Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland

Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland

Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland


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viii t<br />


4. The Prince of Medina 68<br />

The Medina Accords; The Practice of <strong>Islam</strong>; Muhammad<br />

<strong>and</strong> the <strong>Jews</strong>; The Religion of Abraham; The Master of Medina<br />

(624–628); Muhammad <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Jews</strong> (continued); The<br />

Lord of Arabia (628–632); Muhammad <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Jews</strong> (concluded);<br />

The Wives <strong>and</strong> Children of the Prophet; The Opening<br />

of Mecca; Problems be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>and</strong> after Tabuk; The Last<br />

Years (631–632); Collecting the Quran; The Arrangement<br />

of the Suras<br />

Muhammad <strong>and</strong> Jesus: An Essay in Comparison 96<br />

5. The Muslim Scripture: The Quran 99<br />

Scripture: A History; Three Sacred Books, Three Peoples of<br />

the Book; On Tampering with Scripture; Who Wrote Scripture?;<br />

A Different Book; The Other Scriptures; In the Silence<br />

after the Seal; Unpacking the Word of God; The Quran Reads<br />

Itself: Abrogation, Emendation, Elaboration?; The Miracle<br />

of the Quran; History <strong>and</strong> Scripture; The “Occasions of<br />

Revelation”; Plain <strong>and</strong> Allegorical Exegesis in <strong>Islam</strong>; The<br />

Muslims Struggle with Revelation <strong>and</strong> Reason; Shiite Tafsir<br />

6. The Umma, Allah’s Commonwealth 127<br />

The Creation of the Umma; A Successor to the Prophet; Tensions<br />

in the Community; Ali ibn Abi Talib (601–661); A<br />

Disputed Succession; The Umayyads (661–750); The Shiite<br />

Imamate; Sunnis <strong>and</strong> Shiites; The Hidden Imam; Political<br />

Ismailism: The Fatimids; The Sultanate; The Ottomans <strong>and</strong><br />

a Universal Caliphate; The End of the Caliphate; Iran as a<br />

Shiite State; The Shiite Ulama <strong>and</strong> the State; The <strong>Islam</strong>ic Republic<br />

of Iran<br />

7. God’s Way: A Life <strong>and</strong> a Law <strong>for</strong> Muslims 156<br />

Muhammad as Moral Exemplar; The Goods of This World;<br />

The Tradition; God’s Way; Instruction from On High: The

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