The Girl Scout Cookie Storybook

The Girl Scout Cookie Storybook

The Girl Scout Cookie Storybook


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Girl</strong> <strong>Scout</strong> <strong>Cookie</strong><br />


<strong>The</strong>re’s more to<br />

<strong>Girl</strong> <strong>Scout</strong> cookies than<br />

what’s in<br />

the box.

When a <strong>Girl</strong> <strong>Scout</strong> sells you cookies, she’s doing more than just<br />

handing you a box. She’s creating a plan, interacting with<br />

customers, and working as part of a team. She’s building a<br />

lifetime of skills and confidence.<br />

Selling cookies teaches goal setting, decision making,<br />

money management, people skills, and business ethics—<br />

aspects essential to leadership, to success, and to life.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Girl</strong> <strong>Scout</strong> <strong>Cookie</strong> Program empowers a girl with the strength,<br />

abilities, and drive to become an accomplished woman who<br />

benefits herself, her family, and the world. From heads of the<br />

household to Heads of State, troop leaders to world leaders,<br />

<strong>Girl</strong> <strong>Scout</strong>s touches every aspect of society.

This is what a<br />

girl can do.

Goal Setting<br />

Selling cookies is cool. I get to hang out with my friends and<br />

talk to all kinds of new people. And my <strong>Girl</strong> <strong>Scout</strong> friends and<br />

I figured out real goals. Not just, "We want to sell three<br />

hundred boxes," but something bigger, like how we want the<br />

cookie buyers to feel when they buy a box. Or what good<br />

things we can do with the money we make. Help fund the<br />

soup kitchen downtown. See a live Broadway show for the<br />

first time while exploring and learning about New York City.<br />

Pitch in to rebuild my friend's house after the storm.<br />

Selling cookies has definitely made me look at things<br />

differently. It has made me think more about what I do,<br />

what I can accomplish by doing it, and why I'm doing it.<br />

It has made me realize how good it feels to work really hard<br />

to reach a goal.

Decision Making<br />

Mom and dad are in charge of most decisions, although my<br />

brother acts like he is. When I sell cookies with my <strong>Girl</strong> <strong>Scout</strong><br />

sisters, I make my own decisions, like how many boxes I want to<br />

sell, how to explain to people the good that comes from buying<br />

a box of cookies, and how hard I'm working to make my goal.<br />

We all have to agree on what we’ll do with the money, which<br />

means talking it out and being okay with sometimes not getting<br />

my way. And I have to figure out how to solve problems, like<br />

what to do when one of the girls is sick and can’t help out.<br />

My decisions matter. I’m responsible. Which means I can’t<br />

blame my brother if something goes wrong, even if I’d<br />

sometimes like to.

Money Management<br />

I thought I knew about money. It’s the stuff I never have<br />

enough of. But working with my <strong>Girl</strong> <strong>Scout</strong> team to sell<br />

cookies, I’ve learned a whole lot about it. I now see how it<br />

works, how a business is run on it, and why money matters<br />

not just to me but to everyone. I see how it can do good for<br />

the world if used right. And how you have to watch not just<br />

the money coming in, but the money you spend. I’ve also<br />

learned how to better manage it. Now, I think twice before<br />

I buy something with my own money—or at least come up<br />

with a better reason to ask mom for more.

People Skills<br />

It’s not hard talking my friends into going to the mall.<br />

But asking a stranger or even a neighbor to buy a box<br />

of cookies is something else. I can’t be shy. I have<br />

to speak up and look them in the eye when I'm<br />

talking. And I have to be able to explain why I’m doing<br />

what I’m doing. Everyone likes cookies. But when I<br />

explain what the money we’re making is used for and<br />

what I’m learning from selling cookies, people feel even<br />

better about buying a box—or four. And I feel good, too.

Business Ethics<br />

My sister got angry because she had to keep asking me to<br />

do something I said I’d do for her. No big deal, right? I mean,<br />

she’s my sister. And I did finally get around to keeping my<br />

promise. But working with the other girls to sell cookies, I see<br />

how important it is to keep your word all the time. And why<br />

it’s important to build trust. If I don’t do something I say I will,<br />

it ends up hurting not just me but the other girls, too.<br />

I can’t say, “Yeah, sure,” and then not do anything. That only<br />

makes it harder for us to reach our goal. Now I know how<br />

important my word is, even if it’s just to my sister.

I hear my parents and <strong>Girl</strong> <strong>Scout</strong> volunteers use terms like character building, life skills,<br />

taking responsibility, and even empowerment. But what I’ve learned from selling<br />

cookies is that no one can hold me back. And because of cookie sales, I now handle my<br />

allowance better. I can think through things. I can work with a team and also accomplish<br />

important goals on my own. And I know that building trust is a big deal. That’s what I’m<br />

doing with the people who buy cookies and with my <strong>Girl</strong> <strong>Scout</strong> sisters. By putting my mind<br />

and energies to something, I know I can overcome any challenge.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are no limits. I can be anything. I can do anything.

<strong>Girl</strong> <strong>Scout</strong>s of the USA<br />

420 Fifth Avenue<br />

New York, NY 10018<br />


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