Plain Truth 1958 (Vol XXIII No 01) Jan - Herbert W. Armstrong ...

Plain Truth 1958 (Vol XXIII No 01) Jan - Herbert W. Armstrong ...

Plain Truth 1958 (Vol XXIII No 01) Jan - Herbert W. Armstrong ...


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<strong>Jan</strong>uary, <strong>1958</strong><br />

they are bringing a CURSE on themselves.<br />

We talk, today, about owning property.<br />

But GOD actually owns all the<br />

earth. That includes the property on<br />

which you pay taxes. God says the EARTH<br />

is His-for He created it! God OWNS it.<br />

He lets us occupy HIS earth, as temporary<br />

tenants. All wealth comes from<br />

the ground. IT IS NOT GOOD FOR MAN<br />



THING FOR IT! If you rent ground from<br />

a MAN who thhzzks he owns it, he charges<br />


you rent-up to 50% or more of what<br />

you produce from it.<br />

God set a LAW in motion-that we<br />

should pay HIM, nor 5096, but only<br />

lo%, plus whatever offering we have in<br />

our hearts to give. <strong>No</strong>w a LAW is not a<br />

law without a penalty. God does not<br />

force you to tithe. But if you don’t, there<br />

is a penalty! You lose the BLESSING that<br />

goes with honest stewardship. You come<br />

under a CURSE!<br />

God says our WHOLE NATION is under<br />

a CURSE today (Mal. 3: 9) because we<br />

Page 9<br />

have robbed God. The man who does not<br />

pay God His tithe is a thief-and, worse<br />

than a criminal robbing a bank, he is<br />

robbing GOD! Yes, GOD SAYS so-Malachi<br />

3:8!! And one of the Ten Commandments<br />

is “Thou shalt not steal!’’<br />

The man who does it puts himself immediately<br />

under the Law-under penalty<br />

Of DEATH for dl1 eternity!-unless he<br />

repents, and pleads the blood of Christ<br />

for forgiveness, and reconciliation to<br />

God.<br />

(Please continue on page 14)<br />

-and NOW<br />

the SPACE Age!<br />

(Continued from page 6)<br />

Where It’s Leading!<br />

Today every effort is being made to<br />

intermarry the races-to make mankind<br />

of ONE RACE, and ONE LANGUAW:. Today<br />

SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY are once<br />

again planning to GET TO HEAVEN!<br />

Plans are being laid for MAN tu gu LO<br />

the Moon, Mars, anywhere in the<br />

heavens!<br />

And now, once again, unless God<br />

Almighty asserts His divine POWER as<br />

the Supreme RULER of THE UNIVERSE,<br />

and intervenes again to STOP man, we<br />

are fast reaching the place where literally<br />

NOTHING will be restrained from<br />

man!<br />

Do you realize WHY God put such<br />

undreamed-of unlimited POWER within<br />

the grasp of MAN?<br />

<strong>No</strong>t even uiir iiiiiiister in ten thousand<br />

actually understands it! It has to do<br />

with the STUPENDOUS over-all PURPOSE<br />

of God in placing mankind on the earth!<br />

Can you read it in your own Bible,<br />

and grasp it? Turn to Hebrews 2:6-9:<br />

“WHAT is man, that thou {God} art<br />

mindful of him?” Yes, WHY should the<br />

GREAT GOD be mindful of a puny little<br />

MAN? If you fly in a DC-7 today, a<br />

man walking on the ground below becomes<br />

so small you can’t even see him<br />

with your naked eye! WHY should God<br />

be concerned about a MAN?<br />

Read on: “Thou madest him a little<br />

lower than the angels; thou crownedst<br />

him with glory and honor, and didst set<br />

him over the work of thy hands [that<br />

which God created-the universe) :<br />

Thou has put ALL THINGS in subjection<br />

under his feet.”<br />

(Please continue on next page)<br />

Four major Army missiles. Left to right: the Nike-Hercules, the Corporal, the Redstone and the Nike-Ajax.<br />

The Nikes are surface-to-air missiles; the Corporal and Redstone are surface-to-surface, -Wide World Photos

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