New Earnings Survey Occupation Codes - ESDS

New Earnings Survey Occupation Codes - ESDS New Earnings Survey Occupation Codes - ESDS


UK Data Archive Study Number 6689 - Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings: Secure Access NEW EARNINGS SURVEY INDEX OF OCCUPATIONS WITH NES OCCUPATION CODES

UK Data Archive Study Number 6689 - Annual <strong>Survey</strong> of Hours and <strong>Earnings</strong>: Secure Access<br />




Attendant: machine: continued<br />

Attendant: machine: continued<br />

coating<br />

moulding<br />

glass bulb 385 bakery products 327<br />

glass valve 385 plastics 383<br />

combing 299 rubber 383<br />

cotton wadding sizing 305 starchless, sugar<br />

curtain-coating, excluding confectionery 327<br />

ceramics 477 multi-rolling 327<br />

curtain-glazing 477 opening<br />

desizing 327 cloth 327<br />

dipping fabric 327<br />

curtain-glazing 477 fibre 299<br />

excluding ceramics 477 painting<br />

glaze spraying 466 ceramics<br />

doubling 300 pad 466<br />

dry cleaning 281 roller 466<br />

drying dip 477<br />

textile processing 327 slip 466<br />

tobacco 327 spray<br />

exhausting ceramics 466<br />

lamp manufacture 385 excluding ceramics 467<br />

valve manufacture 385 pelleting 327<br />

extruded covering pie 327<br />

plastics 385 plaiting 327<br />

rubber 385 plastic bag making 477<br />

felt hood shrinking 327 polishing<br />

fibre breaking 299 cordage 305<br />

fibre separating and aligning 299 fabric 305<br />

finishing, bakery products 327 pencil, flow-coating 477<br />

flow-coating, excluding riveting, metal goods 470<br />

ceramics 477 roughing, optical glass 330<br />

folding and rolling 327 sanitary dressing 385<br />

garnetting 299 scouring, textile processing 327<br />

generating (glass grinding) 330 scutching 299<br />

glaze spraying 466 seeking, gut 327<br />

grinding settling 327<br />

unspecified, materials sizing, cotton wadding 305<br />

processing 327 slip spray banding 466<br />

waste 299 softening, fibre 299<br />

gut seeking 327 spinning, hair fibre 327<br />

gut splitting 327 spray glazing 466<br />

hackling 299 splitting, gut 327<br />

hair fibre preparing and stamping, gold, pottery 385<br />

spinning 327 stem cutting and crushing<br />

hydro tobacco 327<br />

dry cleaning 281 straining, unspecified 327<br />

laundering 281 teasing 299<br />

impregnating, unspecified threshing, tobacco 327<br />

materials processing 327 tile making 385<br />

labelling 476 towing and fettling 385<br />

lacquering, pencil, flow-<br />

unspecified<br />

coating 477 leatherboard making 327<br />

letter press 343 miscellaneous products 385<br />

materials, processing, paper making 327<br />

unspecified 327 paperboard making 327<br />

mercerising 327 wood processing 327<br />

milling, unspecified, materials vending 214<br />

processing 327 washing<br />

mingler 327 carriage 540<br />

mixing, unspecified 327 container 540<br />

laundering 281<br />

textile processing 327<br />

57<br />

Revised 1981

Attendant: machine: continued<br />

Attendant: room: continued<br />

waste cutting 299 lamp 528<br />

willey 299 ice 327<br />

wrapping 476 floatin, rice starch 327<br />

magazine, plasterboard 327 luggage 281<br />

melangeur 327 shift 273<br />

meter 253 tank, ice manufacture 327<br />

mill rope-walk creel 327<br />

batch 533 sample carding 299<br />

liquor, chocolate 327 scutcher 299<br />

lute 333 sewage works 326<br />

unspecified 327 shaft bottom 525<br />

wood 327 shaft top 525<br />

mixer, unspecified 327 sleeping car 265<br />

molasses 327 splint impregnating and drying 327<br />

mortuary 281 station<br />

motor, road transport 521 petrol services 241<br />

museum 254 pumping 540<br />

neutraliser street crossing 254<br />

glucose 327 substation, electricity supply 536<br />

invert sugar 327 swimming pool 281<br />

offshore sickbay 267 switchboard, electricity supply 536<br />

oil 462 syphon 540<br />

oil expeller, maize 327 tank<br />

oven pasteurising, vegetables 327<br />

unspecified 327 saturation, sugar 327<br />

vacuum, food processing 327 vacuum drying and impregnating 385<br />

park<br />

theatre<br />

amusement 281 entertainment 281<br />

car 275 operating 267<br />

parking meter 253 toilet 281<br />

pitch and coal feed 327 tow-to-top converter 299<br />

plant<br />

train<br />

auxiliary, power generating 536 automatic 509<br />

batching, unspecified 327 sleeping-car 265<br />

concrete tile making 385 vulcanising pan 327<br />

crushing unspecified 327 wash-house, laundering 281<br />

crushing and opening 299 Attendant’s assistant, hackling<br />

dust separating 540 machine 327<br />

lacquering, dip 477 Auctioneer 245<br />

lime 327 Audiometrician 145<br />

materials processing unspecified 327 Audit assistant 213<br />

nuclear generating station 536 Audit examiner, Department of<br />

sewage 326 Environment 106<br />

shot 327 Auditor<br />

unspecified accounts 106<br />

leatherboard making 327 exchequer and Audit 106<br />

paper making 327 field, market research 219<br />

paperboard making 327 retail, market research 219<br />

wood processing 327 Auditor of Court 102<br />

washing, vehicle 540 Author<br />

press excluding technical 156<br />

automatic, textile finishing 305 technical 156<br />

ceramics 333 Autolysis man, yeast foods 327<br />

extruding, unspecified,<br />

Automatic data processing (ADP)<br />

materials processing 327 equipment<br />

public lighting 281 operating occupations 230<br />

public lighting maintenance 281 Automatic data processing (ADP)<br />

pump<br />

planning and programming<br />

petrol, sales 241 occupations 112<br />

unspecified 540 Automatic machine attendants, metal<br />

remote indication system 540 working 409<br />

reservoir 503 B<br />

residential establishment for Babbitter 462<br />

the elderly or infirm 267 Back boy, embroidery 385<br />

road vehicle parking 275 Back end man, stentering 305<br />

room Back ender, drawframe 327<br />

engine 506 Back shuttler 385<br />

Back stamper, pottery 385<br />

58<br />

Revised 1981

Back-end man, cement 327 Barman 258<br />

Backer, double 327 American bar 258<br />

Backer-up 380 cocktail bar 258<br />

Backwasher 327 dispense bar 258<br />

Bacteriologist 157 general 258<br />

Badger, glass decorating 331 head 255<br />

Baggage master 528 Barman-waiter 258<br />

Bagger, chemical, pharmaceutical Barman, barmaids and bar stewards 258<br />

and allied products, hand 476 Barrel lapper, small arms 406<br />

Bailiff Barrel rifler, small arms 406<br />

country court, England and Wales 254 Barrelman, rice starch 327<br />

farm- see Managerial Barrister, practising in courts 102<br />

occupations, farming<br />

Baster<br />

fishing and related canvas 351<br />

private employer 254 hand 351<br />

water, river authority or board 119 lining 351<br />

Baker Baster and tacker, corner 351<br />

biscuit 327 Baster-under 351<br />

bread (hand) 310 Batcher<br />

(machine) 327 hand, fibre 299<br />

Baker and confectioner 310 machine, fibre 299<br />

Balancer Batman 263<br />

abrasive wheel 385 Batter-out 385<br />

sound 153 Battery hand<br />

Balcony man, vertical lehr 330 concrete casting 385<br />

Baler diffusion 327<br />

rags 476 Beader<br />

sacks 476 footwear 385<br />

scrap 462 tambour 359<br />

textile goods 476 Beam sider<br />

wool 476 Beamer<br />

Baller, machine 301 assistant 327<br />

Ballerina 151 chain 302<br />

Ballistician 159 cloth 327<br />

Bander creel 302<br />

ceramics 466 dry 302<br />

clay 477 Scotch 302<br />

glass 477 wire weaving 462<br />

oil and dust 466 Beamer-off 302<br />

wash 466 Beamhouse worker, general 297<br />

Bander and liner 466 Beater<br />

Bandmaster 151 carpet 281<br />

Bandsman 151 panel<br />

Bank hand, rope making 327 excluding vehicle body repair 445<br />

Bank teller 214 vehicle body repair 445<br />

Banker, yarn 300 seat 385<br />

Banksman welt 385<br />

coal yard 477 Beaterman<br />

crane 533 asbestos-cement making 327<br />

mine 525 leatherboard making 315<br />

Banksman’s assistant, mine 533 paper making 315<br />

Bar bender and reinforcement fixer 451 paperboard making 315<br />

Bar potman 281 Beaterman’s assistant, asbestos-<br />

Barber 278 cement 327<br />

Bar-cellarman 258 Beatster 306<br />

Bargemen 507 Beautician (canine) 295<br />

Barmaid (unspecified) 281<br />

American bar 258 Beauty therapist 281<br />

cocktail bar 258 Bedman, asphalt 327<br />

dispense bar 258<br />

general 258<br />

Barmaid-waitress 258<br />

59<br />

Revised 1981

Bedstead caster<br />

Biological scientists, research<br />

brass 462 development, technical advisory,<br />

iron 462 consultancy and related work 157<br />

Beekeeper 295 Biologist<br />

Beetler 305 fresh water 157<br />

Behinder general 157<br />

cold rolling mill team 462 marine 157<br />

hot rolling mill team 462 molecular 157<br />

primary reduction mill team 462 Biometrician 111<br />

temper mill team 462 Biophysicist 159<br />

Bellyman, piano 385 Blacker, pottery etching 385<br />

Beltman 385 Blacksmith, general 398<br />

Bench hand Blader, turbine 416<br />

bookbinding 348 Blancher 327<br />

engineering 462 Blanket whipper<br />

leather goods excluding footwear 385 heavy fabric 361<br />

polisher 477 light fabric 361<br />

roller blind making 385 Blaster<br />

rubber footwear 365 hot, footwear 367<br />

venetian blinds 385 shot, metal 462<br />

Bench moulder 393 Bleacher<br />

Bench pumper feather 305<br />

lamp manufacture 385 straw plait 305<br />

valve manufacture 385 textiles 305<br />

Bench worker, glass 330 Bleacher and dyers, fern 305<br />

Bender<br />

Blender<br />

bar 462 batch, chemicals 308<br />

fish hook, hand 462 butter 327<br />

frame, ship 462 fibre<br />

glass 330 fur 327<br />

tube textile, machine 299<br />

glass, neon signs 330 in-line 308<br />

metal 462 machine<br />

wire, textile machinery fittings 462 automatic, unspecified 327<br />

wood 385 semi-automatic, unspecified 327<br />

Bender and fixer, steel 451 unspecified 327<br />

Bender and slotter, paperboard 385 mustard 327<br />

Bender’s helper, frame, ship rag 299<br />

construction 462 wines 327<br />

Berthing man 533 wool 298<br />

Beveller, insole seat 364 Blending machine operator’s<br />

Bill poster 281 assistant,<br />

Bill sticker 281 unspecified 327<br />

Billiard marker 281 Block minder, galvanising 462<br />

Bin man, tempering 327 Blocker<br />

Binder cycle saddle 385<br />

blanket fibre helmet 385<br />

heavy fabric 361 footwear 385<br />

light fabric 361 gold 385<br />

mat, hand 359 hat<br />

matting hand 385<br />

hand 359 machine 385<br />

machine 361 hydraulic mechanical leathers 385<br />

pattern, footwear 462 leather products excluding<br />

turn 385 hydraulic and mechanical<br />

turn-over 385 leathers 385<br />

Bindery assistant 348 lens 385<br />

Bingo caller 281 optical element 385<br />

Biochemist 157 upper 385<br />

Biographer 156<br />

60<br />

Revised 1981

Blockman, galvanising 462 Boner<br />

Blouse hand 352 corset 477<br />

Blower<br />

fish<br />

core 394 hand 313<br />

dry 305 machine 313<br />

fabric 305 meat 313<br />

fur 327 Bookbinder<br />

glass general 348<br />

mould 330 sub-divisional 348<br />

scientific 330 Bookbinding occupations 348<br />

glaze 466 Booker 213<br />

lamp 330 Book-keeper 213<br />

Blowing room assistant 299 Bookmaker 281<br />

Blowing room major 298 Bookmaker’s settler 219<br />

Bluer, textiles 305 Boot and shoe making<br />

Board boy 237 occupations, bespoke and<br />

Boarder surgical 363<br />

glove 305 Boot and shoe repairers 363<br />

hosiery 305 Borer<br />

Boardman 281 coalmining 501<br />

Boatman core, excluding coalmining 503<br />

motor 507 gas emissions 501<br />

unspecified 507 horizontal, setter-operator 405<br />

Boatswain jig 405<br />

excluding fishing vessel 505 universal, setter-operator 405<br />

fishing vessel 293 vertical, setter-operator 405<br />

Boatswain’s mate 505 well 503<br />

Bobber<br />

Borer and hardener, scissors<br />

emery 411 setter-operator 405<br />

fish 529 Botanist 157<br />

Bodier, sanitary glaze 466 Bottler, food products, hand 476<br />

Bodyguard Bottom knocker 385<br />

Boiler Bottomer, surgical footwear 363<br />

butterscotch 327 Boule de table 281<br />

caramel and fudge 327 Bowker 305<br />

crème 327 Box man, stick 327<br />

fish 327 Boxer<br />

fruit 327 hand, chemical pharmaceutical<br />

jam 327 and allied products 476<br />

kier, textiles 305 machine 476<br />

liquorice 327 sportsman 155<br />

marmalade 327 Braid, plait, line and fibre<br />

meat 327 rope making<br />

pan, sugar refining 327 occupations 327<br />

peel 327 Braider<br />

pickle 327 hand 327<br />

sauce 327 machine 327<br />

sugar Brakeman, and steersman 516<br />

sugar confectionery manufacture 327 Brakesman, mine 533<br />

sugar refining 327 Brander 385<br />

syrup manufacture 327 Brazer<br />

toffee 327 dip 462<br />

tongue 327 non-repetitive, excluding dip 453<br />

vegetables 327 Breaker<br />

Boiler plater’s helper 462 fibre 299<br />

Boilermaker’s helper 462 scrap 462<br />

Bolter, roof 503 stone 327<br />

Bonder, rainproof garment 385<br />

61<br />

Revised 1981

Breakerman<br />

Builder: continued<br />

paper making 327 chassis 452<br />

paperboard making 327 commutator 432<br />

Breaker-off, sheet glass 385 core<br />

Breaster, heel 364 excluding heavy 470<br />

Brewer 173 heavy 462<br />

Bricklayer cover, rubber tyres 382<br />

colliery 480 cycle fork 418<br />

construction 480 cycle frame 418<br />

furnace 480 fireplace 483<br />

industrial chimneys 480 general, construction 493<br />

refractory 480 harness 327<br />

Bricklayer’s mate 497 heel 477<br />

Bridge man 533 hose, rubber 385<br />

Bridgemaster 533 industrial belting<br />

Briner 327 plastic 385<br />

Broke pulper man 327 rubber 385<br />

Broker industrial insulator 385<br />

air 245 micanite sheet<br />

bill 108 hand 327<br />

commodity 245 machine 327<br />

foreign exchange 108 organ 385<br />

fur 245 pocket, rubber tyre 385<br />

grain 245 remould 385<br />

insurance 108 rubber goods, unspecified 385<br />

licensed, securities 108 segment, rectifiers 432<br />

Lloyd’s 245 strip<br />

loading 245 breaker, rubber tyre 385<br />

metal 245 chafer, rubber tyre 385<br />

rubber 245 transformer 432<br />

sale and purchase, shipping 245 tread 382<br />

ship 245 tyre 385<br />

stock 245 vehicle body 458<br />

tanker 108 wheel<br />

tea 245 cycle 470<br />

wool 245 motor cycle 470<br />

Bronzer 462 wood veneer 327<br />

Brusher yacht 371<br />

doll’s hair 385 Builder-up, last 385<br />

fabric finishing 305 Building craftsman’s mate, general 497<br />

garment clean 281 Bulker, tobacco 327<br />

glaze 466 Bullion machine worker 327<br />

heald 327 Bumper, felt hood 327<br />

hosiery 305 Bumper-on, clay 385<br />

leather, machine 297 Bundler, scrap, sorting 477<br />

pottery, machine 385 Bunker, footwear 367<br />

Brusher-off, enamelling 477 Bunker control man<br />

Brushhand, coachwork 477 gravel 533<br />

Buffer sand 533<br />

emery 411 surface, mining 533<br />

hides skins 297 underground mining 533<br />

leather 297 Burial and related services<br />

remould tyre 385 occupations 281<br />

slate, machine 334 Burler<br />

Builder carpet 306<br />

armature 432 cloth 306<br />

barge rug 306<br />

metal 448 Burler and mender 306<br />

wood 371<br />

bead, rubber type 385<br />

boat 371<br />

ceramic shell investment casting 462<br />

62<br />

Revised 1981

Burner Cabin boy 265<br />

artificial teeth 319 Cabinet makers 374<br />

caulker 447 Cable former 462<br />

flint 327 Cable jointer’s mate 462<br />

hand, metal 452 Cabman, horse-drawn vehicle 533<br />

kiln Caddie 281<br />

carbon products 327 Cadet – classify to occupation<br />

cement 327 appropriate to trained worker<br />

ceramics 319 Cafeteria hand 259<br />

lead 462 Cageman, mine 525<br />

lime 327 Cager 297<br />

machine<br />

Calciner<br />

deseaming, metal 452 chemicals 308<br />

excluding deseaming, metal 453 dextrin 327<br />

sand, concrete tile making 385 unspecified 327<br />

tile 319 Calcining charge hand 327<br />

Burnerman, chemicals 308 Calculator<br />

Burner-off colour 327<br />

glass 331 licensed betting 219<br />

incandescent mantles 327 tote 219<br />

Burnisher<br />

Calendar hand<br />

heel, machine 367 laundering 281<br />

metal 411 linoleum 327<br />

pottery 385 textile finishing 305<br />

upper 385 Calendar machine assistant<br />

Bursar paper 327<br />

financial 122 paperboard 327<br />

hall of residence 211 Calenderer<br />

Burster, coal mining 501 asbestos composition 327<br />

Burster, operator 231 coated fabric making 327<br />

Busher, lead, abrasive wheel 462 textile finishing 305<br />

Busker, corset 361 Calenderhand<br />

Butcher 313 plastics 323<br />

Butcher and cutter 313 rubber 323<br />

Butler 261 Calendarman<br />

Butler and tacker, welt 364 asbestos composition 327<br />

Butter liquefier, margarine plastics 323<br />

manufacture 327 rubber 323<br />

Buttoner Calibrator 415<br />

hand 359 Call boy 281<br />

machine 385 Caller, bingo 281<br />

Buttonholer, hand 359 Camera assistant, films 152<br />

Buyer<br />

Cameraman<br />

advertising space 115 chief, films 151<br />

advertising space and time 115 film 152<br />

advertising time 115 film, assistant 152<br />

group 115 first 151<br />

print, advertising 115 lighting 151<br />

retail distribution 115 television 152<br />

space 115 Can dodger 299<br />

space and time 115 Canal maintenance worker 503<br />

store-see Manager, departmental Candler, egg 477<br />

shop 198 Canner<br />

time 115 beverages 476<br />

wholesale distribution 115 chemical products 476<br />

foodstuffs 476<br />

lubricants 476<br />

Canroyer 305<br />

Canteen assistant 259<br />

C<br />

63<br />

Revised 1981

Canvasser<br />

Carpenter: continued<br />

private households ship’s 371<br />

goods 245 stage 371<br />

services 245 studio 371<br />

telephone 245 Carpenter and joiner 370<br />

Carpenter’s mate 380<br />

Capper<br />

Carrier<br />

bottling 476 bobbin 533<br />

electric lamp 477 glass 533<br />

paper 476 lap 533<br />

Captain ware, pottery manufacture 533<br />

canal craft 185 Carrier-in<br />

dock craft 185 kiln 327<br />

foreign-going ship 185 lehr 327<br />

harbour craft 185 Carrotter 297<br />

home trade ship 185 Carter 533<br />

hovercraft 189 Cartoner<br />

inland waterways craft 185 hand, chemical pharmaceutical<br />

river craft 185 and allied products 476<br />

Salvation Army 134 machine 476<br />

staff, passenger vessel 185 Cartoonist 149<br />

Cash lasher 529 Carver<br />

Carbon printer, photogravure 339 food 281<br />

Carbonatation man, sugar 327 stone 334<br />

Carbonation and filtration man wood 385<br />

ciders 327 Case hand 337<br />

wines 327 Caser, die 462<br />

Carboniser<br />

Caseworker<br />

metal 400 family 133<br />

textiles 327 social, general 133<br />

Card dresser 462 Cash and wrap assistant 222<br />

Card fillet dresser 462 Cashier<br />

Card puller 218 bank 214<br />

Card top clipper 462 bingo hall 214<br />

Carder café restaurant 221<br />

addressing machine 231 cash desk 221<br />

attending fibre carding machine 299 casino 214<br />

pelts counter, building society office 214<br />

under, in charge of fibre office, unspecified 214<br />

preparers 298 retail shop 221<br />

Cardiographer 145 Caster<br />

Cardiologist 135 bedstead<br />

Care assistant 267 brass 462<br />

Careers officer 147 iron 462<br />

Caretaker centrifugal 462<br />

church 271 die<br />

premises excluding churches 271 gravity 395<br />

reservoir 503 pressure 395<br />

Caretakers 271 foundry 462<br />

Carman handle, pottery 333<br />

charger lead 462<br />

coal-gas oven 533 plaster 385<br />

coke oven 533 pottery 333<br />

coke roller, printing rollers 385<br />

coal-gas oven 526 slab<br />

coke oven 526 mosaic 385<br />

transfer 526 terrazzo 385<br />

Carpenter slip 333<br />

colliery 370 spout, pottery 333<br />

construction 370<br />

formwork 370<br />

jobbing 370<br />

64<br />

Revised 1981

Caster: continued<br />

tile Char kiln man 308<br />

mosaic 385 Char man, wet, sugar and glucose<br />

terrazzo 385 manufacture 538<br />

type 462<br />

Casting bay helper, steel making 462<br />

Casting hand Chargeman, station 270<br />

cast stone 385 track 479<br />

concrete 385 Charger<br />

Catcher blunger 327<br />

cigarette machine 477 coal<br />

rabbit 295 coal-gas oven 526<br />

rivet 462 coke oven 526<br />

Catering boy 265 cupola, foundry 533<br />

Catering office, hospital 204 Charmer, snake 151<br />

seagoing 261 Charwoman 273<br />

Cattleman, beef cattle 286 Chaser<br />

Caulker 447 precious or white metal 456<br />

Caulker burner 447 production 216<br />

Cellarman progress 216<br />

catering and similar establish- Chauffeur 519<br />

ments 528 Chauffeur-gardener 519<br />

cider manufacture 327 Chauffeur-handyman 519<br />

Cellist 151 Check measurer, coalmining 213<br />

Cementer<br />

Checker<br />

electrical insulators 470 bookbinding 348<br />

leaded light 503 cap 477<br />

lens, ophthalmic 477 closing room, footwear<br />

rand 477 examining 477<br />

rubber footwear 477 competition 219<br />

Centerer, ophthalmic lens 385 coupon 219<br />

Centerer and edger, optical drawing, technical drawings 174<br />

element 330 drug room 477<br />

Ceramic goods finishing electrical equipment 473<br />

occupations excluding glazers electronic equipment 473<br />

and decorators 385 footwear closing, examining and<br />

Ceramic goods forming rectifying 385<br />

occupations 333 garments 477<br />

Ceramicist 173 glass capacity 477<br />

Chainman 503 goods, dispatch and delivery 216<br />

Chairman map 175<br />

appeals tribunal or similar body 122 metal 473<br />

commission of inquiry 122 mica 477<br />

committee of inquiry 122 paper pattern 477<br />

court of inquiry 122 plastics 477<br />

hand glass making 330 policy, insurance company 215<br />

Chairman of quarter sessions 102 prescription, ophthalmic 477<br />

Chalkman 305 raw materials, dispatch and<br />

Chamberlain delivery 216<br />

burgh 106 rubber 477<br />

city 106 supports, coalmining 528<br />

Chambermaid 263 supports recovery, coalmining 528<br />

Chambermaid-wairess 263 textile products 477<br />

Changer ticket 219<br />

chip 214 timber 528<br />

money 214 voucher, advertising 219<br />

roller 385 Checker inspector, cork products 477<br />

rope 533 Check-out operator 222<br />

Channeller, sole 364 Chef<br />

Char house man 308 commis 256<br />

confiseur 255<br />

65<br />

Revised 1981

Chef: continued<br />

Child care worker<br />

gourmet fare 256 residential children’s home 133<br />

grill 256 residential establishment for<br />

head young offenders 133<br />

industrial catering 255 Children’s officer 133<br />

institutional catering 255 Chimney sweep 273<br />

plain fare 256 Chip changer, casino 214<br />

second 256 Chipper<br />

sous 256 metal plate 447<br />

staff 256 pottery 385<br />

Chef de cuisine 255 road surfacing 503<br />

Chef de partie 255 steel dressing 462<br />

Chef de table 281 Chipper and painter 465<br />

Chef entremetier 255 Chiropodist 144<br />

Chef garde-manger 255 Chiropractor 143<br />

Chef glacier 255 Chocolate pan man 327<br />

Chef patissier 255 Choirmaster 151<br />

Chef poissonier 255 Chopper, bespoke tailoring 358<br />

Chef potager 255 Choreographer 151<br />

Chef rotisseur 255 Church sister 134<br />

Chef saucier 255 Citizens advice bureau worker 133<br />

Chef tournant 255 Civil and structural engineering,<br />

Chef-carver 255 research and development, design,<br />

Chemical engineering research and<br />

feasibility studies, liaison,<br />

development, design, feasibility<br />

consultancy and related<br />

studies, applications, liaison, occupations 161<br />

consultancy and related Civil hydrographic officer 189<br />

occupations 166 Civil servant<br />

Chemical, gas and petroleum administrative functions, nec 120<br />

plant operating occupations 308 executive functions, nec 120<br />

Chemical plumber’s mate 462 Claims official, insurance 107<br />

Chemical scientists, research, Clammer, roller engraving 457<br />

development, analysis, technical Clampman, brick making 327<br />

advisory, consultancy and related Clapper boy 153<br />

work 158 Clapper-loader 152<br />

Chemist<br />

Classer<br />

analytical 158 fleece 477<br />

biological 157 hide and seek 477<br />

consultancy and advice 158 sheepskin 477<br />

development 158 Classifier, laundry sorting 477<br />

general 158 Classifier and marker, farm<br />

nuclear 158 livestock 295<br />

physical 158 Clay getter 503<br />

polymer 158 Cleaner<br />

quality control 158 aircraft 273<br />

asbestos-cement 385<br />

research development 158 ascension pipe 462<br />

retail 140 bag 540<br />

Chenille worker 327 bedding 281<br />

Chequerer, clay building tiles 385 boiler 462<br />

Chick sexer 295 building interiors 273<br />

Chief executive, local authority 100 business premises 273<br />

Chief officer carpet 281<br />

foreign-going ship 185 cast stone 385<br />

home trade ship 185 condenser, zinc vertical retort 538<br />

prison or similar institution 209 corn 327<br />

Chief security officer, private depot 273<br />

undertaking 247 domestic premises 273<br />

Child care assistant 281 dry general 281<br />

Child care officer 133 equipment<br />

heavy, unspecified 538<br />

66<br />

Revised 1981

Cleaner:<br />

Clerk: continued<br />

light, unspecified 538 audit 213<br />

filter 462 authorised, stock exchange 108<br />

footwear 367 average adjuster’s 215<br />

fur 281 bank, general 219<br />

hydraulic main 462 barrister’s 122<br />

machine bill 213<br />

heavy, unspecified 538 bonus 213<br />

light, unspecified 538 booking<br />

maize starch 327 stores 216<br />

office 273 travel agency 217<br />

omnibus 273 warehouse 216<br />

pipe 462 booth sheet 213<br />

public premises 273 cargo 217<br />

public transport interiors 273 cash desk 221<br />

roof 273 charge 216<br />

sack 540 Chartering, sea transport 217<br />

ship’s 273 checking, red button 215<br />

speed frame 462 claims<br />

street 272 excluding insurance company 215<br />

structural stone brickwork 503 insurance company 215<br />

tape, magnetic 540 warranty 215<br />

upper, footwear 367 clearance 217<br />

warc 477 coding, automatic data<br />

welt 364 processing 219<br />

wet 281 committee 122<br />

window 273 continuity, film making 219<br />

workshop 273 contracts, stocks shares 215<br />

yard 273 control<br />

Cleaner and tester, multishot air traffic 235<br />

exploder 435 budgetary 213<br />

Cleaner-off garment 385 cost 213<br />

data processing 219<br />

Clearer hotel 213<br />

embroidery 385 load, air transport 219<br />

insole 367 production 216<br />

table, catering 281 production and cost 213<br />

Cleaver, diamond 456 stock 216<br />

Clerical assistant 218 conveyancing 219<br />

Clerical occupations, cash correspondence 219<br />

handling 214 cost 213<br />

Clerical occupations, costing and cost and works accountant’s 213<br />

accounting 213 counter<br />

Clerical occupations, finance, betting 214<br />

investment and insurance 215 post office 214<br />

Clerical occupations, general and course, betting 218<br />

nec 219 credit 213<br />

Clerical occupations, production customs 217<br />

and materials controlling 216 dispatch 216<br />

Clerical occupations, record dividends and rights 215<br />

keeping and library 218 employment 219<br />

Clerical occupations, shipment estimating 213<br />

and travel arranging 217 export 217<br />

Clerical work measurement man 110 factory 219<br />

Clerk filing 218<br />

accountancy, articled 106 fingerprint 218<br />

accounts 213 flight, steward 265<br />

acturial 219 folio 218<br />

advertising 219 foreign exchange, banking 215<br />

forwarding 217<br />

foundry 219<br />

67<br />

Revised 1981

Clerk: continued<br />

Clerk: records: continued<br />

freight unspecified 218<br />

export 217 research survey 219<br />

import 217 reservations, travel 217<br />

inland transport 217 revenue 213<br />

general 219 routeing 217<br />

general bank 219 routine<br />

goods inwards 216 multiple tasks, unspecified 219<br />

hire, vehicles 217 single task, unspecified 219<br />

import 217 sales query 216<br />

information schedule 216<br />

travel 217 schedules, transport services 217<br />

unspecified 219 securities 215<br />

insurance share and stock registration 215<br />

excluding insurance broker’s sheriff officer’s 214<br />

and insurance company 215 shipbroker’s 217<br />

insurance company 215 shipping 217<br />

insurance broker’s 215 shop 219<br />

intake 216 site 219<br />

invoices 213 solicitor’s, articled 102<br />

judge’s 122 solicitor’s managing 122<br />

justices’ 102 statistical 219<br />

kitchen, hotel 216 stockbroker’s 215<br />

ledger 213 stores 216<br />

library, automatic data tally, timber 528<br />

records 218 unspecified 216<br />

litigation 219 technical, production planning 216<br />

manifest 217 telephone advertisement 216<br />

office ticket-issuing 214<br />

booking 214 time 218<br />

box 214 town 104<br />

buying 216 traffic<br />

personnel 218 aircraft load control 217<br />

post 214 freight 217<br />

sub-post 214 transport, freight 217<br />

order travel agency 217<br />

mail 216 travel enquiry 217<br />

purchasing 216 unauthorised, blue button 215<br />

sales unit, mail order 216<br />

telephone voyages 217<br />

goods 216 wages 213<br />

services 216 ward 218<br />

unspecified 216 warehouse 216<br />

pay, totalisator 214 weigh 477<br />

pay-out 214 weighbridge 477<br />

piece-work 213 weighing room, horse racing 477<br />

pier toll 214 works 219<br />

planning 216 Clerk of Assize 102<br />

policy, insurance company 215 Clerk of the Peace 102<br />

portfolio analysis 215 Clerk of works 192<br />

portfolio valuation 215 Clerk to county council 104<br />

prescription, hospital 219 Clerk to rural district council 104<br />

press cuttings 218 Clerk to urban district council 104<br />

probate 215 Clerk typist 219<br />

progress 216 Clerk’s assistant, justices’ 219<br />

publicity 219 Clicker<br />

purchasing 216 composing room 336<br />

purser’s 219 hand, footwear 364<br />

records machine, footwear 364<br />

stock 216 Clinical psychologist 132<br />

Clipper<br />

card top 462<br />

68<br />

Revised 1981

Clipper: continued Cold press worker, tobacco 327<br />

cordage 305 Collator, bookbinding 348<br />

garments 477 Collector<br />

lace 305 cash 214<br />

rope haulage 533 coin, meters 214<br />

textile finishing, excluding lace 305 credit 214<br />

textile products, assembling 477 debt 214<br />

Closer fee 214<br />

channel, footwear 477 meter 214<br />

hand, leather goods excluding pool coupons 214<br />

footwear 366 rag and waste 245<br />

machine, leather goods excluding refuse 532<br />

footwear 366 rent 214<br />

Closer driver, wire ropes 462 ticket<br />

Clown 151 railway 274<br />

Coach, sports 155 unspecified 281<br />

Coachman 533 toll box 214<br />

Coal cutter mover 501 waste, works 533<br />

Coal cutterman 501 Collector of taxes 196<br />

Coal cutterman’s assistant 501 Collier 501<br />

Coal cutting machine assistant 501 Collotype machine assistant 385<br />

Coal cutting-loading machine Colour duster 466<br />

assistant, longwall face 501 Colour padder 477<br />

Coal cutting-loading machine<br />

Colourer<br />

operator, longwall face 501 edge<br />

Coalyard man 477 brush 477<br />

Coastguard 254 spray 467<br />

Coater<br />

Colourist<br />

ceramics 466 copy 219<br />

emulsion, photographic film 327 photographic processing 385<br />

paper 327 textile dyeing 327<br />

paperboard 327 textile printing 327<br />

pill and tablet 308 water 149<br />

Coating machine assistant Colourman 327<br />

paper 327 Columnist 148<br />

paperboard 327 Comber 299<br />

Coating machine operator’s<br />

Combiner<br />

assistant carpet making 327<br />

carpet 327 continuous board 327<br />

fabric 327 fabric making 327<br />

film 327 hand<br />

recording tape 327 paper 327<br />

Coiffeur 279 paperboard 327<br />

Coil former 462 Combining machine assistant<br />

Coiler paper 327<br />

cold rolling mill team 462 paperboard 327<br />

hand, cordage 327 Combining machine first hand<br />

plaiting 327 paper 327<br />

rope, fibre, machine 327 paperboard 327<br />

rubber hose 385 Combining machine operator’s<br />

temper mill team 462 assistant<br />

weigher 327 carpet making 327<br />

Coke carman fabric making 327<br />

coal-gas oven 526 Combining machine second hand<br />

coke oven 526 paper 327<br />

Coke guide man paperboard 327<br />

coal-gas oven 533 Combining machine third hand<br />

coke oven 533 paper 327<br />

Coker drawer, zinc 390 paperboard 327<br />

Cold counter hand 259 Comedian 151<br />

69<br />

Revised 1981

Commandant, airport 194 Conductor guard 511<br />

Commander, hovercraft 189 Conductors, road transport 520<br />

Commentator 148 Coner<br />

bristle 327<br />

Commissionaire 281 hat making 385<br />

Commissioner, divorce 102 Confectioner, flour 311<br />

Commissioner of Assize 102 Conformer<br />

Community worker 133 insole 385<br />

Companion 263 sole 385<br />

Company sales executive 113 Conjurer 151<br />

Company secretary 103 Constable<br />

Compiler, route 217 police<br />

Compiler writer 112 airport 248<br />

Compo man, metal bedsteads 462 civil police 248<br />

Composer 151 docks 248<br />

Composing and typesetting excluding civil police 248<br />

occupations 337 ministry of defence 248<br />

Compositor railway 248<br />

hand, unspecified 337 royal parks 248<br />

imposition 337 Constructional plater’s helper 462<br />

line casting machine 337 Constructor, map 175<br />

Ludlow 337 Consultant<br />

Monotype casting 337 actuarial 111<br />

Compounder beauty 240<br />

chemicals 308 business efficiency 110<br />

ciders 327 chief nursing 137<br />

liqueurs 327 dental 136<br />

rubber 322 diseases of the chest 135<br />

soft drinks 327 economic 111<br />

spirits 327 engineering – see Engineer,<br />

unspecified 327 consultancy and advice<br />

weighing 477 gynaecology and obstetrics 135<br />

wines 327 infectious diseases 135<br />

Compressor, heel 385 management 122<br />

Concentrator man 327 organisation and methods 110<br />

Conche man, chocolate 327 nursing 137<br />

Concher, chocolate 327 physical medicine and<br />

Conciliation officer 109 rehabilitation 135<br />

Conciliator 109 statistical 111<br />

Concrete, asbestos-cement, tax 108<br />

abrasive stone and related travel 217<br />

products making occupations 385 work study 110<br />

Concrete erecting occupations 490 Consultant anaesthetist 135<br />

Concreter Consultant physician 135<br />

reinforcement 491 Consultant psychiatrist 135<br />

site work 491 Consultant radiologist 135<br />

Condenserman, zinc blast furnace 390 Consultant surgeon 135<br />

Conditioner Consumer protection officer 119<br />

leaf 327 Contact man, advertising 114<br />

screensman<br />

Continuous cleaning plant assistant,<br />

grain 327 metal 462<br />

seed 327 Continuous cut-up line assistant,<br />

textile finishing 305 metal 462<br />

Conditioner man Contractor, electrical 165<br />

paper 316 Control assistant<br />

paperboard 316 air traffic 235<br />

Conductor passenger 265<br />

bus 520 sensitometric 385<br />

musical 151 Control man<br />

orchestra 151 bunker<br />

public service vehicle 520 gravel 533<br />

vocal group 151 sand 533<br />

70<br />

Revised 1981

Control man: continued<br />

Cook: continued<br />

surface, mining 533 plain fare 256<br />

underground, mining 533 private household 256<br />

Controller ship’s galley 256<br />

advance, banking 108 staff 256<br />

air, aerodrome 184 vegetable 256<br />

approach procedure, air traffic 184 Cooker<br />

approach radar, aerodrome 184 fish 327<br />

apron 533 fruit 327<br />

area procedure, air traffic 184 meat 327<br />

area radar, air traffic 184 potato crisp<br />

coal washing and mixing plant 327 automatic equipment 327<br />

credit 196 non-automatic equipment 327<br />

depot, distribution 195 unspecified 327<br />

financial 106 vegetables 327<br />

flight information, region 184 yeast food 327<br />

ground movement, aerodrome 184 Cook-general 256<br />

inventory 195 Cook-housekeeper 262<br />

load, air transport 217 Cooking, freezing and other heat<br />

management services 122 treating occupations, food<br />

materials 195 and drink processing 327<br />

movement, air flights 184 Cooks, catering services 256<br />

oceanic air traffic 184 Cooker, chemicals 308<br />

plasterboard making machine 327 Coolerman<br />

precision landing, aerodrome 184 brewing 327<br />

process, hides skin pelts 190 whisky distilling 327<br />

production – see Manager, Cooper 375<br />

production control<br />

Copier<br />

site 192 design, textiles 219<br />

stock 195 Pattern, paper 385<br />

stores 195 Co-pilot, helicopter 183<br />

technical, installation 178 Co-pilots, aeroplanes – see 183<br />

transport, company transport 194 Copper, textile 301<br />

zone, aerodrome 184 Copper fireman 327<br />

Controller of distribution 195 Copper room man 327<br />

Controlman, steel converter 389 Copper sidesman 327<br />

Converter Copperhead worker 327<br />

first hand, steel furnace 389 Coppersmith 445<br />

second hand, steel furnace 389 Copyholder, printing 219<br />

third hand, steel furnace 389 Copyist<br />

Converter man, chemicals 308 block cutting 219<br />

Conveyor mover 462 design<br />

Cook block cutting 219<br />

assistant 256 knitting 219<br />

breakfast 256 lace making 219<br />

cheese, processed cheese roller engraving 219<br />

manufacture 327 weaving 219<br />

commis 256 millinery 355<br />

foreign fare 256 roller engraving 219<br />

griddle 256 Copytaster 156<br />

grill 256 Core blower 394<br />

head Core shooter 394<br />

club 255 Coremaker<br />

hotel 255 hand 393<br />

industrial catering 255 machine 394<br />

institutional catering 255 shell 394<br />

restaurant 255 Corer, hard 385<br />

luncheon 256 Cork mill hand 327<br />

pastry, plain fare 256 Corker<br />

bottling 476<br />

finishing rod 477<br />

71<br />

Revised 1981

Corner stopper 361 Courier, travel 265<br />

Coroner 122 Coverer<br />

Corrector, pattern card 327 bar, metal 462<br />

Correspondent boiler 503<br />

foreign, commerce and industry 156 case 477<br />

literary 156 case cord 327<br />

technical 156 hand, chocolate confect-<br />

Corrugating machine first hand ionery 327<br />

paper 327 heel 477<br />

paperboard 327 hood 359<br />

Corrugating machine second hand lampshade 385<br />

paper 327 paperboard containers 477<br />

paperboard 327 pipe 503<br />

Corrugating machine third hand<br />

roller<br />

paper 327 textile machine<br />

paperboard 327 general 385<br />

Corrugator specialised 385<br />

hand, asbestos-cement sheet 327 rubber 385<br />

machine, asbestos-cement sheet 327 Cowman 284<br />

Corsetiere<br />

Coxswain<br />

foundation garments, measuring and hovercraft 506<br />

fitting 385 inland waterways craft 185<br />

making throughout 385 Crabber 305<br />

surgical corsets, measuring and Cracker-off, glass 331<br />

fitting 385 Craftsman’s mate<br />

Costermonger 245 building, general 497<br />

Coucher 327 woodworking 380<br />

Counsel Creaser, fabric 327<br />

employed within undertaking as Creaser and lapper 327<br />

legal adviser 102 Creeler 327<br />

Parliamentary 102 Creosoter, unused timber 327<br />

practising in courts 102 Creping machine assistant 327<br />

Queen’s 102 Cricketer 155<br />

Counsel and solicitors 102 Criminologist 132<br />

Counsellor, investment 108 Crimper<br />

Counsellor, School 147 detonator 470<br />

Counter edge 300<br />

cloth 477 Critic 156<br />

fish hooks 473 Crochet worker 304<br />

heald 302 Crofthand 305<br />

shipbuilding 213 Cropper<br />

ticket 219 carpet 305<br />

Counter assistant cordage 305<br />

buffet 259 fabric 305<br />

industrial restaurant 259 metal 462<br />

public cafeteria 259 Cropper and sizer 305<br />

retail distribution (Shop assistant) 240 Cropper’s assistant 327<br />

snack bar 259 Croupier 281<br />

Counter hand Crowder 320<br />

cold 259 Crowner, footwear 367<br />

steam 259 Crozier 327<br />

Counterman<br />

Crusher<br />

dry 528 burr 305<br />

wet 528 chemicals 308<br />

County court bailiff, England and raw materials, minerals 327<br />

Wales 254 textile processing 305<br />

Coupler, hosepipe 477 Crusher miller, minerals 327<br />

72<br />

Revised 1981

Crusherman, mineral 327 Cutter: continued<br />

Crushing, milling, mixing and card, pattern 327<br />

blending occupations, chenille 327<br />

food and drink processing 327 circular, textile finishing 305<br />

Cuberman, compound animal food 327 coir matting 385<br />

Cultivator, shell fish 294 cross, textiles 385<br />

Cupelman, silver recovery 390 decorative, manual 331<br />

Cupola man 390 design<br />

Curate 134 patterns 385<br />

Curator printing blocks 462<br />

museum art gallery or similar printing rollers 462<br />

institution 122 diamond<br />

zoo 122 industrial 456<br />

Curer unspecified 456<br />

bacon 327 die<br />

bag 327 engraving 457<br />

hides, drum operating 297 hand, rubber footwear 364<br />

meat 327 dress, fibre 299<br />

pelts, drum operating 297 envelope 349<br />

press 327 fabric<br />

rota 327 footwear 364<br />

rubber, cold process 327 single lay, unspecified 385<br />

skins, drum operating 297 fibre 299<br />

Curler file 462<br />

feather 327 flag<br />

hat brim 385 multiple lay 385<br />

yarn 327 single lay 385<br />

Currier 297 flame<br />

Custodian, Palace of Westminster 254 hand 452<br />

Customs and Excise, Officer of 119 machine 453<br />

Cutler foam 385<br />

spring knife fur, gloves 358<br />

fitting 418 fustian finishing 305<br />

repetitive assembly 470 garment<br />

Cut-off man, sheet glass 330 fur 356<br />

Cutter leather 358<br />

alteration 357 sheepskin 358<br />

arc gas, profile 453<br />

hand 452 glass<br />

machine 453 flat 385<br />

bacon 313 optical 330<br />

band knife guillotine, leather 364<br />

garment linings 358 gut, hand 327<br />

garments 358 hand<br />

bandage 385 electric, garments, excluding<br />

bass 299 linings 357<br />

bespoke tailoring 357 footwear 364<br />

bias 385 leather goods excluding<br />

block footwear 364<br />

gloves 358 paper products 385<br />

slate 334 paperboard products 385<br />

stone 334 textiles, excluding garments 385<br />

board, footwear 364 hand wheel, glass decorating 331<br />

brick 385 harness 364<br />

brim 385 hides 297<br />

canvas, garment manufacture 358 household linen 385<br />

canvas goods latex 385<br />

multiple lay 385 lay<br />

single lay 385 excluding garments 385<br />

73<br />

Revised 1981

Cutter: continued<br />

Cutter: continued<br />

leather<br />

rotary<br />

chamois 297 abrasive cloth 349<br />

machine, unspecified 364 abrasive paper 349<br />

length, textiles 385 paper 349<br />

letter paperboard 349<br />

brand 457 rough, fibre 299<br />

hand, stone 334 rubber, hand 385<br />

machine, stone 334 sack 385<br />

lining saddlery 364<br />

bespoke tailoring 358 sail 385<br />

glove 358 sample<br />

linings footwear 364<br />

leather goods 385 pattern 219<br />

stock, garments 358 scallop 305<br />

lithographer’s 477 shank recess 364<br />

made-to-measure light clothing 357 shopman 313<br />

manilla 299 skins 297<br />

marker, textiles, excluding garments 385 slate 334<br />

marquetry 385 soft furnishings<br />

measure, bespoke tailoring 357 multiple lay 385<br />

meat 313 single lay 385<br />

mosaic, glass 385 special, bespoke tailoring 357<br />

moulder’s asbestos – cement 385 sponge 327<br />

negative 385 stencil<br />

nut bolt making 462 pottery 219<br />

ophthalmic prescription, hand 330 screen printing 385<br />

optical lumps 330 stilt 385<br />

optical slab 330 stock, garments, excluding<br />

outsole 364 linings 358<br />

oxy-acetylene, hand 452 sugar beet 327<br />

pattern table, gloves 358<br />

footwear 385 tarpaulin 385<br />

fur garments 385 thrum 299<br />

leather goods excluding footwear 385 tip and die, cemented<br />

pattern card 327 carbide goods 462<br />

peat 295 transferrer’s 477<br />

plate, engraving 462 trimmings 385<br />

press<br />

tube<br />

abrasive cloth 349 glass 330<br />

abrasive paper 349 metal 462<br />

footwear 364 turf 290<br />

garments 358 umbrella cloth 385<br />

leather goods excluding footwear 364 under, lay cutting 358<br />

paper 349 unspecified, materials<br />

paperboard 349 processing 327<br />

roller 364 upholstery<br />

soft toys 385 multiple lay 385<br />

textiles, excluding garments 385 single lay 385<br />

printer’s 477 velvet velveteen finishing 305<br />

profile, rubber footwear 364 wiper 299<br />

punch 457 woollen finishing 305<br />

ring 385 worsted finishing 305<br />

rivet making 462 Cutter and booker, metal leaf 456<br />

roll, textiles 385 Cutter and fitter<br />

bespoke tailoring 357<br />

light clothing 357<br />

Cutter and polisher, gem,<br />

excluding diamonds 456<br />

74<br />

Revised 1981

Cutter-designer, pattern, footwear 385 Deck rating 506<br />

Cutterman Declarator 219<br />

coal 501 Decorator<br />

press<br />

brush, excluding ceramics and<br />

paper 349 structures 477<br />

paperboard 349 ceramics, freehand 466<br />

rotary glass, general 477<br />

paper 349 glove, leather, hand 359<br />

paperboard 349 hand<br />

textile finishing 305 flour confectionery 311<br />

Cutter-out, cutlery 462 ice cream 327<br />

Cutter’s assistant leather glove, hand 359<br />

lay 358 metal printing 341<br />

negative 385 slip 477<br />

Cutter-up, scrap 462 Decorator and painter 465<br />

Cutting and assembly worker,<br />

Degreaser<br />

cine film processing 385 hides skins pelts, drum operating 297<br />

Cycle wheel truer 462 metal, excluding continuous<br />

Cyclist 155 cleaning plant 462<br />

Cytologist 157 Degummer and bleacher 305<br />

Cytotaxonomist 157 Dehairer, pig 313<br />

Dehydration plant man 327<br />

Delimer, drum operating 297<br />

Deliverer<br />

D bill 237<br />

circular 237<br />

sample 237<br />

Daily help 263 Delivery boy 237<br />

Dairy worker, margarine 327 Delivery salesman – see Salesman,<br />

Dairyman, margarine 327 delivery<br />

Damper Deliveryman, groceries 242<br />

laundering 281 Demographer 111<br />

textile finishing 305 Demolisher 503<br />

Damperman<br />

Demonstrator<br />

paper 326 products 245<br />

paperboard 316 university teaching 123<br />

textile finishing 305 Dental auxiliary 145<br />

Dancer 151 Dental hygienist 145<br />

Darner Dental practitioners 136<br />

hotel 385 Dental specialist 136<br />

institution 385 Dental surgery assistant 281<br />

lace 306 Dentist 136<br />

woven piece goods 306 Dentist’s surgery nurse 138<br />

Darner and mender, hosiery 306 Depalleter, title, concrete<br />

Deaconess 134 tile making 385<br />

Dealer Depositor, stellite 462<br />

antiques 200 Deputy, coalmining 500<br />

scrap 245 Dermatologist 135<br />

Dean, university 123 Derrickman, drilling rig 503<br />

Decatiser 305 Descamer, steel dressing 452<br />

Deck and engine room ratings 506 Designer<br />

Deck boy 506 boot and shoe 150<br />

Deck hand chief, draughtsman 174<br />

coastal ship, excluding fishing costume 150<br />

vessel 506 dress 150<br />

fishing vessel 506 fashion 150<br />

seagoing ship, excluding fashion accessories 150<br />

fishing vessel 506 industrial<br />

unspecified 507 bookbinding 150<br />

clothing 150<br />

cutlery 150<br />

decorated plastics 150<br />

75<br />

Revised 1981

Designer: continued<br />

Die maker, paperboard cutting<br />

industrial – continued and creasing machine 414<br />

domestic appliances 150 Die piercer 406<br />

embroidery 150 Die sinker<br />

engineering products 150 engineering 414<br />

fashion accessories 150 engraving 457<br />

footwear 150 Die stamper, printing 385<br />

furniture 150 Dietician 147<br />

general 150 Diffusion battery hand 327<br />

hollow ware 150 Digester man, chemicals 308<br />

jewellery 150 Digesterman, bones 327<br />

motor vehicle bodywork and trim 150 Digger, grave 503<br />

packaging 150 Dingman 445<br />

pottery 150 Dipper<br />

precious metal products 150 ceramics, hand 466<br />

printing 150 excluding ceramics, hand<br />

textiles 150 painting and related,<br />

toys 150 coating 477<br />

travel goods 150 fork, chocolate<br />

wallpapers 150 confectionery 327<br />

watches and clocks 150 glove 385<br />

interior decoration 149 hand, chocolate<br />

millinery 150 confectionery 327<br />

scenery 149 latex 385<br />

set leather 297<br />

television 149 rubber 385<br />

theatre 149 textiles 305<br />

typographical 337 Dipper’s assistant 477<br />

Designer’s assistant, textiles 219 Director<br />

Desilverisor, lead 390 airport 194<br />

Desizer 327 art, films 149<br />

Despatcher – see Dispatcher casting, films 151<br />

Destroyer company, non-executive 101*<br />

rodent 281 contracts, construction 192<br />

vermin 281 films 151<br />

Detailer, methods 216 first assistant, films 151<br />

Detective funeral 281<br />

hotel 251 musical 151<br />

private 251 nurse education 137<br />

store 251 operations, transport<br />

Detective constable undertakings 194<br />

civil police 248 personnel 109<br />

excluding civil police 248 stage 151<br />

Detective sergeant<br />

theatre, artistic<br />

civil police 247 production 151<br />

excluding civil police 247 traffic, transport<br />

Developer zoo 122<br />

film Director of education 131<br />

cine 385 Director of education<br />

still, manual 385 assistant 131<br />

Development officer, tourist 113 Director of photography 151<br />

transport schedules 194 Director of social services 133<br />

Deviller, waste 299 Director of social work 133<br />

Dewer 305 Directors and managers,<br />

Diagnostic radiologist 135 general management other<br />

Die caser 462 than national and local<br />

government 101*<br />

Director’s assistant,<br />

funeral 281<br />

*see page 3<br />

76<br />

Revised 1981

Directors, producers, managers and Donkeyman 505<br />

related occupations, performing, seagoing 505<br />

audio and visual arts 151 shore 525<br />

Dis hand 385 Door man, retort house 538<br />

Disc jockey 151 Doorkeeper, stage 252<br />

Discipline officer 250 Doorman, hotel, shop, theatre etc 281<br />

Disinfecting officer 281 Doper<br />

Disinfestor 281 brush 477<br />

Disintegrator, cocoa 327 pad 477<br />

Dismantler, aircraft engine 427 Doubler<br />

Dispatcher fabric 327<br />

flight 184 ring 300<br />

rail 477 warp 327<br />

road 477 yarn twisting 300<br />

traffic, air transport 217 yarn winding 301<br />

Dispensary assistant 145 Doubler winder 301<br />

Dispenser 477 Draffman, whisky 327<br />

dough mixing 477 Drafter, endorsement, insurance<br />

food and beverages, table company 215<br />

service 259 Drainage worker, land 503<br />

liquid, bulk tanker 533 Drainer 503<br />

pharmacy 145 Drainman 538<br />

Dispensing assistant, pharmacy 145 Draughtsman<br />

Dissector, lay cutting 358 aeronautical engineering 174<br />

Distiller, batch 308 air-frame 174<br />

Distributor architectural 175<br />

bill 237 automobile engineering 174<br />

circular 237 building 175<br />

sample 237 cartographic 175<br />

District Inspector of Taxes 108 charts 175<br />

District manager, insurance 245 chief 174<br />

District midwife 138 civil engineering 174<br />

District nurse 138 design<br />

Ditcher 503 air-conditioning system 174<br />

Diver 503 aircraft and missile structures 174<br />

Divider electric wiring and circuits 174<br />

clothing 477 electrical engineering 174<br />

precision instruments 415 electronic engineering 174<br />

Divisional officer, fire service 210 electro-mechanical 174<br />

Dock waterman 529 general 174<br />

Docker 529 general mechanical engineering 174<br />

Doctor heating ventilation refrigeration 174<br />

medicine 135 system 174<br />

saw 462 machinery 174<br />

Doctor’s surgery nurse 138 mechanical equipment 174<br />

Document reproducing machine<br />

mechanical plant machinery<br />

operating occupations 231 equipment 174<br />

Dodger, can 299 prime movers 174<br />

Doffer 327 refrigeration systems 174<br />

Doffing mistress 298 ships’ structures 174<br />

Dog trimmer 295 vehicle chassis and bodies 174<br />

Dogger 462 detail<br />

Dollier 302 air-conditioning systems 174<br />

Doll hand 305 electric wiring and circuits 174<br />

Domestic electrical engineering 174<br />

daily 263 electronic engineering 174<br />

resident 263 general 174<br />

Domestic assistant 263 heating ventilating refrigeration<br />

Domestic help 263 systems 174<br />

mechanical engineering 174<br />

77<br />

Revised 1981

Draughtsman: detail: continued<br />

Dresser: bag: continued<br />

pipework 174 mangle 305<br />

refrigeration systems 174 bass 299<br />

ships’ structures 174 bristle<br />

die 174 boiling 327<br />

electric mains 175 dragging 477<br />

embroidery 219 turning 299<br />

estimating – see Draughtsmen 174 card 462<br />

illustrative 174 card fillet 462<br />

instrumentation and control 174 cordage 305<br />

instruments 174 doll 385<br />

jig and tool 174 fibre, hand 299<br />

maps, charts, etc 175 flame, rolling mills 452<br />

marine engineering 174 foundry 412<br />

plant layout 174 gypsum 327<br />

press tool 174 heald 462<br />

structural engineering 174 pelts 297<br />

surveyor’s 175 poultry 313<br />

telecommunications system 175 sack<br />

tool rooms 174 dipping 305<br />

vehicle bodies 174 mangle 305<br />

vehicle chassis 174 seed, mustard milling 327<br />

Draw threader 385 sheepskin, general 297<br />

Drawer<br />

slate<br />

bar 397 hand 334<br />

box 299 machine 334<br />

brush making, hand 385 sponge 327<br />

coker, zinc 390 stone 334<br />

fibre, hand 299 theatrical 281<br />

fine 306 tripe and feet 327<br />

frame 299 type founding 462<br />

French, box drawing 299 warp, warping 302<br />

frame drawing 299 warp, sizing 302<br />

invisible mending 306 weld 462<br />

gear 302 wig 281<br />

hand, fibre 299 window 154<br />

kiln, ceramics 533 yarn, warp sizing 302<br />

kiln, setter 320 Dresser tableman, slime 327<br />

lace examining 477 Dressmaker 352<br />

plate, wire 462 Drier<br />

rod 397 bacon smoking 327<br />

sheet glass 330 can 327<br />

tube clip 327<br />

metal 397 cylinder 327<br />

quartz 330 drink processing 327<br />

vitreous silica 330 fabric 327<br />

warp 302 feather 327<br />

wire felt 327<br />

machine 397 film 385<br />

plate 462 food processing excluding bacon<br />

Drawer-in, hand, warp 302 smoking 327<br />

Drawing office assistant 219 hand-made paper 327<br />

Drayman 533 hosiery 327<br />

Drayman’s mate 521 kiln, wood 327<br />

Dredger 294 laundering 281<br />

Dredgerman 523 rag 327<br />

Dregermaster 522 textile processing 327<br />

Dresser tobacco 327<br />

artificial fly 385 toggle 297<br />

bag<br />

dipping 305<br />

78<br />

Revised 1981

Drier: continued<br />

Driver: continued<br />

warp 327 dredger 523<br />

wool 327 dumper 526<br />

yarn 327 engine<br />

Drier and cooler, tobacco 327 rail 509<br />

Drier and glazer 385 stationary 540<br />

Drier man, leatherboard 327 fork lift truck 526<br />

Drierman grader 523<br />

paper making machine 316 hammer<br />

paperboard making machine 316 drop 462<br />

Driller power 462<br />

asbestos-cement 385 heavy goods vehicle excluding<br />

circle 405 articulated vehicle 516<br />

coalmining 503 hoist 525<br />

constructional metal work 447 launch 507<br />

faller 405 light goods vehicle 517<br />

glass 330 locomotive<br />

hackle 405 mine 509<br />

industrial diamond 456 narrow gauge 509<br />

mining excluding coalming 503 standard gauge 509<br />

multi-spindle, metal<br />

machine<br />

setter-operator 405 asbestos-cement pipe making 327<br />

pattern, paper 385 asbestos-cement sheet making<br />

quarrying 503 corrugated 327<br />

radial arm, setter-operator 405 flat 327<br />

rock 503 asphalt spreading 523<br />

sample, excluding coalmining 503 measuring<br />

vertical, metal, setter- wire cable 462<br />

operator 405 wire rope 462<br />

well, assistant, offshore road surface laying 523<br />

on shore 503 slitting<br />

Driller and fitter, rimless paper 349<br />

spectacles 385 paperboard 349<br />

Driver stranding 462<br />

angledozer 523 manipulator 533<br />

articulated vehicle 516 mechanical excavator 523<br />

bulldozer 523 mechanical road sweeper 519<br />

car mechanical shovel 523<br />

charger 526 minibus 515<br />

motor 519 navvy 523<br />

racing 155 omnibus, excluding one-manscale<br />

526 operated omnibus 515<br />

stock 155 one-man-operated omnibus 515<br />

weigh 526 pile 523<br />

car delivery 519 pony, mine 533<br />

cattle wagon 516 portainer 525<br />

charger, iron and steel 533 press<br />

closer, wire ropes 462 forging 462<br />

coach 515 lead 462<br />

coal delivery 516 rally 155<br />

concrete mixer 327 ram 533<br />

crane roller, road 523<br />

billet 525 scraper 523<br />

derrick 525 slipform paver 523<br />

discharger 525 stacker truck 526<br />

gantry 525 straddle carrier 525<br />

jib 525 tanker<br />

ladle 525 articulated 516<br />

mobile 525 rigid 516<br />

overhead 525<br />

tower 525<br />

digger 523<br />

79<br />

Revised 1981

Driver: continued<br />

Dyer: continued<br />

taxi 519 clothes, excluding hosiery 305<br />

telpher 525 cop 305<br />

tipper 516 cordage 305<br />

tractor feather 305<br />

agriculture 219 garment, excluding hosiery 305<br />

road haulage 516 hank 305<br />

tramcar 515 hides, skins, pelts<br />

trolley 526 drum operating 297<br />

trolley bus 515 vat 297<br />

truck hosiery 305<br />

fork lift 526 jig 305<br />

lifting 526 operative 305<br />

motorised hand 533 package, automatic 305<br />

stacker 526 pearl button, dip 477<br />

van piece 305<br />

over3 tons unladen weight 516 range 305<br />

up to 3 tons unladen weight 517 shoe, fabric 305<br />

vehicle<br />

spray<br />

articulated 516 hand 467<br />

goods machine 467<br />

heavy, excluding articulated star 305<br />

vehicle 516 suede, hand spray 467<br />

light 517 top 305<br />

horse-drawn 533 tub, textile processing 305<br />

winch 525 vat<br />

Driver-attendant, ambulance 266 hides, skins, pelts 297<br />

Driver’s mate tedtile processing 305<br />

dredger 533 vessel, textile processing 305<br />

road transport 521 warp 305<br />

Drivers’ mate, road transport 521 winch 305<br />

Driver-salesman yarn 305<br />

mobile shop 242<br />

van 242 E<br />

Drop forger 398<br />

Drop hammer driver 462 Earth moving and civil engineering<br />

Dropper, hand, sugar equipment operating occupations 523<br />

confectionery 327 Ecologist 157<br />

Drosshouseman 462 Economic assistant 111<br />

Drover 295 Economic, statistical and actuarial<br />

Drowner 503 specialist occupations 111<br />

Drummer Economist 111<br />

dry 297 Edgeman, plasterboard 327<br />

glycerine 476 Edger<br />

Dry liner 503 ceramics 466<br />

Dry waller 503 conical, abrasive wheel 385<br />

Dryerman – see Drierman hand, ophthalmic lens 330<br />

Drying room, hand, rich starch 327 Edger glazer 330<br />

Duplicator, tape recording 540 Editor<br />

Duster books 156<br />

colour 466 city 148<br />

feather 327 dictionaries 156<br />

Dustman 532 encyclopaedias 156<br />

Duty officer, airline 194 feature 148<br />

Dyed assembly man 477 fiction 148<br />

Dyer film 151<br />

artificial flower 305 film, assistant 151<br />

automatic package 305 financial 148<br />

beam 305 foreign 148<br />

cheese 305<br />

80<br />

Revised 1981

Editor: continued<br />

Electricity switchboard attending<br />

map 175 occupations 540<br />

news 148 Electrochemist 158<br />

newspaper 148 Electroformer 462<br />

periodical 148 Electrolysist 281<br />

publisher’s 156 Electrolytic tinning line assistant 462<br />

radio programmes 148 Electronics officer 187<br />

sports 148 Electroplater<br />

television programmes 148 hand 399<br />

Education and training officer 130 machine 462<br />

Education officer 131 Electrotyper 338<br />

Education welfare officer 133 Embalmer 281<br />

Educational psychologist 132 Embosser<br />

Efficient deck hand 506 acid, glass decorating 331<br />

Egg candler 477 leather 297<br />

Egyptologist 132 skin 297<br />

Electrical contractor 165 textile finishing 305<br />

Electrical and electronic Embroideress, hand 359<br />

engineering research and Embroidery clearer 385<br />

development, design, feasibility<br />

Embroidery machine operator’s<br />

studies, applications, liaison, assistant 385<br />

consultancy and related Employment officer 109<br />

occupations 165 Emptier<br />

Electrician filter press, ceramics 327<br />

aircraft kiln, ceramics 533<br />

base 435 mine car 533<br />

line 435 oven ceramics 533<br />

maintenance 435 wagon mine car or similar container 533<br />

production 433 ware 533<br />

service 435 Enameller<br />

auto, maintenance 435 ceramics 466<br />

colliery 435 dip 477<br />

installation glass 477<br />

machinery 435 jewellery 477<br />

plant 435 spray, excluding ceramics 467<br />

installation and maintenance,<br />

stove<br />

premises 436 enamel drying 327<br />

maintenance enamel spraying 467<br />

aircraft 435 vitreous 477<br />

auto 435 Ender<br />

general, plant and machinery 435 gut, hand 327<br />

motor vehicle 435 roller covering 385<br />

specialised Ender-off, coir mat 327<br />

machinery 435 Endocrinologist 157<br />

plant 435 Enforcement officer 180<br />

production Engine room rating 506<br />

aircraft 433 Engine winder, mine 525<br />

vehicle 433 Engineer<br />

repair, domestic appliance 435 advisory – see Engineer, consultancy<br />

service, aircraft 435 and advice<br />

ship 436 aeronautical 164<br />

studio 436 agricultural 170<br />

theatre 436 air-conditioning 169<br />

vehicle, production 433 applications<br />

Electricians, installation, chemical engineering 166<br />

maintenance and repair, plant electrical engineering 165<br />

machinery and other equipment 435 electronic engineering 165<br />

Electricians, installation, automatic control systems 170<br />

maintenance and repair, automobile 163<br />

premises and ships 436 bench<br />

Electricians, production 433 domestic radio receivers 439<br />

81<br />

Revised 1981

Engineer: bench: continued<br />

Engineer: feasibility studies: continued<br />

domestic television receivers 439 electronic engineering 165<br />

borough 161 structural engineering 161<br />

cable 439 field<br />

carding domestic radio receivers 439<br />

in charge of fibre preparers 298 domestic television receivers 439<br />

not in charge of fibre<br />

fitter<br />

preparers 422 maintenance<br />

cathodic protection 170 aircraft radio<br />

charge base 439<br />

electricity production 193 line 439<br />

electricity transmission 193 service, electronic instrument 439<br />

chemical engineering, research flight 183<br />

and development, design, feasibility gas 173<br />

studies, applications<br />

general<br />

liaison consultancy and related 166 chemical engineering 166<br />

chief, ship 186 civil engineering 161<br />

civil engineering, research electrical engineering 165<br />

development, design, feasibility electronic engineering 165<br />

studies, liaison, consultancy general engineering 170<br />

and related 161 structural engineering 161<br />

commissioning, chemical, electrical, heating 169<br />

electronic, mechanical, other heating and ventilating 169<br />

engineering 178 highways 161<br />

consultancy and advice hotel services, ship 186<br />

chemical engineering 166 illuminating 165<br />

civil engineering 161 installation – see Controller,<br />

electrical engineering 165 technical 178<br />

electronic engineering 165 instrumentation and control 170<br />

mechanical engineering 163 junior, ship 186<br />

structural engineering 161 liaison<br />

vision control 153 chemical engineering 166<br />

consulting – see Engineer, general, civil engineering 161<br />

civil engineering 161 electrical engineering 165<br />

corrosion 170 electronic engineering 165<br />

cryogenic 170 structural engineering 161<br />

design lubrication 170<br />

chemical engineering 166 maintenance<br />

civil engineering 161 aircraft 191<br />

electrical engineering 165 buildings and other structures 192<br />

electronic engineering 165 machinery 191<br />

structural engineering 161 motor vehicles 191<br />

design and development 165 plant 191<br />

marine 163<br />

electrical engineering, research methods 110<br />

and development, design<br />

mining<br />

feasibility studies, applications coal 162<br />

liaison, consultancy and related 165 ores and minerals other than<br />

electrical, seagoing 185 coal 162<br />

electrical installations 165 motor 191<br />

electronic engineering, research mud 177<br />

and development, design, feasibility municipal 161<br />

studies, applications liaison, natural gas 162<br />

consultancy and related 165 nuclear 170<br />

environmental 169 oil well 162<br />

feasibility studies planning 168<br />

chemical engineering 166 plant 191<br />

civil engineering 161 process 167<br />

electrical engineering 165 process planning 168<br />

production 167<br />

production planning 168<br />

82<br />

Revised 1981

Engineer: continued<br />

Engineer: continued<br />

public health 161 die 457<br />

quality control 168 electronic, process engraving 457<br />

quarrying 162 glass 331<br />

recording 153 jewellery 462<br />

refrigeration, seagoing 186 music 457<br />

refrigeration 170 plate<br />

remote control systems 170 copper 457<br />

research and development<br />

printing<br />

chemical engineering 166 hand 457<br />

civil engineering 161 pantograph machine 457<br />

electrical engineering 165 process 339<br />

electronic engineering 165 roller<br />

structural engineering 161 hand 457<br />

resident, construction 192 machine<br />

safety 133 mill engraving 457<br />

sanitary 161 pantograph 457<br />

second, ship 186 Enlarger 385<br />

service, oil burner 422 Enrober 327<br />

setting-out, construction 192 Enterer 302<br />

site 192 Entomologist 157<br />

soils 159 Environmental health officer 118<br />

standards 110 Eraser, sound 540<br />

structural engineering research<br />

Erector<br />

and development, design concrete 490<br />

feasibility studies, liaison crane 421<br />

consultancy and related 161 duct 462<br />

systems 112 ductwork 462<br />

technician 178 escalator 460<br />

test 178 fence 503<br />

third, ship 186 generator, installation 435<br />

traffic 170 industrial building 490<br />

value 110 lift 460<br />

work measurement 110 machinery<br />

work study 110 electrical, installation 435<br />

workshop mechanical, installation 421<br />

domestic radio receivers 439 metal chimney 449<br />

domestic television receivers 439 metal shuttering 462<br />

Engineer and ship’s surveyor 119 motor engine 470<br />

Engineer mechanic pelmet 385<br />

coastal ship 506 refrigeration plant 421<br />

craft on inland water 506 steel 449<br />

fishing vessel 506 suspended ceiling 503<br />

Engineer officer switchboard, production 432<br />

hovercraft 189 television aerial, domestic<br />

ship 186 receivers 462<br />

Engineering, excluding transformer, installation 435<br />

architectural, constructional Erector’s mate, steel erection 462<br />

and related technical supporting Errand boy 237<br />

occupations nec 178 Establishment officer 109<br />

Engineering mechanic’s mate 462 Estate officer<br />

Engineman forestry 211<br />

haulage, mine 525 rent collection 214<br />

ladle 525 Estimating, valuing and assessing<br />

malt 327 occupations 107<br />

winding, mine 525 Estimator<br />

Engine-wiper, seagoing 506 aeronautical engineering 107<br />

Engraver automobile engineering 107<br />

creative 149 building 107<br />

decorative, hand 462 civil engineering 107<br />

83<br />

Revised 1981

Estimator: continued<br />

Examiner: continued<br />

construction 107 footwear closing, examining and<br />

domestic central heating 107 rectifying 385<br />

electrical engineering 107 footwear finishing 367<br />

electronic control systems 107 garments 477<br />

electronic engineering 107 glass 477<br />

furnishing and interior heald 306<br />

decoration 107 lasting 365<br />

furniture removals 107 laundering 477<br />

interior decoration 107 leather products 477<br />

joinery 107 materials, unspecified 477<br />

landscape gardening 107 metal, unspecified 473<br />

marine engineering 107 metal products, unspecified 473<br />

mechanical engineering 107 mica 477<br />

painting and decorating 107 mineral products 477<br />

power generation and optical elements 477<br />

distribution systems 107 paper 477<br />

print 107 paperboard 477<br />

printing 107 patent 189<br />

shipbuilding 107 plastics 477<br />

shop-fitting 107 products, unspecified 477<br />

telecommunications 107 rubber 477<br />

Etcher safety fuse 306<br />

abrasive, glass decorating 331 sole 477<br />

acid, glass decorating 331 textile fabric 477<br />

colour 457 textile products 477<br />

creative 149 tobacco 477<br />

fine 457 tobacco products 477<br />

graphic reproduction 457 traffic 119<br />

half tone 457 trank 477<br />

line 457 vehicle body 473<br />

photogravure 457 wood 477<br />

pottery 385 wood products 477<br />

printing cylinders 457 yarn 477<br />

printing plates 457 Examiner and darner, hose-pipe 306<br />

roller 457 Examiner and finisher, nec 306<br />

Etcher’s assistant, pottery 385 Examiner and finisher’s helper, net 327<br />

Ethnologist 132 Examiner and mender, hosiery 306<br />

Etymologist 132 Examiner and tester, match 477<br />

Evaluator, job 110 Examiner-rectifier<br />

Examiner plastic products 385<br />

abrasive wheel 477 rubber products 385<br />

audit, Department of the<br />

Examining, viewing and checking<br />

Environment 106 occupations, excluding metal<br />

carpet 477 and electrical engineering 477<br />

carriage 422 Examining, viewing and checking<br />

cast type 473 occupations, metal and electrical<br />

ceramics 477 engineering 473<br />

cloth 477 Exhauster<br />

driving 119 electric lamp manufacture 385<br />

driving and traffic 119 valve manufacture 385<br />

dry cleaning 477 Exhauster man<br />

dyeing 477 coal-gas oven 540<br />

equipment coke oven 540<br />

electrical 473 Exhibition organiser 206<br />

electronic 473 Expellerman<br />

estate duty office, Inland grain germ 327<br />

Revenue 107 seed oil extraction 327<br />

felt hood forms 327 Exporter 245<br />

food products 477 Exposer 385<br />

84<br />

Revised 1981

Extractor<br />

Feeder: continued<br />

oil lamina conditioning 327<br />

grain germ 327 letterpress 343<br />

seed oil extraction 327 lithographic 343<br />

Extractor man, fat 327 machine<br />

Extruder calendar, laundering 281<br />

aluminium, cable sheathing 462 cigarette making 327<br />

lead, cable sheathing 462 cutting, tobacco 327<br />

metal, excluding lead 462 fur felt hood forming 327<br />

plastics 323 garnetting 299<br />

rubber 323 laminating, plasterboard 327<br />

unspecified, materials paper products 385<br />

processing 327 tobacco 327<br />

Extrusion assistant mill, unspecified 327<br />

plastic covering 385 oven, food processing 327<br />

rubber covering 385 pallet, concrete tile making 385<br />

Eyeletter photogravure 343<br />

garments 385 sand, face, concrete tile making 385<br />

leather 364 softener 299<br />

temper mill team 462<br />

F willow 299<br />

Feeder-fettler 299<br />

Fabricator<br />

Feller<br />

pipe 442 timber 292<br />

reinforcement 451 tree felling 292<br />

Facer 477 tree trimming 292<br />

Facilities procurement officer, Felling hand 359<br />

television and film production 115 Fellmonger, general 297<br />

Factor 116 Felter<br />

Factory worker, general, mechanical cloth 327<br />

unspecified 538 printing rollers 385<br />

Faith healer 134 Feltman, roofing felt 327<br />

Family caseworker 133 Fencer, boundaries 503<br />

Family doctor 135 Fermentation man 327<br />

Fanman 540 Fermenter 327<br />

Farm worker, general, live stock 286 Ferryman<br />

Farm workers, arable and mixed rail 509<br />

farming 283 river 507<br />

Farrier 398 Festooner, linoleum 327<br />

Fastener, fibre, footwear 477 Fettler<br />

Father Christmas 245 asbestos-cement 385<br />

Fatliquorer 297 card 462<br />

Featherer 313 carding, wool textile 462<br />

Feedman, kiln, plasterboard 327 cast stone 385<br />

Feeder ceramic goods 385<br />

can fine, metal machining 412<br />

drink canning 476 machine shop 412<br />

excluding food and d rink metal 412<br />

canning 476 woollen 462<br />

food canning 476 Fibre bonding machine operator’s<br />

card 299 assistant 327<br />

cold rolling mill team 462 Fibre preparing occupations 299<br />

continuous cleaning, plant, metal 462 Field sales manager – see Manager,<br />

cooler, food processing 327 field sales<br />

cotton 299 Fieldman 207<br />

cotton waste 299 Fieldsman, flock 207<br />

cup, dry battery making machine 385 Filler<br />

cut nail 462 argon 476<br />

die stamping 385 asphalt 327<br />

electrolytic tinning line 462 back 305<br />

85<br />

Revised 1981

Filler: continued<br />

Finance investment and insurance<br />

bar 304 clerical occupations 215<br />

battery, loom 327 Finance investment and insurance<br />

bottom, footwear 385 specialist occupations 108<br />

box, machine 476 Finder, land 245<br />

brush, hand 385 lost end 327<br />

capsule 308 Finingsman 327<br />

cartridges 385 Finisher<br />

container, excluding bottles, action part, piano 385<br />

jars, cans, machine 476 aircraft 459<br />

cup, sugar confectionery, hand 327 asbestos-cement 385<br />

detonators 385 bespoke guns 416<br />

drug, hand 476 bookbinding 348<br />

envelope 219 brass 417<br />

fireworks 385 brush<br />

fixture, self-service sales 240 wire 470<br />

frame 385 wood 477<br />

gas cylinder 476 bulb 470<br />

hand, cushion, quilts, etc 385 can, textile 299<br />

hopper canvas goods, flags, etc 385<br />

textiles 327 cast stone 385<br />

tobacco 327 cock work 418<br />

unspecified, materials concrete 385<br />

processing 327 crucible 385<br />

jar, machine 476 dress 359<br />

machine edge, flat glass 331<br />

cigarette making 327 fireworks 477<br />

cutting, tobacco 327 flags 385<br />

mining 533 fly, piano 374<br />

oxygen-free nitrogen 476 footwear<br />

pottery 385 bespoke 363<br />

pouch 476 mass produced 367<br />

quarrying 533 surgical 363<br />

sausage 327 garment<br />

shaping press, tobacco 327 fabric 359<br />

shelf, self-service sales 240 fur 359<br />

sterile 476 glass fibre products 385<br />

tanker 533 glove<br />

Filler and scaler, ampoules 476 leather, hand 359<br />

Filler-in woollen, hand 359<br />

card clothing 462 hand<br />

design 219 flour confectionery 311<br />

polisher’s 477 garment, fabric 359<br />

Filler-up, card clothing 462 greeting cards 477<br />

Filleter<br />

hat<br />

fish falt 385<br />

hand 313 silk 385<br />

machine 313 machine, hides skins leather 297<br />

Film extra 151 pelts 297<br />

Filtering, straining and other<br />

pencil<br />

separating occupations, food and dip 477<br />

drink processing 327 flow-coating 477<br />

Filtering, straining and other photographic 385<br />

separating occupations, wood plaster casting 385<br />

processing and paper, paperboard plastic products 385<br />

and leatherboard making 327 polisher, spray polishing 477<br />

Filtering products, unspecified 385<br />

press, foodstuffs 327 racket 385<br />

rubber reclamation 327 rubber products 385<br />

86<br />

Revised 1981

Finisher: continued<br />

Fisherman<br />

safety fuse 305 boatswain 293<br />

silk 305 crab 294<br />

soaper 327 deck hand 294<br />

soft toy 359 lobster 294<br />

spray mate 293<br />

leather 467 pot 294<br />

skins 467 second hand 293<br />

umbrella 359 third hand 293<br />

umbrella frame 470 Fishery officer, river authority<br />

vehicle body 458 or board 119<br />

Finisher and regulator, piano 385 Fitter<br />

Finisher mender, embroidery 385 alteration<br />

Fire brigade officer, senior 210 dressmaking 352<br />

Fire fighting, fire prevention tailoring 351<br />

and salvage occupations 249 anchor 418<br />

Fire officer, private fire service 210 artificial limb 145<br />

Fire point inspection man 249 beam, scales 416<br />

Fire prevention officer 249 belting 385<br />

Fireman<br />

bench<br />

abrasive products 327 engineering 416<br />

boiler metal working 418<br />

hot water supply 540 billiard table 385<br />

steam generating 536 boiler 418<br />

carbon 327 butt 470<br />

chemicals 308 cap 470<br />

coalmining 500 car window car windscreen 477<br />

copper 327 carpet 385<br />

glost 319 carriage 422<br />

kiln, pottery 319 coach 422<br />

leading, public fire service 249 colliery 422<br />

locomotive 510 contractor’s plant 422<br />

malt 327 detail<br />

private fire service 249 aircraft 416<br />

public fire service 249 air-frame 416<br />

retort<br />

engine<br />

vegetable charcoal 327 aircraft 416<br />

vertical, zinc 390 internal-combustion 416<br />

seagoing 506 steam 416<br />

Fireman-greaser 506 engineering 416<br />

Foreman-trimmer, seagoing 506 machinery<br />

First hand agricultural 416<br />

machine textile 416<br />

combining metal working 418<br />

paper 327 stove 416<br />

paperboard 327 diesel locomotive 416<br />

corrugating dock 422<br />

paper 327 electrical<br />

paperboard 327 alternators 432<br />

First man, viteous silica furnace 319 control equipment 432<br />

First mate experimental 432<br />

foreign-going ship 185 general 432<br />

home trade ship 185 generators 432<br />

First officer motors 432<br />

foreign-going ship 185 prototype 432<br />

home trade ship 185 switchboards 432<br />

hovercraft 189 switchgear 432<br />

Fish hatcher 294 transformers 432<br />

Fish hatchery worker 294 unspecified equipment 432<br />

Fish lumper 529<br />

87<br />

Revised 1981

Fitter: continued<br />

Fitter: maintenance: continued<br />

electronics electrical and electronic 439<br />

computer equipment 432 electrical and mechanical 460<br />

experimental 432 electronic, computer equipment 439<br />

general 432 engine<br />

medical equipment 432 aircraft<br />

prototype 432 general 427<br />

telecommunications equipment 432 specialised 427<br />

unspecified equipment 432 marine 422<br />

engine steam 422<br />

internal combustion 416 equipment<br />

marine, production 416 electronic and related<br />

steam 416 aircraft 439<br />

engineering, heating and general 439<br />

ventilating 443 unspecified 439<br />

exhibition stand 372 railway signalling and<br />

ferrule 470 telecommunications 439<br />

footwear<br />

sound and television transbespoke<br />

363 mission 439<br />

surgical 363 iron and steel works 422<br />

foundation garment 385 laundry 422<br />

gas 444 machine tool 422<br />

gun, bespoke 416 mechanical<br />

handle, saw 462 general 422<br />

heating 443 locomotives 422<br />

heating and ventilating 443 ordnance 422<br />

installation<br />

railway carriages railway<br />

aircraft engine 421 wagons 422<br />

electrical and mechanical 460 refrigeration plant 422<br />

marine 421 shore 522<br />

telecommunication equipment 439 steam turbine 422<br />

instrument textile machinery 422<br />

aircraft, servicing 439 tyre 462<br />

optical 415 unspecified plant industrial<br />

precision excluding optical 415 engines and machinery 422<br />

lever and beam, scales 416 marine 421<br />

lightning conductor 503 motor, garage 424*<br />

linoleum 503 net 327<br />

loom 416 office 372<br />

machine ordnance 416<br />

hosiery 416 organ 385<br />

lace 416 outdoor 421<br />

ticket 422 piano case 374<br />

machinery<br />

pipe<br />

printing 416 fabrication 442<br />

textile 416 installation 442<br />

maintenance maintenance 442<br />

aircraft precision 416<br />

electrical press tool 414<br />

base 435 service<br />

line 435 aircraft electronic and related<br />

electronic and related equipment 439<br />

equipment 439 aircraft engine 427<br />

instrument 439 aircraft engine and air-frame 462<br />

airframe 422 air-frame 422<br />

boiler 422 escalators 460<br />

civil engineering plant and lifts 460<br />

machinery 422 mechanical, locomotives 422<br />

electrical, plant and weighing machines 422<br />

machinery, general 435 ship 421<br />

* See page 35<br />

88<br />

Revised 1981

Fitter: continued<br />

Fitter-erector, engine: continued<br />

shoe, retail sales 240 gas 416<br />

shop 372 marine, production 416<br />

signal locking, railway 422 engineering, general, production 416<br />

site 421 machine tool, production 416<br />

spring 398 machinery<br />

surgical appliance 145 agricultural, production 416<br />

surgical corset 385 textile 416<br />

systems, aircraft 416 turbine 416<br />

tailoring 351 Fitter-machinist<br />

telephone 438 casement 418<br />

tool, excluding press tools 414 constructional ironwork 418<br />

press 414 construction steelwork 418<br />

tool room 414 door drame 418<br />

turbine 416 engineering 417<br />

turbine blade 416 gun, bespoke 417<br />

tyre 462 lock 418<br />

tyre maintenance 462 metal working 418<br />

vehicle body 458 safe 418<br />

wagon 422 staircase 418<br />

Fitter and erector, public weighing machines 417<br />

lighting 497 Fitter-mechanic<br />

Fitter-assembler agricultural machinery 422<br />

casement 418 coin-operated machines excluding<br />

chassis 418 weighing machines 422<br />

engineering locks 422<br />

agricultural machinery 416 weighing machines 422<br />

engine Fitter-mechanics, motor vehicles 424*<br />

aircraft 416 Fitter-mechanic’s mate 462<br />

marine 416 Fitter’s mate<br />

excluding engines and gas 462<br />

machinery 416 heating and ventilating<br />

experimental 416 engineering 462<br />

general 416 maintenance 462<br />

machine tools 416 mechanical engineering 462<br />

prototype 416 pipe 462<br />

unspecified engines and Fitter-turner 417<br />

machinery 416 Fitter-up<br />

lock 418 bespoke tailoring 358<br />

metal working case maker’s 477<br />

agricultural machinery 418 piano 374<br />

excluding motor vehicles and wholesale clothing 477<br />

machinery 418 Fitter-welder, heating, heating<br />

general 418 and ventilating 443<br />

locks 418 Fixer<br />

machinery 418 bespoke tailoring 358<br />

motor vehicles 418 billiard table 385<br />

printing machinery 418 blind 503<br />

railway wagon 418 brush handle, wood 477<br />

safe 418 canvas 358<br />

sports equipment 385 ceiling 503<br />

window 418 lead light 485<br />

Fitter-borer 417 lens, ophthalmic prescription 358<br />

Fitter-designer, fur garments 385 metal window 503<br />

Fitter-erector meter 462<br />

aircraft 416 mosaic 483<br />

electrical, production 432 net 327<br />

engine photographic processing 385<br />

aircraft, production 416 plasterboard 503<br />

diesel, excluding marine 416 rate 110<br />

roofing felt 484<br />

* See page 35<br />

89<br />

Revised 1981

Fixer: continued<br />

Footballer, professional,<br />

sheet, roofs exterior walls 484 association 155<br />

tape, paper patterns 385 Footblower 330<br />

tile 483 Footmaker 330<br />

Fixer’s mate Footman 281<br />

roofing felt 497 Forcer<br />

sheet 497 plastics 323<br />

Flagger rubber 323<br />

bristle 299 Forehand, rope making 327<br />

fibre 299 Forecaster, weather 159<br />

hair 299 Fore-end worker, rope making 327<br />

paving stones 488 Foreger man 327<br />

Flaker-on, lead press 462 Foreign exchange manager 108<br />

Flanger, hat 385 Foreman :-<br />

Flattener See separate index (see page 47)<br />

pin 408 Forest officer 211<br />

wire 462 Forest worker, excluding nursery<br />

Flatter, painting 477 worker 292<br />

Flautist 151 Forester, Forestry Commission 282<br />

Flavouring man, cereal manufacture 327 Forge hammerman 398<br />

Flayer 313 Forge pressman 398<br />

Fleecer, cotton wool 327 Forger<br />

Flasher, hand 297 drop 398<br />

Flight deck officer 183 edge tool 398<br />

Flight operations officer 184 hand, cutlery 398<br />

Flipper, bead, rubber tyre 385 hand tool 398<br />

Flock fieldsman 295 Forging assistant<br />

Floor moulder 393 drop forging team 462<br />

Floorman heavy press team 462<br />

asphalt 327 power hammer team 462<br />

drilling rig 503 Fork roller 462<br />

race course 214 Formation hand, battery making 462<br />

Florist 156 Forme maker 414<br />

Florist’s assistant, retail trade 240 Former<br />

Fluffer 297 cable 462<br />

Fly hand coil 462<br />

photogravure 343 felt hood<br />

rotary press 343 fur 327<br />

Flyman 540 wool 327<br />

Foiler, plasterboard 327 loom 462<br />

Folder veldtschoen toe 365<br />

blouse 476 Founder, glass making 319<br />

circular 219 Fourth hand<br />

dress 476 cold rolling mill team 462<br />

footwear 385 hot rolling mill team 462<br />

hand, fabric lapping 327 primary reduction mill team 462<br />

laundry, hand 476 temper mill team 462<br />

machine, calendar, laundering 281 Frame hand<br />

paper pattern 477 rope making 327<br />

paperboard containers 477 sugar confectionery 327<br />

rag book 348 Frame helper, ship construction 462<br />

shirt 476 Framer<br />

textile packaging, hand 476 curtain drying 281<br />

yarn 301 handbags 477<br />

Folder-in, gloves 477 hosiery 305<br />

Food and beverage dispensers and ophthalmic prescription 385<br />

counter hands, catering services 259 purses 477<br />

Food preparation assistant Frazer, tobacco pipe 378<br />

cafeteria 256 Freezer<br />

flow 327<br />

90<br />

Revised 1981

Freezer: continued<br />

G<br />

plate 327<br />

French polisher Gabler and corder 327<br />

hand 468 Gaffer<br />

machine 477 hand, glass making 330<br />

Fringer 304 Galley boy 260<br />

Fritter 327 Galvanizer<br />

Frogman 503 continuous electrolytic plant 462<br />

Front boy, embroidery 385 hot dip 462<br />

Front end man, stentering 305 Gamekeeper 295<br />

Fruit plantation worker 288 Gardener<br />

Fruitman 288 landscape 290<br />

Fryer, fish 256 private gardens 289<br />

Fuller 327 public gardens 290<br />

Funnel hand, sugar confectionery 327 Gardener-groundsman 290<br />

Fur garment cutting and shaping Gardener-handyman 289<br />

occupation 356 Garterer 477<br />

Furnace assistant Gas fitter’s mate 462<br />

non-ferrous metal alloy Gasman, cider manufacture 327<br />

manufacture 390 Gasser 305<br />

steel making 389 Gate-keeper 252<br />

Furnace attendant<br />

Gateman<br />

sherardising 390 head, lock 505<br />

shipyard 390 lock, inland waterways docks 533<br />

vacuum remelting plant 390 Gatherer<br />

Furnace operator, steel making 389 ball 385<br />

Furnaceman bookbinding 348<br />

aluminium, electrolytic 390 glass making 385<br />

assistant, vitreous silica 319 hatter’s fur 297<br />

ball seaweed and mussel 294<br />

forehand 390 Gauger<br />

underhand 390 cap 385<br />

calcining, flint 327 metal examining 473<br />

chemicals 308 stock audit 213<br />

copper, non-electrolytic 390 Gear maintenance man, weaving 464<br />

crucible, foundry 390 General assistant (residential<br />

forehand, wrought iron establishment) 281<br />

manufacture 390 General farm worker, livestock 286<br />

glass making 319 General hand, airport 538<br />

lead smelting 390 General practitioner, medicine 135<br />

non-ferrous metal alloy Geneticist 157<br />

manufacture 390 Geochemist 159<br />

non-ferrous metals excluding Geographer 132<br />

aluminium lead copper z inc 390 Geological scientists, research<br />

pencil lead 327 development, technical advisory,<br />

pot consultancy and related work 159<br />

foundry 390 Geologist 159<br />

glass making 319 Geomorphologist 159<br />

reheating furnace 390 Geophysicist 159<br />

retort, lead refining 390 Geotechnologist 159<br />

soaking pit 390 Geriatrician 135<br />

tank, glass making 319 Getter<br />

underhand, wrought iron clay 503<br />

manufacture 390 stone 503<br />

vitreous silica 319 Gigger 305<br />

Fuser<br />

Gilder<br />

bifocal 327 ceramics<br />

interfacing 477 brush 466<br />

interlining 477 roller 466<br />

vitreous enamelled goods 327 pattern 466<br />

Fuser’s mate 327 Gillie 281<br />

Gimper 327<br />

Glass finishing occupations excluding<br />

optical glass and painting 331<br />

91<br />

Revised 1981

Glass shaping and forming occupations,<br />

hand, excluding optical glass 330<br />

Glass shaping and forming occupations Graduator 415<br />

machine, excluding optical glass 330 Grainer<br />

Glasshouse worker 288 leather 297<br />

Glassman 260 lithographic plate 462<br />

Glazer skin 297<br />

aerograph 466 structures 465<br />

button 466 Granolithic layer’s mate 497<br />

ceramics<br />

Granulator<br />

brush 466 chemicals 308<br />

dip 466 sugar 327<br />

spray, hand 466 Graphic officer 174<br />

edger 330 Graphotypist 226<br />

emery 411 Gravity die caster 395<br />

hand, ophthalmic prescription 330 Grease mopper 411<br />

leather 297 Greaser<br />

skin 297 kiln 462<br />

spray, hand 466 mechanical equipment excluding<br />

Glazer and adger, machine 330 motor vehicle 462<br />

Glazier refrigeration, seagoing 506<br />

patent roofing 485 seagoing 506<br />

screen, vehicles 485 Greenhouse assistant, ceramics 477<br />

unspecified 485 Greenkeeper 290<br />

Glazing occupations 485 Grinder<br />

Glosser, silk 305 belt, abrasive cloth and paper<br />

Gluer making 385<br />

cane 477 camshaft, setter-operator 405<br />

pencil 477 card, textile machinery 462<br />

Goldbeater 456 chemicals 308<br />

Goldsmith 456 chocolate 327<br />

Goldsmith, silversmith, recious stone cocoa 327<br />

working and related occupations 456 coffee 327<br />

Golf professional 155 crankshaft, setter-operator 405<br />

Gondola girl 240 crook 385<br />

Gouger 447 cutlery<br />

Governor, prison or similar institution 209 hand 462<br />

Gown hand 352 machine 406<br />

Grader cylindrical, setter-operator 405<br />

ceramics 477 edge, abrasive wheel 385<br />

cocoa 327 edge tool<br />

film, cine 385 hand 462<br />

fleece 477 machine 406<br />

hides 477 external, setter-operator 405<br />

leather 477 file machine 406<br />

metal production 477 flock 299<br />

pattern<br />

hand<br />

footwear 385 glass 331<br />

garment metal 462<br />

hand 385 internal, setter-operator 405<br />

machine 462 machine<br />

pelt 477 glass 331<br />

raw wool 477 terrazzo tiles or slabs 334<br />

skins 477 malt 327<br />

sugar 327 mill, unspecified 327<br />

textile fabric 477 needle 462<br />

tobacco pipe 477 optical glass lump 330<br />

Grader and bundler, fern 477 plain, setter-operator 405<br />

Grader-sorter porcelain 385<br />

fish 477 pottery 385<br />

hides 477 precision, setter-operator 405<br />

leather 477 provender milling 327<br />

pelts 477 rag 299<br />

skins 477 refire 385<br />

roll 403<br />

92<br />

Revised 1981

Grinder: continued<br />

Gutter<br />

roller covering 385 fish<br />

rotary, setter-operator 405 hand 313<br />

saw, machine 406 machine 313<br />

scissors, hand 462 Gymnast, remedial 143<br />

shoddy 299 Gynaecologist 135<br />

steel dressing 462<br />

surface, setter-operator 405<br />

tool and cutter, setter-operator 405 H<br />

tool room, setter-operator 405<br />

universal, setter-operator 405 Hackler<br />

unspecified, materials processing 327 hand 299<br />

Grinder and polisher machine 299<br />

optical element, hand 330 Hackling machine attendant’s<br />

optical slab 330 assistant 327<br />

Grinderman, grain milling 327 Hafter, razor 462<br />

Gripper, golf club 385 Hairdresser (unspecified) 280<br />

Gristman, brewing 327 ladies’ 279<br />

Grog mill worker 327 men’s 278<br />

Grommeter, light clothing 477 Hammerer, saw 462<br />

Groom 295 Hammerman<br />

Groover, pencil 378 forge 398<br />

Grounder gold silver 456<br />

fur 477 pile-driving 523<br />

wallpaper 477 white metal 456<br />

Groundlayer 466 Hander, tobacco 327<br />

Groundlayer’s assistant 477 Handler<br />

Groundskeeper 290 edge tool 477<br />

Groundsman 290 materials, works 533<br />

Grower pottery 477<br />

bulb 288 saw 477<br />

mushroom 288 shovel 477<br />

osier 292 tanyard 297<br />

watercress 288 Handyman, residential establishment 503<br />

Guard Hanger-up, hides skins pelts 297<br />

building site 251 Hanker<br />

life, beach patrol 254 hand 327<br />

loco, mine 511 machine 327<br />

personal 252 randed 327<br />

premises 251 Hard ground man 501<br />

security 252 Hardener<br />

surface railway 511 case 400<br />

train, ropes 533 cyanide 400<br />

underground railway excluding felt hood 327<br />

mine 511 fibre batt 327<br />

valuables in transit 252 flame 400<br />

Guarder 327 induction 400<br />

Guards, rail transport 511 metal, unspecified 400<br />

Guide Harpooner, whales 294<br />

store 281 Harvester, crop 295<br />

tour 265 Hatcher, fish 294<br />

Guide lecturer 147 Hatchery worker<br />

Guide man, coke 533 agriculture 295<br />

Guillotineman fish 294<br />

paper 349 Hatter, paper 476<br />

paperboard 349 Hawker 245<br />

Guitarist 151 Header<br />

Gummer, coal mining 501 fish<br />

Gutman 313 hand 313<br />

machine 313<br />

93<br />

Revised 1981

Headman, meat 313 Hospital ward orderly 267<br />

Headmaster<br />

Hostess<br />

preparatory school 126 air 265<br />

primary education establishment 126 ground 265<br />

school for mentally handicapped<br />

Hot dip assistant, continuous tinning<br />

children 128 plant 462<br />

school for physically handicapped Hot press worker, tobacco 327<br />

children 128 House man, char 308<br />

secondary education establish- House officer, hospital 135<br />

ment 125 Housefather 133<br />

Healder 302 Housekeeper<br />

Healer, faith 134 head 211<br />

Health physics monitor 177 supervisory 261<br />

Health visitor 137 working, private household 262<br />

Health visitor tutor 137 Housekeeper matron<br />

Heat treating occupations, wood institutions 261<br />

processing and paper, school 261<br />

paperboard and leatherboard Housemaid 263<br />

making 327 Houseman<br />

Heater<br />

domestic<br />

coke oven 308 excluding private household 263<br />

cutlery 390 medical 135<br />

edge tools 390 private household 263<br />

hand tools 390 Housemaster, establishment for young<br />

reheating furnace 390 offenders 133<br />

retort chemicals 308 Housemaster, secondary education 125<br />

rivet 462 Housemother 133<br />

soaking pit 390 Housing manager 133<br />

Heating and ventilating engineering Humper, meat 531<br />

fitter’s mate 462 Huntsman 295<br />

Heavy goods vehicle drivers 516 Hydrapulper 327<br />

Hedger 295 Hydrator, lime 327<br />

Hedger and ditcher 295 Hydrobioloigst 157<br />

Heel breaster 364 Hydro geologist 159<br />

Heeler Hydrographic officer, civil 189<br />

footwear Hydrographic survey assistant 533<br />

bespoke 363 Hydrologist 159<br />

surgical 363 Hydroman<br />

Helminthologist 157 dry cleaning 281<br />

Helper, iron blast furnace 388 laundering 281<br />

Herbalist 145 textile processing 327<br />

Herpetologist 157 Hygienist, dental 145<br />

Hide, skin and pelt processing Hypotist, entertainment 151<br />

occupations 297<br />

Hinger, last 385<br />

Histologist 157 I<br />

Histopathologist 157<br />

Historian 132<br />

Hoistman, blast furnace 525 Ichthyologist 157<br />

Holder-on 462 Illuminiser 462<br />

Holder-up 462 Illusionist 151<br />

Hollanderman 327 Illustrator<br />

Home help 263 book 149<br />

Home help organiser 133 technical 174<br />

Home teacher for the blind 133 Imam 134<br />

Homeopath 135 Immigration officer 119<br />

Homogeniser, milk 327 Immunologist 157<br />

Horseman, timber haulage 533 Impersonator 151<br />

Horticultural workers 288 Importer 245<br />

Hoseman, open pit 503<br />

94<br />

Revised 1981

Imposition hand 337 Inspector: continued<br />

Impregnating machine assistant<br />

chief<br />

paper 327 police 208<br />

paperboard 327 quality control 168<br />

Impregnator cloth 477<br />

armature 327 construction, Her Majesty’s<br />

asbestos composition goods 327 Factory Inspectorate 119<br />

immersion, unspecified 327 cutting, textile products 477<br />

incadescent mantle fabric 305 cylinder 473<br />

Impressario 151 drug 119<br />

Impression taker, roller engraving 385 dry cleaning 477<br />

dyeing 477<br />

effluent 119<br />

Incorporator 308 electric lamp 473<br />

Industrial archaeologist 132 electrical, aircraft 472<br />

Industrial designers 150 electrical plant and industrial<br />

Industrial medical officer 135 machinery 472<br />

Industrial relations officer 109 enamelling 473<br />

Information officer environmental health 118<br />

excluding public relations 117 explosives 119<br />

public relations 114 factory 119<br />

Information scientist 117 fire, Her Majesty’s Factory<br />

Infusion man, water 501 Inspectorate 119<br />

Ingiver 302 flight operations 119<br />

Ingot stripper 462 forgings 472<br />

Ingredients preparation assistant, garment 477<br />

production weighing 477 glass 477<br />

Inker horticultural marketing 119<br />

edge housing and planning 122<br />

brush 477 installations<br />

spray 467 electrical 119<br />

typewriter ribbon 327 gas 119<br />

Innkeeper 211 public utility 119<br />

Inseminator 295 water 119<br />

Inserter insurance 245<br />

lining, hats 477 laundering 477<br />

pin leaf 477<br />

electric lamp filament support 470 leathercloth 477<br />

textile machinery 470 light vehicle body mass production 473<br />

stiffener, footwear 477 match 477<br />

Inspecting and testing occupations, meat 118<br />

metal and electrical engineering 472 metal, unspecified 472<br />

Inspection man, fire point 249 metal casting 472<br />

Inspector mica 477<br />

abattoir 118 mineral products 477<br />

abrasive wheel 477 movements 508<br />

air pollution 118 National House Builders’<br />

aircraft assembly 472 Registration Council 119<br />

alkali 119 National Society for the Prevention<br />

area works, railway 479 of Cruelty to Children 133<br />

asbestos composition goods 477 nuisance 118<br />

bridge, railway 503 optical elements 477<br />

buildings 119 paperboard box 477<br />

canned food 477 permanent way, railway 479<br />

carpet 477 plasterboard 477<br />

cartridges 477 plastics 477<br />

ceramics 477 plating 473<br />

check, mineral products 477 plumbing 119<br />

checker, cork products 477 plywood 477<br />

police 208<br />

95<br />

Revised 1981

Inspector: continued<br />

Instructor<br />

pollution, river authority or driving, private 147<br />

board 119 fencing 155<br />

port health 118 flying 183<br />

potato crisp 477 mountaineering 155<br />

public health (environmental pilot, aircraft 183<br />

health officer) 118 private driving 147<br />

public service vehicles 514 riding 155<br />

ream 477 skiing 155<br />

river 119 sports 155<br />

road, public service vehicles 514 swimming 155<br />

roll, carpet 477 Training Within Industry 147<br />

rough, metal 473 vocational training including HGV<br />

Royal Society for the Prevention and forklift drivers 130<br />

of Cruelty to Animals 119 Instrumentalist 151<br />

rubber 477 Insulator<br />

sanitary 118 boilers 503<br />

service standards 122 equipment 503<br />

sherardising 473 pipes 503<br />

spring 473 plant 503<br />

systems, electronics 472 structures<br />

technical, insurance 189 hand 503<br />

ticket, public service vehicles 514 machine 503<br />

tool room 472 Intakeman, grain sugar and similar<br />

train crew 508 materials 528<br />

wages 119 Intelligence officer, government<br />

waste prevention, water supply 496 service 117<br />

water quality control 119 Interlacer 327<br />

weighs and measures 119 Interpreter 156<br />

wood 477 Interviewer<br />

works, area, railway 479 field, market research 219<br />

yarn 477 research 219<br />

Inspector and counter, fish hooks 473 Investigation officer, veterinary 146<br />

Inspector and mender, carpet rug 306 Investigator<br />

Inspector and repairer, woven private 251<br />

piece goods 306 Investment casting operator 462<br />

Inspector and stamper, wood 477 Investment manager 108<br />

Inspector of ancient monuments 122 Investment process worker 462<br />

Inspector of factories, Investment specialist 108<br />

Her Majesty’s Factory<br />

Ironer<br />

Inspectorate 119 footwear stiffener 477<br />

Inspector of mines 119 glove 281<br />

Inspector of schools 131 hand, laundry 276<br />

Inspector of taxes 108 leather 297<br />

Inspector of training services 147 skin 297<br />

Inspector regulator 508 special, laundry 276<br />

Inspector-rectifier top, footwear 367<br />

plastic products 385 Issuer, fuel, transport depot 528<br />

rubber products 385<br />

tool 414<br />

Installer<br />

computer system 439 J<br />

electrical<br />

machinery 435<br />

plant 435<br />

equipment<br />

Jetty hand<br />

auxiliary track 503 bulk liquids 529<br />

control 439 gases 529<br />

electronic and related 439 Jeweller<br />

X-ray 439 general 456<br />

marine engine 422 jobbing 456<br />

telephone 438 Jog borer 405<br />

96<br />

Revised 1981

K<br />

Jigger<br />

Keeper<br />

metal processing 462 blast furnace, iron 388<br />

textile scouring 327 crossing 512<br />

Jiggerer lighthouse 533<br />

flat linen 528<br />

hand 333 lock 533<br />

semi-automatic 333 menagerie 295<br />

hand 333 museum art gallery or similar<br />

Jiggerman, textile dyeing 305 institution 122<br />

Jobber office 271<br />

building 493 park 252<br />

comb 422 reservoir 503<br />

combing 422 warehouse 527<br />

commodity 245 zoo 295<br />

ring 422 Kennelman 295<br />

spinning 422 Kerner, type founding 462<br />

stock exchange 108 Kettleman, lead desilverising 390<br />

twisting 422 Key-punch operating occupations 229<br />

waste preparing machinery 422 Kierer, textile 305<br />

Jockey Kierman, textile 305<br />

disc 151 Kiln man, char 308<br />

racing 155 Kilnman<br />

Joiner china clay 327<br />

aircraft 372 frit 327<br />

bench 372 malting 327<br />

film 385 Kitchen assistant 260<br />

fixing 378 Knacker 313<br />

rubber strip 385 Knitter<br />

ship 371 frame<br />

shuttering 370 hand 304<br />

Jointer machine 304<br />

cable 440 framework 304<br />

footwear lasting 365 fully fashioned hose 304<br />

pipe 495 hand 304<br />

seat 365 hand flat 304<br />

soft toy 477 intarsia 304<br />

tapeless 385 machine<br />

veneer edge 385 circular 304<br />

waist 365 flat<br />

Jointer operator 385 hand 304<br />

Jointer’s mate, cable 462 power 304<br />

Jollier, hand 333 Straight bar 304<br />

Journalists – see Editor and Reporter pile fabric 304<br />

Judge seamless 304<br />

county court 102 warp 304<br />

court of law 102 yarn heald 304<br />

puisne 102 Knitting occupations 304<br />

Judges and Officers of the Court 102 Knocker<br />

Juggler 151 bottom 385<br />

Juiceman 327 pottery 385<br />

Jumper, fibre 299 Knocker-off<br />

Jumper-baster 361 glass blowing 385<br />

Junior officer, foreign-going ship 185 lens 385<br />

Junior ordinary seaman 506 Knocker-out, glass making 385<br />

Juvenile, dramatic productions 151 Knocker-over, footwear 385<br />

Knotter<br />

cloth examining 306<br />

net making 327<br />

warp 302<br />

wig making 385<br />

Kollerganger 327<br />

97<br />

Revised 1981

L<br />

Labeller<br />

Labourer: continued<br />

colour, transfers 477 slasher’s 327<br />

hand 476 slater’s 497<br />

machine 476 steel erector’s 462<br />

Laboratory assistant, routine 477 steel manufacture 462<br />

Laboratory technicians and similar steelworkers’s ship 462<br />

scientific supporting occupations 177 steeplejack’s 497<br />

Labour officer 109 stores 531<br />

Labour relations officer 109 taper’s 327<br />

Labourer terrazzo layer’s 497<br />

blast furnace 462 tiler’s<br />

boat builder’s 380 floor and wall 497<br />

boilermaker’s 462 roof 497<br />

bricklayer’s 497 tinning 462<br />

builder’s general 497 tunnel miner’s 503<br />

cabinet maker’s 380 wrought iron manufacture 462<br />

civil engineering, general 498 Lacer<br />

coach painter’s 477 corset 477<br />

constructional ironworks 462 pattern card 327<br />

cooper’s 380 Lacquerer<br />

craftsman’s brush 477<br />

electrical 462 dip<br />

electronic 462 hand 477<br />

dock 529 machine 477<br />

dye-house 327 spray 467<br />

electrical craftsman’s 462 Ladle engineman 525<br />

electrician’s 462 Ladleman<br />

electronic craftsman’s 462 casting bay 462<br />

fitter’s copper refining 390<br />

gas 462 Ladleman-teemer 462<br />

heating and ventilating 462 Ladler, glass making 385<br />

pipe 462 Lagger<br />

fixer mason’s 497 boiler 503<br />

fixer’s pipes 503<br />

roofing felt 497 plant 503<br />

sheet 497 Laminated glass worker 385<br />

floor and wall tiler’s 497 Laminator<br />

foundry 462 carpet making 327<br />

galvanising 462 fabric making 327<br />

granolithic layer’s 497 glass 385<br />

heavy, unspecified 538 glass fibre, hand 385<br />

joiner’s 380 hand, wood 327<br />

light, unspecified 538 light clothing 477<br />

mason’s<br />

power press<br />

fixer 497 board 327<br />

workshop 385 paper 327<br />

yard 385 wood 327<br />

miner’s, tunnel 503 Lamp worker 330<br />

non-ferrous metal manufacture 462 Lamplighter 281<br />

plasterer’s 497 Lampman<br />

plumber’s 462 mining 528<br />

production, metal tube manufacture 462 signal 538<br />

rigger’s, ship 462 Land drainage worker 503<br />

rolling mill 462 Landlord, public house 203<br />

roof slater and tiler’s 497 Language assistant 147<br />

roofing felt fixer’s 497 Lapidary 456<br />

sheet fixer’s 497 Lapper<br />

shipwright’s barrel, small arms 406<br />

metal 462 gold silver 411<br />

wood 380 hand, fabric 327<br />

machine, fabric 327<br />

98<br />

Revised 1981

Lasher, car 529 Lead extruder, cable sheathing 462<br />

Last hinger 385 Lead paster 385<br />

Laster Lead press driver 462<br />

hand 365 Lead press worker 462<br />

machine 365 Lead softener<br />

Lasting occupations, footwear 365 electrolytic 390<br />

Lathe worker, glass 330 non-electrolytic 390<br />

Launderer, general 281 Leader<br />

Launderette assistant 281 abrasive wheel 462<br />

Laundry assistant 281 red 465<br />

Laundryman 281 Leader<br />

Lay cutter’s assistant 358 band 151<br />

Layer orchestra 151<br />

bitumen 487 play 133<br />

bowling green 290 social group work 133<br />

carpet 385 team, chemical processing 308<br />

drain 495 youth 133<br />

floor youth club 133<br />

composition 503 Leading hand<br />

hardwood strips 385 seagoing 506<br />

parquet 385<br />

wood blocks 385<br />

granolithic 483 Leading railman, general, ticket<br />

grass court 290 collector 274<br />

hand-made paper 327 shunting 512<br />

kerb and slab 488 Leading trackman 486<br />

line 327 Leadsman 533<br />

main 495<br />

mosaic design 483<br />

pipe 495 Leaser, warp 302<br />

rand 477 Leather cutting occupations 364<br />

road, rail 486 Leather goods makers and repairers,<br />

roofing felt 484 excluding boots and shoes 385<br />

rope<br />

Leather sewing and stitching<br />

house machine 327 occupations 366<br />

rope walk 327 Leatherboard drier man 327<br />

services 495 Lector 147<br />

sole 477 Lecturer<br />

tarmac 487 college of education 124<br />

terrazzo 483 guide 147<br />

track 486 teacher training institution 124<br />

turf 290 technical teaching 124<br />

twine 327 university teaching 123<br />

Layer and jointer, pipe 495 vocational teaching 124<br />

Layer and jointer’s mate, pipe Legal apprentice, Scotland 102<br />

laying 497 Legal executive 122<br />

Layer-down, textile 385 Lengthman, rail 486<br />

Layer-on Lengthman, road 488<br />

letterpress 343 Letterer, signwriting 465<br />

lithographic 343 Letterpress machine assistant 343<br />

Layer’s mate<br />

Leveller<br />

granolithic 497 asphalt spreading machine 523<br />

terrazzo 497 concrete 491<br />

Layer-up footwear 385<br />

chamois leather 297 roller, metal 462<br />

lay cutting 358 Leverman<br />

Layer-up and marker 358 forging press 462<br />

Layout man 337 power hammer 462<br />

Lead busher, abrasive wheel 462 Lexicologist 132<br />

Lead caster 462<br />

99<br />

Revised 1981

Librarian Lipper, glassware 330<br />

card, automatic data records 218 Liquefier, butter, margarine<br />

disc, automatic data records 218 manufacture 327<br />

excluding automatic data records 117 Liquor man, leather tanning 327<br />

tape, automatic data records 218 Liquorer 327<br />

Library assistant 218 Liquorman, char house 327<br />

License, public house 203 Lithorapher, ceramics 466<br />

Lifeboatman 506 Lithographer’s assistant 477<br />

Lifter, wagon 422 Lithographic assistant 339<br />

Lighterman 507 Lithographic machine assistant 343<br />

Lightkeeper 533 Lithographic preparer 339<br />

Lightman, temporary, ship work 462 Lloyd’s signalman 533<br />

Lightshipman 506 Loader<br />

Lime man, pig casting machine 462 aircraft 531<br />

Limer bar 304<br />

drum operating 297 bobbin, dry battery making machine 385<br />

pit 297 bulk materials 533<br />

Limeyard worker, general 297 cartridge cassette, photographic<br />

Limnologist 157 film 385<br />

Lineman film 385<br />

overhead jig 462<br />

electric traction 440 kiln 320<br />

electricity supply 440 lehr 327<br />

Liner mine car 533<br />

case 477 vehicle 531<br />

ceramics, brush 466 wagon mine car or similar container 533<br />

coachwork 477 Loader man, power, coalmining 501<br />

dry lining 503 Loader operator, mechanical shovel 523<br />

edge, ceramics 466 Local government officer<br />

glove 477 administrative functions, nec 121<br />

hand, leather goods 477 executive functions, nec 121<br />

lenses 385 Locker, hatter’s fur 476<br />

machines Lockman 533<br />

leather goods 477 Lockmaster 533<br />

spray, ceramics 466 Locksmith, repair 422<br />

metal articles, brush 477 Loco guard, mine 511<br />

rubber 385 Lofter, salt 308<br />

tank, glass fibre 385 Loftsman<br />

tube, ceramics 477 mould loft 372<br />

Liner and finisher, fur garment 359 scale drawing 174<br />

Linerman, paperboard making 315 Logger, well 177<br />

Liner-off, engineering 414 Looker<br />

Liner-out, engineering 414 cloth 477<br />

Linesman felt hood forms 306<br />

driver’s 503 piece 477<br />

overhead<br />

Looker-out<br />

electric traction 440 ophthalmic lenses 528<br />

electricity supply 440 pen nibs 473<br />

telecommunications services 440 Looker-over, warehouse, ceramics 477<br />

sports and games 155 Loom former 462<br />

waterworks 503 Loom hand, warp 304<br />

Linesman-measurer 503 Loomer 302<br />

Linesman’s mate 462 Looper, hosiery 360<br />

Linesman and cable jointers 440 Lord Commissioner of Justiciary 102<br />

Lingerie hand 352 Lord of Session 102<br />

Linisher 411 Lord Ordinary 102<br />

Linker<br />

Lumper<br />

hank 327 fish 529<br />

hosiery 360 master 195<br />

sausage 327 Lumpman, salt 308<br />

Linkman, theatre 281 Lurer 385<br />

Lion tamer 151 Lurrier, textile printing 385<br />

Lustrer 466<br />

100<br />

Revised 1981

M<br />

Machine assistant<br />

Machineman: continued<br />

abrasive coated paper making 327 impregnating<br />

armouring, cable 385 paper 327<br />

calendar paperboard 327<br />

paper 327 laminating<br />

paperboard 327 paper, continuous sheet 327<br />

coal cutting 501 paperboard, continuous sheet 327<br />

coal cutting-loading, longwall paper making 316<br />

face 501 paperboard making 316<br />

coating<br />

pasting<br />

paper 327 paper 327<br />

paperboard 327 paperboard 327<br />

collotype 385 plant, flaking, grain 327<br />

combining provender milling 327<br />

paper 327<br />

paperboard 327<br />

creping 327 Machinist<br />

die stamping 385 automatic<br />

impregnating hemming 361<br />

paper 327 looping, sanitary towels 361<br />

paperboard 327 quilting 361<br />

letterpress 343 tufting, household linen 366<br />

lithographic 343 baggins, footwear<br />

paper making 327 bartack<br />

paper products 385 heavy clothing 361<br />

paperboard making 327 light clothing 361<br />

paperboard products 385 basting 361<br />

photogravure 343 belt 361<br />

Machine hand, wet block, rice starch 327 bevelling<br />

Machine man plates 462<br />

asbestos-cement pipe making 327 tubes 462<br />

asbestos-cement sheet making<br />

binding<br />

corrugated 327 heavy clothing 361<br />

flat 327 light clothing 361<br />

assistant blouse 361<br />

asbestos-cement 327 box, paper goods 385<br />

asbestos-cement sheet making 327 bullion cord covering 327<br />

briquetting 327 buttonhole<br />

divider, baking 327 heavy clothing 361<br />

grinding, meat preparing 327 light clothing 361<br />

moulding, lead 462 buttoning<br />

padding, textile dyeing 305 heavy clothing 361<br />

radius, asbestos composition goods light clothing 361<br />

making 385 canvas goods 361<br />

stretching, textile finishing 305 cementing, lasting 365<br />

Machine printer’s assistant chain-stitch 361<br />

wallpaper 385 cigar 327<br />

Machine ruler 385 circular knitting 304<br />

Machine ruler’s assistant 385 clog sole 378<br />

Machine tool operators, metal<br />

closing<br />

working 406 footwear 366<br />

Machineman rope 327<br />

assistant pasting 327 coat 361<br />

coating<br />

collar<br />

paper 327 clothing manufacture 361<br />

paperboard 327 laundering 281<br />

first assistant Cornelly 361<br />

paper making, drierman 316 dress 361<br />

paperboard making, drierman 316 elasticator 361<br />

101<br />

Revised 1981

Machinist: continued<br />

Machinist: sewing: continued<br />

embroidery 361 fabric<br />

fabric bonding 327 heavy, excluding clothing 361<br />

felling light, excluding clothing 361<br />

heavy clothing 361 footwear 366<br />

light clothing 361 general, fabric 361<br />

flag 361 leather goods excluding footwear 366<br />

flatlock 361 matting 361<br />

forming, cordage 327 rugs 361<br />

four cutter 377 six cutter 377<br />

fur 361 skirt<br />

gown 361 heavy clothing 361<br />

guillotine light clothing 361<br />

plastics 385 skiving, rubber 385<br />

rubber 385 sleeve<br />

textiles 385 heavy clothing 361<br />

hand flat 304 light clothing 361<br />

hemstitch 361 socket, tube manufacture 462<br />

hobbing, setter-operator 405 soft toy 361<br />

hood and apron 361 special<br />

hook and bar stamping 477 heavy clothing 361<br />

household linen 361 light clothing 361<br />

insulation 461 spindle moulding 377<br />

knife, asbestos composition goods stapling, lasting 365<br />

making 385 stitch marking, footwear 385<br />

lace 361 straw hat 361<br />

lining tacking, lasting 365<br />

paper 327 tape edge 361<br />

paperboard 327 tie 361<br />

lining making 361 trimming, footwear stitching 366<br />

linking 360 trouser 361<br />

lockstitch 361 umbrella cover 361<br />

millinery 361 upholstery 361<br />

needleloom felt 327 vest 361<br />

overall 361 welding, plastics 477<br />

overlock welt, heavy clothing 361<br />

heavy clothing 361 wire drawing 397<br />

light clothing 361 wire finishing 462<br />

padding 361 wire stitching, gloves 385<br />

peg holing, loom card 385 woollen glove, hand 304<br />

perforating, leather 364 zig zag<br />

piping, bullion cord 327 footwear 366<br />

post heavy clothing 361<br />

clothing 361 Magician 151<br />

footwear 366 Magistrate, stipendiary 102<br />

press cutting<br />

Maid<br />

plastics 385 chalet 263<br />

rubber 385 corridor 263<br />

rag book 361 floor 263<br />

raising 305 general<br />

riveting excluding private household 263<br />

leather goods 477 private household 263<br />

plastics 477 lady’s 263<br />

rotary cutting, tobacco 327 linen 528<br />

sack, fabric 361 room 263<br />

seed cleaning 327 room service 263<br />

serging 361 staff hostel 263<br />

sewing stillroom 259<br />

carpeting 361 ward 263<br />

clothing<br />

Mail, parcel and message distributing<br />

heavy 361 occupations 237<br />

light 361<br />

102<br />

Revised 1981

Maintenance fitters and fitter-<br />

Maker: continued<br />

mechanics, aircraft engines 427 brass printing rule 462<br />

Maintenance fitter’s mate 462 brawn 327<br />

Maintenance man breeches 351<br />

gear, weaving 462 brick, machine 385<br />

powered supports 462 bridle 385<br />

Maintenance worker brine 327<br />

canal 503 broom<br />

river 503 hand 385<br />

Maker machine 385<br />

abrasive paper goods 385 brush<br />

accoutrements 359 hand 385<br />

artificial eye<br />

machine, excluding twisted-in<br />

glass 385 wire 385<br />

plastic 385 twisted-in wire 462<br />

artificial fishing bait 385 buffer, leather 385<br />

artificial flower bullion cord 327<br />

excluding plastic 385 butter 327<br />

plastic 477 button 385<br />

artificial fly 385 buttonhole, hand 359<br />

asphalt 327 cabinet 374<br />

badminton racket 385 cabinet case 374<br />

ball, glass making 385 cable drum 375<br />

band saw 462 cable form 462<br />

barbed wire 462 camera 415<br />

barometer 415 candle, hand 385<br />

bat caramel, burnt sugar 327<br />

clay 385 carriage, textile machinery 416<br />

cricket 385 case<br />

bead, rubber tyre 385 bookbinding 348<br />

beam, textile machinery 416 cabinet 374<br />

bellows, pipe organ 385 packing 375<br />

belt cathedral, glass making 330<br />

abrasive cloth 477 cello 385<br />

abrasive paper 477 centre, sugar confectionery, hand 327<br />

leather 385 chain<br />

machinery, leather 385 hand, gold silver 456<br />

rubber, drum 385 hand forging 462<br />

vee, rubber 385 loom 327<br />

belting, leather 385 machine, metal 462<br />

blind warp knitting machine 327<br />

roller 385 chair<br />

Venetian 385 repetitive assembly 477<br />

block wood 374<br />

caps hats wigs 385 cheese, excluding processed cheese 327<br />

cork 327 chenille 327<br />

board, corrugated 327 chocolate 327<br />

bobbin Christmas cracker 477<br />

metal 462 cigar<br />

wood 385 hand 327<br />

body machine 327<br />

coach 458 cigarette, hand 327<br />

silk hat 385 circular saw 462<br />

boot and shoe, bespoke 363 clavichord 385<br />

bow 385 clock 415<br />

bowl, hand 333 clog 385<br />

box<br />

coat<br />

paperboard 385 fabric 351<br />

wood 375 sheepskin 385<br />

brace bit 398 coffin 374<br />

brass bedstead 418<br />

103<br />

Revised 1981

Maker: continued<br />

Maker: continued<br />

coir mat, hand loom 303 handle, pottery 385<br />

coir plait 327 harness<br />

compass 415 electrical 462<br />

continuous filament 325 horse 385<br />

controller 432 harp 385<br />

cork, surgical footwear 363 harpsichord 385<br />

cork, goods, hand 385 heald<br />

corrugated board 327 wire 462<br />

corset yarn 304<br />

surgical 385 herbal extract 327<br />

unspecified 385 hockey stick 385<br />

crank, ceramics 333 hone 385<br />

crate 375 hood and apron 385<br />

cream horse collar 385<br />

base 327 hose<br />

ice 327 embedded, rubber 385<br />

crucible, machine 385 petrolic, rubber 385<br />

cup, semi-automatic 333 hurdle 385<br />

curing bag 385 instrument<br />

die aircraft 415<br />

paperboard cutting and creasing dental 462<br />

machine 414 electrical 415<br />

engineering 414 musical<br />

dobby 416 bowed string 385<br />

dripping 327 brass 418<br />

drum drums 385<br />

cable 375 wood-wind 385<br />

musical 385 optical 415<br />

fence precision, excluding optical 415<br />

cleft 385 surgical 462<br />

timber 385 jacquard 416<br />

figure, pottery 333 jar, hand 333<br />

flower, pottery 333 jelly 327<br />

forme 414 jig and gauge 414<br />

former, ophthalmic prescription 445 key<br />

frame hand 462<br />

cork 477 machine 405<br />

cycle 418 kilt 351<br />

picture 385 lace<br />

spectacle, plastic 385 warp 304<br />

furniture woven 303<br />

basket 385 ladder 385<br />

rustic 385 lampshade 385<br />

gas meter 470 lard 327<br />

gimp 327 last model 385<br />

girth 385 lay 385<br />

glass leaded light 485<br />

bent 330 leather belting 385<br />

crown 330 leather glove, hand 359<br />

glass tube leatherboard, hand 327<br />

hand drawing 330 lemon curd 327<br />

machine 330 line<br />

glaze 327 handwalk 327<br />

glove, leather, hand 359 house machine 327<br />

golf club 385 linoleum cement 327<br />

gown 351 louis heel 477<br />

grindstone , natural stone 334 manhole, mine 503<br />

gunsight gear 416 man-made fibre 325<br />

hand-cart 385 mark, metal stamp 457<br />

104<br />

Revised 1981

Maker: continued<br />

Maker: continued<br />

marker pill and tablet, general 308<br />

footwear 462 pipe<br />

garments 385 asbestos composition 327<br />

mast, wood 385 organ 445<br />

matrix, type founding 462 plate<br />

mattress 354 collotype 385<br />

metal shoe tree 408 stencil, hand 445<br />

metal sign 445 pleat 351<br />

model pocket, rubber tyre 385<br />

architectural 372 pot, glass house 385<br />

jewellery 456 powder puff 385<br />

last 385 press tool 414<br />

scale, wood 372 racket 385<br />

sheet metal forming tool 379 reed, textile accessories 385<br />

mould robe 351<br />

asbestos-cement 385 rod<br />

investment casting 462 fishing 385<br />

plaster, ceramics 385 glass<br />

plastic, hand 385 hand drawing 330<br />

press tool 414 machine 330<br />

rubber 385 roll, tobacco 327<br />

wooden 385 roller shutter 385<br />

naukeag cap 385 rope<br />

net assistant 327<br />

hand 327 house machine 327<br />

machine 303 rope-walk 327<br />

oar 385 safe 418<br />

odd stuff, refractory goods 333 saggar<br />

ointment 308 hand 385<br />

orthopaedic appliance machine 385<br />

general 385 sample<br />

specialised paper products 385<br />

leather 385 paperboard products 385<br />

metal 418 saw, circular 462<br />

plastic 385 scope 311<br />

wood 385 scull 385<br />

packing case 375 scythe 398<br />

pallet 375 shoe tree, metal 408<br />

panel 385 shuttle, textile 385<br />

paper, hand 327 skirt 351<br />

particle board wood chip 327 slab<br />

paste 327 mosaic 385<br />

pattern terrazzo 385<br />

fur garment 385 sley 385<br />

general, foundry 379 slip<br />

metal ceramics 327<br />

footwear 445 pencil lead 327<br />

foundry 379 snuff 327<br />

plastics, foundry 379 spade and shovel 398<br />

plastics products 372 spar, wood 385<br />

polystyrene, foundry 379 spinet 385<br />

wood, foundry 379 spring<br />

pen nib, general 462 coiled 462<br />

pick 398 flat 408<br />

picker, leather 385 stamp pad 385<br />

picture frame 385 standard<br />

pie, hand 311 textile dyeing 327<br />

pie filling 327 textile printing 327<br />

105<br />

Revised 1981

Maker: continued<br />

Maker-up<br />

stopper 385 embroidery 385<br />

strap, leather 385 gold silver 456<br />

string, musical instrument 385 textile finishing 327<br />

surgical bulb 385 white metal 456<br />

surgical footwear 363 Make-up hand<br />

suspender 361 filmset material 337<br />

switchgear 432 metal type 337<br />

syrup 327 Malster<br />

tallow 327 floorman 327<br />

template kilnman 327<br />

engineering 414 technological 173<br />

wood 372 Management by objectives worker 110<br />

temple 417 Manager<br />

tennis racket 385 acceptance house 108<br />

tile accountancy services 106<br />

concrete, hand 385 administration 211<br />

machine 385 advertisement 114<br />

mosaic 385 advertisement promotion 114<br />

terrazzo 385 advertising 114<br />

timber container 375 agricultural contracting 207<br />

tool airbroker’s 245<br />

hand 414 airport 194<br />

hand and machine 414 amusement arcade 206<br />

press 414 analysis, chemical science 158<br />

tray, paper 385 animal-keeper establishment<br />

trellis 477 excluding livestock farm 211<br />

trestle 385 applications studies<br />

trouser 351 chemical engineering 166<br />

tube<br />

electrical and electronic<br />

glass engineering 165<br />

hand drawing 330 mechanical engineering 163<br />

machine 330 area<br />

twine 327 construction 192<br />

upper<br />

retail shop, excluding<br />

bespoke footwear 363 departmental store<br />

surgical footwear 363 supermarket or similar estab. 199<br />

vest 351 supermarket or similar shops 198<br />

viola 385 telephone 196<br />

violin 385 arts centre 206<br />

vulcanised fibre sheet assessing 107<br />

continuous sheet 327 assistant, shipyard 190<br />

single sheets 327 baggage 195<br />

watch 415 bakery 190<br />

welt 364 bank 196<br />

whip 385 banqueting 204<br />

wicker products 385 bar 255<br />

wig baths 206<br />

general 385 beater room 190<br />

specialised 385 beauty treatment 211<br />

wig mount 385 betting shop 281<br />

wood wool 327 bingo hall 206<br />

wooden articles excluding furniture<br />

biological science research,<br />

barrels crates and packing cases 385 development technical advisory<br />

wooden mould 385 consultancy and related work 157<br />

Maker and fitter, fur garment boarding house 202<br />

pattern 385 boatel 202<br />

Maker-off tobacco 327<br />

Maker-repairer, spectacle 385<br />

Maker’s assistant<br />

crucible 385<br />

rope 327<br />

taper 385<br />

106<br />

Revised 1981

Manager: continued<br />

Manager: continued<br />

bowling alley 206 cleaning and related services 211<br />

box-office 196 cleansing 211<br />

branch<br />

club restaurant<br />

accommodation bureau 196 cafeteria service 204<br />

bank 196 table service 204<br />

building society 196 coach station 194<br />

cash and carry wholesale 197 colliery 193<br />

departmental stores 198 common services 211<br />

entertainment ticket agency 196 company sales 113<br />

private employment agency 196 composing room 190<br />

retail shop excluding computer installation 112<br />

departmental store, computer operations 196<br />

supermarket or similar concert hall 206<br />

establishment 199 construction 192<br />

supermarket or similar<br />

consultancy<br />

establishment 198 biochemistry 189<br />

travel agency 196 biological science 157<br />

variety chain store 198 biophysics 189<br />

wholesale distribution chemical engineering 166<br />

excluding cash and carry 197 chemical science 158<br />

brand 113 civil and structural engineering 161<br />

brewery 190 electrical and electronic<br />

brickworks 190 engineering 165<br />

buffet 204 geological science 159<br />

builder’s 192 mathematics 159<br />

building society 196 mechanical engineering 163<br />

bus station 194 physical chemistry 189<br />

business, entertainers 151 physical science 159<br />

buying 115 contractor’s, construction 192<br />

café 204 contracts, construction 192<br />

camping site 211 cost accountancy 106<br />

cannery 190 credit control 196<br />

canteen 204 cricket ground 206<br />

car sales 211 cultural facilities 206<br />

caravan site 211 cutting room 190<br />

cash and carry wholesale 197 dance-hall 206<br />

casino and gambling club 206 data processing 112<br />

catering demolition 192<br />

hotel 204 departmental<br />

industrial catering 204 cash and carry wholesale 197<br />

institution 204 shop 198<br />

chemical engineering, research store 198<br />

and development, design, supermarket 198<br />

feasibility studies, applications,<br />

wholesale distribution<br />

liaison, consultancy and related excluding cash and carry 197<br />

work 166 departmental store or similar<br />

chemical science research, establishment 198<br />

development, analysis, technical<br />

depot<br />

advisory, consultancy and company transport 194<br />

related work 158 distribution 195<br />

cinema 206 design<br />

circus 206 chemical engineering 166<br />

civil and structural engineering<br />

civil and structural<br />

research and development, engineering 161<br />

design, feasibility studies,<br />

electrical and electronic<br />

liaison, consultancy and engineering 165<br />

related functions 161 mechanical engineering 163<br />

clam cultivation 211<br />

107<br />

Revised 1981

Manager: continued<br />

Manager: continued<br />

development<br />

field scales<br />

biochemistry 189 agricultural supplies 243<br />

biological science 157 air-conditioning systems 243<br />

biophysics 189 cleaning security and similar<br />

chemical science 158 services 245<br />

geological science 159 cleaning services 245<br />

mathematics 159 commercial services 245<br />

physical chemistry 189 electrical and electronic<br />

physical science 159 engineering components 243<br />

dining hall 255 electrical and electronic equipment<br />

display 149 excluding instruments 243<br />

distillery 190 heating systems 243<br />

distribution 195 industrial materials 243<br />

distribution planning 195 industrial equipment excluding<br />

distribution and warehouse 195 instruments 243<br />

district, insurance 245 industrial plant 243<br />

drawing office 174 instruments 243<br />

drilling engineering 162 mechanical engineering<br />

dry cleaning operations 211 components 243<br />

dyeing and dry cleaning medical supplies 243<br />

receiving office 211 office commercial and similar<br />

works 211 services 245<br />

dyeing operations 211 office services 245<br />

electrical and electronic refrigeration systems 243<br />

engineering research and security services 245<br />

development, design, feasibility ventilating systems 243<br />

studies, applications, liaison financial accountancy 106<br />

consultancy and related work 165 finishing room 190<br />

electricity production 193 floor<br />

electricity transmission 193 dining room 255<br />

employment exchange 196 television 151<br />

engineering research and flour mill 190<br />

development, design, feasibility flood and beverage, hotel 204<br />

studies, applications, liaison, football ground 206<br />

consultancy and related foreign exchange 108<br />

occupations nec 170 forge<br />

entertainment 206 foundry<br />

equipment hire 211 works 190<br />

estate 116 workshop 190<br />

estimating 107 freight 195<br />

exhibition hall 206 front office, hotel 196<br />

export agency 245 fruit growing 207<br />

fairground 206 fuel merchant 211<br />

farm furnace 190<br />

arable 207 gambling club 206<br />

arable and livestock 207 garage<br />

cattle 207 public services 191<br />

dairy 207 road transport undertaking 191<br />

mixed livestock 207 gardening groundskeeping and<br />

pigs 207 similar services 207<br />

poultry 207 gar production 193<br />

sheep 207 gas supply 193<br />

feasibility studies<br />

general<br />

chemical engineering 166 administrative services 101*<br />

civil and structural agriculture 101*<br />

engineering 161 agriculture forestry fishing or<br />

electrical and electronic related 101*<br />

engineering 165 artistic activities 101*<br />

mechanical engineering 163 beauty culture 101*<br />

business services 101*<br />

catering 101*<br />

* See page 3<br />

108<br />

Revised 1981

Manager: general: continued<br />

Manager: continued<br />

commercial equipment 101* horticultural undertaking 207<br />

maintenance hostel 211<br />

communications 101* hotel<br />

construction 101* licensed 202<br />

cultural activities 101* seagoing 202<br />

distribution 101* unlicensed 202<br />

domestic equipment housing 133<br />

maintenance 101* import agency 245<br />

drilling 101* independent retail shop,<br />

dry cleaning 101* excluding departmental store,<br />

dyeing 101* supermarket or similar 200<br />

employer’s association industrial design 150<br />

professional body or industrial relations 109<br />

similar organisation 100 industrial restaurant 211<br />

financial services 101* international banking 108<br />

fishing 101* inventory control 195<br />

forestry 101* investment 108<br />

hairdressing 101* jobbing building 192<br />

hotel and catering 101* labour 109<br />

industrial equipment labour relations 109<br />

maintenance 101* launderette and/or similar<br />

laundering 101* establishment 211<br />

literary artistic cultural laundering operations 211<br />

recreational and related laundry 211<br />

activities 101* laundry receiving office 211<br />

manufacturing 101* liaison<br />

mining drilling refining or chemical engineering 166<br />

related 101* civil and structural<br />

office cleaning 101* engineering 161<br />

plant equipment vehicles<br />

electrical and electronic<br />

etc hiring 101* engineering 165<br />

professional body 100 mechanical engineering 163<br />

recreational activities 101* lighting, television 151<br />

refining 101* livestock dealing 211<br />

storage 101* loading broker’s 245<br />

technical and scientific<br />

loading unloading and related<br />

services 101* operations 195<br />

theatrical productions 151 local radio station 206<br />

transportation 101* lodging house 211<br />

utility services 101* loss control 211<br />

vehicles hiring 101* loss prevention 211<br />

window cleaning 101* machine<br />

general management, unspecified 101* collotype 385<br />

general recreational facilities 206 doily 385<br />

general services 211 flexographic 340<br />

geological science, research,<br />

letterpress<br />

development, technical advisory, cylinder 340<br />

consultancy and related work 159 rotary 340<br />

glasswork 190 lithographic 341<br />

Government Training Centre 130 photogravure 342<br />

guest house serviette 385<br />

licensed 202 unspecified<br />

unlicensed 202 paper products 385<br />

hairdressing 211 paperboard products 385<br />

head port office 196 machinery hire 211<br />

hire of plant equipment mail order establishment 211<br />

machinery or related items 211 maintenance<br />

holiday camp 211 aircraft 191<br />

holiday flats and chalets 211 buildings and other structures 192<br />

horse dealing 211 equipment 191<br />

109<br />

Revised 1981

Manager: maintenance: continued<br />

Manager: continued<br />

machinery 191 organisation and methods 110<br />

marine 206 oyster cultivation 211<br />

motor vehicles 191 personal, entertainers 151<br />

plant 191 personnel 109<br />

railways 191 pest control 211<br />

management services 122 piggery 207<br />

management systems 122 piling 192<br />

manufacturing Manager pipeline contracts 192<br />

works 190 plant hire 211<br />

market garden 207 post office 196<br />

market research 113 pottery 190<br />

marketing, export, overseas, pressing room 190<br />

unspecified 113 printing 190<br />

materials and transportation 195 private detective agency 211<br />

materials control 195 process planning 168<br />

merchant banking 108 procurement 115<br />

mill, textiles 190 product 113<br />

mine 193 production control assistant 190<br />

mining quarrying and production planning 168<br />

drilling engineering 162 public house 203<br />

motel 202 public relations 114<br />

mussel cultivation 211 public restaurant<br />

nursery cafeteria service 204<br />

forest 211 table service 204<br />

horticultural 207 purchasing 115<br />

office purchasing and procurement 115<br />

accounts 196 quality control 168<br />

credit 196 quarry 193<br />

freight shipment and quarrying engineering 162<br />

transporation 196 racecourse 206<br />

front, hotel 196 racing, betting office 281<br />

general 196 radio installation 196<br />

insurance 196 radio servicing 211<br />

records 196 refreshment rooms 204<br />

sales, export, overseas, refuse disposal 211<br />

unspecified 196 research<br />

services 211 biochemistry 189<br />

shipping and forwarding biological science 157<br />

agents 196 biophysics 189<br />

statistics 196 chemical science 158<br />

tax office 196 geological science 159<br />

travel bookings 196 mathematics 159<br />

opencast mining 192 physical chemistry 189<br />

opera house 206 physical science 159<br />

operating, transport<br />

research and development<br />

undertaking 194 chemical engineering 166<br />

operational research 110 civil and structural<br />

operations, transport engineering 161<br />

undertaking 194<br />

110<br />

Revised 1981

Manager: research & development: continued Manager: continued<br />

electrical and electronic telegraph installation 196<br />

engineering 165 teleprinter installation 196<br />

mechanical engineering 163 television servicing 211<br />

residential club terminal distribution 195<br />

licensed 202 theatre 206<br />

unlicensed 202 touring, entertainment 151<br />

retail 211 town 100<br />

rolling mill<br />

trading stamp redemption<br />

works 190 office 211<br />

workshop 190 traffic<br />

safety 133 company 194<br />

sales company, export, overseas 113 transport undertaking 194<br />

salle 190 traffic and production<br />

sauna baths 206 advertising 114<br />

sawmill 190 transport fleet, company<br />

schedules planning, transport 194 transport 194<br />

security 211 tree-felling services and<br />

security services 211 related 207<br />

service flats 196 tube mill<br />

services development 211 works 190<br />

sewage works 211 workshop 190<br />

shipbroker’s 245 Turkish baths 206<br />

shipyard 190 typewriter servicing 211<br />

skating rink 206 unit production, films 151<br />

slaughterhouse 190 unspecified 211<br />

small equipment servicing 211 utilities 193<br />

small works, construction 192 valuation 107<br />

snack bar 204 vocational training 130<br />

social security office 196 warehouse 195<br />

social services 133 water supply 193<br />

sports centre 206 welfare services 133<br />

stadium 206 well drilling operations 193<br />

staff 109 wharf 195<br />

stage<br />

wholesale distribution,<br />

television 151 excluding cash and carry 197<br />

theatre 151 work-room, clothing<br />

station manufacture 190<br />

airline 194 work study 110<br />

bus 194 Managerial occupations,<br />

coach 194 administration and nec 211<br />

railway 194 Managerial occupations,<br />

stock control 195 construction 192<br />

stores 195 Managerial occupations,<br />

studio production, films 151 engineering maintenance 191<br />

supermarket or similar<br />

Managerial occupations,<br />

establishment 198 farming, fishing and related 211<br />

supplies 115<br />

tanker broker’s 245<br />

tannery 190<br />

team, sports and games 155<br />

technical, lighting, television 151<br />

technical advice<br />

biochemistry 189<br />

biological science 157<br />

biophysics 189<br />

chemical science 158<br />

geological science 159<br />

mathematics 159<br />

physical chemistry 189<br />

physical science 159<br />

111<br />

Revised 1981

Managerial occupations,<br />

Marker-out<br />

mining, quarrying and well engineering 414<br />

drilling 193 glass decorating 331<br />

Managerial occupations, office 196 sheet metal 445<br />

Managerial occupations, production<br />

Marker-up, lens<br />

and supply of gas, water and ophthalmic prescription 385<br />

electricity 193 Market garden worker,<br />

Managerial occupations, production excluding glasshouse worker 288<br />

process, excluding metal and Market research assistant 219<br />

electrical 190 Market research executive 113<br />

Managerial occupations, production Marshaller, aircraft 533<br />

process, metal and electrical 190 Mash man 327<br />

Managerial occupations, recreation Mash room man 327<br />

and amenity services 206 Mash tun stage hand 327<br />

Managerial occupations, wholesale<br />

Mason<br />

distributive trade 197 banker 334<br />

Managing clerk, solicitor’s 122 colliery 480<br />

Manganese man 477 fixer 481<br />

Manicurist 281 monumental 334<br />

Manipulator sanitary 333<br />

quartz 330 street 488<br />

tub 533 walling 481<br />

Mannequin 156 Mason bricklayer 480<br />

Marker<br />

Mason’s mate<br />

bespoke tailoring 357 fixer 497<br />

billiards 281 workshop 385<br />

brush painting 477 yard 385<br />

button 385 Masseur 143<br />

buttonhole 385 Master<br />

checking 216 baggage 528<br />

hand, printing 385 canal craft 185<br />

linear 477 Chancery division 102<br />

pattern, embroidery 385 dock 194<br />

quilt 385 dock and harbour 194<br />

road 503 dock craft 185<br />

spray, fabric 385 foreign-going ship 185<br />

stamp, fabric 385 harbour 194<br />

tape 385 harbour craft 185<br />

upper, footwear 385 haven 194<br />

waist, footwear 385 home trade ship 185<br />

Maker cutter, textiles excluding inland waterways craft 185<br />

garments 385 pier 194<br />

Marker maker, garments 385 property 281<br />

Marker-off Queen’s bench division 102<br />

electrical 436 riding 155<br />

engineering 414 river craft 185<br />

linear 477 station, railway 194<br />

metal plate 446 taxing 102<br />

piano 385 Masters, dock officers and<br />

structural metal 446 pilots, ship 185<br />

Matcher<br />

colour<br />

paint etc 327<br />

yarn 327<br />

outdoor 385<br />

Mate<br />

fishing vessel 293<br />

112<br />

Revised 1981

Mate: continued<br />

Mechanic: machine: continued<br />

foreign-going ship 185 exhaust 422<br />

home trade ship 185 hosiery, industrial 423<br />

inland waterways craft 507 knitting<br />

Mates, fishing an domestic 422<br />

related occupations 293 industrial 423<br />

Mathematics sealing 422<br />

applied mathematics 159 sewing<br />

pure mathematics 159 domestic 422<br />

Matron industrial 422<br />

children’s home 133 slot 422<br />

day nursery 133 vending 422<br />

establishment for young winding 422<br />

offenders 133 motor 424*<br />

hospital 137 motor cycle 424*<br />

hostel 211 office machinery, general 430<br />

lodging house 211 oil burner 422<br />

nursing 137 optical, maker-up 385<br />

old people’s home 133 radar 439<br />

residential nursery 133 reception 424*<br />

school, residential school 137 roof 484<br />

supervisory, day nurseries 137 scooter 424*<br />

Mattock man 503 seagoing 506<br />

Measurer senior, seagoing 506<br />

coalmining 213 service<br />

coating 477 airport electronic and<br />

hand 477 related ground control<br />

machine equipment 439<br />

area 477 domestic electrical<br />

linear 477 appliances 435<br />

paper patterns 385 electronic office<br />

Measurer coiler and cutter equipment 439<br />

wire cable 462 electronic test<br />

wire rope 462 equipment 439<br />

Meat, fish and poultry radar equipment 439<br />

slaughter and preparing<br />

field<br />

occupations 313 domestic radio<br />

Meat humper 531 receivers 439<br />

Mechanic<br />

domestic television<br />

cash register 430 receivers 439<br />

cash till 430 motor 424*<br />

contractor’s plant 422 office electrical<br />

cycle 422 machines 435<br />

dental 384 weighing machine 422<br />

gas appliance 422 workshop<br />

instrument<br />

domestic radio<br />

aircraft 429 receivers 439<br />

electrical 429 domestic television<br />

electronic 439 receivers 439<br />

optical 429 typewriter 430<br />

precision excluding optical 429 Mechanics mate 462<br />

line 422 Media research executive 114<br />

machine Medic, rig 267<br />

accounting 430 Medical laboratory technician 117<br />

adding 430 Medical officer, industrial,<br />

braiding 422 area, clinical, AHA, regional 135<br />

calculating 430 Medical officer of health 135<br />

cigar making 422 Medical officer-in-charge 135<br />

Medical pathologist 157<br />

Medical physics technician 177<br />

Medical physiologist 157<br />

*see page 35<br />

113<br />

Revised 1981

Medical practitioners 135 Metaller, white 462<br />

Medical radiographics 141 Metallographer 172<br />

Medical records officer 196 Metallurgist 172<br />

Medical social worker 133 Meteorologist 159<br />

Medical superintendent 135 Meter collector 214<br />

Medium, spiritualist 134 Meter reader 219<br />

Melter Methylator 308<br />

bullion 390 Micanite building machine<br />

chemicals 308 operator’s assistant 327<br />

first hand Microbiologist 157<br />

electric furnace 389 Microlaster 365<br />

electro-slag remelting Micropalacontologist 159<br />

furnace 389 Mid-day assistant school 264<br />

open hearth furnace 389 Midwife<br />

fourth hand, steel furnace 389 district 138<br />

glassware 331 domiciliary 138<br />

non-ferrous metal alloy hospital 138<br />

manufacture 390 private 138<br />

second hand, steel furnace 389 staff 138<br />

third hand, steel furnace 389 superintendent 137<br />

Member Midwife tutor 137<br />

appeals tribunal or similar Midwifery sister 137<br />

body 122 Milk recorder 216<br />

commission of inquiry 122 Milker 295<br />

committee of inquiry 122 Mill assistant<br />

court of inquiry 122 offal 327<br />

Member of closed religious order 134 rolling<br />

Member of Parliament 100 cold rolling mill team 462<br />

Mender hot rolling mill team 462<br />

bag, fabric 361 primary reduction mill<br />

carpet 306 team 462<br />

dry cleaners 385 temper mill team 462<br />

embroidery 385 Mill hand, cork 327<br />

fibre hosepipe 306 Mill man, sawdust 327<br />

finisher, embroidery 385 Mill setter-out, sawmilling 462<br />

heald 462 Mill worker<br />

hosiery 306 grog 327<br />

institution 385 oil 297<br />

invisible, repair service 306 Miller<br />

knitwear 306 crusher, minerals 327<br />

lace 306 dry<br />

laundry 385 cement 327<br />

net, used nets 306 textile finishing 305<br />

piece 306 flour 327<br />

rug 306 horizontal, setter-operator 405<br />

woven piece goods 306 malt 327<br />

Mental health social worker 133 plain, setter-operator 405<br />

Mental welfare officer 133 pressed woollen felt 327<br />

Merceriser 305 solvent 305<br />

Merchandiser 156 sugar manufacture 327<br />

Message boy 237 textile finishing 305<br />

Messenger universal, setter-operator 405<br />

Queen’s 237 unspecified, materials<br />

unspecified 237 processing 327<br />

Metal annealing and tampering vertical, setter-operator 405<br />

occupations 400 wet<br />

Metal worker cement 327<br />

art 462 starch 327<br />

ornamental 462 maize 327<br />

sheet 445 rice 327<br />

textile finishing 305<br />

whisky 327<br />

114<br />

Revised 1981

Minder : machine : continued<br />

Millhand<br />

turning<br />

chemicals 308 earthenware 333<br />

fruit pulping 327 pottery 333<br />

rice milling 327 unspecified<br />

Milliner 355 paper products 385<br />

Millinery copyist 355 paperboard products 385<br />

Milling hand wool washing 327<br />

apple, cider manufacture 327 mule 300<br />

pear, perry manufacture 327 open steam 305<br />

Millman 321 press, automatic, ceramics 333<br />

breaker, rubber 321 rover 299<br />

crushing, minerals 327 self doffer 300<br />

flaking cereals 327 side<br />

fruit pulping 327 fly 300<br />

masticating 321 mule 300<br />

mixing rubber 322 stove, iron blast furnace 390<br />

potter’s 327 swift, galvanising 462<br />

unspecified 327 tow-to-top converter 299<br />

warmer-up 321 twiner 300<br />

Millroom hand, chocolate 327 twister 300<br />

Millroom man, brewing 327 Minder assistant, mule spinning 300<br />

Millwright 422 Miner<br />

Minder<br />

excluding coalmining and<br />

automatic drying equipment, tunnelling 503<br />

tobacco 327 tunnel, excluding coalmining 502<br />

back, spinning frame 327 Mineralogist 159<br />

balling head 299 Miner’s helper 503<br />

block, galvanising 462 Mining officer 193<br />

bowl, textile processing 327 Mining, quarrying and<br />

box, fibre preparing 299 drilling engineers 162<br />

cell, wire galvanising 462 Minister of religion 134<br />

condenser, fibre preparing 299 Minister of the Crown 100<br />

finisher<br />

Minister of the Crown,<br />

box 299 Members of Parliament and<br />

frame 299 general administrators,<br />

head, mule spinning 300 national and local government 100<br />

joiner, mule spinning 300 Mink farm assistant 295<br />

machine<br />

Miscellaneous service<br />

automatic, engineering 409 occupations nec 281<br />

bottling 476 Missionary 134<br />

carton folding and gluing 385 Mixer<br />

collotype 385 asphalt 327<br />

drilling<br />

batch<br />

porcelain 385 chemicals 308<br />

pottery 385 compound animal food 327<br />

jigger 333 bread & flour<br />

jolley 333 confectionery 327<br />

lap 299 colour, colour calculating<br />

letterpress and mixing 327<br />

cylinder 340 dough<br />

platen 340 artificial teeth 327<br />

rotary 340 biscuits 327<br />

lithographic 341 bread 327<br />

matchbox making 385 rubber 322<br />

pantograph, embroidery 385 dubbing 153<br />

photogravure 342 feather 327<br />

tapping food processing, unspecified 327<br />

porcelain 385 fur fibre 327<br />

pottery 385 hand, unspecified 327<br />

tube making 462 ice cream 327<br />

115<br />

Revised 1981

Mixer : continued<br />

Moulder : continued<br />

latex, machine 322 floor, metal 393<br />

machine furnace, glass bending 385<br />

automatic, unspecified 327 general, metal 393<br />

semi-automatic, unspecified 327 glass fibre, hand 385<br />

unspecified 327 grindstone block 385<br />

meat products 327 hand<br />

milk foods 327 asbestos-cement products 385<br />

open mill, rubber 322 bricks 385<br />

paste, pies 327 chocolate 327<br />

production, sound 153 refractory goods 333<br />

re-recording 153 roofing tiles 385<br />

rubber 322 stoneware 333<br />

sand, foundry 462 sugar confectionery 327<br />

solution, rubber 322 unspecified, materials<br />

sound 153 processing 327<br />

steel manufacture 390 injection 385<br />

tobacco 327 machine<br />

vision 153 asbestos-cement pipes 327<br />

Mixer & blender, fibre, chocolate 327<br />

machine 299 concrete pipe 385<br />

Mixer driver, concrete 327 foundry 394<br />

Mixerman micanite 327<br />

asphalt laying 503 nightlight 385<br />

compound animal food 327 optical glass 330<br />

Mixing machine operator’s pit, metal 393<br />

assistant, unspecified 327 plate, metal 393<br />

Model plate pattern 393<br />

artist’s 156 pneumatic tyre 385<br />

fashion 156 press<br />

photographic 156 plastics 383<br />

Modeller rubber 383<br />

garment making 385 vacuum 383<br />

paper pattern 385 rubber 385<br />

porcelain 385 shell 394<br />

pottery 385 sole 385<br />

styling, motor vehicle 385 taper 385<br />

Money changer 214 tooth 385<br />

Monitor<br />

Moulder and coremaker, plaster<br />

health physics 177 cast process, foundry 394<br />

radiation 177 Moulder-coremaker, general 393<br />

radio broadcasts 156 Moulder’s assistant,<br />

Mopper, grease 411 abrasive products 385<br />

Moral welfare worker 133 Moulding machine man, lead 462<br />

Mother’s help 263 Mounter<br />

Motor cyclist, racing 155 card 476<br />

Motor vehicle service man 425 filament 470<br />

Motorman, standard gauge rail 509 jewellery 456<br />

Mottler, ceramics 477 lens, optical instruments 477<br />

Moulder perambulator 470<br />

abrasive products 385 photographic 385<br />

asphalt 327 printed paper 477<br />

bench, metal 393 umbrella handle 477<br />

blow 385 walking stick 477<br />

candle 385 Movement officer, transport<br />

cast stone 385 undertaking 194<br />

chalk, unspecified 385 Mover<br />

cigar, hand 327 coal cutter 501<br />

compression 385 conveyor 462<br />

concrete 385 Muffleman, glass tube making 330<br />

crayon, unspecified 385 Muller 297<br />

faience, hand 333 Musical composers & choreographers 151<br />

Musical instrument making & repairing<br />

occupations nec 385<br />

Mycologists 157<br />

116<br />

Revised 1981

Nailer 462 Nurse : continued<br />

card 462 theatre 137<br />

fur garment 356 unspecified 137<br />

hides skins pelts 297 ward 137<br />

loose, footwear 477 chief male 137<br />

sole 477 children’s private household 263<br />

Nanny 263 clinic 138<br />

National government officer dentist’s surgery 138<br />

administrative functions, district 138<br />

unspecified 120 doctor’s surgery 138<br />

executive functions, unspecified 120 domiciliary 138<br />

Naturopath 145 enrolled, enrolled district 138<br />

Naumkeager 385 factory 138<br />

Navigator home 138<br />

co-pilot, aircraft 183 hospital<br />

flight 183 Registered General 138<br />

hovercraft 189 special certificate 138<br />

Neckfitter, stringed instrument 385 State Enrolled and equivalent 138<br />

Needleroom operator’s assistant 327 State Registered 138<br />

Needer 327 nursery 263<br />

Negotiator<br />

occupational health, enrolled,<br />

business property 245 registered etc 138<br />

industrial relations 109 practice, enrolled, registered<br />

property, estate agency 245 etc 138<br />

land 245 private, enrolled,<br />

staff association 109 registered etc 138<br />

trade union 109 school 138<br />

Nematologist 157 senior enrolled 138<br />

Neon sign pumper 385 staff<br />

Net examiner and finisher’s<br />

hospital or unit for mental<br />

helper 327 subnormality 138<br />

Netter, net making 327 Joint board of clinical<br />

Network analyst 110 nursing studies 138<br />

Neurologist midwifery 138<br />

clinical 135 psychiatric hospital or unit 138<br />

excluding clinical 157 Registered general nurse 138<br />

Neurosurgeon 135 Registered mental nurse,<br />

Neutraliser, textile processing 327 defective, subnormal 138<br />

<strong>New</strong>scaster 151 Registered sick children’s<br />

<strong>New</strong>sreader 151 nurse 138<br />

Night sister 137 State enrolled and state<br />

Nightrider 400 enrolled district 138<br />

Nobber<br />

State Registered and<br />

fish unspecified 138<br />

hand 313 unspecified 138<br />

machine 313 surgery 138<br />

Normaliser 400 teaching 137<br />

Norseller 327 Nurse administrator<br />

Nosseller 327 council or board for nurses or<br />

Notary public 122 or midwives 137<br />

Notcher, glassware 385 hospital 137<br />

Novelist 156 local government 137<br />

Numberer, printed matter 385 national government 137<br />

Nurse occupational health nursing 137<br />

charge Nurse tutor 137<br />

midwifery 137 Nurse-health visitor, district 138<br />

night 137 Nurse-health visitor, midwife,<br />

operating department 137 district 138<br />

special department 137 Nurse-midwife, district 138<br />

Nursery assistant 263<br />

117<br />

Revised 1981

Nursery nurse 263 Officer, catering (seagoing) 261<br />

Nursery warden 263 Officer of customs & excise 108<br />

Nursery worker, excluding Officer of the court 102<br />

glasshouse worker 288 Officer, environment health 118<br />

Nursing assistant 139 Official referee 102<br />

Nursing auxiliary Oil mill worker 297<br />

animal 147 Oiler<br />

community 139 mechanical equipment excluding<br />

hospital 139 motor vehicles 462<br />

Nursing officer seagoing 506<br />

area 137 Oiler and bander 462<br />

area health authority 137 Oiler & greaser<br />

chief 137 mechanical equipment excluding<br />

community 137 motor vehicles 462<br />

deputy chief 137 motor vehicles 425<br />

district 137 Oiler and tape sewer 462<br />

district health authority 137 Omnibus and coach drivers 515<br />

divisional 137 Onsetter, mine 525<br />

health board 137 Onsetter’s assistant, mine 533<br />

hospital 137 Open soap man 327<br />

national government 137 Opener<br />

occupational health 138 bale<br />

principal 137 hand<br />

district 137 heavy 538<br />

national government 137 light 538<br />

regional 137 machine, fibre 299<br />

regional health authority 137 channel 385<br />

senior 137 fibre 299<br />

Nursing sister piece, glassware 330<br />

district 138 sheet, woollen carding 538<br />

operating department 137 yarn 327<br />

unspecified 137 Opener & stretcher, pelts 297<br />

Nursing superintendent, occupational Operating department assistant 267<br />

health 138 Operational research officer 110<br />

Operational research, organisation and methods,<br />

work study and related specialist<br />

O occupations 110<br />

Operations officer, air flights 184<br />

Observer<br />

Operative<br />

radar, marine 235 bindery 348<br />

teeming 387 bleacher’s 305<br />

work study 110 card 299<br />

Obstetrician 135 dye-house 305<br />

Obstetrician and gynaecologist 135 dyer’s 305<br />

Oceanographer 159 jet spin 325<br />

<strong>Occupation</strong>al guidance unit jute spreader 299<br />

officer<br />

machine<br />

<strong>Occupation</strong>al psychologist 132 bundling, plasterboard 327<br />

<strong>Occupation</strong>al therapist 143 chipping and refining 327<br />

Offal mill assistant 327 opening range 299<br />

Office assistant<br />

pipe jointing, vitrified<br />

drawing 219 clay pipes 385<br />

receiving 240 precision casting 462<br />

Office machinery maintaining<br />

room<br />

and repairing occupations, conditioning, hides skins pelts 297<br />

mechanical 430 drying, hides skins pelts 297<br />

stenter 305<br />

118<br />

Revised 1981

Operative : continued<br />

Operator : centrifuge : continued<br />

well drilling 503 drink processing 308<br />

wood mill process 327 food processing 327<br />

Operative’s helper japanning 477<br />

drink processing, unspecified 327 unspecified 327<br />

food processing, unspecified 327 check out 222<br />

Operator chief, chemical processing 308<br />

addifier, dextrin 327 clipper<br />

aerial ropeway 533 cordage 305<br />

ammonia cooler, ice cream 327 veneer 378<br />

assistant coal wash box 327<br />

cold rolling mill team 392 coal washery<br />

continuous cleaning plant, coal washing & mixing 327<br />

metal 462 froth plant 327<br />

temper mill team 392 heavy media plant 327<br />

audio-visual aids 153 coating<br />

autoclave graphite, recording tape 327<br />

bottled milk 327 plastic, metal 462<br />

chemicals 308 primary, investment casting 462<br />

fruit 327 coiler<br />

mineral products 327 hot rolling mill team 462<br />

vegetables 327 primary reduction mill team 462<br />

back acter 523 cold rolling mill team 392<br />

back hoe 523 compressor<br />

bath, float glass 330 air 540<br />

beater, leatherboard 315 gas 540<br />

bleaching, mangle 305 comptometer 228<br />

boiler computer 228<br />

hot water supply 540 continuous cut-up line, metal 462<br />

steam generating 536 continuous freezer, ice cream 327<br />

bonder, fibre 327 control<br />

boring mill, metal 406 pest 281<br />

burster, office machines 231 sound 153<br />

butter churn 327 transport, mine 512<br />

calendar<br />

control room<br />

paper 316 blast furnace, zinc production 390<br />

paperboard 316 communications 235<br />

plastics 327 gas supply 540<br />

rubber 323 conveyor 533<br />

textile finishing 305 cooker<br />

camera continuous, jam 327<br />

assistant, films 152 dextrin 327<br />

film 152 dry batteries 385<br />

process, graphic cremator 540<br />

reproduction 152 crusher, minerals 327<br />

reprographic 231 cupola, foundry 390<br />

sound 153 descaling, continuous plant, metal 462<br />

television 152 digester, chemicals 308<br />

capsulation 308 drag line 523<br />

card punch 229 drier<br />

cash & wrap 222 chemicals 308<br />

casting, investment process 462 paper 327<br />

cathedral, glass making 330 plasterboard 327<br />

centrifuge<br />

chemicals<br />

119<br />

Revised 1981

Operator : drier : continued<br />

Operator : continued<br />

veneer 327 group leader, chemical<br />

wood 327 processing 308<br />

drop ball 525 guillotine<br />

drum, hides skins pelts 297 abrasive cloth 349<br />

electrolytic tinning line, abrasive paper 349<br />

steel strip 462 leatherboard 327<br />

encoder 229 metal cutting 462<br />

engine, diesel, fixed 540 paper 349<br />

equipment paperboard 349<br />

checking textiles 385<br />

excluding metal and electrical and<br />

heat treatment<br />

electronic equipment 477 annealing 400<br />

metal 473 carbon products 327<br />

coating, confectionery 327 general, metal 400<br />

cooling hardening 400<br />

drink processing 327 tempering 400<br />

food processing 327 homogeniser, ice cream 327<br />

cube sugar 327 hot dip, continuous tinning<br />

data processing, excluding computer 230 plant 462<br />

flame plating 462 hydro-extractor<br />

macaroni making 327 chemicals 308<br />

evaporator dry cleaning 281<br />

chemicals 308 hides skins pelts 297<br />

drink processing 327 laundering 281<br />

food processing 327 textile processing 327<br />

face console, remotely IBM composer 337<br />

operated long wall face installation 501 incinerator 540<br />

face shovel 523 ingot car 533<br />

fibre bonder 327 intertype 337<br />

film recorder 153 investment casting 462<br />

filter<br />

jetty<br />

rotary drum bulk liquids 529<br />

chemicals 308 gases 529<br />

drink processing 327 jig, textile scouring 327<br />

food processing 327 jointer 369<br />

unspecified 327 justowriter 337<br />

water 308 kettle<br />

first, iron blast furnaces 388 chemicals 308<br />

fixed diesel engine 540 excluding chemicals 327<br />

freezer 327 key to disc 229<br />

friction glazer 316 keyboard<br />

froster 327 computer, typesetting 337<br />

furnace filmsetter 337<br />

safety glass toughening 319 monotype 337<br />

steel making 389 perforator, typesetting 337<br />

germ separating and milling typesetting 337<br />

maize starch 327 typewriter, typesetting 337<br />

grab-bucket 523 key punch<br />

grading & screening 327 alphanumeric keyboard 229<br />

grinder & roller, processed numeric keyboard 229<br />

cheese manufacture 327 kiln<br />

abrasive products 327<br />

carbon products 327<br />

ceramic products 319<br />

120<br />

Revised 1981

Operator : kiln : continued Operator : machine : brushing :<br />

drying wood 327 paper 316<br />

plasterboard 327 paperboard 316<br />

wood 327 buffing<br />

lathe leather 297<br />

capstan 406 polyester 477<br />

semi-automatic, metal 406 skins 297<br />

turret 406 cabling 327<br />

wood turning 378 calculating 228<br />

leading, chemical processing 308 can clinching<br />

linotype 337 drink canning 476<br />

loader<br />

excluding food & drink canning476<br />

front end 523 canning 476<br />

gathering arm 533 food canning 476<br />

mechanical shovel 523 candle making, unspecified 385<br />

power, coal cutting-loading 501 carding, pelts 297<br />

power, coal loading 533 casing-in 348<br />

machine<br />

casting<br />

abrasive coated paper making 327 film 327<br />

accounting 228 metal, unspecified 462<br />

adding 228 pig 462<br />

addressing 231 centring & edging, optical element 330<br />

anocut 406 chalk making, unspecified 385<br />

armouring, cable loose 385 chipping, road surfacing 523<br />

auto-edging 330 chopping, meat preparing 313<br />

automatic, bottlemaking 330 cigar making 327<br />

backer, slippers 477 cigarette making 327<br />

backing, pearl shell 385 closing<br />

ballast cleaning 523 canning excluding food&drink 476<br />

base cream 327 drink canning 476<br />

bending food canning 476<br />

hot work, metal 462 wire ropes 462<br />

press, metal plate 408 coating<br />

roller, tube manufacture 462 carpet 327<br />

sheet metal 462 electric cables 327<br />

binding fabric 327<br />

loose leaf 385 film 327<br />

perfect 348 paper 327<br />

blending paperboard 327<br />

fibre 299 recording tape 327<br />

unspecified 327 collating 230<br />

boarding<br />

combining<br />

leather 297 assistant<br />

skin 297 paper 327<br />

boardings & graining 297 paperboard 327<br />

bonding , fibre 327 carpet making 327<br />

boring, metal 406 fabric making 327<br />

bottle making paper 327<br />

automatic 330 paperboard 327<br />

semi automatic 330 textile printing 385<br />

braiding, cable hose 385 compressing, pill & tablet 308<br />

brazing 453 concrete paving 523<br />

broaching 406 conditioning 527<br />

brushing core making 394<br />

leather 297<br />

121<br />

Revised 1981

Operator : machine : continued<br />

Operator : machine : continued<br />

counting 477 dovetailing 378<br />

covering drawing 302<br />

cable, excluding extruded<br />

dressing<br />

covering 385 fur 297<br />

extruded pelt 297<br />

plastic 385 drilling<br />

rubber 385 metal 406<br />

hose 385 wood 378<br />

metal strip 385 dropper pin 302<br />

metal wire, excluding dry cleaning 281<br />

extruded covering 385 drying<br />

crayon making, unspecified 385 paper 327<br />

creasing vacuum, hides, skins pelts 297<br />

paper products 385 wood 327<br />

paperboard products 385 duplicating<br />

creping 327 excluding offset 231<br />

crimping offset 385<br />

paper products 385 dyeing<br />

paperboard products 385 molten metal 305<br />

crossing, tobacco 327 spray 467<br />

curtain-coating, excl ceramics 477 edge sealing 327<br />

cutting electric lamp assembly 470<br />

abrasive cloth 349 electrochemical 406<br />

abrasive paper 349 electroplating 462<br />

board & cloth 348 embossing<br />

cross, textiles 385 leather 297<br />

flame 453 printing, ex wallpaper 385<br />

frame hand 385 rollers, ex leather 385<br />

laser beam 462 skin 297<br />

metal, excluding continuous stamping 385<br />

cut-up lines 462 wallpaper 385<br />

mining excluding coal 503 enrobing 327<br />

multiple 378 expanding & testing, tubes 473<br />

pattern<br />

extruding<br />

glass decorating 331 liquorice 327<br />

paper 348 plastics 323<br />

pearl shell 385 rubber 323<br />

plastics 385 fibre bonding 327<br />

press, asbestos- cement sheet 385 fibre separating & aligning 299<br />

rubber 385 filling<br />

sugar confectionery 327 canning, ex food & drink 476<br />

tobacco 327 drink canning 476<br />

tube, paperboard 349 food canning 476<br />

unspecified mattress 354<br />

paper products 349 skin, meat products 327<br />

paperboard products 349 filmsetting 337<br />

cutting & wrapping<br />

finishing<br />

sugar & confectionery 327 asbestos composition<br />

cutting-loading, coal, goods making 385<br />

longwall face 501 hides skins leather 297<br />

damping 305 flange making, electric lamp 330<br />

decollating 231 fleshing 297<br />

defleshing 297 fluffing 297<br />

developing, still film 385 foil 476<br />

de-wooling 297 folding<br />

dicing, meat preparing 313 paper products 385<br />

paperboard products 385<br />

122<br />

Revised 1981

Operator : machine : continued<br />

Operator : machine : continued<br />

fondant 327 milling<br />

forging 462 chocolate 327<br />

gilding, ceramics 466 cocoa 327<br />

glass rod making 330 metal 406<br />

glass tube making 330 mincing, meat preparing 313<br />

glazing<br />

mixing<br />

leather 297 batter 327<br />

skin 297 fibre 299<br />

grading, leather 364 unspecified 327<br />

grinding mortising 378<br />

foodstuffs 327 moulding<br />

metal 406 concrete pipes 385<br />

pearl shell 385 press<br />

gumming concrete 385<br />

paper making 327 plastics 383<br />

paper product assembly 477 rubber 383<br />

paperboard making 327 vacuum<br />

paperboard product assembly 477 plastics 383<br />

hanking 327 rubber 383<br />

hardening<br />

mounting<br />

felt hood 327 card 476<br />

fibre batt 327 paper combining 327<br />

healding 302 paperboard combining 327<br />

honing 406 roll, stencils 385<br />

house needle making 462<br />

cord line twine 327 nightlight making, unspecified<br />

rope 327 nipping 330<br />

humidifying 316 nut & bolt making 462<br />

impregnating paddle, textile bleaching 305<br />

paper 327 pantograph engraving, excluding<br />

paperboard 327 printing plates & rollers 462<br />

textile finishing 305 pasting, lead 385<br />

inking, typewriter ribbon 327 peeling 376<br />

knife-raising 305 perforating<br />

lace 303 paper products 385<br />

lacing 327 paperboard products 385<br />

lapping photocopying 231<br />

cable 385 pill & tablet compressing 308<br />

fabric 327 planing<br />

hose 385 metal 406<br />

metal 406 wood 378<br />

laying up, wire cable 462 plasterboard making 327<br />

leatherboard making 327 plating<br />

lens surfacing 330 leather 297<br />

levelling, rail 523 skin 297<br />

lining, rail 523 polishing<br />

lining-up 348 barrel, meta 41l<br />

looming 302 leather 297<br />

match making 385 skin 297<br />

measuring tube & rod 462<br />

area 477 unspecified 385<br />

carpet 477 popcorn 327<br />

leather 477 press, concrete moulding 385<br />

linear 477 pressing<br />

sheepskin 477 glassware 330<br />

metal working, unspecified 462 transfer 477<br />

123<br />

Revised 1981

Operator : machine : continued<br />

Operator : machine : continued<br />

printing<br />

photographic, still 385 shell separation, cocoa beans 327<br />

transfer 477 shredding, cereals 327<br />

processing shrinking 305<br />

film, still 385 singeing 305<br />

nut 327 sinter, metal processing 462<br />

paper, film developing 385 sizing<br />

photographic, still 385 fabric 305<br />

punched tape 229 warp 302<br />

punching slate sawing 334<br />

paper 349 slitting<br />

paperboard 349 abrasive cloth 349<br />

textiles, excl garments 385 film<br />

raising photographic 349<br />

lint 305 plastic 349<br />

textile finishing 305 leather 364<br />

randing 327 paper<br />

regenerative, cine film 385 abrasive 349<br />

reinforcing 462 unspecified 349<br />

riveting, metal goods 470 paperboard, unspecified 349<br />

roller, corrugating 392 rubber 385<br />

rolling textiles 385<br />

fabric 327 slitting & winding, textiles 385<br />

leather 297 slotting 406<br />

leatherboard 327 soldering, non repetitive 453<br />

sheet metal 462 sole micro profile 364<br />

rolling & papering 327 solid, chocolate 327<br />

rotary, textile bleaching 305 sorting, punched cards 230<br />

rounding, cork 385 spindle 378<br />

rounding & backing 348 splicing, leather goods 364<br />

routing splint bundling 476<br />

metal 406 splitting<br />

wood 378 hides 297<br />

rubbing, transfer 477 leather 364<br />

sammying 297 skins 297<br />

sandblasting, glass decorating 331 stone 334<br />

sanding 378 spray painting, excluding<br />

sausage making 327 electrostatic 472<br />

saw 334 spreading<br />

saw toothing 462 carpet 327<br />

scouring coated fabric 327<br />

hides skins 297 spring coiling 462<br />

textiles processing 327 square rope 327<br />

scudding 297 staking 297<br />

seaming stamping, printing 385<br />

canning, excl food & drink 476 stapling<br />

drink canning 476 footwear 477<br />

food canning 476 mattress 470<br />

seamless latex tubing 323 stentering 305<br />

setting, hides skin 297 stitching, dolls wig 385<br />

shaping 406 stone working 334<br />

shaving, hides skin 297 stowing, coalmining 501<br />

shearimg stranding, cordage 327<br />

metal 462 stringer 337<br />

textile finishing 305 stripping, leather 364<br />

shell, chocolate 327 sueding 297<br />

surfacing, lens 330<br />

swedging 477<br />

124<br />

Revised 1981

Operator : machine : continued<br />

Operator : machine : continued<br />

tabulating 308 welding, non-repetitive metal 453<br />

tabulating 230 welting 366<br />

taking down, floor covering 327 winding, fabric 327<br />

tamping, rail 523 woodcutting<br />

taper making, unspecified 385 general 378<br />

taping specialised 378<br />

cable 385 machine tool<br />

hose 385 general 406<br />

metal strip 385 numerically controlled 405<br />

metal wire 385 machinery, agricultural 291<br />

paper products 385 magnetic separator 327<br />

paperboard products 385 manipulator, metal rolling mill team 392<br />

tarring, cordage 305 mechanical sweeper 540<br />

tempering, chocolate 327 microfilm 231<br />

tenoning 378 microphone boom 153<br />

tentering 305 mill<br />

thermionic valve assembly 470 blooming 392<br />

thicknessing 378 boring, metal 406<br />

three-knife 348 cogging 392<br />

totalisator 214 dispersion 327<br />

track laying 523 finishing, hot rolling mill team 462<br />

transfer rubbing 477 oxide 327<br />

trench digging 523 plug, seamless tubes 462<br />

trimming, brush 385 roughing 462<br />

tufting, carpet 327 rubber 321<br />

turning slabbing 392<br />

bobbin 378 strip<br />

centreless bar 462 hot rolling mill team<br />

flow 405 primary reduction mill team 392<br />

twisting cordage 327 wash 327<br />

tying wet, maize starch 327<br />

package 476 miller-cutter, tobacco 327<br />

warp 302 mineral crusher 327<br />

typewriter ribbon inking 327 mixer<br />

ultrasonic testing 473 chocolate 327<br />

unhairing 297 sugar confectionery 327<br />

unspecified unspecified 327<br />

miscellaneous products 385 mogul, sugar confectionery 327<br />

paper products 385 monotype caster 337<br />

paperboard products 385 mould dewaxing, investment casting 462<br />

up-taking 327 needleroom 327<br />

vacuum forming 383 overseas telegraph 235<br />

vacuum press 383 pasteuriser 327<br />

vapour blasting 462 pattern bed repeater 327<br />

verifying 229 pilger, rotary forge process 462<br />

warp knotting 302 plant<br />

warp pinning 302 bleaching, chemicals 308<br />

warp tying 302 chemical processing, batch<br />

washing chemical reaction 308<br />

bottle 540 crushing milling 308<br />

cask 540 filtering straining & other<br />

laminated glass making 385 mechanical separating 308<br />

laundering 281 general 308<br />

paper 316 heat treating 308<br />

paperboard 316<br />

waxing<br />

paper 327<br />

paperboard 327<br />

weaving, wire mattress 462<br />

125<br />

Revised 1981

Operator : plant : continued<br />

Operator : press : continued<br />

mixing blending 308 clicking, leather goods<br />

continuous chemical processing 308 excluding footwear 364<br />

chlorination, water 308 clipping, drop forging 462<br />

coal dry cleaning 327 cocoa butter 327<br />

continuous cleaning, metal 462 cold, sintered components 462<br />

continuous cleaning & coring, carbon goods 385<br />

annealing 462 cork products making 385<br />

continuous normalising corrugating, metal 408<br />

shotblasting & pickling 462 cutting<br />

dry cleaning, coal drying 327 cap 358<br />

drink processing 327 hat 358<br />

food processing 327 draw 408<br />

electrostatic spray extruding, clay 333<br />

painting 467 extrusion<br />

electrostatic spray electrode coating 385<br />

polishing 467 metal excluding lead 462<br />

flotation 327 filter<br />

froth 327 chemicals 308<br />

glass fibre drink processing 327<br />

chopped mat 385 food processing 327<br />

continuous filament 385 unspecified 327<br />

tissue 385 flat, textile finishing 305<br />

heavy media 327 fly, metal 408<br />

mineral crushing 327 fusing, interfacing, interlining<br />

nuclear generating station 536 trimmings 477<br />

painting hand, metal 408<br />

electrophoretic 477 hot<br />

electrostatic spray 467 ceramics 333<br />

polishing, electrostatic spray 467 sintered components 462<br />

power generating, mobile 540 hydraulic<br />

sedimentation slurry 327<br />

chemicals 308 textile finishing 305<br />

unspecified 327 laminated plastics 327<br />

sewage 326 lining, footwear 477<br />

shell, chocolate 327 multi-daylight<br />

sterilising, surgical dressings 305 board 327<br />

treatment paper 327<br />

chemicals, batch 308 wood 327<br />

water 308 power, metal 408<br />

vacuum de-gassing 390 punching, metal 408<br />

vacuum metallisation 462 rotary, textile finishing 305<br />

vinal washing, laminated scarfing 327<br />

glass 385 small offset 385<br />

water softening 308 tile 333<br />

welding, non-repetitive tobacco 327<br />

metal 453 trimming, drop forging 462<br />

pneumatic drill 523 vacuum 383<br />

press vulcanised fibre 327<br />

abrasive products 385 process<br />

asbestos composition<br />

chemical<br />

goods making 385 batch plant<br />

bending, hot work, metal 462 chemical reaction 308<br />

bobbin, dry batteries 385 crushing milling 308<br />

brick 385 filtering straining & other<br />

ceramics 333 mechanical separating 308<br />

general 308<br />

heat treating 308<br />

mixing blending 308<br />

continuous plant 308<br />

126<br />

Revised 1981

Operator : process continued<br />

Operator : continued<br />

plaster cast<br />

telephone<br />

assembling & casting 462 private branch exchange 234<br />

mould & coremaking 394 public telephone exchange 234<br />

senior, chemicals 308 radio 235<br />

projector, still 153 teleprinter 235<br />

push bench 462 teletypsetting 337<br />

radio 235 telex 235<br />

reaction vessel, chemicals 308 tippler 533<br />

retort triples 327<br />

bottled foodstuffs 327 true-to-scale 231<br />

canned foodstuffs 327 tumbler<br />

rewinder paper strip 385 ceramic components 385<br />

rim through & trim 385 laundering 281<br />

rodent 281 turbine<br />

roller, pedestrian-controlled 523 turbo-blower 536<br />

roving, glass fibre 301 turnstile 252<br />

scarfer, steel dressing 452 turntable 533<br />

scoreboard 281 typograph 337<br />

second, iron blast furnace 388 unit<br />

senior, chemical processing 308 assistant, power station 536<br />

shears continuous textile finishing 305<br />

flying 462 dry cleaning 281<br />

slab 462 power station 536<br />

ship’s engine room 506 utility<br />

sieve animal food manufacture 327<br />

drink processing 327 maize starch manufacture 327<br />

food processing 327 vacuum pan<br />

rotary, slurry 327 chemicals 308<br />

unspecified 327 drink processing 327<br />

single facer 327 food processing 327<br />

ski-tow 281 vacuum rack, asbestos cement 525<br />

slicer, veneer 376 vari-typer 337<br />

slusher 533 verifier 229<br />

spray line, fibre bonding 327 video tape recorder 153<br />

sprayman, glass fibre, wool plant 385 viscoliser, ice cream 327<br />

steam box 305 vision 153<br />

steep, maize starch 327 visual display unit 230<br />

stenter 305 votator, edible fat manufacturers 327<br />

steriliser, continuous, milk 327 wagon traverser 533<br />

stone saw, asbestos cement 385 wax injection 462<br />

supercalender 316 wet shop, general 297<br />

switchboard<br />

winder<br />

private branch exchange 234 paper 316<br />

public telephone exchange 234 paperboard 316<br />

take-down wireline 503<br />

abrasive coated cloth 327 wood infestation treatment 281<br />

abrasive coated paper 327 word processor 226<br />

tandem, chocolate 327 Operators & minders, wood<br />

tank working machines 378<br />

degreasing, hides skin 297 Operator’s assistant<br />

finishing solution, textiles 305 machine<br />

flat glass 330 blending, unspecified 327<br />

process, maize starch 327 coating<br />

tape edit 229 carpet 327<br />

teazle 305 fabric 327<br />

telecine 153 film 327<br />

recording tape 327<br />

127<br />

Revised 1981

Operator’s assistant : machine continued Operator : continued<br />

combining<br />

carpet making 327 Ovensman<br />

fabric making 327 bread 327<br />

embroidery 385 cereal products 327<br />

fibre bonding 327 flour confectionery 327<br />

materials processing, Over-blaster 351<br />

unspecified 327 Overhauler, paper 477<br />

micanite building 327 Overlooker<br />

mixing, unspecified 327 frame 422<br />

textile 327 greenhouse, ceramics 477<br />

woodworking 380 loom, not in charge of weavers 422<br />

needleroom 327 wire weaving 402<br />

plant, chemical processing 308 Overman, mining 193<br />

Operator’s helper, wireline 503 Oxidiser 462<br />

Ophthalmologist 135 Oyster bed worker 294<br />

Optical element worker, hand 330 Oyster dredger 294<br />

Optical glass shaping, forming &<br />

finishing occupations 330<br />

Optician<br />

dispensing 142<br />

ophthalmic 142<br />

Opticians 142<br />

Orchard workers 288<br />

Orchestrator 151 P<br />

Ordering & budget officer 115<br />

Organisation & methods officer 110 Packaging, labelling & related<br />

Organiser occupations, hand 476<br />

appeals 122 Packaging, labelling & related<br />

catering, industrial catering 204 occupations, machine 476<br />

cultural activities 206 Packager<br />

drama 206 hand<br />

exhibition 206 chemical products 476<br />

home help 133 pharmaceutical & allied<br />

music 206 products, hand 476<br />

school meals service 204 machine 476<br />

staff training 130 Packer<br />

vocational training 130 chemical & allied products, hand 476<br />

youth 133 china, hand 476<br />

Organist 151 coalmining 501<br />

Ornamental metal worker 462 drug, hand 476<br />

Ornamenter dry cleaning, hand 476<br />

porcelain 333 dyeing, hand 476<br />

pottery 333 egg 476<br />

Ornithologist 157 fish 476<br />

Orthodontist 136 flower 476<br />

Orthoptist 143 food products, hand 476<br />

Osseller 327 furnace drum 477<br />

Osteopath 143 glass, hand 476<br />

Otorhinolaryngologist 135 heavy goods 476<br />

Outfitter horticultural products, hand 476<br />

machinery 421 laundry, hand 476<br />

plant 421 pharmaceutical & allied<br />

Oven man, pottery 319 products, hand 476<br />

Ovenman red lead 476<br />

abrasive coated cloth 319 saggar 327<br />

abrasive coated paper 319 textiles, hand 476<br />

unspecified goods, hand 476<br />

128<br />

Revised 1981

Packer : continued Palacobotanist 159<br />

vacuum 476 Palaeontologist 159<br />

yarn 476 Palynologist 159<br />

Packman, woollen carding 538 Pan hand, brush making 385<br />

Padder<br />

Pan man<br />

colour 477 chocolate 327<br />

textile dyeing 305 dextrin 327<br />

Padding machine man, textile dyeing 305 Pan worker, revolving, sugar<br />

Paediatrician 135 confectionery 327<br />

Page boy, hotel or similar Pansman, sugar refining 327<br />

residential establishment 269 Pantryman 260<br />

Pager, type foundry 476 Paper making machine assistant 327<br />

Painter<br />

Paperboard making machine<br />

bottom assistant 327<br />

automatic spray 466 Paperer<br />

brush 477 bristle 327<br />

hand spray 467 sanitary ware 476<br />

buildings 465 Paperhanger 465<br />

ceramics, freehand 466 Paperman, plasterboard 327<br />

coach, Paraflow man, brewing 327<br />

general 467 Parasitologist 157<br />

spray, hand 467 Parceller, yarn 476<br />

glass 477 Parchunentiser 327<br />

glaze<br />

Parer<br />

brush 466 bottom 385<br />

touching-up 477 heel 364<br />

hide 297 lining 385<br />

house 465 saw 462<br />

industrial, metal structure 465 Parlourmaid 263<br />

machinery 477 Parting hand 385<br />

mark, brush 477 Passenger control assistant 265<br />

metal structures 465 Passenger officer, hovercraft 261<br />

portrait 149 Passer<br />

pottery 466 brush 477<br />

roller, engraving 462 carpet 477<br />

scenery 465 food products 477<br />

ship 465 footwear closing, examining<br />

silver 466 and rectifying 385<br />

skin 297 garments 477<br />

slip leather goods 477<br />

hand 466 metal 473<br />

machine 466 sample 387<br />

spray textile piece goods 477<br />

aircraft, hand, excl electrostatic 467 textile products 477<br />

buildings 465 tobacco 477<br />

ceramics, hand 466 Passer & cleaner 281<br />

unspecified, hand 466 Paste slugger 327<br />

unspecified, hand, excl electrostatic467 Paster<br />

vehicles, hand, excl electrostatic 467 hides skins pelts 297<br />

studio 149 lead 385<br />

unspecified, brush 477 leather goods 477<br />

Painter & decorator 465 Paster-drier 297<br />

Painter & decorating<br />

Patcher<br />

occupations, structures 465 coke oven 503<br />

Paintress cupola 503<br />

excluding ceramics 477 wool 385<br />

freehand, ceramics 466 Patent officer 189<br />

Pathologist<br />

clinical 157<br />

medical 157<br />

129<br />

Revised 1981

Pathologist : continued<br />

Photographer continued<br />

plant 157 industrial 152<br />

unspecified 157 medical 152<br />

veterinary 157 news 152<br />

Patrol man, belt 533 passport 152<br />

Patroller, school crossing 254 police 152<br />

Patrolman portrait 152<br />

service road 519 scientific 152<br />

security organisation 252 snapshot 152<br />

Pattern makers, moulds 379 still camera 152<br />

Pavior street 152<br />

bitumen 487 technical 152<br />

paving stones 488 theatrical 152<br />

tar 487 wedding 152<br />

Pavior & kerb layer 488 Photographers & cameramen 152<br />

Pavior’s mate 497 Photographic processing<br />

Pawnbroker 211 & related occupations 385<br />

Pawnbroker’s assistant 240 Photogravure machines assistant 343<br />

Payer 214 Physical scientists, research<br />

Pea puller 295 development, technical advisory<br />

Pearler 308 consultancy & related work 159<br />

Pedicurist 281 Physician<br />

Peeler, food processing 327 specialist 135<br />

Pegger superintendent 135<br />

barrel 327 community<br />

dobby 327 area health authority 135<br />

Percher 477 district 135<br />

Performers, entertainment 151 health board 135<br />

Peridontist 136 regional health authority 135<br />

Personal assistant, management & unspecified 135<br />

administration 122 occupational 135<br />

Personnel management &industrial<br />

Physicist<br />

relations, specialist occupations 109 acoustics 159<br />

Personnel officer 109 atomic & molecular 159<br />

Petrographer 159 electricity & magnetism 159<br />

Petrol pumpman, transport depot 528 electronics 159<br />

Petrologist 159 general 159<br />

Pharmaceutical officer health 159<br />

area 140 heat 159<br />

health authority 140 hospital 159<br />

health board 140 light 159<br />

regional 140 mechanics 159<br />

Pharmacist medical 159<br />

hospital 140 molecular 159<br />

industrial 140 nuclear 159<br />

retail 140 radiation protection 159<br />

Pharmacologist solid state 159<br />

unspecified 157 thermodynamics 159<br />

veterinary 157 Physiologist<br />

Pharmacy assistant 145 medical 157<br />

Philologian 132 unspecified 157<br />

Philologist 132 veterinary 157<br />

Phonologist 132 Physio, occupational, speech<br />

Phosphater 462 & related therapists 143<br />

Photogeologist 159 Physiotherapist 143<br />

Photogrammetrist 182 Pianist 151<br />

Photographer<br />

Picker<br />

aerial 152 bone 327<br />

commercial 152 bowl 477<br />

fashion 152 carpet 306<br />

130<br />

Revised 1981

Picker continued Pit moulder 393<br />

cloth 306 Pitcher, tobacco 327<br />

felt hood forms 306 Pitcher & malletter, glassmaking 385<br />

flower 295 Pitman<br />

fruit 295 casting bay 462<br />

hatter’s fur 297 senior 462<br />

hop 295 Placer<br />

hose-pipe 306 biscuit 327<br />

mushroom 295 glost 327<br />

rag 477 kiln 327<br />

rug 306 transfer, pottery etching 385<br />

sorting, unspecified 477 Plaiter<br />

stilt 477 cordage 327<br />

thimble 477 hand, fabric lapping 327<br />

Pickler machine, fabric lapping 327<br />

food processing 327 textile smallwares 327<br />

hides skins pelts Plaiter-down, hand, fabric 327<br />

drum operating 297 Planer<br />

pit 297 automatic wood 378<br />

vat 297 panel 278<br />

metal, excluding continuous plate edge 462<br />

cleaning plant 462 stone 334<br />

Piece boy 477 Planker<br />

Piece opener, glassware 330 hand 327<br />

Piecener, mule 300 machine 327<br />

Piecer<br />

Planner<br />

headstock 300 carpet 385<br />

mule 300 die, footwear 385<br />

roller covering 367 flight 184<br />

skins 297 materials 189<br />

yarn doubling 327 media 114<br />

yarn twisting 327 numerical control 189<br />

yarn winding 327 organisational 110<br />

Pier man 533 photogravure 339<br />

Piercer photo-lithography 385<br />

die 406 process 168<br />

saw 456 production 168<br />

seamless tubes 462 schedules, transport 194<br />

Piercer rollerman, seamless tube 462 timetable, transport 194<br />

Pigman 285 town 179<br />

Piler, continuous cut-up line, metal 462 town & country 179<br />

Pilot veneer 385<br />

ship 185 Planning assistant, town 180<br />

superintendent, ship 185 Plano-miller, setter-operator 405<br />

test, aircraft 183 Plant & machine operating<br />

Pilot-in-command, helicopter 183 occupations, food & drink<br />

Pilot-in-command, aeroplane 183 processing nec 327<br />

Pin flattener 408 Plant assistant<br />

Pinner, warp 302 continuous cleaning, metal 462<br />

Pipe fitter’s mate 462 sinter, metal processing 462<br />

Pipe layer’s & jointer’s mate 497 Plant man, dehydration 327<br />

Pipe, sheet & structural metal Plant worker, sinter, metal processing 462<br />

workers’ mates & labourers 462 Plasterer<br />

Piper fibrous work 482<br />

solid work 482<br />

chocolate confectionery 327 Plasterer’s mate 497<br />

sugar confectionery 327 Plastering occupations<br />

Plate drawer, wire 462<br />

Plate edge planer 462<br />

131<br />

Revised 1981

Plate hand, rope making 327 Polisher continued<br />

Plate moulder 393 cellulose 477<br />

Plate pattern moulder 393 cordage 305<br />

Plateman<br />

diamond<br />

asphalt spreading machine 523 industrial 456<br />

kitchen 260 unspecified 456<br />

Plater die 411<br />

barrel 462 emery band 411<br />

boiler 446 engraver’s 462<br />

cadmium 399 fabric 305<br />

chromium 399 felt hat 385<br />

constructional 446 fibre 305<br />

copper 399 finish 477<br />

gold 399 fire, glasswear 331<br />

leather 297 footwear 367<br />

nickel<br />

French<br />

electroless 462 hand 468<br />

electrolytic 399 machine 477<br />

shell 446 furniture, wax, hand 477<br />

ship’s 446 gold 411<br />

silver 399 gut 327<br />

skin 297 hand, footwear 367<br />

welder 446 handle & stick 477<br />

unspecified, metal plate working jewellery 411<br />

wire, ex galvanising or tinning 462 leather 297<br />

Plater’s helper 462 machine<br />

Play leader’s assistant 281 mosaic tiles or slabs 334<br />

Player terazzo tiles or slabs 334<br />

billiards 155 metal<br />

snooker 155 general 411<br />

soccer 155 specialised 411<br />

tennis 155 mirror, cutlery 411<br />

Playwright 156 needles 462<br />

Plucker, poultry, machine 327 ophthalmic lenses 330<br />

Plugger, fishing rod 477 optical element machine 330<br />

Plumber pins, textile machinery 462<br />

chemical 442 porcelain 385<br />

construction 442 pottery 385<br />

ship 442 scratch, flat glass 331<br />

Plumber’s mate 462 silver 411<br />

Poet 156 skin 297<br />

Pointer slate, machine 334<br />

hand, glove 359 small wooden articles 385<br />

machine, glove 361 sponge 477<br />

rod 462 spray, wood, hand,<br />

Pointsman 512 excluding electrostatic 467<br />

Poker-in, coke-oven 538 stick & handle 477<br />

Police constable<br />

stone<br />

civil police 248 hand 334<br />

excluding civil police 248 machine 334<br />

Police officer, senior 208 surface, flat glass 331<br />

Police sergeant<br />

terazzo<br />

civil police 247 hand, site work 483<br />

excluding civil police 247 machine, site work 483<br />

Policeman, Mersey tunnel 248 textile machinery pins 462<br />

Policeman, statutory forces 248 thread 305<br />

Polisher wax, furniture, hand 477<br />

acid, glass 331 wooden articles, small 385<br />

bottom, footwear 367 Polisher & finisher, surgical needles 462<br />

Polisher bench hand 477<br />

132<br />

Revised 1981

Polisher finisher, spray polishing 477 Power stower, coalmining 501<br />

Polisher’s filler-in 477 Powered supports maintenance man 462<br />

Popper 503 Practitioner<br />

Port control signalman 235 Christian science 134<br />

Porter<br />

dental<br />

baggage general practice 136<br />

air terminal 531 teaching 136<br />

docks 531 general, medical 135<br />

fish 531 medical<br />

flower 531 general practice 135<br />

furniture 531 occupational health 135<br />

goods, canal 529 public health 135<br />

hall, day, hotel or similar teaching 135<br />

residential establishment 269 veterinary 146<br />

head Prebeamer 302<br />

hospital 261 Preparation assistant<br />

hotel or similar food, cafeteria 256<br />

residential establishment 261 ingredients, production weighing 477<br />

hospital 268 Preparation hand, repair,<br />

house 269 footwear manufacture 385<br />

junior, , hotel or similar<br />

Preparer<br />

residential establishment 269 cable end 477<br />

kitchen 260 calendar machine, laundering 281<br />

linen 533 cylinder 540<br />

market 531 design, textiles 219<br />

master 195 dough, artificial teeth 327<br />

meat 531 dryer’s 327<br />

night, hotel or similar embroidery 385<br />

residential establishment 261 fish<br />

railway 274 hand 313<br />

shop 531 machine 313<br />

slaughterhouse 531 gelatine 327<br />

store 531 hair, wig making 385<br />

warehouse 531 hand<br />

works 533 fruit, food processing 327<br />

Post boy, glass tube making 385 vegetables, food processing 327<br />

Poster, bill 281 ingredients, production weighing 477<br />

Poster, hand 337 lithographer’s 477<br />

Posticheur 385 lithographic 339<br />

Postman 237 lithographic plate 462<br />

Potman load, production weighing 477<br />

asphalt laying 503 pencil lead 327<br />

asphalt maker 327 shirt 281<br />

bar 281 sole 477<br />

lead desilverising 390 upper sorting & grading 477<br />

lead press 462 vegetable, catering 281<br />

lead softening 390 vegetables, food processing, hand 327<br />

Potter, artistic 149 Presetter, tool 402<br />

Poultryman 285 Press & stamping machine<br />

Pouncer, felt hat 385 operators, metal working 408<br />

Pounder, footwear 385 Press driver, forging 462<br />

Pourer<br />

Press hand<br />

foundry 462 cider 327<br />

pig casting machine 462 laundry 276<br />

Powderer 477<br />

Power hammer driver 462<br />

Power loader man, coalmining 501<br />

133<br />

Revised 1981

Press hand continued<br />

Pressman<br />

perry 327 asbestos composition goods making 385<br />

vulcanised fibre 327 belt 327<br />

Press, machine tool & other metal<br />

filter<br />

working machine setters 402 foodstuffs 327<br />

Pressman, hydraulic, materials unspecified 327<br />

processing, unspecified 327 forge 398<br />

Press officer 219 hosiery 305<br />

Press telegraphist 235 jobbing, belt curing 327<br />

Press worker materials processing, unspecified 327<br />

cold, tobacco 327 printing<br />

hot, tobacco 327 letterpress<br />

lead 462 cylinder 340<br />

Presser platen 340<br />

abrasive wheel 385 rotary 340<br />

artificial teeth 327 lithography 341<br />

body, machine 276 photogravure 342<br />

brass bobbin 327 rough stuff 364<br />

cocoa 327 wood block 327<br />

collar, machine 276 Press-pate man 327<br />

contact lens, plastics 385 Pressure die caster 395<br />

cornflour 327 Pretrimmer, footwear 364<br />

dry cleaning, machine 276 Prevention officer, fire 249<br />

dyeing, machine 276 Preventive officer, customs &<br />

faience block 333 excise waterguard services 119<br />

final, machine 276 Pricker, enamelling 477<br />

flat, textile finishing 305 Priest 134<br />

glass 330 Principal<br />

gramophone record 383 college of education 124<br />

hand dancing school 147<br />

garments 276 driving school 147<br />

pottery 333 evening institute 147<br />

hat blocking 385 further education establishment 124<br />

Hoffman preparatory school 126<br />

top pressing 276 primary education establishment 126<br />

under pressing 276 school for mentally handicapped<br />

hydraulic, textile finishing 305 children 128<br />

leather 297 school for physically handicapped<br />

lining, machine 276 children 128<br />

machine, garments 276 secondary education establishment 125<br />

rice 327 teacher training establishment 124<br />

rotary, textile finishing 305 unspecified educational or<br />

scam training establishment 147<br />

hand 276 Principal lighthouse keeper 533<br />

machine 276 Principal officer, prison service 247<br />

shirt, machine 276 Printer<br />

shoulder, machine 276 block<br />

skin 297 fabric 345<br />

sleeve, machine 276 wallpaper 345<br />

stoneware, hand 333 carbon, photogravure 339<br />

top carpet 385<br />

hand 276 contact, manual 385<br />

machine 276 dial, watches & clocks 385<br />

under<br />

film<br />

hand 276 cine 385<br />

machine 276 still, manual 385<br />

Presser & threader<br />

134<br />

Revised 1981

Printer continued<br />

Production executive continued<br />

floor-cloth 385 production process, excluding<br />

general 337 metal & electrical 190<br />

ink jet 385 production process,<br />

leather 297 metal & electrical 190<br />

machine<br />

Production fitters, electrical<br />

textiles 385 & electronic 432<br />

wallpaper, unspecified 385 Production helper, metal tube manuf. 462<br />

metal, lithographic 341 Professional sportsmen, coaches<br />

optical, cine film 152 & sports officials 155<br />

pottery 385 Professor, university teaching 123<br />

projection 385 Programme operation assistant, radio 151<br />

reduction 385 Programmer<br />

screen application 112<br />

hand computer 112<br />

excluding fabric 345 numerical control 189<br />

fabric 345 part, numerical control 189<br />

machine programmed instruction 148<br />

excluding fabric 345 scientific 112<br />

fabric 345 Progress chaser 216<br />

skin 297 Progress executive, advertising 114<br />

surface, wallpaper 385 Projectionist<br />

technical ceramics 385 film 153<br />

Printer down, photo-lithography 339 viewer 477<br />

Printer on metal, process engraving 339 Prompter 151<br />

Printer’s assistant<br />

Proofer<br />

machine, wallpaper 385 fabric 305<br />

photographic 385 felt hood 305<br />

textiles 385 printing 385<br />

Prison governor 209 rot, dipping 305<br />

Prison officer rubber 327<br />

chief 209 yarn 305<br />

unspecified 250 Propagator 288<br />

Probation officer 133 Property & estate management<br />

Process worker occupations 116<br />

investment casting 462 Property master 281<br />

laminated glass 385 Property negotiator, estate agency 245<br />

rennet 327 Property repairer’s mate 497<br />

Processor Prosthetist 145<br />

film Protozoologist 157<br />

cine 385 Prover<br />

still, manual 385 file 473<br />

Procurator fiscal 102 printing 385<br />

Procurement officer, facilities, tubes 473<br />

television & film production 115 Psephologist 111<br />

Producer Psychiatric social worker 133<br />

associate, films 151 Psychiatrist 135<br />

general management, theatre<br />

Psychologist<br />

productions 151 clinical 132<br />

radio 151 educational 132<br />

television 151 occupational 132<br />

theatre, artistic production 151 unspecified 132<br />

Production & materials controlling Public analyst 158<br />

clerical occupations 216 Public relations officer 114<br />

Production chaser 216 Publican 203<br />

Production engineers 167 Publicity officer 114<br />

Production executive<br />

advertising 114<br />

135<br />

Revised 1981

Puddler Purser 202<br />

forehand 390 Purserette, hovercraft 265<br />

levelhand 390 Pusher, tool 193<br />

underhand 390 Pusherman<br />

Puffer, toe 477 coal-gas oven 533<br />

Pugman 327 coke oven 533<br />

Pullboy 385 Putter-on<br />

Puller printing blocks 219<br />

printing rollers 219<br />

baste 385 Putter-together<br />

card 218 ophthalmic lenses 477<br />

fur dressing scissors 418<br />

hand 297<br />

machine 297<br />

pallet, concrete tile making 385<br />

peas 295<br />

rag 297<br />

Puller & sorter, wool, hand 297 Q<br />

Puller-off<br />

hides skins 297<br />

woodworking machines 380<br />

Puller-on, roller covering 385 Quantity surveyor 181<br />

Puller-over, machine lasting 365 Quartermaster, ship’s 506<br />

Pulleyman 462 Quartz crystal worker 456<br />

Pulper Quiller 301<br />

paper making 327<br />

paperboard making 327<br />

Pulper man, broke 327<br />

Pulveriser, chemicals 327<br />

Pumper<br />

automatic plant<br />

R<br />

lamp manufacture 385<br />

valve manufacture 385<br />

bench<br />

lamp manufacture 385 Rabbi 134<br />

valve manufacture 385 Rabbit catcher 295<br />

neon sign 385 Racker<br />

tankfield 540 brewing 327<br />

Pumpman laundry sorting 477<br />

petrol, transport depot 528 Racker-up, lithographic 343<br />

seagoing 505 Radar observer, marine 235<br />

still, distillery 540 Radiation monitor 177<br />

unspecified 540 Radio & telegraphic equipment<br />

Puncher operating occupations 235<br />

card, textiles 327 Radio astronomer 159<br />

die, leather 364 Radio officer, marine 187<br />

gloves 358 Radio operator 235<br />

insole 364 Radiochemist 158<br />

jacquard 327 Radidiagnostician 135<br />

paper pattern 385 Radiographer<br />

Punty sticker 385 diagnostic 141<br />

Puppeteer 151 industrial 178<br />

Purchasing & procurement radioactive isotope tests 141<br />

managers & executives 115 radiotherapeutic 141<br />

Purchasing officer 115 Radiologist<br />

Purifier, feather 305 diagnostic 135<br />

Purifier man therapeutic 135<br />

flour milling 327 unspecified 135<br />

rice 327<br />

136<br />

Revised 1981

Radiotherapist 135 Recorder continued<br />

Radius machine man, asbestos industrial plant 219<br />

composition goods making 385 milk 216<br />

Rafter 529 train 219<br />

Ragman 245 Recordist, sound 153<br />

Railman, leading 274 Records officer<br />

Raiser, fund 122 medical 196<br />

textile finishing 305 regional milk records 196<br />

Raker, asphalt bitumen Recreation officer 206<br />

tar paving 487 Rectifier<br />

Ram man carpet 306<br />

coal-gas oven 533 footwear manufacture 385<br />

coke oven 533 motor cycle 462<br />

Range warden, firing range 281 rug 306<br />

Ranger<br />

Rectifier assembler electrical<br />

estate 252 electronic goods 470<br />

forest 295 Rector, secondary education<br />

national park 254 establishment in Scotland 125<br />

park 252 Red leader 465<br />

Rasper, remould tyre 385 Re-drawer, yarn 301<br />

Rates & charges officer, transport 107 Reducer<br />

Razor hafter 462 fibre preparing 299<br />

Razor setter-in 462 sole 364<br />

Reacher 302 Re-dyer<br />

Reacher-in 302 garments 305<br />

Reader shoe, fabric 305<br />

machine Reeder 302<br />

printing 219 Reel hand<br />

tote recording 219 photogravure 343<br />

meter 219 rotary press 343<br />

press cuttings 218 Reeler<br />

printing 219 chenille fur 301<br />

publisher’s 156 paper 316<br />

university teaching 123 paperboard 316<br />

Rebeamer 302 rope<br />

Receiver, cigarette machine 477 fibre 327<br />

Receiving office assistant 240 wire 462<br />

Receptionist unspecified 327<br />

dental 223 wire cable 462<br />

desk 223 yarn 301<br />

floor 223 Reeler & lacer 301<br />

garage, mechanic 424 Reeler boy 477<br />

hairdresser’s 223 Reelerman<br />

health diagnosing & paper 316<br />

treating services 223 paperboard 316<br />

holiday camp 223 roofing felt 327<br />

hospital 223 Referee, sports & games 155<br />

hotel 223 Refiner<br />

medical 223 china clay 327<br />

motel 223 chocolate 327<br />

night, hotel 223 electrolytic<br />

service, garage 424 copper 390<br />

unspecified 223 excluding aluminium,<br />

Recorder unspecified 390<br />

Borough quarter sessions 102 gold silver 390<br />

Crown court 102 lead, non electrolytic 390<br />

Refinerman<br />

paper making 315<br />

paperboard making 315<br />

137<br />

Revised 1981

Refreshment trolleyman 259 Repairer continued<br />

Refueller, aircraft 533 electrical 429<br />

Regional milk records officer 196 optical 429<br />

Registrar surgical 462<br />

additional, England & Wales 196 jewellery 456<br />

births, deaths, marriages 196 jobbing, spectacle frame 385<br />

Chancery division 102 leather goods exc footwear 385<br />

company 122 linen 385<br />

County court 102 mine car 462<br />

District, High court 102 moped 424<br />

educational establishment 211 motor cycle 424<br />

hospital 135 net 306<br />

Probate, Divorce & organ 385<br />

Admiralty division 102 piano 385<br />

senior hospital 135 plywood 385<br />

Registrar of births & deaths, projector 429<br />

England & Wales 196 property 493<br />

Registrar of births & deaths, sack, fabric 361<br />

& marriages, Scotland 196 spectacle frame, plastic 385<br />

Registrar of stock 122 telephone 438<br />

Registrar of stocks & bonds 122 tobacco pipe 385<br />

Regulator tub 462<br />

action, piano 385 tyre 385<br />

traffic public service vehicles 514 vehicle body, metal 445<br />

Relayer, rail 486 veneer 385<br />

Religious occupations 134 wagon 422<br />

Religious order, member of closed 134 watch 428<br />

Remedial gymnast 143 watch & clock 428<br />

Remoistener, dextrin 327 Repairer & sharpener, saw 462<br />

Remoulder<br />

Repairer’s mate,<br />

property maintenance 497<br />

optical glass 330 Repairer, bristle 327<br />

tyre 385 Repinner, textile machinery 420<br />

Remover<br />

Reporter<br />

furniture 530 press 148<br />

transfer, pottery etching 385 radio 148<br />

Renewer, tread 385 television 148<br />

Rennet process worker 327 to children’s panel 122<br />

Rent officer 107 Representative<br />

Repair preparation hand, account, advertising 114<br />

footwear manufacture 385 course 281<br />

Repairer<br />

insurance<br />

accumulator 385 agency service 245<br />

airway 501 home service 245<br />

barometer 429 sales<br />

battery 325 advertising<br />

boot & shoe 363 space 245<br />

camera 429 time 245<br />

carriage 422 alcoholic drinks 244<br />

chain 398 books & other printed items 244<br />

clock 428 caravans 244<br />

cycle 422 cars & other vehicles 244<br />

domestic radio & cleaning services 245<br />

television receivers 439 clothing 244<br />

electric cable sheathing 385 cycles 244<br />

embroidery 385 domestic appliances 244<br />

engine radiator 445 fancy goods 244<br />

garments linen etc 385 food 244<br />

instrument footwear 244<br />

dental 462<br />

138<br />

Revised 1981

Representative : sales : continued<br />

Representative : continued<br />

gramaphone records 244 ventilating systems 243<br />

haulage 245 Reproducer, design<br />

household requirements 244 block cutting 219<br />

jewellery 244 roller engraving 219<br />

life assurance, non industrial 245 Rereeler<br />

motor accessories 244 paper 316<br />

musical instruments 244 paperboard 316<br />

non-alcoholic drinks 244 Renroller<br />

office commercial paper 316<br />

& similar services 244 paperboard 316<br />

office equipment & supplies 244 Research assistant, market 219<br />

overseas wholesale sales 244 Research officer<br />

printed items 244 Foreign & Commonwealth Office 117<br />

radio & television receivers 244 Ministry of Defence 117<br />

security services 245 Research worker, fire protection 189<br />

shop blinds 244 Researcher, journalism 122<br />

sports equipment 244 Residential, child care worker<br />

storage 244 children’s home 133<br />

television receivers 244 establishment for young offenders 133<br />

tiles, ceramic,<br />

Restorer<br />

polystyrene & related 244 antique 374<br />

tobacco products 244 objet d’art 149<br />

toiletries 244 paintings 149<br />

toys, cycles & related 244 stonework brickwork 503<br />

transport 245 tyre 385<br />

tyres 244 Retoucher<br />

watches & clocks 244 graphic reproduction 385<br />

wholesale export sales 244 photographic 385<br />

service, office machines 430 Retreader, tyre 385<br />

technical adviser, technical service 178 Reviser<br />

technical sales machine, printing 219<br />

agricultural supplies 243 press 219<br />

air-conditioning systems 243 Revolving pan worker,<br />

electrical engineering components 243 sugar confectionery 327<br />

electrical equipment<br />

Rewinder<br />

excluding instruments 243 paper 316<br />

electronic engineering components 243 paperboard 316<br />

electronic equipment yarn 301<br />

excluding instruments 243 Rheologist 159<br />

export 243 Rheumatologist 135<br />

heating systems 243 Rider<br />

industrial equipment dispatch 237<br />

excluding instruments 243 scramble 155<br />

industrial machinery speedway 155<br />

excluding instruments 243 Rifler, barrel, small arms 406<br />

industrial materials 243 Rigger<br />

industrial plant excl instruments 243 dock 462<br />

mechanical engineering components243 engineering plant & machinery 462<br />

medical supplies 243 gasworks 462<br />

overseas 243 maintenance, engineering 462<br />

refrigeration systems 243 net 327<br />

ship 462<br />

television 462<br />

Ripper, coalmining 501<br />

Ripper & Cutter 299<br />

River maintenance worker 503<br />

River superintendent &<br />

harbourmaster 194<br />

139<br />

Revised 1981

Rivet catcher 462 Rolling mill assistant<br />

Riveter cold rolling mill team 462<br />

hand, leather goods 477 hot rolling mill team 392<br />

primary reduction mill team 392<br />

metal plate 447 temper mill team 392<br />

picker 477 Roof slater & tiler’s mate 497<br />

soft toys 477 Roofer, slates tiles 484<br />

Road lengthsman 488 Roofing felt fixer’s mate 497<br />

Road section man 488 Roofing occupations 484<br />

Road sweeper 272 Rope changer 533<br />

Roadman, general 488 Rope maker’s assistant 327<br />

Roaster Rope runner 533<br />

barley 327 Ropeman 462<br />

beans 327 Rougher<br />

chicory 327 footwear 385<br />

dextrin 327 hand, lenses prisms etc 330<br />

malt 327 optical element<br />

nuts 327 attending roughing machine 330<br />

unspecified 327 setting & operating<br />

Rockman, quarry 503 roughing machine 330<br />

Rod pointer 462 Roughneck, drilling rig 538<br />

Rodent destroyer 281 Rounder<br />

Roller brim 385<br />

assistant hides 297<br />

cold rolling mill team 392 insole 364<br />

hot rolling mill team 392 outsole 364<br />

primary reduction mill team 392 rough, footwear 364<br />

temper mill team 392 skins 297<br />

belly 297 sole 364<br />

bend 297 Roundsman<br />

cold, steel sheet or strip 392 drink 242<br />

cold rolling mill team 392 food 242<br />

fork 462 goods, excl food & drink 242<br />

hand, textiles 327 laundry & similar services 242<br />

hot rolling mill team 392 Rouser 327<br />

leather 297 Roustabout, drilling rig 538<br />

micanite tube Router & mounter, process engraving 462<br />

hand 327 Rover<br />

machine 327 box 299<br />

primary reduction mill team 392 dandy 299<br />

shoulder 297 frame 299<br />

slab, sugar confectionery 327 Rubber & flatter 477<br />

temper mill team 392 Rubber down 477<br />

wire 462 Ruler, machine 385<br />

Roller & weaver, hair 385 Ruler’s assistant, machine 385<br />

Roller & weigher, cotton wool 327 Rumbler, ceramic components 385<br />

Roller changer 385 Runner<br />

Roller leveller, metal 462 athletics 155<br />

Roller straightener, metal 462 mould 385<br />

Rollerman rope 533<br />

foodstuffs, unspecified 327 Runner-on, hosiery 304<br />

milling<br />

Running & maintenance<br />

flour 327 officer, railway 191<br />

mustard 327 Rushes synchroniser 385<br />

oil seed 327<br />

piercer, seamless tubes 462<br />

rope haulage 462<br />

seamless tube making 462<br />

tube straightening 462<br />

140<br />

Revised 1981

S<br />

Sack worker, general hand 385 Sandwichman 281<br />

Sacristan 271 Sanforizer 305<br />

Saddler 385 Sanitary glaze bodier 214<br />

Safety engineer 133 Saw doctor 462<br />

Safety officer, industrial, road 133 Saw hammerer 462<br />

Sailmaker 385 Saw parer 462<br />

Sailorman, dockyard 462 Saw piercer 456<br />

Sales executive, company 113 Sawdust mill man 327<br />

Sales representative, Sawduster, hides skins pelts 297<br />

property & services 245 Sawyer<br />

Sales representative, asbestos-cement 385<br />

wholesale goods 244 assistant 380<br />

Salesman band 376<br />

advertising<br />

band mill<br />

space 245 excluding primary reduction 376<br />

time 245 primary reduction 376<br />

car 240 chain cross-out, primary reduction 376<br />

credit 245 circular<br />

delivery excluding primary reduction 376<br />

alcoholic drinks 244 primary reduction 376<br />

clothing 244 cross cut<br />

domestic appliances 244 excluding primary reduction 376<br />

fancy goods 244 diamond 456<br />

food 244 frame, primary reduction 376<br />

footwear 244 fret 376<br />

household requirements 244 meat 313<br />

non-alcoholic drinks 244 metal 462<br />

office equipment & supplies 244 stone, machine 334<br />

tobacco products 244 wood<br />

toiletries 244 excluding primary reduction 376<br />

door-to-door 245 primary reduction 376<br />

ice cream van 245 Scaffolder, metal scaffolding 450<br />

life assurance, non industrial 245 Scaleman<br />

machinery & related equipment 240 goods products 477<br />

motor cycles 240 production 477<br />

stall 245 Scaler, boiler 462<br />

van 242 Scalloper 305<br />

Salter, dry 327 Scene of crime officer 248<br />

Salvage corps officer, senior 210 Scheduler<br />

Salvage man control room, data processing 219<br />

mining 501 materials 189<br />

salvage corps 249 School crossing patrol 254<br />

Sample passer 387 School helper 264<br />

Sample<br />

School meals assistant,<br />

raw materials, foodstuffs 477 dining hall 259<br />

sample collecting 477 kitchen 260<br />

Sandblaster School mid-day assistant 264<br />

metal 462 School supervisory assistant 264<br />

pottery 385 School welfare assistant 264<br />

Sander Scientific assistant laboratory 177<br />

automatic 378 Scientific officer, unspecified 189<br />

excluding automatic 378 Scientific programmer 112<br />

Sander & polisher, plastic sheet 385 Scientist<br />

Sandhouse man 327 agricultural 157<br />

Sandman, abrasive coated paper 327<br />

141<br />

Revised 1981

Scientist : continued<br />

Seamer<br />

behavioural<br />

can<br />

psychology 132 drink canning 476<br />

sociology 132 excl food & drink canning 476<br />

horticultural 157 hosiery 361<br />

information 117 Seamstress<br />

Scissors borer & hardener, operator 406 carpet 359<br />

Scolloper, pottery 385 hotel 385<br />

Scourer institution 385<br />

bottom, footwear 367 laundry 385<br />

cloth 327 Seasonal worker<br />

footwear 367 agriculture 295<br />

heel 367 market gardening 295<br />

insole 367 Seasoner, hides skins pelts 297<br />

needles 412 Seater, restaurant 257<br />

pottery 385 Second hand<br />

rag 327 fishing vessel 293<br />

surface, footwear 367 machine<br />

textile machinery pins 462 combining<br />

textile processing 327 paper 316<br />

wool 327 paperboard 316<br />

Scrap baler 462 corrugating<br />

Scrap breaker 462 paper 327<br />

Scrap dealer 245 paperboard 327<br />

Scrapman<br />

Second man<br />

continuous cut-up line, metal 462 road transport 521<br />

rolling mill, metal 462 vitreous silica furnace 319<br />

Scratchbrusher 411 Second mate<br />

Scratcher, linoleum 327 foreign-going ship 185<br />

Screeder 491<br />

Screen & block printing occupations 345 Second officer<br />

Screener foreign-going ship 185<br />

chemicals 308 home trade ship 185<br />

unspecified 327 hovercraft 189<br />

Screenmaker, screen printing 385 Secondman, rail 510<br />

Screenmaker’s assistant, screen printing 385 Secretary<br />

Screensman conditioner chamber of commerce 105<br />

grain 327 chamber of shipping 105<br />

seed 327 charitable organisation 105<br />

Screwer, iron & steel rolling 392 committee 122<br />

Screwman, asphalt spreading machine 523 company 103<br />

Scriber 414 control, advertising 114<br />

Sculleryman 260 deputy, national agreement 100<br />

Sculptor 149 employer’s association 105<br />

Scutcher, fabric 327 friendly society 105<br />

Sealer<br />

general<br />

double glazing units 385 charitable organisation 105<br />

electric lamp automatic 470 trade union 105<br />

float glass 330 worker’s association 105<br />

pouch 476 health authority 122<br />

slaughterhouse 327 health board 122<br />

valves lamps, non-automatic 385 joint industrial council 105<br />

Seaman learned society 105<br />

able 506 legal 225<br />

cable hand 506 medical 225<br />

ordinary<br />

national<br />

junior 506 charitable organisation 105<br />

senior 506 trade union 105<br />

unspecified 506<br />

142<br />

Revised 1981

Secretary : national : continued<br />

Sergeants & other supervisors, police,<br />

worker’s association 105 firefighting & related protective<br />

nationalised industry 122 service occupations 247<br />

parliamentary 100 Serrater, cutlery 462<br />

permanent, national government 100 Service hand<br />

personal 225 hotel 259<br />

political association 122 restaurant 259<br />

professional body or<br />

Service man<br />

similar organisation 105 gas appliances 422<br />

regional hospital board 122 motor vehicles 425<br />

research association 105 oil burner 422<br />

social group work 133 Serviceman<br />

trade association accumulator 385<br />

similar organisation 105 domestic television receivers 439<br />

trade protection society 105 organ 385<br />

under, national government 100 railway carriage 273<br />

Secretary of State 100 Servicer, screen printing 385<br />

Secretary shorthand typist 225 Servitor, hand glass making 330<br />

Secretary typist 226 Setter<br />

Secretary-accountant, company 103 assistant temper, iron & steel 470<br />

Security officer, chief, private undertaking247 barrel 462<br />

Security officer, private undertaking 251 beam 327<br />

Seed expert 207 block 503<br />

Seed tank man, yeast 327 brick, fire brick 480<br />

Seeker, gut 327 capstan 402<br />

Seismologist 159 chenille 303<br />

Selector circle comb 462<br />

ceramics 477 comber 422<br />

merchandise 115 diamond<br />

optical glass 330 excluding industrial 456<br />

textile bags 477 industrial 456<br />

textile sacks 477 die, press 402<br />

Self-service laundry assistant 281 edge<br />

Seller hand, footwear 385<br />

programme 240 machine, footwear 367<br />

space 245 faller 462<br />

totalisator 235 frame<br />

Semantican 132 cycle 462<br />

Senior officer lace 305<br />

fire brigade 210 metal bedsteads 462<br />

police force 208 gem 456<br />

salvage corps 210 hat brim 385<br />

Senior ordinary seaman 506 jewel, watches 470<br />

Senior railman kiln 320<br />

general duties 274 lens 385<br />

shunting 512 machine<br />

Sensitomatic control assistant 385 automatic latch needle making 402<br />

Separator broaching 402<br />

ore, magnetic 327 continuous casting 462<br />

plate, car battery 470 drawing 302<br />

stitch, footwear 367 file cutting 402<br />

Sergeant moulding, all 385<br />

police paper products 385<br />

civil 247 paperboard products 385<br />

excluding civil police 247 unspecified, making or repairing<br />

excl metal & electrical 385<br />

143<br />

Revised 1981

Setter : machine : continued<br />

Setter-operator ; c0ntinued<br />

woodcutting 377 mortising 377<br />

machine tool multiple-cutting 377<br />

electrochemical 402 paper sack 385<br />

excl electrochemical machine tools 402 paperboard box 385<br />

needle, textile machinery 462 planing<br />

pattern, lace 462 metal 405<br />

pin, textile machinery 462 wood 377<br />

press<br />

routing<br />

extrusion, electrode coating 385 metal 405<br />

hand, fly 402 wood 377<br />

power 402 shaping 405<br />

press tool 402 slotting 405<br />

saw 302 spark erosion 405<br />

spool, Axminster carpet 302 spindle, woodcutting 377<br />

yarn 305 tenoning 377<br />

Setter drawer, kiln 320 thicknessing 377<br />

Setter fitter mechanic,<br />

unspecified<br />

industrial knitting machines 423 paper products 385<br />

industrial sewing machines 422 paperboard products 385<br />

textile machinery, excluding<br />

woodcutting<br />

knitting machines 422 general 377<br />

unspecified industrial machinery 422 specialised 377<br />

Setter-in, razor 462 machine tool, general 405<br />

Setter-operator<br />

machines, metalworking<br />

bakery equipment 327 & woodworking 461<br />

lathe press, veneer 327<br />

capstan 405 scissors borer & hardener 405<br />

centre 404 veneer rotary peeler 376<br />

roll turning 403 Setter-out<br />

turret 405 engineering 414<br />

wood turning 377 hides skins 297<br />

machine mill, sawmilling 462<br />

boring<br />

Setters & setter-operators,<br />

metal 405 woodworking machines 377<br />

wood 377 Setter-up, type 462<br />

broaching 405 Settler<br />

chainmaking, small links 462 bookmaker’s 219<br />

cutting felt hood 327<br />

cork 385 licensed betting 219<br />

gear 405 Sewer<br />

debarking 377 bookbinding 348<br />

die-sinking 405 button, hand 359<br />

dovetailing 377 fur, hand 359<br />

drilling, metal 405 glove, leather, hand 359<br />

engraving, pantograph, excluding<br />

grey room<br />

printing plates & rollers 462 heavy fabric 361<br />

gear cutting 405 light fabric 361<br />

generating 330 hand<br />

grinding carpet 359<br />

excluding roll grinding 405 garment<br />

roll 403 fur 359<br />

honing 405 leather 359<br />

lapping 405 sheepskin 359<br />

milling upholstery 359<br />

glass 330 hand & machine, footwear &<br />

metal 405 other leather goods 366<br />

incandescent mantle 359<br />

leather glove, hand 359<br />

144<br />

Revised 1981

Sewer : continued Ship frame bender’s mate 462<br />

welt, hand 366 Ship plumber’s mate 462<br />

Sewer & repairer, carpet 359 Shipbroker 245<br />

Sewerman 494 Shipment & travel arranging<br />

Sewing & embroidering clerical occupations 217<br />

occupations , hand, garments, Ship’s doctor 135<br />

upholstery & related products 359 Ship’s plater’s helper 462<br />

Sexer, chick 295 Ship’s writer 219<br />

Shackler, rope haulage 533 Shipwright<br />

Shader iron 446<br />

colour 327 metal 446<br />

wallpaper 477 outfit 371<br />

yarn 327 steelwork 446<br />

Shafter, golf club 385 wood 371<br />

Shaftsman 462 Shocket, excluding poultry 313<br />

Shaker out 281 Shooter<br />

Shampooer 281 core 394<br />

Shanker, footwear 477 trouble<br />

Shaper<br />

chemical process, see Engineer<br />

brim 385 research & development<br />

tailoring 358 chemical engineering<br />

Shaper & presser, hats 281 engineering maintenance<br />

Shaper-cutter, millinery 358 Technician, maintenance 178<br />

Shaping & finishing journeyman<br />

Shop assistant<br />

felt hat 385 antiques & objects D’art 240<br />

Sharpener, saw 409 art needlework haberdashery wool 240<br />

Shaver baby carriages 240<br />

abrasive wheel 385 boots & shoes 240<br />

edge, sheepskin garment 385 bread cakes flour confectionery 240<br />

felt hat 385 building materials tools 240<br />

hides skins 297 carpets 240<br />

Shearer china & glass 240<br />

leather 365 clothing 240<br />

metal 462 corn & seed merchants 240<br />

pelts 297 cosmetics toiletries perfumeries 240<br />

sheep 295 cycles 240<br />

textile finishing 305 cycles games toys baby carriages<br />

Shearer & trimmer, mat 305 sports equipment leather<br />

Shedman, hides skins pelts 297 and travel goods 240<br />

Sheep shearer 295 dairy 240<br />

Sheet fixer’s mate, roofing walling 497 domestic hardware china & glass 240<br />

Sheet iron worker 445 drapery 240<br />

Sheet metal worker 445 electrical electronic equipment 240<br />

Sheet metal working occupations 445 engineering components<br />

Sheeter 484 motor accessories 240<br />

Shell coremaker 394 fish poultry game 240<br />

Shell moulder 394 floor coverings 240<br />

Shellfish cultivator 294 flower plants 240<br />

Shepherd 286 footwear 240<br />

Sheriff officer, Scotland 254 fruit & vegetables 240<br />

Sheriff-clerk 102 furs 240<br />

Sheriff-principal 102 games toys 240<br />

Sheriff-substitute 102 gas appliances 240<br />

Shifter, scene 540 general 240<br />

Shingler, wrought iron manufacture 462<br />

145<br />

Revised 1981

Shop assistant : continued<br />

Sifter<br />

greengroceries 240 chemicals 308<br />

groceries provisions 240 cocoa 327<br />

household linen 240 sugar 327<br />

ironmongery 240 unspecified 327<br />

jewellery 240 Signalman<br />

jewellery watches clocks 240 lever frame 512<br />

leather & travel goods 240 Lloyd’s 533<br />

meat delicatessen 240 port control 235<br />

millinery 240 power box 512<br />

motor vehicle accessories 240 rail 512<br />

musical instruments sheet Signwriter 465<br />

music records tapes 240 Silksman, food processing 327<br />

newspapers 240 Siloman, grain sugar and similar<br />

newspapers stationery materials 528<br />

confectionery tobacco 240 Silverer<br />

outfitters 240 mirror, excluding vacuum<br />

pet stores 240 metallisation 462<br />

pharmaceutical goods 240 optical, excluding vacuum<br />

photographic equipment optical metallisation 462<br />

or scientific instruments 240 Silverer 260<br />

provisions 240 Silversmith 456<br />

radio television 240 Singer, textile 305<br />

records tapes 240 Singer, vocalist 151<br />

silverware 240 Sinker<br />

soft furnishings 240 coal mine 503<br />

soft furnishings and fabrics<br />

die,<br />

household linen haberdashery engineering 414<br />

wool art needlework 240 engraving 457<br />

sports equipment 240 well 503<br />

stationery 240 Sinter plant assistant, metal<br />

sugar confectionery 240 processing 462<br />

sundries 240 Sinter plant worker, metal<br />

tobacco, cigarettes 240 processing 462<br />

watches and clocks 240 Sister<br />

wines spirits 240 church 134<br />

Shop salesman – see Shop assistants home, nurses home 211<br />

Shopkeeper 200 housekeeping, hospital 211<br />

Shorthand typist midwifery 137<br />

excluding foreign language 225 night 137<br />

foreign language 225 nursing<br />

Shorthand writer 225 district 138<br />

Shorthand writing and related operating department 137<br />

occupations 225 unspecified 137<br />

Shotfirer<br />

Sister in charge, occupational<br />

coalmining 501 health 138<br />

excluding coalmining 503 Sister in health team, occupational<br />

Shreinerer 305 health 138<br />

Shrinker, London 305 Sister in sole charge, occupational<br />

Shunter, head 512 health 138<br />

Shunter, unspecified 512 Sizer<br />

Shutter, door, retort house 538 abrasive coated paper 327<br />

Shutterer, concrete 370 back 327<br />

Sidesman, copper 327 rope 305<br />

Siever single end 305<br />

chemicals 308 slasher 302<br />

unspecified 327 tape, warp 302<br />

146<br />

Revised 1981

Sizer: continued Smacker hand 327<br />

tub 327 Smash hand 303<br />

warp 302 Smash tier 303<br />

yarn Smearer 297<br />

textile finishing 305 Smeller, cask 477<br />

warp 302 Smelting, lead 390<br />

Sizer and drier back 305 Smith<br />

Skeiner agricultural implement 398<br />

hand 327 anchor 398<br />

machine 301 Britannia metal 456<br />

Sketcher, design copying 219 drop hammer 398<br />

Skimmer, glass making 327 iron<br />

Skinner 313 angle 398<br />

Skipman 477 ornamental 398<br />

Skipper saw 462<br />

fishing vessel 211 shackle 398<br />

inland waterways craft 185 shoeing 398<br />

Skirt hand 352 specialised, unspecified 398<br />

Skiver<br />

spring<br />

belt laminated springs 398<br />

abrasive cloth making 385 leaf springs 398<br />

abrasive paper making 385 Smith’s helper 462<br />

footwear 364 Smith’s striker 462<br />

Slab hand, sugar confectionery 327 Smoker, foodstuffs 327<br />

Slabber, tile 483 Smoother<br />

Slagger hand, laundry 276<br />

casting bay 462 lining 276<br />

furnace ophthalmic prescription 330<br />

blast ophthalmic 330<br />

iron 388 optical element, machine 330<br />

zinc 390 Smoother and polisher, optical<br />

reheating 390 element, machine 330<br />

soaking pit 390 Smudger 533<br />

Slasher 302 Snagger, metal 445<br />

Slasher sizer 302 Snake charmer 151<br />

Slater and tiler, roof 484 Sniffer milk 477<br />

Slaughterman 313 Soaker, silk 305<br />

Slicer Soaper, textile processing 327<br />

sugar beet 327 Soaper finisher 327<br />

veneer 376 Soapman, open 327<br />

Slicker, hand 297 Social anthropologist 132<br />

Slime dresser tableman 327 Social scientists and related<br />

Slinger, crane 533 occupations 132<br />

Sliphouse man 327 Social welfare officer for the blind 133<br />

Slipper Social work assistant 133<br />

asbestos-cement 327 Social worker<br />

last 385 medical 133<br />

upholstery 359 mental health 133<br />

Slitter psychiatric 133<br />

optical glass 330 Sociologist 132<br />

photographic film 349 Sock whipper, footwear 366<br />

photographic paper 349 Socker, footwear 477<br />

textiles 385 Softener<br />

tobacco 327 lead<br />

Slitterman, paper paperboard or electrolytic 390<br />

similar material 349 non-electrolytic 390<br />

Slugger leather 297<br />

fishing rod 477 skin 297<br />

heel 477 Solderer<br />

paste 327 dip 462<br />

147<br />

Revised 1981

Solderer: continued Spare hand, fishing vessel 294<br />

non-repetitive 453 Sparker 473<br />

repetitive assembly 470 Special article man 148<br />

Solicitor<br />

Specialist<br />

advising in other than public Investment 108<br />

practice 102 Tax 108<br />

public practice 102 Specialist in community medicine 135<br />

Solution hand 477 Specialist physician 135<br />

Solutioner, channel 477 Specialist surgeon 135<br />

Sorter Speeter 327<br />

bottle 477 Spiler 306<br />

bricks 477 Spindle hand 377<br />

cap 477 Spiner 327<br />

cloth 477 Spinner<br />

cotton 477 aluminium 405<br />

coupon 219 assistant, mule spinning 300<br />

dry cleaning 477 cap 300<br />

dye-house 477 concrete 385<br />

dyeing 477 cord 327<br />

feather, machine 477 crimp 300<br />

fibre 477 fly 300<br />

flock 477 foodstuffs 327<br />

fur 477 frame 300<br />

glass 477 gill 300<br />

hand gut 327<br />

materials, unspecified 477 hair fibre 327<br />

products, unspecified 477 metal unspecified 405<br />

hides 477 metal thread 300<br />

laundering 477 mule 300<br />

leather 477 mule, assistant 300<br />

mail 237 nylon, continuous filament<br />

merino 477 making 325<br />

metal production 477 precious metals 405<br />

millinery trimmings 385 rayon, continuous filament<br />

new clip 477 making 325<br />

packages and parcels, excluding mail 237 ring<br />

paper examining 477 yarn spinning 300<br />

rag 477 yarn twisting 300<br />

raw materials, brush fibres 477 roll, tobacco 327<br />

scrap metal 477 safety fuse 327<br />

skins 477 self doffer 300<br />

tiles 477 single 300<br />

trank 477 twine 327<br />

tube, textile spinning 327 Spinner man, foodstuffs 327<br />

waste, textile 477 Spiritualist medium 134<br />

waste paper 477 Splicer<br />

wiper 477 belt 385<br />

wool 477 mechanical cloth 327<br />

woollen 477 rope<br />

Sorter and matcher, suede 477 fibre 327<br />

Sorter assembler, footwear 477 wire<br />

Sorter-grader, wool 477 general 462<br />

Sound and vision equipment operators, specialised 462<br />

artistic, excluding cameramen 153 veneer 385<br />

Sound assistant 153 Splitter<br />

Sound balancer 153 fish<br />

Sounder, survey 533 hand 313<br />

Space seller 245 machine 313<br />

148<br />

Revised 1981

Splitter: continued<br />

Sprayer: polyester: continued<br />

flap, footwear 364 wood, hand, excluding<br />

gut, hand 327 electrostatic 467<br />

hide 297 skin dyeing, hand 467<br />

mica, hand 327 steam 305<br />

skin 297 tar 523<br />

slate 334 Sprayman operator, glass fibre wool<br />

tobacco 327 plant 385<br />

warp 327 Spreader<br />

Sponger bag 385<br />

ceramic goods 385 carpet 327<br />

decorative 477 coated fabric 327<br />

Spooler cold lay 503<br />

film 385 glue, abrasive coated paper 327<br />

hand, thread 327 macaroni 327<br />

lace making 327 mastic asphalt 503<br />

machine sack 385<br />

thread 301 tarmacadam 487<br />

twine 301 Spring knife cutler, fitting 418<br />

yarn 301 Spring viceman<br />

paper tape 385 laminated springs 462<br />

self actor 301 leaf springs 462<br />

spool Axminster carpet 302 Springer-in spectacles 477<br />

Sports official 155 Stablehand 295<br />

Sportsman, professional unspecified 155 Stacker, timber 533<br />

Spotter<br />

Stage hand<br />

garment cleaning 281 mash tun 327<br />

graphic reproduction 385 theatre 540<br />

Sprayer Stager, shipbuilding and repairing 450<br />

aerograph<br />

Stainer<br />

ceramics 466 bottom<br />

excluding ceramics 467 brush 477<br />

bitumen 523 spray 467<br />

bottom, hand 467 dip 477<br />

cellulose pad, excluding wood 477<br />

ceramics, hand 466 wood, hand 477<br />

electrostatic, hand 467 Stake head hand 327<br />

wood, hand, excluding Staker 297<br />

electrostatic 467 Stall assistant<br />

ceramics, hand 466 stamper<br />

colour back, pottery 385<br />

ceramics, hand 466 card 327<br />

wood, hand, excluding cold 408<br />

electrostatic 467 die, printing 385<br />

enamel, ceramics, hand 466 drop 408<br />

garment making 385 hand, printing 385<br />

glaze, hand 466 hot drop 398<br />

leather dyeing. hand 467 identification marking, metal<br />

metal 462 manufacture 462<br />

paint pottery 385<br />

automatic, excluding ceramics 467 press, drop forging 398<br />

electrostatic, hand 467 relief, printing 385<br />

unspecified, hand 467 Stamper’s helper, drop forging 462<br />

polish, electrostatic, hand 467 Standards engineer 110<br />

polyester Stapler, upper 477<br />

electrostatic Starcher, textile finishing 305<br />

hand 467 Starrer 385<br />

machine 467 Station master, railway 194<br />

149<br />

Revised 1981

Station officer Stevedore, master 195<br />

fire service 210 Stevedore, unspecified 529<br />

salvage corps 210 Stevedore, dockers and related<br />

Station sergeant 247 occupations 529<br />

Stationman 274 Steward<br />

Statistical assistant 111 air 265<br />

Statistician baggage 265<br />

economic 111 bar<br />

industrial 111 dispense bar 258<br />

mathematical 111 general 258<br />

medical 111 cabin 265<br />

unspecified 111 chief<br />

Staver, tube manufacture 462 air 261<br />

Steam counter hand 259 seagoing 261<br />

Steamer club 204<br />

festoon 305 ground 265<br />

hat hotel 211<br />

hand 385 lounge 265<br />

machine 385 seagoing 265<br />

spun pipe 327 second, seagoing 261<br />

star 305 shore, storekeeping 528<br />

yarn 305 wine 257<br />

Steamer-brusher 305 Stewardess 265<br />

Steel bender and fixer 451 Steward boy 265<br />

Steel erector’s mate 462 Stewards and attendants, travel and<br />

Steel straightener, colliery 462 transport services 265<br />

Steelmaker Stick box man 327<br />

assistant 389 Sticker<br />

converter 389 bill 281<br />

Steelworker, general, ship 448 junction, vitrified clay goods 385<br />

Steephousemen, maize starch 327 needle 476<br />

Steeplejack 503 poultry 313<br />

Steeplejack’s mate 497 punty 385<br />

Steepman, maize Starch 327 slaughtering excluding poultry 313<br />

Steerer, barge 507 Sticker up, hand, chinaware porcelain<br />

Steersman pottery 447<br />

articulated vehicle 516 Stiffener, straw hat 305<br />

bridge 533 Stillman, pot 308<br />

Stellite depositor 462 Stitcher<br />

Stemmer corset 361<br />

hand 327 fair, machine, footwear 366<br />

machine 327 gray room<br />

wrapper 327 heavy fabric 361<br />

Stemmer and padder 327 light fabric 361<br />

Stenciller<br />

hand<br />

aerographing, ceramics 466 footwear 366<br />

brush, excluding ceramics 477 leather goods excluding footwear 366<br />

ceramics, unspecified 477 ornament, machine, footwear 366<br />

embroidery 385 slip, upholstery 359<br />

spray, excluding ceramics 467 sole, hand 366<br />

wallpaper 477 veldtschoen, machine 366<br />

Stenographer 225 wire, paperboard containers 477<br />

Stenterer 305 wire goods making 462<br />

Stenterer’s assistant 327 Stock jobber 108<br />

Stereotyper 338 Stockbroker 108<br />

Steriliser Stockbroker’s attache 108<br />

bottled foodstuffs excluding milk 327 Stocker, bespoke guns 385<br />

canned foodstuffs excluding milk 327 Stockman<br />

hair rope 305 beef cattle 286<br />

ice cream 327 dairy cattle 284<br />

milk 327 game 285<br />

150<br />

Revised 1981

Stockman: continued<br />

Straightener’s helper<br />

mixed farm livestock 286 excluding roller straightening 462<br />

pigs 285 roller straightening 462<br />

poultry 285 Strainer<br />

sheep 286 chemicals 308<br />

Stocktaker 213 rubber 327<br />

Stoker toggle 297<br />

destructor 540 unspecified 327<br />

glass making 319 Strander<br />

hot water supply 540 cable 462<br />

seagoing 506 cordage 327<br />

steam generating 536 wire rope 462<br />

Stone cutting shaping and Strapper, corset 361<br />

polishing occupations 334 Stratigrapher 159<br />

Stone getter 503 Street trader 245<br />

Stone hand 337 Stressman 174<br />

Stonemason, walling fixing 481 Stretcher<br />

Stopper belt, textile finishing 305<br />

corner 361 felt hood tip 385<br />

pottery 385 hand, chamois leather 297<br />

Store buyer hide skin pelt drying 297<br />

Manager, departmental s hop 198 Stretching machine man, textile<br />

Storekeeper finishing 305<br />

engine room, seagoing 528 Strewer, grit 327<br />

excluding industrial, unspecified 528 Striker<br />

hospital 528 anchor 462<br />

industrial 528 hides skins 297<br />

ship, excluding engine room 528 smith’s 462<br />

Storekeepers, warehousemen 528 Stringer<br />

Storeman asbestos-cement sheet making 327<br />

catering 528 piano 385<br />

industrial 528 racket 385<br />

linen 528 Stripper<br />

Store minder, iron blast furnace 390 cloth 299<br />

Stoveman concrete moulding 385<br />

bacon smoking 327 cop 327<br />

bleaching 305 drop forging 462<br />

iron blast furnace 390 gut 313<br />

linoleum 327 hand, paperboard 385<br />

Stover ingot 462<br />

hand tobacco 327 leaf<br />

machine tobacco 327 hand 327<br />

textile processing 305 machine 327<br />

unspecified 327 photo-lithography 339<br />

Stower, power, coalmining 501 pirn 327<br />

Straightener roller covering 385<br />

barrel 462 spool 327<br />

carriage textile machinery 416 Stripper and grinder, textile<br />

metal stock, excluding roller machinery 462<br />

straightening 462 Stubber 462<br />

needle 462 Stud groom 295<br />

roller, metal 462 Studder<br />

steel, colliery 462 garments 477<br />

wire 462 textile products 477<br />

yarn 477<br />

151<br />

Revised 1981

Stuffer<br />

Superintendent: continued<br />

leather 297 production, excluding metal<br />

soft toy 385 and electrical 190<br />

Stumper 327 production, metal and<br />

Stunner 313 electrical 190<br />

Stunt man 151 quay 195<br />

Styler, dolls’ hair 385 radio 196<br />

Stylist reservoir 503<br />

hair river, and harbour master 194<br />

gentlemen’s 278 sales force<br />

ladies’ 279 agricultural supplies 243<br />

Sub-agent, construction 192 air-conditioning systems 243<br />

Sub-editor<br />

electrical and electronic<br />

newspaper 148 engineering<br />

periodical 148 components 243<br />

Sub-officer<br />

electrical and electronic<br />

fire service 247 equipment,<br />

salvage corps 247 excluding instruments 243<br />

Sueder 297 heating systems 243<br />

Sulphitation man, sugar 327 industrial equipment, excluding<br />

Superintendent instruments 243<br />

airport 194 industrial machinery, excluding<br />

ambulance station 211 instruments 243<br />

assistant industrial materials 243<br />

cemetery 281 industrial plants, excluding<br />

crematorium 281 instruments 243<br />

berthing 194 instruments 243<br />

cargo 195 mechanical engineering<br />

cemetery 211 components 243<br />

chief, police 208 medical supplies 243<br />

cleansing 211 refrigeration systems 243<br />

crematorium 211 ventilating systems 243<br />

depot, transport undertaking 194 wholesale goods 244<br />

dock 194 salvage corps 210<br />

dock railway operating 194 schedules, transport 194<br />

domestic services 211 silo 195<br />

dredging 194 station, airline 194<br />

drilling well 193 stevedore 195<br />

establishment for young offenders 133 stores 195<br />

field sales, all goods and export 244 telegraph 196<br />

gas works 193 telephone exchange 196<br />

import and export 195 traffic, transport undertaking 194<br />

insurance 245 warehouse 195<br />

kitchen 255 water works 193<br />

marine 194 wharf 195<br />

motive power, railways 191 workroom, unspecified 190<br />

night, hospital 137 Superintendent and registrar,<br />

nursing, occupational health 138 cemetery 211<br />

old people’s home 133 Superintendent midwife 137<br />

operations, transport undertaking 194 Superintendent of school nurses 137<br />

parks 206 Superintendent of typists 224<br />

police 208 Supervisor<br />

power station 191 account, advertising 114<br />

process<br />

area, sales force, wholesale<br />

chemical coal petroleum or related goods 244<br />

products 190 hospital domestic 261<br />

food 190 movements 508<br />

drink 190 ramp, airport 535<br />

tobacco 190 remand home 250<br />

unspecified 190 school children’s 264<br />

152<br />

Revised 1981

Supervisor: continued Table clearer, catering 281<br />

signalling, area signalling 508 Table hand<br />

station 270 bakery 310<br />

train crew 508 bookbinder 348<br />

Supervisory assistant, school 264 footwear 477<br />

Supplyman, plasterboard 327 masonic regalia 385<br />

Surfacer Table man, brick making machine 385<br />

lens 330 Tableman<br />

steel shot, abrasive wheel 385 slime dresser 327<br />

Surgeon surface 414<br />

orthopaedic 135 Tacker<br />

paediatric 135 back 365<br />

plastic 135 insole 365<br />

specialist 135 rand 477<br />

superintendent 135 seat 385<br />

thoracic 135 Tacker and stiffener, back 365<br />

veterinary 146 Tacker-on, insole 365<br />

Surgery assistant, dental 281 Tacker-up, back 365<br />

<strong>Survey</strong> assistant, hydrographic 533 Tackler<br />

<strong>Survey</strong> sounder 533 textile machinery 422<br />

<strong>Survey</strong>or wire weaving 402<br />

agricultural 116 Tagger<br />

bonus 181 label 477<br />

building 182 lace, textiles 477<br />

cadastral 182 tube manufacture 462<br />

customs and excise 119 Tagger and cutter, lace 385<br />

engineering 182 Tailor<br />

estate 116 adjustment 351<br />

geodetic 182 ready-made garments 351<br />

hydrographic 189 retail bespoke garments 351<br />

insurance 189 wholesale bespoke garments 351<br />

land 182 Tailoress 351<br />

large-scale 182 Tailors 351<br />

marine 182 Tailor’s assistant 351<br />

measuring 181 Taker, impression, roller<br />

metrological 182 engraving 385<br />

mining 182 Taker-in<br />

pest control 281 glassware 327<br />

photographic 182 warp 302<br />

quantity 181 Taker-off<br />

rating 107 asbestos-cement pipe making 327<br />

ship 119 asbestos-cement sheet making 327<br />

topographical 182 brick making machine 385<br />

valuation 107 concrete tile making 385<br />

Suspender man 297 dipper’s 477<br />

Swabber 385 machine<br />

Swager, cutlery 462 calendar, laundering 281<br />

Sweep, chimney 273 paper products 385<br />

Sweeper paperboard products 385<br />

road 272 oven, food processing 327<br />

workshop depot yard 273 paperboard box examining 477<br />

Swift minder, galvanising 462 plasterboard 327<br />

Swiftman, galvanising 462 quantity surveying 181<br />

Swiller 477 Taker-out<br />

Swingbridge man 533 automatic bottle-making machines 385<br />

Synchroniser, rushes 385 can, textiles 299<br />

Systematist 157 Tallyman, timber 528<br />

T<br />

153<br />

Revised 1981

Tamperman, asphalt paving 487 Teacher: engineering and related studies:<br />

Tank man, seed, yeast 327 continued<br />

Tankhand, vulcanised fibre 327 wholesale and retail trading 124<br />

Tanner guitar, private 147<br />

cordage 305 head<br />

hides skins, drum operating 297 preparatory school 126<br />

Tapeless jointer 385 pre-primary school 127<br />

Taper primary school or department 126<br />

dry 302 school for metally<br />

hand, insulation 385 handicapped children 128<br />

plasterboard 482 school for physically<br />

warp 302 handicapped children 128<br />

Taper marker’s assistant 385 secondary education<br />

Tapper, cupola, foundry 390 establishment 125<br />

Tarrer Kindergarten 127<br />

bag mentally handicapped children 128<br />

dipping 305 music, private 147<br />

mangle 305 musical instrument, private 127<br />

sack nursery school 127<br />

dipping 305 physical training 147<br />

mangle 298 physically handicapped children 128<br />

Tarring hand, cordage 305 piano, private 147<br />

Tasseller 477 practical work, nursing 137<br />

Tax specialist 108 preparatory school 126<br />

Taxes, inspector of 108 pre-primary education 127<br />

Taxidermist 281 primary education<br />

Taxing master 102 infant class 126<br />

Taxonomist junior class 126<br />

experimental 157 remedial, general subjects 126<br />

unspecified 157 private<br />

Teacher dancing 147<br />

blind children 128 music 147<br />

children suffering from speech<br />

secondary education<br />

defects 128 arts subject excluding<br />

clinical, nursing 137 languages 125<br />

dancing, private 147 commercial subjects 125<br />

deaf children 128 domestic science 125<br />

delicate children 128 drama 125<br />

district midwifery 137 English language and literature 125<br />

diversionary activities 147 foreign languages and literature 125<br />

epileptic children 128 mathematics 125<br />

field work, nursing 137 music 125<br />

further education remedial, general subjects 125<br />

administrative and business science 125<br />

studies 124 social studies 125<br />

catering and institutional technical subjects 125<br />

management 124 visual arts 125<br />

engineering and related studies 124 teacher training 124<br />

librarianship 124 university education<br />

management service<br />

administrative and business<br />

specialisations 124 studies 123<br />

nautical subjects 124 agriculture studies 123<br />

science 124 architecture and town planning 123<br />

social studies 124 arts subjects excluding<br />

technologies of materials languages 123<br />

processes and products 124 dentistry 123<br />

transport operations 124 dietetics 123<br />

valuation 124 domestic science 123<br />

154<br />

Revised 1981

Teacher: university education: continued<br />

Technician: continued<br />

drama 123 audiology 145<br />

education 123 audio-visual aids 153<br />

engineering 123 building, general 180<br />

English language and literature 123 cardiological 145<br />

English literature 123 civil engineering, general 180<br />

foreign language literature and contact lens 330<br />

area studies 123 cycological 177<br />

forestry 123 dental 384<br />

health medicine and dentistry 123 electro-encephalography 145<br />

hotel and catering management 123 electro-mechanical 178<br />

maritime studies 123 engineering 178<br />

music 123 fitter<br />

science 123 electronics<br />

social studies 123 computer equipment 432<br />

technologies of materials experimental 432<br />

processes and products 123 general 432<br />

veterinary studies 123 installation 439<br />

visual arts 123 medical equipment 432<br />

violin, private 147 prototype 432<br />

Teaching occupations, further telecommunications equipment 432<br />

education, technical vocational unspecified equipment 432<br />

and related 124 installation, electronics 439<br />

Teaching occupations, pre-primary radio, airport 439<br />

education 127 signal and telecommunications,<br />

Teaching occupations, primary railway 439<br />

education 126 gas utilisation and distribution 178<br />

Teaching occupations, secondary glaucoma 145<br />

education 125 hearing aid 145<br />

Teaching occupations, special heart and lung machine 145<br />

education 128 histological 177<br />

Teaching occupations, teacher<br />

installation – Controller,<br />

training 124 technical installation 178<br />

Teaching occupations, university<br />

laboratory<br />

education 123 analysis 177<br />

Teaser equipment operation 177<br />

fibre 299 general<br />

glass making 319 biochemistry 177<br />

rag 299 biology 177<br />

shoddy 299 biophysics 177<br />

tank 319 chemistry 177<br />

Teazer general science 177<br />

glass making 319 geology 177<br />

tank 319 mineralogy 177<br />

Teazler 305 palacontology 177<br />

Technical assistant physics 177<br />

animal health 147 unspecified science 177<br />

engineering 178 laboratory animal care 147<br />

patent agent’s 189 materials preparation 177<br />

quantity surveying 181 biochemistry 177<br />

scientific – Technician, biology 177<br />

laboratory 177 biophysics 177<br />

technological 189 Chemistry 177<br />

Technical sales representatives 243 general science 177<br />

Technician geology 177<br />

analytical 177 mineralogy 177<br />

anatomy 177 palacontology 177<br />

animal 147 physics 177<br />

architectural 180 other science 177<br />

artificial insemination 295 measurement 177<br />

artificial kidney 145 medical 177<br />

155<br />

Revised 1981

test 177 Telephone operators 234<br />

maintenance 178 Telephonist<br />

maxillo-facial 385 private branch exchange 234<br />

medical physics 177 public telephone exchange 234<br />

mortuary 281 Telephonist-receptionist 234<br />

orthodontic 385 Teller, bank 214<br />

pharmacy 145 Temperer 400<br />

physiological measurement Tempering bin man 327<br />

audiology 145 Tenderman, rope 533<br />

cardiology 145 Tenter<br />

neurophysiology 145 back<br />

sound 153 asbestos-cement sheet making 327<br />

town planning 180 cupola 533<br />

quality control 177 papermaking<br />

service, domestic radio and drierman 316<br />

television receivers 439 drierman’s assistant 327<br />

structural engineering, general 180 paperboard making<br />

test 178 drierman 316<br />

wireman drierman’s assistant 327<br />

electronics textile printing 385<br />

experimental 462 wallpaper printing 385<br />

general 462 can 299<br />

prototype 462 card 299<br />

specialised equipment comber 299<br />

excluding devil 299<br />

prototype or experimental 462 frame 299<br />

Technologist intermediate 299<br />

bread and related fermented 173 loom<br />

products brewing 173 in charge of weavers 298<br />

building materials 173 not in charge of weavers 422<br />

ceramics 173 machine<br />

cereals 173 card setting 462<br />

chocolate and sugar confectionery 173 spinning 300<br />

dairy products 173 rundown 299<br />

fibre 173 scutcher 299<br />

food 173 slubbing 299<br />

fuel 173 wire weaving 402<br />

glass 173 Tenterer<br />

knitting 173 fish curing 327<br />

leather 173 textile finishing 305<br />

meat 173 Terrazzo layer’s mate 497<br />

packaging 173 Terrazzo working and tile setting<br />

paint 173 occupations 483<br />

paper 173 Tester<br />

plastics 173 abrasive wheel 477<br />

polymer 173 artificial teeth 477<br />

plastics 173 asbestos-cement pipe 477<br />

rubber 173 cable<br />

printing 173 installation 440<br />

rubber 173 manufacture 473<br />

spinning 173 can 477<br />

textile 173 cell 473<br />

textile finishing 173 chemical, routine 477<br />

timber 173 chemical and physical, routine 477<br />

weaving 173 colour, linoleum 477<br />

welding 173 cord 477<br />

Teemer, steel making 462 cylinder 473<br />

Teeming observer 387 electrical plant and industrial<br />

Telegraphist 235 machinery 472<br />

156<br />

Revised 1981

engine<br />

Third hand continued<br />

internal-combustion 472 corrugating<br />

jet 472 paper 327<br />

fittings paperboard 327<br />

gas 473 primary reduction mill team 462<br />

water supply 473 temper mill team 462<br />

glass capacity 477 Third man, vitreous silica<br />

gramophone records 477 furnace 319<br />

hydraulic 473 Third mate<br />

lift 462 foreign-going ship 185<br />

meter 473 home trade ship 185<br />

penetrant, double glazing 477 Third officer<br />

road foreign-going ship 185<br />

vehicle home trade ship 185<br />

new 418 Threader<br />

used 424* draw 385<br />

rope 477 dry, film 327<br />

safety fuse 477 embroidery 385<br />

spring 473 lace making 327<br />

systems, electronics 472 spool, Axminster carpet 302<br />

tube 473 warp, warp knitting 302<br />

valve 473 warp knit 302<br />

vehicle wet, film 327<br />

goods, statutory regulations 477 Threader-in, warp 302<br />

new 418 Thrower<br />

water, casting 473 porcelain 333<br />

yarn 477 pottery 333<br />

Tester-rectifier silk 300<br />

cylinder 462 Thrower’s assistant 385<br />

electrical equipment, production 462 Thrower’s looker-to-ware 477<br />

electrical equipment, production 462 Throwster 300<br />

engine<br />

Ticketer<br />

internal-combustion 416 hand 476<br />

jet 416 machine 476<br />

instrument Tic-tac man 281<br />

musical 385 Tier<br />

precision 415 cotton 385<br />

Textile printer’s assistant 385 end 385<br />

Textile repairing occupations 306 ring, incadescent mantles 477<br />

Textile weaving occupations 303 sausage 327<br />

Texturer, yarn 300 smash 303<br />

Thatcher 484 Tierer, textile printing 385<br />

Theatre sister 137 Tightener-trimmer, fibre 299<br />

Therapeutic radiologist 135 Tiler, floor and wall 483<br />

Therapist Tiler’s mate, floor and wall 497<br />

art 143 Timber feller 292<br />

beauty 281 Timer tallyman 528<br />

occupational 143 Timberer, mining 501<br />

speech 143 Timberman<br />

Thermodynamicist 159 mining 501<br />

Thermolaster 365 surface excavations 503<br />

Third hand Timberman’s mate 497<br />

cold rolling mill team 462 Time setter 245<br />

finishing vessel 293 Time study man 110<br />

hot rolling team 462 Time and motion study officer 110<br />

machine Timekeeper 211<br />

combining Timpanist 151<br />

paper 327 Tinner<br />

paperboard 327 hot dip 462<br />

* see page 35<br />

157<br />

Revised 1981

Tinner continued Trading standards officer 119<br />

tube 462 Traffic and production executive,<br />

wire 462 advertising 114<br />

Tinsmith 445 Trafic controlling occupations,<br />

Tinter rail transport 512<br />

colour matching 327 Traffic executive, advertising 114<br />

textiles 305 Traffic regulator, public<br />

Tipper service vehicles 514<br />

enamelling 477 Train guard, ropes 533<br />

umbrella 359 Trainee – code to job for<br />

wagon, manual 533 which being trained<br />

Tobacco processing and products<br />

Trainer<br />

making occupations 327 boxing 155<br />

Toggler 297 football 155<br />

Tongsman guide dog 295<br />

hot rolling mill team 462 horse 211<br />

primary reduction mill team 462 performing animals 151<br />

Tool making, tool fitters and Training officer 130<br />

makers-out 414 Trammer<br />

Tool pusher 193 mining 533<br />

Tooler, glass 330 quarrying 533<br />

Topman<br />

Transferrer<br />

coke oven 538 assistant 477<br />

demolition 503 ceramics 466<br />

pile-driving 523 design<br />

Topper printiing blocks 219<br />

fur 477 printing rollers 219<br />

hosiery 304 hosiery 304<br />

Topper and tailer, beret 304 printer’s ceramics 466<br />

Topper-up 276 unspecified 477<br />

Tote calculator 219 Translator 156<br />

Toucher up Transporter, supplies, coal mine 533<br />

ceramics decorating 466 Travel courier 265<br />

glaze 477 Traveller hand 327<br />

hand, laundering 276 Travelling stud groom 295<br />

painting and coating, excluding Trawlerman 294<br />

ceramics 477 Treasurer<br />

Toughener, safety glass 319 county 106<br />

Tower, pottery 385 local authority 106<br />

Town clerk 104 Tree cultivating and harvesting<br />

Town Manager 100 occupations 292<br />

Town planners and architects 179 Tree feller<br />

Town planning assistant 180 felling 292<br />

Toxicologist 157 trimming 292<br />

Tracer Tree surgeon 207<br />

block cutting 219 Trenchman 498<br />

ceramics 477 Tribologist 170<br />

drawing office 219 Trichologist 145<br />

embroidery 385 Trimmer<br />

roller engraving 219 abrasive wheels 385<br />

Track chargeman 479 Bespoke tailoring 358<br />

Tracker, coal mining 501 chamois leather 297<br />

Trackman 486 coach 353<br />

Traction trainee 509 coal 529<br />

Trade intelligence officer 111 dog 295<br />

Trader, street 245 edge, footwear 364<br />

158<br />

Revised 1981

Trimmer : continued<br />

Tuner : continued<br />

fibre 240 not in charge of weavers 422<br />

flap, footwear 364 organ 385<br />

flash, footwear 364 piano 385<br />

glass Tunnel miner, excl coalmining 502<br />

laminated 385 Tunnelman, ice cream 327<br />

optical 330 Turbine blader 416<br />

glove 385 Turf accountant 281<br />

hair, fibre 299 Turncock 537<br />

hand<br />

Turner<br />

artificial teeth 385 abrasive wheel 385<br />

brush broom 385 asbestos-cement 385<br />

garment, fabric 359 axle 404<br />

hides 297 centre lathe 404<br />

hosiery boarding 305 crank shaft 404<br />

hydraulic mechanical leather goods 364 engine 456<br />

inseam, footwear 364 garments 385<br />

knitted fabric pressing 305 hand<br />

knitwear 385 pottery 333<br />

leather 364 stoneware 333<br />

meat 313 roll 403<br />

plastic products 385 slipper 385<br />

post, footwear 366 stone 334<br />

print 385 textile products 385<br />

skins 297 tobacco pipe 378<br />

toe-puff & lining 364 tool 404<br />

upper 364 tool room 404<br />

veneer 378 wood 377<br />

Trimmer & finisher, hosiery 305 Turner & closer, hand, leather goods<br />

Trolley boy, street sales, excluding footwear 366<br />

excluding refreshments 245 Turner-up, metal 477<br />

Trolleyman, refreshments 259 Tutor<br />

Trouble shooter district nurse 137<br />

chemical process – see Engineer health visitor 137<br />

research & development, midwife 137<br />

chemical engineering nurse 137<br />

engineering maintenance 178 private 147<br />

Technician, maintenance 178 Twiner, yarn twisting 300<br />

Troughman, pig casting machine 462 Twist hand, lace making 303<br />

Trowel worker, general 480 Twister<br />

Truer, cycle wheel 462 cap 300<br />

Trumpet man 503 cop 300<br />

Trust officer 108 cordage 327<br />

Tuber doubling 300<br />

rope making 327 false 300<br />

textile spinning 327 fancy 300<br />

Tufter flyer 300<br />

carpet 327 gut 327<br />

upholstery 385 ring 300<br />

Tugboatman 507 twine 327<br />

Tugman 507 yarn 300<br />

Tun room hand 327 Twister-in, warp 302<br />

Tuner Twister-on, warp 302<br />

loom Twister-up, warp 302<br />

in charge of weavers 298<br />

159<br />

Revised 1981

Type caster 462 Valveman<br />

Typewriting occupations 226 excluding materials flow 540<br />

Typist materials flow 540<br />

audio 226 Valver, hand papersack 385<br />

clerk 219 Van boy 521<br />

copy 226 Varnisher, brush 477<br />

data 226 Vatman<br />

invoice 226 battery cells 327<br />

secretary 226 cider 327<br />

shorthand fruit cordials etc 327<br />

excl foreign languages 225 papermaking 327<br />

foreign languages 225 wine 327<br />

stenograph 225 Veiner, artificial flower making 385<br />

telediphone 226 Velourer 385<br />

Typographer 337 Venner edge jointer 385<br />

Umpire, sports & games 155 Venner splicer 385<br />

Under carder<br />

Veneerer<br />

in charge of fibre preparers 298 plywood 327<br />

not in charge of fibre preparers 422 wall, tyre 385<br />

Under cutter, lay cutting 358 Venerologist 135<br />

Under Secretary, national government 100 Ventriloquist 151<br />

Under-blaster 351 Verger 271<br />

Underground coalmining occupations nec 501 Verifier, punched cards 229<br />

Under-manager, coalmining 193 Vermin destroyer 281<br />

Undertaker 281 Vesselman<br />

Undertaker’s assistant 281 first steel converter 389<br />

Underwriter fourth steel converter 389<br />

insurance 108 second steel converter 389<br />

Lloyd’s 108 third steel converter 389<br />

Unhairer, hand 297 Veterinarian 146<br />

Unifier, footwear 477 Veterinary investigation officer 146<br />

Unloader, autoclare ceramics goods Veterinary officer 146<br />

kiln, ceramic goods 533 Veterinary pathologist 157<br />

Unraveller 385 Veterinary pharmacologist 157<br />

Untwister, fibre 299 Veterinary physiologist 157<br />

Unwinder, yarn 301 Vicar 134<br />

Upholsterer Vice-chancellor, university 100<br />

furniture 354 Viewer<br />

soft furnishings 354 garments 477<br />

Upper & alteration hand, footwear 385 metal 473<br />

Uptwister 300 plastics 477<br />

Urologist 135 rubber 477<br />

Usher, court 281 textile products 477<br />

Usherette 281 unspecified materials 477<br />

Vacuum man, cable impregnating 385 unspecified products 477<br />

Vacuum man’s, assistant, Viewer projectionist 477<br />

cable impregnating 385 Violinist 151<br />

Valet 263 Virologist 157<br />

Valet-butler 261 Visitor<br />

Valet-chauffeur 263 health 137<br />

Valuation oficer 107 National Society for the Prevention<br />

Valuer of Cruelty to Children 133<br />

excluding stock audit 107 Visual display unit operator 230<br />

stock audit 213 Visualiser, advertiser 149<br />

Vitrifier 319<br />

Vocational guidance specialist 147<br />

Vocational training occupations 130<br />

160<br />

Revised 1981

Voicer, organ pipes 385 Warrener 295<br />

Vulcaniser 327 Watchstander, barge 506<br />

Waiter<br />

Washer<br />

bar 258 barrel, machine 540<br />

canteen 257 bottle<br />

club 257 hand 538<br />

commis 257 machine 540<br />

dining car 257 bulb<br />

floor 257 hand 538<br />

head machine 540<br />

plate service 255 cask, machine 540<br />

silver service 255 cullet 477<br />

lounge 258 feather 327<br />

mess 257 grit 327<br />

plate service 257 hand<br />

silver service 257 fish curing 327<br />

station 255 laundering 281<br />

wine 257 hides skins pelts<br />

Waiters & waitresses 257 drum operating 297<br />

Waitress pit 297<br />

bar 258 machine<br />

head fish curing 327<br />

plate service 255 laundering 281<br />

silver service 255 photographic processing 385<br />

plate service 257 pottery etching 385<br />

silver service 257 rag 327<br />

Walker, tightrope 151 rubber reclamation 327<br />

Waller, dry walls 503 sugar beet 327<br />

Ward orderley, hospital 267 textile processing 327<br />

Warden vehicle 273<br />

detention centre 209 wool 327<br />

firing range 281 Washerman<br />

fishery 119 flour 327<br />

hostel 211 grain 327<br />

lodging house 211 provender milling 327<br />

nursery 263 Washer-up 260<br />

old people’s home 133 Washing & drying hand,<br />

social group work 133 vulcanised fibre 327<br />

traffic 253 Waste deviller 299<br />

youth hostel 211 Wasteman, mining 501<br />

Wardrobe mistress 281 Watchman<br />

Warehouseman barge 506<br />

biscuit, pottery 332 building site 251<br />

cargo 528 night, road works 254<br />

enamel, pottery 332 premises 251<br />

freight 528 ship’s 251<br />

furniture depository 528 Water colourist 149<br />

glost, pottery 332 Water infusion man 501<br />

industrial, unspecified 528 Waterman<br />

retail distribution 528 coalmining 538<br />

wholesale distribution 528 dock 529<br />

Warp hand 304 furnace cooling 540<br />

Warp loom hand 304 inland waterways 507<br />

Warp preparing occupations 302 inspectoer & turncock 537<br />

Warper waste inspection 496<br />

hand 302 Waxer<br />

machine 302 cord 305<br />

thread block 385<br />

161<br />

Revised 1981

Way-leave officer 245 Weigher : continued<br />

Weather forecaster 159 set 477<br />

Weaver weighbridge 477<br />

Axminster, power loom 303 Weigher & mixer<br />

broadloom chocolate 327<br />

carpet 303 sugar confectionery 327<br />

fabric 303 Weighing & measuring occupations 477<br />

Brussels 303 Weighman<br />

carpet charge 533<br />

hand loom 303 check, colliery 477<br />

hand wiring 303 truck 477<br />

power loom 303 tub 477<br />

chenille 303 wagon 477<br />

circular 303 Weighter<br />

contour 303 silk 305<br />

dobby 303 sports equipment 380<br />

fabric Weightsman 174<br />

hand loom 303 Weld dresser 462<br />

power loom 303 Welder<br />

felt 327 arc 452<br />

hair 385 CO2 452<br />

hand loom double glazing units 385<br />

carpet 303 electron beam 452<br />

fabric 303 flash butt 453<br />

jacquard, fabric 303 friction 453<br />

lace 303 gas 452<br />

length 303 general 452<br />

loom 303 oxy-acetylene 452<br />

hand 303 seam 453<br />

carpet 303 spot<br />

fabric 303 collar linings 477<br />

pattern 303 metal 453<br />

tappet 303 stitch 453<br />

narrow, carpet 303 stud 453<br />

narrow, fabric 303 tack 462<br />

net 303 test 472<br />

netting 303 thermit 452<br />

pattern 303 ultrasonic 453<br />

plain, fabric 303 Welfare assistant, school 264<br />

range 303 Welfare occupations 133<br />

spare 303 Welfare officer<br />

tappet room 303 education 133<br />

time 303 mental 133<br />

Wilton 303 staff welfare 133<br />

Weaver & patcher 306 Welfare officer for blind 133<br />

Webber 358 Welfare officer for elderly 133<br />

Weighbridgeman 477 Welfare officer for<br />

Weigher physically handicapped 133<br />

check, food products 477 Welfare officer to deaf 133<br />

coiler 327 Welfare worker, moral 133<br />

drug room 308 Well drilling, operative 503<br />

goods, excl weighbridge weighing 477 Well sinker 503<br />

production 477 Welt butter & tacker 364<br />

products, excl weighbridge weighing 477 Welter<br />

hand, footwear 366<br />

light clothing 361<br />

162<br />

Revised 1981

Wet block machine hand<br />

Winder : continued<br />

rice starch 327 pneumatic tyre components 385<br />

Wharfman, coke 533 reel, yarn 301<br />

Wheeler resistance 462<br />

hand, footwear 367 roll, paper 385<br />

leather excl footwear 297 rotor 462<br />

plush 297 selvedge 302<br />

welt 367 slip 301<br />

Wheelman, copper refining 462 spiral-tube 385<br />

Wheelwright 385 spool<br />

Whipper<br />

automatic<br />

blanket thread yarn 301<br />

heavy fabric 361 twine 301<br />

light fabric 361 non-automatic yarn 301<br />

sock, footwear 366 stator 462<br />

Whipper & varnisher, fishing rod 385 swift 301<br />

Whipper-in 295 typewriter ribbon 327<br />

White metaller 462 weft 301<br />

Wicker, night light 477 wire 462<br />

Wicker worker 385 yarn 301<br />

Willeyer 299 Winding engineman, mine 525<br />

Winch hand, textile bleaching 305 Wiper<br />

Winchman, seagoing 505 cutlery making 538<br />

Winder scissors making 538<br />

armature 462 Wire boy, flat glass 385<br />

assembler, yarn 301 Wirelman operator’s helper 503<br />

assembly, yarn 301 Wireman<br />

belt 385 electrical 433<br />

bit 301 electronics<br />

bobbin experimental 462<br />

brass 301 general 462<br />

electrical 462 prototype 462<br />

yarn 301 specialised equipment excl<br />

card prototype or experimental 462<br />

narrow fabric 327 Wirer-up 462<br />

thread 301 Wireworker, bench hand 462<br />

yarn 301 Withdrawer, prop, mining 501<br />

cheese Wood sawing & veneer cutting 376<br />

multi-end 301 Wood worker, aircraft 372<br />

unspecified 301 Woodcutter 292<br />

clock 281 Woodman 292<br />

coil Woodworking craftsman’s mate 380<br />

heavy 462 Woodleyer 299<br />

light 462 Word processor operator 226<br />

cone 301 Work measurement engineer 110<br />

cop 301 Work procedure analyst 110<br />

double, yarn 301 Work study officer 110<br />

doubler 301 Worker-up, quantity surveying 181<br />

drum, yarn 301 Workman, hand glass making 330<br />

fabric, machine 327 Works’ doctor 135<br />

filament, lamps valves 462 Worksetter 462<br />

hand, textiles 327 Wrapper<br />

hank 301 bread, machine 385<br />

machine, fabric 327 matchbox 476<br />

pirn 301 rubber<br />

hand 385<br />

machine 385<br />

163<br />

Revised 1981

Wrapper : continued<br />

textile goods 476<br />

unspecified goods, hand 476<br />

Wrapper stemmer 327<br />

Wrestler 155<br />

Writer<br />

advertising copy 156<br />

compiler 112<br />

continuity 156<br />

dial 477<br />

feature 148<br />

ghost 156<br />

instruction, clerical & related procedures156<br />

journalism 148<br />

leader 148<br />

lyric 156<br />

process description, technical &<br />

scientific procedures 156<br />

programme, programmed instruction 156<br />

publicity 156<br />

script 156<br />

ship’s 219<br />

shorthand 225<br />

show card 465<br />

signwriting 465<br />

specification 189<br />

technical excl patents 156<br />

technical. patents 189<br />

ticket 465<br />

Yardman. coal 477<br />

Yardage hand, paper patterns 385<br />

Youth leader 133<br />

Youth organiser 133<br />

Zoologist 157<br />

164<br />

Revised 1981

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