Plain Truth 1958 (Vol XXIII No 01) Jan - Herbert W. Armstrong ...

Plain Truth 1958 (Vol XXIII No 01) Jan - Herbert W. Armstrong ...

Plain Truth 1958 (Vol XXIII No 01) Jan - Herbert W. Armstrong ...


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<strong>Jan</strong>uary, <strong>1958</strong> The PLAIN TRUTH Page 5<br />

will find out TOO LATE! But right now,<br />

it is not yet too late!<br />

We have shown you in previous issues,<br />

how Bible prophecies foretelling the<br />

fates of ancient cities-Tyre, Sidon, Ashkelon,<br />

Babylon, Rome-and ancient nations,<br />

Egypt, Chaldea, Persia, Greece, the<br />

Roman Empire-have all been fulfilled<br />

over thousands of years-all stand fdfilled<br />

TODAY! <strong>No</strong> mere man could have<br />

foretold these things. THEY HAP-<br />

PENED! Yet most people disbelieveor<br />

ignore--or, in their stupidity and spiritual<br />

slumber permit the pleasures and<br />

interests of this world to crowd the stern<br />

facts out of mind. They certainly fail to<br />

HEED!<br />

Invading HEAVEN?<br />

Science-minded, God-rejecting MAN<br />

today is not the only one that has said<br />

in his heart: “I will ascend! I will invade<br />

and conquer SPACE! ”<br />

Your Bible reveals that a GREATER<br />

PERSONAGE, who actually holds unrealized<br />

and invisible sway over today’s<br />

world leaders, once said the same thing.<br />

You may not believe that there is a<br />

devil. Most people have gotten away<br />

from believing the Bible. We repeat,<br />


you’ll know! But yow Bible says there<br />

is a devil. And the very same God who<br />

pronounced sentence on all the leading<br />

cities and nations of the ancient world-<br />

and brought it to pass-says<br />

of Satan the<br />

devil:<br />

“Thou hast said in thine heart, 1 will<br />

ascend into heaven, I will exhalt MY<br />

THRONE above the stars of God . . . I<br />

will ascend above the heights of the<br />

clouds; I will be like the Most High”<br />

(Isaiah 14: 13-14).<br />

Yes, Satan plotted to invade God’s<br />

heaven-in space beyoad earth’s atmosphere<br />

and the clouds. He was going to<br />

conquer, and RULE THE UNIVERSE above<br />

God. He was going to make himself<br />

GOD!<br />

What happened?<br />

He was brought back to earth where<br />

God had placed him (verse 15 ).<br />

Once again, there is going to be WAR<br />

in heaven-beyond earth’s atmosphere.<br />

Once again, Satan is revealed as the one<br />

who masterminds the conquest of God’s<br />

heaven. His demons, says Bible prophecy,<br />

will be enlisted in the invading forces.<br />

Demons are revealed as disembodied<br />

-Wid. World Photo<br />

This is the U.S. Army‘s 70-mile range Corporal ballistic missile, ready for<br />

firing. In the radio-television address of <strong>No</strong>vember 7, President Eisenhower<br />

referred to the Corporal, saying four battalions using four<br />

launchers each clre equivalent in fire power to ALL THE ARTILLERY USED IN<br />

WORLD WAR II, when fitted with atomic warheads.<br />

spirits who desperately seek to enter<br />

into, possess and live in, human mortals.<br />

Today countless thousands supposed to<br />

be insane are merely demon-possessed.<br />

Could it be that the WAR IN HEAVEN<br />

prophesied for our time, in less than 25<br />

more years, could involve not only invisible<br />

spirit-being demons, but also<br />

HUMANS under Satan’s sway in SPACE<br />

SHIPS?<br />

Here is the prophecy-the TIME, during<br />

the very next few years:<br />

“And there was {most prophecies<br />

speak of FUTURE events in the past<br />

tense, as though they already had happened]<br />

there was WAR IN HEAVEN:<br />

Michael {an archangel of God] and his<br />

angels fought against the dragon [Satan);<br />

and the dragon fought and his angels,<br />

and prevailed not; neither was their

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