volume 1 - Halifax Regional Municipality

volume 1 - Halifax Regional Municipality volume 1 - Halifax Regional Municipality


Halifax Water Integrated Resource Plan Executive Summary Table ES-3 New or Refined IRP Programs 2013-2043 Program Description Capital Enhanced Overflow Control Enhanced WWTF Nutrient Reduction WWTF Compliance Upgrades WSER HHSP Secondary Treatment Upgrade Enhanced Annual Asset Renewal Water Transmission Main Replacement Program I/I Pilot Program New Assessment Programs New Planning Programs • New program to control selected (19 non-growth and 9 growth already considered in RWWFP) overflows to a uniform level of 10 overflows per average year. • Program is in addition to the RWWFP, which will offset the impact of growth on overflows. • New program to control nutrient (N, P) discharges to sensitive or limited receiving waters at 10 WWTFs. • Two options were considered: o Modified RWWFP - upgrade of 9 WWTFs - Wellington, Frame, Mill Cove, North Preston, Aerotech Middle Musquodoboit, Lockview- MacPherson, Uplands Park, and Springfield Lake to Limit of Technology (LOT) in addition to the Beechville-Lakeside-Timberlea (BLT) upgrade under way. o RWWFP - upgrade of 8 WWTFs plus BLT upgrade under way and in longer-term consolidate BLT into Herring Cove WWTF and Springfield Lake WWTF into Mill Cove WWTF as per RWWFP. • Additional projects beyond those in Five-Year Capital Plan for upgrading current WWTFs for compliance with Permit to Operate (PTO). • New program responding to Canadian Federal Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations (WSER) program requiring upgrade of the 3 HHSP WWTFs to secondary treatment. • Enhanced asset renewal based on a risk-based composite asset renewal program balancing failure consequences and renewal expenditures. The composite specifies an individual level of renewal for each asset category. • An enhanced program updated through the IRP that integrated transmission main replacement with growth related expansion requirements. • An enhanced program initiated under the Five-Year Capital Plan to develop Halifax specific I/I source, reduction feasibility and reduction costs data at a number of pilot sites. • A new climate change assessment program intended to examine the impacts of climate change on Halifax Water current infrastructure, operations and future design requirements. • A new stormwater quality assessment program designed to assess likely future stormwater quality management requirements. • A number of new planning programs providing comprehensive input to future IRPs including: o Water Master Plan addressing the system needs for regulatory compliance, asset renewal and growth. o Wastewater Master Plan addressing the system needs for regulatory compliance, asset renewal and growth. o Wet Weather System Plan presenting demand reduction (I/I) and overflow control strategies as input to the Wastewater Master Plan. o Lead Services Replacement Program o Water Efficiency Program $173.0 million Depends on option considered $207.9 million $230.6 million $5.8 million $287.0 million $1,600 million $126.0 million $1.7 million $0.7 million $0.3 million $3.8 million $3.8 million $14.3 million $2.3 million $2.9 million Revision: 2012-10-29 Integrated Resource Plan – Executive Summary ES-12 October 31 2012 Page 14 of 272

Halifax Water Integrated Resource Plan Executive Summary ES 7. ES 7.1 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN FORMULATION AND EVALUATION Alternative Resource Plan Formulation and Evaluation Considering the key drivers - regulatory compliance, asset renewal and growth - an initial set of 28 alternative resource plans were developed to meet the water, wastewater, and stormwater service needs of Halifax Water's service areas through to the year 2043. The initial plans reflected variations on the timing and nature of wastewater system compliance; levels of asset renewal investment, and the degree of overflow control. The initial plans were evaluated in terms of their 30-year net present value (NPV) cost, their compliance timing, and their potential environmental and public health impacts. Based on this analysis, 18 intermediate plans worthy of further consideration were identified. Using a single composite asset renewal strategy, redundant intermediate plans were eliminated and 10 refined plans were developed. The 30-year NPV at this stage in the alternative resource plan development and analysis was similar for all resource plans. Based on environmental and public health impacts the 10 refined plans were further reduced to 4 short-list plans. A recommended plan was selected from the 4 short-list plans based on the benefits of nutrient control and the enhanced overflow control program. ES 7.2 Demand Reduction One of the key requirements of the IRP Terms of Reference was the examination of demand reduction strategies for both the water and wastewater systems. The purpose was to explore the opportunities to incorporate such strategies as the focus of one or more of the resource plans. Unfortunately, systematic data that would allow a comprehensive examination of I/I reduction in particular were not available. Consequently, a high-level analysis of opportunities was carried out with a view to informing future integrated resource plan evaluation of the potential for incorporating demand reduction strategies. The focus of the analysis was the Dartmouth WWTF, which the RWWFP identified as requiring expansion due to growth. Results of the highlevel analysis of the demand reduction potential in the Dartmouth WWTF sewershed indicate that it may be possible to reduce anticipated flows sufficiently to defer the required expansion of the plant beyond the end of the planning period in 2043. This supports the importance of including a robust treatment of demand reduction strategies in regional wastewater planning, including the proposed Wet Weather System Plan and Wastewater Master Plan. The results of such analysis may significantly impact the recommended plan and should be incorporated when the IRP is updated. Through a more comprehensive demand reduction analysis, Halifax Water will be able to assess the effectiveness and affordability of a range of demand reduction solutions for the wastewater system that may include additional system storage, sewer Revision: 2012-10-29 Integrated Resource Plan – Executive Summary ES-13 October 31 2012 Page 15 of 272

<strong>Halifax</strong> Water Integrated Resource Plan<br />

Executive Summary<br />

Table ES-3 New or Refined IRP Programs 2013-2043<br />

Program Description Capital<br />

Enhanced Overflow<br />

Control<br />

Enhanced WWTF<br />

Nutrient Reduction<br />

WWTF Compliance<br />

Upgrades<br />


Secondary<br />

Treatment Upgrade<br />

Enhanced Annual<br />

Asset Renewal<br />

Water Transmission<br />

Main Replacement<br />

Program<br />

I/I Pilot Program<br />

New Assessment<br />

Programs<br />

New Planning<br />

Programs<br />

• New program to control selected (19 non-growth and 9 growth<br />

already considered in RWWFP) overflows to a uniform level of 10<br />

overflows per average year.<br />

• Program is in addition to the RWWFP, which will offset the impact of<br />

growth on overflows.<br />

• New program to control nutrient (N, P) discharges to sensitive or<br />

limited receiving waters at 10 WWTFs.<br />

• Two options were considered:<br />

o Modified RWWFP - upgrade of 9 WWTFs - Wellington, Frame, Mill<br />

Cove, North Preston, Aerotech Middle Musquodoboit, Lockview-<br />

MacPherson, Uplands Park, and Springfield Lake to Limit of<br />

Technology (LOT) in addition to the Beechville-Lakeside-Timberlea<br />

(BLT) upgrade under way.<br />

o RWWFP - upgrade of 8 WWTFs plus BLT upgrade under way and in<br />

longer-term consolidate BLT into Herring Cove WWTF and<br />

Springfield Lake WWTF into Mill Cove WWTF as per RWWFP.<br />

• Additional projects beyond those in Five-Year Capital Plan for<br />

upgrading current WWTFs for compliance with Permit to Operate<br />

(PTO).<br />

• New program responding to Canadian Federal Wastewater Systems<br />

Effluent Regulations (WSER) program requiring upgrade of the 3 HHSP<br />

WWTFs to secondary treatment.<br />

• Enhanced asset renewal based on a risk-based composite asset<br />

renewal program balancing failure consequences and renewal<br />

expenditures. The composite specifies an individual level of renewal<br />

for each asset category.<br />

• An enhanced program updated through the IRP that integrated<br />

transmission main replacement with growth related expansion<br />

requirements.<br />

• An enhanced program initiated under the Five-Year Capital Plan to<br />

develop <strong>Halifax</strong> specific I/I source, reduction feasibility and reduction<br />

costs data at a number of pilot sites.<br />

• A new climate change assessment program intended to examine the<br />

impacts of climate change on <strong>Halifax</strong> Water current infrastructure,<br />

operations and future design requirements.<br />

• A new stormwater quality assessment program designed to assess<br />

likely future stormwater quality management requirements.<br />

• A number of new planning programs providing comprehensive input to<br />

future IRPs including:<br />

o Water Master Plan addressing the system needs for regulatory<br />

compliance, asset renewal and growth.<br />

o Wastewater Master Plan addressing the system needs for<br />

regulatory compliance, asset renewal and growth.<br />

o Wet Weather System Plan presenting demand reduction (I/I) and<br />

overflow control strategies as input to the Wastewater Master<br />

Plan.<br />

o Lead Services Replacement Program<br />

o Water Efficiency Program<br />

$173.0 million<br />

Depends on<br />

option<br />

considered<br />

$207.9 million<br />

$230.6 million<br />

$5.8 million<br />

$287.0 million<br />

$1,600 million<br />

$126.0 million<br />

$1.7 million<br />

$0.7 million<br />

$0.3 million<br />

$3.8 million<br />

$3.8 million<br />

$14.3 million<br />

$2.3 million<br />

$2.9 million<br />

Revision: 2012-10-29 Integrated Resource Plan – Executive Summary ES-12<br />

October 31 2012 Page 14 of 272

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