1900 - Lane Memorial Library

1900 - Lane Memorial Library

1900 - Lane Memorial Library


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OF THE<br />






HAMPTON. N. H.<br />


FEBRUARY 15, 19OO.<br />

— _s<br />

HAMPTON, N. H.<br />


Charles Francis Adams,<br />

Proprietor<br />

<strong>1900</strong> .

. TOWLE.<br />

SAMUEL A<br />

Town Officers.<br />


Town Clerk.<br />


Representative to General Court<br />

Selectmen.<br />


SIMEON A . SHAW ,<br />

Treasurer.<br />


Collector, of<br />

Taxes<br />

JOHN W . MASON.<br />


Supervisor of Check Lists, .<br />


JOHN W . MASON,<br />


J. A . ROSS.<br />

High School Board,<br />



<strong>Library</strong> Committee.<br />

SIMEON A . SHAW,<br />




Selectmen's Report.<br />

INVOICE, APRIL 1, 1899.<br />

Resident invoice, $5 84,5 6 7<br />

Non resident invoice, 113,651<br />

Improved and unimproved land and buildings, $616,619<br />

Polls, 321, 32,100<br />

Horses, 266, 1 3,33 0<br />

Oxen, 34, 1460<br />

Cows, 28 9, 8 3 1 3<br />

Neat stock, 22, 355<br />

Sheep, 59, 2 3 6<br />

Fowl, 8 39, 2 95<br />

Carriages, 2, 200<br />

Stock in banks, 1 , 6 35<br />

Money on hand and at interest, 7,95 0<br />

Stock in trade, 10 ,5 2 5<br />

Mills and machinery, 5,200<br />

TAXES FOR THE YEAR 18 99 .<br />

State tax, $1,058 25<br />

County tax, 1,711 67<br />

School tax, 1,245 00<br />

Town tax, 1,500 00<br />

High school tax, 600 00<br />

<strong>Library</strong> tax, l00 00<br />

<strong>Memorial</strong> day tax, 75 00<br />

Street lights, 200 00<br />

Enforcing police law, 200 00<br />

Grading turnpike, S0 00<br />

$698,218<br />


4<br />

Building breakwater,<br />

School house repairs,<br />

Transporting scholars,<br />

Percentage,<br />

School supplies,<br />

Resident taxes,<br />

Non resident taxes,<br />

Resident highway taxes,<br />

Non resident highway taxes,<br />

$ r,000 00<br />

200 00<br />

150 00<br />

337 6 3<br />

2000<br />

$9, 0 77 55<br />

$7,599 97<br />

1 . 477 61<br />

$9,077 5 8<br />

r,461 77<br />

28 4 47<br />

$1,746 24<br />

Total taxes committed to Collector, $ 10,823 82<br />


For all purposes except highway,<br />

$1.30 on ; Loa<br />

highway, .25 1.00<br />


Date. Payable to . Amout . Rate . Int . Paid . to.<br />

May 2, 1887, Towle fund, 82,000 6 March 1, <strong>1900</strong>.<br />

May 1, 1898, Robinson fund, 1,000 6 Feb . 1, <strong>1900</strong>.<br />

April 1, 1885, Congregational Society, 4,000 4 April, 1, <strong>1900</strong>.<br />

Jan 100 . 1, 1891, Dow fund,<br />

Feb. 17, 1894, Leavitt fund, 200<br />

Total town notes and funds, $7,300 00<br />

Due from Collector,<br />

16<br />

1,135<br />

Balance against the town, Feb . r 5 . <strong>1900</strong>, 36,164 84<br />

Railroad tax,<br />

Savings Bank tax,<br />

Literary fund,<br />



5306 46<br />

3 2 7 4 0<br />

9 1 77<br />

$725 63

5<br />


Fred $12 00B. Towle,<br />

Oliver W. Brown, 12 00<br />

From Hampton Beach Improvement Co ., rent<br />

of land, S500 00<br />

C. H. Knight taxes on Hill estate, 191 63<br />

Rockingham County on account of <strong>Lane</strong><br />

family, 259 44<br />

Mrs. Howe, taxes on Alfred Godfrey estate, 8 00<br />

Harry Brown, use of road machine, 25 50<br />

Curtis DeLancy, for rocks and gravel, 4 10<br />

Henry Emery, gravel, 35<br />

Exeter Street Railway Company, for clay, 54 00<br />

J. Q. Bennett, for clay, 2 00<br />

Boston & Maine Railroad, for Ward land, 10 oo<br />

Ellis & Buswell, for Ward land,<br />

too oo<br />

C. J. Eaton, fines and costs, 109 50<br />

Emil J . Bergulund, license for pop corn, 5 00<br />

License, Farmers ' Day, 2 o0<br />

James <strong>Lane</strong>, taxes and costs on property<br />

sold for taxes, 4 47<br />

Town clerk, dog licenses, Too 50<br />

O. L. Blake, rent of town hall, 58 00<br />

J. W. Mason, Collector, 1893, 906 40<br />

$24 00<br />

Total receipts, aside from taxes, '3,09 0 57<br />

Collector has paid Treasurer, 9,688 66<br />

Total receipts, 't2,779 2 3<br />

We have examined this day the foregoing accounts of the<br />

Towle, Robinson and Water funds and find them well vouched<br />

and correctly cast .<br />

O. H . WHITTIER, Auditors.<br />

HORACE M . LANE,<br />

HAMPTON, Feb ., 22, <strong>1900</strong> .

6<br />

The Selectmen have paid the following bills by orders on the<br />

Treasurer :<br />


Paid Horace M. <strong>Lane</strong> and Abbott Norris, Auditors, $4 00<br />

Joseph B. Brown, services as Selectman, 65 00<br />

Charles M. Batchelder, " 45 00<br />

Simeon A . Shaw, " 45 00<br />

Charles M. Batchelder, " Overseer of the<br />

Poor, 5 00<br />

Simeon A . Shaw, " Overseer of the<br />

Poor, 5 00<br />

Charles M. Batchelder, services as member<br />

of School Board, 10 00<br />

John A. Ross, services as member of<br />

School Board, 2 years, 20 00<br />

John M. Akerman, services as Town Clerk,<br />

and issuing dog licenses,<br />

38 6o<br />

Clinton J . Eaton, services as Police Officer, 261 00<br />

Edward S. Elkins, " 58 00<br />

John I Dow, " Special Police, 9 00<br />

George E. Perkins, " 2 50<br />

Abbott L. Young, " 8 00<br />

O. L. Blake, 2 00<br />

John W. Mason, " Collector of taxes, 75 00<br />

Samuel A. Towle, " Moderator, 5 00<br />

Howard G. <strong>Lane</strong>, " Treasurer, 25 00<br />

$683 10<br />


Paid Solon A Carter, State tax, $I,058 25<br />

W. H. C. Follansby, County tax, 1,711 67<br />

John H. Fogg, interest on Congregational<br />

Society note, 16o 00<br />

John W. Mason, discount on taxes paid on<br />

or before August 1st, 192 17<br />

Simeon A . Shaw, library appropriation, 100 00<br />

Howard G. <strong>Lane</strong>, balance due him last year, 22 56

David H . Adams, appropriation for street<br />

lights, $200 00<br />

Jeremiah G. Mace, <strong>Memorial</strong> Day appropriation, 7500<br />

I. W. Fletcher &. Co., building new tomb, 538 00<br />

John Templeton, printing town reports, 37 75<br />

William B . Morrill, recording lease, 1 5o<br />

John W. Mason, property sold for taxes, 70 42<br />

American Express Co ., express on town report, . 4 0<br />

John W. Mason, collector 's bond and stamp, 9 5 0<br />

James. H. Batchelder, books and stationery, 21 3 0<br />

W. T Humphreys, insurance on town clock, 8 75<br />

Mr. Fennich, fire extinguishers, 28 00<br />

John Templeton, printing bicycle notices, 2 5o<br />

S. M. Towle, teaming fire engine, 10 oo<br />

W. T . Jones, teaming fire engine, 5 00<br />

E . S. Elkins, watching fire, 42 00<br />

Dr. S. M. Ward, return of birth and death, 5 00<br />

John Brown, labor on Dow & Leavitt lots and<br />

expense of burial of J . Godfrey, 8 5o<br />

Hampton Union, printing notices, 1 2 5<br />

Charles M . Batchelder, clock oil,<br />

5o<br />

Joseph B. Brown, perambulating town lines, 4 00<br />

Charles M . Batchelder, " '' 2 00<br />

Simeon A . Shaw, 5 1)0<br />

John I. Dow, ringing curfew bell, 45 00<br />

Abbott L. Young, labor on road machine and<br />

tomb,<br />

3 S5<br />

O. L. Blake, wood for town hall, 8 00<br />

O. L. Blake, janitor for town hall, T8 00<br />

Charles M . Batchelder, services with county<br />

commissioner,<br />

2 00<br />

S. A. Shaw, time spent on new road and beach<br />

road,<br />

J. B . Brown, writing and serving notice and<br />

attending hearing on new road,<br />

J . B. Brown, one trip to Portsmouth,<br />

5 00<br />

1 50<br />

John Brown, driving hearse, ringing bell and<br />

labor in cemetery,<br />

54 00<br />


E. G. Cole, supplies for town hall, $ 1 2 68<br />

E. G. Cole & Co., police badges and clubs, 8 50<br />

George A. Johnson, painting guide boards, 3 50<br />

W. T. Ross, surveying and making plans for new<br />

road, 20 50<br />

C. M. Lamprey, writing contract for turnpike, 1 o0<br />

J . A. <strong>Lane</strong> & Co ., spikes, 36<br />

John S . Gilman, repairing town clock, 3 20<br />

Amos K. Blake, labor on tomb, 2 25<br />

John W. Mason, stationery and postage, 8 85<br />

J. Ben Crosby, watching at the Beach, July 4, 2 o0<br />

Mrs. James <strong>Lane</strong>, cleaning town hall, 3 00<br />

John M. Pearl, services by order of the Board of<br />

Health, 5 00<br />

C. J. Eaton, labor on New road, 3 00<br />

C. M. Batchelder, railroad fare for old soldier, 1 o0<br />

John L. Thompson, cleaning bound stone, 1 0<br />

,$45 09 49<br />


Paid Selectmen, Tax in District No. 4, $267 56<br />

David J . Garland, Tax in District No . 2, 200 6o<br />

Lewis H . Brown, " " 3, 120 92<br />

Charles W. Ross, " " " 4, 222 90<br />

Edward S. Elkins, " " 5, 421 00<br />

Frank B. Brown, " " " 6, 444 70<br />

9W. M. Batchelder, " " 7 ,<br />

7 20<br />

Orin L. <strong>Lane</strong>, " " 8, 142 52<br />

William T . Ross, " " 9, 130 8i<br />

Warren Hobbs, " 10 , 405 46<br />

Fred L. Lamprey, " " 11 , 66 64<br />

John T. Leavitt, " 42, 48 40<br />

William S. Brown, making snow paths last year, 144 24<br />

Samuel A. Towle, " 11 03<br />

Jacob T. Godfrey, " 164 17<br />

B. & M. railroad, freight on pipe, 8 58

$180 0<br />

Mary Ann Batchelder, gravel from Ward farm, $75 00<br />

Jacob T. Godfrey,<br />

I 70<br />

Monroe Holmes, labor on landing road,<br />

Sarah Miller, gravel,<br />

Augustus Young, drain pipe,<br />

Daniel Littlefield, drain pipe,<br />

E. G. Cole & Co., drain pipe,<br />

E. G. Shaw, labor on new road,<br />

Henry W . Emery, labor on new road,<br />

4 59<br />

8o oo<br />

43 5 6<br />

126 56<br />

49 25<br />

2 67<br />

3 97<br />

John 10I. Dow, labor on new road and cemetery, 11<br />

Clarence T . Brown, gravel, 6 26<br />

Elias 66Perkins, 35<br />

Benjamin Leavitt, 9 90<br />

Joseph B. Brown, writing and serving notices, and<br />

attending hearings on new beach road, 5 06<br />

Charles M. Batchelder, attending hearings on new<br />

beach road, 3 66<br />

John P. Hoyt, 20 loads of gravel, 2 66<br />

Charles 86 M. Batchelder, labor on new road, 4<br />

Samuel A . Towle, labor in Dist . No. 6, 2 60<br />

Joshua E . James, making snow path, 4898, 4 86<br />

George Tyler, points for road machine, 8 75<br />

9<br />

TOWN POOR.<br />

2,4 8 9 12<br />

Paid Selectmen, interest on Towle fund, $42o 06<br />

" Robinson fund, 6o 60<br />

0<br />


Paid E . G . Cole & Co . groceries for <strong>Lane</strong> family,<br />

O . H. Whittier, rent of house,<br />

John W. Mason, rent of house,<br />

Ralph S, James, board of S . Cannway,<br />

Dr. S. M. Ward, services for S . Cannaway,<br />

Abbott L. Young, caring for 97 tramps,<br />

$174 3 8<br />

35 06<br />

13 60<br />

10 66<br />

2 60<br />

24 25

Joseph B. Brown, caring for 29 tramps, 77 75<br />

O. H. Whittier, caring for old soldier, 12 40<br />

Rockingham County for board of Ellen Brown, 77 14<br />

$355 9 2<br />


Paid George M . Dearborn,<br />

John A. Philbrick,<br />

George P. Mace,<br />

Ernest Mace,<br />

Harry Brown,<br />

Charles Brown,<br />

Frank H . Fogg,<br />

Jonathan Garland,<br />

Herbert E. Lamprey,<br />

Frank A . Lamprey,<br />

Edward Brown,<br />

Frank A. Palmer,<br />

Herbert Blake,<br />

Charles A. Blake,<br />

Herbert Philbrick,<br />

William Page,<br />

Erving Garland,<br />

George Barbour,<br />

Orin <strong>Lane</strong>,<br />

William T . Ross,<br />

Percy Jenness,<br />

Oliver W. Hobbs,<br />

Joseph B. Brown,<br />

Curtis DeLancey,<br />

William Babcock,<br />

John H . Dow,<br />

C. W. Ross,<br />

Erving S. Drake,<br />

$47 60<br />

47 6o<br />

12 00<br />

12 o6<br />

12 00<br />

34 06<br />

5 2 7<br />

6 So<br />

5 2 7<br />

5 27<br />

5 2 7<br />

5 2 7<br />

5 2 7<br />

5 2 7<br />

15 13<br />

3 o6<br />

16 06<br />

16 60<br />

47 6o<br />

37 2 5<br />

1 7 34<br />

6 89<br />

4 00<br />

20 66<br />

7 6 5<br />

7 65<br />

9 48<br />

42 67<br />

$428 7 1


Paid Charlet H . Brown,<br />

Harry B. Brown,<br />

George P . Mace,<br />

John A. Philbrick,<br />

George M. Dearborn,<br />

Orin L. <strong>Lane</strong>,<br />

George W. Barbour,<br />

Erving Garland,<br />

Ernest J. Mace,<br />

Percey Jenness,<br />

Herbert Blake,<br />

Charles A . Blake,<br />

William T. Ross,<br />

Frank H. Fogg,<br />

Jonathan Garland,<br />

Herbert E. Lamprey,<br />

Frank A. Lamprey,<br />

Edward P. Brown,<br />

Frank A. Palmer,<br />

$12 66<br />

S 60<br />

42 06<br />

12 66<br />

12 00<br />

12 66<br />

12 66<br />

12 60<br />

12 06<br />

5 44<br />

5 -{<br />

3 9 1<br />

10 00<br />

5 44<br />

5 44<br />

5 44<br />

5 44<br />

3 9 1<br />

5 44<br />

$ 1 59 90<br />


Paid William T . Ross, surveying, $8 25<br />

" oontract grading from Ward<br />

pit, 309 60<br />

William T. Ross, extra haul from S. Towle's pit, 191 06<br />

$508 25<br />


Paid 83 E. G. Cole & Co ., spikes, $46<br />

Fred Rollins, oak plank, 1 3 58<br />

L. B . Smith & Co., oak plank, 37 82<br />

C. S. Toppan, oak posts, 76 06<br />

B. & M. Railroad, old ties, 77 40

William S . Brown, cutting And teaming oak posts, $38 60<br />

Abbott 1 L. Young, iron bolt, 59 7<br />

Marston & True, edging plank, 2 65<br />

William T. Ross, labor, 60 60<br />

Austin Mace, 25 5 6<br />

Lewis H. Brown, team, 42 20<br />

Albert Coffin, " 34 66<br />

John T. Leavitt, 26 46<br />

John W. Mace, 21 93<br />

Herbert Philbrick, 22 44<br />

Ralph Emery, 16 71<br />

J 14. T. Godfrey, 7<br />

Oliver Hobbs, 19 43<br />

Roy Shaw, 10 26<br />

Thomas S. Blake, 14 28<br />

Charles Blake, 33 66<br />

Jeremiah Locke, 3 4 5<br />

J . B. Brown, 4 66<br />

Richard T . Lamprey, 1 S 36<br />

Edward Brown, 19 2<br />

John Brown, 1 53<br />

Morris <strong>Lane</strong>, 28 56<br />

Charles Saunders, 33 66<br />

Erving Drake, 6 42<br />

Joseph Nudd, 34 8 5<br />

Thomas Nudd,<br />

i8 o8<br />

Herbert Blake, 23 46<br />

Eben Lamprey, 32 43<br />

Edward 06 Lamprey, 3<br />

George Brown, 1 53<br />

John A. Philbrick, 28 60<br />

Fred Perkins, 29 53<br />

George W . Barbour, 24 06<br />

John 1. Dow, 41 78<br />

George M . Dearborn,<br />

8 oo<br />

Orin <strong>Lane</strong>,<br />

8 oo<br />

George P . Mace,<br />

8 oo<br />

Ervirig Garland, 8 00

0. H. Whittier,<br />

SCHOOLS.<br />

Paid Abbott L. Joplin, appropriation for schools, $1,500 00<br />

school<br />

supplies, So 00<br />

Abbott L. Joplin, appropriation for schoolhouse<br />

repairs, So 00<br />

Abbott L. Joplin, appropriation for transportmg<br />

scholars, I20 00<br />

John A. Ross, High School appropriation, Goo 06<br />

supplies, 189 56<br />

Abbott Norris, insurance on school houses, 58 00<br />

$2,627 5<br />


Paid George A Weare, timber for bridge,<br />

Daniel Littlefield, use of Pile Driver,<br />

C . S. Toppan, teaming<br />

Frank B. Brown, labor, piling and timber,<br />

Fred M . Willey,<br />

Merton H. James,<br />

Joshua E. James,<br />

Henry Lattime,<br />

Angus McPhee,<br />

Roy Shaw,<br />

John T. Leavitt,<br />

Joseph Durant,<br />

Henry Geantree,<br />

Clarence T. Brown,<br />

Frank James,<br />

A . L. Joplin,<br />

Fred Sanborn,<br />

J. F. Williams, piling,<br />

$ 4 7 1 5<br />

33 00<br />

9 86<br />

404 89<br />

6 00<br />

16 56<br />

14 25<br />

18 75<br />

6 00<br />

16 56<br />

1 50<br />

1 50<br />

1 50<br />

3 00<br />

4 06<br />

18 00<br />

4 06<br />

4 9 44

Simeon A . Shaw, 9. 00<br />

William S. Brown, teaming Pile Driver, 1I oo<br />

E. G. Cole & Co ., spikes, 4 29<br />

Town of Hampton Falls, 48 72<br />


Paid Heirs of Joseph R . Sanborn, abatement of<br />

school tax, $1 76<br />

Mrs. A. B . Hunkins, abatement on property<br />

overvalued, 7 76<br />

Miss property L. F. Sanborn, abatement on<br />

overvalued, 2 32<br />

Clarence T. Brown, abatement on property lost<br />

by fire, 27 90<br />

Heirs of John S . Towle abatement on property<br />

lost by fire, 7 75<br />

John W. Mason on poll taxes of Fred M . Shaw,<br />

$1 .31 ; Fred W . Brown, $1 .31 ; Horace B . Blake,<br />

$1 .31George Davis, HC<br />

Denne,<br />

$1.31 ; Daniel Y . Moulton, Jr., $I.31 ; Warren<br />

B. James, $ .66 . 8 52<br />

$33 2 79<br />


$56 00<br />

Salaries,<br />

Miscellaneous Expenses,<br />

Highways,<br />

Town Poor,<br />

County Poor,<br />

Grading road at the beach,<br />

Grading road at the logs and causeway,<br />

Grading Turnpike,<br />

Building Breakwater,<br />

Abatemtents,<br />

$683 10<br />

45 09 49<br />

2489<br />

18<br />

48o 00<br />

355 9 2<br />

428 71<br />

1 59 9 0<br />

508 25<br />

1057 7 0<br />

56 00

Schools, $2627 50<br />

Guinea Bridge, 33 2 79<br />

15<br />

Total expenditures by order on treasurer, $ 1 3388 54<br />



SIMEON A . SHAW,<br />

Selectmen<br />

of<br />

J Hampton.<br />

We have this day examined the the foregoing accounts of the<br />

Selectmen and find them well vouched and correctly cast.<br />

Hampton, February 22, <strong>1900</strong> .<br />


O. H. WHITTIER, Auditors.<br />


Treasurers' Report.<br />


Paid State tax, 81,058 25<br />

County tax, 1,71 67<br />

<strong>Memorial</strong> Day appropriation, 75 00<br />

library 100 00<br />

Interest on town notes, 340 00<br />

Discount on taxes paid prior to Aug . 2nd, 192 17<br />

Ringing curfew, 45 00<br />

A. L. Joplin, for sch00ls, 1500 00<br />

" repairs, 8o 00<br />

" " supplies, So oo<br />

" transportation of pupils, 120 00<br />

J . A. Ross, for High Sch00l, 400 00<br />

" " supplies, 189 50<br />

Board of Ellen Brown, 77 14<br />

for street lights, 200 00<br />

" police, 340 50<br />

" tomb, 538 00<br />

grading turnpike, 500 00<br />

Outstanding orders, 26 40<br />

Other orders, 5,522 02<br />

Total expenditures, $13,095<br />

6 5<br />


Received of J . W. Mason, balance taxes, 1898,<br />

« " 18 99,<br />

State R. R. tax,<br />

Savings Bank tax,<br />

Literary Fund,<br />

Town Clerk, dog tax,<br />

Hampton Beach Imp. Co .,<br />

$906 40<br />

9,688 66<br />

306 46<br />

3 2 7 4 0<br />

9 1 77<br />

100 50<br />

500 00

Estate F . A. Hill taxes,<br />

County,<br />

Cemetery lots,<br />

A. Godfrey estate taxes,<br />

for gravel, clay, and rocks,<br />

" fines,<br />

" use of road machine,<br />

" licenses,<br />

of James <strong>Lane</strong> taxes and costs,<br />

for rent of Hall,<br />

,$191 68<br />

259 44<br />

24 00<br />

8 00<br />

170 45<br />

109 00<br />

25 50<br />

7 00<br />

4 47<br />

5 8 00<br />

Total receipts, $ 12 ,77 8 73<br />

Balance due treasurer, $816 92<br />

HOWARD G . LANE, Treasurer.<br />

We have this day examined the foregoing accounts of the<br />

Treasurer and find them well vouched and correctly cast.<br />

Hampton, Feb . 22, <strong>1900</strong>.<br />


O. H . WHITTIER, Auditors.<br />


Reports of Highway Agents.<br />


Paid C. S. Toppan, for labor with team,<br />

George P . Mace,<br />

John I . Dow,<br />

Henry W . Emery,<br />

Joseph B .<br />

Brown,<br />

E. S. Drake,<br />

C. M . Dearborn,<br />

John A . Philbrick,<br />

Monroe Holmes,<br />

John G . Brown,<br />

Frank H . Fogg,<br />

E. C. Emery,<br />

E. G . Shaw,<br />

E. G. Shaw,<br />

John L . B . Thompson,<br />

$48 13<br />

4 00<br />

53 60<br />

3 2 77<br />

00 14<br />

8 12<br />

14 00<br />

12 00<br />

4 5°<br />

4 91<br />

7 12<br />

S 6ç<br />

6 Q7<br />

4 7 1 )<br />

44 03<br />

Total, 267 56<br />

Received from Town Treasurer, 267 56<br />

We have this day examined the foregoing account and find it<br />

well vouched and correctly cast .<br />

O. H . WHITTIER . Auditor,.<br />

HORACE M . LANE,<br />

Hampton, Feb . 22, <strong>1900</strong> .

19<br />


Paid D. J. Garland, for labor,<br />

William G . Cole,<br />

Warren Emery,<br />

Horace Hobbs,<br />

Oliver Hobbs,<br />

Henry Hobbs,<br />

James D . Holmes,<br />

Albert Johnson,<br />

G. B. Lamprey,<br />

Stacy L . Nudd,<br />

William Page,<br />

F. A. Palmer,<br />

Joseph Redman,<br />

E . P. Young,<br />

O. H. Whittier,<br />

D. H. Adams,<br />

Aaron Palmer,<br />

Walter E . Brown,<br />

Charles Brown,<br />

Monroe Holmes,<br />

Nathaniel Johnson,<br />

Joseph Johnson,<br />

E. P. Brown,<br />

Austin Johnson,<br />

Frank B. Brown,<br />

F. H. Fogg,<br />

W. J. Palmer,<br />

$22 02<br />

4 59<br />

16 12<br />

18 14<br />

4 49<br />

3 74<br />

3 o6<br />

17 4 6<br />

3 o6<br />

24 41<br />

11 55<br />

3 o6<br />

2 30<br />

8 31<br />

11 6o<br />

5 1<br />

3 42<br />

3 4 0<br />

6 94<br />

4 59<br />

4 59<br />

6 26<br />

1 53<br />

5 35<br />

5 00<br />

3' 2 3<br />

1 87<br />

Received from Town Treasurer,<br />

200 6o<br />

200 6o<br />

We have examined the foregoing accounts and find them well<br />

vouched and correctly cast.<br />

Hampton, Feb . 22, <strong>1900</strong> .<br />


O. H . WHITTIER, Auditors.<br />


06<br />

03<br />

$121<br />

20<br />


Paid John A . Philbrick,<br />

George E . Garland,<br />

Charles H. Brown,<br />

Frank Palmer,<br />

Percey Jenness,<br />

H. Lamprey,<br />

Uri Lamprey,<br />

A. D . Garland,<br />

William Page,<br />

J. Morgan,<br />

A. W. Gookin,<br />

J. S. Godfrey,<br />

J. A. Philbrick,<br />

S. L. Nudd,<br />

John A. Philbrick,<br />

Charles H. Brown,<br />

George E. Garland,<br />

D . J . Garland,<br />

Charles Blake,<br />

A. D . Garland,<br />

Percy Jenness,<br />

N. P. Lamprey,<br />

J . S. Leavitt,<br />

Charles W. Leavitt,<br />

J. S. Godfrey,<br />

L. H. Brown,<br />

Lewis H. Brown,<br />

oo<br />

IC) 25<br />

10 25<br />

2 38<br />

3 9 1<br />

3 9 1<br />

2 38<br />

4 2 5<br />

3 9 1<br />

68<br />

1 98<br />

8 5<br />

5 5 6<br />

2 25.<br />

6 00<br />

to 00<br />

6 00<br />

3<br />

3 o6<br />

3 o6<br />

3 o6<br />

3 06<br />

1 53<br />

1 53<br />

1 38<br />

7 53<br />

11 20<br />

Rec'd of Selectmen,<br />

420 92<br />

Balance due surveyor, $ 11<br />

We have this day examined the foregoing account and find it

well vouched and correctly cast for one hundred twenty-one dollars<br />

and three cents .<br />

Hampton, February 22, <strong>1900</strong>.<br />


O. H. WHITTIER, Auditors.<br />

HORACE M . LANE,<br />


1 53<br />

1 80<br />

Paid John Philbrick, and team, $4 00<br />

G . Dearborn, 4 00<br />

G . E. Garland, 16 00<br />

G. W. Barber, 4 00<br />

E. J. Mace, 4 00<br />

C. H. Brown, 42 00<br />

G . P. Mace, 4 00<br />

O. L. <strong>Lane</strong>, 4 00<br />

C. DeLancey, 16 00<br />

C. Ross, 5 1 77<br />

F. H . Fogg, 1 53<br />

F . A. Palmer, 53<br />

F. A. Lamprey,<br />

P. Jenness, 1 53<br />

H. E. Lamprey, 153<br />

J. Garland, 22<br />

6<br />

S. P . Brown, 3 06<br />

J. H. Dow, 43 66<br />

J. L. Nudd, 4 59<br />

W. F . 12 Babcock, 6<br />

O. W. Hobbs, 1<br />

S. W. Dearborn, lumber for bridge, 2 2 10<br />

J. A. <strong>Lane</strong> & Co ., spikes<br />

Total, 16 34<br />

We have this day examined the foregoing account and find it

1. 53<br />

well vouched and correctly cast for one hundred twenty-one dollars<br />

and three cents .<br />


O . H. WHITTIER,<br />


Auditors.<br />

Hampton, February 22, <strong>1900</strong>.<br />


Paid John Philbrick, and team,<br />

G . Dearborn,<br />

G. E. Garland,<br />

G. W. Barber,<br />

E. J. Mace,<br />

C. H . Brown,<br />

G. P. Mace,<br />

O. L. <strong>Lane</strong>,<br />

C. DeLancey,<br />

C. Ross,<br />

F. H . Fogg,<br />

F. A. Palmer,<br />

F. A. Lamprey,<br />

P. Jenness,<br />

H. E. Lamprey,<br />

J. Garland,<br />

S. P. Brown,<br />

J. H. Dow,<br />

J. L. Nudd,<br />

W. F. Babcock,<br />

O. W . Hobbs,<br />

S. W. Dearborn, lumber for bridge,<br />

J. A. <strong>Lane</strong> & Co ., spikes " "<br />

Total,<br />

1 80<br />

$4 00<br />

4 00<br />

16 00<br />

4 00<br />

4 00<br />

42 00<br />

4 00<br />

4 00<br />

16 00<br />

5 1 77<br />

153<br />

1 53<br />

1 53<br />

153<br />

6 22<br />

3 o6<br />

43 60<br />

4 59<br />

6 12<br />

1 53<br />

22 16<br />

$216 34<br />

We have this day examined the foregoing account and find it

22<br />

correctly cast and all properly vouched for with the exception ol<br />

the last two items .<br />

Hampton, Feb . 22d, <strong>1900</strong>.<br />


O . H. WHITTIER,<br />

HORACE M . LANE,<br />

Auditors.<br />


Paid Edward S. Elkins,<br />

Benjamin Leavitt,<br />

D . S. James,<br />

George J. Dearborn,<br />

C . J. Edgerly,<br />

George M. Dearborn,<br />

John W. Dearborn,<br />

Monroe Holmes,<br />

C . G. Marston,<br />

Oliver Wingate,<br />

J. P. Wingate,<br />

John A. Towle,<br />

H. B. Brown,<br />

John S. James,<br />

R. S. James,<br />

Charles E . Cutts,<br />

Wolott Coffin,<br />

$34 00<br />

15 00<br />

4 5 0<br />

4 5 0<br />

3 75<br />

42 00<br />

2 50<br />

1 50<br />

1 25<br />

5 0<br />

II o0<br />

2 75<br />

I2 00<br />

3 00<br />

6 00<br />

3 00<br />

118 oo<br />

Received from Town Treasurer, 118 00<br />

75<br />

We have examined the foregoing account and find it well<br />

vouched and correctly cast.<br />

Hampton, N. H. Feb . 22, <strong>1900</strong> .<br />


O. H. WHITTIER, Auditors.<br />



Paid Frank B. Brown, $141 70<br />


Paid Warren M . Batchelder, for gravel, $8 6o<br />

" " labor, 35 74<br />

J. H. Davis, 2 75<br />

W. E. Davis, I 2 5<br />

G. J . Dearborn, 4 03<br />

J . J . Dearborn, 13 50<br />

W . L. Drake, 4 5 2<br />

D. S. James, 4 7 8<br />

J . S. James, 4 00<br />

S. D. Taylor, 9 0 3<br />

John Taylor, 9 00<br />

Received from Town Treasurer, 97 20<br />

97 20<br />


Paid W . S. Brown,<br />

John Brown,<br />

Edward Brown.<br />

George Brown,<br />

J . C. Blake,<br />

B . H . Blake,<br />

B. A. Blake,<br />

J. P. Blake,<br />

G. M. Dearborn,<br />

I . E. <strong>Lane</strong>,<br />

Morris <strong>Lane</strong>,<br />

H . M. <strong>Lane</strong>,<br />

D. A . Marston,<br />

G P. Mace,<br />

Arthur Sanborn,<br />

$9 00<br />

6 12<br />

1 53<br />

3 o6<br />

1 53<br />

6 22<br />

1 53<br />

2 04<br />

9 06<br />

1 1: 64<br />

3 06<br />

8 00<br />

2 00<br />

9 00<br />

3 o6

2 4<br />

Charles Sanders, $3 06<br />

Samuel Godfrey, 4 06<br />

Sarah Miller, for gravel, 4 90<br />

O. L. <strong>Lane</strong>, 24 13<br />

Leon Mace, 34<br />

$112 52<br />

Received from Town Treasurer, $112 52<br />


Paid B. H. Blake, for labor, $7 19<br />

Ira E. <strong>Lane</strong>, 5 69<br />

J. C. Blake, 7 85<br />

E . B . Blake, 1 47<br />

Levi Blake, 4 36<br />

B. A. Blake, 4 8 4<br />

M. W. <strong>Lane</strong>, 8 41<br />

J. A. Philbrick, 6 00<br />

G. W. Barbour, 14 86<br />

O. L. <strong>Lane</strong>, S o6<br />

G. P. Mace, 14 86<br />

G . W. Brown, 5 27<br />

W. S. Brown, 6 86<br />

J. I. Page, 99<br />

C. A. Blake, 4 5 2<br />

W. T. Ross, I I 7 2<br />

E. Brown, 1 53<br />

Oliver 1 53 Hobbs,<br />

Samuel Godfrey, 14 86<br />

Received from Town Treasurer, $13o 81<br />

We have this day examined the foregoing accounts and find<br />

it correctly cast.<br />


O. H . WHITTIER, Auditors.<br />

HORACE M . LANE,<br />

Hampton Feb . 22, <strong>1900</strong> .

Paid Curtis DeLancey, $6 36<br />

Samuel W. Dearborn, 14 9 2<br />

John I . Dow, 2 00<br />

Washington H . Hobbs, 10 10<br />

Horace Hobbs,<br />

8 o6<br />

Oliver W. Hobbs,<br />

3 o6<br />

Elisha M. Lamprey, 7 06<br />

Howard E. Lamprey, 53<br />

Jacob B. Leavitt, 11 12<br />

John H . Page, 1<br />

7 3<br />

Richard Price, 4 93<br />

Charles Page, 1 96<br />

Warren H . Hobbs, 27 1 1<br />

$105 46<br />

We have examined the foregoing account and find it well<br />

vouched and correctly cast.<br />

Hampton, Feb . 22, <strong>1900</strong>.<br />


O. H. WHITTIER, Auditors.<br />



Paid Edward Lamprey, for labor,<br />

Henry Mace,<br />

John W. Mace,<br />

Eben Lamprey,<br />

Joseph J . Mace,<br />

Irvin E. Leavitt,<br />

Elbridge Knowles,<br />

Charles L . Lamprey,<br />

Fred Perkins, for gravel,<br />

C . DeLancey, .G 6C<br />

10 54<br />

2 55<br />

4 7 6<br />

6 89<br />

5 7 1<br />

3 06<br />

1 53<br />

2 10

Fred Lamprey, labor and. lumber,<br />

2 7 54<br />

Received from town treasurer,<br />

866 64<br />

66 64<br />

We have this day examined the foregoing account, and find<br />

it well vouched and correctly ( cast.<br />

Hampton, Feb . 22, <strong>1900</strong>.<br />


O. H . WHITTIER, .Auditors ..<br />

HORACE M . LANE,<br />


Paid John T. Leavitt, $10 30<br />

George Brown, 3 9 1<br />

Henry J. Perkins, 3 4 6<br />

George A. Johnson, 4 00<br />

Clarence 79 B. Johnson, 5<br />

John A. Philbrick, 6 00<br />

Joseph Perkins, 85<br />

Fred Perkins, 7 88<br />

Charles Brown, i 53<br />

Elias H . Perkins, 2 55<br />

Fred Perkins, 2 19<br />

$48 40<br />

We have examined this day the foregoing accounts and find<br />

them correctly cast .<br />

Hampton, Feb ., 2 2 , <strong>1900</strong>,<br />

O . H . WHITTIER,<br />

HORACE M . LANE,<br />


Report of Village Improvement<br />

Society.<br />

Balance from last year,<br />

Received of the town,<br />

Joel Jenkins,<br />

J. Q. Bennett,<br />

dues,<br />

$30 32<br />

200 00<br />

5 00<br />

5 06<br />

2 00<br />

$ 2 4 2 3 2<br />

Paid A . L. McPhee, lighting lamps, I27 56<br />

Warren H. Hobbs, 73 5 6<br />

Rockingham Electric Co ., 8 oo<br />

postage, 04<br />

burners and globes, 17 65<br />

wicks, 3 2 4<br />

repairing lamps,<br />

3 6o<br />

$223 65<br />

Balance on hand, $8 67<br />

D. H . ADAMS, Treasurer .

Report of <strong>Library</strong> Committee.<br />

Received balance from last year,<br />

$r i 8o<br />

From town, 100 06<br />

sale of cards, 52<br />

fines,<br />

5o<br />

sale of catalogues,<br />

Paid for new books, 63 09<br />

freight, stationary, and postage, 1 5o<br />

assistance in delivering books,<br />

8 oo<br />

fuel, oil, mucilage, etc . 3 00<br />

salary of librarian, 25 00<br />

covering 250 books, 2 50<br />

covering paper, 1 30<br />

gummed labels, 1 25<br />

200 library cards, 1 30<br />

3o<br />

$I13 42<br />

$106 94<br />

Balance on hand, $6 18<br />

Number of books added by purchase, 65 . Presented by Charles<br />

Francis Adams, 1 vol . ; Record Commissioners of Boston, 1 vol.<br />

Department of Agriculture, Washington, 1 vol . ; Department of the<br />

Interior, 2 vols . ; State of New Hampshire, 5 vols . ; Amos T.<br />

Leavitt, 1 vol . ; Red Cross Society, 1 vol . ; L. A. Morrison, Wind<br />

ham, N . H., 1 vol . ; making a total of 78 volumes added during<br />

the year. Total number of books on the catalogue, 2,465.<br />

Number of volumes issued during the year, 2239, an increase of<br />

157, Iargest on any one evening, 69 . Least number on any<br />

43 one evening, 14 . Average number per evening,<br />

It is gratifying to be able to report the usual good interest has<br />

been continued as is shown by the increased circulation . We wish

29<br />

to correct the erroneous impression, more or less prevalent, that our<br />

library is very largely composed of fiction . Of the books added the<br />

past year, 52 per cent were works of fiction, while of the total number<br />

in the library, only 35 per cent belong to this class of literature.<br />

In the majority of cases, the books given to our boys to read,<br />

are recommended by the highest educators in our country as wholesome<br />

and instructive, and we believe they have quite driven out the<br />

yellow covered literature so abundant twenty-five or thirty years ago,<br />

To those who have generously given books to our library, we extend<br />

our thanks .<br />

SIMEON A . SHAW,<br />

) <strong>Library</strong><br />


Hampton Academy and High<br />

School.<br />

J . Sanborn, Principal.<br />

Miss Anna M. Cole,<br />

Assistant.<br />

Calendar, <strong>1900</strong> - 1901.<br />

Spring term of twelve weeks begins March 26, <strong>1900</strong>.<br />

Fall term of twelve weeks begins September 10, <strong>1900</strong>.<br />

Winter term of twelve weeks: begins December 3, <strong>1900</strong>.<br />

Baccalaureate sermon, Sunday, June 17, 1960.<br />

Class Day Exercises, Wednesday, June 2o, <strong>1900</strong>.<br />


Class graduating in 1899, 5<br />

Senior Class of <strong>1900</strong> . 11<br />

Advanced Middle Class, 10<br />

Middle Class,<br />

to<br />

Junior Class, 26<br />

Total, 62<br />

Percentage of attendance for the year, .92<br />


Received of town . $6oo 00<br />

From invested funds, 254 06<br />

Tuition fees, 255 5 8<br />

Sale of books, 3 8 75<br />

$1,148 33<br />

Principal's salary, $800 00<br />

Assistant's 300 00<br />

janitor's " 25 06<br />

Special lessons in elocution, 15 00<br />

Fuel, 49 14<br />

Miscellaneous,<br />

38 6o<br />

$1,227 74

3 1<br />


Paid J . L. Hammett Co ., for stationery,<br />

$iS 4a<br />

Ginn & Co ., 66 46<br />

American Book Co ., 40 33<br />

Harper & Bros ., 8 71<br />

University Publishing Co ., 13 00<br />

Silver, Burdett & Co ., 48<br />

Prang Educational Co ., 6 8 4<br />

Rand, McNally & Co ., 20 45<br />

Dow's History of Hampton, 5 50<br />

Express, 3 61<br />

$18S 8o<br />

We have to report a year of almost unprecedented prosperity.<br />

For years the attendance has not been so large, nor has there<br />

been so large a number of scholars from neighboring towns. Under<br />

its able tutorial management, the Academy has recovered,<br />

and more than recovered its lost prestige. It is now doing<br />

admirable work. Your committee are more than satisfied with<br />

the result. We are proud of our School . We think that now it is on<br />

a sound foundation . We gratefully acknowledge the donation of<br />

two hundred dollars from Mr. Tuck, which has enabled us to<br />

paint the building, (it was badly needed) and add other needed improvements<br />

. The financial statement shows a small balance against<br />

the Academy, but we are out of debt . We intend to remain so.<br />

The Academy is furnishing to the town, educational privileges,<br />

such as few towns of this size have, and at a comparatively<br />

small cost. Were it not for the Academy, three times the<br />

sum could not provide Hampton with a High Sch00l . We now ask<br />

for the usual appropriation . We are confident that it will not be<br />

refused. Not to vote it would be to close the doors of the Academy<br />

and for this, you are not prepared . You appreciate the worth of the<br />

school, and wish it continued . Its interests are in safe<br />

hands. As for the future. the purpose is to raise the grade of the<br />

school, and make it a still more valuable part of our educational system<br />

.<br />

J. A. ROSS, Chairman,<br />

Hampton, February 20, <strong>1900</strong> .

3 2<br />

We have this dav examined the foregoing accounts of the High<br />

School and find them well vouched and correctly cast.<br />

O. H . WHITWHITTIER, Auditors.<br />

HORACE M . LANE,<br />


Hampton Feb . 22, <strong>1900</strong> .

School Report,<br />

During our past year, our schools have done good work, their progress<br />

proving a source of gratification to both the Board and<br />

the teachers. The Centre and North Primary Schools have the<br />

same teachers as last year, but changes have been made in the<br />

Grammar and East Primary Schools.<br />

The East Primary is taught by Miss Etta C . Blake. This is<br />

her first school and she is to be congratulated upon her success.<br />

Miss Elizabeth B . Norris, being obliged to give up the Grammar<br />

School on account of ill health, the Board was fortunate in securing<br />

the services of Miss Adelaide C . Merrill . She has a large school<br />

and has had good success in her work.<br />

The faithful work of the teacher of the Center Primary School has,<br />

as usual, shown pleasing results, as has also that of Miss Annie<br />

M. Page of the North Primary School.<br />

During the year, we have changed the grammars and spellers<br />

in all the schools, this being regarded as a decided improvement.<br />

We have also introduced a new set of maps into the Grammar<br />

School, which are up-to-date in every way.<br />

The Board wishes to call the attention of the school district to the<br />

cost of the transportation of scholars. The Board thinks that<br />

it would be a feasible idea to have a school in the west part of<br />

the town or Bride Hill district, in order to avoid the expense of<br />

transportation of scholars.<br />

It is advisable for the parents to visit the schools as often as possible,<br />

and we would urge them to do so, thereby giving encouragement<br />

to both teachers and scholars.<br />

CHARLES M. BATCHELDER, Chairman,<br />

Hampton, Feb . 19, <strong>1900</strong> .

34<br />



Scholars enrolled, 68<br />

Average a t t e n d a n c e<br />


Scholars enrolled 54<br />

Average attendance, 89<br />


Scholars enrolled, 3<br />

1<br />

Average attendance,<br />

91<br />


Scholars enrolled, 19<br />

Average attendance 9 5<br />


J . Edwin Thompson,<br />

Jeanette B. Thurlow,<br />

Ada A. Thurlow.<br />



Cash on hand and received of Town<br />

Treasurer, $2408 83<br />

Paid E . B. Norris, $288 00<br />

F. F. Carswell, 300 00<br />

A. M. Page, 225 oo<br />

Isabelle Hobbs, 10 4 75<br />

Etta C 00. Blake, 88<br />

A. M . Merrill, 120 00<br />

E. J . Holmes, 34 8 .3<br />

A. A. Brown, Janitor, 5 oo<br />

Wolcot Coffin, " i0 00<br />

B. Dukeshire, " 5 00<br />

E. L. Nudd, " 2 50<br />

F. J . Greenleaf, wood, 46 65.

Paid F . B. Brown. wood $ 13 20<br />

S. W. Dearborn, " 3 00<br />

F. Jenness, sawing wood, 2 00<br />

J. L. B. Thompson, " 2 25<br />

Rufus Johnson, 3 69<br />

George Emery, I 50<br />

Charles Saunders, " 3 oo<br />

A. H . Mayland, 6 00<br />

P. Jenness, 1 00<br />

A . L. Dukeshire, i 75<br />

Mrs. F. H. Fogg, cleaning schoolhouse, 8 00<br />

Annabelle Hobbs, " 4 00<br />

L. H . Brown, grading, 4 40<br />

M. Holmes, cleaning yards, 6 oo<br />

E . G. Cole, supplies, = 7 73<br />

S. W. Dearborn, post, 30<br />

35<br />


Paid Rand McNally & Co., $37 00<br />

Git & Co ., 15 20<br />

Werner Co., 96<br />

J. Templeton, 3 9 0<br />

Silver Burdett Co ., i 50<br />

American Book Co ., l9 68<br />

Hammett & Co ., 3 57<br />

$1 3 1 7 55<br />

Paid A . K. Blake,<br />

T. A. Brown,<br />

N . J . Norton,<br />

REPAIRS.<br />

7255<br />

I I 75<br />

35<br />

$8r 8r<br />

$84 65<br />

Paid Exeter S. R. R .,<br />

I. E . Leavitt,<br />

J. E. James,<br />

$120 00<br />

15 oo<br />

29 20<br />


36<br />

J. F. Williams, $16 50<br />

$180 7 0<br />

Cash to Balance, 744 12<br />

$2408 83<br />

We have this day examined the foregoing accounts and find it<br />

vouched and correctly cast.<br />

Hampton, Feb . 22, <strong>1900</strong> .<br />


O. H. WHIT VIER, } Auditors.<br />


BIRTHS Registered in the Town of Hampton, N . H ., for the year ending December 31, 1899.<br />

~ ~I I<br />

Date Name of Child . Name of Maiden Name of Birthplace of Birthplace of<br />

1899. (if any .) ky °<br />

C7<br />

Father . Mother . Father. Mother.<br />

m<br />

Jan . 2 M I I. Clarence M . Dearborn, Marion A. Lamprey, Hampton, North Hampton,<br />

Jan . 24 M 1 L Joseph F . Holmes, Frances Snider, Portsmouth, New Brunswick.<br />

March 3 M 4 I, Geoege B. Blake, Marietta Lamprey, Hampton, Hampton.<br />

April 29 F 1 L Howell M . Lamprey Georgie W. Winslow, Hampton, IWiscassett, Me.<br />

April 7 M 3 L Adna D . Garland, Lillian Patten, Hampton, Nova Scotia.<br />

June 1 Eloise Frances <strong>Lane</strong>, F L Howard G . <strong>Lane</strong>, Sarah M . Hobbs, Hampton . Hampton.<br />

June 27 Philip N. Blake, M 4 L Jotham P Blake, Martha A . Shaw, Hampton, Hampton.<br />

June 21 F 4 I, Simeon A Shaw, Isabel Cole, Hampton, Portsmouth.<br />

Aug . 20 M i L Michael B . Lyons, IMary Farlett, Ireland, Westbury, Mass,<br />

Aug. 26 2 L William Brown, Cora E . Blake, Hampton Falls, Hampton,<br />

Sept . 4 M 3 L 'William T . Keene, Mary I) . Shaw, Somerville Mass, Kensington, N H<br />

Sept . 9 2 William J . Randall, Lillian A . Donnelly, Newfoundland, West Newton Ms<br />

Sept . 13 M 1 L Oliver W . Hobbs, Ardenia I . Blake, Hampton, Hampton.<br />

Sept . 24 M i I. Samuel S. Smith, Mary E . Marden, Epping, N. H„ Candia, N . H.<br />

Oct . 1 . Harold Glidden Perkins, M r L Fred E . Perkins, Belle Glidden, Hampton, Stanstead, Que.<br />

Oct . 24 M 10 L Frank Fogg, Minnie Capson, North Hampton, New Brunswick.<br />

Nov . 3 M 3 S Albert Johnson, Florence Fogg, Hampton, North Hampton,<br />

Nov . 5 M 1 L George H . Elkins, Hannah Doherty, Hampton, Ireland.<br />

Nov . 25 Clival Gordon Lindsey, M 3 I. George 1'. Lindsey, Alice G . Godfrey, Bedford, N . H .. Hampton.<br />

Dec . 4 Stanley Ward Blake, M 3 L John Colby Blake, Mary E. Shaw, Hampton, Hampton.<br />

Dec. it F 1 S Michael Cogger, Isabelle Godfrey, Hampton, New Brunswick .

Clergyman.<br />

MARRIAGES Registered in the Town of Hampton, N . H ., for the year ending Dec. 31, 1899 .<br />

-<br />

ac rn<br />

o<br />

0<br />

Name, Residence<br />

Date Place of Name and Surname of Place of flirth Name of and Official Station<br />

'899 . Marriage . Groom and Bride- . of each . Parents . of Person<br />

by }ahom Married.<br />

A ug. S Hampton . John D . Goodwin 29 W Plaistow, N . H, Daniel L . Goodwin, tst ., John N . bradford,<br />

Myrtle B . Taylor, 17 A,Haverhill, Mass . Sarah F . Brown, 1st. Minister M E Church.<br />

Flora U . West.<br />

Aug. 24 Hampton, Edith Young, 123 W Brunswick, Stephen Young, ist J . A . Ross,<br />

George Stetson, 24 W Illangor, t ' Mary Anderson, list . Clergyman.<br />

George Stetson,<br />

Nettie L . Boynton,<br />

I<br />

Sept . 12 Portsmouth, Frederick S . Donnell, 28 1W Bath, " Calvin Donnell, H. E . Hovey,<br />

Sept. 20 hampton,<br />

Thomas L. Perkins,<br />

Sarah E . Peirce,<br />

Benjamin J. Colvin, 26 W Washington, D.C. James K. Colvin, sr., J. Ross,<br />

. House,<br />

W. H. Hobbs,<br />

Maria T . Godfrey,<br />

Sept. 25 hampton, David A . Towle, W Hampton, David Towle .<br />

Esther L. Durkee . 39 W Highgate, V t., Mary Garland,<br />

2 d G. O . Wiggin,<br />

Clergyman.<br />

Joseph Durkee,<br />

Susan Thompson.<br />

Oct . 4 Hampton . Charles.M. Thayer, 2r W Chester, N.H. Halen Thayer, 1st J.N.Bradford,<br />

Emma A . House, 21 W Hamstead, Etta T . Tobin, 1st, Minister M E Church.<br />

Horatio T<br />

Dec . 25 [ Lincoln. Me .,<br />

Julia A .House,<br />

Fred Harrison, W Joseph I . Harrison, 1st . C. J. Johommet,<br />

Emma D. Taylor, W Charlott Snider, 1 st .' clergyman.<br />

Xenophon Taylor,<br />

Mary A . Creighton,

le<br />

DEATHS registered in the Town of Hampton, N . H ., for the year ending December 31st, 1899.<br />

Age.<br />

Date Name and Surname of Years of ame of<br />

Maiden Name of<br />

1899. Deceased Birth M f ather. Mother.<br />

Jan Brown. . 27 Abram I . Towle, 70 10 M W Abraham P Towle, Eliza A<br />

Feb 2 Harold R. Fogg, 3 7 10 Hampton, N M W S Frank Fogg, Minnie Capson.<br />

Feb . 9 Mary A . <strong>Lane</strong>,<br />

F (W iS<br />

Feb . 12 Alice Marta Worthen, 55 25<br />

Feh 26 Sarah Davis 89 Fj Wakefield „ F W W Edward Dearborn, Sallie Wentworth.<br />

March 2 Gertrude A . Godfrey . 26 1 Hampton, F W S Samuel F Godfrey, Elsie J Marden.<br />

March 25 Ida L . Godfrey, 2 9 7 24 H ampton, F W M Geroge F, Blake, Sarah J. Rowe,<br />

May Minnie 10 Capson. Lewis R . Fogg, S. 11 ,Hampton, M W S Frank Fogg,<br />

July Dow. 13 Oliver A . Brown, 79 1 9 1 11 Hampton, m W M Moses A Brown, Nancy<br />

July 27 Rea Fogg, 3 26 Hampton, F \V S Frank Fogg, Minnie Capson.<br />

Aug . 2 1John Maynard . 83 .l 6 France, W M<br />

Sept Matilda L. Irving. 731 7 Hampton NIL , F W W Benjamin Shaw, eavitt.<br />

Mary A . Lamprey 53 10 14 Hampton, F w Moses Towle, Christiana Batchelder.<br />

Sept . 29 Mary J . Redman . 60 11 27 Hampton, F W M Morris Hobbs, Nancy Perkins.<br />

Sept . 29 Joseph A. Dearborn, 67 6 11 Hampton M W W John Dearborn, Mary Ann Towle.<br />

Oct . 5 David Brown, 86 3 9 No.. Hampton” M W M David Brown, Ruth lamprey.<br />

Oct 20 Elias D. Elkins, 72 6 5 Hampton, M W M Jonathan Elkins, Joanna Drew.<br />

Nov . 4 Sarah Godfrey, 81 5 12 Hampton, F W W Jacob Godfrey, Dorothy Garland.<br />

Dec 28 Sarah A . Towle, 75 10 2 Rye . F W S Samuel Towle, Fanny Jenness.<br />

Dec . 30 Sarah Weare, F w M

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