an engineering geological characterisation of tropical clays - GBV

an engineering geological characterisation of tropical clays - GBV

an engineering geological characterisation of tropical clays - GBV


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6.4.2 Results<br /> Nairobi phonolite<br />

Results <strong>of</strong> sc<strong>an</strong>ning electron microscope <strong>an</strong>alysis show Nairobi phonolite to exhibit a<br />

generally massive, homogeneous <strong>an</strong>d compact structure (Plate 6.1). Texture is mainly <strong>of</strong> large<br />

phenocrysts embedded in a fine-grained matrix (Plate 6.3). The phenocrysts show presence <strong>of</strong><br />

O, Al, Si, K implying K-feldspars; <strong>an</strong>d some Fe <strong>an</strong>d Ti probably due to inclusions <strong>of</strong> iron <strong>an</strong>d<br />

tit<strong>an</strong>ium ore. The phenocrysts show partly corroded <strong>an</strong>d/ or leached <strong>an</strong>d altered surfaces<br />

(Plate 6.2). The matrix also shows <strong>an</strong> increased presence <strong>of</strong> Si, K <strong>an</strong>d Fe, as well as some O<br />

<strong>an</strong>d Al, implying a predomin<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>of</strong> K-feldspars with some iron oxides <strong>an</strong>d/ or ores. The iron<br />

oxides are most likely a result <strong>of</strong> weathering <strong>an</strong>d/ or chemical decomposition <strong>of</strong> phonolite to<br />

form tuffs as well as ferricrete <strong>an</strong>d / or iron concretions (Plates 6.4/6.5). Occasional presence<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ca in the matrix could be attributed to weathering <strong>of</strong> phonolitic tuff to form secondary<br />

limestone <strong>an</strong>d/or calcite (Plate 6.5).<br />

Plate 6.1. Massive <strong>an</strong>d compact structure<br />

Plate 6.2. Corroded, leached K-feldspar

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