an engineering geological characterisation of tropical clays - GBV

an engineering geological characterisation of tropical clays - GBV

an engineering geological characterisation of tropical clays - GBV


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29<br />

caused by partial segregation <strong>of</strong> the dark <strong>an</strong>d light-coloured constituents present, during<br />

crystallisation (Saggerson, 1991).<br />

Thin sections show small tabular s<strong>an</strong>idine phenocrysts (exhibiting Carlsbad twinning) set in a<br />

fine-grained groundmass. The groundmass shows a marked trachytic texture <strong>an</strong>d consists <strong>of</strong><br />

orthoclase associated with soda-amphiboles <strong>an</strong>d pyroxenes, as well as rare iron ore. The sodarich<br />

minerals consist <strong>of</strong> deep brown cossyrite <strong>an</strong>d green aegirine-augite, <strong>an</strong>d occur as<br />

prominent moss-like aggregates <strong>of</strong> prismatic crystals. The alternating brown <strong>an</strong>d green<br />

patches serve to impart a mottled appear<strong>an</strong>ce to the rock in h<strong>an</strong>d specimens.<br />

Table 3.3 gives results <strong>of</strong> chemical <strong>an</strong>alyses <strong>of</strong> Nairobi trachyte, as well as other rocks for<br />

comparison purposes. Results <strong>of</strong> mineralogical <strong>an</strong>alyses <strong>of</strong> Nairobi trachyte, <strong>an</strong>d a number <strong>of</strong><br />

other rocks underlying Nairobi <strong>an</strong>d the present study area, are summarised in Table 3.4<br />

(Saggerson, 1991).<br />

Table 3.4 Mineral compositions <strong>of</strong> trachytes <strong>an</strong>d phonolites from Nairobi <strong>an</strong>d the study area<br />

(after Saggerson, 1991).<br />

Rock type:<br />

Nairobi Kiambu Nairobi K<strong>an</strong>dizi Mbagathi Kapiti<br />

trachyte trachyte phonolite phonolite phonolitic phonolite<br />

trachyte<br />

S<strong>an</strong>idine X X R Ac<br />

Anorthoclase R X X<br />

Nepheline<br />

X<br />

Tit<strong>an</strong>augite R X<br />

Olivine<br />

R<br />

Phenocrysts<br />

Matrix<br />

Biotite<br />

X<br />

Alkali feldspar X X X X X X<br />

Nepheline X X X X<br />

Quartz<br />

Aegirine<br />

Aegirine-augite<br />

Ok X X On X X<br />

Cossyrite X X X X X<br />

α-kataphorite X X I X X<br />

β-kataphorite<br />

X<br />

Riebeckite<br />

X<br />

Arfvedsonite<br />

Biotite<br />

X<br />

Barkevikite<br />

R<br />

α-kataphorite – colourless to pale brownish yellow, smoky-brown to rose-red <strong>an</strong>d/ or<br />

reddish yellow<br />

- cleavage 124°<br />

β-kataphorite – pale smoky-brown to greenish yellow, deep purplish brown to opaque<br />

X - present; R - rare; A - altered; Ac – accessory<br />

Ok – overgrowths on kataphorite<br />

On – overgrowths on nepheline<br />

I – including large crystals

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