Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland

Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland

Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland


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26 t CHAPTER ONE<br />

gross distinctions are correct—that these suras were delivered<br />

early on, or somewhat later, at Mecca, <strong>and</strong> these at Medina—we<br />

can attempt to put the quranic references to <strong>Christians</strong> somewhere<br />

along the time line of Muhammad’s life.<br />

<strong>Christians</strong> <strong>and</strong> things Christian—Christian dogma, institutions,<br />

<strong>and</strong> personages—are often referred to in the Quran. The Quran’s<br />

Christianity is, of course, a construct, but unlike the later <strong>Christians</strong>’<br />

construct of <strong>Islam</strong>, this one bears <strong>for</strong> Muslims a divine patent:<br />

it is God’s construct <strong>and</strong> so, by definition, undeconstructible.<br />

And what is it? Christianity, what is professed by <strong>Christians</strong>, is, in<br />

some very large areas, sheer falsehood. As the Quran explains,<br />

Jesus was not the son of God, although the <strong>Christians</strong> think so,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Trinity does not express divine unity but tritheism, although<br />

the <strong>Christians</strong> deny it. This is theology at loggerheads, <strong>and</strong>,<br />

as has recently been observed, there is probably no more to be said<br />

about it.<br />

In one area at least, theology leads back into history. The Quran<br />

denies the central Christian dogma of redemption, not explicitly,<br />

but implicitly, by its apparent denial of Jesus’ death on the cross. It<br />

occurs in the already cited difficult passage that occurs in the Medina<br />

sura 4 (154–159). It is the <strong>Jews</strong> who are being referred to:<br />

For their [the <strong>Jews</strong>’] not fulfilling their covenant, <strong>for</strong> their unbelief<br />

in the signs of God, <strong>for</strong> their slaying the prophets unjustly, <strong>for</strong> their<br />

saying “Our hearts are uncircumcised”—nay, God has put a seal<br />

upon them <strong>for</strong> their unbelief, so that they believe not, save a few.<br />

And because of their disbelief—<strong>and</strong> because of their terrible calumny<br />

against Mary <strong>and</strong> because of their saying that they killed the<br />

Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary—they did not kill him nor did they<br />

crucify him but he was counterfeited <strong>for</strong> them [or it just seemed so<br />

to them]. Those who differ in regard to him are in doubt <strong>for</strong> that<br />

reason. They have no knowledge thereof beyond following their<br />

own opinion. They did not kill him certainly; rather, God raised<br />

him to Himself. God was mighty <strong>and</strong> wise. There shall not be any<br />

of the People of the Book but shall believe in him be<strong>for</strong>e his death.<br />

Overwhelmingly the medieval Muslim commentators read these<br />

lines as a denial not merely of Jesus’ crucifixion by the <strong>Jews</strong>, but of

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