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Hanford Site National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) - Pacific ...

Hanford Site National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) - Pacific ...


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Three measures of area income are presented in this section: total personal income, per capita<br />

income, and median household income. Total personal income comprises all forms of income<br />

received by the populace, including wages, dividends, and other revenues. Per capita income is<br />

equivalent to total personal income divided by the number of people residing in the area. Median<br />

household income is the point at which half of the households have incomes greater than the median<br />

and half have less.<br />

During 2005, the total personal income was $4.9 billion for Benton County and $1.3 billion for<br />

Franklin County, compared to the State of Washington’s total of $223.2 billion. Per capita income<br />

during 2005 was $31,433 for Benton County, $20,573 for Franklin County, and $35,479 for<br />

Washington State (DOC 2007). The preliminary estimate of median household income during 2005<br />

for Benton County was $54,183; Franklin County was estimated at $38,842. The estimated median<br />

income for Franklin County was well below the Washington State estimate of $53,771 (OFM 2007b).<br />

Table 4.7-2. Nonagricultural Wage and Salary Workers in Benton County and Franklin<br />

County, Washington, 2005 and 2006 (a)<br />

Industry<br />

2005 Annual<br />

Average<br />

Employment<br />

(Revised)<br />

2006 Annual<br />

Average<br />

Employment<br />

(Preliminary)<br />

Change<br />

2005-2006<br />

(Percent)<br />

Manufacturing 5,800 5,900 1.7<br />

Natural Resources, Mining and<br />

5,900 6,000 1.7<br />

Construction<br />

Trade, Transportation, Warehousing 14,900 15,900 6.7<br />

and Utilities<br />

Financial <strong>Act</strong>ivities 3,400 3,500 2.9<br />

Professional and Business Services 20,600 18,500 -10.2<br />

Education and Health Services 8,600 9,200 7.0<br />

Leisure and Hospitality 7,900 7,900 0.0<br />

Government 16,000 16,000 0.0<br />

Other 3,800 3,900 2.5<br />

Total nonagricultural wage and<br />

salary workers<br />

86,900 86,800 -0.1<br />

(a) Source: Washington State Employment Security Department (LMEA 2007c).<br />

4.7.3 Demography<br />

An estimated 160,600 people lived in Benton County and 64,200 lived in Franklin County during<br />

2006, totaling 224,800, an increase of over 17 percent from the Census 2000 figure (OFM 2007c).<br />

This growth rate is faster than the state of Washington as a whole, which has grown 8.2 percent since<br />

the 2000 Census. According to the 2000 Census, population totals for Benton and Franklin counties<br />


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