4.4 Legal risk - Scor

4.4 Legal risk - Scor

4.4 Legal risk - Scor


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• Support for the arts and for culture<br />

SCOR is also a partner to the arts, notably in France (Orchestre de Paris), in Germany (Walfart Contemporary Art<br />

Museum) and in the United States where the staff of SCOR Global Life America, based in Charlotte (North Carolina) are<br />

involved in fundraising campaigns for the Art & Science Council.<br />


Consideration of societal and environmental challenges in the purchasing policy<br />

With regard to its worldwide activities, SCOR endeavours to adopt best practices in each of its locations.<br />

Any employee who deals with a supplier must, before concluding a contractual partnership, ensure that such supplier<br />

gives an undertaking to comply with the requirements of the Code of Conduct established in 2012 by the SCOR Group<br />

and which apply to all its employees (or a commitment from the company that it respects equivalent requirements). The<br />

framework agreement developed by the Group’s legal department, which must be used by the Group’s various different<br />

components, thus contains a specific section on the Code of Conduct. This framework agreement also contains an<br />

appendix, the sustainable development charter, which begins with a reminder of SCOR’s adherence to the principles of<br />

the United Nations Global Compact, and sets out the Group’s expectations with regard to its suppliers and<br />

subcontractors in the fields of labour relations, health and safety conditions, the environment, ethics and the way in<br />

which they must integrate these expectations into the design of their products and services.<br />

The scope of subcontracting and consideration of suppliers’ and subcontractors’ social and environmental<br />

responsibility in relations with suppliers and subcontractors<br />

Assistance from external service providers mainly consists of IT development and maintenance as well as maintenance<br />

and operations of the building from which SCOR conduct its activities. The diligence stated above are applied to the<br />

these outsourcing contract.<br />


Anti-bribery measures<br />

SCOR is committed to carrying on its business in a manner reflecting a high degree of integrity, professionalism and<br />

responsibility. SCOR is a member of the United Nations Global Compact and in line with this UN corporate initiative,<br />

SCOR's Code of Conduct forbids all forms of bribery to public officials, clients, business partners and others in the<br />

private sector and to government and other officials.<br />

SCOR has in place a group anti-bribery policy which stipulates explicitly a zero tolerance policy with respect to giving<br />

and receiving of bribery, including making of illegal facilitation payments and gives guidance on prohibitions, key<br />

principles and requirements regarding (i) gifts, entertainment and hospitality, (ii) dealing with business partners, (iii)<br />

interacting with public officials, (iv) charitable and political contributions and sponsorships, (v) payments and financial<br />

controls. The policy in questions also highlights do's and don'ts and red flags requiring that the General Counsel or<br />

Compliance Officer is to be contacted in case such red flags are identified and also outlines the roles and<br />

responsibilities of SCOR's control functions to combat bribery.<br />

SCOR maintains other relevant group policies and guidelines supporting the group anti-bribery policy amongst others<br />

group guidelines on anti-fraud, group fraud incident management process, group policy on conflict of interest, antimoney<br />

laundering & combating terrorism financing guidelines, group guidelines on reporting concerns and further<br />

operational policies and guidelines such as group delegation of authority policy, group fees policy and group travel<br />

policy.<br />

The group compliance framework is regularly updated to reflect tightened requirements and other developments. In this<br />

respect SCOR's Code of Conduct was amended in 2012. The amendments include amongst others a specific reminder<br />

on the importance to comply with both national and international applicable anti-bribery laws and the serious<br />

consequences of violating applicable laws and regulations and an explicit statement that SCOR prohibits retaliation<br />

against any employee for reporting in good faith any violations of laws or the principles of the Code.<br />

To embed awareness on requirements of applicable laws (including anti-bribery laws) and of group compliance policies<br />

into the organization, further training sessions were held during 2012 in all hubs and other major Group locations.<br />

Measures taken in favour of the health and safety of consumers<br />

Not applicable given the activity of the Group’s “business to business” services.<br />


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