The primate cranial base: ontogeny, function and - Harvard University

The primate cranial base: ontogeny, function and - Harvard University The primate cranial base: ontogeny, function and - Harvard University
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164 YEARBOOK OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY [Vol. 43, 2000 onance imaging: vowels. J Acoust Soc Am 90:799– 828. Barlow HB. 1986. Why have multiple cortical areas? Vision Res 26:81–90. Barton RA. 1998. Visual specialization and brain evolution in primates. Proc R Soc Lond [Biol] 265:1933– 1937. Baume JL. 1957. A biologist looks at the sella point. Eur Orthod Soc Trans 33:150–159. Beard KC. 1993. Phylogenetic systematics of the Primatomorpha, with special reference to Dermoptera. In: Szalay FS, Novacek MJ, McKenna MC, editors. Mammal phylogeny: placentals. New York: Springer- Verlag. p 129–150. Beckman ME, Jung T-P, Lee S-H, de Jong K, Krishnamurthy AK, Ahalt SC, Cohen KB, Collins MJ. 1995. Variability in the production of quantal vowels revisited. J Acoust Soc Am 97:471–489. Beechey C, Boyd Y, Searle AG. 1998. Brachyrrhine, Br, a mouse craniofacial mutant maps to distal mouse chromosome 17 and is a candidate model for midline cleft syndrome. Mouse Genome 95:692–694. Biegert J. 1957. Der Formwandel der Primatenschädels und seine Beziehungen zur ontogenetischen Entwicklung und den phylogenetischen. Gegenbaurs Morphol Jahrb 98:77–199. Biegert J. 1963. The evaluation of characteristics of the skull, hands and feet for primate taxonomy. In: Washburn SL, editor. Classification and human evolution. Chicago: Aldine. p 116–145. Björk A. 1955. Cranial base development. Am J Orthod 41:198–225. Bolk L. 1909. On the position and displacement of the foramen magnum in the Primates. Verh Akad Wet Amst 12:362–377. Bolk L. 1910. On the slope of the foramen magnum in Primates. Verh Akad Wet Amst 12:525–534. Bolk L. 1926. Das Problem der Menschwerdung. Jena: Gustav Fischer. Bookstein F. 1991. Morphometric tools for landmark data: geometry and biology. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Bosma JF, editor. 1976. Development of the basicranium. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health. Braga J, Crubezy E, Elyaqtine M. 1999. The posterior border of the sphenoid greater wing and its phylogenetic usefulness in human evolution. Am J Phys Anthropol 107:387–399. Brodie AG. 1941. On the growth pattern of the human head from the third month to the eighth year of life. Am J Anat 68:208–262. Brodie AG. 1953. Late growth changes in the human face. Angle Orthod 23:146–157. Bromage TG. 1992. The ontogeny of Pan troglodytes craniofacial architectural relationships and implications for early hominids. J Hum Evol 23:235–251. Butler AB, Hodos W. 1996. Comparative vertebrate neuroanatomy, evolution and adaptation. New York: Wiley-Liss. Bütow K-W. 1990. Craniofacial growth disturbance after skull base and associated suture synostoses in the newborn Chacma baboon: a preliminary report. Cleft Palate J 27:241–252. Cameron J. 1924. The cranio-facial axis of Huxley. Part I. Embryological considerations. Trans R Soc Can 18: 115–123. Cameron J. 1927. The main angle of cranial flexion (the nasion-pituitary-basion angle). Am J Phys Anthropol 10:275–279. Cameron J. 1930. Craniometric memoirs. No. II. The human and comparative anatomy of Cameron’s craniofacial axis. J Anat 64:324–336. Carre R, Lindblom B, MacNeilage P. 1994. Acoustic factors in the evolution of the human vocal tract. J Acoust Soc Am 95:2924. Cartmill M. 1970. The orbits of arboreal mammals. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago. Cartmill M. 1972. Arboreal adaptations and the origin of the order Primates. In: Tuttle RH, editor. The functional and evolutionary biology of primates. Chicago: Aldine. p 97–122. Cartmill M. 1974. Rethinking primate origins. Science 184:436–443. Cartmill M. 1980. Morphology, function, and evolution of the anthropoid postorbital septum. In: Ciochon RL Chiarelli AB, editors. Evolutionary biology of the New World monkeys and continental drift. New York: Plenum Press. p 243–274. Cartmill M. 1992. New views on primate origins. Evol Anthropol 1:105–111. Chan L-K. 1991. The deduction of the level of the human larynx from bony landmarks: its relevance to the evolution of speech. Hum Evol 6:249–261. Cherniak C. 1995. Neural component placement. Trends Neurosci 18:522–527. Chernoff B, Magwene P. 1999. Morphological integration: forty years later. In: Olson EC, Miller RL, editors. Morphological integration. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p 319–348. Cheverud JM. 1982. Phenotypic, genetic, and environmental morphological integration in the cranium. Evolution 36:499–516. Cheverud JM. 1995. Morphological integration in the saddle back tamarin (Saguinas fuscicollis) cranium. Am Nat 145:63–89. Cheverud JM. 1996. Developmental integration and the evolution of pleiotropy. Am Zool 36:44–50. Cheverud JM, Buikstra J. 1982. Quantitative genetics of skeletal non-metric traits in the rhesus macaques on Cayo Santiago III. Relative heritability of skeletal metric and non-metric traits. Am J Phys Anthropol 59:151–155. Cheverud JM, Richtsmeier J. 1986. Finite element scaling applied to sexual dimorphism in rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) facial growth. Syst Zool 35:381– 399. Cheverud JM, Dow MM, Leutenegger W. 1985. The quantitative assessment of phylogenetic constraints in comparative analyses: sexual dimorphism in body weight among primates. Evolution 39:1335–1351. Cheverud JM, Wagner GP, Dow MM. 1989. Methods for the comparative analysis of variation patterns. Syst Zool 38:201–213. Cheverud JM, Kohn LAP, Konigsberg LW, Leigh SR. 1992. The effects of fronto-occipital artifical cranial vault modification on the cranial base and face. Am J Phys Anthropol 88:323–345. Couly GF, Coltey PM, Le Douarin NM. 1993. The triple origin of skull in higher vertebrates. Development 117:409–429. Cousin RP, Fenart R, Deblock R. 1981. Variations ontogénétiques des angles basicraniens et faciaux. Bull Mem Soc Anthropol Paris 8:189–212. Covert HH, Hamrick MW. 1993. Description of new skeletal remains of the early Eocene anaptomorphine primate Absarokius (Omomyidae) and a discussion about its adaptive profile. J Hum Evol 25:351–362. Cramer DL. 1977. Craniofacial morphology of Pan paniscus: a morphometric and evolutionary appraisal. Contrib Primatol 10:1–64. Crelin E. 1969. Anatomy of the newborn: an atlas. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger. Crelin ES. 1973. Functional anatomy of the newborn: an atlas. New Haven: Yale University Press.

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onance imaging: vowels. J Acoust Soc Am 90:799–<br />

828.<br />

Barlow HB. 1986. Why have multiple cortical areas?<br />

Vision Res 26:81–90.<br />

Barton RA. 1998. Visual specialization <strong>and</strong> brain evolution<br />

in <strong>primate</strong>s. Proc R Soc Lond [Biol] 265:1933–<br />

1937.<br />

Baume JL. 1957. A biologist looks at the sella point. Eur<br />

Orthod Soc Trans 33:150–159.<br />

Beard KC. 1993. Phylogenetic systematics of the Primatomorpha,<br />

with special reference to Dermoptera.<br />

In: Szalay FS, Novacek MJ, McKenna MC, editors.<br />

Mammal phylogeny: placentals. New York: Springer-<br />

Verlag. p 129–150.<br />

Beckman ME, Jung T-P, Lee S-H, de Jong K, Krishnamurthy<br />

AK, Ahalt SC, Cohen KB, Collins MJ.<br />

1995. Variability in the production of quantal vowels<br />

revisited. J Acoust Soc Am 97:471–489.<br />

Beechey C, Boyd Y, Searle AG. 1998. Brachyrrhine, Br,<br />

a mouse craniofacial mutant maps to distal mouse<br />

chromosome 17 <strong>and</strong> is a c<strong>and</strong>idate model for midline<br />

cleft syndrome. Mouse Genome 95:692–694.<br />

Biegert J. 1957. Der Formw<strong>and</strong>el der Primatenschädels<br />

und seine Beziehungen zur ontogenetischen Entwicklung<br />

und den phylogenetischen. Gegenbaurs Morphol<br />

Jahrb 98:77–199.<br />

Biegert J. 1963. <strong>The</strong> evaluation of characteristics of the<br />

skull, h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> feet for <strong>primate</strong> taxonomy. In: Washburn<br />

SL, editor. Classification <strong>and</strong> human evolution.<br />

Chicago: Aldine. p 116–145.<br />

Björk A. 1955. Cranial <strong>base</strong> development. Am J Orthod<br />

41:198–225.<br />

Bolk L. 1909. On the position <strong>and</strong> displacement of the<br />

foramen magnum in the Primates. Verh Akad Wet<br />

Amst 12:362–377.<br />

Bolk L. 1910. On the slope of the foramen magnum in<br />

Primates. Verh Akad Wet Amst 12:525–534.<br />

Bolk L. 1926. Das Problem der Menschwerdung. Jena:<br />

Gustav Fischer.<br />

Bookstein F. 1991. Morphometric tools for l<strong>and</strong>mark<br />

data: geometry <strong>and</strong> biology. New York: John Wiley<br />

<strong>and</strong> Sons.<br />

Bosma JF, editor. 1976. Development of the basicranium.<br />

Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health.<br />

Braga J, Crubezy E, Elyaqtine M. 1999. <strong>The</strong> posterior<br />

border of the sphenoid greater wing <strong>and</strong> its phylogenetic<br />

usefulness in human evolution. Am J Phys Anthropol<br />

107:387–399.<br />

Brodie AG. 1941. On the growth pattern of the human<br />

head from the third month to the eighth year of life.<br />

Am J Anat 68:208–262.<br />

Brodie AG. 1953. Late growth changes in the human<br />

face. Angle Orthod 23:146–157.<br />

Bromage TG. 1992. <strong>The</strong> <strong>ontogeny</strong> of Pan troglodytes<br />

craniofacial architectural relationships <strong>and</strong> implications<br />

for early hominids. J Hum Evol 23:235–251.<br />

Butler AB, Hodos W. 1996. Comparative vertebrate<br />

neuroanatomy, evolution <strong>and</strong> adaptation. New York:<br />

Wiley-Liss.<br />

Bütow K-W. 1990. Craniofacial growth disturbance after<br />

skull <strong>base</strong> <strong>and</strong> associated suture synostoses in the<br />

newborn Chacma baboon: a preliminary report. Cleft<br />

Palate J 27:241–252.<br />

Cameron J. 1924. <strong>The</strong> cranio-facial axis of Huxley. Part<br />

I. Embryological considerations. Trans R Soc Can 18:<br />

115–123.<br />

Cameron J. 1927. <strong>The</strong> main angle of <strong>cranial</strong> flexion (the<br />

nasion-pituitary-basion angle). Am J Phys Anthropol<br />

10:275–279.<br />

Cameron J. 1930. Craniometric memoirs. No. II. <strong>The</strong><br />

human <strong>and</strong> comparative anatomy of Cameron’s<br />

craniofacial axis. J Anat 64:324–336.<br />

Carre R, Lindblom B, MacNeilage P. 1994. Acoustic<br />

factors in the evolution of the human vocal tract. J<br />

Acoust Soc Am 95:2924.<br />

Cartmill M. 1970. <strong>The</strong> orbits of arboreal mammals.<br />

Ph.D. dissertation, <strong>University</strong> of Chicago.<br />

Cartmill M. 1972. Arboreal adaptations <strong>and</strong> the origin<br />

of the order Primates. In: Tuttle RH, editor. <strong>The</strong> <strong>function</strong>al<br />

<strong>and</strong> evolutionary biology of <strong>primate</strong>s. Chicago:<br />

Aldine. p 97–122.<br />

Cartmill M. 1974. Rethinking <strong>primate</strong> origins. Science<br />

184:436–443.<br />

Cartmill M. 1980. Morphology, <strong>function</strong>, <strong>and</strong> evolution<br />

of the anthropoid postorbital septum. In: Ciochon RL<br />

Chiarelli AB, editors. Evolutionary biology of the New<br />

World monkeys <strong>and</strong> continental drift. New York: Plenum<br />

Press. p 243–274.<br />

Cartmill M. 1992. New views on <strong>primate</strong> origins. Evol<br />

Anthropol 1:105–111.<br />

Chan L-K. 1991. <strong>The</strong> deduction of the level of the human<br />

larynx from bony l<strong>and</strong>marks: its relevance to the<br />

evolution of speech. Hum Evol 6:249–261.<br />

Cherniak C. 1995. Neural component placement.<br />

Trends Neurosci 18:522–527.<br />

Chernoff B, Magwene P. 1999. Morphological integration:<br />

forty years later. In: Olson EC, Miller RL, editors.<br />

Morphological integration. Chicago: <strong>University</strong><br />

of Chicago Press. p 319–348.<br />

Cheverud JM. 1982. Phenotypic, genetic, <strong>and</strong> environmental<br />

morphological integration in the cranium.<br />

Evolution 36:499–516.<br />

Cheverud JM. 1995. Morphological integration in the<br />

saddle back tamarin (Saguinas fuscicollis) cranium.<br />

Am Nat 145:63–89.<br />

Cheverud JM. 1996. Developmental integration <strong>and</strong> the<br />

evolution of pleiotropy. Am Zool 36:44–50.<br />

Cheverud JM, Buikstra J. 1982. Quantitative genetics<br />

of skeletal non-metric traits in the rhesus macaques<br />

on Cayo Santiago III. Relative heritability of skeletal<br />

metric <strong>and</strong> non-metric traits. Am J Phys Anthropol<br />

59:151–155.<br />

Cheverud JM, Richtsmeier J. 1986. Finite element scaling<br />

applied to sexual dimorphism in rhesus macaque<br />

(Macaca mulatta) facial growth. Syst Zool 35:381–<br />

399.<br />

Cheverud JM, Dow MM, Leutenegger W. 1985. <strong>The</strong><br />

quantitative assessment of phylogenetic constraints<br />

in comparative analyses: sexual dimorphism in body<br />

weight among <strong>primate</strong>s. Evolution 39:1335–1351.<br />

Cheverud JM, Wagner GP, Dow MM. 1989. Methods for<br />

the comparative analysis of variation patterns. Syst<br />

Zool 38:201–213.<br />

Cheverud JM, Kohn LAP, Konigsberg LW, Leigh SR.<br />

1992. <strong>The</strong> effects of fronto-occipital artifical <strong>cranial</strong><br />

vault modification on the <strong>cranial</strong> <strong>base</strong> <strong>and</strong> face. Am J<br />

Phys Anthropol 88:323–345.<br />

Couly GF, Coltey PM, Le Douarin NM. 1993. <strong>The</strong> triple<br />

origin of skull in higher vertebrates. Development<br />

117:409–429.<br />

Cousin RP, Fenart R, Deblock R. 1981. Variations ontogénétiques<br />

des angles basicraniens et faciaux. Bull<br />

Mem Soc Anthropol Paris 8:189–212.<br />

Covert HH, Hamrick MW. 1993. Description of new<br />

skeletal remains of the early Eocene anaptomorphine<br />

<strong>primate</strong> Absarokius (Omomyidae) <strong>and</strong> a discussion<br />

about its adaptive profile. J Hum Evol 25:351–362.<br />

Cramer DL. 1977. Craniofacial morphology of Pan paniscus:<br />

a morphometric <strong>and</strong> evolutionary appraisal.<br />

Contrib Primatol 10:1–64.<br />

Crelin E. 1969. Anatomy of the newborn: an atlas. Philadelphia:<br />

Lea <strong>and</strong> Febiger.<br />

Crelin ES. 1973. Functional anatomy of the newborn:<br />

an atlas. New Haven: Yale <strong>University</strong> Press.

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