Untitled - Greenpeace

Untitled - Greenpeace

Untitled - Greenpeace


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ARELO Association des ressortissants de<br />

Lomako<br />

BIC Bank Information Center<br />

CAN Climate Action Network<br />

CBD Convention on Biological Diversity<br />

CBFP Congo Basin Forest Partnership<br />

CFBC Compagnie Forestière du Bassin du<br />

Congo<br />

CFE Compagnie Forestière de l’Est<br />

CIFOR Centre for International Forestry<br />

Research<br />

CIRAD Centre International de Recherche<br />

Agronomique Pour Le Développement<br />

CITES Convention on International Trade in<br />

Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna<br />

DFID UK Department for International<br />

Development<br />

DRC Democratic Republic of the Congo<br />

FAO Food and Agricultural Organisation<br />

FCFA Central African Zone Franc<br />

FIDH Fédération Internationale des ligues des<br />

Droits de l’Homme (International Federation<br />

for Human Rights)<br />

GPS Global Positioning System<br />

GTF Groupe de Travail Forêts<br />

ICCN Institut Congolais pour la Conservation<br />

de la Nature<br />

ICG International Crisis Group<br />

IFC International Finance Corporation<br />

IFIA Interafrican Forest Industries Association<br />

IMF International Monetary Fund<br />

IRIN Humanitarian news and analysis service<br />

of the UN Office for the Coordination of<br />

Humanitarian Affairs<br />

ISIS Institute of Science in Society<br />

ITTO International Tropical Timber<br />

Organisation<br />

NGO Non-governmental organisation<br />

UNDP United Nations Development<br />

Programme<br />

UNEP United Nations Environment<br />

Programme<br />

UNFCCC United Nations Framework<br />

Convention on Climate Change<br />

UNSC United Nations Security Council<br />

WCMC World Conservation Monitoring<br />

Centre<br />

WCS Wildlife Conservation Society<br />

¤ = Euro<br />

£ = British pound<br />

$ = US dollar<br />


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