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<strong>MAUI</strong> <strong>INVASIVE</strong> <strong>SPECIES</strong> <strong>COMMITTEE</strong><br />

<strong>MEETING</strong><br />

<strong>FRIDAY</strong>, NOVEMBER 9, 2001<br />

9 AM TO NOON<br />

ATTENDANCE: Ron Nagata, Bob Hobdy, Randy Bartlett, Fern Duvall, Renate Gassmann-Duvall,<br />

Erik Barnard, Mike Ade, Steve Anderson, Kim Martz, Forest Starr, Nathan Varns, Jack Peterson,<br />

Christy Martin, Pat Bily, Eric Nishibayashi, Elizabeth Anderson, Jeremy Gooding, Mike Avery, Philip<br />

Thomas, Glenn Shishido, Mike Richardson<br />

- The meeting was called to order by Randy Bartlett (MPC/Chair) at 9:03am.<br />

- Randy introduced Mike Avery who is here from USDA/APHIS in Florida to advise MISC on<br />

parrots.<br />



- Erik Barnard started work with us in a temporary position about two weeks ago. Erik was recruited<br />

from The Nature Conservancy and is working alongside Mike Ade. Erik’s start was very timely<br />

because Mike injured himself with a machete (not on the job) and had to have surgery. Mike won’t<br />

be able to go out in the field for awhile. Erik has been able to fill in. Both Erik and Mike have<br />

some great ideas. We are now changing some of our data systems and revising procedures and<br />

their input has been very valuable.<br />

- Jayson Barangan will be leaving MISC on Nov. 16 to go back to school. Jayson is the last of the<br />

original MISC crew and will be missed. We will be recruiting Jayson’s replacement soon. Please<br />

pass the word if you know any good people who might be interested.<br />

- The West Maui Mountains Watershed Partnership is also recruiting field workers and a field<br />

supervisor. The announcements are on our bulletin board if anyone knows of potential candidates.<br />

- MISC is also planning to recruit a Field Operations Manager in the next couple of months.<br />

<strong>MEETING</strong> MINUTES APPROVAL<br />

- Minutes from the September 28 th meeting were approved. They will be posted on the web-site. If<br />

anyone has corrections, please let us know. The minutes were distributed earlier this week and no<br />

changes have been received.<br />


Coordinator’s Budget Report (J. Peterson, MISC Coordinator)<br />

- Nothing too much has changed since the last meeting. We are still working on securing funds that<br />

have been awarded.<br />

- We just submitted our 2002 NFWF funding proposal for $100,000 at a 1:1 match. It was a team<br />

effort to pull it together again this year. We think we have a good chance at another year’s funding<br />

from NFWF. We owe a big thank-you to Tri-Isle RC&D for letting us go through them again this<br />

year for the proposal. Thanks also to all those who wrote letters of support. NFWF funding is for<br />

plants only.

- We hope to have the 2002 Action Plan finished by Tuesday. There is a Forest Service pre-proposal<br />

due on Tuesday and we would like to have the Action Plan ready to support it. The results section<br />

is ready, but we still have some maps to develop. We need copies for the legislature made as soon<br />

as it is ready. Randy will work with Christy to figure out how many copies to prepare. The parrot<br />

section is finished. Earl is reviewing the frog section before it comes to us.<br />

Hana Crew/County Funding Update (Nathan Varns, Tri-Isle RC&D)<br />

- We are still working on the logistics of transferring the Hana crew to RCUH payroll. We are<br />

running a little behind schedule on the transfer. PCSU was having computer problems and that<br />

slowed things down. We are projecting the transfer will happen towards the end of the year.<br />

- We tentatively have approval for more hours for our bookkeeper. This will give us greater<br />

capacity. She will basically be serving as the financial officer for Tri-Isle.<br />

- We are currently using the Water Department grant from 2000 to pay the crew.<br />

- We are one person short on the crew right now. Bruce Lind left to work for the Highway<br />

Department. We probably won’t hire a replacement until the transfer to RCUH is complete.<br />

State Funding Update/DOFAW Budget (Bob Hobdy/Glenn Shishido, DOFAW)<br />

- We are still trying to make ends meet. When Fred left our focus in Honolulu left and consequently<br />

they kind of forgot Maui when putting together budgets for this year. Mike Buck has Karl Dalla<br />

Rosa working on this. Personnel costs are covered, but they are still working on operational<br />

expenses (helicopter time, vehicles, maintenance, herbicide, supplies, etc.). We asked for $70,000<br />

and if we get that we will put in another section of road in the Kaiwaipapa area. If we don’t get the<br />

funding we will have to relay on helicopters and what help we can get from MISC in the upper<br />

area. We need $10-12,000 for the road portion. About 1.5 miles of new road are proposed. There<br />

will need to be an Environmental Assessment.<br />

- Jack added that MISC will help GPS the area. We have been talking to Glenn about this. If<br />

necessary, MISC could reshuffle county funds to help with the road. The road was included in the<br />

original county proposal and then the funds were shuffled to bio-control when we thought the road<br />

was covered.<br />

Legislature’s $1.5M Emergency Environmental Workforce Bill<br />

- The statewide $1.5M Emergency Environmental Workforce Bill was officially approved during the<br />

special session. It will go through RCUH/PCSU. The different ISCs will be the primary<br />

beneficiaries. David Duffy has requested draft working plans from everyone that might be able to<br />

take a crew. The people hired will work for three months.<br />

- Jack presented the proposal he submitted for MISC. In this proposal MISC stressed that the<br />

optimum scenario would be fewer people for the longest possible hiring period with the highest<br />

supervisory ratio possible. We’ve indicated that we could take a minimum of 12 workers up to a<br />

maximum of 36 for miconia plus an additional 5-10 for other MISC projects without a foreman.<br />

We would prefer a supervisory ratio of one foreman to five workers. We would really like to be<br />

able to stretch a few of the positions out for more than three months. There was an editorial on the<br />

program in the Wednesday Maui News. This is coming really fast. We need to make provisions<br />

for equipment, vehicles, safety, etc.

- David Duffy has said he will try to expedite the recruitment process. We need selection capacity<br />

and the ability to screen for physical requirements. The numbers of workers will be above our<br />

present supervisory capacity. We need to be able to hire some people with supervisory capacity.<br />

Duffy’s office was originally looking at 8-10 crew members per supervisor. We prefer a lower<br />

ratio. He is also looking at the possibility of stringing some positions together for six months<br />

instead of three.<br />

- The most appropriate mission we could use these people on would be miconia.<br />

- There will be a number of associated expenses such as transportation, PPE, equipment, etc. We<br />

need to be able to base these people out of Hana as much as possible. We may need to make<br />

provisions for lodging or hiring folks from the Hana area.<br />

- Randy suggested we may be able to use these workers for parrot monitoring and surveys also. Fern<br />

asked about survey work, especially on Molokai. With a lot of people you can survey even with<br />

only a short period of time available.<br />

- Renate suggested that we should consider using the EEW workers for bird surveys. We could buy<br />

them each a pair of binoculars. They don’t have to be in totally wild terrain to do bird surveys.<br />

These people will likely go back into the hotels when the economy turns around and this is a good<br />

education opportunity. Yvette is already putting out feeding stations and has indicated they could<br />

use help with monitoring the feeding the stations. Renate would like a crew of roughly 10 workers<br />

from the EEWF to help with parrots.<br />

- Randy commented that the dengue link with the EEWF still needs to be worked out with the<br />

Department of Health. There have been three new cases of dengue in Hana so we aren’t done with<br />

this yet. The Department of Health is using volunteers to do a lot of the spraying right now and<br />

they could do the initial training for the EEWF.<br />

- Randy also suggested that if we used the EEWF to do surveys we could possibly have them use<br />

their own vehicles and then reimburse for mileage. This would help with the transportation issue.<br />

- Ron Nagata added that a three month hire doesn’t sound very effective. The current RCUH limit is<br />

four months for temporary employees so extending positions to six months could be a problem.<br />

- Steve A. added that the park EPMT crew is looking at being able to handle about 15 EEWF<br />

workers within the current supervisory capacity to work in concert with MISC on miconia. If we<br />

are looking at these crews working on projects where there is important data we need to be sure<br />

there is adequate training and supervision.<br />

- Pat asked if we should be concerned with the hazards associated with putting these folks out to<br />

work in the field in areas where there is dengue fever. Is RCUH able to send people out into a<br />

disease area? He also made the point that there would be a lot involved for bird work.<br />

- Bob countered that they are more likely to get dengue fever in town than up in the mountains.<br />

- Philip added that we should keep in mind Wainapanapa is still closed to public. This may be an<br />

option for accommodations.

- Jeremy stated that supervision is quite a concern. Our crew members, both MISC and EPMT, can<br />

provide some supervision. Our crew members can be upgraded for this time period and we can see<br />

if they can handle it.<br />

- Pat suggested that MECO buses might be able to get people to and from Hana if they are hired<br />

from other parts of the island.<br />

- Tina Lau from Molokai will be putting in a bid for some EEWF workers. OISC has said they can’t<br />

handle any right now.<br />

- Jack added that we need to be aware that the EEWF focus could have negative impact on our<br />

secondary target species for the next couple of months. Randy suggested that it doesn’t have to but<br />

it could. MISC’s overhead and supervision, etc. should be considered as an in-kind funding match.<br />

Federal Funding Update Haleakala National Park (Steve Anderson)<br />

- The request to use fee money for miconia was declined pending changes in legislation that would<br />

make it legal to use federal dollars on non-federal lands. The fall back position is to take some soft<br />

funding that the park has for fencing and divert that to miconia work and then use fee money for<br />

the fencing projects. If the switch from fencing to miconia is approved there will be more<br />

involvement from Jeremy’s crew. Ron added that there are other funding sources that the<br />

superintendent is holding in case this doesn’t work out. The fencing funding for this year is<br />

$325,000.<br />

- Additionally, we will be putting in a soft money proposal for miconia through the NPS Natural<br />

Resource Preservation Program (NRPP). There is a meeting next week at HAVO to prioritize<br />

funding proposals for the Pacific Islands cluster. The challenge with this pot of funding is that it<br />

requires a discrete accomplishment for each year and after three years there must be a discrete<br />

finished product. Part of the justification will be that we are building a buffer to protect Haleakala<br />

and we want the biggest buffer possible. The maximum we can get through this program is<br />

$300,000 per year for three years. We are not sure if we should ask for the maximum. We may<br />

make this a multi park project and include the Big Island. A multi-park project may rank higher<br />

and be easier to sell. Steve has an email out to Duane, Greg, and Kim for feedback on what they<br />

could do discretely in a three year period.<br />

- The new proposal would be much cleaner and a much better scenario than shuffling around this<br />

year’s fencing money. The details on the switch for this year are being worked out and this money<br />

could start trickling down from WASO soon. We need to make sure that this fencing project gets<br />

done despite the reallocation of funds. It is a critical fence project.<br />

- Forest added that last night Cathleen and Timmy gave a talk at the Friends of Haleakala meeting<br />

and they mentioned that they would also like to use some of the fee demo funding for axis deer<br />

work.<br />

- Ron reminded everyone that it is illegal to use fee money outside the park. This is the solicitor’s<br />

read on the law. They aren’t against changing the law, but the law needs to be changed before fee<br />

funding can be used outside park boundaries. This impacts other parks in addition to Haleakala.

- Jack asked if Don’s original estimate of $1 million per year in fee funding is still accurate? Ron<br />

answered that it will probably be a bit less because visitation is down and there is the overlap<br />

between the summit and Kipahulu to factor in. It is likely to be closer to $700,000 in reality.<br />

- Jack reminded the group that our estimate for long-term miconia control was $2.25 million a year.<br />

Going through Congress to get the law changed is critical for our long-term ability to deal with<br />

miconia.<br />

- Ron added that the fee program ends next year unless it is reauthorized by Congress. The parks<br />

can’t lobby, but other people can. They can change the legislation when the program is<br />

reauthorized.<br />

Federal Funding Update USFWS (Mike Richardson)<br />

- Earl Campbell will be joining our office as an alien species coordinator for the USFWS.<br />

Federal Funding Update USFS<br />

- There was $70,000 credited to our account last month from the Forest Service through the state.<br />

- Christy is working on the Forest Service submittal for next year. There will be a conference call on<br />

Tuesday to discuss.<br />


- EEW reports in the news continue to stress the importance of miconia and invasive species work.<br />

- The parrot community meeting in Huelo occurred in October and went fairly well with a total of<br />

about 40 people in attendance.<br />

- MISC held a community update in Hana about miconia, though numbers were low partly due to the<br />

dengue scare.<br />

- Christy gave a presentation and had a display at the recent MALP fair. She took live frogs and<br />

Jack’s pet potted miconia. The response was good.<br />

- Christy will be talking at the Whale Sanctuary on Nov. 13th at 7pm.<br />

- MISC participated in two displays at the County Fair in October, one sponsored and organized by<br />

CTAHR and also included the Fire Weed Task Force, the Maui Axis Deer Group, Tri-Isle.<br />

- Fern gave a quick summary on the County Fair. There was a lot of stuff on alien species and a lot<br />

of interest. We gave out 320 frog flyers and asked people to write down new locations for frogs.<br />

We should look at the fair again next year as a major outreach opportunity. We got lots of<br />

attention playing frog tapes. It was a very positive experience and we reached a huge number of<br />

people. Glenn added that we had a great location and it was good we could all be in one area.<br />

- Philip mentioned that evidently the county (Community Work Day) was going to give away plants,<br />

but found frogs in them (E. planirostris). They quickly changed their plan and didn’t give anything<br />

away. Fern suggested that we should officially send them a thank-you and print it in the paper.<br />

They had planned on giving away 2000+ plants so it was a big deal for them to change their plans<br />

at the last minute.

- Forest added that since we aren’t going to get rid of planirostris we really need to have a way to<br />

treat plants. Randy asked if they tried the hot water method?<br />

- We should buy the new book “Hawaii’s Invasive Species” in bulk to give out to key people and the<br />

legislature.<br />

MoMISC UPDATE (Tina Lau, TNCH-Molokai)<br />

- Tina was not able to make the meeting today, but sent over an update.<br />

Outreach Strategy<br />

- MoMISC has outlined an outreach strategy. Target audiences are followed by proposed strategy:<br />

1. Local community - Bulk mail MoMISC target species brochure to all Molokai mailboxes. Cost<br />

for printing and mailing $1700. MoMISC will aim for distribution in January 2002.<br />

2. Visitors - Post target species posters at distribution points on west, central, and east Molokai<br />

along with a set of MoMISC fact sheets.<br />

3. Plant industry - Deal with these individually as needed.<br />

Cat’s Claw<br />

- Two populations have been surveyed in two adjacent gulches of central Molokai. Field work is<br />

conducted once a month to control outlying populations downstream of the core. The core<br />

population is too large for on-the ground control. MoMISC is seeking methods to control the<br />

dense core population. Aerial spraying and bull-dozing may be considered.<br />

Caribbean Frogs<br />

- One frog was captured in Sept. at a Molokai nursery and sent to Bishop Museum. The plant it was<br />

transported on originated from an Oahu nursery.<br />

Australian Tree Fern<br />

- The Australian tree fern is being sold on Molokai by a local nursery. The nursery was given the<br />

1992 Medeiros, et al. article regarding its invasiveness and asked to consider not selling this<br />

species.<br />

Pereskia aculeata<br />

- Pereskia, Barbados gooseberry, is an invasive cactus and was found in Halawa. Thanks to Philip<br />

Thomas for posting pictures as “Mystery plant #5”, which was positively identified within a couple<br />

days. We are currently determining the landowner to ask for permission to control using<br />

herbicides.<br />

Emergency Environmental Workforce<br />

- MoMISC has at least three work projects and two agency partners that are willing to be involved<br />

with training workers. However, MoMISC lacks a supervisor/coordinator to oversee full-time<br />

activities. We are willing and hopeful that we can work with MISC or other ISCs in some way.<br />

Next meeting<br />

- The next MoMISC meeting will be Wed., Nov. 14, 2001, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM at the Plant<br />

Materials Center.

HEAR PROJECT UPDATE (Philip Thomas, HEAR)<br />

- Philip has been working with Christy and Elizabeth to update and reformat the MISC portion of the<br />

HEAR web-site. Material on the site has been reorganized and updated. Recent meeting minutes,<br />

the 2002 NFWF proposal, and our field worker announcement have been posted.<br />

- HEAR will be hiring an Information Assistant in the near future.<br />

- The Urban Forestry Invasive Species Workshop has been changed to Dec 7. Rod Randall will be<br />

able to come and speak to the group regarding risk assessment. Rod will be on Maui for about two<br />

weeks and available for consultation.<br />

- USGS has an invasive species newsletter. If anyone is interested in seeing copy contact Philip.<br />

- At the MALP Fair Philip and Robin McMillan found three potentially invasive species for sale<br />

(Clerodendrum buchanani; Acacia angistissima, and Asparagus densiflorus). They talked to the<br />

folks and convinced them to pull the plants from the sale. The first and last are on the DOFAW<br />

"Horticultural Weeds" page and the other one Robin knew had weedy potential from past<br />

experience.<br />

- Philip plans to reintroduce a motion to the Maui County Arborist Committee in December to<br />

exclude species that are on the state Horticultural Weeds list from Maui County Planting Plan. Pat<br />

suggested that a letter from MISC and other organizations (i.e. CGAPS) supporting this would be<br />

helpful. Basically, these are the species already mentioned in the MCPP that are on the<br />

HORTWEEDS list; but the motion precludes recommending any of the species listed (now or in<br />

the future).<br />


- Pat was in Florida last month for a Natural Areas Association Conference. He took MISC posters,<br />

etc. and received a lot of questions. Florida and Hawaii have so many similarities with invasive<br />

issues there is good room for exchange<br />

- In conjunction with the Conference there was a meeting of the National Association of Exotic Pest<br />

Plant Councils' (NAEPPC). The group has been going since early 1990s. NAEPPC was<br />

established because the Exotic Pest Plant Councils recognized the value of cooperation through a<br />

national association of like organizations that share common goals. NAEPPC stated in its founding<br />

MOU preamble that there is power in organization, strength in numbers, and that some problems<br />

are uniquely national in scope. Pat’s interest is that they don’t forget us out here in Hawaii. Pat is<br />

representing MISC on the council and wanted to make sure that we don’t have a problem with<br />

being involved. Their main focus is on already established species. Involvement with the Council<br />

keeps us in the national eye. The more we are known the better.<br />

- Bob mentioned that Mike Buck is on the National Invasive Species Council.<br />

KAUAI MICONIA & KISC (Pat Bily)<br />

- Pat went to Kauai last week and did some miconia work in the Wailua area. Early detection does<br />

save a lot of grief in the long run. We owe a lot of credit to Brain Stevens with DOFAW on Kauai<br />

and the Kokee group led by Katie Castle. They have played a very important role in containing<br />

miconia on Kauai. They have good protocol. They have separate miconia gear and their mapping<br />

is pretty good. They do have some pretty radical terrain problems. We need to remember this is

state-wide problem. The Kauai infestation is small in our terms, but we need to give them<br />

whatever support we can. They covered about 30 acres and found less than 100 plants.<br />

- There is talk of a KISC forming and they have had some preliminary meetings. They may have<br />

more agricultural community interest on Kauai. Any guidance we can give them will be<br />

appreciated.<br />


See the attached Activity Summary for an overview of the MISC crew’s schedule since the last meeting.<br />


Caribbean Frogs (Earl Campbell, USDA-APHIS)<br />

- The caffeine has been approved and the labeling is basically ready. It is available from United<br />

Horticultural Supply and Brewer Environmental Industries in 25 kilo barrels. It can only be<br />

applied by certified pesticide applicators.<br />

- Steve A. asked if anyone has a copy of the label yet. We will need to purchase the caffeine with<br />

NPS money since we don’t have the University approval for frog work yet.<br />

- Fern mentioned that the caffeine is very concentrated and there is a 24 hour no reentry period after<br />

application. The applicator is required to guard the area.<br />

- The Department of Agriculture is meeting with nurseries mostly on the Big Island. There hasn’t<br />

been much action on Maui yet. The Department of Agriculture here needs to get involved. We<br />

need to put some pressure on them. Philip mentioned that a good venue would be a MALP<br />

meeting. They are really concerned about the frog issue. Randy will follow up with Lyle Wong<br />

- Earl is working with David Duffy on the University approval. They are proposing it a as a<br />

management action rather than a research action. Fern wrote into the action plan that MISC would<br />

be doing control work.<br />

- Philip mentioned that there is a new vertebrate concern. There is a private industry trying to get a<br />

permit to import Russian sturgeon for commercial purposes.<br />

Parrot-type Birds (Renate Gassmann-Duvall, Fern Duvall)<br />

- Since the last meeting Renate has surveyed four times in the conure epicenter at Huelo. She went<br />

out looking for rose- ringed parakeets two times, visited Kula three times looking for cockatoos,<br />

and went to Waikapu twice searching for the Moluccan cockatoos. She has seen the Moluccan<br />

cockatoos sitting in silk oak trees and she found a relatively large hole where they had knocked out<br />

a nesting cavity. Renate went out last Tuesday night with Avery Chumbley and Mark Collins to<br />

try and catch the Moluccan cockatoos while they were sleeping in their roosting/nesting hole.<br />

They were unsuccessful. She would like to try again with a lure bird that she may be able to<br />

borrow from a friend. The area looks well chewed and used.<br />

- There have been reports of parrots flying over and sitting in wattle trees in upper Kula near Copp<br />

Rd. and Kamehamehaiki. There was a parrot in the living room of a Kula house that was evidently<br />

coming in through the chimney. The owners of the house now have it caged. The bird was<br />

identified as a western-eastern rosella hybrid. This bird would be a disaster for agriculture if it

ecame established. There seem to be quite a few parrot breeders in the Kula area. We need to go<br />

through pet stores, phone books, etc. and find out who is breeding parrots on Maui.<br />

- The community meeting on the Huelo mitred conures was well attended. The community feels<br />

very strongly about getting rid of the conures as soon as possible. They felt the community should<br />

have been asked before we reached an agreement with MARS. The community feels that MARS<br />

really isn’t aware of the delicate nature of our ecosystem. They want action now.<br />

- Huelo is underwater now after all the rain. The water seems to have changed the parrot’s behavior.<br />

We are only seeing them flying out in the early morning now. The birds are circling more and<br />

flying up and down rather than straight in one direction. They aren’t flying in formation and very<br />

few are flying in pairs. There is a rumor that some people might have started shooting the birds<br />

and that is changing their behavior rather than the rain.<br />

- There are three feeding stations up at and they are looking at putting another one close to the cliff.<br />

There is no attendance at the feeding stations right now. Yvette has asked for help from us and<br />

would be happy for our assistance. She is also asking for more information. Renate told MARS<br />

that she wants to see a protocol regarding exactly what they are doing. They are starting to build<br />

the traps. They need to submit their first month report soon.<br />

- Pat, Anne, and Renate took Yvette, Dr. Van Sant and Jamie Gillardie to Waikamoi the morning of<br />

Huelo meeting. It was a good experience for them and introduced them to the native species that<br />

are at stake.<br />

- We need to consider a back-up plan if MARS is not successful. It was suggested that we form a<br />

subcommittee on birds so we have a little more time to discuss and plan. There is a wide gap in the<br />

estimate of the number of birds out there. We need to know if we have 50 or 300. We met with<br />

Mike Avery yesterday to discuss the parrot situation and options. One possibility might be to<br />

rappel down the cliff and throw a net over the roosting area so they can’t come out of the burrows.<br />

Chemicals and hormones are not really viable options right now. The point was made that we need<br />

to have a strong public relations program in place in case MARS is not successful in capturing the<br />

birds alive.<br />

- Forest asked what is stopping us from sending these birds back to where they belong. Mike Avery<br />

responded that for bigger, more charismatic birds that would not be so much of a problem. But the<br />

trick is to be able to catch them alive. You’d have to check on state laws. They are native to Peru.<br />

This is just something we haven’t pursued.<br />

- Fern, Christy, and Art will get together soon to formulate proposal for the feeding trials. On<br />

Wednesday, November 14 Art will be touring the MARS facility. There was a discussion<br />

regarding expanding the feeding trials to include other pest plants and/or other bird species. Randy<br />

suggested we wait and see how the initial trial goes with Art before we look at expanding the<br />

scope.<br />

- It was also suggested that we should develop and advertise a phone reporting system so we get<br />

more reports on parrots. A fact sheet with a call in number would be good. Both Christy and<br />

Fern’s numbers could be listed.

- Randy thanked Mike Avery for taking the time the time to meet with us. It is very unlikely MARS<br />

will be able to trap all the birds and we need to be paving the way for the future. Mike’s parting<br />

piece of advice for MISC was that we should support MARS as much as we can.<br />

Saffron Finches (F. Duvall)<br />

- There is one bird at the Pukalani Community Center. Fern will try to capture it soon.<br />

PLANT UPDATES (Jack Peterson)<br />

Miconia Aerial/Peripheral Populations<br />

- We have conducted eight helicopter missions since last meeting. Six were for miconia and two for<br />

pampas grass. We had to cancel four other scheduled helicopter operations due to weather. Four<br />

of the miconia operations were reconnaissance and two were spray operations (one for herbicide<br />

and one for bio-control). During the bio-control operation 74 trees were sprayed (on 10/31). They<br />

will be left alone and monitored. It seems to be more effective on young plants and not so effective<br />

on the bigger trees.<br />

- The crew spent five days on miconia ground work, mostly in peripheral areas. We had to cancel<br />

two planned week-long miconia trips due to the dengue fever outbreak. Wainapanapa State Park<br />

has been closed. We plan to resume operations in the Hana area soon with proper precautions.<br />

There were 550 plants one meter or taller controlled during 90 person hours on the ground,<br />

covering 37 acres.<br />

- On Oct. 12 we went back to Wailua Nui (next to Keanae) during a helicopter reconnaissance. We<br />

were aware of a small infestation there. Last year we sprayed about 12 plants. This year when we<br />

went back there were 100’s of miconia plants in the valley. None were big seeding trees, probably<br />

a cohort of offspring from several known previously controlled seeding trees. The crew went back<br />

in on the ground with Pat and found the area to be badly infested. This really highlights the<br />

potential --- we need to be working from the outside in. Randy asked if we should get bio-control<br />

in there. Glenn noted that there are two more releases planned for this year and one could be there.<br />

Releases are scheduled for November 14 and 28. MISC could take one of the releases.<br />

- The November releases will end Eloise’s funding. We need to follow-up with her to see what she<br />

needs in order to continue. We have $28.000 of our county funding allocated for bio-control.<br />

Miconia Hana Crew (Bob Hobdy/G. Shisido, DOFAW)<br />

- The crew had 15 acres of ground accomplishment in October. There was one aerial spray<br />

operation over 38 acres and one aerial bio-control release close to where we released fungus 4-5<br />

months ago.<br />

NPS Exotic Plant Management Team (Steve Anderson/Jeremy Gooding, Hale-NP)<br />

- The full team put in two weeks of effort on pampas grass during the past month. Six days were in<br />

conjunction with the MISC crew on the southwest slope of Haleakala. An aerial mission for<br />

pampas will conducted on November 30 to tie in missing areas.<br />

Pampas Grass<br />

- The MISC crew worked for six days with the EPMT crew on pampas and Erica went into the crater<br />

with them for two additional days of pampas work. We spent a total of 11 days doing ground work<br />

on pampas since the last meeting. Twenty-three seeding plants were controlled (70 plants total).

- We conducted two aerial missions for pampas since the last meeting. We had hoped to be spraying<br />

on these missions, but the weather has been too wet. We sprayed 19 plants in Honomanu (4,000 ft.<br />

elev.) on one aerial mission and then it started raining.<br />

- Pat suggested that we try using Garlon 3A since it is more compatible with Rodeo and might result<br />

in fewer sprayer problems.<br />

- Forest commented that their road surveys are showing a lot less pampas in residential areas.<br />

Fountain Grass<br />

- The crew spent eight days on fountain grass sweeps. We’ve been revisiting the cores and finding<br />

small numbers. There were 28 plants controlled, three of which were seeding.<br />

- There are still a few plants on the road cut at Kahakloa that we can’t deal with until we have further<br />

rappelling training and support.<br />

- John Cumming and Bob Hobdy checked on the Lanai population at Keapuu recently. There were<br />

some plants coming up. They bagged a few seed heads and pulled everything else. We need to<br />

remember to keep track of that population.<br />

Ivy gourd<br />

- The crew did ivy gourd revisits on four different partial days. They went to Kapalua yesterday.<br />

There may be a new population at the main Kaanapali intersection across from the driving range.<br />

Arundo<br />

- A partial crew did three days of work and killed 365 plants. We are trying to keep on top of the<br />

arundo. Forest added that it is flowering now. We have assumed that arundo in Hawaii didn’t<br />

produce viable seed. He has collected seed and will see if they germinate.<br />

Jerusalem Thorn<br />

- The crew went out with Forest and Kim and controlled all the known Jerusalem thorn on Maui.<br />

(Pelt!)<br />

Australian Chenopodium<br />

- The crew spent a day at Kanaha Pond with Fern and pulled and bagged all that he knew about.<br />

(Pelt?) Fern noted that the bags are stock-piled and asked if the incineration question had been<br />

answered. Jack noted that we can autoclave small amounts. Erik added that incineration at HC&S<br />

may still be a possibility. Anis seemed to think we should pursue it again. Jeremy noted that we<br />

can get an agreement with county to bury things at the dump. This should be fairly safe with sugar<br />

cane all around.<br />


- Kula Enchanting Garden has taken out three of the species we were concerned with (Cryptostegia<br />

grandiflora, Rhodomrytus tomentosa, and Melastoma candidum).<br />

- There were three helicopter classes in October/Nov. Mike A., Erik, and Sam attended the basic B-<br />

1 course. Mike A. and Erik also attended Helicopter Operations for Supervisors and Mike A., Erik,<br />

and Jack attended Sling Load training.

- We had a hazmat inspection on Oct 29 here at NIFTAL. We took the opportunity to make sure we<br />

were clean and in compliance. Erik and Mike A. are really upping our standards.<br />

- Forest and Kim suggested that additions to Hawaii state weed list should include MISC target<br />

species that aren’t on list yet. They have drafted justifications for these additions.<br />

NEXT <strong>MEETING</strong>: RESCHEDULED to Friday, January 11, 9am to Noon.<br />

9/28: MISC meeting<br />


October 1 to November 9, 2001<br />

10/1: Maintenance, Decon, errands, data<br />

PM: Hana Miconia Meeting<br />

10/2: Maintenance, errands, data<br />

PM: Catch live Frogs at Howard’s for County Fair<br />

10/3: Fountain Grass: Sweeps, Maui Lani and Waiehu Sand Dunes<br />

10/4: Helicopter Recon: Miconia, Keanae<br />

Set up Maui County Fair Display<br />

10/5: Helicopter Recon: Miconia, Wailua nui<br />

Fountain Grass: Sweeps, Waiehu Sand Dunes<br />

Staffed Maui County Fair Display<br />

10/6: Staffed Maui County Fair Display<br />

10/7: Staffed Maui County Fair Display<br />

10/8: Arundo: Spray, Airport Beach Road and Kahului Beach Road<br />

10/9: Building, Office, and Grounds Maintenance, data<br />

10/10: Fountain Grass: Sweeps, Maui Lani<br />

Arundo: Cut, Stable Road<br />

Vehicle Repairs<br />

10/11: Fountain Grass: Sweeps/Recon, Maui Lani and Waikapu<br />

10/12: Helicopter Spray: Pampas Honomanu<br />

Helicopter Spray: Miconia, Keanae & Wailua nui<br />

Pampas Grass: Revisits, Olinda Road, Shibuya<br />

10/15: Pampas Grass: Joint Sweeps with NPS EPMT, Haleakala National Park<br />

10/16: Pampas Grass: Joint Sweeps with NPS EPMT, Haleakala National Park<br />

10/17: Pampas Grass: Joint Sweeps with NPS EPMT, Haleakala National Park<br />

Heliops for Supervisors Training: Mike A. and Erik<br />

Erik Barnard’s First Day<br />

10/18: Pampas Grass: Joint Sweeps with NPS EPMT, Haleakala National Park<br />

10/19: Pampas Grass: Joint Sweeps with NPS EPMT, Haleakala National Park<br />

Heliops External Load Training: Mike A, Erik, and Jack


October 1 to November 9, 2001<br />

10/22: Pampas Grass: Joint Sweeps with NPS EPMT, Haleakala National Park<br />

PM: Huelo Community Meeting on Parrot Retrieval<br />

10/23: Miconia: Wailua nui with Pat Bily<br />

10/24: Miconia: Wailua nui with Erik<br />

Pampas Grass, Haleakala National Park, Erica with EPMT<br />

10/25: Miconia: Honomanu makai<br />

Pampas Grass, Haleakala National Park, Erica<br />

10/26: Arundo: Stable Road<br />

Pampas Grass: Waikamoi and Kula Forest Reserve<br />

10/29: Preparation for NIFTAL EPA Haz-Mat Inspection<br />

Miconia: Honomanu<br />

10/30: Helicopter Recon: Pampas Grass, Polipoli<br />

Helicopter USDA Biocontrol Fungus Spray, Jack<br />

Arundo: Spray, Beach Road; Pampas Grass: Miner Road<br />

Ivy Gourd: Kihei<br />

10/31: Helicopter Recon: Miconia, Keanae<br />

Miconia: Kupau Ridge<br />

11/1: Australian Chenopodium: Kanaha Pond with Fern Duvall<br />

Ivy Gourd: Makawao<br />

Fountain Grass: Recon, Waiehu Dunes<br />

11/2: Ivy Gourd: Kapalua<br />

PM: Catch live Frogs at Howard’s for MALP Fair<br />

NFWF 2002 proposal submitted. Erica’s Last Day<br />

11/3: Maui Association of Landscape Professionals Fair: Exhibit & Christy’s presentation<br />

11/5: Fountain Grass: Sweeps, Maui Lani with EPMT<br />

11/6: Helicopter Recon: Miconia, Keanae<br />

Rubber Vine: Lahaina<br />

Basic Helicopter Safety Class: Mike A., Erik, Sam<br />

11/7: Fountain Grass: Mac Nut Fields, Waiehu<br />

11/8: Ivy Gourd: Kapalua<br />

Fountain grass: Waiehu Dunes<br />

Parrot Meeting at MISC: Mike Avery, Earl Campbell, Randy B., Fern & Renate D. & MISC<br />

11/9: MISC Meeting

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