LIFE01200604005 Shri Somnath Ghosh - Homi Bhabha National ...

LIFE01200604005 Shri Somnath Ghosh - Homi Bhabha National ...

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198 S. <strong>Ghosh</strong> et al. / Mutation Research 723 (2011) 190–198<br />

ture for activation of apoptotic responses. Further studies in this<br />

direction will reveal the importance of such response.<br />

The use of oxygen beam therapy has definite advantage over<br />

gamma therapy and the understanding of the mechanism of apoptosis<br />

will give the clinician a handle to manipulate therapy for<br />

enhanced cell killing.<br />

Conflict of interest<br />

The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

This work was funded by Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences,<br />

Department of Atomic Energy [DAE], Government of India,<br />

through a project sanctioned to one of the authors, AS, bearing sanction<br />

number 2007/37/37/BRNS. All the authors are thankful to the<br />

Director, IUAC, New Delhi for providing radiation facility for the<br />

work. We would also like to extend our thanks to all the members<br />

of Pelletron group of IUAC for their sincere help during irradiation.<br />

Authors would like to thank Mr. Manjoor Ali and Mr. Paresh<br />

Khadilkar, RB&HSD, BARC for their help in Confocal Microscopy and<br />

Lab work, respectively.<br />

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