Forests Sourcebook - HCV Resource Network

Forests Sourcebook - HCV Resource Network Forests Sourcebook - HCV Resource Network
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collected via remote sensing rather than by a need for specific information. Changing this trend will require a close examination of how information is used in national and international policy processes and will require building the capacity to gather and use this relevant information. In many countries, national statistical services are underresourced and are unable to deliver reliable data in a timely fashion. Often, national statistical databases are filled with gaps or use imputed values that are prone to gross errors. This creates a vicious circle, with users dismissing the services of the statistical organizations, reducing the funding for these organizations, and causing them to continually perform poorly. Despite this reality, several national governments report on forest data, and some carry out periodic monitoring of forest resources. More recently, donor programs have also concentrated on collecting information rather than building capacity, although this is slowly changing and investment in capacity is occurring. Recent donor initiatives include the Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics, which coordinates donor support for statistical capacity building and encourages countries to merge their own priorities for statistical development through the preparation and implementation of national strategies for development of statistics. There is still, however, room for further investment in capacity and infrastructure for monitoring and reporting. Scope and status of national forest monitoring efforts. More detailed information on what different countries are doing in forest monitoring would be helpful for designing interventions in monitoring, as well as determining how a global monitoring system, compatible across countries, may be created. For example, the Forest Survey of India (FSI), an organization under the Ministry of Environment & Forests, was mandated in 1986 to monitor and map the country’s forest cover on a biennial basis. Consequently, FSI has been carrying out assessments of the country’s forest cover using satellite-based remote sensing data and has been publishing its findings in the State of Forest Report (SFR) every two years (see box 7.3). Similar institutional arrangements for spatial monitoring exist in several other countries (for an example in Brazil, see box 7.4). There is a need to understand how these monitoring arrangements are set up; what technologies and methodologies are used; the periodicity with which information is collected; how the information is processed, analyzed, and reported; and who the end users are. REDD: Determining baselines (reference scenarios). Discussions on the role of forests in climate change must distinguish between deforestation and degradation. This distinction is important because the appropriate tools for detecting deforestation (for example, remote sensing to capture clear-cuts) may not be as effective in detecting degradation. Furthermore, monitoring specific to REDD will need to satisfy UNFCCC and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) criteria, which are slightly different from conventional forest needs. Box 7.3 Forest Assessments in India The Forest Survey of India assesses the forest cover of the country on a two-year cycle using satellite data. The main objective is to present information on the country’s forest resources at the state and district levels, and to prepare forest cover maps on a 1:50,000 scale. The first forest cover assessment of the country was made in 1987; eight more assessments have been made, with forest cover information at the district level being available beginning with the third assessment, in 1991. Before the fourth assessment, forest cover assessment for the entire country was generated through visual interpretation. After the eighth assessment in 2001, the entire country was assessed digitally. The 2003 assessment, like the 2001, includes information on lands that are at least 1 hectare that have tree canopy density of at least 10 percent. The information does not differentiate land use or ownership, and all perennial woody vegetation—including bamboos, palms, coconut, and apple trees—were treated as trees; agroforestry plantations were also considered forests. The findings of the assessments are published in the biennial State of Forest Report, which includes forest cover maps for the country, the states, and Union Territories. These maps, prepared with the use of remote sensing technology, are also used for carrying out other spatial studies, such as monitoring shifting cultivation, assessment of forest density, mining leases, wildlife habitats, forest fragmentation, forest fire affected areas, assessment of mangroves, and delineation of forest types. Source: Authors’ compilation. 250 CHAPTER 7: MONITORING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR FOREST MANAGEMENT

Box 7.4 Monitoring Efforts in Brazil Three significant monitoring efforts are occurring in Brazil: the Brazilian Space Agency project PRODES, the Amazon Surveillance System (SIVAM-SIPAM), and the government of the state of Mato Grosso’s Environmental Control System on Rural Properties. PRODES Since the 1980s, the PRODES project has been monitoring the extent of gross and annual deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon based on interpretation of highresolution satellite imagery (Landsat). Although highly automated, the deforestation mapping remains a labor-intensive process in which, each year, more than 220 satellite scenes are scanned, selected for minimum cloud coverage, geo-referenced, and prepared to run a predefined algorithm for analysis (for example, transforming vegetation, shade, and light features). Features are then classified and edited to derive deforestation and other maps by state (from a 1997 baseline). The thematic maps and Landsat imagery are made available to the Brazilian community. The deforestation mapping has some limitations. Besides being labor intensive, the analysis is also dependent on the availability of cloud-free imagery. PRODES mapping also misses small plots of deforestation (3.0 to 6.5 hectares) caused by small disturbances to the forest canopy, such as those caused by selective logging, which is practiced extensively throughout the Brazilian Amazon. Enforcement of policy and regulation at the federal level remains fragile, yet such deforestation data can provoke significant public pressure, which often results in policy changes. SIVAM-SIPAM The Amazon Surveillance System project (Sistema de Vigilância da Amazônia in Portuguese) is a multi-billion dollar monitoring system that uses a sophisticated mix of fixed and mobile ground radar and airborne surveillance. SIVAM was conceived in the 1990s by the Office of the President, the Ministry of Justice, and the Brazilian Air Force, to defend the Legal Amazon and monitor illegal activity (drug trafficking, illegal logging, or burning). The system, later renamed the Amazonian Protection System (SIPAM) came into force in 1999. SIVAM’s infrastructure is able to acquire, process, and disseminate a variety of spatial information from various sources (radar, Landsat, SPOT [Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre], CBERS [China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite], and ERS-1 [European Remote Sensing Satellite]). This costly, state-of-the-art system offers a solid infrastructure and capacity for comprehensive monitoring; the data that can be acquired and processed could be applied to environmental monitoring, including vegetation cover, hydrology, human occupation, and fire monitoring. With all its potential, nevertheless, it appears that social buy-in for SIVAM has not consolidated completely. Environmental Control System on Rural Properties The State Environment Foundation of Mato Grosso (FEMA/MT)—the entity responsible for management of the state’s environmental policy—developed the Environmental Control System on Rural Properties. This system uses monitoring as one element to enforce existing legislation, mitigate environmental liabilities, and protect environmental assets. The system focuses on large land holdings (1,000 hectares or more) in areas most affected by deforestation. FEMA uses Remote Sensing (RS)/Geographic Information System (GIS) technology to collect and manage land-use information—particularly agriculture and livestock— in the state, using visual interpretation of land cover and deforestation from detailed satellite images to prioritize field visits; identification of heat sources from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) satellite data to identify areas of incidence of fire and fire risk; GIS technology to generate maps, graphics, and tables to help field inspectors and planners to locate, quantify, and categorize environmental damage; its comprehensive GIS reference library of properties to pinpoint the precise location of licensed activities on properties; and a Global Positioning System (GPS) to guide FEMA field inspectors to locations where noncompliance is suspected. GPS is also useful to update and complement RS/GIS data with information from the ground. The system has proven to be efficient and the role of RS/GIS has helped target and prioritize areas for field inspection. Over two months in 2000, for instance, 10 field teams carried out inspection and enforcement campaigns on almost 3,000 rural properties. For the same year, 50 noncompliant landowners were arrested; the number of identified heat sources was lower in relation to the previous year; and the demand for environmental licenses increased. Source: Nuguerón and Stolle 2007. CHAPTER 7: MONITORING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR FOREST MANAGEMENT 251

Box 7.4<br />

Monitoring Efforts in Brazil<br />

Three significant monitoring efforts are occurring in<br />

Brazil: the Brazilian Space Agency project PRODES,<br />

the Amazon Surveillance System (SIVAM-SIPAM), and<br />

the government of the state of Mato Grosso’s Environmental<br />

Control System on Rural Properties.<br />

PRODES<br />

Since the 1980s, the PRODES project has been monitoring<br />

the extent of gross and annual deforestation in<br />

the Brazilian Amazon based on interpretation of highresolution<br />

satellite imagery (Landsat). Although highly<br />

automated, the deforestation mapping remains a<br />

labor-intensive process in which, each year, more than<br />

220 satellite scenes are scanned, selected for minimum<br />

cloud coverage, geo-referenced, and prepared to run a<br />

predefined algorithm for analysis (for example, transforming<br />

vegetation, shade, and light features). Features<br />

are then classified and edited to derive deforestation<br />

and other maps by state (from a 1997 baseline). The<br />

thematic maps and Landsat imagery are made available<br />

to the Brazilian community.<br />

The deforestation mapping has some limitations.<br />

Besides being labor intensive, the analysis is also<br />

dependent on the availability of cloud-free imagery.<br />

PRODES mapping also misses small plots of deforestation<br />

(3.0 to 6.5 hectares) caused by small disturbances<br />

to the forest canopy, such as those caused by selective<br />

logging, which is practiced extensively throughout the<br />

Brazilian Amazon. Enforcement of policy and regulation<br />

at the federal level remains fragile, yet such deforestation<br />

data can provoke significant public pressure,<br />

which often results in policy changes.<br />


The Amazon Surveillance System project (Sistema de<br />

Vigilância da Amazônia in Portuguese) is a multi-billion<br />

dollar monitoring system that uses a sophisticated mix<br />

of fixed and mobile ground radar and airborne surveillance.<br />

SIVAM was conceived in the 1990s by the<br />

Office of the President, the Ministry of Justice, and the<br />

Brazilian Air Force, to defend the Legal Amazon and<br />

monitor illegal activity (drug trafficking, illegal logging,<br />

or burning). The system, later renamed the Amazonian<br />

Protection System (SIPAM) came into force in<br />

1999.<br />

SIVAM’s infrastructure is able to acquire, process,<br />

and disseminate a variety of spatial information from<br />

various sources (radar, Landsat, SPOT [Satellite Pour<br />

l’Observation de la Terre], CBERS [China Brazil Earth<br />

<strong>Resource</strong>s Satellite], and ERS-1 [European Remote<br />

Sensing Satellite]). This costly, state-of-the-art system<br />

offers a solid infrastructure and capacity for comprehensive<br />

monitoring; the data that can be acquired and<br />

processed could be applied to environmental monitoring,<br />

including vegetation cover, hydrology, human<br />

occupation, and fire monitoring. With all its potential,<br />

nevertheless, it appears that social buy-in for SIVAM<br />

has not consolidated completely.<br />

Environmental Control System on Rural Properties<br />

The State Environment Foundation of Mato Grosso<br />

(FEMA/MT)—the entity responsible for management<br />

of the state’s environmental policy—developed the<br />

Environmental Control System on Rural Properties.<br />

This system uses monitoring as one element to enforce<br />

existing legislation, mitigate environmental liabilities,<br />

and protect environmental assets. The system focuses<br />

on large land holdings (1,000 hectares or more) in<br />

areas most affected by deforestation. FEMA uses<br />

Remote Sensing (RS)/Geographic Information System<br />

(GIS) technology to collect and manage land-use<br />

information—particularly agriculture and livestock—<br />

in the state, using visual interpretation of land cover<br />

and deforestation from detailed satellite images to prioritize<br />

field visits; identification of heat sources from<br />

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA)<br />

satellite data to identify areas of incidence of fire and<br />

fire risk; GIS technology to generate maps, graphics,<br />

and tables to help field inspectors and planners to<br />

locate, quantify, and categorize environmental damage;<br />

its comprehensive GIS reference library of properties<br />

to pinpoint the precise location of licensed activities on<br />

properties; and a Global Positioning System (GPS) to<br />

guide FEMA field inspectors to locations where noncompliance<br />

is suspected. GPS is also useful to update<br />

and complement RS/GIS data with information from<br />

the ground.<br />

The system has proven to be efficient and the role of<br />

RS/GIS has helped target and prioritize areas for field<br />

inspection. Over two months in 2000, for instance, 10<br />

field teams carried out inspection and enforcement<br />

campaigns on almost 3,000 rural properties. For the<br />

same year, 50 noncompliant landowners were arrested;<br />

the number of identified heat sources was lower in<br />

relation to the previous year; and the demand for environmental<br />

licenses increased.<br />

Source: Nuguerón and Stolle 2007.<br />


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