965-4313 2015349-1 8193<br />

De Gruyter 2190-8362 2190-8273 2645916-4 172108<br />

Kluwer Law International 1875-8207 1354-3725 2015438-0 7921<br />

Springer 1432-1084 0938-7994 1472718-3 882<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0575 1062-7987 2048671-6 10105<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1464-3618 0165-1587 1480706-3 4699

De Gruyter 1614-9939 1614-9920 2190950-7 55710<br />

Oxford University Press (formerly Cambridge 1474-0044 University 1361-4916 Press) 2031356-1 9093<br />

Kluwer Law International 1875-8371 0928-9801 2015440-9 7920<br />

Oxford University Press 1468-2672 0266-7215 2008855-3 73<strong>12</strong><br />

Springer 1432-0932 0940-6719 1472721-3 2432<br />

Springer ; früher: Blackwell Publishing 1682-4016 - STM 0001-544X;1682-1769;1682-8631<br />

2029279-X 56480<br />

Karger 1421-9921 0014-3<strong>12</strong>x 1468505-x 2188<br />

Karger 2235-0802 2235-0640 2659767-6 183850<br />

De Gruyter 2190-7781 2190-7773 2592813-2 151149<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-2757 1465-1165 2026317-X 6719<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7145 0969-7764 1490705-7 5151<br />

Karger<br />

1421-993X;1873-7560 0302-2838 1482253-2 3026<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7153 1356-3890 2033688-3 9233<br />

Elsevier 1873-7870 0149-7189 2013444-7 3<strong>12</strong>2<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-3918 0163-2787 2067657-8 31575<br />

Pergamon ; Elsevier 1878-3996 0191-765X 2169892-2 40453<br />

Pergamon ; Elsevier 1878-3732 0145-9228 2169892-2 40454<br />

Elsevier 1878-5042 0886-1633 2094784-7 40871<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-3926 0193-841X 1500138-6 5997<br />

American Bryological and Lichenological Society; BioOne 0747-9859 2602109-2 151539<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1525-8599 2063094-3 96807<br />

Elsevier 1363-4054 1363-4054 2025655-3 8456<br />

Elsevier 1879-0607 1090-5138 1497841-6 3209<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; BioOne 1558-5646 0014-3820 2036375-8 87664<br />

Wiley 1520-6505 1060-1538 1492309-9 4867<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8477 (formerly Kluwer 0269-7653 Academic Publishers) 1497820-9 2433<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1572-543X 0166-2740 2067702-9 42303<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-3008 0091-6331 2083448-2 96808<br />

Elsevier 1634-7803 1164-0235 2061471-8 15070<br />

Karger 1424-4624 1424-4616 2061890-6 20<strong>12</strong>3<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1096-4657 0361-073X 1482552-1 4714<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-4441 0014-4797 2016166-9 2965<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9702 (formerly Kluwer 0168-8162 Academic Publishers) 1497718-7 2434<br />

Karger 1421-9948 0254-9670 1482283-0 3027<br />

Elsevier 0014-4800;1096-0945 0014-4800 1466769-1 1582<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9508 (formerly Kluwer 0922-6435 Academic Publishers) 20<strong>12</strong>330-9 6279<br />

Springer 1432-1106 0014-4819 1459099-2 883<br />

Elsevier 0014-4827;1090-2422 0014-4827 1466780-0 671<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1600-0625 0906-6705 2026228-0 8659<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6938 (formerly Kluwer 1386-4157 Academic Publishers) 2015444-6 6282<br />

Elsevier 0014-4835;1096-0007 0014-4835 1466924-9 1581<br />

Elsevier 0531-5565;1873-6815 0531-5565 2005397-6 3143<br />

Taylor & Francis 1521-0480 0891-6152 2014741-7 5443<br />

Elsevier<br />

0301-472X;1873-2399 0301-472X 2005403-8 6557<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1521-0499 Group 0190-2148 2005408-7 5200<br />

Springer 1741-2765 0014-4851 2080895-1 24796<br />

Elsevier 1878-4399 0147-5975 2026244-9 8166<br />

Elsevier 0014-4886;1090-2430 0014-4886 1466932-8 689<br />

Elsevier 0014-4894;1090-2449 0014-4894 1466937-7 1583<br />

Springer 1432-1114 0723-4864 1476361-8 884<br />

Informa Healthcare (früher: Ashley Publications) 1744-7682 1471-2598 2091082-4 29629<br />

Informa Healthcare (früher: Ashley Publications) 1744-7593 1742-5247 2232223-1 65884<br />

Informa Healthcare (früher: Ashley Publications) 1746-045X 1746-0441 2272966-5 87718<br />

Informa Healthcare 1744-7607 1742-5255 2470760-0 111190<br />

Informa Healthcare (früher: Ashley Publications) 1744-764X 1474-0338 2114527-1 36743<br />

Informa Healthcare (früher: Ashley Publications) 1744-7623 1472-8214 2030079-7 36744

Informa Healthcare (früher: Ashley Publications) 1744-7658 1354-3784 2030114-5 8539<br />

Informa Healthcare 1753-0067 1753-0059 2470762-4 111191<br />

Informa Healthcare (früher: Ashley Publications) 1465-6566;1744-7666 1465-6566 2030119-4 8544<br />

Informa Healthcare (früher: Ashley Publications) 1744-7674 0962-2594;1354-3776 2030<strong>12</strong>4-8 8542<br />

Informa Healthcare (früher: Ashley Publications) 1744-7631 1472-8222 2028202-3 36745<br />

Cambridge University Press 1462-3994 2035515-4 4693<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1468-0394 0266-4720 2016958-9 4094<br />

Elsevier 1873-6793 0957-4174 2017237-0 3351<br />

Elsevier 0014-4983;1090-2457 0014-4983 1466941-9 1584<br />

SAGE Publications 1745-5308 0014-5246 2117688-7 53985<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-915X (formerly Kluwer 1386-1999 Academic Publishers) 2013246-3 6286<br />

Springer 1433-4909 1431-0651 148<strong>12</strong>78-2 885<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-0181;1542-233X 0733-8902;1542-2321 2084291-0 96809<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1000-4432 2630194-5 169464<br />

De Gruyter 1316-0464;1613-0464 0014-6242 2049688-6 15317<br />

Springer 16<strong>12</strong>-4820 0172-9179 2045898-8 40413<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7292 (formerly Kluwer 1389-9600 Academic Publishers) 2015448-3 7951<br />

via Beck 0947-2045 2081576-1 24852<br />

via Beck 1869-0688 2521008-7 <strong>12</strong>5567<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Wiley-Blackwell 1741-6248 HSS) 0894-4865 2132016-0 39966<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-5057 0160-6379 2093306-X 96810<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-3950 1066-4807 2066108-3 18917<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-2229 0263-2136 1484852-1 2563<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1545-5300 0014-7370 2066315-8 41044<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0301-7249;1364-5498 1359-6640 1472891-6 10<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0301-7249 2193363-7 56450<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0308-2326 2197198-5 57235<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0301-5696 2197189-4 57229<br />

Vincentz 0014-7699 2469884-2 111077<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1460-2695 8756-758X 2014746-6 5329<br />

Wiley 1520-6513 1048-4078 2058487-8 15365<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1461-7161 0959-3535 1500139-8 5998<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1557-086X Division on Women 1557-0851 and Crime of 2213042-1 the American Society of Criminology 61099<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-4372 1354-5701 2023694-3 1988<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8455 (formerly Kluwer 0966-3622 Academic Publishers) 2015451-3 6287<br />

SAGE Publications 1745-5189 0966-7350 2069502-0 60921<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-2773 1464-7001 2033689-5 9235<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; (früher: Elsevier) 1574-6941 0168-6496 15017<strong>12</strong>-6 62323<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; (früher: Elsevier) 1574-6968 0378-1097 1501716-3 62324<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; (früher: Elsevier) 1574-6976 0168-6445 1500468-5 61974<br />

Taylor & Francis 1563-51<strong>12</strong> 0015-0193 2042895-9 5100<br />

Taylor & Francis 1563-5228 0731-5171 2042933-2 5101<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-5065 0965-5395 2030174-1 2966<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1087-6529;1521-4525;1551-3823<br />

Group 0277-0938;1077-1042;1522-7952;1523-4525;1551-3815<br />

2166926-0 62059<br />

Karger 1421-9964 0257-2788;1015-3837 1482292-1 3029<br />

Springer 1432-5411 0177-7963 1459107-8 1439<br />

Taylor & Francis 1096-4681 0146-8030 2067547-1 4572<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8493 (formerly Kluwer 0015-0541 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037141-X Bureau) 9402<br />

Elsevier 0268-9499 2202742-7 57419<br />

Elsevier 1532-222X 1369-0191 2009189-8 7356<br />

Elsevier 0378-4290;1872-6852 0378-4290 20<strong>12</strong>484-3 3710<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-3969 1064-8631;1525-822X 2058705-3 15311<br />

Field Museum of Natural History; BioOne 0071-4739 2276302-8 88369<br />

Field Museum of Natural History ; BioOne 0015-0746 2276303-X 88370<br />

Field Museum of Natural History; BioOne 0096-2651 2276305-3 88371<br />

Field Museum of Natural History; BioOne 2158-5520 2620230-X 166814

Field Museum of Natural History; BioOne 0015-0754 2276306-5 88372<br />

Springer 1432-1<strong>12</strong>2 0949-2984 1467022-7 1499<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-0408 0267-4424 2034926-9 9278<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0052 0968-5650 2035074-0 9193<br />

Elsevier 1057-0810;1873-5673 1057-0810 2027641-2 6859<br />

Elsevier 1071-5797;1090-2465 1071-5797 1467499-3 1335<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1018 0308-0501 2002816-7 1935<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8099 (formerly Kluwer 0015-2684 Academic Publishers) 2037915-8 9462<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1740-2344 0142-7237 2<strong>12</strong>4155-7 37708<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH ; Institute for Fiscal 1475-5890 Studies 0143-5671 2044782-6 10246<br />

Elsevier 1050-4648;1095-9947 1050-4648 1467514-6 1585<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-5168 (formerly Kluwer 0920-1742 Academic Publishers) 2015453-7 6288<br />

Elsevier 0165-7836;1872-6763 0165-7836 1497860-x 3743<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1026 0882-5734 1483463-7 4003<br />

via wiso plus 0015-363x 2185560-2 48467<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1618-0585 0367-2530 2068876-3 18954<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1987 (formerly Kluwer 1386-6184 Academic Publishers) 1492282-4 2200<br />

Confructa-Medien 0015-4539 2661404-2 184066<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8507 (formerly Kluwer 0015-4628 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2039450-0 Bureau) 8517<br />

IOP Publishing, The Japan Society of 1873-7005 Fluid Mechanics 0169-5983 and Elsevier; Institute 2003039-3 of Physics (IOP) 3509<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1538-4829 früher: Pro-ed 0887-1566;1088-3576 2070376-4 19877<br />

Elsevier Science 1878-1381 1468-5736 2111337-3 36<strong>12</strong>4<br />

Elsevier 1873-7048 1364-5439 2111329-4 36<strong>12</strong>5<br />

Springer; Opulus Press 1874-9348 <strong>12</strong>11-9520 2047713-2 10328<br />

De Gruyter 1614-7308 0165-4004 2202459-1 52771<br />

De Gruyter 1614-7316 0168-647X 2466560-5 <strong>12</strong>3289<br />

Springer 1874-9356 0015-5632 2209844-6 102570<br />

Karger 1421-9972 0015-5705;1021-7762 1482295-7 3898<br />

Karger 1421-9980 0015-5713 1482298-2 3899<br />

Elsevier 0278-6915;1873-6351 0278-6915 1483645-2 3795<br />

Elsevier 1878-6049 0015-6264 2198413-X 57420<br />

Elsevier 0308-8146;1873-7072 0308-8146 1483647-6 3796<br />

Elsevier 1873-7<strong>12</strong>9 0956-7135 2020604-5 3797<br />

Elsevier 1873-7137 0268-005X 2026957-2 6861<br />

Elsevier 1095-9998 0740-0020 1467522-5 1590<br />

Elsevier 1873-5657 0306-9192 1500470-3 3711<br />

Elsevier 1873-6343 0950-3293 2013024-7 3798<br />

Elsevier 1873-7145 0963-9969 1483651-8 3799<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1532-1738 1082-0132 208<strong>12</strong>57-7 2520<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1556-7<strong>12</strong>5 1535-3141 2155983-1 46580<br />

SAGE Publications 1938-6400 1938-7636 2411886-2 99905<br />

Elsevier 1460-9584 <strong>12</strong>68-7731 2006229-1 35569<br />

Elsevier 1532-2963 0958-2592 2009064-X 7364<br />

Cambridge University Press 1745-1302 1052-7036 21834<strong>12</strong>-X 53523<br />

Elsevier 1878-318X 0300-9432 2198415-3 57421<br />

Elsevier 1872-6283 0379-0738 2006235-7 3136<br />

Elsevier 1872-7042 0378-1<strong>12</strong>7 2016648-5 37<strong>12</strong><br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1439-0329 0300-<strong>12</strong>37;1437-4781 2020304-4 8255<br />

Elsevier Science 1872-7050 1389-9341 2025635-8 8440<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1008-1321 2253236-5 169418<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3626 0015-752X 1466705-8 3558<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1005-3646 169421<br />

Springer 1433-299x 0934-5043 1476364-3 2635<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8102 (formerly Kluwer 0925-9856 Academic Publishers) 1479899-2 2271<br />

Karger 1421-9999;1661-4<strong>12</strong>7 1021-7096;1424-5485;1661-4119<br />

1468807-4 2189<br />

Springer 1434-0860 0015-7899 148<strong>12</strong>82-4 2163

Springer ; Wiley-Blackwell (früher: Blackwell 1439-0337 Publishing 0015-8003;1868-9132;1868-9159<br />

- STM) 2076831-X 38404<br />

Thieme 1439-3522 0720-4299 2037701-0 9386<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-3978 0015-8208 1474757-1 84298<br />

Springer 1437-0751 0178-7667 14591<strong>12</strong>-1 2164<br />

Oxford University Press 1471-6860 0015-8518 2044425-4 10050<br />

De Gruyter 1435-5337 0933-7741 2006069-5 2756<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8463 (formerly Kluwer 1386-4238 Academic Publishers) 2015456-2 6289<br />

Springer 1615-3383 1615-3375 2035475-7 9294<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9516 (formerly Kluwer 0015-9018 Academic Publishers) 1470577-1 1171<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9524 (formerly Kluwer 0894-9875 Academic Publishers) 2015462-8 7949<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8471 (formerly Kluwer <strong>12</strong>33-1821 Academic Publishers) 2015520-7 6292<br />

Karger 1021-5697 2079404-6 24673<br />

Elsevier 1873-4596 0891-5849 1483653-1 3753<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1029-2470 Group 1071-5762;8755-0199 2043615-4 5102<br />

SAGE Publications 1740-2352 0957-1558 2069451-9 39294<br />

Oxford University Press 1477-4542 0269-1191 2064641-0 25268<br />

Oxford University Press 1468-2931 0016-1<strong>12</strong>8 2066358-4 19916<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1748-9180 0262-2750 2191604-4 55848<br />

Schiele & Schön ; De Gruyter 2191-6349 0016-1136 2423831-4 105841<br />

Springer 1432-1130 0016-1152;0372-7920;0937-0633<br />

2160093-4 19885<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2427 0046-5070 2020306-8 5825<br />

Freshwater Biological Association via BioOne 1755-084X 2533730-0 <strong>12</strong>9288<br />

Allen Press ; BioOne ; North American 1937-237X;2161-9549<br />

Benthological Society 0887-3593;2161-9565 2090864-7 29646<br />

Elsevier 0091-3022;1095-6808 0091-3022 1467532-8 1593<br />

De Gruyter 1613-08<strong>12</strong> 0071-9706 2051469-4 38037<br />

Cambridge University Press ; früher: EDP 1625-967X Sciences 0248-<strong>12</strong>94 2027853-6 9710<br />

Elsevier 0140-6701;1873-7161 0140-6701 1483662-2 2746<br />

Elsevier 1873-717X 1464-2859 2027977-2 7013<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1615-6854 1615-6846 2054621-X 9537<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-2343;1536-4046 1064-<strong>12</strong>2X;1536-383X 2098385-2 41040<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8485 (formerly Kluwer 0016-2663 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037147-0 Bureau) 9403<br />

Springer 1438-7948 1438-793X 2010402-9 7662<br />

Elsevier 0272-0590;1095-6832 0272-0590 202<strong>12</strong>77-X 7634<br />

Elsevier 1087-1845;1096-0937 1087-1845 1467659-x 681<br />

Elsevier 1873-7196 0920-3796 1492280-0 3405<br />

Elsevier 1873-6378 0016-3287 2013109-4 3255<br />

Elsevier 1872-6801 0165-0114 1465378-3 3352<br />

Elsevier 0966-6362;1879-2219 0966-6362 1500471-5 2855<br />

Gupta Verlag 0176-1625 2640022-4 171<strong>12</strong>8<br />

SAGE Publications 1555-4139 1555-4<strong>12</strong>0 2213152-8 61098<br />

Elsevier 1090-2473 0899-8256 1467668-0 1597<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8046;1941-5494 1092-1885;1097-5349 2458708-4 110196<br />

Springer 1436-3305 1436-3291 1481763-9 4635<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-9766 1042-895X 2053370-6 96811<br />

Mosby ; Elsevier 1097-6779 0016-5107 2006253-9 5281<br />

Thieme 1438-8804 0016-5751 2026496-3 5576<br />

Springer 1434-3932 0948-7034 1459143-1 2079<br />

Heymanns; Makrolog 0939-4729 2664363-7 928<strong>12</strong><br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1360-0516 0954-0253 20<strong>12</strong>073-4 1051<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-3977 0891-2432 2062761-0 15802<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-0424 0953-5233 1475460-5 4097<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1360-0524 0966-369X 1491358-6 1052<br />

SAGE Publications 0971-8524;0973-0656 0971-8524 2180444-8 53221<br />

Elsevier 1879-0038 0378-1119 14910<strong>12</strong>-3 2845<br />

Elsevier 1878-2302 0735-0651 2166393-2 57422<br />

Elsevier 1872-7298 1567-133X 2065045-0 16042

Elsevier 0016-6480;1095-6840 0016-6480 1467679-5 1598<br />

Elsevier 0163-8343;1873-7714 0163-8343 2006259-X 3210<br />

National Association of Music Education 1931-3756 ; Sage Publications 1048-3713 2138522-1 40729<br />

Elsevier 0306-3623;1879-0011 0306-3623 1483674-9 3856<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9532 (formerly Kluwer 0001-7701 Academic Publishers) 2015524-4 1163<br />

North-Holland 1878-3988 0016-660x 2267705-7 56476<br />

SAGE Publications 1947-6027 1947-6019 2538519-7 130358<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2264 1045-2257 1492641-6 1936<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM<br />

1520-6408;1526-968X 0192-253X;1526-954X 2019664-7 6739<br />

Elsevier 1879-1441 1050-3862 2166389-0 3784<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2272 0741-0395 1492643-x 1939<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7632 (formerly Kluwer 1389-2576 Academic Publishers) 2015531-1 7916<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-5109 (formerly Kluwer 0925-9864 Academic Publishers) 2015535-9 6297<br />

Mary Ann Liebert Inc. Publishers 1557-7473;1945-0257 1090-6576;1945-0265 2486671-4 5703<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6857 (formerly Kluwer 0016-6707 Academic Publishers) 1478063-x 2272<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1530-0366 1098-3600 2063504-7 968<strong>12</strong><br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-5073 0016-6723 24<strong>12</strong>684-6 2105<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6954 (formerly Kluwer 0926-4957 Academic Publishers) 2018860-2 6342<br />

Elsevier 1089-8646 0888-7543 1468023-3 679<br />

Springer 1432-1157 0276-0460 1481423-7 1500<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1520-6548 0883-6353 1479950-9 3617<br />

Elsevier 1777-5728 0016-6995 2098288-4 31661<br />

BioMed Central, (bis 2003 RSC zs. mit 1467-4866 der American Chemical Society) 2033931-8 40845<br />

Elsevier 1872-9533 0016-7037 1483679-8 2795<br />

Elsevier 1872-6259 0016-7061 2001729-7 3595<br />

Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle <strong>12</strong>80-9659 Paris; BioOne<br />

2053167-9 165386<br />

Elsevier 1878-6022 0016-7142 2198111-5 57191<br />

Elsevier 1872-9398 0016-7185 1500472-7 3672<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7624 (formerly Kluwer 1384-6175 Academic Publishers) 1479219-9 2273<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9893 (formerly Kluwer 0343-2521 Academic Publishers) 20<strong>12</strong>355-3 6306<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1034 0072-1050 1479201-1 2610<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-5081 0016-7568 1479206-0 2106<br />

Springer 1432-1149 0016-7835 2168407-8 886<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9168 (formerly Kluwer 0046-5755 Academic Publishers) 1476497-0 2274<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1420-8970 1016-443X 1459155-8 887<br />

Elsevier 1872-695X 0169-555X 2001554-9 3596<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-0419 0016-7991;0309-1929 2025363-1 5105<br />

Oxford University Press ; formerly: Wiley-Blackwell 1365-246X - STM 0016-8009;0955-419X;0956-540X<br />

2006420-2 5831<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2478 0016-8025 2020311-1 5832<br />

Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) 1942-2156 0016-8033 2033021-2 4870<br />

Niemeyer ; de Gruyter 1865-9454 0722-3420 24466<strong>12</strong>-8 109618<br />

De Gruyter 1865-8881 1430-2519 2470929-3 140261<br />

de Gruyter (früher: Heldermann, Springer) 1572-9176 1072-947X 2043991-X 46798<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1674-9871 2578795-0 169327<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1751-908X 0150-5505;1639-4488 2276474-4 88326<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1529 (formerly Kluwer 0960-3182 Academic Publishers) 20<strong>12</strong>363-2 2521<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1006-513X 2455673-7 169329<br />

Elsevier 1879-3576 0375-6505 1494886-2 3482<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7306 (formerly Kluwer 0924-8455 Academic Publishers) 2015544-X 63<strong>12</strong><br />

SAGE Publications 2151-4593 2151-4585 2589094-3 150700<br />

Oxford University Press 1477-089X 0266-3554 1484879-x 101345<br />

De Gruyter 1865-9187 0016-89<strong>12</strong> 2436249-9 115794<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1741-2358 0734-0664 2133401-8 39938<br />

The Gerontological Society of America; 1758-5341 HighWire Press; 0016-9013 Oxford University 2043844-8 Press<br />

10017<br />

Karger 1423-0003 0016-898X;0304-324X 1482689-6 3030<br />

via Beck 1868-1816 2491380-7 118772

via Beck 0016-9404 2184643-1 119365<br />

via Beck 0435-8600 2082447-6 24863<br />

via Beck 2500130-9 <strong>12</strong>3138<br />

via Beck ; Deutsche Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz 0016-9420<strong>und</strong> Urheberrecht 2081915-8 24853<br />

via Beck ; Deutsche Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz 0435-8600<strong>und</strong> Urheberrecht 2082447-6 ; Max-Planck-Institut 24862 für Geistiges Eige<br />

via Beck ; Deutsche Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz 1869-3849<strong>und</strong> Urheberrecht 2527263-9 <strong>12</strong>8645<br />

via Beck ; Deutsche Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz 1616-2277<strong>und</strong> Urheberrecht 2081999-7 24854<br />

Holzmann-Medien 1432-6264 2657658-2 182604<br />

SAGE Publications 1934-9041 0016-9862 2066376-6 86895<br />

SAGE Publications 2162-951X 0164-9728;0892-9580;1076-2175<br />

2070229-2 172160<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-509X 0017-0895 1465410-6 5031<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8515 (formerly Kluwer 0361-7610 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037149-4 Bureau) 9404<br />

Gentner Verlag 0017-1107 2006522-X 5732<br />

Decker 1614-6085 2474380-X 1<strong>12</strong>047<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-1136 0894-1491 1474828-9 1940<br />

Elsevier 1872-6364 0921-8181 2016967-X 3570<br />

SAGE Publications 0972-1509;0973-0664 0972-1509 2211884-6 60933<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2486 1354-1013 2020313-5 5833<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1744-3873 <strong>12</strong>26-508X;<strong>12</strong>29-4098 2207405-3 63932<br />

Elsevier 1872-9495 0959-3780 20<strong>12</strong>018-7 3675<br />

Elsevier 1464-2867 20<strong>12</strong>101-5 7028<br />

Elsevier 1044-0283;1873-5665 1044-0283 2027996-6 7029<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1673-9736 2456715-2 169328<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1756-3976;1757-9767<br />

International Union 1025-3823;1757-9759<br />

for Health Promotion 2502152-7 and Education (IUHPE) 104497<br />

SAGE Publications 0974-9101 250<strong>12</strong>79-4 <strong>12</strong>0533<br />

SAGE Publications 1742-7673 1742-7665 2183332-1 53505<br />

Martinus Nijhoff / Brill 1875-984X 1875-9858 2508925-0 <strong>12</strong>4142<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-2803 1468-0181 2052043-8 <strong>12</strong>453<br />

Kluwer Law International 1875-6468 1569-755X 2377307-8 92496<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-2423 0959-6658 1478140-2 2589<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-4986 (formerly Kluwer 0282-0080 Academic Publishers) 1483682-8 2522<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-0491 0952-1895 1480738-5 4190<br />

Wiley & Sons 1477-7053 0017-257X 2050450-0 10560<br />

Elsevier<br />

0740-624X;1872-9517 0740-624X 2021001-2 6754<br />

Elsevier 1878-7258 0093-061X 2198432-3 57193<br />

Elsevier 1878-724X 0277-9390 2198432-3 57192<br />

Elsevier 1878-397X 0196-335X 2198437-2 57194<br />

Elsevier 1878-3961 0196-3368 2198441-4 57195<br />

Springer 1521-1886 1080-5370 2094351-9 30592<br />

Springer 1435-702X 0065-6100;0376-0200;0721-832x<br />

1459159-5 2085<br />

Springer 1434-7636 1434-5021 1481431-6 2644<br />

Springer 1435-5914 0911-0119 1481435-3 2323<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2494 0142-5242 2016528-6 5834<br />

Cambridge University Press 1477-4550 0017-3835 2050816-5 10584<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1463-9270 1463-9262 2006274-6 5176<br />

De Gruyter 2191-9550 2191-9542 2645923-1 172109<br />

De Gruyter 1869-8778 1869-876X 2593918-X 160260<br />

Emerald 2043-9377 2592591-X 151<strong>12</strong>2<br />

Brill 1876-0759 0167-3831 2450252-2 109939<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1745-6584 0017-467X 2066386-9 53327<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1745-6592 1069-3629 2181890-3 53329<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1461-717X 0533-3164 2034457-0 9213<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-3993 1059-6011 2001749-2 6408<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9907 (formerly Kluwer 0926-2644 Academic Publishers) 1478683-7 2275<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7188 1368-4302 2021721-3 4225<br />

Kluwer Academic Publishers 1573-3386 0362-4021 2015556-6 7915

de Gruyter (früher: Heldermann) 1869-6104 1867-1144 2546373-1 133417<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-2257 0017-4815 1482672-0 4729<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1029-2292 Group 0897-7194 2076728-6 20006<br />

Elsevier 1096-6374;1532-2238 1096-6374 2002399-6 6603<br />

Springer 1432-1165 1430-483X 1481438-9 2363<br />

Springer 1433-0393 0017-5994 1459161-3 1501<br />

Karger 1423-0011 1018-8843 1482693-8 3935<br />

Karger 1423-002X 0017-5986;0367-5513;0368-9867;0378-7346<br />

1482695-1 3934<br />

Elsevier 1095-6859 0090-8258 1467974-7 1601<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1473-0766 Group 0951-3590 2047274-2 10271<br />

Elsevier 0197-3975;1873-5428 0197-3975 2001576-8 3676<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2516 1351-8216 2006344-1 5836<br />

Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt 0017-7296 2142493-7 54<strong>12</strong>5<br />

Konradin-Verl. Kohlhammer 0943-0571;2193-4029 2716750-1 197823<br />

Elsevier 1878-1470 1568-9883 2099362-6 31906<br />

Harvard University Botany Libraries / BioOne 1938-2944 1043-4534 2276307-7 88373<br />

Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (formerly: 1465-7309 Informa Healthcare, 1067-3229 Taylor & Francis 1501036-3 Group) 33527<br />

Cambridge University Press 1475-4517 0017-8160 2051494-3 11494<br />

Cactus and Succulent Society of America 1938-2898 ; BioOne 1070-0048 2276300-4 88374<br />

Springer Schweiz 2610780-6 162839<br />

Springer 1432-1173 0017-8470 1459162-5 793<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1569-2086 1569-2078 2115870-8 37225<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0347 1043-3074 2001440-5 2611<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7196 1363-4593 2034459-4 9214<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3394 (formerly Kluwer 1065-3058 Academic Publishers) 2005104-9 6315<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-2422 1090-2260 2138690-0 96813<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-5030 0361-6274 2068345-5 96814<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9389 (formerly Kluwer 1386-9620 Academic Publishers) 2006272-2 5343<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-5<strong>12</strong>X 1525-5794 2070889-0 96815<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0731-3381 0731-3381 2068452-6 88077<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1099-1050 1057-9230 1483261-6 4874<br />

Springer 1439-6637;1618-7601 1439-3972;1618-7598 2179130-2 15775<br />

Cambridge University Press 1744-134X 1744-1331 2214936-3 61884<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-6<strong>12</strong>7 0073-1455;0195-8402;1090-1981<br />

2082564-X 25207<br />

SAGE Publications 1748-8176 0017-8969 2233563-8 65777<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1465-3648 0268-1153 1484855-7 2590<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-2811 1460-4582 2070802-6 33268<br />

Elsevier 0168-8510;1872-6054 0168-8510 2006366-0 3<strong>12</strong>4<br />

Elsevier 1878-2191 0165-2281 2296133-1 57077<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-2237 0268-1080 1484858-2 3564<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-2245 0957-4824 1484861-2 3565<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6372 1524-8399 2036801-X 8973<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9400 (formerly Kluwer 1387-3741 Academic Publishers) 2005197-9 6319<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2524 0966-0410 2006277-1 5837<br />

Oxford University Press; HighWire 1545-6854 0360-7283 2068331-5 177610<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1651-3835 Group 1651-386X 2<strong>12</strong>4348-7 38653<br />

Elsevier 0378-5955;1878-5891 0378-5955 2006374-X 3193<br />

Springer 1615-2573 0910-8327 1481441-9 8756<br />

Karger 1424-0556 1422-9528 2022258-0 6783<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7322 (formerly Kluwer 1382-4147 Academic Publishers) 2006431-7 6329<br />

Elsevier, The Australasian Society of Cardiac 1444-2892 and Thoracic 1443-9506 Surgeons, 2026333-8 The Cardiac Society of Australia 40893 and New Zealand ;<br />

Springer 1432-1181 0042-9929;0947-7411 1476367-9 888<br />

Elsevier 0890-4332;1878-6898 0890-4332 2518421-0 6755<br />

Taylor & Francis 1521-0537 0145-7632 2021607-5 5318<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8498 (formerly Kluwer 0956-2737 Academic Publishers) 2015559-1 6313<br />

Springer 1438-3888 0017-9957;1438-387X 1499108-1 5307

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1523-5378 1083-4389 2020336-6 5840<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill, früher Kluwer Law 1571-814X International 0925-0972 2047093-9 10551<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1522-2675 0018-019X 1475013-2 4058<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1069 0278-0232 2001443-0 3659<br />

Springer <strong>12</strong>79-8509 <strong>12</strong>69-3286 1499933-x 1502<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1532-432X Group 0363-0269 2098388-8 52828<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1499-3872 2142442-1 169432<br />

American Association for the Study of 1527-3350 Liver Diseases ; 0270-9139 Wiley-Blackwell 1472<strong>12</strong>0-x - STM ; Elsevier 2889<br />

Niemeyer ; de Gruyter 1865-8903 1614-1423 2445641-X 109619<br />

Springer <strong>12</strong>48-9204 <strong>12</strong>65-4906 1481454-7 889<br />

The Herpetologists' League; BioOne 1938-5099 0018-0831 2149915-9 45693<br />

Herpetologists' League ; BioOne 1938-5137 0733-1347 2177629-5 52152<br />

Urban & Vogel bei Springer LINK 1615-6692 0340-9937 2016203-0 7842<br />

Steinkopff bei Springer LINK 1435-1544 0938-74<strong>12</strong> 1473154-x 2062<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-1071 1042-7163 1483690-7 1941<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0197 0793-0283 2598389-1 151866<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-2265 0018-1196 2016721-0 7565<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-834X 0937-4450;1359-8139 2020409-7 8140<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8682 1527-0297 2023581-1 8206<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1361-64<strong>12</strong> 0954-0083 1483713-4 367<br />

Taylor & Francis 1477-2299 0895-7959 2082764-7 25237<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1006-6748 2421748-7 169263<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1608-3156 (formerly Kluwer 0018-151X Academic Publishers/Consultants 2057148-3 Bureau) 15179<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0324 0334-6455 2602423-8 158919<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-174X (formerly Kluwer 0018-1560 Academic Publishers) 2015566-9 6330<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-8358 0379-7724 2029758-0 7604<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-8366 0729-4360 2017650-8 8208<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0557 (formerly Kluwer 1388-3690 Academic Publishers) 20<strong>12</strong>367-X 6331<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-1063 1050-9631 1498049-6 1947<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6364 0739-9863 2067258-5 18940<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6865 (formerly Kluwer 0018-2214 Academic Publishers) 2210318-1 2523<br />

Springer 1432-119X 0948-6143 1398345-3 890<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2559 0309-0167 2006447-0 4926<br />

Elsevier 1090-249X 0315-0860 1467978-4 1337<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-5103 0018-246X 1466485-9 2107<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1569-206X 1465-4466 2117720-X 38579<br />

Brill Academic Publishers, Springer 1570-1867 1570-1867 2<strong>12</strong>0722-7 36804<br />

SAGE Publications 2249-53<strong>12</strong> 2230-8075 2646255-2 172161<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-5130 0046-760X 1480755-5 4666<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis (früher: Elsevier) 0191-6599;1873-541X 0191-6599 1495111-3 3969<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1740-2360 0957-154X 2119431-2 37709<br />

Routledge Taylor & Francis Group (früher: 1081-602X;1873-5398<br />

Elsevier) 1081-602X 2004787-3 6758<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-720X 0952-6951 2023719-4 5330<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1477-4569 ; Project MUSE 1363-3554 2076082-6 19743<br />

ACL Anthology 2254131-7 82722<br />

Springer 1433-0458 0017-6192 1459183-2 1503<br />

Brill 1875-0257 0921-5891 2437801-X 109185<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-5138 0887-9311 2053437-1 96816<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1476-7937 ; Project MUSE 8756-6583 2079719-9 24694<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Hodder Arnold) 1477-0911 ; HighWire Press 0959-6836 2027956-5 6885<br />

De Gruyter 1437-434X 0018-3830 1466072-6 4347<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-6739 1084-8223 2061340-4 15755<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1539-0713 0884-741X 2049914-0 96817<br />

Elsevier 1476-4245 1475-4916 2030010-4 5398<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-6720 1088-7679 2034461-2 9216<br />

Brill 1871-2207 0195-9085 2260203-3 84931

Thieme 1439-4286 0018-5043 2056576-8 15080<br />

De Gruyter 1868-1891 1868-1883 2536635-X 130052<br />

Karger 1423-0046;1663-2826 0018-5051;0301-0163;1663-2818<br />

2540224-9 3031<br />

Elsevier 1095-6867 0018-506X 1467984-x 1602<br />

Elsevier 2163-6087 0740-8315 2197402-0 57196<br />

Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; (via OVID) 0747-7376 2482005-2 114756<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-1810 0267-3037 1476302-3 4438<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1651-2278 0281-5737;1403-6096 2020967-8 5516<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1477-0903 Hodder Arnold 0144-5952;0960-3271 1483723-7 2984<br />

Wayne State University Press im Project 1534-6617 MUSE ; BioOne 0018-7143 2066422-9 19939<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0193 1065-9471 1492703-2 1948<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH ; früher: Oxford 1468-2958 University Press 0360-3989 2056288-3 10208<br />

Karger 1423-0054 0018-716X;0375-4774 1472161-2 2170<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9915 (formerly Kluwer 0300-7839 Academic Publishers) 2015584-0 1170<br />

Springer 1824-310X 0393-9375 2226738-4 81397<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1742-8149 Group 1464-7273 2145769-4 42336<br />

Mary Ann Liebert Inc. Publishers 1557-7422 1043-0342 1498064-2 4248<br />

Springer 1432-<strong>12</strong>03 0340-6717 1459188-1 891<br />

Karger 1423-0062 0001-5652;0365-2785 1482710-4 3032<br />

Elsevier Science 0198-8859;1879-1166 0198-8859 2006465-2 3760<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-2083 0964-6906 1474816-2 5<strong>12</strong><br />

Elsevier 1872-7646 0167-9457 1500475-2 2859<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-1004 1059-7794 1498165-8 1949<br />

Springer 1936-4776 1045-6767 2095451-7 30642<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers, Elsevier 1532-8392 0046-8177 2041481-X 9885<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1077 0885-6222 2001446-6 4877<br />

SAGE Publications ; früher: Kluwer 1741-282X 0018-7267 1492301-4 38734<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-2350 0268-1161 1484864-8 2591<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-2369 1355-4786 1484867-3 3566<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-8374 1367-8868 2020821-2 82<strong>12</strong><br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-67<strong>12</strong> 1534-4843 2101109-6 33269<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1748-8583 0954-5395 2028076-2 5687<br />

Elsevier 1053-4822;1873-7889 1053-4822 2026359-4 6768<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1671-4016 2630514-8 169502<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill, früher Kluwer Law 1571-8131 International 0965-934X;1965-934X 2015595-5 7914<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-851X (formerly Kluwer 0163-8548 Academic Publishers) 2015597-9 6332<br />

Mouton de Gruyter 1613-3722 0933-1719 205<strong>12</strong>94-6 11486<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8501 (formerly Kluwer 0167-9848 Academic Publishers) 2015600-5 6333<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-5117 (formerly Kluwer 0018-8158 Academic Publishers) 1478162-1 2276<br />

Springer 1435-0157 1431-2174 1481470-5 2645<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1085 0885-6087 1479953-4 1951<br />

Elsevier 1879-1158 0304-386X 2026214-0 2713<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9540 (formerly Kluwer 0304-3843 Academic Publishers) 2021614-2 2009<br />

American Heart Association ; Lippincott 1524-4563 Williams & Wilkins 0194-911x;0362-4323<br />

; (via Ovid) 2094210-2 96818<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1525-6065 Group 0730-0085;1064-1955 2028086-5 7030<br />

Niemeyer ; de Gruyter 1865-9039 0019-0993 2421429-2 103193<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1705-7361 (ACM) 1705-7345 2194858-6 56905<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 0018-8646 ; IBM International 1495895-8 Business Machines Corporation 7202<br />

IBM International Business Machines Corporation 0018-8670 1495904-5 7204<br />

SAGE Publications 1941-4072 1941-4064 2476961-7 111969<br />

Elsevier 1090-2643 0019-1035 1467991-7 1338<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1095-9289 ; International 1054-3139 Council for the 1468003-8 Exploration of the Seas (ICES) 88336<br />

Springer 1616-3915 0021-5090;1341-8998 2048252-8 10415<br />

SAGE Publications 1944-4524 1944-4516 2533433-5 <strong>12</strong>9253<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7094 (IEE) 0143-702X;0960-764X 2034699-2 34<strong>12</strong>7<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) 0960-7641 2034699-2 9<strong>12</strong>50

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7094 (IEE) 0143-702X;0960-764X 2034699-2 34<strong>12</strong>9<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7043 (IEE) 0143-7038 2032731-6 9091<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) 0143-7046 2032736-5 9107<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7000 (IEE) 1350-2409 2032722-5 <strong>12</strong>14<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7019 (IEE) 1350-2425 2029361-6 <strong>12</strong>15<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7027 (IEE) 1350-2387 2028488-3 <strong>12</strong>16<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7035 (IEE) 1350-2379 2032724-9 <strong>12</strong>17<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7035 (IEE) 0143-7054 2032724-9 9089<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) 0143-7062 2028488-3 9087<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7043 (IEE) 1350-2352 2032731-6 <strong>12</strong>18<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7086 (IEE) 0143-7070;0956-375X 2034795-9 34117<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7000 (IEE) 0143-7089;0956-3768 2032722-5 9061<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7000 (IEE) 0143-7089;0956-3768 2032722-5 34108<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7051 (IEE) 1350-2360 2032736-5 <strong>12</strong>19<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-706X (IEE) 0950-107X 2033387-0 9926<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7019 (IEE) 0143-7100;0956-3776 2029361-6 9082<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1747-0730 (IEE) 1747-0722 2211180-3 60898<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1748-0256 (IEE) 1748-0248 2211193-1 65788<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7078 (IEE) 0267-3932 2034668-2 34<strong>12</strong>6<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-706X (IEE) 1350-2417 2033387-0 <strong>12</strong>20<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1740-9748 (IEE) 1478-1581 2114043-1 36772<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7078 (IEE) 1350-2433 2034668-2 <strong>12</strong>21<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7086 (IEE) 1350-2395 2034795-9 <strong>12</strong>22<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7094 (IEE) 1350-2344 2034699-2 <strong>12</strong>23<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1463-9831 (IEE) 1462-5970 2034725-X <strong>12</strong>24<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1364-5099;1463-9831<br />

(IEE) 1364-5080 2034725-X 34<strong>12</strong>3<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1741-248X (IEE) 1741-2471 2168406-6 48789<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1359-7108 (IEE) 1350-245X 2040866-3 <strong>12</strong>25<br />

The Institution of Electrical Engineers 1741-0495 (IEE) 0953-5683 2036903-7 9108<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1557-9964(IEEE) 1545-5963 ; IEEE Computer 2158957-4 Society ; Association for 40961 Computing Machinery (A<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2566(IEEE) 1063-6692 ; Association for 2004853-1 Computing Machinery (ACM) 1475<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)2168-3093 2119241-8 37588<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1557-959x(IEEE)<br />

0885-8985 2039215-1 1470<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1934-1547(IEEE) 1058-6180 ; IEEE Computer 2028245-X Society ; Project MUSE <strong>12</strong>78<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-4143(IEEE)<br />

1045-9243 2039260-6 1453<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2168-0329(IEEE)<br />

2119261-3 37591<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1548-5757(IEEE)<br />

1536-<strong>12</strong>25 2084816-X 25449<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0158(IEEE) 1057-7157 ; American Society 2027726-X of Mechanical Engineers 1476 (ASME)<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-014X(IEEE) 1083-4435 ; American Society 2033170-8 of Mechanical Engineers 1417 (ASME)<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-<strong>12</strong>84(IEEE)<br />

0740-7467 2035189-6 1484<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)2168-3069 2119251-0 37592<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)1558-1888;8755-3996 2039268-0 1451<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0830(IEEE)<br />

1531-636X 2062396-3 15277<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2558(IEEE)<br />

1089-7798 2029374-4 <strong>12</strong>49<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-1896(IEEE)<br />

0163-6804 2046782-5 10244<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0148-9615 2572235-9 140175<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1553-877XCommunications Society 2215398-6 (IEEE)<br />

67550<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1556-6048(IEEE)<br />

1556-603X 2209668-1 64404<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-190x(IEEE) 1070-9924 ; IEEE Computer 2039423-8 Society<br />

<strong>12</strong>79<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-4151(IEEE)<br />

0895-0156 2038304-6 1455<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1556-6064(IEEE) 1556-6056 ; IEEE Computer 2209718-1 Society<br />

64283<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-1756(IEEE) 0272-1716 ; IEEE Computer 2028246-1 Society<br />

<strong>12</strong>80<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0849(IEEE) 1063-6552;1092-3063<br />

; IEEE Computer 2030179-0 Society<br />

<strong>12</strong>81<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2162-2248(IEEE)<br />

2644145-7 171875<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0272-1708 2039595-4 1452<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)2168-2356 2714080-5 195195

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-1918(IEEE) 0740-7475 ; IEEE Computer 2028644-2 Society<br />

<strong>12</strong>82<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-4402(IEEE)<br />

0883-7554 20396<strong>12</strong>-0 1454<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2162-2264(IEEE)<br />

2682086-9 188085<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0563(IEEE)<br />

0741-3106 2034325-5 <strong>12</strong>55<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)1943-0663 2517757-6 <strong>12</strong>5005<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1937-4186(IEEE)<br />

0739-5175 2028871-2 1457<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1937-4178(IEEE)<br />

0360-8581 2089022-9 29407<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 0885-9000 ; IEEE Computer 2027789-1 Society<br />

9106<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0571(IEEE)<br />

1545-598X 2138738-2 40722<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0115(IEEE)<br />

1932-4529 2260105-3 91166<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0598(IEEE)<br />

1077-2618 2039304-0 91<strong>12</strong><br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0<strong>12</strong>3(IEEE)<br />

1094-6969 2039806-2 9119<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1094-7167 ; IEEE Computer 2027789-1 Society<br />

<strong>12</strong>84<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-<strong>12</strong>94(IEEE) 1541-1672 ; IEEE Computer 2027789-1 Society<br />

54042<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1939-1390(IEEE)<br />

2502508-9 <strong>12</strong>3332<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0131(IEEE) 1089-7801 ; IEEE Computer 2028745-8 Society<br />

<strong>12</strong>83<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2168-2194(IEEE)<br />

2687987-6 191964<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-1691(IEEE)<br />

0364-9059 2025369-2 1420<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2156-3381(IEEE)<br />

2585714-9 168714<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-1713(IEEE)<br />

0018-9197 2025381-3 <strong>12</strong>65<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0882-4967 1473038-8 10231<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)1939-1404 2457423-5 110227<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-4542(IEEE)<br />

1077-260X 2025385-0 <strong>12</strong>66<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0484(IEEE) 1932-4553 ; IEEE Signal Processing 2260093-0Society<br />

93098<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-173X(IEEE)<br />

0018-9200 2040287-9 1473<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2156-3357(IEEE)<br />

2156-3357 2585706-X 164026<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0008(IEEE) 0733-8716 ; IEEE Communications 2029371-9 Society (ComSoc) <strong>12</strong>68<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1548-0992(IEEE)<br />

2213968-0 61814<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2620(IEEE)<br />

1045-9235 2039294-1 9<strong>12</strong>3<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2604(IEEE)<br />

1055-6877 2039294-1 9<strong>12</strong>4<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1949-307X(IEEE)<br />

2525671-3 <strong>12</strong>7920<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1937-4143(IEEE) 0272-1732 ; IEEE Computer 2027750-7 Society<br />

<strong>12</strong>85<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2329(IEEE)<br />

1051-8207 2025906-2 <strong>12</strong>60<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-1764(IEEE)<br />

1531-1309 2025906-2 15457<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1557-9581(IEEE)<br />

1527-3342 2039300-3 9<strong>12</strong>5<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0166(IEEE) 1070-986X ; IEEE Computer 2030201-0 Society<br />

<strong>12</strong>86<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1942-7808(IEEE)<br />

1932-4510 2260099-1 92809<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-156X(IEEE) 0890-8044 ; IEEE Communications 2051708-7 Society (ComSoc) 1467<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-9323(IEEE) 1551-319X ; Optical Society 2172168-3 of America (OSA) 58391<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2213(IEEE) 0733-8724 ; Optical Society 2033229-4 of America (OSA) <strong>12</strong>59<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1943-0620 ; Optical Society 2500325-2 of America (OSA) <strong>12</strong>1393<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-1861(IEEE) 1063-6552 ; IEEE Computer 2030179-0 Society<br />

9<strong>12</strong>6<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0652(IEEE) 1070-9916 ; IEEE Communications 2051681-2 Society (ComSoc) 1465<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2590(IEEE) 1536-<strong>12</strong>68 ; IEEE Computer 2077823-5 Society<br />

20068<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0174(IEEE)<br />

1041-1135 2025386-2 <strong>12</strong>64<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-1772(IEEE)<br />

0278-6648 2039836-0 1485<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-4216(IEEE)<br />

1540-7977 2103510-6 33730<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-3767(IEEE)<br />

1540-7985 2119557-2 378<strong>12</strong><br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-1705(IEEE)<br />

0272-1724 2038313-7 1459<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)2168-3670 2119261-3 136494<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2154-2287(IEEE)<br />

2563701-0 136836<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-1189(IEEE)<br />

1937-3333 2474849-3 111777<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-223X(IEEE)<br />

1070-9932 2027730-1 1463<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-4046(IEEE) 1540-7993 ; IEEE Computer 2102896-5 Society<br />

31940<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-1748(IEEE)<br />

1530-437X 2052059-1 <strong>12</strong>454<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2361(IEEE)<br />

1070-9908 2034305-X <strong>12</strong>67

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0792(IEEE)<br />

1053-5888 2035189-6 1462<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1937-4194(IEEE) 0740-7459 ; IEEE Computer 2027764-7 Society<br />

<strong>12</strong>87<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)1943-0582 2479078-3 1143<strong>12</strong><br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1939-9340(IEEE)<br />

0018-9235 2039920-0 <strong>12</strong>70<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1937-9234(IEEE)<br />

1932-8184 2260091-7 94445<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1937-416X(IEEE)<br />

0278-0097 2021744-4 1464<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0096-3518 2034304-8 10387<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1557-9980(IEEE)<br />

1521-3323 2070853-1 9045<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1557-9603(IEEE)<br />

0018-9251 2040971-0 1471<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-3643(IEEE)<br />

0096-1973 2027421-X 34190<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2221(IEEE)<br />

0018-926X 2027421-X 1400<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2515(IEEE)<br />

1051-8223 2025387-4 1401<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2663(IEEE)<br />

0096-1620 2034304-8 34202<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2582(IEEE)<br />

0018-9278 2034304-8 34200<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-7924(IEEE)<br />

1558-7916 2215411-5 62294<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2523(IEEE)<br />

0018-9286 2033330-4 <strong>12</strong>46<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-3783(IEEE)<br />

1545-5955 2155780-9 40962<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1943-06<strong>12</strong>(IEEE)<br />

1943-0604 2498758-X <strong>12</strong>0386<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1940-9990(IEEE)<br />

1932-4545 2260089-9 9<strong>12</strong>25<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2531(IEEE)<br />

0018-9294 2021742-0 1402<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0018-9308 2392861-X 94963<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1557-9611(IEEE)<br />

0018-9316 2027423-3 1403<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0147-3204 2272789-9 87679<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0018-9324 2569660-9 34226<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-<strong>12</strong>76(IEEE)<br />

0018-9324;0098-4094 2035267-0 9060<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2205(IEEE)<br />

1051-8215 20343<strong>12</strong>-7 <strong>12</strong>53<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-<strong>12</strong>68(IEEE)<br />

1057-7<strong>12</strong>2 2028230-8 85034<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-<strong>12</strong>68(IEEE)<br />

1549-8328 2028230-8 <strong>12</strong>50<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-<strong>12</strong>5X(IEEE)<br />

1057-7130 2028232-1 <strong>12</strong>51<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-<strong>12</strong>5X;1558-3791 (IEEE) 1057-7130;1549-7747 2028232-1 85047<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2647(IEEE)<br />

0096-1965 2499955-6 <strong>12</strong>1310<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0857(IEEE) 0090-6778 ; IEEE Communications 2028235-7 Society (ComSoc) <strong>12</strong>48<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0097-6601 2109080-4 34445<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1557-9972(IEEE) 1521-3331 ; IEEE Components, 2070854-3 Packaging and Manufacturing 9084 Technology Soc<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-3082(IEEE) 0148-6411 ; IEEE Components, 2035362-5 Packaging and Manufacturing 9086 Technology Soc<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2156-3950(IEEE)<br />

2595289-4 151493<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-3678(IEEE) 1070-9886 ; IEEE Components, 2027510-9 Packaging and Manufacturing 1404 Technology Soc<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-3686(IEEE) 1070-9894 ; IEEE Components, 2027506-7 Packaging and Manufacturing 1405 Technology Soc<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1083-4400 ; IEEE Components, 2027513-4 Packaging and Manufacturing 1406 Technology Soc<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)1943-068X 2493116-0 1159<strong>12</strong><br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1937-4151(IEEE)<br />

0278-0070 2034328-0 <strong>12</strong>47<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1557-9956(IEEE) 0018-9340 ; IEEE Computer 1473005-4 Society<br />

<strong>12</strong>88<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-4<strong>12</strong>7(IEEE)<br />

0098-3063 2035650-X 1481<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0865(IEEE)<br />

1063-6536 2027378-2 <strong>12</strong>52<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)2168-2267 2696559-8 193667<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0018(IEEE) 1545-5971 ; IEEE Computer 2162420-3 Society<br />

40959<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2574(IEEE)<br />

1530-4388 2061445-7 15765<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1557-962X;1558-4135 (IEEE) 0018-9367;1070-9878 2035702-3 1482<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1557-9638(IEEE)<br />

0018-9359 2027503-1 1407<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1557-962X;1558-4135 (IEEE) 0018-9367;1070-9878 2035702-3 34451<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-187X(IEEE)<br />

0018-9375 2027514-6 1408<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1557-9646(IEEE)<br />

0018-9383 2028088-9 986<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0822(IEEE) 1521-334X;1523-334X<br />

; IEEE Components, 2027513-4 Packaging and Manufacturing 9100 Technology Soc<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0059(IEEE)<br />

0885-8969 2027238-8 1409<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0040(IEEE)<br />

0018-9391 2021741-9 1410<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0018-9405 2481981-5 114597

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)1089-778x 2028087-7 <strong>12</strong>56<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0034(IEEE)<br />

1063-6706 2028083-X <strong>12</strong>57<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0644(IEEE)<br />

0196-2892 2027520-1 1411<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0018-9413 2027520-1 87694<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1939-14<strong>12</strong> ; IEEE Computer 2454351-2 Society<br />

110092<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0096-249X 2272797-8 87695<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)2168-2291 2696560-4 193753<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0042(IEEE)<br />

1057-7149 2034319-X 14<strong>12</strong><br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0018-9421 2027527-4 87696<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 0278-0046;1557-9948 (IEEE) 0018-9421 2027527-4 1413<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0050(IEEE)<br />

1551-3203 2172163-4 53967<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 0093-9994;1939-9367 (IEEE) 0018-943X 2027530-4 1414<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1556-6021(IEEE)<br />

1556-6013 2209730-2 64406<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0032(IEEE)<br />

1089-7771 2034302-4 9131<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1557-9654(IEEE)<br />

0018-9448 2026365-X <strong>12</strong>58<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1557-9662(IEEE)<br />

0018-9456 2027532-8 1415<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0016(IEEE)<br />

1524-9050 2034300-0 9138<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2191(IEEE) 1041-4347 ; IEEE Computer 2026620-0 Society<br />

<strong>12</strong>74<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1939-1382 ; IEEE Computer 2454421-8 Society<br />

110141<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0069(IEEE)<br />

0018-9464 2025397-7 1416<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0536-1540 2272795-4 87697<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-3074(IEEE)<br />

0046-838x 2109081-6 34454<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0062;1558-254X (IEEE) 0278-0062 2068206-2 1418<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0018-9480 2028238-2 <strong>12</strong>61<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0660(IEEE) 1536-<strong>12</strong>33 ; IEEE Computer 2082213-3 Society<br />

25165<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0077(IEEE)<br />

1520-9210 2033070-4 9162<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2639(IEEE)<br />

1536-<strong>12</strong>41 2105885-4 34287<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0085(IEEE)<br />

1536-<strong>12</strong>5X 2082654-0 25229<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1932-4537(IEEE) ; IEEE Communications 2156349-4 Society (ComSoc) 46617<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2162-237X(IEEE)<br />

2162-237X 2644189-5 171876<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0026;1941-0093 (IEEE) 1045-9227 2028239-4 <strong>12</strong>62<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0210(IEEE)<br />

1534-4320 2021739-0 15461<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-1578(IEEE)<br />

0018-9499 2025398-9 1419<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2183(IEEE) 1045-9219 ; IEEE Computer 2027774-X Society<br />

<strong>12</strong>89<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2469(IEEE)<br />

0361-1000 2108407-5 34590<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2655(IEEE)<br />

0018-9502 2108407-5 34589<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1939-3539(IEEE) 0162-8828 ; IEEE Computer 2027336-8 Society<br />

<strong>12</strong>75<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1939-9375(IEEE)<br />

0093-3813 2025402-7 1421<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0018-9510 2272991-4 87699<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1937-4208(IEEE)<br />

0885-8977 2027539-0 1424<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0107(IEEE)<br />

0885-8993 2034323-1 1422<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0679(IEEE)<br />

0885-8950 2034320-6 1423<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2450(IEEE)<br />

0097-4544 2108418-X 34588<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-1500(IEEE)<br />

0361-1434 2034237-8 1477<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0024(IEEE)<br />

1063-6528 2021739-0 1425<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-1721(IEEE)<br />

0018-9529 2034315-2 1483<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)1042-296X 1473038-8 1426<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1552-3098;1941-0468 (IEEE) 1042-296X 1473038-8 46858<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2345(IEEE)<br />

0894-6507 2035198-7 1427<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1939-1374(IEEE) ; IEEE Computer 2474455-4 Society<br />

111601<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0476(IEEE)<br />

1053-587X 2034304-8 1428<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)1949-3053 2560004-7 136335<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 0098-5589 ; IEEE Computer 2026617-0 Society<br />

<strong>12</strong>76<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0018-9537 2214368-3 61851<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2353(IEEE)<br />

1063-6676 2034316-4 1429<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)1949-3029 2560005-9 136333

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0018-9472 2034746-7 9201<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2426(IEEE)<br />

1083-4427 2021730-4 1430<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0492(IEEE)<br />

1083-4419 2034755-8 1431<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2442(IEEE)<br />

1094-6977 2034757-1 9202<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)2168-2216 2696557-4 193752<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2156-342X(IEEE)<br />

2585725-3 166542<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0893-6706 2214373-7 61850<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1525-8955(IEEE)<br />

0885-3010 2039931-5 1479<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1939-9359(IEEE)<br />

0018-9545;0096-2503 2272788-7 87713<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1939-9359(IEEE)<br />

0018-9545 2027418-X 1472<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1557-9999(IEEE)<br />

1063-8210 2034318-8 <strong>12</strong>69<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-0506(IEEE) 1077-2626 ; IEEE Computer 2027333-2 Society<br />

<strong>12</strong>73<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2248(IEEE) 1536-<strong>12</strong>76 ; IEEE Communications 2071<strong>12</strong>8-1 Society (ComSoc) 19096<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1556-6080(IEEE)<br />

1556-6072 2209736-3 8<strong>12</strong>22<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-0687(IEEE) 1536-<strong>12</strong>84 ; IEEE Communications 2051681-2 Society (ComSoc) 19794<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2162-2337(IEEE)<br />

2644096-9 171846<br />

Institute of Electronics, Information and 1745-1337 Communication 0916-8508 Engineers (IEICE) 2038822-6 9635<br />

Institute of Electronics, Information and 1745-1345 Communication 0916-8516 Engineers (IEICE) 2214509-6 60964<br />

Institute of Electronics, Information and 1745-1353 Communication 0916-8524 Engineers (IEICE) 2214514-X 60963<br />

Institute of Electronics, Information and 1745-1361 Communication 0916-8532 Engineers (IEICE) 2214518-7 60966<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 2047-4938 (IET)<br />

2659842-5 183862<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-8598 (IET) 1751-858X 2264099-X 88538<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-8636 (IET) 1751-8628 2264240-7 88541<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-9640 (IET) 1751-9632 2278768-9 88606<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-861X (IET) 1751-8601 2264236-5 88540<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-8652 (IET) 1751-8644 2264241-9 88542<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-8679 (IET) 1751-8660 2264243-2 88544<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) 2042-9738 2606213-6 160258<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1350-911X (IET) (Früher: 0013-5194 The Institution 2038620-5 of Electrical Engineers (IEE)) <strong>12</strong>13<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1750-9645 (IET) 1750-9637 250<strong>12</strong>21-6 67380<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-8695 (IET) 1751-8687 2264294-8 88589<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-9667 (IET) 1751-9659 2278776-8 88607<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-8717 (IET) 1751-8709 2264525-1 88603<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-9578 (IET) 1751-956X 2264527-5 88593<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1750-0443 (IET)<br />

2378130-0 87698<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-8733 (IET) 1751-8725 2264528-7 88594<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-875X (IET) 1751-8741 2264529-9 88595<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 2047-4962 (IET); Institute 2047-4954 of Electrical and 2659720-2 Electronics Engineers 183849 (IEEE)<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-8776 (IET) 1751-8768 2264530-5 88410<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1755-4543 (IET) 1755-4535 242<strong>12</strong>59-3 105234<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-8792 (IET) 1751-8784 2264531-7 88596<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1752-1424 (IET) 1752-1416 2264540-8 91132<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-8830 (IET) 1751-8822 2264535-4 88597<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-9683 (IET) 1751-9675 2278782-3 88608<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-8814 (IET) 1751-8806 2264536-6 88598<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1752-1408 (IET) 1752-1394 2264539-1 94141<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-8857 (IET) 1751-8849 2264538-X 88599<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology 2043-6394 (IET) 2043-6386 2604379-8 159998<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1745-2651 0340-0352 2052513-8 53660<br />

Taylor & Francis 1545-8830;1573-9724 0569-5554;0740-817X 20<strong>12</strong>372-3 35587<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3634 0272-4960 1466709-5 3571<br />

Oxford University Press 1471-6798 1471-678X 2045093-X 19057<br />

Oxford University Press 1471-6887 0265-0754 2042034-1 10207<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3642 0272-4979 1466710-1 3525<br />

Brill 1871-8000 1871-7993 2405746-0 100179<br />

Elsevier 1097-4180 1074-7613 2001966-X 313

Elsevier 0923-2532;1878-1365 0923-2532 2028854-2 3065<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1878-3279 0171-2985 2060227-3 9553<br />

Elsevier 1878-237X 0019-2791 2198<strong>12</strong>5-5 57197<br />

Springer 1432-<strong>12</strong>11 0093-7711 1398344-1 1504<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1532-4311 Group 0090-0877;0882-0139 2098390-6 52950<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1600-065X 0105-2896 2038276-5 9336<br />

Elsevier 1879-0542 0165-2478 2013171-9 3109<br />

Elsevier 0167-5699;1355-8242 0167-5699 2013676-6 1617<br />

Elsevier 1557-766X 1058-6687 2030406-7 8169<br />

Elsevier 1879-047X 0162-3109 1483922-2 3804<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1532-2513 Group 0163-0571;0892-3973 2085320-8 25502<br />

Elsevier 1879-162X 1380-2933 2007804-3 3785<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 169285<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-2982 1056-6163 2083567-X 96819<br />

SAGE Publications 1475-7583 1365-4802 2171399-6 51603<br />

Society for In Vitro Biology ; Allen Press 1543-706X ; Springer Science+Business 1071-2690 Media 2074849-8 ; BioOne 8889<br />

Springer (früher: CABI Publishing) ; BioOne 1475-2689 1054-5476 1497464-2 7595<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8887 1097-9336 2030133-9 8948<br />

Elsevier 0019-3577;1872-6100 0019-3577 1465401-5 6685<br />

Elsevier 1878-5972 1385-7258 2205886-2 57427<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Routledge, 1746-6067 Taylor & Francis 0306-4220 Group) 2130313-7 55934<br />

SAGE Publications 0975-2684 0974-9284 2067878-2 <strong>12</strong>8901<br />

SAGE Publications 0019-4646 0019-4646 22119<strong>12</strong>-7 60935<br />

SAGE Publications 0975-5977 0376-9836 2522567-4 <strong>12</strong>5573<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 0971-5215;0973-0672 0971-5215 2211914-0 60936<br />

Springer India 0973-1679 0019-5456 2065273-2 108605<br />

Springer India 0973-7723 0970-9134 2164386-6 108608<br />

Brill (früher: Springer) 1572-8536 0019-7246 2015608-X 6334<br />

De Gruyter 1613-0405 0019-7262 2219780-1 46993<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1600-0668 0905-6947 2028169-9 8983<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1423-0070 1420-326X 1482713-x 37710<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1464-3650 0960-6491 1494333-5 3572<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1541-5724;1943-2968 0019-7866;0095-9014 2103816-8 30687<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1541-4833 0196-4313 2096929-6 30690<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1541-5716 0196-4305 2096933-8 30691<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1541-4841;1943-2976;1943-3026<br />

0091-1968;0196-4321;0536-1079<br />

2096934-X 30692<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-5045 0888-5885 1484436-9 1787<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1931-8421 1550-9087 2191465-5 55772<br />

Elsevier<br />

0926-6690;1872-633X 0926-6690 1483245-8 3713<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3669 0305-9332 1494337-2 3573<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0036-8792;1758-5775 0036-8792 2025330-8 1678<br />

Elsevier 1873-2062 0019-8501 20<strong>12</strong>747-9 3256<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-2338 0019-8692 2006461-5 4105<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0143-991X;1758-5791 0143-991X 2025337-0 1679<br />

Oldenbourg Industrieverlag 0947-0654 2271963-5 87833<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-8390 1320-6095;1366-2716 2020057-2 8240<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1099-0917;1522-7219 1057-3593;1522-7227 2001577-X 4988<br />

Elsevier 1879-0453;1934-8800 0163-6383 2007808-0 6666<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1097-0355 0163-9641 1500450-8 93028<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-5081 0896-3746 2093160-8 96820<br />

Urban & Vogel bei Springer LINK 1439-0973 0300-8<strong>12</strong>6 2006315-5 6193<br />

Elsevier Science 1567-7257 1567-1348 2057622-5 15215<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-9943 1056-9103 2062211-9 96821<br />

Elsevier 1878-2531 0278-2316 2133409-2 40163<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2576 (formerly Kluwer 0360-3997 Academic Publishers) 2015610-8 7852<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1420-908X 0065-4299;1023-3830 1459194-7 892

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1568-5608 0925-4692 2047989-X 10391<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1464-5238;1753-8165<br />

Group 1463-9238;1753-8157 2418367-2 5478<br />

Springer 0949-2925 0178-3564 1464172-0 1505<br />

Springer 1432-<strong>12</strong>2X 0170-60<strong>12</strong> 1459197-2 2036<br />

Elsevier Science, Pergamon 1873-7919 1471-7727 2042206-4 10401<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-6469 0266-6669 2025059-9 8717<br />

Elsevier 1873-5975 0167-6245 2013217-7 3317<br />

Elsevier 1872-7530 0378-7206 2013193-8 3257<br />

Elsevier 1872-6119 0020-0190 1466301-6 3356<br />

Elsevier 1873-5371 0306-4573 1500477-6 3258<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7659 (formerly Kluwer 1386-4564 Academic Publishers) 2015614-5 6335<br />

Elsevier 1872-6291 0020-0255 1478990-5 3354<br />

Elsevier 1069-0115;1879-0283 1069-0115 2028952-2 6804<br />

Taylor & Francis<br />

1934-869X;1939-3547 1065-898X;1939-3555 2454214-3 88029<br />

Pergamon/Elsevier 1878-4089 0020-0271 2140288-7 40878<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9419 (formerly Kluwer 1387-3326 Academic Publishers) 2015660-1 6337<br />

Taylor & Francis 1934-8703 0739-9014;1058-0530 2069986-4 36835<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7667 (formerly Kluwer 1385-951X Academic Publishers) 2035174-4 9437<br />

Sage Publications ; früher: Palgrave Macmillan 1473-8724 1473-8716 2078513-6 24733<br />

Dinges & Frick ; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Informationswissenschaft 0027-7436;1434-4653 <strong>und</strong> 1467864-0 Informationspraxis (DGI) 5175<br />

de Gruyter Saur 1619-4292 1434-4653 1467864-0 172111<br />

via Beck ; Nomos 0179-8863;1862-0469 2274966-4 109783<br />

Luchterhand 1610-0468 2432105-9 108392<br />

Elsevier 1878-1160 0020-0891 2139338-2 40168<br />

Elsevier 1879-0275 1350-4495 2019084-0 2824<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1091-7691 Group 0895-8378 2011478-3 1<strong>12</strong>6<br />

Elsevier 1879-0267 0020-1383 2011808-9 2839<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1743-2839;1753-4267 0968-0519;1753-4259 238<strong>12</strong>50-3 6082<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-8420;1470-3300 1355-8005;1470-3297 2039611-9 9670<br />

Elsevier Science 1878-5522 1466-8564 2025032-0 8075<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1758 (formerly Kluwer 0361-6851;0742-5627<br />

Academic Publishers) 2015664-9 7853<br />

Gabler 1618-9876 0946-9036;1431-9985 2073302-1 16029<br />

Elsevier 1878-3473 0020-1650 2197376-3 57199<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-510X 0020-1669 1484438-2 985<br />

Elsevier 1879-0259 1387-7003 2026959-6 6095<br />

Elsevier 1873-3255 0020-1693 1484441-2 2770<br />

Elsevier 1878-3538 0073-8085 2197377-5 57200<br />

Elsevier 1879-2928 0020-1790 2197401-9 57201<br />

Elsevier 0965-1748;1879-0240 0965-1748 1483248-3 3727<br />

Brill; früher: Scandinavian Society of Entomology 1876-3<strong>12</strong>X 1399-560X 2495879-7 119537<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1420-9098 0020-18<strong>12</strong> 1463941-5 894<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1073-6514 2094417-2 88082<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1952 (formerly Kluwer 0020-4277 Academic Publishers) 2015666-2 6338<br />

Taylor & Francis 1525-6030 0743-5797;1073-9149 2020639-2 6943<br />

Elsevier 1873-5959 0167-6687 2010248-3 3318<br />

De Gruyter 1867-0660 1867-0652 2502663-X <strong>12</strong>3164<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1420-8989 0378-620X 2111640-4 36261<br />

Taylor & Francis 1476-8291 1065-2469 2085885-1 29010<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1545 (formerly Kluwer 1389-5176 Academic Publishers) 2038316-2 9439<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; SETAC ; BioOne 1551-3793 (früher: Allen 1551-3777 Press) 2231760-0 65801<br />

Taylor & Francis 1607-8489 1058-4587 2037916-X 9010<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9745 (formerly Kluwer 1353-5226 Academic Publishers) 1483250-1 2525<br />

Elsevier 1872-7522 0167-9260 2003659-0 3438<br />

The Society for Integrative and Comparative 1557-7023 Biology ; 1540-7063 BioOne 2159110-6 115779<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1557-7023 ; Society for 0003-1569;1540-7063<br />

Integrative and Comparative 2159110-6 Biology ; BioOne 46854<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1757-9708 1757-9694 2480063-6 15<strong>12</strong>96

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-695X 1534-7354 210<strong>12</strong>48-9 33270<br />

Springer 1936-3567 1053-881X;1932-4502 2390620-0 94790<br />

Intel Corporation 1535-766X;1535-864X 2094397-0 33819<br />

Informa Law 0950-2505 2390846-4 94464<br />

Informa Law 0950-2505;0950-2513 2388481-2 94492<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-9425 (ACM) 1523-8822 2005830-5 8302<br />

Elsevier 1873-7935 0160-2896 2013999-8 6667<br />

Springer 1432-<strong>12</strong>38 0342-4642 1459201-0 895<br />

Steinkopff bei Springer LINK 1435-1420 0175-3851;0303-6251 1459203-4 2364<br />

Elsevier 1873-7951 0953-5438 2002074-0 3355<br />

Oxford University Press 1873-7951 0953-5438 2002074-0 195630<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-3449 (ACM) 1072-5220;1072-5520 2002363-7 3470<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis 1744-5191 1049-4820 2069729-6 4924<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1790 (formerly Kluwer 0826-4805 Academic Publishers) 2015669-8 6345<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-8439 0952-391X;1467-5986 2020642-2 8248<br />

De Gruyter 1613-365X 16<strong>12</strong>-295X 2159617-7 46889<br />

Oxford University Press 1759-1090 1076-0962 2535903-4 <strong>12</strong>9543<br />

Springer 1613-964X 0020-5346 2066476-X 33942<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2746 (formerly Kluwer 0927-7056 Academic Publishers) 2007289-2 5727<br />

Elsevier 0966-9795;1879-0216 0966-9795 2028968-6 3886<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-966X (formerly Kluwer 1083-0898 Academic Publishers) 2070315-6 46837<br />

De Gruyter 1865-9640 0020-5877 2429314-3 108394<br />

Giesel-Verlag 0002-6689 2681549-7 8425<br />

Cambridge University Press 1471-6895 0020-5893 2044426-6 10051<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1537-1913 0020-5907 2054894-1 96822<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8582 (formerly Kluwer 1063-7095 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037331-4 Bureau) 9406<br />

Karger 1423-0097 0020-5915;1018-2438 1482722-0 3035<br />

Springer 1432-<strong>12</strong>46 0340-0131 1459213-7 1506<br />

Elsevier 1878-2736 0265-3036 2197703-3 57204<br />

Elsevier 1879-0208 0964-8305 2013046-6 3677<br />

Elsevier 1873-6149 0969-5931 20<strong>12</strong>947-6 3259<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5857 0268-1315 1500677-3 96823<br />

SAGE Publications 1748-0493 0016-5492;1748-0485 1484883-1 4932<br />

Brill Nijhoff 1871-9732 1871-9740 2266563-8 87176<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2053786-4 4025<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2254135-4 82723<br />

Elsevier 1879-0151 0892-8967 20118<strong>12</strong>-0 6<strong>12</strong>0<br />

SAGE Publications 1556-3855 1057-5677 2187661-7 38667<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill, Springer, früher 1571-8<strong>12</strong>3 Kluwer Law International 1567-536X 2065601-4 25485<br />

Elsevier 0958-6946;1879-0143 0958-6946 1484447-3 3800<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0020-6571 2<strong>12</strong>8415-5 539<strong>12</strong><br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group ; The 1743-517X Korea International 1016-8737 Economic 2059583-9 Association<br />

25426<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1553 (formerly Kluwer 1567-9764 Academic Publishers) 2038374-5 9599<br />

Commonwealth Forestry Association; BioOne 1465-5489 2<strong>12</strong>7330-3 39180<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1651-2324 0803-706X 1499919-5 5518<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1876-3405 (formerly Elsevier) 1876-3413 2514131-4 192691<br />

Elsevier 0928-4346;1879-1182 0928-4346 2271728-6 6790<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-2377 0953-8178 1467474-9 2372<br />

Elsevier Science 1567-5769;1878-1705 1567-5769 2049924-3 10225<br />

Elsevier 1057-2317;1095-9297 1057-2317 1478078-1 1344<br />

via Beck 2190-4952 2558626-9 135832<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-1324 1360-144x 2020595-8 8254<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1782 (formerly Kluwer 0251-2513 Academic Publishers) 2046697-3 9477<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1096-9853 0363-9061 1494703-1 1955<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-0887;2040-7947 0748-8025;1069-8299;2040-7939<br />

2540968-2 1909<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0207 0029-5981 1480873-0 1956

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0363 0271-2091 1491176-0 1957<br />

Elsevier 1879-0135 0020-7519 2011817-X 3110<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8684 (formerly Kluwer 0020-7047 Academic Publishers) 2005049-5 6347<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1464-3677 1353-4505 2002180-X 3603<br />

Elsevier 1878-1179 0020-7055 2197382-9 57220<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3246 (formerly Kluwer 0165-0653 Academic Publishers) 2015741-1 6348<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8722 (formerly Kluwer 0952-8059 Academic Publishers) 2015745-9 6350<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0278 0334-0139 2602424-X 158920<br />

Springer 1433-3015 0268-3768 1476510-x 4549<br />

Thieme 1615-5939 1061-1711 1473156-3 1507<br />

Elsevier 1872-7913 0924-8579 2011829-6 3111<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; American Ceramic 1744-7402 Society 1546-542X 2167226-X 48686<br />

The American Ceramic Society; Wiley-Blackwell 2041-<strong>12</strong>94 - STM2041-<strong>12</strong>86 2542135-9 131845<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1473-4192 0802-6106 2052608-8 <strong>12</strong>545<br />

Elsevier 1878-<strong>12</strong>84 0020-708X 2197707-0 57205<br />

Elsevier 1873-4731 0888-613X 2002042-9 3353<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1476-8070 0260-9991;1476-8062 2130819-6 15799<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1745-4840 0264-7141;1745-4832 2220159-2 63936<br />

Springer 1618-75<strong>12</strong> 1618-7504 2069845-8 19022<br />

Cambridge University Press 1475-3006;1574-3006 1473-5504 2079707-2 20003<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1708-8186 Group 0020-6091;1499-2027 2074671-4 53618<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1476-8186 2260473-X 169486<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1464-0651 früher Psychology 0165-0254 Press, Taylor & 1466999-7 Francis Group 64149<br />

SAGE Publications 1756-6878 1367-0069 2029695-2 5610<br />

Elsevier 1878-366X 0020-7101 1466296-6 6792<br />

Elsevier 1878-6014 0020-711X 2168113-2 57206<br />

Elsevier 1878-5875 1357-2725 2001470-3 3091<br />

Elsevier 1879-0003 0141-8130 1483284-7 3754<br />

Springer 1432-<strong>12</strong>54 0020-7<strong>12</strong>8;0367-8253 1459227-7 896<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0215 0020-7136 1474822-8 1959<br />

Springer 0167-9899 2008950-8 108629<br />

Elsevier 1874-1754 0167-5273 1500478-8 3092<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0743;1875-83<strong>12</strong><br />

(formerly Kluwer 1569-5794 Academic Publishers) 2008950-8 6343<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-4601 0538-8066 1480875-4 1960<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill, früher Kluwer Law 1571-8182 International 0927-5568 2018862-6 7924<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-8455 1364-436X 2018670-8 8111<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0088 0899-8418 149<strong>12</strong>04-1 1962<br />

Springer 1434-4467 0940-5437 1473157-5 2647<br />

Springer 0167-9945 2472979-6 111110<br />

Springer 1437-7772 1341-9625 1481773-1 4639<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0955-6222;1758-5953 0955-6222 2007303-3 1680<br />

Elsevier 1872-7840 0166-5162 1494708-0 3618<br />

Taylor & Francis 1545-5831;1939-2702 0734-9343;1939-2699 2479541-0 33184<br />

Springer 1432-<strong>12</strong>62 0179-1958 1459217-4 897<br />

Kluwer Law International<br />

0952-617X;1875-838X 0952-617X 2016000-8 7855<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1745-2554 0020-7152 2043799-7 50980<br />

SAGE Publications 1745-2554 0020-7152 2043799-7 149837<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-0257 1061-8562 2007329-X 5091<br />

Taylor & Francis 1362-3052 0951-192X 2014758-2 1110<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-0265 0020-7160 2028443-3 5092<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1405 (formerly Kluwer 0920-5691 Academic Publishers) 1479903-0 2277<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1766 (formerly Kluwer 1382-3892 Academic Publishers) 2005006-9 6352<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1365-2737;1470-6431 0309-3891;1470-6423 2141394-0 10036<br />

Taylor & Francis 1366-5820 0020-7179 1472999-4 11<strong>12</strong><br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1468-2494 0142-5463 1484465-5 8259<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8895 1096-6226;1530-8200 2030413-4 8947

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-2838 1470-5958 2053516-8 14657<br />

Cambridge University Press 1465-7317 0940-7391 2001983-X 52165<br />

SAGE Publications 1460-356X 1367-8779 2034465-X 9217<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1530-7921 1056-7895 2052623-4 11543<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-4632 0011-9059 2020365-2 5846<br />

International Society for Developmental 1873-474X Neuroscience, 0736-5748 Elsevier 20<strong>12</strong>538-0 3829<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1465-346X 0037-704X;0156-6555;1034-9<strong>12</strong>X<br />

2009998-8 4461<br />

Cambridge University Press 1834-4887 1833-8550 2270237-4 87200<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1651-3037;1755-4713<br />

Group 1503-1438 2<strong>12</strong>0309-X 38397<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-8463 0966-9760 2020377-9 8150<br />

Springer 1437-3262 1437-3254 1477600-5 4517<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-108X 0276-3478 1492880-2 1964<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-0623 1389-9791 2094484-6 40174<br />

Elsevier 1873-4871 0738-0593 2018633-2 3957<br />

Elsevier 1873-538X 0883-0355 2011998-7 3958<br />

Taylor & Francis 1362-3060 0020-7217 2008685-4 1<strong>12</strong>0<br />

SAGE Publications 2041-3149 1468-0874 2030603-9 9044<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-0397 0306-7319 2038320-4 5097<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1029-0400 0020-7233 2029069-X 5098<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1464-3685 0300-5771 1494592-7 3604<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9370 (formerly Kluwer 0920-6299 Academic Publishers) 1479530-9 2278<br />

Elsevier<br />

1873-474X;1879-3460 0168-1605 2013748-5 3801<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2621 0950-5423 2016518-3 5847<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1465-3478 Group 0029-6600;0308-4329;0952-8954;0963-7486<br />

1477630-3 4463<br />

Elsevier 1872-8200 0169-2070 1495951-3 3260<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2673 (formerly Kluwer 0020-7268;0376-9429<br />

Academic Publishers) 1478986-3 2279<br />

Physica ; Springer 1432-<strong>12</strong>70 0020-7276 1459207-1 2324<br />

Taylor & Francis 1563-5104 0308-1079 2020979-4 5103<br />

Taylor & Francis 1362-3087;1365-8824 0269-3798;1365-8816 1491393-8 1<strong>12</strong>3<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1166 0885-6230 1500455-7 1968<br />

Wiley-Blackwell ; Blackwell Publishing 1525-1438 - STM 1048-891X 2009072-9 5455<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-7151 0277-1691 2071024-0 96824<br />

International Federation of Gynecology 1879-3479 and Obstetrics 0020-7292 / Elsevier 1500480-6 3197<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6962 (formerly Kluwer 1389-6563 Academic Publishers) 2035178-1 9464<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1751 0749-6753 1491188-7 4879<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-2846 1078-3482;1094-3420 2017480-9 5714<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7748 (formerly Kluwer 1092-7697 Academic Publishers) 2017989-3 7856<br />

Elsevier 0278-4319;1873-4693 0278-4319 2027743-X 3263<br />

Elsevier 1095-9300 1071-5819 1468030-0 1604<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-4399 0958-5192 2032106-5 2527<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1464-5157 Group 0265-6736 2009080-8 5464<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-1098 0899-9457 2009087-0 1969<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM<br />

1365-2370;1744-313X 0305-1811;0960-7420;1744-3<strong>12</strong>1<br />

2179530-7 53165<br />

Elsevier 0192-0561;1879-3495 0192-0561 1498195-6 3805<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-5173 1360-3116 2010622-1 5465<br />

Elsevier 1873-7986 0167-7187 1460610-0 2902<br />

Elsevier 1873-4707 0268-40<strong>12</strong> 2019323-3 3264<br />

Springer 1615-5270 1615-5262 2044490-4 8757<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9559 (formerly Kluwer 0195-9271 Academic Publishers) 2016007-0 9118<br />

Taylor & Francis 1744-4985;1745-7319 0929-8347;1387-3059;1566-0974;1745-7300<br />

2171097-1 7499<br />

Elsevier 1878-5689 1466-6049 2029108-5 6884<br />

Elsevier 1872-907X 0020-7322 2167981-2 3728<br />

Emerald 1756-3798 1756-378X 2423839-9 105846<br />

Emerald 2049-6427 2703735-6 194927<br />

Elsevier 1873-7552 0147-1767 2013422-8 6670<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH, Informa Healthcare, 1460-6984 Taylor & Francis 0007-098X;0267-2782;0963-7273;1368-2822<br />

Group 1485082-5 5466

Oxford University Press 1464-3693 0967-0769 1494602-6 3607<br />

Elsevier 0160-2527;1873-6386;1873-6396<br />

2009377-9 3214<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3707 1360-9939 1494597-6 3606<br />

Taylor & Francis 1464-5092 1360-3<strong>12</strong>4 2010629-4 5467<br />

Emerald 2040-4166 2553041-0 134591<br />

Springer 1437-1596 0044-3433;0367-0031;0937-9827<br />

1459222-8 2365<br />

Oxford University Press 1477-4577 0950-3846 2073336-7 20000<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-519X 0260-1370 1474703-0 4330<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0957-4093;1758-6550 0957-4093 2069452-0 61156<br />

Taylor & Francis 1469-848x 1367-5567 2020197-7 8265<br />

Oxford University Press 1748-1325 1748-1317 2296036-3 90969<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6941 1534-7346 2135166-1 40289<br />

Elsevier 0020-7373 2038139-6 8170<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill, Springer, früher 1571-8085 Kluwer Law International 0268-0106;0927-3522 2018865-1 7926<br />

Elsevier 1873-2798 1387-3806 1484635-4 2808<br />

Elsevier 1873-3034 0020-7381 1484635-4 57211<br />

Elsevier 1873-2801 0168-1176 1484635-4 6794<br />

Hanser 0044-3093;0179-4841;1862-5282<br />

2<strong>12</strong>8058-7 39195<br />

Taylor & Francis 1464-5211 0020-739X 2014037-X 5377<br />

Elsevier 1872-8243 1386-5056 1466296-6 2868<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1618-0607 1438-4221 2020515-6 7555<br />

Cambridge University Press ; früher: EDP 2107-6847 Sciences 2107-6839 2557473-5 135116<br />

Cambridge University Press; European 1759-0795 Microwave Association 1759-0787 (EuMA) 2497484-5 <strong>12</strong>0252<br />

Cambridge University Press 1471-6380 0020-7438 2053871-6 15001<br />

Elsevier 0301-7516;1879-3525 0301-7516 1500481-8 2736<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1001-053X 2630<strong>12</strong>2-2 169380<br />

Taylor & Francis 0920-8119;1744-5000;1748-0949<br />

1389-5265;1748-0930 2238183-1 67359<br />

SAGE Publications 1744-795X 0255-7614 2145513-2 42264<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH ; früher: Elsevier 1095-9270 / Academic Press 1057-2414 1468042-7 40931<br />

Pergamon Press 1878-1713 0375-9458 2410921-6 101683<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-5111 1461-1457 1501053-3 5037<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1543-5245;1563-5279<br />

Group 0020-7454 2041856-5 5<strong>12</strong>2<br />

Elsevier 1878-5638 0020-7462 2006564-4 3410<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0294 1565-1339 2602467-6 158939<br />

Elsevier 1878-2337 0047-0740 2197392-1 57213<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0961-5539;1758-6585 0961-5539 2006574-7 1681<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-<strong>12</strong>04 0894-3370 2030930-2 4004<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1440-172x 1322-7114 2009434-6 5848<br />

Elsevier<br />

0020-7489;1873-491X 0020-7489 2009451-6 2832<br />

Elsevier 1532-3374 0959-289X 2049065-3 10484<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6933 0306-624X 2034467-3 9218<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0144-3577;1758-6593 0144-3577 2032083-8 1732<br />

Elsevier; Harcourt / Churchill Livingstone 1399-0020 0901-5027 2009468-1 10280<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1674-2818 2569849-7 169467<br />

Elsevier 0300-9785 2492213-4 119058<br />

Elsevier 1072-3471 2541846-4 131665<br />

Elsevier 1557-8461 0097-0522 2197719-7 57214<br />

Elsevier 2162-7398 1072-348X 2202234-X 131668<br />

Elsevier 2162-7479 1072-3498 2202234-X 131666<br />

Elsevier 1557-8356 0099-6963 2202234-X 57215<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-<strong>12</strong><strong>12</strong> 1047-482X 1479599-1 4654<br />

Taylor & Francis<br />

1029-032X;1744-5779 1063-7192;1744-5760 217<strong>12</strong>87-6 52320<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7640 (formerly Kluwer 0885-7458 Academic Publishers) 2006577-2 1168<br />

Taylor & Francis 1477-268X 1029-8436 2135763-8 52321<br />

Elsevier 0165-5876;1872-8464 0165-5876 2009657-4 3194<br />

Emerald 1742-738X 1742-7371 2423858-2 105850

Elsevier 0378-5173;1873-3476 0378-5173 1484643-3 3858<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 1758-664X 0960-0035 2032079-6 1733<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1007-4546 2423938-0 169393<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3416 (formerly Kluwer 0891-4486 Academic Publishers) 2016011-2 9117<br />

Taylor & Francis 1563-5341 1023-666X 2045627-X 5135<br />

Taylor & Francis 1563-535X 0091-4037 2711982-8 5136<br />

De Gruyter 16<strong>12</strong>-9768 1430-6921 2135774-2 40708<br />

SAGE Publications 1940-1620 1081-180X;1940-16<strong>12</strong> 2409833-4 15747<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8604 (formerly Kluwer 0164-0291 Academic Publishers) 2016016-1 7857<br />

Elsevier 1873-7579 0925-5273 2020829-7 3319<br />

Taylor & Francis 1366-588X 0020-7543 1485085-0 1137<br />

International Project Management Association, 1873-4634Elsevier<br />

0263-7863 2013163-X 34<strong>12</strong><br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1471-1788 Group 1365-1501 2025648-6 8266<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-066X 0020-7594 1480995-3 1754<br />

Elsevier 1872-7697 0167-8760 1500484-3 3830<br />

Taylor & Francis, früher: Dekker 1532-4265 0190-0692 2067722-4 29630<br />

Oxford University Press 1471-6909 0954-2892 2020975-7 8210<br />

Brill 1569-7320 1872-5171 2403647-X 100180<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1366-5898 0951-8398 1484534-9 1138<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1748-2631 Group 1748-2623 2232726-5 65929<br />

Emerald 1756-669X 1756-669X 2490487-9 118813<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0265-671X;1758-6682 0265-671X 1466792-7 1745<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-461X 0020-7608 1475014-4 1974<br />

Elsevier 1878-1<strong>12</strong>8 0883-2889 2197726-4 57217<br />

Elsevier 1878-2140 0883-2897 2197729-X 57218<br />

Elsevier 1878-1020 1359-0197 2019621-0 57219<br />

Elsevier / Pergamon 1878-1691 1359-0189 2140603-0 40176<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1362-3095 Group 0955-3002 1498203-1 1139<br />

Elsevier<br />

0360-3016;1879-355X 0360-3016 1500486-7 3066<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3715 0953-8186 1494605-1 3608<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1537 (formerly Kluwer 1068-9591 Academic Publishers) 2016066-5 9465<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5660 0342-5282 2030422-5 96825<br />

Taylor & Francis 1366-5901 0143-1161 1497529-4 1140<br />

Elsevier 1873-8001 0167-8116 2014002-2 3265<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1743-7288 0140-6728;1743-727X 2171318-2 67066<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-3176 0278-3649 2015221-8 5878<br />

Elsevier 1873-4545 1365-1609 2016557-2 7802<br />

Elsevier 1365-1609;1879-2073 0148-9062 2016557-2 57221<br />

SAGE Publications 0973-0680 0973-0052 2210261-9 60762<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8590 (formerly Kluwer 1037-0544 Academic Publishers) 2016072-0 6353<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-5289 0140-5284;0950-0693 1480793-2 4616<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1001-6279 2421734-7 169401<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-2389 0965-075X 2027700-3 7630<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-2854 0020-7640 2066492-8 25469<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-2397 1369-6866 1482674-4 4730<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1742-9528;1754-9515<br />

Group 1441-7049;1754-9507 2406625-4 42275<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8110 (formerly Kluwer 1381-2416 Academic Publishers) 1479775-6 2280<br />

Thieme 1439-3964 0172-4622 2041541-2 9887<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3424 (formerly Kluwer 1072-5245 Academic Publishers) 2016160-8 7859<br />

Emerald 1757-9864 2554257-6 134692<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1940-2465 Westminster Publications 1066-8969 2070102-0 58481<br />

Taylor & Francis<br />

1477-2752;1478-646X 0142-5919;1478-6451 2163908-5 48624<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 169489<br />

Taylor & Francis 1464-5319 0020-7721 1481004-9 4667<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1804 (formerly Kluwer 0957-7572 Academic Publishers) 2016164-5 6354<br />

Cambridge University Press 1471-6348 0266-4623 2020486-3 8113

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-1829 1357-1516 1477695-9 4439<br />

Mouton de Gruyter 1613-3668 0165-2516 2033172-1 9158<br />

Elsevier 0194-6595;1095-9262 0194-6595 1468185-7 1606<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9575 (formerly Kluwer 0020-7748 Academic Publishers) 2016168-2 1169<br />

Elsevier 1778-4166 <strong>12</strong>90-0729 2013298-0 7256<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9567 (formerly Kluwer 0195-928X Academic Publishers) 2016169-4 7695<br />

Elsevier 1878-4070 0143-2516 2197543-7 57223<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Informa Healthcare, 1092-874XTaylor 0730-0913;1091-5818<br />

& Francis Group) 1500682-7 1141<br />

Cambridge University Press (früher: CABI 1742-7592 Publishing) 1742-7584 2165935-7 47147<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0332 0334-0082 2602427-5 158921<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1442-2042 0919-8172 2009793-1 5850<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1360-0648 0790-0627 2016525-0 1053<br />

Emerald 1744-0092 1744-0084 2423895-8 105851<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8<strong>12</strong>9 (formerly Kluwer 1068-9605 Academic Publishers) 2016171-2 1166<br />

Springer 1432-1300 1432-50<strong>12</strong> 1459210-1 1339<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0367 2191-<strong>12</strong>31 2583849-0 149316<br />

Springer 1433-2825 1433-2833 1478784-2 2037<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill, früher Kluwer Academic 1571-8115 Publishers 1385-4879 2016173-6 7860<br />

Springer 1433-2787 1433-2779 1481381-6 2038<br />

Cambridge University Press 1471-6445 0097-8523;0147-5479 2044946-X 10101<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill, Springer, früher 1571-8042 Kluwer Law International 1388-9036 2016176-1 7861<br />

Elsevier 1878-2361 0020-7837 2197754-9 57224<br />

Oxford University Press 1687-0247 1073-7928 1465368-0 88661<br />

Oxford University Press 1687-3009 1687-3017 2182622-5 88662<br />

Oxford University Press 1687-1324 1687-1308 2182625-0 88663<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill, Springer, früher 1571-8069 Kluwer Law International 1382-340X 2016179-7 7862<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2630 (formerly Kluwer 0165-5701 Academic Publishers) 2009810-8 6355<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-9617 0020-8167 2046891-X 96826<br />

Cambridge University Press 1531-5088 0020-8183 1481046-3 34290<br />

Nijhoff / Brill 1572-3747 1572-3739 2196797-0 57092<br />

Springer 1432-5195 0341-2695 1459230-7 1508<br />

Brill (früher Kluwer Law International) 22<strong>12</strong>-6554 1380-748X 2016181-5 9116<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-9265 1356-3475 2008258-7 7245<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1751-9292 0020-8345 2<strong>12</strong>5<strong>12</strong>2-8 87731<br />

SAGE Publications 1460-373X 0192-5<strong>12</strong>1 2027393-9 6798<br />

Cambridge University Press 1741-203X 1041-6102 2147136-8 42488<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6925 0160-0176 2011485-0 7379<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-2862 0047-1178 2058898-7 15377<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1470-4838 1470-482X 2049183-9 10456<br />

Cambridge University Press 1873-0841 1873-0841 2493495-1 115850<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7218 10<strong>12</strong>-6902 1494063-2 4543<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7226 0020-8523 2023655-4 8215<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1465-3486 0269-2171 1476715-6 4464<br />

Elsevier 1059-0560;1873-8036 1059-0560 2026509-8 6839<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0638 (formerly Kluwer 0020-8566 Academic Publishers) 20<strong>12</strong>800-9 6356<br />

Elsevier 1057-5219;1873-8079 1057-5219 2029229-6 6844<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1522-2632 0020-9309;1434-2944 2006634-X 7462<br />

via Beck ; Max-Planck-Institut für Geistiges 2195-0237 Eigentum, 0018-9855 Wettbewerbs- <strong>und</strong> 2082055-0 Steuerrecht 24864<br />

Springer 2195-0237 0018-9855 2082055-0 195210<br />

Elsevier 1873-6394 0144-8188 2013718-7 3321<br />

Brill 1877-3109 1877-3095 2513837-6 <strong>12</strong>4629<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1369-1627 Group 0954-0261 2009829-7 1071<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-4402 0959-3969 1481049-9 3<strong>12</strong>8<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-5<strong>12</strong>X 0020-8590 1466800-2 2937<br />

Cambridge University Press 1607-5889 0035-3361;1026-88<strong>12</strong>;1560-7755;1816-3831<br />

2<strong>12</strong>1405-0 134581<br />

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC); Cambridge 0020-8604 University 2<strong>12</strong>1405-0 Press<br />


Taylor & Francis 1366-591X 0144-235X 2017805-0 1<strong>12</strong>7<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1545-5858;1563-5244<br />

Group 0883-0185 2030424-9 5108<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-2870 0266-2426 2058559-7 15363<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1461-7234 0020-8728 2050567-X 10572<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7242 0268-5809 1481<strong>12</strong>3-6 4676<br />

SAGE Publications 0020-8817 0020-8817 2181652-9 53308<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group ; früher: 1747-5066 Triangle 0962-0214 2011168-X 65720<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 1063-6897 2043623-3 4022<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6970 (formerly Kluwer 0927-5940 Academic Publishers) 2016247-9 6357<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1521-0545 0885-3908 2020078-X 5485<br />

Wiley Blackwell - STM 1546-3109;2050-7038 0939-3072;1430-144X 2702272-9 7302<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1002-8285 2630510-0 169501<br />

Springer 1433-3023 0937-3462 1481561-8 4550<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2584 (formerly Kluwer 0042-1162;0301-1623<br />

Academic Publishers) 2015547-5 6358<br />

De Gruyter 2190-7455 1990-4231 2647584-4 176386<br />

De Gruyter 2192-029X 2192-0281 2647633-2 176390<br />

Niemeyer ; de Gruyter 1865-9<strong>12</strong>8 0340-4528 2407589-9 101316<br />

De Gruyter 1613-0480 1613-0472 2116969-X 37765<br />

via Beck 0942-6744 2075680-X 19830<br />

JAI Press, Elsevier 1873-5525 1096-7516 2002283-9 6588<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8054 1097-4466 1479563-2 4251<br />

Springer 1432-<strong>12</strong>89 0020-9554 1459232-0 898<br />

SAGE Publications 2159-340X 0020-9643 2066502-7 63851<br />

Kluwer Law International 1875-8347 0165-2826 2016248-0 7392<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1538-4810 Hammill Institute 0001-396X;1053-45<strong>12</strong><br />

on Disabilities ; 2069778-8 Council for Learning Disabilities 29058 ; Pro-ed<br />

Karger 1664-5545 1664-9737 2662855-7 184221<br />

Karger 1423-0100 0300-5526 1482863-7 3932<br />

Karger 1423-0119 0251-1789 1482868-6 3931<br />

Weed Science Society of America ; BioOne 1939-747X 1939-7291 2426224-9 106336<br />

Springer 1432-<strong>12</strong>97 0020-9910 1398341-6 899<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-6420 0266-5611 1477292-9 446<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-0281;1741-5985 1068-2767;1741-5977 2142230-8 52349<br />

Springer 1439-1104 1354-2516 2003354-0 6102<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0646 (formerly Kluwer 0167-6997 Academic Publishers) 2009846-7 6359<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-0210 0020-9996 2041543-6 96827<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1755-1315 1755-1307 2434538-6 108844<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1757-899X 1757-8981 2506501-4 <strong>12</strong>3476<br />

B<strong>und</strong>esanzeiger-Verl. 1864-5720 2511406-2 <strong>12</strong>5457<br />

O. Schmidt 1869-5639 2537806-5 130329<br />

Mouton de Gruyter 1613-4141 0019-042X 2033176-9 9156<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1609-8498 1573-384X;1609-8498 2118174-3 54230<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)1045-9243 2<strong>12</strong>0661-2 34194<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0096-1981 2109986-8 34215<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-3651(IEEE)<br />

0096-199X 2110659-9 34217<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0096-1655 2503031-0 <strong>12</strong>3181<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0096-2007 2110000-7 34222<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0096-2244 2501574-6 34390<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0096-2422 2110665-4 34446<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0096-2430 2028088-9 1365<strong>12</strong><br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0893-7869 2544664-2 133155<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0096-1760 2110005-6 34587<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0096-1779 2110002-0 34586<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0096-1019 2214459-6 61853<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0097-6628 2272954-9 87714<br />

Routledge / Taylor & Francis 1747-4965 0332-3315 2236162-5 67069<br />

Cambridge University Press 2051-6967 0790-9667 2118675-3 37816

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1752-4989 0021-1400 2130458-0 88038<br />

Maney Publishing 1743-28<strong>12</strong> 0301-9233 2071561-4 19148<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0654 (formerly Kluwer 0168-6291 Academic Publishers) 2016257-1 6360<br />

Springer 1432-1319 0342-7188 1478936-x 900<br />

via Beck 1862-5533 2491724-2 119013<br />

De Gruyter 1613-0928 0021-1818 2142992-3 41102<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5195 0928-9380 2036948-7 9368<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1440-1738 1038-4871 2020960-5 5963<br />

Taylor & Francis 1477-2639 0021-1915;1025-6016 2100190-X 33164<br />

Elsevier 1872-8235 0924-2716 20<strong>12</strong>663-3 3597<br />

Hebrew University Magnes Press ; Springer 1565-8511 0021-2172 2042388-3 90675<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1521-043X Group 0146-0862 2009865-0 5469<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1465-1874 1350-7583 2141480-4 335<strong>12</strong><br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1096-4673 0161-2840 2009950-2 5470<br />

SecuMedia 1862-4375 2558006-1 134777<br />

Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag 0944-2774 0179-9738;1611-2776 2028598-X 40310<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1941-045X(IEEE) 1520-9202 ; IEEE Computer 2030185-6 Society<br />

8944<br />

O. Schmidt 1617-1802 1617-1527 2061693-4 15772<br />

Springer 1<strong>12</strong>6-5442 0392-0461 2182710-2 4638<br />

Elsevier 1878-3597 <strong>12</strong>97-9570 2134396-2 55889<br />

Cambridge University Press 2041-2827 0165-1153 2050081-6 130043<br />

Oxford University Press<br />

1464-357X;1746-5710 0010-4531;1746-5702 2180603-2 4648<br />

Heise <strong>Zeitschriften</strong> Verlag GmbH & Co KG 0935-9680 2028167-5 8975<br />

Turpion ; Institute of Physics Publishing 1468-4810 (IOP) 0025-5726;1064-5632 1493521-1 2914<br />

De Gruyter 1868-9191 0373-9767 2506546-4 <strong>12</strong>3506<br />

Niemeyer ; de Gruyter 1865-8911 0075-3580 2445648-2 109620<br />

De Gruyter 1869-6902 1869-6899 2592822-3 151150<br />

Niemeyer ; de Gruyter 1865-8857 0075-2371 2542303-4 109621<br />

De Gruyter 2191-9909 0075-2614 2592400-X 151152<br />

De Gruyter 1869-7046 1869-7038 2592838-7 151153<br />

De Gruyter 1430-9017 1430-9017 2209007-1 60662<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0894-9255 2038673-4 96867<br />

Elsevier 0922-1425;1879-2006 0922-1425 1491019-6 3322<br />

Fo<strong>und</strong>ation 1348-9216 2652019-9 179253<br />

Institute of Pure and Applied Physics (IPAP) 1347-4065 ; Japan Society 0021-4922 of Applied 2006801-3 Physics (JSAP) 5251<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1465-3621 0368-2811 1494610-5 3609<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1931-9223 2265600-5 86898<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8579 (formerly Kluwer 0334-701X Academic Publishers) 2034677-3 9<strong>12</strong>2<br />

Sage Publications ; International Association 1557-0886;2325-9582<br />

of Physicians 1545-1097;2325-9574<br />

in AIDS Care 2709037-1 37815<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1078-6260 2273068-0 88049<br />

The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 1543-1851 (TMS) ; Springer 0148-6608;1047-4838 2002726-6 4547<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1530-073x;1539-073X 1520-9229 2083573-5 96865<br />

Springer 2192-8703 1865-4827 27<strong>12</strong>994-9 195385<br />

Springer 2192-869X 0940-8789 2033165-4 8804<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0368-3958 21972<strong>12</strong>-6 57240<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0368-3958 21972<strong>12</strong>-6 57410<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0368-3958 21972<strong>12</strong>-6 57409<br />

Elsevier 1876-4304 1031-170X 2324868-3 91515<br />

Hebrew University Magnes Press ; Springer 1565-8538 0021-7670 2316542-X 88<strong>12</strong>0<br />

Elsevier 0987-7983;1777-5981 0987-7983 2029305-7 3198<br />

De Gruyter 1868-8810 1863-9984 2593345-0 166653<br />

Brill ; Martinus Nijhoff Pub. 1876-0104 1613-7272 2187220-X 56594<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8587 (formerly Kluwer 0044-2216;0925-4560<br />

Academic Publishers) 2016653-9 6380<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0375 0793-6648;2191-4184 2630035-7 168713<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1618-1093 1617-1381 2087786-9 30209<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-9049 0882-0627;1098-7886 2048600-5 96866

Taylor & Francis 1549-6295 0193-3922 2389742-9 42338<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; Nursecom Inc. 1744-6155 1088-145X;1539-0136 2095309-4 51552<br />

SAGE Publications 0162-3532 2549634-7 170016<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-0631 0047-22<strong>12</strong> 2067223-8 24709<br />

Brill 1745-5197 1476-8690 2119236-4 55929<br />

SAGE Publications 1745-5294 0142-064X 2067510-0 19858<br />

SAGE Publications 1476-6728 0309-0892 2068281-5 19857<br />

SAGE Publications 1745-5286 0951-8207 2069413-1 53888<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-5914 0021-8308 1481<strong>12</strong>6-1 4106<br />

De Gruyter 1435-5345 0075-4102 1468592-9 2358<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2835 (formerly Kluwer 0091-0627 Academic/Plenum 2016656-4 Publishers) 7845<br />

Elsevier 1879-1999 0099-1333 2013988-3 6153<br />

Elsevier 1879-1980 0165-4101 1483543-5 2113<br />

Elsevier 1873-2070 0278-4254 2013296-7 3247<br />

SAGE Publications 2160-4061 0148-558X 2067574-4 158880<br />

Elsevier 1873-1996 0748-5751 2019356-7 3248<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1548-7148 Group 1088-4602 2<strong>12</strong>4319-0 38658<br />

Taylor & Francis (früher VSP, Brill Academic 1568-5616 Publishers) 0169-4243 2032430-3 7069<br />

Taylor & Francis 1545-5823 0021-8464 2032578-2 5081<br />

Elsevier 0140-1971;1095-9254 0140-1971 1469149-8 1607<br />

Elsevier<br />

1054-139X;1879-1972 1054-139X 2006608-9 3160<br />

Elsevier 1878-2205 0197-0070 2273043-6 87600<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6895 0743-5584 1500220-2 6005<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3440 (formerly Kluwer 1068-0667 Academic Publishers) 2016657-6 7864<br />

SAGE Publications<br />

1077-4610;1932-202X 2276440-9 167689<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2648 0309-2402 2009963-0 5858<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-9026;1941-2703 0894-2684;1941-2711 2417925-5 8949<br />

Elsevier 1879-1964 0021-8502 1499134-2 2715<br />

American Institute of Aeronautics and 1542-9423;1940-3151 Astronautics (AIAA) 2255380-0 84231<br />

Elsevier 1573-2517 0165-0327 1500487-9 3215<br />

Elsevier 1879-1956 0731-7247;0899-5362;1464-343X<br />

1494713-4 3619<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3723 0963-8024 1494618-x 3610<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-5138 0021-8537 1466474-4 2108<br />

Mouton de Gruyter 1613-3811 0167-6164 2056477-6 15141<br />

Cambridge University Press 1464-3731 0021-8553 1479767-7 3611<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6887 0898-2643 2034469-7 9221<br />

Elsevier<br />

0890-4065;1879-193X 0890-4065 20060<strong>12</strong>-9 6854<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-322X (formerly Kluwer 0893-4282;1187-7863<br />

Academic Publishers) 2479622-0 2109<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-5118 0021-8561 1483109-0 1790<br />

South Carolina Entomological Society ; BioOne 1523-5475 2488861-8 <strong>12</strong>5237<br />

Elsevier 1095-9246 0021-8634 1468945-5 1608<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-5146 0021-8596 1498349-7 2115<br />

Elsevier 2162-7460 1046-9095 2198419-0 57428<br />

Elsevier 1873-2089 0969-6997 2027741-6 3266<br />

American Institute of Aeronautics and 1533-3868 Astronautics (AIAA) 0021-8669 2025892-6 8575<br />

Elsevier 1090-266X 0021-8693 1468947-9 1345<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9192 (formerly Kluwer 0925-9899 Academic Publishers) 1479499-8 2282<br />

Elsevier 1090-2678 0196-6774 1468954-6 1346<br />

Elsevier; Mosby 1878-2213 0021-8707 2271509-5 87603<br />

Elsevier, Mosby 1097-6825 0091-6749 2006613-2 5280<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-7708 1075-5535 2030749-4 8950<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-3267 0148-9917 2053457-7 96868<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1542-734X 0191-1813;1537-4726;1542-7331<br />

2119293-5 35180<br />

Brill 1876-5610 1058-3947 2069993-1 132939<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-5154 0021-8758 1466472-0 2116<br />

Elsevier<br />

0165-2370;1873-250X 0165-2370 1484647-0 2684

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1364-5544 0267-9477 1484654-8 5<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1465-5922;1468-5922 0021-8774 2021843-6 7843<br />

Oxford University Press ; früher: Preston 1945-2403 Publications 0146-4760 2010848-5 7314<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1004-9371 2630271-8 169497<br />

Brill Academic Publishers, Springer 1569-2<strong>12</strong>4 1569-2116 2103852-1 33746<br />

Springer 1438-8359 0913-8668 1481564-3 5606<br />

Cambridge University Press 1745-5278 1740-3553 2186372-6 60937<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1674-9782 2630162-3 169422<br />

Elsevier 1090-2686 0278-4165 1468960-1 1609<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-2091 0305-7453 1467478-6 2230<br />

Elsevier 0887-6185;1873-7897 0887-6185 2006622-3 3216<br />

de Gruyter (früher: Heldermann) 1869-6082 1425-6908 2109549-8 46799<br />

Cambridge University Press 2049-257X 2663727-3 184340<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6879 0021-8863 2030380-4 9005<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; Bellwether Publishing 1751-9861 1071-2089 2071669-2 19152<br />

Wiley 1549-9316 1045-4861 2171442-3 51582<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; International 1600-5767 Union of Crystallography 0021-8898 (IUCr) 2020879-0 5375<br />

Elsevier 1873-7900 0193-3973 2013142-2 6672<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8838 (formerly Kluwer 0021-891X Academic Publishers) 1491094-9 2530<br />

De Gruyter 1862-9024 1862-9016 2248811-X 91021<br />

Elsevier 0926-9851;1879-1859 0926-9851 1496997-x 3598<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-4523 0733-4648 2089028-X 29310<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1439-0426 0175-8659 20204<strong>12</strong>-7 8272<br />

Elsevier 1873-4855 0021-8928 1474551-3 3521<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8620 (formerly Kluwer 0021-8944 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037336-3 Bureau) 9407<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-5176 (formerly Kluwer 0921-8971 Academic/Plenum 1477703-4 Publishers) 2283<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1089-7550 0021-8979;0148-6349 1476463-5 805<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-4628 0021-8995 1491105-x 1825<br />

International Society for Optical Engineering 1931-3195 (SPIE)<br />

2382410-4 93<strong>12</strong>8<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1559-1816 0021-9029 2066531-3 65721<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8647 (formerly Kluwer 0021-9037 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037920-1 Bureau) 9381<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1533-1571 1041-3200 2061009-9 15731<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1360-0532 0266-4763 1476802-1 1025<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-<strong>12</strong>63 0260-437X 1475015-6 1826<br />

Elsevier 1096-0430 0021-9045 1468964-9 1347<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1386-1980 (formerly Kluwer 1573-5141 Academic/Plenum 2016665-5 Publishers) 6381<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-064X 0085-2376 2067309-7 25490<br />

American Arachnological Society (AAS); 1937-2396 BioOne 0161-8202 2092946-8 30296<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7764 (formerly Kluwer 1072-5369 Academic Publishers) 2016666-7 7867<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7756 (formerly Kluwer 1059-0161 Academic Publishers) 2016720-9 7868<br />

Elsevier 1095-9238 0305-4403 1468969-8 1611<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-4410 1360-2365 1498179-8 1595<br />

Elsevier 1095-922X 0140-1963 1468983-2 16<strong>12</strong><br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1674-6767 2630104-0 169338<br />

Elsevier; American Association of Hip 1532-8406 and Knee Surgeons 0883-5403 (AAHKS) 2041553-9 9889<br />

Springer 1619-0904 1434-7229 2077361-4 20040<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5217;1745-2538 0021-9096 2040418-9 9708<br />

SAGE Publications 1568-5217 0021-9096 2040418-9 50981<br />

Elsevier 1878-5786 1367-9<strong>12</strong>0 1494743-2 3620<br />

Elsevier 1873-7927 1049-0078 2019933-8 6873<br />

Taylor & Francis 1477-2213 1028-6020 2077926-4 20088<br />

Cambridge University Press 1752-0401 0021-9118;0363-6917 2002914-7 88039<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7330 (formerly Kluwer 1058-0468 Academic Publishers) 2016722-2 7869<br />

SAGE Publications 2150-1300 2150-<strong>12</strong>97 2540944-X 130359<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1532-4303 Group 0021-9134;0277-0903 2043248-3 9980<br />

Springer 0973-7758 0250-6335 2096381-6 92355

Elsevier 0368-1319 2485480-3 115533<br />

Elsevier 1879-1824 1364-6826 2020910-1 2916<br />

Elsevier Science 1878-593X 0021-9169 2020910-1 8410<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0662 (formerly Kluwer 0167-7764 Academic/Plenum 1475524-5 Publishers) 2284<br />

SAGE Publications 1557-<strong>12</strong>46 1087-0547 2188086-4 29415<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3432 (formerly Kluwer 0162-3257 Academic/Plenum 2016724-6 Publishers) 7647<br />

Elsevier 0896-8411;1095-9157 0896-8411 1468989-3 1613<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0670 (formerly Kluwer 0168-7433 Academic/Plenum 1479376-3 Publishers) 2285<br />

Association of Avian Veterinarians; BioOne 1938-2871 1082-6742 2174190-6 52153<br />

Elsevier 1872-6372 0378-4266 1460614-8 2910<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0286 0792-6885 2602428-7 158922<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-4028 0044-2208;0233-111X 1480967-9 4167<br />

Elsevier 0005-7916;1873-7943 0005-7916 2006635-1 3217<br />

Elsevier 1878-5360 0090-5720 2067325-5 57429<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3513 (formerly Kluwer 1053-0819 Academic Publishers) 2016727-1 9466<br />

Springer (früher: Lippincott Williams & 1556-3308 Wilkins) 1094-34<strong>12</strong> 2070437-9 40482<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3521 (formerly Kluwer 0160-7715 Academic Publishers) 2016730-1 1172<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1004-0579 2492824-0 169381<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-9362 1361-7672 2024386-8 7835<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1530-8030 0883-9115 2073790-7 19792<br />

Elsevier<br />

0165-022X;1872-857X 0165-022X 1491113-9 3755<br />

Wiley 1522-7146 0887-2082 2001600-1 5344<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1756-2651 ; Japanese Biochemical 0021-924X Society 2009977-0 740<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6989 (formerly Kluwer 1387-6996 Academic Publishers) 2005385-X 6382<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6881 (formerly Kluwer 0145-479X Academic Publishers) 1482010-9 3848<br />

Springer 1432-1327 0949-8257 1464026-0 837<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0689 (formerly Kluwer 0092-0606 Academic Publishers) 2016734-9 6384<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0732-6580 0732-6580 2273877-0 88111<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-4531 0748-7304 2018064-0 7670<br />

Elsevier 1878-2329 0092-1157 2198442-6 57431<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1530-8022 0885-3282 2072559-0 19711<br />

Taylor & Francis (früher VSP, Brill Academic 1568-5624 Publishers) 0920-5063 2049006-9 10508<br />

Elsevier 1873-2380 0021-9290 1498351-5 2857<br />

Elsevier 0141-5425 0141-5425 2317164-9 91437<br />

Elsevier 1532-0480 1532-0464 2057141-0 15168<br />

Wiley 1097-4636 0021-9304 2176174-7 51583<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1552-4965 1549-3296 1477192-5 1830<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1552-4981 1552-4973 2130917-6 33386<br />

International Society for Optical Engineering 1560-2281 (SPIE) 1083-3668 2001934-8 2059<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1674-8301 2555537-6 169424<br />

Springer (früher: Karger) 1423-0<strong>12</strong>7 1021-7770 1482918-6 53421<br />

Trans Tech Publications Inc. 1662-100X 1662-1018 2446622-0 101142<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-5001 (formerly Kluwer 0925-2738 Academic Publishers) 2006645-4 6385<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-454X 1087-0571 2030878-4 8956<br />

Taylor & Francis 1520-5711 1054-3406 2008925-9 6966<br />

Elsevier 1347-4421 1389-1723 2016440-3 6874<br />

Indian Academy of Sciences ; Springer 0973-7138 0250-5991 207<strong>12</strong>90-X 9<strong>12</strong>42<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-7599 0021-9320 2000009-1 5038<br />

Elsevier 1873-4863 0168-1656 2016476-2 3786<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-4558 0095-7984 2071675-8 19153<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-4566 0021-9347 1499073-8 33286<br />

Springer 1435-5604 0914-8779 1481600-3 2043<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1752-7163 1752-7155 2381007-5 92861<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-7959 1070-8030 2060539-0 96869<br />

SAGE Publications 1530-8073;1744-2583 1097-1963;1744-2591 2211917-6 33298<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1534-5939 0273-8481 2071028-8 96870

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-353X (formerly Kluwer 0889-3268 Academic Publishers) 2016738-6 9114<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-4574 1050-6519 2059529-3 15478<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-4582 0021-9436 2066539-8 42265<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0697 (formerly Kluwer 0167-4544 Academic Publishers) 1478688-6 2286<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-5957 0306-686X 2020001-8 53<strong>12</strong><br />

Elsevier 1873-7978 0148-2963 2013438-1 3267<br />

Elsevier 1873-2003 0883-9026 20<strong>12</strong>550-1 3268<br />

Springer 1432-1335 0171-5216 1459285-x 1509<br />

Taylor & Francis (Früher: Marcel Dekker, 1532-2327 Inc.) 0732-8303 2098238-0 31675<br />

Elsevier 1532-8414 1071-9164 2048826-9 10486<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0275-1429 0275-1429 2273851-4 88109<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1540-8191 0886-0440 2108425-7 29410<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1539-0691;1932-751x 0883-92<strong>12</strong>;1932-7501 2271356-6 96871<br />

W.B. Sa<strong>und</strong>ers, Elsevier 1532-8422 1053-0770 2043630-0 4504<br />

Grune & Stratton; Elsevier 0888-6296;1878-0660 0888-6296 2158930-6 46884<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1540-8167 0736-6108;0892-1059;1045-3873;8756-9264<br />

2037519-0 33376<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1532-429X Group 1097-6647 2078084-9 20086<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-5049 0889-4655 2053461-9 96872<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1533-4023 0160-2446 2049700-3 97699<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1940-4034 1074-2484 2230155-0 65584<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-4590 1069-0727 2084048-2 25381<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3548 (formerly Kluwer 0164-2502;0894-8453<br />

Academic Publishers) 2016740-4 9113<br />

SAGE Publications 1556-0856;1573-3548 0164-2502;0894-8453 2016740-4 57701<br />

SAGE Publications 1555-4589 2202404-9 58597<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-4644;1547-1748;1547-9366<br />

0091-7419;0275-3723;0730-23<strong>12</strong><br />

1479976-5 1831<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-4652 0021-9541;0095-9898 1478143-8 1832<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1530-7999 0021-955X 2098525-3 33143<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1005-9784 2324899-3 169382<br />

Elsevier 0733-5210;1095-9963 0733-5210 1469001-9 1615<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1479-1811 1469-7017 2039616-8 9596<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-5134 0021-9568;0095-9146 1491<strong>12</strong>8-0 1791<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8854 (formerly Kluwer 0099-7021;0277-8068;0308-4086;1074-1542<br />

Academic Publishers) 149<strong>12</strong>32-6 3850<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1561 (formerly Kluwer 0098-0331 Academic Publishers) 2016744-1 7871<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-5142;1549-960X 0021-9576;0095-2338;1549-9596<br />

149<strong>12</strong>37-5 1797<br />

Elsevier 0891-0618;1873-6300 0891-0618 2006655-7 3831<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1089-7690 0021-9606 1473050-9 807<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1364-5560 0308-2342 1472927-1 7<br />

Indian Academy of Sciences ; Springer 0973-7103 0253-4134;0370-0089;0974-3626<br />

2064209-X 9<strong>12</strong>43<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-4660 0021-8871;0142-0356;0268-2575;0368-4075;0375-9210<br />

1479465-2 4576<br />

Elsevier 1096-3626 0021-9614 1469011-1 1348<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-<strong>12</strong>8X 0886-9383 2001613-X 1833<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3467 (formerly Kluwer 1053-0800 Academic/Plenum 2016747-7 Publishers) 7872<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8992 1044-5463 2035595-6 8638<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2843 (formerly Kluwer 1062-1024 Academic Publishers) 2016750-7 7873<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-2889 1367-4935 2084013-5 25375<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-7602 0305-0009 1466489-6 2118<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1702-6075;1708-8283;1708-8828<br />

früher: BC Decker 0883-0738 2068710-2 36543<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH (früher Cambridge 1469-7610 University Press) 0021-9630 1470297-6 20098<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor and Francis 1469-9389 Group 1079-6<strong>12</strong>6 2019865-6 8110<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1673-002X 2426431-3 169399<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1005-8885 2365040-0 169482<br />

Brill ; Singapore University Press ; Project 1793-2548 MUSE 1793-0391 2241509-9 80855<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1003-1057 2421755-4 169470<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1671-8224 2494180-3 169383<br />

Oxford University Press ; früher: Preston 1945-239X Publications 0021-9665 2044085-6 10034<br />

Elsevier 1873-3778 0021-9673 149<strong>12</strong>47-8 2685

Elsevier 1873-376X 1570-0232 149<strong>12</strong>59-4 30650<br />

Elsevier<br />

1872-8<strong>12</strong>X;1878-5603 0378-4347;1387-2273 149<strong>12</strong>59-4 2686<br />

Elsevier 1878-0679 0021-9681 2198461-X 57434<br />

Oxford University Press 2040-4867 0021-969X 2066547-7 <strong>12</strong>0229<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-2897 1468-795X 2057685-7 15253<br />

Springer 1432-1343 0176-4268 1459289-7 2178<br />

Elsevier 0959-6526;1879-1786 0959-6526 2029338-0 2716<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis 1744-411X 0165-0475;1380-3395 2489723-1 169695<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1744-411X 1380-3395 1479533-4 4301<br />

Elsevier 1873-4529 0952-8180 1500489-2 2841<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-1101 0733-2459 2001633-5 1834<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-3275 0363-8855 2093434-8 96873<br />

Elsevier 0895-4356;1878-5921 0895-4356 1500490-9 3132<br />

Elsevier 1532-2009 1353-1131 2048830-0 10487<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1539-2031 0192-0790 2041558-8 96874<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2592 (formerly Kluwer 0271-9142 Academic Publishers) 2016755-6 7876<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2825 0887-8013 2001635-9 1835<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2614 (formerly Kluwer 0748-1977;1387-1307<br />

Academic Publishers) 2010139-9 6386<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0272-846X 0272-846X 2274069-7 88<strong>12</strong>6<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1537-1611 1522-0443 2060540-7 96875<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1537-1603 0736-0258 2065729-8 96876<br />

Elsevier 0967-5868;1532-2653 0967-5868 2009190-4 7358<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1600-051X 0303-6979;1600-2865 2026349-1 8061<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1097-4679 0021-9762 1475037-5 1837<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3572 (formerly Kluwer 1068-9583 Academic Publishers) 2016759-3 7879<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1533-7<strong>12</strong>X 0271-0749 2057059-4 96877<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-7355 1076-1608 2071025-2 96878<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0096 0091-2751 1492376-2 1836<br />

Elsevier 1386-6532;1873-5967 1386-6532 1499932-8 3105<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8862 (formerly Kluwer 1040-7278 Academic Publishers) 2016762-3 7880<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1006-9097 2440422-6 169362<br />

Springer ; früher: BioOne 1874-7841 1400-0350 2053395-0 115686<br />

Coastal Education and Research Fo<strong>und</strong>ation 1551-5036 ; BioOne0749-0208 2156089-4 53010<br />

Brill Academic Publishers, Springer 1568-5373 1567-7095 2055523-4 15261<br />

Sage Publications ; Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 1555-3434 2475461-4 111834<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-0635;2044-592X 0954-1446;2044-5911 1477204-8 1152<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1520-6610 1063-8539 2008285-X 4005<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2886 (formerly Kluwer 1382-6905 Academic Publishers) 2005418-X 6388<br />

Elsevier 1878-1756 0021-9800 2474156-5 111660<br />

Elsevier 0097-3165;1096-0899 0097-3165 1469152-8 1350<br />

Elsevier 0095-8956;1096-0902 0095-8956 1469158-9 1351<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-6442 0021-9894 2036065-4 9315<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH ; früher: Oxford 1460-2466 University Press 0021-9916 ; International Communication 2054850-3 Association 62348<br />

Elsevier 1873-7994 0021-9924 20<strong>12</strong>755-8 3218<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-46<strong>12</strong> 0196-8599 2011495-3 7500<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1099-<strong>12</strong>98 1052-9284 2001638-4 1838<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3610 (formerly Kluwer 0094-5145 Academic Publishers) 2016765-9 1173<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1520-6629 0090-4392 1491194-2 4178<br />

Elsevier 0147-5967;1095-7227 0147-5967 1469033-0 1616<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8552 (formerly Kluwer 1383-4924 Academic Publishers) 2018866-3 6344<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1096-9861 0021-9967;0092-7015 1474879-4 1839<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers, Elsevier 0021-9975;1532-3<strong>12</strong>9 0021-9975 2002413-7 6614<br />

Springer 1432-1351 0340-7594 1459295-2 1510<br />

Springer 1432-136X 0174-1578 1459302-6 15<strong>12</strong><br />

Taylor & Francis<br />

1748-684X;2169-978X 0898-5847;1080-9716;1748-6831;2169-9763<br />

2260214-8 84927<br />

Elsevier<br />

0885-064X;1090-2708 0885-064X 1469162-0 1352

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1530-793X 0021-9983 2081924-9 24952<br />

Elsevier 1879-1778 0377-0427 1468806-2 2952<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8666 1066-5277 2030900-4 5700<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1096-987X 0192-8651 1479181-x 1840<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0254-9409 2067885-X 169275<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6873 (formerly Kluwer 0929-5313 Academic Publishers) 1473055-8 2287<br />

Elsevier 1090-2716 0021-9991 1469164-4 1353<br />

Elsevier 1878-1993 0149-936x 2198557-1 57436<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-4900 (formerly Kluwer 0928-1045 Academic Publishers) 2015275-9 6223<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-4951 (formerly Kluwer 0920-654X Academic Publishers) 2008643-X 49<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1532-3145 0363-8715 2039772-0 96879<br />

Springer 1860-4749 1000-9000 2224868-7 64590<br />

Consortium for Computing Sciences in 1937-4763 Colleges (CCSC); 1937-4771 Association for 2075988-5 Computing Machinery (ACM) 19940<br />

Oxford University Press 1467-7962 1467-7954 2053906-X 15008<br />

Maney Publishing; früher: Brill Academic 1574-0781 Publishers 1574-0773 2236937-5 67219<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-8766 0022-0027 1500229-9 3018<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1521-0650 0893-603X;1072-0537 1482565-x 4716<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-2900 1469-5405 2057686-9 15254<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0700 (formerly Kluwer 0168-7034;0342-5843<br />

Academic Publishers) 1477235-8 2288<br />

Elsevier 1873-6009 0169-7722 1494766-3 3599<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-5406 1043-9862 2027876-7 8594<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-5414 0049-5662;0098-3039;0891-2416<br />

2034471-5 6363<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7250 0022-0094 1494064-4 5383<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3564 (formerly Kluwer 0022-0116 Academic Publishers) 2016843-3 9078<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-5973 0966-0879 2020585-5 8327<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH<br />

1554-558X;1708-8321 0272-3425;0894-19<strong>12</strong> 2069156-7 36537<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-6340 2299595-X 169487<br />

Elsevier 1873-4995 0168-3659 1482453-x 3859<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-0389 0095-8972 2041175-3 5093<br />

Elsevier 1872-6313 0929-1199 1496802-2 3269<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1940-5200 1078-3458 2233559-6 65794<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1471-1761;1476-4180<br />

Group 1462-883x;1476-4172 2095091-3 8139<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP); International 1475-7516 School for Advanced 2104147-7 Studies (SISSA) 33491<br />

Elsevier 1878-4119 1010-5182 2009565-X 7359<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-3732 1049-2275 2060546-8 96880<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 0973-2594 0973-2586 2254968-7 82941<br />

Elsevier 1873-6203 0047-2352 2013351-0 3974<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers, Elsevier 1557-8615 0883-9441 2041640-4 9899<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0719 (formerly Kluwer 0169-3816 Academic Publishers) 2016847-0 6226<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-5422 0022-0221 2021892-8 7850<br />

Crustacean Society ; BioOne; Brill 1937-240X 0278-0372 2173764-2 52093<br />

Springer 1432-1378 0933-2790 1476521-4 901<br />

Elsevier 1873-5002 0022-0248 1466514-1 2776<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6997 (formerly Kluwer 0885-2545 Academic/Plenum 1478693-x Publishers) 2289<br />

Taylor & Francis 1366-5839 0022-0272 1467977-2 1114<br />

Springer 1615-7109 <strong>12</strong>03-4754 2038674-6 9525<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1600-0560 0303-6987 2018100-0 8666<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-7629 0022-0299 2000010-8 2<strong>12</strong>0<br />

Elsevier; American Dairy Science Association, 1525-3198 HighWire 0022-0302 Press 2008548-5 5880<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1936-1963 (ACM) 1936-1955 2508490-2 <strong>12</strong>4105<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1465-7325 1081-4159 1494621-x 36<strong>12</strong><br />

SAGE Publications 1557-380X 1548-5<strong>12</strong>9 2501647-7 <strong>12</strong>0532<br />

Sage Publications ; International Association 1544-0591 for Dental 0022-0345 Research ; HighWire 2057074-0 Press<br />

6728<br />

Elsevier 1879-176X 0300-57<strong>12</strong> 2006760-4 3115<br />

Cambridge University Press ; EDP Sciences 2110-5715 2645257-1 172027<br />

Elsevier 1873-569X 0923-1811 2026237-1 3117

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1471-1753 Group 0954-6634 2020351-2 8144<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1741-7279 0952-4649 2111443-2 36334<br />

SAGE Publications 1745-2546 0169-796X 2041925-9 50979<br />

Elsevier 0304-3878;1872-6089 0304-3878 1490996-0 3323<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3580 (formerly Kluwer 1056-263X Academic Publishers) 2016851-2 7883<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-73<strong>12</strong> 0196-206X 2062814-6 96881<br />

Cambridge University Press 2040-1752 2040-1744 2554780-X 134799<br />

Elsevier<br />

1056-8727;1873-460X 1056-8727 2006763-X 3093<br />

Elsevier 1878-0644 0891-6632 2198560-1 57437<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-5430 8756-4793 2040352-5 9728<br />

Informa Healthcare (formerly: Haworth 1939-022X Press) 1939-0211 2470813-6 111195<br />

Taylor & Francis 1563-5<strong>12</strong>0 1023-6198 2014383-7 5094<br />

Elsevier 1090-2732 0022-0396 1469173-5 1355<br />

Sage Publications ; früher: Pro-ed 1538-4802 1044-2073 2094<strong>12</strong>6-2 33305<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-2351 0193-2691 2098532-0 33225<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-5220 2476759-1 169340<br />

Informa Healthcare (früher Harwood) 1029-2330 1061-186x 2041932-6 9001<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8698 (formerly Kluwer 1079-2724 Academic/Plenum 2016853-6 Publishers) 7885<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9222 (formerly Kluwer 1040-7294 Academic/Plenum 2016858-5 Publishers) 8602<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-5449 0272-4316 2011499-0 6199<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-2919 1468-7984 2074958-2 19914<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-2927 1476-718X 2<strong>12</strong>0857-8 37713<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1745-5642 1090-1027 2015747-2 6879<br />

SAGE Publications 1053-8151 2416414-8 99906<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-0658 1385-3783 2070771-X 25330<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1674-487X 2501172-8 169324<br />

Springer India 0973-774X 0253-4<strong>12</strong>6 20817<strong>12</strong>-5 92380<br />

Taylor & Francis (bis 2006: World Scientific 1559-808X Publishing) 1363-2469 2038159-1 3585<br />

Nature Kenya/East African Natural History Society ; BioOne 00<strong>12</strong>-8317 2276368-5 88376<br />

Brill Academic Publishers, Springer 1568-5233 1387-6813 2036946-3 9370<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8560 (formerly Kluwer 0925-8558 Academic Publishers) 2016866-4 4778<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-7637 0022-0469 1466476-8 2<strong>12</strong>1<br />

Elsevier 1872-6895 0304-4076 1460617-3 2114<br />

Elsevier 1879-1751 0167-2681 1460618-5 29<strong>12</strong><br />

Elsevier 1879-1743 0165-1889 1460621-5 2913<br />

Entomological Society of America ; BioOne 1938-291X 0022-0493 2030999-5 5214<br />

Oxford University Press 1468-2710 1468-2702 2043507-1 9989<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7020 (formerly Kluwer 1381-4338 Academic Publishers) 2016868-8 6228<br />

Cambridge University Press 1471-6372 0022-0507 1495598-2 15096<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-9427 1350-178X 2020045-6 8152<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1477-2736;1748-7889 1384-<strong>12</strong>89;1748-7870 2276345-4 29388<br />

Elsevier 1872-7719 0167-4870 2013674-2 3270<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-6419 0950-0804 2006451-2 4108<br />

Elsevier 1095-7235 0022-0531 1469177-2 1621<br />

Elsevier 1879-1735 0148-6195 2017344-1 3271<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1530-9134 1058-6407 148<strong>12</strong>33-2 40274<br />

Springer 1617-7134 0044-3158;0931-8658 1476543-3 4551<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1533-41<strong>12</strong> 1095-0680 2071131-1 96882<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-9435 0269-0004;1363-9080 2020135-7 8155<br />

SAGE Publications 0973-4074 0973-4082 2387723-6 94403<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1360-0540 0260-7476;0305-8913 2010616-6 1054<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-5106 0268-0939 2010310-4 5471<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1478-7431 0022-0620 2113167-3 36632<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1935-1054 American Educational 0362-9791;0885-3525;1076-9986<br />

Research 2174169-4 Association ; American Statistical 88547 Association<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-18<strong>12</strong> (formerly Kluwer 1389-2843 Academic Publishers) 2016873-1 8016<br />

Brill 1874-1665 1874-1657 2441940-0 109398

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2681 (formerly Kluwer 0374-3535 Academic Publishers) 2015283-8 6229<br />

SAGE Publications 1530-8006 0095-2443 2098535-6 33144<br />

Elsevier 0368-1874 1491150-4 162929<br />

Elsevier 1873-2569 1572-6657 1491150-4 2747<br />

Elsevier 0022-0728 1491150-4 162928<br />

Elsevier; Churchill Livingstone 1532-8430 0022-0736 20489<strong>12</strong>-2 10488<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8663 (formerly Kluwer 1385-3449 Academic Publishers) 1472395-5 2290<br />

Taylor & Francis (früher VSP, Brill Academic 1569-3937 Publisher) 0920-5071 2069364-3 37241<br />

Elsevier 1050-6411;1873-5711 1050-6411 2006766-5 2858<br />

Elsevier 0368-2048;1873-2526 0368-2048 1491139-5 2810<br />

International Society for Optical Engineering 1560-229X (SPIE) 1017-9909 2032860-6 2060<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1543-186X(IEEE) 0361-5235 ; The Minerals, 2032868-0 Metals & Materials Society 9111 (TMS) ; Springer<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-6464 2476369-X 169474<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0727 (formerly Kluwer 0923-8174 Academic Publishers) 1479776-8 2291<br />

Taylor & Francis 0368-1947 2008685-4 179137<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 0217-9822 2376287-1 169479<br />

Springer Netherlands 1090-185X 2543325-8 132146<br />

Elsevier 0736-4679;1090-<strong>12</strong>80 0736-4679 2006769-0 2842<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 0972-6527;0973-0710 0972-6527 2180453-9 53217<br />

Sage Publications ; früher: Pro-ed 1538-4799 1063-4266 2070071-4 19875<br />

Elsevier 1879-1727 0927-5398 1496810-1 3324<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-9256 0922-2936 21489<strong>12</strong>-9 45541<br />

Elsevier ; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins1878-3554 0099-2399 2083582-6 25325<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-900X 0892-7790 2030846-2 8958<br />

Taylor & Francis 1545-8822 0737-0652 21<strong>12</strong>655-0 36633<br />

American Institute of Aeronautics and 1555-5917 Astronautics (AIAA) 0146-04<strong>12</strong> 2492434-9 118835<br />

Elsevier 1873-5932 1085-7443 2027371-X 6897<br />

Elsevier 1879-1719 0923-4748 2019333-6 3518<br />

Taylor & Francis 1466-1837 0954-4828 1478047-1 4440<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2703 (formerly Kluwer 0022-0833 Academic Publishers) 1478716-7 2292<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-871X (formerly Kluwer 1062-0<strong>12</strong>5 Academic Publishers/Consultants 2037340-5 Bureau) 9408<br />

De Gruyter 2191-933X 2191-9216 2645936-X 1721<strong>12</strong><br />

SAGE Publications 1552-5457 0075-4242 1494067-x 5384<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0270-1170 0195-9883;0270-1170 2274562-2 88216<br />

SAGE Publications 0971-3557;0973-0745 0971-3557 2202049-4 58491<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-5465 1070-4965 2011500-3 7501<br />

Elsevier 1096-0449 0095-0696 1469185-1 1622<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-374X 0952-8873 1497432-0 3613<br />

Elsevier 0301-4797;1095-8630 0301-4797 1469206-5 1624<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1464-0333 1464-0325 2027542-0 5204<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1360-0559 0032-0714;0964-0568 2000921-5 1055<br />

Elsevier 1522-9610 0272-4944 14692<strong>12</strong>-0 1625<br />

Elsevier<br />

0265-931X;1879-1700 0265-931X 14831<strong>12</strong>-0 3684<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1001-0742 2069520-2 169374<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1475-6374 Group 1475-6366 2049579-1 5099<br />

Elsevier 1873-6408 0896-6974 2020546-6 3219<br />

Elsevier Science W.B. Sa<strong>und</strong>ers 1542-74<strong>12</strong> 0737-0806 2102631-2 33496<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1708-8240 1040-1466;1496-4155 2110391-4 65795<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1055-3045 2274576-2 88218<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8609 (formerly Kluwer 1382-4554 Academic Publishers) 2004536-0 6760<br />

Society of Ethnobiology; BioOne 0278-0771 2365050-3 91685<br />

Elsevier 0378-8741;1872-7573 0378-8741 149<strong>12</strong>79-x 3860<br />

Springer 1439-5444 0289-0771 2020048-1 8057<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; BioOne 1550-7408 0022-3921;1066-5234 2<strong>12</strong>6326-7 52638<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7269 0958-9287 1482723-2 4857<br />

SAGE Publications 1740-2379 0047-2441 2067229-9 37699

De Gruyter 1868-9620 1868-96<strong>12</strong> 2549736-4 134269<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1076-1675;1552-3845;2156-5899<br />

1533-2101;2156-5872 2604898-X 37704<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1424-3202 1424-3199 2040219-3 9527<br />

Springer 1432-1386 0936-9937 1459309-9 1513<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1084-6654 (ACM)<br />

2006463-9 695<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1618-0615 0939-8600 21648<strong>12</strong>-8 9551<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-2431 0022-0957 1466717-4 2318<br />

Elsevier 0022-0965;1096-0457 0022-0965 1469602-2 1626<br />

Elsevier 1879-1697 0022-0981 1483103-x 3744<br />

Elsevier 1096-0465 0022-1031 1469604-6 1627<br />

Taylor & Francis 1362-3079 0952-813X 2002502-6 1<strong>12</strong>2<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM<br />

1097-010X;1552-499X;1932-5231<br />

0022-104X;1548-8969 1474896-4 1842<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM<br />

1097-010X;1552-5015 0022-104X;1552-5007 2113204-5 33742<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3475 (formerly Kluwer 0161-570x;0882-3391;1058-0476<br />

Academic Publishers) 2016887-1 7887<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-5473 0363-1990 2011501-5 6364<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-5481 0192-513X 1494068-1 5385<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-549X 1074-8407 2070209-7 33287<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2851 (formerly Kluwer 0885-7482 Academic/Plenum 2016884-6 Publishers) 7888<br />

Elsevier 1872-8073 0922-338X 2020913-7 7175<br />

Elsevier 1878-2108 0385-6380 2198563-7 57438<br />

Association of Field Ornithology; BioOne 0273-8570 0273-8570 2159269-X 46857<br />

University of Washington School of Business 1756-6916 Administration; 0022-1090 Cambridge 2010249-5 University Press 93425<br />

Elsevier 1879-2774 0304-405X 1460384-6 21<strong>12</strong><br />

Elsevier 1096-0473 1042-9573 1469607-1 1628<br />

Elsevier 1878-576X 1386-4181 2014997-9 3511<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0735 (formerly Kluwer 0920-8550 Academic Publishers) 2016889-5 6230<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1532-172X 1042-3915 2098538-1 33288<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1530-8049 0734-9041 2088221-X 29381<br />

The Fisheries Society of the British Isles 1095-8649 / Wiley-Blackwell 0022-11<strong>12</strong> - STM 1471958-7 33326<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2761 0140-7775 2020444-9 5869<br />

Elsevier 1873-801X 0094-730X 1500493-4 3220<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-7645 0022-1<strong>12</strong>0 1472346-3 2<strong>12</strong>2<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-4994 (formerly Kluwer 1053-0509 Academic Publishers) 2016892-5 7889<br />

Elsevier 1873-3328 0022-1139 149<strong>12</strong>86-7 2732<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1745-4514 0145-8884 2174913-9 52378<br />

Elsevier 0889-1575;1096-0481 0889-1575 1469801-8 1630<br />

Elsevier 1873-5770 0260-8774 2019904-1 3802<br />

Wiley-Blackwell (früher Blackwell Publishing) 1745-4522 - STM 1065-7258 2181029-1 53270<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1745-4530 0145-8876 2175259-X 52466<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1745-4549 0145-8892 2175273-4 52467<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1745-4557 0146-9428 2175284-9 52469<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1745-4565 0149-6085 2179788-2 53<strong>12</strong>4<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; Institute of Food 1750-3841 Technology 0022-1147;0095-974X 2006705-7 7684<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM (früher: Blackwell 1745-4506;1748-0159<br />

Publishing) - 0196-4283;1524-8275;1748-0140<br />

STM 2219135-5 62327<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-9478;1478-9957 0958-5184;1478-9949 2142374-X 8198<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1618-1530 1104-6899 2083691-0 25328<br />

Springer 1610-7403 1341-6979 2104467-3 33945<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1007-662X 2299615-1 169419<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1531-5851 1069-5869 2042054-7 29409<br />

Elsevier 1878-2639 0748-5514 2198565-0 57439<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0079 0959-2695 2017152-3 7984<br />

Elsevier 1096-0783 0022-<strong>12</strong>36 1469633-2 1357<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-7653 0956-7968 1481650-7 2<strong>12</strong>3<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-9486 0309-877X 2008155-8 7247<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9591 (formerly Kluwer 0164-0313 Academic Publishers) 2016894-9 9468<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3602 (formerly Kluwer 1050-5350 Academic Publishers) 2016895-0 9076

Springer 1435-5922 0435-1339;0944-1174 1473159-9 2045<br />

Springer ; früher: Wiley Blackwell - STM 1525-1497 0884-8734 2006784-7 86938<br />

Sage Publications ; früher: Palgrave Macmillan 1741-7090 1741-1343 2174701-5 52370<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3599 (formerly Kluwer 1059-7700 Academic Publishers) 2016899-8 7891<br />

Indian Academy of Sciences ; Springer 0973-7731 0022-1333;0958-8361 2162772-1 93366<br />

Elsevier 0375-6742;1879-1689 0375-6742 1494778-x 3600<br />

Springer 1432-1394 0007-4632;0949-7714 1478938-3 903<br />

Elsevier 1879-1670 0264-3707 1494790-0 3601<br />

Springer 1435-5949 1435-5930 1481603-9 4162<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-1845 0309-8265 1497157-4 2638<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1420-8997 0047-2468 20477<strong>12</strong>-0 10323<br />

Elsevier 1879-1662 0393-0440 1466516-5 3949<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) ; 1742-2140 Nanjing Institute 1742-2132 of Geophysical Prospecting 2135382-7 40321<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1671-5411 2421391-3 169442<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-5708 0891-9887 2094096-8 39217<br />

Cambridge University Press 1475-3014 1470-5427 2068878-7 18967<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-481X 1057-0829 2060541-9 96883<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2916 (formerly Kluwer 0925-5001 Academic/Plenum 1468063-4 Publishers) 2293<br />

Elsevier 1879-1654 1352-0237 2013678-X 3325<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0118 0364-9024 1468065-8 1845<br />

International Association for Great Lakes Research; BioOne 0380-1330 2163239-X 48331<br />

Brill (früher: John Benjamins Publishing) 1569-9846 1566-5844 2078469-7 20119<br />

De Gruyter 1435-4446 1433-5883 1492030-x 5499<br />

American Institute of Aeronautics and 1533-3884 Astronautics (AIAA) 0731-5090 2025895-1 8576<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-7724 1042-4067 2049092-6 10516<br />

Sage Publications ; The British Society 1532-2211;2043-6289<br />

for Surgery of the 0072-968X;0266-7681;1753-1934<br />

Hand 2376920-8 91659<br />

Elsevier 1545-004X 0894-1130 2102660-9 33522<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7780 (formerly Kluwer 1389-4978 Academic Publishers) 2016901-2 7893<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1005-9113 2492828-8 169384<br />

Elsevier 1873-3336 0304-3894 1491302-1 2717<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-509X 0885-9701 2053481-4 96884<br />

Springer 1<strong>12</strong>9-2377 1<strong>12</strong>9-2369 2020168-0 8356<br />

American Sociological Association ; Sage 2150-6000 Publications0022-1465 2010257-4 42116<br />

Elsevier 0167-6296;1879-1646 0167-6296 1482834-0 2869<br />

SAGE Publications 0972-0634;0973-0729 0972-0634 2180461-8 53220<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7277 1359-1053 2021897-7 7844<br />

Springer 0190-9177 2426435-0 105532<br />

Cambridge University Press ; Society 2041-4099 for the Promotion 0075-4269 of Hellenic Studies 2067299-8 <strong>12</strong>7814<br />

Cambridge University Press 1475-2697 0022-149X 2027960-7 5301<br />

Springer 1436-0691 0944-1166 1473162-9 2648<br />

Elsevier 1600-0641 0168-8278 20271<strong>12</strong>-8 10278<br />

Informa Healthcare ;Taylor & Francis 1522-9106 (formerly: Haworth 1522-8940 Press) 2095935-7 30618<br />

Oxford University Press 1465-7333 0022-1503 1466720-4 3614<br />

Society for the Study of Amphibians and 1937-2418 Reptiles ; BioOne 0022-1511 2174975-9 52095<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9397 (formerly Kluwer 1381-<strong>12</strong>31 Academic Publishers) 2016903-6 6231<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP); International 1029-8479 School 1<strong>12</strong>6-6708 for Advanced 2027350-2 Studies (SISSA) 1792<br />

Elsevier 1879-1638 1047-8310 2020161-8 6919<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-9508 1360-080x 2019425-0 8207<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-5716 1538-1927 210<strong>12</strong>22-2 33289<br />

Sage Publications ; Histochemical Society 1551-5044 0022-1554 1421306-0 1928<br />

Elsevier 1095-8614 0305-7488 1469637-x 1631<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-6443 0952-1909 148<strong>12</strong>37-x 4669<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-5724 0898-0101 2093068-9 30317<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1539-0705 1522-2179 2070862-2 96885<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers, Elsevier 0195-6701;1532-2939 0195-6701 2002429-0 6616<br />

SAGE Publications 1557-7554 1096-3480 2202405-0 58599

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7772 (formerly Kluwer 1566-4910 Academic Publishers) 2016906-1 7895<br />

Elsevier 1051-1377;1096-0791 1051-1377 1469643-5 1636<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-0733 2376511-2 169426<br />

Elsevier 1095-8606 0047-2484 1469645-9 1637<br />

Springer 1435-232X 1434-5161 1478797-0 2046<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-5732 0890-3344 2092674-1 30288<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 0973-0737 0971-6858 2180529-5 53219<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-650X 0022-1678 2011506-4 7502<br />

Emerald 2042-6747 2621672-3 167257<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1001-6058 2406316-2 169279<br />

Elsevier 1879-2707 0022-1694 1473173-3 2921<br />

American Institute of Aeronautics and 1555-5909 Astronautics (AIAA) 0022-1716 2491995-0 118833<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5598 0263-6352 2017684-3 96886<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3629 (formerly Kluwer 1096-4045 Academic Publishers) 2016907-3 7897<br />

Taylor & Francis (Früher: Marcel Dekker, 1532-4230 Inc.) 0197-1522;1532-1819 2098543-5 33379<br />

Elsevier Science 1872-7905 0022-1759 1500495-8 3320<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1537-4513 1524-9557 2048797-6 96887<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1547-6901 Group 1547-691X 2145777-3 42340<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1111 (formerly Kluwer 0167-7861;0923-0750<br />

Academic Publishers) 2016909-7 6232<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-0395 0022-1791 2016946-2 6234<br />

Springer 1476-5535 1367-5435 1482484-x 2989<br />

SAGE Publications 1472-9296 0022-1856 2056858-7 15105<br />

SAGE Publications 1530-8057 0047-2298;0093-4658;1528-0837<br />

2095351-3 31577<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-70<strong>12</strong> 1566-1679 2035199-9 9470<br />

W.B. Sa<strong>und</strong>ers, Elsevier 0163-4453;1532-2742 0163-4453 20<strong>12</strong>883-6 7366<br />

Springer 1437-7780 1341-321X 1481768-8 4636<br />

Sage Publications ; Infection Prevention 1754-7156;1757-1782<br />

Society 1469-0446;1757-1774 2595000-9 94402<br />

Oxford University Press 1537-6613 0022-1899 1473843-0 3041<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-6485 0165-5515 2025062-9 8357<br />

SAGE Publications 0975-5969 0974-9306 2520203-0 <strong>12</strong>5232<br />

Lippincott William and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1539-0667 1533-1458 2083942-X 96888<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V 1573-2665 ; Kluwer Academic 0141-8955 Publishers 2006875-X 6236<br />

Karger 1662-8<strong>12</strong>8 1662-811X 2455818-7 110168<br />

Elsevier 1878-<strong>12</strong>25 0022-1902 2144356-7 42195<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8870 (formerly Kluwer 1053-0495 Academic/Plenum 2016951-6 Publishers) 10148<br />

Elsevier 0162-0134;1873-3344 0162-0134 1491314-8 3756<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-8889 0892-7553 2016965-6 7901<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-9753 1366-638X 2016976-0 6237<br />

Elsevier 0022-1910;1879-1611 0022-1910 1482429-2 3729<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1748-0221 2235672-1 66992<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1469-9532 Group 0726-3864;1366-8250 2021901-5 8244<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1744-6309 1354-4187;1362-0177;1469-0047;1744-6295<br />

2071898-6 19641<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0921-0296;1573-0409 0921-0296 1479543-7 2295<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0925-9902;1573-7675 0925-9902 1475525-7 2294<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0956-5515;1572-8145 0956-5515 2015292-9 2534<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1530-8138 1045-389X 2088313-4 29383<br />

De Gruyter 2191-026X 0334-1860 2598392-1 151867<br />

Taylor & Francis 1547-2442;1563-5082 1024-8072;1026-7565;1065-5<strong>12</strong>3;1547-2450<br />

2156104-7 52357<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1525-1489 0885-0666 2001472-7 35583<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-7465 0197-8357;1079-9907 1483<strong>12</strong>8-4 4249<br />

Elsevier 1061-9518;1879-1603 1061-9518 2002930-5 6462<br />

Kluwer Law International 0255-8106 0255-8106 2016979-6 7902<br />

De Gruyter 16<strong>12</strong>-6076 16<strong>12</strong>-6068 2134536-3 40243<br />

Oxford University Press 2040-3593 2040-3585 2535986-1 <strong>12</strong>9550<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3758 1369-3034 1497440-x 3615<br />

Elsevier 1873-0353 0022-1996 1460616-1 2909

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-646X 0954-1314 2016478-6 5358<br />

Elsevier 1873-06<strong>12</strong> 1042-4431 2020265-9 3326<br />

Elsevier 1873-0639 0261-5606 1500496-x 3327<br />

Nijhoff ; Brill 1875-41<strong>12</strong> 1875-4104 2488593-9 115829<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-9559 0963-8199 2020043-2 7134<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6518 0886-2605 2028900-5 7503<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1469-9567 Group 0884-3988;1356-1820 2023962-2 8268<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8595 (formerly Kluwer 1383-875X Academic Publishers) 2006887-6 6239<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1540-8183 0896-4327 2103585-4 33709<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0896-5846 2049642-4 96889<br />

de Gruyter (früher: VSP, Brill Academic 1569-3945 Publishers) 0928-0219 2041913-2 36813<br />

Elsevier 1096-0805 0022-2011 1469652-6 1638<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1521-0553 Group 0894-1939 2006907-8 5481<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1006-706X 2238831-X 169369<br />

Oxford University Press 1471-6917 0955-2340 2047502-0 10289<br />

Taylor & Francis 1554-611X 0021-6429;1524-4113 2190645-2 55686<br />

Brill 1477-285X 1053-699X 2069783-1 31772<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1344 0362-4803 1491841-9 2614<br />

Springer 1936-4768 0195-3613 2067796-0 42487<br />

SAGE Publications 1540-0245 2211-0682 2593238-X 15<strong>12</strong>01<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-6526 0261-927X 1500232-9 6006<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-9034 1052-3901;1092-6429 2035583-X 8960<br />

Cambridge University Press 1748-5460 0022-2151 2013209-8 7400<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-767X 0022-216X 1481672-6 2131<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1465-7341 8756-6222 1501039-9 3020<br />

SAGE Publications 1939-7089 1071-7919;1548-0518 2168520-4 92959<br />

SAGE Publications 1538-4780 0022-2194 2077783-8 20076<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-6477 0961-0006 1501504-x 5811<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-7742 0022-2267 1466491-4 2<strong>12</strong>5<br />

Elsevier 1879-159X 0929-7855 2030652-0 3806<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1532-2394 Group 0898-2104 2095937-0 30661<br />

Taylor & Francis 1520-572X 0148-3919;1082-6076 2030308-7 6944<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Taylor and 1554-8430 Francis Group, Routledge) 0022-4111;1086-296X 2233034-3 65695<br />

Mouton de Gruyter 1613-3838 0341-7638 2045066-7 10100<br />

De Gruyter 1862-8990 1862-5290 2400367-0 98026<br />

Oxford University Press 1465-363X 0955-792X 1470328-2 3629<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9583 (formerly Kluwer 0925-8531 Academic/Plenum 1475526-9 Publishers) 2296<br />

Elsevier 1873-5789 0743-1066 1466385-5 3539<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1532-5032 1081-1443;1532-5024 2063770-6 15873<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-7357 0022-2291 2016984-X 7260<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1526-0976 1089-2591 2006922-4 96890<br />

Elsevier 1872-7883 0022-2313 1491401-3 2811<br />

Microtome Publishing; Association for 1533-7928 Computing Machinery 1532-4435 (ACM) 2042762-1 56568<br />

Elsevier<br />

0164-0704;1873-152X 0164-0704 2067684-0 29641<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6534 0276-1467 2068181-1 31578<br />

Taylor & Francis 1520-5738 0022-233X;1060-1325 2027384-8 6945<br />

Taylor & Francis 1525-609X 0022-2348 2027386-1 6946<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1522-2586 1053-1807 1497154-9 4564<br />

Elsevier 1557-8968 0022-2364 1469665-4 66846<br />

Elsevier 1096-0856 1090-7807 1469665-4 1364<br />

Elsevier 1096-0864 1064-1858 20<strong>12</strong>002-3 7637<br />

Elsevier 1096-0872 1064-1866 20<strong>12</strong>011-4 7638<br />

Elsevier 1873-4766 0304-8853 1479000-2 3343<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-7055 1064-7554 2016986-3 7903<br />

BioOne 1347-5878 1341-7738 2152068-9 177684<br />

American Society of Mammalogists; BioOne 1545-1542 0022-2372 2066602-0 52103

Springer Science+Business Media B.V 1573-7039 ; Kluwer Academic/Plenum 1083-3021 Publishers 1483136-3 3914<br />

SAGE Publications 1557-<strong>12</strong>11 0149-2063 2015295-4 52695<br />

Elsevier 1557-<strong>12</strong>11 0149-2063 2015295-4 6935<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-963X 1385-3457 2016991-7 6240<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6658 1052-5629 210<strong>12</strong>14-3 33291<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6542 1056-4926 2021085-1 6365<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-6486 0022-2380 1473770-x 4109<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 1758-7786 1741-038X 2194406-4 46556<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1671-9433 2391013-6 169385<br />

Springer 1437-8213 0948-4280 1481609-x 5607<br />

Elsevier 0924-7963;1879-1573 0924-7963 1483106-5 3587<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1752-0606 0194-472X 2067779-0 87305<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8846 (formerly Kluwer 1382-3019 Academic/Plenum 1478704-0 Publishers) 2297<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-4445 1352-7266 2020291-X 2515<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6550 0273-4753 2020298-2 7723<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1096-9888 0030-493X;1076-5174 1472468-6 1848<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1460-3586 1359-1835 1492241-1 8872<br />

Springer 1611-8227 1438-4957 2110671-X 35809<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1364-5501 0959-9428 1491403-7 11<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 2050-7496 2050-7488 2702232-8 194690<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 2050-7518 2050-750X 2702241-9 194691<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 2050-7534 2050-7526 2702245-6 194692<br />

Springer 0931-7058 2423061-3 105534<br />

ASM International ; Springer 1544-1024 1059-9495 2048384-3 10374<br />

Materials Research Society ; Cambridge 2044-5326 University Press 0884-2914 2015297-8 5920<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-4803 (formerly Kluwer 0022-2461 Academic Publishers) 2015305-3 2535<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-4811 0261-8028 2016993-0 1596<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-482X (formerly Kluwer 0957-4522 Academic Publishers) 2016994-2 2536<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-4838 (formerly Kluwer 0957-4530 Academic Publishers) 2016995-4 994<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1005-0302 2431914-4 169370<br />

Springer 0931-704X 2431900-4 105535<br />

Springer 0939-6322 1478802-0 904<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1476-4954;1520-6661<br />

Group 1057-0802;1476-7058 2080626-7 24745<br />

Elsevier 1096-0813 0022-247X 1468566-8 1365<br />

Elsevier Science 0732-3<strong>12</strong>3;1873-8028 0732-3<strong>12</strong>3 2002921-4 6461<br />

Springer 1432-1416 0303-68<strong>12</strong> 142<strong>12</strong>92-4 905<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-8897 0259-9791 1491406-2 2010<br />

De Gruyter 1862-2984 1862-2976 2278189-4 88550<br />

Elsevier 0304-4068;1873-1538 0304-4068 1491091-3 3328<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1422-6952 1422-6928 1495383-3 4498<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0924-9907;1573-7683 0924-9907 1479363-5 2298<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1089-7658 0022-2488 1472481-9 806<br />

Elsevier 1096-0880 0022-2496 1477252-8 1640<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-8795 0090-4104;1072-3374 2037345-4 9409<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-1820 1386-4416 20<strong>12</strong>315-2 6014<br />

Elsevier 0301-0503 2274540-3 87602<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1674-8042 169395<br />

Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 1811-8216 ROC; Cambridge 1727-7191University 2219777-1 Press<br />

63865<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1000-1948 2388763-1 169427<br />

Informa Healthcare (früher PJB Publications) 1369-6998;1941-837X 1369-6998 2156786-4 88406<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0022-2577 0022-2577;0737-3805 2272235-X 87900<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1464-522X Group 0309-1902 2007<strong>12</strong>0-6 5315<br />

Entomological Society of America; BioOne 1938-2928 0022-2585 2031006-7 5213<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-3645 0163-9803;0278-9523;0882-6498;1041-3545<br />

2017000-2 7870<br />

Sage Publications ; früher: Palgrave Macmillan 1745-79<strong>12</strong> 1469-7025;1745-7904 2202766-X 58575<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V 1573-689X ; Kluwer Academic 0148-5598 Publishers 2017001-4 7874

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1096-9071 0146-6615 1475090-9 1849<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-4804;1943-2992 0022-2623;0095-9065 1491411-6 1798<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-7600 1096-620x 2030886-3 8961<br />

Oxford University Press 0360-5310 0360-5310 1495591-x 5662<br />

Taylor & Francis (formerly: Elsevier) 1873-<strong>12</strong>79 0304-4181 1495119-8 3970<br />

Springer 1432-1424 0022-2631 1459323-3 906<br />

Elsevier 1873-3<strong>12</strong>3 0376-7388 1491419-0 2737<br />

Elsevier 1096-0821 0749-596X 1469677-0 1641<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1360-0567 Group 0963-8237 2007227-2 1056<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1525-1314 0263-4929 2020499-1 5894<br />

Trans Tech Publications 1422-6375 1422-6375 2047362-X 10281<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP); International 1817-6461 Society 1537-1646;1932-5150<br />

for Optical Engineering 2088795-4(SPIE)<br />

29051<br />

Elsevier 0167-70<strong>12</strong>;1872-8359 0167-70<strong>12</strong> 14830<strong>12</strong>-7 3816<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-4666 169439<br />

Wiley 1520-667X 1040-7685 1491479-7 4168<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1464-5246 Group 0265-2048 1491079-2 5178<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-6439 0960-1317 1480280-6 455<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM; American College 1542-2011 of Nurse-Midwives 0091-2182;1526-9523 2027962-0 8087<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-8736 1062-7391 2037686-8 9410<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1558-6901 1558-6898 2255998-X 84287<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-7777 0022-278X 1481954-5 2<strong>12</strong>7<br />

Taylor & Francis 1362-3044 0030-3909;0474-3067;0950-0340<br />

2017832-3 1130<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 2095-087X 2630144-1 169386<br />

Elsevier 0022-2828;1095-8584 0022-2828 1469767-1 1642<br />

Elsevier 1089-8638 0022-2836 1355192-9 332<br />

Elsevier 1873-314X 1381-1169 2020478-4 4765<br />

Elsevier 1873-3158 1381-1177 202<strong>12</strong>08-2 4766<br />

Oxford University Press<br />

1673-520X;1759-4685 1674-2788 2500949-7 195026<br />

Springer 1432-1432 0022-2844 1464309-1 907<br />

Elsevier 1873-4278 0263-7855 2158199-X 6847<br />

Elsevier 1873-4243 1093-3263 1491488-8 2733<br />

Elsevier 1873-3166 0167-7322 1491496-7 28<strong>12</strong><br />

Springer 1432-1440 0023-2173;0941-0198;0946-2716<br />

1462132-0 908<br />

Karger 1660-24<strong>12</strong> 1464-1801 2052063-3 31683<br />

Springer 0948-5023 1610-2940 <strong>12</strong>84729-x 1<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1352 0952-3499 1491198-x 4954<br />

Elsevier 1096-083X 0022-2852 1469771-3 1651<br />

Elsevier 1872-8014 0022-2860 1491504-2 2813<br />

Elsevier 1872-7999 0166-<strong>12</strong>80 1491514-5 2814<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1464-3766 0260-<strong>12</strong>30 1482517-x 3632<br />

Elsevier 1873-<strong>12</strong>95 0304-3932 14606<strong>12</strong>-4 2111<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1465-3877 0305-7240 1477388-0 4467<br />

Brill ; früher: Sage Publications 1745-5243 1740-4681 2169771-1 53218<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-4687 0362-2525 1479991-1 1850<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-6316 2197632-6 169325<br />

Informa Healthcare 1476-9689 1476-9670 2113172-7 36634<br />

Elsevier 1873-1309 1042-444X 2020437-1 3272<br />

Elsevier 1095-7243 0047-259X 1469773-7 1366<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1745-4573 1046-0756 2176249-1 52689<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 1573-2657 Formerly Kluwer 0142-4319 Academic Publ. 1483095-4 2537<br />

Informa Healthcare (formerly: Haworth 1540-70<strong>12</strong> Press) 1058-2452 2093637-0 30517<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1945-0079 The National Association 1057-0837 for Music 2144055-4 Education<br />

42165<br />

Trans Tech Publications 1661-9897 1662-5250 2410713-X 101141<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-896X 1388-0764 2017013-0 6242<br />

International Society for Optical Engineering 1934-2608 (SPIE)<br />

2391175-X 94055<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS), copubl. 1520-6025 with the American 0163-3864 Society of 1491522-4 Pharmacognosy (ASP) 1799

Cambridge University Press 1469-7785 0373-4633 20153<strong>12</strong>-0 2967<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1539-736X 0022-3018 2071032-X 96891<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1064-7570;1573-7705 1064-7570 2017028-2 1165<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1741-2552 1741-2560 2135187-9 40280<br />

Springer 1435-1463 0300-9564 1481655-6 2047<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V 1573-7373 ; Kluwer Academic 0167-594X Publishers 2007293-4 6243<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-5166 1070-8022 2062798-1 96892<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; International 1471-4159 Society for Neurochemistry 0022-3042 2020528-4 9681<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V 1559-7113;1573-7381<br />

; Kluwer Academic 0300-4864;1559-7105<br />

Publishers 2007301-X 2025<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2826 0953-8194 2007386-0 5896<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1563-5260 Group 0167-7063 2031011-0 5<strong>12</strong>1<br />

Elsevier 1872-8421 0165-5728 1500497-1 3832<br />

Elsevier 0911-6044;1873-8052 0911-6044 1480525-x 3529<br />

Steinkopff bei Springer LINK 1432-1459 00<strong>12</strong>-1037;0340-5354;0367-004X<br />

142<strong>12</strong>99-7 909<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1554-6578 0022-3069 2033048-0 96894<br />

Elsevier 1872-678X 0165-0270 1500499-5 3833<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-4547 0360-40<strong>12</strong> 1474904-x 2615<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1537-1921 0898-4921 2047474-X 96895<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-9042 0737-5999;0897-7151 2030888-7 8964<br />

Informa Healthcare ; Taylor & Francis1538-2443 1355-0284 1482687-2 2990<br />

IOS Press 1477-2655 1023-8166 2030606-4 9028<br />

De Gruyter 1437-4358 0340-0204 2021304-9 4481<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0195-9298;1573-4862 0195-9298 2017032-4 7877<br />

Springer 1432-1467 0938-8974 1473165-4 910<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-0311 1048-5252 2014424-6 5<strong>12</strong>4<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-3653 0191-5886 2017033-6 7882<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1006-8104 2420400-6 169413<br />

Elsevier 1873-4820 0022-3115 200<strong>12</strong>79-2 2783<br />

Elsevier 1096-1658 0022-314X 1469778-6 1368<br />

de Gruyter (früher: VSP, Brill Academic 1569-3953 Publishers) 0928-0200;1570-2820 2095674-5 35017<br />

Elsevier 1879-1565 0091-2182 2033881-8 2833<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1539-0721;1539-073X 0002-0443 2007563-7 96896<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1057-3631;1550-5065 1057-3631 2053488-7 96897<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0889-4647 0889-4647 2274083-1 88130<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 0882-0627 0882-0627 2277423-3 88507<br />

Karger 1661-6758 1661-6499 2261364-X 85079<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1364-6907 Group 0955-6664;1359-0847 200<strong>12</strong>73-1 1063<br />

Elsevier 0955-2863;1873-4847 0955-2863 1483155-7 3788<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1552-6909 0884-2175 2077487-4 64114<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1364-6893 Group 0144-3615 2007571-6 1065<br />

Elsevier 1878-1403 0376-6349 2140767-8 40911<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-5948 1076-2752 2070230-9 96898<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0096-1736 0022-32<strong>12</strong> 2274099-5 88136<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1053-0487;1573-3688 1053-0487 2017035-X 7884<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-5182 2274194-X 169320<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-868X 0916-8370 2017037-3 6314<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-7732 1080-7683 2049089-6 10517<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1477-092X Hodder Arnold 1078-1552 2026590-6 5449<br />

Elsevier 1873-1317 0272-6963 2013293-1 3273<br />

Schiele & Schön; De Gruyter 2191-6322 0173-4911 2430977-1 106454<br />

Optical Society of America (OSA) 1091-0786 1070-9762 2034936-1 9280<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP)<br />

0029-4780;0150-536X;0335-7368<br />

2001822-8 1183<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) ; 1741-3575 European Optical 1464-4266 Society 2001928-2 3943<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) ; 1741-3567;2040-8986<br />

European Optical 1464-4258;2040-8978<br />

Society 2532144-4 3942<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-2878 (formerly Kluwer 0022-3239 Academic Publishers/Plenum 1468244-8 Publishers) 7886<br />

W.B. Sa<strong>und</strong>ers ; Elsevier 1531-5053 0278-2391 2030491-2 4821

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1600-0714 0904-25<strong>12</strong> 2026385-5 8059<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2842 0305-182X 2007587-X 5898<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1747-1079 Group 1747-1060 2206753-X 60261<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-6904 0022-3263 1472273-2 1000<br />

Elsevier 1872-8561 0022-328X 1491530-3 2772<br />

Springer (früher: Blackwell Publishing 1439-0361 - STM) 0021-8375;2193-7192 2134595-8 40144<br />

Urban & Vogel bei Springer LINK 1615-6714 0015-816X;1434-5293 2023540-9 8458<br />

Orthopaedic Research Society ; Wiley-Blackwell 0736-0266;1554-527X - STM0736-0266 2050452-4 61968<br />

Springer 1436-2023 0949-2658 1481657-x 2650<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1531-2291 0890-5339 2041334-8 96899<br />

Springer 1590-9999 1590-9921 2034945-2 9273<br />

Orthopterists' Society; BioOne 1082-6467;1937-2426 1082-6467 2173771-X 52105<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-2930 2621477-5 169465<br />

Cambridge University Press 1834-4909 2377465-4 92500<br />

Elsevier 1873-6513 0885-3924 1500639-6 2850<br />

Informa Healthcare 1536-0539 1536-0288 2093699-0 30524<br />

Elsevier 1528-8447 1526-5900 2040378-1 9717<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0921-2728;1573-0417 0921-2728 1478181-5 2299<br />

Paleontological Society; BioOne 1937-2337 0022-3360 2047591-3 10316<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-7740 1096-6218 2030890-5 8965<br />

American Society of Parasitologists; BioOne 1937-2345 0022-3395 2133204-6 39887<br />

Sage Publications; HighWire Press; ASPEN 1941-2444 0148-6071 2170060-6 50976<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1096-9896 0022-3417 1475280-3 2617<br />

SAGE Publications 1460-3578 0022-3433 14907<strong>12</strong>-4 5152<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0251 0334-018X 2583847-7 1493<strong>12</strong><br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-4801 0277-2116 2078835-6 96992<br />

Mosby ; Elsevier 1532-656X 0891-5245 2048801-4 10463<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-3678;1563-5309 0192-8562;1077-4114 2047<strong>12</strong>5-7 96993<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1532-8457 Association of Pediatric 0748-1802;1043-4542<br />

Oncology 2052954-5 Nurses (APON) ; formerly 37714 W.B. Sa<strong>und</strong>ers<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1539-2570 0271-6798 2049057-4 96994<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-561X;1473-5865 1060-152X 207<strong>12</strong>69-8 96995<br />

Oxford University Press 1465-735X 0146-8693 1470323-3 3019<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers; Elsevier 1531-5037 0022-3468 2039299-0 9603<br />

Mosby ; Elsevier 1097-6833 0022-3476 2005245-5 5282<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1533-4<strong>12</strong>0 1542-5983 2178568-5 96996<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1077-2847 2071054-9 96998<br />

Brill ; früher: Sage Publications ; Sheffield 1745-5251 Academic Press 0966-7369 ; Continuum 2069503-2 ; HighWire Press 56015<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1387 1075-2617 1491819-5 2618<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-5073 0893-2190 2053494-2 96999<br />

De Gruyter 1619-3997 0300-5577 1467968-1 4153<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1600-0765 0022-3484 2025633-4 8413<br />

Brill 1874-7167 1874-7094 2472918-8 111581<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-6494 0022-3506 148<strong>12</strong>50-2 2396<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0920-525X;1573-0425 0920-525X 2016407-5 6245<br />

Springer 16<strong>12</strong>-4766 16<strong>12</strong>-4758 2141932-2 40686<br />

Elsevier 1873-4715 0920-4105 1494872-2 3621<br />

Oxford University Press 1460-2415 0022-3530 1466724-1 2319<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 2095-1779 2630174-X 169428<br />

Elsevier<br />

0731-7085;1873-264X 0731-7085 1491820-1 2687<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; American Pharmaceutical 1520-6017 Association 0022-3549 1491821-3 7378<br />

Springer SBM (formerly Kluwer Academic/Plenum 1573-8744 Publishers) 0090-466X;1567-567X 2037307-7 9472<br />

Elsevier<br />

1056-8719;1873-488X 1056-8719 1491825-0 3861<br />

Elsevier 1875-0206 0160-5402 2198719-1 57478<br />

SAGE Publications 1531-1937 0897-1900 2131091-9 37716<br />

Springer 1054-9714;1544-1032 0197-0216;1054-9714 2047999-2 105538<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1569-1624 0047-2662 2057785-0 15264

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0433 (formerly Kluwer 0022-3611 Academic Publishers) 1475527-0 2300<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-9752 0309-8249 2016265-0 5313<br />

Elsevier 0095-4470;1095-8576 0095-4470 1469783-x 199<br />

Elsevier 1873-2658 0047-2670 2198720-8 57479<br />

Elsevier 1873-2666 1010-6030 1491828-6 2815<br />

Elsevier 1011-1344;1873-2682 1011-1344 1482691-4 2765<br />

Elsevier Science 1873-2739 1389-5567 2034027-8 9248<br />

International Society for Optical Engineering 1947-7988 (SPIE) <strong>und</strong>efined 2588205-3 150660<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP); National 1529-7845 Institute of 0047-2689 Standards (NIST) 2006308-8 6626<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1541-5740;1943-300X;1943-3018<br />

0022-3654;0092-7023;0092-7325<br />

2006064-6 25331<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1395 0894-3230 1475025-9 3661<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-6447;1751-8<strong>12</strong>1 0022-3689;0301-0015;0305-4470;1751-8113<br />

1363010-6 486<br />

Elsevier 1879-2553 0022-3697 1491914-x 2778<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-6455 0022-3700;0368-3508;0953-4075<br />

1363381-8 490<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 0022-3719;0368-3516 2104406-5 33361<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-648X 0953-8984 1472968-4 491<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-6463 0022-3727;0262-8171 1472948-9 482<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 0022-3735;0950-<strong>12</strong>90 2105243-8 33367<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 0305-4608 2104413-2 33363<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-6471 0305-4616;0954-3899 1472964-7 480<br />

Elsevier 1769-7115 0928-4257 2019365-8 3190<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1600-079X 0742-3098 2027992-9 8060<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1464-3774 0142-7873 1474909-9 3638<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6577 0739-456X 2052179-0 <strong>12</strong>474<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6585 1538-5132 210<strong>12</strong>10-6 33293<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6593 0885-4<strong>12</strong>2 2020445-0 7668<br />

Oxford University Press 1752-9921 1752-993X 2381013-0 92885<br />

Springer 1435-8107 0721-7595 1462091-1 2651<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1522-2624 0044-3263;1436-8730 1481142-x 4001<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1618-1328 0176-1617 2029184-X 8760<br />

Springer 1618-0860 0006-808X;0918-9440 2077362-6 20045<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-7807 0022-3778 2004297-8 2133<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1530-8014 8756-0879 2094468-8 31579<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1651-2073;2000-6764<br />

Group 0284-4311;2000-656X 2551921-9 5555<br />

Springer ; Society for Police and Criminal 1936-6469 Psychology 0882-0783 2270654-9 94487<br />

Society for Policy Modeling / Elsevier 1873-8060 0161-8938 2013451-4 3329<br />

De Gruyter 1613-4877 16<strong>12</strong>-5681 2178341-X 52953<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-9760 0963-8016 148<strong>12</strong>55-1 4670<br />

Cambridge University Press (formerly: 1468-2508 Blackwell Publishing 0022-3816 - HSS) 2001886-1 101114<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0340 0334-6447 2602430-5 158923<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1022-9760;1572-8935 1022-9760 2065616-6 30697<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-0518;1542-6246;1542-9350;1542-9369<br />

0022-3832;0360-6376;0449-2951;0449-296x;0887-624X<br />

1473076-5 1855<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-0488;1542-6238;1542-6246;1542-9377;1542-9385<br />

0022-3832;0098-<strong>12</strong>73;0449-2951;0449-2978;0887-6266<br />

1473448-5 1856<br />

Wiley 1542-6254;1543-0472 0360-3676;0360-6834;0449-2986;0887-6258<br />

2584070-8 88452<br />

Wiley Polymer Backfile Collection 1543-0480 0076-2083 2434362-6 36995<br />

Wiley 0360-8905;0449-2994 2376268-8 <strong>12</strong>0183<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-8900 1064-7546;1566-2543 2017207-2 9073<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH ; früher: Bowling 1540-5931 Green State University 0022-3840 2066623-8 30187<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1533-1598 1524-2226 2103815-6 40275<br />

Springer 1432-1475 0933-1433 1459367-1 2652<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-4854 1380-2224 2007476-1 5729<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1538-4772 Hammill Institute 1098-3007 on Disabilities ; 2070483-5 Association for Positive Behavior 19659 Support ; Pro-ed<br />

Elsevier 1873-2755 0378-7753 1491915-1 2748<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1076-5417 1076-5417 2274278-5 88192<br />

Elsevier 1879-1387 0378-2166 1480730-0 3530<br />

SAGE Publications 2150-1327 2150-1319 2550221-9 134308

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6547 ; Kluwer Academic 0278-095X Publishers 2017221-7 7890<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH ; (früher: Elsevier) 1540-5885 0737-6782 20<strong>12</strong>544-6 31553<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0895-562X;1573-0441 0895-562X 1478730-1 2301<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-4453 0264-0821;0959-9916 148<strong>12</strong>70-8 2516<br />

American Institute of Aeronautics and 1533-3876 Astronautics (AIAA) 0748-4658 2025913-X 8577<br />

Mosby ; Elsevier 1097-6841 0022-3913 2011581-7 6656<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1534-6331 1040-8800 2083552-8 97001<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1532-849X 1059-941X 2053077-8 4824<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-4943 (formerly Kluwer 0277-8033 Academic/Plenum 2017225-4 Publishers) 7892<br />

Cambridge University Press 1742-2206;1744-2206 1742-6464 2207601-3 60362<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1528-1145;1538-1145 1527-4160 2065415-7 97002<br />

Elsevier 1879-1379 0022-3956 1500641-4 3221<br />

SAGE Publications 1557-5144 0734-2829 2202407-4 58598<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0090-6905;1573-6555 0090-6905 2017227-8 7894<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3505 ; Kluwer Academic 0164-0305;0882-2689<br />

Publ. 2479581-1 7896<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1461-7285 0269-8811 2028926-1 8877<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1743-8942 Group 0167-482X 2158407-2 46808<br />

Elsevier 1879-1360 0022-3999 1500642-6 3222<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1477-9803 1053-1858 2069774-0 33774<br />

Elsevier 1879-2316 0047-2727 1460611-2 2110<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1752-7325 0022-4006 2267887-6 87417<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3782;1741-3850 0957-4832;1741-3842 1497445-9 3639<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-5022 1078-4659 2093165-7 97003<br />

Springer 1613-2238 0943-1853 2136860-0 40421<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-7815 0143-814X 1479886-4 2968<br />

Elsevier Science 1873-1376 0022-4049 1466510-4 3289<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 1758-7832 1355-2511 2020691-4 1746<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0748-4518;1573-7799 0748-4518 2017241-2 3915<br />

Elsevier 1879-1352 0022-4073 1491916-3 3946<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1417 0267-8179 2031875-3 5072<br />

Akadémiai Kiadó, co-published with Springer 1588-2780 Science+Business 0022-4081;0134-0719;0236-5731;1417-2097<br />

Media 2017242-4 B.V., Formerly Kluwer Academic 6766 Publishers B.V.<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP); Society 1361-6498 for Radiological 0260-2814;0952-4746<br />

Protection2010389-X 494<br />

Cambridge University Press 1467-1131 1460-3969 2194408-8 63845<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-4555 0377-0486 1481008-6 1877<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM; früher: Blackwell 1745-4581 Publishing - STM 1060-3999 2176280-6 52690<br />

Raptor Research Fo<strong>und</strong>ation; BioOne 0892-1016 2458104-5 115537<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-6563 0894-9085 2017245-X 7900<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-045X 0895-5638 2018867-5 6349<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1532-4281 Group 0197-5110;1079-9893 2111542-4 34784<br />

Thieme Medical Publishers 1098-8947 0743-684X 2072341-6 19673<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1569-73<strong>12</strong> 1872-5163 2316050-0 9<strong>12</strong>40<br />

Oxford University Press 1471-6925 0951-6328 2050042-7 10577<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-9787 0022-4146 1482872-8 2397<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0922-680X;1573-0468 0922-680X 1478739-8 2303<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1530-7964 0731-6844 2051886-9 11527<br />

Cambridge University Press 1838-0956 2663248-2 183902<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0022-4197;1573-6571 0022-4197 2017250-3 7908<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-0666 0022-4200 2066633-0 25206<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1874-8929 1874-8910 2418313-1 103837<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1941-70<strong>12</strong> 2444311-6 109420<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1001-7844 2389672-3 169456<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-672x 0264-6838 2025764-8 8466<br />

Elsevier 0165-0378;1872-7603 0165-0378 2007694-0 31<strong>12</strong><br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-731X 0022-4278 2011523-4 6366<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-2943 1475-2409 210<strong>12</strong>25-8 33295<br />

SAGE Publications 1945-0095 0022-4294 2066636-6 109187

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1744-988X 1744-9871 2173772-1 52089<br />

Elsevier, Academic Press 1095-7251 0092-6566 1469785-3 1653<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-9817 0141-0423 2028937-6 8878<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1674-764X 2630108-8 169339<br />

Elsevier 1873-3271 0022-4359 2013905-6 6767<br />

Elsevier 1873-1384 0969-6989 2020784-0 3275<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0476 (formerly Kluwer 0895-5646 Academic/Plenum 1478894-9 Publishers) 2304<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-4461 1366-9877 2021006-1 2539<br />

Cambridge University Press for Society 1753-528X for the Promotion 0075-4358 of Roman Studies 2067300-0 <strong>12</strong>3334<br />

Elsevier 0743-0167;1873-1392 0743-0167 1482746-3 3700<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1071-2836;1573-8760 1071-2836 2037690-X 9411<br />

National Safety Council / Elsevier 1879-<strong>12</strong>47 0022-4375 2015321-1 3276<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1530-7972 1099-6362 2098561-7 33145<br />

Elsevier 1873-3506 0022-4405 2007811-0 5952<br />

Emerald 1758-552X 2544132-2 <strong>12</strong>4630<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1059-0145;1573-1839 1059-0145 2017253-9 3916<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1046-560X;1573-1847 1046-560X 2017256-4 6278<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0885-7474;1573-7691 0885-7474 2017260-6 9474<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 0368-4253;0368-4261;0950-7671<br />

2105249-9 33368<br />

Elsevier 1873-1414 1385-1101 1497225-6 3663<br />

Elsevier 1060-3743;1873-1422 1060-3743 2019441-9 6770<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-157X 1383-4649 1479210-2 2305<br />

Oxford University Press 1477-4593 0167-5133 2072102-X 19643<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1674-4926 2484682-X 111759<br />

Oxford University Press 1477-8556 0022-4480 2066649-4 25343<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1745-459X 0887-8250 2179786-9 53<strong>12</strong>3<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-4168;1615-9314 0935-6304;1615-9306 2047990-6 9539<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-7379 1094-6705 2020788-8 6198<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1521-0715 0092-623X 2067364-4 5319<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1742-6545 1355-2600 2118535-9 37885<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1007-6417 2379454-9 169387<br />

National Shellfisheries Association / BioOne 1943-6319 0730-8000 2276544-X 88378<br />

Mosby ; Elsevier 1532-6500 1058-2746 2046901-9 10252<br />

Cambridge University Press 1834-26<strong>12</strong> 2377467-8 92501<br />

Elsevier 1878-2787 0140-1750 2205895-3 57481<br />

JAI Press, Elsevier 1061-7361;1878-5069 1061-7361 2002038-7 6561<br />

SAGE Publications 1460-3608 0265-4075 2023968-3 7690<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-2951 1469-6053 2051499-2 11501<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1053-0789;1573-658X 1053-0789 2017268-0 7910<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-7823 0047-2794 1478899-8 2134<br />

Routledge (Taylor & Francis) 1469-9621 0141-8033;0964-9069 2023978-6 8481<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-296X 1468-0173 210<strong>12</strong>36-2 33296<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group (früher: 1465-3885 Carfax Publishing 0265-0533 Ltd.) 1478201-7 4468<br />

North-Holland, Elsevier 1053-5357;1879-<strong>12</strong>39 1053-5357 2002280-3 6590<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-2978 1440-7833 2057684-5 15252<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0928-0707;1573-4846 0928-0707 1472726-2 2306<br />

Elsevier 1095-726X 0022-4596 1469806-7 1370<br />

Springer 1433-0768 1432-8488 1478940-1 1514<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0095-9782;1572-8927 0095-9782 2017287-4 7911<br />

Elsevier 1095-8568 0022-460X 1471444-9 1371<br />

Elsevier 0895-9811;1873-0647 0895-9811 1494875-8 3623<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 0973-1733 0973-1741 2242049-6 80918<br />

Elsevier 0743-9547;1879-1832 0743-9547 1494743-2 6850<br />

University of Singapore, Department of History; Cambridge 0217-7811 University Press 2483024-0 <strong>12</strong>9322<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0680 0022-4634 2060562-6 15433<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1003-7985 2476003-1 169388

American Institute of Aeronautics and 1533-6794 Astronautics (AIAA) 0022-4650 2042317-2 8578<br />

Sage Publications ; früher: Pro-ed 1538-4764 0022-4669 2066654-8 24654<br />

Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins Inc. (via OVID) 0895-0385 2041659-3 151575<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1539-2465 1536-0652 2041659-3 97004<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-7638 0193-7235 2011525-8 7504<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-7794 1527-0025 2028945-5 8890<br />

Taylor & Francis 1563-5163 0094-9655 2004311-9 5143<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) ; 1742-5468 International School for Advanced 2138944-5 Studies (SISSA) 40769<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9613 (formerly Kluwer 0022-4715 Academic Publishers/Plenum 2017302-7 Publishers) 3917<br />

Elsevier Science 0378-3758;1873-1171 0378-3758 1468074-9 3305<br />

Elsevier 1878-2353 0022-4731 2198730-0 57482<br />

Elsevier 0960-0760;1879-<strong>12</strong>20 0960-0760 1482780-3 3067<br />

Elsevier 1879-<strong>12</strong><strong>12</strong> 0022-474X 1498359-x 3714<br />

SAGE Publications 2041-3130 0309-3247 2015328-4 4578<br />

Elsevier 1873-1198 0963-8687 2013042-9 3277<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-4488 0965-254X 2020800-5 2517<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 1570-0267 Formerly Kluwer 1345-711X Academic Publ. 20373<strong>12</strong>-0 9475<br />

Elsevier 1047-8477;1095-8657 1047-8477 1469822-5 1654<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-8779 0022-4766 2037691-1 94<strong>12</strong><br />

Elsevier 0191-8141;1873-<strong>12</strong>01 0191-8141 1494877-1 3633<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-7808 1028-3153 2075289-1 19930<br />

Elsevier 0899-3289;1873-6491 0899-3289 2027253-4 6771<br />

Elsevier 1873-6483 0740-5472 2027734-9 3223<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1475-9942 Group 1357-5007;1465-9891 2050323-4 10546<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0484 (formerly Kluwer 0920-8542 Academic Publishers) 1479917-0 2307<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9605 (formerly Kluwer 0896-1107 Academic Publishers) 2000540-4 3918<br />

Elsevier Science 0896-8446;1872-8162 0896-8446 2021726-2 6097<br />

Elsevier Science 1878-1640 1472-7862 2057641-9 15220<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1096-9098 0022-4790 1475314-5 1879<br />

Elsevier 0022-4804;1095-8673 0022-4804 1470806-1 1655<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1588 (formerly Kluwer 1367-6679 Academic Publishers) 2065617-8 9481<br />

Elsevier 1095-855X 0747-7171 1470813-9 1372<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; International 1600-5775 Union of Crystallography 0909-0495 (IUCr) 2021413-3 5376<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1674-4918 2516638-4 169292<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1004-4132 2233722-2 169488<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-8787 (formerly Kluwer 0925-4676 Academic/Plenum 1479919-4 Publishers) 2308<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1009-6<strong>12</strong>4 2235892-4 169277<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-7816 0022-4871 2026251-6 8234<br />

Emerald 1746-8787 1746-8779 2267099-3 872<strong>12</strong><br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-7047 0892-99<strong>12</strong> 2017817-7 6351<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1745-4603 0022-4901 2176283-1 52691<br />

Springer 1552-7824 0092-0703 2067360-7 91502<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-735X (ACM) 0004-5411 2006500-0 3451<br />

Acoustical Society of America (ASA) ; 1520-8524 American Institute 0001-4966 of Physics (AIP) 1461063-2 1820<br />

Elsevier 1527-5418 0890-8567 2022051-0 97005<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0002-7138 0002-7138 2274333-9 88194<br />

Mosby; Elsevier 1097-6787 0190-9622 2001404-1 6518<br />

Oxford University Press 1477-4585 0002-7189 2064642-2 33529<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-1051 0745-2624 2183724-7 97006<br />

Elsevier, American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists 1074-3804 2105629-8 33947<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1745-7599 1041-2972 2716325-8 53130<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; American Ceramic 1551-2916 Society 0002-7820 2008170-4 6716<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-5<strong>12</strong>6 0002-7863 1472210-0 1001<br />

Elsevier 1876-4711 0361-1<strong>12</strong>4 2296483-6 91388<br />

The American Mosquito Control Association 1943-6270 / BioOne 8756-971X 2322636-5 88375<br />

Springer ; American Oil Chemist's Society; 1558-9331 AOCS Press 0003-021X;0095-9502;0095-9510;0095-9774<br />

2041388-9 9556

SAGE Publications 1532-5725 1078-3903 2049067-7 10495<br />

SAGE Publications 1941-2460 0003-0651 2168532-0 48802<br />

Springer; Elsevier 1879-1<strong>12</strong>3 1044-0305 2019911-9 2674<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0095-148X 0095-148x 2381920-0 93046<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; American Water 1752-1688 Resources Association 1093-474X(AWRA)<br />

2090051-X 29590<br />

Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science 0193-8509 ; BioOne 1533-6085 2237858-3 67321<br />

Association for Information Systems (AIS); 1536-9323;1558-3457 Association for Computing Machinery 2039141-9(ACM)<br />

18941<br />

Springer 1438-7573 1525-3961 2025609-7 8510<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0095-9545 0095-9545 2272072-8 87884<br />

Audio Engineering Society 1549-4950 2439190-6 109243<br />

Cambridge University Press(formerly: 1446-8107 Australian Mathematical 0004-9735;0263-6115;0334-3316;1446-7887<br />

Society) 1478743-x 108015<br />

Elsevier 0165-1838;1872-7476 0165-1838 2020182-5 3834<br />

Elsevier 1878-3236 0141-7037 2198457-8 57432<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0300-9246;0368-1769 2197229-1 57242<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0022-4944 2194430-1 56533<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0300-9246;0368-1769;0590-9791<br />

2197229-1 57402<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0045-6470 2194432-5 56535<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0022-4952 2194433-7 56536<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0022-4936 2197471-8 56539<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0577-6171 2194434-9 56537<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1364-5447 1472-7773 1472887-4 198327<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1364-5455 0956-5000 1476283-3 9<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0300-9599 2197755-0 57350<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0300-9238 2197753-7 57351<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0300-9246;0368-1769 2197229-1 57403<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0300-9246;0368-1645;0368-1769<br />

2197229-1 57401<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5209 0022-4995 2043811-4 10041<br />

Electrochemical Society (ECS) 1945-7111 0013-4651;0096-4743 2002179-3 6725<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; European Academy 1468-3083 of Dermatology 0926-9959 and Venereology 2022088-1 8276<br />

Elsevier<br />

0955-2219;1873-619X 0955-2219 2013983-4 3872<br />

Elsevier 0368-2242 0368-2242 2265232-2 86667<br />

Elsevier 0015-7368 2459814-8 110324<br />

Elsevier 1879-2693 0016-0032;0093-7029 2007754-3 3441<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-3637 (formerly Kluwer 1090-7173 Academic/Plenum 2017307-6 Publishers) 7904<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-0387 0022-5010 2017309-X 6283<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1477-8564 0954-6650 2076080-2 24899<br />

Cambridge University Press; früher: Routledge, 1469-9656Taylor 1042-7716;1053-8372<br />

& Francis Group2647034-2 8209<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill, früher Kluwer Law 1571-8050 International 1388-199X 2017310-6 8938<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1468-4373 ; Project MUSE 0022-5045 2009003-1 7323<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1520-6696 0022-5061 1500691-8 3996<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1742-3422 1473-6691 2<strong>12</strong>1848-1 45768<br />

Cambridge University Press 1475-3030 1474-7480 2092996-1 30303<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-7661 1355-6177 2000018-2 2<strong>12</strong>4<br />

Cambridge University Press 1475-3502 0025-1003 2072602-8 19700<br />

Elsevier 0889-1583;1095-8681 0889-1583 1470827-9 1639<br />

Kansas Entomological Society; BioOne1937-2353 0022-8567 2210268-1 60769<br />

Kentucky Academy of Science / BioOne 1938-2960 1098-7096 2486354-3 88377<br />

Oxford University Press (früher: Cambridge 1469-7750 University 0024-6107 Press) 1476428-3 2<strong>12</strong>6<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-7769 0025-3154 149<strong>12</strong>69-7 5039<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0243 0334-8938 2602431-7 158924<br />

Elsevier 1873-4782 0022-5096 20<strong>12</strong>341-3 3507<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-2105 0027-8874;0198-0157 1465951-7 425<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1745-6614 1052-6773 2044141-1 9062<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0160-3930 0160-3930 2273884-8 88116<br />

Elsevier 1878-5883 0022-510X 1500645-1 3835<br />

Eagle Hill Fo<strong>und</strong>ation / BioOne 1935-1933 2486361-0 110624

Optical Society of America (OSA) 1520-8532 0740-3232;1084-7529 1461092-9 2359<br />

Optical Society of America (OSA) 1520-8540 0740-3224 1461104-1 2360<br />

Oxford University Press 2048-7207 2048-7193 2668791-4 185154<br />

Brill 1872-2636 1872-261X 2403650-X 100182<br />

Plainsong & Mediaeval Music Society; Cambridge University 0143-4918 Press 2534158-3 <strong>12</strong>9339<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0591 1356-1863 2052836-X <strong>12</strong>560<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0368-3958 2197216-3 57241<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0300-922X 2197824-4 198301<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0300-9580 2197818-9 198303<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0010 0022-5142 2001807-1 4652<br />

Torrey Botanical Society ; BioOne 1940-0616 1095-5674 2052331-2 115539<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1749-7345 0164-0399;0735-0147;0748-3260;0893-8849<br />

2233509-2 65767<br />

Oxford University Press 1477-4607 0022-5185 2066662-7 20002<br />

Elsevier 1095-8541 0022-5193 1470953-3 1656<br />

SAGE Publications 1460-3667 0951-6298 148<strong>12</strong>81-2 4861<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9230 (formerly Kluwer 0894-9840 Academic Publishers/Plenum 2017303-9 Publishers) 7905<br />

Akadémiai Kiadó ; Springer (formerly: 1572-8943 Kluwer) 0022-5215;0368-4466;1388-6150;1418-2874<br />

2017304-0 6280<br />

Elsevier 0306-4565;1879-0992 0306-4565 1498364-3 3757<br />

Springer (früher: ASM International) 1544-1016 1059-9630 2047715-6 10375<br />

Taylor & Francis 1521-074X 0149-5739 2021506-X 5458<br />

American Institute of Aeronautics and 1533-6808 Astronautics (AIAA) 0887-8722 2026174-3 8496<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1530-7980 0892-7057 2098671-3 33273<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-0237 0883-5993 2048799-X 97007<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-742X ; Kluwer Academic 0929-5305 Publishers 2017305-2 6281<br />

Oxford University Press 1753-8424 1753-8416 2402810-1 96432<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1878-3252 0946-672X 2174174-8 52230<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-7832 1043-6596 2069642-5 33300<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-7840 1541-3446 2165324-0 48788<br />

Elsevier 0966-6923;1873-<strong>12</strong>36 0966-6923 1497253-0 3964<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1529-8809 0022-5282;1079-6061 2001856-3 97008<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1078-7496 2273837-X 97009<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; International 1573-6598 Society for Traumatic 0894-9867 Stress Studies 20173<strong>12</strong>-X ; formerly Springer 58357<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6763 0047-2875 2036634-6 9309<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-7831 0266-4674 1466679-0 2969<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1006-8775 2421356-1 169313<br />

Oxford University Press 1465-3664 0142-6338;0300-9920;0368-45<strong>12</strong>;0449-3281<br />

1497447-2 3640<br />

Cambridge University Press 1838-9902 2674608-6 183903<br />

Elsevier 1878-2299 0889-1605 2198726-9 57484<br />

Elsevier 1878-2345 0022-5320 2198729-4 57483<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-9664 1357-4809 2002907-X 6458<br />

Elsevier 1095-9068 0094-1190 1470955-7 1657<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 0096-1442;1552-6771 0096-1442 2001936-1 6427<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-1853 1063-0732 1478850-0 4441<br />

SAGE Publications 1479-1870 1356-7667 2093798-2 33108<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) ; AVS 1520-8559 - Science and 0734-2101 Technology Society 1475424-1 2086<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) ; AVS 1520-8567 - Science and 1071-1023 Technology Society 1475429-0 743<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-0492 0022-5363 2009877-7 6369<br />

Elsevier 1535-7732 1051-0443 2041331-2 9878<br />

Karger 1423-0135 0003-3189;0303-6847;1018-1172<br />

1482726-8 3930<br />

Society for Vector Ecology; BioOne 1948-7134 1081-1710 22<strong>12</strong>806-2 115545<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; früher: Opulus 1654-1103 Press; BioOne1100-9233 2047714-4 10369<br />

Elsevier 1878-4097 0022-5371 2198748-8 57485<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group; The 1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate 0272-4634 Paleontology; 2173776-9 BioOne 52119<br />

SAGE Publications 1943-4936 1040-6387 2265211-5 85885<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1476-4431 1479-3261 20772<strong>12</strong>-9 20038<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-2986 1077-5463 2070247-4 29413

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; Society of Plastics 1548-0577;1548-0585<br />

Engineers 0193-7197;1083-5601<br />

(SPE) 2025176-2 5806<br />

Elsevier 0166-0934;1879-0984 0166-0934 2007929-1 3149<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1465-3494;1745-3062<br />

Group 0140-511X;1745-3054 217<strong>12</strong>21-9 57088<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-2994 1470-4<strong>12</strong>9 2084020-2 25370<br />

Elsevier 1095-8533 1045-926X 1470965-x 1374<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-0506;1573-109X 0922-5773;1387-5485 1479778-1 2309<br />

Elsevier 1095-9084 0001-8791 1470972-7 1658<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group ; früher: 1747-5090 Triangle 0305-7879;1363-6820 2017376-3 54161<br />

Elsevier Science; Mosby 1557-8658;1873-4588 0892-1997 2111437-7 36254<br />

Elsevier 0377-0273;1872-6097 0377-0273 1494881-3 3627<br />

Wiley-Blackwell, Wildlife Society; BioOne 1937-2817 0022-541X 2066663-9 65620<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-9672 0957-<strong>12</strong>64 2021770-5 6459<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1931-843X 1059-7115;1524-6094;1540-9996<br />

2<strong>12</strong>1623-X 34059<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-2319 0277-3813 2043250-1 9972<br />

Springer 1611-4663 1435-0211 1481666-0 34327<br />

JAI Press, Elsevier 1878-5573 1090-9516 2002029-6 6562<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7802 (formerly Kluwer 0892-7537 Academic/Plenum 2017314-3 Publishers) 8604<br />

Kluwer Law International 1011-6702 0022-5444;1011-6702 2017315-5 7907<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1528-3976 1071-5754 2030787-1 97010<br />

Elsevier 0895-3996;1095-9114 0895-3996 20<strong>12</strong>019-9 7639<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6601 (formerly Kluwer 0047-2891 Academic/Plenum 2017317-9 Publishers) 7909<br />

American Association of Zoo Veterinarians; BioOne 1042-7260 2174930-9 521<strong>12</strong><br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 1556-4673 2432355-X 108409<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1531-4278 (ACM)<br />

2052465-1 <strong>12</strong>532<br />

SAGE Publications 2161-4342 1522-6379 2070866-X 172168<br />

SAGE Publications 2161-4326 0022-5517;1077-6958 2070252-8 111115<br />

SAGE Publications 2161-430X 1077-6990 2070253-X 172<strong>12</strong>0<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-3001 1464-8849 2028959-5 8892<br />

Oxford University Press ; Gerontological Society of America 0022-1422 2066588-X 111970<br />

Oxford University Press 1758-535X 1079-5006 2043927-1 10015<br />

Oxford University Press 1758-5368 1079-5014 2043945-3 10016<br />

RSC Publ. 22328<strong>12</strong>-9 87745<br />

De Gruyter 16<strong>12</strong>-7021 0170-1452 2549890-3 4197<br />

Mohr Siebeck 1868-7067 0022-6882 2220175-0 63832<br />

De Gruyter 16<strong>12</strong>-7064 0022-6920 2134492-9 39601<br />

via Beck 0022-6939 2081777-0 24865<br />

Giesel-Verlag 0023-5520;0172-6374;0340-8442<br />

2193354-6 56445<br />

Kunststoff-Profi-Verl. 2195-2434 2716618-1 197827<br />

De Gruyter 1613-0723 0022-7498 2239664-0 67<strong>12</strong>9<br />

Gentner Verlag 0343-2246 2178682-3 53013<br />

De Gruyter 1613-1134 0022-8877 2049354-X 10077<br />

De Gruyter 1868-4602 1868-4599 2496751-8 <strong>12</strong>0287<br />

Hüthig 0948-3276 2089291-3 29519<br />

Secumedia Verlag<br />

0177-4565;1611-440X 2036367-9 9307<br />

Trans Tech Publications 1662-9795 0252-1059;1013-9826 2073306-9 10327<br />

Hüthig 1865-5432 2449730-7 109867<br />

Karger 1423-0143 0378-5858;1011-6524;1420-4096<br />

1482922-8 3929<br />

De Gruyter 16<strong>12</strong>-9792 1430-5372 2118444-6 38038<br />

Thieme 0344-6360;0344-6387;1439-3999<br />

0023-2165 2039754-9 9591<br />

Thieme 1439-4081 1434-0275 2063780-9 15871<br />

Thieme 1439-3824 0300-8630 2039110-9 9387<br />

Springer 1433-7347 0942-2056 1473170-8 2057<br />

Elsevier 0968-0160;1873-5800 0968-0160 2008020-7 2860<br />

Elsevier 1878-7355 1042-8143 2039573-5 8172<br />

Springer 0219-3116 0219-1377 2023541-0 8762<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8005 0269-8889 1466682-0 2970

Springer 1432-1483 0938-7986 1459372-5 1441<br />

via Beck 1613-0235 2502334-2 <strong>12</strong>3134<br />

Vogel 0937-4167 2185616-3 67561<br />

Springer 1975-7220 0256-1115 2152566-3 90697<br />

De Gruyter 1865-7249 0340-9767 2428908-5 106526<br />

Brill Academic Publishers, Springer 1568-5241 1567-715X 2094742-2 45581<br />

Hanser 0023-5563 2084172-3 25336<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0368-492X;1758-7883 0368-492X 1479781-1 1649<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH ; früher: Helbing 1467-6435 <strong>und</strong> Lichtenhahn 0023-5962 202<strong>12</strong>17-3 7691<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1731 (formerly Kluwer 1567-6617 Academic Publishers) 2054421-2 9479<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1473-0189 1473-0197 2056646-3 9610<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press im 1538-9758 Project MUSE0160-449X 2067609-8 88450<br />

de Gruyter (früher: Blackwell Publishing 1439-0477 - STM) 0342-3026 2081704-6 40928<br />

Elsevier 1873-2488 1381-141X 2027269-8 2688<br />

Mouton de Gruyter 1868-6354 1868-6346 2559632-9 136376<br />

Elsevier 0927-5371;1879-1034 0927-5371 1497058-2 3330<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-9914 1<strong>12</strong>1-7081 202<strong>12</strong>18-5 4111<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1440-1770 1320-5331 2020624-0 5852<br />

The Lancet, Elsevier<br />

0099-5355;1474-547X 0140-6736 1476593-7 257<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-145X 1085-3278 2021787-0 5073<br />

Elsevier 0264-8377;1873-5754 0264-8377 1497060-0 3678<br />

via Beck 0939-0014 2082001-X 24866<br />

Elsevier 0169-2046;1872-6062 0169-2046 1497323-6 3679<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V 1572-9761 ; Kluwer Academic 0921-2973 Publishers 2016200-5 2070<br />

Elsevier 1878-139X 0304-3924 2198895-X 57486<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-9710 0142-6397 2020719-0 8296<br />

KTBL 0023-8082 2028436-6 7818<br />

Springer 1435-2451 0023-8236;0174-4542;0367-0023;1435-2443<br />

1459390-7 3179<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-5827 0743-7463 2005937-1 1801<br />

De Gruyter 1866-9859 1866-9808 2499690-7 <strong>12</strong>1318<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-0732 0169-0965 2067707-8 1153<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1461-7293 0963-9470 2028358-1 5331<br />

SAGE Publications 1756-6053 0023-8309 2001596-3 5611<br />

Elsevier 0271-5309;1873-3395 0271-5309 1480900-x 3976<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8013 0047-4045 1492118-2 5013<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-9922 0023-8333 1474943-9 4280<br />

De Gruyter 2191-6<strong>12</strong>8 2191-611X 2645939-5 172113<br />

Elsevier 0388-0001;1873-5746 0388-0001 1480958-8 3977<br />

Cambridge University Press 1475-3049 0261-4448 2079708-4 10430<br />

SAGE Publications 1477-0954 1362-1688 2017389-1 4805<br />

SAGE Publications 1477-0946 0265-5322 2023709-1 4806<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8021 0954-3945 2001989-0 6659<br />

Thieme 1438-8685 0340-1588;0935-8943 2037508-6 9181<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1531-4995 0023-852X 2026089-1 96915<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-803X 0263-0346 2021816-3 6091<br />

Springer 1435-604x 0268-8921 1481688-x 5051<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1096-9101 0196-8092 1475539-7 1862<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-0678 1357-650X 2028955-8 1154<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-678X 0094-582X 1498667-x 8572<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0957-8536;1572-8617 0957-8536 2017879-7 6276<br />

American Psychological Association ; 1573-661X früher Springer; 0147-7307 Kluwer 2017882-7 8063<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-0522 0167-5249 2009955-1 6275<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill, Springer, früher 1571-8034 Kluwer Law International 1569-1853 2085132-7 25487<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1743-9752 1743-8721 21836<strong>12</strong>-7 53546<br />

Oxford University Press 1470-840X 1470-8396 2084059-7 25378<br />

SAGE Publications 1742-7169 1742-7150 2177458-4 52806

Elsevier 1048-9843;1873-3409 1048-9843 2019945-4 6870<br />

Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) 1938-3789 1070-485X 2083479-2 20080<br />

JAI Press, Elsevier 1041-6080;1873-3425 1041-6080 2002113-6 6571<br />

Elsevier 1873-3263 0959-4752 2011980-X 3531<br />

Elsevier 1095-9<strong>12</strong>2 0023-9690 1470978-8 1659<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-1855 1387-1579 2017393-3 6277<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1743-9892 0260-7417;1358-1651;1743-9884<br />

217<strong>12</strong>67-0 58536<br />

Niemeyer ; de Gruyter 1868-0267 0023-9909 2490732-7 118820<br />

via Beck 1434-2626 2510587-5 <strong>12</strong>4296<br />

Wiley-VCH ; Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker 1521-3811 0937-1478 2548206-3 133548<br />

via Beck 2500245-4 <strong>12</strong>3428<br />

Springer 1611-3349 0302-9743 2018930-8 4552<br />

Springer 1610-7411 0170-8643 2062380-X 9190<br />

Springer 1613-2580 0930-0317 2378696-6 115559<br />

Springer 1617-9692 0075-8434 2079379-0 24645<br />

Springer 1616-6361 0075-8450 2041519-9 9274<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill 1571-8190 0040-7585 2019249-6 7975<br />

Cambridge University Press 1741-2021 1472-6696 2138295-5 40472<br />

Kluwer Law International 1875-6433 1566-6573 2017888-8 8064<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8048 1352-3252 1500157-x 5999<br />

Cambridge University Press 1478-9698 0922-1565 2017891-8 35621<br />

via Beck 2108182-7 <strong>12</strong>3429<br />

Oxford University Press (früher: Berghahn) 1758-437X 0075-8744 2393145-0 100187<br />

Italian Physical Society 1827-613X 0375-930X 2455604-X 109177<br />

Italian Physical Society, Springer 1827-613X 0024-1318;0375-930X 2426247-X 105580<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-0530 0377-9017 1479697-1 2210<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-496X (formerly Kluwer 0929-5666 Academic/Plenum 2007589-3 Publishers) 6299<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1029-2403 Group 1042-8194 2030637-4 9023<br />

Elsevier 1873-5835 0145-2<strong>12</strong>6 2008028-1 3068<br />

Niemeyer ; de Gruyter 1865-9403 0175-6206 2445654-8 109622<br />

Elsevier Science 1879-064X 0364-6408 2022007-8 6013<br />

Elsevier Science 1873-1821 1464-9055 1481800-0 4574<br />

Dinges & Frick 2194-0134 2194-0<strong>12</strong>6 2659854-1 183863<br />

Elsevier 1873-1848 0740-8188 2002016-8 6563<br />

Oxford University Press ; Project MUSE 1744-8581 0024-2160 2183264-X 53629<br />

Saur ; de Gruyter 1865-8423 0024-2667 2066691-3 65557<br />

Cambridge University Press (früher: Elsevier) 1096-1135 0024-2829 1471008-0 47155<br />

Elsevier 1879-0631 0024-3205 2013911-1 2948<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-9249 1380-7870 1479719-7 2211<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Hodder Arnold) 1477-0938;1477-1535<br />

; HighWire Press 1365-7828 2053874-1 14995<br />

Springer-Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Vieweg 2192-8738 + Teubner 1865-4819 2565441-X 137008<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1873-5851 0075-9511 2187207-7 53942<br />

Springer 1439-863X 1439-8621 2016197-9 7847<br />

Elsevier Science 1873-1856 0024-3795 1468081-6 3290<br />

Taylor & Francis 1563-5139 0308-1087 2032579-4 5113<br />

Elsevier 1872-6135 0024-3841 1480982-5 3978<br />

Mouton de Gruyter 1613-3676 0167-6318 2033179-4 9157<br />

Mouton de Gruyter 1613-415X 1430-0532 2052194-7 <strong>12</strong>518<br />

Mouton de Gruyter 1613-396X 0024-3949 1469023-8 4151<br />

JAI Press, Elsevier 0898-5898;1873-1864 0898-5898 2004402-1 6564<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0549 (formerly Kluwer 0165-0157 Academic Publishers) 2009959-9 4779<br />

Specialized Systems Consultants (SSC); 1075-3583;1938-3827<br />

Association for 1075-3583 Computing Machinery 1474444-2 (ACM) 2185<br />

Linux New Media AG 1615-4444 2630279-2 168648<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1863-5377 0956-666X 2268922-9 86994<br />

Springer ; American Oil Chemists' Society, 1558-9307 AOCS Press 0024-4201 2030265-4 8568<br />

Taylor & Francis 1366-5855 0267-8292 2001843-5 1<strong>12</strong>8

Taylor & Francis 1464-5181 1358-314X 2001851-4 5419<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0892-4635 20<strong>12</strong>367-X 22<strong>12</strong><br />

Wiley 1467-9345;1741-4369 0034-0472;1741-4350 2148153-2 15862<br />

Oxford University Press 1477-4615 0268-1145 2064645-8 19774<br />

Oxford University Press 1477-4623 0269-<strong>12</strong>05 2073341-0 20004<br />

Elsevier 1872-6143 0024-4937 1494884-9 3628<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-8825 0094-1719;0148-8279;0363-1672<br />

2037550-5 9413<br />

Karger 1664-5553 2235-1795 2666925-0 184796<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0144-932X;1572-8625 0144-932X 2017896-7 6300<br />

Elsevier 0301-6226;1872-6070 0301-6226 1498390-4 3730<br />

via Beck 1611-1095 2105844-1 34751<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Taylor & Francis) 1470-9325 0269-0942 2020646-X 8305<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-6711 1354-9839 2020698-7 8307<br />

Elsevier 1879-0437 0966-8349 2020522-3 5992<br />

De Gruyter 1898-4436 1895-6106 2406081-1 172114<br />

Oxford University Press 1368-9894 1367-0751 2000006-6 283<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1651-2022;1651-2588<br />

Group 0105-1539;1401-5439;1401-5455<br />

1493670-7 4808<br />

Brill (früher: Whurr) 1878-47<strong>12</strong> 0957-9656 2269022-0 87441<br />

Elsevier 1873-1872 0024-6301 20<strong>12</strong>759-5 3278<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1090-6517 1063-777X 1472502-2 810<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-<strong>12</strong>71;1522-7243 0884-3996;1522-7235 2001819-8 4565<br />

Elsevier 1872-8332 0169-5002 20258<strong>12</strong>-4 3069<br />

Springer 1432-1750 0033-4073;0179-616X;0300-9696;0341-2040<br />

1459394-4 9<strong>12</strong><br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1477-0962 Hodder Arnold 0961-2033 2008035-9 10154<br />

Brill ; Université de Bordeaux, Centre <strong>12</strong>57-0273 d'Etude d'Afrique 1768-3084 Noire 2061995-9 81352<br />

Elsevier 1096-1<strong>12</strong>7 0023-6438 1469139-5 1591<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8585 1539-6851 2105175-6 34055<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-0565 0885-6<strong>12</strong>5 1475529-4 2214<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0573 (formerly Kluwer 0884-0709;0922-6567<br />

Academic Publishers) 1475530-0 2213<br />

Springer 1432-1769 0932-8092 1481698-2 1515<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-2483 1091-0344 207<strong>12</strong>68-6 19119<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-3935 0025-116X;1022-1352 1475026-0 2579<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1439-2054;1522-9505 0003-3146;1438-7492 2004372-7 6638<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-3927 0173-2803;1022-1336 1475027-2 4006<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-3919 1018-5054;1022-1344 1475028-4 4232<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-5835 0024-9297 1491942-4 1802<br />

California Botanical Society; BioOne 1943-6297 0024-9637 2276951-1 88379<br />

Elsevier 1873-5894 0730-725X 1500646-3 3070<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-458X 0749-1581 1475029-6 1863<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1522-2594 0740-3194 1493786-4 4563<br />

Springer 1352-8661 0968-5243 1502491-x 34726<br />

Taylor & Francis 1745-1167 1024-<strong>12</strong>21 2191867-3 55904<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0219 0792-<strong>12</strong>41 2602433-0 158925<br />

Institute of Malacology; BioOne 0076-2997 0076-2997 2486408-0 114805<br />

Mammalogical Society of Japan, BioOne 1348-6160 1343-4152 2152177-3 115821<br />

De Gruyter 1864-1547 0025-1461 2298830-0 90667<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1618-1476 1616-5047 2072973-X 19725<br />

Springer 1432-1777 0938-8990 1459397-x 913<br />

American Society of Mammalogists; BioOne 1545-1410 0076-3519 2174980-2 52111<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. (formerly Kluwer 0025-1534 Academic Publishers) 2254145-7 57140<br />

Elsevier 1096-<strong>12</strong>24 1044-5005 1470985-5 1660<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group (formerly: 1744-9367 Sage Publications 1744-9359; HighWire 2221871-3 Press)<br />

64142<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-6798 0893-3189 2068864-7 33303<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1741-9883 British Educational 0892-0206 Leadership, Management 2094835-9 & Admin Society 86897<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1461-7307 0047-5688;1350-5076 1475257-8 4393<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0960-4529;1758-8030 0960-4529 2023259-7 474

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-977X (formerly Kluwer 1386-3509 Academic Publishers) 1478194-3 2071<br />

Springer 1433-0466 0025-2514 1459402-x 1442<br />

Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET); Institute 1754-1794 of Electrical and 2526932-X Electronics Engineers <strong>12</strong>8600 (IEEE)<br />

Springer 1432-1785 0025-2611 1459409-2 2080<br />

SAGE Publications 0973-8029 0973-8010 2381415-9 92958<br />

Elsevier 1873-4073 0264-8172 1494910-6 3624<br />

Cambridge University Press 1755-2672 2495356-8 114150<br />

Springer 1432-1793 0025-3162 1459413-4 914<br />

Springer 1436-2236 1436-2228 1479877-3 4625<br />

Elsevier 0304-4203;1872-7581 0304-4203 1497339-x 3664<br />

Elsevier 0141-1136;1879-0291 0141-1136 1502505-6 3695<br />

Elsevier 1872-6151 0025-3227 1500648-7 3634<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-0581 0025-3235 1478200-5 2223<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1748-7692 0824-0469 2218018-7 62332<br />

Elsevier 0377-8398;1872-6186 0377-8398 1482923-x 3635<br />

Elsevier 1369-9369 1369-9350 1483111-9 33969<br />

Elsevier 1872-9460 0308-597X 1500650-5 3680<br />

Elsevier 1879-3363 0025-326X 200<strong>12</strong>96-2 3696<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1000-9620 2421620-3 169317<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-5254 0308-8839 2021932-5 4624<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-059X 0923-0645 1478939-5 2224<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-301X 1470-5931 2072860-8 19723<br />

Vogel 0025-4509;0341-5775 2033149-6 110148<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2787 0277-7037 1491946-1 1864<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-4176 0043-2822;0947-5117 1481051-7 3689<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-2475 0884-2558;0898-2090;1042-6914<br />

2062557-1 15795<br />

Springer 1871-6873 1359-5997 2091922-0 67332<br />

Elsevier 1878-6057 0390-6035 2198904-7 57488<br />

Elsevier 0254-0584 0254-0584 1491959-x 2816<br />

Elsevier 1873-4227 0025-5408 1491970-9 2817<br />

Springer 1433-075X 1432-8917 1481700-7 1443<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-885X 1068-820X 2037692-3 9414<br />

Maney Publishing ; Institute of Materials, 1743-2847 Minerals and 0267-0836 Mining 2037367-3 9490<br />

Trans Tech Publications 1662-9752 0255-5476 2047372-2 10276<br />

Hanser 0025-5300 2637816-4 84396<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-4052 0049-8688;0933-5137 2025930-X 8585<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-6628 1092-7875 2017901-7 8066<br />

Elsevier 1872-9479 0895-7177 2002543-9 2870<br />

Taylor & Francis 1744-5051 1381-2424;1387-3954 2015829-4 5666<br />

Elsevier 1879-3134 0025-5564 2010227-6 3870<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-9965 0960-1627 148<strong>12</strong>88-5 4671<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-8868 0882-8<strong>12</strong>1 2017903-0 3919<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-3870 0044-3050;0942-5616 2006630-2 7403<br />

Oxford University Press 1471-6879;1477-8602 0265-0746;1477-8599 2042047-X 25264<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1476 0170-4214 1478610-2 2619<br />

Physica ; Springer 1432-5217 1432-2994 1459420-1 2908<br />

Elsevier 1878-7231 0270-0255 2079155-0 24644<br />

Cambridge University Press ; früher: EDP <strong>12</strong>90-3841 Sciences 0764-583X 1485131-3 3937<br />

Cambridge University Press ; EDP Sciences 1760-6101 0973-5348 2400590-3 98039<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-8876 0001-4346 2037663-7 9415<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-9656 1385-0172 2003946-3 6485<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8064 0008-1981;0068-6735;0305-0041<br />

1483586-1 2136<br />

Springer 1436-4646 0025-5610 1463397-8 2628<br />

Elsevier 1879-3118 0165-4896 2005402-6 3331<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8072 0960-<strong>12</strong>95 2002549-X 2137<br />

Elsevier 1872-7166 0378-4754 2002570-1 2953

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-3028 1081-2865 2046323-6 10198<br />

Springer 1435-568X 0932-4194 1481710-x 10523<br />

Cambridge University Press 2041-7942 0025-5793 2532691-0 <strong>12</strong>9169<br />

Springer 1432-1807 0025-5831 1462<strong>12</strong>0-4 800<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1522-2616 0025-584X 1468223-0 7404<br />

Taylor & Francis 0047-6277 2653855-6 94826<br />

Springer 1432-1823 0025-5874 1462134-4 915<br />

Elsevier Science BV / International Society 0945-053X;1569-1802<br />

of Matrix Biology 0945-053X 2005263-7 6729<br />

Elsevier 0378-5<strong>12</strong>2;1873-4111 0378-5<strong>12</strong>2 2008054-2 3140<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1539-0683 0361-929X 2028222-9 96917<br />

Konradin 0343-0642 2493960-2 119151<br />

SAGE Publications 1947-6302 0748-1756 2068637-7 119209<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-6501 0957-0233 1362523-8 495<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-8906 0543-1972 2037682-0 9416<br />

Elsevier 0309-1740;1873-4138 0309-1740 1491973-4 3715<br />

Cambridge University Press ; EDP Sciences 1765-2960 <strong>12</strong>96-2139 2030150-9 47154<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-9648 0025-6455 2004031-3 6486<br />

Taylor & Francis 1539-7742 0360-<strong>12</strong>18;0890-5452;1539-7734<br />

2136203-8 6969<br />

Taylor & Francis 1521-0596;1537-6532 0929-8398;1075-9417;1537-6494<br />

2082697-7 25234<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-8922 0032-390x;0191-5665 2037343-0 9417<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-2738 1385-2000 2003935-9 6487<br />

Elsevier 0047-6374;1872-6216 0047-6374 1502520-2 3837<br />

Elsevier 1872-6356 0925-4773 1466356-9 2668<br />

IGT Informationsgesellschaft Technik1619-0424 2223228-X 64230<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 2040-2511 2040-2503 2545949-1 130367<br />

Elsevier Science 1769-6690 0399-077X;1166-8237 2031378-0 6780<br />

SAGE Publications 1460-3675 0163-4437 1482824-8 4678<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1750-6360 1750-6352 2418096-8 103833<br />

Springer 1741-0444 0140-0118 2052667-2 65134<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1674-8<strong>12</strong>3 169423<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1537-1948 0025-7079 2045939-7 96918<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6801 1077-5587 2070248-6 31439<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-681X 0272-989X 2040405-0 9730<br />

Springer 1437-773X 0918-4287 1481713-5 4500<br />

Elsevier 1873-4030 1350-4533 2019106-6 2861<br />

Cambridge University Press ; The Wellcome 2048-8343 Trust Centre 0025-7273 for the History 2181926-9 of Medicine at UCL 172070<br />

Elsevier 0306-9877;1532-2777 0306-9877 2002471-X 6605<br />

Elsevier Science 1361-8415;1361-8423 1361-8415 1497450-2 3641<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3790 0967-0742 1497475-7 3642<br />

Springer 1432-1831 0300-8584 1462140-x 916<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1365-280X;1460-2709<br />

Group(früher: 0036-2174;0268-<strong>12</strong>18;1369-3786<br />

Wiley, Blackwell 2020733-5 Publishing) 38661<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP); American 1522-8541 Association 0094-2405 of Physicists 1466421-5 in Medicine (AAPM) 3944<br />

Karger 1423-0151 1011-7571 1482963-0 3037<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1466-187X Group 0142-159X 1476572-x 4442<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-1<strong>12</strong>8 0198-6325 2001841-1 1890<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-5964 0025-7974 2049818-4 96919<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 1572-8633 Formerly Kluwer 1386-7423 Academic Publ. 2003695-4 6488<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1530-0315 0025-7990;0195-9131 2031167-9 96920<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-0674 1380-7854 2070766-6 29436<br />

SAGE Publications 0971-9458;0973-0753 0971-9458 2211921-8 60938<br />

Springer ; formerly Urban & Vogel 1615-6722;2193-6226 0723-5003;2193-6218 2636049-4 7665<br />

Wiss. Verl.-Ges. 0342-9601 2610950-5 160115<br />

Springer 1433-8629 0723-8886 1462139-3 2081<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5636 0960-8931 2030780-9 96921<br />

Deutscher Fachverlag 0341-0781 2504297-X <strong>12</strong>0452<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0269-3<strong>12</strong>7;0269-3143 2197251-5 57243

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-0686 0965-8211 1477273-5 1156<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1750-6999 1750-6980 2403588-9 100041<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-6828 1097-184X 2057721-7 15256<br />

Elsevier 1364-551X 0959-9436 1479351-9 <strong>12</strong><br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1530-0374 1072-3714 2071114-1 96922<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6636 (formerly Kluwer 1522-3434 Academic Publishers) 2017909-1 8067<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-9745 1361-<strong>12</strong>67 2020704-9 8318<br />

keine Angabe 2190-4154 2663347-4 183887<br />

Elsevier 1878-061X 0221-8747 2198800-6 57491<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7365 (formerly Kluwer 0885-7490 Academic/Plenum 2018067-6 Publishers) 9494<br />

Elsevier 1096-7184 1096-7176 1471017-1 3298<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8518 1540-4196 2110505-4 35816<br />

W.B. Sa<strong>und</strong>ers/Elsevier 1532-8600 0026-0495 2049062-8 10496<br />

Elsevier 1873-4057 0026-0576 1492<strong>12</strong>4-8 2749<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-8973 0026-0673 2037339-9 9418<br />

Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) 1543-1940 ; ASM International 0360-2133;1073-5623 ; Springer 2037517-7 87362<br />

Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) 1543-1916 ; ASM International 0026-086X;0360-2141;1073-5615<br />

; Springer 2037524-4 9502<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-8892 0026-0894 2037335-1 9419<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1467-9981 0815-0796 2018070-6 34542<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1469-8080 1350-4827 1482937-x 2971<br />

Springer 1436-5065 0066-6416;0177-7971;0259-8477<br />

1462145-9 5052<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-0682 0943-3058 2069397-7 31403<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-7713 1387-5841 2003336-9 6489<br />

Elsevier 1046-2023;1095-9130 1046-2023 1471152-7 1661<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0603 (formerly Kluwer 1381-5741 Academic Publishers) 1478210-8 2215<br />

Physica ; Springer 1435-926X 0026-1335 1462149-6 2924<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-999X 0026-1386 1473783-8 4399<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) ; 1681-7575 Bureau International 0026-1394 des Poids et 1460891-1 Mesures<br />

4416<br />

Oxford University Press 1460-2407 1360-9947 1497467-8 3643<br />

Elsevier 1769-714X <strong>12</strong>86-4579 2019376-2 6759<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1931-8448 1076-6294 2030467-5 8967<br />

Springer 1432-184X 0095-3628 1462065-0 922<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1651-2235;1651-2596<br />

Group 0891-060X;1403-4174 2008190-X 5522<br />

Elsevier 0882-4010;1096-<strong>12</strong>08 0882-4010 1471158-8 685<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1618-0623 0944-5013 2051526-1 9550<br />

Elsevier 1095-9149 0026-265X 1471165-5 1360<br />

Springer 1436-5073 0026-3672;0344-838X;0344-8436;0369-0504;0369-2795<br />

1462152-6 5053<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM; (früher: Informa 1549-8719 Healthcare, Taylor 1073-9688 & Francis Group) 2008083-9 2546<br />

Elsevier 1873-5568 0167-9317 1497065-x 3875<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 1758-8<strong>12</strong>X 1356-5362 2024931-7 4234<br />

Saur ; de Gruyter<br />

1865-8458;2190-541X 0002-6530;0949-5770;2190-0752<br />

2605470-X 106530<br />

Elsevier 1878-1152 0047-7206 1492133-9 57493<br />

Elsevier 1878-4291 0968-4328 1492133-9 2871<br />

Elsevier 1878-111X 0739-6260 2205889-8 57494<br />

Micropaleontology Project; BioOne 1937-2795 0026-2803 2175613-2 52109<br />

Elsevier 1873-3093 1387-1811 20<strong>12</strong>505-7 2677<br />

Cambridge University Press ; Microscopy 1435-8115 Society of America 1431-9276 1481716-0 1517<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1477-9986;2050-5701<br />

; Japanese Electron 0022-0744;2050-5698<br />

Microscopy 2708387-1 Society<br />

10250<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0029;1553-0817 0741-0581;1059-910X 14749<strong>12</strong>-9 4179<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2752 0738-1085 1475571-3 1892<br />

Springer 1432-1858 0946-7076 1476561-5 1518<br />

Elsevier 0026-2862;1095-9319 0026-2862 1471172-2 1662<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2760 0895-2477 2000574-X 1866<br />

Horizon House Publications 0026-2897 2027879-2 33550<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1873-9865 1873-9857 2482858-0 114450<br />

Brill 1876-3375 1876-3367 2477249-5 1<strong>12</strong>021

Elsevier 0266-6138;1532-3099 0266-6138 2009032-8 7361<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1424-9294 1424-9286 2084286-7 25404<br />

De Gruyter 1867-0318 1867-030X 2176086-X 52625<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1477-9021 0305-8298 2075184-9 19861<br />

Wiley-Blackwell ; Johns Hopkins University 1094-348X Press im Project 0026-4326 MUSE 1495391-2 15869<br />

Thieme 1439-2291 0946-7211 2041662-3 9896<br />

Oxford University Press 1460-2113 0026-4423 1478974-7 2153<br />

Wiley 1468-0017 0268-1064 1490798-7 4803<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0924-6495;1572-8641 0924-6495 1475531-2 2216<br />

Springer 1616-1068 0255-6960;1025-91<strong>12</strong> 2053169-2 14637<br />

Karger 1423-016X 0378-0392 1482979-4 3038<br />

Taylor & Francis 1547-7401 0882-7508 2100269-1 33186<br />

Springer 1432-1866 0026-4598 1462046-7 923<br />

Springer 1438-1168 0930-0708 1462900-8 7664<br />

Elsevier 1872-9444 0892-6875 2015542-6 3515<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-1871 0026-4695 2003600-0 6696<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1365-2931 Group 0961-625X;1364-5706 2072609-0 19715<br />

Elsevier 0167-9031 2198796-8 57501<br />

Brill Academic Publishers, International 1573-3831 Association for 0168-9789 Mission Studies2149151-3 45591<br />

Verl. für die Deutsche Wirtschaft 1613-8740 2608313-9 162867<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1596 (formerly Kluwer 1381-2386 Academic/Plenum 2004169-X Publishers) 6697<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1029-2365;1940-1744<br />

Group 1042-5179;1940-1736 24699<strong>12</strong>-3 8999<br />

Elsevier Science ; Mitochondria Research 1872-8278 Society 1567-7249 2056923-3 15069<br />

Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Parlaments- <strong>und</strong> Behördenbibliotheken 0170-5598 2027900-0 189745<br />

Heymann 0026-6884 2257117-6 <strong>12</strong>8652<br />

via Beck 1431-1844 2275197-X 110241<br />

via Beck 0941-4193 2141473-7 88307<br />

via Beck 0941-4193 2500260-0 <strong>12</strong>3469<br />

Vogel 1867-9722 2671078-X 185339<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-525X 0026-7074 2043485-6 9985<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1572-8153 (ACM); Springer 1383-469X Science+Business 2000637-8 Media B.V. (formerly Kluwer 2023 Academic Publishe<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-7063 1<strong>12</strong>0-7388 1478948-6 2217<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-651X 0965-0393 2001737-6 496<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8099 0026-749X 1497348-0 2972<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-6836 0097-7004 2028975-3 8896<br />

Oxford University Press ; Project MUSE 1086-3273 0276-1114 2021132-6 208<br />

Springer 1439-7609 0169-1163;1439-7595 2023498-3 7666<br />

Elsevier 1872-9428 0166-6851 1491098-6 3761<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-4919 ; Kluwer Academic 0300-8177 Publ. 2003615-2 6701<br />

Elsevier 0303-7207;1872-8057 0303-7207 1500651-7 3762<br />

Elsevier 1095-9327 1044-7431 1471177-1 1663<br />

Elsevier 0890-8508;1096-1194 0890-8508 1471391-3 1665<br />

Springer 1432-1874;1617-4623 0026-8925;1617-4615 1462070-4 1516<br />

Elsevier 0098-2997;1872-9452 0098-2997 2008203-4 3763<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1537-1719 0737-4038 2024221-9 6974<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-4978 ; Kluwer Academic 0301-4851 Publ. 1478217-0 2218<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1742-2051 1742-206X 2188635-0 54179<br />

Elsevier<br />

0169-328X;1872-6941 0169-328X 1462860-0 3838<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9788 ; Kluwer Academic 1380-3743 Publ. 1478220-0 2219<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2744 0899-1987 2001984-1 1882<br />

Elsevier 1522-4732 1522-4724 1479770-7 3344<br />

Taylor & Francis 1543-5318;1563-5287 0026-8941;0369-1152;1058-725X;1542-1406<br />

2022536-2 5118<br />

Elsevier 1532-8619 1084-8592 2049061-6 10497<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-501X 1381-1991 2003589-5 6699<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8951 (formerly Kluwer 0925-5<strong>12</strong>5 Academic/Plenum 2003655-3 Publishers) 6700<br />

Springer 1617-4623 1617-4615 1462070-4 87984

Elsevier 1096-7192;1096-7206 1096-7192 1471393-7 677<br />

Elsevier 1872-9142 0161-5890 2013448-4 3764<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1611-0218;1868-1751 0722-3676;0931-8771;1611-020X;1868-1743<br />

2537668-8 36625<br />

Elsevier 1878-4178 1357-4310 2031551-X 3072<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1464-5203 Group 0149-046X;0968-7688 2016311-3 5163<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-2958 0950-382x 1501537-3 1592<br />

Elsevier 1095-9513 1055-7903 1471402-4 682<br />

Taylor & Francis 1362-3028 0026-8976 1491083-4 1131<br />

Oxford University Press 1752-9867 1674-2052;1752-9859 2393618-6 91643<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2795;1554-3919 0148-7280;1040-452X 1493888-1 1883<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-0435 0892-7022 2022556-8 5<strong>12</strong>0<br />

Karger 1661-8777 1661-8769 2546218-0 133386<br />

Springer 1434-4475 0026-9247 1462037-6 2653<br />

Springer 1436-5081 0026-9255;18<strong>12</strong>-8076 1462913-6 39<strong>12</strong><br />

Springer 1433-0474 0026-9298 1462918-5 924<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8097;1557-8348 0272-457X;1536-8599;1554-0014<br />

2709045-0 5704<br />

de Gruyter (früher: VSP, Brill Academic 1569-3961 Publishers) 0929-9629 2043509-5 37242<br />

Oxford University Press ; früher: Wiley-Blackwell 1365-2966 - STM 0035-8711 ; Royal Astronomical 2016084-7 Society<br />

5857<br />

Oxford University Press ; früher: Wiley-Blackwell 1745-3933 - STM 1745-3925 ; Royal Astronomical 2190759-6 Society 55697<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-9885 1357-6275 2020583-1 8321<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-6644 (formerly Kluwer 0146-7239 Academic Publishers) 2018072-X 8649<br />

Motor-Presse 0027-237X 2007484-0 162752<br />

Springer-Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Vieweg 2192-8843 + Teubner 0024-8525 2097890-X 31534<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1531-8257 0885-3185 204<strong>12</strong>49-6 9857<br />

Cambridge University Press ; Materials 1938-1425 Research Society 0883-7694 2136359-6 29384<br />

Cambridge University Press ; Materials 2159-6867 Research Society 2159-6859 2645443-9 172057<br />

TÜV Media GmbH 0344-9416 25975<strong>12</strong>-2 151749<br />

Wiesbaden : Springer Automotive Media 2520574-2 <strong>12</strong>5342<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2254136-6 82724<br />

Erich Schmidt Verlag 0027-2957 2134632-X 396<strong>12</strong><br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-272X (formerly Kluwer 1384-5640 Academic Publishers) 1479537-1 2220<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0824 (formerly Kluwer 0923-6082 Academic Publishers) 1479232-1 2221<br />

Emerald (formerly VSP, Brill Academic 1573-6113 Publishers) 1573-6105 2236954-5 149393<br />

Mouton de Gruyter 1613-3684 0167-8507 2049683-7 15088<br />

Springer 1432-1882 0942-4962 1463005-9 1446<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7721 (formerly Kluwer 1380-7501 Academic Publishers) 1479928-5 2222<br />

via Beck 1434-596X 1434-596X 2081778-2 115560<br />

via Beck 1434-596X 2081778-2 24867<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1477-0970 Hodder Arnold 1352-4585 2008225-3 2995<br />

Springer 1434-3940 1432-9417 1463013-8 2082<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-4598 0148-639X 1476641-3 1884<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis (früher: Elsevier) 1872-9185 0260-4779;0964-7775 1500653-0 91184<br />

Oxford University Press ; Project MUSE 1477-4631 0027-4224 2066779-6 19642<br />

SAGE Publications 1943-863X 1943-8621 2503432-7 <strong>12</strong>3222<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-9893 1461-3808 2020163-1 8322<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1945-0087 National Association 0027-4321;1559-2464;1559-2472<br />

for Music Education 2066780-2 (MENC) 109864<br />

Sage Publications ; European Society 2045-4147 for the Cognitive 1029-8649 Sciences of Music 2609855-6 160302<br />

Oxford University Press 1741-8399 0027-4631 2064647-1 37880<br />

Entertainment Media Verl. 0947-4404 2532415-9 <strong>12</strong>8998<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1478-1913 0027-4909 2066784-X 31554<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1464-3804 0267-8357 1497468-x 3644<br />

Elsevier 1386-1476 0921-8777 2210288-7 3789<br />

Elsevier 1878-1950 0167-8817 2210280-2 57502<br />

Elsevier 1878-3635 0921-8734 2022488-6 40197<br />

Elsevier Science 1878-7088 0165-1161 2022491-6 6820<br />

Elsevier<br />

1388-21<strong>12</strong>;1873-135X 0027-5107 1491099-8 3790

Elsevier Science 1878-707X 0165-<strong>12</strong>18 2022492-8 6823<br />

Elsevier 1388-2<strong>12</strong>0;1879-3592 1383-5718 2210272-3 3791<br />

Elsevier 1878-7053 0165-7992 2022490-4 6818<br />

Elsevier 1873-1341 1383-5726 2210262-0 3792<br />

Elsevier Science 1872-9347 0165-1110 2022494-1 6824<br />

Elsevier 1388-2139 1383-5742 2210266-8 3793<br />

Elsevier 1469-8102 0953-7562 1478365-4 63790<br />

Elsevier 1474-0605 0269-915X 2079709-6 65028<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0832 ; Kluwer Academic 0301-486X Publ. 2003647-4 6702<br />

Springer 1432-1890 0940-6360 1475865-9 925<br />

Springer 1618-2545 1340-3540 2077365-1 20047<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2253291-2 82727<br />

Wiley ; Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker 1868-0054 ; De Gruyter0341-5163;1439-9598<br />

2375969-0 8216<br />

De Gruyter 1862-9156 1862-9148 2405<strong>12</strong>1-4 99904<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-3803 0027-769X 1481064-5 4072<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5268 1387-6805 2044266-X 10042<br />

Elsevier 1878-044X 1748-0132 2224882-1 64963<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-6528 0957-4484 1362365-5 498<br />

De Gruyter 2191-9097 2191-9089 2646548-6 170672<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1743-5404 Group 1743-5390 2237988-5 67137<br />

Sage Publications ; National Assiciation 1930-1405 of Secondary 0027-8653;0192-6365<br />

School Principals2067752-2 65290<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-3036 0027-9501 2043739-0 10009<br />

Natural Areas Association; BioOne 0885-8608 2486532-1 114808<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1004-3470 169373<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1520-6742;1545-7907 0743-5665;1545-7893 2131658-2 45984<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0921-030X;1573-0840 0921-030X 2017806-2 6336<br />

Karger 1423-0178 1018-8916 1482989-7 3928<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8110 1351-3249 1481165-0 2139<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0859 (formerly Kluwer 0167-806X Academic Publishers) 2017587-5 4781<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-865X 0925-854X 2018485-2 4782<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1460-4752 0265-0568 2002546-4 1807<br />

Taylor & Francis 1478-6427 1057-5634;1478-6419 2185747-7 30669<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-8981 0961-1444;1520-7439 2018487-6 8650<br />

Wiley 1522-7189 1056-9014 2001987-7 4956<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1476-4687 0028-0836 1413423-8 328<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1546-1696 1087-0156 1494943-x 3155<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1476-4679 1465-7392 1494945-3 4672<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1552-4469 1552-4450 2190276-8 54283<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1755-4349 1755-4330 2464596-5 110970<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1546-1718 1061-4036 1494946-5 3<strong>12</strong>5<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1752-0908 1752-0894 2396648-8 96974<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1529-2916 1529-2908 20264<strong>12</strong>-4 7523<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1476-4660 1476-1<strong>12</strong>2 2088679-2 29424<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1546-170X 1078-8956 1484517-9 2962<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1548-7105 1548-7091 2163081-1 48309<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1748-3395 1748-3387 2254964-X 84202<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1097-6256;1546-1726 1097-6256 1494955-6 3<strong>12</strong>6<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1476-4687 0090-0028;0369-4887 2590703-7 150537<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1749-4893 1749-4885 2264673-5 85893<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1476-4687 0300-8746 2590711-6 150538<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1745-2481 1745-2473 2206346-8 60156<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1750-2799 1754-2189 2244966-8 81053<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1474-1768 1474-175X 2060549-3 15698<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1743-4300;1759-5010 1743-4297;1759-5002 2490378-4 483<strong>12</strong><br />

Nature Publishing Group 1743-4262;1759-4782 1743-4254;1759-4774 2491414-9 48310<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1474-1784 1474-1776 2061062-2 15737

Nature Publishing Group 1745-8374;1759-5037 1745-8366;1759-5029 2489384-5 60922<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1743-4386;1759-5053 1743-4378;1759-5045 2493729-0 48311<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1471-0064 1471-0056 2028884-0 8763<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1474-1741 1474-1733 2060551-1 15699<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1740-1534 1740-1526 2<strong>12</strong>1463-3 38485<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1471-0080 1471-0072 2028906-6 8767<br />

Nature Publishing Group<br />

1745-8331;1759-507X 1745-8323;1759-5061 2490368-1 60923<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1745-8358;1759-4766 1745-834X;1759-4758 2491518-X 60924<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1471-0048 1471-003X 2028902-9 8766<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1745-8390;1759-4804 1745-8382;1759-4790 2491533-6 65727<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1743-4289;1759-4820 1743-4270;1759-48<strong>12</strong> 2493740-X 48313<br />

Nature Publishing Group 1072-8368;1545-9985 1545-9993 2131437-8 39879<br />

Ulmer 0023-8058;0940-6808 2239511-8 67434<br />

Springer 1432-1904 0028-1042 1462930-6 926<br />

Springer 1432-19<strong>12</strong> 0028-<strong>12</strong>98 1462940-9 801<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1520-6750 0028-1441;0894-069X 1465691-7 4604<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1871-2401 0028-2030 2480050-8 114451<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1571-9979 (formerly Kluwer 0748-4526 Academic/Plenum 2021140-5 Publishers) 3920<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1875-2926 0028-2596 2480043-0 114453<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5411 1388-5545 2019332-4 7105<br />

Akadémiai Kiadó ; Springer Science+Business 1588-2810Media 0324-4652 B.V. (formerly Kluwer 2018493-1 Academic Publishers) 5271<br />

Karger 1421-9727;1661-7819 0006-3<strong>12</strong>6;0523-6525;1661-7800<br />

2403535-X 3009<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8668 (formerly Kluwer 0028-2677 Academic Publishers) 2019538-2 4783<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1440-1797 1320-5358 2008235-6 5924<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-2385 0931-0509 1465709-0 3646<br />

Karger 1423-0186 0028-2766 1464421-6 2190<br />

Karger 1660-2110 0028-2766;1660-2110 2098336-0 31679<br />

Karger 1421-9956;1660-2<strong>12</strong>9 1018-7782;1660-2<strong>12</strong>9 2098337-2 31680<br />

Karger 1660-2137 0028-2766;1660-2137 2098340-2 31681<br />

Springer 1433-0407 0028-2804 1462945-8 927<br />

Cambridge University Press ; T.M.C. Asser 1741-6191 Press 0165-070X 2146434-0 42419<br />

Elsevier 1873-1406 0077-7579 2143969-2 42117<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-542X;1570-7563 0028-2960 2019317-8 6649<br />

Cambridge University Press ; T.M.C. Asser 1574-0951 Press 0167-6768 2177465-1 52805<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-7071 1385-9587 2023747-9 5341<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1361-6536 0954-898X 1361685-7 499<br />

Cambridge University Press 2050-<strong>12</strong>50 2050-<strong>12</strong>42 2713036-8 197288<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1558-3473 (ACM) 1091-3556 2002648-1 3471<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0037 0028-3045 1481067-0 1867<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-9427 1566-113X 2037373-9 9491<br />

via Beck 2082767-2 24868<br />

via Beck 0341-1915 2076047-4 <strong>12</strong>8739<br />

via Beck 1431-9004 2082033-1 24870<br />

via Beck 0949-7110 2082005-7 24871<br />

via Beck 1431-9004 2082340-X 24872<br />

via Beck 0949-7102 2081998-5 24873<br />

via Beck 0341-1907;0341-1915 2076047-4 24869<br />

via Beck 0179-4043 2082038-0 24874<br />

via Beck 1613-4621 2188237-X 54156<br />

Hüthig 0341-0390 2626492-4 29525<br />

via Beck 2263580-4 84235<br />

via Beck 0176-3814;0943-7525 2081906-7 24880<br />

via Beck 0949-7137 2082336-8 24881<br />

via Beck 1439-6351 2081903-1 24882<br />

via Beck 1436-4778 2081913-4 24885<br />

via Beck 1434-9272 2081896-8 24884

via Beck 2553334-4 131968<br />

via Beck 1434-677X 2082009-4 25484<br />

via Beck 0941-7915 2081709-5 24887<br />

via Beck 0720-1753 2081703-4 24875<br />

via Beck 0949-7<strong>12</strong>9 2082327-7 24876<br />

De Gruyter 16<strong>12</strong>-9520 0028-3517 2049677-1 11488<br />

via Beck 0934-1307 2081710-1 24888<br />

via Beck 1436-476X 2081909-2 24877<br />

via Beck 0721-880X 2081919-5 24878<br />

via Beck 2497965-X <strong>12</strong>0361<br />

via Beck 0934-8603 2082331-9 24879<br />

Springer 1433-3058 0941-0643 1480526-1 4640<br />

Elsevier 1879-2782 0893-6080 1491372-0 2872<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-773X 1370-4621 1478375-7 2225<br />

Oxford University Press (früher: Duke 1523-5866 University Press) 1522-8517 2094060-9 <strong>12</strong>9552<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1744-506X Group 0165-8107 1475815-5 4357<br />

Elsevier 0197-4580;1558-1497 0197-4580 1498414-3 3839<br />

Elsevier 1074-7427;1095-9564 1074-7427 1471414-0 1670<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1465-3656 1355-4794 1497469-1 3647<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 1573-6903 Formerly Kluwer 0364-3190 Academic Publ. 2018503-0 7940<br />

Elsevier 1872-9754 0197-0186 1500654-2 3765<br />

Elsevier / Academic Press 1055-8330;1522-9661 1055-8330 2042615-X 7640<br />

Karger 1660-2862 1660-2854 2<strong>12</strong>6858-7 39165<br />

Karger 1424-8530;1661-3414 1424-8522;1661-3406 2206059-5 18987<br />

Karger 1423-0194 0028-3835 1483028-0 3042<br />

Karger 1423-0208 0251-5350 1483032-2 3043<br />

Springer 1364-6753 1364-6745 1475869-6 1440<br />

SAGE Publications 1941-8752 1941-8744 2629083-2 169255<br />

Elsevier 1095-9572 1053-8119 1471418-8 1684<br />

Karger 1423-0216 1021-7401 1483035-8 3927<br />

Springer 1590-3478 1590-1874 1481772-x 10526<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1074-7931 1074-7931 2070987-0 96924<br />

Elsevier 0960-8966;1873-2364 0960-8966 2008287-3 3200<br />

Elsevier 1097-4199 0896-6273 2001944-0 315<br />

Thieme 1439-1899 0174-304X 2041654-4 9901<br />

Elsevier 0143-4179;1532-2785 0143-4179 2002474-5 6606<br />

Elsevier 1873-7064 0028-3908 1500655-4 3840<br />

Elsevier, Paris 1769-7131 0987-7053 2031498-X 3841<br />

Consultants Bureau, An Imprint of Springer 1573-9007 Verlag New 0090-2977 York 2037679-0 9420<br />

Elsevier 1557-797X 1058-6741 2031501-6 8173<br />

Elsevier 1769-6615 0222-9617 2105462-9 34166<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0894-878x 2063084-0 40479<br />

Karger 1423-0224 0302-282X 1483094-2 3044<br />

Elsevier 1873-3514 0028-3932 1500656-6 3225<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-0694 0960-2011 1497280-3 1157<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 1573-6660 Formerly Kluwer 1040-7308 Academic Publ. 2018507-8 8069<br />

Springer 1432-1920 0028-3940 1462953-7 928<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-6844 0888-4390;1545-9683 2100545-X 33235<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-558X 0959-4965 2031485-1 3984<br />

International Brain Research Organization, 1873-7544 Elsevier 0306-4522 1498423-4 3842<br />

Consultants Bureau, An Imprint of Springer 1573-899X Verlag New 0097-0549 York 2037678-9 9421<br />

Elsevier 0149-7634;1873-7528 0149-7634 1498433-7 3843<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1673-7067 2421623-9 169436<br />

Elsevier 0304-3940;1872-7972 0304-3940 1498535-4 3844<br />

Elsevier 0168-0102;1872-8111 0168-0102 1498536-6 3845<br />

Elsevier 1879-0917 0921-8696 2416115-9 40198

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1089-4098 1073-8584 2029471-2 8920<br />

Karger 1422-4992;1424-8638 1422-4933;1424-862x 2061922-4 19980<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1534-4916 1050-6438 2063<strong>12</strong>1-2 96925<br />

Springer 1437-2320 0344-5607 1474861-7 4373<br />

Elsevier 0892-0362;1872-9738 0892-0362 2008305-1 3846<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1520-6777 0733-2467 1500793-5 4885<br />

Elsevier 1387-6473;1872-9630 1387-6473 1474261-5 5951<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1741-2005 0028-4289 2132190-5 400<strong>12</strong><br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1534-8687 0195-2269;1520-3247 2477108-9 20066<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1537-5781;1558-4453 0193-9416;1533-8916 2099368-7 101326<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-5095 ; Kluwer Academic 0169-4286 Publ. 2016205-4 2091<br />

Elsevier<br />

0732-118X;1873-3522 0732-118X 2019922-3 3979<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1369-9261 0398-9836;1144-0546 1472933-7 1808<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP); Deutsche 1367-2630Physikalische Gesellschaft 1464444-7 3941<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7315 1461-4448 20163<strong>12</strong>-5 7823<br />

Taylor & Francis 1740-7842 1361-4568 2042181-3 47160<br />

Cambridge University Press 0533-2451 2237868-6 65703<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-005X 0268-1072 2022641-X 8235<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8145 0028-6885 14833<strong>12</strong>-8 4899<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0613 0266-464X 2030067-0 8030<br />

via Beck 2558632-4 135840<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0048-0282 2278053-1 93029<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)2168-3026 2119262-5 37602<br />

Oxford University Press 1469-994X 1462-2203 2020202-7 8325<br />

De Gruyter 1613-0790 0342-1422 2049671-0 15771<br />

Brill Academic Publishers, Springer 1570-7768 1567-8474 2097820-0 31603<br />

Elsevier 1089-8603;1089-8611 1089-8603 1471433-4 1361<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1492 0952-3480 2002003-X 4957<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill, Springer, früher 1571-8077 Kluwer Law International 1567-7<strong>12</strong>5 2037383-1 9487<br />

Elsevier Science 1873-5215 0362-546X 1467467-1 3292<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1420-9004 1021-9722 1480580-7 1474<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0924-090X;1573-269X 0924-090X 20<strong>12</strong>600-1 6339<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP); London 1361-6544 Mathematical 0951-7715 Society 13615<strong>12</strong>-9 500<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-7395 0094-0607;0899-7640 2029449-9 8919<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill, früher Kluwer Law 1571-8107 International 0902-7351 20185<strong>12</strong>-1 8071<br />

Cambridge University Press; früher: Taylor 1502-4717 & Francis 0332-5865 2027851-2 39103<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1502-4725 Group 0029-1455;0803-9488 2008313-0 5525<br />

Martinus Nijhoff 1875-2934 0029-151X 2249568-X 115748<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1502-5292 0029-1951 2028661-2 5527<br />

Elsevier Science 1062-9408;1879-0860 1062-9408 2023759-5 6876<br />

Elsevier 1878-3333 1042-752X 2198797-X 57505<br />

Humboldt Field Research Institute; BioOne 1938-5307 1092-6194 2117206-7 52106<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 2274788-6 88246<br />

Northwest Scientific Association; BioOne 0029-344x 2474489-X 164001<br />

Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology 1938-5315 ; BioOne 1051-1733 2175232-1 52465<br />

Oxford University Press 1471-6941 0029-3970 2031198-9 19911<br />

Springer 1436-0578 1434-6222 1478809-3 2654<br />

Missouri Botanical Garden; BioOne 1945-6174 1055-3177 2239681-0 115547<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5365 0048-1009 2036950-5 9371<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1420-9144 0036-6978 2213273-9 61140<br />

Elsevier 1878-2027 0191-815X 2198798-1 57506<br />

Elsevier 1095-9904 0090-3752 1471439-5 1362<br />

Elsevier 1557-8402 0550-306X 22<strong>12</strong>660-0 57507<br />

Elsevier 0090-550X 22<strong>12</strong>662-4 57508<br />

Elsevier 1872-759X 0029-5493 2001319-X 3420<br />

Elsevier 1878-2906 0167-899X 2205641-5 57509

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP); International 1741-4326 Atomic 0029-5515 Energy Agency 2037980-8 (IAEA)<br />

5747<br />

Elsevier 1878-<strong>12</strong>68 0369-643X 2198917-5 57510<br />

Elsevier 1878-3759 0029-554X 2205646-4 57511<br />

Elsevier<br />

0029-554x;1872-9606 0167-5087 2205648-8 575<strong>12</strong><br />

Elsevier 1872-9576 0168-9002 1466532-3 3948<br />

Elsevier 1872-9584 0168-583X 1466524-4 2819<br />

Elsevier 0969-8051;1872-9614 0969-8051 1498538-x 3150<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5628 0143-3636 2028880-3 96926<br />

Elsevier Science 1873-1546 0029-5582 2242383-7 58930<br />

Elsevier Science 1873-1554 0375-9474 1466542-6 995<br />

Elsevier 1873-1562 0550-3213 1466567-0 996<br />

Elsevier 1873-3832 0920-5632 1466572-4 997<br />

Elsevier 1878-2817 0369-5816 2198884-5 57513<br />

Elsevier 1878-1144 0145-224X 2205649-X 57514<br />

Elsevier 1878-1055 0191-278X 2205650-6 57515<br />

Elsevier 1878-1101 0735-245X 2205908-8 57517<br />

Elsevier 1878-1039 0969-8078 2140603-0 57516<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1050-8526;1557-8526;2159-3345<br />

1050-5261;1087-2906;1545-4576;2159-3337<br />

2639888-6 46579<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1362-4962 0305-1048 1472175-2 60967<br />

Oxford University Press 1746-8272 0261-3166 2205588-5 60969<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-2335 0732-8311;1525-7770 2043255-0 9970<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5276 0029-5973 2041938-7 9921<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9265 (formerly Kluwer 1017-1398 Academic Publishers) 2002650-X 2011<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-2467 0163-0563 1468214-x 11481<br />

Taylor & Francis 0149-5720 2490682-7 180198<br />

Taylor & Francis 1521-0634 0149-5720;1040-7782 2015653-4 5459<br />

Taylor & Francis 1521-0626 1040-7790 2015655-8 5460<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1506 1070-5325 20<strong>12</strong>602-5 4970<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1004-8979 2421389-5 169274<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2426 0749-159X 20<strong>12</strong>605-0 1868<br />

Springer 0945-3245 0029-599X 1364300-9 581<br />

Società Italiana di Fisica 1826-9869 0369-3546 2556213-7 118827<br />

Società Italiana di Fisica 1826-9869 0369-3546 2556213-7 118828<br />

Società Italiana di Fisica 1826-9877 0029-6341;0369-3554 2556218-6 134788<br />

Società Italiana di Fisica 1826-9877 0369-3554;0369-4100;1594-9982;2037-4895<br />

2556218-6 134790<br />

Società Italiana di Fisica 1826-9885 1<strong>12</strong>4-1896 2556226-5 134791<br />

Società Italiana di Fisica ; Springer 1826-9893 0392-6737 2556232-0 134792<br />

Società Italiana di Fisica 1827-6<strong>12</strong>1 0029-6341 2554784-7 134786<br />

Elsevier 1873-5223 1471-5953 2048951-1 10498<br />

Elsevier 0260-6917;1532-2793 0260-6917 2009219-2 7362<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-9855 0363-3624 2031466-8 96927<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-8662 0361-1817 2005574-2 96928<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-5103 0363-9568 2053497-8 96930<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-8689 0360-4039 2053540-5 96929<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1084-3647 2273508-2 970<strong>12</strong><br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1477-0989 Hodder Arnold 0969-7330 2031461-9 6887<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-8670 0039-5870;0744-6314 2053544-2 96931<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-9847 0029-6562 1480527-3 96932<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-7409 0894-3184 2016316-2 7825<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V 1573-0867 ; Kluwer Academic 1385-1314 Publishers 1478384-8 2226<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0732-0167 2187571-6 53998<br />

Elsevier 0985-0562;1768-3092 0985-0562 2099372-9 31910<br />

Sage Publications; HighWire Press; ASPEN 1941-2452 0884-5336 2170063-1 50977<br />

Elsevier 1879-0739 0271-5317 2013288-8 3766<br />

Cambridge University Press (früher: CAB 1475-2700 International, 0954-4224 CABI Publishing; 2029223-5 Nutrition Society) 5210<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-9839 0029-666X 2053548-X 96934

Vereinigte Fachverl. 0341-2660 2143013-5 197705<br />

Karger 1662-4033 1662-4025 2455819-9 110170<br />

Springer 1708-0428 0960-8923 2087903-9 29429<br />

Ulmer 0029-7798 2711357-7 197061<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-5395 0275-665X 2071164-5 96936<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1533-9866 0029-7828 2043471-6 96937<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0029-7844 0029-7844 20<strong>12</strong>791-1 96938<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1471-8405 0962-7480 2042824-8 9251<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 2272469-2 87923<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1541-3098 Group 0738-0577 2093881-0 30544<br />

Elsevier 1872-7816 0951-83<strong>12</strong> 2198891-2 57529<br />

Elsevier<br />

0964-5691;1873-524X 0964-5691 1497382-0 3637<br />

Springer 1616-7228 1616-7341 2063267-8 9528<br />

Elsevier 1872-776X 0302-184x 2198890-0 57528<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1744-5078 Group 0927-3948 1483057-7 4708<br />

Springer 1618-<strong>12</strong>55 1618-<strong>12</strong>47 2064980-0 16005<br />

Springer 1432-1939 0029-8549 1462019-4 929<br />

Elsevier 1878-1934 0269-8579 2198893-6 57530<br />

Elsevier 1878-2035 0143-7<strong>12</strong>7 2198892-4 57531<br />

PennNet 1944-9151 0030-1388 2096239-3 30237<br />

via Beck 0945-2176 2082030-6 24889<br />

Elsevier 1873-5274 0305-0483 1491111-5 3281<br />

Mary Ann Liebert Inc. Publishers 1557-8100 1070-2830;1090-6592;1536-2310<br />

20303<strong>12</strong>-9 36816<br />

Vogel 1436-9974 2217687-1 197431<br />

Karger 1423-0232 0030-2414;0369-7606 1483096-6 2894<br />

Springer 1433-0415 0947-8965 1462966-5 1447<br />

Karger 1423-0240 0378-584X 1483097-8 3046<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0923-7992;1573-708X 0923-7992 1478937-1 2227<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1469-9958 0268-0513 2020730-X 8329<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-1324 <strong>12</strong>30-16<strong>12</strong> 2008114-5 6340<br />

Oxford University Press (OUP) ; Project 1476-2870 MUSE 0736-0053 2068502-6 25175<br />

Elsevier 0167-6377;1872-7468 0167-6377 1467065-3 3342<br />

Urban & Vogel bei Springer LINK 1439-0981 0934-6694 2001071-0 6103<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers; Elsevier 1558-3848 1048-6666 2150384-9 45723<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers / Elsevier 1557-9395 1043-1810 2135189-2 39972<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers / Elsevier 1558-0741 1071-0949 2133420-1 39971<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers / Elsevier 1557-9794 1060-1872 2134538-7 39970<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1744-5086 Group 0928-6586 1483138-7 4709<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1744-5094 Group 0167-6784;1381-6810 1475837-4 4356<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1537-2677 0740-9303 2070654-6 96939<br />

Karger 1423-0259 0030-3747 1483177-6 3047<br />

Springer 1433-0423 0941-293X 1462970-7 1448<br />

Karger 1423-0267 0030-3755;0372-834X 1483531-9 3048<br />

Elsevier Science 1878-3694 1386-2618 2044116-2 15138<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-817X 0030-4077;0306-8919 2000642-1 2549<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP); International 1560-2303 Society 0036-1860;0091-3286<br />

for Optical Engineering 20105<strong>12</strong>-5(SPIE)<br />

2058<br />

Elsevier 1873-<strong>12</strong>52 0925-3467 2015659-5 2784<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. (formerly Kluwer 1388-6916 Academic/Plenum 2035203-7 Publishers) 9440<br />

Elsevier 1873-0302 0143-8166 2000651-2 3466<br />

MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica ; Springer 1562-6911 Science+Business 0030-400X Media 2028261-8 7645<br />

Elsevier 1873-0310 0030-4018 1468811-6 2825<br />

Elsevier 1879-2545 0030-3992;0308-4280 2000654-8 3465<br />

Optical Society of America (OSA) 1539-4794 0146-9592 1479014-2 989<br />

Elsevier 1878-7371 0308-4280;0374-3926 22<strong>12</strong>067-1 57613<br />

Elsevier 1618-1336 0030-4026 2040037-8 9549<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-4945 0233-1934;0323-3898 1468794-x 5<strong>12</strong>6

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-2924 1389-4420 2018576-5 8073<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-4937 1026-7670;1055-6788 1468203-5 10489<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1673-1905 2375972-0 169478<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-9235 1040-5488 2083924-8 96940<br />

Springer 1436-6304 0171-6468 1467029-x 3463<br />

Oxford University Press (bis 2007: University 1533-8592 of California 0094-0798 Press); Project 2054773-0 MUSE<br />

20108<br />

Elsevier 1879-0593 1368-8375 2011971-9 3073<br />

Springer 1613-9674 0911-6028 2157096-6 46693<br />

Elsevier 1878-2175 0030-4220 2001803-4 9<strong>12</strong>45<br />

Mosby ; Elsevier 1528-395X 1079-2104;22<strong>12</strong>-4403 2001803-4 6546<br />

JAI Press, Elsevier 1873-5282 0030-4387 2002156-2 6575<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1600-0730 0105-7510 2026229-2 8670<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1744-5108 Group 0167-6830 203<strong>12</strong>02-7 4359<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9273 (formerly Kluwer 0167-8094 Academic/Plenum 1468197-3 Publishers) 2228<br />

Elsevier 1872-7360 0169-1368 2029106-1 3625<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1477-0539 1477-0520 2097583-1 31540<br />

Elsevier Science 1566-1199 2037332-6 9317<br />

Elsevier 1873-5290 0146-6380 2018075-5 2797<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8153 1355-7718 1493107-2 2973<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1618-1077 1439-6092 2040179-6 9723<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1461-7323 1350-5084 1482825-x 4680<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-7417 1086-0266 2029595-9 8905<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-3044 0170-8406 2050342-8 34289<br />

Elsevier 1095-9920 0749-5978 1471451-6 1685<br />

Elsevier 1878-2647 0030-5073 2205198-3 57614<br />

Elsevier 1873-3530 0090-2616 1475384-4 10405<br />

SAGE Publications 2041-3874 2041-3866 2598399-4 151872<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-7425 1094-4281 2029600-9 8906<br />

American Chemical Society (ACS) 1520-6041 0276-7333 2006302-7 1804<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0306-0713;0475-1582 2103078-9 33510<br />

Brill 1877-8372 0078-6527 2213264-8 132947<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-0875 0169-6149 2018578-9 6341<br />

Karger 1423-0275 0032-6305;0301-1569 1483533-2 3045<br />

American Ornithologists' Union; University 1941-2282 of California 0078-6594 Press; JSTOR; 2264148-8 BioOne<br />

<strong>12</strong>4688<br />

Ornithological Society of Japan, J-STAGE; BioOne 1347-0558 2222923-1 63994<br />

Springer 1433-0431 0085-4530 1462973-2 931<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1542-538x 0744-6020 2068591-9 96941<br />

Cambridge University Press 1365-3008 0030-6053 2020801-7 19757<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers; Elsevier 1063-4584;1522-9653 1063-4584 2002544-0 6617<br />

Springer 1433-2965 0937-941X 1480645-9 2895<br />

Karger 1423-0283 1014-8221 1483536-8 3926<br />

Sage Publications ; formerly: Elsevier1097-6817 0194-5998 2008453-5 5283<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1537-4505 1531-7<strong>12</strong>9 2058738-7 96942<br />

Brill 1875-0176 0030-672X 2414941-X 102172<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-9820 1535-2765 2049762-3 96943<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1093-1783 2049762-3 96944<br />

Oxford University Press 1741-7287 0142-6540 2134496-6 38498<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1464-38<strong>12</strong> 0030-7653 1467515-8 3648<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-0092 0262-5253 1482888-1 4734<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3820 0143-6503 1476972-4 3649<br />

Oxford University Press 1460-2<strong>12</strong>1 0266-903X 1467501-8 3650<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1465-3915 0305-4985 1477651-0 4472<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-4889 (formerly: Kluwer 0030-770X Academic Publishers/Plenum 2018581-9 Publishers) 1178<br />

Elsevier 1879-0585 0927-538X 2013015-6 3332<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1468-0106 1361-374X 2063782-2 15861<br />

BioOne 1534-6188 0030-8870 2053522-3 14645

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1540-8159 0147-8389 2037547-5 34810<br />

PL-Verl. 2682665-3 188259<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1522 0894-3214 2001436-3 4007<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1477-674X 0030-9230 2113268-9 35502<br />

Elsevier 1872-6623 0304-3959 1494115-6 2852<br />

Elsevier 1872-616X 0031-0182 1497393-5 3666<br />

Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM); 0883-1351 BioOne 0883-1351 206<strong>12</strong>24-2 15744<br />

Paleontological Society ; BioOne 1938-5331 0094-8373 2052186-8 53022<br />

The Palaeontological Society of Japan; BioOne 1342-8144 2220962-1 115548<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Hodder Arnold) 1477-030X ; HighWire Press 0269-2163 2027566-3 6889<br />

Cambridge University Press 1478-9523 1478-9515 2<strong>12</strong>1158-9 38462<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group ; American 1558-9188Association 0191-6<strong>12</strong>2 of Stratigraphic 2179197-1 Palynologists (AASP); 53071 BioOne<br />

Pacific Coast Entomological Society ; 0031-0603 BioOne 0031-0603 2486610-6 1148<strong>12</strong><br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-4828 0885-3177 2053902-2 96945<br />

Elsevier 1424-3911 1424-3903 2043694-4 10008<br />

Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI) 1933-3684 2237973-3 84638<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH ; früher: Springer 1435-5957 1056-8190 1472494-7 4346<br />

American Society of Church History 1079-9028 1079-9028 2487569-7 115747<br />

Cambridge University Press 2045-239X 0068-2462 2551988-8 151503<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8161 0031-1820 149<strong>12</strong>87-9 2141<br />

Springer 1432-1955 0044-3255;0932-0113 1462976-8 932<br />

Elsevier 1873-1473 0169-4758 2019381-6 3732<br />

Oxford University Press 1460-2482 0031-2290 2009225-8 5813<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-4117 0934-0866 1481071-2 4073<br />

Taylor & Francis 1548-0046 0272-6351 2085165-0 37723<br />

SAGE Publications 1460-3683 1354-0688 1492251-4 6197<br />

Brill Academic Publishers, Springer 1569-1675 1388-4433 2057794-1 15265<br />

Oxford University Press (OUP) ; Project 1477-464X MUSE 0031-2746 2064648-3 19741<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-6679 0031-2789 2018585-6 8074<br />

Karger 1423-0291 0031-2959;0304-3568;0371-487X;1015-2008<br />

1483541-1 3049<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; früher: Elsevier 1574-695X;2049-632X 0928-8244 26937<strong>12</strong>-8 62319<br />

Springer 1432-1963 0172-8113 1462980-x 1449<br />

Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins ; Informa 1465-3931 Healthcare 0031-3025 1479244-8 4473<br />

Springer ; Elsevier 1532-2807 <strong>12</strong>19-4956 2002501-4 6618<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1533-4015 1082-9784 2070999-7 96946<br />

Elsevier 1873-149X 0928-4680 203<strong>12</strong><strong>12</strong>-X 3094<br />

Karger 1423-0038;1424-8840 0301-0147;1424-8832 2081182-2 20<strong>12</strong>7<br />

Elsevier 0190-2040 2019572-2 <strong>12</strong>8777<br />

Elsevier 1873-5134 0738-3991 2019572-2 2834<br />

Springer 1433-755X 1433-7541 1484514-3 5054<br />

Elsevier 1873-5142 0031-3203 1466343-0 3363<br />

Elsevier 1872-7344 0167-8655 1466342-9 2904<br />

WEKA Computerzeitschr.-Verl. 1438-0919 2168752-3 48810<br />

CW-Publ.-Verlag 0175-0496 0175-0496 2056241-X 2601<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group ; früher: 1747-5104 Triangle 0965-9757;1468-1366 2011173-3 30211<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1399-3038;1600-5562 0905-6157;0906-5784 2008584-9 5404<br />

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc 1557-7767;2151-3228 0883-1874;2151-321X 2566342-2 136411<br />

Society for Pediatric Pathology ; Springer 1615-5742 1093-5266 1480654-x 2592<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1460-9592 1155-5645 2008564-3 5934<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM<br />

1096-911X;1545-5017 0098-1532;1545-5009 2130978-4 1880<br />

Springer 1432-1971 0172-0643 1463000-x 933<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1535-1815 0749-5161 2053985-X 96947<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-7694 1092-6410 2030868-1 8969<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1521-0669 Group 0800-2789;0888-0018 2001806-X 5317<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0277-9730 0277-9730 2545092-X 133170<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1532-0987 0891-3668 2020216-7 96948

Springer 1432-198X 0931-041X 1463004-7 2655<br />

Elsevier 1873-5150 0887-8994 2014321-7 3201<br />

Karger 1423-0305 0255-7975;0302-2803;1016-2291<br />

1483546-0 3925<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; früher: Informa 1747-7174;2047-6310<br />

Healthcare, Taylor 1747-7166;2047-6302<br />

& Francis Group 2234137-7 66699<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-005X 0898-5669 2071155-4 96949<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-0496 8755-6863 1491904-7 4074<br />

Springer 1432-1998 0301-0449 1463007-2 934<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (via OVID) 1530-0447 0031-3998 203<strong>12</strong>17-9 96950<br />

Springer 1437-9813 0179-0358 1463010-2 2656<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1873-1511 0031-4056 2049235-2 9555<br />

Elsevier 1873-5169 0196-9781 2019194-7 3767<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Hodder Arnold) 1477-111X ; HighWire Press 0267-6591 2029611-3 6715<br />

Akadémiai Kiadó ; Springer Science+Business 1588-2829Media 0031-5303 B.V. (formerly Kluwer 1476886-0 Academic Publishers) 6316<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1600-0757 0906-6713 2027098-7 8062<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1470-4358 1472938-6 198302<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1470-1820 1472943-x 198304<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1364-5463 1472-7781 1472938-6 13<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1364-5471 1472-779X 1472943-x 14<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1530 1045-6740 1479993-5 4264<br />

Springer ; Association for Computing 1433-3066;1617-4917<br />

Machinery (ACM) 0949-2054;1617-4909 1480656-3 9522<br />

Elsevier 1873-3549 0191-8869 2019937-5 3980<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-7433 0146-1672 2047603-6 10296<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1532-7957 1088-8683 2022092-3 86<strong>12</strong>0<br />

Haufe 1438-4558 2184849-X 164017<br />

B<strong>und</strong>-Verlag 0175-9299 2133279-4 39547<br />

Erich Schmidt Verlag 1866-0185 0476-3475 2423054-6 105626<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1744-6570 0031-5826 2066879-X 28994<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1618-0437 1433-8319 2038178-5 9546<br />

SAGE Publications 1476-9042;1757-9147 0264-0325;1466-4240;1757-9139<br />

2480219-0 20174<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1521-5768 0894-8046;1531-0035 2072483-4 65776<br />

Brill Academic Publishers, Springer 1569-1497 1569-1500 2089313-9 9920<br />

Sage Publications; Wiley-Blackwell ; früher: 1745-6924 Blackwell 1745-6916 Publishing - HSS 2224911-4 ; Association for Psychological 65176 Science (früher: Am<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1460-7018 1360-3108 2039093-2 5476<br />

Elsevier 0048-3575;1095-9939 0048-3575 1471454-1 1686<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM<br />

0031-613X;1096-9063 0031-613x 1474925-7 4230<br />

Elsevier 1879-3010 0031-6458 2051391-4 57615<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-5107 2424436-3 169359<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-2459 0737-7266;0884-3759;1091-6466<br />

2043254-9 9977<br />

Springer 1432-2013 0031-6768 1463014-x 936<br />

via Beck 0172-6617 2519739-3 <strong>12</strong>5203<br />

Elsevier 0031-6865 2022515-5 3862<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1744-5116 Group 0033-5525;0167-7314;0925-1618;1388-0209<br />

1483151-x 4710<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-9031 0091-150X 2039418-4 9352<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1097-9867 Group 1083-7450 2028095-6 4952<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-904X (formerly Kluwer 0724-8741 Academic Publishers) 2036232-8 9069<br />

Elsevier 1879-0186 1461-5347 203<strong>12</strong>27-1 3863<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1557 1053-8569 149<strong>12</strong>18-1 1881<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1744-6880 0960-314X;1744-6872 2048376-4 96951<br />

Elsevier 1096-1186 1043-6618 1471456-5 1688<br />

Elsevier 1879-2936 0031-6989 1471456-5 91669<br />

Elsevier 0091-3057;1873-5177 0091-3057 2008734-2 3227<br />

Karger 1423-0313 0031-70<strong>12</strong>;0258-2589;0543-3002;0543-3010<br />

1483550-2 3050<br />

Elsevier 1879-016X 0163-7258 1500663-3 3864<br />

Elsevier 1879-288X 0362-5478 2202937-0 57616<br />

Elsevier 1878-1977 0306-039x 2202938-2 57617<br />

Elsevier 0362-5486 2699821-X 194390

Thieme 1439-0795 0176-3679 2041961-2 9389<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-739X 0928-<strong>12</strong>31 2008911-9 6318<br />

Govi-Verlag 0031-7144 0031-7144 2026715-0 7671<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1615-1003 0048-3664 20<strong>12</strong>859-9 7405<br />

ECV-Editio Cantor Verlag 0031-711X 2038544-4 9149<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-0338 0141-1594 2022931-8 5131<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1744-6406 0031-8019 2044485-0 53289<br />

Springer 1574-9274 0048-3893 2244570-5 81131<br />

Taylor & Francis 1460-6992 0141-8610;1364-2804 2001649-9 3182<br />

Taylor & Francis 1463-6417 0141-8637;0958-6644;1364-28<strong>12</strong><br />

2001656-6 9925<br />

Taylor & Francis<br />

0031-8086;1478-6443;1941-580x;1941-5974;1941-5990<br />

1478-6435;1941-5796;1941-5850;1941-5966;1941-5982<br />

2136337-7 34107<br />

Taylor & Francis 1362-3036 0950-0839 2008166-2 1134<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-0883 0031-8116 2008947-8 6320<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-734X 0011-2860;0191-4537 1475387-x 4300<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-817X 0031-8191 1466487-2 2958<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-7441 0048-3931 1494070-x 5386<br />

Karger 1423-0321 0031-8388 1483552-6 3924<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8188 0952-6757 1466539-6 2142<br />

Taylor & Francis 1563-5325 0308-664X;1042-6507 2022938-0 5132<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1474-9092 1474-905X 2072584-X 19713<br />

American Society for Photobiology ; BioOne 1751-1097 0031-8655 2048860-9 6523<br />

Elsevier 1878-2973 0031-8663 2205197-1 57618<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1477-9730 0031-868X 2104419-3 33943<br />

E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung 1432-8364 2492537-8 119078<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8089;1557-8550 0736-9417;1044-5471;1549-5418<br />

2151595-5 46809<br />

Solar-Verl. 1430-5348 2009921-6 86908<br />

Photon Europe GmbH 1869-0696 2606070-X 160213<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-8188 1387-974X 2017595-4 6321<br />

AT-Fachverlag GmbH 1432-9778 2296105-7 90781<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0166-8595;1573-5079 0166-8595 1475688-2 2229<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0300-3604;1573-9058 0300-3604 2018590-X 6322<br />

Elsevier 1878-1357 1473-8325 2065106-5 29307<br />

Gentner 1864-7855 2532952-2 <strong>12</strong>9190<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5284 0031-8868 2036943-8 9374<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1460-2733 1472959-3 4261<br />

Elsevier 1873-1767 0031-8914 2205782-1 57619<br />

Elsevier 0378-4371;1873-2119 0378-4371 1466577-3 3394<br />

Elsevier 1873-2<strong>12</strong>7 0378-4363 2208195-1 57620<br />

Elsevier 1873-2135 0921-4526 1466579-7 2820<br />

Elsevier 0921-4534;1873-2143 0921-4534 1467152-9 2954<br />

Elsevier 0167-2789;1872-8022 0167-2789 1466587-6 2734<br />

Elsevier 1873-1759 1386-9477 1466595-5 3395<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) ; 1402-4896 Royal Swedish Academy 0031-8949 of Sciences 1477351-x 2548<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) ; Royal Swedish Academy 0281-1847 of Sciences 2041006-2 9849<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM<br />

1521-396X;1862-6319 0031-8965;1862-6300 1481091-8 3166<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-3951 0370-1972 1481096-7 3167<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1610-1642 1610-1634;1862-6351 2102966-0 33532<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1478-3975 1478-3967 2133216-2 39853<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1463-9084 1463-9076 1476244-4 4429<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1742-5786 1362-7<strong>12</strong>0;1740-8989 2146643-9 42341<br />

Informa Healthcare (formerly: Haworth 1541-3152 Press) 0270-3181 2093887-1 30545<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0928-5105;1573-160X 0928-5105 2065659-2 24685<br />

American Physical Society (APS) 1094-1622 0556-2791;1050-2947 1472694-4 52537<br />

American Physical Society (APS) 1095-3795;1550-235X 0163-1829;0556-2805;1098-0<strong>12</strong>1<br />

1473011-x 52538<br />

American Physical Society (APS) 1089-490X 0556-2813 1461161-2 52539<br />

American Physical Society (APS) 1089-4918 0556-2821;1550-2368;1550-7998<br />

1461167-3 52540

American Physical Society (APS) 1095-3787;1550-2376 1063-651X;1539-3755 1472725-0 52541<br />

American Physical Society (APS) 1079-7114 0031-9007 1472655-5 52535<br />

American Physical Society (APS) 1098-4402 1497130-6 2896<br />

American Physical Society (APS) 1536-6065 0031-899x 2177092-X 52546<br />

American Physical Society (APS) 1536-6065 0031-899x 2177092-X 52545<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-0451 0031-9104 2022959-8 5133<br />

Springer 1432-2021 0342-1791 1463021-7 937<br />

Elsevier Science 1879-3568 0079-1946 1500664-5 7035<br />

Elsevier Science 1873-4642 1464-1895 1500670-0 6988<br />

Elsevier Science 1873-4677 1464-1909 2018132-2 6993<br />

Elsevier Science 1873-4685 1464-1917 2028033-6 6998<br />

Elsevier 1873-5193 1474-7065 1500664-5 33967<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-6552 0031-9<strong>12</strong>0 1361494-0 503<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP); Institute 1361-6560 of Physics 0031-9155 and Engineering 1473501-5 in Medicine<br />

504<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1422-6960 1422-6944 1474875-7 4375<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 0034-6683;0305-4624 2105265-7 33369<br />

Elsevier 1873-2410 0031-9163 2207670-0 57621<br />

Elsevier 1873-2429 0375-9601 1466603-0 2933<br />

Elsevier Science 0370-2693;1873-2445 0370-2693 14666<strong>12</strong>-1 2934<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1089-7666 0031-9171;1070-6631 1472743-2 1811<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 0899-8213 2130786-6 45535<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 0899-8221 2130787-8 45534<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1089-7674 1070-664X 1472746-8 18<strong>12</strong><br />

Elsevier 1872-7395 0031-9201 1500666-9 3636<br />

Elsevier 1873-6270 0370-1573 1466624-8 2935<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1945-0699 0031-9228 2031187-4 582<br />

Turpion ; Institute of Physics Publishing 1468-4780 (IOP) 0038-5670;1063-7869 1493538-7 747<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-3943 0031-9252 2006647-8 7201<br />

Wiley-VCH 1619-6597 1617-9439 2057256-6 84216<br />

Thieme 1439-085X 0940-6689 2072467-6 19684<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1399-3054 0031-9317 2020837-6 5406<br />

Elsevier 1096-1178 0885-5765 1471461-9 1689<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP); Institute 1361-6579 of Physics 0143-0815;0967-3334<br />

and Engineering 2002076-4 in Medicine<br />

505<br />

Elsevier 1096-1178;1876-7974 0048-4059 2495959-5 119518<br />

Elsevier 1873-507X 0031-9384 2008755-X 3229<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1532-5040 Group 0266-6154;0959-3985 2039101-8 6162<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1565 0958-0344 1498615-2 4170<br />

Elsevier 1873-3700 0031-9422 2000313-4 2798<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1573 0951-418X 1493490-5 4171<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0369-9420;1758-6941 0369-9420 2020703-7 1682<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM<br />

1600-0749;1755-148X 0893-5785;1755-1471 2425880-5 8674<br />

De Gruyter 1865-8342 0930-5157 2431452-3 106368<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-7403 1386-341X 2008775-5 6323<br />

Elsevier 0143-4004;1532-3102 0143-4004 2002489-7 6619<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0087 0961-1371 2045175-1 10104<br />

Elsevier 1873-5088 0032-0633 20<strong>12</strong>795-9 3588<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1466-4518 0266-5433 1495148-4 2550<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1360-0583 0269-7459 1502461-1 1057<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1471-3052;1741-3052 1473-0952 2084065-2 25373<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1471-9053 ; Japanese Society 0032-0781 of Plant Physiologists<br />

2020758-X 750<br />

Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 1573-5036 ; Kluwer 0032-079X 1478535-3 2089<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1438-8677 1435-8603 2026390-9 8751<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1439-0523 0179-9541 2020488-7 8286<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-3040 0140-7791 2020843-1 5941<br />

Springer 1432-203X 0721-7714 1462082-0 1520<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-5044 (formerly Kluwer 0167-6857 Academic/Plenum 1478391-5 Publishers) 2231

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-5052 0042-3106;1385-0237 1479167-5 2232<br />

Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 1573-9104 ; Kluwer 0921-9668 2016222-4 2088<br />

Cambridge University Press (früher: CABI 1479-263X Publishing) 1479-2621 2180556-8 53230<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-5087 ; Kluwer Academic 0167-6903 Publ. 1478400-2 2233<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer Academic 0167-44<strong>12</strong>;1573-5028<br />

Publishers) 0167-44<strong>12</strong> 14757<strong>12</strong>-6 2234<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0735-9640;1572-9818 0735-9640 2018592-3 40975<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-3059 0032-0862 2020845-5 5942<br />

Elsevier 1873-2690 0981-9428 2031431-0 6155<br />

Springer 1432-2145;2194-7961 0934-0882;2194-7953 2700598-7 954<br />

Elsevier 0168-9452;1873-2259 0168-9452 1498605-x 3768<br />

Elsevier 1878-2310 0304-4211 2205216-1 57623<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1442-1984 0913-557X 2020484-X 8287<br />

Springer 1615-6110 0029-8948;0378-2697 1463027-8 4553<br />

Springer 1432-2048 0032-0935 1463030-8 938<br />

Thieme 1439-0221 0032-0943 2037089-1 9433<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-8986 0272-4324 2018594-7 8076<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-4929 1051-9998 2032543-5 9033<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-6587;1879-2979 0032-1028;0368-3281;0741-3335<br />

1473144-7 501<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1009-0630 2240796-0 169283<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) ; Institute of Plasma 1009-0630 Physics, The 2240796-0 Chinese Academy of Sciences 67596; Chinese Society of<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-6595 0963-0252 20040<strong>12</strong>-X 506<br />

Elsevier 1878-2019 0278-6222 2169162-9 57631<br />

Elsevier Science 1879-3436 <strong>12</strong>88-3255 2024956-1 7036<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8978 (formerly: 1084-0184 Kluwer Academic 2018628-9 Publishers/Plenum Publishers) 9070<br />

Elsevier<br />

0147-619X;1095-9890 0147-619X 1471554-5 686<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1075-<strong>12</strong>70 2037030-1 193666<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1529-4242 0032-1052;1075-<strong>12</strong>70 2037030-1 96952<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0096-8501 2037030-1 193682<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-1841 0741-5206 2183728-4 96953<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1369-1635 Group 0953-7104 2008783-4 1072<br />

National Association for Surface Finishing 0360-3164 2496293-4 118821<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-0747 0272-0965 2096663-5 31404<br />

Elsevier<br />

0048-4571;0304-422X;1872-7514<br />

0304-422X 148<strong>12</strong>42-3 3532<br />

Springer 1432-2056 0722-4060 1478942-5 939<br />

Cambridge University Press 1475-3057 0032-2474 2100301-4 33167<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; Norsk Polarinstitutt 1751-8369 0800-0395 2138534-8 40726<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-745X 1098-6111 2094909-1 333<strong>12</strong><br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-7468 1527-1544 2070898-1 33313<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-0891 0032-2687 2018631-9 6325<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1476-4989 1047-1987 2077794-2 20057<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-6687 0190-9320 2018635-6 8077<br />

Elsevier 0962-6298;1873-5096 0962-6298 1497401-0 3333<br />

Elsevier 1878-3937 0260-9827 214<strong>12</strong>63-7 40943<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-923X 0032-3179 148<strong>12</strong>96-4 4136<br />

SAGE Publications 1938-274X 0043-4078;1065-9<strong>12</strong>9 2070095-7 86896<br />

SAGE Publications 2041-0611 0032-3187;01<strong>12</strong>-8760 2508<strong>12</strong>9-9 <strong>12</strong>9185<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH ; Political Studies 1467-9248 Association (PSA) 0032-3217 148<strong>12</strong>99-x 4192<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-7476 0090-5917 1500238-x 6009<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-7514 0032-3292 1494074-7 5387<br />

Beech Tree Publishing; BioOne 0730-9384 2040372-0 9727<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-3060 1470-594X 2084315-X 25374<br />

Taylor & Francis 1563-5333 1040-6638 2023130-1 5134<br />

Elsevier 1873-3719 0277-5387 2000326-2 2773<br />

Elsevier 1873-2291 0032-3861 2013972-X 2821<br />

Springer 1436-2449 0170-0839 1473175-7 2657<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1759-9962 1759-9954 25288<strong>12</strong>-X <strong>12</strong>8701

Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) ; 1548-0569 Wiley-Blackwell 0272-8397 - STM 1475935-4 4428<br />

Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) ; 1548-2634 Wiley-Blackwell 0032-3888;0096-8<strong>12</strong>9<br />

- STM 2006718-5 2608<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM<br />

1097-0<strong>12</strong>6;1934-256X 0007-1641;0959-8103 2004753-8 4958<br />

Taylor & Francis 1525-6111 0022-2321;0360-2559 2028481-0 6948<br />

Taylor & Francis 1520-5746;1532-9038;1558-3716<br />

0736-6574;1532-1797;1558-3724<br />

2237030-4 6694<br />

MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica ; Springer 1555-6107;1757-1820<br />

Science+Business 0965-545X Media 2228442-4 64372<br />

MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica ; Springer 1555-6<strong>12</strong>3 Science+Business 1560-0904 Media 2239942-2 64373<br />

MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica ; Springer 1555-614X Science+Business 1811-2382 Media 2247059-1 64374<br />

MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica distributed 1995-4220 exclusively by Springer 1995-42<strong>12</strong> 2455294-X 105594<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1581 1042-7147 1481102-9 1870<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0095 0261-1430 2036210-9 9334<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-7810 0146-1052;0199-0039 2018639-3 9067<br />

Springer 1438-390X 1438-3896 1474902-6 10527<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8860;1942-7905 1093-507X;1942-7891 2456899-5 8942<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-7829 0167-5923 2018638-1 6326<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-9281 1385-<strong>12</strong>92 2014456-8 6327<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0194-3898 2187540-6 53995<br />

Elsevier 0925-5214;1873-2356 0925-5214 1498582-2 3716<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0926-2601;1572-929X 0926-2601 1475719-9 2235<br />

Cambridge University Press ; JCPDS 1945-7413 - International Centre 0885-7156 for Diffraction 2047596-2 Data (ICDD) 10307<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-9066 0038-5735;1068-1302 2037317-X 9422<br />

Elsevier 1873-328X 0032-5910 2019938-7 2761<br />

PennNet 0032-5961 2023156-8 30246<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1570-1468 0018-8220;1570-145X 2037320-X 31771<br />

De Gruyter 1897-7499 0137-2459 2403591-9 172115<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM<br />

1528-252X;2047-2900 1357-8170;2047-2897 2652246-9 7955<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1742-4909 0950-3153 2162820-8 42347<br />

De Gruyter 1613-0804 0079-4848 2050013-0 42417<br />

Verlag für Schweißen <strong>und</strong> verwandte Verfahren, DVS-Verlag 0554-9965 87534<br />

Indian Academy of Sciences ; Springer 0973-7111 0304-4289 2046354-6 9<strong>12</strong>44<br />

via Beck 0425-<strong>12</strong>88 2081894-4 24856<br />

Elsevier 1872-7433 0301-9268 1500672-4 3630<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1618 ; Kluwer Academic 1385-2256 Publ. 2016333-2 6328<br />

Cambridge University Press 1945-1938 0882-7397;1049-023X 2162069-6 47100<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1545-0066 Group 1090-3<strong>12</strong>7 2053948-4 33523<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0223 0197-3851 149<strong>12</strong>17-x 1893<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-2297 0032-7484;1082-6068 2057441-1 15195<br />

Boorberg ; OSV Ottokar Schreiber Verlag 1862-9032 2540707-7 34767<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-6695 1389-4986 2018644-7 8078<br />

Elsevier 0091-7435;1096-0260 0091-7435 1471564-8 348<br />

Elsevier 0167-5877;1873-1716 0167-5877 2008793-7 3733<br />

Cambridge University Press (früher: Hodder 1477-1<strong>12</strong>8 Arnold) 1463-4236 2027892-5 6892<br />

Springer 1610-7365 0032-8332 2100453-5 30326<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-7522 0032-8855 2028491-3 7822<br />

Cambridge University Press ; früher: EDP <strong>12</strong>62-3318 Sciences <strong>12</strong>92-8100 2008339-7 2095<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8951 0269-9648 2010880-1 6081<br />

Springer 1432-2064 0044-3719;0178-8051 1462994-x 940<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-3079 0264-5505 2<strong>12</strong>0868-2 37718<br />

Mouton de Gruyter 1613-4079 0921-4771 2045582-3 10242<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) ; Institute 0738-100X of Electrical and 2515198-8 Electronics Engineers (IEEE) <strong>12</strong>4757<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)1063-6919 2482847-6 111390<br />

International Society for Optical Engineering 1996-756X (SPIE) 0277-786X 2398361-9 100252<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2254174-3 82725<br />

The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1938-5293 ; BioOne 0097-3157 2174963-2 52<strong>12</strong>2<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0306-1396 2166458-4 39955<br />

Biological Society of Washington ; BioOne 1943-6327 0006-324X 2276955-9 88380

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0269-3135;0369-8718 2197276-X 57246<br />

Cambridge University Press 1464-3839 0013-0915 1465484-2 7603<br />

Entomological Society of Washington via BioOne 0013-8797 2533731-2 <strong>12</strong>9289<br />

Elsevier 0016-7878 2043849-7 10019<br />

Sage Publications ; Human Factors and 1541-93<strong>12</strong> Ergonomics Society 1071-1813 2415770-3 102943<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) ; IEEE Computer 2484062-2 Society<br />

108009<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1558-2256(IEEE)<br />

0018-9219 2040232-6 <strong>12</strong>63<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0368-3958 2197207-2 57239<br />

SAGE Publications 2041-2967 0957-6509 2024892-1 4580<br />

SAGE Publications 2041-2975 0263-7146;0954-4054 2032745-6 4621<br />

SAGE Publications 2041-2983 0263-7154;0954-4062 2024890-8 4622<br />

SAGE Publications 2041-2991 0954-4070 2032754-7 6772<br />

SAGE Publications 2041-3009 0954-4089 2024897-0 4579<br />

SAGE Publications 2041-3017 0954-4097 2024901-9 6443<br />

SAGE Publications 2041-3025 0954-4100 2032759-6 6655<br />

SAGE Publications 2041-3033 0954-4119 2032763-8 6444<br />

SAGE Publications 2041-3041 0959-6518 2024903-2 6445<br />

SAGE Publications 2041-305X 1350-6501 2032767-5 6446<br />

SAGE Publications 2041-3068 1464-4193 2032771-7 83<strong>12</strong><br />

SAGE Publications 2041-3076 1464-4207 2032772-9 8313<br />

SAGE Publications 2041-3084 1475-0902 2089895-2 29555<br />

SAGE Publications 2041-3092 1740-3499 2197969-8 45985<br />

SAGE Publications 1748-0078 1748-006X 2246471-2 8<strong>12</strong>27<br />

SAGE Publications 1754-338X 1754-3371 2433576-9 108597<br />

Cambridge University Press 1743-9221 1743-9213 2170724-8 51551<br />

Wiley 1557-3672 1065-9889 2409514-X 101327<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0096-8390 2276733-2 88411<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-244X 0024-6115 1468238-2 2320<br />

American Breeders' Association 1465-7333 0022-1503 2518163-4 <strong>12</strong>5073<br />

Cambridge University Press 1475-2719 0029-6651 2016335-6 5205<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 0370-<strong>12</strong>98;0370-1301;0370-1328;0959-5309;1478-7814<br />

2105335-2 33371<br />

Royal Society of Edinburgh ; Cambridge 1473-7<strong>12</strong>4 University Press 0308-2105 2036780-6 88622<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0037-9697 2165090-1 39952<br />

Cambridge University Press 0950-7973 2597448-8 151779<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 2150-8097 (ACM)<br />

2478691-3 115574<br />

Elsevier 1873-3298 1359-5113 2016483-X 2699<br />

American Institute of Chemical Engineers 1547-5913 (AIChE) ; Wiley-Blackwell 0278-4513;1066-8527 - STM 2054500-9 9303<br />

Taylor & Francis 1366-5871 0953-7287 1485101-5 1136<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1539-0675 1529-7764 2277281-9 96954<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis 1747-5082;1941-5265 0305-7631;1367-4587;1941-5257<br />

2549838-1 66701<br />

Elsevier 0079-6107;1873-1732 0079-6107 1498578-0 3774<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers; Elsevier 1532-8643;1873-1740 0033-0620 2041627-1 9894<br />

Elsevier 1878-10<strong>12</strong> 0146-3535 1479022-1 58970<br />

Elsevier 1878-4208 0960-8974 1479022-1 2788<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1477-027X Hodder Arnold 1464-9934 2053875-3 14996<br />

Elsevier Science, Pergamon 0955-2235;1878-6456 0955-2235 2025966-9 7182<br />

SAGE Publications 1477-0288 0309-1325 1501497-6 5345<br />

Elsevier 0163-7827;1873-2194 0163-7827 1498569-x 3775<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1745-5391 1002-0071 2094449-4 169266<br />

Elsevier 1879-2863 0364-7722 2202237-5 57686<br />

Elsevier 0278-5846;1878-4216 0278-5846 2008803-6 3230<br />

Elsevier 1873-5118 0301-0082 1500673-6 3849<br />

Elsevier 1873-3301 0079-6565 1500674-8 2826<br />

Elsevier 0079-6611;1873-4472 0079-6611 1497436-8 3665<br />

Elsevier 0146-6410;1873-2224 0146-6410 1469<strong>12</strong>5-5 3952<br />

Elsevier 1058-9813 1058-9813 2008878-4 3095

Sage Publications (früher: Hodder Arnold) 1477-0296 ; HighWire Press 0309-1333 2006623-5 5347<br />

Elsevier 1873-4510 0305-9006 1497506-3 3681<br />

Elsevier 1873-1627 0079-6727 2000674-3 3876<br />

Elsevier 1873-1635 1350-9462 2008881-4 3177<br />

Elsevier 1878-1985 0278-4327 2138970-6 40213<br />

Elsevier 1878-4240 0079-6816 1479024-5 3882<br />

Elsevier Science 0079-6832;1878-3198 0079-6832 2170387-5 51519<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-4087 0340-7462;0721-3115 1481105-4 4959<br />

Cambridge University Press; Franklin1471-6399 0361-2333 2534180-7 35509<br />

Elsevier 1878-416X 0090-6980 2140297-8 40879<br />

Elsevier 1878-0636 0161-4630 2202106-1 57687<br />

Elsevier 0952-3278;1532-2823 0952-3278 2002495-2 6607<br />

Elsevier 1879-2847 0262-1746 2202246-6 57688<br />

Elsevier 22<strong>12</strong>-196X 1098-8823 2013367-4 3776<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0045 0270-4137 1494709-2 1901<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Informa Healthcare, 1746-1553Taylor 0309-3646 & Francis Group) 2205993-3 60197<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-213X;1741-0134 0269-2139;1741-0<strong>12</strong>6 1466729-0 2373<br />

Elsevier 1046-5928;1096-0279 1046-5928 1471688-4 683<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0134 0887-3585 1475032-6 1902<br />

Wiley 1862-8354 1862-8346 2317130-3 87285<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1618-0941 1434-4610 2036014-9 7557<br />

Springer 1615-6102 0033-183X 1463033-3 6686<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5873 0955-8829 2063156-X 96955<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 1573-6709 Formerly Kluwer 0033-2720 Academic Publ. 2018646-0 8079<br />

Elsevier 1872-7<strong>12</strong>3 0165-1781 1500675-x 3231<br />

Elsevier 1872-7506 0925-4927 1500675-x 3232<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1611 1057-9249 1495115-0 4886<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-1057;1475-3626 1353-3339;1475-3634 2099441-2 8403<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8978 0033-2917 1470300-2 2143<br />

Taylor & Francis 1556-3030 0033-2925 2237<strong>12</strong>3-0 67184<br />

Springer 1430-2772 0340-0727 1463034-5 2366<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Wiley-Blackwell, 1467-9280 ehemals Blackwell 0956-7976 Publishing 2022256-7 - HSS ; Association for Psychological 4114 Science ; f<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Wiley-Blackwell, 1539-6053 ehemals Blackwell 1529-1006 Publishing 2024925-1 - HSS ; Association for Psychological 8545 Science ; f<br />

SAGE Publications 0971-3336 0971-3336 2211945-0 60939<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1476-8321 0887-0446 2068770-9 20071<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1477-2744 1068-316X 2070<strong>12</strong>4-X 29487<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1465-3966 1354-8506 1477841-5 4476<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1520-6807 0033-3085 2002070-3 4180<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1741-3087 Society for Education, 0305-7356 Music and 2110840-7 Psychology Research 35965<br />

Elsevier Science 1878-5476 1469-0292 2028251-5 8808<br />

Sage Publications ; früher: Wiley-Blackwell 1471-6402 - SSH 0361-6843 2047897-5 10321<br />

Springer 1860-0980 0033-3<strong>12</strong>3 2188500-X 54169<br />

Elsevier 1873-3360 0306-4530 1500706-6 3233<br />

Karger 1423-033X 0033-264X;0254-4962 1483565-4 3051<br />

Springer 1432-2072 0033-3158 2066933-1 838<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1469-8986 0048-5772 1484299-3 33155<br />

Springer 1432-2080 0935-6185 1463035-7 1450<br />

Karger 1423-0348 0033-3190;0365-5822 1472321-9 23<strong>12</strong><br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1468-4381 1050-3307 2020501-6 8342<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-9299 0033-3298 1482694-x 4115<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7101 (formerly Kluwer 0048-5829 Academic/Plenum 1475723-0 Publishers) 2236<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-7530 0048-5853;1091-1421 2070401-X 5388<br />

Elsevier 1476-5616 0033-3506 2010279-3 3000<br />

Oxford University Press 1754-9981 1754-9973 2438463-X 106048<br />

Karger 1422-2833;1662-8063 1422-2795;1662-4246 2457026-6 110171<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1525-1446 0737-<strong>12</strong>09 2010328-1 5953

Cambridge University Press 1475-2727 1368-9800 2016337-X 5207<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-1065;1471-9045 1461-667X;1471-9037 2094887-6 7837<br />

Oxford University Press 1537-5331 0033-362X 2009642-2 7808<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-7098 1566-7170 2035204-9 9485<br />

SAGE Publications 1749-4192 0952-0767 2262638-4 85225<br />

JAI Press, Elsevier 0363-8111;1873-4537 0363-8111 20<strong>12</strong>039-4 7185<br />

SAGE Publications 1361-6609 0963-6625 142<strong>12</strong>72-9 37<strong>12</strong>3<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-7549 1087-724X 2070370-3 19099<br />

Conseil Permanent International pour 1095-9289 l'Exploration de 0902-8684;1054-3139<br />

la Mer 2463178-4 110567<br />

Springer ; Institut des Hautes Études 1618-1913 Scientifiques 0073-8301 2069874-4 19023<br />

Cambridge University Press ; früher: CSIRO 1448-6083 Publishing 1323-3580 2079225-6 <strong>12</strong>44<br />

Springer 1936-4792 0741-6148;1053-8801 2025143-9 8740<br />

Oxford University Press 1747-7107 0048-5950 2067249-4 61800<br />

Elsevier 0952-0600;1522-9637 0952-0600 2041980-6 7641<br />

Elsevier 1522-9629 1094-5539 1471690-2 1691<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-3095 1462-4745 149<strong>12</strong>24-7 5185<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1420-9136 0033-4553 1464028-4 1478<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-6617 0963-9659 2003499-4 507<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1460-2393 0033-5622;1460-2725 1492613-1 2377<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-0690 0014-9527 2088435-7 29382<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-7557 1049-7323 2010333-5 405<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-7565 1077-8004 2029972-2 8979<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-3109 1468-7941 2075815-7 19965<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-3117 1473-3250 2073436-0 19768<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0162-0436;1573-7837 0162-0436 2018647-2 8080<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0033-5177;1573-7845 0033-5177 2003280-8 6491<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-4222 0898-21<strong>12</strong> 2098752-3 52951<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis 1470-1081 1353-8322 2020470-X 8404<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-5154 1063-8628 2093170-0 96956<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 1573-2649 Formerly Kluwer 0962-9343 Academic Publ. 2008960-0 2553<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-6625 0954-8998;1355-5111 2002170-7 508<br />

Turpion ; Institute of Physics Publishing 1468-4799 (IOP) 0049-1748;1063-7818 1474676-1 4353<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 0954-8998 2002170-7 15<strong>12</strong>8<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3847 0033-5606 1476942-6 3526<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3855 0033-5614 1472323-2 3651<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1743-6893 2197238-2 57249<br />

Royal Meteorological Society ; Wiley-Blackwell 1477-870X- STM 0035-9009 (ab 2007) 2089168-4 29506<br />

Elsevier 1062-9769;1878-4259 1062-9769 2002261-X 6591<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0009-2681 2197424-X 40968<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8994 0033-5835 1474559-8 2144<br />

Elsevier 1040-6182;1873-4553 1040-6182 2002133-1 6576<br />

Elsevier 0033-5894;1096-0287 0033-5894 1471589-2 1185<br />

Elsevier<br />

0277-3791;1873-457X 0277-3791 1495523-4 3589<br />

De Gruyter 1865-8865 0079-9068 2506592-0 <strong>12</strong>3526<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0257-0130;1572-9443 0257-0130 2014596-2 20<strong>12</strong><br />

Quintessenz-Verlag 0033-6580 0033-6580 2158421-7 46810<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-9310 0033-6807 2016955-3 4570<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-3<strong>12</strong>5 0306-3968 2025671-1 8420<br />

SAGE Publications 2153-3687 2598402-0 151871<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-109x 1361-3324 2024099-5 8464<br />

Elsevier 1878-4267 1090-9524 2036664-4 7153<br />

Springer 1432-2099 0301-634X 1462083-2 941<br />

Elsevier 1878-0725 0033-7560 2202068-8 57689<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-4953 0033-7579;1042-0150 2023435-1 5137<br />

Elsevier 1879-0925 1350-4487 2000759-0 2766<br />

Wiley-Liss 1520-6823 1065-7541 2002153-7 4888

Elsevier 0146-5724 2019621-0 57690<br />

Elsevier 1879-0895 0969-806X 2019621-0 2767<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1742-3406 0144-8420 2<strong>12</strong>1843-2 34423<br />

Radiation Research Society; BioOne 1938-5404 0033-7587 2135113-2 4502<br />

Elsevier 1078-8174;1532-2831 1078-8174 2010900-3 7367<br />

Springer 1432-2102 0033-832X 1463036-9 942<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1547-7770 1069-<strong>12</strong>86 2084299-5 96957<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-9<strong>12</strong>0 (formerly Kluwer 0033-8443;0097-1545<br />

Academic Publishers) 2037675-3 9423<br />

Cambridge University Press ; EDP Sciences 1769-700X ; Société 0033-8451 Française de Radioprotection<br />

2236568-0 1781<br />

Elsevier 1879-0887 0167-8140 1500707-8 3075<br />

Cambridge University Press ; EDP Sciences <strong>12</strong>90-3868 0399-0559 1468388-x 3939<br />

Cambridge University Press ; EDP Sciences <strong>12</strong>90-385X 0988-3754 1492140-6 3938<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-9303 1382-4090 2014600-0 6370<br />

de Gruyter (früher: VSP, Brill Academic 1569-397X Publishers) 0926-6364 2041909-0 37243<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2418 1042-9832 15008<strong>12</strong>-5 1872<br />

Society for Range Management; BioOne 1551-5028 1550-7424 2180183-6 53133<br />

Society for Range Management; BioOne 1551-501X 0190-0528 2237860-1 67322<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0231 0951-4198 2002158-6 1873<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 1758-7670 1355-2546 2002657-2 <strong>12</strong>03<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1001-0521 2238702-X 169366<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-9329 0034-0006 1482696-3 4139<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7358 1043-4631 1482705-0 4681<br />

Elsevier 1879-0879 0222-0776 2056<strong>12</strong>8-3 3237<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1588-2837 (früher Kluwer 0133-1736 Academic Publishers, 2018650-2 früher Elsevier Science 7186 Direct)<br />

Elsevier 1873-166X 1381-5148 2019384-1 2721<br />

Elsevier 0923-1137;1873-1678 0923-1137 2049951-6 7188<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 169509<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0922-4777;1573-0905 0922-4777 1478082-3 2237<br />

Taylor & Francis 1521-0685 0270-2711 2019678-7 5480<br />

Taylor & Francis 1521-0693 0748-7630;1057-3569 2002516-6 5479<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1540-6229 0270-0484;1080-8620 2051891-2 11537<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1079-4220 2143165-6 96958<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1383 (formerly Kluwer 0922-6443 Academic Publishers) 1480026-3 2238<br />

Elsevier Science 1951-6959 1624-0693 21<strong>12</strong>877-7 36255<br />

Elsevier 1951-6940 1164-6756 2044118-6 7189<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0109 0958-3440 2037807-5 9514<br />

via Beck 0342-1945 20818<strong>12</strong>-9 24890<br />

via Beck 2553064-1 131967<br />

Datakontext, Verl.-Gruppe Hüthig-Jehle-Rehm 0178-8930 2607273-7 1601<strong>12</strong><br />

via Beck 0343-9771 2201742-2 58767<br />

via Beck 16<strong>12</strong>-7137 2171489-7 51616<br />

Springer 1434-5196 0937-9819 1463037-0 1456<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-1103 1462-3943 2025685-1 8465<br />

Elsevier 1878-1349 1471-0846 2111435-3 36258<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1083-4877;1573-9139 0034-3102;1083-4877 2037316-8 9432<br />

Oxford University Press 1471-695X 1020-4067 2101360-3 4207<br />

Elsevier 1878-4062 0034-3331 2203007-4 57693<br />

Springer 1436-378X 1436-3798 1480672-1 6838<br />

Elsevier 1879-2308 0166-0462 1478933-4 2911<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1360-0591 0034-3404 2001685-2 6539<br />

Elsevier 0167-0115;1873-1686 0167-0115 14987<strong>12</strong>-0 3777<br />

Elsevier 0273-2300;1096-0295 0273-2300 1471700-1 <strong>12</strong><strong>12</strong><br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1538-4853 Hammill Institute 0034-3552 on Disabilities ; 2066961-6 American Rehabilitation Counseling 19878 Association ; P<br />

Mary Ann Liebert Inc. Publishers 1557-8577;1557-8984 1094-5458;1549-1684 2155984-3 46581<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1745-526X 0033-6882 2169714-0 60940<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-1340 1385-3139 2004383-1 6497

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group ; Elsevier 1096-1151 0048-721X 1471703-7 1319<br />

Nijhoff ; Brill 1871-0328 1871-031X 2254876-2 84203<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5292 1079-9265 2052614-3 <strong>12</strong>550<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1574-30<strong>12</strong> 1023-0807 2069539-1 66640<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1547-3201 0034-4087 2058383-7 15286<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-901X 0034-4<strong>12</strong>5 1466479-3 2145<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1538-4756 früher: Pro-ed 0741-9325 2068560-9 24911<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1520-6831 1051-5658 2058535-4 15360<br />

Elsevier 0034-4257;1879-0704 0034-4257 1498713-2 3590<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1525-6049 Group 0276-5497;0362-8558;0740-1353;0886-022X<br />

2015459-8 7031<br />

Springer 1973-4409 0009-725x 2415092-7 134793<br />

Springer 1973-4409 0009-725X 2415092-7 103085<br />

Cambridge University Press (früher: CABI 1742-1713 Publishing) 1742-1705 2068805-2 33560<br />

Elsevier 1879-0690 1364-0321 2019940-5 3474<br />

Elsevier 1879-0682 0960-1481 2001449-1 3486<br />

Elsevier 1879-0674 0034-4877 1500709-1 3951<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-6633 0034-4885 1361309-1 509<br />

Reproductive Health Matters ; Elsevier0968-8080;1460-9576 0968-8080 2094799-9 36259<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1933-7205 Society for Gynecologic 1071-5576;1933-7191<br />

Investigation 2266096-3 86899<br />

Elsevier 0890-6238;1873-1708 0890-6238 2010593-9 3241<br />

Springer 1432-010X 0947-3602 1480687-3 5055<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-8692 1356-4765 2004359-4 6498<br />

Kenneth Mason 0374-4353 2426228-6 106331<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1009-9271;1674-4527 251<strong>12</strong>47-8 111769<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-1111 1464-7893 2002876-3 6457<br />

Elsevier 1873-3379 0891-4222 1500714-5 3234<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-1<strong>12</strong>X 1356-9783 2011609-3 7424<br />

Elsevier, Academic Press 1090-9451 1090-9443 1471708-6 1300<br />

Springer 1435-6066 0934-9839 1480792-0 4555<br />

Springer 1433-8580 0044-2534;0300-9130;0372-8722<br />

1463038-2 2180<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-188X (formerly Kluwer 0361-0365 Academic/Plenum 20<strong>12</strong>079-5 Publishers) 1179<br />

Elsevier 1879-1425 0923-2494 2038538-9 6147<br />

Elsevier 0923-2508;1769-7<strong>12</strong>3 0923-2508 2010710-9 6149<br />

Springer 1432-2110 0934-9847 1480796-8 1317<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-240X 0160-6891 2002160-4 4889<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1569-1640 0085-5553 2057792-8 15267<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group ; früher: 1747-51<strong>12</strong> Triangle 1359-6748 2007794-4 6652<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1898 (formerly Kluwer 0157-244X Academic Publishers) 2065354-2 9480<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-1138 0263-5143 2023482-X 8468<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers; Elsevier 0034-5288;1532-2661 0034-5288 2002535-X 6620<br />

Elsevier 1879-1417 0923-2516 2041715-9 6148<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-7573 0164-0275 2030098-0 6410<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-7581 1049-7315 2057740-0 15257<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-1146 0267-1522 2025669-3 8469<br />

Elsevier 1873-7625 0048-7333 1491698-8 3282<br />

JAI Press; Elsevier 0734-3310;1879-0666 0734-3310 2028935-2 7224<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1834-5530 Society for Education, 1321-103X Music and 2378416-7 Psychology Research 6035<br />

Springer 1437-5613 0034-5466 2387915-4 4376<br />

Springer India, in co-publication with Indian 0973-7<strong>12</strong>X Academy of 0971-8044 Sciences 2085223-X 134166<br />

Elsevier 1873-0221 0928-7655 1491141-3 3334<br />

Elsevier 1878-2779 0304-3967 2201907-8 58517<br />

Elsevier 0166-3097 2201908-X 58518<br />

Elsevier 1878-4054 0165-0572 22019<strong>12</strong>-1 58519<br />

Elsevier 1879-0658 0921-3449 1498716-8 3697<br />

Elsevier 1873-7641 0301-4207 1500719-4 3335<br />

Karger 1423-0356 0025-7931;0368-9220 1464419-8 2310

Elsevier 0034-5687;1872-7611 0034-5687 2010715-8 3096<br />

Elsevier; Sa<strong>und</strong>ers 0954-6111;1532-3064 0954-6111 2002557-9 6621<br />

Elsevier Science 1878-1519 1569-9048 2079218-9 24653<br />

De Gruyter 1865-8431 0034-5806 2066965-3 101171<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1526-100X 1061-2971 2020952-6 5955<br />

Elsevier 0300-9572;1873-1570 0300-9572 2010733-X 2853<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1539-2864 0275-004X 2071014-8 96959<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7136 (formerly Kluwer 1380-6653 Academic Publishers) 2004326-0 6499<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-7<strong>12</strong>8 0889-3047 1478926-7 2239<br />

Springer 1936-4814 0034-6446 2024107-0 8474<br />

Martinus Nijhoff, Brill, früher Kluwer Law 1573-0344;1573-0352<br />

International 0925-9880 2018668-X 8081<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-7144 1380-6645 2004343-0 6500<br />

Springer 1434-4750 1434-4742 1480089-5 2658<br />

Elsevier 1096-6099 1094-2025 1471730-x 3299<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1556-3022 0098-5597;1071-4413 2070169-X 29017<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1935-1046 American Educational 0034-6543 Research 2066968-9 Association<br />

88270<br />

Oxford University Press 1471-6968 0034-6551 2042104-7 9666<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-9388;2050-0394 0962-8797 2716920-0 8985<br />

JAI Press, Elsevier 1058-3300;1873-5924 1058-3300 2015922-5 6580<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1465-7368 0893-9454 1467494-4 3652<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1475-4991 0034-6586 2051176-0 11483<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7160 (formerly Kluwer 0889-938X Academic/Plenum 1478923-1 Publishers) 2240<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-9396 0965-7576 1473793-0 4140<br />

Cambridge University Press ; British International 1469-9044 Studies 0260-2105;0305-8026<br />

Association 1481956-9 2975<br />

SAGE Publications 0974-9292 2513840-6 <strong>12</strong>4633<br />

Elsevier 0034-6667;1879-0615 0034-6667 14975<strong>12</strong>-9 3667<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1465-3982 0953-8259 1476640-1 4478<br />

Cambridge University Press 1748-6858 0034-6705 2066971-9 65071<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-759X 0734-371X 2058374-6 15316<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0924-865X;1573-7179 0924-865X 2009625-2 6501<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-0704 1388-0365;1568-4857 2103430-8 40744<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-8502 0486-6134 20<strong>12</strong>535-5 35974<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1935-1038 American Educational 0091-732X Research 2174213-3 Association<br />

88509<br />

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1089-7623 0034-6748 1472905-2 <strong>12</strong>95<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-1162 0034-6764 2007774-9 7135<br />

Documentation Office for East European 1573-0352;1875-2985<br />

Law of the University 0165-0300 of Leyden 2249702-X ; Brill<br />

115750<br />

Cambridge University Press 1755-0211 1755-0203 2433602-6 108632<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0189 0793-0135 2602435-4 158926<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0235 0167-8299 2592648-2 151<strong>12</strong>8<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-9036 0959-2598 2000041-8 2974<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 1573-2606 Formerly Kluwer 1389-9155 Academic Publ. 2018673-3 6756<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0960-3166;1573-5184 0960-3166 1498719-3 2554<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0277 0193-4929 2580662-2 162840<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1473-5601 0954-139X 2071002-1 96961<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1654 1052-9276 2002162-8 4890<br />

Elsevier 1878-4305 1389-0352 2028270-9 7791<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0200 0334-1763 2598365-9 151878<br />

Sage Publications ; Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 1557-234X 2475551-5 111833<br />

American Physical Society (APS) 1539-0756 0034-6861 1461596-4 52548<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0308 0048-7554 2609347-9 160274<br />

Cambridge University Press 2041-3335 02<strong>12</strong>-6109 2485162-0 <strong>12</strong>9287<br />

Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja; Cambridge University 0250-569X Press 2538090-4 130360<br />

Elsevier 0035-1857 0370-4475 2031498-X 91394<br />

Elsevier 1768-3<strong>12</strong>2 0248-8663 2031063-8 6852<br />

Cambridge University Press ; EDP Sciences 1156-3141 0035-1563 2045820-4 9711<br />

Elsevier 0370-4688 2105018-1 9<strong>12</strong>46

Elsevier 0035-2845 2105018-1 9<strong>12</strong>47<br />

Elsevier 1768-3149 0335-7457 2105018-1 19647<br />

Elsevier 0035-2977 2280443-2 9<strong>12</strong>55<br />

Elsevier 1878-2167 1140-4639 2280458-4 9<strong>12</strong>59<br />

Elsevier 1878-2183 0338-4535 2280448-1 9<strong>12</strong>58<br />

Elsevier Science 1768-3106 0338-9898 2052640-4 <strong>12</strong>519<br />

Elsevier 0035-3159;1879-2049 0035-3159 2013298-0 2722<br />

via Beck 1867-4186 1431-1844 2275206-7 87980<br />

Springer 1435-1528 0035-4511 1463993-2 2659<br />

Niemeyer ; de Gruyter 1865-9160 0720-5775 2445663-9 109623<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1462-0332 0003-4908;0263-7103;0300-3396;1460-2172;1462-0324<br />

1474143-x 3731<br />

Springer 1437-160X 0172-8172 1464208-6 2083<br />

New England Botanical Club ; BioOne1938-3401 0035-4902 2279990-4 88381<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0035-8940 2197283-7 57248<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1672-6308 2406776-3 169416<br />

Elsevier 0035-5054;1096-1143 0035-5054 2017071-3 7642<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH ; Springer Science+Business 1539-6924 Media 0272-4332 B.V. (formerly 2001458-2 Kluwer Academic Publishers) 3921<br />

Palgrave Macmillan ; JSTOR 1743-4637 1460-3799 2180561-1 91573<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1646;1535-1467 0886-9375;1535-1459 2074114-5 1904<br />

Italian Physical Society, Springer 1826-9850 0035-5917;0393-697X 2143515-7 105577<br />

Italian Physical Society, Springer 1826-9850 0035-5917;0393-697X 2143515-7 105578<br />

Italian Physical Society, Springer 1826-9850 0035-5917;0393-697X 2143515-7 105579<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8668 0263-5747 2002662-6 2146<br />

Elsevier 1879-2537 0736-5845 20<strong>12</strong>540-9 3500<br />

Springer 1434-453X 0723-2632 1476578-0 2048<br />

Thieme 1438-9010 0936-6652;1433-5972;1438-9029<br />

2031079-1 5216<br />

Niemeyer ; de Gruyter 1865-9055 0080-388X 2393719-1 115917<br />

De Gruyter 1613-0413 0080-3898 2136396-1 39462<br />

Cambridge University Press 1755-3555 1358-2461 2304040-3 9<strong>12</strong>23<br />

Eurailpress 0079-9548 2249637-3 81440<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0656 0956-7933 2082270-4 25254<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1066-5285;1573-9171 1063-5211;1066-5285 2037677-7 9431<br />

Turpion ; Institute of Physics Publishing 1468-4837 (IOP) 0036-021X 1474827-7 4366<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1876-3316 0094-288X 2467518-0 110796<br />

de Gruyter (früher: VSP, Brill Academic 1569-3988 Publishers) 0927-6467 2041895-4 35021<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8714 (formerly Kluwer 0304-3487 Academic/Plenum 2018676-9 Publishers) 4784<br />

Elsevier 1878-3678 0304-3479 1500723-6 64965<br />

Turpion ; Institute of Physics Publishing 1468-4829 (IOP) 0036-0279 1493533-8 2917<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-9228 0038-5697;1064-8887 2037572-4 9430<br />

via Beck 1613-0596 2158404-7 46739<br />

Springer India; Indian Academy of Sciences 0973-7677 0256-2499 2097680-X 134794<br />

Elsevier 1879-1042 0925-7535 2021100-4 2728<br />

Gabler 2192-8320 1616-7902 2170506-9 51522<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-046X 1062-936X 2023559-8 5140<br />

De Gruyter 1869-7577 1600-1974 2405339-9 140258<br />

Editions Scientifiques et Medicales Elsevier 1878-1489 SAS 0036-5041 2105465-4 34167<br />

Turpion ; Institute of Physics Publishing 1468-4802 (IOP) 0025-5734;1064-5616 1493525-9 2918<br />

Informa Healthcare ; Taylor & Francis 0105-0397 1497072-7 5532<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1651-2006 Group 1401-7431 1497073-9 5533<br />

Elsevier 1878-352X 0962-9262 2144382-8 42174<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1502-7686 Group 0036-5513 1492634-9 5551<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-1170 0031-3831;0332-9291 20<strong>12</strong>000-X 7181<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1502-7708 Group 0036-5521 1492631-3 5553<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-3083 0300-9475 2020954-X 5433<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1651-1980 Group 0036-5548 1484328-6 50<strong>12</strong><br />

Elsevier 1873-3387 0956-5221 2022533-7 3283

Elsevier 1878-7266 0281-7527 2144384-1 42175<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1600-0838 0905-7188 2025503-2 7206<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1651-2014 Group 1103-8<strong>12</strong>8 2022167-8 5554<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1502-7724 Group 0281-3432;0284-6020 2027113-X 5556<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1651-1905 0300-8037;1403-4948 2027<strong>12</strong>2-0 5557<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1502-7732 Group 0001-6934;0300-9742 1497111-2 5559<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1651-2065;2168-1813<br />

Group 0036-5599;2168-1805 2702519-6 5560<br />

DVV Media Group, Seehafen-Verl. 0938-1643 2498543-0 <strong>12</strong>0316<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1745-1701 0586-7614 2180196-4 53<strong>12</strong>6<br />

Elsevier 1573-2509 0920-9964 1500726-1 3235<br />

Wohlfahrt 0179-1591 2611571-2 163959<br />

Springer 1432-2<strong>12</strong>9 0932-433x 1463039-4 1458<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1744-5<strong>12</strong>4 0924-3453 1483161-2 4538<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1360-0605;1364-2626 0260-1362;1363-2434 2070732-0 1059<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1461-7374 0143-0343 2060753-2 15709<br />

DVS - Deutscher Verband für Schweißen <strong>und</strong> Verwandte 0036-7184 Verfahren e.V. 2388442-3 94499<br />

Karger 1663-7607 1015-0684 2387510-0 137161<br />

American Association for the Advancement 1095-9203 of Science 0036-8075 (AAAS) ; HighWire 2066996-3 Press<br />

25<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-1901 0926-7220 2007131-0 6218<br />

De Gruyter 2191-0359 0792-<strong>12</strong>33 2609894-5 162841<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1878-5514 1468-6996 2027985-1 103255<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1674-733X 2546745-1 169476<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-8545 1075-5470 2014915-3 7692<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1005-0841 2421404-8 169519<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0664 0269-8897 2084819-5 25447<br />

Elsevier 1872-7964 0167-6423 2002667-5 3365<br />

Elsevier 0048-9697;1879-1026 0048-9697 1498726-0 3685<br />

Elsevier 1778-4131 0765-1597 2025510-X 6152<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-8251 0162-2439;0738-2618;1546-315X<br />

2021<strong>12</strong>2-3 7575<br />

SAGE Publications 0971-7218;0973-0796 0971-7218 2190014-0 54259<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1004-3543 2630257-3 169332<br />

Elsevier 1879-1018 0304-4238 2016351-4 3717<br />

De Gruyter 1868-9418 1431-5041 2628011-5 168711<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1588-2861 (formerly Kluwer 0138-9130 Academic Publishers) 2018679-4 10247<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1751-665X 0036-9225;1470-2541 2093455-5 84959<br />

Cambridge University Press 1475-3065 0036-9306 2072577-2 19714<br />

Oxford University Press 1460-2474 0036-9543;0036-9546 2202080-9 58474<br />

Elsevier Ireland Ltd 1878-3643 0925-6164 2042960-5 64407<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Hodder Arnold) 1477-0326 ; HighWire Press 0267-6583 20237<strong>12</strong>-1 4807<br />

Martinus Nijhoff ; Brill 1875-0230 1874-7337 2426380-1 105371<br />

SAGE Publications 1460-3640 0967-0106 1498671-1 7954<br />

Elsevier 1879-0968 0037-0738 20<strong>12</strong>818-6 3602<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; International 1365-3091 Association of Sedimentologists<br />

0037-0746 2020955-1 5956<br />

Cambridge University Press 1475-2735 0960-2585 2016354-X 5297<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers; Elsevier 1059-1311;1532-2688 1059-1311 2002585-3 6622<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1420-9020 1022-1824 1462998-7 1480<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0300-9963 2196138-4 56970<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1007-0206 2421439-5 169480<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-6641 0268-<strong>12</strong>42 136<strong>12</strong>85-2 510<br />

Springer 1432-2137 0037-19<strong>12</strong> 1481770-6 4637<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers; Elsevier 1532-866X 0049-0172 2048942-0 10500<br />

Elsevier<br />

1044-579X;1096-3650 1044-579X 1471735-9 684<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1940-5596 1089-2532 2233047-1 65587<br />

Elsevier 1096-3634 1084-9521 1471746-3 687<br />

Elsevier<br />

1043-4682;1522-967X 1043-4682 2026758-7 8174<br />

Elsevier 1044-5781;1878-7347 1044-5781 2026763-0 8175

Elsevier 1044-5323;1096-3618 1044-5323 1471753-0 688<br />

Thieme 1098-8971 0272-8087 2063686-6 15833<br />

Thieme Medical Publishers 1098-9021 0271-8235 2072477-9 19689<br />

Elsevier 1098-<strong>12</strong>84 1044-5765 1471767-0 1322<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers; Elsevier 1558-4623 0001-2998 2133379-8 40150<br />

Elsevier 1878-3449 0749-2081 2142427-5 41043<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1744-5205 Group 0882-0538 2083932-7 25368<br />

W.B. Sa<strong>und</strong>ers ; Elsevier 1532-9461 1053-4296 2114934-3 4826<br />

Thieme Medical Publishers 1526-4564 1526-8004 2072473-1 19686<br />

Thieme 1098-9048 1069-3424 2039749-5 9607<br />

Elsevier 1558-4658 0037-198X 2155463-8 46050<br />

Wiley-Liss 1098-2388 8756-0437 1493092-4 4891<br />

Thieme Medical Publishers 1098-9064 0094-6176 2072469-X 19680<br />

Elsevier 1558-5034 0887-2171 2155456-0 46051<br />

Elsevier 1044-5773;1098-<strong>12</strong>92 1044-5773 1471930-7 1323<br />

Mouton de Gruyter 1613-3692 0037-1998 2044265-8 10045<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0260-2288;1758-6828 0260-2288 1477376-4 1683<br />

Elsevier 1873-3050 0250-6874 2205752-3 56956<br />

Elsevier 1873-3069 0924-4247 1500729-7 3468<br />

Elsevier 1873-3077 0925-4005 1500731-5 2689<br />

Taylor & Francis 1525-6022;1542-2<strong>12</strong>7 0360-2540;1542-2119 2<strong>12</strong>7336-4 6949<br />

Taylor & Francis 1520-5754 0037-2366;0037-2404;0149-6395<br />

2015452-5 6950<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7411 (formerly Kluwer 1385-0229 Academic/Plenum 2010752-3 Publishers) 6254<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-4176 0731-177X;0747-4946 1476945-1 15232<br />

JAI Press; Elsevier<br />

0098-7913;1879-095X 0098-7913 2004407-0 6583<br />

Elsevier 0888-0786 0888-0786 2044116-2 6814<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1743-9507 0262-8546;0264-2069 2067915-4 25438<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0927-6947;1572-932X 0927-6947 1479737-9 2241<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0360-0025;1573-2762 0360-0025 2018681-2 1180<br />

Sage Publications ; früher: Springer Science+Business 1573-286X 0843-4611;1079-0632<br />

Media B.V., Kluwer 2018683-6 Academic Publ. 8082<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-5318 1072-0162 2055825-9 15<strong>12</strong>1<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1468-1749 0267-4653;1468-1994 2024208-6 8479<br />

Karger 1661-5433 1661-5425 2261528-3 85085<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7382 1363-4607 2070733-2 19786<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 1573-6717 Formerly Kluwer 0146-1044 Academic Publ. 2018684-8 8083<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1537-4521 0148-5717 2055170-8 96968<br />

Royal Institution of Naval Architects 0037-3834 2669506-6 185240<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1540-0514 1073-2322 2011863-6 96969<br />

Springer 1432-2153 0938-<strong>12</strong>87 1478815-9 955<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0037-4466;1573-9260 0037-4466 2037555-4 9429<br />

Erich Schmidt Verlag 1865-195X 1613-<strong>12</strong>23 2409301-4 98005<br />

Heidelberg : Haefner 0300-3337 25<strong>12</strong>744-5 <strong>12</strong>4540<br />

Holzmann Medien 1867-4607 2670226-5 151154<br />

Eurailpress 0037-4997 2455645-2 109745<br />

Elsevier 1872-7557 0165-1684 1466346-6 2905<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-826X 0037-5500;1046-8781 2030794-9 9049<br />

Elsevier 1879-1433 0928-4869 2019942-9 3534<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-3133 0037-5497 2072208-4 19651<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-9493 0<strong>12</strong>9-7619 1482898-4 4539<br />

Springer 1432-2161 0364-2348 1461957-x 956<br />

Karger 1422-2906;1660-5535 1011-0283;1422-2868;1660-5527<br />

1483572-1 3052<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1600-0846 0909-752X 2025540-8 8678<br />

Thieme Medical Publishers 1098-9072;1532-0065 1052-1453;1531-5010 2072466-4 19679<br />

Springer 1522-1709 1520-95<strong>12</strong> 2072363-5 19678<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-0913 0921-898X 1478919-x 2242<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-8278 1046-4964 2030802-4 6367

Elsevier 0921-4488;1879-0941 0921-4488 1498734-x 3734<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-665X 0964-1726 2002821-0 511<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1461-7390 0964-6639 20242<strong>12</strong>-8 7824<br />

SAGE Publications 0049-0857 2545687-8 133173<br />

Springer 1432-217X 0176-1714 1463157-x 1461<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1749-5024 1749-5016 2236933-8 67083<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7404 0037-7686 1490732-x 5154<br />

Wiley 1467-9507 0961-205X 2001609-8 8769<br />

Oxford University Press 1477-4666 0951-631X 2073560-1 9654<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-0921 0303-8300 2018687-3 6255<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0885-7466;1573-6725 0885-7466 2018690-3 8084<br />

Elsevier 1879-2111 0378-8733 1500737-6 3336<br />

Cambridge University Press 1471-6437 0265-0525 2087763-8 29377<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-9515 0144-5596 2021111-9 4116<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1468-2893 ; Project MUSE 1072-4745 2085321-X 25498<br />

Steinkopff bei Springer LINK 1433-9285 0933-7954 1463160-x 2367<br />

SAGE Publications 1948-5514 1948-5506 2532395-7 <strong>12</strong>9168<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-1928 1381-2890 2018691-5 6034<br />

American Sociological Association ; Sage 1939-8999 Publications0190-2725 2009694-X 40469<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-8286 0894-4393 2021894-1 8338<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-74<strong>12</strong> 0539-0184 2019602-7 8584<br />

Elsevier / Pergamon 1878-3864 0143-6236 2228944-6 58981<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1468-2680 1369-1465 2009008-0 7208<br />

Elsevier 0362-3319;1873-5355 0362-3319 2024246-3 6890<br />

Elsevier 1879-2987 0037-7856 1500748-0 58522<br />

Elsevier 0277-9536 0037-7856;0277-9536 1500748-0 3134<br />

Elsevier 0271-7<strong>12</strong>3 2201914-5 58523<br />

Elsevier 1878-3910 0160-7987 2201915-7 58524<br />

Elsevier 1878-3902 0160-7995 2201916-9 58526<br />

Elsevier 1878-3899 0160-8002 2201917-0 58527<br />

Elsevier 1878-3880 0271-5384 2201919-4 58529<br />

Elsevier 1878-3872 0271-5392 2201921-2 58530<br />

Elsevier 1096-0317 0049-089X 1471780-3 1324<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1874-8945 1874-8937 2405319-3 100183<br />

SAGE Publications 1460-3659 0306-3<strong>12</strong>7 14827<strong>12</strong>-8 4682<br />

Oxford University Press (formerly NASW 1545-6846 Press) 0037-8046 2067028-X 48748<br />

Routledge; Taylor & Francis 1470-<strong>12</strong>27 0261-5479 2024256-6 8482<br />

Oxford University Press (formerly NASW 1545-6838 Press) 1070-5309 2070156-1 177830<br />

Brill 1872-1915 1871-8868 2260193-4 84939<br />

SAGE Publications 2156-8731 2156-8693 2629088-1 169256<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5306 1063-1119 2044264-6 10043<br />

Springer 1936-4725 0147-2011;0564-1004 2007029-9 5490<br />

Elsevier 0038-0<strong>12</strong>1;1873-6041 0038-0<strong>12</strong>1 1491145-0 3284<br />

Niemeyer ; de Gruyter 1865-939X 0933-1883 2455198-3 109624<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7861 (formerly Kluwer 0884-8971 Academic Publishers) 2047302-3 11536<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1475-682X 0038-0245 2065085-1 15867<br />

Sage Publications ; früher: Wiley-Blackwell 1467-9531 - SSH 0081-1750 2024264-5 6738<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-8294 0049-<strong>12</strong>41 2002146-X 6368<br />

Sage Publications ; früher: Wiley-Blackwell 1467-9558 - SSH 0735-2751 2024334-0 6200<br />

Elsevier 1777-5701 0038-0296 2019391-9 6769<br />

SAGE Publications 1469-8684 0038-0385 1461819-9 4265<br />

American Sociological Association ; Sage 1939-8573 Publications0038-0407 2009727-X 40468<br />

Oxford University Press 1759-8818 1069-4404 2070139-1 118979<br />

Springer 1433-7479 1432-7643 1476598-6 957<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 1744-6848 1744-683X 2191476-X 55807<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0963-9314;1573-1367 0963-9314 2017688-0 2556

Verlag für chemische Industrie 0942-7694 2197556-5 56538<br />

Elsevier 0167-1987;1879-3444 0167-1987 1498737-5 3718<br />

Elsevier 0038-0717;1879-3428 0038-0717 1498740-5 3719<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0038-0741;1573-9279 0038-0741 2037558-X 9428<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-9243 0038-075X 2046289-X 96970<br />

Elsevier 1879-3401 0933-3630 2042173-4 6825<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; (vorm.: CABI 1475-2743 Publishing) ; British 0266-0032 Society of Soil 2020513-2 Science<br />

8395<br />

Elsevier 0038-092X 2015<strong>12</strong>6-3 2750<br />

Elsevier 1879-3398 0927-0248 20<strong>12</strong>677-3 2751<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-093X (formerly Kluwer 0038-0938 Academic/Plenum 1473830-2 Publishers) 2243<br />

Elsevier / Pergamon 1878-2752 0741-983X 2550427-7 58983<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0954-0911;1758-6836 0954-0911 2015855-5 4235<br />

Elsevier Science 1879-2766 0038-1098 1467698-9 1704<br />

Elsevier 1879-2405 0038-1101 20<strong>12</strong>825-3 3469<br />

Elsevier 1872-7689 0167-2738 1500750-9 2752<br />

Elsevier 1527-3326 0926-2040 2021733-X 2700<br />

Trans Tech Publications 1662-9779 0377-6883;10<strong>12</strong>-0394 2051138-3 10329<br />

Elsevier 1873-3085 <strong>12</strong>93-2558 2035101-X 7918<br />

Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI) 0734-1415 2570944-6 67333<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-2262 0736-6299 2043256-2 9973<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9931 (formerly Kluwer 0740-7750 Academic Publishers) 2018811-0 9484<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1369-1651 Group 0736-7244;0899-0220 1483314-1 1074<br />

Bielefelder Verlag 1861-938X 2027279-0 100015<br />

Southern African Wildlife Management 1996-8477 Assoc.; BioOne0379-4369 2052714-7 <strong>12</strong>533<br />

Brazilian Society of Herpetology / BioOne 1982-355X 1808-9798 2276902-X 88382<br />

SAGE Publications 1391-5614 1391-5614 2211950-4 60941<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-3141 0262-7280 2<strong>12</strong>9371-5 39451<br />

SAGE Publications 0971-5231 0971-5231 2211963-2 60942<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1009-8933 2475973-9 169441<br />

Brill 1876-3332 0094-4467 2503827-8 <strong>12</strong>3282<br />

Humboldt Field Research Institute ; BioOne 1938-54<strong>12</strong> 1528-7092 2103435-7 52084<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1541-8243 0038-4348 2031166-7 96971<br />

Society of Southwestern Entomologists; 0147-1724 BioOne 0147-1724 2486577-1 114813<br />

Southwestern Association of Naturalists; 1943-6262 BioOne 0038-4909 2175917-0 52083<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1876-3324 1075-<strong>12</strong>62 250<strong>12</strong>26-5 <strong>12</strong>2549<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1420-911X 0303-8408 2082216-9 24950<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-8308 <strong>12</strong>06-33<strong>12</strong> 2101418-8 33315<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9672 (formerly Kluwer 0038-6308 Academic/Plenum 2017804-9 Publishers) 6274<br />

Springer 1435-5477 1435-5469 1481097-9 4163<br />

Cambridge University Press 1988-2904 1138-7416 2073783-X 194205<br />

VSP, Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5683 0169-1015 2043635-X 9995<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0370-9302 2197203-5 57314<br />

Elsevier 1873-3816 0371-1951 2228941-0 66851<br />

Elsevier 1873-3557 1386-1425 2016492-0 2827<br />

Elsevier 1873-3824 0584-8539 2016492-0 45741<br />

Elsevier 1873-3565 0584-8547 2032264-1 2828<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-2289 0038-7010 2043258-6 9974<br />

Cambridge University Press; Medieval 2040-8072 Academy of America 0038-7134 1495588-x <strong>12</strong>9538<br />

Elsevier 1879-3371 1353-2561 1498758-2 3698<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1528-1159 0362-2436 2002195-1 96972<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-<strong>12</strong>43 1357-3322 2019691-X 7675<br />

SAGE Publications 1941-0921 1941-7381 2474978-3 111749<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1538-1951 1062-8592 2059221-8 96973<br />

Thieme 1439-<strong>12</strong>36 0932-0555 2041799-8 9905<br />

Spotlight Verlag 0944-1972 2161945-1 46598<br />

Springer 1432-2196 0344-4325 1481154-6 2369

Verlag Stahleisen 0340-4803 2608473-9 163050<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; Ernst & Sohn1437-1049 0038-9145 2159000-X 15391<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1557-7376 (ACM) 1067-9936 2006316-7 3472<br />

Springer 1432-220X 0174-3635 1481158-3 9945<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-379X 0038-9056 1481133-9 4581<br />

Sage Publications ; Carl Vinson Institute 1943-3340 of Government, 0160-323X University of Georgia 2050518-8 134320<br />

Sage Publications ; früher: University 1946-1607 of Illinois Press 1532-4400 2095362-8 99995<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-9311 1387-0874 20<strong>12</strong>788-1 6269<br />

Physica ; Springer 1613-981X 1618-2510 2098826-6 48515<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Hodder Arnold) 1477-0334 ; HighWire Press 0962-2802 2001539-2 6532<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Hodder Arnold) 1477-0342 ; HighWire Press 1471-082X 2053876-5 14997<br />

Springer 1613-9798 0039-0631;0932-5026 1481169-8 66772<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1029-4910 0233-1888;0323-3944 2035635-3 9036<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0960-3174;1573-1375 0960-3174 2017741-0 2557<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0258 0277-6715 149<strong>12</strong>21-1 1887<br />

Elsevier 1879-2103 0167-7152 1468489-5 3306<br />

Oxford University Press 1464-3863 0144-3593 1497471-x 3653<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8534 1061-6<strong>12</strong>8;1525-8165;1547-3287<br />

2142305-2 5150<br />

Karger 1423-0372 0010-5678;0379-2676;1011-6<strong>12</strong>5<br />

1483576-9 3923<br />

Elsevier<br />

0039-<strong>12</strong>8X;1878-5867 0039-<strong>12</strong>8X 1498762-4 3778<br />

via Beck 1869-2435 2522451-7 <strong>12</strong>5575<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-9356 0736-2994 1468491-3 52686<br />

Springer 1436-3259 1436-3240 148<strong>12</strong>63-0 4914<br />

Springer 1435-151X 0931-1955 148<strong>12</strong>63-0 2661<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-4214 0882-0287;1532-6349 1476867-7 15231<br />

Elsevier Science 1879-209X 0304-4149 1468492-5 3295<br />

Taylor & Francis 1744-2516 0090-9491;1026-7794;1045-1<strong>12</strong>9;1744-2508<br />

1468493-7 5144<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1744-5132 Group 0927-3972 1497613-4 4358<br />

Urban & Vogel bei Springer LINK 1439-099X 0179-7158 2003907-4 5323<br />

via Beck 1613-1096 2275251-1 87981<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-315X 1476-<strong>12</strong>70 2115832-0 37070<br />

Emerald 1753-8300 1753-8297 2424407-7 106017<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-9325 0039-2316 2037314-4 9427<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1099-1700;1532-2998 0748-8386;1532-3005 2054572-1 15299<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1607-8888 Group 1025-3890 2030639-8 9037<br />

American Heart Association ; Lippincott 1524-4628 Williams & Wilkins 0039-2499 ; (via Ovid) 1467823-8 96975<br />

Springer 1615-1488 0934-4373;1615-147X 148<strong>12</strong>79-4 2629<br />

Elsevier 1873-6017 0954-349X 1491151-6 3338<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-9001 1040-0400 2018832-8 8088<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-3168 1475-9217 2101420-6 33316<br />

Cell Press; Elsevier 1878-4186 0969-2<strong>12</strong>6 2031189-8 5990<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-1626 0039-3169 2053073-0 9483<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8730 (formerly Kluwer 0039-3215 Academic/Plenum 1478982-6 Publishers) 2244<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8692 0898-588X 2025885-9 5042<br />

Brill 1570-07<strong>12</strong> 0904-2431 2078752-2 20160<br />

SAGE Publications 1745-5235 0953-9468 2118000-3 55975<br />

Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier 1878-3341 0039-3592 2067061-8 66853<br />

Springer 1936-6167 0039-3606 2036587-1 8628<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-<strong>12</strong>6x 0158-037x 2037834-8 9517<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-0948 0039-3797;0925-9392 2008972-7 6211<br />

Elsevier 1879-2529 0191-491X 2019715-9 3959<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-174X 0307-5079 2011915-X 7103<br />

SAGE Publications 0973-080X 0257-6430;0258-1698 2211967-X 60943<br />

Elsevier 1879-2510 0039-3681 1500755-8 3953<br />

Elsevier 1879-2502 1355-2198 1500760-1 3954<br />

Elsevier 1879-2499 1369-8486 1500765-0 3699

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0039-3746;1573-191X 0039-3746 2009984-8 6213<br />

SAGE Publications 2042-0587 0008-4298 2535808-X <strong>12</strong>9345<br />

Cambridge University Press 1470-1545 0272-2631 2002746-1 6633<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1003-5745 169510<br />

Informa Healthcare 1532-2491 1082-6084 2053781-5 52835<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-9317 1566-0184 2018843-2 8091<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-0508 0196-1772 2023851-4 9039<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1361-6668 0953-2048 1361475-7 513<br />

Elsevier 0749-6036;1096-3677 0749-6036 1471791-8 1325<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 1359-852X;1359-8546;1758-6852<br />

1359-8546 2028208-4 4674<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-9604 0268-2141 2029005-6 8770<br />

Springer 1433-7339 0941-4355 1463166-0 2662<br />

Taylor & Francis 1029-0478 1061-0278 2023871-X 5145<br />

Elsevier 0257-8972;1879-3347 0257-8972 1502240-7 2791<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1096-9918 0142-2421 2023881-2 1875<br />

Elsevier 0039-6028;1879-2758 0039-6028 1479030-0 2701<br />

Elsevier 1878-1047 0167-2584 1479030-0 40217<br />

Elsevier 1879-274X 0167-5729 1479038-5 2702<br />

Elsevier 1878-1063 0376-4583 2229429-6 60103<br />

Springer 1436-2813 0941-<strong>12</strong>91 1463169-6 2663<br />

Springer <strong>12</strong>79-8517 0930-1038 1461974-x 803<br />

Springer 1432-2218 0930-2794 1463171-4 958<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8674 1096-2964 2026155-X 8493<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1553-3514 1071-5517;1553-3506 2233576-6 65583<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1534-4908 1051-7200;1530-4515 2045171-4 96976<br />

Elsevier 1879-3339 0090-3019 1500771-6 3181<br />

Elsevier 1879-3320 0960-7404 2026613-3 3078<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-7185 0039-6206 2071157-8 96978<br />

Elsevier 1879-3304 0039-6257 2011967-7 3178<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0956 (formerly Kluwer 0169-3298 Academic/Plenum 2017797-5 Publishers) 6266<br />

Taylor & Francis 1477-2892 0142-2413 2047487-8 9041<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1099-1719 0968-0802 2021<strong>12</strong>0-X 5074<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0430-0696 2197195-X 57230<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2051166-8 4023<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2396 0887-4476 1474927-0 1886<br />

Thieme 1437-2096 0936-5214 20420<strong>12</strong>-2 9383<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0964 (formerly Kluwer 0039-7857 Academic/Plenum 20<strong>12</strong>638-4 Publishers) 6263<br />

Thieme 1437-210X 0039-7881 2033062-5 9132<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-2440;1553-3182 0094-5714;1553-3174 24<strong>12</strong>794-2 15233<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-2432 0039-7911 2043259-8 9975<br />

Elsevier 1879-3290 0379-6779 2015168-8 2792<br />

Elsevier 1879-3282 0346-251X 1500775-3 3972<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1618-0984 0723-2020 2046331-5 10195<br />

Oxford University Press ; Taylor & Francis 1076-836X 1063-5157 1482572-7 4721<br />

American Society of Plant Taxonomists; 1548-2324 BioOne 0363-6445 2052625-8 42427<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-5192 (formerly Kluwer 0165-5752 Academic/Plenum 2018846-8 Publishers) 6261<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-9295 0894-9859;1094-429X 2018850-X 8092<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1521-0375;1939-6376<br />

Group 0148-5016;1939-6368 24<strong>12</strong>822-3 4334<br />

Elsevier 1872-7956 0167-6911 2013736-9 3501<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5322 0082-5433 2049702-7 10524<br />

Bauverl. BV 0341-2032 2614445-1 165394<br />

Elsevier 0039-9140;1873-3573 0039-9140 1500969-5 2690<br />

Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI) 0734-1415 2023729-7 1187<br />

Elsevier 1878-0989 1477-3627 2166046-3 48578<br />

PPV Medien 0946-3658 2611553-0 164139<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1747-5<strong>12</strong>0 1366-4530 2007784-1 66710

SAGE Publications 1944-4931 0888-4064 2493846-4 116005<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-<strong>12</strong>78 1354-0602 2019725-1 7826<br />

Elsevier 1879-2480 0742-051X 1500778-9 3960<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-1944 1382-6891 2018851-1 6258<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-<strong>12</strong>86 1047-6210 2025757-0 8471<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1470-<strong>12</strong>94 1356-2517 2026152-4 8494<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1471-6976 0268-3679 2041679-9 10537<br />

Sage Publications ; früher: Taylor & Francis 1532-8023 0098-6283 2022179-4 7022<br />

SAGE Publications 2047-8720 0144-7394 2654232-8 180389<br />

American Sociological Association ; Sage 1939-862X Publications0092-055X 2137406-5 40491<br />

Blackwell-Wiley - STM 1467-9639 0141-982X 2011902-1 7097<br />

MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica ; Springer 1090-6533 Science+Business 1063-7850 Media 2023931-2 1815<br />

Springer 1<strong>12</strong>8-045X 1<strong>12</strong>3-6337 2011444-8 5716<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1531-6572 1089-3393 2055185-X 96979<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0885-9698 2055188-5 96980<br />

Elsevier/North Holland 1878-3848 0099-3964 2206766-8 40955<br />

Elsevier 1873-5509 0040-1625 2015184-6 3285<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1465-3990 0953-7325 1485021-7 4479<br />

Elsevier 1879-3274 0160-791X 2014001-0 3309<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group ; früher: 1747-5139 Triangle 0962-029X;1475-939X 2082438-5 36278<br />

Heise Verlag 1613-0138 2<strong>12</strong>7306-6 150832<br />

Elsevier 1879-2383 0166-4972 2021147-8 3339<br />

Elsevier 1879-3266 0040-1951 20<strong>12</strong>830-7 2923<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1018-4864;1572-9451 1018-4864 2024222-0 2013<br />

Elsevier 0308-5961;1879-3258 0308-5961 148<strong>12</strong>07-1 3310<br />

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publishers 1556-3669 1078-3024;1530-5627 1480735-x 53287<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-8316 1527-4764 2070900-6 19791<br />

Cambridge University Press 1478-2286 0040-2982 2067089-8 38533<br />

Hanser 0040-3490;0932-3414 2207666-9 60266<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1520-6866 0270-3211 1474933-6 4182<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-3<strong>12</strong>1 0954-4879 2020958-7 5177<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1936 (formerly Kluwer 1358-3883 Academic Publishers) 2018854-7 8093<br />

Springer ; Sociedad de Estadística e Investigación 1863-8260 Operativa 1133-0686 (SEIO) (Spanish 2044657-3 Society of Statistics 40420 and Operations Resear<br />

Elsevier Science 1464-5416 0040-4020 2007072-X 2378<br />

Elsevier Science 1362-511X 0957-4166 2007143-7 2380<br />

Pergamon Press, Elsevier 1878-335X 0898-5529 2229430-2 66855<br />

Elsevier 1359-8562;1873-3581 0040-4039 2007074-3 15<br />

Mouton de Gruyter 1613-4117;1860-7349 0165-4888;1860-7330 2222555-9 11544<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1746-7748 0040-5175 2209596-2 60702<br />

Gentner 1610-5656 2324902-X 88620<br />

Brill, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 1871-191X 1871-1901 2236882-6 67232<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0672 0307-8833 2045177-5 10111<br />

Cambridge University Press 1475-4533 0040-5574 2057848-9 15275<br />

SAGE Publications 2044-2696 0040-571X 2578374-9 150834<br />

Equinox 1745-5170 1355-8358 2070617-0 60944<br />

Sage Publications ; Princeton Theological 2044-2556 Seminary 0040-5736 2067097-7 36481<br />

Springer 1434-4483 0066-6424;0177-798X 1463177-5 2664<br />

Springer 1432-2242 0040-5752 1478966-8 1521<br />

Springer 1432-2250 0935-4964 1463179-9 1523<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-935X 0040-5760 2037561-X 9426<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0040-5779;1573-9333 0040-5779 2037569-4 9425<br />

Springer 1432-2234 0040-5744;1432-881X 1463180-5 839<br />

Elsevier 1879-2294 0304-3975 1466347-8 3546<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7439 1362-4806 2025383-7 8603<br />

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2193897-0 56564<br />

De Gruyter 1613-4060 0301-4428 2138360-1 40709

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0980;1573-<strong>12</strong>00<br />

; Kluwer Academic 0166-2031;0167-9902;1386-7415<br />

Publ 2010860-6 6371<br />

Elsevier 1096-0325 0040-5809 1471916-2 1321<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7187 (formerly Kluwer 0040-5833 Academic Publishers) 1478916-4 2245<br />

Cambridge University Press 1475-3081 1471-0684 2045489-2 8187<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1461-7447 0959-3543 2027323-X 6411<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1741-3192 1477-8785 2136096-0 37720<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7853 (formerly Kluwer 0304-2421 Academic/Plenum 2019254-X Publishers) 6372<br />

SAGE Publications 1460-3616 0263-2764 1490738-0 5155<br />

Springer 1433-0490 0025-5661;1432-4350 1463181-7 959<br />

SAGE Publications 1753-9455 1753-9447 2387507-0 94354<br />

SAGE Publications 2040-6231 2040-6223 2554816-5 134810<br />

SAGE Publications 2042-0994 2042-0986 2583589-0 149336<br />

SAGE Publications 2042-0196 2042-0188 2554822-0 1348<strong>12</strong><br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1756-2848 1756-283X 2440710-0 109340<br />

SAGE Publications 2040-6215 2040-6207 2585183-4 149037<br />

SAGE Publications 1758-8359 1758-8340 2503443-1 <strong>12</strong>3220<br />

SAGE Publications 1759-7218 1759-720X 2516075-8 <strong>12</strong>4814<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1756-2864 1756-2856 2442245-9 1094<strong>12</strong><br />

SAGE Publications 2045-<strong>12</strong>61 2045-<strong>12</strong>53 2646542-5 172209<br />

SAGE Publications 1753-4666 1753-4658 2387506-9 94355<br />

SAGE Publications 1756-2880 1756-2872 2492591-3 119069<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-3694 0163-4356 2048919-5 96981<br />

Elsevier<br />

0093-691X;1879-3231 0093-691X 1498777-6 3735<br />

Elsevier<br />

0040-6031;1872-762X 0040-6031 1500974-9 2823<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7455 0725-5136 2027600-X 8822<br />

Elsevier Science 1879-2731 0040-6090 1482896-0 3337<br />

Cambridge University Press 1755-1196 1477-1756 2445715-2 109672<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-0708 1354-6783 1482791-8 1160<br />

Thieme 0172-6137;0946-4778;1439-1902<br />

0171-6425 2056554-9 15084<br />

Elsevier 1879-2472 0049-3848 1500780-7 3097<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-9077 1050-7256 2030622-2 8971<br />

SAGE Publications 1461-7463 0961-463X 2001687-6 6543<br />

Elsevier 0040-8166;1532-3072 0040-8166 2002599-3 6608<br />

Mary Ann Liebert Inc. Publishers 1557-8690;1937-335X 1076-3279;1937-3341 2401807-7 8497<br />

Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag<br />

0171-8096;0340-837X 2025790-9 40311<br />

Springer 1863-8279 1134-5764 2322573-7 91353<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-9028 1022-5528 1500978-6 2014<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-5146 0883-5691 2093172-4 96982<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1538-4845 früher: Pro-ed 0271-<strong>12</strong>14 2068<strong>12</strong>7-6 23787<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-2449 0164-2340 2093173-6 96983<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-2414 0882-7524 2093174-8 96984<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1550-3259 0271-8294 2095<strong>12</strong>7-9 96985<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-1004 0899-3459 2052832-2 96986<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0882-5645 2164575-9 96987<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-8749 (formerly Kluwer 0167-7411 Academic Publishers) 20<strong>12</strong>661-X 6373<br />

Elsevier Science 1879-3215 0040-9383 1467471-3 3293<br />

Elsevier Science 1879-3207 0166-8641 1499758-7 3294<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1360-0613;1478-3371 0954-4<strong>12</strong>7;1478-3363 2<strong>12</strong>9076-3 1021<br />

Delius-Klasing 0936-0905 2659336-1 183769<br />

Sage Publications ; früher: Palgrave Macmillan 1742-9692 1467-3584 2094553-X 86040<br />

Elsevier 0261-5177;1879-3193 0261-5177 2001580-X 3311<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-3206 1468-7976 2065093-0 16025<br />

Sage Publications ; früher: Taylor & Francis 1533-1601 0094-1824;0192-6233 2056753-4 15155<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1096-0929 ; Society of Toxicology 1096-6080 ; Elsevier 1471974-5 4241<br />

Elsevier<br />

0300-483X;1879-3185 0300-483X 1500781-9 3865<br />

Elsevier<br />

0041-008X;1096-0333 0041-008X 1471923-x 1004

Sage Publications (früher: Hodder Arnold) 1477-0393 ; HighWire Press 0748-2337 2010891-6 5451<br />

Elsevier 0887-2333;1879-3177 0887-2333 1501079-x 3866<br />

Elsevier 1879-3169 0378-4274 1500784-4 3867<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1051-7235;1537-6524<br />

Group 1091-7667;1537-6516 2085083-9 25480<br />

Elsevier 0041-0101;1879-3150 0041-0101 1498784-3 3868<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1525-6057;1556-9551<br />

Group 0731-3837;1556-9543 2028067-1 6968<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 1754-274X 1754-2731 2420151-0 105627<br />

Emerald (ehemals: MCB University Press) 0954-478X;1758-6887 0954-478X 2024492-7 1751<br />

Springer 0213-8190 2476326-3 111146<br />

Springer 0041-0241 2476327-5 111148<br />

Springer 0213-8204 2476330-5 111153<br />

Elsevier 1873-3689;1879-3142 0165-9936;0167-2940 2014041-1 2691<br />

Taylor & Francis 1538-957X 1028-6586;1538-9588 2174916-4 52376<br />

Elsevier 0980-9090 2280371-3 91395<br />

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; (via OVID) 0066-0078 0066-0078 2272680-9 87983<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1005-1<strong>12</strong>0 2470608-5 169377<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1003-6326 2238689-0 169365<br />

The American Entomological Society; BioOne 0002-8320 2483704-0 115550<br />

Elsevier 0007-1536 2492200-6 119050<br />

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 0014-7672 2197749-5 57349<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Hodder Arnold) 1477-0369 ; HighWire Press 0142-33<strong>12</strong> 2025882-3 8617<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)2168-0647 2110643-5 34189<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)2168-2968;2168-2976 2110648-4 34453<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)2168-1619 2503029-2 <strong>12</strong>3180<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0277-6243 2110654-X 34389<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0096-2422 2119266-2 34448<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0197-6370 2028088-9 136513<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0277-626X 2214455-9 61849<br />

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)0097-6628 2272776-0 87715<br />

Kansas Academy of Science; BioOne1938-5420 0022-8443 2174276-5 1194<br />

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) 1475-4878 2105318-2 33372<br />

Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland; Cambridge 0950-4737 University 2534019-0 Press<br />

<strong>12</strong>9323<br />

Cambridge University Press 1474-0648 0080-4401 2073244-2 19758<br />

Oxford University Press ; formerly Elsevier 1878-3503 0035-9203 2135136-3 39969<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1006-4982 2479763-7 169378<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1461-7471 1363-4615 2015089-1 7520<br />

Sage Publications ; European Trade Institute 1996-7284 1024-2589 2114133-2 37065<br />

SAGE Publications 1759-8931 0265-3788 2095327-6 114344<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1531-586X 1083-4362 2077379-1 20048<br />

Elsevier 0955-3886;1878-1683 1473-0502 2<strong>12</strong>9669-8 3145<br />

Elsevier 1878-2000 0372-<strong>12</strong>48 2280438-9 9<strong>12</strong>56<br />

Elsevier 1953-8022 <strong>12</strong>46-7820 2038528-6 6891<br />

Karger 1660-3818 0378-0791;1011-6966;1019-8466;1660-3796<br />

2100533-3 33234<br />

Elsevier 1532-9496 0887-7963 2<strong>12</strong><strong>12</strong>15-6 38477<br />

Elsevier Science 1879-3<strong>12</strong>6 0955-3886 2010905-2 18921<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-9368 ; Kluwer Academic 0962-8819 Publ. 1498785-5 2558<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1572-901X 0340-4285 1501083-1 2559<br />

Elsevier Science 1878-5492 0966-3274 2027651-5 7673<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM ; (formerly: Springer) 1432-2277 0934-0874 1463183-0 960<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1534-0608;1534-6080 0041-1337 2035395-9 96988<br />

Sa<strong>und</strong>ers / Elsevier 1557-9816 0955-470X 2135138-7 39968<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0169-3913;1573-1634 0169-3913 1473676-7 2246<br />

Elsevier<br />

0967-070X;1879-310X 0967-070X 2001584-7 3967<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-5327 0144-1647 1485107-6 5025<br />

Taylor & Francis 1532-2424 0041-1450 2041703-2 11482<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0049-4488;1572-9435 0049-4488 2015868-3 6374

Taylor & Francis ; früher: Gordon and 1029-0354 Breach 0308-1060 2015881-6 5147<br />

Elsevier/Pergamon 1878-3821 0041-1647 2147304-3 40957<br />

Elsevier 1878-3813 0191-2607 2015887-7 42434<br />

Elsevier 1879-2375 0965-8564 2015887-7 3690<br />

Elsevier 1879-2367 0191-2615 150<strong>12</strong>21-9 35<strong>12</strong><br />

Elsevier 1879-2359 0968-090X 2015891-9 3428<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1477-0350 1460-4086 2010984-2 5348<br />

Springer 1436-6282 1436-6274 1481416-x 3524<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-8324 1524-8380 2070884-1 19800<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1085-9373 Academy of Traumatology 1534-7656 2031003-1 119<br />

Paris : Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics 0041-1906 2429262-X 97718<br />

Oxford University Press 1758-4469 0829-318X 1473475-8 1007<br />

Tree-Ring Society; BioOne 1536-1098 2456648-2 115549<br />

Springer 1432-2285 0931-1890 1463920-8 1525<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1940-5588 1084-7138 2230576-2 65590<br />

Elsevier 1362-4326 0968-0004 1498901-3 3779<br />

Elsevier 1879-3096 0167-7799 2011002-9 3780<br />

Elsevier 1873-2615 1050-1738 2010986-6 3098<br />

Elsevier 0962-8924;1879-3088 0962-8924 1498903-7 3079<br />

De Gruyter 1866-7481 1866-7473 2502684-7 <strong>12</strong>3166<br />

Elsevier 0169-5347;1872-8383 0169-5347 1498910-4 3668<br />

Elsevier 1043-2760;1879-3061 1043-2760 1499104-4 3794<br />

Elsevier 0924-2244;1879-3053 0924-2244 1501085-5 2768<br />

Elsevier 0168-9479;0168-9525 2010993-3 3080<br />

Elsevier Science 1471-4981 1471-4906 2040190-5 9328<br />

Elsevier 1878-4380 0966-842X 2010995-7 3113<br />

Elsevier Science 1471-499X 1471-4914 2155736-6 9329<br />

Elsevier 1878-108X 0166-2236 2011000-5 3162<br />

Springer 1936-4830 1084-4791 2014206-7 15670<br />

Elsevier Science 1471-5007 1471-4922 2019381-6 9330<br />

Elsevier 1873-3735 0165-6147 2011007-8 3099<br />

Elsevier 1878-4372 1360-1385 2011003-0 3720<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-2711 1023-8883 2015908-0 2015<br />

Rudolf Müller 0179-8006 2187450-5 53984<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0049-4747;1573-7438 0049-4747 2005233-9 6375<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1752-2110 1363-1780 2257315-X 844<strong>12</strong><br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1007-0214 2111621-0 169379<br />

Elsevier 1878-6006 0041-3879 2518990-6 9<strong>12</strong>62<br />

Elsevier<br />

0962-8479;1532-219X 0962-8479 2002734-5 6609<br />

Elsevier 1873-281X 1472-9792 2058561-5 15352<br />

Karger 1423-0380 1010-4283 1483579-4 3053<br />

Elsevier 1878-4364 0886-7798 2022637-8 3430<br />

Polygon Media Ltd. 0041-414X 2084035-4 25388<br />

Chelonian Research Fo<strong>und</strong>ation; BioOne 1943-4189 1526-3096 2278699-5 88383<br />

Oxford University Press 1477-4674 0955-2359 2077480-1 20055<br />

Cambridge University Press 1839-2628 1369-0523;1832-4274 2184274-7 53551<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0041-5995;1573-9376 0041-5995 2037571-2 9424<br />

Elsevier 0304-3991;1879-2723 0304-3991 1479043-9 2692<br />

Thieme 1438-8782 0172-4614;1431-4894 2028670-3 7226<br />

Sage Publications (früher Academic Press) 0161-7346;1096-0910 0161-7346 20<strong>12</strong>028-X 7644<br />

Elsevier 1874-9968 0041-624X 20<strong>12</strong>001-1 3520<br />

Elsevier 1873-2828 1350-4177 1501094-6 2703<br />

Elsevier 1879-291X 0301-5629 1498918-9 3151<br />

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via OVID) 1536-0253 0894-8771 2060555-9 96989<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1521-0758 Group 0191-3<strong>12</strong>3 1498<strong>12</strong>1-x 5009<br />

Springer 1433-044x 0177-5537 1461952-0 832

Springer 1615-5297 1615-5289 2039113-4 9526<br />

National Association of Music Education 1945-0109 ; Sage Publications 8755-<strong>12</strong>33 2138531-2 40731<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-8332 0042-0816;1078-0874 1494078-4 5389<br />

Elsevier 1879-2901 0304-4009 2143350-1 42114<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-1642 1083-8155 2019257-5 2560<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1552-8340 0042-0859 2067136-2 19803<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1610-8167 1618-8667 2088186-1 29438<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8706 0306-0845;0963-9268 1481895-4 4813<br />

Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group 1476-7244 0811-1146 2086167-9 29034<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-1960 0042-0972 2019252-6 8094<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Routledge, 1360-063X Taylor & Francis 0042-0980 Group) 1482794-3 1042<br />

Elsevier 1878-3953 0147-8001 2206241-5 40451<br />

Elsevier 1878-5670 1462-0758 2032549-6 7315<br />

Springer 1434-0879;2194-7236 0300-5623;2194-7228 2700610-4 2370<br />

Springer 1433-0563 0042-1103;0340-2592 1463249-4 961<br />

Karger 1423-0399 0042-1138 1464417-4 2311<br />

Elsevier 1527-9995 0090-4295 2011025-X 6593<br />

International Association for Bear Research 1938-5439 and Management; 1537-6176 BioOne2210269-3 60766<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0924-1868;1573-1391 0924-1868 1475734-5 2247<br />

Cambridge University Press 1741-6183 0953-8208 2069429-5 46828<br />

Elsevier 1878-4356 0957-1787 2015202-4 33<strong>12</strong><br />

Elsevier 1358-8745;1873-2518 0264-410X 1468474-3 3367<br />

Elsevier 1879-2715 0042-207X 1479044-0 3884<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1522-2454 0947-076X 2045181-7 10103<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1538-5744;1938-9116<br />

früher: Westminster 0042-2835 Publications2095223-5 54215<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1477-0377 Hodder Arnold 0954-2582;1358-863X 2027562-6 6893<br />

Elsevier 1879-3649 1537-1891 2089264-0 29514<br />

Düsseldorf : VDI-Verl. 0042-1758 2166465-1 94506<br />

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 1557-7759 1530-3667 2047911-6 10382<br />

Springer 1617-6278 0939-6314 1481434-1 10416<br />

Taylor & Francis 1744-5159 0042-3114 1475863-5 4355<br />

Taylor & Francis 1464-5343 1369-1066 2032399-2 5486<br />

via Beck 1869-5361 2547744-4 133545<br />

Karger 1423-0402 1016-6262 1483583-6 3054<br />

Erich Schmidt Verlag 1866-5241;1868-7911 0042-4005;0340-4536 2463892-4 110587<br />

Keppler 0042-4307;0341-7131 1467357-5 4545<br />

Elsevier 0165-2427;1873-2534 0165-2427 1498915-3 3736<br />

Elsevier 1532-2971 1090-0233 2002624-9 6623<br />

Elsevier 0378-1135;1873-2542 0378-1135 1498996-7 3737<br />

Elsevier 0304-4017;1873-2550 0304-4017 1498947-5 3738<br />

Sage ; The American College of Veterinary 1544-2217 Pathologists 0004-4059;0031-2975;0300-9858<br />

; HighWire Press 2106608-5 973<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1740-8261 1058-8183 2142058-0 41027<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 0165-7380;1573-7446 0165-7380 2011<strong>12</strong>4-1 6301<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5330 0042-4935 2036952-9 9375<br />

Elsevier 1873-3697 0924-2031 1500818-6 2693<br />

Cambridge University Press 1470-1553 1060-1503 2037385-5 6657<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-0720 0042-6032 2067144-1 24831<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-8448 1077-80<strong>12</strong> 2031375-5 9094<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8976 0882-8245 2030616-7 8972<br />

Springer 1432-2307 0042-6423;0945-6317 1463276-7 963<br />

Springer 0340-6075 2476321-4 111155<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1003-5<strong>12</strong>5 2425817-9 169290<br />

Elsevier 0042-6822;1096-0341 0042-6822 1471925-3 978<br />

Springer 1434-9957 1359-4338 1481468-7 25488<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-994X ; Kluwer Academic 0920-8569 Publ. 2011138-1 6302<br />

Elsevier 1872-7492 0168-1702 1500820-4 3808

Elsevier 1878-5646 0042-6989 2011974-4 3180<br />

SAGE Publications 2249-5304 0972-2629 2220768-5 168611<br />

Elsevier Science 1872-9207 0083-6656 1500825-3 5950<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1464-0716 1350-6285 2029586-8 1161<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-3214 1470-3572 2077485-0 20030<br />

Springer 1432-2315 0178-2789 1463287-1 1526<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1744-5167 Group 1388-235X 2011143-5 5668<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8714 0952-5238 1489922-x 5043<br />

Karger 1421-9808;1662-6672 0177-9990;1662-6664 2487201-5 3894<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1568-5349 0042-7543 2036954-2 9376<br />

Springer ; Association for Computing 0949-877X Machinery (ACM) 1066-8888 1463009-6 975<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1000-9582 2630507-0 169500<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-7888 (formerly Kluwer 0957-8765 Academic/Plenum 2019268-X Publishers) 8095<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1423-0410 0042-9007 1483587-3 10159<br />

Sage Publications (früher: Hodder Arnold) 1477-0385 ; HighWire Press 0968-3445 1484873-9 4927<br />

Vieweg 1436-9095 2389047-2 94544<br />

Elsevier 1879-2456 0956-053X 2001471-5 3692<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; 1096-3669 International Solid 0734-242X Waste Association 1480483-9 (ISWA) ; früher: Blackwell 10021Publishing - STM ; E<br />

Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 1573-2932 ; Kluwer 0049-6979 1479824-4 2248<br />

Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 1573-2940 ; Kluwer 1567-7230 2035213-X 9482<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1747-6593 1747-6585 2218235-4 62335<br />

Water Environment Federation 1554-7531 1061-4303 2051010-X 9345<br />

Elsevier 1879-2448 0043-1354 1501098-3 3431<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-1650 ; Kluwer Academic 0920-4741 Publ. 2016360-5 6304<br />

Waterbird Society; BioOne 1524-4695 0738-6028 2159270-6 46855<br />

Elsevier 1878-433X 0165-2<strong>12</strong>5 2013591-9 2762<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1365-3180 0043-1737 2016371-X 5441<br />

Weed Science Society of America; BioOne 1550-2759 0043-1745 2<strong>12</strong>3881-9 35680<br />

Weed Science Society of America; BioOne 1550-2740 0890-037x 2119100-1 35679<br />

Taylor & Francis 1573-9449;1754-2138 0950-7116 2144466-3 42167<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-0607 0043-2539 2067160-X 25393<br />

WNP-Verl. 1437-4935 2482794-0 114825<br />

Hanser 0177-8897 2204540-5 58894<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-8456 0193-9459 2067773-X 30643<br />

Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, 1944-8341 Brigham Young 1527-0904 University; BioOne 2486542-4 114814<br />

Society of Wetland Scientists ; BioOne1943-6254 0732-9393 2178766-9 53023<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-9834 ; Kluwer Academic 0923-4861 Publ. 2016379-4 6305<br />

Springer; The Society of Wetland Scientists; 1943-6246 BioOne 0277-52<strong>12</strong> 2175922-4 52081<br />

Dt. Fachverl. 1435-3059 0172-049X;0508-6205 2151593-1 197355<br />

SecuMedia 1615-455x 2103340-7 33649<br />

Elsevier; BioOne; Allen Press 1545-1534 0953-9859;1080-6032 2060630-8 2561<br />

Nordic Board for Wildlife Research; BioOne 1903-220X 0909-6396 2276904-3 88384<br />

The Wildlife Society; BioOne; Wiley 1938-5455 0084-0173 2067304-8 8<strong>12</strong>36<br />

Wiley ; The Wildlife Society; BioOne 1938-5463 0091-7648 2067355-3 65621<br />

Wilson Ornithological Society; BioOne1938-5447 1559-4491 2256217-5 67363<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1572-8196 (ACM); Springer 1022-0038 Science+Business 2006505-X Media B.V. (formerly Kluwer 2016 Academic Publishe<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1572-834X (formerly Kluwer 0929-62<strong>12</strong> Academic Publishers) 1479327-1 2249<br />

via Beck 0941-6293 2081789-7 24892<br />

Haufe 0935-3097;0942-4946 2024883-0 6849<br />

Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt 0043-6151 2270588-0 86067<br />

Gabler ; Springer 1861-8936 0937-6429 1494041-3 2051<br />

Gabler/GWV-Fachverl. 1867-5913 1867-5905 2513402-4 <strong>12</strong>4448<br />

De Gruyter 1868-7458 1868-7431 2573233-X 140259<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1000-9388 2630273-1 169499<br />

Elsevier 1878-4321 1049-3867 2011979-3 3135<br />

Elsevier 1879-243X 0277-5395 2019828-0 3961

Elsevier 1878-2760 0148-0685 2229431-4 67145<br />

Springer 1432-5225 0043-7719 1468948-0 2053<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press ; Hammill Institute 1048-3950 on Disabilities ; 2409789-5 Pro-ed<br />

100039<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-8464 0093-9285;0730-8884 200<strong>12</strong>76-7 6514<br />

Routledge, Taylor & Francis 1464-5335 0267-8373 1485108-8 5027<br />

SAGE Publications 1469-8722 0950-0170 2000042-X 30619<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1564-698X 0258-6770 2020807-8 10565<br />

Oxford University Press ; HighWire Press 1564-6971 0257-3032 2020810-8 10564<br />

Kluwer Law International 1875-8436 1011-4548 2019293-9 8096<br />

Elsevier 1873-5991 0305-750X 1500836-8 3340<br />

Blackwell-Wiley - SSH 1467-9701 0378-5920 1473825-9 4067<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - SSH 1467-971X 0883-2919 1495564-7 4513<br />

SAGE Publications 2150-136X 2150-1351 2550261-X 134328<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1003-5257 2467746-2 169433<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1949-8454 2564793-3 169302<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1814-14<strong>12</strong> Group 1562-2975 2170223-8 67222<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1949-8462 2573665-6 169444<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1948-9358 2583471-X 169451<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1948-5190 2573698-X 169446<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1948-5204 2573696-6 169460<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 2150-5330 2583474-5 169447<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 2150-5349 2583480-0 169448<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1948-9366 2573700-4 169449<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1948-5182 2573703-X 169450<br />

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1573-0972 (formerly Kluwer 0265-0762;0959-3993<br />

Academic Publishers) 1499109-3 2562<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1949-8470 2573705-3 169469<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1948-0210 2583482-4 169454<br />

Springer 1432-2323 0364-2313 1463296-2 1527<br />

Springer 1433-8726 0724-4983 1463303-6 2084<br />

Gulf Publishing Company 1936-0703 0043-8790 2067183-0 40868<br />

Elsevier 1874-690X 0172-2190 20<strong>12</strong>400-4 3973<br />

Sage Publications ; Project MUSE ; früher: 1936-0924 MIT Press 0740-2775 2068546-4 93184<br />

Cambridge University Press (früher Johns 1086-3338 Hopkins University 0043-8871 Press) ; Project 1497472-1 MUSE<br />

1032<br />

Cambridge University Press (früher: CABI 1743-4777 Publishing) 0043-9339 2188060-8 54110<br />

Kluwer Law International 1022-6583;1875-8177 1022-6583 2086026-2 29420<br />

Springer (formerly: Kluwer) 1573-1413 1386-145X 2025142-7 2020<br />

Brill Academic Publishers, Springer 1568-5357 1363-5247 2036957-8 9377<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1524-475X 1067-1927 2011990-2 5974<br />

Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 1758-681X (früher: Oxford 1758-6801 University Press) 2532294-1 <strong>12</strong>9065<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-8472 0741-0883 2031449-8 9099<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-4539 0049-8246 1479999-6 1852<br />

Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis 1366-5928 Group 0049-8254 1485113-1 1145<br />

Association for Computing Machinery 1528-4980 (ACM) 1528-4972 2608<strong>12</strong>1-0 162948<br />

Oxford University Press 1471-681X 1077-4254 2075561-2 15654<br />

Oxford University Press 1471-6801 0084-4144 2059961-4 15556<br />

T.M.C. Asser Press ; Cambridge University 1574-096X Press ; Springer 1389-1359 2390868-3 93384<br />

Mouton de Gruyter 1868-6338 1868-632X 2592846-6 151155<br />

De Gruyter 1613-4109 0971-9539 2425976-7 92428<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1097-0061 0749-503X 1479172-9 1853<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1096-2506 2413564-1 102567<br />

SAGE Publications 1741-3222 1103-3088 2119116-5 37721<br />

SAGE Publications 1552-8499 0044-118X 1494079-6 5390<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1747-6283 1473-2254 2255063-X 82940<br />

Sage Publications ; HighWire Press 1556-9330 1541-2040 2119105-0 37722<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-4001 0044-2267 1474638-4 3660<br />

Mary Ann Liebert 1557-8542 1545-8547 2156020-1 46588

Mouton de Gruyter 2190-0191 1433-9889 2445275-0 145655<br />

Birkhäuser bei Springer LINK 1420-9039 0044-2275 1464001-6 761<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1521-3749 0044-2313;0372-7874;0863-1778;0863-1786<br />

1481139-x 4008<br />

De Gruyter 16<strong>12</strong>-961X 0949-9571 2049668-0 <strong>12</strong>664<br />

De Gruyter 1613-1150 0084-5299 2050020-8 46992<br />

Median-Verlag 1435-4691 2721992-6 198482<br />

via Beck ; Nomos 0721-5746 2590921-6 150874<br />

via Beck ; Kohlhammer 0044-2348 2237086-9 148603<br />

via Beck 1617-7223 2081599-2 24847<br />

Klostermann 1864-2950 0044-2380 2042669-0 15026<br />

Niemeyer ; de Gruyter 1865-889X 0084-5302 2416195-0 103143<br />

via Beck 1869-9367 2554278-3 134706<br />

via Beck 0170-0413 2460693-5 <strong>12</strong>5571<br />

De Gruyter 1613-0103;1613-0104 0044-2526;0934-2591;0934-2796<br />

2049660-6 10573<br />

Springer 0303-4194 2425964-0 105601<br />

De Gruyter 16<strong>12</strong>-703X 0084-5310 2138296-7 40711<br />

De Gruyter 1613-009X 0044-2615;0935-9257 2049651-5 11489<br />

via Beck 0945-4969 2081897-X 24893<br />

Steinkopff bei Springer LINK 1435-<strong>12</strong>93 0044-264X 2164295-3 2054<br />

Mohr Siebeck 1867-2523 1867-237X 2491008-9 119010<br />

De Gruyter 1613-0626 0301-3294 2045557-4 10079<br />

Steinkopff bei Springer LINK 1435-<strong>12</strong>69 0044-281X;0948-6704 1463317-6 2072<br />

Steinkopff bei Springer LINK 1435-<strong>12</strong>77 0930-9225 1464213-x 2055<br />

Springer 0044-2887 2140087-8 84319<br />

Steinkopff bei Springer LINK 1435-<strong>12</strong>85 0300-5860 1463330-9 2593<br />

Beck ; Nomos 1864-0192 2524119-9 <strong>12</strong>7888<br />

Springer 0044-3026;0372-9419;1431-4630<br />

2150361-8 90695<br />

VZN 1865-7109 0932-0784 2079610-9 3171<br />

De Gruyter 16<strong>12</strong>-9776 0943-7592 2050028-2 40864<br />

Thieme<br />

1438-941X;1864-6743 0044-3220;1864-6697 2304338-6 9436<br />

Springer 1431-5831 0939-7922 1463338-3 757<br />

Springer 1431-584X 0031-9236;0340-2347;0722-3277<br />

1463344-9 758<br />

Springer 1431-5858 0170-9739 1463347-4 759<br />

Springer 1431-5866 0178-7683 1463365-6 760<br />

Akademie-Verlag ; Oldenbourg Verlagsgruppe 0942-9352 2020854-6 8341<br />

via Beck 0514-6496 2081881-6 24894<br />

Brill Academic Publishers 1570-0739 0044-3441 2085921-1 290<strong>12</strong><br />

De Gruyter 1867-1705 1867-1691 2501989-2 <strong>12</strong>3<strong>12</strong>5<br />

Steinkopff bei Springer LINK 1435-<strong>12</strong>50 0340-1855 1463308-5 2056<br />

De Gruyter 1865-9063 0049-8661 2425215-3 103186<br />

via Beck 1610-322X 2105877-5 37247<br />

De Gruyter 1613-3706 0721-9067 2149772-2 45632<br />

De Gruyter 16<strong>12</strong>-7013 1610-7780 2138297-9 40710<br />

via Beck ; Nomos 0943-383X 2280541-2 90915<br />

De Gruyter 16<strong>12</strong>-7048 0340-2479 2137403-X 40481<br />

Beck 0342-2852 2130742-8 39651<br />

via Beck 0940-6867;1432-8933 2082338-1 24891<br />

Hanser 0947-0085 0932-0482 2133068-2 39655<br />

Beck 1611-8650 2558621-X 135824<br />

Heidelberg : Haefner 0944-2502 22473<strong>12</strong>-9 8<strong>12</strong>86<br />

Elsevier ; Urban & Fischer 0934-8840 2653290-6 180010<br />

Deutscher Verein für Vermessungswesen e.V. - Gesellschaft 1618-8950 für Geodäsie, 2661561-7 Geoinformation <strong>und</strong> 182615 Landmanagement<br />

Wiley-Blackwell - STM 1098-2361 0733-3188 1499116-0 1854<br />

Zoological Society of Japan ; BioOne 0289-0003 2038883-4 9618<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1873-2674 0044-5231 2050456-1 9544<br />

Urban & Fischer; Elsevier 1873-2720 0944-2006 205<strong>12</strong>97-1 11487

Springer 1432-234X 0044-3131;0372-9389;0720-213X<br />

1462021-2 1528<br />

Museum Nationale d'Histoire Naturelle <strong>12</strong>80-9551 Paris; BioOne<br />

2053173-4 165388<br />

via China Academic Journals (CAJ) 1673-5188 2421743-8 169484<br />

Rehm 1439-5908 2381918-2 106304<br />

Verlag für die Deutsche Wirtschaft AG 1437-2541 2206767-X 57681<br />

via Beck 1433-0342 2485513-3 114956<br />

via Beck ; Nomos 0177-6762 24855<strong>12</strong>-1 114954<br />

Brill 1875-0214 1571-7283 2473095-6 111596<br />

Cambridge University Press 1469-8730 0967-1994 1483381-5 4263

E-Book-Pakete<br />

ZDB-Paket-Sigel<br />

EBSCOhost eBook Collection<br />

ZDB-1-NEL<br />

Elsevier eBook collection on ScienceDirect -<br />

Mathematics: Titel aus Backlist (1949-2006) <strong>und</strong><br />

Frontlist (2007-2008)<br />

ZDB-1-ELC<br />

Karger e<strong>Books</strong> Collection 1997-2010<br />

ZDB-1-KEB<br />

RSC eBook Collection 1968-2009<br />

ZDB-1-RSE<br />

RSC eBook Collection 2010 - 2011<br />

ZDB-1-RSEK<br />

RSC eBook Collection 20<strong>12</strong> - 2014<br />

ZDB-1-RSEK<br />

Springer eBook collection Chemistry and<br />

Materials Science 2005-2008<br />

ZDB-1-SCM<br />

Springer eBook collection Medicine 2005-2008 ZDB-1-SMI<br />

Springer eBook collection Technik & Informatik<br />

(2010 - 20<strong>12</strong>) ZDB-2-STI<br />

Springer Lecture Notes Archiv 1964-1996 ZDB-1-SLN<br />

alle E-<strong>Books</strong> der Wiley Online Library<br />

IEEEXplore: IEEE Conference Proceedings

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