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ISSN: 2251-7219 EKEOCHA Effect of Graded Levels of Mexican Sunflower Leaf (Tithonia Diversifolia Hemsl.A. Gray) Meal on the Feed Intake of Ewe during the Entire Lactation Period of 90 Days Abstract Ekeocha A. H. Department of Animal Science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. Original Article A 90 – day feeding trial was conducted to evaluate Mexican Sunflower leaf (MSL) as dietary fiber source in sheep diets. Straight diets were formulated to contain the MSL at dietary levels of 0%, 15%, 30% and 45% as replacement for wheat bran. Sixteen (16) West African dwarf ewe weighing 19.50 to 22.46kg were allotted to the 4 diets containing four replicates per treatment with 1 ewe per replicate in a completely randomized design (CRD). Ewes were given ad libitum access to feed and water and routine vaccination and medication followed standard procedures. Parameters measured were changes in feed intake during early, mid and late lactation, Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) and DM : LW %. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA. There were significant (p diet D (17.60kg) although no statistical significance (P>0.05) was observed. There was no significant correlation between live-weight at mating and duration of pregnancy or live-weight at mating and lambs birth weight. Inclusion of up to 30% MSLM in the diets of lactating ewe appeared most beneficial to sheep as it had no negative effects on dry matter and nutrient intake. Keywords: Mexican sunflower leaf, feed intake, lactation period Corresponding author: Department of Animal Science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria Received on: 22 Aug 2012 Revised on: 05 Sep 2012 Accepted on: 15 Sep 2012 Online Published on: 30 Sep 2012 727 J. Anim. Sci. Adv., 2012, 2(9):727-733

EFFECT OF GRADED LEVELS OF MEXICAN SUNFLOWER LEAF … Introduction Lactation plays an important role in the life of sheep. Apart from provision of milk for humans, lactation is an indication of good lamb performance. Owen (1981) reported that the main difference in lamb growth arising from lactation is due to variation in the yield of milk. Poor quality feed especially during the dry season has been identified as one of the major constraints to small scale dairy production (Barje et al., 1999). In most animals not specialized for milk production, the composition of milk is, apart from vitamins, is largely independent of the quality of the diets, any inadequacy or shortages being reflected by a diminished yield (McDonald et al., 1987). Sheep milk composition can also be influenced by different feeds, grazing systems and by subclinical mastitic conditions (Bufano et al., 1996). Milk composition of major and minor components is affected by feeding regimes, ration components and forage : grain ratios (Perea et al., 2000). Studies by Ekeocha et al., 2012 have shown that lactating West African dwarf ewes fed on Mexican sunflower leaf meal based diets have substantial mineral profile at her disposal. However, research emphasis worldwide has been on sheep wool and meat production and their characteristics, not on sheep milk. Most textbooks on “Milk” deal only with cow milk, and human milk to some extent (Kon and Cowie, 1961; Falconer, 1971; Renner, 1982; Gravert, 1983). The only major sources of research information on sheep milk appear to be the bulletins and proceedings of the International Dairy Federation Seminars held in Greece in 1985 and 1995 (IDF, 1983; 1986; 1996). Not even the 1 st World Congress of Dairy Products in Human Health and Nutrition (Serrano Rios, 1994) recognized the existence or contribution of sheep milk products to human nutrition, nor does the handbook of the US Sheep Industry Development Program (Scott, 1986). In France, the scientific journal Le Lait devoted an entire issue to goat milk, including its role as an alternative to cow milk (Le Lait, 1993). A biobliography on goat milk (Freund, 2000), and the proceedings of a national colloquium on the nutritional and dietetic qualities of goat milk (Freund, 1996) have been published, but similar efforts on sheep milk are still missing. Even a book on buffalo milk is available (Deepak Sahai, 1996). Searching the CAB for the past 10 years, the numbers of publications worldwide on sheep milk, sheep cheese and allergies related to sheep milk are minor compared to those on cow milk (King, 1988). Certainly there are more publications in earlier years, but those would be based on less sophisticated analytical methods. Publications on the nutritional value of sheep milk often give only gross composition without detailed identification of more specific unique components of benefit in human nutrition, although trade magazines contain many anecdotal reports that are waiting for scientific evaluation. However, among the 1,000 research projects on sheep worldwide (King, 1988), less than 4% deal with topics of sheep milk and sheep dairying. This experiment is aimed at evaluating feed intake and weight change from WAD ewes fed MSLM based diets during lactation. Materials and Methods Experimental Site This study was carried out at the sheep unit of the University of Ibadan Teaching and Research farm. Management of Experimental Animals Sixteen WAD ewes aged between 16 - 17 months and weighing 19.50 – 22.46kg were used. The management of experimental animals was same as for the feeding trial. Oestrus Synchronisation Oestrus was artificially synchronized in all the animals using Dinoprost tromethanine solution PGF 2 -Tuco products, Canada), administered intra-muscularly in two doses of 1ml given 19 days apart. Rams bred at the sheep unit of Teaching and Research farm were introduced once signs of heat were detected. Mating was allowed before 08.00hrs and after 18.00hrs to minimize heat stress on the rams. All ewes were weighed at mating and monthly thereafter till parturition and continued till end of lactation. 728 J. Anim. Sci. Adv., 2012, 2(9):727-733

ISSN: 2251-7219<br />


Effect of Graded Levels of Mexican Sunflower Leaf<br />

(Tithonia Diversifolia Hemsl.A. Gray) Meal on the<br />

Feed Intake of Ewe during the Entire Lactation<br />

Period of 90 Days<br />

Abstract<br />

Ekeocha A. H.<br />

Department of Animal Science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.<br />

Original Article<br />

A 90 – day feeding trial was conducted to evaluate Mexican Sunflower leaf (MSL) as dietary fiber source<br />

in sheep diets. Straight diets were formulated to contain the MSL at dietary levels of 0%, 15%, 30% and 45% as<br />

replacement for wheat bran. Sixteen (16) West African dwarf ewe weighing 19.50 to 22.46kg were allotted to<br />

the 4 diets containing four replicates per treatment with 1 ewe per replicate in a completely randomized design<br />

(CRD). Ewes were given ad libitum access to feed and water and routine vaccination and medication followed<br />

standard procedures. Parameters measured were changes in feed intake during early, mid and late lactation,<br />

Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) and DM : LW %. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA.<br />

There were significant (p diet D (17.60kg) although no statistical significance<br />

(P>0.05) was observed. There was no significant correlation between live-weight at mating and duration of<br />

pregnancy or live-weight at mating and lambs birth weight. Inclusion of up to 30% MSLM in the diets of<br />

lactating ewe appeared most beneficial to sheep as it had no negative effects on dry matter and nutrient intake.<br />

Keywords: Mexican sunflower leaf, feed intake, lactation period<br />

Corresponding author: Department of Animal Science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria<br />

Received on: 22 Aug 2012<br />

Revised on: 05 Sep 2012<br />

Accepted on: 15 Sep 2012<br />

Online Published on: 30 Sep 2012<br />

727 J. Anim. Sci. Adv., 2012, 2(9):727-733

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