Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland

Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland

Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland


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Reflections after a Breakfast<br />

“THE ARABS have their Bible,” King Alfonso X advised<br />

his Castilian subjects in the mid–thirteenth century,<br />

“which was translated from the Hebrew.” The<br />

king, salva majestate ejus, was wrong, but his intentions<br />

were good, <strong>and</strong> his in<strong>for</strong>mation in one respect<br />

was not so very far from the truth. The Quran was<br />

indeed “from the Hebrew,” although not translated, in<br />

the ordinary sense of that word, either by or <strong>for</strong><br />

Muhammad. But some manner of translation had assuredly<br />

taken place between the Scripture of the<br />

Hebrews <strong>and</strong> the audience that heard Muhammad proclaim<br />

the Word of God in Arabia in the seventh century<br />

of our era, a transfer of the spiritual goods of one established<br />

monotheist community into another that was<br />

struggling to come into being. Muhammad was aware<br />

of the transfer, as were some of his audience, <strong>and</strong> a<br />

number of them accused him of spiritual larceny.<br />

In 1832 a German Jewish scholar, Abraham Geiger,<br />

reopened the question in a more secular mode. “What<br />

Did Muhammad Take from the <strong>Jews</strong>?” was the title of<br />

his doctoral dissertation, <strong>and</strong> the same provocative<br />

question has been asked from his day to this. The answers<br />

have varied from “nothing,” as most Muslims<br />

would vigorously contend, to “a great deal,” as many<br />

non-Muslims would equally vigorously argue. But<br />

none would say “everything.” Muhammad’s putative<br />

Jewish teacher would hardly have instructed him on<br />

the exalted status of Jesus <strong>and</strong> the Virgin Mary, which

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