Plain Truth 1958 (Vol XXIII No 01) Jan - Herbert W. Armstrong ...

Plain Truth 1958 (Vol XXIII No 01) Jan - Herbert W. Armstrong ...

Plain Truth 1958 (Vol XXIII No 01) Jan - Herbert W. Armstrong ...


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Page 14<br />

The PLAIN TRUTH <strong>Jan</strong>uary, <strong>1958</strong><br />

family is threatened with world-suicide!<br />

Man’s spiritual control over himself has<br />

constantly decreased. “Ye have done<br />

worse than your fathers; for, behold, ye<br />

walk every one after the imagination of<br />

his evil heart, that they may not hearken<br />

unto Me” (Jer. 16: 12).<br />

Why God Chose Abraham<br />

Man had so degenerated in the first<br />

two thousand years of human history that<br />

the world was being filled with wild,<br />

unruly nations. The natural restraining<br />

influence in human nature was ready<br />

to perish. God had to intervene and<br />

separate or segregate Abraham from the<br />

world. Even some of Abraham’s children<br />

were degenerate. Ishmael, Abraham’s<br />

eldest son, was called “a wild man”<br />

(Gen. 16:12). It was not until Abraham’s<br />

grandson Jacob came along that<br />

the restraining influence in human nature<br />

was recaptured. According to the<br />

original inspired Hebrew, “Jacob was a<br />

quiet man” (Gen. 25:27). The King<br />

James Version calls Jacob a “plain”<br />

man, but this is not a clear or proper<br />

translation. The original Hebrew word<br />

is tam, meaning “TAME, quiet, able to<br />

exercise self-control!” Jacob was not a<br />

wild person. His descendants have continued<br />

to be TAME. They have blessed<br />

the world with material things. Paul<br />

calls Jacob’s descendants “GOOD” olives.<br />

<strong>No</strong>w turn to Isaiah 5: 1-7. Here God<br />

again compared the nations to plants. In<br />

His “vineyard”-Palestine-God planted<br />

“the CHOICEST vine”-Israel. He uprooted<br />

the wild vines, the heathen<br />

nations (Psalm 80: 8). But what kind of<br />

spiritual fruit did the CHOICEST people<br />

of all the earth produce?<br />

And God “looked that it should bring<br />

forth grapes, and it brought forth wild<br />

grapes” (Isaiah 5 : 2) . Spiritually, Israel<br />

has produced wild fruit-a host of religious<br />

denominations competing with<br />

each other like wild animals compete for<br />

the prey. Our land is filled with “wolves<br />

in sheep’s clothing”-religious leaders<br />

who seek to devour the sheep for personal<br />

gain.<br />

Spiritzdly speaking ALL HAVE<br />

SINNED. All have become spiritually<br />

wild. But physically speaking there is a<br />

difference between Israel and all the<br />

Gentiles. Our nations act as restraining<br />

influences-taming influences-through-<br />

out the world. That is why God calls the<br />

democratic nations of northwestern<br />

Europe and the English-speaking nations<br />

His “CHOICEST” vines. These<br />

aren’t my words-these are the words of<br />

the Bible. God calls His people the<br />

“choicest” nations.<br />

Americans Losing Self-control ?<br />

Without the inherent tendency toward<br />

self-restraint, the Israelite nations in<br />

western Europe would never have been<br />

able to patiently raise Africa from a continent<br />

of warring, savage tribes to peaceable,<br />

progressive communities. That<br />

same tendency toward orderliness and<br />

self-control is now, more than ever,<br />

necessary here in America.<br />

Grave years lie ahead because of the<br />

official American policy of forced<br />

integration. Many Americans-Whites<br />

and Negroes-have not yet fully learned<br />

to discipline themselves, to exercise selfcontrol.<br />

Unrestrained emotions and undisciplined<br />

conduct are leading to serious<br />

conditions in American cities.<br />

It is only where the Negro lives with<br />

his own people, where he has to exercise<br />

discipline over himself, where he does<br />

not have to feel he is competing with<br />

Whites who have better education-as<br />

in the all-Negro city of Mound Bayou,<br />

Mississippi, where I personally have<br />

visited Negroes-it is only in such situations<br />

that the American Negro can make<br />

the most progress and be happy with<br />

himself and not feel inferior!<br />

One in Twenty<br />

to Lose Jobs?<br />

(Continued from page 9)<br />

Ignorance of the LAW does not excuse.<br />

You may say: “Well, I never knew all<br />

this.” Well, you are without excuse, for<br />

you know it now--or you can know it<br />

if you’ll check up IN YOUR OWN BIBLE!<br />

But God is most merciful. The minute<br />

you really repent, quit breaking this law,<br />

begin keeping it honestly, and go to<br />

Christ for forgiveness, then all is forgiven<br />

and God bcgins pouring out IIis<br />

blessing, just as he did on me.<br />

Hundreds of our Co-Workers have<br />

written me, during the past fcw years,<br />

saying God had opened their eyes to His<br />

tithing law, and telling how they have<br />

been blessed. One even wrote that she,<br />

too, had started tithing eggs, and her<br />

hens, too, had immediately gone on an<br />

egg-laying spree! She had either heard<br />

me mention that experience over the air,<br />

or read of it in a former issue of The<br />

PLAIN TRUTH. Of course I won’t guarantee<br />

God will cause hens to start laying<br />

eggs faster every time. Probably it won’t<br />

work out exactly that way-but He does<br />

promise’ a blessing (Mal. 3: 10-12 ).<br />

All For OUR Good<br />

HOW do you pay your tithes to GOD?<br />

By putting them into GOD’S WORKwhere<br />

God Himself is working-where<br />

HIS Gospel is being preached, not merely<br />

MAN’S gospel about Christ, but the very<br />

Message Christ preached. Most professing<br />

Christians have never heard that<br />

Gospel today! Jesus preached only one<br />

Gospel-that about the KINGDOM (government-rule)<br />

of Gomf how God is<br />

going to RULE ALL NATIONS-of how<br />

we may, by being begotten HOW, be<br />

actually BORN INTO GOD’S KINGDOM at<br />

the Second Coming of Christ, and the<br />

resurrection of the dead in Christbeing<br />

then GLORIFIED just as Christ is<br />

now glorified, in the very FAMILY of<br />

God! But most professing ministers of<br />

Christianity today deny this Gospel altogether-say<br />

it is not for this time!<br />

WHAT does God do with His tithe?<br />

He uses it for HIS MINISTRY-to preach<br />

HIS Message of REPENTANCE, FAITH<br />



of The KINGDOM OF Gobthe<br />

WORLD TOMORROW! It is the Message of<br />

GOD’S WAY. It is the Message of true<br />

salvation. It is the Message of a changed,<br />

and a fuller, happier LIFE-the Message<br />

of ETERNAL Life, God’s gift thru grace!<br />

He uses it to tell mankind THE WAY<br />

to happiness, joy, prosperity, and eternal<br />

life in His KINGDOM.<br />

But look at the CURSE! God’s WAY has<br />

not been preached. The WORLD is unhappy,<br />

empty, sick, poverty-stricken,<br />

cursed with fears and worries, restlessness,<br />

frustrations, insanity, crime, violence,<br />

WU-DEATH!<br />

Even tho the NATION is under a curse,<br />

you, as an individual, may come under<br />

GOD’S BLESSING! It’s your BEST assurance<br />

of holding your job-of continaous<br />

and increasing INCOME!

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