4.4 Legal risk - Scor

4.4 Legal risk - Scor

4.4 Legal risk - Scor


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Switzerland<br />

In Switzerland (which is neither a member of the EU nor the EEA), the Group subsidiary is subject to the federal law<br />

dated 17 December 2004 as amended “Insurance Supervision Act” and the federal law dated 20 June 2007 on Financial<br />

Market Supervision (FINMA), as amended, governing the oversight of insurance companies, which also governs<br />

reinsurance companies and stipulates that an insurance company must have sufficient assets, free of any predictable<br />

commitment, for all its activities (solvency margin).<br />

In the United States<br />

In the United States, the Group’s reinsurance and insurance subsidiaries are regulated primarily by the insurance<br />

regulators in the state in which they are domiciled, but they are also subject to regulations in each state in which they are<br />

authorised or licensed. SCOR Reinsurance Company, the Group’s main Non-Life subsidiary in the United States, is<br />

domiciled in the State of New York and SCOR Global Life Americas Reinsurance Company, the Group’s main Life<br />

insurance subsidiary in the United States, is domiciled in North Carolina. The Group’s other subsidiaries in the United<br />

States are currently domiciled in Arizona, Delaware, Florida and Texas.<br />

Asia<br />

SCOR offers Life and property and casualty coverage within the Asia Pacific region through a network of subsidiaries,<br />

branches, and service companies. It operates in Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia through subsidiaries. The Group<br />

also operates in Australia, China, India, New Zealand, Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan and Korea through branches or service<br />

companies. In the region, each entity is subject to local supervision regardless of legal form. The Asia Pacific region is<br />

made up of a number of widely differing and independent markets. Each has its own regulatory structures and SCOR<br />

complies with the local regulation in each of the countries in which it operates. Industry regulation across the region<br />

typically focuses on financial stability and the basis for calculating solvency, reserves and policyholder liabilities. In many<br />

of the markets across the region, regulators have the power to revoke operating licenses, regulate shareholder<br />

structures and the participation in and the payment of dividends. Markets within the region are developing quickly with<br />

an increasing focus on governance and conduct of business.<br />


SCOR was founded in 1970, at the initiative of the French government and with the participation of the Paris insurance<br />

market place, to create a reinsurance company of international stature under the name of Société Commerciale de<br />

Réassurance. SCOR rapidly developed in various world markets, building up a substantial international portfolio.<br />

At the beginning of the 1980s, the French government’s stake in its share capital, held through the Caisse Centrale de<br />

Réassurance, was progressively reduced in favor of insurance companies that were active on the French market.<br />

In 1989, the Group and UAP Reassurances, a subsidiary of the state-owned Société Centrale de l’Union des<br />

Assurances de Paris, combined their property and casualty and life reinsurance businesses as part of a restructuring of<br />

SCOR share capital. The Company listed its Ordinary Shares on the Paris stock exchange after completion of a reverse<br />

merger with Compagnie Générale des Voitures, listed on the Paris Stock Exchange and changed its name to SCOR<br />

S.A. on 16 October 1989 and to SCOR on 13 May 1996. The withdrawal of Compagnie UAP, which held 41% of the<br />

share capital, was completed in October 1996 via an international public offering at the time of SCOR listing on the New<br />

York Stock Exchange.<br />

In July 1996, SCOR acquired the reinsurance portfolio of the American insurer Allstate Insurance Company, which<br />

doubled its then existing U.S. business.<br />

In 2000, SCOR acquired Partner Re Life, a U.S. life reinsurer,, thus gaining a platform from which to expand its then<br />

existing life reinsurance business in the U.S. market.<br />

In 2002, SCOR’s subsidiary, Investors Insurance Corporation, or "IIC", signed a cooperation agreement in the life<br />

reinsurance business with the Legacy Marketing Group of California for the distribution and management of annuity<br />

products in the U.S. IIC was sold in July 2011.<br />

In 2003, the Group reorganized its Life reinsurance business. The companies of the Group transferred to SCOR Vie and<br />

its subsidiaries all of the Group’s Life reinsurance business throughout the world. SCOR Vie, whose corporate name<br />

was changed to SCOR Global Life in 2006, and which became a European Company (Societas Europaea) in 2007,<br />

along with its subsidiaries, are all directly or indirectly wholly owned by its parent company, SCOR SE.<br />

On 16 May 2006, SCOR transferred all of its non-life reinsurance business in Europe, including Property & Casualty<br />

Treaties (including Credit & Surety business). Large Corporate Accounts and Construction reinsurance to Société<br />

Putéolienne de Participations, a French subsidiary wholly owned by SCOR,whose corporate name was changed to<br />

SCOR Global P&C, effective retroactively to 1 January 2006. In 2007, SCOR Global P&C adopted the European<br />

Company (Societas Europaea) statute via a merger by absorption of SCOR Deutschland Rückversicherungs AG and<br />

SCOR Italia Riassicurazioni SpA.<br />

On 21 November 2006, SCOR completed the acquisition of Revios Rueckversicherung AG (“Revios”), which secured its<br />

position as a top worldwide life reinsurer. Based in Cologne (Germany), Revios was the former Life reinsurance unit of<br />


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