PT Jan-67 - Herbert W. Armstrong Library and Archives

PT Jan-67 - Herbert W. Armstrong Library and Archives

PT Jan-67 - Herbert W. Armstrong Library and Archives


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30<br />

in promiscuous sex, trips on LSD, drunken<br />

debauchery <strong>and</strong> a thous<strong>and</strong> other<br />

sins <strong>and</strong> excesses.<br />

Why? To get all the kicks we possibly<br />

can out of life.<br />

OUf minds - <strong>and</strong> those of our children<br />

- arc fi lied with mental garbage<br />

because someone is wi ll ing to peddle<br />

pornography, obscene films <strong>and</strong> degenerate<br />

music just to gel their h<strong>and</strong>s on a<br />

few more inAated dollars or pounds<strong>and</strong><br />

because Joe <strong>and</strong> <strong>Jan</strong>e Q. Public<br />

want to gel a cheap, shallow amusement<br />

thrill or a vicarious sex thrill from<br />

wallowing in this kind of "entertainment."<br />

Our homes are filled with knockdown,<br />

drag-out family arguments because<br />

husb<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> wife want to get<br />

as much as they can without ever so<br />

much as a thought about giving to the<br />

mate.<br />

OUf l<strong>and</strong> is filled with crime because<br />

people want to get material goods <strong>and</strong><br />

pleasures so desperately that they are<br />

willing to kill, steal, rape, plunder <strong>and</strong><br />

loot in order to obtain the object of<br />

their lusts.<br />

Cities, counties <strong>and</strong> states bitterly<br />

compete with one another to gel water,<br />

natural resources, industry, conventions,<br />

tourists, military bases <strong>and</strong> government<br />

contracts away from onc another.<br />

Ambitious leaders of political parties,<br />

extremist movements <strong>and</strong> rabblerousing<br />

organ izations of all kinds try to<br />

GET power, territory <strong>and</strong> prestige. The<br />

result? Riots <strong>and</strong> civil commotion or,<br />

on the international level, war.<br />

Every m;sery <strong>and</strong> woe this world bas<br />

is Ctll/sed by mail's hlOrdhulte desire to<br />

GET. Satan has used this sel6sh pull as<br />

one of his prime tools in deceiving the<br />

whole world (Rev. 12:9.)<br />

Man's greed is so great that, unless<br />

God intervened, it would cause man<br />

to blast himself off this planet<br />

(Mat. 24:22) - <strong>and</strong> that within the<br />

next decade!<br />

But thank God, Jesus Christ - the<br />

One Who said, "To give is happier<br />

than to get"- IS going to intervene.<br />

He is going to establish a world·ruling<br />

government based on the platform of<br />

giviug. And He is going to FORCE those<br />

under Him to live in harmony with this<br />

p latform so that everyone can be happy.<br />


Why Not Live God's W ay Now?<br />

God wants man to enjoy every<br />

pleasure <strong>and</strong> possession that is good for<br />

him. He says, through John, "r wish<br />

above al l th ings that thou mayest prosper<br />

<strong>and</strong> be in health" (III John 2).<br />

God wants man to enjoy good health,<br />

an abundance of material possessions,<br />

wholesome sports, stimulating cultural<br />

events, re laxing social occasions <strong>and</strong> interesting<br />

hobbies.<br />

Such material blessings can add tremendously<br />

to true happiness. That is<br />

why God wants to give them to man.<br />

But these th ings cannot, by themselves,<br />

bring happiness. Happiness comes from<br />

obedience to the Law of God - the Ten<br />

Comm<strong>and</strong>ments. Suffering comes from<br />

disobedience. Suffering is the absence or<br />

loss of that happiness that God's Law<br />

gives.<br />

Material blessings add to happiness<br />

only when rightly used - with a giving,<br />

sharing attitude <strong>and</strong> with the aim<br />

of helping man achieve the purpose<br />

for which he was put on this earth.<br />

When 'wrongly used - with an inward,<br />

selfward, unsharing, getting attitude<br />

- material things bring only<br />

emptiness, misery. frustration <strong>and</strong> despair.<br />

That is why you see so many<br />

miserable people today - even among<br />

those who have wealth <strong>and</strong> possessions.<br />

God has made it so th at man cannot<br />

possess both material blessings <strong>and</strong> real<br />

happiness unless he is first wi ll ing <strong>and</strong><br />

desirous of sharing these blessings with<br />

others in the way God intends. Until<br />

God forces him to, man will not do<br />

this.<br />

But YOU - whoever, whatever <strong>and</strong><br />

wherever you are - can begin to live<br />

YOll[ life according to God's happy gi·ving<br />

way right now.<br />

It will not be easy. Your hwnan<br />

nature will resist every step of the way.<br />

It will try to convince you that happiness<br />

is getting. But with the help of<br />

God, you can overcome this downward<br />

pull.<br />

As a starter, gh1e your employer an<br />

honest day's work. Or if you are an<br />

employer, give your employees a fair<br />

wage <strong>and</strong> your customers a deceht product<br />

or service. Give to your husb<strong>and</strong>,<br />

wife or family the time <strong>and</strong> effort<br />

necessary to fu lfi ll your responsibilities<br />

to them. Give to others in little things<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary, 19<strong>67</strong><br />

- a smile, a bit of inspiration, a word<br />

of encouragement, a little time, a kind<br />

word, a right example to someone who<br />

needs it.<br />

And give to God, too_ Give Him the<br />

worship <strong>and</strong> adoration whidl He deserves.<br />

G ive Him the time in prayer <strong>and</strong><br />

Bible study - yes, <strong>and</strong> tithes <strong>and</strong> offerings,<br />

too - which are justly due Him.<br />

Not out of a motive of getting something<br />

in return - though God will<br />

morc than reward your efforts - but<br />

out of a si ncere desire to give yourself<br />

completely to the One Who gives<br />

everything to you.<br />

This is the way to begin applying<br />

the fi rst great principle of happiness.<br />

H tlppiness h giving.<br />

Try it. It works!<br />

Obey God's Law<br />

The key to happiness is a will ing,<br />

wholehearted obedience to God's living<br />

law of love - the Ten Comm<strong>and</strong>ments.<br />

T he first four of these comm<strong>and</strong>ments<br />

tell you how to express your love<br />

to God; the last six tell you how to<br />

love your fellowman. Giving love to<br />

others by obeying these comm<strong>and</strong>ments<br />

bri ngs happiness. This is why David, a<br />

man after God's own heart, exclaimed:<br />

"Happy aw they that are upright in<br />

the way, who walk in the law of the<br />

Lord. H appy are they that keep His<br />

testimonies, that seek Him with the<br />

whole heart" (Ps. 119:1-2, Jewish<br />

translation) .<br />

Another Psalm tells us: "Happy is<br />

the man that hath not walked in the<br />

counsel of the wicked, nor stood in the<br />

way of sinners, nor sat in the seat of<br />

the scornful. But his delight is in the<br />

law of the Lord; <strong>and</strong> in His law doth<br />

he meditate day <strong>and</strong> night ... And in<br />

whatsoever he deeth he shall prosper"<br />

(Ps. 1 :1-3, Jewish translation ).<br />

T hese verses a re quoted from the<br />

Jewish translation which renders the<br />

Hebrew word ashere as "happy." The<br />

King l ames version sometimes translates<br />

ashere as "blessed." The New Testament<br />

Greek word makarios has the same<br />

meaning.<br />

Turn now to the New Testament.<br />

Here we read, "Whoso looketh into the<br />

perfect law of liberty [the Ten Comm<strong>and</strong>ments],<br />

<strong>and</strong> continueth therein,<br />

he being not a forgetfu l hearer, but a

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