How Sinar Mas is Pulping the Planet - Greenpeace

How Sinar Mas is Pulping the Planet - Greenpeace

How Sinar Mas is Pulping the Planet - Greenpeace


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how sinar mas <strong>is</strong> pulping <strong>the</strong> planet<br />

33<br />

166 DSS website www.dss.co.id/business/coal-mining.html<br />

viewed 4 June 2010<br />

167 DSS (2010):14<br />

168 DSS (2010):10<br />

169 DSS website www.dss.co.id/business/coal-mining.html<br />

viewed 4 June 2010<br />

170 DSS (2010): 16<br />

171 Investor Daily (2009)<br />

172 ProPrint (2009)<br />

173 Weber Chandwick (2008)<br />

174 Newsmaker (2010)<br />

175 The Times (2010)<br />

176 NewsMaker 2010)<br />

177 Newsmaker (2010); Youtube website www.youtube.com/wa<br />

tch?v=rEyduROW8Sk&feature=related<br />

178 Newsmaker (2010)<br />

179 eg APP (2004): ii<br />

180 APP (2004): ii<br />

181 APP (2007): 58<br />

182 Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> document, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International<br />

183 Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> document, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International<br />

184 Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> document, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International<br />

185 Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> document, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International<br />

186 Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> document, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International<br />

187 Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> document, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International<br />

188 Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> document, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International<br />

189 Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> document, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International<br />

190 Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> document, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International<br />

191 APP (2010): 2<br />

192 Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> document, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International<br />

193 <strong>Greenpeace</strong> International analys<strong>is</strong> based on <strong>the</strong> latest<br />

concession stat<strong>is</strong>tics released by <strong>the</strong> Min<strong>is</strong>try of Forestry,<br />

Indonesia (MoFor (2010b)<br />

194 MoFor (2010b)<br />

195 <strong>Greenpeace</strong> International mapping analys<strong>is</strong> used in th<strong>is</strong><br />

report<br />

196 MoFor (2010a)<br />

197 <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong>’ latest newly built pulp mill, Hainan Pulp & Paper,<br />

with a capacity of one million tonnes of bleached hardwood<br />

pulp, required an investement of USD 1.275 billion in 2005.<br />

Source: Solar<strong>is</strong> Paper website www.solar<strong>is</strong>paper.com/mills.<br />

php. Solar<strong>is</strong> Paper <strong>is</strong> a <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> group affiliate.<br />

198 Indah Kiat (2009): 44-45;Tjiwi Kimia (2009): 45-49<br />

199 APP Myths and Realities: www.app-mythsandrealities.com<br />

200 APP Myths and Realities: www.app-mythsandrealities.com<br />

201 APP China (2009)<br />

202 APP China (2009)<br />

203 RISI (2010)<br />

204 Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> maps (copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International) overlayed MoFor (2009d) Landcover 2006<br />

map<br />

205 Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> maps (copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International) overlayed with maps from Dinnerstein et al.<br />

(2006)<br />

206 Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> maps (copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International) overlayed with maps from Wahyunto, S.<br />

Ritung & Subagjo, H. (2003)<br />

207 Government of Indonesia (1990)<br />

208 75,000 hectares had already been fully acquired or taken<br />

over from o<strong>the</strong>r companies and approved by <strong>the</strong> Indonesia<br />

government. The remaining 385,000 hectares concessions<br />

were in acqu<strong>is</strong>ition. Source: Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong><br />

document, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong> International<br />

209 WWF et al. (2008); APP (2009a); see also Chundawat et al<br />

(2008)<br />

210 Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> document, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International<br />

211 Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> document, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International; MoFor (2009c); see also WWF et al. (2008)<br />

212 IUCN. Kerumutan peat swamp forest ecosytem protection<br />

initiative in Riau. http://nciucn.nl/projecten/kerumutan_<br />

peat_swamp_forest_ecossytem_protection_initiative_in_<br />

riau/<br />

213 MoFor (2009b,c)<br />

214 Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> document, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International<br />

215 Confidential <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> document, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International<br />

216 MoFor (2009d)<br />

217 Wahyunto, S. Ritung & Subagjo, H. (2003)<br />

218 Sumatra Important Ecosystem with Tiger D<strong>is</strong>tribution<br />

map From research data of conservation Institutions:<br />

(Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Fauna and Flora<br />

International (FFI), Yayasan Badak Indonesia (YABI), World<br />

Wildlife Fund (WWF), Zoological Society of London (ZSL)<br />

and Leuser International Foundation (LIF). Source: Roosita<br />

and Sul<strong>is</strong>tyawan (2010) and WWF/SaveSumatra.org www.<br />

savesumatra.org/index.php/newspublications/map/0/<br />

Species%20D<strong>is</strong>tribution%20 Map downloaded May 2010<br />

219 Maps from Dinnerstein et al. (2006)<br />

220 WWF et al. (2008); see also Chundawat et al (2008)<br />

221 Global Priority Tiger Conservation Landscapes are habitats<br />

that can support at least 100 tigers and where <strong>the</strong>re <strong>is</strong><br />

evidence of breeding. Source: Dinerstein et al. (2006)<br />

222 MoFor website. Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park www.<br />

dephut.go.id/INFORMASI/TN%20INDO-ENGLISH/bukit30_<br />

NP.htm<br />

223 FZS website. Biodiversity, Frankfurt Zoological Society<br />

www.orangutan-lifeboat.de<br />

224 WARSI website. Bukit Tigapuluh National Park www.warsi.<br />

or.id/Forest/forest_tnbt.htm<br />

225 Perth Zoo website www.perthzoo.wa.gov.au/Conservation-<br />

-Research/Projects-in-<strong>the</strong>-Wild/Sumatran-Orangutan-<br />

Pilot-Project/; GRASP (2009)<br />

226 GRASP (2009)<br />

227 WARSI website www.warsi.or.id/Forest/forest_tnbt.htm<br />

228 ABC News (2009)<br />

229 WWF et al. (2008)<br />

230 WWF et al. (2008)<br />

231 WWF et al. (2008)<br />

232 WWF et al. (2008)<br />

233 Min<strong>is</strong>try of Forestry document 2010, copy held by<br />

<strong>Greenpeace</strong> International<br />

234 Around 60% of which has with a diameter greater than<br />

30cm. Source: Min<strong>is</strong>try of Forestry document 2010, copy<br />

held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong> International<br />

235 MoFor (2009d); MoFor (2006)<br />

236 The only acacia plantations <strong>Greenpeace</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>ast Asia<br />

investigators could find in March-April 2010 were areas of<br />

six month-old acacia plantations<br />

237 <strong>Greenpeace</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>ast Asia investigations (2010)<br />

238 IUCN. Kerumutan peat swamp forest ecosytem protection<br />

initiative in Riau. http://nciucn.nl/projecten/kerumutan_<br />

peat_swamp_forest_ecossytem_protection_initiative_in_<br />

riau/<br />

239 Global Priority Tiger Conservation Landscapes are habitats<br />

that can support at least 100 tigers and where <strong>the</strong>re <strong>is</strong><br />

evidence of breeding. Source: Dinerstein et al. (2006)<br />

240 IUCN. Kerumutan peat swamp forest ecosytem protection<br />

initiative in Riau. http://nciucn.nl/projecten/kerumutan_<br />

peat_swamp_forest_ecossytem_protection_initiative_in_<br />

riau/<br />

241 IUCN. Kerumutan peat swamp forest ecosytem protection<br />

initiative in Riau. http://nciucn.nl/projecten/kerumutan_<br />

peat_swamp_forest_ecossytem_protection_initiative_in_<br />

riau/<br />

242 MoFor (2009)<br />

243 Wahyunto and Subagjo H (2003)<br />

244 Government of Indonesia (1990)<br />

245 Min<strong>is</strong>try of Forestry 2010 document, copy held by<br />

<strong>Greenpeace</strong> International<br />

246 MoFor (2009d); MoFor (2006)<br />

247 <strong>Greenpeace</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>ast Asia investigations, September<br />

2009<br />

248 <strong>Greenpeace</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>ast Asia investigations 2010<br />

249 APP (2008): 1<br />

250 APP (2010): 3<br />

251 PEFC website. www.pefc.org/index.php/certificationservices/find-certified<br />

viewed 6 June 2010<br />

252 APP (2008):2<br />

253 APP (2008): 2<br />

254 <strong>Greenpeace</strong> UK communication with SGS, 18 June 2010<br />

255 PEFC letter to <strong>Greenpeace</strong> UK, 9 March 2010<br />

256 APP website www.app-mythsandrealities.com<br />

257 SGS email to <strong>Greenpeace</strong> UK, 23 April 2010<br />

258 <strong>Greenpeace</strong> UK communication with SGS, 18 June 2010<br />

259 Min<strong>is</strong>try of Forestry document 2009, copy held by<br />

<strong>Greenpeace</strong> International<br />

260 Wahyunto et al (2003)<br />

261 Government of Indonesia (1990)<br />

262 <strong>Greenpeace</strong> International analys<strong>is</strong> based on <strong>the</strong> Min<strong>is</strong>try<br />

of Forestry’s 2006 land cover map and concession data<br />

released by <strong>the</strong> same Min<strong>is</strong>try in 2010.<br />

263 WSJ (2008)<br />

264 WSJ (2008)<br />

265 Staples (2009)<br />

266 Office Depot (2009)<br />

267 ABC (2008)<br />

268 RAN (2009a); RAN (2009b)<br />

269 Kraft, Nestlé and Unilever pers. comms. with <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

UK; Kimberly Clark pers. comm. with <strong>Greenpeace</strong> USA<br />

270 WWF Indonesia’s Nazeer Foead quoted on www.<br />

climatechangecorp.com/content.asp?ContentID=5218<br />

271 WWF (2008)<br />

272 Rainforest Alliance (2007)<br />

273 FSC (2007a); FSC (2007b)<br />

274 Confidential 2009 trade data, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International<br />

275 Confidential 2009 trade data, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International<br />

276 In 2008 Gold East Paper produced 2.2 million tonnes of<br />

coated fine paper. Source: Gold East Paper (2009). Chinese<br />

total production amounted to 4.6 million tonnes in <strong>the</strong> same<br />

year. Source: China Paper Association (2008)<br />

277 CTI (2010)<br />

278 <strong>Greenpeace</strong> China investigations 2010<br />

279 <strong>Greenpeace</strong> China investigations 2010<br />

280 Tesco stocks various APP China brand products in its retail<br />

outlets in China. <strong>Greenpeace</strong> China investigations 2010<br />

281 WH Smith stocks various stationary products of APPrelated<br />

company Collins (Nippecraft)<br />

282 APP Brasil (2008)<br />

283 <strong>Greenpeace</strong> China investigations 2010; see also Ningbo Asia<br />

Paper website, Products www.nbasia.com.cn/en-products.<br />

asp<br />

284 Corporate Express (2010)<br />

285 PrintWeek 2009. See also Spicers Global products www.<br />

spicers.com.au/index.asp?menuid=100.030.080&art<br />

id=232 (viewed 8 June 2010). <strong>Sinar</strong> Royal and Sapphire<br />

are <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Mas</strong> brands. PaperlinX operates worldwide<br />

through subsidiaries including PaperCo, Robert Thorne &<br />

<strong>How</strong>ard Smith (all UK), Papernet (AT), Deutsche Papier (DE),<br />

Polyedra (IT), Spicers Paper (HK, MY, SG, AUS, CDN, US),<br />

Paperpoint (AUS), Coast Paper (CDN) and many o<strong>the</strong>rs<br />

286 <strong>Greenpeace</strong> China investigations 2009<br />

287 In 2008 Gold East Paper produced 2.2 million tonnes of<br />

coated fine paper. Source: Gold East Paper (2009). Chinese<br />

total production amounted to 4.6 million tonnes in <strong>the</strong> same<br />

year. Source: China Paper Association (2008)<br />

288 CTI (2010)<br />

289 Confidential 2009 trade data, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International<br />

290 See APP Print Awards 2007-2009 www.<br />

sinarmasprintawards.com/ Application requirement: ‘At<br />

least 70% of paper used in entries must be Gold East Paper<br />

or Gold Huasheng Paper’s product.’<br />

291 GAR (2009a):13<br />

292 Confidential 2010 trade data, copy held by <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International<br />

293 eg Carrefour (Indonesia) Java catalogue for Bali, Java and<br />

Makassar, 7-20 April 2010.<br />

294 APP (2010): 3<br />

295 President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (2009a)<br />

296 2005 em<strong>is</strong>sions (2,250MtCO2) and BAU 2020 em<strong>is</strong>sions<br />

(2,820MtCO2): 26% reduction on BAU 2020 <strong>is</strong> 733 MtCO2,<br />

or an equivalent reduction of 163MtCO2 on 2005 annual<br />

em<strong>is</strong>sions; 415 reduction on BAU 2020 <strong>is</strong> 1,156MTCO2, or<br />

an equivalent reduction of 586MTCO2 on 2005 em<strong>is</strong>sions:<br />

Source: NCCC (2009a)<br />

297 NCCC (2009a)<br />

298 NCCC (2009a)<br />

299 Government of Norway (2010).<br />

300 Government of Norway (2010).<br />

301 EoF (2010); <strong>Greenpeace</strong> International (2007);<br />

<strong>Greenpeace</strong>International (2008a); <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International (2008b); <strong>Greenpeace</strong> UK (2009); <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

International (2010a); <strong>Greenpeace</strong> International (2010b)<br />

302 <strong>Greenpeace</strong> International mapping analys<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> based on<br />

<strong>the</strong> Wetlands International peat d<strong>is</strong>tribution maps and<br />

concession data released by <strong>the</strong> Min<strong>is</strong>try of Forestry in<br />

2010<br />

303 NCCC (2009b)<br />

304 Forested areas are defined as greater than 10 per cent<br />

canopy cove

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