Biodiversity Strategy - Gosford City Council - NSW Government

Biodiversity Strategy - Gosford City Council - NSW Government Biodiversity Strategy - Gosford City Council - NSW Government
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Criterion 3 Criterion 4 Criterion 5 Criterion 6 Source : LHCCREMS 2003 Loss or decline of functionally important species Reduction in community integrity Rate of continuing detrimental change Quantitative analysis showing probability of extinction State significant vegetation was described as those communities listed under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 as being “endangered” or “vulnerable. There are currently 9 endangered ecological communities in the Gosford LGA (see Table 5.7). No vulnerable communities have been listed at the time of publication as of February 2006. For Regionally Significant Vegetation and Habitat Morison and House in LHCCREMS (2003) developed three categories for vegetation and habitat of regional significance, as follows: • Vulnerable Communities that have an extant distribution of less than or equal to 30% of their pre-1750 (original) distribution (i.e. they have been heavily cleared) or less than or equal to 1000 hectares (i.e. they have a restricted distribution). This included communities that met the criteria for EPBC Act listing as endangered, vulnerable or severely restricted. • Specialised Communities defined as communities that provide specialised habitat for species including rainforest, rocky complexes, riparian, aquatic and estuarine vegetation. This included communities that were often included in state legislation such as SEPPs. • At Risk Communities that have an extant distribution of greater than 30% and less than or equal to 45% of their pre-1750 distribution. Also included were communities that met the criteria for EPBC Act listing as having a limited distribution. Communities in this category that are found in Gosford LGA are now listed as endangered ecological communities (Map Units 40 and 43). Bell (2004) undertook a further assessment to consider the degree of threat that each community faced based on the new Gosford mapping and the relative conservation status of each community. Bell identified Vulnerable and Specialised Communities for the Gosford LGA and prioritised the communities in terms of future acquisition and protection. Based on his assessment Tables 5.7 and 5.8 described Endangered Ecological Communities (or State Significant Vegetation) and Regionally Significant Vegetation. Figure 5.5 maps these communities’ distribution. These take into account new determinations for endangered ecological communities that occurred since the time of Bell’s report. For example, Sydney Coastal Estuary Swamp Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion has now been replaced by Swamp Sclerophyll on Coastal Floodplain and Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest, Freshwater Wetlands on Coastal Floodplains, Coastal Saltmarsh and Littoral Rainforest have now all been added to the list. The Catchment Action Plan includes these categories: • Listed native vegetation (TSC Act, FMA, EPBC ACT, Rare or Threatened Plants (ROTAP) • Vegetation communities (including limited distribution, low reservation status) • Regional habitat and corridors, • Old Growth Forest Biodiversity - Technical Report Page 105

• Rainforest • Wetlands • Dunes and Headland • Riparian Vegetation • Regional Areas of Significance (including Aboriginal Culturally Significant Areas). The regional mapping program being undertaken by HCCREMS is expected to provide regional mapping of many of these features at the end of 2006 including regional corridors. Biodiversity - Technical Report Page 106

• Rainforest<br />

• Wetlands<br />

• Dunes and Headland<br />

• Riparian Vegetation<br />

• Regional Areas of Significance (including Aboriginal Culturally Significant Areas).<br />

The regional mapping program being undertaken by HCCREMS is expected to provide regional<br />

mapping of many of these features at the end of 2006 including regional corridors.<br />

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> - Technical Report Page 106

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