EMAP_Progress_Reports_2009_2.pdf - The Heritage Council

EMAP_Progress_Reports_2009_2.pdf - The Heritage Council

EMAP_Progress_Reports_2009_2.pdf - The Heritage Council


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Dublin<br />

Dalkey Island, Co. Dublin<br />

Early Medieval Promontory Fort<br />

Grid reference: O27702645 (327702/226465)<br />

SMR: DU023-029<br />

Excavation Licence No: N/A<br />

Excavation duration/year: 1956 – 1959<br />

Site director: G.D. Liversage (Research)<br />

Excavations at Dalkey Island, during the latter half of the 1950s, revealed pre and contemporary<br />

promontory fort activity dating to the early medieval period. <strong>The</strong> presence of large quantities of<br />

imported B and E ware pottery demonstrates that the settlement was in use from the fifth to mid<br />

seventh centuries. Prehistoric finds also indicate earlier use while historical records attest to<br />

Scandinavian use of the site from the ninth century.<br />

Dalkey Island is about eight hectares in size and is separated from the south Dublin coastline by a<br />

fast-flowing tidal sound approximately 400m in width. A well supplies the island with fresh water. <strong>The</strong><br />

promontory fort is located on the northern side of the island and consists of a small headland cut-off<br />

by a low bank with external ditch (Fig. 108). <strong>The</strong> fort is divided into two platforms by a low granite<br />

cliff that runs from south to north. <strong>The</strong> western platform overlooks the harbour and the eastern<br />

platform is between 2m and 3m higher.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first excavation (termed Site II), between 1956 and 1958, investigated the promontory fort bank<br />

and ditch on the lower western platform (Fig. 109). A possible entranceway was located consisting of<br />

several postholes; two of which were stone-packed. Notably, a pre-bank occupation layer was<br />

discovered and finds from the upper level included three bronze pins, B ware and E ware pottery<br />

sherds, two glass vessel fragments, iron nails, a piece of worked bone, part of a broken whetstone<br />

and part of a steatite ring. <strong>The</strong> lower fill contained only prehistoric finds. <strong>The</strong> presence of B ware and<br />

E ware pottery beneath the bank indicates settlement activity, before the promontory fort was<br />

constructed, between the fifth and mid seventh centuries.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bank overlay the occupation layer and was approximately 1.5m high. Its related ditch was 5m<br />

wide and between 2m and 2.4m deep. A number of hearths and burnt spreads were noted within the<br />

ditch and were probably placed there to provide shelter from the weather. Two B ware sherds, iron<br />

slag, two bone pins and three bone cylinders were retrieved from the ditch fill.<br />

Liversage recorded a number of artefacts that were not stratigraphically related to the bank and<br />

these included two sherds of Samian ware, a small bronze penannular brooch, a second possible<br />

penannular brooch, a knife and two spindle whorls. <strong>The</strong> artefacts from Site II are indicative of<br />

occupation even though no dwellings or related structures were identified.<br />

A hearth and a possible cereal-drying kiln were revealed in the northern part of Site II but there was<br />

no evidence for the bank and ditch here.<br />

<strong>The</strong> higher, and more exposed, eastern platform was excavated between 1957 and 1958 (Site III).<br />

<strong>The</strong> ditch and bank extended into this area although the latter was less substantial compared to the<br />

findings at Site II. Site III revealed extensive early medieval evidence that included the remains of a<br />

substantial sub-rectangular structure which was built upon the bank. <strong>The</strong> building measured<br />

approximately 6m in length by 3.5m wide and contained a central hearth. <strong>The</strong> roof may have been<br />

supported by the bank, or a ‘stone scatter’ which was not recorded on plan and may have functioned<br />

as a low wall.<br />

A sherd of Late Roman Amphora (B ware) was sealed beneath the hearth while a dark occupation<br />

layer partially sealed the hearth and the rear slope of the bank. This contained animal bone, shell, a<br />

glass bowl sherd, five sherds of E ware, a lignite or jet bracelet fragment, an iron loop-headed ringed<br />

pin, nails, iron slag and a bone pin. A layer above this, that covered the bank, contained animal bone,<br />

an iron ringed pin with an attached bronze chain, a bone pin, nails, worked bone and a hone stone.<br />

Also, 55 E ware sherds, from possibly the same jar, and a bronze ringed pin were recovered at the<br />


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