Thermodynamics and Transport Model of Charge ... - IEEE Xplore

Thermodynamics and Transport Model of Charge ... - IEEE Xplore Thermodynamics and Transport Model of Charge ... - IEEE Xplore
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BOULAIS et al.: THERMODYNAMICS AND TRANSPORT MODEL OF CHARGE INJECTION IN SILICON 2733 Fig. 7. FVC variations as a function of laser power, (circles) experiments, and (triangles) simulation. The physical model presented so far predicts a saturation of the current entering the junction as a function of the laser power in the third region. In fact, at those powers, the temperature rise in silicon is strong enough to induce melting of the substrate. Although melting of the surface is included in the model, its direct effect on electronic transport has been neglected. The next section introduces a model that considers those effects. B. Coupled Thermodynamic and Transport Model With Fusion Basically, the equations of coupled thermodynamic and transport model presented in the previous section remains essentially the same, except that one must include the effect of the melted silicon, which has become metallic. Inverse bremsstrahlung then becomes the main light-absorption mechanism, and direct electron–hole pair creation can be neglected. However, when fusion temperature is reached, semiconductor–metal phase transformation induces confined electrons in covalent bonds to reach conduction bands thus significantly increasing equilibrium electronic concentration [20]. The density of states of silicon is greatly modified when melted, and the Fermi level position decreases by approximately 0.6 eV according to experimental studies [21]. The solid–liquid interface is assumed to be at equilibrium so that thermionic charge injection can be neglected. Electron mobility is also modified [22]. Therefore, at relatively high laser power, the process will result in a metal–semiconductor heterostructure whose interface moves with the melted front. Because of the Fermi level drop in the melted silicon, carriers in liquid silicon are trapped inside a 0.6-eV well. Therefore, even if the carrier density within the melted silicon is very high, those carriers are probably not able to diffuse, and they probably stay trapped inside the melted region. Melting of the substrate is thus believed to have a negligible impact on the current perturbation affecting the sensitive circuit. From simulation results and using Fermi statistics, one can estimate the number of carriers in the melted region that is able to pass over the potential barrier to be approximately 10 19 times lower than the photoinduced charges injected in the solid semiconductor outside the melted region. As the laser power increases, reflected light from the impact point could be scattered to relatively large distances through multiple reflections in the interdielectrics and reach the p-n junction, thus creating additional electron–hole pair in the silicon. A simple calculation can be made to approximate the magnitude of this scattered light. Neglecting backscattering from dielectric/dielectric interface since their refraction indexes are expected to be very similar, the proportion of light backscattered from the irradiated surface, to the interface top layer/air, and back to the surface is about 10% of the incident light at the laser impact point. However, since the target is not experimentally located exactly at the laser waist, it is expected that the incoming lightwave will not be perfectly plane at the surface, yielding to a reflected light over a large area. Moreover, when melted, the silicon surface experiences different transformations that increase this light scattering. First, liquid silicon’s reflection coefficient is about 1.5 times larger than the one of solid silicon. In addition, besides reflection coefficient modification, silicon undergoes purely geometrical modification when melted. Fig. 8 shows an image from a transmission electron microscopy of a silicon area which has been melted by a laser irradiation whose parameters are analog to the one used for trimming processes. Silicon has experienced strong geometrical modification and has reshaped as a rounded pyramid, similar to a sombrero shape. Other shapes have been reported in the literature, including bowl, for silicon and other material surfaces [23], [24]. These studies showed that irradiating at low energy tends to create bowllike structures, while at higher energy, sombrero structures are mostly observed. As stated in [23], bowllike structure formation results from temperature gradient inducing thermocapillarity flow that drives material from the hot center to the cold periphery. However, at higher laser power, native oxide layer is removed (at least partially), thus creating a surfactant-concentration gradient driving material toward the center. The observed sombrerolike structure is expected to increase the quantity of scattered light reaching the transistor region. Wave front at the surface is indeed no longer plane, and reflections will occur at angles far from normal, thus increasing the proportion of light reaching regions distant from the laser impact point. Scattered light creates photo-induced carriers in regions far from impact point and outside the strong temperature gradient area. Those carriers then diffuse freely to the circuit area, thus contributing to the total current. Note that all samples contained those substrate deformation from the beginning, since measurements have been conducted on a previously irradiated circuit. Consequently, the laser power at the edge of region 3 in Fig. 2 does not stand for the point at which the deformation appears but rather for the point at which scattered-light induced carrier effect on the oscillator becomes dominant over the diffusion process. Within this model, lightscattered induced carrier generation is modeled as a uniform and constant light background proportional to the incident laser power. Light-scattered generation have thus to be added to the optical generation G = G optical + G scattering . (12)

2734 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 55, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2008 Fig. 8. (a) TEM cross-sectional image showing geometrical changes in silicon surface induced by laser melting. (b) Schematic of the scattered-light induced carrier injection backscattered from the irradiated surface to the interface top layer—air—and back to the surface. Numerical simulations has shown that 0.5% scattered-light intensity reaching regions outside the strong temperature gradient area can generate a considerable current through the junction, thereby preventing the total perturbative current to saturate as the power is increased over 700 mW in region III. Such a scattering is reasonable considering the initial 10% light reflected from the reflection on dielectric layers. Considering the experimental evidence about the existence of sample surface deformations and the small intensity of parasitic light required to produce observable effects on current, parasitic-light photoinduced carriers are thought to play an important role on the FVC output behavior at higher power. V. CONCLUSION Laser-induced diffused-resistor fabrication processes involve pulsed visible laser interaction on chips containing highly sensitive circuitry. In order to evaluate the impact of the laser pulses on these circuits, a study of the perturbation induced on the free-running frequency of a ring oscillator has been made. The behavior of this modification as a function of the laser-pulse power exhibits a quasi-linear increase for low laser power, then a saturation and finally another increase for high laser power. An electric model of the ring oscillator and of the FVC circuit has been coupled to a semiconductor model of the charge injection to describe the impact of the laser pulse on the sensitive circuit. A simple model neglecting the temperature rise of the substrate is unable to describe properly the observed experimental behavior. A model based on thermodynamics and Boltzmann semiclassical transport equations of the charge injection by a focused pulsed laser in silicon has been developed to include the temperature rise of the substrate. Results show that below silicon melting, the charge injection increases linearly at low power and then saturates due to the presence of strong temperature gradient that confines photoinduced carriers in a small region around the laser impact point, thereby preventing them to diffuse to the oscillator. Above melting, silicon experiences a semiconductor-to-metal phase transition, injecting a lot of free carriers in the liquid silicon. However, based on experimental studies, those carriers are trapped in the liquid phase and are not able to diffuse to the oscillator and thus do not affect its oscillation frequency. In addition to this phase transition, melted liquid silicon when solidified experiences a geometrical transformation that creates light-scattered induced carriers that either affect directly the oscillator or is able to diffuse to it. This phenomenon appears to be responsible for the increase of the FVC response for higher laser power. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank S. Laforte and R. Lachaîne for TEM imaging and valuable discussions. They would also like to thank A. Lacourse from LTRIM Technologies for stimulating discussions. Some of the tools and access to fabrication technologies were provided by CMC Microsystem. REFERENCES [1] H. Yamaguchi, M. Hongo, T. Miyauchi, and M. Mitani, “Laser cutting of aluminium stripes for debugging integrated circuits,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 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Fig. 7. FVC variations as a function <strong>of</strong> laser power, (circles) experiments, <strong>and</strong><br />

(triangles) simulation.<br />

The physical model presented so far predicts a saturation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

current entering the junction as a function <strong>of</strong> the laser power in<br />

the third region. In fact, at those powers, the temperature rise<br />

in silicon is strong enough to induce melting <strong>of</strong> the substrate.<br />

Although melting <strong>of</strong> the surface is included in the model,<br />

its direct effect on electronic transport has been neglected.<br />

The next section introduces a model that considers those<br />

effects.<br />

B. Coupled Thermodynamic <strong>and</strong> <strong>Transport</strong> <strong>Model</strong><br />

With Fusion<br />

Basically, the equations <strong>of</strong> coupled thermodynamic <strong>and</strong><br />

transport model presented in the previous section remains<br />

essentially the same, except that one must include the effect<br />

<strong>of</strong> the melted silicon, which has become metallic. Inverse<br />

bremsstrahlung then becomes the main light-absorption<br />

mechanism, <strong>and</strong> direct electron–hole pair creation can be<br />

neglected. However, when fusion temperature is reached,<br />

semiconductor–metal phase transformation induces confined<br />

electrons in covalent bonds to reach conduction b<strong>and</strong>s thus significantly<br />

increasing equilibrium electronic concentration [20].<br />

The density <strong>of</strong> states <strong>of</strong> silicon is greatly modified when melted,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Fermi level position decreases by approximately 0.6 eV<br />

according to experimental studies [21]. The solid–liquid interface<br />

is assumed to be at equilibrium so that thermionic<br />

charge injection can be neglected. Electron mobility is also<br />

modified [22]. Therefore, at relatively high laser power, the<br />

process will result in a metal–semiconductor heterostructure<br />

whose interface moves with the melted front. Because <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Fermi level drop in the melted silicon, carriers in liquid silicon<br />

are trapped inside a 0.6-eV well. Therefore, even if the carrier<br />

density within the melted silicon is very high, those carriers<br />

are probably not able to diffuse, <strong>and</strong> they probably stay trapped<br />

inside the melted region. Melting <strong>of</strong> the substrate is thus believed<br />

to have a negligible impact on the current perturbation<br />

affecting the sensitive circuit. From simulation results <strong>and</strong> using<br />

Fermi statistics, one can estimate the number <strong>of</strong> carriers in the<br />

melted region that is able to pass over the potential barrier to be<br />

approximately 10 19 times lower than the photoinduced charges<br />

injected in the solid semiconductor outside the melted region.<br />

As the laser power increases, reflected light from the impact<br />

point could be scattered to relatively large distances<br />

through multiple reflections in the interdielectrics <strong>and</strong> reach<br />

the p-n junction, thus creating additional electron–hole pair<br />

in the silicon. A simple calculation can be made to approximate<br />

the magnitude <strong>of</strong> this scattered light. Neglecting backscattering<br />

from dielectric/dielectric interface since their refraction<br />

indexes are expected to be very similar, the proportion <strong>of</strong> light<br />

backscattered from the irradiated surface, to the interface top<br />

layer/air, <strong>and</strong> back to the surface is about 10% <strong>of</strong> the incident<br />

light at the laser impact point. However, since the target is not<br />

experimentally located exactly at the laser waist, it is expected<br />

that the incoming lightwave will not be perfectly plane at the<br />

surface, yielding to a reflected light over a large area. Moreover,<br />

when melted, the silicon surface experiences different transformations<br />

that increase this light scattering. First, liquid silicon’s<br />

reflection coefficient is about 1.5 times larger than the one <strong>of</strong><br />

solid silicon. In addition, besides reflection coefficient modification,<br />

silicon undergoes purely geometrical modification when<br />

melted. Fig. 8 shows an image from a transmission electron<br />

microscopy <strong>of</strong> a silicon area which has been melted by a laser<br />

irradiation whose parameters are analog to the one used for<br />

trimming processes. Silicon has experienced strong geometrical<br />

modification <strong>and</strong> has reshaped as a rounded pyramid, similar<br />

to a sombrero shape. Other shapes have been reported in<br />

the literature, including bowl, for silicon <strong>and</strong> other material<br />

surfaces [23], [24]. These studies showed that irradiating at<br />

low energy tends to create bowllike structures, while at higher<br />

energy, sombrero structures are mostly observed. As stated<br />

in [23], bowllike structure formation results from temperature<br />

gradient inducing thermocapillarity flow that drives material<br />

from the hot center to the cold periphery. However, at higher<br />

laser power, native oxide layer is removed (at least partially),<br />

thus creating a surfactant-concentration gradient driving material<br />

toward the center. The observed sombrerolike structure is<br />

expected to increase the quantity <strong>of</strong> scattered light reaching the<br />

transistor region. Wave front at the surface is indeed no longer<br />

plane, <strong>and</strong> reflections will occur at angles far from normal, thus<br />

increasing the proportion <strong>of</strong> light reaching regions distant from<br />

the laser impact point. Scattered light creates photo-induced<br />

carriers in regions far from impact point <strong>and</strong> outside the strong<br />

temperature gradient area. Those carriers then diffuse freely<br />

to the circuit area, thus contributing to the total current. Note<br />

that all samples contained those substrate deformation from<br />

the beginning, since measurements have been conducted on a<br />

previously irradiated circuit. Consequently, the laser power at<br />

the edge <strong>of</strong> region 3 in Fig. 2 does not st<strong>and</strong> for the point at<br />

which the deformation appears but rather for the point at which<br />

scattered-light induced carrier effect on the oscillator becomes<br />

dominant over the diffusion process. Within this model, lightscattered<br />

induced carrier generation is modeled as a uniform<br />

<strong>and</strong> constant light background proportional to the incident laser<br />

power. Light-scattered generation have thus to be added to the<br />

optical generation<br />

G = G optical + G scattering . (12)

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