4.4 Legal risk - Scor

4.4 Legal risk - Scor

4.4 Legal risk - Scor


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identification process that safeguards the link between the signature and the form as determined by the Board of Directors<br />

and in accordance with the conditions defined by the legal and regulatory provisions in force.<br />

The deadline for the return of remote voting forms and proxies shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Such deadline<br />

cannot be less than one day before the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting. However, if authorized by the Board of Directors,<br />

electronic remote voting forms and instructions given by electronic methods involving a proxy or a power of attorney may<br />

validly be received by the Company up until 3 p.m. (Paris time) on the day preceding the Shareholders’ Meeting.<br />

The Board of Directors of the Company may also determine that shareholders may participate in and vote at any<br />

Shareholders’ Meeting by videoconference or by any other mode of telecommunication permitting the identification and<br />

effective participation of the shareholders, under the conditions set forth by the legal and regulatory provisions in force.<br />



Pursuant to Articles L. 322-4 and R. 322-11-1 of the French Insurance Code, any transaction allowing a person acting alone<br />

or in concert with other persons, as defined by Article L. 233-10 of the French Commercial Code, to acquire, to increase, to<br />

decrease or to cease holding, directly or indirectly, as defined by Article L. 233-4 of the French Commercial Code, an equity<br />

stake in an insurance or a reinsurance company, shall be notified by such person(s) to the ACP prior to its completion when<br />

any one of the following conditions is met:<br />

• the portion of the voting rights held by such person(s) crosses upwards or downwards the thresholds of the tenth,<br />

the fifth, the third or half of the total number of voting rights of the Company; or<br />

• the company becomes or ceases to be a subsidiary of such person(s).<br />

When a decrease or sale of an equity stake, whether directly or indirectly, has been notified, the ACP verifies whether such<br />

transaction is likely to negatively affect the company's reinsured clients as well as the sound and prudent management<br />

(gestion saine et prudente) of the company itself.<br />

The authorization granted to the acquisition or increase of stakes, whether directly or indirectly, may be subject to the<br />

compliance with commitments taken by one or several of the applying persons.<br />

In case of failure of these rules, and without prejudice of the provisions of Article L. 233-14 of the French commercial code,<br />

upon request from the ACP, the District Attorney (procureur de la République) or any shareholder, the judge shall adjourn<br />

the exercise of the voting rights of the failing persons, until regularization of the situation.<br />

Pursuant to Article L. 322-4-1 of the French Code of Insurance, the ACP shall also inform the European Commission of any<br />

acquisition of a stake that may grant control of a reinsurance company to a company whose registered office is located in a<br />

State not party to the European Economic Area agreement.<br />

Upon application by the proper authority of the EU, the ACP may object during a three-month period to any acquisition of a<br />

stake liable to have the consequences referred to under the previous paragraph. The three-month time limit may be<br />

extended by the EU Council’s decision.<br />


French law provides that any individual or legal entity, acting alone or in concert with others, that holds, directly or indirectly,<br />

more than 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 33 1/3%, 50%, 66 2/3%, 90%, or 95% of the shares or the voting rights attached<br />

to the shares, or whose holding decreases below any such thresholds, must notify us within four trading days of crossing<br />

that threshold, of the number of shares and voting rights it holds. An individual or a legal entity must also notify the AMF<br />

within four trading days of crossing such threshold. Any shareholder who fails to comply with these requirements will have<br />

its voting rights in excess of such thresholds suspended for a period of two years from the date such shareholder complies<br />

with the notification requirements and may have all or part of its voting rights suspended for up to five years by the<br />

commercial court at the request of our Chairman, any of our shareholders or the AMF. In addition, every shareholder who,<br />

directly or indirectly, acting alone or in concert with others, acquires ownership of shares representing 10%, 15%, 20% or<br />

25% of our share capital must notify us and the AMF of its intentions for the six months following such acquisition. Failure to<br />

comply with this requirement will result in the suspension of the voting rights attached to the shares exceeding the<br />

applicable threshold held by the shareholder for a period of two years from the date on which the shareholder has cured<br />

such default and, upon a decision of the commercial court, part or all the shares of such shareholder may be suspended for<br />

up to five years.<br />

In addition to the above statutory requirements, the Company’s bylaws (“statuts”) provide that any natural person or legal<br />

entity, acting alone or in concert, which comes to hold or ceases to hold, either directly or indirectly, a fraction of the share<br />

capital or of the voting rights of the Company equal to or greater than 2.5%, or 5%, or 10%, or 15%, must inform us by<br />

registered letter, return receipt requested, addressed to the registered office, within five trading days of the date of the<br />

crossing of such threshold, of the total number of shares and/or of securities giving access to share capital held either<br />

directly or indirectly or in concert by such natural person or legal entity. The failure to comply with this requirement is<br />

sanctioned, upon request of one or more shareholders holding at least 2.5% of our share capital, noted in the minutes of the<br />

Shareholders’ Meeting, by the suspension of voting rights from all shares in excess of the non-declared fraction for any<br />


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