Equivariant Embeddings of Algebraic Groups

Equivariant Embeddings of Algebraic Groups

Equivariant Embeddings of Algebraic Groups


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since G (and hence G × G) is semi-simple, the short exact sequences<br />

0 → H p λ<br />

(N i−1 ) → H p λ<br />

(N i ) → H p λ<br />

(L i ) → 0<br />

split, implying that H p λ(N i ) = H p λ(N i−1 ) ⊕ H p λ(L i ) = H p λ(L 1 ) ⊕ H p λ(L 2 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ H p λ(L i ), by<br />

induction, for i = 1, 2, . . . , r. In particular, H p λ(N r ) = ⊕ r<br />

i=1 Hp λ(L i ), so that<br />

H p (G/B × G/B − ,I G×G/B×B −(H q (X, S| X ) λ ⊗ k M [e,e] )) = H p (N r )<br />

⎧<br />

⎪⎨ H p λ(G/B × G/B − , L(λ + ξ, η)) ⊕ dim Hq Z(h,λ) (X∗(T ) R,k)<br />

p = p λ<br />

=<br />

⎪⎩ 0 p ≠ p λ<br />

Therefore,<br />

E pq<br />

2 = Hp (G/B × G/B − , H q (X, L))<br />

= ⊕ [<br />

] H p λ<br />

(G/B × G/B − , L(λ + ξ, η)) ⊕ dim Hq Z(h,λ) (X∗(T ) R,k)<br />

.<br />

{λ:p λ =p}<br />

Since these cohomology groups will be (G × G)-representations, they are also T -representations via<br />

T → T × T → G × G. Furthermore, all the maps must respect this T -action, so a λ-eigenspace may<br />

only be sent to another λ-eigenspace. However, the λ-eigenspaces occur in at most one column <strong>of</strong><br />

the spectral sequence E pq<br />

2 , so all boundary maps must be zero. Therefore the sequence is degenerate,<br />

so we may compute the cohomology <strong>of</strong> Ind(X) as the abutment:<br />

H n (Ind(X), L) ∼ = ⊕<br />

p+q=n<br />

∼= ⊕<br />

p+q=n<br />

E pq<br />

2<br />

⎛<br />

⎝<br />

⊕<br />

{λ:p λ =p}<br />

[<br />

H p λ<br />

(G/B × G/B − , L(λ + ξ, η)) ⊕ dim Hq Z(h,λ) (X∗(T ) R,k) ]⎞ ⎠ .<br />


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