LIFE01200604005 Shri Somnath Ghosh - Homi Bhabha National ...

LIFE01200604005 Shri Somnath Ghosh - Homi Bhabha National ...

LIFE01200604005 Shri Somnath Ghosh - Homi Bhabha National ...


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Cancer Invest Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by University of Chicago Library on 06/10/11<br />

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Figure 2. Gene expression of ATM, DNA-PK, ATR, Chk1, and Chk2 in A549 cells irradiated with 2 Gy proton beam or 2 Gy γ-radiation at 2, 3,<br />

or 4 hr after irradiation. Total RNA from A549 cells was isolated and reverse transcribed. RT-PCR analysis of ATM, DNA-PK, ATR, Chk1, and<br />

Chk2 genes was carried out as described in materials and methods. PCR products were resolved on 1.5% agarose gels containing ethidium<br />

bromide. β-actin gene expression in each group was used as an internal control. Ratio of intensities of (A and B) ATM, DNA-PK, or ATR and (C<br />

and D) Chk1 and Chk2 band to that of respective β-actin band as quantified from gel pictures are shown above each gel picture. Con means<br />

unirradiated control. Data represents means ± SE of three independent experiments, significantly different from unirradiated controls. ∗ p < .05,<br />

∗∗ p < .01.<br />

response in eukaryotes (24). It was of interest to look for its<br />

phosphorylation and its substrates at 4 hr after irradiation. There<br />

was significantly higher phosphorylation of ATM at serine 1981,<br />

H2AX at γ -position, Chk2 at threonine 68, and p53 at serine 15<br />

in A549 cells which had been exposed to 2 Gy of proton beam,<br />

but their phosphorylation was not found to be increased 4 hr<br />

after 2 Gy of γ -radiation as compared to the control (Figure 3).<br />

Expression of apoptosis-related genes<br />

Since there was significantly higher phosphorylation of p53<br />

in A549 cells which had been exposed to 2 Gy proton beam<br />

(Figure 3), it was our interest to look for the expression of<br />

apoptosis-related gene like Bax and Bcl-2.<br />

In our study, there was significant upregulation of proapoptotic<br />

gene, Bax, 12 hr after irradiation in A549 cells, which had<br />

been exposed to 2 Gy proton beam as compared to the unirradiated<br />

control. In γ -irradiated (2 Gy) cells there was no significant<br />

upregulation of the Bax gene (p < .05) (Figure 4).<br />

On the other hand there was significant downregulation of<br />

antiapoptotic gene, Bcl-2, 12 hr after irradiation in A549 cells,<br />

which had been exposed to 2 Gy proton beam. However, following<br />

γ -irradiation there was no significant downregulation of<br />

Bcl-2 gene. (p < .05) (Figure 4).<br />

618 S. <strong>Ghosh</strong> et al.

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