AR01055_EMAP_Gazetteer_of_Sites_4-2_10.pdf - The Heritage ...

AR01055_EMAP_Gazetteer_of_Sites_4-2_10.pdf - The Heritage ...

AR01055_EMAP_Gazetteer_of_Sites_4-2_10.pdf - The Heritage ...


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Meath<br />

earlier outer burial enclosure. Large quantities <strong>of</strong> burnt grain were present in the ditch and<br />

this area became the new focus for cereal-processing. <strong>The</strong> ditch was open between the mid<br />

seventh and early ninth centuries and a rare iron horse snaffle was retrieved from its fill.<br />

A stone-built souterrain – located within the defined area – also belonged to this phase.<br />

<strong>The</strong> scale <strong>of</strong> cereal processing during Phase III was further demonstrated by the construction<br />

<strong>of</strong> two water mills. Southern Mill 1 and Southern Mill 4 produced similar radiocarbon dates;<br />

the former was dated to A.D. 660-782 and the latter returned a date <strong>of</strong> A.D. 653-772.<br />

Burial continued during this phase both within and outside the main enclosure.<br />

During Phase IV (AD 700-900), a new substantial mill in the southern mill complex, Southern<br />

Mill 5, was constructed, the sub-rectangular enclosure was backfilled and settlement<br />

continued in the southern section <strong>of</strong> the site. Evidence for the latter consisted <strong>of</strong> a series <strong>of</strong><br />

hearths, gullies and a refuse pit. <strong>The</strong> pit contained hearth rake-out, a ringed pin, animal bone<br />

and cereal remains.<br />

Large-scale cereal processing was evident for the first time during this phase on the northern<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the site through the construction <strong>of</strong> a mill whose millrace utilised the east-west part <strong>of</strong><br />

the sub-rectangular enclosure. <strong>The</strong> stone stone-built cereal-drying kiln in the northern<br />

habitation area was still in use and was dated to A.D. 799-975.<br />

<strong>The</strong> burial enclosure contained a single burial from this phase which was dated to A.D. 766-<br />

898.<br />

A second water mill (Northern Mill 2) replaced the initial mill in the northern part <strong>of</strong> the site<br />

during Phase V (AD 900-1150). It was constructed between A.D. 887-1017 and used a<br />

different water-source from the one used by Northern Mill 1. It was abandoned during the<br />

twelfth century. Settlement evidence during this phase included a hearth and a baking-slab,<br />

gullies and metalling, slot-trenches <strong>of</strong> a possible rectangular building and a further series <strong>of</strong><br />

hearths that were associated with this building.<br />

Another mill (the Central Mill) was constructed and cut many <strong>of</strong> the main features in the<br />

southern area during Phase V. It is likely that the Southern Mill Complex had fallen out <strong>of</strong> use<br />

by this time.<br />

A single burial in the cemetery (dating to A.D. 809-989) belongs to this phase while the<br />

presence <strong>of</strong> a late eleventh- to mid twelfth-century stickpin within the burial ground suggests<br />

the possibility that burial continued until this time. Settlement evidence is also suggested by<br />

the presence two candle holders dating between the mid eleventh and thirteenth centuries.<br />

<strong>The</strong> site was abandoned during the twelfth century as attested to by the small quantities <strong>of</strong><br />

late medieval pottery from the site.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Cemetery<br />

Half <strong>of</strong> the cemetery was within the road-take and excavation revealed 93 articulated burials<br />

(68 adults, three adolescents, 20 juveniles and two older infants) while a further 40 burials<br />

were indicated by the presence <strong>of</strong> disarticulated bones scattered around the area.<br />

Geophysical survey suggests that a total <strong>of</strong> between 300 and 400 burials may have been<br />

present if the density <strong>of</strong> burials was similar outside the road-take and burial continued at the<br />

same rate as those revealed during excavation. <strong>The</strong> radiocarbon dates suggest the majority<br />

<strong>of</strong> burials took place during the first three phases and decreased in numbers thereafter.<br />

Seventy-three burials were identified within the inner enclosure and many <strong>of</strong> the central ones<br />

were inter-cut. <strong>The</strong>y were mainly extended, orientated west-east, and in shallow and unlined<br />

graves. <strong>The</strong> majority <strong>of</strong> children who died between the ages <strong>of</strong> one and eight were buried in<br />

a specified area to the south <strong>of</strong> the penannular enclosure. Noteworthy aspects <strong>of</strong> burial at<br />


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