Bedford Land Use By-law - Halifax Regional Municipality

Bedford Land Use By-law - Halifax Regional Municipality Bedford Land Use By-law - Halifax Regional Municipality


24. Abutting Zone Requirements Where a commercial or industrial zone abuts existing residential uses and/or zones, or park uses and/or zones, in order to provide a visual and noise barrier between these uses, the following shall apply to the abutting yards: a) the minimum distance between the main buildings shall be 40 feet, except for shopping centres where the minimum distance shall be 60 feet; b) no open storage nor outdoor display shall be permitted in the required abutting yard in the Commercial or Industrial Zone; c) where parking spaces are provided in an abutting yard in any commercial zone such parking spaces shall be screened by a buffer, fence, or combination thereof; d) in addition to the provisions of Part 5, Section 38, signs located in an abutting yard shall be subject to the following requirements: i) all signs shall be non-illuminated; ii) only directional or business identification signs shall be permitted; iii) iv) the maximum sign area shall be twenty (20) square feet; the maximum height of a ground sign from the grade level to the highest part of the sign (including the sign structure) shall be fifteen (15) feet; v) all signs shall be setback at least ten (10) feet from the abutting property line. e) objectionable uses shall not be located in abutting yards. 25. Height Regulations The height regulations of this By-law shall not apply to church spires, water tanks, elevator enclosures, silos, flagpoles, television or radio antennae, solar panels, ventilators, skylights, satellite dishes (NWCC-Apr 8/03;E-Apr 12/03), chimneys or clock towers. 26. Illumination No person shall erect any illuminated sign or shall illuminate an area outside any building unless such illumination is directed away from adjoining properties and any adjacent streets. 27. Special Requirement: 1:100 Floodway Fringe No building, structure or use shall be permitted (NWCC-Apr 8/03;E-Apr 12/03) within the 1 in 100 year floodway fringe as identified on the Zoning Map, unless the following special requirements are met: a) The "minimum opening elevation", which is to mean the lowest point in a building, such as a door sill or window sill, through which flood waters may flow into the building, shall be above the regulatory flood-protection elevation (as determined by the floodplain map for the Sackville river). b) Fill shall be permitted to be placed on lots within the 1 in 100 year floodway fringe only when: i) the amount of fill is restricted to that area over which the main structure is located as well as three (3) metres from the perimeter of the foundation of the said building. Bedford Land Use By-law Page 33

ii) the fill shall be placed to a height within six (6) inches of the applicable minimum opening elevation. iii) such fill when placed has a minimum perimeter slope of three to one (3:1). iv) the slopes are stabilized through the use of landscaping or other means to prevent erosion. c) Notwithstanding Section (b) (i) the area of fill around the main structure may be increased in width if it is determined by a qualified engineer that such an increase is required to prevent hydraulic loading on the foundation. GENERAL PROVISIONS: ACCESSORY BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES 28. Accessory Uses Permitted Where this By-law provides that any land may be used or a building or structure may be erected or used for a purpose the purpose includes any accessory use thereof. 29. Accessory Buildings a) Accessory uses, buildings and structures shall be permitted in any zone within the Town but shall not: i) be used for human habitation; ii) iii) be located within the required front yard of a lot; be built closer than four (4) feet to any lot line except for common semi-detached garages which may be centred on the mutual side lot line or boat houses and boat docks which may be built to the lot line when the line corresponds to the high water mark of the Bedford Basin; iv) exceed fifteen feet (15) feet in height in any Residential Zone; v) exceed 750 square feet in total floor area for all accessory space on a lot in any Residential Zone, except for public buildings and uses and swimming pools; vi) be built within six (6) feet of the main building; vii) be considered an accessory building if attached to the main building in any way or be considered an accessory structure if located completely underground. b) Notwithstanding anything else in this by-law, drop awnings, clothes poles, flag poles, garden trellises, fences, children play structures, satellite dishes (NWCC-Apr 8/03;E-Apr 12/03), uncovered decks no higher than 2 (two) feet and retaining walls shall be exempted from any requirements for accessory uses under subsection (a.) c) Garbage collection bins and stalls shall be subject to the accessory building provisions of this section and shall be fenced or otherwise enclosed by a structure so as not to be visible from any street or adjacent residential property. d) Swimming pools shall be completely enclosed with fencing, a minimum of five (5) feet in height. 29A. Shipping Containers as Accessory Buildings a) Shipping containers may not be used as accessory buildings to a residential use or in a commercial zone. Shipping containers may be used as accessory buildings only in an industrial zone, pursuant to applicable requirements for accessory buildings and pursuant to applicable zone standards including those relating to setbacks, screening and landscaping. Where a shipping container is to Bedford Land Use By-law Page 34

ii) the fill shall be placed to a height within six (6) inches of the applicable<br />

minimum opening elevation.<br />

iii) such fill when placed has a minimum perimeter slope of three to one (3:1).<br />

iv)<br />

the slopes are stabilized through the use of landscaping or other means to<br />

prevent erosion.<br />

c) Notwithstanding Section (b) (i) the area of fill around the main structure may be<br />

increased in width if it is determined by a qualified engineer that such an increase is<br />

required to prevent hydraulic loading on the foundation.<br />


28. Accessory <strong>Use</strong>s Permitted<br />

Where this <strong>By</strong>-<strong>law</strong> provides that any land may be used or a building or structure may be<br />

erected or used for a purpose the purpose includes any accessory use thereof.<br />

29. Accessory Buildings<br />

a) Accessory uses, buildings and structures shall be permitted in any zone within the<br />

Town but shall not:<br />

i) be used for human habitation;<br />

ii)<br />

iii)<br />

be located within the required front yard of a lot;<br />

be built closer than four (4) feet to any lot line except for common semi-detached<br />

garages which may be centred on the mutual side lot line or boat houses and boat<br />

docks which may be built to the lot line when the line corresponds to the high<br />

water mark of the <strong>Bedford</strong> Basin;<br />

iv) exceed fifteen feet (15) feet in height in any Residential Zone;<br />

v) exceed 750 square feet in total floor area for all accessory space on a lot in any<br />

Residential Zone, except for public buildings and uses and swimming pools;<br />

vi) be built within six (6) feet of the main building;<br />

vii) be considered an accessory building if attached to the main building in any way<br />

or be considered an accessory structure if located completely underground.<br />

b) Notwithstanding anything else in this by-<strong>law</strong>, drop awnings, clothes poles, flag poles,<br />

garden trellises, fences, children play structures, satellite dishes (NWCC-Apr<br />

8/03;E-Apr 12/03), uncovered decks no higher than 2 (two) feet and retaining walls<br />

shall be exempted from any requirements for accessory uses under subsection (a.)<br />

c) Garbage collection bins and stalls shall be subject to the accessory building provisions<br />

of this section and shall be fenced or otherwise enclosed by a structure so as not to be<br />

visible from any street or adjacent residential property.<br />

d) Swimming pools shall be completely enclosed with fencing, a minimum of five (5)<br />

feet in height.<br />

29A. Shipping Containers as Accessory Buildings<br />

a) Shipping containers may not be used as accessory buildings to a residential use<br />

or in a commercial zone. Shipping containers may be used as accessory<br />

buildings only in an industrial zone, pursuant to applicable requirements for<br />

accessory buildings and pursuant to applicable zone standards including those<br />

relating to setbacks, screening and landscaping. Where a shipping container is to<br />

<strong>Bedford</strong> <strong>Land</strong> <strong>Use</strong> <strong>By</strong>-<strong>law</strong> Page 34

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