LIFE01200604005 Shri Somnath Ghosh - Homi Bhabha National ...

LIFE01200604005 Shri Somnath Ghosh - Homi Bhabha National ...

LIFE01200604005 Shri Somnath Ghosh - Homi Bhabha National ...


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2.3 Irradiation<br />

2.3.1] Low LET: For gamma irradiation, cells were exposed to required dose of<br />

60 Co γ radiation in in-house facility Gamma Cell 220 at dose rate of 3.5 Gy/min.<br />

Proton beam irradiation was carried out using the Radiation Biology beam line of<br />

in-house 4 MeV Folded Tandem Ion Accelerator (FOTIA) facility.<br />

2.3.2] High LET: Heavy ion irradiation was carried out using the Radiation<br />

Biology beam line of 16 MV 15UD Pelletron at Inter University Accelerator Centre, New<br />

Delhi.<br />

2.4 Clonogenic Cell Survival Assay<br />

After treatment, cells were seeded out in appropriate dilutions (500 cells/60 mm<br />

petriplate) to form colonies in 14 days. Colonies were fixed with glutaraldehyde (6.0%<br />

v/v), stained with crystal violet (0.5% w/v) and counted using a stereomicroscope.<br />

Colonies containing more than 50 cells were scored as survivors.<br />

2.5 Semiquantitative Reverse transcriptional polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)<br />

Total RNA from 1 x 10 6 cells was extracted after required time periods of irradiation and<br />

RT-PCR was carried out. Briefly, total RNA from A549 cells was extracted after required<br />

time periods of 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours of irradiation and eluted in 30 µl RNAase free water<br />

using RNA tissue kit (Roche). Equal amount of RNA in each group was reverse<br />

transcribed using cMaster RT kit (Eppendorf). Equal amount (2µl) of cDNA in each<br />

group was used for specific amplification of required genes using gene specific primers.<br />

The PCR condition were 94 o C, 5 min initial denaturation followed by 30 cycles of 94 o C<br />

45 s, 55 – 64 o C 45 s (depending on the annealing temperature of specific primers) 72 o C<br />

45 s and final extension at 72 o C for 10 min. Equal amount of each PCR product (10 µl)<br />

was run on 1.5 % agarose gel containing ethidium bromide in tris borate EDTA buffer at<br />

60 V. The bands in the gel were visualized under UV lamp and relative intensities were<br />

quantified using Gel doc software (Syngene).<br />


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