EMAP_Progress_Reports_2009_2.pdf - The Heritage Council

EMAP_Progress_Reports_2009_2.pdf - The Heritage Council

EMAP_Progress_Reports_2009_2.pdf - The Heritage Council


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Dublin<br />

Gowen, M. 2001. Excavations at the site of the church and tower of St Michael le Pole, in S.<br />

Duffy (ed.) Medieval Dublin II: Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium<br />

2000, 13–52. Dublin. Four Courts Press.<br />

Hayden, A. 2002. <strong>The</strong> excavation of pre-Norman defences and houses at Werburgh Street,<br />

Dublin: a summary, in S. Duffy (ed.) Medieval Dublin III: Proceedings of the Friends of<br />

Medieval Dublin Symposium 2001, 44–68. Dublin. Four Courts Press.<br />

McMahon, M. 2002. Early medieval settlement and burial outside the enclosed town: evidence<br />

from archaeological excavations at Bride Street, Dublin. Proceedings of the Royal Irish<br />

Academy Section C, 102(C), 67–135.<br />

O’Donovan, E. 2008. <strong>The</strong> Irish, the Vikings and the English: new archaeological evidence<br />

from excavations at Golden Lane, Dublin, in S. Duffy (ed.) Medieval Dublin VIII: Proceedings<br />

of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 2006, 36–130. Dublin. Four Courts Press.<br />

Simpson, L. 2000. Forty years a-digging: a preliminary synthesis of archaeological<br />

investigations in medieval Dublin, in S. Duffy (ed.) Medieval Dublin I: Proceedings of the<br />

Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 1999, 11–68. Dublin. Four Courts Press.<br />

Walsh, C. <strong>2009</strong>. An early medieval roadway at Chancery Lane: from Duibhlinn to Áth Cliath?<br />

in S. Duffy (ed.) Medieval Dublin IX: Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin<br />

Symposium 2007, 9–37. Dublin. Four Courts Press.<br />


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