Forests Sourcebook - HCV Resource Network

Forests Sourcebook - HCV Resource Network Forests Sourcebook - HCV Resource Network
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Table 3.2 Wood Fuel Data for Selected World Bank Client Countries, 2005 Total Wood fuel forest area Population consumption (thousand ha) (thousand) (thousand m 3 ) Chad 11,921 8,823 4,088 Ethiopia 13,000 69,961 108,879 Kenya 3,522 32,447 24,256 Madagascar 13,023 17,332 6,433 Malawi 3,402 11,182 5,617 Mozambique 19,512 19,129 20,297 Sudan 70,491 34,356 19,514 Tanzania 35,257 36,571 25,200 Uganda 3,627 25,920 42,041 Zambia 42,452 10,547 8,798 Zimbabwe 17,450 13,151 10,381 Total 301,358 1,359,140 278,976 Sources: FAO 2006; FAO 2007. dominant in both rural and urban locations, accounting for approximately 70 percent of total and 90 percent of household energy use. On average, women carry 20 kilograms of fuelwood five kilometers every day. Commonly, a large number of traders are involved in buying, transporting, and reselling wood fuels; this is often where most of the value added is obtained in this mainly informal sector. As a consequence, with one of the primary causes of deforestation being exploitation of forests for wood fuels, the use of wood fuels constitutes one of the most pressing challenges for achieving SFM in almost all Sub-Saharan African and other World Bank client countries (including in South Asia, East Asia, and Central America). The most important factor that will cause this challenge to persist for years to come is the considerable population growth in these countries (see box 3.2 for other factors). For example, Sub-Saharan Africa has one of the world’s fastest growing populations (increasing by about 2.2 percent a year) and is expected to be home to more than a billion people by 2025 (compare with numbers in table 3.2). It is estimated that if current trends continue, many areas, especially the Sudano-Sahelian belt, will experience a severe shortage of fuelwood by 2025. Again, it must be emphasized that while the wood fuel challenge is most apparent and urgent in Sub-Saharan Africa, it applies equally to other regions where forest resource management is an important component in the World Bank’s investment portfolio for achieving rural development and poverty alleviation. Even though some of these trends may be compensated for through the adoption of alternative energy sources, such as natural gas and biofuels, it is expected that the overall trend will lead to increases in wood fuel consumption over the next 15 to 20 years. It is also important to acknowledge that the wood fuel challenge generally exists in countries that are commonly not regarded as important forest countries for World Bank operations, but countries with low forest cover or low forest resource stocks and productivity rates (for example, savannah woodlands, Miombo forest ecosystems). As a result of the increase in demand for wood, market pressure has been increasingly directed toward plantation forestry. Countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Indonesia, and South Africa are expected to become increasingly important world producers of pulpwood and industrial softwood for mass consumption through plantation forestry with exotic, fast-growing tree species. In addition, wood fuel production in particular, but also larger-scale industrial production of wood, can be achieved through bottom-up approaches such as community woodlots, agroforestry, outgrower schemes, and companycommunity partnerships instigating economic opportunities at the household level (see notes 2.1, Community- Private Partnerships, and 2.2, Small and Medium Enterprises). Many of these interventions can also help regain degraded lands for economic productivity with positive effects reaching beyond sustainable wood production, for example, provision of environmental services. However, at this moment, certain wood, especially high-value timber species, can only be produced from natural forests; plantation forestry cannot yet be substituted for these sources of supply. Given the long production process wood requires, it is obvious that the stage has to be prepared right now for addressing—and meeting—future supply shortages from natural forests through plantation forestry. Another management intervention for increasing the wood supply in the future is to increase the production level of secondary and primary forests, providing the possibility for secondary forests to redevelop into primary forest–like ecosystems (see figure 3.1). Last, a newly emerging factor is anticipated to have an impact on wood supply in the future: climate change. Changing climate regimes are expected to shift the current allocation of forest areas, leading not only to changes to and potential decline of natural forest areas, but also changing regimes for plantation establishment. Under climate change, production from plantations that have been established to date could decrease significantly, for example, through increasing climate variability and a higher probability of extreme climate events, such as droughts, initiating forest fires and increasing the vulnerability of trees to insects and disease. These effects are largely theoretical, but need to be explored and closely monitored in coming years to develop appropriate adaptation strategies. 96 CHAPTER 3: MEETING THE GROWING DEMAND FOR FOREST PRODUCTS

In summary, the global market for wood is characterized by considerable and increasing pressure on the world’s remaining natural forests. Without significant investment in promoting sustainable management of natural forests and in plantation management, especially in many World Bank client countries, further degradation, fragmentation, and destruction of natural forests can be expected. To successfully change this situation, the wood market must be transformed into one that ensures sustainable forestry and conservation, provides satisfactory livelihood opportunities for forest-dependent communities, and promotes sustainable economic development. The Global Vision for Forest 2050 Project, which brought together leading experts, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), industry representatives, and donor institutions, yielded the scenario depicted in figure 3.2 for a global closed-forest area of 3 billion ha in 2050. This would result in an increase in community-owned and -managed forests and a significant increase in protected areas as defined by the World Conservation Union (more formally known as the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, or IUCN). The area of state and private production forests under intensive management would remain roughly the same as at present, and industrial plantation forests would increase slightly, from 95 million to 100 million hectares. Figure 3.2 A Possible Global Forest Scenario for 2050 500 million hectares 1,200 million hectares 100 million hectares Protected areas (IUCN categories I–IV) Multiple use forests under community-based forest management State forests and private woodlands managed primarily for timber production Plantation forest management primarily for fiber and timber production 1,200 million hectares These developments will have a significant impact on how the World Bank—together with its development partners—can engage in forest management to develop feasible solutions to address these challenges. In a broad sense, this engagement can be put into practice in two ways: (i) through operational work directly supporting governments and industry in their efforts to use the potential of sustainable wood production from natural forests and plantations to foster economic development and achieve poverty alleviation, and (ii) through analytical work, ensuring up-to-date knowledge management and dissemination. PAST ACTIVITIES The initial rationale for the World Bank to engage in the forestry sector in the 1970s was based on addressing worldwide declining wood supplies and the dependence of the rural poor on wood energy. To meet these objectives, early projects promoted industrial-scale forest plantations with an emphasis on forest engineering components (plant breeding, fast-growing species, plantation establishment, and the like). One common feature during this period was that the forest service was assigned a policing and controlling role, enforcing forest laws with the main objective of keeping people out of state-owned forest reserves and plantations. The involvement of rural people in forestry was limited to being a source of labor. The early 1980s began with a shift toward greater participation by stakeholders and community involvement. The World Bank started to promote the importance of community mobilization in stabilizing forest resources and improving the incomes of forest-dependent communities. The main objective of this change was to link investment in forestry with poverty alleviation and environmental protection efforts. Following a period of strong criticism from civil society organizations, especially environmental NGOs, who regarded World Bank investments as strong contributors to global deforestation dynamics, the Bank’s engagement in productive forest management decreased significantly. As a consequence, in the 1990s the World Bank’s forest policy and Bank operational activities focused mainly on projects aimed at the conservation of biodiversity. In 2002 the World Bank adopted its current forest policy, which provides the opportunity to reengage in industrialscale forest management when such investments are certified under an independent forest certification system that is acceptable to the World Bank. 4 This development resulted from the intervention of environmental NGOs that consid- CHAPTER 3: MEETING THE GROWING DEMAND FOR FOREST PRODUCTS 97

Table 3.2<br />

Wood Fuel Data for Selected World<br />

Bank Client Countries, 2005<br />

Total<br />

Wood fuel<br />

forest area Population consumption<br />

(thousand ha) (thousand) (thousand m 3 )<br />

Chad 11,921 8,823 4,088<br />

Ethiopia 13,000 69,961 108,879<br />

Kenya 3,522 32,447 24,256<br />

Madagascar 13,023 17,332 6,433<br />

Malawi 3,402 11,182 5,617<br />

Mozambique 19,512 19,129 20,297<br />

Sudan 70,491 34,356 19,514<br />

Tanzania 35,257 36,571 25,200<br />

Uganda 3,627 25,920 42,041<br />

Zambia 42,452 10,547 8,798<br />

Zimbabwe 17,450 13,151 10,381<br />

Total 301,358 1,359,140 278,976<br />

Sources: FAO 2006; FAO 2007.<br />

dominant in both rural and urban locations, accounting for<br />

approximately 70 percent of total and 90 percent of household<br />

energy use. On average, women carry 20 kilograms of<br />

fuelwood five kilometers every day. Commonly, a large<br />

number of traders are involved in buying, transporting, and<br />

reselling wood fuels; this is often where most of the value<br />

added is obtained in this mainly informal sector.<br />

As a consequence, with one of the primary causes of<br />

deforestation being exploitation of forests for wood fuels, the<br />

use of wood fuels constitutes one of the most pressing challenges<br />

for achieving SFM in almost all Sub-Saharan African<br />

and other World Bank client countries (including in South<br />

Asia, East Asia, and Central America). The most important<br />

factor that will cause this challenge to persist for years to<br />

come is the considerable population growth in these countries<br />

(see box 3.2 for other factors). For example, Sub-Saharan<br />

Africa has one of the world’s fastest growing populations<br />

(increasing by about 2.2 percent a year) and is expected to be<br />

home to more than a billion people by 2025 (compare with<br />

numbers in table 3.2). It is estimated that if current trends<br />

continue, many areas, especially the Sudano-Sahelian belt,<br />

will experience a severe shortage of fuelwood by 2025. Again,<br />

it must be emphasized that while the wood fuel challenge is<br />

most apparent and urgent in Sub-Saharan Africa, it applies<br />

equally to other regions where forest resource management is<br />

an important component in the World Bank’s investment<br />

portfolio for achieving rural development and poverty alleviation.<br />

Even though some of these trends may be compensated<br />

for through the adoption of alternative energy sources, such<br />

as natural gas and biofuels, it is expected that the overall trend<br />

will lead to increases in wood fuel consumption over the next<br />

15 to 20 years. It is also important to acknowledge that the<br />

wood fuel challenge generally exists in countries that are<br />

commonly not regarded as important forest countries for<br />

World Bank operations, but countries with low forest cover<br />

or low forest resource stocks and productivity rates (for<br />

example, savannah woodlands, Miombo forest ecosystems).<br />

As a result of the increase in demand for wood, market<br />

pressure has been increasingly directed toward plantation<br />

forestry. Countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China,<br />

Indonesia, and South Africa are expected to become<br />

increasingly important world producers of pulpwood and<br />

industrial softwood for mass consumption through plantation<br />

forestry with exotic, fast-growing tree species.<br />

In addition, wood fuel production in particular, but also<br />

larger-scale industrial production of wood, can be achieved<br />

through bottom-up approaches such as community woodlots,<br />

agroforestry, outgrower schemes, and companycommunity<br />

partnerships instigating economic opportunities<br />

at the household level (see notes 2.1, Community- Private<br />

Partnerships, and 2.2, Small and Medium Enterprises). Many<br />

of these interventions can also help regain degraded lands for<br />

economic productivity with positive effects reaching beyond<br />

sustainable wood production, for example, provision of environmental<br />

services. However, at this moment, certain wood,<br />

especially high-value timber species, can only be produced<br />

from natural forests; plantation forestry cannot yet be substituted<br />

for these sources of supply. Given the long production<br />

process wood requires, it is obvious that the stage has to be<br />

prepared right now for addressing—and meeting—future<br />

supply shortages from natural forests through plantation<br />

forestry. Another management intervention for increasing<br />

the wood supply in the future is to increase the production<br />

level of secondary and primary forests, providing the possibility<br />

for secondary forests to redevelop into primary forest–like<br />

ecosystems (see figure 3.1).<br />

Last, a newly emerging factor is anticipated to have an<br />

impact on wood supply in the future: climate change.<br />

Changing climate regimes are expected to shift the current<br />

allocation of forest areas, leading not only to changes to and<br />

potential decline of natural forest areas, but also changing<br />

regimes for plantation establishment. Under climate<br />

change, production from plantations that have been established<br />

to date could decrease significantly, for example,<br />

through increasing climate variability and a higher probability<br />

of extreme climate events, such as droughts, initiating<br />

forest fires and increasing the vulnerability of trees to<br />

insects and disease. These effects are largely theoretical, but<br />

need to be explored and closely monitored in coming years<br />

to develop appropriate adaptation strategies.<br />


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