Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden, MA

Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden, MA

Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden, MA


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<strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Hearts</strong> <strong>Parish</strong>, <strong>Malden</strong>, <strong>MA</strong> November 11, 2007 Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />

November 11, 2007<br />

<strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Hearts</strong> <strong>Parish</strong>, <strong>Malden</strong>, <strong>MA</strong>

<strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Hearts</strong> <strong>Parish</strong>, <strong>Malden</strong>, <strong>MA</strong> November 11, 2007 Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />

By Dr. Scott Hahn<br />

With their riddle about seven brothers and a<br />

childless widow, the Sadducees in today's<br />

Gospel mock the faith for which seven<br />

brothers and their mother die in the First<br />

Reading.<br />

FIRST READING 2 Maccabees 7:1–2, 9–14 (156C)<br />

Even their torturers marveled at the heroism of the seven<br />

Maccabee brothers who trusted in God and faced death<br />

with courage. They believed in the resurrection to life.<br />

RESPONSORIAL PSALM Psalm 17:1, 5–6, 8, 15<br />

Lord, when your glory appears, my joy will be full.<br />

SECOND READING 2 Thessalonians 2:16—3:5<br />

Paul prayed that God the Father, who consoled him, also<br />

comfort and strengthen the saints of the Thessalonian<br />

church. He asked for their prayer and gave them God’s<br />

blessing.<br />

GOSPEL Luke 20:27–38 or 20:27, 34–38<br />

When some Sadducees tried to trap Jesus with some legal<br />

questions, he showed them God’s power over life and the<br />

Lord’s love for the living: God “is not the God of the dead,<br />

but of the living.”<br />

The Maccabean martyrs chose death - tortured limb by limb, burned alive - rather than betray God's Law.<br />

Their story is given to us in these last weeks of the Church year to strengthen us for endurance - that our<br />

feet not falter but remain steadfast on His paths.<br />

The Maccabeans died hoping that the "King of the World" would raise them to live again forever (see 2<br />

Maccabees 14:46).<br />

The Sadducees don't believe in the Resurrection because they can't find it literally taught in the Scriptures.<br />

To ridicule this belief they fix on a law that requires a woman to marry her husband's brother if he should<br />

die without leaving an heir (see Genesis 38:8; Deuteronomy 25:5).<br />

But God's Law wasn't given to ensure the raising up of descendants to earthly fathers. The Law was given,<br />

as Jesus explains, to make us worthy to be "children of God" - sons and daughters born of His Resurrection.<br />

"God our Father," today's Epistle tells us, has given us "everlasting encouragement" in the Resurrection of<br />

Christ. Through His grace, we can now direct our hearts to the love of God.<br />

As the Maccabeans suffered for the Old Law, we will have to suffer for our faith in the New Covenant. Yet<br />

He will guard us in the shadow of His wing, keep us as the apple of His eye, as we sing in today's Psalm.<br />

The Maccabeans' persecutors marveled at their courage. We too can glorify the Lord in our sufferings and<br />

in the daily sacrifices we make.<br />

And we have even greater cause than they for hope. One who has risen from the dead has given us His<br />

word - that He is the God of the living, that when we awake from the sleep of death we will behold His<br />

face, be content in His presence (see Psalm 76:6; Daniel 12:2).<br />

A service of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology www.SalvationHistory.com<br />


<strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Hearts</strong> <strong>Parish</strong>, <strong>Malden</strong>, <strong>MA</strong> November 11, 2007 Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />

Saturday 11/10 12:10 pm Deceased <strong>Parish</strong>ioners Memorial<br />

Our Faithful Departed<br />

Maria Nguyen<br />

Anna Nguyen<br />

Francis Brady<br />

Joseph Son Tran & Catarina Sam Nguyen<br />

Joseph Vong Nguyen & Maria Don Ngo<br />

Our Military<br />

4:00 pm James L Duffy<br />

Patricia Faber<br />

The safe return of<br />

LCpl William Dempsey USMC<br />

Cheverus Graduate<br />

3<br />

The Sick<br />

Birthday Memorial<br />

8th Anniversary<br />

Sunday 11/11 7:30 am Anthony Silva Memorial<br />

9:00 am Pasquale Oliviero 9th Anniversary<br />

11:00 am Richard Burns Memorial<br />

5:30 pm Alfreda Bourgea 6th Anniversary<br />

Monday 11/12 12:10 pm Veterans Memorial<br />

Tuesday 11/13 12:10 pm Robert E. & Kathleen Keane Memorial<br />

Wednesday 11/14 12:10 pm Beatrice Gerety Memorial<br />

Thursday 11/15 12:10 pm Mario B. daSilva Memorial<br />

Friday 11/16 12:10 pm Tim Twomey Memorial<br />

Saturday 11/17 12:10 pm Deceased <strong>Parish</strong>ioners Memorial<br />

4:00 pm Eunice Hillson Birthday Memorial<br />

Sunday 11/18 7:30 am Mary Colwell Memorial<br />

9:00 am James J. McGaffigan 9th Anniversary<br />

11:00 am Rosalie Fama Memorial<br />

5:30 pm Joan Massone 6th Anniversary<br />

Judi Robicheau, Ethan Hickey, Matthew Shea<br />

Joan Carr, Dianne Christenson<br />

Maureen Fitzpatrick, Nicholas DeFelice<br />

Christine Brickley, Jordan Cram, Albert Perellla,<br />

Alyce Sullivan, Alice Beaman, Barbara Van Guilder<br />

James J. Duffy, Dody Chatis, Tony Saraceni<br />

Patrick Caulfield, Emily Lebrun, Tony Colarusso,<br />

Tony Saraceni, Cole Miele<br />

Names will be listed for one month only.<br />

If your name needs to remain on the<br />

list for a longer period, please call the rectory.

<strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Hearts</strong> <strong>Parish</strong>, <strong>Malden</strong>, <strong>MA</strong> November 11, 2007 Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />

Ministry Assignments for<br />

the weekend of November 17/18 (Green)<br />

November 17/18 Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers<br />

4:00 PM Saturday C. Gangemi C. Comeau; L. Umano; H. Contreas M. Nguyen<br />

7:30 AM Sunday P. Bronder-Giroux P. Bronder-Giroux; A. Verro; B. Hoy S. Carolle<br />

9:00 AM Sunday Religious Ed Lector M. Lewis; J. Patino; M. DeAngelo R. Norton<br />

11:00 AM Sunday P. Guerrier L. O’Brien; M. Cognata; G. Morin A. DeMaria; T. DeMaria;<br />

5:30 PM Sunday N. Memmolo D. Christenson; K. Hansis B. Lewis<br />

Religious Education<br />

Classes will resume next weekend, November 18, 2007, at the 9:00 am Religious Education Family<br />

mass. Following mass, grades K-2 and 6-8 will report to class as usual and grades 3, 4, & 5 will report<br />

to the chapel with their families.<br />

Youth Ministry<br />

We’re at it again…..6th, 7th, & 8th graders. Are you ready to dance your socks off???<br />

DJ Dave is returning to SHYMM on November 30th with more of the music you love and the games you<br />

play. Tickets will be sold in the RE office after classes on:<br />

Sundays, November 18th & 25th<br />

Tuesdays, November 20th & 27th and<br />

Thursday, November 22nd from 6-8 pm.<br />

Tickets are $5 in advance, $7 at the door. All students and friends of students from the <strong>Parish</strong>,<br />

Cheverus School , and the Vietnamese Community are invited. Snacks, water, and pizza will be<br />

available for sale. Come and join the fun, cause the WORD’S OUT—SHYMM’S IN!!!!<br />


Annual Fall Tag Sale, sponsored by the <strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Hearts</strong> Women's<br />

Club, will be held from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, November<br />

10th and from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, November<br />

11th, in <strong>Parish</strong> Hall. Proceeds to benefit the various charities supported<br />

by the Women's Club.<br />

Our Sincere thanks to all who donated items for our sale. Come on down and check them out!<br />

The prices are right!!!<br />


<strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Hearts</strong> <strong>Parish</strong>, <strong>Malden</strong>, <strong>MA</strong> November 11, 2007 Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />

November Memorials<br />

Wine<br />

In Memory of<br />

Joseph Son Tran & Catarina Sam Nguyen<br />

Joseph Vong Nguyen & Maria Don Ngo<br />

and<br />

In honor of their children<br />

Sanctuary Candle in Upper Church<br />

In Memory of<br />

Maria Nguyen<br />

Anna Nguyen<br />

by the Nguyen Family<br />

Sanctuary Candle in Chapel<br />

In Memory of<br />

Francis Brady<br />

RCIA will resume<br />

next:<br />

Sunday<br />

November 18.<br />

We will meet at 12:15 pm in the Religious<br />

Education Office (accessible<br />

through the rear Cheverus School<br />

parking lot.)<br />

The second collection this weekend is<br />

for Religious Education.<br />

The second collection next weekend<br />

is for the Campaign for Human Development.<br />

Weekend of November 3/4<br />

Amt needed weekly to run the parish: $ 9,746<br />

Offertory: $ 4,098<br />

Monthly: $ 1,523<br />

All Saints Day Collection: $ 873<br />

Grand Annual Update<br />

To date, $44,738 has been pledged to our Grand<br />

Annual Collection by 279 of our 686 families,<br />

which represents 40.67%. Our parish goal is to<br />

raise $60,000 this year. Thank you to all who<br />

have pledged! If you have yet to make your gift,<br />

please do so as soon as possible. You will find<br />

envelopes, cards, and letters at the ushers tables<br />

in the rear of the church.<br />

Many thanks and God Bless,<br />

Fr Dan Hickey<br />

Would you like to be an Altar Server?<br />

Please come to a meeting for new altar servers next<br />

Saturday, November 17<br />

at 10:00 am in the lower church.<br />

You can choose the weekends and mass<br />

you’d like to be scheduled for.<br />


<strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Hearts</strong> <strong>Parish</strong>, <strong>Malden</strong>, <strong>MA</strong> November 11, 2007 Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />

November, 2006<br />

Nancy Kisch<br />

Katherine Berggren<br />

Pasqualina Porter<br />

Dennis Holbrook<br />

David Roberts<br />

December, 2006<br />

John MacLean<br />

Mary Ellen White<br />

Dorothy LaFrenier<br />

Ralph Morganti<br />

Fredinando (Fred) Iantosca<br />

Ann Marie Gay<br />

January, 2007<br />

Mary Ward<br />

Frank Chapman<br />

Mary Cafarella<br />

Marie M. Morbi<br />

Helen Nugent<br />

Deceased <strong>Parish</strong>ioners and Frien<br />

Joseph Walatt<br />

Ronald Benedick Nelder<br />

February, 2007<br />

Eva Tortora<br />

Mary R. Shields<br />

Claire Crowley<br />

Leslie Millner Jr.<br />

Robert Burbine<br />

Joseph Memmolo<br />

Roland Morel<br />

Michael A. Cipoletta Sr.<br />

William Guiliano<br />

March, 2007<br />

William R. Allan<br />

Frank Teves<br />

Kathryn D’Entremont<br />

Vera Walsh<br />

Mary Bennett Spadafora<br />

Rose Wilson Bourque<br />

November 1, 2006 –<br />

April, 2007<br />

Louis T. Geldr<br />

Clarence Winso<br />

Licea Antonelli<br />

Carol Shinners<br />

Daniel F. O’Do<br />

John Doherty J<br />

May, 2007<br />

Mary Margar<br />

John Hurley<br />

Carmine D. Sor<br />

Louise MacDo<br />

Mary P. McP<br />

David E. Adam<br />

Roberta Pagano<br />

Ruth Griffin<br />

William F. Lo<br />

Robert Zagarel

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<strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Hearts</strong> <strong>Parish</strong>, <strong>Malden</strong>, <strong>MA</strong> November 11, 2007 Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />

ds of <strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Hearts</strong> <strong>Parish</strong><br />

ctober 31, 2007<br />

June, 2007<br />

Fr. Martin J. Walsh, Jr.<br />

Joseph M. Bartlett<br />

Joseph Fleming<br />

Lawrence Coogan Jr.<br />

Dorothea Carroll<br />

Silvio Joseph Desimone<br />

Robert Myles Jr.<br />

July, 2007<br />

Vishnu Balliram<br />

Joseph A. Mitchell<br />

John McCarron<br />

Ruth A. Nugent<br />

Timothy P. Shea<br />

Nora Enwright<br />

August, 2007<br />

Barbara McCarthy<br />

Carlo Zammuto<br />

Irene Croft<br />

Anna Colella<br />

Robert Collins<br />

Mildred Taten<br />

Roland Joseph Bourgea<br />

John J. McIntyre<br />

September, 2007<br />

Dorothy Knox<br />

Lucy De Lorenzo<br />

Veronica Ross<br />

Matilda Nelder<br />

Doris Jean Lockhart<br />

John Russell<br />

October, 2007<br />

Helen “DeDe” Hayes<br />

Bernard Brady<br />

Christine Shaw<br />

Phyllis Byron<br />

Henri O. Levesque

<strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Hearts</strong> <strong>Parish</strong>, <strong>Malden</strong>, <strong>MA</strong> November 11, 2007 Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />

Cheverus School Craft Fair and<br />

Christmas Market<br />

November 17, 2007<br />

10:00 am to 3:00 pm<br />

Monsignor Foley Hall<br />

Ferry Street, <strong>Malden</strong><br />

Cheverus School in <strong>Malden</strong> is hosting their<br />

1 st annual<br />

Craft Fair and Christmas Market.<br />

We are looking for Vendors and Crafters.<br />

Cost is $30 to "rent" a table......<br />

Please join us to start your Christmas shopping,<br />

have some fun and support our parish school.<br />

Contact: Kelly Ilebode 617-872-8335<br />


<strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Hearts</strong> <strong>Parish</strong>, <strong>Malden</strong>, <strong>MA</strong> November 11, 2007 Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />

SAMPLE<br />

Dear Lisa,<br />

Boston's own CatholicTV ® is the favorite of many Catholics and non-Catholics, young and old. The<br />

station is well over fifty years old yet presents a fresh and innovative addition to any television provider.<br />

Please extend the coverage and the hours of Boston's CatholicTV throughout New England and the entire<br />

nation. I think you will find that millions of regular Catholics and curious viewers will respond quite favorably.<br />

In my estimation CatholicTV will bring Comcast tremendous value locally and nationally. To<br />

this end, I know that Father Reed can access the powerful network of the Catholic community throughout<br />

the country.<br />

Please consider seriously the opportunity that CatholicTV presents. I highly encourage you to bring<br />

twenty-four hours of CatholicTV ® to your nationwide audience.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

In this Archdiocese we have our own<br />

Catholic television station!<br />

Help bring CatholicTV (BCTV)<br />

to the wider community<br />

all day and all night.<br />

Drop a note to:<br />

Ms Lisa Clark<br />

Comcast<br />

676 Island Pond Road<br />

Manchester, NH 03103<br />

For sample letters to this and other cable companies, visit:<br />

www.TVforCatholics.com<br />

Let Comcast know you want CatholicTV (BCTV) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.<br />

You can make a difference, You can make it happen!<br />

Catholic Charities North extends to you a special invitation to the 2007 Christmas<br />

Gala, “Making Wishes Come True.” The Gala is an elegant dinner dance at the<br />

Sheraton Colonial in Wakefield on Friday, December 7. Compaq Big Band, an<br />

authentic 20-piece big band, will provide Christmas tunes for you to dance the<br />

night away. Celebrity auctioneer Billy Costa of NECN’s TV Diner will help you discover new and exclusive<br />

live and silent auction items, including jewelry, vacations, and gifts. Each year, the Christmas Gala raises<br />

money for those most in need in our community. Last year, that support enabled Catholic Charities North<br />

to serve more than 20,000 people with services such as emergency assistance to prevent hunger and homelessness;<br />

GED training to prepare out-of-school youth for work or college; supportive services for families<br />

that give children the opportunities they deserve. Contact Catholic Charities North at 781-593-2312 or<br />

sarah_bartley@ccab.org for ticket and donation information.<br />


<strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Hearts</strong> <strong>Parish</strong>, <strong>Malden</strong>, <strong>MA</strong> November 11, 2007 Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />

<strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Hearts</strong> <strong>Parish</strong><br />

297 Main Street<br />

<strong>Malden</strong>, <strong>MA</strong> 02148<br />

phone: 781-324-0728<br />

fax: 781-324-2714<br />

email: sh.parish@verizon.net<br />

web: www.sacredheartsparish.org<br />

<strong>Parish</strong> Staff<br />

Pastor<br />

Rev Daniel J Hickey<br />

frdaniel_hickey@verizon.net<br />

Weekend Assistants<br />

Rev Thomas Stegmann, S.J.<br />

Rev Bienvenu Mayemba, S.J.<br />

Rev Vincent Machozi, a.a.<br />

School Principal<br />

Susan Degnan<br />

phone: 781-324-6584<br />

email: sdegnan@cheverus.net<br />

Religious Education<br />

Mary Pongratz<br />

phone: 781-322-5211<br />

email: mary_shre@verizon.net<br />

sn: SH DRE <strong>Malden</strong><br />

Music<br />

Cheryl Pongratz, Music Director<br />

email: cheryl.pongratz@verizon.net<br />

Eugene Menoche, Organist<br />

Laura MacMullin, Assistant Cantor<br />

Kelly Daugherty, Assistant Cantor<br />

Mary Pongratz, Assistant Cantor<br />

Denise Glennon, Assistant Cantor<br />

Anne Whalen, Assistant Cantor<br />

Youth Minister<br />

Michelle Garrity<br />

phone: 781-322-5211<br />

email: sh.youthminister@verizon.net<br />

Assistant Youth Minister<br />

Mary DeAngelo<br />

10<br />

Liturgy Schedule<br />

Saturday<br />

4:00 p.m.<br />

Sunday<br />

7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 5:30 p.m.<br />

Vietnamese Mass<br />

3:00 p.m.<br />

Weekday Mass<br />

Monday through Saturday 12:10 p.m.<br />

Holy Day Masses: As Announced<br />

Sacraments<br />

Reconciliation (Confession)<br />

Saturdays 3:30-4:00 p.m.<br />

The sacrament is also available by appointment.<br />

Baptism<br />

2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at 12:30 p.m.<br />

Pre-registration necessary in Rectory<br />

Marriage<br />

Please consult with a priest at least six months in<br />

advance. A program of preparation is required of<br />

all couples.<br />

Mission Statement<br />

<strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Hearts</strong> <strong>Parish</strong> is a Catholic Community<br />

striving to make visible God’s love and care for<br />

the world in Word, Sacrament, and Service to<br />

all.<br />

Living in today’s world, so marked by secularism<br />

and materialism, our parish aims to help its<br />

members discover the importance of God, Faith,<br />

and Community, in meeting the challenges of<br />

Christian Living.<br />

Centered is the celebration of the Eucharist. We<br />

seek the nourishment needed to identify ourselves<br />

more closely with Christ and His Mission<br />

to the world. We are eager to enlist all in that<br />

essential work of praise and thanksgiving given<br />

to God and of loving service to our neighbor.

<strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Hearts</strong> <strong>Parish</strong>, <strong>Malden</strong>, <strong>MA</strong> November 11, 2007 Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />


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