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307-1/0 K<br />








1.1 C<br />

1.2 D<br />

1.3 B<br />

1.4 A<br />

1.5 B<br />

1.6 D<br />

1.7 C<br />

1.8 C<br />

1.9 D<br />

1.10 B<br />

1.11 A<br />

1.12 D<br />

1.13 B<br />

1.14 A<br />

1.15 B<br />

1.16 D<br />

1.17 C<br />

1.18 D<br />

1.19 C<br />

1.20 D<br />

1.21 C<br />

1.22 B<br />

1.23 B<br />

1.24 C<br />

1.25 B<br />

1.26 A<br />

1.27 A<br />

1.28 B<br />

1.29 B<br />

1.30 B 30 x 2=<br />

(60)<br />


307-1/0 K<br />


1.31 Dura mater<br />

1.32 Aquaduct of Sylvius<br />

1.33 Folia/lamellae<br />

1.34 Foramen magnum<br />

1.35 Autonomic nervous system<br />

1.36 Noradrenalin<br />

1.37 Stimulus<br />

1.38 Dendrite/afferent branch<br />

1.39 Nodes of Ranvier<br />

1.40 Micturition<br />

1.41 Pancreas<br />

1.42 Hypophysis/Pituitary gland<br />

1.43 Neurilemma<br />

1.44 Neuron<br />

(14)<br />


1.45 Bladder - Stores urine<br />

1.46 Ureter - Conveys urine from the kidneys to the bladder<br />

1.47 Ejaculatory duct - Strong muscular contractions helps expel semen<br />

during ejaculation<br />

1.48 Cowper’s gland - Secretes alkaline mucus to neutralise acids in urethra<br />

and vagina<br />

1.49 Urethra - Transports urine and semen out of body<br />

1.50 Epididymus - Maturation (10 – 14 days) of spermatozoa OR<br />

Storage of spermatozoa until fertile<br />

1.51 Testis - Produce spermatozoa through spermatogenesis<br />

1.52 Penis - Transfer semen to upper part of vagina to ensure<br />

that spermatozoa are closer to ovum<br />

Ensures internal fertilization<br />

(16)<br />



QUESTION 2<br />

2.1 2.1.1 A. Adrenaline B. Glucagon (2)<br />

2.1.2 a) Adrenalv medullav (2)<br />

b) Fight or Flight hormone / sympathetic activator (1)<br />

c) – Vasodilation in skeletal and heart muscle/<br />

vasoconstriction of gastro-intestinal tract and skin/<br />

increase blood pressure<br />

– Increase in oxygen content of blood/breathing rate and depth<br />

increases so that more oxygen is inhaled<br />


– Heart rate and stroke volume increases, more blood with<br />

more oxygen to muscles to produce more energy<br />

– Pupils of eye dilate, due to contraction of radial muscles –<br />

better vision<br />

– More ACTH released – cope more effectively with stress<br />

– Increased sweating to cool body<br />

– Gastro-intestinal activity reduced as energy is needed for<br />

skeletal muscles<br />

307-1/0 K<br />

– Sphincter of bladder relaxes and the sphincter of the large<br />

intestines contract (Any 7 of 8) (7)<br />

2.1.3 Sympathetic nervous system (1)<br />

2.2 Sensory nerve 1 diagram<br />

1 heading<br />

5 labels (7)<br />


307-1/0 K<br />

2.3 2.3.1 1. Dura mater<br />

2. Arachnoid mater<br />

3. Pia mater<br />

4. Posterior/Dorsal fissure<br />

5. Ganglion/posterior root ganglion<br />

6. Central canal<br />

7. Ventral/anterior fissure (7)<br />

2.3.2 – The afferent impulses from the limbs and other parts of the body<br />

are conducted via ascending tracts to the brain.<br />

– The efferent impulses are conducted via descending tracts in the<br />

spinal cord to the effectors in the body and limbs.<br />

– The sympathetic and certain parasympathetic reflex arcs have their<br />

cell bodies in the spinal cord.<br />

– Seat of primitive reflex actions, called spinal reflexes<br />

– Inhibitory neurons from the brain innervate certain motor neurons<br />

thereby stopping reflex actions from taking place. (5)<br />

2.3.3 a) If no. 8 is damaged, the person will have no sensationv as the<br />

sensory neuronsv are damaged. (2)<br />

b) If no. 9 is damaged, the person will have no reactions/movementsv<br />

as the motor nervesv are damaged. (2)<br />

2.3.4 a) Vestibulum and the cochlea in the ear. (2)<br />

b) This nerve has sensory branches as well as motor branches<br />

(consists of sensory neurons as well as motor neurons). (2)<br />

[40]<br />

QUESTION 3<br />

3.1 3.1.1 37,6º C (2)<br />

3.1.2 50 or 51 units (2)<br />

3.1.3 a) Internal body temperature droppedv between the 10 th and 25 th<br />

minutes until it reached 37º Cv. (2)<br />

b) Skin temperature increasedv until it reaches 37,6º Cv. (2)<br />

c) Sweating rate decreasedv until it reaches 10 units. v (2)<br />


307-1/0 K<br />

3.1.4 When the internal blood temperature decreasesv the hypothalamusv is<br />

stimulated. Impulses are sent to the vasomotor centre in the medulla<br />

oblongata. Impulses are sent to the smooth muscles in the walls of the<br />

arterioles in the skinv to contractv vasoconstriction occurs.<br />

Less warm blood flows to skinv less heat lossv through radiationv,<br />

convectionv and conductionv.<br />

Lower sweat productionv – less heat loss through evaporationv<br />

Erector muscle contractsv trapping a layer of air as insulation. v More<br />

thyroxin secretedv – more heat produced caused by higher metabolic<br />

ratev. More adrenaline is secretedv stimulates conversion of glycogen to<br />

glucose. v Muscle tone increasesv – shiveringv – more heat energy<br />

generatedv. Body temperature will increase. v<br />

(20)<br />

3.2 The skin:<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Produces melanin which protects the body against the harmful UV rays of<br />

the sun.<br />

Produces Vitamin D from steroids in the skin.<br />

Acts as a secretory organ – milk, sebum, cerumen.<br />

Waterproof layer, prevents excessive loss of water.<br />

Cornified layer protects/prevents entry of germs and bacteria.<br />

Cornified layer protects the body against mechanical injuries. (Any 5 of 6) (5)<br />

3.3 a) Endothermic<br />

4.1<br />

Body heat is obtained from inside the body and causes the body<br />

temperature to stay constant. (2)<br />

b) Homeostasis<br />

Maintenance of a constant internal environmentv for normal cell<br />

functioningv by self-regulating mechanisms. v (3)<br />

[40]<br />

QUESTION 4<br />

Graph<br />

Strongest<br />

Taste<br />

Region on<br />

tongue<br />

Substance<br />

causing the taste<br />

Papilla sensing the<br />

taste<br />

A Salty Sides/tip Sodium Fungiform<br />

B Sour Sides Hydrogen ions Fungiform<br />

C Sweet Tip/front Sugars Fungiform<br />

D Bitter Back Quinine Circumvallate (16)<br />

4.2 4.2.1 Chemoreceptors<br />

4.2.2 Food particles dissolve (1) in saliva. v<br />

Substances in solution/dissolved substances. v<br />

Stimulate the receptor cells/sensory hair cellsv in the taste budsv which<br />

convert the stimulus into an impulse/triggers series of impulsesv<br />

conducted via sensory neuronsv to temporal lobe of cerebrumv where<br />

sensation of taste rises/ interpreted. v<br />

any<br />

(1)<br />

(8)<br />


307-1/0 K<br />

4.3 Filliforme papillae (1) is sensitive to touch (1) e.g. hair. (2)<br />

4.4 4.4.1 a) Between measurements 1 and 2<br />

b) Between measurements 5 and 6 / 6 and 7.<br />

(1)<br />

(1)<br />

4.4.2 a) At measurement 4 (1)<br />

b) At measurement 8 (1)<br />

4.4.3 The bright light of the torch was the same distance from the eye.<br />

4.4.4 The closer the bright light source is to the eye<br />

– the smaller the diameter of the pupil.<br />

– Less is the light allowed into the eye.<br />

– The more protected is the sensitive retina on the inside. (3)<br />

4.4.5 Acromatosis/total colour blindness/v no sensitivity to colour, only shades of<br />

grey, black and whitev.<br />

Red-green colour blindnessv – red or green cones are missingv<br />

cannot distinguish between red and greenv see either red or greenv. (5)<br />

[40]<br />

QUESTION 5<br />

5.1<br />

COLUMN A<br />

COLUMN B<br />



1. Cones G<br />

2. Rods G<br />

3. Crista H<br />

4. Macula H<br />

5. Organ of Corti C<br />

6. Corpuscles of Ruffini /<br />

E/F<br />

Free nerve endings<br />

(12)<br />

5.2 5.2.1 Cerumen/wax glandsv – secretes cerumen/waxv<br />

– prevents skin from drying outv<br />

– pungent smell repels insectsv (4)<br />

5.2.2 Ball of cerumen accumulates in front of tympanumv and inhibits the<br />

transfer of sound waves/prevents it from vibrating. (2)<br />


Answer Question 6 or Question 7.<br />

QUESTION 6<br />

307-1/0 K<br />

5.3 Specialized cells in the afferent arteriole/jutaglomerular cellsv<br />

respond to the decrease in sodium concentrationv<br />

or drop in blood pressure/blood flowv.<br />

or sympathetic stimulationv<br />

by secreting the enzyme reninv which causes the production of angiotensinv<br />

which stimulates the secretion of aldosteronev by the adrenal cortexv<br />

aldosterone travels through the bloodv to the distal convoluted tabulev<br />

where it stimulates the reabsorbtion of sodium ionsv<br />

chlorine ions follow passivelyv into the peritubular capillariesv<br />

water follows passively/by osmosisv<br />

increase in blood pressurev. (12)<br />

5.4 5.4.1 Secondary oocytev and the first polar bodyv. (2)<br />

5.4.2 Spermatozoa reaches the ovum in the fallopian tubev<br />

Acrosomev will secrete hydrolytic enzymesv that will dissolve the<br />

Zona pellucidav / follicle cells / corona radiate.<br />

Only the head of the spermatozoa enters the ovumv<br />

The tail is discarded ofv.<br />

The fertilization membranev prevents other sperms from entering.<br />

The second meiotic divisionv takes place to form the ovum and 3 polar<br />

bodiesv which disintegrate.<br />

Fusion of the nuclei of the sperm and ovum takes place to form a zygote<br />

with 46 chromosomes (2n)v. (Any 8 of 11) (8)<br />


TOTAL FOR SECTION B: [160]<br />

6.1 1. Posterior Hypophysis/Neurohypophysis<br />

2. Anterior Hypophysis/Adeno Hypophysis (2)<br />

6.2 3. Oxtytocin – release and the flow of milk from the mammary glands<br />

4. Prolactin – stimulates milk production (4)<br />

6.3 Oxytocin ( √) is not only responsible for the flow of milk but also for the<br />

contraction of the uterus. ( √). While breastfeeding the secretion of oxytocin<br />

is stimulated, ( √) resulting in the contraction of the uterus back to its normal<br />

size. ( √)<br />

(4)<br />

6.4 9. Fallopian tube<br />

10. Infundibulum<br />

11. Fimbriae<br />

13. Vagina (4)<br />


307-1/0 K<br />

6.5 a) Endometrium<br />

Myometrium<br />

Perimetrium<br />

b) Fundus<br />

Corpus<br />

Cervix (6)<br />

6.6 ICSH ( √) – Stimulates the cells of Leydig (Intestitial cells) ( √) to secrete<br />

testosterone. ( √) (3)<br />

6.7 Vasectomy, Male condom, Withdrawal method, Male pill. (Any 3) (3)<br />

6.8 6.8.1 If fertilization takes place:<br />

LH concentration is high (1) – to maintain the corpus luteum (1)<br />

Progesterone concentration is high (1) – secreted by the corpus luteum (1)<br />

– to maintain the endometrium (1)<br />

– stop uterus from contraction/abortion/miscarriage (1)<br />

Oestogen concentration is high (1) – prepares breasts for milk<br />

production (1) prepares endometrium for implantation (1) inhibits<br />

FSH secretion/Low FSH (1) to prevent a Graafian Follicle from<br />

developing (1). (Any 10) (10)<br />

6.8.2 Just after ovulation, the remains of the Graafian Follicle from the Corpus<br />

Luteum (1) which secretes progesterone (1) and oestrogen (1).<br />

These two hormones maintain the uterus (1) during pregnancy.<br />

After 3 months, the placenta will be fully developed (1) and will then<br />

secrete these two hormones (1). Then the ovaries are not needed to fulfil<br />

this function anymore and can be removed.(1) (Any 6) (6)<br />

6.9 The testis<br />

Two oval glands (1) carried in the scrotum (1).<br />

Fibrous connective tissue divides testis in lobules (1)<br />

In each lobule are highly convoluted tubules ( √)<br />

– the seminiferous<br />

tubules (1) – which unite to form straight tubules (1) – which unite to form<br />

straight tubules (1) – which is their turn unite to form the rete testis (1) –<br />

that joins to enter the epididymis (1). (Any 5 of 8) (8)<br />

[50]<br />


307-1/0 K<br />

QUESTION 7<br />

7.1 The kidney regulates the water content of the blood (osmoregulation)<br />

Regulates the pH of the blood/acid - base balance.<br />

Regulates the sodium content of the blood/regulates electrolytes.<br />

Excretes metabolic waste/nitrogenous waste. (4)<br />

7.2 7.2.1 70 mmHg – 14 mmHg = 56 mmHg √√<br />

(2)<br />

7.2.2 125 ml/min √ x 60 √ = 7 500 ml/hour (3)<br />

7.2.3 a) 1 ml/min x 60 √ x 24 √ = 144 ml/day √ = 1,44 l/day √<br />

(4)<br />

b) On a hot summers day a person loses more water through<br />

sweat √, thus less urine will be produced. √<br />

(2)<br />

c) When the body becomes dehydrated √ /<br />

when body loses too much water through sweat<br />

the osmotic pressure in the blood rises √<br />

osmoreceptors √ in the hypothalamus √ are stimulated<br />

causes an impulse to be sent √ to the neurohypophysis √<br />

which is stimulated to secrete ADH √.<br />

ADH travels with the blood √ to the kidney.<br />

The collecting ducts √ and distal convoluted tubules√<br />

become more permeable √ to water.<br />

More water will be reabsorbed √ by osmosis√<br />

into the peritubular capillaries√<br />

increasing the blood volume/ decreasing the osmotic pressure√<br />

(Any 11 of 15) (11)<br />

d) Proteins, white-blood cells, erythrocytes, platelets. (Any 3 of 4) (3)<br />

e) The basements membrane of the capillaries is thin√<br />

The single √ endothelial layer has many pores √<br />

The podocytes in the Bowman’s capsule has filter slits √ (Any 3 of 4) (3)<br />

7.2.4 125 ml/min – 25 ml/min = 100 ml of water per minute √ passively √<br />

reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule. √<br />

(3)<br />

7.2.5 A. No food<br />

Low Glucose level in blood√<br />

Low cellular respiration √ – not enough energy/ATP√<br />

Feels tired/weak √. Also influences osmotic pressure √<br />

(Any 3)<br />

Low ion concentration√<br />

Certain ions, namely sodium, potassium. Chloride, bicarbonate<br />

and phosphate must be present for proper cell functioning<br />

(At lease 2 examples) (2)<br />


Nitrogen waste√<br />

Due to the absence of glucose, the body uses proteins (of muscles) √ and<br />

the metabolism thereof will increase waste products like urea, creatinine,<br />

which will become toxic √<br />

(Any 2)<br />

B. No water<br />

Water is needed for metabolic reactions √ in cells, for transport medium, √<br />

affects the osmotic potential of fluids.<br />

Hormone concentration will be influenced√<br />

Water is needed to control temperature for effectiveness of enzymes and<br />

proteinsv. (Any 2)<br />

C. When he suffocates himself<br />

Low Oxygen concentration √ – low cellular respiration rate –<br />

energy released slower √<br />

(2)<br />

High Carbon dioxide √ concentration<br />

reacts with water to form carbonic acid √ which lowers the pH of the tissue<br />

fluid √<br />

(Any 2)<br />

307-1/0 K<br />

pH √ level drops below 7,0 due to CO 2 denature enzymes√<br />

metabolic processes cease. (2) (15)<br />


TOTAL: 300<br />


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