Guidelines for the Preparation of Transportation Impact Studies - 8th ...

Guidelines for the Preparation of Transportation Impact Studies - 8th ... Guidelines for the Preparation of Transportation Impact Studies - 8th ...


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1.0 Introduction: Transportation, Development, and Municipal Plans 1.0.1 Central to the development of a Halifax Regional Municipality position on development and redevelopment applications is consideration of the extent to which these proposals are consistent with the objectives and policies of the Municipal Planning Strategies/Municipal Development Plans and the Regional Plan. Transportation is one of a number of policy areas that must be considered, including those related to the development of a liveable and sustainable urban area, economic development, environmental health, and social well-being. Amalgamation of the four former municipal units included a service exchange which involved Halifax Regional Municipality becoming the approving authority for transportation aspects of development in areas of the former County where development activity is concentrated. Therefore, some of the policies that were applied to development by the Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Public Works have been or are being replaced by policies more appropriate for Halifax Regional Municipality. 1.0.2 The objective in the former City of Halifax Municipal Development Plan provides guidance generally how development applications will be reviewed. The objective is: “The provision of a transportation network with special emphasis on public transportation and pedestrian safety and convenience which minimizes detrimental effects on residential and business neighbourhoods, and which maximizes accessibility from home to work and to business and community facilities.” The various Municipal Planning Strategies and Plans have similar language. The details of how these principles are applied to development applications will naturally have to vary depending on the context. Developments in very low density unserviced residential areas located well away from concentrations of population and activity centres will require different transportation systems than more intense settlements. From a transportation perspective, Halifax Regional Municipality review of development and redevelopment applications attempts to strike an appropriate balance between facilitating development, encouraging walking, cycling and the use of transit and other high-occupancy vehicles, integrating development with the transportation system, protecting for future transportation system changes and balancing transportation supply and demand. In turn, consistency of a development or redevelopment proposal with Council's transportation policies is often weighed against consistency with other objectives and policies. TISGUIDE8.WPD September 1, 2007 page 3

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TISGUIDE8.WPD September 1, 2007 page 2

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