EMAP_2012_Report_6_1.pdf (7.3 MB) - The Heritage Council

EMAP_2012_Report_6_1.pdf (7.3 MB) - The Heritage Council

EMAP_2012_Report_6_1.pdf (7.3 MB) - The Heritage Council


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univallate enclosures at Lisleagh 1 and 2 (1000kg and 800kg, Monk 1995), Lisanisk (827kg,<br />

Coughlan 2010) and the univallate enclosure at Lowpark (1360kg, Wallace and Anguilano<br />

2010c). Clearly sites like Garryduff (O’Kelly 1963), Garranes (Ó Ríordáin 1942) and St<br />

Gobnet’s (O’Kelly 1952) are likely to fit somewhere at the upper end of this scale given the<br />

number of funace bottoms from each of these and the suggested minimum weight for these.<br />

Clearly ecclesiastical sites like Clonfad belong at the top of this range (1500kg) along with<br />

Clonmacnoise (Young 2009a).<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is clearly no simple equation be made between the type or perceived status of a site<br />

and the scale of iron-working carried out within it. It is very difficult to estimate how much<br />

activity archaeometallurgical waste represents. Any assemblage can only indicate the<br />

minimum of activity on that site. Young gives the example of Parknahown, a cemetery and<br />

settlement which operated over approximately six centuries, which produced 100kg of waste<br />

representing a minimum of a single smelting episode and 150 smithing sessions although<br />

activity is likely to be considerably higher (Young 2009c, 3). Likewise at Killickaweeny,<br />

Photos-Jones commented that the 86kg of metallurgical waste generated sometime within a<br />

possible 100 year time span could not have been seen as industry but as part of the annual<br />

calendar of activities for a farming community (Photos-Jones 2008b, 53). Clearly chronology<br />

is an important part of this analysis. While the extensive metalworking at Lisanisk (seventh to<br />

ninth century A.D.) can be dated to periods throughout the sites occupation the bulk of<br />

metalworking at settlements like Kilree 3 and Loughbown 1 took place in the tenth to twelfth<br />

century considerably at a time when the ditches have silted up and the overall level of<br />

settlement is unclear (Coughlan 2010b, 34; Bower 2009b, 17). <strong>The</strong>refore to have a properly<br />

nuanced understanding of levels of metalworking over time we need a synthesis of accurately<br />

dated iron-working features.<br />

<strong>The</strong> results of recent excavations clearly suggest that specialised iron-working was carried out<br />

at a range of levels. While the traditional high status sites such as Lagore, Garranes or<br />

Knowth clearly had high levels of iron-working and therefore possibly smiths under patronage<br />

other such as Moynagh Lough did not focussing on non-ferrous metallurgy. On many highstatus<br />

sites, itinerant craftsmen may have worked for most of the year but perhaps only a<br />

few high-status secular and ecclesiastical settlements had the economic and political capacity<br />

to support permanent workshops of specialised iron and metal-workers. Specialised<br />

workshops like Lisanisk, Lowpark and Lisleagh were clearly related to resident smiths who<br />

lived within enclosures of different sizes and individual histories but clearly not materially<br />

wealthy relative to places like Garranes. <strong>The</strong>y may themselves have been under the<br />

patronage of a secular or ecclesiastical lord. Similarly it might be suggested that places like<br />

Johnstown 1, Carrigatogher Harding may have acted like Clonfad as places where smelting<br />

and bloom smithing was one of range of activities probably under the control of local family<br />

church communities. <strong>The</strong> presence of master smiths at ecclesiastical sites is noted in the<br />

founding story of the early monastery of Brigown (Carroll 2005). <strong>The</strong> founding saint of the<br />

monastery, Fanahan, is said to have named the site in honour of the seven master smiths<br />

who worked there and it has also been noted that the name Brigown was written in the Book<br />

of Lismore as ‘Bri-gobh-unn’ which can be translated as ‘bree’ or hill of the smith (‘gobha’)<br />

(ibid). Limited excavation 400m away uncovered several pits and linear features outside the<br />

partial outline of an enclosure ditch which contained large quantities of dumped or waste<br />

charcoal and slag. One small bowl-shaped pit with evidence for in situ burning was found in<br />

the interior of the enclosure and was interpreted as a possible pit-furnace used for iron<br />

smelting. In light of this historical evidence, it is possible that the enclosure was occupied by<br />

a group of smiths who lived independently of, but in close proximity to and under the<br />

supervision of, the nearby monastery.<br />

A significant range of sites had their own smithing capabilities within purpose-built buildings<br />

but iron-working was unlikely to be the mainstay of activity at the site. This could include<br />

places such as Sallymount (Clarke and Long 2009) and Gortnahown 2 (Young 2009b).<br />

Communities from a significant range of sites only occasionally hosted smithing activities on<br />

site. <strong>The</strong>re is clearly a debate as to whether these people engaged in smithing themselves as<br />


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