2004 Exam 1 Key (pdf)

2004 Exam 1 Key (pdf)

2004 Exam 1 Key (pdf)


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100 points total (6 questions)<br />

Problem 1. (20 points) In this pedigree, colorblindness is represented by horizontal hatching, and is<br />

determined by an X-linked recessive gene (g); the dominant allele for color-vision is (G). Hemophilia is<br />

represented by vertical hatching and is determined by the X-linked recessive gene (h); the dominant allele<br />

for normal blood clotting is (H).<br />

colorblind<br />

hemophilia<br />

husband<br />

mailman<br />

both<br />

P, R, or ?: _?_ _P_ _P_ _R_ _P_<br />

(a). What is the genotype of the female in generation 2. Show the arrangement of alleles on the X-<br />

chromosomes below.<br />

hG Hg<br />

or X h,G /X H,G<br />

(b). Indicate whether each child in the third generation received a parental combination of alleles (with a<br />

P) or a recombinant combination of alleles (with an R) from the mother. If it cannot be determined,<br />

indicate with a (?)<br />

(c). When the husband walks in on his wife and the mailman, he becomes so infuriated that he<br />

immediately files for divorce and takes his three kids to live in another state with him; he forbids his three<br />

children to see or even talk with their cheating mother. The mother, finding out during the divorce trial<br />

that she is pregnant with the mailman’s child, rushes to marry him. Together, the new couple has a total<br />

of two children (as shown in the above pedigree). Yet, the mother and mailman’s always keep the secret<br />

of the mother’s previous family from their children. However, when the female child (offspring of the<br />

mother and the mailman/2nd husband) meets the colorblind male (offspring of the mother and her first<br />

husband) at college, they fall in love, elope, and are currently expecting their first child.<br />

What is the probability that this child will be colorblind?<br />

Male = X g Y = 50%<br />

Female = X g X g = 50%<br />

What is the probability that this child will have hemophilia?<br />

X H,G /Y<br />

X H,G /X h,g<br />

Male = X h Y = 50%<br />


Female = X h X h = 0%<br />


Problem 2 (20 points) You acquire a female tabby cat (not orange or silver; see the projection in class)<br />

and a solid black male cat.<br />

(a). What can you say about the genotypes of the two cats with respect to the Agouti (A/a), orange<br />

(X O /X o ), and I (I/i) genes? Use a “?” to indicate every allele that you are uncertain about.<br />

Female tabby cat genotype: A? X o X o ii<br />

Male black cat genotype: aa X o ??<br />

(b). Your two cats mate with each other and the first litter of kittens produces 2 tabby kittens that look<br />

just like the mother, 2 silver tabby kittens and 1 black kitten. Now what can you say about the genotypes<br />

of the parent cats?<br />

Female tabby cat genotype: Aa X o X o ii<br />

Male black cat genotype: aa X o Ii<br />

(c). Your two cats produce a total of 48 more kittens over the years. Shortly after the first litter of<br />

kittens, however, you got a new neighbor who owns a male black cat that you find out is an aa ii<br />

homozygote. As your tabby cat produces litters year after year, you begin to wonder if she has been<br />

having an affair with the next-door cat. Tabulating all the kittens your tabby cat has produced gives data<br />

shown in the table below:<br />

Kitten phenotype Expected (E) Observed (O) (O-E) 2 (O-E) 2 /E<br />

Standard tabby 12 19 49 4.1<br />

Silver tabby 12 6 36 3<br />

Black 24 23 1 0<br />

Fill in the “Expected” column in the table above based on the hypothesis that your tabby has been mating<br />

exclusively with YOUR black male cat. Be sure to show how you arrived at these values.<br />

Use χ 2 analysis to evaluate your hypothesis:<br />

χ 2 value = _7.1_________ # of degrees of freedom = _2__________ P value = __0.025________<br />

(d). What do you conclude about the parentage of the kittens (BE SPECIFIC)?<br />

The P value is below 0.05 so the odds of a chance deviation from my hypothesis of this magnitude is<br />

extremely remote. Therefore I reject the hypothesis and conclude that some of the kittens were likely the<br />

result of matings with the next-door cat.<br />

(e). Why could you NOT have hypothesized that the neighbor’s cat had fathered SOME of the kittens,<br />

and test that hypothesis by χ 2 analysis?<br />

Because you do not know how many kittens were produced by the next door neighbor’s cat. Without this<br />

information you cannot define the expected outcome.<br />


Problem 3. (25 points) From experiments discussed in quiz section 5 you learned the following about the<br />

inheritance pattern of bristle length, eye shape, and body color in Drosophila:<br />

Bristle length: The long bristle phenotype (L) is dominant to short bristles (l).<br />

Eye shape: The half-moon eye phenotype (H) is dominant to round eyes (h).<br />

Body color: The gray body color phenotype (G) is dominant to amber body color (g).<br />

Additionally, you learned that the genes responsible for all three of these traits reside on the X-<br />

chromosome and that the body color gene (G) and bristle length gene (L) are linked to a polymorphic<br />

DNA marker (here designated M). The linkage relationships are shown below.<br />

G<br />

M<br />

17cM L M<br />

35cM<br />

Both the body color gene (G) and the bristle length gene (L) are linked to the marker, but it is not known<br />

if the two genes are linked to each other, and their order relative to the marker (M). To further evaluate<br />

their linkage relationship, you examine the progeny of the same female/male pair that was examined in<br />

lab. (Recall that the female was a long, round, gray fly and the male was a long, half-moon, amber fly.)<br />

Suppose that when these flies were mated, the progeny had the phenotypes for bristle length, body color,<br />

and eye shape as listed below.<br />

Cross: long, round, gray female x long, half-moon, amber male<br />

Phenotype # Females # Males Total<br />

Long, gray, round 0 249 249<br />

Long, gray, half-moon 502 0 502<br />

Long, amber, round 0 253 253<br />

Long, amber, half-moon 498 0 498<br />

Short, gray, round 0 247 247<br />

Short, gray, half-moon 0 0 0<br />

Short, amber, round 0 251 251<br />

Short, amber, half-moon 0 0 0<br />

TOTAL 1000 1000 2000<br />

(a). Using the data in the table above, draw out the genetic order of the body color gene (G), bristle length<br />

gene (L), and the marker (M), and indicate the distances between each gene and the marker, and the<br />

distance between the two genes.<br />

Since the body color gene (G) and bristle length gene (L) are both linked to the same molecular marker<br />

there are two possible maps that are consistent with the known linkage relationships to the marker:<br />


G<br />

17cM<br />

M<br />

35cM<br />

L<br />

52cM<br />

OR<br />

L<br />

18cM<br />

G<br />

17cM<br />

M<br />

35cM<br />

The data above indicate that the G and L genes are segregating independently. Therefore, these genes<br />

must be 50cM or more apart. This indicates that the first genetic map is correct.<br />

(b). What does the data in the table above say about the linkage relationship between the genes?<br />

This says that the G and L genes are unlinked.<br />

Information about the location of the half-moon gene (H) on the X-chromosome is still not known.<br />

Suppose you want to see if it is linked to the body color gene (G). You identify the mutation causing the<br />

recessive short bristle trait, and observe that it creates a restriction enzyme site (see below). You create a<br />

probe that is complementary to this gene that can be used in Southern blot analysis.<br />

probe<br />

2kb<br />

5kb<br />

3kb<br />

G<br />

g<br />

= restriction site<br />

You take one of your long, gray, half-moon female progeny (from the previous cross) that is<br />

heterozygous for all genes and mate it to a test cross male.<br />

(c). What is the genotype of the FEMALE used in this testcross? Indicate dominant and recessive genes<br />

on each X chromosome (you should be able to deduce this genotype from the cross that produced this<br />

female).<br />

l<br />

h<br />

G<br />

L<br />

H<br />

g<br />

You extract DNA from the female and testcross male used in this cross, as well as all female offspring<br />

from this cross that have half-moon eyes. You proceed to perform the restriction digest and probe for the<br />

body color gene. Representative results are shown below:<br />


parents<br />

half-moon female progeny derived from the cross<br />

5kb<br />

2kb<br />

(d). Assuming the results shown above are representative of results obtained with the remaining halfmoon<br />

female offspring, what does this information suggest about the linkage relationship between the G<br />

and H genes? If they are linked, what map distance separates the genes?<br />

There appear to be six parental types and 4 recombinant types (circled) among the half-moon female<br />

progeny. Since the recombinant types are found less often than the parental types these results are<br />

consistent with linkage between the molecular marker and the Half-moon trait. Because the RFLP<br />

corresponds to the body color trait (G), these results indicate that G and half-moon (H) are linked. The<br />

map distance separating the G and H genes is calculated as follows:<br />

4/10(100) = 40cM<br />

(e). Draw the genetic map that is consistent with this data and that from the first part of this problem. Be<br />

sure to show the L, G, and H genes and M marker on the map and the linkage distances separating these<br />

genes/markers. Indicate the two possible locations for the half-moon gene (H) that are consistent with<br />

this data.<br />

H<br />

40cM<br />

G<br />

17cM<br />

M<br />

35cM<br />

L<br />

OR<br />

G<br />

17cM<br />

M<br />

35cM<br />

H<br />

L<br />

40cM<br />

Problem 4. (15 total points) You are studying aging in fruit flies and have generated six different<br />

homozygous long-lived fly mutants (you may assume that each of these mutant strains bears a mutation<br />

affecting only ONE gene). You now wish to determine how many genes these six mutants represent and<br />

proceed to set up pairwise crosses with all of the homozygous mutants. Results of this analysis are shown<br />

in the table below (where the intersection represents the phenotype of the offspring resulting from a<br />

particular cross):<br />

Mut 1 Mut 2 Mut 3 Mut 4 Mut 5 Mut 6 WT<br />


Mut 1 - + - - + + +<br />

Mut 2 - + + + - +<br />

Mut 3 - - + + +<br />

Mut 4 - + + +<br />

Mut 5 - + +<br />

Mut 6 - +<br />

+ indicates all offspring have normal lifespan.<br />

- indicates all offspring are long-lived.<br />

WT = a wild type strain of flies.<br />

(a). How many complementation groups do these mutations represent?<br />

These mutations represent 3 complementation groups<br />

(b). Describe which mutations fall into each complementation group.<br />

One complementation group consists of the mutations 1, 3 and 4<br />

Another group consists of the mutations 2 and 6<br />

The third group consists of mutation 5<br />

(c). In more recent experiments you isolate another long-lived fly mutant (Mut 7) and proceed to cross<br />

this mutation to your previously characterized long-lived mutants with the following results:<br />

Mut 1 Mut 2 Mut 3 Mut 4 Mut 5 Mut 6 WT<br />

Mut 7 - - - - - - -<br />

+ indicates all offspring have normal lifespan.<br />

- indicates all offspring are long-lived.<br />

WT = a wild type strain of flies.<br />

What are these results telling you?<br />

When you cross Mut 7 to WT you get long-lived mutants. This tells you that Mut 7 is a dominant<br />

mutation. Therefore, you would expect to see the long-lived phenotype with whatever you cross this<br />

mutant to (i.e., it fails to complement everything it is crossed to). This is why dominant mutations cannot<br />

be used in complementation experiments.<br />


will receive the statistical average of the two scores):<br />

Problem 5. (20 total points) The following graph illustrates the time course of DNA repair in E. coli<br />

following UV-light induced DNA damage. Each curve on the graph represents the result of a particular<br />

experiment carried out using either wild type or UV-sensitive E. coli mutants.<br />


(1)<br />

DNA<br />

damage<br />

per kb<br />

(2)<br />

(3)<br />

UV light<br />

Time<br />

Given your knowledge of UV-induced DNA damage repair in E. coli, choose the curve (1, 2, or 3) from<br />

the above graph that most closely resembles the outcome you would expect from the E. coli cell types and<br />

experimental conditions described in the table below (you can use the same curve multiple times):<br />

E. coli Cell Type<br />

wild type<br />

wild type<br />

uvrA mutant<br />

phr mutant<br />

Experimental Conditions<br />

in blue ( 300-500nm ) light<br />

in dark<br />

in dark<br />

in blue ( 300-500nm ) light<br />

Corresponding Curve (1, 2, or 3)<br />


Problem 6. (20 points) E. coli strains bearing a mutation of the deoxyadenosine methylase (dam - ) show<br />

elevated mutation rates relative to wild type cells, owing to a defect in mismatch repair (for reasons<br />

discussed in class). However, the production of very high levels of the wild type enzyme in E. coli cells<br />

also results in increased mutation rates relative to wild type E. coli strains. From your knowledge of the<br />

normal role this enzyme plays in mismatch repair processes, propose an explanation for this finding (a<br />

diagram may help immensely).<br />

Increased methylating activity could decrease the time during which the newly polymerized DNA is<br />

hemimethylated. The mismatch repair enzymes would then have less of an opportunity to find a<br />

hemimethylated strand of DNA to use as a guide to distinguish between parental and daughter DNA<br />

strands. As a result, fewer mismatches would be repaired, and for those that are repaired fewer would be<br />

repaired in the correct fashion and the mutation rate would increase.<br />


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