ANNUAL REPORT 2008 - Gorenje Group

ANNUAL REPORT 2008 - Gorenje Group ANNUAL REPORT 2008 - Gorenje Group
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28 2008 a. the authorisation for the acquisition of own shares shall be valid for 18 months after the date of issue; b. the authorisation applies to the acquisition of own shares up to a total amount of 1,403,000 shares of the Company, which represents 10% of the Company’s share capital and includes own shares already owned by the Company on the date of issue of this authorisation; c. in the event of acquiring shares through dealings on the organised capital market, the Company may acquire its own shares at their current market price; d. If the Company does not acquire shares through dealings on the organised capital market, the price of a share thus acquired may not be lower than the carrying amount of such share determined on the last day of the year preceding the acquisition, and may not exceed a price that is higher than the average daily price of the Company’s shares in the past 12 months before the date of the general meeting at which a relevant resolution was adopted thereon, increased by not more than 25%. e. the Company may utilise the shares acquired by virtue of this and previous authorisations for the following purposes and under the following conditions: • in exchange for minority interests in the subsidiaries of the Gorenje Group, • in exchange for interests in other companies engaged in activities identical to the principal activities of the Gorenje Group on the basis of prior approval of the Supervisory Board of the Company, or • for possible sale to a strategic partner engaged in activities identical to the principal activities of the Gorenje Group on the basis of prior approval of the Supervisory Board of the Company. f. the pre-emptive right shall be excluded in the alienation of shares, if the shares are disposed for the purposes and under the conditions specified in this authorisation; g. the Management Board shall, at the first next general meeting after the date of a possible alienation of own shares, inform shareholders on the disposal of own shares and present the opinion of an independent financial advisor on the justness of the disposal of own shares from the Company’s perspective. IV. General Meeting and Rights of Shareholders The share capital of the Company amounts to EUR 58,546,152.56 and is divided into 14,030,000 ordinary, freely transferrable, registered, no par value shares. All shares have been fully paid in. All shares are of the same class and are issued in dematerialized form. In accordance with applicable laws and implementing regulations, the shares are entered in the central register of the Central Securities Clearing Corporation, Ljubljana. The rights attached to shares may be transferred by reposting in the central register of the Central Securities Clearing Corporation, Ljubljana. Only persons entered in the share register kept for the Company by the Central Securities Clearing Corporation, Ljubljana shall be deemed shareholders. A share entitles its holder to one vote at general meetings of shareholders, a proportional part of the accumulated profit distributed among shareholders (dividends), and a proportional part of the property remaining from the bankrupt’s or liquidation estate in the event that a bankruptcy or liquidation procedure is initiated against the Company. The Company may acquire its own shares under the conditions specified by law and on the basis of authorisation granted to the Management Board of the Company for the acquisition and disposal of own shares under item III.f. The shareholders exercise their rights at general meetings of shareholders, where they adopt resolutions on the articles of association and any amendments thereto, the appropriation of accumulated profit and the granting of discharges to the members

29 of the Management and Supervisory Boards, the annual report in the cases specified by law, measures for increasing and decreasing the share capital, the appointment of an auditor, the appointment and recall of members of the Supervisory Board, changes in status and termination of the Company, as well as on any other matters specified by law or the articles of association. In deciding on the appropriation of accumulated profit, the General Meeting of Shareholders is bound to observe the approved annual report. The General Meeting of Shareholders decides on the approval of the annual report only in cases when it has not been approved by the Supervisory Board, or when the Management Board and the Supervisory Board leave the decision on the approval of the annual report to the General Assembly of Shareholders. In such cases, the relevant resolutions of the Management Board and Supervisory Board are to be specified in the report submitted by the Supervisory Board to the General Meeting of Shareholders. If the General Meeting of Shareholders makes any changes in the compiled annual report, which is to be audited in accordance with the provisions of applicable law, the report shall be repeatedly reviewed by the auditor within two weeks after being approved at a general meeting. General meetings are convened by the Management Board in accordance with applicable law. The Management Board also convenes general meetings at the request of the Supervisory Board or on the written request of shareholders jointly holding at least 1/20 (one twentieth) of the share capital. The shareholders’ request is to specify the purpose and reasons for convening a general meeting. General meetings are conducted by the Chairman, who, on the proposal of the convener, is elected by shareholders with an ordinary majority vote. General meetings are generally convened once a year at the Company’s head office or at another location, if so decided by the Management Board of the Company. Notice of a general meeting is to be published at least one month prior to the date of the general meeting in the DELO newspaper. The notice must specify the agenda and proposed resolutions under individual items of the agenda. The materials for general meetings are available for inspection at the head office of the Company. A shareholder who intends to participate in a general meeting and exercise his/her voting right shall be required to register his/her attendance at the general meeting with the Management Board in writing at least three days prior to the date of the general meeting. A shareholder exercises his/her voting right alone or directly through his/her lawful representative or proxy, to whom a relevant authorisation has been granted by the shareholder. The costs of participation in general meetings are covered by shareholders themselves. The General Meeting of Shareholders adopts resolutions with a majority of votes cast, except in cases when a different majority of votes cast is required by law or the articles of association for a particular resolution, or in deciding on the represented share capital. The Company provides for the equal informing of shareholders and the public in announcements posted in electronic form on the website of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange in accordance with its rules and instructions, and on the web pages of the Company ( in the Slovenian and English languages. The Company also publishes announcements in the DELO daily newspaper, which is issued in the entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia, whenever this is expressly required by applicable law or other regulations.

29<br />

of the Management and Supervisory Boards, the annual report in the cases specified<br />

by law, measures for increasing and decreasing the share capital, the appointment of<br />

an auditor, the appointment and recall of members of the Supervisory Board, changes<br />

in status and termination of the Company, as well as on any other matters specified<br />

by law or the articles of association.<br />

In deciding on the appropriation of accumulated profit, the General Meeting of Shareholders<br />

is bound to observe the approved annual report.<br />

The General Meeting of Shareholders decides on the approval of the annual report<br />

only in cases when it has not been approved by the Supervisory Board, or when the<br />

Management Board and the Supervisory Board leave the decision on the approval of<br />

the annual report to the General Assembly of Shareholders. In such cases, the relevant<br />

resolutions of the Management Board and Supervisory Board are to be specified in<br />

the report submitted by the Supervisory Board to the General Meeting of Shareholders.<br />

If the General Meeting of Shareholders makes any changes in the compiled annual<br />

report, which is to be audited in accordance with the provisions of applicable law,<br />

the report shall be repeatedly reviewed by the auditor within two weeks after being<br />

approved at a general meeting.<br />

General meetings are convened by the Management Board in accordance with<br />

applicable law. The Management Board also convenes general meetings at the request<br />

of the Supervisory Board or on the written request of shareholders jointly holding<br />

at least 1/20 (one twentieth) of the share capital. The shareholders’ request is to<br />

specify the purpose and reasons for convening a general meeting. General meetings<br />

are conducted by the Chairman, who, on the proposal of the convener, is elected by<br />

shareholders with an ordinary majority vote.<br />

General meetings are generally convened once a year at the Company’s head office<br />

or at another location, if so decided by the Management Board of the Company. Notice<br />

of a general meeting is to be published at least one month prior to the date of<br />

the general meeting in the DELO newspaper. The notice must specify the agenda and<br />

proposed resolutions under individual items of the agenda. The materials for general<br />

meetings are available for inspection at the head office of the Company.<br />

A shareholder who intends to participate in a general meeting and exercise his/her<br />

voting right shall be required to register his/her attendance at the general meeting<br />

with the Management Board in writing at least three days prior to the date of the general<br />

meeting. A shareholder exercises his/her voting right alone or directly through<br />

his/her lawful representative or proxy, to whom a relevant authorisation has been<br />

granted by the shareholder. The costs of participation in general meetings are covered<br />

by shareholders themselves.<br />

The General Meeting of Shareholders adopts resolutions with a majority of votes cast,<br />

except in cases when a different majority of votes cast is required by law or the articles<br />

of association for a particular resolution, or in deciding on the represented share<br />

capital.<br />

The Company provides for the equal informing of shareholders and the public in<br />

announcements posted in electronic form on the website of the Ljubljana Stock<br />

Exchange in accordance with its rules and instructions, and on the web pages of the<br />

Company ( in the Slovenian and English languages. The Company<br />

also publishes announcements in the DELO daily newspaper, which is issued in the<br />

entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia, whenever this is expressly required by<br />

applicable law or other regulations.

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