SOCIAL ENTERPRISE: INDUSTRY 101 - Harvard Business School

SOCIAL ENTERPRISE: INDUSTRY 101 - Harvard Business School SOCIAL ENTERPRISE: INDUSTRY 101 - Harvard Business School

<strong>SOCIAL</strong> <strong>ENTERPRISE</strong>: <strong>INDUSTRY</strong> <strong>101</strong><br />

Laura Moon, Margot Dushin, Betsy Strickland<br />

September 28, 2009<br />

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What is social enterprise?<br />

• Social Enterprise ≠ an industry<br />

• It is comprised of many industries<br />

• Social Enterprise blurs sector boundaries<br />

• For-profit entities in which social purpose is an integral component<br />

• Public-sector agencies<br />

• Nonprofit organizations<br />

• Cross-sector collaborations<br />

• SE encompasses a multitude of functional roles<br />

• Social Enterprise = organizations or activities dedicated to social impact<br />

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This is social enterprise…<br />

Cindy Ko, MBA '05, joined Endeavor as an HBS Leadership<br />

Fellow and now serves as vice president of International<br />

Expansion, supporting high-impact entrepreneurs in<br />

emerging markets and leading strategic efforts to open new<br />

offices around the globe…<br />

…this is Social Enterprise<br />

Over the course of his career, John Read, MBA ’71, has<br />

moved between the government, private, and nonprofit<br />

sectors, serving under President Ford, managing a truckparts<br />

manufacturing plant, working in private equity, and<br />

currently serving as president and CEO of Outward<br />

Bound USA…<br />

…this is Social Enterprise<br />

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Social Enterprise Industry Week<br />

• What we’re covering today<br />

• Overview of social enterprise in all sectors<br />

• MBA career paths<br />

• Approaching the job search<br />

• Resources<br />

• HBS recruiting trends in social enterprise<br />

• Upcoming programs<br />

• Later this week:<br />

• Overarching sessions:<br />

• <strong>Business</strong> Approaches to Social Enterprise (Tuesday)<br />

• Social Enterprise Career Paths (Wednesday)<br />

• Emerging Themes in Nonprofit Sector(Thursday)<br />

• Industry-specific sessions:<br />

• Education<br />

• Government<br />

• International development<br />

• Foundations and philanthropy<br />

• Environment<br />

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Who is in the room?<br />

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Snapshot of Nonprofit Sector<br />

$5M - $10M (0.8%)<br />

$1M - $5M (4.0%)<br />

> $10M - $100M (0.9%)<br />

$250K - $1M (7.0%)<br />

• More than 1.4 million organizations<br />

• $1.36 trillion in revenue<br />

• Employs over 12.5 million individuals<br />

< $250K (87.3%)<br />

Sources: The Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project, based on 1995 data; The New Nonprofit Almanac, published by Independent Sector and<br />

Urban institute, based upon 1998 data; National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCCS) based upon 2004 data.<br />

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Snapshot of Nonprofit Sector : By Sub-Sector<br />

Other (6%)<br />

Religion (9%)<br />

Int’l development (10%)<br />

- ACCION<br />

- Endeavor Global<br />

- Save the Children<br />

- TechnoServe<br />

Arts and culture (13%)<br />

- Alvin Ailey Dance Company<br />

- American Museum of Nat’l History<br />

- Lincoln Center<br />

- PBS<br />

Education (11%)<br />

-New Leaders for New <strong>School</strong>s<br />

-Teach for America<br />

-Uncommon <strong>School</strong>s<br />

Human Services (15%)<br />

- American Red Cross<br />

- Harlem Children’s Zone<br />

- Year Up<br />

- YMCA<br />

Health Care (11%)<br />

- American Cancer Society<br />

- Mayo Clinic<br />

- Partners in Health<br />

Environment (17%)<br />

- Appalachian Mountain Club<br />

- The Nature Conservancy<br />

- Outward Bound<br />

- The Trustees of the Reservations<br />

Foundations (8%)<br />

- Acumen Fund<br />

- Ashoka<br />

- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation<br />

- United Way<br />

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Snapshot of Nonprofit Sector : Some alumni examples<br />

• Iris Chen, MBA 2001, President and CEO, I Have a Dream Foundation<br />

• Elaine Aglipay Delio, MBA 2004, Senior Manager, World Resources Institute<br />

• Sasha Dichter, MBA 2002, Director of <strong>Business</strong> Development, Acumen Fund<br />

• Abby Falik, MBA 2008, Founder and CEO, Global Citizen Year<br />

• John Kalafatas, MBA 1999, Portfolio Manager, Edna McConnell Clark Foundation<br />

• Dan Katzir, MBA 1991, Managing Director, The Broad Foundation<br />

• Andrew Kendall, MBA 1998, Exec. Director, The Trustees of Reservations<br />

• Emily McCann, MBA 1999, President, Citizen <strong>School</strong>s<br />

• Roshini Moodley Naidoo, MBA 2007, Special Advisor Private Sector Team, Oxfam America<br />

• Amy Rabinowitz, MBA 2003, Managing Director of Recruitment, Teach for America<br />

• Garrett Smith, MBA 2009, Senior Consultant, District Management Council<br />

• Mark Tercek, MBA 1984, President and CEO, The Nature Conservancy<br />

• Thomas Tierney, MBA 1980, Chairman and Founder, The Bridgespan Group<br />

• Luis Ubinas, MBA 1989, President, The Ford Foundation<br />

• Adam Weinstein, MBA 1989, President and CAO, Phipps Houses<br />

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Snapshot of For-Profit: Where do SE Positions Exist?<br />

• Private, “socially responsible” companies<br />

• Large corporations (consumer products, financial services, etc.)<br />

• Consulting<br />

• Your imagination: the entrepreneurial approach<br />

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Snapshot of For-Profit: Some Alumni Examples<br />

Some top companies known for CSR<br />

• Adobe Systems Inc.<br />

• Cisco Systems Inc.<br />

• Dell Inc.<br />

• Gap Inc.<br />

• General Mills Inc.<br />

• Green Mountain Coffee Roasters<br />

• IBM<br />

• Intel Corp.<br />

• Johnson & Johnson<br />

• Kimberly-Clark Corp.<br />

• Motorola Inc.<br />

• NIKE Inc.<br />

• Inc.<br />

• Starbucks Coffee Co.<br />

• Timberland Co.<br />

Source: CRO’s 2007 100 Best Corporate Citizens (U.S. Based)<br />

Some examples of alumni roles<br />

• Robin Berholz, MBA 2004, Pricewaterhouse<br />

Coopers Consulting<br />

• Neil Black, MBA 1997, Managing Principal,<br />

GreenOrder Ventures<br />

• Colin Brady, MBA 2004, COO<br />


• Heidi Brooks, MBA 2003, Director, John<br />

Hancock Funds<br />

• Emmanuel Cassimatis, MBA 2009, Founder,<br />

EGG Energy<br />

• Katherine Cousins MBA 2002, Senior Director,<br />

Strategic Planning, The Timberland Co.<br />

• Sarah Endline, MBA 2001, Mastermind and<br />

Chief Rioter, sweetriot<br />

• Lance Friedmann, MBA 1978, Senior Vice<br />

President, Health & Wellness, Kraft<br />

• Nicole Hanrahan, MBA 2002, Director,<br />

Community Wealth Ventures<br />

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Snapshot of Public Sector: How do you Employ Your Skills?<br />

• Government<br />

• Staff, appointed, elected<br />

• Local, state, and federal<br />

• Bilateral and multilateral organizations<br />

• e.g. United Nations, World Bank, etc.<br />

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Snapshot of Public Sector: Some Alumni Examples<br />

• Suzanne Bishopric, MBA 1979, Treasurer, United Nations<br />

• Jonathan Bloom, MBA 1972, Deputy Vice President, Department of Compact Implementation,<br />

Millennium Challenge Corp<br />

• Michael Bloomberg, MBA 1966, Mayor, City of New York<br />

• Paul Connolly, MBA 1980, First Vice President and COO, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston<br />

• David Margalit, MBA 2001, Deputy Commissioner, City of New York<br />

• Kunal Merchant, MBA 2007, Chief of Staff, Office of Mayor Kevin Johnson<br />

• Tim Nicolette, MBA 2008, Deputy CFO, Boston Public <strong>School</strong>s<br />

• Valerie Santos, MBA 2003, Deputy Mayor for Economic Development and Planning, Government<br />

of the District of Columbia<br />

• David Schlendorf, MBA 2003, Special Advisor, Federal Bureau of Investigation<br />

• Steve Spinner, MBA 1996, Small <strong>Business</strong> Loan Guarantee Program Advisor, U.S. Department of<br />

Energy<br />

• Meredith Weenick, MBA 2002, Associate Director of Administration and Finance, City of Boston<br />

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How MBA Skills Apply: The Types of Challenges You May Address<br />

• Strategic planning<br />

• Performance measurement/management and accountability<br />

• Financial sustainability and income generating strategies<br />

• Multi-sector collaboration<br />

• Going to scale<br />

• Enterprise-level vs. system-wide approaches<br />

• Capacity building – human and physical capacity<br />

• Role of volunteers<br />

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Where Do Graduates Tend to Go?<br />

• Mid-large organizations<br />

• Follow other MBAs<br />

• General management roles<br />

• Early career: program director, strategy, new business development, operations; bias<br />

to CFO, fundraising<br />

• Later career: COO, CEO<br />

• Start their own organizations<br />

• Intermediary organizations<br />

• Consulting<br />

• Venture philanthropy<br />

• Foundations/funders<br />

• Multiple sector careers<br />

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MBA Paths: What We Know<br />

• At any given point, more than 1/3 of HBS alumni are actively involved on nonprofit boards<br />

• 5% of alumni report that they are employed within a social enterprise<br />

• Of those employed fulltime in the nonprofit sector:<br />

• 40% are in a CEO role; others in general management roles (program director, CFO, COO, etc.)<br />

• 50% have been able to move back and forth between sectors<br />

• Of those who transitioned into SE from private sector, 60% within 5 years of HBS graduation<br />

• Most full-timers used their personal networks and HBS resources during their job searches<br />

• Many alumni in public sector and strategic corporate citizenship roles<br />

Sources: 2005 and 2006 annual HBS alumni surveys; March 2002 survey of SEAA membership conducted for SEI by the Bridgespan Group (n=200)<br />

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Alumni Career Paths: Some Examples<br />

Nonprofit Carter Roberts, MBA 1988,<br />

President and CEO, World Wildlife Fund<br />

For-Profit Colin Brady, MBA 2004,<br />


HBS Procter & Gamble and Gillette <br />

The Nature Conservancy <br />

World Wildlife Fund<br />

Discovery Channel, MTV HBS <br />

Endeavor Agency and McKinsey <br />


Public<br />

Sector<br />

Meredith Weenick, MBA 2002,<br />

Director of Administration & Finance,<br />

City of Boston, Office of the Mayor<br />

City Year Massachusetts Service Alliance<br />

American Association of State Service<br />

Commissioners HBS City of Boston,<br />

Office of the Mayor<br />

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MBA Paths: Some Considerations<br />

Benefits<br />

• Exposure to diverse and complex<br />

situations and people<br />

• High-impact application of business<br />

skills<br />

• High levels of responsibility<br />

• Compelling opportunities/need for<br />

management skills<br />

• Make a difference in the world with a<br />

focus on your passions<br />

Considerations<br />

• Lower average salaries<br />

• Less clear career paths and fewer<br />

mentors<br />

• Less developed networks (HBS,<br />

intermediaries, etc.)<br />

• Potential difficulty re-entering the<br />

private sector<br />

• Resources vs. objectives<br />

• Decision-making processes<br />

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Approaching the Job Search: Defining Your Interests<br />

Understanding near-term goals<br />

• What do I want to be doing 5 years out?<br />

• What job do I want right after graduation?<br />

• How does my summer job fit into this?<br />

• Previous experience and other HBS opportunities<br />

Defining interests<br />

• Issue/industry<br />

• Type of organization<br />

• Function within the organization<br />

• Location<br />

Within context of long-term goals (different roles; path throughout career)<br />

View this as a building process that will last throughout your career<br />

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Approaching the Job Search: First Steps<br />

• Take self-assessment test<br />

• Talk to career coach, mentors, classmates and other students and alumni<br />

• Conduct informational interviews with people in the sector/those who have<br />

transitioned<br />

• Identify your goals and passions—create and prioritize list of “ideal job”<br />

characteristics<br />

• Explore potential paths through volunteer, summer, and academic activities<br />

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Approaching the Job Search: Getting Started<br />

• Research trends and organizations within sectors of interest<br />

• Trade journals, conferences, on-campus presentations, etc.<br />

• Identify list of target organizations<br />

• Monitor the jobs/opportunities that become available within those organizations<br />

• HBS Job Bank and other Job Boards<br />

• Tailor your resume to link your experience to your desired role<br />

• Develop and practice your positioning statement<br />

• Network, network, network: Informational and practice interviews<br />

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Approaching the Job Search: What are Organizations Looking For?<br />

• Demonstrated commitment to field and issues<br />

• Cross-sector “sensitivity”<br />

• Specific functional skills<br />

• e.g. strategic planning, analytical skills, financial management, project implementation, managing<br />

change, managing teams, etc.<br />

• Evidence of ability to function in multidisciplinary environment<br />

• Enterprise view<br />

• Flexibility and adaptability in context of:<br />

• Multiple stakeholders<br />

• Resource constraints<br />

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Approaching the Job Search: Evaluating Opportunities<br />

• Evaluate the organizational fit<br />

−<br />

−<br />

Organizational structure and culture<br />

Key issues facing senior management<br />

• Will the role be challenging and interesting?<br />

• Will it advance me down the right path?<br />

• Does it fit with and add to my skills?<br />

• How will this play in my future job search(es)?<br />

• Does the organization know how to use MBAs?<br />

• What kind of impact will I have?<br />

• Does it fit with my overall goals?<br />

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HBS Resources<br />

Social Enterprise Initiative Website:<br />

• Resources by topic:<br />

• Careers and recruiting:<br />

Baker Library Research Guide:<br />

• Including Guidestar, Chronicle of Philanthropy, Nonprofit Times, CSR Wire, The Corporate<br />

Social Ratings Monitor (from KLD)<br />

Working Knowledge articles:<br />

Alumni Navigator Database:<br />

• Search under key words such as: arts/culture, community/economic development,<br />

education, foundation/grant-making, general government, health services, international<br />

development/relief, other nonprofit, social services, etc.<br />

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Other Resources<br />

Career Specific<br />

Alliance for Nonprofit Mgmt:<br />

America’s Job Bank:<br />

Bridgestar:<br />

Career Builder:<br />

Career Journal:<br />

CEO Update:<br />

Charity Channel:<br />

Commongood Careers:<br />

Community Career Center:<br />

Deep Sweep:<br />

Zoosa:<br />

ExecSearches:<br />

Idealist:<br />

Issacson Miller:<br />

Justmeans:<br />

Monster:<br />

Nonprofit Career Network:<br />

Nonprofit Careers:<br />

Nonprofit Oyster:<br />

Opportunity Knocks:<br />

Philanthropy Careers:<br />

Work For a Good Cause:<br />

Board<br />

Boardnet USA:<br />

Other Sources<br />

Bridgespan Group:<br />

CompassPoint:<br />

Foundation Center:<br />

Guidestar:<br />

Publications<br />

Chronicle of Philanthropy:<br />

Fast Company (Social Capitalist Awards):<br /><br />

BoardSource:<br />

Independent Sector:<br />

Net Impact:<br />

REDF:<br />

Urban Institute/National Center for Charitable Statistics:<br /><br />

Nonprofit Times:<br />

Philanthropy Journal:<br />

Stanford Social Innovation Review:<br />

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Gaining Exposure/Expertise Through the Curriculum:<br />

Electives and Field-Based Opportunities<br />

SE Elective Courses<br />

• Agribusiness<br />

• Authentic Leadership Development<br />

• <strong>Business</strong> and the Environment<br />

• <strong>Business</strong> at the Base of the Pyramid<br />

• Commerce and Society: <strong>Business</strong> and<br />

Creation of Social Value<br />

• The Energy <strong>Business</strong> and Geopolitics<br />

• Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital in<br />

Healthcare<br />

• Entrepreneurship in Education Reform<br />

• Field Study Seminar: Building Green<br />

<strong>Business</strong>es<br />

• Field Study Seminar: Innovating in Healthcare<br />

• Innovating in Healthcare<br />

• Institutions, Macroeconomics, and the Global<br />

Economy<br />

SE Elective Courses (cont’d)<br />

• Leading and Governing High Performing<br />

Nonprofit Organizations<br />

• Managing Global Health: Design, Delivery and<br />

Evaluation of Global Health Programs<br />

• Managing Medicine<br />

• Microeconomics of Competitiveness: Firms,<br />

Clusters and Economic Development<br />

• The Moral Leader<br />

• Real Estate in Emerging Markets<br />

Field-Based Opportunities<br />

• Course papers<br />

• Field study/independent student research<br />

project<br />

• Immersion Programs<br />

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Pursuing Student-Led SE Activities<br />

• Social Enterprise Club<br />

• HBS Board Fellows<br />

• Social Enterprise Conference<br />

• Interest Communities<br />

• <strong>Business</strong>, Industry, and Government Club<br />

• Global <strong>Business</strong> Club<br />

• Greentech and Sustainability Club<br />

• Harbus Foundation<br />

• Healthcare Club<br />

• New Orleans Immersion<br />

• Volunteer Consulting Organization<br />

• Volunteers<br />

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Social Enterprise Career Development Opportunities and Programs<br />

• Resources<br />

• MBA Career and Professional Development<br />

• Industry and informational presentations<br />

• Speakers and recruiters<br />

• In the Field<br />

• HBS Social Enterprise Summer Fellowship Program<br />

• Social Enterprise <strong>Business</strong> Plan Contest<br />

• HBS Leadership Fellows Program<br />

• HBS Nonprofit/Public Sector Loan Repayment Assistance Program<br />

• Other HBS loan reduction programs<br />

• HBS Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship<br />

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Your Engagement in Social Enterprise<br />


Required Curriculum<br />

• Leadership and<br />

Corporate<br />

Accountability<br />

• Cases in other<br />

courses<br />

Programs and Activities<br />

• Student Clubs<br />

• January Term<br />

Immersions, Intensive<br />

Studies, Independent<br />

Projects<br />

• Social VentureTrack<br />

of <strong>Business</strong> Plan<br />

Contest<br />

Careers<br />

• Coaching<br />

• Industry Week<br />

• Other presentations,<br />

speakers, and<br />

recruiters<br />

Careers<br />

• Social Enterprise<br />

summer associate<br />

positions and<br />

funding via the<br />

Social Enterprise<br />

Summer Fellowship<br />

Program<br />

Elective Curriculum<br />

• SE focused and<br />

related course<br />

• Field based learning<br />

and funding via the<br />

Social Enterprise<br />

Field Study Grant<br />

program<br />

Programs and Activities<br />

• Student Clubs<br />

• January Term<br />

Immersions,<br />

Intensive Studies,<br />

Independent Projects<br />

• Social Venture Track<br />

of <strong>Business</strong> Plan<br />

Contest<br />

Careers<br />

• Coaching<br />

• Industry Week<br />

• Other presentations,<br />

speakers, and<br />

recruiters<br />

Programs and Activities<br />

• HBS Social<br />

Enterprise Alumni<br />

Association<br />

• Local alumni clubs:<br />

events, pro bono<br />

consulting programs,<br />

etc.<br />

• Reunion activities<br />

Careers<br />

• HBS Leadership<br />

Fellows<br />

• HBS Nonprofit/Public<br />

Sector Loan<br />

Repayment<br />

Assistance Program<br />

• Other HBS loan<br />

support programs for<br />

graduating students<br />

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2009 | Industry Destinations<br />

2%<br />

1%<br />

1% 11%<br />

2%<br />

6%<br />

5%<br />

8%<br />

Career<br />

2%<br />

7%<br />

8%<br />

28%<br />

8%<br />

3%<br />

5%<br />

3%<br />

Summer<br />

3%<br />

0% 5% 7% 14%<br />

3% 7%<br />

2%<br />

13%<br />

10%<br />

3%<br />

9%<br />

6% 3%<br />

7%<br />

7%<br />

Consulting<br />

Energy/Cleantech<br />

Healthcare<br />

I-Management/Hedge Funds<br />

Non-profit/Government<br />

Other Services<br />

Real Estate<br />

Technology<br />

Consumer Products<br />

Entertainment/Media<br />

I-Banking/Sales and Trading<br />

Manufacturing<br />

Other Financial Services<br />

Private Equity/LBO<br />

Retail<br />

Venture Capital<br />

Consulting<br />

Energy/Cleantech<br />

Healthcare<br />

I-Management/Hedge Funds<br />

Non-profit/Government<br />

Other Services<br />

Real Estate<br />

Consumer Products<br />

Entertainment/Media<br />

I-Banking/Sales and Trading<br />

Manufacturing<br />

Other Financial Services<br />

Private Equity/LBO<br />

Retail<br />

29 |

2009 Nonprofit/Government | Function Destinations<br />

Career<br />

Summer<br />

3%<br />

3%<br />

20%<br />

11%<br />

11%<br />

16%<br />

10%<br />

23%<br />

14%<br />

29%<br />

37%<br />

4%<br />

10%<br />

9%<br />

<strong>Business</strong> Development<br />

Finance<br />

Marketing<br />

Other<br />

Consulting<br />

General Management<br />

Strategic Planning<br />

<strong>Business</strong> Development<br />

Consulting<br />

Finance<br />

General Management<br />

Marketing<br />

30 |

2009 Nonprofit/Government | Location Destinations<br />

Career<br />

Summer<br />

3%<br />

3% 3% 0%<br />

0%<br />

3%<br />

3%<br />

2%<br />

3%<br />

6%<br />

40%<br />

12%<br />

7%<br />

5%<br />

33%<br />

37%<br />

8%<br />

3%<br />

3%<br />

27%<br />

Northeast<br />

South<br />

Southwest<br />

Other U.S.<br />

Europe<br />

Canada<br />

Mid-Atlantic<br />

Midwest<br />

West<br />

Asia/South Pacific<br />

Latin America<br />

Other International<br />

Northeast<br />

South<br />

Southwest<br />

Other U.S.<br />

Europe<br />

Canada<br />

Mid-Atlantic<br />

Midwest<br />

West<br />

Asia/South Pacific<br />

Latin America<br />

Other International<br />

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Class of 2009 | Nonprofit/Government – Industry Accessibility<br />

Question 1:<br />

Of the people who went into Nonprofit/Govt, what did<br />

they do before coming to HBS?<br />

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Pre-HBS Experience<br />

Class of 2009 | Nonprofit/Government – Industry Accessibility<br />

100%<br />

80%<br />

3%<br />

3%<br />

9%<br />

3%<br />

6%<br />

60%<br />

34%<br />

40%<br />

6%<br />

14%<br />

20%<br />

3%<br />

3%<br />

17%<br />

0%<br />

Venture Capital Technology Private Equity/LBO Other Services<br />

Manufacturing Other Financial Services I-Management/Hedge Funds I-Banking/Sales and Trading<br />

Healthcare Energy/Cleantech Consumer Products

Class of 2009 | Nonprofit/Government – Industry Accessibility<br />

Question 1:<br />

Of the people who went into Nonprofit/Govt, what did<br />

they do before coming to HBS?<br />

Question 2:<br />

Of the people who did not work in Nonprofit/Govt before<br />

HBS, what did they do for their summer?<br />

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Class of 2009 | Nonprofit/Government – Industry Accessibility<br />

100%<br />

80%<br />

60%<br />

40%<br />

20%<br />

7%<br />

13%<br />

13%<br />

20%<br />

7%<br />

13%<br />

27%<br />

Summer Experience<br />

0%<br />

Venture Capital Technology Manufacturing Other Financial Services<br />

Non-profit/Government Healthcare Consumer Products Consulting<br />

35 |

Nonprofit/Government | First Point of Contact<br />

70%<br />

60%<br />

50%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

10%<br />

0%<br />

Career % Summer %<br />

36 |

Nonprofit/Government | Job Posting Timing<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

10%<br />

0%<br />

Sept 2008 Oct 2008 Nov 2008 Dec 2008 Jan 2009 Feb 2009 Mar 2009 Apr 2009 May 2009 June 2009<br />

Career<br />

Summer<br />

37 |

Nonprofit/Government | Summer Offer and Accept Timing<br />

55%<br />

50%<br />

45%<br />

40%<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 - end of<br />

year<br />

Received % Accepted %<br />

38 |

Nonprofit/Government | Career Offer and Accept Timing<br />

50%<br />

45%<br />

40%<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

September<br />

2008<br />

October 2008<br />

November<br />

2008<br />

December<br />

2008<br />

January 2009<br />

February<br />

2009<br />

March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 -<br />

Graduation<br />

Received % Accepted %<br />

39 |

Nonprofit/Government | Job Satisfaction Criteria<br />

45%<br />

40%<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

Career % Summer %<br />

40 |

Class of 2010 | Nonprofit/Government – Summer Postings in MBA<br />

Job Bank<br />

Acumen Fund, Inc<br />

Endeavor<br />

New England Conservatory of<br />

Music<br />

Room to Read<br />

Agora Partnerships Environmental Defense Fund New Profit Inc. Root Capital<br />

Ashoka Federal Bureau of Investigation New <strong>School</strong>s for New Orleans Rubicon Programs, Inc<br />

Asian Development Bank Acumen Fund, Inc. New Sector Alliance<br />

Schwab Foundation for Social<br />

Entrepreneurship<br />

Broadmoor Improvement<br />

Association GlobalGiving New York City Mayor's Office Sustainable Conservation<br />

BUILD International Youth Foundation Office of Mayor Kevin Johnson The Alba Collective<br />

City of Chicago Jumpstart Opportunity Funding Corporation The Ocean Conservancy<br />

CLF Ventures, Inc<br />

Lincoln Center for the Performing<br />

Arts, Inc.<br />

Partners in Health<br />

The Public Learning Media<br />

Laboratory, Inc.<br />

Cristo Rey New York High <strong>School</strong> Living Cities Peer Health Exchange The Sustainable Food Lab<br />

D.C. Public <strong>School</strong>s<br />

National Park <strong>Business</strong> Plan<br />

Initiative<br />

Positive Coaching Alliance<br />

United Nations Development<br />

Program (UNDP)<br />

Dalberg Global Development<br />

Advisors<br />

Denver Public <strong>School</strong>s<br />

National Trust for Historic<br />

Preservation ProInspire Victory <strong>School</strong>s<br />

Natural Resources Defense Council<br />

(NRDC) Project HEALTH Women's World Banking<br />

Education Pioneers, Inc. Nature Conservancy (The) Public Broadcasting Service Blue Ocean Institute<br />

Embrace NatureServe REDF Coral Reef Alliance<br />

New England Conservatory of<br />

Acumen Fund, Inc.<br />

Endeavor<br />

Music<br />

<strong>Harvard</strong> University<br />

41 |

Class of 2009 | Nonprofit/Government – Career Postings in MBA Job<br />

Bank<br />

African Leadership Academy<br />

Department of Health and Human<br />

Services Jumpstart Right To Play<br />

Aspen Institute Deshpande Foundation KIPP Foundation Root Capital<br />

Building Excellent <strong>School</strong>s Dillard University Kresge Foundation Sesame Workshop<br />

Calvert Foundation<br />

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS<br />

Foundation<br />

Citizen <strong>School</strong>s Endeavor Mercy Corps<br />

Lincoln Center for the Performing<br />

Arts, Inc.<br />

Special Olympics Incorporated<br />

Sustainable Health Enterprises<br />

(SHE)<br />

City of Boston Environmental Defense Fund New Profit Inc. Taproot Foundation<br />

City of New York<br />

Facilitating Leadership in Youth,<br />

Inc. New Sector Alliance Teach For America<br />

Civic Builders Federal Bureau of Investigation New<strong>School</strong>s Venture Fund TechnoServe, Inc.<br />

Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS<br />

The Bill & Melinda Gates<br />

Initiative Global Citizen Year Opportunity International<br />

Foundation<br />

College Fund/U N C F (The) Grassroots <strong>Business</strong> Fund Partners in Health<br />

The Broad Residency in Urban<br />

Education<br />

Corporation for Public Broadcasting Harlem Children's Zone, Inc. Peace Games CIFF<br />

Creative Arts Workshops for Kids Hospital for Special Surgery Peer Health Exchange The Ford Foundation<br />

D.C. Public <strong>School</strong>s ICEF Public <strong>School</strong>s Project Enterprise<br />

The Initiative for a Competitive Inner<br />

City<br />

Dalberg Global Development<br />

Advisors<br />

International Save the Children<br />

Alliance Project HEALTH World Wildlife Fund<br />

42 |

Class of 2009 | Nonprofit/Government - Compensation Data<br />

$150,000<br />

$100,000<br />

$50,000<br />

$-<br />

Median<br />

Average<br />

Base Salary Additional G'teed Comp Tuition Reimbursement Relocation<br />

43 |

SE Industry Week<br />

Monday, September 28 Tuesday, September 29 Wednesday, September 30 Thursday, October 1<br />

Industry <strong>101</strong><br />

6:00 -7:00 pm<br />

Hawes <strong>101</strong><br />

<strong>Business</strong> Approaches to<br />

Social Enterprise<br />

3:00 - 4:00 pm<br />

Hawes <strong>101</strong><br />

Social Enterprise Career<br />

Paths<br />

3:00 - 4:00 pm<br />

Hawes <strong>101</strong><br />

Emerging Themes in<br />

Nonprofit Sector<br />

3:00 - 4:00 pm,<br />

Hawes <strong>101</strong><br />

“Perspectives from the<br />

Field”<br />

“Perspectives from the<br />

Field”<br />

4:30 - 5:30 pm<br />

4:30 - 5:30 pm<br />

Topics include:<br />

Topics include:<br />

• Education<br />

Hawes <strong>101</strong><br />

• Government/ Public<br />

Service<br />

Hawes 102<br />

• International<br />

Development<br />

Hawes <strong>101</strong><br />

• Foundations and<br />

Philanthropy<br />

Hawes 102<br />

• Environment<br />

Hawes 201<br />

44 |

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