MIDNIGHT - HarperCollins NZ

MIDNIGHT - HarperCollins NZ

MIDNIGHT - HarperCollins NZ


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six-year-old with long, fair plaits and mucky hands,<br />

instead of a shapely, pretty woman aged thirty. ‘What<br />

am I to do with you, eh?’<br />

‘Sorry, Mother.’ Following doctors’ advice, Libby had<br />

learned how to deal with her mother’s unpredictable<br />

moods. ‘It won’t happen again, I promise.’ Gently<br />

reaching out, she suggested in a quiet voice, ‘Come on<br />

now, Mum. Don’t let your tea go cold. You know how<br />

you hate cold tea.’<br />

Unsure, Eileen moved back a step. ‘Too cheeky for<br />

your own good, that’s the truth of it. Drive me to<br />

distraction at times, you really do!’<br />

‘I try not to.’ She gently wrapped her fingers about<br />

the older woman’s hand. ‘Come on, Mum.’<br />

Eileen took a tentative step forward, only to pause<br />

again as though unsure. ‘You do realise, don’t you? I<br />

shall have to tell your father when he comes down.’<br />

‘If you must.’<br />

‘He’ll probably smack your legs.’ She jabbed her<br />

forefinger into Libby’s chest. ‘Oh, and don’t think I’ll<br />

stop him this time, because you deserve a smack!’<br />

‘I expect I do.’<br />

There followed a quiet moment, during which the<br />

older woman took stock of the situation, her kindly<br />

gaze holding her daughter’s attention. ‘Perhaps I won’t<br />

tell him,’ she confided in a whisper, ‘because he can<br />

get nasty when he has to give you a telling-off.’ Her<br />

face softened. ‘Yet he loves you, Libby. We both do.’<br />

Choking back the tears, Libby told her, ‘And I love<br />

you, Mum . . . so very much.’<br />


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