Dissertation Tanja Bacher - Högskolan Dalarna

Dissertation Tanja Bacher - Högskolan Dalarna

Dissertation Tanja Bacher - Högskolan Dalarna


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<strong>Tanja</strong> <strong>Bacher</strong><br />






I would like to express my thanks to all the staff at Bournemouth University, as well as the<br />

University of Savoie, especially my course tutor, Mike Morgan, and my supervisor, Beatrice<br />

Galey, who supported me with much help and advice. My gratitude also goes to my family<br />

and friends for their understanding and support during this busy year of study, in which some<br />

of them may have felt slightly neglected, not forgetting my fellow students, who made the<br />

experience enjoyable and with whom I spent many happy times.<br />

Special thanks to my family who have supported me throughout my career.


In global terms, the mountains are losing their attractiveness as a destination, and are<br />

suffering from stagnation or falling visitor numbers, especially during the winter. Ski resorts,<br />

especially those at lower altitudes, are forced to react to problems like global warming,<br />

changing demand and increasing competition by diversifying their tourist product.<br />

This research investigates the diversification of tourist products in the mid-French mountains,<br />

using the example of one small-sized and one large-sized ski resort. The former is called La<br />

Bresse and situated in the Vosges, while the latter is Orcières -Merlette in the Southern Alps.<br />

Having relatively high visitor numbers compared to other mid mountain resorts, the author<br />

aims to establish the possible factors leading to their success.<br />

The literature review serves as a theoretical way of approaching this topic in order to gain a<br />

better understanding of the resorts’ circumstances and provide a basis for the practical<br />

research (the development of the interview questions). It includes general literature on the<br />

destination life cycle, customer satisfaction (needs/expectations/values), communication<br />

(image) and diversification as well as its adaptation to the reality of those resorts that are<br />

taki ng the initiative in diversifying their tourist products.<br />

In order to define possible factors that will lead to success, an interview survey was<br />

conducted. The data was collected from five responsible persons from the resort and/or the<br />

local and regional tourist boards (OT, CDT, CRT).<br />

The results of the study confirm the importance for a resort to have the capacity to diversify<br />

its facilities and respond to the needs of one or several of its customer target groups. These<br />

factors have been identified as two factors of success amongst others.<br />

The dissertation ends by offering conclusions and recommendations for ski resorts and the<br />

tourism industry, as well as suggestions for further research.<br />



1 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………….8<br />

1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE TOPIC .............................................................................8<br />

1.2 RESEARCH AIM AND OBJECTIVES .....................................................................9<br />

1.3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................................................................9<br />

1.4 STRUCTURE OF THE DISSERTATION ..............................................................10<br />

2 LITERATURE REVIEW..............................................................12<br />

2.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................12<br />

2.2 DESTINATION LIFE CYCLE.................................................................................13<br />

2.2.1 LIFE CYCLE MODEL: ....................................................................................... 13<br />


DIVERSIFICATION............................................................................................................ 14<br />

2.3 BUILDING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION...........................................................16<br />

2.3.1 CUSTOMER NEEDS, EXPECTATIONS AND VALUES ................................ 16<br />


(PROFILES, NEEDS, EXPECTATIONS, VALUES)......................................................... 19<br />

2.4 COMMUNICATION.................................................................................................24<br />

2.4.1 IMAGE CONCEPT.............................................................................................. 25<br />


RESORTS............................................................................................................................. 29<br />


2.5 DIVERSIFICATION .................................................................................................30<br />

2.5.1 THE ANSOFF MATRIX: .................................................................................... 30<br />

2.5.2 TYPES OF DIVERSIFICATION:....................................................................... 33<br />

2.5.3 DIVERSIFICATION MOTIVES AND LIMITATIONS .................................... 34<br />


2.5.5 DIVERSIFICATION INITIATIVES IN FRENCH RESORTS........................... 39<br />

3 RESEARCH .....................................................................................41<br />

3.1 RESEARCH METHODS ..........................................................................................41<br />

3.1.1 THE RESEARCH QUESTION ........................................................................... 41<br />

3.1.2 THE SECONDARY DATA COLLECTION....................................................... 42<br />

3.1.3 THE PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION............................................................. 43<br />

3.1.4 RESEARCH ANALYSIS .................................................................................... 46<br />

3.1.5 RESEARCH LIMITATIONS .............................................................................. 50<br />

3.2 RESEARCH FINDINGS ...........................................................................................52<br />


3.2.2 INTERVIEW ANALYSIS (See Appendix 6) ...................................................... 53<br />

4 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................71<br />



FIGURE 1-1: Structure of the <strong>Dissertation</strong> 11<br />

FIGURE 2-1: Destination Life Cycle of the French Mountains 15<br />

FIGURE 2-2: Destination Choice 17<br />

FIGURE 2-3 : Customers’ Value Perception 18<br />

FIGURE 2-4: Elements in the Communication Process 24<br />

FIGURE 2-5: Stage-Theories of Destination Image 26<br />

FIGURE 2-6: A General Framework of Destination Image Formation 27<br />

FIGURE 2-7: The Components of Destination Image 28<br />

FIGURE 2-8: Realisation of a Diversification Strategy 38<br />



TABLE 2-1: The Ansoff Matrix 32<br />

TABLE 3-1: Comparison of the Ski Resorts Orcières -Merlette and La Bresse 52<br />



APPENDIX 1: The Service Gap Concept 79<br />

APPENDIX 2: The French Mountains and a Analysis of its Domestic Visitors 80<br />

(Winter Sport)<br />

APPENDIX 3 : Categories of Visitors to the French Mountains (Visitor Profile) 81<br />

APPENDIX 4 : Activities pursued during a travel to the French mountains 82<br />

APPENDIX 5 : Diversification Products in Winter Sport Resorts 83<br />

APPENDIX 6: Interview questions (original and changed version) 84<br />

APPENDIX 7: Interview Answers 89<br />

APPENDIX 8 : Management of the French Ski Resort Les Karellis 94<br />

APPENDIX 9: The examined Ski Resorts (Les Karellis, La Bresse, Orcières-Merlette) 95<br />




This research investigates the diversification of tourist products in the mid-French mountains,<br />

using the example of one small-sized and large-sized ski resort. In global terms, the<br />

mountains are loosing their attractiveness as a destination, suffering from stagnation or falling<br />

visitor numbers, especially during the winter. France, having the world’s-largest ski areas<br />

with up-to -date equipment and lift facilities, is facing similar problems. The stagnation in the<br />

rate of domestic travellers to the mountains and a decline in their average length of stay are<br />

becoming apparent. The growth in the number of skiers from Europe, forming about 90% of<br />

the French mountains’ clients during the winter, is slowing down (AFIT 2000). Some of the<br />

main causes are:<br />

‣ Global heating leading to a lack of snow: particularly the mid-French mountains,<br />

comp rising those parts of the Alps and the Pyrenees with an altitude below 1600m and<br />

the Massif Central below 1200m, are no longer able to guarantee snow for downhill<br />

skiing (Tinard 1994; Baron-Yellès 1999).<br />

‣ The disproportion between supply and demand: the mountains are failing to fulfil the<br />

customers’ needs in terms of quality of service and equipment/activities (a break from<br />

everyday life, get-togethers/community spirit, personal development; AFIT 2000).<br />

‣ The increasing competition on a national as well as an international level: as travelling<br />

is becoming cheaper (growing number of low cost carriers), people may switch to<br />

alternative destinations like the coast, cities, countryside, winter sun destinations, etc.<br />

Ski resorts, “town(s) in the mountains where people stay when on a skiing holiday” (Collin<br />

1994, p. 205), reacting to falling visitor numbers and profits by diversifying their tourist<br />

products in order to retain their existing clienteles and also win new ones.<br />

According to Medlik and Middleton (1973 in Middleton 2001, p. 121), the tourist product<br />

includes the tourist’s “complete experience from the time he leaves home to the time he<br />

returns to it.” The previous definition is one among several others trying to describe the<br />

tourist product. This is difficult, because it involves both objective, tangible elements such as<br />


infrastructure and superstructure, as well as subjective, intangible elements such as feelings<br />

and images (Westlake 2004).<br />

Despite the absence of a universal definition of the term ‘diversification’ in the literature, one<br />

can identify a common feature: “diversification is the extension of an enterprise’s activities to<br />

new products and/or markets” (translated from Schüle 1992, p. 8).<br />


The aim of this research is to evaluate the contribution of diversification measures to a<br />

resort’s success. Related to this, the author formed the following hypothesis/question:<br />

Is a resort’s success based on either its capacity to diversify its offers (products and services)<br />

and/or to respond to the needs of one or several of its customer target groups?<br />

From this research aim, the following research objectives can be derived:<br />

‣ To define the process of diversification (concept, types).<br />

‣ To determine the factors that lead to successful diversification.<br />

‣ To identify diversification measures in French resorts and evaluate them (reasons for<br />

diversification, results and limitations).<br />

‣ To ascertain the situation in two middle mountain resorts.<br />


The research will be based on both primary and secondary data sources .<br />

The secondary research consists of the literature review on diversification and its application<br />

to the reality of (mid-) French mountain resorts. A further theoretical basis for a better<br />

understanding of the resorts’ circumstances will be produced, including the destination life<br />

cycle, customer satisfaction (needs/expectations/values) and communication (image). In<br />

addition, information about two resorts, La Bresse and Orcières-Merlette, will be collected,<br />

together with statistical data about tourism in the French mountains, including origins, age,<br />

social conditions, etc. The information is acquired from studies, journals, books, dissertations,<br />

and websites, as well as brochures from the afore mentioned ski resorts.<br />

The primary data findings on the diversification initiatives of La Bresse and Orcières-<br />

Merlette are based on a series of semi -structured (via telephone or face-to-face) interviews<br />


with the managers of the resort and/or public tourism organisations (OT Office de Tourisme,<br />

CDT Comité Départemental de Tourisme, CRT Comité Régional de Tourisme).<br />


Being an academic piece of work, this dissertation will fulfil certain criteria, such as<br />

providing a literature review in all sections and a critical analysis of the subject. Some parts of<br />

the work are descriptive, as the theoretic models and findings of other authors will be<br />

presented. However, models to show and explain reality in a simplified way will be critically<br />

examined and adapted to the situation of the French mountains. To assist the reader in finding<br />

the different elements of this work, an outline of the dissertation will now be presented. It is<br />

divided into four main chapters:<br />

Chapter 1 gives an introduction consisting of four parts. Firstly, the research is set in context<br />

by giving a general background to the research topic. Then the research aim and objectives<br />

are stated together with the justifications for these. Finally, the methods of data collection are<br />

presented (methodology) and, finally, the dissertation’s structure is defined.<br />

The theoretical part begins in Chapter 2, in which the general literature on the destination life<br />

cycle, customer satisfaction (needs/expectations/values), communication (image) and<br />

diversification will be examined and evaluated. As mentioned above, the models are first<br />

introduced and then adapted to the reality of those resorts that are taking the initiative in<br />

diversifying their tourist products.<br />

Chapter 3, describing the research, is twofold. On the one hand, the research methodology is<br />

presented, including the primary and secondary data collection, the data analysis, and the<br />

limitations of the research. On the other hand, the research findings are presented, together<br />

with a short introduction of the two middle mountain resorts, La Bresse (The Vosges) and<br />

Orcières-Merlette (Southern Alps) in form of a table, the interpretation of the interview<br />

results, and an evaluation (factors of success).<br />

The work concludes with a conclusion in chapter 4 where the research findings are<br />

summarized, recommendations for ski resorts and the tourism industry are offered, as well as<br />

suggestions for further research are made.<br />


Chapter 1: Introduction<br />

Chapter 2: Literature Review<br />

General Literature + Models<br />

Life cycle, customer satisfaction,<br />

communication, diversification<br />

Adaptation of the Models to the<br />

Situation of Resorts in Need of<br />

Diversification<br />

Chapter 3: Research<br />

Research Methodology<br />

Primary + secondary data<br />

collection, data analysis,<br />

research limitations<br />

Research Findings<br />

Introduction of the two resorts, results,<br />

evaluation<br />

Chapter 4: Conclusion,<br />

Recommendations<br />

Figure 1 -1: Structure of the <strong>Dissertation</strong><br />

Source: author’s own<br />




The research about diversification goes back to the 1950s when the increasing technical<br />

progress, competition and changing customer behaviour after WWII led to a real trend<br />

towards diversification. About a decade later, Igor Ansoff developed a model which gained<br />

wide acceptance, and is today often quoted and commonly linked with diversification (Schüle<br />

1992). The concept of diversification is mainly addressed in the literature concerning<br />

economics and strategic management. An abundance of books and academic articles explore<br />

the subject, but only a few in connection with tourism destinations. As far as the French<br />

mountains are concerned, the latest study about diversification in French ski resorts (AFIT<br />

1993) dates from 1993. In addition, few dissertations have been written about the topic of<br />

diversification, but several about product development (e.g. Carole 2005; Van Peer 2003).<br />

Owing to the limited literature about diversification in tourism, the writer consulted literature<br />

that he considered relevant to the topic from the fields of Marketing and Management. The<br />

latter includes the destination life cycle, customer satisfaction (needs/expectations/values),<br />

and communication (image). Further, he collected all kinds of data about tourism and leisure<br />

in the (French) mountains, including statistical data, articles from special mountain journals<br />

about climatic warming, changing customer demands, reactions from professionals to the<br />

changing reality (enlargement of the leisure offer, enhancement of the product and service<br />

quality, etc.) and so on.<br />

In this section, the author will present several models that may elucidate the situation of<br />

French ski resorts in terms of their diversification. Each theory or model will first be<br />

presented and then applied to the situation in these resorts.<br />



2.2.1 LIFE CYCLE MODEL:<br />

The evolution of tourism echoes the development of destinations, especially resorts. The latter<br />

has to respond to changing and developing markets in order to stay competitive by adapting<br />

their facilities and services. The tourist area life cycle (TALC), also called the destination- or<br />

tourist product-life-cycle (PLC), is a largely discussed and accepted framework that makes it<br />

possible to understand the evolutionary process of destinations and their markets. This goes<br />

back to Butler (1980), who applied the business concept of a product-life-cycle to a<br />

destination (Hovinen 2002). According to Lundtorp and Wanhill (2001, p. 961), “Butler’s<br />

lifecycle model is one of the most significant paradigms used in research concerning the<br />

development of resorts.” “Destinations go through a cycle of evolution similar to the life cycle<br />

of a product (where sales grow as the product evolves through the stages of launch,<br />

development, maturity and decline)” (Cooper et al. 1998, p. 114), only, instead of sales, the<br />

number of visitors is measured on a time scale. The destination’s life cycle curve varies,<br />

depending upon the rate of development, marketing trends, access, government policy and the<br />

competing destinations. Each factor can influence not only the speed of progress, but also the<br />

length of every stage and of the cycle as a whole, as well as capacity constraints, tourist<br />

impacts, planning responses and investment, since, without important financial returns, the<br />

destination will not experience the whole life cycle. The latter consists of the following stages<br />

(generally accepted framework) (ebd.):<br />

Exploration: a few visitors (explorers) discover the destination, which is yet unchanged by<br />

tourism. Factors attracting tourists include: original nature, culture, contact with locals.<br />

Factors keeping tourists away include: lack of access and facilities.<br />

Involvement: visitor numbers increase due to local initiatives to encourage visitors and<br />

advertising measures. Beginning of a market area and of a tourism season.<br />

Development: high visitor numbers, companies from outside move there providing new<br />

facilities. Danger: facilities’ over-use and deterioration, quality loss.<br />


Consolidation: the destination has become part of the tourism industry (presence of big<br />

chains, franchises and a recreational business district). Visitor numbers further increase, but<br />

the growth rate starts to decrease.<br />

Stagnation: the reaching of peak visitor numbers; the destination is no longer up-to-date and<br />

builds on repeat visits and business travellers. Problems: the destination often suffers from<br />

negative environmental, social, economic impacts and high competition from other mature<br />

destinations.<br />

Decline : visitors change to newer resorts; the destination has a smaller geographical reach for<br />

short trips (day-/ week-end trips).<br />

Rejuvenation: re-launch of the destination by searching for new markets (clienteles) and<br />

products to fight against seasonality, to depend less on declining market segments and to<br />

stabilise visitation. The successful realisation of this strategy is difficult (Cooper et al. 1998,<br />

Moutinho 2000).<br />



Used more descriptive than normative (where different development of a destination is<br />

possible; Lundtorp and Wanhill 2001), the author will adapt this model to resorts trying to<br />

diversify their tourist products. The latter are usually either in the stagnation or already in the<br />

decline stage (or somewhere in between). They use diversification in order to re-launch or<br />

rejuvenate the destination, by offering, for example, new activities, such as climbing, hiking,<br />

snowboarding, parachuting, etc. In times of globalisation, the concurrence is high and wide<br />

ranging (from local to international level), including other ski resorts (in France, Europe, the<br />

US and Canada) as well as winter sun destinations, and so on. This highly competitive<br />

environment and the fact that many ski resorts resemble each other (similar facilities and<br />

products) renders a destination’s individualisation and re-launch difficult. The following<br />

figure shows the approximate development stages of the French mountains:<br />


Involvement: before 1930 the mountains were less frequented, mainly in the summer, by a<br />

wealthy clientele coming for health reasons. In 1936, with the introduction of package<br />

holidays in France, the number of vacationers began to rise.<br />

Development: after WWII, the growing industrial society (1945-70) brought about a change<br />

in consumption behaviour, and tourists began to come in large numbers to engage in winter<br />

sports.<br />

Consolidation: even the economic crisis in the 1980s, entailing increasing unemployment,<br />

failed to hinder people from taking holidays in the mountains. However, the growth rate was<br />

lower than before, linked to relative high prices (Dienot and Theiller 1999; Tinard 1994).<br />

During the last two decades, several mountain areas have been confronted with problem of<br />

stagnation or even decline. Apart from a lack of snow and high prices, “part of the problem<br />

is that the baby boom generation that embraced the sport is aging, and their children have<br />

never really took to the sport” (Randall 1996, p. 56).<br />

Before<br />

1930<br />

From<br />

1936 on<br />

After WWII<br />

1945-1970<br />

1980s<br />

Since 1990s<br />

Visitor numbers<br />

Consolidation<br />

Stagnation<br />

Rejuvenation<br />

Decline<br />

Development<br />

Involvement<br />

Exploration<br />

Time<br />

Figure 2 -1: Destination Life Cycle of the French Mountains<br />

Source: Adapted from Cooper et al. 1998<br />


One has to consider the limitations of Butler’s model. His assumption that a destination has<br />

one single tourist product doesn’t correspond with the reality of many destinations offering<br />

different activities or services (Hovinen 2002). Thus, his model isn’t adapted to resorts with a<br />

diversified tourist product, but only to single attraction destinations. A study of Hovinen<br />

(2002) shows a co-existence of some stages in Lancaster County (US). Hence, each business<br />

has its own life cycle (some grow while others decline). Despite these limitations, Butler’s<br />

model is useful for predicting a destination’s decline in the following circumstances: the nonconsideration<br />

of a destination or resort’s carrying capacity as well as the absence of effective<br />

overall management and long-term planning (Hovinen 2002).<br />


As mentioned above, many destinations are confronted with the problem of increasing<br />

competition, because supply is outweighing demand. Being in a phase of maturity or decline,<br />

many mountain resorts regard diversification as the way to stand out from their competitors<br />

(other mountain resorts, winter sun destinations, etc.). To survive, they have to spare no effort<br />

in both keeping existing customers and attracting new ones. This requires very high customer<br />

satisfaction, which again can be achieved through the fulfilment of customers’ expectations<br />

regarding the products and services offered.<br />


The way in which customers behave depends on their individual needs, expectations and<br />

values. To fulfil their needs and expectations, a resort has to know well both its existing and<br />

potential clients. In this context, one has to be aware of the buying process (Kotler 2003):<br />

People’s decision to buy a product originates with the recognition of an unsatisfied need or<br />

problem and the motivation to solve it. Somebody who decides to go on holiday may, for<br />

example, feel the need to distance himself/herself from his/her daily working life. He/she<br />

starts searching for information and chooses a certain destination by comparing the offers. If<br />

his/her perception of what could satisfy the need corresponds with his/her perception of the<br />

destination, he/she will decide in favour of th is destination.<br />


Consumers’ Need<br />

Push Factors<br />

Consumers’ Perception of<br />

what could satisfy this Need<br />

Pull Factors<br />

Consumers’ Perception of<br />

the Destination<br />

If both correspond<br />

Motivation to visit<br />

the Destination<br />

Destination<br />

Figure 2-2: Destination choice<br />

Source: Frochot 2005<br />

Depending on the person’s individual ideas of how to obtain distance from everyday life,<br />

he/she may choose the mountains for different reasons: to relax, to engage in sport, to<br />

discover the natural landscape, to get to know the local culture, etc. Later in this chapter<br />

(2.3.2), the author will discuss in greater detail people’s particular expectations regarding the<br />

French mountains.<br />

Customer expectations can be based on, amongst other things, their past buying experience,<br />

advice from family and friends and advertising campaigns. According to Mouton (2000),<br />

these expectations are twofold, consisting of the satisfaction of need as well as the demand<br />

for reconnaissance. The former can be achieved through the product itself, the latter by<br />

showing the customer his/her power over the company (as without customers a company isn’t<br />

able to survive). Complaint offices, loyalty programmes, individual customer databases, etc.<br />

are means to strengthen customer bonds and part of the customer relationship management<br />

(Kotler 2003). A company (or destination) that is able to constantly fulfil both expectations<br />

and so renew people’s desire for the company (or destination) will have success in keeping<br />

existing and winning future clients. Mouton (2000, p. 8) calls this “the double interaction of<br />

the desire” (double interaction du désir).<br />


Transferred to destinations like mountain resorts, this means that customers attach importance<br />

to both products (catering/accommodation, leisure facilities, access, etc.) and services<br />

(friendliness of the staff, performance/fulfilment of customers’ individual needs, fast<br />

resolution of problems, etc.). There are different ways of measuring tourist satisfaction, like<br />

suggestions and comp laints systems, customer satisfaction surveys, mystery shopping, and<br />

lost costumer analysis (Kotler 2003).<br />

According to Kotler (2003, p. 60), “customers estimate which offer will deliver the most<br />

value. … They form an expectation of value and act on it. Whether or not the offer lives up to<br />

the value expectation affects both satisfaction and repurchase probability”. Hence, customers<br />

choose the offer that promises the highest value, by weighing up the expected values against<br />

the expected costs. The so called customer perceived value (CPV) or customer delivered value<br />

can be calculated by subtracting the total customer cost from the total customer value. The<br />

total customer cost is made up of monetary, time, energy and psychological costs. The total<br />

customer value is the sum of products, services, personnel and image value (Kotler 2003).<br />

TCV (product + service + personnel + image)<br />

- TCC (money + time + energy + psyche)____<br />

= CPV<br />

Figure 2 -3: Customers’ Value Perception<br />

Source: Adapted from Kotler 2003<br />

The higher the customer perceived value, the higher the customer satisfaction. A negative<br />

result shows a gap between customer expectation and perceived value (see Appendix 1: The<br />

service gap concept). The costs outweigh the values and the customer will become<br />

disappointed as the company or destination didn’t fulfil his/her demands in terms of product<br />

and/or service quality.<br />

Product and service quality, customer satisfaction, and company profitability are intimately connected.<br />

Higher levels of quality result in higher levels of customer satisfaction, which support higher prices an<br />

(often) lower costs (Kotler 2003, p. 84).<br />

In order to be successful, a company or destination must constantly improve the quality of its<br />

products, services and processes (total quality management).<br />




In the latest study of SEATM (Service d’Etudes et d’Aménagement Touristique de la<br />

Montagne) (2004), statistics about tourism in the French mountains are published. By<br />

analysing the available figures and tables, the author produced the following results:<br />

Comprising 15% of the entire overnight stays and 12% of the entire day trips, the mountains<br />

are in the fourth place among the French tourism destinations in 2003 (after the coast,<br />

countryside and cities). They are composed of the following six massifs: the Vosges, the Jura<br />

mountains, the (northern/southern) Alps, the Central Massif, the Pyrenees and Corsica. French<br />

skiers, irrespective of the region they come from, prefer the northern Alps to the other massifs<br />

(except inhabitants from the Southeast who mainly go to the southern Alps and people from<br />

the Southwest who frequent the Pyrenees) (see Appendix 2).<br />

Visitors to the French mountains go mainly for two reasons: leisure (70%) and visiting family<br />

and friends (25%). Predominantly visited by domestic tourists, the following categories of<br />

French visitors (visitor profile) can be established (see Appendix 3):<br />

‣ Socio-professional: the retired are the best represented visitor group in “the<br />

mountains outside winter sports” (montagne hors sports d’hiver) and “all spaces”,<br />

(tous espaces) followed by the employees and intermediary professions. As far as<br />

winter sports are concerned, these three clienteles are approximately equal in size,<br />

followed by executives, as well as students from 15 years upwards.<br />

‣ Income: all in all, most of the visitors belong to the middle salary brackets (~1500-<br />

3000 €/month) in terms of winter sports, together with the upper salaries (up to<br />

~7600€/month).<br />

‣ Age: the clientele frequenting the mountains is very large, aged from 15 to over 64.<br />

Two visitor groups are especially prominent; namely people between 35 and 44 going<br />

for the skiing, as well as older people (see above).<br />


Mainly travel by car (>80% of the travellers), and visitors to the French mountains primarily<br />

pursue the following activities: People travelling to winter sport places are mainly interested<br />

in skiing/snowboarding (>80%), followed by walking and other snow-related activities.<br />

Besides winter sports, the most practiced activities are in the following order: sightseeing,<br />

walking, and no special activities, as well as swimming, hiking, skiing and other snow<br />

activities (SEATM 2004) (see Appendix 4).<br />

In the French mountains, two holiday periods predominate: winter (01.10. – 30.03.) and<br />

summer (01.04.-30.09.). The clienteles are different in each season:<br />

In the summer, they are more traditional, rational, and guided by reason. They are interested<br />

in culture and distance themselves from the consumer society (looking for authenticity and<br />

simplicity). Further, they are looking for sports as well as relaxation (territory of soft<br />

discovery). Since in the summer the clientele of the mountains differs from that of the coast,<br />

countryside and cities, the latter faces no real/severe competitors.<br />

In winter, the clientele is bigger, including people who do sport or other physical activities to<br />

people who are attracted by nature and others who are searching for urban activities. People<br />

who want to escape the masses, who are disappointed with what the mountain have to offer or<br />

who have various interests, are tempted to change to city or coastal destinations.<br />

The paradox is that the mountains in winter have less to offer, with a large clientele,<br />

whereas in summer, there is more on offer, but the clientele is restricted (SEATM 2004).<br />

The author concludes that diversification measures have a special importance in winter,<br />

aiming to enlarge the offer to fulfil customers’ various expectations and thus win loyal clients<br />

(keeping them from going over to the competitors, such as city and coastal destinations).<br />

As demand is developing, it is no longer sufficient to look only at the present customer<br />

profile, but future development trends have to be considered as well:<br />

An aging population within Europe is enhancing older people’s (economic) power, also in<br />

terms of tourism. Different kinds of customer groups are emerging and changing (e.g. family:<br />

mono-parental family, family, group of families, recomposed family…). Young people are<br />

more and more autonomous in deciding how to spend their leisure time, often going on<br />

holiday without their parents. The average client is being increasingly replaced by a mixture<br />


of different clienteles (heterogeneity). Taking several short trips a year, one client may have<br />

very different, even contradictory needs and expectations, depending on the type of<br />

holiday undertaken, on the people travelling with him/her, etc. (AFIT 2000). Nevertheless,<br />

there are three basic needs or motivations that customers have with regard to their holiday<br />

(AFIT 2000). These are as follows:<br />

‣ Break from everyday life: change of surroundings and/or field of activity.<br />

‣ Community: spend time and share experiences with close family and/or friends.<br />

‣ Revitalization/recuperation: take time for oneself.<br />

Wishing to satisfy these needs, today’s visitors to the mountains are looking mainly for<br />

(customer expectations) (AFIT 2000; SEATM 2004):<br />

1. Convenience/comfort: physical and mental accessibility, facility, fluidity; no loss of<br />

time or other forms of micro-stress.<br />

2. Non-commercial: real exchange with the destination and its inhabitants; no purely<br />

commercial relationship.<br />

3. Pleasure: social gathering with family and friends, moments of boisterousness and<br />

fun (to amuse oneself, to play, to laugh).<br />

4. Soft vitality: recharging/relaxing activities in a natural environment, such as walking<br />

and other outdoor activities, effort with moderation, atmo sphere, harmony, quietness,<br />

softness.<br />

5. Wellness/health: recovery, renewal of strength, activities to remain or get into shape<br />

(gymnastics, diet, healthy food, fresh air, quality equipment, etc.).<br />

6. Quality and aesthetics of everyday life: harmony, quality of the place, products and<br />

service/relationship; importance of the details of the offer.<br />

7. Nature: nature as a safe and accessible place, rejection of wild, untamed nature.<br />


The French mountains cannot yet sufficiently meet the customers expectations in the first two<br />

areas. As far as points 3 to 7 are concerned, the destination has the potential to win new<br />

clientele and to stay competitive (AFIT 2000; SEATM 2004). This can be achieved through<br />

value maximization and cost minimization of the existing offer. In the following<br />

paragraphs, some concrete examples of how to better adapt the offerings of the French<br />

mountains to the above customer expectations are given:<br />

Being “a person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a<br />

product’s perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations” (Kotler<br />

2003, p. 61), the creation of customer satisfaction starts even before the journey, more<br />

precisely from the information search onwards, as this is the moment where people build up<br />

their expectations. It ends with their return home.<br />

1. Convenience/comfort: Resorts should react to changing customer behaviour (trend<br />

towards taking several short trips/year) by showing more flexibility in terms of<br />

minimum stay (less than 7 days) and days of arrival/departure (also during the week).<br />

Such measures also contribute to reducing traffic jams and thus travel time, ensuring a<br />

more pleasant journey. Besides, information and booking have to be simplified<br />

through standard products, identical tariff zones (to reach an agreement with all the<br />

partners of the resort about the same period of high-/and low-season), websites with a<br />

clear structure, easy vocabulary, etc. The access to the resort can be improved through<br />

better signposting, information and reception premises, etc.<br />

2. Non-commercial: the destination needs to protect unspoilt places and promote them<br />

as such. It has to introduce more non-commercialised offers, such as picnicking,<br />

hiking, services for free, etc. An explanation of the costs creates transparency, giving<br />

the client the opportunity to understand the specificities of the destination<br />

(sensitisation). Resorts need to fight against being purely tourist places by attracting<br />

locals as well (e.g. through price reductions, festivals as an opportunity for a social<br />

gathering, etc.).<br />

3. Pleasure: according to their individual situation, resorts should create new as well as<br />

strengthen existing activities (e.g. new snow sports, igloos, thermal/hot baths). They<br />


could make available for customers a range of games/material as well as game rooms<br />

and places for social gatherings (festivals).<br />

4. Soft vitality: the mountains should stress being a welcoming place with a special<br />

ambiance (e.g. typical accommodation (chalets), contrasts of hot and cold (skiing,<br />

saunas). They could develop more products or activities like via ferrata, making it<br />

possible to discover nature in a playful, non-competitive way (e.g. easier, shorter<br />

hikes, etc.). Further, the establishments should grant moments of inactivity to their<br />

clients, for example, by offering more flexible times (weekly courses with day(s) off,<br />

breakfast until the late morning) and appropriate equipment (reading corner, etc.).<br />

5. Wellness/health: the destination should promote its natural strengths, like fresh, clean<br />

air and water, as being good for one’s health. This demands, amongst other initiatives,<br />

to protect the environment. A stronger involvement of visitors and inhabitants in such<br />

measures can be effective insofar as they feel useful and develop an environmental<br />

consciousness. Moreover, the destination could stress the gastronomy using traditional<br />

products, as well as the special rhythm of life there. New products and activities<br />

around the existing activities of hammam, saunas and hot baths could also be<br />

developed.<br />

6. Quality and aesthetics of everyday life: quality should be the focus of attention: this<br />

affects both products (material offer: place, equipment, decoration, etc.) and services<br />

(immaterial offer: relationships, quality of exchange, welcome present, etc.). The latter<br />

have to be functional, aesthetic and in harmony with the place (individual).<br />

7. Nature: To fulfil the expectations of the various clienteles, the offer should be large,<br />

going from totally unspoiled nature to secure footpaths, and so on. Also, the activities’<br />

degree of difficulty should vary, but not only the physical, but also the mental access<br />

to the mountains should be simplified. Visitors fears or doubts about the destination<br />

can be reduced by informing them about the place’s specificities (AFIT 2000).<br />



In the preceding paragraph, the author showed the importance of resorts knowing their<br />

customers’ needs and expectations in order to be able to fulfil them by developing a high<br />

quality product and service. However, “merely possessing outstanding tourism resources is<br />

not sufficient to lure the optimal number of tourists to a tourist destination” (Ahmed 1996, p.<br />

38). In order to be successful, the destination has to communicate a message that matches the<br />

target audien ce’s needs.<br />

The communication process takes place between a sender, the tourism enterprise (tour<br />

operator, travel agency, destination, etc.), and a receiver, the consumer (private or<br />

professional). The message, consisting of symbols (slogan, images, graphics), is transferred<br />

through communication channels from the sender to the receiver. The former encodes the<br />

message, while the latter decodes it. The message should attract the customers’ attention,<br />

interest, and desire, and get them to take action and buy the product (AIDA model). This by<br />

showing the desired benefits that the product and service will bring to the customers (rational<br />

appeals) as well as involving them emotionally (emotional appeals). Consumers respond to<br />

the received message by, for example, higher or lower consumption or by giving their<br />

personal feedback. Noise is distortion that can change the message leading to the message<br />

sent differing from the message received (e.g. a crisis) (Kotler et al. 1999).<br />

Message<br />

Sender Encoding Decoding Receiver<br />

Media<br />

Noise<br />

Feedback<br />

Response<br />

Figure 2 -4: Elements in the Communication Process<br />

Source: Kotler et al 1999, p. 491<br />


Tourism promotion is crucial if a destination wishes to distinguish itself from its competitors<br />

and attract an increasing number of visitors. According to Ahmed (1996, p. 38), “tourists’<br />

image of a destination and the attitude of tourists toward the destination seem to be of the<br />

most important factors responsible for this variation”. Hence, destination images have a not<br />

inconsiderable influence on the consumers’ destination choice, their behaviour on the spot,<br />

their level of satisfaction, and their memory of the travel experience. According to Jenkins<br />

(1999, p. 2) “they influence both the decision making behaviour of potential tourists (Mayo,<br />

1973; Crompton, 1979) and the levels of satisfaction regarding the tourist experience (Chon,<br />

1992)”.<br />

2.4.1 IMAGE CONCEPT<br />

Amongst the various definitions of ‘image’, the following recur in the consulted literature:<br />

“Image is the set of beliefs, ideas, and impressions a person holds regarding to an object”<br />

(Kotler 2003, p. 566). As far as destination image is concerned, the person is the tourist and<br />

the object is the destination (Crompton 1979 in Ahmed 1996; Crompton 1979 in Baloglu and<br />

Mc Cleary 1999; Crompton 1979 in Carmichael 1993). The concept of image has been<br />

addressed in different disciplines:<br />

In psychology, ‘image’ tends to refer to a visual representation, whereas in behavioural geography the<br />

concept of ‘image’ is more holistic and it includes all of the associated impressions, knowledge,<br />

emotions, values and beliefs. Definitions from marketing, however, point to the attributes that underlie<br />

image and relate image to consumer behaviour (Jenkins 1999, p. 1).<br />

In this work, the author is mainly interested in the link between image and consumer buying<br />

behaviour. He limits himself to two acknowledged models of tourism, which he judges to be<br />

interesting in this context.<br />

According to Gun (1972 in Jenkins 1999), the destination image develops during seven stages<br />

(before, during and after travel), underlying a constant modification. During this process,<br />

three types of image evolve:<br />

The organic image arises from non-tourist sources of information, to which people are daily<br />

exposed (e.g. journals, magazines, television documentaries, films and the opinions of<br />

friends).<br />


The induced image results from commercial tourist information with the aim of informing<br />

the consumers and selling the destination (e.g. publicity, tourist guides, travel brochures,<br />

advice from travel agents). People may modify their initial organic image, having access to<br />

these information sources. The latter aren’t able to give a complete, real image.<br />

This stereotype image changes at the moment when a person visits the destination into the so<br />

called modified-induced image, and becomes more qualified and complex. One can assume<br />

that “the images held by potential visitors, non-visitors and returned visitors will differ”<br />

(Gunn 1972 in Jenkins 1999, p. 3).<br />

1. accumulation of mental images of a place ORGANIC IMAGE<br />

through life<br />

2. modification of images through researching INDUCED IMAGE<br />

prior to the decision to travel<br />

3. the decision to travel based on image<br />

efficiency, anticipated experience but kept<br />

within time, money and other constraints<br />

4. travel to attraction may condition the image<br />

5. participation or experience at the destination, MODIFIED-INDUCED<br />

the activities, accommodation and other IMAGE<br />

services all influence the image<br />

6. return travel allows reflection and evaluation,<br />

including discussing experiences with fellow<br />

travellers.<br />

7. new accumulation occurs after the visit<br />

because the process is circular, the end image<br />

may be the same or different to the original<br />

one.<br />

Figure 2 -5: Stage-Theories of Destination Image<br />

Source: Gunn 1972 in Jenkins 1999, p. 4<br />


Ahmed (1996) recognizes the same influences without assigning them to different stages or a<br />

precise order:<br />

Consumers will factor into their image construction both their conclusions about the patrons of<br />

the destination actually observed (if previously visited) and their expectations of the nature of<br />

the clientele based on marketer-dominated forms of communication (advertising, etc.) as well as<br />

non-marketer dominated forms of communication (word of mouth, etc.) (Ahmed 1996, p. 40).<br />

According to Baloglu and Mc Cleary (1999, p. 870) “researchers in several disciplines and<br />

fields agree that the image construct has both perceptual/cognitive and affective<br />

evaluations”. The two authors offer a general framework of destination image formation<br />

which shows the following determinants or influential factors on image formation:<br />

internal personal factors including psychological (personality, values, motivations, etc.) and<br />

socio-economic characteristics (age, income, education, marital status, etc.) as well as<br />

external stimulus factors like variety, amount and type of information sources, previous<br />

experience and distribution.<br />




IMAGE<br />



Psychological Perceptual/ Cognitive Information Sources<br />

Values<br />

Amount<br />

Motivations<br />

Type<br />

Personality Affective<br />

Social<br />

Age<br />

Education<br />

Marital Status<br />

Others<br />

Global<br />

Previous Experience<br />

Distribution<br />

Figure 2 -6: A General Framework of Destination Image Formation<br />

Source: Baloglu and Mc Cleary 1999, p. 870<br />


Echtner and Ritchie developed a model that includes the following three dimensions or<br />

components of destination image:<br />

‣ Attribute vs. holistic: a destination’s image is composed of several attributes<br />

contributing to the attractiveness of the place like its climate, infrastructure, etc. They<br />

differ depending on the tourist’s individual needs and interests. The holistic dimension<br />

corresponds to a general or global image of a destination. “One of the basic problems<br />

of tourist destination image research is that destination images are ‘holistic’<br />

representations of a place and that in attempting to measure them, researchers are<br />

compelled to look at the parts or attributes singularly” (Jenkins 1999, p. 5).<br />

‣ Functional vs. psychological: the functional elements are observable and measurable<br />

whereas the psychological elements are intangible. According to Jenkins (1999), most<br />

of the studies about destination image examine measurable, functional characteristics,<br />

like temperature, whereas only few address less tangible, psychological<br />

characteristics, like the place’s atmosphere, etc.<br />

‣ Common vs. unique: common elements are basic features which also appear in many<br />

other destinations, like transport means, accommodation types, price, service quality,<br />

etc. Unique elements, on the other hand, are special attributes helping a destination to<br />

stand out against its competitors (e.g. special events or sights) (Jenkins 1999).<br />

Common<br />

Functional<br />

characteristics<br />

Attributes<br />

Holistic<br />

Imagery<br />

Psychological<br />

characteristics<br />

Unique<br />

Figure 2 -7: The Components of Destination Image<br />

Source: Echtner and Ritchie 1991 in Jenkins 1999, p. 5<br />




For the French population, the all year round image of the mountains is linked to the<br />

following attributes: nature (49%), relaxation (34%), health (31%) and exertion (12%)<br />

(http://geotourweb.com/nouvellepage114.htm). The attractiveness of the destination is based<br />

upon the four elements that occur in this location:<br />

‣ Fire expressed as violent, but fascinating thunderstorms, hot sources and volcanoes.<br />

‣ Water as a symbol of purity and physical relaxation (thermal baths) appears in the<br />

form of waterfalls, lakes and snow.<br />

‣ Earth/soil: rocks and mountain peaks invite physical effort and self-discipline.<br />

‣ Air: fresh air is good for health and body (Peyroutet 2005).<br />

Peoples’ images of the mountains as a destination depend strongly upon the leisure activities<br />

pursued there (Debarbieux 1995). Thus, they differ according to the season:<br />

Winter: a study of the French tourism ministry (SEATM 1994) reveals, that the two concepts<br />

“winter holiday” and “the mountains in winter” show an extensive agreement. The main<br />

attributes people mentioned in this context were snow, sunshine, warmth and friendly<br />

atmosphere in another world.<br />

Summer: according to another study (ONT 1999), summer holidays in the mountains are<br />

associated with the following positive adjectives: healthy, relaxing, quiet/calm, active and<br />

enriching. In contrast to this, most of the interviewees think that the place does not facilitate<br />

meetings/friendships and going out.<br />

According to Pelletier (2001), the image of the mountains is boring and serious and doesn’t<br />

match the attempts of the French who want to have fun. As far as winter sport resorts are<br />

concerned, the image of the small resorts being different to the larger ones has been<br />

established (SEATM 1994).<br />

Small resorts are popular for the following reasons: a special, informal ambiance, calmness,<br />

good contact between people, no waiting time at the lifts, few people on the slopes, affordable<br />

prices, quality of the service, good maintenance of the slopes, etc. On the other hand, people<br />


complain about the restricted ski area, the lack of snow due to its low altitude, the absence of<br />

basic shops, additional activities and special equipment to counteract the lack of snow (snow<br />

guns, high altitude lifts).<br />

On the other hand, the big resorts offer diverse activities and services nearby, snow cannons<br />

and high altitude lifts, a big and varied ski area with long slopes as well as better access.<br />

People consider as negative crowds of people, missing conviviality, high prices/tariffs,<br />

snobbish and pretentious people, anonymity and a bad, city-like atmosphere.<br />


After WWII, a real trend of diversification started in the important industrial countries. At that<br />

time, a phase of continuous peace, developing technical progress and growing<br />

internationalisation favoured companies’ strategic and organisational changes due to higher<br />

competition. In the USA, Great Britain and Japan, these developments happened earlier and<br />

were more extensive than in the rest of Europe (Schüle 1992).<br />

Diversification can be defined as “a strategy which takes the organisation away from its<br />

current markets or products or competences”(Johnson and Scholes 2002, p. 297). This means<br />

that a company using a new product or know-how or addressing a new clientele enters into a<br />

new competitive environment or area(s) of strategic activity (Pitts and Hopkins 1982 in Very<br />

1991). In the literature, there is no general approved definition or concept of diversification.<br />

However, the term is commonly connected with the Ansoff Matrix, a model for analysing an<br />

organization’s possible strategic growth directions via present and potential products.<br />

2.5.1 THE ANSOFF MATRIX:<br />

Igor Ansoff (1965) distinguishes between a company’s existing and new products and<br />

markets (clienteles), combining them into the following four strategies: market penetration,<br />

market development, product development and diversification.<br />


An enterprise which wants to increase its market share by using existing products within<br />

existing markets follows the market penetration strategy. The latter can be appropriate when<br />

a company has a high knowledge and experience of the market but cannot enter new markets,<br />

when competitors leave or when the market has a potential of growth.<br />

Against this, market development means using existing products to enter new markets (new<br />

customers, new market segments or new countries). This strategy may be suitable when<br />

existing products can be easily transferred to other markets or market segments which<br />

promise a better growth potential than the existing market.<br />

Product development involves new or improved products for existing markets and may be a<br />

useful proceeding when customer demand changes or when an organization could enhance its<br />

position and/or economic returns by launching new products in an existing market with good<br />

growth potential, etc.<br />

Diversification is based upon entry to new markets with new products when existing products<br />

and markets become unprofitable, when resources and competences are underexploited or<br />

when the organization wants to address more than one product or market segment (Evans et<br />

al. 2003).<br />

This narrow concept of diversification has been enlarged by other authors, such as Bühner<br />

(1985 in Schüle 1992) who adapted it to the German context. According to Bühner,<br />

diversification includes also ma rket- and product-development. The same applies to France,<br />

where the terms are replaced by market diversification (“diversification marché”) and product<br />

diversification (“diversification produit”) [contrary to Bühler who keeps the English terms].<br />


Product<br />

Market<br />

Existing<br />

New<br />

Existing<br />

Market penetration<br />

French: Spécialisation<br />

German: Marktdurchdringung<br />

Market development<br />

Diversification marché<br />

Marktentwicklung<br />

New<br />

Product development<br />

Diversification produit<br />

Produktentwicklung<br />

Diversification<br />

Diversification totale<br />

Diversifikation<br />

Table 2-1 : The Ansoff Matrix<br />

Source: Adapted from Ansoff 1987 in Evans et al. 2003 ; Schüle 1992 ; Helfer et al. 1996<br />

The risk is growing in the above order: the market penetration strategy is the least risky as the<br />

company is based upon a product and clientele it knows well. On the contrary, diversification<br />

is the most risky as it centres on new products (high rate of failure) for new markets.<br />

According to Very (1991), 50 percent of diversification attempts fail. This leads one to<br />

question if, in practice, a company can easily distinguish between these strategies. In other<br />

words, where is the transition-point from an existing to a new product or market? The answer<br />

is that it is difficult to differentiate between these strategies as they follow a continuum.<br />

Sometimes the new activity resembles the existing ones, while sometimes they are totally<br />

different (new technology and new market).<br />



In the consulted literature, the following terms recur:<br />



Johnson and Scholes (2002, p. 297) define related diversification as “strategy development<br />

beyond current products and markets, but within the value system or 'industry' in which the<br />

company operates”. On the contrary, unrelated diversification goes beyond the company’s<br />

value system or industry. In other words, related diversification is linked to the company’s<br />

industry sectors, whereas unrelated diversification isn’t (totally new products for unfamiliar<br />

markets). Consequently, the latter is more risky.<br />


Evans et al.(2003) further distinguish vertical (forward, backward), horizontal and diagonal<br />

diversification as subcategories of the related diversification. Vertical forward diversification<br />

means that a company tries to work in markets that are served by its distributors or customers<br />

(e.g. a tour operator’s own chain of travel agencies). Vertical backward diversification is<br />

when a company operates in markets which supply resources to it (e.g. a tour operator’s own<br />

airline). In the case of horizontal diversification, an enterprise enters competitive or<br />

complementary markets (e.g. strategic alliance). Poon (1993 in Evans et al. 2003) introduces<br />

the term ‘diagonal diversification’. “This form of diversification (common in service<br />

industries) utilizes a common platform of information-utilizing technology to target a group<br />

of customers with a closely related set of products” (Evans et al. 2003, p. 236; e.g. a tour<br />

operator selling travel insurance, credit cards, etc.).<br />

Although the above strategies refer to a company, they can also be applied to a destination<br />

(see Godfrey and Clarke 2000). A governmental study about diversification in mainly French<br />

ski resorts refers to the larger concept (see AFIT 1993). This seems appropriate, as numerous<br />

initiatives of ski resorts usually address both existing and potential clients without<br />

differentiating between them. The author will follow this process for reasons of simplicity<br />

(the context of the French mountain resorts, the continuum of the strategies etc).<br />


Diversification connects to innovation as the first resorts enlarging their offer stood out from<br />

the other resorts by creating something new (a product, service or idea; Kotler 2003).<br />

According to Bergery (2001), there are two main types of innovation:<br />

‣ Incremental innovation responds to customer demands for improvement of the<br />

existing product(s) or service(s). It is addressed to a well-known market (clientele).<br />

‣ Radical innovation, meanwhile, means the creation of a totally new product or<br />

service yet unknown to the customers and involves the risk of rejection by the latter.<br />

One can further distinguish between product/service-innovation and procedure innovation<br />

(e.g. Information Technology: information and reservation on the Internet; Bergery 2001).<br />

A company or resort has to respect the following points in order to be successful: carefully<br />

analyse the market (competitors, clients), gain an advantage over competitors, respect the<br />

client as well as the system capacity, bring a technological evolution and integrate all staff in<br />

its projects (Bergery 2001). It can create value through a superior position, hindering its<br />

competitors from entering the market, making resources difficult to imitate, and grabbing<br />

opportunities quicker (e.g. a new combination of resources to fulfil unmet customer needs) as<br />

well as a gap in the market (e.g. ignored customer segment or new technology). Being a trenddriven,<br />

customer-led and highly competitive sector, tourism destinations and businesses that<br />

ignore changing customer behaviour and needs run the risk of loosing existing and potential<br />

customers to their competitors. However, the rapidly changing nature of tourism makes it<br />

difficult to satisfy an increasingly varied, disloyal and heterogeneous clientele and requires a<br />

high flexibility (Caccomo and Solonandrasana 2001, Callot 2001, Page 2003). To reduce the<br />

risk, in France, most innovation products are imported or rather imitated from elsewhere<br />

(Viard 1998).<br />


Diversification is one possible answer to the following question of a company’s (or<br />

destination’s) marketing plan: How do we get there? It is the choice of a strategy to reach<br />

the company’s objectives . Companies undertaking diversification measures may be in very<br />

different economic situations. Being in prosperity, they follow a growth strategy. Being in<br />

difficulty, the aim is to give a boost to the economy (Helfer et al. 1996). Amongst others, the<br />


major reasons for diversification are profit increase, cost reduction, risk compensation or the<br />

decrease, growth, development and valorisation of new or distinctive competences, the<br />

utilisation of surplus resources, advantages over competitors, management interests, and<br />

increased strategic flexibility (Schüle 1992; Helfer et al. 1996).<br />

Adapted to the situation of ski resorts, specific diversification motives or aims include:<br />

‣ Profit increase: additional yield from new portfolios, such as sports and wellness<br />

centres, completing the basic skiing product and compensating for a lack of snow.<br />

‣ Cost reduction: higher productivity from synergy effects (old and new portfolios are<br />

put together). An example may be the collaboration between resorts in terms of<br />

promotion or a central reservation system for all kind of accommodation, leisure<br />

activities, etc.<br />

‣ Risk compensation or decrease: less seasonal and economic variations due to a<br />

combination of a company’s product-market-areas. A new product like wellness, for<br />

example, may be able to attract a large clientele over the whole year.<br />

‣ Growth: a resort’s diversification measures aim at increasing visitor numbers due to a<br />

larger offer adapted to customers’ changing needs and wants (multi-activities).<br />

‣ Development and promotion of new or distinctive competences: a resort having a<br />

long, special experience with childcare, for example, may improve its image by<br />

informing people about this competence (advertising).<br />

‣ Utilisation of surplus resources like unemployed or seasonal workers, unused ski lifts<br />

in summer, etc.<br />

‣ Advantage over competitors through better or different product offers.<br />

‣ Management interests such as the resort’s good reputation.<br />

All in all, the above criteria for diversification try to respond, amongst other things, to a<br />

maturing market, changing demand, seasonality, global warming and environmental<br />

problems.<br />

A resort should not fail to take into account the disadvantages and dangers of diversification<br />

such as high investments, dispersion of resources, difficulty in knowing the different<br />

departments, identity loss, etc. (Schüle 1992; Helfer et al. 1996). The success of<br />

diversification is no natural course of action and the proceedings are not only very risky, but<br />

also bring the following limitations:<br />


The influence of diversification on people’s decision to go on holiday and on their destination<br />

choice is marginal. So, these offers have a very small effect on the total visitor numbers, but<br />

are a good way of gaining customers’ loyalty. The diversification products either replace the<br />

ski lifts in the case of a lack of snow or saturation or complete them when used outside the<br />

skiing periods. This means either alternative or additional earnings. On the other hand, when<br />

visitor numbers are falling, the diversification products suffer the first and the hardest.<br />

Further, the products of diversification have no autonomous commercial existence. Their<br />

profitability is linked to the basic product (earnings from ski lifts). With regard to financing,<br />

one must chose between an amelioration of the basic product and an enlargement of the<br />

existing offer, as it is usually too expensive to follow both strategies at the same time. The<br />

former may be preferred to diversification, satisfying existing customers and sometimes being<br />

suitable to attract new clienteles. As diversification products can’t be evaluated outside their<br />

environment of production, it is difficult to establish proof of their real effects. Therefore<br />

professionals are often unwilling to invest much money in such products and instead approve<br />

the development of cheep, additional ones, not forgetting that it takes a long time to change<br />

the image of a resort. Finally, ski resorts often don’t undertake a feasibility or opportunity<br />

study before acting, but without following a real strategy, the success of diversification<br />

measures isn’t inevitable (AFIT 1993).<br />


There is no magic formula on how to carry out successful diversification measures. Instead,<br />

the latter have to be adapted to the individual situation of the resort as the costs of<br />

investment as well as the effects of such measures upon consumer behaviour differ from case<br />

to case. Therefore, every resort that plans to diversify its products should pay attention to the<br />

following guidelines:<br />

‣ Study in advance the characteristics of each diversification product with regard to<br />

the available financial means, the attended results, the product investment (creation<br />

and maintenance/administrative costs) and exploitation as well as the gains of a wider<br />

offer compared to the costs of the realisation (e.g. better image and customer loyalty).<br />


‣ Evaluate the utility of the diversification product towards the basic product by<br />

strengthening the basic product and choosing activities that complete it (diversification<br />

in order to optimise visitor numbers and satisfaction).<br />

‣ Measure the potentialities of diversification in order to have realistic aims: As the<br />

effectiveness of diversification products depend highly on the snow product, a certain<br />

level of snow activities are necessary. Nevertheless, skiing isn’t inevitably the basic<br />

tourist activity, as, for example, in some middle mountain resorts, priority is given to<br />

summer activities.<br />

‣ Distinguish between diversification and reaction to a crisis: Being a risky growth<br />

strategy, diversification can either help a resort to resist a crisis by choosing the right<br />

substitution products or make the existing problems worse.<br />

‣ Pay attention to the resort’s context of production and commercial environment:<br />

A product isn’t efficient in itself, but depends on other products and the context of<br />

distribution. Therefore a successful diversification strategy demands usually several<br />

coordinated and complementary products instead of a single one.<br />

‣ Adopt a global proceeding: The merchandising, for example, aims at enhancing the<br />

products’ profitability and frequentation by adapting the offer to the market demand<br />

(customers needs) under consideration of a resort’s structural and geographical<br />

qualities (AFIT 1993).<br />

The following figure (AFIT 1993, p. 73) shows how to develop a diversification programme<br />

that is valid for a period of years:<br />


Realisation of a<br />


Repositioning of the resort<br />

Analysis of the offer and<br />

of the communication<br />

Reorientation of the offer and<br />

of the communication<br />

Diversification programme over several<br />

years<br />

Figure 2-8 : Realisation of a Diversification Strategy<br />

Source: AFIT 1993, p. 73<br />

The repositioning of the resort has to be preceded by a study of the place’s potentialities,<br />

and of the concurrence as well as of customers’ expectations and behaviour. It demands a<br />

clarification of the basic products and strategic choices with regard to the clientele, image and<br />

product range. The analysis of the existing offer and of the communication involves the<br />

products’ classification and the description of the resort’s advertising measures (delivered<br />

image). For a reorientation of the latter, it should be examined how to improve the basic<br />

products and how to modify the product range. A communication policy has to be pursued.<br />

This all under adequate financial means and infrastructure.<br />




According to a national study about diversification in French ski resorts (AFIT 1993), similar<br />

strategies are pursued. The small and middle-sized resorts model themselves on the example<br />

of the 15 big ski resorts. In this study, the initiatives of diversification were put into categories<br />

in order to recognise what role the snow and mountains play. The most frequently developed<br />

activities are as follows (see Appendix 5):<br />

Type 1.) Other forms of gliding/sliding make up 16.5% of the offers. These are in the<br />

following order of importance new glides, other glide products, Nordic skiing, dog sledging,<br />

motorised gliding, sledging, hiking and jumping.<br />

Type 2.) Other snow products make up 12.7%. These are snow shoe walking and pedestrian<br />

slopes.<br />

Type 3.) Other mountain products (without snow and skiing): of the total of 23.5%, 20,5%<br />

are sports activities and the remaining 3% is heritage-related.<br />

Type 4.) No typical mountain tourist and leisure products: At 33.6%, this is the most<br />

represented type, including sports activities (17%), animation, relaxation, business tourism,<br />

leisure equipment, thermal baths and museums, conference halls.<br />

Type 5.) Reception and entertainment for children make up 7%, mainly consisting of<br />

entertainment with an insignificant percentage (~0.5%) of equipment.<br />

Type 6.) and 7.) Commercial initiatives and communication are of marginal significance.<br />

All in all, 68% of the initiatives are linked to sports, such as skiing, ski -jumping, hanggliding,<br />

mountain climbing, squash, swimming, etc. This result shows that the mountains see<br />

this kind of activity as their second pillar. Two other tendencies become apparent: an<br />

emerging, new orientation towards a “discovery of the milieu” (sphere/environment) with<br />

offers like dog sledging, walking runs, snow shoe walking, hiking, heritage and entertainment.<br />


Further, over half of the activities are linked to the mountains and a third to urban leisure,<br />

indicating that the resorts see themselves as leisure sites (well-equipped in terms of<br />

entertainment and relaxation; AFIT 1993).<br />

In historical terms, a change from an enrichment of the product skiing to a diversification of<br />

the leisure activities on offer has occurred. Being collective actions previously, nowadays two<br />

procedures prevail: an amelioration of the basic/main product or a development of new leisure<br />

forms or practices. In a word, additional versus individual, autonomous products. This is true<br />

of most diversification initiatives. They are mainly connected to the basic product skiing or to<br />

the mountains, trying to get away from only skiing and nothing else. This is achieved through<br />

activities before and after skiing as well as new leisure and relaxation offers. Another<br />

important tendency comes to light: All kind of resorts try to enlarge their basic products,<br />

whereas mainly the big resorts go for a new positioning, since they are already effective in the<br />

product skiing. Benefiting from higher visitor numbers and a better turnover, the latter can<br />

undertake a more expensive, high risk strategy. Most of the product diversification strategies<br />

focus on keeping existing customers by fulfilling their needs and wants through an<br />

enlargement of the offer instead of gaining new ones. The result is a very heterogeneous<br />

product without a clear positioning or choice, a global vision, coordination between<br />

professionals or marketing reflection (AFIT 1993).<br />


3 RESEARCH<br />

Chapter three is subdivided into two main parts; namely, research methods (3.1) and research<br />

findings (3.2).<br />


In this section, the research methods used to gather the relevant data in order to achieve the<br />

established research aims and objectives are presented. A discussion of alternative ways of<br />

data collection, an account of the primary and secondary data analysis, the evaluation criteria<br />

and research limitations will also be included.<br />


The aim of this dissertation is to assess the existing diversification measures in mid French<br />

mountain resorts with regard to the following questions:<br />

When is diversification successful? Are these initiatives capable of keeping existing clienteles<br />

and of gaining new ones? Are they adapted to existing and/or potential customers? Related to<br />

this, the author has formed the following hypothesis: two major success factors of resorts are<br />

to have the capacity to diversify the offer and – in accordance with the marketing theory – to<br />

address oneself to one or several specific target groups. The objectives are first to find<br />

diversification concepts, types and general goals, then to critically analyse and adapt this<br />

theory to the reality of French mountain resorts. Existing diversification products shall be<br />

evaluated with regard to the results achieved and the limitations of such measures. In addition,<br />

factors for successful diversification shall be determined and finally examined in two middle<br />

mountain resorts, La Bresse (Vosges) and Orcières-Merlette (Southern Alps).<br />

According to Veal (1997, p. 33), “in planning a research project it is advisable to consider<br />

whether it is necessary to go to the expense of collecting new information (primary data,<br />

where the researcher is the first user) or whether existing data (secondary data, where the<br />

researcher is the secondary user) will do the job”. This research is based upon both methods<br />


of data collection, which will be explained in the following paragraphs. In Chapter Two (the<br />

literature review), secondary data sources were consulted, introducing the reader to the topic<br />

by putting it into its overall context. Chapter Three (the research), relating to real cases,<br />

makes use of primary and secondary data.<br />


Reflecting the level of research on the topic and stimulating his ideas, the author is making<br />

use of existing information. All sections contain reviews of the relevant literature and a whole<br />

chapter is devoted to a literature review. Veal (1997, p. 76) is convinced of the importance of<br />

secondary data collection, noting that “reviewing previous research or writing on a topic is a<br />

vital step in the research process” from which every researcher can benefit. Especially in<br />

young and multi-disciplinary fields such as leisure and tourism, “there is a great need for the<br />

consolidation of existing knowledge which can come from good literature reviews” (Veal<br />

1997, p. 69). The dissertation is based upon the following secondary data sources:<br />

The national stock of books in France were found at the website http://www.sudoc.abes.fr.<br />

Relevant books have mainly been obtained from the following three university libraries:<br />

Chambéry (“Université de Savoie”), Grenoble (“Université Grenoble 2/3”) and Heilbronn<br />

(“Fachhochschule Heilbronn”). In addition, the author borrowed books from city libraries<br />

(Chambéry, Gap), professors, and fellow students. As tourism is linked with other disciplines,<br />

looking at leisure and tourism studies isn’t sufficient. Therefore the researcher went beyond<br />

this specific area, consulting also books on strategic management and marketing.<br />

According to Bell (1999, p. 75), “the frequency of publication makes journals a more fruitful<br />

up-to-date source of information than books”. Consequently, academic journals were<br />

consulted from the above universities, as well as online from Bournemouth University (UK)<br />

and <strong>Högskolan</strong> <strong>Dalarna</strong> (Borlänge, Sweden). These are, amongst others “the Annals of<br />

Tourism Research” and “Cahier Espaces”, and articles from special mountain journals, such<br />

as “Montagne leaders” were also consulted.<br />

Data about tourism in France and the mountain areas was obtained from the government<br />

website (http://www.tourisme.gouv.fr) and from studi es mainly carried out by the institutions<br />


AFIT and SEATM. On a regional and local basis, the tourist boards (Comité regional du<br />

Tourisme, Comité départemental du Tourisme) also publish information and statistics.<br />

Background information about the resorts and their products were found via the Internet and<br />

brochures from the resort’s tourism office (http://www.orcières.com; http://www.labresse.net;<br />

http://www.karellis.com). This data source is inexhaustible but should be used with caution,<br />

since it contains a lot of unqualified information. The search machine Google offers a search<br />

option specially for students (www.scholargoogle.com) which is worth consulting.<br />

<strong>Dissertation</strong>s from previous years are also available online, for example, at the <strong>Dalarna</strong><br />

University homepage (www.du.se).<br />


Searching for information beyond the published literature, the author needs to collect new<br />

data. Being a aid to achieving the research aim and objectives, the method has to be chosen<br />

carefully. According to Veal (1997, p. 68), “every technique has its place” and “techniques<br />

are not considered to be intrinsically good or bad, but are considered to be appropriate or<br />

inappropriate for the task in hand”.<br />

Weighing up the pros and cons of the different methods, the researcher decided that a<br />

qualitative approach is better suited to this work, giving him a better understanding of the<br />

interviewees’ decision-making, opinions and attitudes (Saunders et al. 2003). This method of<br />

data collection involves acquiring as deep and detailed information as possible from a few<br />

persons rather than limited information from a big sample (Peterson 1994). In the present<br />

research, the researcher was at first interested in examining the theory on the basis of two<br />

successful middle mountain resorts (“La Bresse”, “Orcières -Merlette”) without any claim to<br />

generalization. The latter were chosen for the following reasons:<br />

‣ Geographical context: diversification is more widespread in middle mountain resorts,<br />

as resorts at this altitude suffer the hardest from the lack of snow and are thus forced to<br />

find alternative products to skiing (Lemar, employee at the national tourism board<br />

specialised on mountain tourism in France).<br />


‣ Success/image: both resorts are popular destinations being relatively economically<br />

sound and attracting relatively hig h visitor numbers, mainly from France and the<br />

surrounding areas (regional public).<br />

‣ Diversification: Orcières -Merlette, as well as La Bresse, have both diversified their<br />

leisure facilities.<br />

It was difficult to find two mid-mountain resorts which are at the same time successful and<br />

also have diversified their facilities. Recommended by experts from the university and<br />

national tourism board (maison de la France) on the basis of the above criteria of choice, the<br />

two resorts of Orcières-Merlette and La Bres se were finally chosen. Five interviews were<br />

conducted, each with responsible persons from the resort and/or from the local and regional<br />

tourist boards (OT, CDT, CRT). To discover the factors of success, the researcher is<br />

interested in both the facts (e.g. investment in and profit from diversification initiatives) and<br />

opinions (e.g. value of diversification) about diversification within these resorts. This<br />

information will be collected by means of interviews:<br />

Interviews can be defined as “a purposeful discussion between two and more people” (Kahn<br />

and Cannell 1957 in Saunders et al. 2003, p. 245). Discussions between two persons, namely<br />

the interviewer and interviewee, are called one to one interviews . Face-to-face interviews<br />

and telephone interviews belong to this kind of tête-à-tête. On the other hand, focus group<br />

interviews occur, as the name implies, with a group of people (one interviewer, several<br />

interviewees) and fall under the category of one to many interviews .<br />

The research employs individual one to one interviews, as interaction is less important for this<br />

study. Each interviewee is separately asked to share his knowledge and opinions about<br />

diversification measures within the resort in question. The interviews will take place both on<br />

the spot as well as on the phone. Telephone interviews were chosen because the resort was at<br />

a distance from the researcher and helped to save a considerable amount of time and money<br />

spent on the road. Besides these forms of interaction, one can further distinguish different<br />

types of interview, such as structured/semi-structured/unstructured, standardised/nonstandardised,<br />

and respondent/informant interviews:<br />


Structured interviews require that the researcher establishes in advance a set of standardised<br />

questions. On the contrary, non -standardised interviews, such as semi-structured and<br />

unstructured ones, allow more flexibility. In semi-structured interviews , the questions as<br />

well as their order may vary according to the course of the discussion. Unstructured<br />

interviews do not use a list of questions. The interviewee can go more into depth and talk<br />

freely about his/her feelings and opinions in relation to the topic. Either he/she answers the<br />

questions asked by the interviewer in his/her own words (respondent interview), or he/she<br />

steers the discussion him/herself in one direction (informant interview; Saunders et al. 2003).<br />

The researcher estimates that semi-structured interviews are the most suitable to this<br />

explanatory study. This method gives him both a minimum of guidance and a maximum of<br />

flexibility. On the one hand, he is able to pre-formulate a list of questions according to the<br />

information he wants to obtain as a satisfactory reply to the research question. On the other<br />

hand, depending on the interview situation, he can react spontaneously by changing the order<br />

of the questions or allowing space for new, unforeseen points of view which may be<br />

noteworthy.<br />

According to Peterson (1994), a successful qualitative study has to take into consideration the<br />

following important steps:<br />

‣ Choice of participants: each interviewee has to contribute to the overall research<br />

aim. The directors of the resort, local and regional tourist boards were selected<br />

because they know well the network of tourist resorts in that location. Sharing their<br />

practical experience with the researcher, the participants can help the latter to achieve<br />

a better understanding of the facts of diversification in these resorts and in general.<br />

‣ Development of a list of questions: the author used a maximum of open questions<br />

which can’t be answered by a simple yes or no. This kind of question avoids bias,<br />

encouraging the interviewees to develop their answers and to go in depth. The<br />

interview consists of 14 questions, plus some sub-questions. The author considered it<br />

necessary to increase this to 22, as new, interesting questions emerged from the initial<br />

interviews. Linked to the research aim and objectives, they are mainly about the new<br />

services proposed in the resort, customer target groups, investment in and profit out of<br />

diversification measures, their importance for the resort, and the possible success<br />

factors.<br />


‣ Selection and training of the interviewer(s): owing to a limited number of<br />

interviews, this survey will be carried out by the researcher himself. This has the<br />

advantage that no other interviewers have to be trained to conduct the interviews.<br />

Further, the researcher can steer the conversation in the right direction, knowing well<br />

the goal of the research. He also appears more competent to the interviewee, having<br />

collected a maximum of information about the resort and the topic in question.<br />

‣ Data analysis: The interpretation of the results depends on the study’s aim and<br />

objectives. An evaluation of the diversification measures within the two resorts<br />

demands a knowledge of the offer, demand, effects of diversification measures, etc.<br />

In the following paragraph, the data analysis will be discussed in greater detail.<br />


According to Saunders et al. (2003, p. 378), “the nature of qualitative data … has implications<br />

for both its collection and its analysis”. Based on the words’ meanings, qualitative data can<br />

neither be collected nor analysed in a standardised way. Usually, researchers puts relevant<br />

data (words, sentences) into categories (codes, labels), to serve as a basis for further analysis.<br />

This is true for the present research, where the following five categories were chosen:<br />





Development of the resort<br />

Diversification type and motives<br />

1. What was the resort’s<br />

situation initially?<br />

2. What is its situation<br />

today?<br />

3. Has a new product or<br />

service been introduced into<br />

the resort during the last five<br />

years?<br />

4. During the same period,<br />

has any product or service<br />

been cancelled?<br />

Similarities and differences in<br />

terms of size, product, clientele,<br />

strategy<br />

If yes, which one and when? Why<br />

and how was the decision made?<br />

Why and how was the decision<br />

made?<br />

5. On which product is the<br />

resort focussing?<br />

Major/strong product(s) and<br />

service(s)<br />

6. What position does the<br />

ski market occupy within the<br />

resort?<br />

How does the resort react to<br />

periods with a lack of snow?<br />

7. In future, are they trying<br />

to develop new products or<br />

services?<br />

Principal market, mature market,<br />

market in a period of adjustment.<br />

Investment in artificial snow and<br />

lifts<br />

If yes, which ones and for what<br />

clientele? Why and how was<br />

the decision made?<br />

8. When are the opening<br />

periods?<br />

Have these changed<br />

during the last five years?<br />

20. For what reasons and<br />

when did the resort decide<br />

to diversify its facilities<br />

Season (year- round/summer/<br />

winter).<br />

If yes, why and how was the<br />

decision made?<br />

Compensation for the decrease in<br />

skiing, creation of a strong image,<br />

etc.<br />

Target group(s)<br />

9. Is your offer adapted to<br />

one or several specific<br />

clienteles or are the<br />

proposed services addressed<br />

to the whole public?<br />

Customers’ age, socio-professional<br />

category, geographical origin. If<br />

the offer is addressed to one or<br />

several target groups, which<br />

one(s)?<br />

10. Which argument(s)<br />

determined this choice of<br />

clientele and the offer<br />

adapted to the latter?<br />

11. What is their<br />

consumption behaviour and<br />

how has the product or<br />

service been adapted to it?<br />

47<br />

Customers’ attempted and<br />

practiced activities.

12. Has the choice of<br />

clientele been changed<br />

during the last five years?<br />

13. In future, do you try to<br />

attract new markets/<br />

clienteles?<br />

If yes, why and how was the<br />

decision made?<br />

If yes, which one(s)? Why and<br />

how was the decision made?<br />

Competitiveness/Differentiation<br />

14. How do you situate<br />

your offer in relation to<br />

your close competitors?<br />

15. Does the resort follow a<br />

strategy?<br />

Identification of competitors<br />

(other resorts in the area, other<br />

small or big ski resorts),<br />

similarities and differences with<br />

the latter, the resort’s<br />

competitive advantage/<br />

strengths, innovativeness,<br />

market share.<br />

If yes, which one? Positioning<br />

towards the competition<br />

(amelioration of snow products<br />

or dropping, segmentation of<br />

activities).<br />


Diversification impacts<br />

16. Do you know what<br />

percentage of your annual<br />

budget is invested in new<br />

products and services?<br />

18. What has been your<br />

average progression in terms<br />

of turnover and number of<br />

visitors during the last 5<br />

years?<br />

21. State more precisely the<br />

impact of the new services<br />

in the last five years in terms<br />

of visitor numbers, turnover,<br />

and image of the resort.<br />

22. For the present and<br />

the near future, do you<br />

think the measures for<br />

diversifying the resort’s<br />

offer are indispensable,<br />

complementary or have<br />

no priority?<br />

Return on investment, profit increase<br />

since diversification<br />

17. What is your progression If no figures are known, rating on a<br />

objective in terms of Likert scale from 1 to 5<br />

turnover and number of (1 = no or insignificant progression, 2<br />

visitors during the next five = weak progression, 3 = medium<br />

years?<br />

progression, 4 = strong progression, 5<br />

= very strong progression)<br />

If no figures are known, rating on a<br />

Likert scale from 1 to 5<br />

(1 = no or insignificant progression, 2<br />

= weak progression, 3 = medium<br />

progression, 4 = strong progression, 5<br />

= very strong progression)<br />

19. Through which Distinguished visitors’ book,<br />

indicator(s) do you measure suggestions box, etc.<br />

the<br />

economic<br />

effectiveness of your<br />

products and/or customer<br />

satisfaction?<br />

Likert scale (1 = no effect, 2 = little<br />

effect, 3 = medium effect, 4 = strong<br />

effect, 5 = major explanatory factor).<br />

What kind of image does the resort<br />

have?<br />

Why? (Give reasons)<br />

Borttaget:<br />


Further, the researcher tries to find relationships or patterns within and between the categories<br />

and advances a hypothesis which is tested for accurateness. In the present research, the latter<br />

is: Is a resort’s success based on either its capacity to diversify its facilities (products and<br />

services) and/or to respond to the needs of one or several of its customer target groups?<br />

If necessary, this interactive process of data collection and analysis requires the development<br />

of a new hypothesis or change categories. Different strategies of data analysis can either be<br />

assigned to the deductive or to the inductive approach or to both (a combination of the two<br />

approaches). The former takes the theory as a starting point for the development of the<br />

research aim and objectives. The latter takes several relevant cases as a basis on which to<br />

build the theory. The researcher combined both approaches: he posits a research hypothesis<br />

and questions on the basis of the consulted secondary literature, which includes both the<br />

theory about diversification as well as practical national surveys about the situation in French<br />

ski resorts.<br />


Before undertaking a study, the researcher should think about and prepare for restrictions<br />

which exist in every research. Possibly, he/she may has to make concessions and if necessary<br />

lower his/her sights. As far as the present case study is concerned, some of the limitations<br />

were predictable, whereas others only became apparent during or after their execution.<br />

As mentioned above, the choice of which two resorts to examine was difficult due to a lack of<br />

available information. For this reason, the author conducted further interviews, which proved<br />

contrary to his initial expectations.<br />

Using a fairly small, purpose-chosen sample (six directors from the resorts, and the local and<br />

regional tourist boards), “the findings from a qualitative research effort must be regarded as<br />

informed hypotheses, not as proven facts” (Peterson 1994, p. 188). To make generalizations,<br />

the starting hypothesis needs to be proved on the basis of further stud ies and a bigger sample<br />

which wasn’t possible because of time and money constraints. Hence, the success of<br />

diversification initiatives in the two resorts La Bresse and Orcières-Merlette is not definitely<br />

attributable to the established factors. It may depend on other or additional factors such as the<br />

generation of the resort, its location, and so on.<br />


Being no skilled researcher, drawing up and formulating appropriate research questions was<br />

no easy task. The same applies to the interpretation of the collected data. This involves both<br />

the danger of obtaining data which is irrelevant to the research aim as well as the danger of<br />

provoking misunderstandings and misinterpretations. The researcher tried to counteract this<br />

by constantly keeping in mind the research aim, by following the theoretical guidelines and by<br />

testing the interviewee’s comprehension through certain techniques of questioning (e.g.<br />

reformulation, probing, backtracking). In two interviews, the respondents preferred to speak<br />

freely without followi ng the questions set in advance. The disadvantage to this is that they<br />

failed to answer all the questions making supplementary interviews necessary, while the<br />

advantage is that new issues arose (enlargement from 14 to 22 questions). Despite the<br />

relatively large number of questions, the interviewees devoted a lot of time to answering them<br />

in detail. However, they didn’t have all of the information the author was searching for, as the<br />

resorts aren’t run by a single manager with all the data about the resort at his/her disposal, but<br />

by several authorities.<br />

Further, interviews involve the danger of bias reducing the reliability of the results. The<br />

interviewers’ verbal or non-verbal behaviour, for example, may have an effect on the answers<br />

given from the respond ent (interviewer bias). Vice versa, the interviewee can have an<br />

influence on the researcher’s method of data interpretation; for example, if he/she doesn’t<br />

appeal to him/her or isn’t credible enough (interviewee bias; Saunders et al. 2003). Realizing<br />

their existence, the researcher tried to limit the creation of bias by paying as much attention as<br />

possible to: objective/neutral behaviour (no/little comments or language speech), attentive<br />

listening, tests of understanding, data recording, etc. The latter was unsuccessful due to<br />

technical problems, so the researcher had to rely heavily on his written notes.<br />







Age: Created in 1962<br />

Type:<br />

3 rd generation resort<br />

Location: Massif: Southern Alps<br />

National Parc (Ecrins)<br />

1967<br />

Village-resort (station village)<br />

Vosges<br />

Regional nature park (Ballons des Vosges)<br />

Altitude:<br />

Size:<br />

Village: 1 850 m<br />

Slopes: up to 3 000 m<br />

Big resort (from 5 000 (1968/69) tourist<br />

Beds to 15 000 (2005)).<br />

650 m<br />

900 – 1 350 m<br />

Small village/resort (5 000 inhabitants; 8000 tourist<br />

beds). The most important winter sport resort in the<br />

East of France.<br />

Ski area:<br />

From 14 ski lifts and 60 km slopes (70s)<br />

to 29 ski lifts and 100 km slopes (2005),<br />

an altitude snow park,<br />

3 areas: Bresse-Hohneck, -Lispach, -Brabant with:<br />

34 ski lifts and 40 slopes; 50 km cross-country<br />

slopes and 40 km snowshoe paths, bobsleigh slopes<br />

and footpaths.<br />

Artificial snow: since 1992; from 3 snow guns<br />

(1992) to 33 (2005).<br />

280 snow guns<br />

Management: a private operator (Remy Loisirs) and<br />

a mixed economic society ( public and private<br />

authorities)<br />

Leisure offer(winter):<br />

-Facilities: Sports arena (with swimming pool, ice<br />

rank, sauna, hammam, fitness, bar/restaurant,<br />

bowling, cinema, cyber-space, events room, etc.);<br />

slalom stadium, igloo village, house of children<br />

(with day nursery, snow garden, school).<br />

- Activities: skiing (downhill, cross country),<br />

snowboard, snowshoe walking, free ride, hike with<br />

ski, quad, motor- or mountain-bike, new glides (e.g.<br />

snowscoot), paragliding, dog sledging.<br />

- Events: snow race, Jazz Festival, ski<br />

games/competition (9-13 years), hockey on ice (9-10<br />

years), quad/motorbike on the forest -slopes.<br />

Private operator (Remy Loisirs) and public<br />

municipality (e.g. Office de Tourisme)<br />

Leisure complex (with swimming pool, sauna,<br />

hammam, solarium, gym, muscle/fitness room,<br />

tennis, bowling, climbing, cinema, playing room);<br />

library; slalom stadium, snow-park, nursery school,<br />

picnic hut.<br />

Skiing (downhill, cross country), snowshoe walking,<br />

go-kart, bobsleigh, biathlon, sylphe, hot air balloons.<br />

World championship in cross-country skiing, ski<br />

festival (slalom), St. Nicholas, Christmas concert<br />

and Christmas market.<br />

- Labels: ISO 9001 (quality certificate for ski<br />

area and ski lifts), Petits montagnards, Station Kid<br />

Petits montagnards (French resort for families and<br />

children), label La belle montagne (the beautiful<br />

mountains) under development.<br />

Table 3-1: Comparison of the Ski Resorts Orcières -Merlette and La Bresse<br />

Source: adapted from CDT and CRT du Massif des Vosges 2004; Maison du Tourisme<br />

Champsaur et Valgaudemar 2005; OT La Bresse 2004; OT Orcières 2002; OT Orcières<br />

2005, Schwadrohn 2004 ; www.labresse.net ; www.orcières.com<br />


3.2.2 INTERVIEW ANALYSIS (See Appendix 7)<br />

In the following section, the author will first compare the results obtained from the resorts of<br />

Orcières-Merlette and La Bresse and then relate them to the diversification success -factors<br />

discussed in the theory section (Chapter 2). On closer examination of both resorts in relation<br />

to the topics, one may observe the following similarities:<br />

Context:<br />

The first two questions belonging to the category context are intended to give the author more<br />

detailed information about the development of each resort. The answers reveal that both La<br />

Bresse and Orcières-Merlette were built after World War II, more precisely, during the<br />

60s/70s. La Bresse was itself a small village, whereas Orcières-Merlette was constructed<br />

around a small village (Merlette) (OT Orcières 2002). According to Garier, the director of the<br />

ski resort Bresse- Hohneck, the former is a integrated Canadian resort which is 8 km away<br />

from the village (village-resort). The latter belongs, like most French ski/mountain resorts, to<br />

the so-called 3 rd generation resorts, built between 1962 an d 1974 (Tinard 1994). At that time,<br />

as a result of peoples’ changing consumption behaviour, a real ski boom became apparent (see<br />

Figure 2.1, p. 8 àdevelopment stage). Hence, the 3 rd generation resorts’ products are<br />

orientated towards fulfilling skiers’ demands, and are designed and organised as a whole,<br />

taking the form of an integrated architecture (access routes, ski runs, ski lifts, accommodation,<br />

sports- and cultural equipment, etc.). Purpose-built, the buildings are located near the slopes,<br />

accommodatin g as many visitors as possible (Tinard 1994). Although modifications, like the<br />

modernisation of the rented flats, have been made since, one can see that Orcières-Merlette<br />

belongs to this generation of resorts. All of the facilities are in walking distance, and the<br />

blocks of flats are next to the slopes, situated around a central focal point.<br />

Although different in size – Orcières -Merlette was, from the beginning, a big resort, whereas<br />

La Bresse was a small resort – both resorts increased and continue to increase their capacity,<br />

indicating a healthy development. According to Giraudmarcellin, the director of the tourist<br />

office of Orcières -Merlette, the resort has tripled its capacity from 5,000 to 15,000 tourist<br />

beds between 1962 and 2005. By 2007, this number will be further increased to 17,500. La<br />

Bresse was initially a small village with about 150 to 200 beds that today houses 5,000<br />

inhabitants in the village, plus around 400 to 500 beds in the adjoining resort.<br />


First only a winter destination, both reso rts tried to extend their season by offering a variety of<br />

activities in the open countryside. Accoding to Poirot, the director of the tourism office of La<br />

Bresse, the resort, profiting not only from tourism but also from other economic activities like<br />

its textile industry, succeeded in becoming a year-round destination (opening period: 6months<br />

in summer, 4months in winter). On the other hand, Orcières-Merlette only opens for two<br />

months in the summer, but has, compared to other resorts, relatively high visitor numbers<br />

(July: 40-60% of the resort’s total capacity, August: 80%). Unlike many other resorts that<br />

target families, Orcières -Merlette and La Bresse have always concentrated on this clientele.<br />

Having a long experience with and a good knowledge of this clientele may be advantageous<br />

for the resorts’ image, leading to greater confidence in their product (Labels : petit<br />

montagnard, station kid).<br />

Diversification Products and Motives:<br />

Questions 3 to 8 relate to diversification products. The author hoped to obtain information<br />

about whether or not the resort has diversified its products in the past or planned to do so in<br />

future. Further, he was interested in what kind of product(s) and/or service(s) they are<br />

concerned with, and if these take into consideration peoples’ changing consumption<br />

behaviour and needs. Finally, this category involves the diversification motives and eventual<br />

process initiatives (e.g. feasibility studies, etc.). On the basis of these answers, it becomes<br />

apparent that Orcières -Merlette and La Bresse have both diversified their offer in the past and<br />

will continue to do so in the near future (period of time: 5 years). They intend to do this by<br />

introducing several new products and services, as well as by restructuring or cancelling<br />

existing ones such as:<br />

Orcièrs -Merlette:<br />

‣ New products and services: children’s house with supervision, underground car park<br />

for 700 vehicles, residences, two new ski lifts, extension of the ski area up to 3,000 m.<br />

‣ Restructured products and services: renovation of existing apartments and ski lifts,<br />

reorganisation of access routes, transformation of cross-country paths into snow shoe<br />

paths.<br />

‣ Cancelled products and services: none.<br />


The resort is preparing to increase its visitor numbers. To avoid saturation and quality loss,<br />

the extension has been thoroughly studied in advance on the basis of a regional development<br />

planning project. It includes not only the enlargement of the resort, but also of the ski area as<br />

well. Further, the existing facilities have to be brought up -to-date to keep up with the new<br />

products and services. The fact that no products and services have been cancelled for five<br />

years shows that they are profitable and that the customers make use of them. Hence, this<br />

indicates the visitors’ satisfaction with the existing facilities. An increasing demand for snow<br />

activities other than just skiing is indicated by the decrease in cross-country skiing. The resort<br />

is adapting itself to this changing demand by transforming the cross-country paths into snow<br />

shoe paths. In the near future, it will continue developing artificial snow and working on the<br />

enlargement of the domain.<br />

La Bresse:<br />

‣ New products and services: enlarged and lit ski slopes, lifts, school products<br />

(including reception, special infrastructures, ski school with ski instructors, pedagogic<br />

supervision), etc.<br />

‣ Cancelled products and service: body shaping (forme la Bresse) for wealthy,<br />

middle-aged women going on a short-trip, due to a lack of demand.<br />

One may assume that the resort is aiming to adapt its elf to the changing customer demands<br />

by, for example, fulfilling their desire for new, special experiences like skiing by night. The<br />

new school product, basing on a recommendation by the Ministry of Education and the Arts,<br />

reflects the trend towards learning through play in the community. Even the cancelled<br />

product, body shaping, expresses the resort’s efforts to move with the times. Although<br />

nowadays this product enjoys increasing popularity, La Bresse failed to attract the relevant<br />

clientele (middle-aged women with a good purchasing power going on a short-trip). Poirot is<br />

unaware of the reasons for this lack of demand, which may be diverse (e.g. offer too<br />

expensive, insufficient advertising, lack of preparatory research and so on). The resort has not<br />

stopped developing its facilities and, next season (winter 2005), it will open an ice rink which<br />

can be used in all weathers as the roof can be removed.<br />

Many of the above mentioned diversification measures are connected to children and snow<br />

activities . This indicates an adaptation to customer demands, as families with children are the<br />

resorts’ principal target group and skiing is their basic or strongest product in winter. This<br />


eality conforms the statistics that show that most visitors to winter sport resorts come for the<br />

skiing or other glides (snowboard, etc.; see Chapter 2.3.2. p. 13). Like most other resorts,<br />

Orcières-Merlette and La Bresse have improved their basic product, skiing. They react to<br />

times when there is a lack of snow by developing artificial snow rather than by enlarging their<br />

leisure offers. Orcières-Merlette, for example, bought its first snow guns in 1992 in reaction to<br />

a season without snow. This is also true for many other ski resorts suffering from declining<br />

visitor numbers due to poor snow-conditions (global warming). They hope to overcome their<br />

financial problems and boost the economy (profit increase) through the improvement of the<br />

basic product (the production of artificial snow). This shows that the diversification product<br />

isn’t autonomous but additional, completing the basic product (people who don’t want to go<br />

skiing will not come only for the resort’s diversification products, whereas people who come<br />

for the skiing may, in fact, choose the resort because of its diversification pro ducts; see<br />

Chapter 2.5.5., p. 33).<br />

As far as the opening times are concerned, these are orientated towards visitor demand and<br />

linked to the snow conditions. Thus, according to Giraudmarcellin, Orcières-Merlette had to<br />

reduce its summer season due to decreasing demand. As mentioned above, La Bresse<br />

distinguishes itself from most other resorts by being a year-round destination, thanks to its<br />

economic activity as a second support pillar. This means that the resort is not simply a tourist<br />

product, but also a living space and thus less susceptible to fluctuations in visitor<br />

numbers/frequency (mono -activity is more risky).<br />

It is clear that the chosen diversification products and services stay within the resorts’ industry<br />

sector, namely winter sport tourism. This type of diversification is called related<br />

diversification (see Chapter 2.5.1., p. 26), which is less risky than unrelated diversification,<br />

as the businesses stay within their area of competence. More precisely, both resorts follow<br />

Ansoff’s product development strategy: they create new products for their present clientele<br />

(families with children). However, the restructuring of existing products and services for the<br />

existing clientele belongs to the so -called market penetration strategy which doesn’t fall<br />

under diversification. Both strategies involve the existing clienteles, which makes sense in<br />

times of changing customer behaviour, as it is cheaper for a company or resort to keep its<br />

existing customers than to win new ones (see Chapter 2.5.1., p. 24).<br />


Target group:<br />

The resort’s positioning/targeting is the subject of discussion in questions 9 to 13. The<br />

interviewer asked about the resort’s target group (the general public or a specific target group,<br />

large targeting or narrow targeting), their special needs, and if or rather how the offer has<br />

been adapted to them. The reason for this choice were also explored to see if, for example,<br />

there has been any research into which clientele corresponds best to the resort’s conditions,<br />

such as its infrastructure, location, etc. Finally, it was established whether or not the resort’s<br />

positioning has changed in the past or will change in future in order to determine whether it is<br />

pursuing a short- or long -term strategy. The results are as follows:<br />

From the preceding answers, it already becomes clear that both resorts have always focussed<br />

on attracting families with children. [The concept of a family has changed over time and has<br />

been adapted to today’s reality: initially a family was understood to be two parents with a<br />

child or children, but nowadays the resort defines a family also as one parent’ with a child or<br />

children and even grand-parent(s) with a grand-child or grand-children (Jabaudon, Director of<br />

the ski resort Les Karellis).] This long -term targeting gives th em an advantage over many<br />

other resorts insofar as they have had long experience with this clientele. For both resorts, this<br />

is a political decision and dependent on their character (middle mountain resorts). Like many<br />

of the bigger resorts that are successful in the basic product of skiing (see Chapter 2.5.5, p.<br />

33), Orcières-Merlette will, so Giraudmarcellin, in future try to enlarge its target group. Thus,<br />

the resort will, in addition to its product development strategy, follow a market development<br />

strategy, using present products in order to gain new clientele (markets; see Chapter 2.5.1., p.<br />

24). On the other hand, La Bresse, being a small resort, will continue to address itself to<br />

families, with the aim of enhancing the loyalty of its present customers.<br />

According to the interviewees, the clients of both resorts are better off in winter than in<br />

summer and come mainly from destinations in proximity: Visitors to Orcières -Merlette are<br />

mainly workers, employees, executives, middle ranking professionals and farmers (La Bresse:<br />

no data about socio -professional category is available). Situated in the north-eastern part of<br />

France, La Bresse mainly attracts people from Alsace-Lorraine, North-Pas-de-Calais (Lille),<br />

Paris and the Benelux countries. Orcières -Merlette belongs to the region PACA (Provence-<br />

Alpes -Côte d’Azur) and more than 40% of its clientele comes from this region. In future,<br />

Orcières-Merlette wants to attract an increasing number of foreign visitors as well, who make<br />

up about 5% of its clientele today. These details match with the latest national study (SEATM<br />


2004) that suggests that a large proportion of the visitors to the French mountains are<br />

domestic visitors who belong to the socio-professional categories of employees and middle<br />

ranking professionals as well as to the middle- and upper salary brackets (see Chapter 2.3.2, p.<br />

12). All age groups are represented and targeting families allows for a wide coverage. In<br />

Giraudmarcellin’s opinion, the director of the tourism office of Orcières -Merlette, resorts that<br />

succeed in attracting families have a big advantage: they respond at the same time to other<br />

groups’ attempts as the product is highly diversified. In addition, these resorts are better<br />

prepared for an increasingly heterogeneous future clientele, demanding wide facilities (see<br />

Chapter 2.3.2., p. 13-14).<br />

The present overrepresentation of neighbouring visitors indicates customers’ changing<br />

consumption behaviour, since they tend to take several short trips a year and attach an<br />

increasing value to quality and comfort. According to Poirot, Director of the tourist office of<br />

La Bresse, the day visitors go mainly for the skiing, whereas the overnight visitors want to try<br />

different activities. Both resorts adapt themselves to these new realities by making their<br />

present facilities more flexible and by creating new products and services (see Chapter 3.2.2,<br />

p. 46-47 ).<br />

As short -trips are increasingly in demand, La Bresse has developed some short stay products.<br />

The resort has further reduced its minimum stay to two nights, whereas Orcières-Merlette and<br />

most other resorts rent only for the whole week. In terms of quality and<br />

convenience/comfort, both resorts have increased their production of artificial snow in order<br />

to guarantee skiing. They have also invested in the renovation of existing or the construction<br />

of new accommodation. According to Garier, Director of Bresse-Hohneck, 50 to 150<br />

apartments will be constructed near the slopes within the next three years. Orcières-Merlette<br />

has undertaken a global project of regional development planning comprising, the creation of<br />

1,100 new tourist beds by 2007, the construction of an underground car park and 2 ski lifts as<br />

well as the reorganisation of the access routes. The tourist office further spends an increasing<br />

amount on the creation of a new website (online reservations and sales; see Chapter 2.5.2, p.<br />

27). In both resorts, the ski pass as well as the ski equipment (package price) can be reserved<br />

in advance.<br />

To guarantee a multi-experience, both resorts have in relation to their size rather large ski<br />

and leisure facilities on offer: facilities like a slalom stadium, various slopes and paths (cross-<br />


country paths, footpaths, snowshoe paths), a sports/leisure complex with swimming pool, a<br />

wellness -area, a gym, bowling, a cinema, etc. allow visitors to engage in all kinds of<br />

activities. In La Bresse, a snow park was built where snowboarders can practice their sport<br />

without disturbing the skiers. Further, special children facilities have been established, such as<br />

the House of Children in Orcières -Merlette and the school in La Bresse (OT Orcières 2003,<br />

2005; OT La Bresse 2004). These activities will fulfil most customers’ expectations: they can<br />

be practised alone or together with others, are fun, and are good for the body and soul<br />

(pleasure, soft vitality and wellness/health). As customers are increasingly interested in<br />

guided activities (learning by doing), professionals offer courses in certain disciplines and are<br />

sensitise to the environment (nature). In summer, both resorts offer, for a small fee, a card or<br />

passport giving reductions on all kind of activities. In Orcières-Merlette, the latter is valid not<br />

just for the season but for the whole year (non -commercial; see Chapter 2.3.2., p. 14).<br />

Through these measures, both resorts seek to enhance their value and reduce the prices of<br />

their facilities for their customers, by establishing a wide-ranging, high quality product,<br />

service and image, and by facilitating the access to the resort, offering special reductions, and<br />

so on. The resorts’ present offers match their customers’ expectations quite well (for quality,<br />

convenience/comfort, play/pleasure, soft vitality, wellness/health, nature/naturalness and concommerciality),<br />

containing several of the recommendations or good examples outlined in<br />

Chapter 2.3.2. To remain attractive, both resorts continue to adapt their facilities to meet<br />

costumers’ demands. According to Giraudmarcellin, Orcières-Merlette will in near future<br />

enlarge its ski area to 3000m and transform the less popular cross-country paths into snow<br />

shoe paths. Next season, La Bresse will open a new ice rink which can be used in all weathers<br />

as the roof can be taken off (see Chapter 3.2.2., p. 47).<br />

Competitiveness/Differentiation:<br />

The following two questions (14, 15) treat the resort’s specificity or uniqueness as possible<br />

reasons for its success (showing differences and similarities with other resorts, competitive<br />

advantages, strengths, innovations). Both Orcières-Merlette and La Bresse have evolved and<br />

enjoy a slight advantage over their competitors (other nearby massifs). Orcières-Merlette<br />

started to invest in innovation products and services a few years after its construction, in<br />

times of high demand (60s/70s). This was a strategic choice by the mayor at that time who<br />

wanted Orcières-Merlette to be a “resort where the children live like kings”. In 1967,<br />

Orcières-Merlette opened France’s first and one of its nicest snow kindergartens (Jardin des<br />


Neiges) , followed by a snow school in 1970 that enabled children who visit the resort outside<br />

the school holidays to have lessons. Another innovation was the sports arena opened in 1986,<br />

which was at that time unique in the southern Alps (other resorts invested in artificial snow).<br />

Orcières-Merlette was also one of the first resorts with a global management and its<br />

rehabilitation measures are exemplary (subventions encourage the owners to renovate their<br />

rented-apartments). Today, it is the only ski resort worldwide with 2 telemix cable-cars (OT<br />

Orcières 2002, OT Orcières 2005). According to Poirot, La Bresse, despite its relatively small<br />

size, has been innovative in organising a world championship in cross-country skiing. It was<br />

also one of the first resorts to introduce a paragliding school, an adventure park, artificially-lit<br />

slopes/night skiing and artificial snow.<br />

Another speciality of both resorts is their global communication assigned by the local<br />

government and tourist office: Orcières-Merlette’s advertising measures comprise the<br />

surrounding area of Champsaur-Valgaudemar and La Bresse communicates to the massif of<br />

the Vosges as a whole (tour operators promote the 5 resorts together). Both resorts are located<br />

in a protected natural environment: 3/4 of the resort of Orcières-Merlette is situated in the<br />

natural park of Ecrins and La Bresse is a typical mountain village surrounded by 3000 ha of<br />

forest. Thus it can offer various activities in a special atmosphere (the activities themselves<br />

don’t differ from the ones offered in other resorts) (CDT and CRD du Massif des Vosges<br />

2004; Maison du Tourisme du Champsaur et Valgaudemar 2005; Schwadrohn 2004).<br />

The above innovations refer to the resorts’ products and services (like a snow kindergarten<br />

with lessons and supervision) as well as to their procedures (like global communication).<br />

They fall into the category of incremental innovation , being well adapted to the resorts’<br />

target group families with children (see Chapter 2.5.2, p. 26). Avoiding unnecessary risk, the<br />

resort relies on products, services or procedures that already exist somewhere else like, for<br />

example, Orcières-Merlette’s snow kindergarten in the US and La Bresse’s night skiing in<br />

Japan (OT Orcières 2005). An important criterion for success is the resorts’ unique setting<br />

within a nature reserve, which is difficult to imitate and brings them an advantage over their<br />

competitors (see Chapter 2.5.2, p. 26). This is also because most French people (>49%)<br />

connect mountains with nature (see Chapter 2.4.2, p. 22). Combining the resorts with the<br />

surrounding area responds to the customers’ demand for a large space to discover<br />

(Schwadrohn 2004). Being an external stimulus, advertisements in form of brochures, etc.<br />

influence their destination image construction (expectations of a vast landscape with a lot of<br />

things to see and do; see Chapter 2.4.1, p. 20).<br />


In future, both resorts aim to attract new clientele as well as further enlarge and improve their<br />

existing facilities and communication. In order to achieve this, Orcières -Merlette, on the<br />

contrary to La Bresse, follows a well-defined strategy: advertising the resort’s facilities<br />

(equipment and child services) and expanding the whole domain (resort and ski area) in order<br />

to be able to accommodate new clientele (increased carrying capacity). La Bresse continues to<br />

communicate with its clientele and plans to introduce a customer satisfaction survey, allowing<br />

the resort to enjoy well-directed communication through better customer knowledge (with the<br />

emphasis on soft activities).<br />

Economic/Financial Diversification Impacts:<br />

In questions 16 to 22, the researcher tried to establish the importance of diversification for the<br />

current resort. This is achieved both by putting the money invested into new products and<br />

services in relation to the obtained and attended financial returns, and by determining their<br />

impact on the resort’s visitor numbers, turnover and image (Likert scale). In order to judge<br />

their accuracy, the researcher is interested in how the resort obtains these details. In an<br />

attempt to discover the economic and financial impacts of the undertaken diversification<br />

measures, the researcher faced the following problem: the economic effectiveness of the<br />

product is separately measured by each business (e.g. turnover of the reservation head -office,<br />

ski lifts, accommodation, etc.), making it difficult to obtain figures about the whole resort. By<br />

interviewing the directors of the resorts and their tourist offices, the author was able to obtain<br />

only a little information about investment and turnover in Orcières-Merlette and La Bresse.<br />

The latter refers only to the tourist office and the new private operator Remy Loisirs. Without<br />

having data from all of the businesses within the resort, the information is useless in drawing<br />

conclusions about the diversification impact within the resort. The same problems emerged in<br />

a national study about diversification in French ski resorts (AFIT 1993). According to this, the<br />

real diversification effects are difficult to prove as the diversification products cannot be<br />

evaluated outside their environment of production and commercialisation (see Chapter 2.5.3,<br />

p. 29).<br />

As far as customer satisfaction is concerned, Orcières-Merlette undertakes twice a year a<br />

global survey of the whole resort (including all products and services). The latest<br />

investigations reveal high customer satisfaction in terms of infrastructure and equipment, plus<br />

some criticism for the quality of the accommodation. The resort reacted by implementing its<br />


current restructuring and renovation measures. At present, La Bresse restricts itself to the use<br />

of distinguished visitor books and suggestions boxes within the tourist office and certain<br />

campsites. According to Poirot, a questionnaire survey is, however, planned for the coming<br />

season. Being a small resort, it is probable that the resort hitherto has not had the financial<br />

means to conduct such a costly survey. This means, that Orcières-Merlette has the necessary<br />

information about its customers’ needs to adapt its facilities accordingly. On the other hand,<br />

La Bresse has only a little information at its deposal, and relies more on suppositions.<br />

According to the estimates of the interviewees, the effect of new products and services have<br />

been relatively strong in terms of visitor numbers, turnover and the image of the resort (on a<br />

Likert scale from 1 to 5: 4-5 (strong to very strong) for Orcières-Merlette; 3-4 (middle to<br />

strong) for La Bresse). Being based on a personal, subjective estimation, this value cannot be<br />

accepted at face value. In terms of visitor numbers, inconsistent with the reality of several<br />

French ski resorts (AFIT 1993), where diversification has only a small effect on visitor<br />

numbers, but a high effect on winning customer loyalty. Moreover, the impact of<br />

diversification measures on the resort’s turnover and image is difficult to establish<br />

(diversification products cannot be evaluated outside their environment of production and<br />

commercialisation, and images only change over a long time period; see Chapter 2.5.3, p. 29).<br />

As far as image is concerned, La Bresse is known as a very sportive, dynamic resort with a<br />

wide range of activities in a special ambience (natural surroundings). According to Poirot<br />

(interviewed on 29.07.05), this image does not effect the resort’s target group of families with<br />

children, who are looking for various activities, inclusive soft activities. In his opinion, the<br />

resort’s advertising should be better orientated towards its clientele. On the other hand,<br />

Orcières-Merlette has established a reputation as a family resort of human size with a big<br />

infrastructure (the only resort worldwide with two telemix cable cars). According to<br />

Giraudmarcellin, the resort has increased its notoriety through new tour-operators advertising<br />

its facilities in their catalogues.<br />

Poirot (interviewed on 29.07.05) revealed that the impact of the diversification initiatives is<br />

difficult to estimate, as they depend highly on the snow conditions. This matches the theory<br />

that the profitability of a diversification product is linked to the basis product (earnings from<br />

ski lifts), as diversification products have no autonomous commercial existence (see Chapter<br />

2.5.3, p. 29). All in all, the diversification of the offer within the prevailing resort is<br />


considered to be complementary. Thus, despite a continuous need for renewal, there is no<br />

radical product evolution and the diversification product is linked to the basic product of<br />

skiing.<br />

Having compared the answers for both resorts, the author will now relate the acquired<br />

information to guidelines for a successful diversification in reality (see Chapter 2.5.4). By<br />

examining if they follow the guidelines or not, it is hoped to establish the reasons for their<br />

relative success compared to other ski resorts.<br />

A Study of the Advanced Characteristics of each Diversification Product:<br />

The impact of their diversification products and economic/financial diversification indicates<br />

whether or not the two resorts, La Bresse and Orcières -Merlette, undertook a preparatory<br />

study regarding the benefits and costs of each diversification product. In neither of the resorts<br />

did the person consulted have any information relating to this. As far as La Bresse is<br />

concerned, the failure of the product ‘Body Shaping’ due to the lack of demand implies that<br />

the introduction of the product was not preceded by a study. This assumption is strengthened<br />

by the lack of global data about the consequences of diversification on visitor numbers,<br />

turnover and image within the resort, showing that no beforehand -afterwards study was<br />

undertaken (each business makes its own calculations).<br />

This is also true for Orcières-Merlette. Although that the resort has information about visitor<br />

numbers and customer satisfaction at its disposal, this has not been exploited the introduction<br />

of new products and services (no research directly before and after their introduction).<br />

However, the current restructuring work was preceded by a preparatory study in 2000 (global<br />

project of regional development planning). In the author’s view, these measures (construction<br />

of new residences, an underground car park and ski lifts, reorganisation of access routes) do<br />

not belong to diversification as they are a matter of enlarging the existing facilities rather than<br />

new products. On the basis of the existing information, it is impossible to draw a wellfounded<br />

conclusion about the conducting of research before the introduction of diversification<br />

products at Orcières-Merlette. However, the introduction of diversification products, like the<br />

sports arena or children’s house, was aimed at the target group of families, especially at the<br />

non-skiing part of that group.<br />


Evaluation of the Utility of the Diversification Products in Terms of the Basic Product:<br />

In order to establish whether or not the diversification product consists of activities that<br />

complement and strengthen the basic product, the author consulted the previous categories.<br />

This revealed that the basic product of both resorts is skiing and that the diversification<br />

products complement this. In the view of the interviewees (Giraudmarcellin; Poirot), the<br />

diversification product has a relatively strong effect on the resorts’ visitor numbers, turnover<br />

and image, but depends on the ski products (snow conditions). On closer examination of the<br />

new products and services in Orcières -Merlette and La Bresse, the researcher detected that<br />

they either enlarge the leisure facilities (e.g. sport palace/leisure complex) or improve the<br />

basic product (e.g. artificial snow and ski lifts). Hence, two different strategies are pursued in<br />

both resorts. The author’s understanding of diversification is that it involves either a new<br />

product or a new market. This applies to the enlargement of the leisure facilities (new<br />

products for an existing market (families with children) à product development), but not for<br />

the improvement of the basic product of skiing (existing product for an existing market à<br />

market penetration). An examination of the resorts’ leisure facilities reveals the following:<br />

In La Bresse, leisure facilities like playing fields, the swimming pool or the ice rink (opening<br />

winter season 2005/06) can either replace the ski lifts, for example, when there is a lack of<br />

snow, or complement them if used before or after the ski lift opening times. Hence, the<br />

resort’s diversification products are complementary products which either strengthen or<br />

complement the basic product skiing. The same is true for Orcières-Merlette: according to<br />

Borell, director of the CDT Hautes -Alpes and director of the resort’s tourist office for fifteen<br />

years, the sports arena with its swimming pool, ice rank, sauna, hammam, fitness area,<br />

bar/restaurant, bowling, cinema, cyber-space, events room, etc., was introduced as a<br />

complementary product to skiing. Today it is an important criterion for visitors in choosing<br />

Orcières-Merlette as a winter sports resort and strengthening the basic product. The<br />

diversification products’ utility is expressed in high customer satisfaction (according to the<br />

results of a customer satisfaction survey in Orcières -Merlette), as well as increasing visitor<br />

numbers and the notoriety of both resorts.<br />

The Measurement of the Potential for Diversification in order to have Realistic Aims:<br />

According to the guidelines, a certain level of snow activities is necessary, as the<br />

effectiveness of the diversification product is highly dependent on the snow product (AFIT<br />

1993). As mentioned above, both resorts have improved the basic product of skiing through<br />


the introduction of new ski lifts and slopes, artificial snow, etc. In addition, they offer a range<br />

of various snow activities, like snowshoe wa lking, bobsleighing, dog sledging, hiking with<br />

skis, quad-bikes, motor-bikes, mountain -bikes, etc.(OT La Bresse 2004; OT Orcières 2005).<br />

According to Poirot, the aim of these products is to gain customer loyalty by creating high<br />

customer satisfaction and a well-known product image. In Orcières-Merlette, customer<br />

satisfaction is regularly measured through a global survey, whereas in La Bresse individual<br />

businesses simply use distinguished visitor books and suggestions boxes. A comparative<br />

study measuring visitor numbers, customer satisfaction and turnover before and after the<br />

introduction of a diversification product could be useful in assessing the approximate<br />

potential of such products and establishing realistic aims. This kind of research should be<br />

pursued for a longer time-period, as the success of new products and services do not happen<br />

overnight and depend on the snow conditions (different effects in seasons with good snow<br />

conditions compared to seasons when bad snow conditions are likely).<br />

The Distinction between Diversification and the Reaction to a Crisis:<br />

As mentioned above, the introduction of the sports arena in Orcières-Merlette was the<br />

strategic choice of the mayor in response to the clientele composed of families with children,<br />

with the aim of developing a summer activity, rather than a reaction to a crisis situation.<br />

Orcières-Merlette and La Bresse both reacted in the same way to crises, such as the season<br />

without snow in 1991, with the production or increase of artificial snow. This means that they<br />

focussed on the improvement of the basic product of skiing than on diversification (no<br />

equation of diversification with the reaction to a crisis). The pursuit of two strategies<br />

simultaneously, namely the improvement of the basic product and the diversification of the<br />

leisure facilities, is expensive but may, in the opinion of the author, help to reduce the risk.<br />

Focussing on the Resort’s Context of Production and the Commercial Environment:<br />

Both resorts attempt to adapt themselves to the natural and human environment. This is<br />

especially true for La Bresse, a typical mountain village surviving not on tourism alone but<br />

also on its economic activity. At the resort, there is, for example a textiles shop, a museum, a<br />

cheese dairy and a sweet shop with a free guided tour and tasting session. Once a week, there<br />

is a welcome reception for visitors, where they may sample local products. They can also rent<br />

typical chalets or spend the night on a mountain farm. Advertising the resort together with the<br />


surrounding area, a trip to discover traditional products is proposed, etc. (OT La Bresse 2004).<br />

The purpose-built resort Orcières -Merlette is less integrated into its environment, but not<br />

totally separated from it. There is, for example, a restaurant serving local specialities as well<br />

as a cheese stall. Moreover, the current renovations of the resort’s apartments use traditional<br />

mountain products, and the resort promotes local handicrafts, food and festivals in the region<br />

and also encourages tourists to visit local farms (OT Orcières 2005; Schwadrohn 2004).<br />

Paying attention to the resort’s context of production and commercial environment also means<br />

introducing several co-ordinated and complementary products, rather than a single one, which<br />

is true for both resorts; La Bresse’s leisure complex and Orières-Merlette’s sports arena, for<br />

example, offer a large range of products to suit all kinds of tastes. They replace the basic<br />

product of skiing if the weather- or rather the snow-conditions are bad - and otherwise<br />

complete it. Another example is the Children’s House in Orcières-Merlette and the school in<br />

La Bresse. Both institutions offer various facilities and indoor as well as outdoor activities for<br />

children of different ages, such as a nursery, skiing course, playing fields/rooms, pedagogic<br />

supervision (school lessons), trips to discover the surrounding area, etc. (OT La Bresse 2004;<br />

OT Orcières 2005).<br />

Adoption of a Global Proceeding:<br />

The theme of competitiveness/differentiation contains information about the eventual<br />

presence of a global proceeding. This is true for both resorts, but to a different extent.<br />

Orcières-Merlette and La Bresse both have a reservations head office where visitors can<br />

obtain information about the vacancies within the resort as well as book their accommodation<br />

and ski passes. This procedure saves the customers from having to contact several<br />

accommodation offices and thus signifies greater convenience. Moreover, both resorts<br />

undertake global communication (including with the resort and the surrounding area/massif),<br />

appealing to customers who are increasingly looking for a large space to discover. The<br />

reservations office is to, a large extent, run in conjunction with the tourist office, whose<br />

vocation goes beyond the resort. As far as Orcières-Merlette is concerned, the resort has<br />

global management with a concentration of decision-making power: the private operator<br />

Remy Loisirs, the mayor/city council and local actors meet three or four times per year to<br />

choose a common strategy, involving the advertisement of the resort’s facilities to attract new<br />

clientele (enlargement of the target group). This facilitates the elaboration of a political line<br />

and of a better identification of the resort’s activities (central control/decision -making).<br />


Further, a global customer satisfaction survey is conducted twice a year for the whole resort<br />

(all existing products and services), giving information about the customers’ special attempts<br />

and so making the choice of new products and services easier. Moreover, the present<br />

restructuring measures have been preceded by a global project of regional development<br />

planning. This is in order to adapt the new products to the resort’s conditions in order to make<br />

sustainable development possible. In contrast, La Bresse has never yet conducted a global<br />

customer satisfaction survey and each landlord determines the minimum length of stay. This<br />

makes a uniform course of action and adaptation of the whole offer to the changing<br />

customers’ needs (increasing demand for short-trips) more difficult. The whole resort is run<br />

by the single private operator, Remy Loisirs, who is responsible for the skiing and buildings in<br />

the resort. However, the resort’s central reservations head office is run by the tourist office,<br />

which belongs to the mu nicipality (together with the slopes and the nearby village). Finally,<br />

neither of the two resorts has general figures about turnover, which could give them important<br />

information.<br />

One can resume that, on the whole, Orcières-Merlette and La Bresse follow the guidelines for<br />

successful diversification, with the exception of the first guideline; namely, the need to study<br />

the characteristics of each diversification product in advance. The absence of such preparatory<br />

study in the resorts in question is supposed, but unproved. On the basis of the existing<br />

information, the author will now summarize and discuss the resorts’ principal success factors:<br />

Conclusion/discussion:<br />

During the analysis of the interviews, the researcher realized that the interviewees made no<br />

distinction between the modernisation of the basis product and the adaptation to new habits<br />

and real diversification involving new products and/or new markets (enlargement of the<br />

leisure offer). Hitherto, whether consciously or not, in Orcières-Merlette and La Bresse both<br />

strategies have been pursued at the same time, giving the advantage of risk reduction. The<br />

initiatives actually undertaken - market penetration and product development - are less risky<br />

than the introduction of totally new products or services for an unknown market (total<br />

diversification). Moreover, relating it to the industry sector, winter sport tourism enhances the<br />

chances of success, as the resorts stay within their field of knowledge. As far as their<br />

innovations are concerned, the resorts have copied products that already existed somewhere<br />

else and have proved themselves successful. Being insecure themselves, the resorts did not<br />

run a needless risk, which is essential for the success of such measures.<br />


Another important factor in these resorts’ current success is their background. Having shown<br />

innovativeness in the past has helped the resorts to gain a lead over their competitors and<br />

build up their image. Since they have always targeted families with children, Orcières-<br />

Merlette and La Bresse benefit in numerous ways from their experience with this clientele: a<br />

mutual familiarity between the resorts and their customers allows a better adaptation of the<br />

facilities to the customers’ needs and the development of an image or reputation. Targeting<br />

families has the advantage of a wide covering so that the resorts facilities appeal to other<br />

customer groups as well. Nevertheless, in the author’s view, this may also have drawbacks,<br />

like the difficulty in making a differentiating offer. A certain group or groups fall behind<br />

others, as the offer can’t respond to everyone in the same way. A special market is missing<br />

which can become a disadvantage, as due to population development, senior citizens will<br />

become an increasingly important target group.<br />

In addition, Orcières -Merlette and La Bresse both make efforts to adapt the offer to the<br />

demand. This is crucial in a service sector that is orientated at the client, especially in times<br />

of increasing supply and competition. Thus, the two resorts continually try to enhance the<br />

customer’s perceived value and reduce the customer’s perceived costs. Orcières-Merlette<br />

conducts a customer satisfaction survey to obtain the necessary information about its<br />

customers’ needs and wants, whereas La Bresse relies on existing secondary data and its<br />

intuition. Both resorts adapt the offer to the environment as well. Unlike the purpose-built<br />

3 rd generation resorts , La Bresse retained its original form and character as a mountain<br />

village. Offering free entrance, guided tours and tasting sessions, the resort tries to introduce<br />

the local companies to the tourists. This responds well to the new customer expectations for<br />

authenticity and tradition. On the other hand, the 3 rd generation resorts to which Orcières-<br />

Merlette belongs, are nowadays often criticized, being out of harmony with the natural and<br />

cultural environment (unsustainable). In Orcières-Merlette, these mistakes are corrected as far<br />

as possible through restructuring and renovating measures, adapted to the resorts conditions<br />

(the construction of an underground car park to avoid saturation and pollution within the<br />

resort, the use of traditional mountain products/wood to renovate the apartments).<br />

These measures were introduced by the private operator Remy Loisirs. The latter specialises<br />

in the provision of tourist equipments (ski lifts and ski areas) as well as accommodation and<br />

restoration. Recognized for its quality products (Remy Loisirs has its own label) and<br />

innovations, the company started in La Bresse and today runs several resorts, Orcières-<br />


Merlette included (Schwadrohn 2004). Apart from its experience and professionalism within<br />

the field, the presence of a private operator has further important advantages, like the supply<br />

of necessary capital, the control of costs (h igher productivity from synergy), and a uniform<br />

direction.<br />

Another important point is collaboration instead of competitive thinking, expressed by the<br />

resorts’ global communication. This corresponds well to the changing customer behaviour in<br />

that tourists no longer want to stay permanently in one place, but enjoy discovering the<br />

surrounding area. Thus, advertising the resorts together with the surrounding area (e.g. other<br />

resorts, villages, cities, natural parks, etc.) helps to attract visitors, increase visitor satisfaction<br />

and strengthen the local economy (circulation of visitors).<br />

Finally, both resorts benefit from the absence of serious competition in the direct vicinity,<br />

in terms of size, facilities, setting and price. Although a small resort, La Bresse is the most<br />

important ski resort in the Vosges, and Orcières-Merlette’s strongest competitors, like Serre-<br />

Chevalier, are at a distance of around … km. Both stand out through their varied leisure<br />

facilities (sports arena/leisure complex, children facil ities) in a special atmosphere/natural<br />

environment and at acceptable prices. La Bresse is mainly a day trip destination and less<br />

expensive than its competitors in the Northern Alps. Orcières-Merlette offers average prices<br />

in terms of ski passes and activities, but the rent for ski-equipment is below average.<br />

One can see that most of the above factors relating to the resorts’ current success are not<br />

linked to recent diversification initiatives, like the improvement of the basic product of skiing,<br />

the resorts’ historical background (long-term targeting, innovations in the past), the adaptation<br />

of the facilities to suit the customers and the environment, the support of a private operator,<br />

global communication, the absence of nearby competitors, a well-preserved natural<br />

environment, and reasonable prices. This result can be strengthened by the example of Les<br />

Karellis, a small ski resort in the Northern Alps (middle to upper mountains) which benefits<br />

from very high visitor numbers in winter (>83% of the reosort’s total capacity) without<br />

diversifying its facilities:<br />

The latter opened in 1975 and belongs, like Orcières-Merlette, to the 3 rd generation resorts.<br />

The direction of the resort consists of a superior council (association SACMAC) that manages<br />

all of the services of the resort (maintenance, entertainment, shops, tourist office, etc.). The<br />


latter receives a concession from the six tourism associations situated there (the amount<br />

depending on the number of beds). Being an integrated ski resort, it allows little flexibility in<br />

terms of increasing and adapting its facilities to changing demand. Hence, the number of beds<br />

has not increased since 1975 (2 600 beds) and the offer still consists of accommodation with a<br />

ski pass, half-board and 7 days’ minimum stay.<br />

Diversification didn’t occur and, according to the director of the local tourist office,<br />

Jabaudon, nobody assesses the customers’ needs . The basic product is skiing and, beyond<br />

that, not much is offered as the resort’s infrastructure does not allow it (everything is<br />

concentrated in a confined space, a pedestrian precinct in the centre of the resort, no bus<br />

service) and the customers do not demand new snow sports. The resort’s strengths are its<br />

long experience with their target group, families with children, a product offering quality and<br />

comfort (all inclusive, facilities within the resort/in walking distance) and including special<br />

children facilities (day-nursery from 3 months on, children’s clubs for all ages during the day<br />

and in the evenings). Further, it offers uniform opening times, a high solidarity between the<br />

businesses (if one business closes, the others have to pay a higher amount to the council) and<br />

fast decision-making due to the regular meetings are the result of its global management. It<br />

also o ffers relatively low prices compared to other ski resorts, based on the resort’s initial aim<br />

to enable as many people as possible to go skiing (social tourism).<br />

The professional and academic literature refers to diversification as a success factor for<br />

today’s mountain ski-resorts. The reality of the three ski resorts Orcières -Merlette, La Bresse<br />

and Les Karellis shows that their success does not depend (Les Karellis) or depends only<br />

marginally on their diversification. This means that there is only one factor dictating a resort’s<br />

success. Nevertheless, the increasing competition forces the ski resorts to develop and<br />

diversify their facilities. This is confirmed by Jabaudon, director of Karellis’s tourist office.<br />

With the opening of a new resort in the direct vicinity, planned for 2007, he sees the need for<br />

diversification coming closer.<br />



According to the literature review, diversification is a success factor for today’s ski or rather<br />

mountain resorts. The present dissertation has analysed resorts’ diversification measures as a<br />

factor in their success. In relation to this, the starting point of this research was the question<br />

whether a resort’s success is based on either its capacity to diversify its products and services<br />

and/or to respond to the needs of one or several of its customer target groups. This chapter<br />

contains the conclusions and recommendations for ski resorts and the tourism industry, and<br />

also makes suggestions for further research.<br />

Today’s ski resorts, both in Europe an worldwide, are facing similar problems, like<br />

globalisation leading to increasing competition, changing customer behaviour and climatic<br />

warming. For many ski resorts, diversification is regarded as the only solution to remaining<br />

viable. Since diversification is widely practised today, the author wished to discover what<br />

factors lay behind the success of the two case study resorts. The results are as follows:<br />

It can be confirmed that a resort’s success depends on its capacity to diversify its facilities, but<br />

only in part. Several other factors, such as the location, offering high quality at an acceptable<br />

price, the adaptation of the offer both to customers and the environment, the absence of<br />

nearby competitors, innovativeness, a global procedure and long-term strategy, are also<br />

crucial. However, both a national study about diversification in French ski resorts (AFIT<br />

1999) as well as the present research identify the difficulty in proving the true effects of<br />

diversification because a comparative study measuring visitor numbers, customer satisfaction<br />

and turnover before and after the introduction of a diversification product wasn’t undertaken.<br />

Besides, the data are separately measured by each business, making it difficult to obtain<br />

figures about the whole resort. Both studies notice as well that these measures are aimed at<br />

gaining customer loyalty rather than customer renewal. Moreover, the diversification products<br />

are complementary, depending on the basic product of skiing. This means that diversification<br />

measures alone cannot help to overcome the problem of global warming, as those people who<br />

frequent the ski resorts in winter still mainly come for skiing and stay away during times of<br />

poor snow conditions. It was found that the two case study resorts, Orcières-Merlette and La<br />

Bresse, adopt two strategies: the enlargement of the leisure offer and the improvement of the<br />

basic product. However, being expensive and not environmentally friendly (the enlargement<br />

of the slopes leads to erosion and the development of artificial snow uses a large amount of<br />


water), this is not a long-term solution. Just as innovation was involved in the beginning of<br />

diversification, so it may introduce a new era of winter tourism. There are many examples<br />

showing that the imagination knows no bounds, such as the existence of a funicular entirely<br />

equipped with baths in Japan and hot water pools on the cross-country slopes in Iceland.<br />

The question whether it is important for a resort to address itself to one or several specific<br />

target groups can also be answered in the affirmative. The targeting of families with children<br />

is advantageous in -so-far as it enables resorts to respond simultaneously to other groups’<br />

attempts, as the product is highly diversified. Further, they are prepared to accommodate an<br />

increasingly heterogeneous future clientele, demanding a rich variety of facilities. One<br />

possible disadvantage of wide targeting is the difficulty of fulfilling all customers’ needs to<br />

the same extent. Hence, other important, often wealthy clienteles, such as senior citizens and<br />

single people may be neglected. In this context, the author noted the importance of long-term<br />

targeting. Being experienced with a certain clientele, resorts can better adapt their facilities to<br />

suit their customers’ needs and build up trust in their product (image).<br />

It is difficult or impossible to generalise and to define a universal model of development.<br />

Specific solutions have to be found for each resort, taking into consideration its prevailing<br />

economic, ecologic and human environment.<br />

On the basis of this research, the author is in a position to draw the following conclusions:<br />

Identifying the different concepts or understandings of diversification between countries and<br />

professionals within the same country, she sees the need for a universal definition at a<br />

European level, as diversification is a key term to understand the reality of modern ski resorts.<br />

In addition, both the national survey on diversification in French ski resorts (AFIT 1999) and<br />

the present research highlights the deficit of tools to measure the effects of diversification in<br />

terms of turnover, visitor numbers and image within the resorts (qualitative and quantitative).<br />

This suggests the general introduction of a before-after study (to have realistic aims and<br />

reduce the risks of such measures). Finally, further research including the policy of territorial<br />

corporations (municipality, department, region, state, other countries) would be valuable,<br />

since these parties may have different interests to those of the resorts themselves.<br />



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APPENDIX 1 : The Service Gap Concept<br />

1 Differences between consumer expectations and management perceptions<br />

of consumer expectations.<br />

2 Differences between management perceptions of consumer expectations<br />

and service quality specifications.<br />

3 Differences between service quality specifications and the service actually<br />

delivered.<br />

4 Differences between service delivery and what is communicated about the<br />

service to consumers.<br />

5 Differences between consumer expectations and perceptions of th e quality<br />

of the service received. (Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry, 1985)<br />

Source: Parasuraman et al. 1985 in Swarbrooke and Horner 2001, p. 240<br />














Original Interview Questions:<br />

Questionnaire pour entretien :<br />

Utilisation des données : limitées à une communication dans le cadre de l’Université de<br />

Chambéry. Une copie du résultat de l’enquête peut être soumise sur demande à la personne<br />

interrogée avant communication de l’étude.<br />

1. Est-ce que dans les cinq dernières années un nouveau service ou produit a été introduit<br />

dans la station? Si oui, lequel et quand ? Pourquoi et comment la décision a été prise ?<br />

2. Est-ce que dans la même période un autre service ou produit a été supprimé ?<br />

Pourquoi et comment la décision a été prise ?<br />

3. Quel est votre période d’ouverture ? Est-ce que cette période a été modifiée dans les<br />

cinq dernières années ? Dans l’affirmative, pourquoi et comment la décision a été<br />

prise ?<br />

4. Votre offre est-elle adaptée à une ou plusieurs clientèles spécifiques (en matière d’âge,<br />

de catégorie socioprofessionnelle, d’origine géographique, etc.) ou est-ce que les<br />

services proposés s’adressent à tout public ?<br />

5. Si l’offre s’adresse à un ou plusieurs groupes cibles, au(x)quel(s) ?<br />

6. Quel(s) argu ment(s) a déterminé ce choix de clientèle et l’offre appropriée ?<br />

7. Est-ce qu’il y a eu des changements dans ce choix de clientèle au cours des 5 dernières<br />

années ? Dans l’affirmative, pourquoi et comment la décision a été prise ?<br />

8. Comment situez-vous votre offre par rapport à votre proche concurrence ? (part des<br />

similitudes et différences)<br />


9. Connaissez-vous le pourcentage de votre budget investit annuellement dans de<br />

nouveaux services et produits ?<br />

10. Quels sont d’ici cinq ans vos objectifs de progression :<br />

‣ En chiffre d’affaires<br />

‣ En nombre de clients<br />

11. Quelle a été en regard votre progression moyenne dans les 5 dernières années ?<br />

‣ En chiffre d’affaires<br />

‣ En nombre de clients<br />

12. Par quel(s) indicateur(s) mesurez-vous l’efficacité économique de vos services et/ou la<br />

satisfaction de votre clientèle ? (retour sur investissement, profit supérieur depuis<br />

diversification, mesure de la satisfaction des clientèles par des enquêtes ou « livre<br />

d’or », boîte à idées…)<br />

13. Précisez dans une échelle de 1 à 5 (1= sans incidence, 2= incidence faible, 3=<br />

moyenne, 4= forte, 5= facteur explicatif majeur) l’impact des nouveaux services des 5<br />

dernières années sur :<br />

‣ Le nombre de visiteurs<br />

‣ Le chiffre d’affaires de la station<br />

‣ L’image de la station<br />

14. Pour le présent et le proche avenir, pensez-vous que les mesures de diversification de<br />

l’offre de la station sont indispensables, complémentaires ou pas prioritaires ?<br />

Merci du temps que vous avez bien voulu me consacrer<br />

<strong>Tanja</strong> BACHER – 7 juillet 2005<br />


Changed Interview Questions:<br />

Questionnaire pour entretien :<br />

Utilisation des données : limitées à une communication dans le cadre de l’Université de<br />

Chambéry. Une copie du résultat de l’enquête peut être soumise sur demande à la personne<br />

interrogée avant communication de l’étude.<br />

1. Quel était l’état général de la station à son ouverture comparé à aujourd’hui ?<br />

(similitudes et différences en taille, produit, clientèle, stratégie).<br />

2. Est-ce que dans les cinq dernières années un nouveau service ou produit a été introduit<br />

dans la station? Si oui, lequel et quand ? Pourquoi et comment la décision a été prise ?<br />

3. Est-ce que dans la même période un autre service ou produit a été supprimé ?<br />

Pourquoi et comment la décision a été prise ?<br />

4. Sur quel produit la station se focalise-t-elle ? (produit principal/fort)<br />

5. Quelle place prend le ski dans la station ? Comment la station a réagi sur des périodes<br />

sans neige ? (investissement dans neige de culture et remontées mécaniques)<br />

6. Dans le futur, cherchez-vous à développer de nouveaux produits ? Si oui, lesquels et<br />

pour quelle clientèle ? Pourquoi et comment la décision a été prise ?<br />

7. Quel est votre période d’ouverture ? Est-ce que cette période a été modifiée dans les<br />

cinq dernières années ? Dans l’affirmative, pourquoi et comment la décision a été<br />

prise ?<br />

8. Votre offre est-elle adaptée à une ou plusieurs clientèles spécifiques (en matière d’âge,<br />

de catégorie socioprofessionnelle, d’origine géographique, etc.) ou est-ce que les<br />

services proposés s’adressent à tout public ? Si l’offre s’adresse à un ou plusieurs<br />

groupes cibles, au(x)quel(s) ?<br />


9. Quel(s) argument(s) a déterminé ce choix de clientèle et l’offre appropriée ?<br />

10. Quel est leur mode de consommation et comment le service y est adapté ? (attentes,<br />

activités pratiquées).<br />

11. Est-ce qu’il y a eu des changements dans ce choix de clientèle au cours des 5 dernières<br />

années ? Dans l’affirmative, pourquoi et comment la décision a été prise ?<br />

12. Dans le futur, cherchez-vous à séduire de nouveaux publics ? Si oui, lesquels ?<br />

Pourquoi et comment la décision a été prise ?<br />

13. Comment situez-vous votre offre par rapport à votre proche concurrence ? (part des<br />

similitudes et différences// Avantage concurrentiel/atouts de la station, caractère<br />

innovatif, part de marché par rapport à d’autres stations à proximité).<br />

14. La station poursuivit-elle une stratégie de positionnement face à la concurrence ? Si<br />

oui, laquelle ? (amélioration des produits de neige ou abandon, segmentation de la<br />

gamme d’activités, etc.)<br />

15. Connaissez-vous le pourcentage de votre budget investit annuellement dans de<br />

nouveaux services et produits ?<br />

16. Quels sont d’ici cinq ans vos objectifs de progression :<br />

‣ En chiffre d’affaires<br />

‣ En nombre de clients<br />

(Echelle 1 à 5: 1= pas de progression ou très faible ; 2= progression faible ; 3=<br />

progression moyenne ; 4= forte progression ; 5= très forte progression)<br />

17. Quelle a été en regard votre progression moyenne dans les 5 dernières années ?<br />

‣ En chiffre d’affaires<br />

‣ En nombre de clients<br />

(Echelle 1 à 5: 1= pas de progression ou très faible ; 2= progression faible ; 3=<br />

progression moyenne ; 4= forte progression ; 5= très forte progression)<br />


18. Par quel(s) indicateur(s) mesurez-vous l’efficacité économique de vos services et/ou la<br />

satisfaction de votre clientèle ? (retour sur investissement, profit supérieur depuis<br />

diversification, mesure de la satisfaction des clientèles par des enquêtes ou « livre<br />

d’or », boîte à idées…)<br />

19. Pour quelles raisons la station a commencé de se diversifier et quand ? (compensation<br />

du déclin du ski, création d’une image forte ou d’un monopole, etc.)<br />

20. Précisez dans une échelle de 1 à 5 (1= sans incidence, 2= incidence faible, 3=<br />

moyenne, 4= forte, 5= facteur explicatif majeur) l’impact des nouveaux services des 5<br />

dernières années sur :<br />

‣ Le nombre de visiteurs<br />

‣ Le chiffre d’affaires de la station<br />

‣ L’image de la station<br />

21. Pour le présent et le proche avenir, pensez-vous que les mesures de diversification de<br />

l’offre de la station sont indispensables, complémentaires ou pas prioritaires ?<br />

Merci du temps que vous avez bien voulu me consacrer<br />

<strong>Tanja</strong> BACHER – 28 juillet 2005<br />





Development of the resort<br />

1. Created in 1962<br />

From the beginning was a big resort<br />

with a lot of second homes (3/4 th of<br />

the park).àWell-prepared to receive<br />

individual clients, less prepared to<br />

receive groups.<br />

Orientated towards families with<br />

children àchildren reception (“resort<br />

where the children are kings”)<br />

Creation of child and sports facilities<br />

2. UTN regional development planning<br />

project in 2000:<br />

Restructuring/reorganisation,<br />

creation of new residences, an<br />

underground car park, ski lifts;<br />

reorganisation of access routes).<br />

Today, further enlargement of the<br />

resort in action (ski area,<br />

accommodation).<br />

Larger targeting/public<br />

1. Created in 1967<br />

From the beginning was a small resort<br />

In the beginning, only winter tourism,<br />

but for the past 25 years, also a summer<br />

season.<br />

French family destination from the<br />

beginning.<br />

2. Enlargement to 5000 inhabitants today.<br />

Year-round destination.<br />


3. New product or service in the last 5<br />

years: 2000 : opening of the<br />

“childrens’ house”(maison de<br />

l’enfant)<br />

4. No cancelled products/services (still<br />

focuses on ski lifts, leisure facilities,<br />

child service), but transformation of<br />

cross country paths into snowshoe<br />

paths.<br />

3. Introduction of many new products, like<br />

ski slopes, extension of the ski area,<br />

lighting of the slopes, chair lifts, etc.<br />

School products: reception, special<br />

infrastructures (e.g. playing fields),<br />

ski school with ski instructors, pedagogic<br />

issues (exercise books to sensitise people<br />

to the natural environment).<br />

4. Cancelled products: body shaping (forme<br />

la Bresse) aimed at women aged 40 to<br />

55, going on a short holiday and having<br />

a good purchasing power. Reason for<br />

cancelling: lack of demand.<br />

Diversification type and motivations<br />

5/6.Major/strong product: skiing<br />

Owing to a season without snow<br />

(1991), the resort created the SEM<br />

(Sociétété Economie Mixte),<br />

consisting of public and private<br />

members/authorities (ski lift society +<br />

exploitation of leisure activities +<br />

catering trade at high altitude + gite<br />

for groups + tourist office)<br />

à global management.<br />

7. Future products/projects:<br />

transformation of cross-country paths<br />

into snowshoe paths, extension of the<br />

ski area from 1650 m to 3000m<br />

altitude, further development of<br />

artificial snow (>40%).<br />

8. Seasonal opening, depending on<br />

demand for economic reasons.<br />

Winter: before Christmas until Easter<br />

(2005: 10.12.-24.04.)<br />

Summer: during school holidays<br />

(2005: 02.07. – 04.09.)<br />

(previously from 15.-20.06. on<br />

opening à reduction of the<br />

summer season due to decreasing<br />

demand.<br />

Exploitation: Winter: 80%, Summer:<br />

between 40% and 80% (July 40-60%,<br />

August 80%).<br />

5. Major/strong product: skiing (but:<br />

increasing demand for other snow<br />

activities). In summer, different “soft”<br />

sports activities like hiking and walking<br />

as well as relaxing.<br />

6. see 5.<br />

Reaction to periods with lack of snow:<br />

creation or increase of artificial snow.<br />

7. Future products/projects: construction of<br />

an ice rink in 2005, where the roof can<br />

be taken off (indoor and outdoor in one).<br />

8. The opening period depends on snow<br />

conditions and customer demand. The<br />

resort is a year-round destination with<br />

equal nights in summer (6months) and<br />

winter (4 months). Reason: not only<br />

tourist activity, but also economic<br />

activity (e.g. textile industry).<br />

20. Cause of diversification measures<br />

within the resort:<br />

Political choice of the mayor to offer<br />

different facilities (e.g. creation of the<br />

sports arena in 1986); climatic<br />

conditions (lack of snow due to<br />

southern location).<br />

20. Diversification motives: lack of snow<br />

and later continuous quality<br />

Improvements to enhance customer<br />

loyalty.<br />


Target group(s)<br />

9. 1 st target group: families with<br />

children (advantage: possibility to<br />

address oneself to the whole public.<br />

Aim: enlargement of the target group<br />

Visitors’ socio-professional category:<br />

workers, employees, executives,<br />

intermediary professions, farmers,<br />

etc. In winter, upper clientele.<br />

Geographical origin: PACA (>40%),<br />

Paris, Rhône-Alpes,<br />

Languedoc-Roussillon àdestinations<br />

in proximity.<br />

Foreign countries : Benelux<br />

countries, Eastern European<br />

countries, E, GB, D, Scandinavian<br />

countries.<br />

10. Choice of the target group depending<br />

on the resort’s development politics/<br />

infrastructure.<br />

11. The product is well adapted to the<br />

customers’ needs.<br />

- Quality + comfort: online<br />

reservations and sales, renovation<br />

and purchase of ski lifts as well<br />

as accommodation, renovation of<br />

the sports arena (2002), further<br />

development of artificial snow,<br />

creation of an underground car<br />

park, reorganisation of access<br />

routes etc.<br />

- Multi-experience: measures to<br />

increase the ski and leisure<br />

facilities (enlargement of the ski<br />

area up to 3000m, leisure base,<br />

transformation of cross-country<br />

paths to snow shoe paths, etc.).<br />

9. Target group: families with children.<br />

Geographical origin: Benelux countries<br />

(B, LUX), Paris, Northern East of France<br />

(Alsace-Lorraine), North-Pas -de-Calais<br />

(Lille). à destinations in proximity.<br />

10. Target group: natural choice in relation<br />

to the environment, products and<br />

services.<br />

11. Consumption behaviour:<br />

- Increasing demand for short trip<br />

holidays. The offer is adapted to this<br />

tendency insofar as customers in<br />

proximity are targeted (aim: loyalty<br />

enhancement) and some short stay<br />

products are offered<br />

(Accommodation: min. stay of 2<br />

nights).<br />

- “Soft” clientele: relaxation,<br />

swimming pool<br />

- Winter: day visitors come for skiing,<br />

overnight visitors want to try<br />

different (snow) activities. The resort<br />

offers many facilities: range of<br />

products and events, such as snow<br />

shoe paths, foot paths, downhill<br />

skiing with torches, weekly<br />

entertainment, championships in<br />

snowboarding and cross-country<br />

skiing, etc.<br />

Professionals teach courses in<br />

certain activities, new products<br />

are developed (opening of an ice rink<br />

in 2005). A flexible<br />

mountain passport gives reductions<br />

on all kind of activities<br />

(10-20%); registration and<br />

consumption just as they like.<br />

- Quality improvement through<br />

artificial snow, restructuring/<br />

rehabilitation of the accommodation<br />

(construction of HLL, small and<br />

comfortable chalets with a camping<br />

ambience being in demand).<br />

12/13. Changing/new clienteles: The<br />

private operator Remy Loisirs<br />

demanded the enlargement of the<br />

target group.<br />

12. No change, families also in the fut ure<br />

are targeted as well as some niche<br />

markets (e.g. senior citizens).<br />

13. Aim: loyalty enhancement of existing<br />

customers/customers (in proximity)<br />

through short stay products.<br />


Competitiveness/ Differentiation<br />

14. Real concurrence : other destinations.<br />

Different to other resorts in the<br />

Hautes-Alpes: sports arena<br />

àimportant criterion of choice for<br />

customers.<br />

Other strengths/Innovativeness:<br />

- website (online reservations and<br />

sales)<br />

- worldwide the only resort with 2<br />

telemix-cable cars<br />

- Rehabilitation: encouragement of<br />

owners to renovate their rented<br />

apartments (through subventions)<br />

- Creation of accommodation for<br />

seasonal workers<br />

- Sewage-works for the whole<br />

community<br />

- Communal school, open to<br />

visitors<br />

- 2/3 rd of the resort is located in a<br />

national park (natural, protected<br />

environment)<br />

- the snow garden for children<br />

aged 3 to 6 is one of the nicest in<br />

France (2 ha in size, located in<br />

the resort)<br />

- One of the 1 st resorts with global<br />

management<br />

14. Concurrence: other massifs in proximity<br />

(D, CH, A).<br />

Strengths/specificities:<br />

- communication measures for the<br />

whole massif (global offer)<br />

àpartnership/cooperation instead of<br />

competition<br />

- better range of activities, but:<br />

activities similar to those in other<br />

resorts<br />

- good ambience<br />

- exceptional, preserved natural<br />

environment<br />

- tradition: typical village<br />

- year-round destination (open 10<br />

months of the year)<br />

Innovativeness:<br />

- paragliding school, adventure park,<br />

artificial snow, lighting<br />

of the slopes, world championships<br />

in cross-country skiing<br />

àdynamism.<br />

15. Global strategy/positioning:<br />

- From the target group family to<br />

larger targeting by promoting the<br />

equipment and child service.<br />

- Development of a well-known<br />

product image.<br />

- Expansion of the ski resort/area<br />

15. Strategy: not completely defined. In the<br />

near future, questionnaire surveys will be<br />

employed to acquire better customer<br />

knowledge.<br />


16. Figures about the whole resort not<br />

known.<br />

Tourist office:<br />

- Increase of online marketing<br />

from 45% to 70%.<br />

- Decrease of traditional<br />

communication to 30%.<br />

The private operator Remy Loisirs<br />

committed to invest 35 000 € within<br />

18 years to develop the ski and leisure<br />

facilities.<br />

16. Remy Loisirs invests 25 000 € in the<br />

creation of new apartments next to the<br />

slopes which will be built within the next<br />

3 years.<br />

Economic/ financial diversification impacts<br />

17/<br />

18. Figures about the whole resort not<br />

known.<br />

Tourist office:<br />

- Turnover: objective 2005: from<br />

160 000 € (July) to 240 000 €<br />

until the end of the year.<br />

Estimates for the next 5 years are<br />

difficult.<br />

- Visitor numbers: from 16,500<br />

commercialised beds in 2005 to<br />

17,500 in 2007.<br />

19. Indicators of Economic effectiveness:<br />

turnover reservation head-office,<br />

ski lifts, ski school, accommodation<br />

(visitor numbers), etc.<br />

Customer satisfaction: global survey<br />

(1 each season)<br />

including all products within the<br />

resort. Customers’ origin: postcodes<br />

21. Impact of new products and services<br />

in the last 5 years:<br />

Strong to very strong effect (4-5).<br />

Resort’s image: family resort of<br />

human size with a big infrastructure;<br />

worldwide the only resort with 2<br />

telemix cable cars. Notoriety<br />

increased through new tour-operators<br />

selling the product within their<br />

catalogues.<br />

17/<br />

18. Comparable with the last 5 years à<br />

middle progression (no. 3 on the Likert<br />

scale).<br />

19. Customer satisfaction not yet measured,<br />

but a questionnaire survey is planned for<br />

the coming season. Campsites and tourist<br />

offices already use distinguished visitor<br />

books, suggestions boxes, etc.<br />

Moreover, the res ervation head office<br />

holds data about visitor origin,<br />

length of stay, etc.<br />

21. The impact of new products and services<br />

is difficult to estimate<br />

and dependent on the snow conditions.<br />

Estimation: middle to strong effect (3-4)<br />

22. Diversification measures<br />

complementary as no radical product<br />

evolution (expansion of the ski area<br />

up to 3 000 m to compensate for the<br />

lack of snow).<br />

22. Diversification measures are regarded as<br />

indispensable to complementary because<br />

of the continuous need for renewal.<br />







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