4.4 Legal risk - Scor

4.4 Legal risk - Scor

4.4 Legal risk - Scor


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On 4 May 2011, the Shareholder’s Meeting of the Company, in its twenty-ninth resolution, has authorized the Company’s<br />

Company's Board of Directors to make, on one or more occasions, the staff members or to the corporate officer of the<br />

Company and of companies or groups affiliated with it pursuant to Article L. 225-197-2 of the French Commercial Code, free<br />

allotments of existing or yet-to-be-issued shares of the Company and resolved that the Company's Board of Directors of the<br />

Company would determine the identity of the beneficiaries of the allotment and the conditions and criteria for the allotment of<br />

the shares.<br />

The Shareholders’ Meeting also decided that (i) the total number of free shares granted under this authorization may not<br />

exceed 3,000,000 Shares, (ii) the allocation of shares to their beneficiaries will be definitive only after a vesting period of a<br />

minimum set at two years for tax residents of France and a minimum of 4 years for beneficiaries not tax residents of France,<br />

(iii) the beneficiaries will be subject, where appropriate, to an obligation to retain shares in a period of two years from the<br />

end of the vesting period for tax residents of France and that the retention period for beneficiaries not tax residents of<br />

France would be deleted, and (iv) the Company's Board of Directors of the Company will have the authority to increase the<br />

lengths of the acquisition period and the holding obligation period.<br />

This authorization was given for a period of eighteen months from 4 May 2011 and had canceled and replaced, for the<br />

unused portion thereof, the previous authorization as at 28 April 2010.<br />

On 3 May 2012, the Shareholder’s Meeting of the Company, in its nineteenth resolution, had authorized the Company’s<br />

Board of Directors to make, on one or more occasions, to the staff members or to the corporate officer of the Company and<br />

of companies or groups affiliated with it pursuant to Article L. 225-197-2 of the French Commercial Code, free allotments of<br />

existing or yet-to-be-issued shares of the Company and resolved that the Company's Board of Directors of the Company<br />

would determine the identity of the beneficiaries of the allotment and the conditions and criteria for the allotment of the<br />

shares.<br />

The Shareholders’ Meeting also decided that (i) the total number of free shares granted under this authorization may not<br />

exceed 4,000,000 Shares, (ii) the allocation of shares to their beneficiaries will be definitive only after a vesting period of a<br />

minimum set at two years for tax residents of France and a minimum of 4 years for beneficiaries not tax residents of France,<br />

(iii) the beneficiaries will be subject, where appropriate, to an obligation to retain shares in a period of two years from the<br />

end of the vesting period for tax residents of France and that the retention period for beneficiaries not tax residents of<br />

France would be deleted, and (iv) the Company's Board of Directors of the Company will have the authority to increase the<br />

lengths of the acquisition period and the holding obligation period.<br />

This authorization was given for a period of eighteen months from 3 May 2012 and had canceled and replaced, for the<br />

unused portion thereof, the previous authorization as at 4 May 2011.<br />

19 March 2012 performance shares and free shares<br />

Following the authorization by the Shareholders' Meeting on 4 May 2011, the Company's Board of Directors of 19 March<br />

2012, on the proposal of the Compensation and Nominations Committee of 19 March 2012, decided to grant performance<br />

shares to the members of the Executive Committee (except the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer), to Partners and<br />

grant also collective free shares to each employee non Partner of the Group.<br />

The Company's Board of Directors of 19 March 2012, on the proposal of the Compensation and Nominations Committee of<br />

19 March 2012, decided to allocate 304,000 performance shares to the members of the Executive Committee (except to the<br />

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer).<br />

The Chairman and CEO, under the authority given by the Board of Directors held on 19 March 2012 for the implementation<br />

of this plan, allocated on 19 March 2012 1,218,700 performance shares to the other Partners of the Company and 168,240<br />

free shares to Non Partners of the Company.<br />

The conditions of the plan are similar to those previously decided by SCOR (notably as regards to the presence condition),<br />

with a vesting period of 2 years for the tax residents of France (and an obligation to retain shares for a period of two years<br />

after the end of the vesting period), and of four years for the beneficiaries not tax resident of France.<br />

All the shares awarded to the Executive Committee members and Senior Global Partners and half of the allocations<br />

awarded to the other (less Senior Global Partners) beneficiaries, are subject to the satisfaction of performance conditions.<br />

The free shares awarded to the Non Partners as part of collective free shares are not subject to the performance conditions.<br />

The performance conditions will be deemed satisfied if, in addition to the mandatory condition (5) below, at least three out of<br />

the four other conditions listed below are met:<br />

(1) SCOR financial strength by S&P rating must be maintained (minimum) “A” in 2012 and 2013;<br />

(2) SCOR Global P&C’s combined ratio must be less than or equal to 102% on average in 2012 and 2013;<br />

(3) SCOR Global Life’s technical margin must be higher than or equal to 3% on average in 2012 and 2013;<br />

(4) The SCOR group’s ROE for the financial years ending 31 December 2012 and 31 December 2013 must be higher<br />

than 300 points above the <strong>risk</strong>-free rate on average.<br />


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