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Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems 11, 21-29 (2008) © J. New Mat. Electrochem. Systems Development of Highly Filled Graphite Compounds as Bipolar Plate Materials for Low and High Temperature PEM Fuel Cells *T. Derieth 1 , G. Bandlamudi 1 , P. Beckhaus 1 , C. Kreuz 1 , F. Mahlendorf 1, 2 and A. Heinzel 1, 2 1 ZBT gGmbH, Germany, 2 University Duisburg-Essen, Germany Received: October 27, 2006, Accepted: July 23, 2007 Abstract: This paper focuses on the interactions between carbon filling materials and polypropylene as binder in compound based low temperature bipolar plates. The influences of size and morphology of graphite on the compounding and moulding processes are disclosed here. Without losses in electrical conductivity the throughput for the compounding process has been improved by a factor of twelve, only depending on the morphology of graphite. Moreover, the way of bipolar plate production by compression- or injection moulding leads to significant differences in their electrical conductivity. The process of compression moulding enables a higher processable filling load but due to an obtained alignment of graphite flakes within an injection moulded plate, this material tends to offer an adequate conductivity with fewer quantities of carbon filling particles. Additional to this work first approaches in the development of plate materials suitable for high temperature PEM operation (up to 200 °C) are presented. First plates based on compression moulded compounds have been analysed and operated in a high temperature PEM stack recently. In this paper the latest results of ZBT’s material development project regarding high temperature compound based bipolar plate technologies are presented. Keywords: compound, composite, bipolar plate , electrically, conductive, fuel cell 1. INTRODUCTION *To whom correspondence should be addressed: Email: The polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is a very promising energy converter and there is a significant and growing interest from both, industry and government, to establish this technology and bringing it into the market. Attractive features like high power density, relatively low operating temperature, rapid load change, continuous and convenient fuel supply and a low noise output makes the PEMFC ideally suitable for residential, mobile and portable applications like, e.g. auxiliary power units (APU’s). Inside a PEMFC, besides the membrane-electrodeassemblies (MEA) and the gas-diffusion-layer (GDL), the bipolar plates constitute the most important element of a PEMFC stack. Ideally they separate the reactant gases and distribute them on each side over the whole active area of the MEA. It is required that the bipolar plates are gastight and electrically and thermally conductive. Another characteristic feature required of bipolar plates is their chemical resistance to the operation conditions inside a fuel cell stack. In essence, the bipolar plate has to endure a steady electrical potential, a humid environment of pure water, a low pHvalue (down to pH 4) [1] and temperatures of about 80°C in case of low temperature PEMFC and up to 180°C for high temperature PEMFCs. Even beyond the obvious challenges of the chemistry, it is basically and significant that the PEMFCs and the bipolar plates must be price competitive to other power units to establish the fuel cell into the market. So, for wide spread commercialisation of PEMFC, cost reduction of the bipolar plates is necessary and at best to realise by low cost basis materials and mass production. In the majority of cases bipolar plates based on metal, pure graphite or carbon filled compound material. First, metallic plates usually have high bulk electrical and thermal conductivities, good mechanical properties and insignificant gas permeability. But for metal based bipolar plates the choice of suitable metals is due to the aggressive fuel cell environment limited to expensive corrosion resistant metals. A lot of investigations have been done to develop metallic plates of stainless steel, titanium or other noble metals. Stainless steel is being considered most promising for commercialisation [2,3] but stainless steel usually shows low surface conductivities. However, due to the required chemical resistance to the operation conditions inside a fuel cell stack and the low corrosion resistance of non noble met- 21

Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems 11, 21-29 (2008)<br />

© J. New Mat. Electrochem. Systems<br />

Development of Highly Filled Graphite Compounds as Bipolar Plate Materials for Low<br />

and High Temperature PEM Fuel Cells<br />

*T. Derieth 1 , G. Bandlamudi 1 , P. Beckhaus 1 , C. Kreuz 1 , F. Mahlendorf 1, 2 and A. Heinzel 1, 2<br />

1 ZBT gGmbH, Germany, 2 University Duisburg-Essen, Germany<br />

Received: October 27, 2006, Accepted: July 23, 2007<br />

Abstract: This paper focuses on the interactions between carbon filling materials and polypropylene as binder in compound based low<br />

temperature bipolar plates. The influences of size and morphology of graphite on the compounding and moulding processes are disclosed<br />

here. Without losses in electrical conductivity the throughput for the compounding process has been improved by a factor of twelve, only<br />

depending on the morphology of graphite. Moreover, the way of bipolar plate production by compression- or injection moulding leads to<br />

significant differences in their electrical conductivity. The process of compression moulding enables a higher processable filling load but<br />

due to an obtained alignment of graphite flakes within an injection moulded plate, this material tends to offer an adequate conductivity<br />

with fewer quantities of carbon filling particles.<br />

Additional to this work first approaches in the development of plate materials suitable for high temperature PEM operation (up to<br />

200 °C) are presented. First plates based on compression moulded compounds have been analysed and operated in a high temperature<br />

PEM stack recently. In this paper the latest results of ZBT’s material development project regarding high temperature compound based<br />

bipolar plate technologies are presented.<br />

Keywords: compound, composite, bipolar plate , electrically, conductive, fuel cell<br />


*To whom correspondence should be addressed: Email:<br />

The polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is a very<br />

promising energy converter and there is a significant and growing<br />

interest from both, industry and government, to establish this technology<br />

and bringing it into the market. Attractive features like<br />

high power density, relatively low operating temperature, rapid<br />

load change, continuous and convenient fuel supply and a low<br />

noise output makes the PEMFC ideally suitable for residential,<br />

mobile and portable applications like, e.g. auxiliary power units<br />

(APU’s). Inside a PEMFC, besides the membrane-electrodeassemblies<br />

(MEA) and the gas-diffusion-layer (GDL), the bipolar<br />

plates constitute the most important element of a PEMFC stack.<br />

Ideally they separate the reactant gases and distribute them on each<br />

side over the whole active area of the MEA. It is required that the<br />

bipolar plates are gastight and electrically and thermally conductive.<br />

Another characteristic feature required of bipolar plates is<br />

their chemical resistance to the operation conditions inside a fuel<br />

cell stack. In essence, the bipolar plate has to endure a steady electrical<br />

potential, a humid environment of pure water, a low pHvalue<br />

(down to pH 4) [1] and temperatures of about 80°C in case<br />

of low temperature PEMFC and up to 180°C for high temperature<br />

PEMFCs. Even beyond the obvious challenges of the chemistry, it<br />

is basically and significant that the PEMFCs and the bipolar plates<br />

must be price competitive to other power units to establish the fuel<br />

cell into the market. So, for wide spread commercialisation of<br />

PEMFC, cost reduction of the bipolar plates is necessary and at<br />

best to realise by low cost basis materials and mass production.<br />

In the majority of cases bipolar plates based on metal, pure<br />

graphite or carbon filled compound material.<br />

First, metallic plates usually have high bulk electrical and thermal<br />

conductivities, good mechanical properties and insignificant<br />

gas permeability. But for metal based bipolar plates the choice of<br />

suitable metals is due to the aggressive fuel cell environment limited<br />

to expensive corrosion resistant metals. A lot of investigations<br />

have been done to develop metallic plates of stainless steel, titanium<br />

or other noble metals. Stainless steel is being considered<br />

most promising for commercialisation [2,3] but stainless steel<br />

usually shows low surface conductivities. However, due to the<br />

required chemical resistance to the operation conditions inside a<br />

fuel cell stack and the low corrosion resistance of non noble met-<br />


22 T. Derieth et al. / J. New Mat. Electrochem. Systems<br />

als, their surfaces must be protected by a layer which has been<br />

found to be very difficult to accomplish [4,5].<br />

Second, pure graphite based bipolar plates offer the advantages<br />

of an excellent chemical resistance, good thermal and electrical<br />

conductivity combined with a lower density than metal plates.<br />

Though, the machining of pure graphite plates is a complicate and<br />

time intensive step (milling the flow channels into plates) these<br />

plates are not mass producible and hence high priced. As well<br />

pure graphite plates are brittle and porous, they have to be coated<br />

to be impermeable to the fuel and oxygen [6]. The facts mentioned<br />

above make these plates, due to their cost and time intensive<br />

manufacturing only suitable for very special applications but exclude<br />

standard mass production to fabricate PEMFC components<br />

as a low cost product.<br />

Third, to fulfil the technical requirements for bipolar plates<br />

combined with the possibility of mass production, a lot of investigations<br />

have been done in developing carbon based compound<br />

materials [7,8]. These compound materials are made of commercially<br />

available polymers as binder, graphite or other carbon content<br />

[9,10] and possibly further additives. Compound based bipolar<br />

plates offer a lot of advantages. Due to the polymer matrix the<br />

compound at least partly retains the process ability of the polymer.<br />

Hence conventional processing methods like extruding, compression<br />

moulding or injection moulding can be used to manufacture<br />

bipolar plates mass producible and low priced. To obtain compound<br />

material with good conductivity, a high content of carbon<br />

fillers must be dispersed within a minor polymer matrix. The process<br />

can take place in a discontinuous way using a kneader or continuously<br />

using an extruder whereas the most homogenous material<br />

can be obtained by using a twin screw extruder [11]. Such<br />

produced compound is suitable for further thermal forming processes,<br />

like compression moulding or injection moulding to bipolar<br />

plates. The carbon filling materials and the thermoplastic binder<br />

have significant effects on the compounding and moulding processes<br />

as well as on the resulting conductivities of the compound.<br />

The main objective of this work has been to determine the influences<br />

of size and morphology of different kinds of graphite regarding<br />

the entire production chain to bipolar plates<br />

(compounding, compression- and injection moulding) and their<br />

effects on the electrical conductivity. In addition, the role of the<br />

chosen method to produce plates with their effects is disclosed<br />

here. This part focuses on developing new compound materials for<br />

low temperature bipolar plates and only polypropylene functions<br />

as matrix.<br />

Moreover investigations are initialised and ongoing in developing<br />

thermoplastic bonded, high temperature bipolar plates<br />

(dimensionally stable > 180°C). This paragraph is intended to give<br />

a small overview over the first investigations regarding high temperature<br />

bipolar plates which have been performed at ZBT in the<br />

recent months.<br />


2.1. Preparation of the compounds<br />

Initially, the investigation started with a screening of different<br />

types of graphite without any further additives. Polypropylene<br />

functions as binder. Each compound was produced under similar<br />

process conditions (number of revolutions, temperature profile,<br />

screw configuration and nozzle). In general, compounds offer a<br />

filling load in the range of 75 – 85 % to achieve an adequate conductivity.<br />

Within the scope of this investigation all compounds<br />

have been produced with a similar filling load of 78 % (for assurance<br />

of processability and comparability).<br />

The extruder (Thermo Electron, Germany) is equipped with two<br />

gravimetrical metering units (K-Tron, Switzerland) for the thermoplastics<br />

and the filling materials. The two gravimetric metering<br />

units were controlled by software (K-Tron) to proof the weight<br />

ratio and under these conditions it is possible to reach an accuracy<br />

of the compound of up to 0.2 %. During compounding the different<br />

parameters torque, pressure and melt temperature were recorded<br />

by software PolyLab (Thermo Electron) and subsequently<br />

evaluated.<br />

The production of compound material took place in a twin<br />

screw extruder in which the thermoplastic is continuously fed into<br />

the extruder where it is preheated, compacted, and then plasticised.<br />

According to the desired weight ratio, an adequate amount<br />

of the conductive filling materials is added downstream to the<br />

plasticised polymer resulting in conductive particles getting homogeneously<br />

dispersed with the thermoplastic. The produced compound<br />

serves as basis material for the subsequently following<br />

compression moulding or injection moulding process.<br />

2.2. Injection moulding to bipolar plates<br />

At ZBT, injection moulding is the standard production method<br />

to manufacture bipolar plates in a one-step process directly with<br />

the required structures (Kraus Maffei, Germany, F max =3000 KN,<br />

p max =350 Mpa).<br />

The injection moulding technique for the processing of carbon<br />

filled compounds is a non trivial task. The high content of filler<br />

results in high viscosity and high flow resistance of the mass.<br />

Additionally, injection pressure, injection velocity and mass temperature<br />

must all be increased as compared to injection moulding<br />

of pure thermoplastics [3]. Within the scope of this investigation,<br />

exceptionally injection moulded plates (low temperature materials)<br />

were produced without any structures to realise comparable<br />

measurement of conductivity between compression moulded and<br />

injection moulded plates.<br />

2.3. Compression moulding to samples and to bipolar<br />

plates<br />

For investigations in high temperature materials the extruded or<br />

kneaded compounds were transferred to a mould (Ø= 20 mm) and<br />

then compression moulded in a 100 t hydraulic press (Weber Pressen,<br />

Germany). During compression moulding the higher tendency<br />

of the polymer component to flow ultimately leads to accumulation<br />

of the polymer in a thin insulating film at the surface of the<br />

plate. For the following measurement of electrical conductivity of<br />

these samples, these thin films of approximately 100 mm were<br />

removed by grinding both sides carefully.<br />

High temperature bipolar plates (140 × 70 × 4 mm) were compression<br />

moulded in a 285 t hydraulic press (Gegner, Austria).<br />

Such produced plates serve for the following machining steps<br />

(milling the structures into the plate)<br />

2.4. Measurement of electrical conductivity<br />

Four pole measurement of through plane electrical conductivity<br />

took place in an apparatus which offers the possibility to deter-

Development of Highly Filled Graphite Compounds as Bipolar Plate Materials for Low and High Temperature PEM Fuel Cells<br />

/ J. New Mat. Electrochem. Systems<br />

23<br />

Stamps<br />

F press<br />

Gold layer<br />

Gas diffusion layer<br />

Gold pins<br />

Sample<br />

RΩ<br />

RV<br />

Rtot<br />

RC<br />

Gold pins<br />

F press<br />

Figure 1. Four pole measurement apparatus with separate resistances<br />

(principle sketch). R tot = total resistance of measurement,<br />

R Ω = bulk/material resistance, R C = contact/surface resistance,<br />

R V = volume resistance of the sample, R V = 2 × R C + R W<br />

Figure 2. SEM-image of flake like graphite - scale bar 2 µm<br />

mine the conductivity of bipolar plates with and without structure ∗ .<br />

For measurement of electrical conductivity the samples were<br />

placed between two gas diffusion layers (W.L. Gore & Associates<br />

GmbH, Fuel Cell Technologies, Carbel ® -Cl-Gas Diffusion Media)<br />

which are fixed on gold plated stainless steel stamps integrated in a<br />

hydraulic press. The measurement was performed under pressure to<br />

simulate conditions more similar to a fuel cell. For four sets of<br />

pressure of 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 and 4 Mpa a current of 500, 1000, 1500<br />

and 2000 mA (Wenking HP 96-20) was applied and the resulting<br />

voltage recorded. Principle of the measurement apparatus is shown<br />

in Figure 1.<br />

For unification and comparability, the results of the resistance<br />

were divided by the thickness and multiplied by the area, to yield<br />

the resistivity independent of its geometry.<br />

2.5. Analysis of structure<br />

Scanning electron microscopy (field emission-SEM) (Leo 1530<br />

Gemini) was conducted to analyse the internal structure of compression<br />

moulded and injection moulded bipolar plates. For SEM<br />

measurements, the plates were broken in liquid nitrogen to prevent<br />

thermal deformation. The plate samples were placed in the sample<br />

holder, vacuum was applied and SEM images were taken of the<br />

broken surface (cross sectional direction).<br />


* Exceptionally, injection moulded plates were produced without any structures to<br />

realise comparable measurement of conductivity between compression moulded and<br />

injection moulded plates<br />

** 20, 10 and 5 mm, d50-value: size distribution measured by laser diffraction -50% of<br />

particles are smaller and equal than the specified value<br />

Figure 3. SEM-image of spherical graphite – scale bar 10 µm<br />

3.1. Influence of size and morphology of graphite<br />

particles<br />

Initially the investigations started with a set of graphite materials<br />

of exactly equal morphology (flake like, high aspect ratio, Figure 2)<br />

but different sizes ∗∗ . Another kind of graphite, spherical in morphology<br />

(low aspect ratio, Figure 3) has been compared to these<br />

three types of graphite with high aspect ratio. All pure graphite<br />

materials were compounded under identical process conditions,<br />

with an equal filling load (gravimetric) and polypropylene as<br />

binder. In Table 1 the investigated kinds of graphite are listed.<br />

With growing size of particles, the rate of production has been<br />

observed to be higher, as presented in Figure 4. The higher surface<br />

area of many smaller particles results in a higher need of binder to<br />

get dispersed. This in turn has an effect on the output rate and the<br />

maximum filling load. This might be one reason, but the bulk density<br />

also accompanies with the particles size and morphology of the<br />

Table 1. Tested kinds of graphite –influence of size and morphology<br />

of different kinds of graphite on the compounding process and<br />

the resulting conductivities for compression moulded and injection<br />

moulded bipolar plates.<br />

Morphology of graphite Size [µm] Bulk (Apparent) Density [g/l]<br />

flake like- high aspect ratio 5,10,20 d50 * 100,115,155<br />

spherical- low aspect ratio 20 d50 * 513

1<br />

24 T. Derieth et al. / J. New Mat. Electrochem. Systems<br />

14000<br />

1400<br />

output rate [g/h]<br />

12000<br />

10000<br />

8000<br />

6000<br />

spherical graphite 20 µm<br />

flake like graphite 20 µm<br />

flake like graphite 10 µm<br />

flake like graphite 5 µm<br />

(bar⋅s)<br />

1350<br />

1300<br />

1250<br />

1200<br />

1150<br />

1100<br />

spherical graphite 20 µm<br />

flake like graphite 20 µm<br />

flake like graphite 10 µm<br />

flake like graphite 5 µm<br />

4000<br />

1050<br />

2000<br />

1000<br />

950<br />

0<br />

900<br />

Figure 4. Influence of size and morphology of different kinds of<br />

graphite on the compounding process. Only depending on the morphology<br />

of the compounded graphite the output rate is enhanced<br />

by the factor of at least five<br />

Figure 5. Integral of pressure over the time- a suitable indicator for<br />

the viscosity- more challenging materials are characterised by a<br />

higher integral value<br />

Table 2. Obtained output rate during compounding depending on<br />

morphology and size<br />

Graphite<br />

flake like 5 µm<br />

Output rate [g/h]<br />

1000<br />

flake like 10 µm 2000<br />

flake like 20 µm 2500<br />

spherical 20 µm 12000<br />

Table 3. Pressure integral over the time period during injection for<br />

the investigated compounds<br />

Graphite Pressure integral [bar s]<br />

flake like 5 µm 1296<br />

flake like 10 µm 1203<br />

flake like 20 µm 1141<br />

spherical 20 µm 1116<br />

Bipolar plate with<br />

flowfield, gas inlet<br />

and further<br />

structures<br />

Overfeed (thin film)<br />

Figure 6. Bipolar plate with overfeed- the overfeed film prompts to<br />

increase the filling load of the compound<br />

graphite materials. To specify, a higher density is beneficial for the<br />

compounding process and with increasing particle size the density<br />

also increases and as a consequence the rate of production improves.<br />

On the other hand a significant increase of the output rate has<br />

been observed by compounding the spherical graphite (Figure 4,<br />

Table 2). The density of this type graphite is significantly higher<br />

than that of flake like ones, predominantly due to their morphology<br />

and this improves the output rate immensely.<br />

In consequence, the spherical graphite (20 µm) enables a maximum<br />

output rate enhanced by a factor of 5-12 than of graphite,<br />

flake like in morphology.<br />

To realise injection moulded bipolar plates the highly filled compound<br />

material requires high injection pressure over the time period<br />

during injection. The pressure integral over the time ( ∫ p dt) is<br />

a suitable indicator for the viscosity and more challenging materials<br />

are characterised by a higher integral value.<br />

As expected, it has been observed that these materials which<br />

were difficult in compounding were also difficult in injection<br />

moulding. Hence, for the compounds filled with small sized graphite<br />

a higher integral ( ∫ p dt) has been obtained. In Figure 5 the<br />

results are presented.<br />

It is noted that Roßberg and Trapp [3] reported that small particle<br />

size of graphite is helpful in reducing the viscosity (increase of<br />

flow ability) of the compound-melt. The lower binder absorption of<br />

small particles allows to disperse more graphite particles within the<br />

binder. According to this, it is to annotate here that for comparison<br />

of compounds with same filling content (gravimetric) the total<br />

surface area of many small sized particles is higher than of larger<br />

particles, which in turn results in a higher need of binder. The<br />

higher total need of binder reduces the flow ability and thus gives<br />

rise to complexities in their production chain as shown in Figure 4<br />

and Figure 5.

Development of Highly Filled Graphite Compounds as Bipolar Plate Materials for Low and High Temperature PEM Fuel Cells<br />

/ J. New Mat. Electrochem. Systems<br />

25<br />

120<br />

25<br />

bulk-conductivity (S/cm)<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

flake like<br />

graphite, 5 µm<br />

spherical<br />

graphite, 20 µm<br />

+ 3.6 %<br />

flake like<br />

graphite, 10 µm<br />

flake like<br />

graphite, 20 µm<br />

volume-conductivity (S/cm)<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

flake like<br />

graphite, 5 µm<br />

spherical<br />

graphite, 20 µm,<br />

+ 3.6 %<br />

flake like<br />

graphite, 10 µm<br />

flake like<br />

graphite, 20 µm<br />

20<br />

spherical<br />

graphite, 20 µm<br />

5<br />

spherical<br />

graphite, 20 µm<br />

0<br />

0 1 2 3 4<br />

pressure (Mpa)<br />

0<br />

0 1 2 3 4<br />

pressure [Mpa]<br />

Figure 7. Bulk conductivities of the investigated materials<br />

(measurement was applied on unstructured bipolar plate samples<br />

20 × 20 mm, filling load 78%) - smaller particles result in better<br />

values of conductivity but spherical morphology enables a higher<br />

filling load which in turn results in relatively good values of conductivity<br />

Within this investigation, during the process of injection moulding,<br />

it has been observed that a thin overfeed film has been found to<br />

be formed (Figure 6) around the plates when the material used was<br />

spherical in morphology and not flake like (same parameters for<br />

injection moulding). This phenomenon is an indicator for good<br />

flow ability (low viscosity) of the molten compound material and<br />

normally allows to increase the filling load with the result of avoiding<br />

the thin overfeed film and primary to realise bipolar plates of<br />

better conductivity.<br />

In consequence, one further compound based on the spherical<br />

graphite, has been produced with an increased filling content<br />

(3.6 % increased filling load than before). Injection moulded bipolar<br />

plates were produced in the same approach as mentioned before<br />

and subsequently measurement of electrical conductivity was applied.<br />

3.2. Measurement of electrical conductivity<br />

While the electrons need to pass through the bipolar plate, the<br />

through-plane conductivity is obviously more important than the<br />

in-plane conductivity for a bipolar plate. Hence, only the through<br />

plane conductivity has been measured and the results are presented<br />

in Figure 7 and Figure 8.<br />

Figure 8. Volume conductivities of the investigated materials- R V =<br />

2 × R C + R W (measurement was applied on unstructured bipolar<br />

plate samples 20 × 20 mm)<br />

These compounds were not being optimized regarding their conductivity;<br />

the main focus on this investigation was to ensure comparability<br />

with regard to the electrical conductivity. There was no<br />

additional carbon content inside these compounds. In consideration<br />

of this, the electrical conductivity of the compound for the graphite<br />

with a particle size of 5 µm is a respectable value and it has been<br />

found, that with decreasing size of particles the electrical conductivity<br />

increases immensely while the process also becomes more<br />

difficult.<br />

By comparing the spherical compound (20 µm) and the flake like<br />

compound (20 µm), it is obvious that the conductivity of the spherical<br />

compound is much lower in case of the same filling content.<br />

However, the spherical graphite enables a higher processable filling<br />

load and this in turn increases the values for the electrical conductivity<br />

while keeping the processability improved by factor of at<br />

least five up to twelve.<br />

Based on these results and within the focus of a mass production<br />

technology, it is obvious that there is need for some more improvement.<br />

As a consequence, one screening, with different spherical<br />

types of graphite and mixtures of these ones with carbon blacks has<br />

been initiated.<br />

Why carbon blacks (CB)? The nanometer sized carbon blacks are<br />

forming out conductive bridges through the insulating polymer<br />

matrix between the micro sized graphite flakes. But the influence<br />

of carbon blacks is significant in both, on one hand the positive<br />

Table 4. Comparison of all investigated materials- as a result, a compound has been developed, combining good values of conductivity and<br />

easy manufacturing during the entire production chain<br />

Graphite<br />

Volume-conductivity by 2,5 Mpa Bulk-conductivity by 2,5 Mpa Output rate during compounding [kg/h]<br />

flake like 20 µm 7.4 34.0 2.5<br />

flake like 10 µm 13.6 58.7 2<br />

flake like 5 µm 20.6 96.9 1<br />

spherical 5.1 22.6 12<br />

spherical + 3,6 % 14.7 68.4 10<br />

optimised spherical compound incl. carbon black 22.9 88.5 12

26 T. Derieth et al. / J. New Mat. Electrochem. Systems<br />

Voltage U [V]<br />

24,0<br />

20,0<br />

16,0<br />

12,0<br />

8,0<br />

4,0<br />

0,0<br />

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800<br />

Current Density j [mA/cm²]<br />

Figure 9. LT fuel cell stack with 24 cells and investigated injection<br />

moulded bipolar plates<br />

Figure 10. SEM-image of a compression moulded plate - graphite<br />

particles oriented perpendicular to the current flow in a fuel cell<br />

effect for the conductivity and on the other hand a negative effect<br />

on the process (high surfaces, abrasive behaviour). In a field of<br />

eventually appropriate materials, combing graphite, carbon blacks<br />

and the polymer, one composition exposed to be the best compromise<br />

between processability and conductivity. As a result of this<br />

screening, one compound has been achieved with a conductance<br />

better than the compound, based on the flake like graphite (5 µm).<br />

Nevertheless the processability for the compounding process retains<br />

improved by a factor of 12.<br />

This new developed material serves as feedstock for the subsequently<br />

following step of injection moulding and such produced<br />

plates are operating in large quantities in PEM-Fuel-Cell-Stacks at<br />

ZBT. It should be noted here, that it is possible to produce bipolar<br />

plates with a better electrical conductivity which as well means a<br />

better cell performance. For high performance application like<br />

automotive a better material might be required whereas for the<br />

most applications (i.e. auxiliary power units (APU) or combined<br />

heat and power units (CHP)) this compound material is well appropriate<br />

and even low priced producible. Figure 9 shows an I-V-curve<br />

of an operating 24 cell low temperature PEM-stack including bipolar<br />

plates based on this compound.<br />

3.3. Influence of production method on the internal<br />

structure of bipolar plates<br />

Another important issue is to analyse the different effects of the<br />

filling components and/or the content in a bipolar plate, depending<br />

on the different production methods compression- or injection<br />

moulding.<br />

Due to the required degree of lower viscosity for the injection<br />

moulding process, the compression moulding allows a higher processable<br />

filling load of graphite than injection moulding. This results<br />

in a higher bulk conductivity of the basis compound for compression<br />

moulded plates. But plates which have been produced by injection<br />

moulding using a less filled compound show a similar total<br />

resistivity or better conductivities when compared to compression<br />

Core Surface layer – approx. 200 µm<br />

Alignment<br />

perpendicular to<br />

current flow in a<br />

fuel cell<br />

Low resistivity<br />

within the plate due<br />

to the alignment of<br />

the graphite flakes<br />

plane to the current<br />

flow in a fuel cell<br />

Figure 11. SEM-image of an injection moulded plate - graphite particles being oriented within the core of the plate plane to the current flow<br />

in a fuel cell

Development of Highly Filled Graphite Compounds as Bipolar Plate Materials for Low and High Temperature PEM Fuel Cells<br />

/ J. New Mat. Electrochem. Systems<br />

27<br />

moulded plates with equal filling load.<br />

To specify, graphite is an anisotropic material with regard to the<br />

direction of its current flow. Due to its chemical structure, graphite<br />

along its crystalline layered structure is electrically conductive. On<br />

the other hand, perpendicular to its plane, graphite is an electrical<br />

insulator. Due to its morphology, flake like kinds of graphite (high<br />

aspect ratio) offer a significantly higher anisotropic behaviour<br />

which is of high importance as explained in following paragraphs.<br />

The process of compression moulding results in graphite particles<br />

oriented in a plane perpendicular to the direction of compaction<br />

force during moulding. Which as well as means perpendicular<br />

to the current flow in a fuel cell (Figure 10). This possibility exists<br />

in all polymer/graphite systems as long as the aspect ratios of the<br />

graphite particles are not unity. This in turn influences the “in plane<br />

to through plane ratio” of conductivity non beneficial and results in<br />

higher in plane conductivities but worse through plane conductivities.<br />

Contrary to this, the injection moulding process results in different<br />

structures to be formed within an injection moulded bipolar<br />

plate. SEM-pictures of broken injection moulded plates (crosssectional)<br />

have shown two separate areas with different orientations<br />

of the graphite flakes within the polymer matrix (Figure 11).<br />

First, in the middle of the bipolar plate (core), an alignment of<br />

the graphite flakes convenient to the direction of the current flow in<br />

a fuel cell (anisotropy effect) has been found to be formed. Second,<br />

a distribution of the graphite flakes perpendicular to the current<br />

flow in a fuel cell has been observed at the surface of the bipolar<br />

plate (approx. 200 – 400 µm) similar to compression moulded<br />

plates. The focal point is that the alignment within the core of the<br />

plates - in plane to the current flow in a fuel cell - increase the<br />

through plane conductivity of injection moulded plates. This in<br />

consequence, offers the possibility to realise less filled bipolar<br />

plates with electrical conductivities, similar to compression<br />

moulded bipolar plates containing a higher filling load. In addition,<br />

this alignment is also the explanation why flake like graphite based<br />

injection moulded plates, offer higher values of conductivity (when<br />

compared for same filling load).<br />

3.4. Carbon based, thermoplastic bonded high temperature<br />

bipolar plates<br />

The high temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells<br />

(HT PEMFCs) offer a great promise both in pure hydrogen (H 2 )<br />

based and reformed hydrogen (RH) based power supply systems<br />

owing to many advantages when compared to their low temperature<br />

counterparts (LT PEMFCs). The HT PEMFCs are operated in<br />

the 130 ºC - 200 ºC temperature range, enabling the heat produced<br />

in the stack to be put to profitable use and offer high CO tolerance.<br />

As the energy supply in the form of H 2 infrastructure is not yet<br />

realised in most parts of the world, onsite H 2 production from liquid<br />

and gaseous fuels (with high energy densities) is more realistic<br />

and in such a scenario, HT PEMFCs are more appropriate and offer<br />

many fold advantages when compared to the LT PEMFCs.<br />

As discussed in the preceding paragraph, HT PEMFCs are a<br />

promising technology, but the various materials which are required<br />

in a working HT PEMFC are challenging to realize.<br />

This paragraph is intended to give a small overview over the first<br />

investigations regarding high temperature bipolar plates which<br />

have been performed at ZBT. More detailed information’s will be<br />

published in a following paper.<br />

Based on the experience in successfully produced low temperature<br />

compounds, the development of high temperature compounds<br />

currently focuses on the selection of suitable thermoplastics and the<br />

optimised filling mixture as mentioned before, serves as basis to<br />

achieve respectable electrical conductivities.<br />

As mentioned before, the focus of ZBT is to process bipolar<br />

plates with a mass production technique to produce low priced<br />

articles (in this case injection moulding). Realising high temperature<br />

plates by injection moulding is due to the typical flow behaviour<br />

of high temperature polymers, combined with high filling<br />

loads much more challenging than for low temperature compounds.<br />

Hence, for first investigations, ZBT has chosen the easiest way to<br />

produce high temperature plates, which means unstructured and by<br />

compression moulding while the required structures have been<br />

milled into the plates afterwards.<br />

The choice of appropriate HT-thermoplastics for carbon filled<br />

HT-bipolar plates is mainly determined by the following requirements.<br />

• Dimensionally stable at elevated temperatures (> 160°C)<br />

• High melt flow rate<br />

• Chemical stability in the presence of fuel, oxidant, product<br />

water and mineral acids<br />

• Creep strength even at high temperature and good ageing<br />

resistance<br />

• Gas tightness / low coefficient of permeability<br />

High temperature materials are divided into two main categories—semi-crystalline<br />

and amorphous—based on their difference in<br />

molecular structure.<br />

Amorphous high temperature resins have a randomly ordered<br />

molecular structure which does not have a sharp melt point but<br />

instead softens gradually as the temperature rises. These materials<br />

change viscosity when heated, but seldom are as easy flowing as<br />

semi-crystalline materials.<br />

Semi-crystalline materials have a highly ordered molecular structure<br />

with sharp melt points. They do not gradually soften with a<br />

Table 5. Tested thermoplastic for high temperature compound materials<br />

Thermoplastic Company t m /t g [°C] Structure<br />

Polyphenylen oxide, PPO (different types) GE-Plastics 280-310 100 % amorphous<br />

Polyethersulphone, PES BASF 225 100 % amorphous<br />

Polysulphone, PSU BASF 180 100 % amorphous<br />

Polyether imide, PEI GE-Plastics 370-410 100 % amorphous<br />

Polyamide, PA 12 Degussa HPP 220 30 -35 % semi crystalline<br />

Polyphenylen sulphide, PPS Ticona 280 28 – 35 % semi crystalline

28 T. Derieth et al. / J. New Mat. Electrochem. Systems<br />

1,00<br />

0,90<br />

0,80<br />

Cell at 170°C with Thermoset based HT-Bipolar<br />

Plates<br />

Cell at 170°C with ZBT-HT-Bipolar Plates<br />

0,70<br />

Cell Voltage (V)<br />

0,60<br />

0,50<br />

0,40<br />

0,30<br />

0,20<br />

0,10<br />

0,00<br />

0 5 10 15 20 25<br />

Load Current (A)<br />

Figure 12: Single HT-cell operating successfully at temperatures<br />

up to 200°C at ZBT- bipolar plates produced by ZBT<br />

Figure 13. I-V characteristic of the tested single cell compared<br />

with bipolar plates based on phenol resin<br />

1,0<br />

0,9<br />

0,8<br />

temperature increase but, rather, remain hard until a given quantity<br />

of heat is absorbed and then rapidly change into a low viscosity<br />

liquid. They have excellent chemical resistance. Table 5 shows the<br />

choice of thermoplastics which have been investigated.<br />

First tests took place in a small lab scale kneader. During the<br />

process of compounding it has been observed, that depending on<br />

the grade of crystallinity, the thermoplastics exhibit significant<br />

differences in their quality to disperse the graphite particles.<br />

The characteristic of amorphous polymers of slowly softening<br />

over a large temperature range was reflected in their behaviour of<br />

dispersing the filling particles. Bringing the filling particles into the<br />

polymer matrix during kneading turned out as very difficult to accomplish.<br />

The particles must be mixed in, step by step very carefully.<br />

Otherwise it occurred that a small amount of molten compound<br />

turned around the rotors of the kneader and shifts the residue<br />

of filling content inside the kneader without dispersing any further<br />

particles. Nevertheless it was possible to produce some highly<br />

filled compounds (> 80 %) based on PPO and PEI which were<br />

pressed to unstructured plates.<br />

Contrary to the amorphous resins, it was undemanding to realise<br />

highly filled compounds, based on both investigated semicrystalline<br />

polymers (PA, PPS). Due to the typical behaviour of this<br />

category of polymer, the melt is of low viscosity and flows readily<br />

around the filling particles which results in a good quality of dispersion<br />

and leads to a better dispersed more homogenous material<br />

and plate in the end.<br />

First tests of gas tightness have shown that these plates which are<br />

based on the amorphous thermoplastics are more brittle than plates<br />

made of the semi crystalline thermoplastics and they do not prevent<br />

gas diffusion/convection through the material. Hence, the semi<br />

crystalline materials PA and PPS are preferable as matrix for high<br />

temperature materials and finally, due to the higher chemical stability<br />

and the higher heat deflection temperature, PPS has been selected.<br />

Larger quantities were produced at the extrusion line and<br />

plates have been pressed in the same approach as mentioned before.<br />

Within the pressed unstructured plates the required structures<br />

Voltage U [V]<br />

0,7<br />

0,6<br />

0,5<br />

0,4<br />

0,3<br />

0,2<br />

0,1<br />

0,0<br />

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800<br />

Current density j [mA/cm 2 ]<br />

HT PEM 170 °C LT PEM full humidified 55 °C LT PEM wet diff. Layer 50 °C LT PEM dried out 55 °C<br />

Figure 14. Comparison of a HT single fuel cell with a LT fuel cell<br />

under various conditions, 50 cm² active area, HT Fuel Cell without<br />

humidification<br />

like flowfield and cooling channels were milled in and by now first<br />

bipolar plates based on the investigated compound material have<br />

been integrated into a high temperature PEM-stack. This fuel cell<br />

stack has been operated successfully at ZBT with temperatures of<br />

up to 200°C and has shown good performance (Figure 11 and Figure<br />

12).<br />

Figure 13 shows a comparison between a ZBT high temperature<br />

stack and a ZBT low temperature stack under various conditions.<br />

The high temperature stack has been operated with compression<br />

moulded bipolar plates however the low temperature stack has been<br />

run with injection moulded plates. As mentioned before, the process<br />

of compression moulding enables a higher processable filling<br />

load than injection moulding and hence the load of the high temperature<br />

plates has been three percent higher.<br />


The experiments have shown that these compounds have good<br />

electrical conductivity and are mass producible, to be effectively<br />

used in bipolar plates. The morphology and bulk density of the<br />

tested graphite material used in these compounds, greatly influence

Development of Highly Filled Graphite Compounds as Bipolar Plate Materials for Low and High Temperature PEM Fuel Cells<br />

/ J. New Mat. Electrochem. Systems<br />

29<br />

the production rate of the compounds, which in turn influences the<br />

production rate of the bipolar plates. Graphite, whose morphology<br />

and bulk density result in better electrical conductivity might give<br />

rise to complexities in their entire production chain. Furthermore<br />

the particle size of the graphite material also has a role to play here:<br />

compounds with smaller graphite particles tend to offer better conductivities<br />

when compared to larger graphite particles. A central<br />

result of the investigations is that graphite materials which allow<br />

higher ease of manufacturing also allow a higher filling load, thus<br />

improving the conductivity. Analysis of the internal material structure<br />

of injection moulded plates shows - contrary to compression<br />

moulded plates - an alignment of the graphite flakes convenient to<br />

the direction of the current flow in a fuel cell which in turn increases<br />

the electrical conductivity.<br />

The development of high temperature compounds focuses on the<br />

selection of suitable thermoplastics. Investigations have disclosed<br />

that depending on the grade of crystallinity, the thermoplastics<br />

exhibit significant differences in their behaviour concerning dispersion<br />

during compounding and compression moulding. By now<br />

bipolar plates based on the investigated compound material have<br />

been produced by compression moulding and have been integrated<br />

into a high temperature PEM-stack. This fuel cell stack has been<br />

operated successfully at temperatures up to 200 °C and has shown<br />

good performance.<br />

[8] Kazuya N., Hitoshi I., Hideyuki N., Effect of particle size of<br />

graphite on electrical conductivity of graphite/polymer composites,<br />

Composites Interfaces, Vol. 6, No. 5, 483 (1999).<br />

[9] Stewart Jr CR. US Patent 4670300, 1987.<br />

[10]Buswick D, Wilson M., US Patent 6248467, 2001.<br />

[11]R. Kaiser, H. G. Fritz, Highly Conductive Polymer Compounds<br />

for Fuel Cell Applications, Presented at PPS- 17, The Polymer<br />

Processing Society, 17 th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada,<br />

May 21-24 2001.<br />


Financial support by the European Union and the state of North<br />

Rhine Westphalia for the starting of the ZBT GmbH is gratefully<br />

acknowledged.<br />


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