Environmental Clearance - Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited

Environmental Clearance - Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited

Environmental Clearance - Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited


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F. No. J..l1 01 1/23912010. IA II (I)<br />

ao-.emrrMInt of India<br />

Mlnlltry of E""lrOfUnlH't and Foreats<br />

(tA. Division)<br />

PlryavaranShawan<br />

CGO Complex, Lodhl Road<br />


(9 NOll), National Highways (12 Nos.). Railways (12 Nos.). social forests (6 Nos.) and<br />

protected forests (6 Nos.).<br />

3.0 Stock of adequate height will be provided to DG set (1K 160 KVA) and DG Set (1x<br />

100 KVA). Water requirement will be met from ground water sooree. Oily effluent will be<br />

treated in effluenllreatn1efl1 plant (ETP) al all tankageslstorageklispalch facll~~.The ef11fre<br />

cross country pipeline will be monitored and controlled by Supervising Control & Data<br />

Acqu'silion (SCADA). The pipeline will be protected against external COffOllIon by three layer<br />

polyethylene (PE) coating for cross COI.Intry pipeline and three layered polypropylene and<br />

additionally by impressed current cathodic protection system. Excavated eal1h will be<br />

restored property and backfIlled.<br />

".0 The proposal was considered by the Expert Appraisal Commitlee (Induslry-2) in lts<br />

25"and 2""meetings held during 26"-30"'July. 2011 and 29" - 3,"October.<br />

2012respeclively.<br />

5.0 All the <strong>Petroleum</strong> prodllCl storage and transportations facilrties are listed at S.N. 6(a)<br />

under Category'S' and shoold have been appraised at the State level. However. due to<br />

applicability of general condition. pipeline passing through interstate boundary. project is<br />

treated as categOfY 'A' and appraised at the Central Level.<br />

6.0 Public hearing was conducted on 10"' April. 2012 for Bharatpur terminal. 1.... May,<br />

2012 !of Mathura Terminal, .... May, 2012 tor Kanpur Terrninaland 3'" April, 2012 for<br />

Palanpur Termilllli.<br />

7.0 The pro;eet has obtained slage-l forest clearance for diversion of forest land in the<br />

State of Haryana on 1".11.2012 and Ullar Pradesh on 11.03.2013 respectively from regional<br />

offICe of MoEF. Chandigarh and lucknow as per the documents submilted by Mis. HPClto<br />

this Ministry.<br />

6.0 The Ministry of Environment and Forests tlereby accords environmental clearance to<br />

the above project under the provisions of EIA NotifICation dated 1.... September, 2006<br />

subject to strlct compliance of the following specifIC and general condilions:<br />


l. Comments/recommendations shall be obtained from the Slate Forest Department<br />

regarding the impact of the proposed laying of pipeline on the sUfTOlJnding reserve<br />

forests.<br />

ii.<br />

iii.<br />

iv.<br />

All the cond~ions stipulated in the forest clearance shall be implemented.<br />

The project authorily I.e. Mis HPCL shall ensure restoration of the Right of WfroIlO<br />

preconstruction level as soon es construction activity completed. To ensure<br />

prevention of soil efosion. backfilled areas should be property compacted.<br />

Adequate buffer zone aroond the oil tankage shall be maintained, as mfrol be required<br />

as per 0150 or other statutOfY requirements.<br />

v. The company shall monilor PM10, 502. NOx& He and displayed periodically on the<br />

company's web site.

vI.<br />

Regularty monrtoring ofVce and HC In the work zone arlla in the tankages premises<br />

shall be carried and data be submitted to Ministry's Regional OffICe at LllCknow and<br />

Kanpur,<br />

vii. The design, material of construction, assembly, Inspection, testing and safety<br />

aspects of operation and maintenance of pipeline and transporting the natural gas<br />

should be governed by ASMEJANSI B 31.81831.4 and 0150 standard 141.<br />

viii,<br />

Ix.<br />

Annual safety audit shall be c.:lrricd out for fI1e Inilial fI1ree years by an Indapeodent<br />

agency and report submitted to this Ministry for Ilflsuring fhe strict compliance 01<br />

safety regulations on operation and malnterlilnce.<br />

The constll.lCtion of pipeline particUlarly at fI1e river and stream crossing shall be<br />

done during dry seasons to avoid disturbance of breeding seasons and soil erosion.<br />

The riverbed, embankments and dykes sh.all be restored adequately after Installation<br />

of crossings.<br />

x. Pipeline wall thickness and minimum depth of buriai at river crossings and casings at<br />

ralls, major road crossings Should be in conformity with ANSUASME requirements.<br />

xi.<br />

xli.<br />

xiii.<br />

xiv.<br />

The company should follow horizootal drilling technique lor laying of pipeline wt1ikl<br />

passing through major rivers.<br />

The project authorities shall Install SCADA system with dedicated optical fiber based<br />

telecommunication link for safe operation of pipeline and Leak Detection System.<br />

Addrtional sec1ionalizing valves In the residential areas aod sensllive location shail be<br />

provided to prevent fI1e leaking of gas go4ng to the atmosphere in lIle event 01<br />

pipeline failure. Intelligent pigging facility shall be provided for the entire pipeline<br />

system for internal corrosion monitoring. Coating and impressed current cathodic<br />

protection system shall be provided to prevent external corrosion.<br />

The project authorities shall patrol and inspect the pipeline regularty for detection of<br />

faults as per 0150 guidelines and continuous monitoring of pipeline operation by<br />

adopting noo-destll.lCtive method{s) of testing as envisaged in the EMP. Pearson<br />

survey and continuous potential survey shall be carried out at regular IntervalS to<br />

ensure the adequacy of cathodic proteclion system.<br />

The fire water facilities al the tennlnal must be designed as per 0150-117 guidelines.<br />

However, for fighting prolonged fires, fI1e company shall firm up a plan for assured<br />

water supply from nearby ground waler sourceJ surface water sourco. This must be<br />

compli&': before commissioning lIle project.<br />

xv, All the recommendations mentioned In the rls!( assessment report shall be<br />

Implemented.<br />

xvi. All fI1e issues raised during the public hearing/consultation meetings held on 10""<br />

April, 2012 for Bharatpur terminal, 14'" May, 2012 lor Mathura lenninal, 4" May,<br />

2012 for Kanpur Terminal and 3" April, 2012 for Palanpur Terminal shall be<br />

satisfactorily Implementedand a separate budgel for implementing the same shall be<br />

allocated and inlormatlon submiUed to the Ministry's Regional orrtce at Lucknow and<br />

Bhopal.<br />

xvii.<br />

Prior permission Shall be obtained from CGWNSGWA to meet water requirement<br />

from ground water source.

xviii.<br />

xix.<br />

xx.<br />

The company shall construct the garland drBin all around the PJ"01ecl site 10 Pfevent<br />

runoff of any oil containing waste inlo the nearby waler bodies. Saparate drainage<br />

system shall be created fO( oil contamlnaled and roon-oil contaminated streams.<br />

Dl.lring rainy season, lhe storm water drains shall be connecled to oil water separalor<br />

and passed through guard pood. Water quality monitoring of guard pond shall be<br />

conduded.<br />

Effluent from washlrlg of storage lanks shall be properly treatlld in ETP and treated<br />

waslewater shall conform to CPCB slandards. As proposed, separate treatrnoot<br />

system shall be provided for white oil and black oil effluenl streams. No efnuent Shall<br />

be discharge4 outside the premises,<br />

Oil Il1(/l,>stry Safety Directorate guidelines regarding safety against fire, spillage,<br />

~Iulion control etc. shall be followed. Company shall ensure no 011 spillage occur<br />

during loading I unloading of pelroleum prodUcts<br />


, '<br />

xui.<br />

KXXIi.<br />

xxxiii.<br />

The Company should harvest surface as well as ralnwaler from the rooflops of the<br />

blJildings proposed in the project and storm waler drains to recharge the ground<br />

water and use the same waler for the variollS activiHes of the project to consel'\le<br />

fresh water.<br />

Company should adopt Ccw'porate Environment Policy as per the Ministry's O.M. No.<br />

J-l101314112006-IA.11 (I) dated 26" April, 2011and Implemented.<br />

Under Corporate Social Respooslbility (CSR), suffICient budgetary provisioo shall be<br />

made for Ileallh improvement, education, waler and electricity supply elc. in and<br />

around the project.<br />


l. The project aUlhor~ies must strictly adhere to the stipulations made by the Slale<br />

Pollution Control Board (SpeS), State Governments and any Glher statuiOf)'<br />

aUIOOI'ity.<br />

Ii.<br />

iii.<br />

iv,<br />

No further expansion or modifICation in the Pfoject shall be carried out without prior<br />

approval of the Ministry of Environmef11 & Forests. In case 01 deviations or alterations<br />

In lhe pl'oject proposal from those submilled 10 this Ministry for clearance. a fresh<br />

reference shall be made to the Ministry to assess the adequacy of conditions<br />

imposed and 10 add additional environmental profection measl,lfes requ~ed, if any.<br />

The pro;ed authorities musl slrictly comply with the rules and regulations under<br />

Manufacture, Slorage and Import of HazardolJS Chemicals Rules. 2000 as amended<br />

SUbsequently. Prior approvals from Chief Inspectorate of Factories. Chlef Controlier<br />

of Explosives, Rre Safely Inspectorate elc. must be obtained, wherever applicable.<br />

The overall noise levels In aM around the plant area shall be kepi well within the<br />

standards by providing noise conlrol measures including acouslic hoods. silencers,<br />

enclosures etc. OIl all sources of noise generation. The ambienl noise levels shall<br />

conform to the standards prescribed under EPA Rules. 1969 viz. 75 dBA (daytime)<br />

and 70 dBA (nighttime).<br />

v. A copy of clearance Ieller shall be senl by the proponent to concerned Panchayat,<br />

ZilaParishad I Municipal <strong>Corporation</strong>, Urban Local Body and the local NGO. if any.<br />

from wIlom su99estions I represenla~ons, if any, were received willie processing the<br />

proposal. The clearance Ieller sllall also be put on lhe web sile of the company by<br />

the pfOponen1.<br />

vi.<br />

The pro:'l

ava~lable with the SPCB and may also be SOO!1 at Website of \he Mlnlslry of<br />

EnVironmenl and FOfests at hUp:/envfOf.nlc.in. This shall be advel1ised withill sevefl<br />

days from the date of issue of the clear8flC8IeI18f, etleast In two local newspapers<br />

thai are widely circulated in the region of which one shall be in the vernacular<br />

IallllUll!le of the locality concerned and a copy of !he same shall be rorwarcled to the<br />

Regional offICe.<br />

Ix. Project authorities shall infOfm ttle Regional OffICe as well as the Ministry, the date of<br />

financial closure and final approval of the projecl by the coocemed authorities and<br />

the date of commencing the land development work.<br />

9.0 The Ministry may revoke Of suspend t"e clearaflC8, if implementation of any 01 the<br />

above condijlons Is nol salisfaclOly.<br />

10.0 The Ministry reserves the right 10 stipulate additional conditions if found necessary.<br />

The company in a time Ixxmd manner shalllmp~ntthese conditions,<br />

11.0 The aboVe conditions shall be enforced, inter-alia under the provisions of tile Wa\el"<br />

(Prevenlioo & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974.lhe Air (Prevention & Control of PolioliOfl) Act,<br />

1981, the Environment (Proteclion) Act, 1986, Hazardous Waste {Management. Handling<br />

and Trans-8oundary Movement) Rules, 2008 and the Publk: {Insurance) Liabilijy Act, 1991<br />

along with their amendments and rulas ~<br />

Coovlo :-<br />

(V P Upadhaya0<br />

Director<br />

1. The Principal Seo"elary, Forests & E~menI Department, Govemmeot of Gu}ara\,<br />

8achivalaya, 8" Floor, Gandhi Nagar - 382 OlD, Gujarat.<br />

2. The Principal Secretary, Department of Environment. Government of Unar Pradesh,<br />

Sachivalaya, BapuBhawan, Adjacent to VidhanSabha,lucknow - 226001, U.P.<br />

3, Secretary, Department of Environment and FOfllStS, Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur,<br />

Rajasthan.<br />

4, Chairman, Central POllution Control Boafd, PariveshBhavan, CBD-cum..Qffice Complex,<br />

Enst Aljun Nagar. Delhl-lloon<br />

5. Chalnnan, Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board, 4, Instijutkmal area, Jhalana,<br />

Doongri, Jaipur, Rajasthan.<br />

8. The Chairman, Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board, PICUPBhawan, VibhutiKhand,<br />

Gomti Nagar, lucknoW- U.P.<br />

7. The Chairman, Gujarat Slate Pollution Control Bo3rd, ParyavaranBllawan, SecIOr 10 A.<br />

Gandhi Nagar-382 043, Gujarat.<br />

8, Chief Conservator of Forests (Central), Ministry of Environment and Forests, Region<br />

OffICe (central), KendriyaBhawan, 5" Floor, Seclor"H, Allganj.lllclmow - 226 024, U,P.<br />

9. The Chief Conservator of Forests {Western Zone}, Ministry of Environment & Forests,<br />

RIlgionaI Office, E-5, Arara Colony, link Road -3, Bhopal-462 016, M.P,<br />

10. The Chairman, Gujaral Slale Pollution Control Eloa«I, ParyavaranBllawan, sector 10 A.<br />

Gandhi Nagar-382 043, Gujaml.<br />

11. Joint Secretary, lA-II, Ministry of Environment and Forests, ParyavamnBhawan, CGO<br />

Complex, New Delhi.<br />

12. Monitoring Cell, Ministry or Envirooment and Forests. ParyavaranBhawan, CGO<br />

Complex, New Delhi.<br />

13. Guard FilelMoniloring FilelRecord File. \<br />

(V P Upadhayay)<br />


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